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New Delhi, the 20th September, 2010
No. CEl/1/59/CEAJEI.-Jn exerci_se of the.powers conferred by se,ction 177 of
the Electricity A-ct, 2003 (36 of 2003); the Central Electricity Authority hereby
makes the following regulations· for Measures relating to Safety and Electric
Supply, namely: 0

Chapter I

1. Short title and Commencement.- (1) These regulations may be called the
• . Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official
Gazette. .

2. Definitions.- (I) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,

{a) "Act" means the Electricity Act,2003; '
(b) "accessible" means within physical reach without the use of any
appliance or special effort;
(c) "ampere" mean.s a unit of electric current and is a constant current which,
flowing in two parallel straight conductors of infinite length of negligible cross
section and placed at a distance of one meter apart in a vacuum will produce a
force of 2x10·7 Newton per meter length between the conductors;
. (d) "apparatus "means electrical apparatus and includes all machines, fittings,
accessories and appliances in which conductors are used;
(e) "bare" means not covered with insulating materials;
(f) ·"cable" means a .length of insulated single conductor(solid or stranded) or
of two or more such conductors each provided with its own insulation, which
are laid up together. Such insulated conductor or conductors may or may not
be provided with an overall mechanical protective covering;
(g) . "circuit" means an arrangement of conductor or conductors for the
purpose of conveying electricity and f<;mning a system or a branch of a
(h) "circuit breaker" means a device, capable of making and breaking the
circuit under all conditions, and unless ot];,erwise specifo,d, so de~igned as to
break the current automatically under abnormal conditions; ·
(i) "concentric cable" means a composite cable comprising an inner
conductor which is insulated and one .or more outer conductors which are

insulated from one another and are disposed over the insulation of, and more or
less around, the inner conductor;
(j) ..conductor" means any wire, cable, bar, tube, rail or plate used for
conducting electricity and so arraµged as to be electrically connected to a
(k) "conduit" means rigid or flexible metallic tubing or mechanically strong
and fire resisting non-metallic tubing into which a cable or cables may be
drawn for the purpose of affording it or them mechanical protection; ·
(I) "connected load" means ·the sum of the ratings of the electricity
consuming apparatus connected to a consumer's installation; ·
(m) "covered, with insulating material" means adequately covered with ·
insulating material of such quality and thickness as to prevent danger; . ·
(n) "cut out" means any appliance for automatically interrupting the
transmission of electricity through the conductor when the current rises above a
pre-determined amount, and shall also include fusible cut-out;
{o) "danger" means danger to health or danger to life or any part of body
. from shock, burn or other injury to persons, or property, or from fire or
explosion, attendant upon the generation, · transmission, transformation,
conversion, distribution or use of electricity;
(p) "dead" means at or about earth potential and disconnected from any live
system. It is used only with reference to current carrying parts when these parts
are not live.
(q) "designated person" mear1s a person designated under regulation 3;
(r) "earthed" or "connected with earth" nieans connected with the general
mass of earth in such manner as to ensure at all times an immediate discharge
of electricity without danger;
{s) "earthing system" means an electrical system in which all the conductors
and appliances are earthed;
(t) "enclosed sub-station" means any .premises or· enclosure or part thereof,
being large enough to admit the entrance of a person after the apparatus therein
is in position, containing apparatus for transforming or converting electricity to
or from a voltage at or exceeding 650 V (other than transforming orconverting
solely for the operation of switch gear or instruments) with or without any other
apparatus for switching, controlling or otherwise regulating the electricity, and
includes the apparatus therein;
(u) "enclosed switch-station" means any premises or enclosure or part thereof,
being large enough to admit the entrance of a person after the apparatus therein
is in position, containing appan.itus · for switching, controlling or otherwise
regulating electricity at or exc~eding 650 V but not for transforming or
converting electricity(other than for transforming or converting solely for the
operation.of switchgear or instruments)and includes the apparatus therein,
{v) "flameproof enclosure" means an enclosure for electrical machinery or
·apparatus that will withstand, when the covers, or other access doors are
properly secured, an internal explosion of the inflammable ·gas or vapour
which_ may enter or originate inside the enclosure, without suffering damage
and without communicating the . infternal flammation {or explosion) to the
external inflammable gas or vapour in which it is designed to be used, through
any joints or other structural openings in the enclosure; ·
(w) "flexible cable" means a cable consisting of one or more cores each formed
of a group of wires, the diameter and the physical properties of the wires and .
ins~lating material being such as to afford fl'exibility. ·
[ '11'1 I I I - ~ 4] 191

(x} "guarded" means covered,. shielded, fenced or otherwise protected by

means of suitable casings, barrier, rails or metal screens to remove the
possibility of dangerous contact or approach by persons or objects to a point of
(y) "hand-held portable apparatus" means an apparatus which is so designed as
to be capable of being held in the hands and moved while connected to a
supply of electricity;
(z) "High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)" means Direct Current (DC) voltage
above 100000 Volts used for transmission of power.
(za) "inspector of mines" means an Inspector appointed under the Mines
Act, 1952 (35 of 1952);
(zb) "installation" means any composite electrical unit used for tlie purpose of
generating, transforming, transmitting, converting, distributing or utilizing
(zc) "intrinsically safe" as applied to apparatus or associated 'circuits shall
denote that a::y sparking that ma)' occur in normal working is incapable of
causing explosion of inflammable gas or vapour;
(zd) "increased safety type 'e' " means a method of protection by which
additional" measures are ·applied so as to give increased security against the
possibility of excessive temperatures and of occurrence of arcs and sparks in
apparatus which does not produce arcs or sparks in normal service;
(ze) "lightning arrestor'' means a device which has the property of diverting to
earth any electrical surge of excessively high amplitude applied to its terminals
and is capable of interrupting flow current if present and restoring itself
thereafter to its original operating conditions;
(zi) "linked switch" means a switch with all the poles mechanically linked so
as to operate simultaneous;;;;
(zg) "live" ineMs e!ectricaliy charged;
(zh) "metallic covering" means mechanically strong metal covering
surrounding one or more conductors;
(zi) "meter" means a device suitable for measuring, indicating and recordjng
consl.lJ-nption of electricity or any other quantity related with electrical system
and shall· include, wherever applicable, other equipment such as Current
Transfonner (CT), Vo_ltage Transformer (VT) or Capacitor Voltage
Transformer (CVT) with necessary wiring md accessories;
(zj) "mine" ha, the same meaning as defined in the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of
(zk) "neutral conductor" means that conductm of a multi-wire system, the
voltage of which is normally intermediate betwee,, the voltages of the other
conductors of the system and shall also include return wire of the single phase
(zl) "occupier" means the owner or. person in occupation of the premises
where electricity is used or proposed to be used;
(zm) "ohm" means a unit of electrical resistance and is the electrical resistance
between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of one
volt, applied to these points produces a current of one ampere in the coriductor,
provided no electromotive force is generated in the conductor;
(zn) "open spa,king" means sparking which owing to the lack ,of adequate
provisions for preventing the ignition of inflammable gas external to the
apparatus would ignite such inflammable gas;

(zo) "overhead line" means any electric supply line which is placed above
ground and in the open air but excluding live rails of a traction system;
(zp) "owner" means the company or body corporate or association or body of
individuals, whether incorporated or not or artificial juridical person which
owns or operates or maintains Electric Plants and Lines;
(zq) "owner", "agent" and "manager'' of a mine have the same meanings as
are assigned to them in the Mines Act,1952(35 of 1952);
(zr) "poles" means the phase terminals of a Switch.
(zs) "portable apparatus" meaI)S an apparatus which is so designed as to be
capable of being moved while in operation;
(zt) "portable hand lamp" means a portable light-fitting provided with suitable
handle, guard and flexible cord connected to a plug;
(zu) "Schedule" means a schedule to these regulations.
(zw) "section" mearts a Section of the Act;
(zv) "span" means the horizontal distance between two adjacent supporting
points of an overhead conductor;
{zw). "street box" means a totally enclosed structure, either above or below
ground containing apparatus for transforming, switching, controlling or
otherwi8e regulating electricity;
(zx) "supplier" means any generating company -or licensee from whose
system electricity flows into the system ofanother generating company or
licensee or consumer;
(zy) "switch" means a manually operated device for opening and closing or for
changing the connection of a circuit;
(zz) "switchboard" means an assembly including the switchgear for the control
of electrical cjrcuits, electric connections and the supporting frame;
(zza) "switchgear'' shall denote_ switches, circuit breakers, cut-outs and other
apparatus used for the operation, regulation and control of circuits;
(zzb) "system" means an electrical system in which all the conductors and
apparatus are electrically connected to a common source of electric supply;
(zzc) "transportable apparatus" means apparatus which is operated in a fixed
position but which is so designed as to be capable of being moved readily from
one place to another;
(zzd) "volt" means a unit of potential difference of electro,motive force and is
the difference of electric potential which exists between two points of a
conductor carrying a constant current of one ampere, when the power
· dissipated between these points is one watt; .
(zze) ''voltage" means the difference of electric potential measured iti Volts
between any two .conductors or between any part of either conductor ,and the
earth as measured by a voltmeter meeting Indian Standards;
(zzt) "watt'' is a unit of active power and 0MW" means megawatt and,is equal
to 106 watts. ·

(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations but defined in
the Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.
'111«1· q;r ~ : 3ffiNR1Jl 193

Chapter II

3. Designating person(s) to operate and carry out the work on electrical lines
and•. apparatus.- (1) A supplier or a· consumer, or the owner, agent or manager of
a mine, or the agent of any company operating in an oil-field or the owner of a
drilled well in an oil field or a contractor who has entered into a contract with a
• Sllpplier or a consumer to carry out duties incidental to the generation,
transformation, transmission, conversion, distribution or use of electricity shall
designate persons for the purpose to operate and carry out the work on electrical
lines and apparatus.

(2) The supplier or consumer, or the owner, agent or manager of a mine, or the
agent of any company operating in an oil-field or the owner of a drilled well in an-
oil field or a contractor referred to on sub-regulation (1) shall maintain a'register
wherein the names of the designated persons and the purpose for which they are
engaged, shall be entered ·

(3) No person shall be designated undersubsregulation (1) unless,-

(i) he possesses a certificate of competency or electrical work permit,

issued by the Appropriate Government.

(ii) his name is entered in the register referred to in sub-relgulation (2).

4. Inspection of designated officers and other safety measures.- ( 1) The register

maintained under sub-regulation (2) of regulation 3 shall be produced before the
· Electrical Inspector when required by him.

(2) If on inspection, the Electrical Inspector finds that the designated person does
not fulfill the required qualification, he shall recommend the removal of the name
of such persons from the register..

S. Electrical Safety Officer.- (1) All suppliers of electricity including generating

companies, transmission companies and .distribution companies shall designate an
Electrical Safety Officer for ensuring observance of safety measures specified
under these regulations in their organisation for construction, operation and
maintenance of power· stations, sub-stations, transmission and distnoution lines.

(2) The. Electrical Safety Officer shall be an Electrical Engineering degree holder
with at least ten years c,f experience in operation and. maivtenance of electricity
plarits or ari Electrical Engineering Diploma holder with at least fifteen yeara of
experience'i,_n operation and maintenance of electric plant. ·

(3) The Ele~trical Safety Officer designated un.der sub-regulatio·n· (I), shall ensure
periodic inspection of such installations, get them tested and keep a record thereof
and such records shall be made available to the Electrical Inspector if and when

(4) For every factory registered under Factory Act, 1948, where mere than 250
kW of electrical load is connected, the management of the factory shall designate a
person having qualification specified in sub-regulation (2), for ensuring the

3747 Gl/10-25

observance of the safety provisions laid under 't he Act and the regulations made
thereunder, who shall periodically inspect such installation, get them tested and
keep a record thereof and such records shall' be made available to the E,lectrical
Inspector if and when·required. · · ·

6. Safety measures for operation and , maintenance of electric plants.• (I)

Engineers and stipervisors appointed to operate or' undertake·maintenance of any
part or whole of a thermal power generating station and a hydro power plant
together with the associated sub-statiO!) shall hold diploma in Engineering from a
recognized instirute, or a degree in Engineering from a university.

(2) The Technicians to assisi engineers or supervisors sha11 possess a certificate in

appropriate trade, preferably with a two years course from a Industrial Training
Institute recognized by the Central' Government or the State Government.
' '

(3)' Engineers, . superviSllrs and Teclu;licians engaged for operation and

maintenance of electric plants should have successfully undergone the type of
training as specified in Schedule-I.

Provided that the existing employees shall have to undergo the training
mentioned in sub-regulation,(3) within. three years from the date of coming into
force of these _regulations. ·

(4) The owner of every thermal power generating station aod hydro power plant·
tQgether with their aSS-Ociated sub-station shall arrange for training of personnel
engaged in the operation and maintenance of his generating station. along with
associated s.ub-statioo in his own institute or any other institute recognized by the
Central Government or the State Government.

· P.rovided that· separate training shall. be given to the persons engaged in

operation and maintenance of themial power stations and hydrq power stations
including associated sub-statiODS.

7. Safety measures for operation 11nd maintenance of transmission, distribution

systems.- (J) Engineers or supen<isors engagec\_jn operation and 'maintenance 9f
transmission and distribution systems shali bold diploma in electrical, mechanicaL
electronics and instrumentation Engineering from a recognized institute or

(2) 11te Technicians to assist engineers or supervisors shall possess a certificate in•
appropriate trade, preferably with a two year~ course· from a Industrial Training
Institute recognized by the Central Government' or State Government.
' ' '

(3) . Engineers, supervisors and Technic,ians engaged for operation and

maintenance of transmission and distribution systems electric plants. should have
suc~ssfully' µndergone the type of training as specified in Scbedule-ll.

. . Provided that the existing employees shall have to undergo the training
mentioned in sub-regulation (3) within three years· from the date of coming into
force ·of these regulations.
[ 'WT IIl-11il'ls 4] 195

(4) Owner of every transmission or distribution system shall arrange for training of
their personnel engaged in the operation and maintenance of transmission and
distribution system in his own institute or any other institute recognized by the
Central Government or State Government.

8. Keeping of records and inspection thereof.- (!) The generating company or

licensee shall maintain records of the maps, plans· and sections relating to supply or
transmission of electricity a.'ld submit the same to the Electrical Inspector for
inspection as and when required by him.

(2) The Electrical Inspector shall supply a copy of the report of inspection referred
to in sub-regulation (I), to the generating company or licensee, as the case m.ay be.

9. Deposit of maps. - When : . iumse has been granted, two sets of maps showing, as
regards such Jicerisee, the particulars specified in application for licemse .shall be
signed and elated to correspond with the date of notification of the grant of the
license by an officer designated by the Appropriate Commission in this behalf, one
set of such maps shall be retained by the said officer and the other one shall be
furnished to the licensee.

10, Deposit of printed copies.- (I) Every person who is granted a license, shall,
within thirty days of the grant thereof, have copies of the license and maps,
showing the area of supply as specified in the ·license to Exhibit I same for public
inspection at all reasonable times at his head office, his local offices, if any, and at
the office of every local authority. within the area of supply.

(2) Every such licensee shall, within the aforesaid period of thirty days, supply
free of charge one copy of the license along with the relevant maps to every local
authority within the area of supply and shall also make necessary arrangement for
the sale of printed copies of the license and maps to all persons applying for t]le
same, at a price to be notified by the Appropriate Government from time to time.

11. Plan for area of supply to be made and kept open for inspection.- (I) The
licensee shall, after commencing to supply electricity, forthwith cause a plan, to be
made in electronic form, of the· area of supply, and shall cause to be marked
thereon the alignment and irt the case of underground works, the approximate
depth below the surface of all the existing electric supply lines, street distributing
boxes and other works, and shall once in every year cause that plan to be. duly
·corrected so as to show the electric supply·lines, street distributing boxes amd other
works for the time being in position and shall also, if so required by an Electrical
Inspector, cause to be made sections showing .the approximate level of all his
existing underground works other than service lines.

(2) Every plan· shall .be _clrawn to such horizontal· and vertical scale as the
Appropriate Commission may t.~quire.

Provided that no scale shall be required unless maps of the locality on that
scale are for the time being available to the public. ·

(3) Every plan and-section so made or corrected, or a copy thereof, marked with
the date when it was made or corrected; shall be kept by the licensee at his

principal office or place of business within the area of supply, and shall at. all
reasonable times be open to the inspection of ail applicants, and copies thereof
shall be supplied.

Provided that ex1stmg ahd old plans and sections and underground
distribution network shall be converted to electronic form within three years from
the·date of commencement of these regulations.

(4) Global Positioning System (GPS) rnapping\;r mapping through any other
·latest technology, of existing and old plans and sections shall be comple\ed within
five years from the date of commencement of these .regulations and new plans and
sections shall be compatible to the Global Positioning System mapping or
mapping through any other latest technology.

(5) The licensee shall, if required by an Electrical Inspector, and, where the
licensee is not a local authority, by the focal authority, if any, concerned, supply
free of charge to such Electrical Inspector or local authority a duplicate copy of
every such plan or section or a part of the same du1y conected.

(6) The copies of plans and sections under this regulation shall be supplied by the
licensee to every applicant on the payment of such · fee as the Appropriate
Commission may, by regulation, specify.


Generalsafety requirements ,

12. General safety requirements . pertaining to construction, installation,

protection, operation and maintenance of electric supply · lines . and
apparatus.- ( 1) All electric supply lines and apparatus shall be of sufficient
rating_ __ for power, insulation and estimated fault current and of sufficient
mechanical strength, for the duty cycle which they may be required to perform
under the environmental conditions . of installation, and shall be constructed,
insta:lli,d, protected, worked and maintained in such a manner as to ensure safety
of human beings, animals and property.

(2) Save as otherwise provided in these regulations, the relevant code of practice
of the Bureau of Indian Standards or National· Electrical Code, if any, may be
followed to carry out the purposes of this regulation and in the event of any
inconsistency, the provisions of these regulaions shall prevail. ·

(3 ) The material and apparatus used shall conform to the relevant specifications of
the Bµreau of Indian Standards or International Ele!ctro-Technical Commission
where such specifications have already been laid down.

(4) All electrical equipment shall be installed above the Mean Sea Level (MSL}as
declared by local Municiple Authorities and where such equipment is to be
installed in the basement, consumer shall ensure that the design of the basement
[ "11'1 I I I - ~ 4] 197

should be such that there is n9 seapage or leakage or logging of water in the


13,, Service Hnes and apparatus on consumer's premises.- (1) The supplier shall
ensure that all electric supply lines, wires, fittings and apparatus belonging to him
or under his control, Which are on a consumer's premises, are in a safe-condition
and in all respects fit for supplying electricjty and the supplier shall take
precautions to avoid danger arising on such premises from such supply' lines,
wires, fittings and apparatus.

(2-) Service lines placed by the supplier on the premises of a consumer which are
underground or which are accessible shall be so insulated and protected by the
supplier as to be secured under all ordinary condi!ions against electrical,
mechanical, chemical or other injury to the insulation,

(3) The consumer shall, as far as circumstances permit, take precautions for the
safe custody of the equipment on his premises belonging to the supplier.

(4) The consumer shall also ensure that the installation under his control is
maintained in a safe condition..

14, Switchgear on consumer's premises.- (I) The supplier shall provide a suitable
switchgear in each conductor of every service line other than an earthed or earthed
\ \ neutral conductor. or the earthed external conductor of a concentric cable within a
consumer's premises, in an accessible position and such switchgear shall be
contained within an adequately enclosed fireproof receptacle:

Provided that where more than one consumer is supplied through a

common service line, each such consumer shall be provided with an independent ·
switchgear at the point of rigid junction to the common service.

(2) Every electric supply line other than the earthed or earthed neutral conductor
of any system or the earthed external conductor of concentric cable shall be
protected by a suitable switchgear by its owner.

15. Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position. of.
switches and switchgear therein.- ·· Where the conductors include an earthed·
.conductor of a two-wire system or an earthed neutral conductor of a multi-wire
sys.tern or · a conductor which is to be connected thereto, the following conditions
shall be complied with:- · ·

(t) an indication of a permanent nature shall be provided by the owner of

the earthed or earthed neutral conductor, or the conductor which is to be
connected thereto, to enable such conductor to be distinguished from any live
conductor and such indication shall be provided-

(a) where the earthed or earthed neutral conductor is the property of the
supplier, at or near the point of commencement of supply; .

(b) where a conductor forming part of a consumer's system is to be

connected to the supplier's earthed or earthed neutral conductor, at the
point where such conneetion is to be made;

·(c) in all other cases, at a point corresponding to the point of

commencement of supply or at such other points as may be approved by
an Electrical Inspector.

(ii) no cut-out, link or switch othe_r than a linked-switch arranged to operate

simultaneously on the earthed or earthed neutral ·conductor and live
conductors shall be inserted or remain inserted in any earthed or earthed
neutral conductor of a two wire-system or in any earthed or earthed neutral
conductor of a multi-wire system or in any conductor connected thereto.

Provided that the above requirement shall not apply in case of-
(a) a link for testing purposes, or
(b) a switch for use in controlling a generator or transformer.

16. Earthed terminal on consumer's premises.- (1) The supplier shall provide and
maintain on the consumer's premises for the consumer's use, a suitable earthed
terminal in an accessible position at or near the point of commencement of supply.

Provided that in the case of installation of voltage exceeding 250 V the

consumer shall, in addition to the aforementioned earthing arrangement, provide·
his own earthing system with an independent electrode.

Provided further that the supplier may not provide any earthed terminal in
ihe case of installations already connected to his system on or before the date to be
specified by the State Government in this behalf if he is satisfied that the
consumer's earthing arrangement is efficient.

(2} Toe consumer shall take all reasonable precauti_ons to prevent mechanical •
damage to the earthed terminal and its lead belonging to the supplier.

(3) The supplier may_ recover from the consumer the cost of installation on the
-basis of schedule of charges published by him in advance and where such schedule
of charges is not published, the procedure laid down, in regulation 63 shall apply.;ation.- For the purposes of sub-regulation (1 ), the ~xpression "point of

comm ncement of supply of electricity" shall mean the point at the incoming
termi 1 of the switchgear installed by the consumer.

17. Accessibility of bare conductors.~Where bare conductors are used in a building,

the owner of such conductors shall,-.

(a) ensure that they are inaccessible;

. 199

(b) provide in readily accessible position switches for rendering them dead
whenever necessary; and

(c) take such other safety measures as are specified in the relevant Indian

18. Danger Notices.- The owner of every installation of voltage exceeding 250 V shall
affix permanently in a conspicious position a danger notice in Hindi or English and
the local language of the District, with a sign of skull and bones of a design as per
IS -2551 on-

(a) every motor, generator, transformer and other electrical plant and
equipment together with apparatus used for controlling or regulating the same;

(b) all supports of overhead lines of voltage exceeding 650 V which can be
easily climbed upon without the aid ofladder or special appliances;

(c) luminous tube sign requiring supply, X-ray and similar high frequency
, installations of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV:

Provided that •where it is not possible to affix such notices on any

generator, motor, transformer or other apparatus, they shall be affixed as near
as possible thereto, or the word 'danger' and the voltage of the apparatus
concerned shall be permanently painted on it:

Provided forther that where the generator, motor, transformer or other

apparatus is within an -~nclosure one notice affixed to the said enclosure shali
be sufficient for !he purposee of this regulation.

Explanation- For the purpose of clause (b) rails, tubular poles, wooden
supports, reinforced cement concrete poles without steps, · I-sections and
channels, shall be deemed as supports which cannot be easily climb~d upon

19. Handling of electric supply -lines and apparatus.- (I) Before any conductor or
apparatus is handled, adequate precautions shall be taken, by earthing or other
suitable means, t() discharge electrically si.;ch conductor or apparatus, and any
adjacent conductor or apparatus if there is dai:ger therefrom, and to prevent any
conductor or apparatus from being accidentai!y or inadvertently electrically
charged when persons are working thereon.

(2) Every person who is working on an eiectric suppiy line or apparatus or both
shall be provided with tools and devi~es such as gloves, rubber shoes·, safety belts,
ladders, earthing devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like. for
protecting him from mechanical and electrical injury and such tools and devices
shall always be maintained in sound and efficient working condition.

(3) No persen shall work on any live electric supply line or apparatus and no
·person shall assist such person on such work, unless he is designated in that
· behalf, and takes the safety precautions given in Schedule-III.

(4) Every telecommunication line on supports carrying line of voltage exceeding
650 V but not exceeding 33 kV shall, for the purpose of working thereon, be
deemed to be a line of voltage exceeding 650 V.

(5) AH non~current carrying metal parts of switchgear and control panels shall be
properly earthed and insulating floors or mat conforming to IS-I 5652: 2006, of
appropriate voltage level shall be provided in front of the panels for the safety of
operating personnel.

(6) All panels shall be painted with the description of its identification at front and
at the rear.

20. Supply to vehicles aud cranes.- Every person owning· a vehicle, travelling crane,
or the like to which electricity is supplied from an external source shall ensure that
it is efficiently controlled by a suitable switch enabling all voltage to be cut off in
one operation and, where such vehicle, travelling crane or the like runs on metal
rails, the owner shall ensure that the rails are electrically continuous and earthed.

21. Cables for portable or transportable apparatus.- (!) Flexible cables shall not
be used for portable or transportable motors, generators, transformers, rectifiers,
electric drills, electric sprayers, welding sets or any other portable or transportable
apparatus- unless they are heavily insulated and adequately protected from
mechanical injury.

(2) Where the protection is by means of metallic covering, the covering shall be in
·metallic connection with the frame of any such apparatus and earthed.

(3) The cables shall be three core type and four core type for portable and
transportable apparatus working on single phase and three phase· supply
respectively and the wire meant to be used for ground connection shall be, easily

22. Cables- protected by bituminous materials.- (1) Where the supplier or the owner
has brought into use an electric supply line, other than a~ overhead liue, which is
not completely enclosed in a continuous metallic covering connected with earth
and is insulated or protected in· situ by composition or material of a· bituminous
character,- ·

(i) any pipe, conduit, or the like into which such electric supply line may
have been drawn or placed shal), unless other. arrangements are approved
by the Electrical Inspector in any particular case, be effectively sealed at its_
point of entry into any .sireet box so as to prevent any flow of gas to or·
,from the street box, and;

(ii) such electric supply line shall be periodically inspected and tested
where accessible, and the result of each.such inspection artd test shall be
. duly the supplier or the owner.

{2) The supplier or the owner after the coming into force of these regulations, shall
not bring into use any further .electric supply line as aforesaid which is insulated or
[ '11'1 lll--~ 4 J 3)1

protected in situ by any composition or material known to be liable to produce

noxious or explosive gases on excessive heating.

23. Street boxes.- (1) Street boxes shall not contain gas pipes, and-precautions shall
be taken to prevent, as far as reasonably possible, ·any influx of water or gas.

(2) Where electric supply lines forming part of different systems pass through the
same street box, they shall be readily distinguishable from one another and all
electric supply lines of voltage exceeding 650 V at or in street boxes shall be
adequately supported and protected so as to prevent risk of damage to or danger
from adjacent electric supply lines. ·
• •
· {3) All street boxes shall be regularly, inspected for the purpose .of detecting the
presence of gas and. if arty influx or accumulation is discovered, the owner shall
give immediate notice to any authority or company who have gas mains in the
neighbourhood of the street box and in. cases where a street box is large enough to
admit the entrance of a person after the electric supply lines or apparatus therein
have been placed in positio_n, ample provision shall be madec

(i) to ensure that any gas which may by accident have obtained access to
the box shall escape before a person is allowed to enter; and

(ii) for the prevention of danger from sparking.

(4) The owners of all street boxes or pillars containing circuits or apparatus shall
ensure that their covers and doors are kept closed and. locked and are so provided
that they can be opened only by means of a key or a special appliance.

24. Distinction of different circuits.- The owner of every generating SF;tion, sub-
station, junction-box or pilladn which there are any circuits or apparatus, whether
intended for operation at different voltages or at the same voltage, shall ensure by
means of indication of a permanent nature that the respective circuits are readily
distinguishable from one another.
25. Distinction of the Installations having more than one feed.- The owner of every
installation including sub-station, double pole structure, four pole structure or any
other structure having more than one feed, shall ensure by means of indication of.a
. permanent nature, that the• installation is readily distinguishable from .· othtr
• . insta)latiorui ·.

26. Accidental charging.- (I) The owners of •all circuits and apparatus shall so.
arrange them that there shall be no danger of any part thereof becoming
accidentally charged to any voltage beyond the limits of voltage for which they aie
(2) Where alternating current and direct current circuits.are installed on the same
box or support, they shall be so arranged and protected that they shall not come
into contact with each other when live. ·

27. Provisions applicable to protective equipment.- (1) Fire buckets filled with
clean dry sand am! ready for inunediate use for extinguishing fires, in addition to
fire extinguishers suitable for. dealing with fires, shall be conspicuously marked

3747 Gl/10-"--26

and kept in all generating stations, enclosed sub-stations and switching-stations in

convenient location.

(2} .1be fire extinguishers shall be te~d for satisfactory operation ,as per relevant
, •; , .,.· Jndian Standard at least once a year an4 ,record of su<:h iests shal\pe, maintained .

... ,(3) First-aid ~~s or cupboards co~'spicuously tll/U"ked,and eqµipped with such •
' : the-State. Government may specify, shaHbe provideq and maintained
. in every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed switching 'station and in
vehicles used for Inaintenance ·of lines so as to ):/e rea4ily, ac,ce~ible during all
_< working hours and a!]. such boxes and cupboar.ds 1,~ii]l, eJlcept,ip tlie case of
· .. ,.. unattende.d sub-stations and switching stations, be ,k\lpt ii;t charge of. responsible
persons who are trained in first-aid treatment and one of such pei:sons shall be •
available during working hours.

' . . .. (4} two or rne>re gas n,iasks shall be proviqaj 'c~n§;ic~ou;ly and instilled and
maintained at accessible places in every generating station with capacity of
5 MW and above and enclosed sub-station 'Yitll,.t;i;a11~f<:>rrna,tion capacity of
5 .. MVAand above for use in the event of fire or.smoke:· •

. . . Provided that where more than one ge~~;kt~K'Nith\apacity ~f5

MW and
above is installed in a power station, each.generator shall he pm,;ded with at least
two separate gas masks in an accessible and con,spicuous, pia,:p:

Provided further that adequate number of gas· masks ,,,, ,; , tc provided by

the owner at every generating station and enlose\l sub-stapon with ~apacity less
than. 5 MW and 5 MVA respectively. ·

28. Display of instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering from electric

shock.- (!)··Instructions, in English or Hindi and the local language of the District
·. and where Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi for the resuscitation of
persons suffering from electric shock, shall be affixed, by the owner in a
· conspicuous place in every ·generating station,· enclosed .sub-station, enclosed
switching station, mines and in every factory as d~finedinclause,(m) of section 2
. of the Factory.Act,1948 (63 of 1948) in which electricity is used and in such other
premises where electricity is used as the. Electrical Inspector may, by notice in
writing served on the owner, direct.

(2) The •owner of every generating station, ..en~lo,sed, s:ub-station, en.,Josed

switching<station and every factory or other premi_ses to which these regulations
/•apply, shall ensure that all designated persons ernj>lilyed by him are acquainted

with and are competent to apply the instructions referred to in sub,regulation (I).

(3) In every manned generating station; sub-station: or-switching station of voltage

exceeding .650 V, an artificial respirator shall be ,provided and kept in good
working condition. · ·

29. Precautions to· be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers, · electrical

contractors, electrical workmen and suppll-irs.- ·(l} No electrical installation •
work, including additions, alterations, repaus and adjustments to existing
installations, except such replacement of lamps; fans; fuses, switches, domestic
[ "11'1 111-l!i<IG 4) 'lRll q;r ~ : 3Tl'l1'lR"T 203

appliances of voltage not exceeding 250V and fittings as in no· way alters its
capacity or character, shall be carried out upon the premises of or on behalf of any

consumer, supplier, owner or occupier for the purpose of supply to such consumer,
supplier, owner or occupier except by an electrical contractor licensed in this
behalf by the State Government and under the direct supervision of a person
holding a certificate of competency and by a person holding a permit issued or
recognised by the State Government. ·
. . ' .
Provided that in the case of works executed for o~ on behalf of the
Central . Governmept and•. in the ·.· case of installations in. milies, oil fields and
railways, the Central.Government and in other cases the State Government, may,
by notification in the Official Gazette,· exempt on such conditions as it may
impose, any such work described, therein eith~r generally or in the case of any
specified class of consumers, suppliers, owners· or occupiers. ·

(2) No electrical installation work which has been carried out in contravention of
sub"regulation (I) shall either be energised or connected to .the works of any

30. Periodical inspection alld 'testing of Installations.- (1) Where an installation is

· already connected to the supply system of the supplier or trader, every such
installation shall be periodica1iy' inspected and tested at intervals not exceeding
five years either by the Electrical Inspector or by the supplier as may be directed
by the State Government in this behalf or in t.'ie case of installations belonging to,
or under the control of the Central Government, and in the case of installation in·
mines, oilfields and railways, by the Central Government. ,~· ·

·(2) The periodical inspection and testing·ofinstallations of voltage abo~ 650 V

belonging to the supplier, shall also be carried out at intervals not exdi4;Uig five
years by the Electrical Inspector; · :;;;;,,,

(3) Where the supplier is directed by the Central or the State Government, as the
.case tnay be, to inspect and test the installation, he shall report on the condition of
the installation to the consumer concerned in the Forms I, II and III as specified in
Schedule-IV and shall submit a copy of such report to the Electrical Inspector;

(4) The Electrical Inspector may, on receipt of such report, accept the report
submitted by the supplier or record variations as the circumstances of each case
•• .
may require and
may recommend that the.defects maybe ractified as per report;

. (5) In the event of the failure of the owner of any installation to rectify the defects
in his instal!Btion pointed ont by .the Electrical Inspector in his report and within
the time indicated therein, suchinstallationshall be liable to be disconnected
under the directions of the Electrical Inspector· after serving the owner of such
installation with a notice for not less than forty eight .hours.

Provided that the installation shall not be disconnected in case an appeal is

·. made under sub-rule (i) of rule (8) of "Qualifications, Powers and Functions of
Chief Electrical Inspector and Electrical Inspectors issued by Central Government
vide GSR 481 (E) .dated 17.08.2006 and the appellate authority has stayed the
.orders of disconnection.

31. Testing of consumer's installation.- (1) Upon receipt of lln application for a
new or ·. additional supply of electricity and before connecting the supply or
;,, .. : recQ1111ecting tl, after a period,ofsix mo11ths,,t4!l sµppli!lr,sllalle.ither test the
installation Jiimsel(or accept the tesqesµlts. submittetlixJl!i: 99,µsun;ier when the •
,:sanie Iias be~n.du,ly" signed by theJic.:nsed Electric;al C::ontraqt9r.

(2) The supplier shall maintain a record of test results obtained at each supply
point to a consumer, in a Schedule-V.

(3) · Ifas a result of sucli inspection and test, the supplier is satisfied that the
installation is likely to be dangerous, he shall serve. on the app1icant a notice in
writing requiring him to make such modific11ti91!5, as,are,necessary to render the
installation· .safe.· and may refuse to connect or.reconnect the supply until the
. reqµired modifications have been completed: : , . .

i .. 32. InstaUatiop ~nd testblg of generating ,µ~;,:, (;11p~tjty l\bo:.,e which generating
units will be required to be inspected by the Electrical Inspector before
commissioning shall be as per the notification to be issued by the Appropriate
Government, under clause (x) sub-section (~}.of sectjon 17~ and sub-section (1 ).of
section 162 of the Act. ' · · ·

Chapter IV

General - conditions
relating to supply .,._.,.
and use
. '

33. Precautions against leakage before connection.- O) The supplier shall not
connect with his works .the installation or apparatus on, the ·premises of any •
.11pp)icant for supply unless he is reasonably satisfied that,the c.onnectionwill not at
the .time .of making the connection cause.· a Jeakage. ,. fr-Om that .installation or
apparatus of a magnitude detrimental to safety, which shall be checked by
. ,... measuring the installation resistance as under,• ·
(i) all equipments sha11 have the insulation resistance (IR) va1ue as stipulated
in the relevantlndian Standards; ·· · ··· ·· ' ·

(ii) on application of 500 V DC between each live conductor and earth for a
period of one minute the insulation resistance of installation and equipment of
voltage not exceeding 650 V shall be .atle!lstl MEGAQIIM or as specified •
in the r:elevant Indian Standard; ··· · · · ' · · ,,. · ·

'(iii) on applica.tioii of 2.5 kV· DC betweJn e,achJive' coiid;ctor and earth for •
a period of one minute, the insulatiqficrem~tan~e, o{inst;illation and equipment
'of v'i:!ltagc:i exceeding 650 V but not'ixce~h.)g bi: at least 5 MEGA
OHM or as specified in the relevant Indian Sl/indard. ·

(2) If the supplier declines to make a connection unddr the provisions of sub-
regulation (1) he shall convey to the appjic~nt,the ,r~asons .in. \l(riting for so
declining. · · , · ·

34. Leakage on consumer's premises.- (1) If the Electrical Inspector or the supplier
has reasons to believe that there is leakage in the system of a consumer which is
likely to affect injuriously the use of electricity by the supplier or by other persons,
or which is likely to cause danger, he may give the consumer notice fu writing that
. he desires tq inspect !1,nd test tile consumer's installation.
' ' _- a • '_' ., • ' • ·,·, • •

(2) If on such ~i>ti~e being, given the CO'llswnei'does rit>t give ali reasonable
facilities for i~tion and testing of his installation, or ·When an insulation
resistance. of the e9nsum~r•s
installation is so low as
to. prevent safe use .of
electricity, the supplieqnay, apd if directed so to do by the Blectrical Inspector
. shall discontinue. ili.e supply 'ofe\ectticity to the. installatioI1 but only after giving to
the consumer forty eight 'hours hofice in writing of disconnectioh of supply and
• shall not recommence the suppiy uniil he or the Electric~! Inspector is satisfied
. that the cause of tile leakage Ila~ been j-ertioved. ·.· ·· ·

3S, Supply and use of electricity.- : (1) The el~ctricity shall n;;t"
be supplied,
transformed, converted, inverted or-used or continued to be supplied, transformed,
converted, inverted or used unless the conditions contain.ed in sub-regulations (2)
to (8) are complied with. :, · ·

(2) The following controls ofrequi~ite capacity to carry and break the current shall
· be placed as near as po~s\l?le:111'er,fue poillt of commencement of supply so as to
be readily acc.f!ssible ap,d. CQP@li,9fbeingJ1asily operated \o completely isolate the
supply to the installation,, §Uch. equipment being in addition to any equipment
installed for controlling-1pdivjdual, circuits or apparatus, nam,e)y:a, .

(i) a linked switch with ,fuse or a circuit breaker by consumers of

• voltage which does.not exceed 650 V; .

.(ii) a linked switch'with·fuse or a circuit breaker by a consumer of

voltage exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33 kV. having aggregate
installed trartsformer ·or apparatus capacity up to 1000 KV A to be
supplied at voltage upto 11 kV and2500 KVA at higher voltages (above
11 kV and notexceeding __ 33JcV); ·

(iii)_ a circuit b,t\:~i'~yc9nsu111~rs atygltage exceeding 650 V but not

exceeding 33 ,kV having an aggreg'iite · installed transformer and
apparatus capacity a;t,ove,·1000, K,VA .and. supplied ;it voltage upto 11
kV and above 250Q,K'{A !1,Llrighqr:v9J~ges (above il kV and not
· excee,ding 33~\T);

(iv) a circ~itbreakerby a~otis~mer of voltag~exceeding 33 kV.

Pr<>vip~d pi;it '\yhert~ th,e pointpf commencement -of supJ:'lY and the
consumer apparatus are nciar each other; one linked switch with fuse or circuit ·
.breaker near the pointof commenCeD3entof ~upply shall be considerecl sufficient.

(3) In case of every transfonner the following shall be provided; namely:-

(i) on primary side for transfonners a linked swi.tch with fuse or. circuit
breaker of adequate capacity: , ·

. . . ·. Providep that the iinked switch 0~ the prilllao/ sid~ of the

. transformer may be of sue~ capacity as to carry thi full load current and
to bre~'enly the inai'letising current of the transformer:

Proviiei further that for~ll.transfoimers:

(a) having a capacity of 5000KVA and above installed before the
year 2008; and
. '\ ' .
. .. . . .·. . ·. . . . . ·...
(b) having a capacity 1000 KYA arid above installed in or after the
year 2000, a circuit breaker shall
be.. 'provided:
- .. .
·· ·
Provided also that thll linked switch on the primary side of the
transformer shalf'not required for the unit auxiliary transfonner and
generator transformer;

(ii) in respect of all transfonners installed in or after the year 2000, on the
secondary side of all transformers a circ11it breaker of adequate rating shall
. be installed: ·

Provided that for suppliers' transformers of capacity below 1000

KVA, a Jinked switck with fuse or circuit breaker of adequate rating
shall be installed on secondary side.

(4)Except in the case of composite control gear designed aSa unit each distinct
ci,:cuit is to be protected against excess energy by means of suitable cut-out or a
circuit breaker of adequate breaking capacity suitably, located and so constructed
as to prevent danger from overheating, arcing or scattering of hot metal when it
comes into operation and to permit for ready renewal of the fusible metal. of the
cut-out without dane:er.

(5) The supply of electricity to each motor or a group of motors or other apparatus
meant for operating one particular machine shall be controlled by a suitable linked
switch or a circuit breaker or an emergency tripping device with. manual reset of
requisite capacity placed in such a position as. to be. adjacent to ,the motor or a
groJIP of motors or other apparatus readily accessible to and easily operated by the
pef!!on inc4arge and so connected in the circuitthat j,y its .means all supply of
electricity can be cut off from the motor or group .of motors or apparatus from any
regulating switch,· resistance of other device associated· therewith.

(6} All insulating materials shall be cho.sen with special regard to the •
circumstances _of their pronosed use and their mechanical strength shall be

['ll'TIII-~4] '2f17

sufficient for t4eir purpose and so far as is practicable of such character or so
protected as to maintain adequately their insulating property under all working
conditions in respect of temperature and moisture; and •

(7) Adequate precautions shall be taken to en§ure that no;live·parts are s.o exposed
as to cause danger.

(8) Every consumer shall use all reasonable means to ensvre.. that i.vhere electricity
is supplied by a supplier no pers<;m. other than the. suppliei:. shall, interfere with
service lines and. apparatus placi-1 by the .supplieron the. premises of the

36,,Provlsions for supply.and ~sec~f~iectricity in multi-storeyed building more
,,than 15 metres in heigbt~·(J).Jhe connected load !lfld voltage of suJ>ply above
,which inspection is .io,be;carrieq,oq1,by an Electrical 'Inspector for. a multi-
storeyed bulding of more ·than fifteen meters .height shall be notified by the
Appropriate Government.

(2) Before making'.,a~/~ppJication for commenqement .of supply or

recommencement of supply i!JtwaI) installatioi), has been disconnected for a period
· •• of six months or more, the; o:.vrieror ocupier a multi:storeyedbuilding shall give
. not less than thirty days notj(\e in writing to the Electrical Inspector specify therein
•· the particulars of insta1lation)1nd the supply of electricity shall not be commenced
or recommenced withifl•,thi~.;period, v,'ithout the approval in writing of the
Electrical Inspector. · ·

(3) The supplier or owner of the installation shaU provide 'at the point of
• commencement of supply, a. suitable isolating device with cut0out or
breaker to
operate on all phases, ~xcept neutral in the 3,phase, 4-wire circuit and fixed in a
conspicuous position at riot more than L 70 metres above the grofill.d so as to
· completely isolate the supply to the buHding in case of emergency.

(4) The owner or occupier 1>fatnulti,st9reyed building shall ensure that electrical
installations and works inside the building are carried out and maintained in such a.
manner as to prevent danger due. to shock. and fire hazards, and the installation is
' ' carried out in accordanqe 'witlltpe relevant codes ()f practice.

.(5) No other service pipe~ 'and' cablessh~ll 'be Ween along the ducts provided fof
· laying power cables and all· ducts ·provided for power cables and other services
shall be provided with fire barrier at each floor crossing.
• • '! ',; ,_,·-

. 37: Conditions'applicable tojnstallations.of voltage,exceeding 2snVolts.- The

following conditions ,sh;ill. be c<>mplfod with whete electriliity of vqltage above
250_ Vis supplied, converted, transformed ~rused; ~11-thely:-''.. , ' '.

' (i) all conductors.other than those of overhead lines, sl)all be b<>mpletely
' enclosed in mechanically strong metal casing ormetallic covering \Vhich is
.. electrically and mechanically continuous and. adequately protected against
mechanical damage unless the said conductors are accessible only to an
designated person
. ,
or are
. :
. ·;
and> protected
.-. . · ' . .
so as to prevent danger:

Provided that nonsmetallic conduits confonning to the relevant Indian
Standard Specifications may be used for ins)allations of ,voltage not exceeding

(ii) all metal works, enclosing, su~rting· or associa~d with the installation,
· other than that designed to serve as a conductCJr shallbe connected with an
earthing system as per standards .laid down in the Indian Standards in this
, regard and the provisions ofregulation 41.

(iii) Every switchboard shall comply with the following,-

.·· . (a) a clear space of not less than one metre inwidth.shall be provided
: in front of the switchboard;

(b) if there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of

the switchboard, the space, ifany;•J:>ehind the switchboard shall be
either less than twenty centimetres or • more than sevety five
centimetres in width, measured from the farthest protruding part of
any attachment or conductor;

(c) if the space behind the switchboard exceeds sevety five

centimetres in width, there shall be a passage way from either end of
the switchboai:d, clear to a height of 1.8 metres.

(iv) In case of installations provided in. premises where inflammable materials

including· gases and chemicals are produ:ced, handled or stored, the electrical
installations, equipment and apparatus shall coinply with the requirements of
flame proof, dust tight, totally enclosed or any <>ther suitable type of electrical
fittings depending upon the hazardous zones as per the relevant Indian Standard

. . (v) Where an application has been made to a supplier for supply of electricity to
any installation, lie shall not commence the supply or where the supply has ·
been ·discontinued for a period of six months and above, recommence the
supply unless the consumer has complied with, in all respects the conditions of
supply set out in these regulati<>ns. ·

(vi) Where a supplier proposes to supply or use electricity at or to recommence

supply of voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V ·after it has been
discontinued for a period of six months, he · shall, before connecting or
reconnecting the supply, give notice in writing 6f such intention to the
E\ecm,cal Inspector.

(vii)If at any time after conne,;,ting the supply,· the supplier is satisfied that any
provision of these regulations are not being observed he shall give notice of ihe
same in writing to the .consumer and the Electrical' Inspector, specifying how
the provisions have not been observed and to rectify such defects in a
reasonable time and if the consumer fails to rectify such detects pointed out, he
may discontinue the supply after giving the consumer a reasonable opportunity

['ll'T III-~ 4] 1ITffi 'q)J ~ : at'tfiEU(UI

of being heard and recording reasons in writing and the, supply shall be
discontinued only on written orders of an officer duly notified qy. the supplier
in this behalf and shall be restored with all possible speed aft,er such defects are
rectified by the consumer to the satisfaction of the supplier.

38. Appeal to Electrical Inspector in regard to defects.- (1) lf any applicant for a
• supply or a consumer is dissatisfied with the action of the supplier in declining to
commence, to continue or to recommence ·the supply of electricity to his. premises
• on .the grounds that the installation is. defective or is likely to be dangerous, he may
appeal to the Electricitl Inspector to test the installation and the supplier shall not,
if the Electrical Inspector intimates that the installation· is free froin the defect or
danger complained of, refuse supply tll the consumer on the grounds aforesaid,
and shall, within twenty four hours after the receipt of such intimation from the
Electrical Inspector, co=.ence, continue or recommence the supply of electricity.

(2) Any test for which application has been made under sub regulation (1 ), shall
be carried out within seven days after the receipt of such application.·

39. Precautions against failure of supply and notice of failures.- (1) The layout of
tile electric supply lines of the supplier for .the supply of electricity throughout' his
area of supply shall under normal working conditions be sectionalised and so
arranged, and provided with .switchgear or circuit-breakers, so located, as to
·restrict within reasonable Hmits the extent of the portion of the system affected by
any failure of supply. ·

(2) The supplier shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid any accidental
interruptions of supply, and also to avoid danger tci the public or to any-~.mployee
or designated person when engaged on any operation during and in connection
with the installation, extension, replacement, repair and maintenance of any works.

(3) The supplier shall send to the Electrical Inspector a notice of failure of supply
of such kind as the Electrical Inspector may from time to time require to be notifed
to him, and such notice shall be sent by the earliest mode. of communication after
the failure occurs or afterthe failure becomes known to the supplier and shall be in
the Form given in Schedule-VI.

(4) For the purpose of testing or for any other purpose connected with the efficient
.. working of the supplier's installations, the supply of electricity may be .
discontinued by the supplier for such period as may be necessary, subject to not
less than twenty four hours notice being given by the supplier to all consumers
likely to be affected by such di&eontinuance: /

Provided that nosuch notioe shall be given in cases of emergency.

3747 Gl/10-27


Safety provisions (or,electrical inst11Hations and appara~s ofyoltage ~ot

exceeding 650 volts :

40. Test for resistance of Insulation.- (l) .Where any electxic s11cpplyJine. for use at
,voltages not exceeding 650 V has been disconnectefi from, a system for the "
purpose .ofaddition, alteration or repair, such electric. supplyJine. shall not be
reco11Dected_ to ,.the., system until the supplier orthe owrtet has applied the test
prescribed under regulation 33. -

(2) 'J:he. provision under sub-regulation ( !)shall not apply to overhead lines except
overhead insulated cables, unless the Electrical Inspector otherwise directs in any
particular case ..

41. Connection ~ith earth.~ The following conditions shall apply to the connection
with earth of systems at voltage normally exceeding 125 V but not exceeding 650
V, namely;-_ - · a·" •

(i) neutral conductor of a 3-phase, 4-wire· system and the middle conductor
of a 2-phase, 3-wire system shall be earthed by not less than two separate
and distinct connections with a minimum of two different earth electrodes
· or such large number as may be necessary to bring the earth resistance to a
satisfactory value both at the generating station and at the sub-station.

· (ii} the earth electrodes so provided, sh.all be .inter-connected to reduce

earth resistance. ·
(iii} neutral conductor shall also be earthed at one _or more points along
-'the'distribution system or service •line-in addition to any connection with
earth which may be at the consumer's premises. ·

(iv) iri the case of a system comprising electric supply lines having
concentric cables, the external conductor·of such cables. shall be earthed by
two separate and distinct connections with earth; ·-

(v) the connection with earth may include a link by means of which the
connection may be temporarily interrupted forthe purpose of testing or for
locating a fault:_

- (vi)" in a direct current three wire system, the mid.die conductor shall be

earthed at the generating station only,,.at1q\,th.e,current from the middle
conguctor to earth shall be continuously recorc\eci by means of a recording
amtneter, and if at any time the current exceeds one~thousaudth part of the
maximum ~upply _current, immediate steps-,shit\1 be taken_ to improve the
insulation of the ,system, - -· ·

(vii) where the middle conductor is earthed by·means of a circuit breaker

with a resistance connected in parallel, the resistance shall not exceed ten
ohms and on the opening of the circuit breaker, immediate steps shall be
[1WT Ill-~ 4] 211

taken to improve the insulation of the system, and the circuit breaker shall
be reclosed as soon as possible.

(viii) the resistance shall be used.only as a protection for the ammeter in

case of earths on the system and until such earths are removed and
immediate steps shall be taken to locate and remove the .earth. ·

(ix) in·the case of an alternating curtent system, there shall not be inserted
in the. connection with earth any impedance, other than that required solely
for the operati011;ofswitchgear or instruments, cUt-oU:t or circuit breaker,
and the result of any test made·to ascertain whether the current, if any,
passing through the connection with earth is normal,· shall be duly recorded
by the supplier, · ·· ·

(x) no person shail make connection with earth by the aid of, nor shall he
• keep it. in contact with, any water mains not belonging to him except with
the consent ofthe ownertheteof and of the Electrical Inspector.

(xi), alternating cutrerit sjstems which are connected with earth as

aforesaid shall be electrically interconnected: ·
. . ,.·-;;;· ,,;,·, .,·,-·, . ·- - .

Provided that eiich. connection with earth is bonded to the metal

sheathing and metallic annouring, if any, of the electric supply lines
,concerned. ·

(xii) the frame of every generator, stationary motor, portable motor, and
the metallic piirts, n6t intended as conductors, of all transformers and any
other apparatus 11sed: for regulating or controlling electricity, and all
electricity consutnirig 'apparatus, of· voltage exceeding 250 V. but not
exceeding 650 V shall'~ earthed by'the owner by. two separate and distinct
connections with earth.
(xiii) neutral point of every generator and transformer shall be earthed by
connecting it to the earthing system by not less than two sepeartt and
distinct connections. · ·
(xiv) all metal casing or metallic coverings containing or protecµng \ny
electric supply line cir apparatus shall be connected with earth and shall be
so joined and conn~$ed acros~ allju~qn)iox:es and other openings as to
make good mechaniClll and electrj._cal c.ciniiection throu$hout their who!~
length: .

l'rcivic/.ed that vonditi!)l)S mentioned in this regulation shall not

apply, where the supply voltage does not exceed 250 V and the apparatus
.. consists of wall tubes or brackets, electroliers, switches, ceiling fans or
· other fittings, other than ,portable hand lamps and portable and
transportable apparatu.i;, unless PWvi\ied with earth terminal and to class-II
apparatus and appliances: · ·

• . Provided further that where the supp1y voltage is not ~xceeding

25.0 V and. ,where the installations are either new or renovated, all plug

sop.kets shall be of the three pin type, and the third pin shall be permanently
and efiiciently·earthed.

(xv) All eartlring systems shaU, -, .

{a) consist of equipotenti~lbonding cimduciors capable of carrying

the ·Prospective e_arth fault current. and a group of pipes, rods and
plate electrodes for dissipating the current tq the general mass of
earth without exceeding the allowable temperature limits ,as per
relevant Indian Standards in order to maintain 'all non,current
· cmying metal works reasonably ·at earth potential and to avoid
dangerous contact potentials being developed on suc)l metal works;

(b) limit earth resistance sufficiently low. to permit adequate .fault

·_current for the operation of protective devices in time and to'reduce
neutral shifting; . . .• i •• . " . ..

. (c) be mechani~ally strong, withstand. co~siori and retain electrical

. continuity during the life of the installation and all earthing systems .
shall be tested to ensure efficient earthing, before the electric supply
lines or apparatus are energised. ·

(xvi) all earthing systems belonging to the supplier shall in addition, be

tested for resistance on dry day during the dry season not less than once
every two years.

· (xvi.i) a record of every earth test made and the result thereofshall be kept
by the supplier for a period of not less than two years after the day of
testing and shall be available to the Electtical_Inspector when required.

Explanation:- The expression •icJass-11 apparatus .and' appliance" shall

have the same meaning as is assigned to it in the releyant Indian Standards.
. . . -- ...
42. Ftarth leakage protective device. - The supply of electricity to every electrical
;installation other than voltage not exceeding ;250 V below 5 kW and those
installations of voltage not exceeding :250 V which do not attract provisions of
section 54 of the Act, shall be controlled by an earth leakage protective device so
as to disconnect the supply instantly on the• occurance. of <'lUth fault or leakage of
current: · ·
Provided that such earth leakage protective device shall not be required for
overhead supply lines having protective devices. wWch, are effectively bonded to
the- neutral
. -
of supply transfonneni and. conforming
. , . . to regulation 73. '
.' . .

['ll'l 111-= 4] ttml <j;1 <1"1'111 : ~ 213 ·

Chapter VI

Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage

exceeding 650 volts ·

43. Approval by Electrical Inspector. - (!) Voltage above· which electrical

installations will be required to be inspected by the Inspector before
commencement of supply or recommencement after shutdown for six months and
above shall be .as per the n9tification to be i_ssued by the Appropriate Government,
under clause (x) of sub-se.ction .{2) ofsection 176, ,and sub-sect.ion (I) of sec.lion
162 of the Act.

(2) Before making an application to the ·Electrical Inspector for permission to

c.ommence or recommenc~. supply ,after an installatiqn -ha~ be.en .disconnected for
six months and above at voltage exceeding 650 V to any person, the supplier shall
ensure that electric supply lines· or apparatus of voltage. exceeding 650 V
belonging to him are placed in position,properlyjoined and duly completed and
examined and the supply of electricity shall not be commenced by the supplier for
.installa.tions of voltage'. needing inspection under these regulations unless the
provisions of regulations 12 to 29, 33 to· 35, 44 to 51 and 55 to 77 have been
complied with and the approval in writing of the 'Electrical Inspector has been
obtained by him:

Provided that the' supplier may energise the aforesaid electric supply Jines
or apparatus for the purpose of tests specified in regulation 46. ·

(3) The owner of any instal.lation of voltage exceeding '650 V shall, before making
• application to the Electrical Inspector for approval ofhis installation or additions
thereto;· test every circuit of voltage exceeding 650 V or additions theJe!o, other
than an overhead line, and satisfy himself that they withstand the applicittion of the
• testing voltage set out in sub-regulation (!) of regulation 46 and shall duly record
. the results of such tests and forward them to th.e Electrical Inspector:

Provided that anitlectrical lnspector may direct such owner to carry out
such tests as he deems neces.sary or accept the ,manufacturer's certified te~.ts in
respect of any particular apparatus in place of the tests required by this regulation

. (4) The owner of any installation of voltage exceeding 650 V who makes any
addition or alteration to his installation shall not'cortnect · to the supply liis
'apparatus or electric supply lines., comprising the said alterations or additions
unless and until such alteration or addition has been _approved in writing by the
Electrical Inspector, ·

44. Use o~electricityat volfage'exceetllng 650 Volts, - (1) TutElectrical Inspector

shall ifo.t authorise the supplier to commence supply cir where the supply has been
· discontinued for a period of six mc;,rtths and above, to recomrnence the supply at
voltage exceeding
. .
to ariy
consumer. unless-
. . . .

(i) alF conductors 'arid apparatus situated on the premises of the

• consumer are so placed as to be inacces.sible except to a designated person

and all operations in connection with the said conductors and apparatus are
carried out l>y a designated person; ·

(ii) ·· the consiimet has provided ~itd agrees to ll1llintaift a·sepatate building
' ♦

or a locked weather proof and'fire proof enclosure· of agreed design and

location, to which the supplier at all times shall have access for the purpose
of housing his apparatus and metering equipment, prwheriicthe· provision
for,a separate building or enclosure is impractical;,le,•,i:1msumer has
segregated the aforesaid apparatus of the supplier from any. o~er part of his
own apparatus: ··

;r Provided that such segregation shall be by the .provision of fire proof

walls, if the Electrical Inspector considers it io be necessary:

' 'Provided further that in the case. of,ari outdoor installation the
·consumer shall suitably segregate thlfafotesilia apparatus,belonging to the
''suj,'plierfromhis own; · · " ·

(iii) all pole type sub-stations are constructed and maintained in •

.. accordance with regulation 50.

, (2)The owner shall observe the following conditions, where'ele~tricity at voltage

exceeding 650 V is supplied, converted, transforme~ or u~e~,- .
• s ·.- ·.-.,_., .. c ·.,,

(i) . he shall maintain safety clearances for· electtlcafapparatus as per

. Bureau.· of Indian Standard specification'. 'so
thaf , sufficient space is
availa.ble for easy operation and maintenance· without· any, hazard to the
operating and maintenance personnel working near' the equipment and for
ensuring adequate ventilation; · · ·· ·

(ii) he shall not allow any encroachment below such installation:

-- ·.... -- •
Provided that where the Electrical Inspector-comes across any such
encroachment, he shall direct the owner to remove such encroachments;

(iii) the minimum safety working clearimce§'speeified ii(-Sched11le~v11 ·

shall be maintained for the bare conductors or live parts of any apparatus in

· exceeding 650V;. . .· · . . >, ... _,. '

outdoor sub-stations excluding overhead lines'of fo.stallatfons of voltage
(iv) he shall ensure that the of_ motors or other apparatus within
,.. reach from any position in which a person may require to be, are suitably
· protected so as to prevent danger; '

{v) '_he shall ensure that where ii tramforniefoi'transforniers are used,

suitable provisio1' shall be made, either ofcorinectin!fwith earth; a point of
· the circuit'at the lower voltage or othetWise?t<fguard• against danger by
reason of the said circuit becoming accidentally charged above its normal
voltage by leakage from or contact with the circuit atthe higher voltage;

., .._.,-
['ll'IIII-~4] '11m <f;J ~ : ~ 2is
(vi) a sub-station or a switching station with apparatus having more than
2000 litres of oil shall not be located in the basement where p1oper oil
draining arrangement cannot be provided;
(vii) where a sub-station or a switching station with apparatus having
more than 2000 litres of oil is installed, whether indoor or outdoors, he
shall take the following measures, namely:-

• (a) the baffle walls .of four hours- fire rating shall be provided
betw1:en the apparatus,-.

(i) .where there is .a single phase transformer banks in the

switch-yards of generating stations and sub-stations;

(ii) on the c011SiuI1er premises;

(iii) where adeqllllte clearance between the units is .not


(b) ptovision~";kn·oe niade forstiitable oil soakpit and where

use of more than 9000 jitres of oil in any one oil tank, receptacle
or chambei'\s involved, prcivisiori shall be made for the draining
away or removal ol' any oil which may leak or escape from the
tank, receptacle or chamber containing the s111I1e, and special
precautions shall be taken to prevent the spread of any fire
resulting from the ignition of the oil from any cause and adequate
provision shall' be made for extinguishing any fire which may
• occur;

(c) spare oil shall not be stored in the vicinity of any oil filled
• equipment in any such stib~station or switching station; .
(d) all the transformers and switchgears shall be maintained in
accordance with the maintenance schedules prepared in
accordance with the relevant codes of practice of Bureau of Indian

(e) dry type of transformers only shall be used for installations

inside the residential arid commercial buildings;

(viii) without prejudice to theabove•measuresthe shall take adequate fire

protection arrangement for quenching the fire in the apparatus;

(ix) he shall.ensure thaf the transformers of 10 MVA and above rating or

in case of oil filled transformers with oil capacity of more than 2000 liters
. are provided with fire fighting system its per IS - 3034: 1993 or with
-Nitrogen Injection Fire Protection syst~m; . ·

(x) where it is necessary to locate the sub-station, or switching station in

the basement, he shall take the following measures, namely:-

(a) the room shaff necessarily be in the first basement at the

periphery of the basement; ·

(b) the entrances to the room shall be provided with fire resisting
doors of 2 hour fire rating and the door shall always be kept
closed and a notice of this effect shall be affixed on outer side of
the door;

(c) a curl? (sill) of a suitable height shall be pr,ovided at the

entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil from a ruptured
transformer into other parts of the basement;

(d) direct access to the transformer room shall be provided from

outside and the surrounding w11lls shaUJ,e lined with fire bricks;

(e) the cables to prynary side and secondary . side shall have
sealing at all floors and wall opening of atleast two hours rating;

( f) fire Retardent Low Smoke (FRLS) cable of two hours rating

shall be used. ··

(xi) he shall ensure that oil filled transformers installed indoors in other
than residential or commercial buildings are placed at the ground floor or
not below the first basement;

(xii) he shall ensure that cable , trenches inside the. sub-stations and
switching stations containing cables are filled with sand, pebbles or similar
non-inflammable materials or completely covered with non-inflammable
slabs; "

(xiii) he shall ensure that unless the conditions are such that · all ihe
conductors and apparatus may be made dead at the same time for the
purpose of cleaning or for other work, the said conductors and apparatus
shall be so arranged that these may be made dead in sections, and that work
on any such section inay be carried on by a designated person without

(xiv) only persons designated under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 3,

shall carry out the work on live lines and apparatus.

(3) All apparatus shall be protected against lightning and apparatus exceeding
220 kV shall also be protected against switching over voltages. ·

· (4) The equipment used for protection and switching shall be adequately co-
ordinated with the protected apparatus to ensure safe' operation and to maintain the
stabilitfof the iriter-cotinected units of the power ~ystem. ·· ·

(5) The minimum clearances specified in Schedule:VIII shall be maintained for

bare conductors or live parts of any apparatus _in outdoor sub-stations, excluding
overhead lines of High Voltage .Direct Current installations. •

.... (~). 'Ibei;~ $hiill ll,Qtlle \appi]lg 9fa1J,Ot,h!}r,n:~ll,slajssicmJi1J,e,[i:9m.the ll,laill,lill,efor
66 kY'md above class of lines. . . . .

45.Inter7loc,ks,an~ pr11tection for;use . ,of · ele!,!tricityA1t,wlt,age·ext:1?eding 650 •

,.. Yotts.~(1t'Oie9wnefslianensµrethefo!lp.yving,namley:-· ··. ,,., .
- . ;_s;._- • ' ..-'.' J ·'. ., • ----•_, ; ' ·,'"·'·'·'. _-.,. '.. • ,.'' -·,·_, ,·' '"' •.

; ;, ,.=-: -,,-.-t ", -,-•:_; (>··_-,._;; __ ;·: ._, ;__;:; ;__; ''J rii}J·, ~ ,:, ;_;(, ·.;;·,_-·,:: r1,·; -
(i) isolators and the ·controlling circuit breakers sha!Fbe inter,locked so
. . that tltts isCll~tClrs.p~IIIIQt,l>e 9perated µn\~ss theCQIT!}spo,!1.4jng'11r,eakeris in .
• ;' PJ''IBR0Si~pn; ,,J . . . ... •. ... . . . .... ; .,; k) ' • C . •

_· .• :/·:'.i_·_.: ~.;<· ~-,,,.;,,_._-·<--··'ij/ :_>:·:•-::,_,·.-_ .-,--,';s;·!·-_. ;,.·r"'. :·-' ;,,;';~ !'._-:;

(ii) •.• isolators arid the CQIT~SJ)pno/Ag,e!!flh,i~ s,\\litc~s, ~PAI! be inter-
locked so that no earthing· switch can lie closed unless and until 'the
cprresppnding,isolator is,in. ope!}, positio1J,; ..
' " '. c • • ; ' ; ._. •· , a> · ,' _·, .• C , ;/ _ •·.' , l • • ,.a , • ,, - • a

. •·• (ijij',Wlier9, two:,Qr ~9tf);Sµpplies, ar~,,nClt}11te#4~d;;i9cheriierated in

paialiel, the iespectiv~. ciw~it ~re11kjit~:.9r:}ink;e,<tc~'\".itq.h;s,i;qittrolling the
supplies shall be inter-locked to prevent possibility of any :inadvertent.
p~11lleling ,or (eedba,ck; •.. .
J .•• ; , • •s• •. ·c•' -•· ;,_ -••-
••·- ,_._c

. {iv}, .w§ two.' or,m9re trallsf,c»:m~is' aie. op~r11tedfu'..'p~r~le(the system .

•.• •·~rt~~t~t;r·tl~i~);t:~~~::;r<~~~1~former·••in

(v) all ~iii:;~ o~drio~s ~111d1i'i~fv~·~~~;~~•i:;'ff;~c;~rts ·~·•installation

~.hall. l>e.j11ter~l0<:,kec!,inJ.uc~ 11. ;-,y11y,,that: \p/li>e, c.a1mot l>~,ope11ed ,unless ·the·
live part{,aie ffi11cle .~e11d ,111!d prqp!;I cij~qjiargill,g ;111cl eart1Ji11gJ>,fJhesecparts
should iie ensured before any person comes in close proximity ofcsuch
.__p~;-,-:. :~,..-::,~~-;
"' '., :;· ':/~-,--.,_; .,·-11·__;:-;q·_~-;;:

. (vi) .. where J~o .·or, ll,lore ,generatQrs , operate.! inc paralleHand"neutral

switching is adopted, inter-lock shall be provided to ensure tha't,generator
breaker cannot be closed uniess one of the neutrals 'is connectetLto 'the
earthing .system. .

(2) The following ptQtec.tion, shaJl,.be.provided,,jn ;all,systems,·and,;circuitsrto

automatically disconnect the supply under abnormal.conditions, namly:-

.......... .(i) •.. ov;er ,curren,t ,prgtecti9n, to disc9nnectcthe supply automatically dUhe
· ratc:;d cµrr~t.qf the eqµipmell,t, cab!e,Qr supply, line• ii.,exceededcfor::a,,time
,w.hich.,thee)lµiPllleµt, cab.le,liµeis;not,'designed·to withstand;··

(ii) earth fault or earth leakage protection to disconnect the supply

.,aut9~tically ;if th1=1 eiii:th ,fault c)lll'ent exceeds 1the• ,limit of ,curtent'' for
,, ,. ketsPingthe CQntaptpotentiahwithin the reasonable values;·
' (iii} gas pressure type and winding and oil to give
alart11, and ,n:ipping ~hall l>e provided on all transformers ,.of rating~ 1000
· .. K.VA aµd.;11bove; . ··
(iv) transformers Qf capacity 10 MVA and :abov.e shall be protected
against incipient faults by differentiarprotection;

3747 Gl/10-,.28

(v) all generators with-rating of 100 KVA and above shall be protected
against earth fault or leakage; ·

(vi) all generators of rating 1000 KV A and above shall be protected

against faults within the generator winding using restricted earth fault
. protection or differential protection or by both;

(vii) high speed bus bar differential protection along with local breaker
back up protection shall be commissioned and shall always be available at
all 132 kY and above voltage sub-stations and switching stations and
· g~rierating stations connected with the grid:

Provided that in respect of existing 132 kV sub-stations and switchin[; •

stations having more than. one incoming feeders, the high speed bus bar
•differential protection along with local breaker back up protection, shall be
•' 'commissioned and shall always be available;

(viii) every generating station and sub-station connected to the grid at 220
kV and above shall be provided with disturbance recording and event
logging facilities and all such equipment shall be provided with time
·synchrortization facility for global common time reference but wherever
numerical relays·. wiih provision of recording fault data are installed,
disturbance recorder and event logger may not be installed;

(ix) distance protection and carrier communication protection shall be

· provided for all lines connecting to400/220 kV substation.

46. Testing, Operation and Maintenance.- (1) Before approval is accorded by the
Electrical Inspector under regulation 43 the manufacturer's test certificates shall, if
required, be produced for all the routine tests as required under the relevant Indian

(2) No new apparatus, cable or supply line of voltage exceeding 650 Volts shall
be commissioned unless such apparatus, cable or supply line are subjected to site
tests as per relevant code of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards.

(3) No apparatus, cable or supply line of voltage exceeding 650 V which has been
, •kept disconnected, for a period of six months or more, from the system for
-, alterations or-repair, shall be connected to the system until such apparatus, cable or
supply line are subjected to the relevant tests as per code of practice of Bureau of
Indian Standards .

. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of this regulation, the Electrical Inspector

may require certain tests -to be carried out before or after charging the

(5) All apparatus, cables and supply lines shall be maintained in healthy
conditions and tests shall be carried out periodically as per the relevant code of
practice of the Bureau oflndian Standards.
(6) Records of all tests, trippings, maintenance works and repairs of all
equipments cables and supply lines shall be duly kept in such a way thatthese
records can be compared with earlier ones .
• (7) It shall be the responsibility 9f the owner of !II\ installations of voltage
exceeding 650 V to maintain and operate the a cqnc\itionfree from
danger and as recommended by the manufacturer or by the relevant codes of
practice of the Bureau oflndian Standards.

(8) Failures of transformers and reactors of 20 MVA or MVAR and higher

capacity shall be reported by the co11sumer and the suppliers of electricity, within
forty eight hours of the occurrence of the failure, to the Central Electricity
Authority and the reasons for failure and measures to be taken to avoid recurrence
of failure shall be sent to the Central Electricity Authority within one month of the
occurrence in the format given in Sc)ledule-IX.

• 47: Precautions to· be taken against excess leakage in case of metal sheathed
electric supply lines.- The following precauti9ns shall be tal\:en in c,a,se of electric
supply lines other t)lan overhead Jines, for use at voltage exceeding 650 V;.
namely:- ·

(i) the c9nductors of the cable except the cable witb t)l~9119plastic
insulation without any metallic screen or ~rtnour shall be enclos~d in metal
sheathing which shall be electrically continuous and connected with earth, and
the conductivity of the metal sheatbing shall be maintained and reasonable
precauti9ns taken where necessary to avoid corrosion of tbe sheathing; ·

(ii) tbe resistance of the earth connection with metallic sheath shal\ be kept
low enough to permit the controlling circuit breaker or cut-out to· 9p\'lrate in
the event of any failure of insulation between the metallic sheafu' and the

Explanation- For the purpos_e-· of this regulation;._

', -

(ii) in the case of thermoplastic insulated and ~heathed cable_s with metaHic
• armour the metallic wire or tape arm9ur, shall be considered as metal

• (b) where an electric- supply line as aforesaid has concentric cables and the
external conductor is insulated from an outer metal sheathing and connected
with earth, the external conductor may be regarded as the metal sheathing for
the purposes of this regulation provided that the foregoing provisions as to
conductivity are complied with.

48. Connection with eartl\ for apparatus exceeding 650V.- (I) A.II11on-current
carrying metal parts associated with an installation of voltage exceeding 650 V'
shall be effectively earthed to a grounding system or mat which shall,- .

(i) limit the touch 'and step potential to tolerable values;


'i(ii}';" ' llmiHhe ~lllld"potential rise to tolerable values,so·as .•to prevent danger ··.
'i\llil,,to1ti:ansfe1fofYpoterttiaHhtough'gr<1und, earth wires,. cabla sheath, fences,·•
, pipe:lines, etc.;.

"(iiiY,' maintam,tJieJ resistance· of, the earth;connection,to, such a .value ,as to•.
mii!ce:,opi,ration'Of,tne'protective··devioe'effective; •·,
~'; . ,, hJ. - c,,/,, S.

(2) ··of star connected·system with,earthedmeutials,or delta;connected,.,

· system1Nithearthedartificialneutral point,-·
- .,.,. <'

,'. (i);.,.~~11~1]1m,i/it ,hre~'ge~rlitor ·ij_d ~f'd#~tsliiil! e~t1d be bi·

,·.!:f>im~png~tto,'1w:.eartlnngsyst(l~~otb.i less·.tbantwoseparate·antrtlistinct·
, 9qllD~#1ms:: . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . · .. .. . .

Provide<Lthat the neutral poi~t cil ieiieriifoi-ukYlle borlnected td'the.

· "· ~ystemthrough ~ impedance to limit the fault current to the earth:
f_;·:,-~-~~":,;1·_,,-; :.,;:;.-_,c·_:;; 1-: :;:,;,·:_. ,;, 'f:i:"-::_,~.,-,--:,l l0 ···}·,_,.'.'.: ·-':i\ .. :·r..·:· :Ll_,_,_:,'.\,. ;,,_; c·•o _•_<1~,'-,.-•,: ·

. .... Pto:yided futthef'.thatHri the-1 case of multi-machine ·systems neutral

·switching'mayhec'resortedto,'fot 1iniiting the·in:jurid!IS effect uf •harmonic
current;circulation:,in,the system;

,,'Xiii'' ''tb.¢.k,eiat(lf 6r transfonrier neuttl!l shalt, re earthed' through 'a·. suitable

;;;{:t~iti1M;:1:;t~§~~!M~tt:nJ!1i;:{!!fJrt~g1•~· e• neutral
.(iii} ih· t~silof lliec'delta'corineiite'd sy'stentihe iieuttal'jiointishalFbe'obtained
._· by the ,inserti()!l:ofa ,gi-ounding tran_sformer .and c.lllTent _liniiting resistance

(l) In case of generating; stations,. sub-stations. and industrial installatioiiS of

wltage. exceeding 33 kV;. the system neutral earthing and protective frame
eartliing may be, if; system. design so
wattarits,' fotegriited into comnioif earthing
gri4;prQYidl:ld the resistance to earth of combined mat does not .cause the
_,;;_,_,_~,,:;;- ['J;·---'_-'.":;:c;;_;_O ,/-0-o'._'_)'(·:sc'.:, !,;,"<~ ;_,_,:_-,·:;.' _•,, -~,'·:c<,-:i.,_:- .•.--,; "/·-
stepc' and
,;; '"'. -

·, n
ti, ex,ceed
,._, - .- ·, __ ··
its pemntssible
__ ._l -·-• .,..
,,\,>_> ·, · ---~- ·
' ---- ,
' . '·
· ··
' ·' · •

(4) Single of.voltage exceeding650 V shall be effectively ~a'rthed.

cs{;1~'t1tJ J;~~ or'~ 'sy~te111 Cmn~risiiig electric 'siipi,ly litieii having ¢dncentric •
cablei.tlie extemiit'conductor
i;L ·· .... :.;;;_-
sllairlle connected
,.,f : . . ,_, ;,;'.
i,·c, .,;- .
witli earth. .-· ·· · "· ·. · . ··
..(6i. Wh~e 'a sl\ppli~t pt6p<ises;to• i:oniii:6f \vith ~tfi:xisting system for use at i:artli.
voltage exceeding 650 V which has not hitherto been s6 connected with· earth; he
·smiR!l,i,re. ~Qt;less ·than f~ep «4Ys notice in ting together with particulars of 'Nii
. th;p~PJ?.S~~llll~ti()!l:wifl.l eart!\',ti>.-jli~tefdgrap!i~autltorifyestablishedtirider'the
1nc1iaii,Te'tegra~lf----· .i\ct.J!!~s11,3oft8J!'sr
'' ''" .. .-,.. : ,, .--
- ':.. ·:'' ,, '
_· , '_-_ .. '' '
, (7) Where the earthing,l¢ad:.~.~,conn,ectio11 are µsc,:d,oµly iI\ connection with
earthing guards erected under overhead lines of voitag,e. exceeding •650 V •where
they cross a. telecommunication line or a railway line, and where such lines are
equipped:. with earthdeakage, the earth resistance slia11 not excead twenty five

-~--- - - - -----=-------==---c=------------ ---- --- ------·-·-======~~=

'ohms and the projecfaiithotities shall obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from '
· Railway Authorities and Power and Telecommunication Cci~ordination'Colfimittee
'l>efoh, ellei:gisa.ticin Of the facilities; ' . . .. .

ts>' :E~ery 'eattiiing system befongiitg to either the SUppHeror tli~ consurtier shall
.be tested for its resistance to earth on a dry day during dry season' not· less than
,.o,nc~ .a yelll" 1111d records of suchtests: shall be. maintained and produced, if so
,,'.-'" -.·
i>efore'the Electiical
-,·;_, -._____ ---_-,_,
__ :- _·, ::
_, --'"
·, "_,
49." Geiietal' condltlcjnS. as to transformation' and· control of •electricity,;; ··(J) Where
. electricity of voltage ·exceeding' 650 V is ~nsformed,' converted, regulated or
otherwise controlled in sub~stations or switching stations includin,g outdoor sub-
. stations' and outdoor switching stations to lie transfornied'of in street boxes
··constructed underground, the'foilowing provisions shall· be'observed, riatriely:-

(i) ·sub-stations,and' switching'statforis sha!F'preferably' be 0 erected above

ground, but where necessarily co!lstfucted'linaergroui:id due provisions for
yentilation and drainage shall be made_ and any space housing switchgear shall
riot be used 'for storage df any materials 'especially inflammable and
,' ~Ombtistible materials or iefuse; ' . . . .•.. ... . .

(ii) outdoor sub-stations except pole type stib•sfuticms and outdoor switching
stations shall, unless the apparatus is completely enclosed in ~. metal covering
. . ' •. i::orinei:ted wlth earth; the said. apparatus' also oeing connected with the system
by armoured cables, be efficiently' protected b)' fencing not less than 1.8
metres in height or other means so. as to prevent access to the electric supply
Hnes arid apparatus therein by an tindesignated person and the fencing of such
. ' area shall be earthed efficiently; . . .. . ·

... •. ' ' (iii)underground 'street ooxes, other 'than Sl\b'stations, which contain
trarisforrriei:s shall not coittain switchesor·other apparatus, . and switches, cut'
outs or other apparatus required 'for 'coriirollirig of otherplirposes shall be
.- •
in '."-cseparate
, '
receptacle •above. ' ground wherever
:,-;•; ;: . •.
practicable .

(2)' Where 'electricity is transformed/ suifa'ble connection' shall be made by

connecting with earth a, point of the system at the lower voltage and also to guard
a'gainst•diingerby reason Of,the said system tiecortJ.iiigaccidentallychatged above
'its hernial •voltage 'by leakage frotn a contact with' the system at' file 1Hgher voltage.
·•·· -a ;" •. ,. . • .· ', ' . ,

50. Pole type sul:1-stations.- Where platform type construction is used fot a pole type
sub-station.and.sufficient space, for a person to stand on thepl~tform is provided, a
slibsfa'ntiiif!hartd rail'shall be bililt'atiiurid the said pfatform and if the hand rail is
of metal, it shalr be connected with faith:

Provi_ded that in the case of pole type sub:station on wooden supports and
.Wobdefi platform the niefa'lharidirail sha1! nofoe coimect~d whh e~rth, .

· 5V Conderisers.0 :Stiifa'bl~ 'arrarigementilhall be fuade' for immediate and automatic or

manual discharge of every static coridenser'ondisconnectiori of supply.

52. Supply to luminous tube sign installations of voltage exceeding 650 Volts but
not exceeding 33 kV,- (1) Any person who proposes to use or who is using
electricity for the purpose of operating a luminous tube sign installation, or who
proposes to transform or is transforming electricity to a voltage exceeding 650 V
but not exceeding 33 kV for any such purpose shall comply with the following
conditions, namely:-.

(i) all live parts of the installation, including all apparatus and live
· conductors in the secondary circuit, but excluding the tubes except in the
neighbourhood of their terminals, shall be inaccessible to undesignated
persons and such parts shall be effectively screened;

(ii) irrespective of the method of obtaining the voltage of the circuit

which feeds the luminous discharge tube sign, no part of any conductor of
such circuit shall be in metalli.c connecti<m, except in respect of its
connection with earth, with any conductor of the supply system or with the
primary winding of the transformer; ·

(iii) all live parts of an exterior installation shall be so disposed as to

protect them against the effects of the weather and such installation shall be
so arranged and separated from the surroundings as to limit, as far as
possible, the spreading of fire;

(iv) the secondary circuit shall be permanently earthed at the transformer

an.d the core of every transformer shall be earthed; ·

(v) where the conductors of the primary circuit are not in metallic
connection with tile supply conductors, one phase of such primary circuit
shall be permanently earthed at the motor generator or convertor, or at the
transformer and an earth leakage circuit breaker of sufficient rating shall be
provided on the side of voltage not exceeding 250 V to detect the leakage
in such luminous tube sign installations; .

(vi) a sub-circuit which forms the primary circuit of a fixed luminous

discharge tube sign installation shall be reserved solely for such purpose;

(vii) a separate· primary final sub-circuit shall be provided .for each

transformer or each group of transformers having an aggregate input not,
exceeding 1,000 volt-amperes, of a fixed luminous discharge tube sign
installation; ·

(viii) an interior installation shall be provided with suitable adjacent means

for disconnecting all phases of the supply except the "neutral" in a 3-phase,
4-wire circuit;·

· (ix) for installations on the exterior of a building !!- suitable emergency

-fire-proof linked switch to operate on ~l phases except"the neutral in a 3-
phase, 4-wire·circuit shall be provided and fixed in a conspicuous position
at not more than I; 70 metres above the ground; ·

(x) a special "caution" notice shall be affixed in a conspicuous place on ·

the .door of every enclosure of voltage· exceeding 650 V but not exceeding
33 kV to the effect that the supply must be cut off before the enclosure is
• opened;

(xi) where static 9ondensers are used, they shall be installed on the load
side of the fuses and the primary side of the transformers where the voltage
does not exceed 250 V; ·

(xii) where• static condensers are used on primary side, provision shall be
made for automatic or manual discharging of the condensers when the
supply is cut off; ·

(xiii) before using the static condensers or any interrupting device. on the
voltage exceeding 650 V, the executing agencies shall test and ensure that
automatic discharging device is functional thereon.

(2) The owner or user of any luminous tube sign or sh;nilar installation of
voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV shall not bring the same into
use without giving to the Electrical Inspector not less than fourteen days notice
in writing of his intention so to do.

53. Supply to electrode boilers of voltage exceeding 650 Volt but not exceeding
33 kV.- (1) Where a system having a point connected with earth is used for
supply of electricity to an electrode boiler of voltage exceeding 650 V which is
also connected with earth, the owner or user of electrode boiler shall comply
with the following conditions, namely:-

(i) the metal work of the electrode boiler shall be efficiently connected
to the metal sheathing and metallic armouring, if any, of the electric supply
line of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV whereby
electricity is suppied to the electrode boiler;

(ii) the ~upply of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 V to the. electrode

·boiler shall be controlled by a suitable circuit-breaker so set as to operate in
• the event of the phase currents becoming unbalanced to the extent of ten
per cent of the rated current consumption of the electrode boiler under
normal conditions of operation:
. - - . . . -
Provided that if in any case a higher setting is essential to ensure stability
of operation of the electrode boiler, the setting may be increased so as not
to exceed fifteen per cent of the rated current consumption of the electrode
boiler under normal conditions of operation;

(iii) an inverse time element device may be used in conjuction with the
aforesaid circuit breaker to prevent the operation thereof unnecessarily on
the occurrence of unbalanced phase currents of momentary or short

(iv) the supplier ot owner shall serve a )lotice in writing on the telegraph-
authority at least seven days prior to the date on which such supply of
) electricity is to be afforded specifying the location of every point, including


the earth connection oLthe electrode boiler, , at wllich the system is

connected with earth,·

(2) The o~er or u~er ~f ~y electrode bgiler '~f voltage eice6ding 650 V shall
not bring the same into use without ,giving the Electrical Inspector ricitless thari
fourteen days notice in writing ofhisi;nti:;ntion soto .do. ,
- .. '" .• ... ,-_,, •,- '. . -_,,_,--- _.;' -\;,· ,,-- _,._ ., ... -, -._-- .;-
54. Supply to X-ray and high frequency installations ..- {I) Ally person, who
proposes to use or who is using electricity for the purpose of operating'an X-ray
· or simila,r high,frequency i,nstailation, other .than. portab\e units or shock-proof
. self ,contained, and stationary,
- ....ut1its
. '.
.. " -
- '.
- .'·
.. ' {
. '' "' ,. ' ' ,. '
· namely:-

, (i} mechanical .barriers sha!L be provided to prevet1t too close an

approach to any parts. ofthe X-ray apparatus of voltage exfoedirig 650 V
but not exceedingJ3 k.V, ex.cept theX~ray tube an.dits leads, llnless such
parts of voltage exceeding 650. V but not. exceeding '33' kV l!ave been
rendered, shock .proof by ,being shi<;lded .· by earthed metal or adequate
insulating material;. · ·· · · ·

(ii) where generators operating at 30Q kV'peakN.inore ;rfµsetsuch

·generators shall be installed in rooms separate from 'those contairilng' the
·, other equipment and. any>step-up •transforn:ie.r employed .shall be so
installed and protected as topreveriLdanger; . ' · · · · ·

. (iii) a s~itable switch' shall be pr()yided to control ti!~ cir~ul~tipilying a

generator, and shall be so ananged.asto be Clperi except while the door of
the room housing the generator is locked from the· ciutsid;; · ·· · · ·· · ··.

(iv) X-rny tubes used in therapy shall be mount~cl fo. ~11earthed metal
.- enclosure;.. . - , ", - . . . '

(v) every X-ray machine shall be provided with a millialll!llelei' or other

suitable measuring.instrument, readily visible from the con)l;ol position and
·• connected, if practicable; inthe earthed lead, but gµarded cCJnhected in 1f
thdead of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 3\kV: · · ·

Provided. that earth leakage circuit of..suffici1mt rating shall

be provided on the side wherein voltage does not exceed 1so'V to.detect
·•. the leakage in such X-ray installations.

. Explanationt° For.the purpose of thi,s r~gul~tion ''shock ~roof'' _as applied

to X-ray and high-frequency equipm;,;nt, shiill m"'()TT il)aL~~ch ~quipment is
guarded with earthed metal so t!iat no person may come into contact with
. _any live part, · ·

(2) (i) in the case of ~onshock proof equipment, ovethkad conductors of

voltage exceeding 6.50 V but not exceeding 33 kV, unlesssuifalily guarded
against personal contact, shall be adequately spaced and high voltage leads
on tilting tables a;nd fluroscopes . sl],aH. be adequate1y insulated or so
· ~unounded by baniers as to prevent jna(jvertet1t co~}act; ·

(ii) the circuit of voltage not exceeding 250 V of the step up transformer
shall contain a manually ·operated control device having overload
protection, in addition to the over current device for circuit protection, and
these devices shall have no exposed live parts and for diagnostic work
there shall be an additional switch in the said circuit, which shall be of one
of the following types:-

(a) a switch with a spring or other mechanism that will open .

automatically except while held close by the operator, or;

(b) a time switch which will open automatically after a definite.

period of time for which it has been set;

(iii) if more than one piece of apparatus be operated from the same
source of voltage exceeding 650 V, each shall be provided with a
switch of voltage exceeding 650 V to give independent control; ·

(iv) low frequency current-canyihg parts of a machine of the quenched-
gap or open gap type shall be so insuliited or guarded that they cannot be
touched during operation but the high frequency circuit-proper which
delivers high-frequency current normally for the therapeutic purposes shall
be exempt·from such insulation;

(v) all X-ray generators having capacitors shall have suitable means for
discharging the ca~acitoni manually;

(vi) except in the case of self-contained units, all 200 kV peak or higher
X-ray generators shall have a sphere gap installed in the system of voltage
exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV adjusted. so that it will break
down on over voltage surges.

(3) (i) all non-current carrying metal parts of tube stands, fluroscopes and
· other apparatus shall be properly earthed and insulating floors, mats or
platforms shall be provided for operators in proximity to parts of voltage
exceedi11g 650V unless such parts have been rendered shock proof;

(ii) where short wave therapy machines are used, the treatment tables and
examining chairs shall be wholly non-metallic.

(4) The owner of any X-ray installation or similar high frequency apparatus
shall not bring the same into use without giving to the Electrical Inspector not
less than fourteen days notice in ,vriting of his intention to do so:

Provided that the aforesaid notice shall not be necessary in the case of
shock-proof portable. X-ray and high-frequency equipment w½tic_!i have been
inspected bdore the commencement of their use and periodically thereafter.

3747 Gl/10-29

Chapter VII

Saf!!ty requirements for overhead lines, underground cables and

generating stations

55. Material and strength.- (1) All conductors of overhead lines other than those
specified in regulation 68 shall have a breaking strength ofnotless than 35Q kg.

(2) Where the voltage_ does not exceed 250 V and the span is of less than fifteen
metre~ and is drawn through the owner's or consumer's premises, a conductor
having an actual breaking strength of not less than 15.0 kg may be used.

56. Joints.- (I) No conductor of an overhead line shall have more than one joint in a
span and joints between conductors of ovemead lines shall be mechanically and
electrically secure under the conditions of operation.

(2) The ultimate strength and the electrical conductivity of the joint shall be as per
relevant Indian Standards.

57, Maximum stresses and factors of safety.- (I) The load and permissible stresses
on the structural members, cohductors and ground wire of self supporting steel
lattice towers for overhead transmission lines shall be in accordance. with the
specifications laid down, from time to time, by the Bureau oflndian Standards.

(2) Overhead lines not covered in sub-regulation (I) shall have the following
mbimum factors of safety, namely:-
(i) for metal supports 1.5
(ii) for mecha11ically processed concrete supports 2.0
(iii) for hand-moulded concrete supports 2.5
(iv) for wood supports 3.0

(3) The minimum factors of safety shall be based on such load as may cause
failure of the. support to perform its function, assuming thatthe foundation' and
other components of the structure are intact.

(4) The load shall be equivalent to the yield point stress or the modulus of
rupture, as the case may be, for supports subject to bending and vertical loads and
the crippling load for supports used as strut.

(5) The strength of the supports of the overhead lines in the direction of the line
shall not be less than one-fourth of the strength required in the direction transverse
to the line.

(6) The minimum factor of safety for stay-wires, guard-wires or bearer-wires

shall be 2.5 based on the ultimate tensile strength of the wire.

(7) The minimum factor of safety for cnndvctors shall be two, based on their
ultimate tensile strength, in addition, the conductor's tension at 32° C, without
external load, shall not exceed the following percentages of the ultimate tensile
strength of the conductor:-
[ 'll'T I I I - - 4l 'J27

(i) Initial unloaded tension 35 per cent

(ii) Final unloaded tension .25 per cent

Provided that for the conductors having a cross section of a generally

triangular shape, such as conductors composed of 3-wires, the final unloaded
tension at 32° C shall not exceed thirty per cent of the ultimate tensile strength of
such conductor.

(8) For the purpose of calci,lating the factors of safety in sub-regulation (2), the
following conditions shall be observed, namely:-

(i) the maximum wind pressure shall be as specified in the relevant Indian

• (ii) for cylindrical .1, die, the effective area shall be taken as full projected .
area exposed to wind pressure; and

(iii) the maximum and minimum temperarures shall be such as specified in

the relevant Indian Sta.11dards.

' (9) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulation (2) to (8) in localities

where overhead lines are liable to accumulations of ic,e or snow, the load and
permissible stresses on the structural members, conductors and ground wire of self
supporting steel ·lattice towers . for overhead transmission lines shall be in
accordance with the specifications laid down, from time to time, by the Bureau of
Indian Standards or as specified by Appropriate Government, by order in writing.

58. Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of overhead lines.- (1) No
conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected across a street shall
at any part thereof be at a height of less than-
(i) ' for lines of voltage not exceeding 650 Volts - 5.8 metres
(ii) for lines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts but
not ex~eeding 33 kV· · 6.1 metres

(2) NQ conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected along any
street shall at any part thereof be at a height less than-
(i) for lines of voltage not exceeding 650 Volts - 5.5 metres
• (ii) forlines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts but
not exceeding 3 3 kV 5. 8 metres

(3) No conductor of an overhead line including service lines, erected elsewhere

than along or across any street shall be at a height Jess than -
(i) for lines of voltage upto and including 4.6 metres
11,000 Volts,ifbare
(ii) for lines of voltage upto and including 4.0 metres
11,000 Volts, if insulated
(iii) for lines of voltage exceeding 11,000 Volts - 5.2 metres
but not exceeding 33 ~V

(4) For lines of voltage exceeding 33 kV the clearance above ground shall not be
less than 5.2 metres plus 0.3 metre for every 33,000 Volts or part thereof by which
the voltage ofL'l.e line exceeds 33,000 Volts;

Provided that the minimum clearance along or across any street shall not
be less than 6.1 metres.

(5) For High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines, the clearance ab9ve ground
shall not be less than:-

Sl.No. DC Voltage(kV) Ground Clearance (mtrs.)

1. lOOkV 6.1 .
2. 200kV 7.3
3. 300kV 8.5
4. 400kV 9.4
5. 500kV 10.6
6. 600kV 11.8
7. 800kV 13.9

(6) Ground clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

59. Clearance between conductors and trolley :wires.- (1) No conductor of an

overhead line crossing a tramway or trolley bus route using trolley wires shall
have less than the following clearances above any trolley wire-
(i) lines of voltage not exceeding 650 Volts 1.2 metres

Provided that where an insulated conductor suspended from a bearer

wire crosses over .a trolley wire the minimum clearance for such insulated
conductor shall be 0.6 metre.

(ii) lines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts LR metres

up to and including 11,000 Volts

(iii) lines of voltage exceeding 11,000 Volts 2.5 metres

but not exceeding33,000 Volts
(ivJ lines of voltage exceeding 33 kV 3.0 metres

(2) In any case of a crossing specified in ~ub-regulation (1), whoever lays his line
later in time, shall provide the clearance between his own line and the line wbich
will be crossed in accordance with the provisions of the said sub-regulation:

Provided that if the later entrant is the owner of the lower line and is not
able to provide adequate clearance, he shall bear the cost for modification of the
upper line so as to comply with this sub-regulation .

.L,_ --
['11'1-III-~ 4] 229

60. Clearance from buildings of lines of voltage and service lines not exceeding
650 Volts.- (1) An overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as
possible and no building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.

(2) Where an overhead line of voltage not exceeding 650 V passes above or
adjacent to or terminates on any building, the following minimum clearances
from any accessible point, on the basis of maximum sag, shall be observed,

(i) for any flat roof, open balcony, varandah roof and lean-to-roof-

(a) when the line passes above the building a vertical clearance of 2.5
metres from the highest point, and

(b) when the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance
of 1.2 metres from the nearest point, and ·

(ii) for pitched roof-

(a) when the line passes above the .building a vertical clearance of 2.5
metres immediately under the line, and

(b) when the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal clearance
of 1.2 metres.

(3) Any conductor so situated as to have a clearance less than that specified above
shall be adequately insulated and shall be attached at suitable intervals to a bare
earthed bearer wire having a breaking strength of not less than 3 50 kg.

(4) The horizontal clearance shall be measured ·when the line is at a maximum
deflection from the vertical due to wind pressure.

(5) Vertical and horizontal clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

Explanation:- For the purpose ofthis regulation, the expression "building" shall be
deemed to include any structure, whether permanent or temporary.

61. Clearances from buildings of lines of .voltage exceeding 650 V.- (1) An
overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as possible and no
building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.

(2) Where an ove_rhead line of voltage_ exceeding 650 V passes above or adjacent
to any building or part of a building
. . it shall have on the basis of maximum sag a

vertical clearance above the highest part of the building immediately under such
line; of not less than-

(i) for lines of voltages exceeding 650 Volts - 3.7 metres

upto·and including 33,000 Volts
(ii)for lines of voltages exceeding 33 kV - 3.7 metres plus 0.30 metre
for every additional 33,000
Volts or part thereof.

(3) The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such
building shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not
less than-

(i) for lines of voltages exceeding 650 V 1.2 metres

upto and.including 11,000 Volts
(ii) for lines of voltages exceeding 11,000 V - 2.0 metres
and up to and including 33,000 V
(iii) for lines of voltages exceeding 33 kV - 2.0 metres plus 0.3
metre fore every
additional 33kV
or part thereof.

(4) For High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems, vertical clearance and ·
horizontal clearance, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, ·
from buildings shall be maintained as below:

SI.No DC Voltage (kV) Vertical Clearance Horizontal

(mtrs.) Clearance (mtrs.)
I. JOO kV 4.6 2.9
2. 200kV 5.8 4.1
3. 300kV 7.0 5.3
4. 400kV 7.9 6.2
5.. 500kV 9.1 7.4
6. 600kV 10.3 8.6
7. 800kV 12.4 10.7

(5) Vertical and horizontal clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

Explanation:- For the purpose of this regulation the expresssion "building" shall
be deemed to include any structure, whether permanent or temporary.

62. Conductors at different voltages on same supports.- Where conductors forming

parts of systems at different voltages are erected on the same supports, the owner
shall make adequate provision to guard against danger to linemen and others, from
the lower voltage system being charged above its normal working voltage, by
leakage from or contact with the higher voltage system and the methods of
construction and the applicable minimum clearances between the conductors of
the two systems shall be as specified in regulation 69 for lines crossing each
['ll'T I I I - - 4] 231

63. Erection or alteration of buildings, structures, flood banks and elevation of

roads.- (l) Ifat any time subsequent to the erection of an overhead line, whether
covered with insulating material or not, any person proposes to erect -a new
,building or structure or flood bank or to raise any road level or to carry out any
other type -of work whether permanent or temporary -or to make in or upon any
building, or structure or flood bank or road, any permanent or temporary addition
or alteration, he and the contractor whom he employs to carry out the erection,
addition c0r alteration, shall,-give intimation in writing of his intention to do so, to
the supplier or owner and to the Electrical Inspector and shall furnish therewith a
scale drawing sh~wing the proposed building, structure, flood bank, road or any
addition .Or alteration and scaffolding thereof required during the construction,

(2) On teceipt of such intimation, the supplier or owner shall examine,-

(i) whether the line under reference was laid in acordance 'with the
provisions of these regulations and any other Jaw;

(ii) whether it is technically fMsible;

(iii) whether it meets the requirement of Right of Way (ROW);

(iv) whether such person was liable to pay the cost of alteration of the
overhead line and if so, send a notice without undue delay, to such person
together with an estimate of the cost of the expenditure likely to be
incUITed to so alter the overhead line and require him to deposit, within
thirty days cf the receipt of the notice, with the supplier or owner, the
amount of tlw estimated cost.

(3) If such person di,;putes the cost of alteration of the overhead line estimated by
the supplier or owner or even the responsibility to pay such cost, the dispute may
be referred to the Electrical Inspector whose decision thereof sh!!ll be final,

(4) The Electrical Inspector shall estimate the cost of alteration of overhead line
on the f9ilowing basis, namely:•
• (i) the CQSt of material used OH the alteration after crediting the
depreciated· cost of the material which shall be available from the existing ,
line; _,

1 (ii) the wages of Jabour employed in affectin6 the alteration;

(iii) supervision charges to the extent of fifteen per cent of the wages
mentioned in sub clause (ii); and charges incurred by the supplier or
owner in complying with the provisions of section 67 of the Act, in respect
"9f such alterations, -

(5) Any addition or alteration to the building or structure shall be allowed only
after the deposite of such estimated cost to the supplier or owner,

(6). No work upon such .building, structure, flood bank, road and addition or
alteration thereto shall be commenced or continued until the Electrical Inspector

has certified that the provisions of regulation 58, 60 and 61 should not be
contravened either during or after the aforesaid construction:

Provided. that the Electrical Inspector may, if he is satisfied that the

overhead line has been so guarded as to secure the protection of persons or
property from injury, certify that the work may be executed prior to the· alteration
of the overhead line or in the case of temporary addition ,or alteration, without
alteration of the overhead line.

(7) The supplier or owner shall, oh receipt of such deposit, alter the overhead line
in such a way that it does not contravene the provisions regulation 58, 60 and 61
either during or after such construction within two months from the date of such
deposit or within such longer period as the Electrical Inspector may allow.

64. Transporting and storing of material near overhead lines.- (1) No rods, pipes
or similar materials shall be taken beiow, or in the vicinity of, any bare overhead
cop.ductors or lines if these contravene the provisions of regulations 60 and 61
unless such materials·· are transported under the direct supervision of a person
· designateci in this behalf by the owner of such overhead conductors or lines.

(2) No rods, pipes or other similar materials shall be brought withln the flash over
distance of bare live conductors or lines. ·

(3) No material or earth work o.rJigricultural produce shall be dumped or stored,

no trees grown below or in the· vicinity of, bare overhead conductors, or lines to
contravene the provision of regulations 60 and 61.

(4) No flammable material shall be stored under the electric supply line.

(5) No fire shall be allowed above underground cables.

(6) Firing of any material below electric lines shall be prohibited.

65. General clearances.- (I) For the purpose of. computing the vertical clearance of
an overhead line,. the maximum sag of any conductor shall be calculated on the
basis of the maximum sag in still air and the maximum· temperature as specified
under regulations· 57 and computing any horizontal clearance of an overhead line
the maximum deflection of any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the
wind pressure specified under regulations 57.

(2) No blasting for any purpose shall be done within 300 metres from the
boundary of a sub-station or .from the electric supply lines of voltage exceeding
650 V or tower structure thereof without the written permission of the owner of
such sub-station or electric supply lines or tower structures and in case of mining
lease hold area, without the written permission of the tnspector of Mines.

(3) No cutting of soil within ten meters _from the tower structure of 132 kV and
above voltage lev~shall be permitted without the written permission of the owner
of tower structure.
["ll'IIIl-~4] 'llUI <lil ,:r,srtr,I : .amT'lRUT 233

(4) No person shall construct brick kiln or other polluting units near the
installations or transmission lines of 220 kV and above within a distance of 500
metres .

.6.6, Routes proximity to aerodromes.- Overhead lines shall not be erected in the
vicinity of aerodromes unless the Airport Authorities have approved in vniting the .-
route of the proposed lines as-per relevant Indian Standards. ·

67. Maximum interval between supports.- All conductors shall be .attached to.
supports at intervals not exceeding the safe limits based on the ultimate. tensile ·
strength of the conductor and the factor of safety specified under regulations 57. =

Provided that in the case of overhead lines carrying conductors of voltage

• not exceeding 650 V when erected in, over, along or across any street, the interval .
shall not, without the consent in· writing of the Electrical Inspector, exceed 65
metres. · ·

' --- ---68; Conditions to apply· where te_!ecommunication lines and power lines are.
carried on same supports.- (1) Every overhead telecommunication line erected
• on supports carrying a power line shall consist of conductors each having a
b1caking strength of not less than 270 kg. ·

· (2) Every telephone used on a telecommunication line e_rected on supports .

carrying a power line shall be suitably guarded against lightning and shall be
protected by cut-outs. . . .

(3) Where a telecommunication lirie is erected on supports carrying a power line

of voltage exceeding 650 V, arrangement shall be made to safeguard ·any person
against injury resulting from contact, leakage or induction· between such po;,.,er
and telecommunication lines. ·

69. Lines crossing or approaching each other and lines crossing. street and ·road.-
Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to any telecommunication line,
the owner of either the overhead lirie or the telecommunication line, whoever. lays
his line later, shall arrange to provide for protective devices or _guarding .·
. arrangement and shall observe the following provisions, ·namely:-

(i) when it is intended to erect a telecommunication line or an overhead
line which will cross· or be in proximity to an overhead line or a·
• telecommunication line, as the case may be, the person proposing to erect
such line shall give one month's notice ofhis· int<:ntion so to do alorig with
· the relevant details of protection and drawings to the owner of the existing

"(ii) guarding shall be provided where lines of voltage not exceeding 33

kV cross a road or street;

(iii) where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to another overhead

line, guarding arrangements shaH be provided so to guard against the .
possibility of their coming into contact with each other;

3747 Gl/10-30

(iv) where an overhead line crosses another overhead line, clearances

shall be as under:-

(Minimum clearances in metres between lines crossing each other)

SI. Nominal ll-66kV 110-132 220kV 400kV 800kV
No System kV
I. - Low and 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
2. 11-66 ky' 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
3. 110-132kV 3.05 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
4. 220kV 4.58 4.58 4.58 5.49 7.94
5. 400kV 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 7.94
6: 800kV 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94

Provided that no guardings are required when line of voltage

_exceeding 33 kV crosses over another line of250 V and above voltage or a
road or a. tram subject to the condition that adequate clearances are
provided between the lowest conductor of the line of voltage exceeding 23
kV and the top most conductor of the overhead line crossing underneath
the line of voltage exceeding 33 kV and the clearances as stipulated in
regulation 58 from the topmost surface of the road maintained;

(v) where an overhead .direct current (DC) line crosses another overhead
line, clearances shall be as under:-

(Minimum clearances in metres between AC and DC lines crossingfach


SI. Sysytem 100 kV 200kV 300 kV.· 400kV S00kV 600kV

Voltage DC DC -DC DC DC DC
I. Low and 3.Q5 4.71 5.32 6.04. 6.79 7.54
Medium AC •
2. I 1-66 kV 3.05 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
3. 110-132 kV 3.05 · 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
4_ 220 kV AC 4.58 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54


5.. 200 kV DC 4.71 4.71 . 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54 '

[ 'l1'1 IIT-11!U6 4 J 235

6. 300kV AC 5.32 5.32 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54

7. 400kV AC 5.49 5.49 5.49 6.04 · 6.79 1.54

• 8. 400kVDC~ 6.04 6.04 .

6.04 6.04 6.79 7.54

9. 500kVDC 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 7.54

10. 600kVDC 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54


11. 800kVDC 7.94 T 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94

• (vi) a person erecting or proposing to erect a line which may cross or be in

proximity with an existing line, shall provide arrange:ments on his own line
or require the owner of the other overhead line to provide guarding
arrangements as referred to in clause (iii) and (iv);

(vii) in all cases referred to in this regulation the expenses of providing the
guarding arrangements or protective devices shall b~ borne by the person
whose line was last erected;

(viii) where two lines cross, the crossing shall be made as nearly .at right
angles as the nature of the· case admits and as near the support of the line as
practicable, and the support of the lower line shall not be erected .below the
upper line;

(ix) the guarding arrangements· shall ordinarily be carried .out by the owner
of the supports on which it is made and he shall be responsible for its
efficient maintenace.

70. Guarding.- ( 1) Where guarding is required under these regulations the following
shall be observed , namely: 0 •

(i) every guard-wire shall be connected with earth at each point at

which its electrical contimiity is broken;

(ii) ·every guard-wire shall have an actual breaking strength of not less ·
than 635 kg and if made of iron or steel, shall be galvanised;

(iii) every guard-Wire or cross-connected systems of guard-wires shall

have sufficient current-carrying capacity to ensure them rendering dead,
' without risk of fusing of the guard-wirn or wires, till tt,e contact of any live
wire has b.een removed. \

(2) In the case of a line crossing over a trol~ire the guarding shall be
.. subjected to the following conditions, namely:-.

(i) where there is only one trolley-wire, two guard~ires shall be erected
as in DJAGRAM-A; . .

(ii) where there are two trolley ~wires and the distance between them
does not exceed 40 ems, two guard-wires shall be erected as in

(iii) where there are two .trolley wires and the distance between them
exceeds 40 ems but does not exceed 1.2 metres, three guard-wires shall be
erected as in DJAGRAM-C;

(iv) where there are two trolley-wires and the distance between them
exceeds 1.2 metres, e.ich trolley-wire shall be separately guarded as in

(v) the rise of trolley boom shall be. so limited that when the trolley
leaves the trolley-wire, it shall not foul the guard-wires; and

(vi) where a telegraph-line is liable to'fall or be blown down upon an

arm, stay-wire or·span-wire and so slide-down upon a trolley-wire, guard
hooks shall be provided to prevent such sliding.

20Cms 20Cms

MIN 60Cms

['WT m-= 4J 237


0 t t 0 0 t 0 t 0
60Cms 60Cms 60Cms 60Cms

20Cms 20Cms 20Cms 20

- - 0 + - Upto--+O - - +-0 Over-- o-
40Cms 40 Cms and ilpto I 20cms

20Cms 20 Cms 20Cms 20Cms
04 •O 0111 •O
60Is 60Is

0 0
OVER 120cms.

71. Service lines from overhead lines.- No service-line of tapping shall be taken off
anoverhead line except at a point of support:

Provided that the number oftappings per conductor shall not be more than
four in case of connections at voltage not exceeding 650 V.

72. Earthing.- (I) All m!ltal supports and all reinforced and prestressed cement
concrete supports of o~erhead lines and metallic fittings attached thereto, shall be
either. permanently and efficiently. earthed by providing a continuous earth wire
and securely fastening to each pole and connecting with earth ordinarily at three
points in every km. with the spacing between the points being as neatly equidistant
as possible or each support and the metallic fitting attached thereto shall be
efficiently earthed.

(2) Metallic. bearer wire used for supporting •insulated wire of overhead service
lines of voltage notexceeding 650 V shall be efficiently earthed or insulated.

(3) Each stay-wire shall be similarly earthed unless insulator has been placed· in it
at a height not less than 3.0 metres from the grourid.

73. Safety and protective devices.- (I) Every overhead line which is not being
suspended from a dead bearer wire, not being covered with insulating material and
not being a trolley-wire, · is erected over any part of a street or other public place

or in any factory or mine or on any consumer's premises shall be protected with

earth gaurding for rendering the line electrically harmless in case it breaks.

(2) An Electrical Inspector ma'y, by notice in writing, require the owner of any
such overhead· line, wherever it may be erected, to protect it in the manner
specified in sub-regulation(]).

(3) The owner of every overhead line of voltage exceeding 650 V shall make
adequate arrangements as per relevant Indian Standards to prevent undesignated
persons from ascending any of the supports of such overhead lines which can be
easily climbed upon without the help of a ladder or special appliances:

Explanation.- For the purpose of this relgulation, rails, reinforced cement concrete
poles and pre-stressed cement concrete poles without steps, tubular poles, wooden
supports without steps, I-sections and channels' shall be deemed as supports which
cannot be easily climbed upon.

74. Protection against lightning.- ( 1) The owner of every overhead line, sub-station
or generating station which is exposed to lightning shall adopt efficient means for
diverting to earth any electrical surges due to lightning y.,hich may result into

(2) The earthing lead for any lightning arrestor shall not pass through any iron or
steel pipe, but shall be taken as directly as possible from the lightning arrestor
·without touching any metal part to a separate-vertical ground electrode or junction
of the earth mat already provided for the sub-station of voltage exceeding 650 V
subject to the avoidance of bends wherever practicable. · ·

75. Unused overhead lines.- Where an overhead line ceases to be used as an electric
supply line:

( i) the owner shall maintain it in a safe mechanical condition m

accordance with regulation 57 or remove it

(ii) the Electrical Inspector shall, by a notice in writing served on the

owner, require him to maintain it in a safe mechanical condition or to
remove it within thirty days of the receipt of the notice.

76. Laying of cables.- (I) No underground power cable of voltage exceeding 33 kV

shall be. laid without a minimum underground depth of 1.2 meters.

(2) No underground telecommunication cable shall be laid without a minimum

separation distance of 0.6 meters to the underground power cable of voltage
exceeding 33 kV.

77. Protection against electromagnetic interference.- The owner of every overhead

power line ofyoltage level 11 kV or higher shall submit proposal for obtaining
Power Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee clearance to ensure safety of
the personnel and telecom equipment.

Chapter VIII

Safety requirements for-Electric Traction

78. Application of chapter.- (1) The regulations in this chapter shall apply only
where electricity is used for the purposes of traction:
• )'rovided that nothing in this chapter shall apply to electricity used for
the public carriage of passe_ngers, animals or goods on, or for- the lighting or
ventilation of the rolling stock of any railway or tramway subject to the provisions
of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989). · ·

(2) In this chapter the conductor used for transmitting electricity to a vehicle is
referred to as the "line" and the other conductor as the "retuf[l".

(3) The owner of the line, return, rails or trolley wire, as the case may be, shall be
responsible for the observance ofregulations 79 to 92.

(4) Before an application is made by the owner of an installation of voltage

exceeding 650 V to the Electrical Inspector for permission to commence or
recommence supply after such installation has been disconnected for six months
and above, the supplier shall ensure that the_electric supply lines or apparatus at
voltage exceeding 650 V belonging to him are placed in position, properly
connected and duly completed.

(5) The supply of electricity shall not be Dommenced by the supplier unless and
until the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the provisions of regulations 44 to 50
and regulation 79 to 92 havl been cotnpli1'd with and the approval in writing of
the Electrical Inspector has been obtained by him.

79. Voltage of supply to vehicle.- No person shaBsupply electricity to any troiley

wire or other conductor at voltage exceeding 650 V used in direct electrical and
mechanical connection with any vehicle, except with the writien approval of the
Central Government or the -State Government, as the case may be, and subject to ·
such conditions as the State Government may think reasonable to impose.
80. Insulation of Jines.- Every line shall be ;'1sulated throughout and a line may
consist of either bare conductors supported c,~ structures through insulators or
insulated cable.

81. Insulation of returns.- (I) Where any rails on which cars run, or any conductors
laid between or within 0.9 metre of such rails, form any part of a return, such part
may be un-insulateu and all other returns or parts of a return, shall be
insulated, unless they are of such conductivity as to secure the conditions required
b)' sub-regulations (2) and (3 ) ofregulation 82.

(2) Where any part of a return is un-insulated, it shall be connected with the
negative or neutral of the system.

82. Prol!imi~ t-O"-nteta'ltic-pi~s.- (I) Whei't-lMfWn-iniiul'ated return is in proximity to

any metallic pipe, structure or substanc_~ not belonging to the owner of the return,

the owner of un-insulated return· shall, if so required by the owner of sucH pipe,
structure or substance, connect his return therewith at his own exJl!'ll§_e,

(2) _Where the return is partly or entirely un-insulated, the owner shall, in the
construction and maintenance of his system, adopt ,such means for reducing the .
difference produced by the current between the potential of the un-insulated. return
at any one point and the potential of the un-insulated return at any other point as to
ensure that the difference of potential between the un-insulated return and any
metallic pipe, structure or substance in the vicinity shall ndt exceed four volts
where the return is relatively positive, or one and one-third volts where the return
is relatively negative.

(3) The owner of any such pipe, structure- or substance in respect of it require the
owner of the un-insulated return at reasonable times and interyals to ascertain by
test in his presence or in the presence of his representative, whether the condition
specified in sub-regulation (2) is fulfilled, and, if such condition is. found to be
fulfilled, all reasonable expenses of, and incidental to, carrying out of the test shaB
be borne by the owner of the pipe, structure or substance.

(4) The potential ofun-insulated return w1threspect to earth at any point shall not
exceed fifty volt under normal conditions.

(5) The petroleum sidings installation earth shall be. connected to the uncinsulated
return to make· it equi-potential and pipelines in the vicinity of the track should be
properly earthed. ·

83. Difference of potential on return.- Where the return is partly or entirely un-
insulated, the owner shall keep a continuous record of the difference of potential,
during the w()rking of his sy~tem, between every junction of an insulated return
with an mi-insulated
att ;- . . return and. the point
. on the. route most distant
•- from
' - that
junction, and the difference.. ,oC potential shall not, under normal runnihg
conditions; exceed a mean value of seven vo~ts between the highest momentary
peak and the average for the ho11r of ma){imum load. -

84. Leakage on conduit system.- Where· both the line and the return are placed
within a conduit, the following conditions shall be fulfilled in the construction and
maintenance of the system, namely:-

(i) where the rails are used to form any part of the return, they shall be
electrically connected at distances not exceeding 30 me~s apart;-wit!l the
conduit by means. of copper, strips having a ci:ol!s-sectional area of atleast
0.40 sq. cm. or by other means of equal,conductivity and. where the return·
is wholly insulated and contained· within the conduit, the latter shall be
connected with darth at the gdner~ting station or ~lib-station through an
. instrument suitable for the indication of.any contact.oqiartiaLcontact of
either the iine or the return with .the conduit; and ·

(ii) the leakag~-c~rrent sliaill ,be as~ertained daily, before or after the
hours. of running, when· the line is fully charged and if at any time it is
founq to. exceed 0,6-;:4Jllp~c,l,per, lqn,;;iif,,1ingle,- tramw.ay.!ltrack-j the
. .
'.·\f-'--~:·x{ .t:.f: ·,Jr,r·': 1{;p ,r- '_i-y1-~·nrr_j_.; .,- -- ,,;\., (fiD
['IT'T I I I - ~ 4] 241

transmission and use of electricity shall be suspended unless the leakage is

stopped within twenty four hours.

85. Leakage on system other than conduit system.- Where both the line and the
return are not placed within a conduit, the leakage current shall be ascertained
daily before or after the hours of running, when the line is fully charged and if at
_any time it is found to· exceed 0.3 ampere per km. of single tramway track, the
• transmission and use of electricity shall be suspended unless the leakage is stopped
within twenty four hours.

86. Pas~engers not to have access to electric circuit.- Precautions to-the satisfaction
of an Electrical Inspector shall be taken by the owner of every vehicle to prevent,- -

• (i) the access of passengers to any portion of the electric circuit where
there is danger from elec_tric shock;

(ii) any metal, hand-rail or other metallic substance liable to be handled

by passengers, becoming charged. ·

87. Isolation of sections.- Every trolley wire shall be constructed in sections not
-exceeding l.6 km. in length, and means shall be provided for isolating each
section. -

88. Minimum size and strength of trolley wire.- No trolley-wire shall be of less
cross-sectional area than 0.5 sq. cm. of shall have an actual breaking load of less·
than 2000 kg. · ·

89. Height of trolley wire and length of span.- A trolley wire or a traction feeder on
the same supports as a trolley wire shall, at no place be, at a height from the
surface of the street of less than 5.2 metres except, where it passes under a bridge
or other fixed structure, or through or along a tunnel or mineshaft or the like in
which case it shall be suspended to the satisfaction of an Electrical Inspector.

90. Earthing of guard wires.- Every guard wire shall be connected with earth at
each point at which its electrical continuity is broken and _shall also be connected
with the rails at intervals of not more than five spans.

91. Proximity to magnetic observatories and laboratories.- Traction works shall

not be carried out in the vicinity of geomagnetic_ observatories and laboratories
• without the concurrence of the Central Government or of any officer authorised by
it in this behalf.

92. Records.-(]) The ownershall keep the following records, namely : -

(i) daily records showing -

(a) the maximum working current from the source of supply;

(b). the maJ<imum working voltage at the source of supply;

· •(c) the·difference of potential, as required under regulation 83; and

3747 Gl/10-31

(d) the leakage current, if any, as required under regulation 84 and


(ii) occasional records showing-

(a) every test made under sub-regulation (2) and (3) ofregulation 82

(b) every stoppage of leakage, together with the time occupied; and
(c) particulars of any abnormal occurre11ce affecting the electrical
working of the system.

(2) The records so kept under sub-regulation (I) shall be open to examination by
Electrical Inspector.

Chapter IX

Safety requirements ·for mines and oil fields

93. Application of chapter. The regulation in this chapter shall- apply only where

electricity is mines as defined in the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952) andoil


94. P.esponsibility for observance.- (I) It shall be the duty of every person in charge
of and responsible to the mine including the owner, agent, manager and Engineer
of mine and oil field to comply with and enforce the regulations in this chapter
and it shall be the duty of all persoiiS employed to conduct their work in
accordance with these regulations.

(2) _In every mine. or oil-field while_ ~lectricity _is being us_ed such number of
designated supervisors and electnc1~ns shall be on .duty as the owner may
decide. ·

Explanation -For the purposes of this regulation, the word "Engineer" shall

(i) in the case of a coal mine, have the same meaning as assigned to it
in the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957;

(ii) in the case .of a metalliferous mine, have the same meaning as
assigned to it in the Metalliferous Mines Regulations,_1961; and

(iii) in the case of an oil mine, rnean the 'Installation Manager' under
the Oil Mines Regulations, 1984.

95. Notices.- (1) On or before the first day of February in every year, in respect of
every mine or oil-field, returns giving the size and type of apparatus, together with
such particulars in regard to circumstances of its use which may be required by the
Inspector, shall be sent to the inspector of mines by the persons specified in

regulation 94 in the form set out in Schedule-XI or Schedule-XII whichever is


(2) The persons specified in regulation 94, shall also give to the inspector of
mines not less than seven days notice iti writing of the intention to bring into use ·
any new installation in a mine or oil-field"'giving details of apparatus installed and
its location: ·

Provided that in case of any additions or alterations to an existing installation

of voltage not exceeding 650 V, immediate notice in writing sha)I be sent to the
inspector of mines before such add,tions orlalterations are brought into use.

• Provided further that this regulation shall not apply to telecom1)1unication or·
signaling apparatus.

96. Plans.- (I) A correct. plan, on the same scale as the plan kept at the mine in
fulfillment of the requirements of the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), shall be
available in the office at the. mine showing the position of all fixed apparatus and
conductors therein, other than lights, telecommunication or signaling apparatus, or
' cables for the same.

(2) A sim_ilar plan on the scale not less than 25 cm. to a km. (1 :4000) sha]I be kept
by the manager or owner of one or more wells in any oil-field.

(3) A similar plan on such scale as the Central Government may direct, showing
the position of all electric supply lines, shall be kept in _the office of any licensee
or other person transmitting or distributing electricity in a.mine or oil-field.

(4)- The plans specified under this regulation shall be examined and corrected as
often as necessary to keep them up-to-date and the dates of. such examinations
shall be entered thereon by the manager or owner of the mine or wells and such
plans shall be available to the Inspector, or inspector of mines, at any time.

97. Lighting, overhead lines, communication and fire precautions.- ( 1) In a mine

illum_inated by electricity, one or more flame safety lamps, or o\her lights
approved by the inspector of miires, shall be maintained in a st.ate of continuous
illumination in all places where failure of the electric light at any time shall be
prejudicial to safety.

(2) Efficient means of comrriunication shall be provided in every mine between

the point where the switchgear under sub-regulation (1) regulation 105 is.erected,
the shaft bottom and other dist.ribuiing cent.res in the mines.

(3) Fire extinguishing appliances of adequate capacity and. of an approved type

shall be i11stalled and properly maintained in every place in a mine containing
apparatus, other than cables, telecommunication and signaling apparatus.

(4) In case of mines, minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of
over head lines or over head cables where-dumpers or trackless vehicles are being
operated, shall not be less than twelve meters in height from the ground across the
road where dumpers or trackless vehicles cross.

98. Isolation and fixing of transformer and switchgear.- ( l') Transformers and
switchgear shall be placed in a separate room, compartment or box where ·
necessary to prevent danger of mechanical damage.

(2) Urilessthe apparatus is so constructed,.protected and worked as to obviate the

risk_ of fire, no inflammable material shall be used in the. construction-of any room,
compartment or box containing apparatus, or in the construction of any of -the .
fittings therein and each such room, compartment or box shall be substantially
constructed and shall be kept dry and illuminated and efficient ventilation shall be
provided for all apparatus installed therein.

(3) ·All apparatus that has to be worked or attended to and all handles intended to
be operated shall be placed at a spacious working place which is accessible, clear
of obstruction and free froin danger, so far as circumstances permit. .

99. Method of earthing.- Where earthing is necessary in a mine it shall be carried out
by connection to an earthing system at the surface of the mine and in a manner
approved by the inspector of mines.

100.Protective equipment.- (I) In"the interest of safety, appropriate equipment shall

be suitably placed in the mines for automatically disconnecting supply to any part
of the system, where a fault, including an earth f!)Ult, occurs and fault current shall
not be more than 750 milliampere in installations of voltage exceeding 250 V and
upto 1100 V for below ground mines and oil fields and 50 ampere in installations
of voltage exceeding 1100 V and upto 11 kV in open cast mines and the
magnitude of the earth fault current shall be limited to these specified values by
employing suitably designed, restricted neutral system of power supply.

(2) The operation of the switchgear and the relays shall be recorded daily .at the
g¢nerating station, sub-station or switch station•in a register kept for the purpose.

(3) The effectiveness of the switchgear and the protective system shall always be
kept and maintained in working order, shall be checked once every three months
and the result thereof shall be recorded in a separate register kept for the purpose.

{OLEarthing metal.- (I) All metallic sheaths, coverings, handles, joint boxes,
- •·• '·"s'Witchgear,frames, instrurriei:it covers, switch and fuse covers of boxes, all lamp
holders, uriless efficiently protected by an insulated covering made of fire resisting .
material, and the frames. arid bedplates of generators, transformers and motors,
including portable motors, shall be· earthed .by connection to an earthing ~ystem in
the manner specified in regulation 99.

(2) Where cables are provided with a metallic covering constructed and installed
in accordance with clause (d) of regulation I 06, such metalli.c covering may be
used as a means ofcotmection to the earthing system. .

(3) All conductors, of an earthing system shall have conductivity, at all parts and
all joints, at least equal to fifty per cent of that of the largest conductor used solely
to supply the apparatus; a part of which desired to be earthed:
[ '1111 111~= 4 l 245

Provided that no conductor of an earthing system shall have a cross-

sectional area. less than 0.15 sq. cm. except in the case.of the earth conductofof a
flexible cable used withportable apparatus where the voltage does not exceed 125
Volts, and. the cross-sectional area and c_onductance of the earthcore is not less
than that of the largest o~ the live conductors in the cable.·

(4) All joints in earth conductors-and all joints ,in the metallic- covering of cables
shall be properly soldered or otherwise efficiently made.

(5) No switch, fuse or circuit-bre~ker shall be inserted in any earth conductor.

(6) This regulation shall not apply, except in the case of portable apparatus, to
any system in a mine in which the voltage does not exceeid 30 V.

102. Voltage limits.- Electricity shall not be transmitted into a mine at a voltage
exceeding 11000 V<i.lts and shall not be used therein at a voltage exceeding 6600
Provided thata

(i) where hand-held portable apparatus is used, the voltage shall not exceed

(ii) where electric lighting is used,'

(a) in underground mines, the lighting system shall have a mid or neutral
point connected with· earth and the voltage shall not txceed 125 V between

(b) on the surface of a mine or in an,open cast mine, the voltage may be
raised to 250 V, if the neutral or the mid point of the system is connected
with earth and the voltage between the phases does not exceed 250 V;

(iii) where portable hand-lamps are used in underground working of mine,

the voltage shall not exceed 30 V;

(iv) where any circuit is used for the remote control or electric inter-locking
of apparatus, the circuit voltage shall not exceed 30 V:

Provided further that in fixed plants, the said voltage may be permitted
upto 650 V, if the bolted type plug is used.

103. Transformers.- Where electricity is. transformed, suitable provision shall be made
to guard ·against danger by reason of the lower voltage apparatus becoming
accidentally charged above its normal voltage by leakage from or contact .with the
.higher v-0hage apparatus.

104.Switchgear and terminals.- Switchgear and all terminals, cable-ends, cable-joints

and connections. to apparatus shall be totally enclo~ed and shall be constructed,
installed and maintained as to comply with the following requirements, namely:-

(i) all parts shall be of mechanical strength sufficient to resist rough usage;

(ii) all conductors and contact areas shall be of adequate current-carrying

capacity and all joints in conductors shall be properly soldered or otherwise .
efficiently made; . .

(iii) the lodgement of any matter likely to diminish the insulation or affect
the working of any switchgear shall He prevented; ·

(iv) all live parts shall be· so protected or to prevent persons
accidentally coming into coniact with them and to prevent danger from arcs,
short-circuits, fire, water, gas or oil;

(v) where there may_ be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, oil or other
inflammable material, all parts shall be, so protected as to prevent open
sparking; and

(vi) every switch or circuit-breaker shall be so constructed as to be capable

of opening the circuit it controls and dealing with any short-circuit without
danger. ·

105.Disconnection of supply.- (1) Properly constructed switchgear for disconnecting

the supply of electricity to a mine or oil-field shall be provided ata point approved
by the inspector of mines.

(2) At any time, when any cable or overhead line supplying electricity to the mine
from the aforesaid switchgear is live, a person designated to ·operate the said
switchgears shall· be available within easy reach thereof:

Provided that in the case of gassy coal seam of second degree and third
degree gassiness, the main mechanical ventilator operated by electricity shall be
interlocked with the switchgear so as to automatically disconnect the power supply
in the event of stoppage of main mechanical ventilator.

(3) When necessary in the interest of safoty, any apparatus suitably placed, shall
be provided for disconnecting the supply from every part of a system. ·

(4) If the inspector of mines in the interest of safety considered· it necessary, he

may direct that the apparatus specified in sub-regulation (3} shall be so arranged as •
• to disconnect automatically, from the supply, any section of the system subjected
to a fault.

(5) Every motor shall be controlled by switchgear which soatranged as

to disconnect the supply from the motor and .from all iipparatus connected thereto
and such switchgr;ar shall beso placed as to be easily operated by the person
designated :to.operate the motor.

(6) Whenever required by the inspector of mines the motor shall be controlled by
a switchgear to disconnect automatically the supply in the event of conditions of
over-current, over-voltage and single phasing.
'll«! q,f 1J"['la : 3Rll'lRUT 247

(7) Auxiliary fan shall be interlocked with the switchgear controlling power
supply to the in-bye face equipment of below ground coal mine for automatic
disconnection ·Of power supply in the event of the stoppage of the auxiliary fan.

106.Cables.- All cables, other than flexible cables for portable or transportable
apparatus, shall fulfill the following reguirements, namely:-

(i) all such cables, other than the outer conducior of a concentric cable, dhall
be covered with insulating material and shall be efficiently protected from
mechanical damage and supported at sufficiently frequent intervals and in such
a manner as to prevent damage to such cables; ·

(ii) (a) except as provided in clause (iii) no cables. other than concentric cables
or single core or two core or multi core cables protected by a metallic
. coveting and which contain all the conductors of a circuit shall be used
where the voltage exceeds 125 V or when an Inspector considers that there
is risk M igniting gas or coal dust or other inflammable material, and so

(b) th.e sheath of metal-sheathed cables and the metallic affi)ouring of

aIBJoured cables shall be of a thickness not less than that recommended
from time to time in -the relevant standard of the Bureau of Indian

(iii) where a voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V direct current
system is used, two single core cables may be used for any circuit provided that
their metallic wverings are bonded together by earth conductors so placed that
the distance berHeen any two consecutive bonds is not greater than thirty
metres measured along either cable;

(iv) The metallic covering of every cable shall be -

{a) electrically and mechanically continuous throughout;

(b) earthed, if it is required by sub-regulation (3) of regulation, l Ol to be

earthed by a c.:mnection· to the earthing system of conductivity specified
' therein; ·

(c) efficiently protected against corrosion v,'iere necessary;

(d) of a conductivity at all parts and at all joints at least equal to fifty per
cent of the conductivity of the largest conductor enclosed by the said
metallic covering; and

(e) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, or other inflammable
· material, so constructed as to prevent, as far as practicable, the occurrence of ·
open sparking as the result of any fault or leakage from live conductors.

(v) cables and conductors where connected to motors, transfonn~rs,

switchgear and other apparatus, shall bejnstalled· so·that,-.
- ',-·s , -,~»,.-,•·""' - . -

(a) they are mechanically protected by securely attaching the metallic

covering to the apparatus; and·

(b) the insulating material at. each cable end is efficiently sealed so as to
prevent the diminution of its irisulating properties;

(vi) where necessary to prevent abrasion or to secure gas-tightness, properly

constructed glands or bushes shall be provided;

(vii) unarmored cables or conductors shall be conveyed either in metallic pipes

or metal casings or suspended from efficient insulators by means of non-
conducting materials which will not cut the covering and which will prevent
contact with any timbering or metal work and if separate insulated conductors
are used, they shall be installed at least 3. 75 cm, apart and shall not be brought
together except at lamps, switches and fittings.

107.Flexible cables.- (1) Flexible cables for portable or transportable apparatus shall
be two core or multi core, unless required for electric welding, and shall be
coverc,:l with insulating material which shall be. efficiently protected from
mechanical injury.

(2) If flexible metallic covering is used either as the outer conductor of a

concentric cable or as a means of protection from mechanical injury, it shall not be
used by itself to form an earth conductor for such apparatus, but it may be used for
that purpose in conjunction with an earthing core.

(3) Every flexible cable intended for use with portable or transportable apparatus
shall be connected to· the system and to such apparatus by properly constructed ·

Provided that for machines ofvoltage exceeding·650 V but Ijot exceeding

33 kV a bolted type connector shall be used and the trailing cable sh~ll be suitably
anchored at the machine end, ··

Provided .further thaLwhere there. are space limitations /} multiple on-

board motors and equipment for transportable or portable machines; direct entry
flexible cable with elastomeric sealing rings, compression gland, pa¢king gland or
sealing box which does not alter the flame proof property may be p{rmitted and if
a cable entry can accept any sealing ring with same outside dian)~t6t but different
internal dimension, the ring shall have a minimum uncompressti~csa'xial height of
twenty. millimeter for circular cables of diamet~r not . grea.tef . than twenty
millimeter and twenty five millimeter fqr circular cables of diamaer greater than
twenty millimeter.

(4) At every point where flexible cables are joined ·to mainjiables, a circuit
breaker shall be provided which is capable of automatically ~\isconnecting the
supply from such· flexible cables: ;,.',

(5) Every flexible cable attached to a porta.bje or transportab_l;l:achine shall be

examined periodically by the person designated to operaterthe machine, and if
such cable is used underground, it shall be examined-at- least once in each s.hift by
' ~
[ 'WT I I I - ~ 4 l 249

. such person and if such cable is found to be damaged or defective, it shall

forthwith be replaced by a cable in good condition.

(6) If the voltage of the circuit exceeds 250 V, all flexible cables attached to any
transportable apparatus shall be provided with flexible metallic screening or
pliable armouring and cables of portable apparatus shall be provided with flexible
metallic screening on all the power and pilot cores.

Provided that the provision of this regulation shall not apply to flexible
cables attached to any transportable or portable apparatus used in open cast mines
or below ground mines where reeling and _unreeling of such cables is necessary as
per design features of the equipment.

(7) All flexible metallic screening or armouring specified in sub-regulation (6)

shall fulfill the requirement specified in clause (iv) ofregulation 106 .

Provided that in the case of separately screened flexible cables the

conductance of each such screen shall not be less than twenty five per cent of that
of the power conductor and the combined conductance of all such screens shall in
no case be less than that of 0.15 sq. cm. copper conductor.

(8) Flexible cable exceeding hundred metres in length shall not be used with any
• _portable or transportable apparatus:

Provided that such flexible cable when used with coal cutting machines or
cutter or loader or armoured face conveyor for long wall operation, or with shuttle
cars or load haul dumper or cutter loader or all alike equipment for development
and de-pillaring operation shall not exceed two hundred fifty length:

- Provided further that 'the aforesaid cable in casec of an open cast mine when
used with electrically operated heavy earth moving machinery shall not exceed
_three hundred metres in length and for bucked wheel excavator at 11 kV shall not
exceed one thousand metres in length.

(9) Flexible cable, when installed in a mine, shali be efficiently supported and
protected from mechanical injury .

(l0)Flexible cables shall not be used with apparatus other than portable or
transportable apparatus ..

(11) Where flexible cables are used they shall be detached or otherwise isolated
from the source of supply when not in use, and arrangements shall be made to
prevent the energising of such cables by undesignated persons.

108.Portable and transportable machines.- The person_ designated to operate an

electrically' driven coal-cutter, or other portable or transportable machine, shall not
leave the machine while it is in operation and shall, before leaving the area in
which such machine is operating, ensure that the supply is disconnected from the
flexible cable which supplies electricity to the machine and when any such
machine is in operation, steps shall be taken to ensure that the flexible cable is not
dragged along by the machine:

3747 Gl/10-32

Provided that all portable and transportable machines used in underground

mines shall operate on remote control from the concerned switchgear with pilot
core protection.

109.Sundry precautions.- ( 1) AH apparatus shall be maintained reasonably free from

dust, dirt and moisture, and shall be kept clear of obstruction.

(2) All apparatus· other than portable and transportable apparatus shall be housed
in a room, compartment or box so constructed as to protect the contents from
damage occasioned by falling material or passing traffic.

(3) faflammable or explosive material shall not be stored in any room,

compartment or box containing apparatus, odn the vicinity of any apparatus.

(4) In case of a fault in any circuit, the part affected shall be made dead without
delay and shall remain so until the fault has been remedied.·

(5} While lamps are being changed the supply shall be disconnected. '
(6) No lampholder shall have metallic. connection with the guard or other metal
work of a portable hand lamp. ·

(7) The following notices in Hindi and local language of the district, so designed
arulprotected as to be easily legible at all times, shall be exhibited at the following
places, namely:-

(i) where electrical apparatus is in use, a notice forbidding undesignated

persons to operate or otherwise interfere with such apparatus;

(ii) in the interior or at the surface of the mine where a telephone or other
means of communication is provided, a notice giving full instructions to
person, at the surface of the mine, designated to effect the disconnection of
the supply of electricity to the mine. ·

(8) All apparatus, including portable_ and transportable apparatus, shall be

operated only by those persons who are designated for the purpose.

(9) · 'Nhere a plug-and-socket-coupling other than of bolted type is used with

flexible cables, an electri,al inter-lock or other approved device shall be provided
to prevent the opening of the couplfug while the conductors are live.

HO.Precautions where gas exists. - (1) In any part of a coal-seam of the first degree

(i) all cables shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and

maintained in such a manner as to preventrisk of open sparking;

(ii) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester

circuits shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated _and maintained '
aHo be intrinsically safe;
-) --


(iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus including

lighting fittings used at any place which lies in-bye of the last ventilation
connection shall be flame-proof:

Provided that electrically . operated or battery operated portable or

transportable apparatus such as shuttle car, men or material transporting
equipment of increased safety type"'e" shall be permitted at any place with
suitable monitoring devices for detection of gases, if any;

(iv) all electric lamps at any place which lie in-bye of the .last ventilation
connection and return airways shall be in flame proof enclosure and at other
places these shall be in increased safety enclosure type 'e'.

(2) At any place which lies-in any part of a coal-seam of second and third degree

(i) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and .insulation tester

circuits shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained
as to be intrinsically safe; ·

(ii) all cables _shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated aml

maintained in such a manner as to prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus, including portable and transportable apparatus .used at any
place within ninety. metres of any working face or goaf in case of a second
degree gassy mine and within two hundred seventy metres of any working
face or goaf in case· bf third degree gassy mine or at any place which lies in-
bye of the last ventilation connection or in any return airways shall be flatne•

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.

(3) Ia.any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-2 hazardous areas-
(i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester
circuits shall'be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and maintained
as to be intrinsically safe;

(ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as to

prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus shall have the
folluwina 'iypes of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian Standards,
(a) flame'proof enclosure type 'd' or
(b) . pressurized enclosure type 'p' or
(c) sand filled apparatus type 'q' or
(d) increased safety enclosure type 'e', 'n' and 'o'

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in increased safety enclosure type 'e'.

(4) In any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-I hazardous areas-
(i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation
tester circuits shall be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and
maintained as to be intrinsically safe;

(ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as

to prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus including portable arid transvortable apparatus shall have
the following types of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian
Standards, namely:-
(a) flame-proof enclosure type 'd' or
(b) pressurized enclosure type 'p' or
(c) sand filled apparatus type 'q'

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.

(5) In any oil mine at any place within zone-0 hazardous area no electrical
equipment shall be used and where it is not practicable, intrinsically safo "pparatus
, be used with the prior approval of the Inspector.
are only to .

(6) In any coal-seam of degree second and degree third gassiness or the hazardous
area of oil-mine the supply shall be discontinued;

(i) immediately, if open sparking occurs;

(ii) during the period required for examination or adjustment of the

apparatus, which shall necessitate the exposing of any part liable to upen

(iii) the supply shall not be reconnected until the apparatus has been
examined by the electrical supervisor or one of his duly appointed assistants
and until the defect,_ if any, has been remedied
. or the necessary adjustment
made; and

(iv) a flame safety lamp shall be provided and maintained in a state of·
continuous illumination near an apparatus, including portable or
transportable apparatus, which remains energised and where the appearance
of the flame of such safety lamps indicates the presence of inflammable gas,'
the supply to all apparatus in the vicinity shall be immediately disconnected
and the incident reported forthwith to an official of the mine and such
apparatus shall be interlocked with the controlling· switch in such a
manner as to disconnect power supply automatically in the event" of
percentage of inflammable gas exceeding one and one quarter in that ·
particular _district:

Provided that whe,e apparatus for automatic detection of the percentage

of inflammable gas or vapor are employed in addition to the flame safety
lamps, such apparatus shall be approved by the inspector of mines and
maintained in perfect order.

(7) In any part of a coal-seam of any degree of gassiness or in any hazardous area
of an oil-mine, if the presence of inflammable gas in the general body of air is
found at any time to exceed one and one quarter per cent, the supply of energy
shall be immediately disconnected from all cables· and apparatus in the area and
the supply shall not be reconnected so long as the percentage of inflammable gas
remains in excess of one and one quarter per cent.

(8) In an oil mine where concentration of inflammable gas exceeds twenty

percent of its lowest explosive· limit, the supply of electricity shall be cut-off
immediately from all cables and apparatus lying within thirty metres of the
installation and all sources of ignition shall also be removed from the said area and
normal work shaH not be resumed unless the area is made gas-free:

Provided that such disconnection shall not apply to intrinsically safe

environmental monitoring scientific instruments.

(9) Any such disconnection or reconnection of the supply shall be noted in the log
sheet which shall be maintained in the form set out in Schedule-XIII and shall be
reported to the inspector of mines.

(lO)The provisions of this regulation shall apply to any metalliferrous mine which
may be notified by the inspector of mines if inflammable gas occurs or if the
· inspector of mines is of the opinion that inflammaple gas is likely to occµr in such

Explcmotion - !;;or the pµrprn;e of this regulation;

(1) the expression 'coal-seam of fir:;! degree gassiness', 'coalaseam of second
degree gassiness', 'coal-seam of third degree gassiness' and 'flameaproof
. apparatus' shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Coal
Mines Regulations,1957.

(2) The following areas in an oil-mine or oil-field shall be known as hazardous

areas, namely:0

(i) an area of not less than ninety metres around an oil-well where a
blow-out has occurred or is likely to occur, as may be designated by the
Engineer-incharge or the seniormost official present at the site;

(ii) an area within ninety metres of an oil-well which is being tested by

open flow;

(jii) an area within fifteen metres of:

(a) a producillg well-he~d or any point of open discharge of the

crude them from pr other point where ernissiqp p.f hazardous
. allt)qsphere is normally likely to arise; or

(b) any wildcat 9r e~ploration well-head 1:ieing drilled in an area

when: abpormal pressure cpnditions are known tp exist; or

(c) any exploration or interspaced well-head being drilled in the

area where abnonnal pressure conditions are known to exist;

(iv) any area within four and one half meters of:

(a) any producing well-head where a closed system of production

is employed such as to prevent the emission or accumulation in the
area in nonnal circumstances of a hazardous atmosphere; or.

(b) expforation or interspaced well-head being drilled in an area

where the pressure conditions are rionnal and where the system of
drilling employed includes adequate measures for the prevention in
nonnal circumstances of emission or acc.umulation within the area
of a hazardous atmosphere; or

(c) an oil-well whichis being tested other than by open flow.

(3) "hazardous atmosphere" means an atmosphere containing any inflammable

gases or vapours in a concentration capable of ignition.

(4) "Zone 0 hazardous area" ~eans "an area in· which hazardous atmosphere is
continuously present."

(5) "Zone I hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is
likely to occur under nonnal operating conditions" ..

(6) "Zone 2 hazardous . area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere
. is
likely to occur under abnonnal operating conditions".

Ill.Shot-firing. - (I) When shot-firing is in progress adequate precautions shall be

taken to protect apparatus and conductors, other than thoiie used for shot-firing,
from injury.

(2) Current from lighting or power circuits shall not be used for firing shots.

(3) The provisions of regulation ! 07 shall apply in regard to the covering and
protection of shot-firing cables, and adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent
such cable touching other cables and apparatus.

112.Signaling. - Where electrical signaling is used,-

(i) adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent signal and telephone wires
coming into contact with other cables and apparatus;

(ii) the voltage used in any one circuit shall not exceed 30 V;

(iii) contact-make~s shall be so constructed as to prevent the accidental

closing of the circuit; and
(iv) bare conductors, where used shall be installed in suitable insulators.

113.Haulage: - Haulage by electric locomotives on the overhead trolley-wire system,

at voltage not exceeding 650 V and haulage by storage battery locomotives may
I 'WT I I I - ~ 4 J 'lffi! qi] =:
~ 255

be used with the prior consent in writing of the Electrical Inspector, and subject to
such conditions as he may impose in the interests of safety.

114:Earthing of neutral points. - Where the voltage of an alternating current system

exceeds 30 Volts, the neutral or mid-point shall be earthed by connection to an
earthing system in the manner specified in regulation 99.

Provided that when the system concerned is required for blasting_ and
signaling purposes, the provisions of this regulation shall not apply.

Provided further that in case of unearthed neutral system adequate

protection shall be provided with the approval of the Inspector

115.Supervision. - ( 1)(i) One or more electrical supervisors as directed by the

Inspector shall be appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine
or by the agent or the owner, of one or more wells in an oil field to supervise the

(ii) The electrical supervisor so appointed shall be the person holding a valid
Electrical Supervisor's Certificate of Competency, covering mining
installation issued under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 29 .

. (iii) One or more electricians as directed by the Inspector'shall be appointed in

writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine or by the agent or the
owner, of one or more wells in an oil field for compliance with the duties
speci.fied in this regulation.

(iv) The Electrician shall be a person holding license under sub-regulation (1)
of regulation 29.

(v) For small open cast mines and below ground mines receiving supply at
voltage not more than 650 V and not having portable or transportable
apparatus, electrical supervisor and electrician shall be appointed for more
than one mine by the Inspector. ·

(2) Every person appointed to operate, supervise, examine or adjust any apparatus
shall be competent to undertake the work which he is required to carry out as
directed by the Engineer.

' (3) The electrical supervisor shall be responsible for the proper performance of
the following duties, by himself or by an electrician appointed under sub-
regulation (I).
(i) thorough examination of all apparatus, including the testing of earth
conductors and metallic coverings for continuity, as often as may be necessary
to prevent danger;

(ii) -examination and testing or' all new apparatus, and of all apparatus, re-
erected in lhe mine before it is put into service in a new position.

(4) In the absence of any electrical supervisor, the owner, agent or manager of the
mine and oil field shall appoint in writing a substitute electrical supervisor.

(5) (i) The electrical supervisor or the substitute electrical supervisor appointed
under sub-regulation (4) to replace him shall be personally responsible for the
maintenance at the mine or oil-field, of a log-book made up of the daily log
sheets prepared in the form setout in Schedule XIII. 0

(ii) The results of all tests carried out in accordance with the provisions of sub-
regulation (3) shall be recorded in. the log-sheets prepared in the form set out in
Schedule- XIII. .


116.Deviations.- (1} The Central Government or the State Government, as the case
may. be, by order in writing, allow deviations in respect of matters referred in
these regulations except regulation 30.

(2)The Electrical Inspector or the inspector of mines may, by. order in writing,
· allow deviations in respect of matters referred in regulations 12 to 17, 28, 35(2)(3)
and (5), 36(3), 37(i) to (iv), 41(xii), 43, 44(2), 46, 52 to 54, 57 to 61, 65, 72, 74, 78
to 91, 102, 107(6), (8) and (10) and 114

Explanation- Every order allowing the deviations by the Electrical Inspector or the
Inspector of Mines under sub-regulation (2) shall be placed before the Central or
State Government which may disaUow or revise such deviations.


[ADVT IIl/4/l 87G/20 I0/Exty.]


· Safety measures for operation and maintenance of electrical plants

[See sub-regulation (3) of regulation (6)]

Part I
(1) Duration and content of training shall be as specified below:-

(a) Thermal Power Stations.- (i) The minimum duration of the trammg
courses for the operating engineers and supervisors (mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation) shall be as specified in Table I for coal based, diesel engine
based and gas turbine based thermal power plants. The contents of training
courses and on job training, along with respective duration, shall be as specified
in Part II, Ill, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX of this Schedule, appropriate to the
.specialized course in mechanical or electrical or instrumentation Engineering.
Trainees should speµd time on observing different functions of Thermal Power
Plant along with its operation. After the lecture course is completed the trainees
should be taken on visits to a few modem power stations and factories
manufacturing turbines, generators, switch gear, instrumentation and auxiliary
equipment. The remaining period will be spent on in-plant training where the
candidates will be given an opportunity to operate or maintain the machinery
by themselves under close supervision of the regular operating staff as well as
the training supervisors. Arrangements shall be made for familiarizing the
trainees with the operation of power stations through_simulator facilities.
'IT«I qi! ~ : 3ffil'IR"T 257


Course Duration for Engineers and Supervisors - flie;~al Power Plants

s. Training Course Coal Base_d Diesel Gas Turbine

No. Plant Engine Based Plant
• Based Plant
I. Common Mechanical, 5 Weeks 4 Weeks· ... 4½ Weeks
Electrical andinstrumentation

2. Common On Job and 12 Weeks 4 Weeks. 8 Weeks

.Simulator Training for
Mechanical, Electrical and

3. Specialized Course for

Engineers and Supervisors
(a) Mechanical 6 Weeks 2 Weeks 2½ Weeks

(b) Electrical 4 Weeks 4 Weeks 4Weeks

(c) Instrumentation 2.Weeks 2 Weeks 2Weeks

4. Specialized On Job Training


(a) Mechanical 4 Weeks Nil 4 Weeks

(b) Electrical 4 Weeks Nil 4 Weeks

(c) Instrumentation 4 Weeks Nil 4 Weeks.

5. Plant visits and evaluation 3 Weeks 3 Weeks 3 Weeks

(ii) The· minimum duration of the training courses for the· Technicians
(mechanfoai, electrical and instrumentation trades) to assist the operating
engineers and supervisors shall be as specified in Table II for coal based, diesel
engine based and gas turbine based thermal power plants. The contents of
training courses and on job training, along with respective duration, shall be as
specified in Part X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV and XVI of this Schedule,
appropriate to the specialized trade of mechanical or electrical or
instrumentation Engineering. The lectures may be arranged and trainees may
spend time on observation in the power stations so that they get familiarized
with different sections of the power statioff After _the lecture course is
completed the trainees shall be taken on visits to study a few modem power
. stations and factories manufacturing turbines, generators, switch gear,
instrumentation and auxiliary equipment. The remaining period will be spent
on in-plant training under close super,ision.

3747 Gl/10-33


Course Duratiou for Technicians- Thermal Power Plants

-SI. Training Course Coal Based Diesel Gas Turbine

No Plant Engine Based Plant
Based Plattt
I. Common Mechanical, Electrical · 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 4 Weeks
and Instrumentation Course for
2. Specialised Course for
Technicians .
2 ½ Weeks 2 Weeks 2 ½ Weeks
(a) Mechanical
2 ½ Weeks 2 ½ Weeks 2 ½ Weeks
(b) Electrical
2 ½ Weeks .2 ½ Weeks 2 ½ Weeks
(c) Instrumentation
3. Specialised On Job Training for
i echnicians

(a} Mechanical 16 Weeks 8 Weeks 16 Weeks

(b) Electrical 16 Weeks 8 Weeks 16 Weeks
(c) Instrumentation 16 Weeks 8 Weeks 16 Weeks
4. Plant visits and evaluation 2 Weeks 2 Weeks 2 Weeks
(b} Hydro Electric Power Stations.- (i) !he minimum duration of the training
courses for the operating engineers and supervisors(Mechanical, Elechical and
Instrumentation) shall be as specified in Table III for hydro electric power
stations. The contents of training courses and on job training, along with
respective duration, shall be as specified in Part XVII, XVIII, XIX and XX of
this Schedule, appropriate to the specialized course in mechanical or electrical
or instrumentation Engineering. The procedure for familiarization visits and in•
plant training shall be similar to that which has been specified in respect of
thermal power stations. Arrangement may be made for familiarizing the
trainees with operation of Hydro Power Stations through Simulator facilities.


Course duration for Engineers and Supervisors - hydro power plants

s. Training Course . Duration


l. . Common Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation 6 Weeks

Course for Engineers and Supervisors.
2. Common On Job and Simulator Training for Mechanical, 7 Weeks
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineers and '
3. Specialised Cour_se for Engineers and Supervisors
(a) Mechanical 2 ½ Weeks
(b) Electrical 4 Weeks
(c) Instrumentation · 2 Weeks
['11'1 III-~. 4] 259 ·

4. Specialised On Job Training for Engineers and

(a) Mechanical 3 Weeks

(b) Electrical 4 Weeks

(c) Instrumentation 4 Weeks

5. Plantvisits and evaluation 2 Weeks

(ii) Th<;l minimum duration of the training courses for the technicians
(nwchanic<1!, electrical and instrumentation) to assist the operating engineers
and supervisors shall be as specified in Table IV for hydro power stations. The
cgnt\lnts of tr!\ining courses !\nd on job training, along with respective duflltion,
shall \Je <IS specified in Part XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV of this Schedule,
appropriate to the specialized trade in mechanical or electrical or

ins,trumentation Engineering. The procedure for familiarization visits and in-
plant training shall be similar to that which has been specified in respect of
• th1mnal power stations.

Course Duration for Technicians - Hydro Power Plants

S.No - Training Course Duration

l, Common Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation 3 Weeks

Course for Technicians
:l. Common On Job Training for Mechanical, Electrical and 4 Weeks
Instrumentation for Technicians ·
3. Specialised Course for T0ehnicians
(a) Mechanical · I ½Weeks

(b) Electrical 2 Weeks

(c) Instrumentation 1 ½ Weeks
4. Specialised On Joh Training for Technicians
(a) Mechanical 4 Weeks
(b) Electrical 4 Weeks
(c) Instrumentation 4 Weeks
' 5. Plant visits and evaluation 2 Weeks

(d) Sub-stations and switchyards of generating stations.- Those who are

expected to be engaged in the operation and maintenance of substation associated
with the generatiJig station, shall be given a training of duration of not Jess than
• 2½ months for engineers and supervisors (mechanical, electrical and
· instrumentatfon) ~nd I½ m~nths for technicians (mechanical, electrical and
instrumentation trades). The minimum duration of the training courses for the
operating engineers and supervisors shall be\ as specified in Table V for
substations associated with generating stations. The minimum duration of the
training courses for the technicians shall be as specified in Table VI. The contents
of the training course and on job training, along with respective duration shall be
as specified in Part XXV for engineers and supervisors and as specified in Part
XXVI ofthis Schedule for tethnicians to the extent of practical job requirement .in
sub-station associated with the generating station. This shall be followed by visits
and in plant training. Arrangement for Simulator training may also be made.

Course duration for Engineers and Supervisors - sub-stations associated with
generating stations

S.No. Training Course ' Duration

I. Common Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation 6 Weeks

Course for Engineers and Supervisors.

2. Common On Job and Simulator Training for Mechanical, 4 Weeks

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineers and Supervisors.

3. Plant visits and evaluation 2 Weeks


Course Duration for Technicians - Substations Associated with Generating


S.No. Training Course

I. Common Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation 2½ Weeks

Course for Technicians.
2. Common On Job Training,Jndustrial visits and evaluation 3 Weeks
(2) Facilities for creation of training institutes.- (a) The Training Institute shall have a
regular building, residential and recreation facilities.

(b) The Training Institute shall have a full time Principal and adequate number
of teaching staff. ·

(c) The Training Institute shall have adequate number of classrooms, seminar
and conference hall and auditorium, library, computer centre, workshops
(mechanical, electrical and basic workshops), laboratories (control and
instrumentation, water chemistry and relevant testing and research facilities).
The Training Institute shall have facilities for demonstration by static and
working models, simulators, training resource unit supported with Appropriate
reprographic facilities, Audio-visual training aides, Computer Based Training
(CBT) packages, Liquid Crystal Diode (LCD), Slide and Overhead projectors.

(d) The Training Institute shall have a regular lie-up "(ith the Power Stations,
Sub-stations, Load Dispatch Centres, transmission and distribution utilities
including hot line training centres so as to provide training in the respective
fields. ·

(e) The Institute shall have facilities to arrange refresher courses for those
personnel who have already experience in the operation_ and maintenance of a
·generating stition. The staff of the Training Institute shall be properly qualified
and preferably undergone a specialized training course in the art of imparting

(f) The Institute shall have networking of training facilities with the reputed
educational or professional institutes:

(g) Assessment forms for Engineers and Supervisors and for Technicians to
assist the engineers and supervisors are given at Part XXVII of this Schedule.
[ 'WT IIl-'l911's 4 l 261

11art11 ·



Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I General 'Introduction: 3
(i) World Power Scenario
(ii) Growth ofPower Industry in India
(iii) Generation Scenario in India
(iv) Transmission and Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Role ofPrivate 'PowerParticipants in India
(vi) Organisation/Power Sector set up
(vii) Introduction to Indian Standard specifications for
Electrical wiring

II Concept of modern thermal station : ·Power generation from 3

coal, Central Station and utility systems, base 'load and
peaking stations, concept of unit system, typical thermal
cycles, parameters, :heat rates, fuel :rates, steam rates, typical
heat balance ofboiler, turbine and generator.

III Choice of location oflarge thermal station : Site avaifability, 3

water requirements, .fuel, load centres, transport facilities, air
· pollution, topography, choice•ofsize of generating units.

IV Plant layout in large central station including machine 2

arrangements, equipments layout, switchyard and .auxiliary

V Constructional · details and basic principles of large 15

pulverized fuel ·boiler.and auxiliaries
(i) Water and steam drums, heaters and .tubes.
(ii) Types of furnace and firing arrangement and firing
system- Primary, secondary air arrangement, burner
arrangement and furnace safeguard supervisory
system, burner details.
(iii) Economizers, primary, secondary, super heaters, pre
heaters and temperatures.
(iv) Forced draught, Induced draught, Primary Air
exliauster, scanner and igniter air fans, and gas re-
circulation fans, compressors, seal air fan.
(v) Types of coal mills, (ball/races, ball .tube, bowl roller)
stoker, coal feeders, Gravimetric feeders (Raw coal

(vi) Air preheaters, rotary, tubular and steam air heater

(vii) Dust extraction plant- electrostatic, mechanical and
bottom ash system
(viii) Soot blowers
(ix) Station instrument and service compressed air
reciprocating and rotary compressors.
(x) Feed regulating st<1tion
(xi) Boiler mountings, ,drum level indicators , safety
valves, stop valves, start-up devices, sampling,
chemical dosing, continuous blow down, air. vents and
drain system, critical piping supports and hangers
(xii) Refractories and laggings as used in modern power
(xiii) Ash disposal system - Dry bottom, wet bottom-
scrapper feed~rs and clinker grinders.
VI Construction and working principles of Turbine and 3
(i) Principle of operation, heat conversion cycles, types
of turbines.
(ii) Casing steam chests, wheel blading, nozzles,
diaphragms, control valves, glands, flanges and HT
bolt heating, bearings, governing system.
(iii) Condenser, vacuum pump, steam ejectors,
cirpulating water pumps
(iv) Lubrication systi!ll pumps, c~ntrifuging !fiachipes,
coolers: filters, shaft turBine and lifting g~ar: Main
!)ii pump, Jacking 'oil Pl!!llP, Starting oil puiup, AC-
DC oil pump, EmergenFY pi! pudip.' .. . .
i3oiler fee,! pump, fill .pump· iipg' aµxiliaJY eooling
water system', auxiliary stearil system.
(vi) Low pressure and high pressure fee,! water heaters,
decaerators and evaporators, gland steam coolers,
drip, air venting and drajp system '
(vii) High pressure and low-pressure by-pass systems.
(viii) Automatic turbine run-up system

VII Various types of valves, traps, their constructional details 3

and application. Cranes, hoists- characteristics and controls
· VIII Construction and working principles of ·alternators and 2
excitation systems :
(i) Alternators, cooling arrangements (Hydrogen/air
cooling); stator water cooling, Hydrogen sealing
(ii) Main and pilot exciters, voltage regulators, types and
characteristic, amplifier and magnetic amplifier, static
excitation system, Automatic Voltage . Regulation
(iii) Method of grounding.

IX Construction and working principles of fuel handling plant 10

equipments :
'ITT<! "ij;'f ~ : a:rmmttrr 263

(i) Coal Handling Plant ;- Wagon tippler, hoppers,

vibratory feeders , screen and conveyor system
crushers, magnetic separators and pulleys, dust
suppressors, dust extractors, stacker re-claimer, rotary
breakers, Merry-Go Round system,

(ii) Fuel oil handling plant - Oil storage tanks, unloading

station oil pumps and heating arrangement
(iii) Coal transportation by ship- Coal transportation by
different types of s_hips such as gearless ship, geared
ship, self unloading ships, ship loading and unloading
equipment ·such as grab type and continuous ship
loaders fun-loaders.
(iv) Coal washing and blending

X Construction and working principles of Ash and slag

handling equipments:
Electrostatic precipitators, methods of conveying, pneumatic, ·
vacuumatic, hydraulic, bucket elevators, conveyors, screw
extractor.s, ash slurry pumps, High pressure and low pressure
pumps, dry ash collection. Power Environment Interface, •
Environmental Management System

XI Water Sources and treatment : 3

(i) Raw water pumping station, domestic, circulating and
boiler makeup water treatment, River salinity, local
water conditions, water recovery system, their
variations in different seasons and effects on
power station operations.
(ii) Hydrogen generating plant

XII Fuels: 3
(i) Solid, liquid and gaseous fuels analysis.
(ii) Coal-types and suitability for different kinds of
boilers-alterations in firing methods due to change of
coal composition.

XIII General understanding of Basic flow diagrams m power 3
stations practice :
(i) Coal cycle.
(ii) Fuel oil cycle.
(iii) Air and gas cycle.
(iv) Fly ash and bottom ash/ slag handling arrangements.
(v) Condensate and feed heating cycle (from condenser
hot well up to economizer).
(vi) Water and steam cycle (from economizer to turbine
(vii) Chemical dosing circuit
(viii) Circulating water cycle.
(ix) Governing oil, turbine oil, generator, Seal oil circuit.
(x) Hydrogen filling in generator and hydrogen gland
sealing of generator. Bearing cooling system.
(xi) Stator water cooling cycle

XIV Direct and .closed· cooling water circuits, cooling towers - 3

types and characteristics.

xv D.C. and A.C. power supply for auxiliaries,.arrangements of 3

unit and station boards, station lighting and. automatic

XVI Transformers: Main transformers, interconnecting 4

transformers, station/unit transformers, voltage grounding
transformers, type of connections, paralleling, tap changing

XVII Outdoor switchyard- single line diagrams bus bars, circuit 4

breakers, · isolators, current transformers, potential
transformers, lightning arresters, grounding.

XVIII Indoor and outdoor switchgear: Types - bulk oil, minimum 4

oil, air blast, vacuum air breaker, gas breaker constructional
and functional details.

XIX Working principle basics of Instrumentation and I2

measurements: Details of measuring instruments for
pressure, flow, temperature, level, draught, vibration,
eccentricity, conductivity, pH value, differential expansion,
oxygen analyser, voltage, current, active power, reactive
power, frequency, energy, winding temperature. Auto-
controllers, hydrogen purity meter, axial shift indicator and
recorder, flue gas analysers, megger - its use for primary
detection of faults, data acquisition system, digital
distributed control, UPS, Unit co-ordinated· master control.
Pre-commissioning/ comm1ss10ning activities-Boiler
Hydraulic test, alkali boil out, acid cleaning, TG: Alkali
flushing of regenerative system, acid cleaning of a.ii pipe
lines. TG on barring gear, Others: Steam blower, rotor valve
blasting, steam roller synchronizing

xx Operation, control and supervision 12

(i) General boiler start-up procedure.
(ii) Operation of boilers under different loading
conditions, soot blowing.
(iii) Analysis of feed and boiler water, fuel, flue gas at
station laboratory, Power plant chemistry-chemical
operating regime and control, steam purity
(iv) Banking and preservation of oilers.
(v) · Demonstration wherever possible through simulators
· of various operating conditions.
(vi) Handling of boiler under failure conditions, (such as
tripping of turbo-alternator set, high/ low drum levels,
flame failure, failure of supply to,auxiliaries)
and under emergency conditions such as grid
[ 'WT I I I - ~ 4] 'lmf q;J ~ : 3R=ll"ITTUT 265

failures, tube failures, fire out and furnace explosion

(vii) General start up procedure for high-pressure multi-
cylinder reheat type turbines from cold, warm and hot
(viii) Handling of turbine, generator and auxiliary plant
under failure conditions, such as vacuum failure, low
feed water, condenser levels, excitation failure,

circulating water failure, feed water heater high levels,
excessive vibration, water or oil ingress in generator,
failure of lubricating, sealing oil circuits and
emergency conditions such as grid· failure, black
(ix) Alternator-synchronising, loading, parallel operations,
• MW and MVAR sharing.
(x) Operation of vents and drains in boiler and turbine

Controls and Protection - Se9.uential operation and interlocks: 21

(i) . Unit protection and interlocks.
(ii) Boiler and auxiliaries.
(iii) Turbine and auxiliaries.
(iv) Combustion control-pressure, fuel, a1r and feed
heating cycle.
(v) Feed water and fuel heating cycle controls.
(vi) Turbine governing, speed setting, speed droop setting
and control circuiis.
(vii) Generator protection - under-voltage, over-voltage,
differential reverse power, under-excitation, negative
phase sequence, earth fault with types of the· relays
used, Back up impedance, frequency relay, pole
slipping and over current relays
(viii) Importance of sequential interlocks.
(ix) Transformer protection " differential, overload, earth
faults, high temperature, buchholz with types of the
relays used.
(x) LT/HT motor electrical protection- Types of motors
• and variable speed drive and speed controls.
(xi) Various types of pumps arid their starting and control.
(xii) Steam pressure and temperature control
• (xiii) Furnace purging.

XXII (i) Various types of valves, maps, their constructional

details and application
(ii) Fire-fighting a_nd emulsifier type protection.

XXIII · General safety precautions, treatment of electrical or acid or I½

alkali bum,. permit to work, first aid, protective clothing,
safety in movement and storage of materials, switchyard

XXIV Indian Boiler Rules, Factory Act, Electricity Act, 2003, 4

Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety

3747 Gl/10--34

and Electric Supply) Regulations, 20 l O and other statutory

Regulations concerning Power Stations (General outline),
Environmental Pollution Act/Regulations.

XXV General plantmaintenance procedure, PERT/CPM methods, 6

Power station records, maintenance planning.
XXVI Efficiency and environment, plant .performance, generation 12
cost, efficiency monitoring and optimization,. stack emission
monitoring and. ambient air quality. Availability Based tariff,
CERC notification on-Tariff.

~ I 'i1'ersonnel management, •duties and responsibilities, labour 2

laws and !about, welfare.

XXVIII ,Broad ·Principles of material management and inventory 2


Total I 45 ½ Hours

XXIX 0nJob Training: 10 Weeks

(le}· Control·.roomdeskoperations·:
(i) Pre-start checks,
.(iiJ Protection interlocks,
(iii) Lightupprocedures and routine checks,
(iv) Stopping and emergency .operations of Boiler,
Turbine,.Generator and their auxiliaries
(v) Electrical operation location and off-site plant

2. Simulator training/Computer applications in operation and 2 Weeks

maintenance of the plant
['fill III-1§Ull" 4] 21,7




Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I General Introduction: 3
(i) World PowerScenario
(ii) Growth.ofPower.Inclnstry in India
(iii) Generation Scenarioinfodia
(iv) Transmission and Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Role of Private Powe!'Participantsinindia
(vi) Organisation/Power Sect@r set up
• (vii) Introduction to IndianStandard specifications for Electrical

II Concept of modern Diesel Power Station, Power Generation from 3

Heavy Fuels, Central Station and.,Utility systems, base load and
peaking stations, concept of unit systems; rates, heat balance
of engines and general principles of Thermodynamics, enthalpy,
entropy, etc.

III Choice oflocation of large Diesel Station, Site availability,· water 2

requirement, fuel, load centers, transport facilities, air pollution,
t~pography, choice of size of generating units.

IV Plant layout in large Diesel Station including machine 2

arrangements, equipment layout, and switch yard and ·auxiliary
arrangements .

V (i) IC Engines, classification, based cm 2 Stroke,4 Stroke, SI, 18
CI, comparisons, difference between CI and SI,
classification by cylinder arrangements, engine parts and .
' materials used, indicated thermal efficiency%, mechanical
efficiency %, specific fuel consumption, air fuel ratio, caL
value .of fuel, etc.
(ii) Air standardcycles, thermodynamic relations, parameters,
Camc;,,-cycle, Stirling cycle, Ericsson cycle, Lenoir cycle,
Auto cycle, Dual cycle, Diesel cycle, Atkinson cycle,
Brayton cycle, fuel air cycles, varibus ·losses,. effect of
variables -such as compression ratio, fuel ratio, etc.,
, difference between real cycle and fuel air cycle, etc.
(iii) Petroleum fuels, introduction and structures, refining
processes and products, •Diesel fuels, octane number,
cetane number, calorific value, viscosity, flash point, pour
point, sulphur content, ash. content, asphaltens, water and

sediment content, catalytic fines, problems caused by

heavy fuels.
(iv) Combustion: - i~ IC engines, air fuel ratio - delay period
_and factors affecting it - Diesel knock , theory and methods
of control, observations of burning of gases - cold starting
of IC engines and aids.
(v) Super charging objects - cycles - methods - effects of
supercharging on performance of the engme
superchargers - turbo charging and methods
(vi) Dual fuel and multifuel engines - combu~don and factors
affecting combustion - characteristics of multi fuel engines
- suitability of various engines as multi fuel unit -
performance of multiple engines.
(vii) Engine - friction and lubrication - lubrication principles -
bearing lubrication - functions of lubricating system -
properties of lube oil -. additives - classification of lube
oils, filters - crank case ventilation.
(viii) Engine cooling - areas of heat flow - heat transfer - ·
piston and cylinder temperature - quantity of water
required - cooling systems - air cooling, water cooling and '
comparison, re - cooling of water, radiators , cooling fans,
thermostatic control, etc.
(ix) Constructional features of engine - crank case - crank·
shaft - main and connecting rod bearings - connecting rod
- piston, crown and ring·s, cylinder liners, cylinder head -
exhaust and inlet valves - fuel injection pump - injectors -
cam shaft push rod_s - tappets - rocker arm etc.
(x) Performance and Testing of Engines basic
measurements - speed - specific lube oil consumption - air
consumption - exhaust smoke - emissions - BHP - FHP
and IHP measurements, de-rating of engines.etc.
(xi) Air pollution - pollutants - Diesel emissions - smoke and
control - Diesel odour co):ltrol - comparison of Diesel and
other fuel emissions. ·

VI Construction and working principles of D.G. plant auxiliaries : 18

(i) Heavy fuel oil handling system: - railway siding, package
boiler - transfer pumps - storage tanks, dip measurements,'
temperature _and density corrections, shrinkage - heat
tracing and controls - measurements of fuel parameters --
such as viscosity, density, flash point, sulphur content, ash,
water content, acidity, calorific value, carbon residue, pour
point, fire fighting arrangements in the HFO storage atea. ·
(ii) HFO Purifiers: - function of HFO centrifuge - purification
-"_ clarification - principles of centrifugal pump -
component parts of separator and separator plant - layout
diagram: of separator plant - sectional view of separator -
operating cycle of separator plant - recommended
separator_ temperatures - sludge removal , sludge transfer
[ 'WI III-<!!!"& 4 l =""1~:amr'lRUI 269

(iii) Common Heavy fuel oil System: - functions of settling

tanks, service tanks - heavy fuel transfer pump - · heat
tracing of settling and service tanks and temperature
(iv) Diesel Handling system: - transportation modes -
measurements - storage - fire fighting arr11ngements etc.,
common diesel oil systems - transfer pump etc.
(v) Common Lube . Oil System: , - transportation
measurements - storage measurement of lube · oil
. characteristics· such as flash point kinematic viscosity -
viscosity index, TBN value, insolubles in Hexane and
(vi) Cooling water Treatment :- Choice of water a~ refrigerant
- classification of water - matter present in water -
analysis of water for acids, bases and salts - pH value -
disadvantages such as incrustation, sediments - galvanic
corrosion - battery effect - influence of chlorides and
sulphites ·- cavitation, protection methods - plant cooling
water system and boiler water treatment methods and
(vii) Engine cooling water system and injector cooling water
system. Detailed analysis of single fine P&I diagram.
(viii) Air Intake System: - oil bath filters - silencer - over speed
butter .fly and pressure relief valves - air temperature
control methods. Detailed analysis of single line P&I
(ix) Exhaust Gas System: - general flow diagram - recovery
boiler. - exhaust gas regulating valves - silencer -
expansion joint, etc ..
(x) Compressed Air:- classification of compressors - operation
of single and multistage compressors - maintenance
problems - detailed analysis of P&I diagram of plant
common air and unit control air .compressor systems.
(xi) Governor: - governor components - basics of hydraulic
and mechanical governor - speed droop, governor oil, and
introduction to electronic governing - comparison with ·
mechanical governor - over speed shut down.
(xii) Effluent Treatment Plant: - collection pit - decantation pit
- sludge pit - buffer pit - decanter unit - deoiler unit ~ fuel
recovery - coalescent filter.
(xiii) Fuel and lube oil system:-detai)ed analysis of P&I diagram
of unit fuel oil system and lube oil system - viscosity
(xiv) Properties of Steam: - formation of steam, definitions
connected with steam - steam tables - Mollier diagrams -
classifications of boiler - waste heat recovery· - detailed
analysis of P&I diagrams of common and unit steam

VII Various types of valves, traps, their constructional details and 4

application, cranes hoist characteristics and c,;introls.

VIII Construction and worlang principles of alte~ator and excitation 4

systems: · ·
(i) Alternator, Cooling Arrangements.
(ii) Static Excitation Systelli, Automatic voltage regulator.
(iii) Method of Grounding,

IX D.C and A.C power supply for auxiliaries, arrangement of unit and 2
station switch cubicles, station lighting and auto.matic change over.

X Transformers - 3
Main transformers, interconnecting transformers, station/unit
transformers, and 11eutral grounding transformers, parallel
operation of transformers, on load and offload tap changing gears.
. .

XI Outdoor switch yard :- Single line diagrams, bus bars,• circuit 3

breakers, isolators, current and potential transformers, lightning
arrestors; , importance of earth mat grounding ..

XII Indoor and Outdoor switch gear - 3

Types - bulk oil, _minimum oil, air blast, SF6 , and vacuum circuit
breakers, construction and functional details
XIII Working principles . and basics of instrumentation and 6
measurements :
Details of measuring instruments for pressure, flow, temperature,
level, vibration, eccentricity, conductivity, pH values, differehtial
expansion, current, voltage, frequency, active and reactive power,
energy, megger - its use; multimeter, data acquisition.· system,
digital distributed control, UPS, pr6gramlllable logic controller. ·
XIV Operation, control and supervision : 9
(i) General startup procedure, manual. and automatic starting,
change over to heavy fuel ·
(ii) Operation of engine under different loading conditio,9s.
(iii) Engine safety :- Crank case pressure, mist concentration
monitor, lube.oil, ultra low pressure and jligh temperature,
jacket water high temperature, over speed tripping,
common electrical faults, turbo charger, lube oil outlet high
temperature, fuel oil · low pressure, jacket water low
pressure, engine inlet air high temperature, etc.
(iv) Starting and running - in, of the engine after overhaul -
precautions .
. (v) . Load reduction, normal stopping, and emergency stopping,
(vi) ·0peratfon and supervision of running DG sets, rinsing.
(vii) Operating anomalies - causes and remedies.
(viii) Precautions to be taken for restarting engine after long
period of immobilization .
. (ix) Alternator , synchronizing, loading , parallel operation,
[ 'WI I I I - ~ 4 J 271

XV Controls and Protection :- Sequential operation and inter locks_:: 6

detailed study of logical -diagrams of PLC, transformer protection
- differential, over load, earth fault, oil and winding high
temperature, Buchholz relay, etc., LT and HT motor electrical
protection, types of motors, variable speed drives and controls,
generator protection ~ under and over voltage, differential, reverse
-power;under excitation, negative phase sequence, earth 'fault, etc.,
various types of pumps, their starting and controls, neutral shift
relay, etc. -

XVI Fire Fighting and emulsifier type of protection.

XVII General Safety precautions; treatment ofelectrical or acid or alkali 2

burns, work permits, first aid, protective clothing, safety in
movement and storage of materials, switch yard safety.

XVIII Indian Boiler Rules, Factory Act, Electricity Act, 2003, Central 4
Electricity Authority (Measures _relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 and other statutory Regulations
concerning power stations, Environmental _ Pollution Act/

XIX General Plant Maintenance procedure, PERT/CPM methods, 3

power station records; maintenance planning.

XX Efficiency and environment, plant performance, generation cost, 9

efficiency monitoring .and optimization, stack emission monitoring
and ambient air quality, fuel and lube oil conservation and
minimization of auxiliary losses. Availability based tariff, CERC
notification on tariff.

XXI Personnel management, duties and responsibilities, labour laws _ 3

and labour welfare.

• XXII 13road Principles of material management and inventory control 2

Total 110 Hours

:4 Weeks

XXIII On Job Training:

(!) Control Room Desk Operations: 2 Weeks
(i) Preslar! Checks.
(ii) Protection and starting inter locks.
(iii) Routine checks such as leakages, pressure, temperatures,
levels, operation of air, fuel, lube oil filters, checks for
lubl) oil flow in the engine and turbocharger, oil_ seal
pressure, checks for rio water, no oil or fuel leaking from
decompression cocks, checks for abnormal noise, mist
concentration, crank case pressure, starting. air pressure,
cylinder temperature after running, bearing temperatures, -

starting firing sequence.

(iv) Stopping under emergency conditions of engine,
generator and auxiliaries, rinsing operations
(v) On site Electrical operation location and off site plant
locations. ·
(vi) Simulator Training/Computer applications in operation
and maintenance of the plant.

2. To be associated with field maintenance Engineers in. the area 2 Weeks

(i) Fuel handling and purifier
(ii) Compressor and ETP
(iii) JW, LO Seal Pumps and drive, chemical dosing system
.(iv) JW, IW level controllers viscosity Regulations
(v) Charge air Regulations, cyl. temp.monitor
(vi) Engine air modular protection including calibration of
inputs and setting of thresholds ·
(vii) Starting air control equipment and ti.ring sequence.
(viii) Steam system level controllers, calibration, press
controllers, boiler circulating water pumps, condensate
transfer pumps, etc.
(ix) NDT and Welding

Part IV


Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item No. Particulars Number of

1 2 3
I General Introduction: 3
(i) World Power Scenario
(ii) Growth of Power Industry in India
(iii) Generation Scenario in India
(iv) Transmission and Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Role of Private Power Participants in India
(vi) Organisation/Power Sector set up
(vii) Introduction to Indian Standard specifications for Electrical

II Concept of Gas Turbine: power generation from petroleum fuels 3

such as naphtha , gas, modular NGL Central Station and utility
systems, base load and peaking stations, concept of system, typical
. Open and Combined cycles,_parameters, heat rates, fuel rates, steam_
rates, typical h(l!lt balance of gas turbine, waste heat rncovery boiler
and turbo generator. ·

III Choice of location of large Gas Power Station: Site availability, 3

water requirements, fuel supply centers, air pollution, topography.

IV Plant layout in large central station including machine arrangements, 2

equipment layout, switchyard and auxiliary arrangements.

---- ------------- -- ---


V Constructional details and basic principles of gas turbines. 12

(i) Air filters
(ii) Compressors
(iii) Furnace chamber
(iv) Gas turbine

VI Gas Turbine Air Intake inlet air filtration, Exhaust system and 6
Compressor System, Gas turbine auxiliaries and governing system,
Air compressor and Air drawing'system

VII Construction and functional features of steam turbine and 6

auxiliaries, governing system; oil system, control valves ·
VIII Construction and working principles of Alternators and excitation 6
systems: •·
(i) Alternators, cooling arrangements (hydrogen/air cooling),
stator water cooling, hydrogen sealing sysJ~m.
(ii) Characteristic amplifier and magnetic ·. amplifier, static
excitation system, Automatic Voltage Re~lation (AVR).
(iii) Method of grounding.

IX Fu~] handling, storage and supply, fuel characteristic 3

X General understanding of Basic flow diagrams in power station 6

(i) Fuel cycle
(ii) Air Cycle

XI · Direct and closed cooling water circuits, cooling towers, types and
characteristics. ·

XII D.C. and A.C. power supply for auxiliaries, arrangements' of-unit. 2
and station boards, station lighting and automatic changeover.

XIII Transfonners: Main transfonners, interconnecting transformers, 3

station/unit transformers, voltage grounding transformers, type of
connections, paralleling, tap changing gear:

XIV Outdoor switchyard, single line diagrams, busbars, circuit breakers; 3

isolators, current transformers, potential ·transformers, lightning
arresters, grounding.

xv Indoor and outdoor switch gear: Types - bulk oil, minimum oil, air 3, SF6 , and vacuum circuit breakers, construction and functional

XVI Working principle and basics oflnstrumentation and measurements: 8

Details of measuring instruments for pressure, flow, temperature,
level,, draught, vibration, eccentricity, conductivity, pH value,
differential expansion, oxygen analyzer, current, voltage, active
power, reactive power, frequency, energy, winding temperature.
Auto-controllers, axial shift indicator and recorder, flue gas

3747 G//10--35

analyzers, Megger - its use for primary detection of faults, data

acquisition system, digital distributed control, UPS, Unit
co-ordinated master control.

XVll Precommissioning/ Commissioning Activities 4

XVIll Operation, control and supervision 22

(i) General gas turbine start-up procedure.
(ii) Operation of gas turbine under different loading conditions,
(iii) Analysis of water, fuel, at station laboratory.
(iv) Demonstration wherever possible through simulators of
various operating conditions. · ·
(v) Handling of gas/steam turbine under failure conditions (such
as tripping of turbo-alternator set, failure of supply to
auxiliaries) and Uf\der emergency conditions such as grid
failures, tube failures, fire out, etc. · _
(vi) <Jenera! start up procedure for highcpressure turbines from
cold warm and hot conditions.
(vii), Handling of turbine, generator and auxiliary plant under
failure conditions, and emergency conditions such as grid
(viii} Alternator-synchronizing, loading, parallel operations, MW
and MVAR sharing.
(ix) Water Treatment and water chemistry, R O System and
mesied hed, Boiler meter internal treatment

XIX Controls and Protei::tion - Sequential operation and interlocks: 18

(i} · Unit protection and interlocks.
(ii) Gas turbine and auxiliaries.
(iii) Steam Turbine and auxiliaries.
(iv) Comb!lstion control-pressure, fuel, air cycle,
(v) Turbine governing, speed setting, speed droop setting ,and
control circuits.
(vi) Generator protection, under;voltage, over-voltage,
differential, reverse power, under-excitation, negative phase
sequence, earth fault and types of relays used.
(vii) Importance of sequential inters locks.
(viii) Transformer protection - differential, overload,, earth faults,
high temperature, Buchholz and types ofrelays used.
(ix) LT/HT motor electrical protection
(x) Types of motors and variable speed drive and speed controls,
(xi) Various types of pumps and their starting and control.
(xii) Steam pressure and temperature control including automatic
detection and alarm system for naphtha fuel handling /
(xiii) Furnace purging.

xx Fire-fighting equipment and permanent fire fighting appliances

including automatic detection.
[ '1l'T IIl-"W6 4 J trs
General safety precautions, treatment of electrical or acid/ alkali -- 2
bum, permit to work, first aid, protective clothing, safety in
movement and storage of materials, switchyard safety,safe handling_
of naphtha fuel in transport, storage. and in gas turbines,

XXII Indian Boiler Rules, Factory Act, Electricity Act, 2003, Central 4
Electricity Authority (Measures -_ relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 and other statutory Regulations
concerning .Power Stations (General outline), Environmental
XXIII General plant maintenance procedure, PERT/CPM methods, power 6
station records, maintenance planning.

XXIV Efficiency and environment, plant performance, generation cost, 9

efficiency monitoring and optimization, stack emission monitoring
and ambient air quality. Availability Based Tariff, CERC
notification on Tariff, Gas Turbine Emission guideGnes and control
methods, Non emission target levels, Power output allowance, Heat
recovery allowance, emission levels for other contaminants _ ·

XXV Personnel management, duties and responsibilities, labour laws and

labour welfare.

XXVI Broad Principles of material management and inventory control 2

Total 140 Hours

:4½ Weeks

XXVII On Job Training: 7Weeks

(I) Control room desk operations:
(i) Pre- start checks,
(ii) Protection interlocks ,
(iii) Light up procedures and routine checks,
(iv) Stopping and emergency operation _of Boiler , Turbine ,
(v) Generators 'and their auxiliaries
(vi) On site Electrical operation location and off-site plant

2. Simulator training/Computer application m operation and 1 Week

maintenapbe of the plant




Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I Boiler: 4
Corrosion of boiler and auxiliaries, condenser and feed water
heating plant, Scale formation in boiler in relation to wtler

II Acid cleaning and preservation of boiler, mechanical removal of 6

deposits, scaffolding methods, quick-erect scaffolding in fum,,ce,
ultra-sonic thic~ess survey. High pressure water jet equipment

III Annual boiler and auxiliaries overhaul- hydraulic test, floating of 12

safety valves, preventive and· breakdown maintenance of boiler
auxiliaries, cutting of tubes and welding, ultrasonic testing and
stress relieving.

IV Efficient _operation of boilers- intetpretation of gas analysis for 8

proper combustion controls and methods of reducing other losses.

V Constructional details of hydraulic and other types of couplings, 3

torque converters, servo motor.

VI Constructional details of various types of pumps, their drives and 9

automatic starting, air-conditioning. Constructional details of -
various types of draught fans, their drives and automatic starting. ·
Types of wear on fans arid pumps and their effects, detection of
unbalance in fans and pumps, instruments for measuring
vibrations, vibration analysis and dynamic balancing procedures,
noise measurements and control.

VII Coal handling plant: 12

(i) Sequential Operation.
(ii) Conveyor and conveyor drives.
(iii) Tensioning arrangements.
(iv) Maintenance of guide rollers/ idlers.
(v) _Sway·switches/slip switches.
· (vi) Beetle charger for wagon marshalling.
(vii) Wagol). tipplers and coal crushers, weighing of coal,
different types of weighing bridges and meters, Coal storage
problems and prevention of spontaneous combustion.
Sampling of coal/British •Standards Specification/Indian
Standards Specification, procedure and proximate analysis.
(viii) Belt jointing methods-vulcanising, mechanical clamping, etc .

[ <!JTf 111-~ 4] "!Ra <fi"T ~ : 3rnl'lR"I Z/7

(ix) Stacker re-claimer.

(x) Vibrating feeders, vibrating screens.
(xi) Magnetic separators.
(xii) Coal· crushers.
(i) Working principle and construction of water treatment plant.
" (ii) Water treatment-hardness, pH value, clarifiers, treatment;
phosphate and hydrazine dosing, base exchangers.
(iii) DG sets and compressors
IX 9
Annual overhaul and inspection of turbine and auxiliary plant,
condenser tube cleaning, maintenance of pumps, lubrication
system, recycling of lubricating oil and· selection of lubricant,
condenser tube materials- wear and tear and effect of local water
conditions, types of failure, detection, preventive maintenance and
re-tubing of condensers, Maintenance of LP / HP heaters and de-
X 12
(i) Maintenance practice - Rigging and slinging, valve
grinding methods, high pressure welding heat insulation
methods, pipe work, aligmnents, bearing, scraping and
matching practice, radiography and stress relieving methods.
Anti-friction bearings and their installation and lubrication .
.Non destructive testing and principles, procedures and
application. Welding techniques and equipment.
(ii) Lubrication principles and their characteristic.

Indian Boiler Regulations and other statutory Regulations.

Workshop, types and use of hand tools and tackles, fabrication of
spares, repairs and maintenance of mechanical equipments such as ·
vehicles, tractors, dozers, shunters, cranes and hoists, welding -
modem techniques · and their applications iri maintenance of
boilers, turbine and associated plant
Composition, properties and behavior of Engineering materials
used in power stations.
Residual life assessment and extension methods
xv 4
Mechanical safety rules and policies
Maintenance planning and spares inventory, productivity, cost
Simulator Training
175 Hours
Total =6 Weeks
XVIII 4 weeks
On Job Training:
To be associated with field maintenance Engineers in the area of:
(i) Pressure parts maintenance
(ii) Rotary equipment maintenance
(iii) Pumps and dri_ve maintenance
(iv) NDT and welding
(v) Turbine and auxiliaries maintenance

Part VI



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I. Constructional details of hydraulic and other types of couplings, 2
torque converters - servo motor.

II. Constructional details of various types of pumps, their drives and 5

automatic starting, air conditioning. Constructional details of
various types of ventilation fans, and automatic starting, types of
wear on fans and pumps and their effects, detection of unbalance
in fans and pumps. Instruments for measuring vibrations,
vibration analysis. and dynamic balancing procedures, noise
measurements and control.

III. Fuel handling plant: Detailed operation and maintenance of fuel 2

stock yard, fuel purifiers, heat tracing, transfer pumps, settling
aiid service tank, etc.,

IV. (i) Water Treatment~ quality

. -
of water, . dozing of
chemicals 3
for cooling water and boiler water. Study and effects of
water quality parameters ..
(ii) Compressors.

V. Scheduled Overhaul and inspection of engirie and auxiliaries of 15

the Plant: ·
(i) Scheduled engine maintenance works required at I 500
hours, 3000 hours, /iOOO hol!rs, 12000 hours and 24000
hours; maintenance procedures of lubricating oil pt.imps,
jacket water pump, etc., recycling of lubricating oil and
monitoring of lube oil parameters.

(ii) Types of failures in the engine, break down maintenance,

carrying out hydraulic tests on cylinder heads, exhau~t
valves etc., calibration of injectors and fuel oil pumps

(iii) Maintenance of Turbocharger, dismantling, checking the

bearings, Compressor wheel, turbine shaft and blades,
cleaning, measurement of clearances on the compressor
as well as on the turbine side, before and after -
dismantling. Turbo charger washing !'1ethods.

(iv) Routine checking of oil pressure, water pressure, inlet and
outlet temperature, operating condition monitoring, types
of failures and detection, scheduled maintenance works ·

such as bowl cleaning, replacement of clutch shoes,

vertical and horizontal bearing, de-sludging operation,
starting and stopping of separators.
VI 9
Maintenance practice, valve grinding, lapping, . high pressure
welding, heat insulation methods, pipe work and alignments.
Motor. and pump coupling alignments, bearing, scraping and

matching practice, radiography and stress relieving methods,
antifriction bearings and their install.ation and lubrication. Non
destructive testing and principles, procedures and· application.
Welding techniques and equipments. Replacing of oil seals and
bearings, reconditioning of inlet valves, exhaust valve, fuel
pumps, etc., maintenance of boiler circulating and condensate
transfer pumps, recovery, boiler backwash, etc.
VII. 2
Workshop, types and use of hand tools and tackles, fabrication of
spares, repairs and maintenance of mechanical equipment such
as fork lifts, cranes, hoists, welding ~ modem techniques and
their applications.
Composition, properties and behavior of Engineering materials
used in power stations.
IX 6
Residual life assessment and extension methods.
X 4
Mechanical safety rules and policies.

m s
Maintenance planning and spares inventory, productivity, cost
control. 61 Hours
Total =2 Weeks


Part VII



Item No. Particulars Number

of Hours
1 2 3
I Waste heat recovery boiler: 6
C~rrosion of boiler and feed water heating plant, scale
formation in boiler in relation to water conditions.
II . Acid cleaning and preservation of boiler, mechanical removal 3
of deposits, auxiliary cooling water system, by pass stack and
its features.

III Constructional details. of hydraulic and other types of 6

couplings, torque converters, servo motor.

IV Constructional details of various types of pumps, their drives 3

and automatic starting, air-conditioning, various types of
draught fans, their drives and automatic starting.

V Types of wear on fans and pumps and their effects,. detection 5

of unbalance in -fans and pumps, instruments for measuring
vibrations, vibration analysis and dynamic balancing
procedures, noise measurements and control.

VI (i) Water treatment- hardness, pH value, clarifiers, 6

treatment, phosphate and hydrazine dosing, base
(ii) DG sets and compressors.

VII Power cycle, piping, fittings, valves and thermal insulation, 6

Gas turbine overhaul procedures.

VIII Annual overhaul and inspection of turbine and auxiliary· plant, 12

condenser tube cleaning, maintenance of pumps lubrication
system, recycling of lubricating oil and selection of lubricant,
condenser tube materials- wear and tear and effect of local
water conditions, types of failure, detection, preventive
maintenance and re-tubing of condensers.

IX Maintenance practice - Rigging and slinging, valve grinding 10

method.s, high pressure welding, heat insulation methods, pipe
work, alignments, bearing, scraping and matching practice,
radiography .and stress relieving methods. Anti-friction
bearings and their instaHation and lubrication . Non destructive
testing and principles, procedures and application. Welding
techniques. Alignment methods.
['WT III-'-= 4] 281

X Indian Boiler Regulations and other statutory Regulations. 2

XI _Workshop, types and use of hand tools and tackles, fabricatiC)ll 6

of spares, repairs and maintenance of mechanical equipments
such as vehicles, tractors, dozers, shunters, cranes and hoists,
welding - modem techniques and their applications in
maintenance of boilers, turbines and associated plant.

XII Composition, properties and behavior of Engineering materials 2
used in power stations.

XIII Residual life assessment and extension methods/Mechanical 3

safety rules and policies

XIV Maintenance planning and spares inventory, productivity, cost 6


Total 76 Hours
=2 ½ Weeks

xv On Job Training: 4 weeks
To·be associated with field maintenance Engineers in the area
(i) Pressure parts maintenance
(ii) Rotary equipment maintenance
(iii) Pumps and drive maintenance
(iv) NDT and welding .
(v) Turbine and auxiliaries maintenance.
(vi) Steam and Gas turbine maintenance: Inspection of
combustion chamber, replacement of liners, air filters,
acid and alkaline cleaning of water coolers, NDT,
governor bearing inspections, exhaust area inspection,
replacement of guide vanes, cleaning of blade cooling
passage, maintenance of bleed valves, compressor
• cleaning .

3747 Gl/10-36




Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours

1 2 3

l. Maintenance and commissioning of generators, excitation 12

system, generator seals, Generator protection- earth fault in rotor
and stator, negatfve phase sequence, loss of · excitation,
differential protection, back up protection, reverse power
protection, under-voltage protection, overload protection,
constmctional · details- of the relays. used, method of setting and
their testing, and over heating ofrotors.

II Motor maintenance 4

Ill Transformer protection - Buchholz relay, over current, 3

differential and·earth fault protection,.types of relays used, their
constructfon, _testing and settings.

IV Transformer commissioning, di•elcctric strength of oil, 3

insulation resistance, tap changers, filtration of oil, pre-
commissioning testing. Tan•Delta resistivity of oil and
preventive maintenance oftransformers, dissolved gas analysis.

V Circuit bn;akers, commissioning and maintenance, isolators, dis- 4

connectors, bus,bar arrangements, charging, synchronising with
the grid, disconnecting for repairs, maintenance of switchgear

VI Maintenance of equipments in the outdoor switchyard, current 4

transformers, potential transformers and lightning arrestors,
operation and maintenance.' Bus differential protection.

VII Thermography monitoring 2

VIII Line protection, fault analysis, bus-bar and local breaker back-up 4
protection (LBB).

IX Cables - control cables, layouts of equipments at voltage 4.

excee_ding 650V, testing and maintenance.

X Principle of electronic controls and transistorised circuits. 5

XI Pneumatic and di-electric transmitters and receivers, servo- 6

["IT'Tlll"&1".s4] 283

XII Interlocking, sequential control circuits, details_ of components 7

XIII Calibration and testing of various types of instruments - 8
indicating instruments, measuring instruments, recorders, and

XIV Statutory Electricity Acts and Rules and permit procedure 4

XV Starting and control equipments -of various types of motors, JO

station battery-care and · maintenance, trickle charging and
extended charging, operation and maintenance of rectifiers and
battery chargers, UPS, emergency-power supply.

XVI Economic load dispatch, power system control and operation, 8

MVAR-control,. voltage Regulation and frequency . control,
capacitors and reactors, islanding schemes, carrier · current
equipments, telephones, telernetering.

XVII Station Emergency lighting arrangements ..

XVIII Simulator Training 30

Total 119 Hours

:i.4 Weeks

XIX 4weeks

On Joi> Training (Applicable only for Engineers and Supervisors

engaged ori Coal and·Gas Turbine based plants):
To be associated with field electrical maintenance in the area of:
(i) HT/LT lliOtors
(ii) Transformer maintenance
(iii) AC/DC supply systems, station batteries and DG sets
(iv) Generator/ excitation systerns
(v) Switchyard / switchgear equipment maintenance


Part IX



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I. Working principles, calibration, control_ methods and 4
maintenance aspects of temperature measurement devices:
(i) Resistance thermometers, thermocouples -
(ii) Recorders, indicators
(iii) Transmitters.

II. Working principles, calibration, control methods and 4

maintenance aspects of pressure measurement devices:
(i) Diaphragm gauges, Bourdon gauges·
(ii) Recorders, indicators
(iii) Transmitters.

III Working principles, calibration, control methods and 4

maintenance aspects of flow measurement devices:
(i) Positive, semi-positive, rate and differential pressure
flow meters
(ii) Recorders and indicators
(iii) Transmitters.

IV. Working principles, calibration, control methods and -4

maintenance aspects oflevel measurement devices:
(i) Dip-sticks, sight glass, pressure gauge bellows /
diaphragm, float, buoyancy, gas purge, differential
pressure and capacitance type level measurement
(ii) Recorders and indicators
(iii) Transmitters:

V. Telemetering and signal conditioning - pneumatic systems, 3

electrical systems, electronic systems and maintenance

VI. Basic electronics - Component familiarisation and various 2

-types of circuits, microprocessors - -

VII. Turbovisory, instruments - their basic principles, application 6

and calibration: -
(i) · Eccentricity and vibration, its interpretation and
measurements, different pick-ups, their location, etc.
(ii) Use of vibration instruments and analysis, differential
expansion, measurement and interpretation, different
pick-ups, their location, etc., overall thermal expansion
[ "l]T! III-1sf1!6 4 l 285

measurements, ·axial shift position measurements,

valve position and servo motor position indicators,
differential metal temperature measurements, turbine
stress evaluators

VIII. Actuators: 2
Operating principles of pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical
actuators and their control mechanisms, maintenance,
inspection and testing aspects.

IX Analytical instruments: 4
Theory and working principles- steam/ water analysers, like
conductivity, pH, Na, NH 3, Hydrazine etc., theory and
working principles of combustion monitoring instruments
such as CO2, 0 2, etc., interpretation of the above parameters
to the operating regimes of the plant.

X HP/LP bypass and PRDS system: 6

Piping schematic with details of various valves and
transmitters, Equipment details - mechanical and electrical,
Control philosophy, Pre-commissioning checks and
commissioning procedures.

XL Instrument air system: 2

Air Supplier, piping and piping layout, air purification and
conditioning, basic theory and working principles of
pneumatic transmitters and secondary instruments, theory
and working principles of E/P converters and valve

XII. . Control and Instrumentation scheme tracing: 9

Instrumentation and control scheme of fuel, air, flue gas,
feed water and steam systems including their measurements

XIII. (i) Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System (FSSS), plant 9

equipment protection and interlock system. (not
applicable for DG Plant and Gas Turbine based Plant)
(ii) Automatic turbine run-up system (ATRS), analog and
digital controllers. (not applicable for DG Plant)

XIV. Data acquisition system/digital distributed control (DDC), 6

UPS, control room layout

Total 65 Hours
=2 Weeks

XV On Job Training:

(Applicable only for Engineers/Supervisors engaged on Coal

and GasTurbine based plants)
3 weeks
(i) Control system - basic principles, constructional
features, calibration, preventive maintenance and

trouble shooting of analog control systems, level,

flow, pressure and · temperature control systems,
component I cards .used in control systems, static and
dynamic. timing, control valves and dampers

(ii) Data acquisition system. or distributed digital control 1 week

system - basic principles, constructional features,
calibration, preventive maintenance and trouble
shooting of digital and analog inputs to DAS and their
conditioning, 1/0 and interface, functioning of alarms,
monitoring formats and logs, sequence of events



Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Numbers
No. of Hours
1 2 3

I. Power plant familiarisation 6

II Fundamental units and their conversion (mechanical, electrical, 2


III Engineering drawing and practice. 6

IV. Fuels and combustion, types of fuels - their properties and 4

testing, requirement of efficient combustion

V. Boiler and boiler house plant and auxiliaries : 16

(i) General description
(ii) Arrangement of boilers
(iii) Boiler auxiliaries
(iv) Boiler instrumentation
(v) Fabrication and assembly of different parts .of boiler and'
its accessories
(vi) High pressure welding in boilers
(vii) Arrangement of pulverised fuel boiler in a modem
thermal power station
(viii) Operation appreciation (start-up, running and shutdown)

Vl. Water conditioning, pre-treatment and demineralisation, water 4


VII. Ash handling- electrostatic precipitation and mechanical dust 2

collector- functions and description of two types.

VIII. Turbine and turbine house auxiliaries. 12

(i) Fundamental principle of steam t~rbine
(ii) Theory and operation of steam turbine
(iii) Governing and protection of turbine
(iv) Operation appreciation (start-up, running and shutdown)

IX. Handling of turbines and boilers under emergency conditions. 4

X. Condenser and vacuum extraction plant : 3

(i) Purpose and function
(ii) Construction of surface condenser and.vacuum pumps

XI. Regenerative feed water heating, constructional details of low 2

pressure and higb pressure feed water heaters, de-aerators and

XII. Cooling water systems and cooling towers.

XIII. Flow diagrams of basic cycles and scheme tracing : 16

(i) Coal handling.
(ii) Steam and condensate
(iii) Ash and slag handling
(iv) Station services - domestic water, air conditioning,
ventilation, lifts
(v) Air services, air compressors, switchgear
(vi) Bearing cooling, and general service water system
(vii) Circulating water system
(viii) Feed water and reheating plant
(ix) Fuel oil system
(Xf' ·station batteries and battery charging equipment
(xi) Station lighting, power supply and distribution boards.

XIV. Mechanical appreciation.- correct use of machines, tools and 6

tackles, gauges, l.its anddearances, tolerances, brazing,
soldering and welding, bearings, gears and thread, fasteners

XV. Bearings types, installation and removal procedures and 2

maintenance of clearances and tolerances, oil seals types, their
applications and clearances.

XVI. Lubrication and coo.ling principles. 2

XVII. Station instrumentation and controls .. 8

XVIII. Fire-fighting installations in thermal power station. 3

XIX. Electric shocks, first aid, acid burn, alkali wounds, chlorine gas 3
poisoning and their treatment.

XX. Duties and responsibilities of operators and plant attendants, 2

carrying out instructions, reporting to supervisors, recording
and ,eading unusual' occurrences, expected behavior, discipline,
sincerity, c)eanliness and love for machines.

XXI Personnel. safety equipment, cleanliness, caution and care in I

power station working.

XXII. How electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed i.e. 2

generator to Consumer service board.

XXIII Principle and working of alternating current and direct current 2

generators and their parallel operation.

XXIV Principle and working of transformers and their parallel 1


XXV. Principle and working of alternating current and direct current 2

motors, their spe_ed characteristics, contr?ls.

XXVI. Storage battery- principle, construction and charging. 1

XXVII Alternator cooling - different systems of cooling, advantages of. 2

hydrogen cooling over others, hydrogen plant.

Total 115 Hours

=4 Weeks
Part XI



Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
1 2 3
I Power plant familiarization. 8

IL Fundamental units .· and their c.onversion and measurement 4

(mechanical, electrical, thermodynamic)

III. Engineering drawing and practice 6

IV Fuels and combustion, types of fuels - their properties and 8

testing, requirements of efficient combustion.

V. Diesel Engine and Auxiliaries : 24

(i) General description

.(ii) Arrangement of engine
(iii) Engine auxiliaries
(iv) Assembly of different parts of engine and its accessories
(v) Engine instrumentation
(vi) Operation appreciation (start up, running and.shut down).

VI Water conditioning, pre treatment and demineralization. 6

VII Effluent treatment, plant functions and description, importance 4

of treatment plant.

VIII Turbochargers: 6
(i) Fundamental principles of turbocharger··
(ii) Theory and operation of turbocharger
(iii) Monitoring and_protection of turbocharger
[<WTIII-=4l 289

IX Handling of Engine under Emergency conditions. 6

X Fuel oil and lube oil separators: 6

(i) Purpose and function
' (ii) Operation and maintenance of separators

XI Cooling water system and radiators. 2

XII Flow Diagrams of basic cycles and scheme tracing. 24

(i) Fuel handling.
(ii) Fuel oil system (HFO and Diesel oil)
(iii) Jacket water cooling system
(iv) Lube oil system
(v) Air intake system
(vi) Engine cooling water system
(vii) Exhaustgas system
· (viii) Station services, domestic water, air conditioning,
ventilation, lifts, etc.
(ix) Air services, air compressor
(x) Steaqi system and heat tracing of fuel pipes
(xi) Station batteries and battery charging equipments
(xii) Station lighting, power supply and distribution boards,
switch gear. ·
Mechanical application - correct use ·of machines~ tools and
tackles, gauges, fits and clearances, tolerances, brazing,
soldering and welding bearings, gears and thread, fasteners.
Station instrumentation and controls.
xv 2
Fire fighting installation in D.G. power station.
Electric shocks, first aid, acid bums, alkali wounds/chlorine gas
poisoning and their treatment.
Duties and responsibilities of operators and plant attendants in
carrying out instructions, reporting to supervisors, recording,
reading unusual occurrences, expected behaviour, discipline,
• sincerity, cleanliness and love for machines.
Safety equipment and personal cleanliness, cautions and cares in
power station working.
How electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed 1.e.
_generator to Consumer service board.
xx 2
Principle and working of alternating current .and direct current
generators and their parallel operation
Principle and working of transformers and their parallel
Principle and working of alternating current and direct current
motors, their speed characteristics and control.

3747 G//10-37

Storage battery- principle, construction, boost charging,
charging and importance of DC in DG power plant
140 Hours
Total ;:;5 Weeks
Part XII



Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3

I. Gas Power plant familiarization 8

II. Fundamental units and their conversion (Mechanical, 2

electrical, thermo-dynamic).

III. Engineering drawing and practice. 6

IV. Fuels and combustion types of fuels - their properties and 4

testing, requirement of efficient combustion

V. Gas turbine and WHRB 20

(i) General description.
(ii) Arrangement of Gas turbines
(iii) WHRB (Waste Heat Recovery Boiler)
(iv) Instrumentation and Control system
(v) Fabrication and.assembly of different parts of gas
turbine and its accessories.
(vi) High pressure welding .
(vii) Fuel storage and transport arrangement.
(viii) Operation appreciation {start-up, running and

VI. . Water conditioning, pre-treatment and demineralisation. 4

VII. Steam turbine and turbine house auxiliaries. 12

(i) Fundamental principle of steam turbine.

(ij) Theory and operation of steam turbine
(iii) Arrangement of steam turbine.
(iv) Governing and protection of turbine.
(v) Operation appreciation (start-up, runnmg and

VIII. Handling of gas turbine, steam turbine and WHRB 4

IX. Condenser and vacuum extraction plant : 3

(i) Purpose and function.
(ii) Constructi9n of surface condenser and vacuum pumps

X. Cooling water systems and cooling towers. 1

XI. Flow diagrams of basic cycles and scheme tracing ~ 18

(i) Steam and condensate
(ii) Station services, domestic water, air conditioning,
ventilation, lifts
(iii) · Air services, air compressors, switchgear.
(iv) Bearing cooling and general service water system.
(v) Circulating water system.
(vi) Feed water system
(vii) Fuel oil system
(viii) Station batteries and battery charging equipment
(ix) Station lighting, power supply and distribution

XII.· Mechanical appreciation - correct use of machines, tools 6

and tackles, gauges, fits and clearances,. tolerances, brazing,
soldering and welding, bearings, gears and thread, fasteners

XIII. Station instrumentation and controls. 8

XIV. · Fire-fighting installations in thermal power station. 2

XV. Electric shocks, first aid, acid bum, alkali wounds, chlorine 3
gas poisoning and their treatment.

XVI. Duties and responsibilities of operators and plant attendants, 3

carrying out instructions, reporting to supervisors, recording
reading unusual occurrences, expected behavior, discipline,
sincerity, cleanliness and love for machines.

XVII. Safety of personnel and equipment, cleanliness, caution and 3

care in power station working.

XVlll. How electricity is generated, transmitted and distributed i.e. 2

generator to Consumer service board.

XIX. · Fundamental units, conversion and measurement of 1·

electrical quantities.

XX. Principle and working of alternating current and direct 2

current generators and their parallel operation.

XXL Princ;iple and working of transformers and their para11el 2


XXII. Principle and working of -alternating current and direct 2

current motors, their speed characteristics, controls.

XXllL Storage battery- principle, construction and charging.

XXIV. Alternator cooling, different systems of cooling, advantages 2
of hydrogen cooling over others, hydrogen plant. ·

Total 119 Hours

=4 Wee1's




Item Particulars. Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
L Types of bearings, oil seals and their uses. 4

IL Types of valves, safety.valve, suction valve, delivery valve, non- 15

return valve, bypass valve, drain valve, air release valve, control
valve, float operated valve, solenoid operated and pneumatically
operated valve and their applications.

Ill. Efficiency loss in boiler/ turbine cycle 4

IV. Interpretation of instrument reading and accurate logging 2.

V. Marking and measuring, workshop practice, welding and gas 5

cutting, pipe fitting methods

VI. Pump maintenance 5

VIL Shaft alignment methods 4
VIII. Drives maintenance, keys 4
IX. Insulation types and applications · 2
X. Mechanical safety 4
XI. Vulcanizing 2

XII. Couplings •- different types- rigid, flexible, magnetic and fluid 3


XIII. Clutches - different types and uses. 2

XIV. Maintenance of pneumatic measuring instruIT1ents, servomotors, 4

power cylinders and other thermostats, Monistats.

XV. Maintenance of instruments, recorders, clocks. 4

XVI. Vibrations - general knowledge of their causes, effects,

remedies, measurement and balancing. 8

Total 72 Hours
=2 ½ Weeks

XVII. On Job Training in above areas with hands on practicals 16 Weeks

[ 'lT'T III-<iiflT.s 4 l 293

Part XIV



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I Types of bearings and their uses. 3

II Types of valves, safety valve, suction valve, delivery valve, non - 5

return valve, bypass valve, drain valve, air release valve, control
valve, float operated valve, solenoid operated and pneumatically
operated valve and their applications.

III Efficiency computation in Diesel Engine. 4

IV Interpreting instrument reading and accurate logging. 2

V Marking and ibeasuring, workshop practice, welding and gas 4 _

· cutting, pipe fitting methods.

· VI Pumps maintenance. 4
VII Shaft alignment methods. 4

VIII Drives maintenance keys 4

IX Insulation types and applications. 2

X Mechanical safety 4

XI Vulcanizing 2

XII Coupling- different types, rigid, flexible, magnetic and fluid 2


XIII Clutches- different types and uses 2

XIV· Maintenance of pneumatic measuring instruments, servomotors, 4

power cylinders and other thermostats, monostats.

XV Maintenance of instruments, recorders, clocks 4

XVI _Vibratio.n - general knowledge of their causes, effects, remedies, 8

measurement and balancing.
Total 58 Hours
=2 Weeks

XVII On job Training in above areas with hands on practicals 8 Weeks


Part XV


Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
1 2 3

I. Alarm systems - visual and audible. 2

IL Isolators, circuit breakers and contactors. 3

III. Earthing and neutral grounding, necessity of, methods for, safety 4
rules while handling electrical equipments. Reading electrical
circuit diagrams

. IV Motor winding and repairs. · 4

V Maintenance of internal telephones and public address systems. 3

VI Meggering and testing of wiring and cable faults. 3

VII Maintenance of electrical motors. 3

VIII Maintenance of electrical switchgears. 8

IX Fuses- re-wireable type, cartridges type, high rupturing capacity 8

fuse, constructional features of fuse and fuse sockets, knife type
high rupturing capacity fuses, use of pullers for insertion and
removal, colour code for fuse ratings.

X Motor starters and their applications - direct-on-line, star-delta, 5

rotor resistance, contactors and relays

XI Meggers, avometers, voltmeters, ammeters, watt meters, energy 6

meters- general information about their use.

XII Maintenance of batteries and rectifiers 3

XIII. Maintenance of transformers and tap changers. 6

XIV. Laying and jointing of cables of voltage up to 250 V and exceeding 4

250 V but not e,xceeding 650 V.
xv. Panel wiring methods, connections, earthing principles of operation '
of small distribution tt:ansfonners.

XVI Current and potential transformers, purpose, connection and use. 2

XVII Various types of drives. 2


XVIII Elementary knowledge of Engineering materials and their 2


XIX Lubrication and cooling system 4

Total 74 Hours
=2 ½ Weeks

xx On Job Training in above areas with hands on practicals:

(i) Technicians engaged on coal and gas based Power Plants. 16Weeks

(ii} Technicians engaged on Diesel engine based Power Plants. 8 Weeks

Part XVI



Item Particulars Number

No. · of Hours·
1 2 3

Pressure gauges '
- Bourdon•· type gauge, manometer, vacuum - 5
gauge, barometer, principles of operation, absolute pressure, gauge
and vacuum prcs1:ure aid th!:ir inter-relationship, calibration.

II Temperature indicators, mercury thermo.meters, resistance 4

thermometers, thermocouples, pyrometers, gas thermometers
.temperature alarm, calibration.

III Level gauges - different types - level alaITI!, calibration. 3

IV Flow meters - steam and water, general principles, calibration. 3

Instrument workshop practice - multi meters, megger

V Electronic circuit diagram study, drilling, sold~ring, use of 6

resistance bridge and workshop potentiometer.

VI Electronics - components, qscilloscope, power supply, signal 8

generator applications, logics and timers.

VII Telemetering and signal conditioning, transducers; thresholds, . 12

transmitters and their eaiim:ation.

VIII Instrument air control systems 2

IX Actuator maintenance. 4

X Analytical instruments. 3

XI ---. Furnace safeguard. supervisory instruments, turbovisory 6

instruments. (Not applicable in case of Diesel engine based power
plants and gas turbine based-power plants.)

XII Instrument fault finding 2

XIII Familiarisation of data acquisition system / distributed digital 3


XIV Power supplies and alarm system 6

XV Safety precautions 1

Total 68 Hours
· =2 ½ Weeks

XVI On Job Training in above ·areas with hands on practicals

(i) Technicians engaged on coal and gas based Power Plants-:' · 16 Weeks

(ii) Technicians engaged on Diesel engine based Power Plants. 8Weeks




Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
I 2 3
I S}eneral Introduction: 5
(i) World Power Scenario
(ii) Growth of Power Industry in India
(iii) Generation Scenario in India
(iv) Transmission and Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Role of Private Power Participants in India
(vi) Organisation/ Power Sector set up
(vii) Introduction to Indian Standard specifications for
Electrical wiring

II Concept of modem hydro station: 3

Types of stations, their role in th_e power systems, base load, and
peaking load, run-off-the river, s(li,rage type ahd pumped storage .
power plants, concept of unit, typical surface and underground ·
hydro power stations. ·.

III Choice of location of large hydro station: water availability land 3

availability, selection of installed capacity, selection of type of
turbine, choice of size of generating units.
IV Hydraulic system, reservoir, storage capacity, operation o( 3
reservoirs, dams and barrages, intake, surge tank, power
tunnels/channel, fore bay and penstocks, pressure shaft, tail race
and tail race tunnel/channel, protec~on against watef, .hammer
and negative pressure in· penstocks arid suction head. Dewatering
of water conductor systems. ,
V Plant lay out in hydro stations above 25MW capacity including 3
machine arrangement, equipment, switchyard and auxiliary
['WT I I I - = 4) 297

VI Constructional details and working principles of valves - 3

butterfly, spherical, needle etc.
(i) Requirements and principle of operation
(i'i) Type and selection criteria of valves and their operation
f_, and control. ·
VII Constructional details and working principles of hydro 3
mechanical equipments.
(i) Requirements and principle of operation.
(ii) Type and selection criteria of hydro mechanical
equipments and their operation and control.
VIII . Constructional details and working principles of turbines . and 12
auxiliaries. ·
(i) Principle of operation, types and characteristics. of turbines
(ii) Choice, rating and specifications of turbines
(iii) Components of turbines and their design
(iv) Type of governors - hydraulic and electronic
(v) Guide bearing and shaft seal arrangements

IX Working principles, characteristics and operation of auxiliary 9

(I) Unit Auxiliaries r
(i) Oil pressure units
(ii) HP lubrication system
(iii) Braking and jacking system
(iv) Central grease lubrication system
(v) Carbon dust collt;'ctlon system for slip rings, exciters
and brake pads. •
(vi) Cooling water system.

(2) Common Auxiliaries

(i) EOT cranes and hoists
(ii) Ventilation system
(iii) Air conditioning system
(iv) Compressed air system
(v) Drinking water system
(vi) Sewerage system
(vii) Elevator/lifts
(viii) Dewatering and drainage system
• (ix) Communication systems

X Constructional details and working principles of aliernators and 12

· excitation systems.
(i) Alternators, characteristics and rating, types of winding,
bearing arrangerhept;;, cooling arrangements
(ii) Main and pilot exciters, voltage regulators, types··and characteristics,
amplifier and magnetic amplifier, static excitation system, Automatic
VoltaJ!~ !l-!'~~la~ion (A VR)
(iii) Meihocl'io'f groundin_g . .
(iv).ctMh~¥itOf-,, trat{;f&riner
•ir·"w Oflb l: -
. ~- •-
-~~ .
XI DC and "Pl..C power supply for auxiliaries, arrangement of unit 5
auxiliary and station service boards, station lighting and automatic
changeover. Station batteries and charging methods. Standby
and emergency power and lighting systems.
3747 Gl/10-38

.XII Transformers: Main transformers, station/unit transformers, 5

grounding transformers, type of connections, tap changer gear,
cooling arrangements, size selection of main transformers, parallel
operation and Regulation.

XIII Out door switchyard, bus bar arrangements, single line .diagram, 3
circuit breakers, isolators, current transformers, potential
transformers,- lightning arrestors, wave traps, coupling capacitor,
LMU and· three element protection devices, grounding
arrangements ..

XIV Indoor and· out door switch gear: Types: MCB, bulk oil, 12
minimum oil, air blast, vacuum, SF, breakers, constructional-
functional details and characteristics.

xv SF, gas filled EHV switchgear 4

XVI (i) Working principle and basis of instrumentation and 14
· measurements: Detail of measuring instruments · for
pressure, flow, temperature, level, vibration, alignment
and current, voltage, power, reactive power, frequency,
energy, winding temperature, auto controllers, recorder,
Megger- its use for primary detection of faults, data
acquisition system, digital distributed control, UPS, unit
co-ordinate master control.
(ii) · Testing of electrical and mechanical testing equipments

XVII Control and protection - sequential operation and interlocks 15

(i) Unit protection and interlocks
(ii) Turbine and auxiliaries and vibration monitoring
(iii) Turbine governing, speed setting, speed droop setting and
control circuits
(iv) Generator protection, under voltage, over voltage,
differential, reverse power, under excitation, negative
phase sequence, earth fault, etc.
(v) Different types of protection relays
(vi) Importance of sequential interlocks
(vii) Transformer protection- differential, over load, over
fluxing, restricted earth fault, high temperature, buchholz
(viii) Types of motors and variable speed drive and ,e,011trol
(ix) Various types of pumps and their starting ·control '
(x) Annunciation systems
(xi) • On line monitoring devices

XVIII Operation control and supervision 12

(i) · General machine start and stop procedure and sequence
(ii) Handling of turbine and generator and auxiliaries under
failure condition. such as, mechanical ., and electrical
auxiliary and governor failure, grid failure and other
failure conditions.
(iii) Alternator- synchronizing, loading, parallel operation,
active and reactive power sharing and frequency controV
[ 'WT Ill-1'.§!Us 4 l 299

XIX (i) Fire safety procedure 5

(ii) Fire protection of generator
(iii) Fire fighting and emulsifier type protection
xx General safety precautions, treatment of electrical or acid/alkali 4
• burns, permit to work, first aid, protective gear/ clothing, safety
in movement and storage of materials, safety aspects of

XXI Factory Act, Electricity Act, 2003, Central Electricity Authority I0

(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations,
2010, and other statutory Regulations concerning power stations
_ (broad outline).

XXII Erection, testing and comm1ss10ning of turbine, generator, 12

control and instrumentation, switchyard and auxiliary systems,
maintenance procedures, PERT/CPM method, power station
• records, maintenance planning .

XXIII Plant performance, generation cost, machine availability and 6

other commercial aspects.

XXIV Personnel management, duties and responsibilities, labour laws 4

and labour welfare.

XXV Broad principles of material management, procurement 6

procedure and inventory control.

Total 173 Hours

· =6 Weeks

XXVI On job training: 7Weeks

(1) Control room desk operation: (6 Weeks)
(i) Pre-start checks
(ii) Protection interlocks
(iii) Startup procedure and routine checks
• (iv) Stopping and emergency operation of turbine,
generator and. their auxiliaries
(v) Operation of generating unit in abnormal ·
(vi) Simulator training/computer application for plants

2. Fire fighting and fire safety procedures during emergency.

(I week)



Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
1 2 3

I Predictive, pre.ventive and emergent maintenance, types of 12

- failure and detection:
(i) Periodical maintenance and inspection of turbine and
(ii) Maintenance of p~mps, valves and pipe work
(iii) Lubrication principles and _their characteristics
· (iv) Purification of lubricating oil and selection
(v) Mechanical alignment
(vi) Static and dynamic balancing of machines
(vii) Maintenance planning
(viii) Modem techniques and · their applications m
maintenance of turbine and associated auxiliaries.
(ix) Cavitation and erosion of under water ·components due
to higher abrasive silt laden water.

II l. Pre-commissioning _and commissioning tests of hydro 12

mechanical gates and inlet valves - dry and wet
2. Predictive, preventive and emergent maintenance of:
(i) Inlet valves
(ii) Hydro·mechanical gates
(iii) EOT cranes

III Predictive, preventive and emergent maintenance of: I0

(i) Ventilation and air conditioning system
(ii) Central grease lubricating unit
(iii) Air compressors
(iv) Lifts
(v) DG sets
(vi) Fire fighting equipments

·IV Maintenance practices - rigging and slinging, bearing, scraping I0

and matching, radiography and stress relieving methods, anti-
friction bearings and_ their installation and lubrication, non
destructive testing and principles, procedure and application.
Welding techniques and equipment.

V Workshop: Types and use ofhydraulic, pneumatic and hand 8

tools and tackles. Fabrication of spares. Repairs and
maintenance of mechanic_al equipments such as vehicles,
dozers, cranes .

. VI Composition, properties and behavior of Engineering materials 8

used in power stations
[ "l1'T Ill-1§!1Js 4 l <rffil sii ~ : 3fffi'ffi1JT

VII Residual life assessment and life extension methods · 6

VIII Mechanical safety rules and practice 4

IX Spares inventory, produc_tivity, cost control. 4

Total 74 Hours
=2 ½ Weeks

X On Job Training: 3 weeks

To be associated with field maintenance of:
(i) Turbine and auxiliaries like governor, shaft seal, inlet
valve, etc.
(ii) Common auxiliaries such as cooling water system,
compressed air, ventilation and air conditioning, fire
· fighting, EOT cranes etc.
(iii) · Welding and non destructive testing
(iv) Work shop procedures
Part XIX



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
I - 2 3

I. Predictive, preventive and. ----

emergent maintenance and inspection '
of generators, excitation system, generator bearing. Principles
of electronic controls and transistorized circuits. Generator
protection- earth fault in rotor and st~tor, negative phase
sequence, loss of excitation, differential protection, back up
protection, reverse power protection, under/over voltage
protection, over load protection, dry out of generators.
Constructional details of the different types ofrelays and other
sensing equipments, method of setting and iheir testing. Wiring
details of control panels. Insulating materials and their use.

II. Predictive, preventive and emergent maintenance of motors. 4

III. Transformer: preventive maintenance of transformers, dielectric 8

strength -of oil, insulation_ res'istance, tap changers, filtration of
oil.- Tan-Delta .resistivity of oil, dissolved gas analysis and other
testing of oil
IV Transformer: Protection- Buchholz relay protection, over current 8
protection, differential ·protection and earth fault protection,
types of relays used, their construction, testing and setting.
Commissioning tests.

V Circuit breakers' maintenance, isolators, disconnectors, bus bar 8

arrangements, charging, synchronizing with the grid,
disconnecting for repairs, maintenance of switchgear contactors.

VI Maintenance of equipments in the outdoor and indoor 8

switchyard. Operation and maintenance of current transformers,
potential transformers and lighting arrestors. Bus differential
protection, etc; LV, HY and EHV cables and their jointing and '
testing. ·

VII Maintenance of SF, gas filled insulated switch gear. 6

VIII Station auxiliary supply, station battery-care and maintenance, 10

trickle charging and extended charging, operation and
maintenance of rectifiers and battery chargers, UPS, emergency
power supply, station grounding arrangements.

IX Line protection and fault analysis. 4

X PLCC equipments, telemetering, and other latest communication 8
systems like fiber optics, microwave, etc.

XI Computerized on-line monitoring of power plant(DRs, Event 4

Logger and SCADA)

XII Interlocking sequential control circuits, details of components 7


XIII Calibration and testing of vanous types of instruments, I0

indicating/ measuring instruments, recorders and analyzers,
including transducers and RTUs (Remote Transmitting Units)

XIV Statutory Electricity Acts and Rules, permit procedure and site 4
safety mies.

XV Economic load dispatch, power system control and operation , 10

MYAR-control, voltage Regulation and frequency control,
islanding schemes, function of RLDC/SLDC

XVI Station emergency lighting arrangements. .2

XVII R&M and residual life assessments and life extension of 4

Total 120 Hours
:4 Weeks

XVIII On Job Trajning: 4 weeks

To be associated with field electrical maintena.nce of:
(i) Generator and auxiliaries
(ii) Common auxiliary systems
(iii) Transformer
(iv) LT/HT switch gear in power plant and indoor and out door
switch yard
(v) Control room operation.

Part XX



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
L Working principles, calibration, control methods and maintenance 5
aspects of temperature measurement devices.
(i) Resistance thermometers, thermocouples
(ii) Recorders, indicators
(iii) Transmitters
(iv) Transducers .and RTUs.

II. Working principles, calibration, control methods and maintenance 4

aspects of pressure measurement devices
(i) Diaphragm gauge, Bourdon gauge
(ii) Recorders, indicaters
(iii) Transmitters

III. Working principles, calibration, control methods and maintenance 4

aspects of flow measurem~l}t devices:
(i) Positive, semi-positive, rate and differential pressure flow
(ii) Recorder5 and indicators
(iii) Transmitters.

IV. Worklng principles, calibration, control methods and maintenance 4•

aspects oflevel measurement devices :
(i) Pressure gauge bellows/diaphrag1I1, float, buoyancy, gas
purge, differential pressure and capacitance -type level
measurement systems
(ii) Recorders and indicators
(iii) Transmitters

V. Telemetering and signal conditioning • pneum,:,.tic systems, electrical 4

systems, electronic systems and maintenance asp~cts.

VI Basic electronics - Component familiarization and various types of 8

circuits, microprocessors

VII Turbovisory instruments- their basic principles, application and 12

calibration : alignment and vibration, its interpretation and
• measurements, different types of pick-ups, their location, etc., use
of vibration instruments .and analysis, different pickups, their
location,' etc., axial shift position measurements, valve position and
servo motor position indicators, differential metal temperature

VIII Actuators: 6
Operating principles of pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical actuators
and their control mechanisms, maintenance, inspection and testing .

IX Instrument air system: 4

Air Supplier, piping and piping layout.

· X. Data acquisition systems_. Microprocessor based control system for 11

generating units including governors and. excitation systems. Digital
distributed control (DDC); UPS, control room layout
Total 62 Hours
:2 Weeks

XI. On Job training:

(1) Control system - basic principles, construction features, 2 weeks ·
calibration, preventive maintenance and troubie shooting. Analog
control systems, level, flow, pressure and temperature control .
systems, component/cards used in control systems, static and
dynamic timing, control valves and dampers.

(2) Data Acquisition System (DAS) or .distributed digital control 2 weeks

system - basic principles, construction features, calibration,
preventive maintenance and trouble .shooting of digital and analog
inputs to DAS and thei~ 'conditioning, I/0 and interface, functioning
of alarms, monitoring formats and loi:;s, s_equence of events.
·-• \ --,-,




Common course for Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation

· Item Number
No. Particulars of Hours
1 2 3
I Funda:rriental 'ufflts, conversion of and measurmg electrical 2
quantities. · :it: " ·

II How electricity is generated, transmitted and distributeq Le. 2

generator to Consumer service board.

III Principle and working of alternating current and direct current 2

generators, motors, their speed characteristics, controls. ,

IV Princip\e and ·working of transformers,.- and their parallel 2

operation <!t'):,. 1 , >w!, -";!cd(f l!iti~ ftf>.sJ ,,oi~ ,m1iiu!,i",,.
!n~Jwnd·. ,,) ,~noJ:;o(brti rmiti20q :0J'.-:iJ1 0V1$2
V Power plant familiarization 6

VI Turbine and auxiliaries: 8

(i) Fundamental principle of turbines and inletvalves
(ii) Theory and operation of turbines and inlet valves
[ 'WT I I I - ~ 4] 305

(iii) Governing and protection of turbine

(iv) Operating procedures (start-up, running and shutdown)
(v) Various types of faults in generators, turbines and
auxiliaries -analysis thereof.

VII Generator and auxiliaries: 8

(i) Fundamental principle and working of generators
(ii) Excitation system
(iii) Automatic voltage regulator
(iv) HV, EHV, LT and control cables
(v) Generator transformer connection
(vi) · Protection of generators
(vii) Operating procedures (start up, running and shut down)

VIII Engineering drawing and practice 6

IX. Handling of turbines under emergency conditions 4

X. Power station mechanical auxiliary system- general aspects and 8

· basic flow diagrams, etc.
(i) EOT cranes
(ii) Hydro mechanical gates
(iii) OPU
(iv) Central grease lubricating unit
(v) HP lubrication system
(vi) Carbon dust collection system
(vii) Cooling water systems, bearing cooling, generator cooling
and transformer cooling
(viii) Braking and jacking system
(ix) Drainage ~nd dewatering system
(x) . Drinking water, air conditioning and ventilation systeni
(xi) Air services, air compressors
(xii) Lifts

XI. Mechanical appreciation - correct use of machines, tools and 6

. tackles, gauges, fits and clearances, tolerances, brazing,
soldering and welding, bearings, gears and threads, fasteners.

XII Electrical appreciation- correct and Appropriate use of electrical 6

tools like Megger, tong testers, multi-meters, insulation testing
equipment, earthing and its importance.

XIII Bearings- types, installation and removal procedures and 2

maintenance, clearance :md tolerances, oil seals- types,
• applications with clearances.

XIV Lubrication ·and cooling principles. 2

XV Station in~rumentation and controls. 4

XVI Power station electrical auxiliary system - general aspects and 8

basic flow diagrams, etc.
(i) Station lighting, power supply and distribution·boards
(ii) Station batteries and battery charging system
3747 Gl/10-39

(iii) - Unit and station transformers

(iv) DG sets and their maintenance
XVII El~ctri~ shocks, first aid, acid burn, alkali wounds, Chlorine gas 3
pmsonmg and their treatment. -
XVIII Fire fighting installations in hydro power station 2

XIX Personnel safety j;lquipment, cleanliness, caution and care m 2

power station working. Importance of ~arthing.

xx Duties and responsibilities of operators and plant attendants

. . . '
caff):'mg o~t mstruct10ns, reporting to supervisors, recording
r:adm~, visual . occurrence, expected behavior, discipline,
smcenty, cleanlmess and love for machines ·

Total 86 Hours
=3 Weeks

XXI On job Training in above.areas with hands on practicals 4 weeks




Particnlars. Number
Item ofHoursl
- No.
2 3
Operation and general aspects of annual maintenance of turbine 6
and auxiliaries
(i) Turbine
(ii) Inlet valve
(iii) Governing system
(iv) Shaft seal

Operation and general maintenance of common mechanical 6

(i) - Pumps and associated pipe work- such as cooling water
system, fire fighting system, drainage _system, dewatering
(ii) _Air conditioning and ventilation system
(iii) Air compressors
(iv) -EOT cranes
(v) ·Hydro mechanical gates
(vi) Turbine and generator bearing
(vii) Lifts •
(viii) Fire fighting . system for power house complex and
specifically for equipments like transformers and generators
with knowledge of different fire fighting systems.

III Types of valves- safety valve, suction valve, delivery valve, non- 4
return valve, bypass valve, drain valve, air release valve, control
valve, float operated valve, solenoid operated and pneumatically
operated valves and their applications .

IV Interpretation of instrument reading and accurate logging 2

V Workshop practice, making of spare parts, welding and gas cutting, 4
pipe fitting methods, introduction to various tools, tackles and

VI Shaft alignment methods. 4

VII Rubber components, their uses and handling. 2

VIII Maintenance of measuring instruments such as dial gauges, 4

micrometers, vernier calipers etc.

• IX Couplings-different types, rigid and flexible coupling. 2

X Vibration-general knowledge of the causes, effects, remedies, 4

measurement and balancing.

XI Standard storage ·practices for spares and materials. 2

XII Mechanical safety.

Total 42 Hnurs

XIII On Job Training in above areas with hands on practical. 4 weeks




Item Particulars Number

No . of Hours
• 1 2 3
I Operation and general aspects of annual maintenance of 8
. generators and auxiliaries
(i) Generator and its dry out
(ii) Excitation system
(iii) .. AVR

II Operation and general maintenance of common electrical 8

' auxiliaries
(i) Station supply
. (ii) Batteries and chargers, DC distribution boards and
emergency ligbting system
(iii) Motor winding and repairs
(iv) Understanding of electrical panel wiring
(v) PLCC system
(vi) EOT crane

III Operation and maintenance of transformers including oil 6

filtration ·

IV Out door switch yard equipment such as isolators, circuit 3

breakers and contactors, earthing switches, CT, CVT, LA

V Indoor switch gear system 4

VI Alarm systems - visual and audible 2

VII Earthing and neutral grounding: .necessity of methods 4

while handling electrical equipments. Reading electrical circuit

.VIII Maintenance of internal telephones and public address system 3

IX Meggering and testing of electrical equipment, wiring and cables 3

X Maintenance of electrical switchgears 6

XI Fuses-rewirable types, cartridges type, high rupturing capacity 6

fuse, constructional features of fuse and fuse sockets, knife type
high rupturing capacity fuses, use of pullers for insertion and
removal, colour code for fuse ratings.

XII Motor starters and their applications- direct-on-line, star delta, 5

rotor res_istance, contactors and relays
XIII Voltmeters, ammeters, watt meters, energy meters, meggers, 6
multimeters, tong testers and general information about their use

XIV Laying and jointing of cables of voltage upto 250 V and 4

exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V.

XV Panel wiring methods, connections, earthing, and principles of 2

operation of small distribution transformers.

XVI Protection relays, current and potential transformers, purposes, 2

· connections and use.

XVII Elementary knowledge of electrical Engineering mat"crials and 2

their properties.

XVIII Basic knowledge of computers and on line monitoring system 2

XIX Familiarization with supervisory control and data acquisition · 4


80 Hours
XX On job Training in above areas with hands on practicals.
4 weeks
['1T'T I I I - ~ 4] 309




Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I. Familiarization with Supervisory control and data acquisition 4

II. Power supplies and alarm system 4

III. Power station instruments, their maintenance and testing 4

(i) Event sequence recorder
(ii) Disturbance fault recorders
(iii) Sequence controllers
(iv) Digital relays

IV Water flow. meters and their application

~, and maintenance 2

V Pressure gauge: Bourdon type g!luge, barometer principles of 3

operation, absolute pressure, vacuum pressure, maintenance of
pressure gauges.

VI Level gauges: Different types of level gauges and their 3

application in power house and calibration

VII Temperature indicators: · mercury thermometers, resistance 3

thermometers, thermocouples, their use in power house and

VIII Instrument workshop practice: electronic circuit diagram study, 6

multi-meters, Megger, drilling, soldering, use of resistance
bridge and workshop potentiometer

IX Electronic components, oscilloscope, power supply, signal 8

generator applications, logics and timers

X Telemetering and signal conditioning, transducers, thresholds, 8

transmitters and their calibration

XI Instrument fault finding 2

XII - Safety precautions

Total 48 Hours
=1 ½ Weeks

XIII On job Training in above areas with hands on practicals. 4 Weeks

. '



Common course for Electrical. Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours

1 2 3

I General Introduction: 5
(i) World Power Scenario ,
(ii) Growth of Power Industry in India
(iii) Generation Scenario in India
(iv) Transmission and Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Role of Private Power Participants in India
(vi) Organisatioii/Power Sector set up
(vii) Introduction to Indian Standard specifications for
Electrical wiring
(viii) Energy conservation

II Layout and location of 66 kV and higher voltage sub-stations. 4

III Main equipments used together with their specifications ·. 6

including gas insulated switching systems

IV Concept of High Voltage DC Transmission 3

V Construction of high voltage lines, types of towers, types of 3

insulators and their electrical and mechanical characteristics.

VI High tension feeders, their load carrying capacities. 3

VII (i) Alternating and direct currents, relation between voltage, 29

current, power, reactive power and common units in use.
Power factor, Ohm's Law, resistance, reactance,
impedance, percentage impedance. Three phase vectors,
phase - displacement between current and voltage
(ii) Basic principles of transformation, magnetisation,
hysteresis, reluctance, retentivity, electromagnets. Flux
density, ampereturns equation for transformation,
- reactors, etc.
(iii) Two winding, three winding and auto transformers:
Grounding transformers, salient features of shell type
and core type transformers, hot rolled and cold rolled
steel cores, stampings and their assembly. Different
vector groups and terminal connection
(iv) Transformer fixtures, e.g., Buchholz relay, on-load and
off-load tap _changer, breathers, conservators, bushings

of different types, thermometers, indicators, alarms .

(v) Cooling of transformer and oil, different methods - of
cooling, importance of oil filtering and drying-out of
transformers, di-electric . strength of oil, different
• varieties of filters and their comparison, types of
(vi) Transformer tests - failure and causes, maintenance· and·
(vii) Parallel operation, Regulation, voltage control, tap
change, commissioning tests

VIII Breakers: 8
(i) Functions of breakers, their action.
(ii) Different types of outdoor and indoor breakers, e.g. bulk
oil, minimum oil and air blast, SF6- principles and their .
(iii) Operating mechanism, manual, sprmg, hydraulic
pneumatic, motor
(iv) Breaker maintenance, failures and their causes,
Commissioning procedure

IX Bus bars: 6
(i) Indoor bus bars, their' capacity, forces on theni during
short circuit, bus bar mountings and their clearances
(ii) Strung ,end tub•ilar tf5,pe bus bars, their current ratings,
supports, jumper:;, clearances.
(iii) Busbar fittings and connectors
(iv) Cables of voltage exceeding 650 V, types, their
maintenance and testing

X Current and potential transformers: 5

(i) Types of current and potential transformers, their
working principles, ratings, acc-uracies.
(ii) Functions of curreni and potenti,,J transformers.
(iii) Failure of current and ·potential tra,,sformers, their

XI Isolators: 5
(i) Tilting and rotating isolators, with and without arcing
horns, horizontal center break type, tandem isolators,
earthing blades, current rating, breaking a circuit by
isolator, interlocking with circuit breaker
_ (ii) Maintenance of isolators

XII Lightning protection: 3

(i) Simple description of!ightning phenomena, surges and
their protection
(ii) Construction of lightning arrestors and the principles of
their working
( iii) Different types of lightning arrestors and ratings
(iv) Earthing and location oflightning arrestors.

(v) Codes and Practices for lightning protection

XIII Capacitors

XIV Control Room: 10

(i) Necessity and function of a control board, types of
boards, instruments of the board.
(ii) Functions of the various relays and indicators, mimic
diagram indicators, annunciator and alarm,
characteristics ofrelay testing and setting of relays
(iii) Remote control ofbreakers, isolators, tap changers,
indicators on the control board.
(iv) Control and power cables
(v) Metering, concept of tariff, event loggers, disturbance

xv Auxiliary supply: 5
(i) Current and. ampere-hour ratings of batteries, battery.
charging equipment, checking of specific gravity of
electrolyte, maintenance of batteries
(ii) Importance of direct current supply and its functions.
(iii) Auxiliary direct current supply
(iv) AC distribution board

XVI Clearances and Compliance of CEA (Measures relating to 5·

Safety and Electricity Supply) Regulations 2010
(i) Minimum clearance between phases and phase to ground
for different voltages
(ii) CEA(Measures relating to Safety 'and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2010 pertaining to sub-stations.

XVII Earthing: 3
(i) Safety earthing and system earthing, the method of
earthing e.g., solid earthing, resistance earthing, peterson
coil earthing, earthing of lightning· arre·stor, importance
and advantages of each type
(ii) Different types of earth electrodes, earthing mats,
recommended values of earth resistance, measurement of
earth resistance

XVIII Maintenance: Maintenance of log sheet and other records. The 3

importance of maintenance of good records.

XIX Safety: I0
_ (i) Safety procedures and procedures for giving line clear
and taking it back. Maintenance of records of line· clear.
(ii) First-aid, artificial respiration and sh~ck treatment.

xx (i) Interlocking and sequential operation.?f different 8

(ii) Protections :- Transformers, lines, reactors, bus bar.

XXI Synchronising, charging and discharging of lines of voltage 3

exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV. Live line testing.

XXIl Calibration and testing of various types of equipment, 4

indicating and measuring equipments, recorders, analysers.

XXIII Handling emergency conditions. 3

XXIV Diagnosing troubles in the plant from instruments and 3


XXV Thermography monitoring. 4

XXVI Study of carrier system, PLCC 2

XXVII Auxiliary equipments such as compressors, station lighting, 2


X){VTTJ Fire-fighting equipment - their operations, maintenance and 3

refilling, emulsifier, fire wall protections ·

XXIX Personnel management, duties and responsibilities, labour . 4

welfare and labour laws

XXX .Power and telecommunication co-ordination cmpmittee 2

(PTCC) guidelines.

XXXI Broad • principles of material management and inventory 3


XXXII Simulator Training -30

Total 190 Hours

=6 Weeks

XXXIII On Job Training related_ to above areas · 4 Weeks

XXXIV Industrial visits and evaluation 2 Weeks

3747 Gl/10-40




Common course for Electrical. Mechanical and Instrumentation

Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
1 2 3
I General Introduction: 6
(i) Functions of State Electricity Board/Utility
(ii) Introduction to Electricity Act 2003, CEA (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010.
(iii) Substation:
(a) Sub-stations, Selection of site, clearances and control
(b). Sub-stations - 33 kV to 765 kV
(c) Selection of voltage level for Sub-station and layouts

II Equipments: 12
(i) Control/Relay panels and meters
(ii) Switch gear, Breakers
(iii) Isolators
(iv} Cables- types, construction and jointing·
(v) Power Capacitors
(vi) Lightning arrestors
(vii) CT, PT and carrier communication.

III Transformers (Power and Distribution): 12

(i) Types of transformers and parallel operations
(ii) Cooling and drying out of transfom1ers
(iii) Testing of transformers
(iv) Maintenance of transformers
(v) Protection of transformers
(vi) Failures of transformers

Circuit Breakers, Isolators and Relays:

IV (i) Principle and construction · 12
(ii) Types of circuit breakers .
(iii) Maintenance of circuit breakers
(iv) Relays - various types and functions
(v) .. Maintenance of isolators
· Storage Ba_tteries:
V Need, Function~, Comn1issi6ning and Jv1ab.tenance 6

Cable Jointing:
VI Cables-types, selection, cable trenches, cable routing and laying, 3
cable clamping, jointing and te;~_nination of HT, power and
control cables and junction box, etc.

VII Sub-station earthing, equipment earthing and Consumer earthing 3
and procedure for improving quality of earth resistance

Safety and fire fighting

VIII (I) Safety 6
(i) Basic principle of safety, importance of safety rules and
their observation
(ii) . List of Safety equipment, their use and niaintenance thereof
(iii) Permit procedure
(iv) Self permit, Permit.on phone and Procedures to be observed
(v), Electric shock and safety.
(vi) Causes ·of Accident, Precautions to be taken to avoid
accidents while working.

(2) Fire fighting:

(i) Principle and causes of fire, class of fire i.e., A, B, C.
Precautions to be taken to avoid fire
(ii) Fire fighting equipments, their type and use, their ·
periodical maintenance

Duties of staff:
IX Duties of staff assisting supervisory and operating staff 'and 6
maintenance of records

Human Resource Development:

X (i) Personal development and motivation 9
(ii) Communication skill and its importance
(iii) Attitudinal training

75 Hours
"c2 ½VVeeks

XI On job training, industrial visits and evaluation: 3 Weeks

(I) Study Visits - after introduction:
(i) I st visit : 11 kV and 33 kV sub-station
(ii) 2 nd visit : 66 kV and 132 kV sub-station
(iii) 3'd visit: 220 kV and 400 kV sub-station

2. Study and practicals

(i) Measurement of current, voltage, power, energy, frequency
and power factor
(ii) .Testing and connection of over current and earth fault relays
- (iii) Study of Buchholz relays
(iv) Measurement of earth. resisdvity
(v) Meggering of installation and equipments
(vi) Study and maintenance of breathers
(vii) Study of "on load tap changer" for transforme1·
(viii) Study of line construction materials and hardware
(ix) Demonstration of conductor jointing
(x) Demonstration ,of cable_jointing, ·

(xi) Study of various type of power fuses, control fuses, kitkat

and horn gaps. ·
(xii) Use of safety equipments and practicals followed for permit
on works
(xiii) First aid and fire fighting drills
(xiv) Energy conservation




Name of 1he Trainee ........................ , ........................................... .

Period: From ................ , ......... to ......................... (extended period).

Working in .•.................................................................. , ........... .

Section ..................................................................................... .

Department ..................... ; ... , ....................................................... .

Item Particulars Marks Marks Remarks

No. allotted given
1 2 3 4 5
i Punctuality and attendance +(5)
(i) Is he reluctant to continue on overtime -(I)
(ii) Is he in the habit of taking1eaves at 1he
eleven1h hour
(iii) Does he insist on compensatory off
II Intelligence .and grasp:
(i) Does he have full knowledge of1he plant +(10)
and equipment on which he is working and
follows 1he instructions given to him and
can execute !hem properlf
(ii) Is he industrious, hard working and
. painstaking
(iii) Has he shown any special skill of operation +(5)
in saving plant and equipment in trouble or

Ili Temperament and behaviour:

(i) Behaviour with superiors/colleagues and +(5)
(ii) Capacity to take quick and correct decisions
(iii) Capacity to handle independent +(5)


IV Any special qualifications- capacity to execute a +( 10)

particular oc difficult job economically,
intelligently, resourcefully or with special skill
['!T'T IIl--1§11!6 4] "lffi! 'liT =: arnT'lT{U! 317

'y _Judgment of'the candidate -by taking viva-voce +(40)

test or by asking questions verbally

Total marks +100

The marks may be given as below:-

Excellent 91-100%

Very good 71-90%

Good 61-7Q%

Average 51-60%

Below average Below 51%


(Power Plant)

Special Remarks. if any:- .

Station Superintendent


(For use of the Traiining Department)

(!) Name oftheTrainee

.................... ........... ,,............................ ' .......-. : ...... .

(2) Date of birth/age

(3) Training period : From ............................... (Months)

(4) Technical qualification

................ ................................. ... . . , .... .......... .
; ; ,

(5) Specialisation if any

(6) Practicalexperience
..................................................... ..... ................. .
~ ;

(7) > Marks secured in periodical tests (out of! 00):

Test No. Date Written Viva Onjob Project

· ..

(8) Percentage of marks secured in all the tests:

(9) General Remarks and Recommendations:

Director of the Institute



Name of the Trainee .............. "'......................... ·........................... .
Period: From .......................... to ......................... (extended period).
Working in ................................................................................ .
Section .................................................................................... ..
Department ................................•.... ••••••••••••••••••••••••· · · · · •· ••· · · · · · · · · · ·
Item Particulars Marks · Marks Remarks
No. allotted given
1 2 3 4 5
I Punctuality and attendance:
(i) Does he attend the duty punctually +( 5)
and avoids' absenting without prior
(ii) Is he reluctant to continue on -(!)
(iii) Is he in the habit of taking leaves at •
the eleventh hour -(1)
(iv) Is he even prepared to take leave -(4)
without wages
{v) Whether he availed'. medical leave -(1)
II InteUigence and grasp:
(i) Do&s he have full knovrledge of the +(10)
plant and equipment on which he is
working and follows the instructions
given to him and can execute them
· properly
(ii) Is he industrious, hard working and
painstaking +(5)
(iii) (a) Has he shown any special skill
of operation in saving plant ~nd
equipment in trouble or emergency . +(lO)
(b) Has he shown any special skill or
innovation in any maintenance job.
III Temperament and behaviour:
(i) Behaviour with superiors/colkagues +(5)
(ii) Capacity to take quick and correct
decisions by himself or to point out
the discrepancies to · superiors
promptly while attending plant and
(iii) Capacity to take independent charge
as plant attendants (Name of the +(10)
· plant)
IV Any special qualification8: +(IO)
(i) ls he suitable for any other plant
other than the one mentioned above
at Ill(iii)
(ii) Can he record the readings correctly
(iiiJ Is he suitable for any particular
skilled maintenance job as an
(iv) Has he specialised in any particular
trade such as winder, high pressure
- welding, etc.

V Judgment of the candidate by taking viva- +(40)

voce test or by asking questions verbally
about power plant and equipment

Total marks +100

The marks may be given as below:-

Excellent 91- 100%

Very good 71-90%

Good 61-70%

Average 51-60%

Below average Below 51%

{Power Pl;ufl)

Special Remarks if any:-

Station Superintendent
[ "IT'l IIl-ll!U1l" 4] 321



(For use of the Training Department)

(!) Name of the Trainee

(2) Date of birth/age
............................................................................. ~- ..

(3) Training period : From ........................ to .............. (Months)

(4) Highest technical qualification

(5) Specialisation, if any

............. ' ............................................................... .

(6) Practical experience

······· .. ,, .................................................................. .

(7) Marks secured in periodical tests (out of 100):

Test No. ·Date Written Viva On job


(8) Percentage of marks secured in all the tests:

(9) General remarks a1;1d recommendations:

Director of the Institute

3747 Gl/10-41
Sdt,·dulr-1 I
Safety. measures for operation and maintenance of transmission and distribution
(See sub-regulation (3) of regulation (7))

Part I
( I ):J)uration and content of training shall be as specified below:
· (i) Engineerv\nd supervisors - The time allocation and various components of
,theJraining course. for e_ngineers and supervisors who would be engaged on
.operation and maintenance of transmission system shall be as given in Part II of
this Schedule.

(ii) Technicians -·The time allocation and various· components of the training
. course for ..technicians who would assist .· the engineers and supervisors in
-·OJ)llrationand-,maintenance bf transmission system shall be as given in Part rn
of this Schedule.

(iii) Engineers, Supervisors and Technicians - The time alldcation and various
. components of the t,raining course for engineers, supervisors and Technicians in
operation. and inaintenartce 'of sub-transmission and distribution system shall be
given in Part IV, Vand VlofthisScedule..

(iv) Refresher course O The.duration and contents of the refresher courses shall
.be determined jointly by the owner of the said system and training institute.

(v) Visits to factories-As part of practical training the trainees may be taken to
factories manufacturing , equipments used in .transmission and distribution

(vi) Performance of the trainee(s) - The trammg institutes shall group the
syliabus in modules for.organising the- training. The pass percentage in each'
module for theory and for project work shall be 50% Whereas for on job
training and for viva voce it shall be 75%. The sponsor(s) of the trainees may
consider the institution of incentives and awards for excellent perfomiance
during the training and also for suitable action for sub-standard performance.

(2). Creation of the Institute:

(i) The existing training institutes established for training of personnel engaged
in operation and maintenance of generating stations and substations associated
with generating stations can create additional facilities for training in
transmission and distribution sys-terns.
(ii) Guidelines for such institutes specified under Schedule-I (Item 2) under the
heading "Facilities for Creation oftraining institute" shall also be applicable for
insfitutes which would impart training in transmission and distribution systems. '
(3). Assessment fom1s for engineers and supervisors and for Technicians to assist the
engineers and supervisors are given at Part XXVII of Schedule I .
[ "IT'! III~1§f1J,; 4 J 323
Part II



Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
I . 2 3
I. General Introdlictiort: 6
(i) World Power Scenario
(ii) Growth of'Powerlndtistry in India
(iii) Generation Scenario' in India
(iv) Transmission and•Distribution Scenario in India
(v) Roleof Private Power Participants in· India
(vi) Organisation/PowerSector setup
(vii) Introduction to IndianStandatd specifications for ·
' Electrical wiring
(viii) Energy Conversation.·

IL Power Generation: 18
(i) Types•ofgenetatio!Y.'Conventional'and·non-conventional;
Thermal Power Plant: components/ equipments and their
brief details'and uses, features and characteristics of boiler,
turbine, generator, excitation;'etc. Brief operational
aspects; captive power plants·•
(ii) Hydro PowerPlant components/equipments' and their
brief details; features and characteristics of turbine
generator; excitation; etc. Brief operational aspects
(iii) Gas Powet Plant: conceptof open cycle and combined
cycle; components, characteristics of gas turbines, brief
operatiohal'i1spects, captive power plants·
(iv) Nuclear Pdwer Plant: salient features
(v) Non-Conventional Energy : various sources, working
prirtoiple;1electricity generation
(vi) Co•generation,optimal mix of different types of
generation; base load and peak load operation

III. Power Transmission: 30

(I) HVAC and HVDC Transmission System
(i) Brief history ofEHVtransmiSsion system in India
(ii) Tower types A, B, C, D and special towers
(iii) Conductors/Earthwire and their accessories, types,
configuration, tran·spositlon, selection criteria
(iv) InsrJ;.tors and hardware fittings: types, strength, details
• (v) Right of way, CEA (Measures relating to Safety and
Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010 and Acts, statutory
clearances frol11jlther agencies, compensation, etc.
(vi) Surveying, route aligriment, profiling, tower spotting
(vii) Benching and soil classification, soil investigation and soil
resistivity measurement.
(viii) Tower design and testing, quality checks

(ix) Tower erection hardware and\1 accessories, fitting

procedures, stringing, clearances, commissioning
(x) Operation and Maintenance of Transmission Line : line
patrolling, routine checks, filling log books, T & P,
thermovision scanning, fault failure analysis, hot line
maintenance, case studies
(xi) Development of HVDC technology, economics,
comparison with HVAC systems, principles of HVDC
conversion, HVDC lines, HVDC sub-stations - converters,
reactive power considerations, HVDC: system, operntion
and control, maintenance; AC and DC harmonics and
filtering, protection system, insulation, coordination,
emergencies and case studies.
(xii) FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System)

(2) Sub - Stations (765kV/400 kV/220kV/132kV) 75

(i) Types : generation sub-station, grid sub-station, mobile
sub-station,· gas insulated sub-station, · HVDC sub-
station, indoor/outdoor, etc., general comparison
(ii) General arrangement and layout of switchyard, switchi1sg
schemes, single line diagram ·
(iii)Power Transformers and Reactors
(a) Types : major components, constructional details,
(b) Design and selection, specificatiori and rating
(c) Bushings, On Load Tar> Changers (OLTC),
Buchholz relay, conservator, breather, thermo
syphon filter, indicators, etc. ·
(d) Cooling arrangements - methods of cooling, pumps,
fans, radiators, etc.
(e) Transformer tests
(t) Introduction to relevant Indian Standards

(iv) Switchgears and Introduction to relevant Indian

(a) Circuit Breaker: types (MOCB, ABCB, VCB, SF6 ),
constructional details, layout arrangement,
connection to bus, design, selection parameters,
ratings/ specifications, interlocks and'introduction to
relevant Indian Standard
(b) Isolator: types (Vertical, Horizontal, Pantography,
Breaks, constructional details, Earth · switch,
interlocks, design/selection, ratings/specifications
(c). Bus bar types, construction, supports, insulators,
conriectors, -- jumpers, safety clearances,
design/selection, ratings/specifications
(d) CT/CVT/Lightning Arrestor/Lightning Mast: Types,
constructional details, use, location, selection/design,
ratings/specifications · ·
(e) Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC):
principle, purpose, types of coupling and choice of
components, use and operation of PLCC system,
modules of PLCC panels, ratings/specifications
(f) Meters, Indicators, and Recorders: types and
functional description of all types of meters,
indicators and recorders-Voltmeter, Ammeter,
Frequency Meter, Wattmeter, Energy meter, Event
logger (EL), Disturbance Recorder (DR), Fault
Locator (FL), indicators and knowledge of relevant
Indian Standard
(g) Relays: types, functions, constructional det11ils,
selection, ratings/ specifications, testing and setting
ofrelays·and knowledge ofrelevant Indian Standard
(h) Protection System Philosophy: · types, design,
protection schemes, tripping schemes, protection of
transformers/reactors, motors, feeders, generator
bus, etc.
(v) Grounding: types of wounding, earth testing and
treatment, earth mat de$lgn, sti:p potential, touch
potentials, transfer potentials, neutral gro1mdi11g f!!cfor.
(vi)Auxiliary facilities ·
(a) DG set
(b) Fire fighting system - types of fire, extinguishe,,
Emulsifier system, deluge system, · fire fighting
system for transformer/reactor, oil storage system,
control room, office building, etc.
(c) Station Battery System
(d) LT supply
(e) Air Conditioning System
(f) Compressed·· Air System (service air ·§ystern,
instrument air system)
(vii) Control Room: layout, 11rnmgement of
equipments/panels, false ceiling and flooring, fire
safety measures, Air-conditioning, Uninterrupted Power
Supply (UPS), computer and its peripherals, lighting
/emergency lighting
(viii) Cables: types, control cables, power cables,, layout,
· trench/gallery arrangement, cable ratings, selection, and
~<!Pie teTT!lin11fiqn and jointing.
(ix)Compensating. de¥ices: s!mP! n:acmr,ip1,1pacitor, series
reactor/ capacitor, static var comperisators'(SVC) ·
(x)Sub-station operation: operational · aspects of i!I!
equipments/systems, salient features and parameters,
limiting values, control room operation, local/remote
operation, operational guidelines/procedures, and
synchronisation, grid operation, communication with
R,LilC/ SLDC, etc., permit to work, line clear procedure,
in~intenimc,; of log books, records , tripping reports, shift
procedures, monitoring, duties in:spongipilities pf ~ul;.
station staff; interlocks and sequential operation,
operational problems, operation under emergency, case
(xi) Sub-station Maintenance:
(a) Need, philosophy, types- routine, preventive,
planned, predictive, break-down, emergency
maintenance, comparisons, life expectancy curves
(bathtub . curves), tools and tackles, testing
instruments, safety devices, sampling equipments,
test kits, ,visual checks, condition monitoring
techniques, on-line . maintenance, daily/weekly/
monthly/quarteriy/half yearly/annual maintenance of
different equipments, planning the maintenance
activities, preparation of maintenance estimates,
budgeting for control, maintenance records, history
(b) spare parts management
(c) Transformer and Reactor Maintenance-factors
affecting the life of transformer/reactor, types of
faults that can occur, reasons for breakdown, visual
checks/ inspection/ preliminary testing of various
components- oil sampling and testing, oil filtration,
Dissolved Gas·. Analysis (DGA), maintenance
Schedule, fault rectification, need for major overhaul
and methods
(d) Switchgear and Protection Maintenance
maintenance of CB, isolator, earthswitch, support
insulators, CT/CVT, LA. Lightning Mast (LM),
meters/ recorders, PLCC, protective relay
maintenance, protection system maintenance
(e) Maintenance of auxiliaries and other systems-
battery and charging · system, DG set, air
conditionirig plant, compressed air system, fire
fighting system, switchyard - lighting, control room,
earth resistance testing, cables, compensating
(xii) Erection and commissioning of sub-station, Project
Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path
Method (CPM), charts, project monitoring, erection, pre-
commissioning checks/tests, commissioning,
(xiii) Civil works - surveying, site selection, soil
investigation, general layout and architectural drawing,
switchyard foundation, cable trench design, oil pit,
control room building, DG set building, Fire fighting
system and AC systerih design, design and construction
of roads, drains, _ water ~upply pipe lines,
fencing/compound w~li.

3. Load Dispatch and Communicatron 18

(i) Load Dispatch Centres- functions, SLDC/RLDC, NLDC,
pre-dispatch, during-dispatch, post dispatch functions
(ii) .. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
-System, RTU, front end computers, main computers,
visu;il _display units, mimic boanls
(iii) Energy Management System- functions
(iv) Lo;id forecasting, ·generation scheduling, load
management, load shedding
(v) Hydro • thermal scheduling
(vi) Voltage/frequency control
(vii) Reactive Power Management
I 'WT Ill -"&Us 4] 327

(viii) Grid Management - problems/solutions

(ix) Operational co-operation, import/export of energy. role of
tariff in system operation
(x) Maintenance, on-line maintenance
(xi)· Grid disturbances- case Studies
(xii) Software tools
Communication System: types- PLCC, microwave. leased
lines, fibre optics, satellite, V-SAT Communication.
comparison, characteristics, modules, planning criteria.
selection criteria, RTUs, modems, baud rate, communication
protocols, data exchange, system noise and interference,
integrated communication system, O&M of communication
system, protocol details, telemetry, tele-control and telc-
IV. Commercial Aspects And Contracts 24
(I) Commercial Aspects
. (i) Introduction to commercial aspects of power
system/distribution system
(ii) Tariff Structure, types, components, methods cif working
out, revenue real_ization
(iii) Energy accounting, Availability Based Tariff (ABT), inter-
utility tariff, commercial disputes and solutions
(iv) Inventory planning and control, bi1! of materials, purchase
procedures, standardization and codification of stores
(v) Resource mobilisation through bonds/ debentures/shares.
(vi) Cost Engineering, costing and control, estimation,
estimates for providing service (LT/HT) connections,
street lighting. -
(vii) Electricity Rules and Regulations, Enactment
(viii) Budget types, budgeting procedure, appropriation, budget
(ix) Accounting, auditing.

(2) Contracts 12
(i) Contract basics, terminology
(ii) Qualification- requirement, pre-qualification, bids,
(iii) Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), Notice Inviting
(iv) Preparation of bid documents, tendering/ bidding
(v) Bid opening, bid evaluation, award of contract,
monitoring of contract.
. (vi) Contractual obligations/liquidation, guarantee
( vii) Vendor - qualification, development
(viii) Contractual problems and solutions
(ix) Revised cost estimation, justification for cost/time
over-run, substitute items .
(x) · Handing/taking over procedures, closing of contract
(xi) Legal issues of contracts, arbitration

V. Management: 12
(i) Principles of management, leadership, effective

communication, motivation, decision making, strategic

(ii) Management Information System
(iii) Project Management
(iv) Finance Management
(v) Construction Management '·
(vi) Materials Management
(vii) Total Quality Management

VL System Planning and New Technologies: 6

(1) System Planning
(i) Introduction to power system planning requirements and
(ii) Load forecasting and techniques
(iii) Load flow studies for planning
(iv) · Preparation of feasibility report (FR), Detailed Project
Report (DPR)
(v) Approval/clearance of projects

(2) New Technologies: 6

(i) Latest development m transmission system design,
material, component, system, tariff, operation,
(ii) Latest developments in distribution system design,
components, meters, system, tariff, operation,
(iii) Latest developments in power system, communication,
application of computers to power system. ·

Total 207 Hours

=7 Weeks
VII. On Job Training:
(I) System Operation (Onjob) 3 Weeks
(A) Sub-Station (Generating/Grid/Distribution)
(i) Layout, equipment familiarisation
(ii) Details, functioning, specification and different
parameters of switchyard, control room, auxiliary
system equipments
(iii) Shift handing/taking over, logging of parameters,
routine checks on eqqipments/ systems
(iv) Operational aspects of equipments /systems,
synchronization, grid operation, charging procedure
(v) Line/feeder connections, protection schemes, loading
aspects, etc.
_(vi) Salient features and operational aspects of HVDC sub-

(B) Load Dispatch and Communication

(i) · Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC/RLDC/SLDC): set up,
(ii) Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SC ADA)
and Energy Management System (EMS) functioning
(iii) Load forecasting
['ll'I-III-1eflls 4]

(iv) Generation scheduling

(v) Voltage and frequency control activities
(vi) Cpmmunication system operation
(vii) System Software
(viii) Shift operation

(2) System Maintenance (On job) 3 Weeks

(A) Sub-Station Maintenance
(i) Visual checks, routine, preventive, planned, break-down
maintenance of equipments/system
(ii) Transformer, reactor, switchgear, relays, protection
system and auxiliary facilities.
(iii) Maintenance schedules
(iv) Referring log books/history records for maintenance.
(v) Testing Lab facilities, testing and commissioning.
(vi) Procedure for permit to work/line clear.
(vii) Safety devices and practices.•

(B) T&D Line/Cable Maintenance

(i) Line patrolling, · thermovision scanning, hot spots,
hardware replacement procedure, 1'&P.
(ii) Emergency Restoration System (ERS)
(iii) Hot Line Maintenance.
(iv)· Industrial visits and evaluation
Part III
Item Particulars Number
No. of Hours
1 2 3
I General introduction: 6
(i) Functions of State Electricity Board/Utility
(ii) Introduction to Electricity Act, 2003, and CEA
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations, 20 I 0.

II Substation and Equipments: 12

(i) Substations
(a) Sub-stations, selection of site, clearances and control
(b) Sub-stations 33 kV to 765 kV
(c) Selection of voltage level for sub-station and
· layouts·
(ii) Equipments: ,
(a) Control/relay panels and meters
(b) Switch gear, breakers
(c) Isolators
(d) Cables-types, construction and jointing
(e).Power capacitors
(f) Lightning arrestors
(g) CT, PT and carrier communication.
3747 Gl/10-42 ,

III Transformers (Power and Distribution) 12

(i) Types of transformers and parallel operations
(ii) Cooling and drying out of transformers
(iii) Testing of transformers
·(iv)· Maintenance of transformers
(v) Protection of transformers
(vi) Failures of transformers

IV Circuit Breakers, Isolators and Relays 12

(i) Principle and construction
(ii) Types of circuit breakers
(iii) Maintenance of circuit breakers
(iv) Relays - various types and functions
(v) Maintenance of isolators

V Storage Batteries: 6
Need, Functions, commissioning and maintenance

VI Earthing: 3
Sub-station earthing, equipment earthing and Consumer
earthing and procedure for improving quality of earth

VII Safety and fire fighting 6

(1) Safety
(i) Basic principle of safety, importance of safety rules
and their observation
(ii) List of safety equipment, their use and maintenance
(iii) Permit procedure
(iv) Self permit, permit on phone and procedures to be
(v) Electric shock and safety.
(vi) Causes of accident, precautions to be taken to avoid
accidents while working.

(2) .fire fighting:

(i) Principle and causes of fire, class of fires, ie., A, B,
C. Precautions to be taken to avoid fire
(ii) Fire fighting equipments, their type and use, their
periodical maintenance

VIII ·Transmission and Distribution (Line~Construction and 18

( 1) Construction
(i) Survey of HT, LT Lines and service lines and
cables, crossing such as road, railway, river, etc.
(ii) Selection of materials and poles for lines and
handling of materials
(iii) Pole erection, size of pit, concreting, pole
alignment, etc.
['ll'l I l l - ~ 4] 331

(iv) Types · of stays, their marking, grouting, stay

insulator binding, etc.
(v) Types of conductors and their parameters such as
current carrying capacity, etc.,. cables0 types and
(vi) Type. of guarding and clearances; anticlimbing
devices, danger board, etc.
(vii) Erection of transformer DP structure
(viii) Patrolling, line meggering and commissioning of
power lines

(2) Line Maintenance

(i) Fuse grading necessity and its benefits
(ii) Patrolling, tree ct ,fng and safe clearances
(iii)Guarding of Jim,,, clearances and maintenance,
attending to breakdowns.
(iv)Importance and maintenance , of air-break switch,
dropout fuse set, dist. box etc.
(v) Pre-monsoon maintenance - necessity and procedure
(vi) Balancing ofload using tong tester
(3) Service Connection, theft of energy
(i) Types of service connections (overhead,
underground, High Tension/ Low Tension,- Single
phase, Three phase)
(ii) Point of supply, testing of Consumers' wiring and
earthing terminals
(iii)Materials required for service connection, fuse
grading, underground cable connections (feeder
pillar, mini pillar, junction box.)
(iv)Theft of energy, preventive measures, unauthorized
extensions ·
(v) Consumer relations and dealing with Consumer

Duties <if staff

IX Duties of staff, assisting supervisory an operating staff 6
and maintenance ofrecords

Human Resource Development 9

X (i) Personal development and motivation
(ii) Communication skill and its importance
(iii)Attitudinal training
r- ;;3 Weeks
XI On Job Training, industrial visits and evaluation: 3 Weeks
(1) Study Visits - after introduction
(i) 1st visit :11 kV and 33 kV sub-station
(ii) 2nd visit : 66 kV _and 132 kV sub-station
(iii) 3rd visit : 220 kV and 400 kV sub-station

(2) Study and practicals

(i) Measurement 0f current, voltage, power, energy, '
frequency and power factor
(ii) - Testing and connection ofrelays r
(iii) Study of Buchholz relays
(iv) Measurement of earth resistivity
(v) Meggerihg of installation and equipments
(vi) Study and maintenance ofbreathers
(vii) Study of"on load tap changer" for transformer
(viii) Study of!ine construction materials and hardware
(ix) Demonstration of conductor jointing
(x) Demonstration of cable jointing.
(xi) Study of various type of power fuses, control fuses,
kitkat and horn gaps.
(xii) Use of safety equipments and practicals followed
for permit on works
(xiii) First aid and fire fighting drills
Part IV

Item Particulars Number

No. of Hours
1 2 3
I Overview of Power Sector Scenario: 3
_(i) Growth of Power Industry in India
(ii) Organisation/ Power Sector set-up in·India
(iii) Electricity Distribution in India
(iv) Private Participation in Distribution
(v) Distribution Reforms in India.
II Regulatory Environment - Rules and Regulations: 3
(i) Electricity Act,2003 - Provisions relating to electricity
(ii) Role of Regulatory Commissions
(iii) CEA(Measures relating to Safety and Electric
Supply) Regulations, 2010 - Relating to electricity
(iv) Energy Conservation Act
III Distribution planning and optimization: 30
(i) Philosophy of distribution planning.
(ii) Acquaintance with software for distribution planning
~d optiijiisation.
(iii) Operation of software.
(iv) Data entry fonnats and report generation.
(v) Case study.
IV Sub-transmission and Distribution Lines: 15
(i) Supports-towers/ poles:
· (a) Types and selection criteria
(b) Surveying and erection
[ "1l'T III--,---1!i"s 4] 333

(ii) Line conductor/ c.ables:

(a) Classification
(b) Selection criteria
(c) Conductor stringing, jointing/ binding, sagging and
tensioning, clipping and jurnpering
(d) Earthing arrangements
(iii) Cable - types, selection, cable trenches, cable routing
and laying, cable jointing and junction box
(iv) Earth wire/ neutral wire, guarding, etc.
(v) Selection and fixing of control devices, viz. Gang
Operating Switches, fuses, isolators and earthing
switches, lightning arrestors, and distribution box, etc.
(vi) Installation of service lines.
(vii) . Street Lighting- design and layout methods.
(viii) Statutory clearances, viz. · Environment and forest, ·
local bodies, railway and telegraph crossings, river
crossings, clearances under CEA (Measures relating to
Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010, Acts.
(ix) Line/ cable maintenance including hot line
maintenance - line patrolling, inspection'; periodicity,
work permit, line clear and authorisation, erection of
temporary earth and restoration of supply, maintenance
T &P and safety devices, thermo vision scanning, hot
spots, etc.
V Electric Sub-Stations (33 kV and below): 15
(i) Type, site selection , layout and civil Engineering
(ii) Bus bar .arrangement, sub-station equipment, viz.
transformers, circuit breakers, etc.
(iii) Am\iliary systems, viz. DG set, battery system and
fire fighting system, etc. ·
(iv) Control panel, meters, indicators and recorders and ·
relays, etc.
(v) Erection,_,testing and commissioning of
(vi) Earthing of sub-stations equipments and soil testing
(vii) Transformer oil and its testing
(viii) . Operation and maintenance of all equipments,
protective relays and auxiliaries .
VI .Metering Requirements: 6
(i) Type of metering, viz. DT metering, feeder metering
and Consumer metering.
(ii) · Regulations on installation of meters and technical
· standards
(iii) Meter types, their settings and operation, testing and
(iv) Selection of meter and metering equipment
(v) Familiarity with hardware (CMR!) and software for
meter data download, analysis and detection of meter
(vi) Role of advanced metering system in controlling
commercial losses
VII Concept of Losses and Loss Reduction Measures: 9
(i) Concept of AT & C losses
(ii) Segregation oflosses.
(iii) Technical loss reduction measures.
(iv) Reactive power management.
(v) Detection of thefts, tampering, unauthorized loads
(vi) Anti-theft measures and case studies
(vii) Commercial loss reduction measures.
(viii} Penalties under the Act for theft and misuse of
(ix) Energy audit and accounting.
(x) Demand side management.
VIII Reliability Issues, Quality of Power Supply, Customer 6
Awareness and Satisfaction:
(i) Reliability and quality of power supply and
reliability indices.
(ii) Causes and cures for breakdowns, tripping and
voltage and frequency fluctuation.
(iii) Creating customer awareness
. ;

(iv) Prompt attendance to faults.

(v) Overview of the Electricity Supply Codes of
Regulatory Commissions.
IX IT Intervention: 12
(i) Familiarisation with distribution software
packages. and latest software tools and use thereof for
billing and revenue realisation, GIS mapping and
Consumer indexing, inventory control, keeping track
of equipments failure rate, quick fault location,
attendance, staff salary, energy accountability and
MIS etc.
(ii) SCADA- RTU, communication and distribution
(Iii) Customer care and call centres.

X Rural Electrification: 9
(i) Outsourcing of distribution activities, appointment of
franchisees and selfload management by villagers 7
and Gram Panchayats
(ii) Maintenance of complaint centres and faultremoval,
etc., by village Panchayats etc.
(iii) Separation of rural and urban supply system
(iv) Fixation of responsibility for energy receipt and
supply balance. .
(v) Raj1v Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana. ·'
(vi) Distributed generation.
XJ Project Management: Contracts: 9
(i) Contract basics and terminology
(ii) Qualification - requirement; pre-qualification
(iii) Bids - Technical and Commercial
['ll'T.lll-~ 4] 335

(iv) Vendors -qualification, development

(v) Notice Inviting Tenders(NIT)/ Notice Inviting
(vi) Preparation of Bid Documents, tendering/ bidding
(vii) Bid opening and evaluation, Award of contracts, .
monitoring of contracts
(viii) Contractual obligations/ liquidation, guarantee/
(ix) Contractual problems and solutions
(x) Revision of cost estimates, justification of cost/ time
·overruri and substitute items
(xi) Handling/taking over procedur~s, closing of contracts
(xii) Legal issues of contracts and arbitration
(xiii) CVC Guidelines.
XII Disaster Management: 3
(i} Instit~1tional set-up for disaster Management
(ii) Impact of different types of disasters
(iii)Trigger mechanism and warning system
(iv)Check list and preparedness to-address disasters.
(v) First aid techniques:
XIII Electrical Safety Aspects: 9
(i) Basic principles of safety, importance of safety rules
and their observance.
(ii) List of safety equipment, their use and maintenance
(iii) Permit pro,edure - self permit, permit on phone and
procedures to be observed.
(iv) Electhc sbx:k, safety and procedure for recovery/
(v) Causes of accide_nts, safe working procedures to
av,:>id accidents.
(vi) Principle and causes of fire, and precautions. to be
taken to avoid fires.
XIV Field Visits and on-job training: · 66
• (i) Familiarisation with layout of sub-stations and
(ii) Operational aspects of equipments/ sy,'.ems and
(iii) Line/ feeder connections, protection schemes, loading
aspects, balancing of loads
(iv) Planning shift operations.
(v) . Maintenance schedules
(vi) Procedures for permit to work/ line clear
(vii) Testing lab facilities, testing and commissioning
(viii) Maintenance of Log Books/ history records and
adherence to the timely recording.
(ix) Familiarisation with IT tools.

· <Total 195 Hours

=6 ½ Weeks




Item Particulars Number of

No. Hours
1 ·2 3
I Overview of Power Sector Scenario 3
(i) Growth of Power Industry in India.
(ii) Organisation/ Power Sector set-up in India.
(iii) Electricity Distribution in India
(iv) Private Participation inDistribution.
(v) Distribution Reforms in India.

II Distribution Planning and Optimisation: · 6

(i) Philosophy of distribution planning.
(ii) Acquaintance with software for distribution planning and
(iii) Operation of software.
(iv) Data entry formats and report generation.
(v) Case study.

III Sub-transmission and Distribution Lines: 9

(i) Supports-towers/ poles
(a) Types and selection criteria
(b) Surveying and erection
(ii) Line Conductor/ Cables -
(a) Classification
(b) Selection criteria
(c) Conductor stringing,jointing/ binding, sagging and
tensioning, clipping and jumpering
(d) Earthing arrangements
(iii) Cables - types, selection, cable trenches, cable routing
· and laying, cable jointing and junction box
(iv) Earth wire/ neutral wire, guarding, etc.
(v) Selection and fixing of control devices, viz. Gang
Operating switches, fuses, isolators and earthing
switches, lightning arrestors, and distribution box, etc.
(vi) · Installation of service lines.
(vii) Lighting - design and layout methods.
(viii) Statutory clearances, viz. environment and forest ,
local bodies, railway and telegraph crossings, river
crossings, clearances under Safety and Electric Supply
(ix) Line/ cable maintenance including hot line maintenance
· - line patrolling, inspection, periodicity, work permit,
line clear and authorisation, erection of temporary earth
and restoration of supply, maintenance T &P and safety
devices, Thermo vision scanning, hot spots, etc.
[ 'lITT III_:___'!l"s 4] 337
.~- . .
IV. Electric Sub-Stations (33'kV andbefow):
(i) Type, site selection; layotitand,civil'.Engineering
(ii) Busbararrangement,,sub•stationcequipmenti••\iiz,
transformers, circuit breakers, etc,
(iii), viz,DGSet, battery systemandfire.
fighting system, etc.
(iv) Control panel, meters, indicators andrecorders;and•·
relays, etc.
(v) Erection, testing and commissioning-of•.
(vi) Earthing ofsub•stations equipmentsand•:ooil·testing
(vii) Transformer oil andits testing .
(viii)• Operation and maintenance ofallequipmertts, protective.
relays and auxiliaries.

V .Metering Requirements: 3
(i) Type of metering, viz. DT metering, feeder metering and
Consumer metering:
(ii) Regulations on installation..of meters• and technical .. •
(iii) Meter types; theirsettings.and operation; testing and••

VI Concept ofLosses and Loss. Reduction Measures: 6

(i) Concept of AT&C losses
(ii) Segregation of losses,
(iii) Technical'loss,reduction ·measures.
(iv) Reactive power management.
(v) Detection of thefts,. tampering;.. unauthorized.J'oads
(vi) Anti-theftmeasures and case studies,
(vii) Commercial loss reduction measures, ·.·
(viii) Penalties undertheActfortheft and•nrisuse.of ·
• power.
(ix) Energy audit and accounting.
. (x) Demand side management.

VII Reliability Issues, Quality ofPower Supply; Customer 3

Awareness and Satisfaction;.
(i) Reliability quality of power supply and reliability
indices. . .
(ii) Causes and cures for.breakdowns, tripping and voltage ·
. and frequency fluctuation.
(iii) Creating customer awareness
(iv) Prompt attendance to faults.
(v) Overview of the Electricity Supply.codesofRegulatory

VIII IT Intervention: 6
(i) Familiarisation with distributfonsoftware packages and
latest software tools and use thereof for billing and
3747 Gl/10--43
revenue realisation, GIS mapping and Consumer
indexing, Inventory contro 1, keeping track of
equipments failure rate, quick faµlt location,
attendance, staff salary, Energy accountabiJity and
MIS, etc. r
(ii) SCADA- RTU, communication and distribution
(iii) Customer care and call centres.
(iv) Enterprfae resource planning-
(a) Maintenance Management
(b) Asset Management
(c) Training Management
(d) Financial Accounting
(e)Material Management
(f) Outage Management
(g) Time Management
IX Rural Ele.ctrification: · 3
(i) Outsourcing of distribution activities, appointment of
franchisees and selfload management by villagers and
Gram Panchayats. · ·
(ii) Maintenance of complaint centres and fault r\:moyal,
etc., by Village Panchayats, etc.
(iii) Separation of rural and urban supply system
(iv). Fixation ofresponsibility for energy receipt and supply
(v) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.
(vi) Distributed generation.

X Project Management: Contracts: 3

(i) Contract basics and terminology
(ii) Qualification - requirement, pre-qualification
(iii) Bids - technical and commercial
(iv) Vendors - qualification, development
. (v} Notice Inviting Tenders(NIT}/ Notice Inviting
(vi) Preparation of bid documents, tendering/ bidding ,,
(vii) Bid opening and evaluation,. award of contracts,
monitoring of contracts
(viii) Contractual obligations/ liquidation; guarantee/ warranty
(ix) Cohtractµal problems and solutions . .
(x) Revision of cost estimates,justification of cost/ time
overrun and substitute items
(xi) Handling/taking over procedures, closing of contracts
(xii) Legal issues of contracts and arbitration
(xiii) C\'.C Guidelines. . ..

XI Disaster Management: 3
(i) Institutional set-up for disaster management
(ii) Impact of .different types of disasters
[ "lflT I l l - - 4 l 339
(iii) Trigger mechanism and warning system
(iv) Check list and preparedness to address disasters.
(v) ' First aid techniques.

J 6
XII Electrical Safety Aspects:
(i) Basic principles of safety, importance of safety rules
and their observance .
• (ii) List of safety equipment, their use and maintenance
(iii) Permit procedure- self permit, permit on phone and
procedures to be observed.
(iv) Electric shock, safety and procedure for recovery/
(v) Causes of accidents, safe working procedures to avoid
(vi) Principle and causes of fire, and prerimtions to be taken
to avoid fires.

XIII Field Visits and On-Job Training: 60

(i) Familiarisation with layout of sub-stations and
(ii) Operational aspects of equipments/ systems and
(iii) Line/ feeder connections, protection schemes, loading
aspects, balancing of loads
(iv) Planning shift operations.
(v) Maintenance schedules
(vi) Procedures for permit to work/ line clear '
(vii) Testing lab facilities, testing and commissioning.
(viii) Maintenance of Log Books/ history records and
adherence to the timely recording.
, (ix) Familiarization with IT tools.

, 120 Hours
:4 Weeks
fPARr rn=Sisc'.
. --·-·· ---
·--- \ __
41. -

. IBlnit'W !

~ N A N C E < 0 F ; s m ; ; ~. DDfflS,'lllUBIJlllON'S¥STEM .
lltem lP.imiculars Number
ii :(l)verview,ofiPower'SectorSaen:ario: 3
(i) Growth•ofiPower!lndustry,in 'India.
'(ii;) <0rganisation/iPower'Sector set.;up:in :India...
:(iii;) 13leatncity1Bistmbution,inilndia ·
•tiv) rnrivatelRarticiipation in Distribution.
i(¥) · D.istliibution!Reformslin'lndia.

'll •Srib4ransniission:andIDlistributionLines: 9
(i,) 'Slmt~y,for ilines,atvoltage,qpto250 V, 'lines at·voltage.
,above,650 ¥olts'but iless:tban 33kW:and .for:service 'lines
,and•:caliles,ant1'omssings•sudh ,as road, :railway, ri¥:er,and
,othenpower,!Jjnes, ,
(ii) Selection of lline,materials,and,towers/cpdles,and ·safe
•(iii) . 'Erectiomof,towershpoles -•size•ofpit,,concreting.and
;pole/to.wenalilµnnent,,etc. ·
:(iv) Line Gonlluctors--1tNPes, selectiomcriteria, '.conquctor

,tv) Types,dfstl!,yS, ,its1matking,,groutiqg,•stay,instilator,
binding, 't!tc.
,(.vi) 'Cable-rt)!pes,ssele.oticn,,citllleitrenches,•cable,routing
1~vii<) ·!f.~s,df!guarlling,andcdlearances,,earth·wire/.neutral .
· erection.
,fviii}Selection ••anll 'fixing •Of ,control oevices, •viz. Gang
· 'Operating 'Switches, ffuses, 'Isolators anti ·earthing
(ix) Installation,ofservke,lines.
(x) Street iligllting -Hayout:inethods.
(xi) 'Line-meggi:ring:antl(commissioning•oftlistribrition lines. ·
•(xii1 Line•patrolling, iinspection; ,periodicity, ·work permit, line
:estoratiomdf.suf1ply, ·
(xiii) 'Maintenance T&P:and:safet,, ffihermo -vision
'(xi:v,) \l!forline,maintenance.

,Ill- :Electric:Sub0 Stations {33HcV ,andtbelow,): 9

,{i) Type, site:seleotion, :Jayoutand<cjviliEngineering.
[ 'lll'T JJI-~ 4] 341

{ii} Bus bar amingement, sub-station equipment, viz.

transformers, circuit breakers, isolator, lightning
arrestors, CTs, PTs and power capacitors, etc.,
(iii) Types of transformers, their erection and parallel
operation, testing, 111aintenanc.e, protection and failure. ·
(iv) Auxiliary systems, viz. DG set, .battery system arid ·
fire fighting system, etc. - need, functions,
commissioning and maintenance.
(v) Control panels, meters, indicators, recorders and relays,
etc. - operation, maintenance and recording readings, ·
(vi) Control and power cables - types, laying of and
jointing. · ·
(vii) Installation , operation and maintenance of all·
(viii) Cooling and drying out of transformers, transformer
. oil and its testing.
(ix) Erection of DP structure for transformer. ·
(x) High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS} "'- erection
and connecting the Consumers.
(xi) Sub-station earthing, equipment earthing and
Consumer's eartliing, and use ofMegger and procedure
and materials for improving quality of earth resistance: ·
(xii) Fire fighting equipment, theirtype, use and·periodical ·
maintenance, indicators and recorders and relays, etc.

JV MeteringRequirements: 3
(i) Type of metering, viz. DT metering, feeder metering
and Consumer metering.
(ii) Regulations oil installation ofmeters and technical ·
(iii) Meter types, their settings and operation, testing and
(iv) Computerised billing.

V Concept ofLo§ses and Loss Reduction Measures:_ 3

(i) Concept of AT&Closses. · ·
(ii) · Detection of thefts, tampering, unauthorized loads.
(iii) Anti-theffmeasures and case studies .

. VI Reliability issues, Quality ofPower Supply, Customer 3

(i) Introduction to reliability and quality ofpower supply: ·•·
l (ii) Causes and cures for.breakdowns, tripping and voltage
and frequencyfluctuation,
(iii) Prompt attention to faults and customer care.

VII Electrical Safety Aspects: 12

(i) Basic principles of safety, importance of safety rules

and their observance.

(ii)_ List of safety equipment, their use and maintenance -
(iii) Permit procedure- self permit, permit on phone and
procedures to be observed.
(iv) Electric shock, safety and procedure for recovery/ r
(v) Causes of accidents, safe working procedures to avoid
(vi) Principle and causes of fire, and precautions to be taken
to avoid fires.

VIII Rural'Electrification: 3
(i) Separation of rural and urban supply systems.
(ii) Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana.

IX Disaster Management: 3
(i) Impact of different types of disasters.
(ii) Check list and preparedness to address disasters.
(iii) First aid techniques.

X Field Visits and On Job Training: 60

(i) - Familiarisation with layout of sub-stations and
equipments. _
(ii) Operational aspects of equipments/ systems and
(iii) Line/ feeder connections, protection schemes, loading
aspects, balancing of loads.
(iv) Adherence to shift system.
(v) Maintenance schedules.
(vi) Procedures for permit to work/ line clear.
(vii) Testing lab facilities, testing and commissioning.
(viii) Safety aspects and safety drill. · ,
. (ix) Hot line maintenance .
(x) Maintenance of Log·Books/ history records and
adherence to the timely recording.
_ (xi) Familiarisation with Tools and Plants (T&PJ.
(xii) Familiarisation with IT tools.

Total 108 Hours

:4 Weeks

J{andling of electric supply lines and apparatus ·

[See sub-regulation (3) of regulation (19)]

-Precautions to be observed
(1) Hotline Maintenance train~u personnel only are designated to do work on line.
(2) Work permit will be taken from the terminal substations at each end of the line.
(3) Work shall be performed with _proper planning and prior understanding and

(4) Favourable climatic condition for hotline operations is sunny weather. If the
weather forecasts rain or thunderstonns work will not begin.
(5) Organisation of work shall be discussed among the members and responsibility
of each team member fixed. . .
(6) Before going to ihe work site all equipment and tools shall be inspected and
checke.d for correct operation.
(7) Auto re-closure shall be in 'OFF' position for the line at both ends.
(8) The work procedure shall be discussed with the team member at the tower
location .and the responsibility of each member shall be properly defined.
(9) The land in close vicinity to the tower shall be cleared to provide a site area for
the required tools.
(10) AHcleaned hot sticks, strain carrier and other assemblies shall be kept on the
hotline tool rackto avoid ground contact.
(1 !) Wear helmet, safety shoes and safety belt shall compulsorily be used.
(12) All hot sticks and ladders shall be cleaned and checked for integrity by the hot
sticks Tester.
(13) All linemen in the hotline team shall be equipped with personal protective
equipment during the work.
(14) No live-line team members onthe tower and conductor shall wear any metallic
chain, wristwatch or ring to avoid any circulating current.
(15) The team linemen will wear conductive socks, boots, helmets and hand gloves.
The 'hot-end' lineman shall wear complete bare hand suit.
( 16) Tarpaulin sheet should be laid on the work area .
. (],]) A light vehicle shall be kept nearby during entire '\YOrk period.

Tools normally required for hot line maintenance operation :

The following tools confonning to relevant Indian Standard or equivalent specifications

shall be used_ in on-line working.

( 1) Wire tongs
(2) Wire tongs saddle
(3) Tie sticks
(4) Strain link sticks
(5) Roller link sticks
(6) Suspension link stich
(7) Auxiliary anns
(8) Strain carrier
(9) Gin poles
(10) Cum-a-aiong~clamp
(1 I) Safety equipment like conductor guards, X-ann guards, insulator covers, hand
gloves etc.
(12) Hot sticks

. Safe Working Distance :

The following safe working distances shall be observed

. Phase to Phase . Safe Clearance '

kV Meter
11 0.61 .

33 0.71
66 .• 0§1
110 1.02 ..

132 1.07
220 1.52
400 2.13
. .

Forms of Inspection Report
[See subs regulation (3) of regulation (30))

... FORMI. . ...

(lnstallatfons ofvQltage up to and including.2S0V)
Report No. _ _ _ _ Date•ofinspection_·_ _ _ __
Date of Last inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I. Consumer No. --~--,-------
2. Voltage and system of supply:
(i) Volts--·~-~~"'--
(ii) No. of Phases - - - - - - , - -
tiii) AC/DC~-----
3. Type of wiring
4. Name of the consumer.or owner
Address of the consumer or owner
6. ----------~--
Location of the premises-:----------"'--'~~
7. Particulars of the installations:
· Number Connected Load in KW
(a) (i) Light Points
(ii) Fan Points
(iii) Plug Points
State type of wiring whether casing capping, lead covered of teak wood batten,
concealed conduit, Tough Rubber Sheathed and any other type. ·
(b) Other equipments (complete details to be furnished): ·
Total connected load in KW
Maximum current demand in Amps
(on the basis of total connected load)·
(c) Generators details i.e. Make, S. No, KVA rating and Voltage:
[ 'II'! Ill-l1!f116 4] '1ml '"' 'U'll'f;I : amT'lR"l 345

· General c·onditions of the installation:

SL Regulation Requirements i Report

No. Nos.
8. ' Regulation- (i) Is/Are there any visible sign(s) of Yes/No_
12 , overloading in respect of any apparatus
(ii) Condition of flexible cords, sockets, Satisfactory/Not
switches, plug-pins, cut•outs and lamp . Satisfactory
holders and such other fittings.
(iii) General condition ofwiring. Satisfactory/Not
(iv) Whether any unauthorised temporary Yes/No
installation exist?
(v) State if sockets are controlled by individual Yes/No
(vi) Any other defect or condition which may Yes/No
be a source of danger. Ifves give details.
9. Regulation- Give report on condition of service lines, Satisfactory/Not
13 cables, wires, apparatus and sm;h other fittings Satisfactory
placed by the supplier or owner of the
premises. If not s~.tisfactory give details.
10. Regulation- · Whether suitable cut-outs provided by the Yes/No
14 supplier at the consumer's premises are within
enclosed fire proof receptacle?
11. Regulation- (i) State if switches are provided on live Yes/No
15 conductors.
(ii) State if indication of a permanent nature is Yes/No
provided as per Regulation so as to
distinguish neutral condm;tor from the live
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the Yes/No
neutral in the case· of single phase· double
pole iron clad switches instead of fuse ?
• 12. Regulation- (i) State if earthed terminal is provided by the Yes/No
16 supplier.
(ii) Have three pin plugs been provided for Yes/No
plug points ?
(iii) General visible condition of the earthing Satisfactory/Not
· arrangement. Satisfactory
13. Regulation- Are the live parts in accessible position ? Yes/No
14. Regulation- Leakage on premises:
3_4 - State insulation resistance between conductors ----- M Ohms
and earth in Mega Ohms.
15. Regulation- (i) State if linked switches of requisite capacity Yes/No
35 are provided near· the point of
commencement of supply. ·
(ii) State if the wiring is divided in suitable Yes/No
number of circuits and each such circuit is
protected by suitable cut-out.

3747 Gl/10-44

(iii) State if. supply to each motor or apparatus Yes/No

is controlled by suitable linked switch.
16. Regulation- (i) Have the frames of every generator, Yes/No
41 stationary motor and so far as practicable
portable motor and the nietallic parts (not ·
intended as conductors) of all other
apparatus used for regulating* or
controlling electricity been earthed by two
separate and distinct connections with
(ii) Is the earth wire free from mechanical Yes/No
(iii) In the case of conduit; or lead covered Yes/No
wiring, has the conduit or lead-cover been
efficiently earthed ?
(iv) If the consumer has his own earth- Yes/No
electrode, state if it is properly executed
and has been tested. If yes give value of --s---- .Qbms.
earth resistance.
17. Overhead
Lines (i) State if the cons~mer has any overhead Yes/No
(ii) Does the overhead line near the premises Yes/No
of consumer meets the · requirement of
regulation 58, 60. and 61? If not, give
details. .
(iii). Is, guarding provided for overhead lines Yes/No
at road crossings?
(iv.) Any other remarks.

Date: Signature of the Inspecting Officer/

Designation _ _ _ _ _ __
File No. - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector for ........., ......... ..
* Not applicable to isolated wall tubes or to brackets, electroliers, switches, ceiling fans
and such other fittings (other than portable hand lamps and transportable apparatus)
unless provided with earth terminal.
['11'1 I I I - ~ 4 J 347

(Installations of voltage level more than 250V np to and including 650V)

Report No. _ _ _~ - - - Date of Inspection _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Date oflast Inspection---~--
1. Consumer No. - - - - - - - - - -
2. Voltage and system of supply:
(i) Volts _ _ _ _ _(,ii) No. of Phases (iii) AC/DC

3. Name of the consumer or owner - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4. Address of the consumer or owner - - - - - - - ~ - - - - -
5. Location of the premises---------'---~----
6. Particulars of the installations
(a) Motors:
I Make I No. I H.P. I Amps. I Voltage
(i)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - -
(b), Other equipment (complete details to be furnished):
(ii)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Total connected load h.p./KVA·

(c ) Generators details i.e. Make, S. No, KVA rating and Voltage:

(ii) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
General condition of the installation:
SI. Regulation Requirements Report
No. Nos. .

' 7. Regulation-3 Is the register of designated persons properly Yes/No .

made and kept up to date duly attested ?

8. Regulation- (i) Is/Are there any visible sign(s) of . Yes/No .
12 overloading in respect of any apparatus '
(ii) Whether any unauthorised temporary Yes/No
installation exist?.
(iii) Are the electric supply lines and apparatus Yes/No
so installed, protected, worked and
l - -
maintained as to prevent danger ?
(iv) Any other general remarks.
9. Regulation- Give report_ on condition of service lines, Sat'
13 cables, wires, apparatus and such other fittings s
placed by the supplier or owner of the
premises. If not satisfactory give details .

- -~~--- -~----c-- -

10. Regulation- Whether suitable cut-outs provided by the Yes/No .

14 supplier at the consumer's premises are within
enclosed fire oroofreceotacle?
. 11. Regulation- (i) Whether switches are provided on live Yes/No
15 conductors?.
(ii) Whether indication of a permanent nature Yes/No
is provided as per Regulation so as to
distinguish neutral conductor from the Iive '
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the Yes/No
neutral in the case of single phase double
pole iron clad switches instead of fuse ?
12. Regulation- (i) Whether earthed terminal is provided by Yes/No .

16 the supplier?.
(ii) General visible condition of the earthing Satisfactory/Not
arrangement. Satisfactory
13. Regulation- (i) Are bare conductors in building Yes/No
17 inaccessible?
(ii) Whether readily accessible switches have Yes/No

been orovided for rendering them dead?
14. Regulation- Whether "Danger Notice" in· Hindi and the Yes/No
18 local language of the district and of a design as .

per relevant Indian Standard is affixed

permanently in conspicuous position?.
15. Regulation- (i) Whether insulating floor or mats conforming Yes/No
19 to IS-15652:2006 have been provided?
(ii) Whether identification of panel has been· Yes/No
provided on the front and the rear of the
16. Regulation- Whether flexible cables used for portable or Yes/No
21 transportable equipment covered under the ·
Regulation, are heavily insulated and
adequately protected from mechanical injury? .
17. Regulation- State the condition of metallic . coverings Satisfactory/Not
22 provided for various conductors. Satisfactory
18. Regulation- Whether the. circuits or apparatus 'intended .for Yes/No
24 operating at different • voltage(s) are
distinguishable by means of indication(s) of
permanent nature? .
19. Regulation- Whether all circuits and apparatus are so Yes/No
26 arranged that there is no danger of any part(s)
becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limits
of voltage
for which it/they
is/are intended?
20. Regulation- (i) In the case of generating stations, whether Yes/No
27 fire-buckets filled with clean dry sand
have been conspicuously marked and kept
in convenient situations in addition to fire-
extinguishers suitable for dealing with.
electric fires ? .
['11'1Ill-<!!U64] 349

(ii) Whether First Aid Boxes or cupboards Yes/No

conspicuously marked and ·properly
equipped are provided and maintained?.
(ii_i) Is adequate staff trained in First Aid Yes/No
Treatment and fire fi<>hting?
21. Regulation- (i) Whether instructions in English or Hindi Yes/No
28 and the local language of the dis.trict and
where Hindi is the local language; in
English and Hindi, for the resuscitation of
persons suffering from electric shock have
been affixed in a "conspicuous place" ?.
(ii) Arn the designated persons able to apply Yes/No
instructions for resuscitation of persons
suffering from electric shock ?
22. Regulation- Leakage on premises:
34 State insulation resistance between conductors -----M Ohms
and earth in Mega Ohms.
23. Regulation- (i) Whether a suitable linked switch, or circuit Yes/No
35 breaker 1s placed near the point of
commencement of supply so as to be
readily accessible and capable of being
easily operated to completely isolate the
(ii) Whether every distinct circuit is protected Yes/No
against excess electricity by means of a
suitable circuit breaker or cut-out?
(iii) Whether suitable linked switch or circuit Yes/No
breaker is provided near each · motor or , .
apparatus for controlling supply to the
motor or apparatus?.
(iv) Whether adequate precautions are taken to· Yes/No
ensure that no live parts are so exposed as
to cause danger?.
24. Regulation- (i) Whether clear space of I 00 cm is provided Yes/No
37 in front of the main switchboard?.
(ii) Whether the space behind the switchboard Yes/No
exceeds 75 cm in width or is less than 20
(iii) In case the clear space behind the Yes/No
switchboard exceeds 75 cni. state whether
a passage way from either end of the
switchboard to a height of 1.80 metres is
25. Regulation- . (i) Has the neutral point at the transfortner and Yes/No
41 generator been earthed by two separate
and distincrt:onnections with earth?
(ii) Have the frame of every generator, Yes/No
stationary'motor and so far as practicable
portable motor and the metallic parts (not
intended as conductors) of all transformers
and any other apparatus used for

regulating or controlling electricity and all

apparatus consuming electricity at voltage
exceeding 250V but not exceeding 650V
been earthed by two separate and distinct l
connections with earth ?
(iii) Have the metal casings or metallic Yes/No
covenngs containing or protecting any
electric supply line or apparatus been
properly earthed and so joined and
connected across all junction boxes as to
make good mechanical and electrical
(iv) Whether the consumer's earth-electrode is Yes/No
properly executed and has been tested. If
· yes, give value of earth resistance?. ------- Ohms.
(v) Is the earth wire free from any mechanical Yes/No
26. Regulation- Have the protections and interlocks for the Yes/No
45 generating units been provided. If not, give
27.. Overhead (i) State if the consumer has any overhead Yes/No
Lines lines.
(ii) Does the overhead line near the premises Yes/No
of consumer meets the requirement of
regulations 58, 60 and 61? If not, give
details. ·
(iii) Is guarding provided for overhead lines Yes/No
at road crossings?
(iv) Any other remarks.
Date: Signature of the Inspecting Officer
Designation _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
File No. - - - - - - - - •
Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical lli.spector for .................... .
[ 'Ill'! ]Il-1g1l;s 4] 351

( Installations of voltage exceeding 650V )
Report No. - - - - - Date oflnspection
1 Date of Last inspection-------,----
SI. Regulation Requirements Report.
No. Nos
1. Regulation-3 Is the register of the .designated persons Yes/No
properly made and kept up to date duly
attested? .
2. · Regu]ation- (i) Is/Are there. any visible sigh(s) of Yes/No
12 overloading in respect of any apparatus?
(ii) Whether any unauthorised temporary Yes/No
installation exist?
(iii) Whether the motors and controlling Yes/No
equipment are being over hauled
periodically and record kept of the same in
a register?
(iv) Whether the transformer oil samples are Yes/No
being tested periodically and results
recorded in a register?
(v) Whether suitable lightning arrestors have Yes/No
been provided near the transformers for
protection against lightning?
(vi) Whether earth resistance is being Yes/No
measured periodically and results recorded
in a register?
(vii) Any other defect or condition which may Yes/No
be a source of danger. If Yes· please
(viii) Whether operation and maintenance Yes/No
data has been clarified, categorized and
computerized for . prompt and easy
(ix) Whether predictive maintenance is. being Yes/No
performed .· for installation of voltage
exceeding 650V?
(x) Whether residual life assessment and life Yes/No
extension progrannnes are being
undertaken for installations or equipment
of voltage exceeding 650V (applicable for
installations or equipment more than }5
years old)?
(xi) Whether all required type and routine tests at Yes/No
.factory·done for equipments. Deficiencies and
Discrepancies in above test report and results,
if any, shall be reported?
(xii) Are there deficiencies in . construction with yes/No

reference to Indian Standard requirements.

Please soecify. ·
3. Regulation- Give report on condition of service lines, Satisfactory/Not
13 cables; wires, apparatus and such other fittings . Satisfactory
placed by the supplier or owner of the
premises. If not satisfactorv give details.
4. Regulation- Whether suitable cut-outs provided by the Yes/No
14 supplier at the consumer's premises .are within
enclosed fire proof receptacle?
5. Regulation- (i) Whether switches are · provided on live Yes/No
15" conductors?.
(ii) Whether indication of a permanent nature Yes/No
is provided. as per Regulation so as to
distinguish neutral conductor from the live
(iii) Whether a direct line is provided on the Yes/No
neutral in the case of single phase double
oole iron clad switches instead of fuse ?
6. .Regulation- (i) Whether earthed terminal is provided by Yes/No
16 the supplier?.
(ii) General visible condition of the earthing S~tisfactory/Not
7. Regulation- (i) Are bare conductors in building Yes/No
17 inaccessible?
(ii) Whether readily accessible switches have Yes/No
been orovided for rendering them dead?
8. Regulation- Whether "Danger Notice" in Hindi and the Yes/No
18 local language of the district and of a design as
per relevant Indian · Standard is affixed
permanently in conspicuous position?. ·
9. Regulation- (i) Whether the practice cif working on live Yes/No
19 lines and apparatus is adopted ? If so, have
the safety measure been adopted as per
(ii) Whether insulating floor or mats Yes/No
conforming to IS-15652:2006 have been
14. · (iii) Whether identification of panel has Yes/No
been provided on the front and the rear of
the panel?
10. Regulation- Whether flexible cables used for portable or Yes/No
21 transportable equipment covered under tb.e
Regulation, are heavily insulated and
adeQuately protected from mechanical injury? ..
11. Regulation- State · the condition of metallic coverings Satisfactory/Not
22 · orovided for various conductors. Satisfactory
12. Regulation- Whether the circuits or apparatus intended for Yes/No
24 operating at differen~ voltage(s) are
distinguishable by means of indication(s) of
permanent nature?.
['ll'l l l l - = 4] . 353

13. Regulation- Whether all circuits and apparatus are so Yes/No

26 arranged that there is no danger of any part(s)
becoming accidentally charged to any voltage
beyond the limfts ·of voltage for which it/they
is/are intended ?
14. Regulation- (i) In the case of generating stations and Yes/No
27 enclosed sub stations, whether fireabuckets
filled with clean dry sand have been
conspicuously marked and kept in
convenient situations in addition to fire-
extinguishers suitable for dealing with
electric fires ?
' · (ii) Whether First Aid Boxes :or cupboards Y es!N9
conspicuously markecl and properly
equipped are provided and maintained?.
(iii) Is adequate staff trained· in First. 'Aid Yes/No
Treatment and fire fighting?
15. Regulation- (i) Whether instructions in English or Hindi Yes/No
28 and -the local language of the district and.
' where Hindi is the local langua_ge, in
English and Hindi, for the resuscitation of
persons suffering .from electric shock have
been affixed in a "conspicuous place" ? .
(ii) Are, the designated persons able to apply Yes/No
instructions for resuscitation of persons -
suffering from electric shock ?
16. Regulation~ Leakage on premises:.
34 State insulation resistance between conductors ' ----- M Ohms
. and earth in Mega Ohms. ..____
17. Regulationc (i) · Whether a suitable linked switch, or circuit Yes/No
35 breaker, or emergency tripping device is
placed near the point of commencement of
supply. so as to be readily accessible and
capable of being easily operated to
completely isolate the supply? ..
.(ii) Whetheri suitable linked switch or a circuit Yes/No
• breaker to carry and break the full load
current on the secondary side of a
transformer? ..
(iii) Whether every distinct circuit is .protected Yes/No
against excess electricity by means of a
suitable circuit breaker or cut-out?
(iv) Whether linked switch or circuit breaker or -Yes/No
·emergency tripping device is provided
near the motor or other apparatus at
voltage exceeding 650V but not exceeding Yes/No
33kV for controlling supply to>the motor
or apparatus?
(v) .Whether adequate precautions are taken to Ye~/No
ensure that no live parts are so exposed as
to cause danger? -
3747 Gl/10---45

18.. -Regulation~ (i) Whether clear space of 100 cm is provided. Yes/No

31 in front of the main switchboard?.
(ii) Whether the space behind the switchboard Yes/No
exceeds 75 cm in width or is less than 20
cm?. (
(iii) . In case the clear space behind the Yes/No
switchboard exceeds 75 cm. State whether
a passage way from either end of the
switchboard to a height of 1.80 meters is
19. Regulation- (i) Whether all conductors and apparatus Yes/No
44 including live parts thereof are
inaccessible? p

(ii) Whether all windings of motors or other Yes/No

apparatus are suitably protected? .
(iii) State in case of transformers or reactors or Yes/No
switches or static condensers involving the
use of more than 2,000 litres of oil in one
chamber, if suitable oil soak pits are
(iv) Where 9,000 litres or more of oil is used in Yes/No
any one oil tank, has provision, been made
for draining away or removal of oil which
may leak or escape from such tank(s)?
(v) Whether trenches inside sub-station Yes/No
containing cables 11re filled with non-
inflanunable material or completely
covered with non- inflammable slabs?
(vi) Are conductors and apparatus so arranged Yes/No
that they. may be made dead in sections
for carrying out work thereon?
20. Regulation- Whether protections and interlocks have been Yes/No
45 provided? If not, give details.
21. Regulaeion- (i) Have the frames of every generator, Yes/No
48 stationary motor, and so far as practicable

portable motor and metallic parts not
intended as conductors of all transformers
and any other apparatus used for
regulating or controlling electricity and all
electricity consumin~ apparatus at voltage
exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33kV
been earthed by two separate and distinct
connections with earth ?
(ii) Is the earth wire free from any mechanical Yes/Ne
(iii) Has the neutral point at the transformer and Yes/No
generator been earthed by two separate
and distinct connections with earth?
'(iv) Have the metal casings or metallic Yes/No
coverings containing or protecting any
! electric supply line or apparatus been
[ '11'1 III-1s11J;s 4 l 355·

properly earthed and so joined and

- connected across all junction boxes as to
make good mechanical ana electrical
connections throughout their whole
(v) Whether earthing has been properly Yes/No
executed and has been tested. If yes, give -------Ohms
value of earth resistance.
22. · Regulation- Is the outdoor (except pole type) sub-station Yes/No
49 efficiently protected by fencing not less than
. L 8 metres in height?
23 Regulation- (i) Where platform type .construction is used Yes/No
50 for pole type sub-station, has sufficient.
space for a man to stand on the platform
been provided?
(ii) Has hand-rail been provided and connected Yes/No
wjth earth (if metallic and if sub-station
has not been erected on wooden supports
and wooden blateform)?
24. Regulation- Has suitable provision been made for Yes/No
•. 51 immediate and automatic or manual discharge
of every static condenser on disconnl)ction- of
25 Overhead
Lines (i) What is the minimum size of the conductors Size of
of overhead lines used ? State the type of Conductor ---
(ii) Whether clearances above ground of the Yes/No
lowest conductor of overhead lines are as
per regulation 58?
(iii) On the basis of maximum sag, Whether Yes/No
vertical clearances where the line of
voltage exceeding 650V passes above or
adjacent to any building or part of a
' building are as per regulation 61?
(iv) On the basis of maximum deflection due Yes/No
• to wind pressure, whether horizontal
clearances between the nearest conductor
and any part of such building are as per
regulation 61?
(v) Where conductors forming parts of system Yes/No
at different voltages are erected on the
same supports, whether adequate provision
· has been made as per regulation 62 to
guard agilinst danger to linemen and others
from the lower voltage system being
_charged above its normal working voltage
by leakage from or contact with the higher
voltage system?
(vi) Where overhead lines cross or are in Yes/No
proximity to each other whether they have
. been suitably protected to guard against
possibility of their coming in contact with
each other per regulation 69?
(vii) Has every guard wire been properly Yes/No
earthed as per regulation 70 at each point
at which its electrical continuity is
(viii)(a) Whether metal supports of overhead Yes/No
lines _and metallic fittings attached thereto
are permanently earthed as per regulation
(b) Has each stay-wire (except in case Yes/No
where an insulator has been placed in it at r
a height not less than 3 meters from the
ground) been earthed as per .regulation
(ix)(a) Whether overhead line is suitably Yes/No '
protected with a device for rendering the
line ,electrically harmless in case it breaks
as,perregulation 73?
(b) Whether anti-climbing devices have Yes/No
been provided at each support as per
rc;gulation 73?
(~):(a);Has,the owner of overhead lines adopted Yes/No
efficient means for diverting to earth any
· electrical surges due to lightning in every
overhead line which is so exposed as to be
liable to injury from lightning • as 'per
regulation 74? 1
(b} Whether earth lead from the lightning Yes/No
arrestors, is connected to a separate earth
electrode as per regulation 74? ·
(xi) Whether unused overhead lines are Yes/No
maintained in a safe mechanical condition
as perregulation 75?
(xii) Whether statutory clearances from Yes/No
Authorities i.e. . Forest
Department/Railways/ PTCC/Defence
(AHQ)/Civil Aviation have been taken as
per Indian standard. If yes, enclose copies
of .the same.
(xii) Anv,other remarks. .

Date:· Signature of the Inspecting· Officer/

Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Designation _ _ _ _ _ __
File No. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Copy:forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector for .................... .
['11'1 I I I - ~ 4]
Form for obtaining results during inspection by supplier.ateach'suppiyc11,ointto·

',, [See sub-regulation (2) ofregullitionc,(31)]

I. Name and address of the consumer

2. Details of installation
3. Short circuit fault level of the installation
4. Date-of conunissioning of installation(iµ case ofadditional supply or
5, Results of tests conducted:

SI Equipment Test Conducted TestResults ·aemarks
1 · Linked Switch ( i)Mechanical operation ·Smooth/troublesome
with fuse( s) (ii) Rating of fuse . Amp.
(iii) Contact ofblades Ftill/Partial
1a Isolator i) Mechanical,operation OK/not:OK
ii) Remote operation 0K/notOK
iii) Local operation OK/nobOK.
iv) Measurement of contact
resistance --~-----------micro Ohm
v) Interlocking with' earth ,switch OK/not,QK
vi) Interlocking ,with CB OK/not.OK
vii) IR V aluys ------ -----· -M ,Ohm
Ph~Ph Ph~E
Open condition
Closed condition

2 Circuit (1) Rating ofCircuitBreaker

Breaker (a) Type
SI.No. ------ (b) Voltage -----------· ·-- kV
(c) Normal Current ------- Amps ·
(d) Rupturing capacity ---- ---KA·
(2) IR Values --------------M Ohm
Ph-Ph Ph.E ·
Open condition
Close condition
(3) Contact Resistance : .
-------------micro ohm/
. ,
(4) Mechanical operation: •Instant.smooth/time. ·
gap{ Sec:)
(5) Remote opera1ion: 0K/not,0K
(6) .Local operation: 0K/not•0K
(7) Interlocking with Jsolator: 0K/not0K
(8) Interlocking with earth switch OK/not0K

Circuit (9) Alarm and Trip for OK/not·0K

I3reaker OTI/WTI/Buchholz/PRV
Control (10) Earth FaultRelay: OK/riot,QK
Circuits (11) Over current Relav : 0K/riot0K

(12) Under Voltage Relay: OK/not OK

(13) SF6 pressure alarm and trip ·oKJnotOK
operation test

3 Transformer (A) Insulation Resistance Values:

SI. No.---- 1. HTtoLT: ----Mohm
2. HT to Earth: --------------M ohm
3. LT to Earth: ------··· ----M ohm
(B) Break down Voltage Test
Oil Sample-I(Toj,) --···-----·•--kV
Oil Sample - II (Bottom) kV
(C) Vector Group Test: OK/not OK
(D) Polarity Tests: OK/not OK
(E) Magnetizing Balance: OK/not OK
(F) Tan Delta Test ( as per capacity) OK/not OK
(G) Oil level in conservator Tank: OK/not OK
(H) Oil level in breather cup: OK/not OK
(I) OTI/WTI settings : NT---- 0c NT---- 0c
( J) OTI/Vy'TI alarm and trip OK/not OK
operation . OK/notOK
(K) Operation of Buchholz relay : OK/not OK •
(L) Operation of PRY OK/not OK
(M) Oil leakage OK/not OK
(N) Interlock of door switch for dry
(0) Clearances for ---------Cms
Side clearance : ----------Meters
Between two Transformers:(P) Body ,---------· Ohm.
earth resistance Ni-·•Ohm
Neutral earth resistance . N2---0hm

4 DGSet (A) Interlocking with other Supply OK/not OK

SI. Nos. for Sources:
1. Alternator: (B) Body-earth resistance ---Ohm
2. Engine: Neutral earth resistance N,~--Ohm


5 Cables (A) Insulation.Resistance Values: · ·

Size: Sq. mm 1. Ph-Ph: --------- M Ohm
2. ~h - Earth : ·---------M Ohm
3. Ph - Earth + other Ph : ---------M Ohm
(B) Bending Radius; OK/not OK

6 Earthing; A) Metal and Size of Cu/Al/GI --- Sq. mm

Earth Strips: \
B) Type of Earthings: . Yes/No
( 1) Plate Earthing: Yes/No
(2) Pipe Earthing: Yes/No
(3) Counter poise Earthing

(C) Values of Earth resistances of N 1 ----ohm N2 ----ohm

[ <!T'1 I I I - ~ 4 l "lffif 'Pl <f'S!1f,l : arnl"IR"l 359
earth electrodes for (R) ---ohm (Y) ---ohm
(I) Reactor Neutral: (B)----ohm
(2) LAs: ohm
(3). Structure:
(4) Frames/Bodies of ohm
(5) Motors:

7 Potential (i) Ratio test OK:/notOK

Transformer (ii) Polarity test OK/not OK -
(iii) BDVofoil kV
(iv) IR test (R) P-E-------M Ohm
(Y) P-E-------M Ohm
(B) P~E-------M Ohm
8. -Current (i) Ratio test OK/not OK
Transformer (ii) Po lantytest OK/not OK
(iii) BDVofoil -- -------kV
(iv) IR test (R) P-E-------M Ohm
(Y) P-E-------M Ohm
(B) P-E-~-----M Ohm
9. Transmission (i) Physical condition of OK/not OK
line conductor/tower
. (ii) Check of tower accessories OK/not OK
(iii) .Tower footing resistance Ohm
(iv) .Conductor ccmtinuity test QK/notOK
(v) Check of ground clearance OK/not OK
(vi) Check of electrical clearance OK/not OK
along the route

General Observations : .
SI.No. Item Observations
l. Check of required phase to phase, phase to ground and -
.sectional clearance.

2. Check of equipment lay out and over all installation


3. Test of resistance of earth mat or earth electrodes as


4. Check.of consumer's pre-commissioning test reports

-of individual equipment.
- .·

5. Check of manufacturer's routine/type test reports of

individual equipment.

'6. Whether Inspector's approval if applicable is obtained?

r· - -· ·-· ~ - ------ ----

7. Whether owner) s self certification about compliance

with The Regulations is obtained?

8. Generalobservation,and views (specific deviation from

, the requirements of the Regulations shall be clearly
brought out).

Name, Signature and Seal of the Authority


Form for notice in respect of failure of supply

[ sub•regulation (3) of regulation (39)]- ·


(1) Nameandaddress of the supplier

(2) Date,andtime of failure of supply
(3} Arem,•affected due to failure
(4) · Causes ofTailure
(5) Probable.time forrestoration of supply
(6) Additionalinformation, if any


(Name, Signature, Designation

and Sealof Authoity)
(,n,r HI-~ 4] 361


Minimum safety working clearances where electricity at voltage exceeding 650 V

is supplied, converted, transformed or used
(See suh•regulation (2)(iii) of regulati!)n (44))

Highest System Voltage (kV) Safety Working Clearance (Metres)

12 2.6
36 2.8
72.5 3.1
}45 3.7
245 4.3
420 6.4
800 10.3

( 1) The above values are valid for altitude not exceeding 1000 m. A correction
factor of 1.25 per cent per 100 m is to be applied for increasing the clearance for
altitude more than 1000 m and upto 3000 m; ·

(2) The above safety working clearances are based on an insulation height of
2.44 m which is the height of lowest point on the insulator, wheieit meets the
earthed metal, from the ground;

(3) "Safety Working Clearance" is the minimum clearance to be maintained in

air between the live part of the equipment on one hand and earth or another piece
of equipment or conductor on which it is necessary to carry out the work, on the
· other;

(4) The "Highest System Voltage" is defined as the highest rms phase to phase
voltage which occurs under normal operating conditions at any time and at any
point of the system. It excludes voltage transients (such as those due to system
switching) and temporary · voltage variations due to abnormal system conditions
(such as those due to fault conditions or the sudden disconnection oflarge loads).

3747 Gl/10-46

Minimum safety clearances to be maintained for

bare conductors or live parts of
any out-door sub-stations, excluding overhead lines ofHVDC

[See sub•regulation (5) of regulation (44)]


S.No. DC Voltage (kV) Pole to Earth. Clearance Ground Clearance

(Metres) .
I. lOOkV 1.17 4.55
2. 200kV 1.80 5.65
. .
300kV 2.45 6.75
4. 400 kV. 3.04 8.00
5. 500kV 3.65 . 9.00
6. 600kV 3.98 JO.I
7. 800kV 5.3 I 1.2

(1) The above ground clearances are not applicable to equipment that are housed
within fence or a building and where access is prevented under er\eigised condition
through a suitable safety interlocking scheme;

(2) The above pole to earth c.learances · are · for conductor-structure electrode
configuration using gap factor k equal to 1.35.

(3) It is recognised that within a substation many different types .of electrode
configurations shall be there with different values ofk, therefore, the above clearance
shall be modified based upon the values of gap factor for a particular electrode
configuration subjected to the minimum ground clearance.

(4) Clearance shaJl be provided for electrical apparatus so that sufficient space is •
available for easy operation and maintenance without any hazard to the operating and
maintenance personnel working near the equipment_ and for ensuring adequate
[ "ll'l IIl-l§!U,l" 4 l 363


Form for reporting failure of Transformers or Reactors of rating

J' 20 MVA/MVAR and above

[See sub-regulation (8) of regulation (46)]

(1) Type of Equipment (Transformer or Reactor)

(2) Capacity (MVA/MVAR)
(3) Location (Address) .
(4) Owner and address of owner
(5) Date of failure
{6) Year of manufacture
(7) Date ofinstallation

(8) Make
(9) Reasons for failure
( 10) Measures being taken to avoid recurrence of failure


(Signature and name of Manager/Executive

Engineer of the installation)


Ground, Vertkal and Horizontal clearances

[See sub-regulation (6) of regulation 58, sub-regulation {SJ Qf rsegulation (60) and
· sub-regulation (5) o!.regulation .(;1] • ·

,. • .. • • • • _. • • • • .. , M11xm.

!! Qffld1atar
j J,atlfll!l~i
I • .. • . .!. .


GCL: Cleai·ai1cH as pel' Regulation 59

VCL: C'lea1·ances as per.Regulation 6(1._t 61.
HCL: C'lea1:n11ces as pel' Regulation 60 ...~ 61
[ mrr m-= ,19 365


[See sub-regulation (1) of regulation ;(95)]

This fonn must be correctly filled up by the owner, agent, manager or engineer
and sent 10 .the Inspector •not later .than the first day ofFebruary .every year. ·
Part A
Year ending, 20
Name.of Mine State
Situation of Mine District
·Postal address of Mine
Nllllle and address ofowner
Name ofagent
Name •Of manager
D Name .ofengineer
Nl!me ,of Electrical .Supervisor
(i~ System of supply (whe.ther direct .current or alternating current)
Voltage ofsupply
Periodicity (if.alternating current)
Source of supply,
(2) Voltage at.which electricity is used for:-
(3) Particulars of Motor etc.
(a) Ori Surface
Type of Motor (H.P./K.W.) Type of.control.gear Location Purpose for which •used
/ apparatus and voltage -

(blln Mine
Type of Motor Type of Location• Purpose for Ventilation Percentage of
,(H.P./K:W.) I contFol which,used inflammable gas·
.apparatus ,and voltage gear· orvapour

Type of:light fitting Wattage . Location Percentage ofinflammable
gas or vapor
366 .


[See sub-regulation (1) of regulation (95)] ·

This form must be correctly filled up by the owner, agent, manager or engineer
and sent to the Inspector not later than the first day of February every year.
Part A

Year ending 20
Situation of Oil-field State
Name of Oil-field District
Postal address of Oil-field •
Name and address of owner
Name of agent
Name of manager
Name of engineer
Name of Electrical Supervisor
(1) System of supply (whether direct current or alternating current)
Voltage of supply.
Periodicity (if alternating current)
Source of supply.
(2) Voltage at which electricity is used for:-
(3) Particulars of Motor etc. in use on the field :-

(a)On wells .
No. or other identifying Drilling or Type andH.P No. oflamps Other electrical
Markofwell pumping of motor and type appliances
1 2 3 4 5

. (b) Not on wells .

Tvoe and H.P of motor Puroose for which used Identifying mark on mao
1 2 3

(4) Other electrical appliances, not including in item3, in use on the field.

Appliances Type and size in KW. Purpose for which used · Identifying mark on map
[ 'WT lll--1§11Js 4] "IRl! qiJ =: 3IBT'IR"l 367



[See sub-regulation (9) of regulation (llO), clause (a) and (b),ofsub-regulation (S) of
regulation (llS)J

Daily Log sheet for

(I) Name of Electrical Supervisor
(2) Report as to:-
(a) Condition of the insulation of the system.

(bJ Specified defects of insulation (particulars of each-failure of apparatus

} should be given).
• (c) Accidents or dangerous occurrence (including any cases of electric shock
and any cases of open sparking in apparatus in use in places where
regulation I IO applies.

(d) Disconnection and reconnection of supply as required by sub-regulation

(9) ofregulation 110.
(e) Examination of earth fa.ult detectors. or -recorders as provided by sub-
regulation (3) of regulation 100.

(f) Examinations of apparatus as provided by Regulation 115.

(i) Routine examinations as required by clause (a) of sub-regulation
(5) ofregulation 115.
(ii) Special examination* as required by clause (b) of sub-regulation
(5) of regulation 115.
(3) Remarks:-
Examined by
/ Electrical Supervisor:

*State which apparatus has been examined or tested and result ..

NOTE:.- This log sheet should be filled in as completely as possible. If, for instance,
there are no defects of insulation to report, the word 'none' should be written in the
vacant space. ·

Printed by the ·Manager, Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, _New Delhi-I I.0064
arid Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.

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