CEA Reg.2010.
CEA Reg.2010.
CEA Reg.2010.
The Indian Electricity Act 1910 had been replaced by The Electricity Act 2003, combining the Indian Electricity Act 1910 and Indian Electricity (supply) Act 1948. Now The Indian Electricity Rules 1956 are replaced by The Central Electricity Authority (measures relating to safety and Electric supply) Regulations 2010
Salient Features of CEAR ( Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations
Chapters : I II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Definitions. Designated Person(s) General Safety Requirements General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage not exceeding 650V.. Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage exceeding voltage 650V. Safety requirements of overhead lines, underground cables and generating stations. Safety requirements for Electric traction Safety requirements for mines and oil fields Miscellaneous
CHAPTER V Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage not exceeding 650V
Reg 41. Connection with earth. Reg 42 Earth leakage protective device.
CHAPTER VI Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage exceeding 650V
CHAPTER VII Safety Requirements for overhead lines, underground cables and generating stations.
Reg 58. Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of overhead lines. Reg 60 & 61. Clearance from builds of lines. Reg 62. Conductors of different voltages on same support. Reg 69. Lines crossing or approaching each other. Reg 70. Guarding. Reg 74. Protection against lightning. Reg 75. Unused overhead lines.
Chapter- IX
Explanation - For the purposes of this regulation, the word "Engineer" shall (i) in the case of a coal mine, have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957; (ii) in the case of a metalliferous mine, have the same meaning as assigned to it in the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961; and (iii) in the case of an oil mine, mean the 'Installation Manager' under the Oil Mines Regulations, 1984.
(1) On or before the first day of February in every year, in respect of every mine or oil-field, returns giving the size and type of apparatus, together with such particulars in regard to circumstances of its use which may be required by the Inspector, shall be sent to the inspector of mines by the persons specified in regulation 94 in the form set out in Schedule-XI or Schedule-XII whichever is applicable. (2) The persons specified in regulation 94, shall also give to the inspector of mines not less than seven days notice in writing of the intention to bring into use any new installation in a mine or oil-field giving details of apparatus installed and its location: Provided that in case of any additions or alterations to an existing installation of voltage not exceeding 650 V, immediate notice in writing shall be sent to the inspector of mines before such additions or alterations are brought into use. Provided further that this regulation shall not apply to telecommunication or signaling apparatus.
Reg 96. Plans. (1) A correct plan,, on the same scale as the plan kept at the mine in fulfilment of the requirements of the Mines Act 1952 (35 of 1952), shall be available in the office at the mine showing the position of all fixed apparatus and conductors therein, other than lights, telecommunication or signalling apparatus, or cables for the same. (2) A similar plan on the scale not less than 25 cm. to a km. (1:4000) shall be kept by the manager or owner of one or more wells in any oilfield, (3) A similar plan on such scale as the Central Government may direct, showing the position of all electric supply lines, shall be kept in the office of any licensee or other person transmitting or distributing electricity in a mine or oil-field, (4) The plans specified under this regulation shall be examined and corrected as often as necessary to keep them up-to-date and the dates of such examinations shall be entered thereon by the manager or owner of the mine or wells and such plans shall be available to the Inspector, or inspector of mines, at any time.
Reg 97. Lighting, overhead lines, communications and fire precautions. (1) In a mine illuminated by electricity, one or more flame safety lamps, or other lights approved by the inspector of mines, shall be maintained in a state of continuous illumination in all places where failure of the electric light at any time shall be prejudicial to safety.
(2) Efficient means of communication shall be provided in every mine between the point where the switchgear under sub-regulation (1) regulation 105 is erected, the shaft bottom and other distributing centers in the mines. (3) Fire extinguishing appliances of adequate capacity and of an approved type shall be installed and properly maintained in every place in a mine containing apparatus, other than cables, telecommunication and signaling apparatus. (4) In case of mines, minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of over head lines or over head cables where dumpers or trackless vehicles are being operated shall not be less than twelve meters in height from the ground across the road where dumpers or trackless vehicles cross.
(2) Unless the apparatus is so constructed, protected and worked as to obviate the risk of fire, no inflammable material shall be used in the construction of any room, compartment or box containing apparatus, or in the construction of any of the fittings therein and each such room, compartment or box shall be substantially constructed and shall be kept dry and illuminated and efficient ventilation shall be provided for all apparatus installed therein.
(3) All apparatus that has to be worked or attended to and all handles intended to be operated shall be placed at a spacious working place which is accessible, clear of obstruction and free from danger, so far as circumstances permit.
Reg 101. Earthing metal. (1) All metallic sheaths, coverings, handles, joint boxes, switchgear frames, instrument covers, switch and fuse covers of boxes, all lamp holders, unless efficiently protected by an insulated covering made of fire resisting material, and the frames and bedplates of generators, transformers and motors, including portable motors, shall be earthed .by connection to an earthing system in the manner specified in regulation 99. (2) Where cables are provided with a metallic covering constructed and installed in accordance with clause (d) of regulation 106, such metallic covering may be used as a means of connection to the earthing system. (3) All conductors, of an earthing system shall have conductivity, at all parts and all joints, at least equal to fifty per cent of that of the largest conductor used solely to supply the apparatus, a part of which desired to be earthed:
Provided that no conductor of an earthing system shall have a cross- sectional area, less than 0.15 sq. cm. except in the case of the earth conductor of a flexible cable used with portable apparatus where the voltage does not exceed 125 Volts, and the cross-sectional area and conductance of the earth core is not less than that of the largest o the live conductors in the cable. (4) All joints in earth conductors and all joints in the metallic covering of cables shall be properly soldered or otherwise efficiently made. (5) No switch, fuse or circuit-breaker shall be inserted in any earth conductor. (6) This regulation shall not apply, except in the case of portable apparatus, to any system in a mine in which the voltage does not exceed 30 V.
Reg 102. Voltage limits. Electricity shall not be transmitted into a mine at a voltage exceeding 11000 Volts and shall not be used therein at a voltage exceeding 6600 Volts: Provided that (i) where hand-held portable apparatus is used, the voltage shall not exceed 125 V; (ii) where electric lighting is used, (a) in underground mines, the lighting system shall have a mid or neutral point connected with earth and the voltage shall not exceed 125 V between phases; (b) on the surface of a mine or in an, open cast mine, the voltage may be raised to 250 V, if the neutral or the mid point of the system is connected with earth and the voltage between the phases does not exceed 250 V;
(iii) where portable hand-lamps are used in underground working of mine, the voltage shall not exceed 30 V; (iv) where any circuit is used for the remote control or electric inter- locking of apparatus, the circuit voltage shall not exceed 30 V: Provided further that in fixed plants, the said voltage may be permitted up to 650 V, if the bolted type plug is used
Reg 103. Transformer. Where electricity is transformed, suitable provision shall be made to guard against danger by reason of the lower voltage apparatus becoming accidentally charged above its normal voltage by leakage from or contact with the -higher voltage apparatus.
Reg 104. Switchgear and terminals. Switchgear and all terminals, cable-ends, cable-joints and connections to apparatus shall be totally enclosed and shall be constructed, installed and maintained as to comply with the following requirements, namely: (i) all parts shall be of mechanical strength sufficient to resist rough usage; (ii) all conductors and contact areas shall be of adequate currentcarrying capacity and all joints in conductors shall be properly soldered or otherwise efficiently made; (iii) the lodgement of any matter likely to diminish the insulation or affect the working of any switchgear shall be prevented; (iv) all live parts shall be so protected or enclosed as to prevent persons accidentally coming into contact with them and to prevent danger from arcs, short-circuits, fire, water, gas or oil; (v) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, oil or other inflammable material, all parts shall be, so protected as to prevent open sparking; and (vi) every switch or circuit-breaker shall be so constructed as to be capable of opening the circuit it controls and dealing with any shortcircuit without danger.
Reg 105. Disconnection of supply. (1) Properly constructed switchgear for disconnecting the supply of electricity to a mine or oil-field shall be provided at a point approved by the inspector of mines. (2) At any time, when any cable or overhead line supplying electricity to the mine from the aforesaid switchgear is live, a person designated to operate the said switchgears shall be available within easy reach thereof; Provided that in the case of gassy coal seam of second degree and third degree gassiness, the main mechanical ventilator operated by electricity shall be interlocked with the switchgear so as to automatically disconnect the power supply in the event of stoppage of main mechanical ventilator. (3) When necessary in the interest of safety, any apparatus suitably placed, shall be provided for disconnecting the supply from every part of a system. (4) If the inspector of mines in the interest of safety considered it necessary, he may direct that the apparatus specified in sub-regulation (3) shall be so arranged as to disconnect automatically, from the supply, any section of the system subjected to a fault.
(5) Every motor shall be controlled by switchgear which shall be so arranged as to disconnect the supply from the motor and from all apparatus connected thereto and such switchgear shall be so placed as to be easily operated by the person designated to operate the motor.
(6) Whenever required by the inspector of mines the motor shall be controlled by switchgear to disconnect automatically the supply in the event of conditions of overcurrent, over-voltage and single phasing. (7) Auxiliary fan shall be interlocked with the switchgear controlling power supply to the in bye face equipment of below ground coal mine for automatic disconnection of power supply in the event of the stoppage of the auxiliary fan.
(iii) where a voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V direct current system is used, two single core cables may be used for any circuit provided that their metallic coverings are bonded together by earth conductors so placed that the distance between any two consecutive bonds is not greater than thirty metres measured along either cable; (iv) The metallic covering of every cable shall be (a) electrically and mechanically continuous throughout; (b) earthed, if it is required by sub-regulation (3) of regulation 101 to be earthed by a connection to the earthing system of conductivity specified therein; (c) efficiently protected against corrosion where necessary; (d) of a conductivity at all parts and at all joints at least equal to fifty per cent of the conductivity of the largest conductor enclosed by the said metallic covering; and (e) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, or other inflammable material, so constructed as to prevent, as far as practicable, the occurrence of open sparking as the result of any fault or leakage from live conductors.
(v) cables and conductors where connected to motors, transformers, switchgear and other apparatus, shall be installed so that, (a) they are mechanically protected by securely attaching the metallic covering to the apparatus; and (b) the insulating material at each cable end is efficiently sealed so as to prevent the diminution of its insulating properties; (vi) where necessary to prevent abrasion or to secure gastightness, properly constructed glands or bushes shall be provided; (vii) un armoured cables or conductors shall be conveyed either in metallic pipes or metal casings or suspended from efficient insulators by means of non-conducting materials which will not cut the covering and which will prevent contact with any timbering or metal work and if separate insulated conductors are used, they shall be installed at least 3.75 cm. apart and shall not be brought together except at lamps, switches and fittings.
Reg 107. Flexible cables. (1) Flexible cables for portable of transportable apparatus shall be two core or multi core, unless required for electric welding, and shall be covere4 with insulating material which shall be efficiently protected from mechanical injury. (2) If flexible metallic covering is used either as the outer conductor of a concentric cable or as a means of protection from mechanical injury, it shall not be used by itself to form an earth conductor for such apparatus, but it may be used for that purpose in conjunction with an earthing core. (3) Every flexible cable intended for use with portable or transportable apparatus shall be connected to the system and to such apparatus by properly constructed connectors: Provided that for machines of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV a bolted type connector shall be used and the trailing cable shall be suitably anchored at the machine end.. Provided further that, where there are space limitations multiple onboard motors and equipment for transportable or portable machines-, direct entry flexible cable with elastomeric sealing rings, compression gland, packing gland or sealing box which does not alter the flame proof property may be permitted and if a cable entry can accept any sealing ring with same outside diameter but different internal dimensions, the ring shall have a minimum uncompressed
axial height of twenty millimeter for circular cables of diameter not greater than twenty millimeter and twenty five millimeter for circular cables of diameter greater than twenty millimeter. (4) At every point where flexible cables are joined to main cables, a circuit breaker shall be provided which is capable of automatically disconnecting the supply from such flexible cables. (5) Every flexible cable attached to a portable or transportable machine shall be examined periodically by the person designated to operate the machine, and if such cable is used underground, it shall be examined at least once in each shift by such person and if such cable is found to be damaged or defective, it shall forthwith be replaced by a cable in good condition. (6) If the voltage of the circuit exceeds 250 V, all flexible cables attached to any transportable apparatus shall be provided with flexible metallic screening or pliable armouring and cables of portable apparatus shall be provided with flexible metallic screening on all the power and pilot cores. Provided that the provision of this regulation shall not apply to flexible cables attached to any transportable or portable apparatus used in open cast mines or below ground mines where reeling and unreeling of such cables is necessary as per design features of the equipment.
(7) All flexible metallic screening or armouring specified in subregulation (6) shall fulfill the requirement specified in clause (iv) of regulation 106. Provided that in the case of separately screened flexible cables the conductance of each such screen shall not be less than twenty five per cent of that of the power conductor and the combined conductance of all such screens shall in no case be less than that of 0.15 sq. cm. copper conductors. (8) Flexible cable exceeding hundred metres in length shall not be used with any portable or transportable apparatus: Provided that such flexible cable when used with coal cutting machines or cutter or loader or armoured face conveyor for long wall operation, or with shuttle cars or load haul dumper or cutter loader or all alike equipment for development and de-pillaring operation shall not exceed two hundred fifty metres in length: Provided further that the aforesaid cable in case of an open cast mine when used with electrically operated heavy earth moving machinery shall not exceed three hundred metres in length and for bucked wheel excavator at 11 kV shall not exceed one thousand metres in length.
9) Flexible cable, when installed in a mine, shall be efficiently supported and protected from mechanical injury. (10) Flexible cables shall not be used with apparatus other than portable or transportable apparatus. (11) Where flexible cables are used they shall be detached or otherwise isolated from the source of supply when not in use, and arrangements shall be made to prevent the energising of such cables by undesignated persons.
Reg 108. Portable and transportable machines. The person designated to operate an electrically driven coal-cutter, or other portable or transportable machine, shall not leave the machine while it is in operation and shall, before leaving the area in which such machine is operating, ensure that the supply is disconnected from the flexible cable which supplies electricity to the machine and when any such machine is in operation, steps shall be taken to ensure that the flexible cable is not dragged along by the machine: Provided that all portable and transportable machines used in underground mines shall operate on remote control from the concerned switchgear with pilot core protection.
Reg 109. Sundry precautions. (1) All apparatus shall be maintained reasonably free from dust, dirt and moisture, and shall be kept clear of obstruction. (2) All apparatus other than portable and transportable apparatus shall be housed in a room, compartment or box so constructed as to protect the contents from damage occasioned by falling material or passing traffic. (3) Inflammable or explosive material shall not be stored in any room, compartment or box containing apparatus, or in the vicinity of any apparatus, (4) In case of a fault in any circuit, the part affected shall be made dead without delay and shall remain so until the fault has been remedied. (5) While lamps are being changed the supply shall be disconnected. (6) No lamp holder shall have metallic connection with the guard or other metal work of a portable hand lamp.
(7) The following notices in Hindi and local language of the district, so designed and protected as to be easily legible at all times, shall be exhibited at the following places, namely; (i) where electrical apparatus is in use, a notice forbidding undesignated persons to operate or otherwise interfere with such apparatus; (ii) in the interior or at the surface of the mine where a telephone or other means of communication is provided, a notice giving full instructions to person, at the surface of the mine, designated to effect the disconnection of the supply of electricity to the mine.
(8) All apparatus, including portable and transportable apparatus, shall be operated only by those persons who are designated for the purpose. (9) Where a plug-and-socket-coupling other than of bolted type is used with flexible cables, an electrical inter-lock or other approved device shall be provided to prevent the opening of the coupling while the conductors are live.
Reg 110. Precautions where gas exists. (1) In any part of a coal-seam of the first degree gassiness (i) all cables shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained in such a manner as to prevent risk of open sparking; (ii) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained as to be intrinsically safe; (iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus including lighting fittings used at any place which lies in-bye of the last ventilation connection shall be flame-proof: Provided that electrically operated or battery operated portable or transportable apparatus such as shuttle car, men or material transporting equipment of increased safety type "e" shall be permitted at any place with suitable monitoring devices for detection of gases, if any; (iv) all electric lamps at any place which lie in-bye of the last ventilation connection and return airways shall be in flame proof enclosure and at other places these shall be in increased safety enclosure type 'e.
(2) At any place which lies in any part of a coal-seam of second and third degree gassiness (i) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained as to be intrinsically safe; (ii) all cables shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained in such a manner as to prevent risk of open sparking; (iii) all apparatus, including portable and transportable apparatus used at any place within ninety metres of any working face or goaf in case of a second degree gassy mine and within two hundred seventy metres of any working face or goaf in case of third degree gassy mine or at any place which lies in-bye of the last ventilation connection or in any return airways shall be flame proof; (iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.
(3) In any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-2 hazardous areas (i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits shall be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and maintained as to be intrinsically safe; (ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as to prevent risk of open sparking; (iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus shall have the following types of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian Standards, namely: (a) flame-proof enclosure type 'd' or (b) pressurized enclosure type 'p' or (c) sand filled apparatus type 'q' or (d) increased safety enclosure type 'e', 'n' and 'o' (iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in increased safety enclosure type 'e
(4) In any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-1 hazardous areas (i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits shall be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and maintained as to be intrinsically safe; (ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as to prevent risk of open sparking; (iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus shall have the following types of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian Standards, namely: (a) flame-proof enclosure type 'd or (b) pressurized enclosure type 'p' or (c) sand filled apparatus type q' (iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.
(5) In any oil mine at any place within zone-0 hazardous area no electrical equipment shall be used and where it is not practicable, intrinsically safe apparatus are only to be used with the prior approval of the Inspector. (6) In any coal-seam of degree second and degree third gassiness or the hazardous area of oil-mine the supply shall be discontinued; (i) immediately, if open sparking occurs; (ii) during the period required for examination or adjustment of the apparatus, which shall necessitate the exposing of any part liable to open sparking; (iii) the supply shall not be reconnected until the apparatus has been examined by the electrical supervisor or one of his duly appointed assistants and until the defect, if any, has been remedied or the necessary adjustment made; and
(iv) a flame safety lamp shall be provided and maintained in a state of continuous illumination near an apparatus, including portable or transportable apparatus, which remains energised and where the appearance of the flame of such safety lamps indicates the presence of inflammable gas, - the supply to all apparatus in the vicinity shall be immediately disconnected and the incident reported forthwith to an official of the mine and such apparatus shall be interlocked with the controlling switch in such a manner as to disconnect power supply automatically in the event of percentage of inflammable gas exceeding one and one quarter in that particular district: Provided that where apparatus for automatic detection of the percentage of inflammable gas or vapour are employed in addition to the flame safety lamps, such apparatus shall be approved by the inspector of mines and maintained in perfect order.
(7) In any part of a coal-seam of any degree of gassiness or in any hazardous area of an oil-mine, if the presence of inflammable gas in the general body of air is found at any time to exceed one and one quarter per cent, the supply of energy shall be immediately disconnected from all cables and apparatus in the area and the supply shall not be reconnected so long as the percentage of inflammable gas remains in excess of one and one quarter per cent. (8) In an oil mine where concentration of inflammable gas exceeds twenty percent of its lowest explosive limit, the supply of electricity shall be cut-off immediately from all cables and apparatus lying within thirty metres of the installation and all sources of ignition shall also be removed from the said area and normal work shall not be resumed unless the area is made gas-free: Provided that such disconnection shall not apply to intrinsically safe environmental monitoring scientific instruments
(9) Any such disconnection or reconnection of the supply shall be noted in the log sheet which shall be maintained in the form set out in Schedule-XIII and shall be reported to the inspector of mines, (10) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to any metalliferrous mine which may be notified by the inspector of mines if inflammable gas occurs or if the inspector of mines is of the opinion that inflammable gas is likely to occur in such mine. Explanation - For the purpose of this regulation; (1) the expression 'coal-seam of first degree gassiness', 'coal-seam of second degree gassiness1, 'coal-seam of third degree gassiness' and flameproof apparatus' shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957.
(2) The following areas in an oil-mine or oil-field shall be known as hazardous areas, namely: (i) an area of not less than ninety metres around an oilwell where a blow- out has occurred or is likely to occur, as may be designated by the Engineer-in charge or the senior most official present at the site; (ii) an area within ninety metres of an oil-well which is being tested by open flow; (iii) an area within fifteen metres of: (a) a producing well-head or any point of open discharge of the crude there, from or other point where emission of hazardous atmosphere is normally likely to arise; or (b)any wildcat or exploration well-head being drilled in an area where abnormal pressure conditions are known to exist; or (c) any exploration or interspaced well-head being drilled in the area where abnormal pressure conditions are known to exist;
(iv) any area within four and one half meters of: (a) any producing well-head where a closed system of production is employed such as to prevent the emission or accumulation in the area in normal circumstances of a hazardous atmosphere; or (b)exploration or interspaced well-head being drilled in an area where the pressure conditions are normal and where the system of drilling employed includes adequate measures for the prevention in normal circumstances of emission or accumulation within the area of a hazardous atmosphere; or (c) an oil-well which is being tested other than by open flow.
(3) "hazardous atmosphere" means an atmosphere containing any inflammable gases or vapours in a concentration capable of ignition. (4) "Zone 0 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is continuously present." (5) "Zone 1 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is likely to occur under normal operating conditions". (6) "Zone 2 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is likely to occur under abnormal operating conditions".
Reg 111. Shot-firing. (1) When shot-firing is in progress adequate precautions shall be taken to protect apparatus and conductors, other than those used for shot-firing, from injury. (2) Current from lighting or power circuits shall not be used for firing shots. (3) The provisions of regulation 107 shall apply in regard to the covering and protection of shot-firing cables, and adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent such cable touching other cables and apparatus.
Reg 112. Signaling. Where electrical signalling is used, (i) adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent signal and telephone wires coming into contact with other cables and apparatus; (ii) the voltage used in any one circuit shall not exceed 30 V; (iii) contact-makers shall be so constructed as to prevent the accidental closing of the circuit; and (iv) bare conductors, where used shall be installed in suitable insulators. Reg 113. Haulage. Haulage by electric locomotives on the overhead trolleywire system, at voltage not exceeding 650 V and haulage by storage battery locomotives may be used with the prior consent in writing of the Electrical Inspector, and subject to such conditions as he may impose in the interests of safety.
Reg 114. Earthing of neutral points. Where the voltage of an alternating current system exceeds 30 Volts, the neutral or mid-point shall be earthed by connection to an earthing system in the manner specified in regulation 99. Provided that when the system concerned is required for blasting, and signalling purposes, the provisions of this regulation shall not apply. Provided further that in case of unearthed neutral system adequate protection shall be provided with the approval of the Inspector
Reg 115. Supervision. (1) (i) One or more electrical supervisors as directed by the Inspector shall be appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine or by the agent or the owner, of one or more wells in an oil field to supervise the installation. (ii) The electrical supervisor so appointed shall be the person holding a valid Electrical Supervisor's Certificate of Competency, covering mining installation issued under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 29. (iii) One or more electricians as directed by the Inspector shall be appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine or by the agent or the owner, of one or more wells in an oil field for compliance with the duties specified in this regulation. (iv) The Electrician shall be a person holding license under subregulation (1) of regulation 29. (v) For small open cast mines and below ground mines receiving supply at voltage not more than 650 V and not having portable or transportable apparatus, electrical supervisor and electrician shall be appointed for more than one mine by the Inspector.
(2) Every person appointed to operate, supervise, examine or adjust any apparatus shall be competent to undertake the work which he is required to carry out as directed by the Engineer. (3) The electrical supervisor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the following duties, by himself or by an electrician appointed under sub-regulation (1). (i) thorough examination of all apparatus, including the testing of earth conductors and metallic coverings for continuity, as often as may be necessary to prevent danger; (ii) examination and testing of all new apparatus, and of all apparatus, re- erected in the mine before it is put into service in a new position. (4) In the absence of any electrical supervisor, the owner, agent or manager of the mine and oil field shall appoint in writing a substitute electrical supervisor.
(5) (i) The electrical supervisor or the substitute electrical supervisor appointed under sub-regulation (4) to replace him shall be personally responsible for the maintenance at the mine or oil-field, of a log-book made up of the daily log sheets prepared in the form set out in ScheduleXIII. (ii) The results of all tests carried out in accordance with the provisions of subregulation (3) shall be recorded in. the logsheets prepared in the form set out in Schedule-XIII.
Chapter-X Miscellaneous
Reg 116. Deviations. (1) The Central Government or the State Government, as the case may. be, by order in writing, allow deviations in respect of matters referred in these regulations except regulation 30. (2) The Electrical Inspector or the inspector of mines may, by order in writing, allow deviations in respect of matters referred in regulations 12 to 17, 28, 35(2)(3) and (5), 36(3), 37(1) to (iv), 41(xii), 43, 44(2), 46, 52 to 54, 57 to 61, 65, 72, 74, 78 to 91,102,107(6), (8) and (10) and 114 Explanation- Every order allowing the deviations by the Electrical Inspector or the Inspector of Mines under subregulation (2) shall be placed before the Central or State Government which may disallow or revise such deviations.
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