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Asai - Interview by Scott Langley May 2011

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Asai Sensei's Karate is Different!

The reader shouldn’t misunderstand this, however. Asai Sensei can do Karate that
people would consider standard throughout the world. However, Asai Sensei has gone
past that. To understand this, let's look at Asai Sensei's development throughout his
Karate life. He studied at the famous Takushoku University Karate club. He also had
many competition successes, including becoming Grand Champion (Kata and Kumite) at
the 5th ALL-Japan Championships. From this success he then went on to teach many
hundreds of thousands of students throughout the world, becoming a hero of traditional
This traditional Karate was used as a foundation for his future developments. As
Asai Sensei travelled the world he gained a wealth of experience from other country's
fighting systems, allowing him to build on his foundation and create his own, unique
style. He has endeavored to make his body as supple as a willow tree to maximize the
efficiency of his style. However, to take his Karate to a higher level he has found it
important to not only develop the torso, but also the head, arms and legs. From the
development of each body part, his technique can spring forward like a "Thunderous
Storm". By developing the torso, arms and legs separately, it's much more difficult for an
opponent to see an attack coming. Combine this with Asai Sensei's lightning speed, and it
makes for a deadly combination.
This special training has allowed Asai Sensei to increase his strength to levels that
some people would think of as super-human. However, these techniques are separate
from Shotokan-Ryu, they are Asai-style Karate. Therefore, from this point onwards we
would like the reader to put aside all their pre-conceptions of what Karate is. Only by
doing this can you learn Asai Sensei's Karate.

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History of Asai Sensei

Asai Sensei has spent almost his

whole life searching for "The Way". His
Karate path has been likened to a
"Thunderous Storm". He says "People
should forget everything and jump head
first into what they want to do.
Although, the average person can't
comprehend such a way of thinking, or
to be in such an environment, it this
type of environment, however, that is
most essential for one's success."
Actually, it is unusual for Asai Sensei to
talk a lot. However, if you look into his
eyes you can understand the depth of
his knowledge. He has very penetrating
eagle eyes, which reflect the
unbelievable relentlessness of his
training. From long ago people have
been afraid of and in awe of Asai
Sensei's Karate. They were often
amazed at his jumping ability, being
able to reach great heights from a
standing position.
Asai Sensei was born in 1935 in
Ehime, Shikoku prefecture, Japan. He
would later become famous throughout
the world of Karate. His father was a policeman, and Asai Sensei is the oldest son in the
family. Being raised in the countryside, Asai Sensei grew up to become a very strong,
fast and energetic young man. As a young boy he often practiced Sumo, sometimes
competing in the traditional five man challenge, and winning every time. From his father
he learned Judo, Kendo and the Spear. Even at this young age his athletic ability was
easily recognized. After being thrown Asai Sensei would always land on his feet. A pivotal
point in his life came when he was 12 years old. One day he saw a boxer fighting a
Karate-ka, in a real fist fight. Not so important as to who could win such a match,
however, what was forever instilled in Asai Sensei's mind was the Karate-ka's kick that
disabled his opponent from further attacking him. Thus the image of Karate being strong
was etched in his mind. This event happened just after the end of the Second World War
at a time when the Japanese community was uncertain about their future. People didn't
know what was right anymore. Fighting and theft were common events within that
society. Asai Sensei wanted to be both physically and mentally strong. So he started to
train Karate.

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The next turning point in his life
occurred one day when walking to school
along with a friend. As they walked near
the school, they both noticed a man in a
Dogi (Karate suit), practicing Karate.
Silently, Asai Sensei was amazed by this
man's strength. He also thought to
himself that this person appeared
stronger than him! As that thought was
going through his mind, his friend made
the following comment: "Ah, he is from
the Fighting University Karate Club. The
Takushoku University Karate Club". From
that moment on, all what Asai Sensei
could think of was how to enter
Takushoku University in order to train on
their Karate team. Asai Sensei decided to
study very hard in order to pass the
Takushoku University entrance
examination. Despite hating to study, 6
months later, Asai Sensei passed the
entrance exam and was able enter
Takushoku. Takushoku also highlighted
Asai Sensei's great determination. Most
people can't sustain such a path. 150
people started with Asai Sensei at the
Karate club, but within a month it had
been reduced to a handful. There was no
happiness in the dojo, or at the university at large, just training, but Asai Sensei
persevered and soon he was allowed to live at the Karate dormitory. It was a great honor
to be allowed to live there, as all of the renown Shotokan masters attended and trained
Karate at Takushoku. Asai Sensei, despite the hardship, was happy as he had a chance to
become really strong, and others were amazed by him, claiming the only time he never
trained was when he ate or slept.
Asai Sensei graduated in 1958, and Nakayama Sensei insisted he must continue
his Karate. In fact, in a joking manner, Nakayama Sensei told him that he couldn't do
anything but Karate! So he entered the Kenshusei program (Instructors Course). It was
the golden age of the JKA, with many strong and different characters. He could train with
these people daily and it cemented his decision to follow the Karate way throughout his
life. This hard training paid dividends and in 1961 , in front of the crowned prince, Asai
Sensei became grand champion (Kata and kumite) , beating the favorites, Mikami Sensei
and Shirai Sensei.

Part 1. Taiwan: The

Strongest Martial Art

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Top Photo, From 1962. Asai sensei's technique had already
become a little different due to the fact that he had already
travelled to many countries learning many techniques

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Asai Sensei was the first which he developed to his body and style. Once they had
person to take Karate to Taiwan. become a part of his arsenal of techniques he introduced
Because the roots of Karate are them into Karate as Asai style Karate.
firmly based in Chinese Kempo, Bottom Photo, Dubai seated with the Crowned
at that time, Karate wasn't Prince. Asai sensei makes an effort to travel to many
welcome in Taiwan. Asai Sensei countries.
constantly faced challenges from other martial artists, and they were very troublesome. The
reason being that if he won, everyone would hate Karate. If he lost everyone would think
Karate was weak. However, he couldn't lose on purpose. Therefore, if his challenger was
determined to fight, Asai Sensei demonstrated his awesome ability, but he never caused any
severe or permanent damage to his opponent. Therefore he was successfully walking the
political tightrope. To further promote Karate in Taiwan, he often did Karate demonstrations
on TV. At the time these demonstrations were broadcasted, people would gather on the
streets to watch them on whatever televisions were available either in shops or in restaurants.
One day Asai Sensei was invited to dinner by Mr. Lin, the most senior instructor of
Crane Kung Fu in Taiwan. Mr. Lin's assistant was Asai Sensei's wife's brother. Mr. Lin was a
very warm, soft spoken polite man. During the party, and while sitting down at the table, over
dinner, the most amazing phenomenon occurred. Mr. Lin's eyes glittered with almost a "thirst-
for-blood" look. At that moment Mr. Lin aggressively attacked Asai Sensei with his fists. Mr.
Lin Kiai-ed a few times and his veins in his forehead became visible as a result of that
situation. Asai Sensei deflected, and neutralized all of Mr. Lin's attacks. None of these attacks
were ever successful in touching Asai Sensei's body. Throughout this whole event, Asai Sensei
kept his calm, always smiling, with one hand in his pocket, while the other was doing all the
blocking! Mr. Lin continued to test Asai Sensei's defenses, but eventually he realized it was
futile and gave-up, immediately returning to his relaxed happy persona. Later, Mr. Lin
explained that the reason why he went through this fist fight was to see if Asai Sensei was
worthy to teach his Senior Crane Kung Fu students, who had now been studying with him for
over 20 years, Karate.
If Asai Sensei was weak, Mr. Lin had planned to destroy him. However, Mr. Lin, who
was 60 years old, said that he had never met anyone who could deflect his attacks and he was
surprised that such a young man (Asai sensei was 26 years old at that time) could have such
power. After that, the party continued with a joyful time until the morning. Also Mr. Lin
insisted that all his students must continue to study Karate at Asai Sensei's Dojo. This
recommendation helped a lot. Challenges to Asai Sensei became less frequent and the
Taiwanese Martial Arts community opened up to him.
Building on this success Asai Sensei then moved to Hawaii, where he continued to
teach Karate. He also travelled the world extensively, bringing his own brand of Karate to
hundreds of thousands of people. Finally, he returned to Japan to become the technical
director of the JKA.
In the year 2000 Asai Sensei created the Non-Profit Organization Japan Karate
Shotokai, as a way to further the development of Karate. His focus is on spirit development
and not just technique development. He strongly believes in developing one's spirits as a way
to kindness and respect towards other people. In addition, he has created wheelchair Karate
as method for introducing Karate to all people regardless of any disabilities they may have. He
believes through that this Community Service, Spirit-Development will be the same for
everyone and not only the physically talented or physically fit.
And still, after 50 years of training, Asai Sensei still strives for the perfection of his
Karate. Every morning, 365 days a year, at 5am he follows a strict 2 1/2 hour training routine.
"Maybe people think that this is hard work, but to me this is very natural. Self-Training is a
method of pushing myself to the limit and learning new things about my own Karate. The day
when my Karate Spirit and Technique stop growing is the day that I will pass on from this
earth. It is for that reason that in ten years my Karate will be better than today. So every day
I must continue to train as a student." After so long Asai Sensei sees this training as a natural
part of life, again a quality that sets him apart from most. His Karate development rate is
perhaps similar, if not faster, to that of a bullet train: always increasing in speed. Continued
training is of the utmost importance. He also said, "Equally as important is to create your own
training method to match up to your own physical level. Over the course of 365 days, we must

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make today's techniques better than yesterday's, and tomorrow's better than today's." This is
the true spirit of a Karate-ka.

Part 2. Asai Sensei's Thunderous Storm

The secret to Asai Sensei's Karate is
in his soft joints. He says that as people get
older their muscles slow down, therefore,
their speed and power is also reduced. This
is a natural process that occurs to all
people as they increase in age. Asai Sensei,
however, reversed this process through the
application of new techniques and methods
that he personally developed.
Joint power is stronger than muscle
power. Let me explain to you the
characteristics of Asai Sensei's technique.
Asai Sensei says: "Joints are most
important. I can use my joints freely from
any stance in any way I want to meet any
situation that comes before me." The
following is a question and answer section
with Asai Sensei.
Q. "Asai Sensei What is a joint?"
A. "Simple answer, a joint is a
mechanism that rotates, and through this
rotation it allows for extension and
Q. "So how do we apply this
snapping joint technique?" A. "If we
take the simplest Karate technique, the
straight punch, most people just
concentrate on power going in a straight line. However, we must concentrate on the shoulder
and elbow to push and twist the punch forward. The direct movement forward becomes
secondary to the twisting penetrating power of the shoulder and elbow. (First and Second
Photo, A and B.)
Let's think of a Nunchaku. A Nunchaku, consisting of too pieces of wood connected by
string/chain, it has no muscle in and of its own. What makes it powerful is the method in
which it is used. In Picture C, below, we see that the Nunchaku is used in the same manner as
a whip. It is that "Whipping Action" that generates the power of a Nunchaku. Held on one end
and swung forward, then quickly retracted back, will propel the free piece of wood towards its
target like a whip. When the end of that piece of wood makes contact with its target, it creates
the damage.
So in effect it is the joint-mechanism of the Nunchaku, in this case the string or the
chain, that allows for such damage inflicting power at the moment of contact with the target.
The same can be seen in Kendo. A Kendo expert, when attacking his opponent with his Shinai
(bamboo sword) does not use muscle tension as a method of generating power. He simply
relaxes and releases his power by whipping his weapon towards his target. A novice instead,
would have a tense grip on his Shinai, reducing power and stability and unable to use the snap
of the technique.

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Asai Sensei discovered this power generation
technique when he was using the "Seven-Jointed Whip", seen
in picture D, the last picture below.
Therefore, whether it is a Nunchaku, a Kendo or a
Karate technique, we must use the snap of a technique, like
a whip. Without this whipping action power and speed will be
So the more joints you involve in your strike the more
power you will generate at the moment of impact with your
target. Also, should one be older in age or weak with little
ability to generate power, this whipping technique can prove
to be most effective because the joints are the essence of
initiating that movement."
Asai Sensei further says the following: "Therefore, by
softening one's joints and practicing how to use them, one
can begin to understand their full range of movement. By
increasing this range through practice, one can use this
whipping action in one's Karate technique. Therefore, joint
power used in conjunction with Back-Power, which is your
ability to bend in any direction, twist and turn in any
direction, used further in conjunction with your Leg-Power,
and your Hip-Power, will enable you to generate the
maximum amount of power."
Asai Sensei, today, is able to generate a more
effective technique than his younger years because he is not
relying only on his muscles to generate power.
The author of this article asked Asai Sensei to
demonstrate this method on him. When Asai Sensei did so, with a very soft touch to the
author, the author felt an excruciating pain that felt more like the stabbing of knife.
The "Seven-Jointed Whip", in the last series of these pictures, like the human arm, this
weapon can be used to attack straight, like a normal forward attack, or to wrap around
something, like a hooking attack, similar to the human arm.

Part 3. Training Methods:

Softening your ligaments

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Asai Sensei gives the
following explanation on what is
necessary to develop soft ligaments
capable of carrying out the Seven-
Jointed Whip-like techniques. He
says that we first, must train how to
expand and contract our:
- Joints.
- Ligaments.
- Muscles.
Asai Sensei says: "Your
method of training, will determine
your ability to attack and defend
yourself." In addition, he says that:
"The joints you train, will further
determine your Martial Ability". The
most important joints to train are:
the shoulders, the waist, hips, knees,
ankles, chest, and back, representing
the Seven-Jointed Whip. This method
of training Asai Sensei calls the "Jyu-
Jin-Ho", which translates to
Softening the Ligaments.
Q. "Asai Sensei What is a
A. "Simple answer, a joint is a
mechanism that rotates, and through
this rotation it allows for extension
and retraction."

I. Asai Sensei style stretching.

II. Stillness (pushing).
III. Movement (Rotational movement).

Let us examine those points in more details.

I. Asai Sensei style stretching mainly concerns not only physical extension and
stretching of one's ligaments, but also the visualization of the actual ligaments in action, as
they are undergoing this extending and stretching process.
II. Stillness mainly concerns joining your internal power with the external power
through your breath while visualizing this process in order to train your ligaments. If you do
not train in this method, you only train the form of the movement and not the power of the
Look at the following pictures:
1-4: When you straighten your arm, breath-in, therefore also stretching the ligament.
III. Movement deals with training your ligaments through rotational movement. To do
so, use of any of your joints such as your ankle joints, waist, upper body and neck as a point
for pivoting your limbs on your joints. This will allow your joints to expand and contract thus
undergoing this training. Depending on which part you are going to rotate, your movement
will slightly need to be altered. Look at the following pictures 5-8.
9-11: This involves movement and turning. We can use all our joints, turning them on
an axis, in various patterns. For example opening and closing, making circles and bending and
straightening (deciding on the type of stretching exercise, depending on what joint you are
stretching at the time).
For example:
- Shoulder joint training (Training the Shoulder ligaments).
Notice your shoulder joint. If your shoulder is stiff, your fist is very slow, and if it is
tight, the power remains in your shoulder without reaching out to the target. Therefore it is

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very important for you to make your shoulder joint soft, it is very important for your arm
technique. Therefore, when you are training your shoulder, you must keep it down while your
head is up. Do not fold your neck down, but rather keep it well extended upwards.
Now, please look at the Stretching Diagram above for the shoulder. This is one of Asai
Sensei's methods for training your shoulder ligaments. After you look at this diagram, please
look at picture 12. Can you try generating power from your shoulder without using all your
body? I think, the author says, most people are stiff in the shoulders, and thus their power is
week, for that reason, I introduce to you Asai Sensei's training method, picture 13-15.
If you can use your shoulder properly, then your elbow snap will naturally come out
through your back power allowing you to twine your attack around your opponent's his attack.
Please look at picture 16-17.
Next look at pictures 18-19. In here your arm, including your shoulder has to be used
like the 7-jointed-whip. Although your opponent may block your attack, your arm will strike
him in the back of the neck like a whip causing for a strong attack.
About the block, you can block the line of the block instead of the point of impact of the
attack, by twining your arm against your opponent's attacking arm, which will later enable you
to take him down.
Picture 20-22, show movements of how you can make softness, snap, and power flow
from your shoulder to your elbow.
If you train in the softness method in any of the following directions: upwards,
downwards, inward, outward and sideways and all possible directions, you will be able to deal
with your opponent in any situation from any direction.
Now, after you practice the flowing method, you can look at how pictures 23-25 show
one movement with two objectives flowing, a block and an attack at the same time.

The whipping action of the legs.

Now, in the same way you thought of your hands earlier, you must think of your legs.
Visualize your legs moving with softness equal to that you visualized earlier for your arms.
Like the arm, the leg can also be used like a whip. If we look at photograph 26, this is not
simply the leg in a circular motion, but the joints being used like the Chinese 7 jointed whip.
Thinking and using the body like this, a kick can be used in many ways. For example
photographs 27~ 29 shows a simultaneous block and attack to the knee. There is no pull back
of the leg, just one smooth motion. Also, in the same way your arm is able to twine around
your opponent's attack, your legs too can similarly do this action while striking your opponent.
Asai Sensei is also capable of kicking from close distances. This is achieved by
suppleness of joints and soft techniques. With normal Karate you think about the kick only,
while maintaining stiffness in your joints. In addition, Photographs 30~31 demonstrate "Idori",
seated method striking, this can only be done if your joints are supple and moving in the
method of the 7 jointed whip. After you practice this method, your shoulder movement
becomes soft; therefore you must use your soft shoulder for your Karate Techniques.
Photographs 32~33 show Gedan Uke. However, the photographs do not show the
softness and fluidity of the technique. In this situation, one must not think that this technique
is simply a block. One must adapt to the opponent's movement, therefore a block can become
a strike at the same time (photographs 34~35). Your mind must make quick decisions about
which techniques to use against your opponent.
Asai Sensei says: "Please use caution while practicing this technique, do it one step at a
time until you master it. You must give your body time to practice this method and learn the
technique. As you notice, the technique is broken down into multiple parts. You must practice
this technique part by part. Practice the parts in the proper order of the technique. And then,
once your body can naturally perform each part of the technique, you can put them all
together to perform this technique with your maxim speed capacity. If you try to perform it
with the maximum speed from the very start, you could cause injury to your body, for you
have not allowed your body to learn the proper angles of the motions required for each of the
steps that make up this technique."
The ideas that have been introduced thus far are for beginners. Asai Sensei practices a

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much more rigorous, advanced, and difficult training. If beginners, including all Karateka from
all ranks attempting at this method for the first time, can grasp 30% of the ideas expressed
here, then the author believes that it is quite an accomplishment.

Vital Points (Kusho) and Iron-Sand trained Palm (Tessa-Sho)

"Kusho" is the ability to perform a technique that will "Finish" your opponent a certain
time after the attack. The time is determined by the technique. This is referred to "San Nen
Goro Shi", in Japanese. "Tessa-Sho" is the strengthening of the palm with all sorts of
elements. The most famous of elements used is the Iron Sand.
An explanation of how it is possible using the "Tenketsu Jutsu" method (Vital Point
Attack), to take down an opponent no matter how strong their body is, if you attack them
lightly using this method.
An explanation of how you can make your palm hard like iron.
Now we will introduce to you how Asai Sensei achieved these abilities through training
the softness of his joints. At one time, this was a Secret Method.

What is Tenketsu Jutsu?

Asai Sensei's technique is very
deep. One example of the depth of his
knowledge is in his understanding and
application of the Tenketsu Jutsu.
Tenketsu Jutsu is the techniques of
attacking vital points (acupressure points)
on the body. In China these points have
been used for generations in martial arts,
Chigon and holistic medicine. In Karate,
however, there are some points that
Holistic medicine is not aware of. In
Martial Arts, attacking the vital points can
cause fainting, numbness and inflict paint
on your opponent. He learned this
technique in China. These techniques was
not taught openly, to their dangerous
outcome, however, we asked Asai Sensei
to give us a special introduction and
explanation of these techniques.
In the human body there are 365
joints, 72 "numbness points", which can
cause paralysis and 36 point which cause
death. In addition to this, you must know
that there is blood and "Chi" (energy)
circulating in the body. With this said, now
we can introduce to you this technique. If
you attack with your finger a certain point
at a certain time, the circulation of both
blood and Chi will stop, causing numbness
or death to your opponent. Also, from long ago human beings have had natural bio-rhythms.
Everyone wakes-up in the mornings, sleeps at night, eats when they are hungry. Depending
on the time of day, the blood circulation can vary. Therefore, when you attack a certain point
at a certain time, with a certain amount of strength, you interrupt the human bio-rhythm. And
then, just like you turn off a switch, the body rhythm is turned off, and that the point of the
body starts to decay. The outcome of the attack depends on the strength of the attack.
To the lack of luck to some people, including Martial Art competitors, this type of attack
can occur during normal training or at competitions, having the same deadly results without
the real intention of the attacker. From a non medicinal point of view, this outcome is simply

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due to the fact that the competitor or trainee was hit at a certain point of his body at a certain
time of day which caused the interruption of the normal flow of blood and Chi in his or her
body. This can also happen to an unlucky person walking down the street who accidentally
slips and falls hitting the ground with certain strength, hitting a certain point in his body at a
certain time, making him or her unable to move.
In addition, the opposite of this is also true, where this theory can be used for healing if
you study it.
However, it is important to point out that the study of Tenketsu Jutsu can be extremely
dangerous. In the past this knowledge had been kept secret, only taught to a selected few. Its
name had often been changed, to perpetuate its secrecy.
If you want to study Tenketsu Jutsu, you must first study the following 8 points.
1. One must know where the pressure points are. (Place and the organs they are
connected to).
2. One must know blood Chi circulation pathways and bio-rhythms.
3. One must know Tenketsu Jutsu theory.
4. One must study finger techniques (Tenketsu Jutsu mainly uses finger strikes).
5. One must master finger striking techniques. 6. One must train one's vision.
(You must train to detect the pressure point of your moving target in the dark).
7. One must be able to attack from a long distance.
8. One must learn how to attack, even when the outline of one's opponent is not clear,
or when something is in between you and the opponent.

Of course, even if one's

opponent moves, one must find the
pressure points even if in the dark. By
merely using one's eyes this is very
difficult; therefore one must use all
one's senses to find the target. In
order to perfect this, Asai sensei made
a life size model of a person and
marked all the vital points on it. Using
this he was able to practice Tenketsu
Jutsu from a variety of angles and
positions, not only using his eyes, but
his whole consciousness. In addition
to that, he uses the shortest and
fastest way to hit his target. During
Karate demonstrations, Asai Sensei
does not hit these vital points, but
instead he hits muscle areas on the
body of his demonstration subject.
I f you perform the Tenketsu
Jutsu Technique on an opponent and
use only one finger; you will hurt
yourself eventually because of
overusing your finger. Therefore, to
maximise the efficiency of your finger
attack, you must know when your
opponent is at their weakest moment
so that you would not have to utilize
much force. Therefore you must be
able to catch the moment when your opponent is at their weakest point. You have to get the
maximum effect using the minimum amount of power. For example, when humans inhale,
they are at a weak moment. If you notice, a good attack is performed at the moment of
exhale. Therefore, attacking your opponent at their moment of inhale, will require less
strength and power from the attacker, and still result in the maximum effects.

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When you attack the pressure points, not only strike, but also twist your strike 45
degrees clockwise or vibrate your finger, at the moment of impact. You can choose from a
variety of techniques depending on the point you are attacking and the outcome you desire.
(Strong, weak, deep, or shallow). Mr. Asai says that Tenketsu Jutsu not only has techniques
for attacking vital points, but also it has methods for attacking the pathways that connect
these vital points. The Center of the front part of the body is called:"Nimyaku". The Center of
the back of the body is called: Tokumyaku." Using the knife edge (Shuto) of the hand and the
forearm of your hand (Naiwan) you can cut the line of Chi and blood circulation.
Review: Tenketsu Jutsu technique believes that the human body has a pathway of Chi
flowing down the centre of the body. This is called the "Ninyaku". It is also believed that there
is a pathway of Chi flowing down the back, called the "Tokunyaku". If these lines are attacked,
then it is easy to stop the bio-rhythms and circulation of one's opponent. This can be done
with shuto or a cutting action with the open hand.

How to make an "Iron Fist"

Referring back to point 8, even when one can't see one's opponent, one must train
one's hands and fingers so that it is possible to attack through things. This is called "Tesasho".
When people want to study tenketsu, they start training Tesasho to train the edges of their
bodies such as the fingers.
This idea has its origins from centuries ago "When a fist is strengthened it should be so
hard that it can break a tigers head, and your knife hand should break the cow's neck."
Asai Sensei believes that this is going too far, but through this training, Asai Sensei has
been able to break iron bars with his fingers. Therefore, using the "iron fist" against the 36
deadly pressure points is very destructive indeed.

Tesasho Training Methods

The very basic training method of Tesasho is very similar to karate makiwara training.
However, in Chinese Kempo, depending on the style, there are many different training
methods. Some start by digging their hands in a pouch big enough to fit one hand, while
others dig their hands into baskets. The contents of the pouch or basket is initially sand and
then moves to much coarse material such as green beans, iron sand, and Chinese medicine
herbs, which help strengthen the hands. The formula of the herbs, however, is a closely
guarded secret, and therefore cannot be found outside of China. Therefore, Asai Sensei has to
use the other methods.
When you are training Tesasho, there are many precautions to take. It is necessary to
soak your hands into liquefied Chinese medicine after your training. When you are young, your
hands and blood circulation might not be affected by this type of training. As you get older,
however, soaking your hands becomes vital in order to help regain normal blood circulation
into the areas you are training. Failure to do so will result in lack of proper circulation into
those areas, which will result in the occurrence of a cold feeling of numbness in those parts.
When Asai Sensei did not soak his hands in this medicine, he had eye problems. When
a Chinese Martial Artist friend of Asai Sensei noticed that Asai Sensei was having problems
with his eyes, he asked him "Why don't Japanese Martial Artists care to soak their hands in
this medicine?" He then proceeded to offer Asai Sensei the medicine as a gift. Since then, Asai
Sensei has brought this medicine with him to Japan, and uses it after training. That liquid
medicine contains about 50 different kinds of Chinese herbs. This medicine is also used to help
the heeling of bruises that occur during training. Asai Sensei says that you must gradually
build up your training. In other words do not start with the coarse material first. Instead, first
start with sand, then rise, then beans, and then you can move to iron sand...Asai Sensei saw
martial artist hitting bamboo hung from the wall with their hands. Asia Sensei also suggests to
the readers that they can start by hitting their hands from all angles against their own legs.
This also will condition your legs at the same time. This way, in the beginning your hand feels
little pain, and your fingers become soft. The hand is very sensitive, and contains many joints.
If you want to be able to use it as a weapon, you have to train it in order to develop strength

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in it. You also must learn how to use it, how to hit your target, otherwise you will hurt yourself.
If you hit hard objects from the start without this gradual build up of strength in your hands,
and without the use of the herbal ointments afterwards, you will hurt your self. In fact Asai
Sensei considers that to be unhealthy as you get older in age.
You have to understand that this training will be done over a long period of time. You
therefore must train in the correct way. After three to six months you will start to see the
effects of your training. However, to turn your hands into a weapon, many years of training
are required.

Part 4. Technique
Asai Sensei's technique has no Beginning and no Ending. It can be used any time
and in any situation.

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Asai Sensei says that in true
original martial arts there is no
flamboyancy, no unnecessary movements.
He says that there should be one attack
that "finishes" your opponent. When Asai
Sensei attacks his opponent, if his first
attack does not stop his opponent, then
the opponent will be "finished" by Asai
Sensei's second attack. Opponents of Asai
Sensei do not see his attack; however,
they only see the Zanshin of his
thunderous storm-like attack. (Zanshin is
the term used to describe the ending
posture of an attack.)
It is impossible to know when and
where Asai Sensei's technique will come
An essential element of Asai
Sensei's technique is that it follows no
specific rhythm. This disables his
opponents from finding his timing or the
rhythm of his attack. It is for this reason
that Asai Sensei's attack has no specific
beginning and no specific ending. This
means that he is capable of attacking at
anytime, in any situation and from any
angle using the joint techniques we
discussed earlier. Once we see this it is
easy to understand why his nickname was "Thunderous Storm".
There is a method of breathing, that Asai Sensei uses, which is closely related with the
movement method. In an exaggerated way, you must stop, or hold down your breathing while
you train. Because if you stop your breathing, your muscles will tense, and you will loose your
softness. So you must train to maintain your softness when you hold down your breathing,
breathing as little as possible. So, Asai Sensei trains for 10 minutes while holding down his

First let's try it:

For the sake of readers who are finding it difficult to follow Asai Sensei's ideas, we will
illustrate some of them here.

Picture A:
Use the knee to attack the pressure point which is one inch behind the elbow.

Picture B+C:
The inside or outside of the knee can he attacked two inches above the knee.
Asai Sensei's movement stems out from the softness of his joints and his knowledge of
all the joints. However, this cannot be demonstrated in the pictures. Also, you cannot know
which part of his body is using the softness technique. So, at this time we ask Asai Sensei to
demonstrate this unusual Karate.

Pictures A-D :
The opponent punches jodan tsuki. The defender pulls in the attacking punch while,
with the right heel, pulls quickly the attackers left leg, setting it straight on the floor. Then
Asai Sensei, using his left knee, pushes the opponent's pressure point on the inside of the
opponent's left knee (gently, for demonstration purposes). Then, Asai Sensei pushes his
opponent's body towards its weakest direction.

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Asai Sensei's power does not originate from one source. He makes his whole body and
his joints very soft and supple. This gives him back power, leg power, hip power, plus the
power he can generate from the snap of his elbows and shoulders. All of these sources are at
his disposal, and he will use them naturally, without any wasted energy, depending on each

Pictures E-H :
Using the whipping technique, Asai Sensei deflects his opponent's gyaku tsuki. Then,
that same defensive move, becomes a whip like attack to the opponent's Carotid Artery, the
side of his neck. And last using his arm he pushes the attacker down to the floor.

Pictures I-L:
You step back in order to perform a technique, however, not for escaping. You have to
maintain the pressure of your intention forward. Then you must enter your opponents guard,
grab the shoulder and elbow joint, and then push them in the weak direction. You have to
recognize the correct pressure point positioning of your opponent.

Pictures M-P:
Grabbing your opponent's Jodan tsuki you turn the body and pull through and throw.
Here, you use the opponent's speed to turn it against them. At that time, do not tighten your
body. If you keep your body soft, you can use a little bit of movement to destabilize your
opponent's center of gravity.

Pictures Q-T:
Use your right leg to block your opponents kick. Without putting your leg down kick
your opponent in the groin area. This is the application of the 7-jointed whipping technique of
the leg.. Asai Sensei can attack the groin area from any direction in any situation. It is the
most simple yet the strongest technique.

Picture U-X:
As your opponent attacks chudan tsuki, enter his guard by countering his timing. Grab
his right arm while with empi, using the fist and elbow, push his throat and arm down, in a
take down fashion. If you do not know the pressure points you will have to use a lot of power
for this technique. However, if you know the vital pressure points, your opponents will fall
down with minimal effort.

Due to time limitations we must stop here and hope that, from now on, you can follow
Asai Sensei's deep technique and write about them in upcoming issues.

Part 5. Wheelchair Karate

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Disabled and able-bodied
people are treated equally.
And now, for the first time in
the world, wheelchair Karate!
Asai Sensei's thinking of
martial arts is different than the
normal person's thinking, and you
can see it through his Wheelchair
Presently wheelchair Karate
has been developing around the
world under Asai Sensei's direction.
From his Martial Art's way of
thinking, he created Wheelchair
In wheelchair karate, you sit
in a wheelchair and practice Karate.
Asai Sensei Says: "Karate usually
involves the training of the Go-Tai,
meaning the five parts of the human
body, and they are: the four limbs
and the head in order to build a
strong body and strong spirits. If,
however, you loose one part, you
can still use what is left in your body.
It does not matter whether you are
disabled or an abled-person." This
was Asai Sensei's thinking, and that
is why he created Wheelchair Karate.
The origins of wheelchair Karate came from Asai Sensei's Isudori Karate
Demonstration, where he is defending himself from a seated position using all four of his
limbs. This, he created some 40 years ago. What if, however, someone is unable to use
his legs and still has to defend himself from that same seated position, what should he
do? That is the origin of Asai Sensei thinking of Wheelchair Karate. (The author of the
article was very surprised that Asai Sense's thinking was from 40 years ago.) 40 years
ago, people did not understand what Asai Sensei was trying to explain. Nowadays,
however, it is a different age. People's thinking is different, and that's how the JKS was
able to attain the Non-profit status. After attaining NPO status, Asai Sensei was able to
put all his components of Karate into a community service to help people from all walks
of life become stronger physically and spiritually. Through Karate as a community
service, he has been able to expand their field of vision about Karate.
Wheelchair Karate has 10 Kata created by Asai Sensei and they are as follows:
Shorin-Dai and Shorin-Sho, Nirin-Dai and Nirin-Sho, Sanrin-Dai and Sanrin-Sho, Yonrin-
Dai and Yonrin-Sho, Gorin-Dai and Gorin-Sho. He specially created techniques in these
Kata that allow disabled people to easily train in these techniques. Honbu Dojo JKS
instructors travel to other JKS branch Dojos throughout Japan and visit centers for the
disabled people to teach workshops about these 10 Kata. Also, many other countries
throughout the world have not only joined the JKS but also have participated in
wheelchair Karate teachings and competitions.
However, wheelchair Karate is not only for disabled people who use wheelchairs.
The elderly and weak bodied may also benefit gain from training in this form of Karate.
Therefore, in one place people from all walks of life, can intertwine their trainings

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together in goodwill and benefit from one another's training.
The first Wheelchair World Karate competition was held in September 2001.The
competition was in individual kata and competitors came from all over the world to
compete. At that time both abled-bodied and disabled people competed together, making
it the first such event ever to take place. The event was greatly accepted by the people at
the competition. And he, the writer says, hopes that Wheelchair Karate will develop more
people and more countries practicing Wheelchair Karate.

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