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Writing Good Software Engineering Research Papers


Carnegie Mellon University

Abstract • What concrete evidence shows that your result

satisfies your claim?
Software engineering researchers solve problems of
several different kinds. To do so, they produce several If you answer these questions clearly, you'll probably
different kinds of results, and they should develop communicate your result well. If in addition your result
appropriate evidence to validate these results. They often represents an interesting, sound, and significant contribu-
report their research in conference papers. I analyzed the tion to our knowledge of software engineering, you'll
abstracts of research papers submitted to ICSE 2002 in have a good chance of getting it accepted for publication
order to identi~ the types of research reported in the in a conference or journal.
submitted and accepted papers, and I observed the Other fields of science and engineering have well-
program committee discussions about which papers to established research paradigms. For example, the
accept. This report presents the research paradigms of experimental model of physics and the double-blind
the papers, common concerns of the program committee, studies of medicines are understood, at least in broad
and statistics on success rates. This information should outline, not only by the research community but also by
help researchers design better research projects and write the public at large. In addition to providing guidance for
papers that present their results to best advantage. the design of research in a discipline, these paradigms
establish the scope of scientific disciplines through a
Keywords: research design, research paradigms, social and political process of "boundary setting" [5].
validation, software profession, technical writing Software engineering, however, has not yet developed
this sort of well-understood guidance. I previously [19,
I. Introduction 20] discussed early steps toward such understanding,
including a model of the way software engineering
In software engineering, research papers are customary techniques mature [17, 18] and critiques of the lack of
vehicles for reporting results to the research community. rigor in experimental software engineering [1, 22, 23, 24,
In a research paper, the author explains to an interested 25]. Those discussions critique software engineering
reader what he or she accomplished, and how the author research reports against the standards of classical
accomplished it, and why the reader should care. A good paradigms. The discussion here differs from those in that
research paper should answer a number of questions: this discussion reports on the types of papers that are
• What, precisely, was your contribution? accepted in practices as good research reports. Another
• What question did you answer? current activity, the Impact Project [7] seeks to trace the
• Why should the reader care? influence of software engineering research on practice.
• What larger question does this address? The discussion here focuses on the paradigms rather than
the content of the research
• What is your new result?
This report examines how software engineers answer
• What new knowledge have you contributed that
the questions above, with emphasis on the design of the
the reader can use elsewhere?
research project and the organization of the report. Other
• What previous work (yours or someone else's) sources (e.g., [4]) deal with specific issues of technical
do you build on? What do you provide a superior writing. Very concretely, the examples here come from
alternative to? the papers submitted to ICSE 2002 and the program
• How is your result different from and better than committee review of those papers. These examples report
this prior work? research results in software engineering. Conferences
• What, precisely and in detail, is your new result? often include other kinds of papers, including experience
• Why should the reader believe your result? reports, materials on software engineering education, and
• What standard should be used to evaluate your opinion essays.

0-7695-1877-X/03 $17.00 © 2003 IEEE 726

2. What, precisely, was your contribution? includes all the analytic activities associated with predict-
ing, determining, and estimating properties of the software
Before reporting what you did, explain what problem systems, including both functionality and extra-functional
you set out to solve or what question you set out to answer properties such as performance or reliability.
--and why this is important. Software engineering research answers questions about
2.1 W h a t k i n d s of questions do software methods of development or analysis, about details of
engineers investigate? designing or evaluating a particular instance, about gener-
alizations over whole classes of systems or techniques, or
Generally speaking, software engineering researchers about exploratory issues concerning existence or feasibil-
seek better ways to develop and evaluate sottware. Devel- ity. Table 1 lists the types of research questions that are
opment includes all the synthetic activities that involve asked by software engineering research papers and
creating and modifying the software, including the code, provides specific question templates.
design documents, documentation, etc. Evaluation
Table 1. Types of software engineering research questions
Type of question Examples
Method or means of How can we do/create/modify/evolve (or automate doing) X?
development What is a better way to do/create/modify/evolve X?
Method for analysis How can I evaluate the quality/correctness of X?
or evaluation How do I choose between X and Y?
Design, evaluation, or How good is Y? What is property X of artifact/method Y?
analysis of a What is a (better) design, implementation, maintenance, or adaptation for application X?
particular instance How does X compare to Y?
What is the current state of X / practice of Y?
Generalization or Given X, what will Y (necessarily) be?
characterization What, exactly, do we mean by X? What are its important characteristics?
What is a good formal/empirical model for X?
What are the varieties of X, how are they related?
Feasibility study or Does X even exist, and if so what is it like?
exploration Is it possible to accomplish X at all?

The first two types of research produce methods of technique). One reasonable interpretation is that the
development or of analysis that the authors investigated in traditional engineering disciplines are much more mature
one setting, but that can presumably be applied in other than HCI, and so the character of the research might
settings. The third type of research deals explicitly with reasonably differ [17, 18]. Also, it appears that different
some particular system, practice, design or other instance disciplines have different expectations about the "size" of
of a system or method; these may range from narratives a research result--the extent to which it builds on existing
about industrial practice to analytic comparisons of knowledge or opens new questions. In the ease of ICSE,
alternative designs. For this type of research the instance the kinds of questions that are of interest and the minimum
itself should have some broad appeal--an evaluation of interesting increment may differ from one area to another.
Java is more likely to be accepted than a simple evaluation
of the toy language you developed last summer. 2.2 Which of these are most common?
Generalizations or characterizations explicitly rise above The most common kind of ICSE paper reports an
the examples presented in the paper. Finally, papers that improved method or means of developing sottware that
deal with an issue in a completely new way are sometimes is, of designing, implementing, evolving, maintaining, or
treated differently from papers that improve on prior art, otherwise operating on the software system itself. Papers
so "feasibility" is a separate category (though no such addressing these questions dominate both the submitted
papers were submitted to ICSE 2002). and the accepted papers. Also fairly common are papers
Newman's critical comparison of HCI and traditional about methods for reasoning about software systems,
engineering papers [12] found that the engineering papers principally analysis of correctness (testing and
were mostly incremental (improved model, improved verification). Analysis papers have a modest acceptance
technique), whereas many of the HCI papers broke new edge in this very selective conference.
ground (observations preliminary to a model, brand new

Table 2 gives the distribution of submissions to ICSE the table gives the number of papers submitted and ac-
2002, based on reading the abstracts (not the full papers--- cepted, the percentage of the total paper set of each kind,
but remember that the abstract tells a reader what to ex- and the acceptance ratio within each type of question.
pect from the paper). For each type of research question, Figures 1 and 2 show these counts and distributions.
Table 2. Types of research questions represented in ICSE 2002 submissions and acceptances
Type of question Submitted Accepted Ratio Acc/Sub
Method or means of development 142(48%) 18 (42%) (13%)
Method for analysis or evaluation 95 (32%) 19 (44%) (20%)
Design, evaluation, or analysis of a particular instance 43 (14%) 5 (12%) (12%)
Generalization or characterization 18 (6%) 1 (2%) (6%)
Feasibility study or exploration 0 (0%) 0 (0 %) (0%)
TOTAL 298(100.0%) 43 (100.0%) (14%)

Question Question
300 --~ oOOio -i,i
250 80*/0
200 ~:~t
oo ~%~;~
~o ~ 20% -I

o Iii i:~iii i:G ,

Devel Analy Eval Gener Feas Total Dewl Analy Eval Gener Feas Total
• Accepted [] Rejected I • Accepted [] Rejected

Figure 1. Counts of acceptances and rejections Figure 2. Distribution of acceptances and rejections
by type of research question by type of research question

2.3 What do program committees look for? 3.1 What kinds of results do software engineers
Acting on behalf of prospective readers, the program produce?
committee looks for a clear statement of the specific The tangible contributions of software engineering
problem you solved--the question about software devel- research may be procedures or techniques for develop-
opment you answered--and an explanation of how the ment or analysis; they may be models that generalize from
answer will help solve an important sottware engineering specific examples, or they may be specific tools, solutions,
problem. You'll devote most of your paper to describing or results about particular systems. Table 3 lists the types
your result, but you should begin by explaining what of research results that are reported in software engineer-
question you're answering and why the answer matters. ing research papers and provides specific examples.
If the program committee has trouble figuring out
whether you developed a new evaluation technique and
3.2 Which of these are most common?
demonstrated it on an example, or applied a technique you By far the most common kind of ICSE paper reports a
reported last year to a new real-world example, or new procedure or technique for development or analysis.
evaluated the use of a well-established evaluation Models of various degrees of precision and formality were
technique, you have not been clear. also common, with better success rates for quantitative
than for qualitative models. Tools and notations were well
3. W h a t is y o u r n e w result? represented, usually as auxiliary results in combination
with a procedure or technique. Table 4 gives the distribu-
Explain precisely what you have contributed to the tion of submissions to ICSE 2002, based on reading the
store of sot~ware engineering knowledge and how this is abstracts (but not the papers), followed by graphs of the
useful beyond your own project. counts and distributions in Figures 3 and 4.

Table 3. Types of software engineering research results
Type of result Examples
Procedure or New or better way to do some task, such as design, implementation, maintenance,
technique measurement, evaluation, selection from alternatives; includes techniques for
implementation, representation, management, and analysis; a technique should be
operational--not advice or guidelines, but a procedure
Qualitative or Structure or taxonomy for a problem area; architectural style, framework, or design pattern;
descriptive model non-formal domain analysis, well-grounded checklists, well-argued informal
generalizations, guidance for integrating other results, well-organized interesting
Empirical model Empirical predictive model based on observed data
Analytic model Structural model that permits formal analysis or automatic manipulation
Tool or notation Implemented tool that embodies a technique; formal language to support a technique or model
(should have a calculus, semantics, or other basis for computing or doing inference)
Specific solution, Solution to application problem that shows application of SE principles - may be design,
prototype, answer, prototype, or full implementation; careful analysis of a system or its development, result of
or judgment a specific analysis, evaluation, or comparison
Report Interesting observations, rules ofthnmb, but not sufficiently general or systematic to rise to the
level of a descriptive model.

Table 4. Types of research results represented in ICSE 2002 submissions and acceptances
Type of result Submitted Accepted Ratio Acc/Sub
Procedure or technique 152(44%) 28 (51%) 18%
Qualitative or descriptive model 50 (14%) 4 (7%) 8%
Empirical model 4 (1%) 1 (2%) 25%
Analytic model 48 (14%) 7 (13%) 15%
Tool or notation 49 (14%) 10 (18%) 20%
Specific solution, prototype, answer, or judgment 34 (10%) 5 (9%) 15%
Report 11 (3%) 0 (0%) 0%
TOTAL 348(100.0%) 55 (100.0%) 16%

Result Result

350 100% ,
80% •
200 ] 60% -
........ ..............................: :'E'?.i i l~¸¸)~I
150 •

200,0 Iz' i , L

/ .to, j .o.,
l" Aceep,ed[] Re, cted j • Accepted [3 Rejected

Figure 3. Counts of acceptances and rejections Figure 4. Distribution of acceptances and rejections
by type of result by type of result

The number of results is larger than the number of use in other settings. If that idea is increased
papers because 50 papers included a supporting result, confidence in the tool or technique, show how your
usually a tool or a qualitative model. experience should increase the reader's confidence
Research projects commonly produce results of several for applications beyond the example o f the paper.
kinds. However, conferences, including ICSE, usually What ~ new here?
impose strict page limits. In most cases, this provides too
little space to allow full development of more than one The program committee wants to know what is novel
idea, perhaps with one or two supporting ideas. Many or exciting, and why. What, specifically, is the
authors present the individual ideas in conference papers, contribution? What is the increment over earlier work by
the same authors? by other authors? Is this a sufficient
and then synthesize them in a journal article that allows
space to develop more complex relations among results. increment, given the usual standards o f subdiscipline?
Above all, the program committee also wants to know
3.3 What do program committees look for? what you actually contributed to our store of knowledge
The program committee looks for interesting, novel, about software engineering. Sure, you wrote this tool and
exciting results that significantly enhance our ability to tried it out. But was your contribution the technique that is
develop and maintain software, to know the quality of the embedded in the tool, or was it making a tool that's more
software we develop, to recognize general principles effective than other tools that implement the technique, or
about software, or to analyze properties of software. was it showing that the tool you described in a previous
paper actually worked on a practical large-scale problem?
You should explain your result in such a way that
It's better for you as the author to explain than for the
someone else could use your ideas. Be sure to explain
program committee to guess. Be clear about your claim ...
what's novel or original - is it the idea, the application of
the idea, the implementation, the analysis, or what? Awful • • I completely and generally solved ...
I (unless you actually did!)
Define critical terms precisely. Use them consistently.
The more formal or analytic the paper, the more important Bad • • I worked on galumphing.
this is. (or studied, investigated, sought,
Here are some questions that the program committee explored)
may ask about your paper: Poor • • I worked on improving galumphing.
(or contributed to, participated in,
What, precisely, do you claim to contribute? helped with)
Does your result fiJlly satisfy your claims? Are the Good • • I showed the feasibility of composing
definitions precise, and are terms used consistently? blitzing with flitzing.
Authors tend to have trouble in some specific i • I significantly improved the accuracy of
situations. Here are some examples, with advice for the standard detector.
staying out of trouble:" (or proved, demonstrated, created,
• I f your result ought to work on large systems, explain established, found, developed)
why you believe it scales. Better • • I automated the production of ritz
• I f you claim your method is "automatic", using it tables from specifications.
should not require human intervention. If it's • With a novel application o f the blivet
automatic when it's operating but requires manual transform, I achieved a 10% increase
assistance to configure, say so. If it's automatic in speed and a 15% improvement in
except for certain eases, say so, and say how often coverage over the standard method.
the exceptions occur.
Use verbs that show results and achievement, not just
• I f you claim your result is "distributed", it probably effort and activity.
should not have a single central controller or server.
If it does, explain what part of it is distributed and [ " T 0 ' not. Do, or do not. T h e r e is n o tO,." -- Y o d a .[
what part is not. What has been done before? How is your work different
• I f you're proposing a new notation f o r an old or better?
problem, explain why your notation is clearly
superior to the old one. What existing technology does your research build on?
What existing technology or prior research does your
• I f your paper is an "experience report", relating the
research provide a superior alternative to? What's new
use of a previously-reported tool or technique in a
here compared to your own previous work? What
practical software project, be sure that you explain
alternatives have other researchers pursued, and how is
what idea the reader can take away from the paper to
your work different or better?

As in other areas o f science and engineering, software I f your contribution is principally the synthesis or
engineering knowledge grows incrementally. Program integration o f other results or components, be clear about
committees are very interested in your interpretation of why the synthesis is itself a contribution. What is novel,
prior work in the area. They want to know how your work exciting, or nonobvious about the integration? Did you
is related to the prior work, either by building on it or by generalize prior results? Did you find a better
providing an alternative. If you don't explain this, it's representation? Did your research improve the individual
hard for the program committee to understand how you've results or components as well as integrating them? A
added to our store of knowledge. You may also damage paper that simply reports on using numerous elements
your credibility if the program committee can't tell together is not enough, even if it's well-engineered. There
whether you know about related work. must be an idea or lesson or model that the reader can take
Explain the relation to other work clearly ... from the paper and apply to some other situation.
Awful • The galumphing problem has attracted I f your paper is chiefly a report on experience
much attention [3,8,10,18,26,32,37] applying research results to a practical problem, say what
Bad • Smith [36] and Jones [27] worked on the reader can learn from the experience. Are your
galumphing. conclusions strong and well-supported? Do you show
Poor • Smith [36] addressed galumphing by comparative data and/or statistics? An anecdotal report on
blitzing, whereas Jones [27] took a a single project is usually not enough. Also, if your report
flitzing approach. mixes additional innovation with validation through
experience, avoid confusing your discussion of the
Good • Smith's blitzing approach to galumphing
innovation with your report on experience. After all, if
[36] achieved 60% coverage [39].
you changed the result before you applied it, you're
Jones [27] achieved 80% by flitzing,
evaluating the changed result. And if you changed the
but only for pointer-free cases [16].
result while you were applying it, you may have
Better • Smith's blitzing approach to galumphing confounded the experiences with the two versions.
[36] achieved 60% coverage [39].
Jones [27] achieved 80% by flitzing, I f a tool plays a featured role in your paper, what is
but only for pointer-free cases [16]. the role of the tool? Does it simply support the main
We modified the blitzing approach to contribution, or is the tool itself a principal contribution,
use the kernel representation of flitzing or is some aspect of the tool's use or implementation the
and achieved 90% coverage while main point? Can a reader apply the idea without the tool?
relaxing the restriction so that only If the tool is a central part o f result, what is the technical
cyclic data structures are prohibited. innovation embedded in the tool or its implementation?
I f a system implementation plays a featured role in
What, precisely, is the result?
your paper, what is the role o f the implementation? Is the
Explain what your result is and how it works. Be system sound? Does it do what you claim it does? What
concrete and specific. Use examples. ideas does the system demonstrate?
l f you introduce a new model, be clear about its power. • I f the implementation illustrates an architecture or
How general is it? Is it based on empirical data, on a design strategy, what does it reveal about the
formal semantics, on mathematical principles? How architecture? What was the design rationale? What
formal is it--a qualitative model that provides design were the design tradeoffs? What can the reader apply
guidance may be as valuable as a mathematical model o f to a different implementation?
some aspect of correctness, but they will have to satisfy • If the implementation demonstrates an
different standards of proof. Will the model scale up to implementation technique, how does it help the
problems of size appropriate to its domain? reader use the technique in another setting?
l f you introduce a new metric, define it precisely. Does • I f the implementation demonstrates a capability or
it measure what it purports to measure and do so better performance improvement, what concrete evidence
than the alternatives? Why? does it offer to support the claim?
• I f the system is itself the result, in what way is it a
I f you introduce a new architectural style, design
contribution to knowledge? Does it, for example,
pattern, or similar design element, treat it as if it were a show you can do something that no one has done
new generalization or model. How does it differ from the
before (especially if people doubted that this could
alternatives? In what way is it better? What real problem
be done)?
does it solve? Does it scale?

4. W h y should the reader believe your result? research result and the method used to obtain the result.
As an obvious example, a formal model should be
Show evidence that your result is valid--that it actually supported by rigorous derivation and proof, not by one or
helps to solve the problem you set out to solve. two simple examples. On the other hand, a simple
example derived from a practical system may play a major
4.1. What kinds of validation do software role in validating a new type o f development method.
engineers do? Table 5 lists the types of research validation that are used
Software engineers offer several kinds of evidence in in software engineering research papers and provides
support of their research results. It is essential to select a specific examples. In this table, the examples are keyed to
form of validation that is appropriate for the type o f the type of result they apply to.
Table 5. Types of software engineering research validation
T y p e of validation Examples
Analysis I have analyzed my result and find it satisfactory through rigorous analysis, e.g . . . .
For a formal model ... rigorous derivation and proof
For an empirical model ... data on use in controlled situation
For a controlled experiment ... carefully designed experiment with statistically significant
Evaluation Given the stated criteria, my result...
For a descriptive model ... adequately describes phenomena of interest ...
For a qualitative model ... accounts for the phenomena of interest...
For an empirical model ... is able to predict ... because ..., or
... generates results that fit actual data ...
Includes feasibility studies, pilot projects
Experience My result has been used on real examples by someone other than me, and the evidence of its
correctness/usefulness/effectiveness is ...
For a qualitative model ... narrative
For an empirical model or tool ... data, usually statistical, on practice
For a notation or technique ... comparison o f systems in actual use
Example Here's an example of how it works on
For a technique or procedure ...a "slice of life" example based on a real system ...
For a technique or procedure ...a system that I have been developing ...
For a technique or procedure ... a toy example, perhaps motivated by reality
The "slice of life" example is most likely to be convincing, especially if accompanied by an
explanation o f why the simplified example retains the essence of the problem being solved.
Toy or textbook examples often fail to provide persuasive validation, (except for standard
examples used as model problems by the field).
Persuasion I thought hard about this, and I believe passionately that ...
For a technique ... if you do it the following way, then ...
For a system ... a system constructed like this would ...
For a model ... this example shows how my idea works
Validation purely by persuasion is rarely sufficient for a research paper. Note, though, that if the
original question was about feasibility, a working system, even without analysis, can suffice
Blatant assertion No serious attempt to evaluate result. This is highly unlikely to be acceptable
The most successful kinds o f validation were based on
4.2 Which of these are most common? analysis and real-world experience. Well-chosen examples
Alas, well over a quarter of the ICSE 2002 abstracts were also successful. Persuasion was not persuasive, and
give no indication of how the paper's results are validated, narrative evaluation was only slightly more successful.
if at all. Even when the abstract mentions that the result Table 6 gives the distribution o f submissions to ICSE
was applied to an example, it was not always clear 2002, based on reading the abstracts (but not the papers),
whether the example was a textbook example, or a report followed by graphs of the counts and distributions.
on use in the field, or something in between. Figures 5 and 6 show these counts and distributions.

Table 6. Types of research validation represented in ICSE 2002 submissions and acceptances
Type of validation Submitted Accepted Ratio Acc/Sub
Analysis 48 (16%) 11 (26%) 23%
Evaluation 21 (7%) 1 (2%) 5%
Experience 34 (11%) 8 (19%) 24%
Example 82 (27%) 16 (37%) 20%
Some example, can't tell whether it's toy or actual use 6 (2%) 1 (2%) 17%
Persuasion 25 (8%) 0 (0.0%) 0%
No mention of validation in abstract 84(28%) 6 (14%) 7%
TOTAL 300(100.0%) 43 (100.0%) 14%

Validation Validation
300 - 100%- _ _,,
250 80% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ :i~ ~
200 i
50 20%. ~
o 0% - ~'~!!i fll . n
~,.+~ ~ <,.+" ~ oe .o"
-" ),Accept. t U" Accepted [] Rejected-]

Figure 5. Counts of acceptances and rejections Figure 6. Distribution of acceptances and rejections
by type of validation by type of validation
Is the validation related to the claim? If you're claiming
4.3 What do program committees look for?
performance improvement, validation should analyze
The program committee looks for solid evidence to performance, not ease of use or generality. And
support your result. It's not enough that your idea works conversely.
for you, there must also he evidence that the idea or the Is this such an interesting, potentially powerful idea
technique will help someone else as well. that it should get exposure despite a shortage of concrete
The statistics above show that analysis, actual evidence?
experience in the field, and good use of realistic examples Authors tend to have trouble in some specific
tend to be the most effective ways of showing why your situations. Here are some examples, with advice for
result should be believed. Carefifl narrative, qualitative staying out of trouble:
analysis can also work if the reasoning is sound. • I f you claim to improve on prior art, compare your
Why should the reader believe your result? result objectively to the prior art.
Is the paper argued persuasively? What evidence is • I f you used an analysis technique, follow the rules of
presented to support the claim? What kind of evidence is that analysis technique. If the technique is not a
offered? Does it meet the usual standard of the common one in soRware engineering (e.g., meta-
subdiscipline? analysis, decision theory, user studies ° or other
behavioral analyses), explain the technique and
Is the kind of evaluation you're doing described clearly
standards of proof, and be clear about your
and accurately? "Controlled experiment" requires more
adherence to the technique.
than data collection, and "case study" requires more than
anecdotal discussion. Pilot studies that lay the groundwork • If you offer practical experience as evidence for your
for controlled experiments are often not publishable by result, establish the effect your research has. If at all
themselves. possible, compare similar situations with and without
your result.

• I f you performed a controlled experiment, explain the When I advise PhD students on the validation section
experimental design. What is the hypothesis? What is of their theses, I offer the following heuristic: Look
the treatment? What is being controlled? What data carefully at the short statement o f the result--the principal
did you collect, and how did you analyze it? Are the claim of the thesis. This often has two or three clauses
results significant? What are the potentially (e.g., I found an efficient and complete method ..."); if so,
confounding factors, and how are they handled? Do each presents a separate validation problem. Ask of each
the conclusions follow rigorously from the clause whether it is a global statement ("always", "fully"),
experimental data? a qualified statement ("a 25% improvement", "for
• If you performed an empirical study, explain what noncyclic structures..."), or an existential statement {"we
you measured, how you analyzed it, and what you found an instance of'). Global statements often require
concluded. What data did you collect, and how? How analytic validation, qualified statements can often be
is the analysis related to the goal of supporting your validated by evaluation or careful examination of
claim about the result? Do not confuse correlation experience, and existential statements can sometimes be
with causality. validated by a single positive example. A frequent result
of this discussion is that students restate the thesis claims
• l f y o u use a small example for explaining the result,
to reflect more precisely what the theses actually achieve.
provide additional evidence of its practical use and
If we have this discussion early enough in the thesis
process, students think about planning the research with
demonstrable claims in mind.
5. How do you combine the elements into a
Concretely, Table 7 shows the combinations that were
research strategy? represented among the accepted papers at ICSE 2002,
It is clear that not all combinations of a research omitting the 7 for which the abstracts were unclear about
question, a result, and a validation strategy lead to good validation:
research. Software engineering has not developed good Table 7. P a r a d i g m s o f I C S E 2 0 0 2 acceptances
general guidance on this question. #
Question Result Validation
Tables 1, 3, and 5 define a 3-dimensional space. Some Devel method Procedure Analysis 2
portions of that space are densely populated: One
Devel method Procedure Experience 3
common paradigm is to find a better way to perform some
Devel method Procedure Example 3
software development or maintenance task, realize this in
a concrete procedure supported by a tool, and evaluate the Devel method Qual model Experience 2
effectiveness of this procedure and tool by determining Devel method Analytic model Experience 2
how its use affects some measure (e.g., error rates) of Devel method Notation or tool Experience 1
quality. Another common paradigm is to fred a better way Analysis method Procedure Analysis 5
to evaluate a forrnalizable property of a software system, Analysis method Procedure Evaluation 1
develop a formal model that supports inference, and to Analysis method Procedure Experience 2
show that the new model allows formal analysis or proof Analysis method Procedure Example 6
of the properties o f interest. Analysis method Analytic model Experience 1
Clearly, the researcher does not have free choice to Analysis method Analytic model Example 2
mix and match the techniques--validating the correctness Analysis 1
Analysis method Tool
of a formal model through field study is as inappropriate
Eval of instance Specific analysis Analysis 3
as attempting formal verification of a method based on
Eval of instance Specific analysis Example 2
good organization of rules of thumb.
Selecting a type of result that will answer a given
6. Does the abstract matter?
question usually does not seem to present much difficulty,
at least for researchers who think carefully about the The abstracts of papers submitted to ICSE convey a
choice. Blindly adopting the research paradigm someone sense of the kinds of research submitted to the conference.
used last year for a completely different problem is a Some abstracts were easier to read and (apparently) more
different case, of course, and it can lead to serious misfits. informative than others. Many of the dearest abstracts had
Choosing a good form of validation is much harder, a common structure:
and this is often a source of difficulty in completing a • Two or three sentences about the current state of the
successful paper. Table 6 shows some common good art, identifying a particular problem
matches. This does not, unfortunately, provide complete • One or two sentences about what this paper
guidance. contributes to improving the situation

• One or two sentences about the specific result of the writing a good systems paper [ 11 ]. USENIX now provides
paper and the main idea behind it this advice to its authors. Also in the systems vein,
• A sentence about how the result is demonstrated or Partridge offers advice on "How to Increase the Chances
defended Your Paper is Accepted at ACM SIGCOMM" [15].
Abstracts in roughly this format often explained clearly SIGCHI offers a "Guide to Successful Papers
what readers could expect in the paper. Submission" that includes criteria for evaluation and
Acceptance rates were highest for papers whose discussion of common types o f CHI results, together with
abstracts indicate that analysis or experience provides how different evaluation criteria apply for different types
evidence in support of the work. Decisions on papers were of results [13]. A study [8] of regional factors that affect
made on the basis of the whole papers, of course, not just acceptance found regional differences in problems with
the abstracts--but it is reasonable to assume that the novelty, significance, focus, and writing quality.
abstracts reflect what's in the papers. In 1993, the SIGGRAPH conference program chair
Whether you like it or not, people judge papers by their wrote a discussion o f the selection process, "How to Get
abstracts and read the abstract in order to decide whether Your SIGGRAPH Paper Rejected" [10]. The 2003
to read the whole paper. It's important for the abstract to SIGGR.APH call for papers [21 ] has a description of the
tell the story. Don't assume, though, that simply adding a review process and a frequently-asked questions section
sentence about analysis or experience to your abstract is with an extensive set of questions on "Getting a Paper
sufficient; the paper must deliver what the abstract Accepted".
7.3. What about this report itself?
7. Questions you might ask about this report People have asked me, "what would happen if you
submitted this to ICSE?" Without venturing to predict
7.1. Is this a sure-fire recipe? what any given ICSE program committee would do, I note
that as a research result or technical paper (a "finding" in
No, not at all. First, it's not a recipe. Second, not all Brooks' sense [3]) it falls short in a number of ways:
software engineers share the same views o f interesting and • There is no attempt to show that anyone else can
significant research. Even if your paper is clear about apply the model. That is, there is no demonstration of
what you've done and what you can conclude, members of inter-rater reliability, or for that matter even
a program committee may not agree about how to repeatability by the same rater.
interpret your result. These are usually honest technical • The model is not justified by any principled analysis,
disagreements, and committee members will try hard to though fragments, such as the types o f models that
understand what you have done. You can help by can serve as results, are principled. In defense o f the
explaining your work clearly; this report should help you model, Bowker and Start [2] show that useful
do that.
classifications blend principle and pragmatic
descriptive power.
7.2 Is ICSE different from other conferences?
• Only one conference and one program committee is
ICSE recognizes several distinct types of technical reflected here.
papers [6]. For 2002, they were published separately in
the proceedings • The use o f abstracts as proxies for full papers is
Several other conferences offer "how to write a paper"
advice: • There is little discussion of related work other than
the essays about writing papers for other
In 1993, several OOPSLA program committee veterans conferences. Although discussion of related work
gave a panel on "How to Get a Paper Accepted at does appear in two complementary papers [19, 20],
OOPSLA" [9]. This updated the 1991 advice for the same this report does not stand alone.
conference [14]
On the other hand, I believe that this report does meet
SIGSOFT offers two essays on getting papers Brooks' standard for "rules o f thumb" (generalizations,
accepted, though neither was actually written for a signed by the author but perhaps incompletely supported
software engineering audience. They are "How to Have by data, judged by usefulness and freshness), and I offer it
Your Abstract Rejected" [26] (which focuses on in that sense.
theoretical papers) and "Advice to Authors of Extended
Abstracts", which was written for PLDI. [16].
8. Acknowledgements
Rather older, Levin and Reddell, the 1983 SOSP
(operating systems) program co-chairs offered advice on This work depended critically on access to the entire
body of submitted papers for the ICSE 2002 conference,

which would not have been possible without the ACM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computer Systems Conf
cooperation and encouragement of the ICSE 2002 (CHI '94), pp.278-284.
program committee. The development of these ideas has 13. William Newman et al. Guide to Successful Papers
also benefited from discussion with the ICSE 2002 Submission at CH12001.
program committee, with colleagues at Carnegie Mellon, chi200i/eall/submissions/guide-papers.html
and at open discussion sessions at FSE Conferences. The 14. OOPSLA '91 Program Committee. How to get your paper
work has been supported by the A. J. Perlis Chair at accepted at OOPSLA. Proc OOPSLA'91, pp.359-363.
Carnegie Mellon University.
15. Craig Partridge. How to Increase the Chances your Paper
9. References is Accepted at ACM SIGCOMM.
1. Victor R. Basili. The experimental paradigm in software 16. William Pugh and PDLI 1991 Program Committee.
engineering. In Experimental Software Engineering ~ Advice to Authors of Extended Abstracts.
Issues: CriticaIAssessment and Future Directives. Proc
of Dagstuhl-Workshop, H. Dieter Rombach, Victor R.
Basili, and Richard Selby (eds), published as Lecture 17. Samuel Redwine, et al. DoD Related Software
Notes in Computer Science #706, Springer-Verlag 1993. Technology Requirements, Practices, and Prospects for
the Future. IDA Paper P-1788, June 1984.
2. Geoffrey Bowker and Susan Leigh Star: Sorting Things
18. S. Redwine & W. Riddle. Software technology
Out: Classification and lts Consequences. MIT Press,
maturation. Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Software Engineering, May 1985, pp.
3. Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. Grasping Reality Through 189-200.
Illusion--Interactive Graphics Serving Science. Proc
1988 A CM SIGCHI Human Factors in Computer 19. Mary Shaw. The coming-of-age of software architecture
Systems Conf (CHI '88) pp. 1-11. research. Proc. 23rd Int'l Conf on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2001), pp. 656-664a.
4. Rebecca Bumett. Technical Communication. Thomson
Heinle 2001. 20. Mary Shaw. What makes good research in software
engineering? Presented at ETAPS 02, appeared in
5. Thomas F. Gieryn. Cultural Boundaries of Science: Opinion Comer department, Int'l Jour on Software Tools
Credibility on the line. Univ of Chicago Press, 1999. for Tech Transfer, vol 4, DOI 10.1007/s10009-002-0083-
6. ICSE 2002 Program Committee. Types oflCSEpapers. 4, June 2002. 21. SigGraph 2003 Call for Papers.
7. Impact Project. "Determining the impact of software
engineering research upon practice. Panel summary, 22. W. F. Tichy, P. Lukowicz, L. Prechelt, & E. A. Heinz.
Proc. 23rd lnternational Conference on Software "Experimental evaluation in computer science: A
Engineering (ICSE 2001), 2001 quantitative study." Journal of Systems Software, Vol.
8. Ellen Isaacs and John Tang. Why don't more non-North- 28, No. I, 1995, pp. 9-18.
American papers get accepted to CHI? 23. Walter F. Tichy. "Should computer scientists experiment more? 16 reasons to avoid experimentation." 1EEE
9. Ralph E. Johnson & panel. How to Get a Paper Accepted Computer, Vol. 31, No. 5, May 1998
at OOPSLA. Proc OOPSLA'93, pp. 429-436, 24. Marvin V. Zelkowitz and Delores Wallace. Experimental validation in software engineering. Information and
10. Jim Kajiya. How to Get Your SIGGRAPH Paper Software Technology, Vol 39, no 11, 1997, pp. 735-744.
Rejected. Mirroredat 25. Marvin V. Zelkowitz and Delores Wallace. Experimental models for validating technology. IEEE Computer, Vol.
11. Roy Levin and David D. Redell. How (and How Not) to 31, No. 5, 1998, pp.23-31.
Write a Good Systems Paper. ACM SIGOPS Operating 26. Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton. How to
Systems Review, Vol. 17, No. 3 (July, 1983), pages 35- have your abstract rejected.
12. William Newman. A preliminary analysis of the products
of HCI research, using pro forma abstracts. Proc 1994


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