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Successful Panoramic Radiography: KODAK Dental Radiography Series

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51360-Broch 1/20/04 12:08 PM Page 1

KODAK Dental Radiography Series


3 Continuing Dental
Education Credits
Sponsored by
The Academy of Dental Therapeutics and
51360-Broch 1/20/04 12:08 PM Page 2

Introduction he panoramic radiograph continues to offer today’s dentist a unique patient view; covering the entire dentition
and surrounding structures, the facial bones and condyles, and parts of the maxillary sinus and nasal
complexes. The equipment used to obtain panoramic radiographs has continued to improve with recent
advances including automatic exposure and multiple image programs. However, to achieve a diagnostic
panoramic image requires attention to ten basic steps in obtaining a panoramic radiograph. These steps are
common to all panoramic machines, and when followed, will allow anyone to take a successful panoramic
radiograph! This booklet will address the problems and errors that may occur in the panoramic radiograph when
mistakes are made at any of the ten basic steps. This will allow the practitioner to determine from the radiograph
the point at which the error occurred in the image creation process. The booklet will then suggest possible solutions
to the problem, based on this information. This will allow easy correlation of error with its correction, and give a
better understanding of what caused the error. The result will be panoramic radiographs with the maximum
diagnostic detail and information that the equipment and technique allows.

Edited by: William S. Moore, DDS, MS

UTHSCSA Dental School
San Antonio, TX

Panoramic Landmarks
33 17
22 12
20 19 18 13
3 21 14 11
1 15
4 2 10
35 23
31 30


28 34

1. Coronoid Process 13. Articular Eminence 25. Malar Process
2. Sigmoid Notch 14. Zygomatic Arch 26. Hyoid Bone
3. Mandibular Condyle 15. Pterygoid Plates 27. Cervical Vertebrae 1- 4
4. Condylar Neck 16. Pterygomaxillary Fissure 28. Epiglottis
5. Mandibular Ramus 17. Orbit 29. Soft Tissues of Neck (Look
Vertically For Corotid Artery
6. Angle of Mandible 18. Inferior Orbital Rim
Calcifications Here)
7. Inferior Border of Mandible 19. Infraorbital Canal
30. Auricle
8. Lingula 20. Nasal Septum 31. Styloid Process
9. Mandibular Canal 21. Inferior Turbinate 32. Oropharyngeal Air Space
10. Mastoid Process 22. Medial Wall of Max. Sinus 33. Nasal Air Space
11. External Auditory Meatus 23. Inferior Border of Max. Sinus 34. Mental Foramen
12. Glenoid Fossa 24. Posterolateral Wall of Max. Sinus 35. Hard Palate

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Panoramic Theory

hy is panoramic radiography inherently
technique sensitive? Panoramic
radiography is a modified type of
tomography or image layer radiography. In
panoramic radiography, the patient’s dental arch must
be positioned within a narrow zone of sharp focus
known as the image layer or “focal trough”. (Figure 1)

agnification and X-ray tube focal spot size
are two important factors in determining
extraoral image quality. Resolution, the
ability of an imaging system to produce distinct
images of closely spaced objects, is an objective
measure of image quality, and is expressed in units of
Line Pair per millimeter (LP/mm). As the theoretical
resolution increases, so does the system’s ability to
reveal fine detail in the image. (Figure A)

he following chart (Figure B), plots resolution
versus magnification for four X-ray tube focal spot
sizes, and shows the limitations of two different
film/screen combinations. The area of interest is
between 120% and 160% in magnification typical of
most panoramic and tomographic machines. The
curves show conclusively that using the smallest focal
spot possible and minimizing magnification decreases
blurring or image unsharpness.

eeth and structures lying outside this zone of
Figure 1 - Focal trough
sharp focus will exhibit blurring, distortion or
other artifacts. Therefore, all panoramic
machines will have some mechanism for properly
positioning the patient’s dentition within the focal
trough. Because the trough can be quite narrow, as
little as 3 mm in width in the anterior region, following
the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper patient
positioning is critical in obtaining a quality

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Figure A - Magnification and X-ray tube focal spot size

Figure B - Theoretical Maximum Resolution

Figure B - To calculate the resolution for a given device, select the magnification, read vertically up the chart, until it
intersects the focal spot line of the device. Read horizontally across the chart until it intersects the resolution axes. The
intersection of these two lines will demonstrate the theoretical maximum resolution. The actual resolution is limited by
film screen combination, and un-sharpness due to the motion of the panoramic unit.

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The Ten Steps

here are ten basic steps in taking a panoramic
radiograph. These steps will apply to almost any
panoramic machine (See Table 1). Some modern
machines have features, such as automatic exposure,
which reduce the likelihood of exposure errors, but do
not prevent them entirely. It is still important to know the
ten steps and how they affect the outcome of the
radiographic process. When
problems occur at any of the ten
steps they will cause unique
errors on the resulting TEN STEPS IN
radiographs. When recognized,
these errors are easy to correct. PANORAMIC RADIOGRAPHY

1. Load cassette.
2. Set exposure factors.
3. Have patient remove jewelry; place apron
on patient.

4. Have patient bite on bite rod.

5. Adjust the chin tilt.
6. Position the side guides.
7. Have the patient stand up straight.
8. Have patient swallow, place tongue in roof
of mouth, and hold still.

9. Expose the film.

10. Process the radiograph.

Table 1 - Ten steps in panoramic radiology

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The Normal Panoramic Radiograph

efore discussing various errors that
can occur, it is important to know
what a normal panoramic
radiograph should look like. In a good
panoramic radiograph the mandible is
“U” shaped, the condyles are positioned
about an inch inside the edges of the film
and 1/3 of the way down from the top
edge of the film. The occlusal plane
exhibits a slight curve or “smile line,”
upwards. The roots of the maxillary and
mandibular anterior teeth are readily
visible with minimal distortion.
Magnification is equal on both sides of the
midline (Figure 2).

Step 1: Loading the Cassette Figure 2a,b - Normal panoramic radiograph

In panoramic radiograph an extraoral film holder is technology such as the Kodak Ektavision® system provide
used, which consists of two fluorescent screens with film even sharper images without as much blurring and
sandwiched in between them. Each screen fluoresces scatter as previous systems. There are several common
when struck by X-rays forming an image on the film. errors seen in the loading and use of cassettes (Table 2)
These screens are 10-60 times more sensitive to X-rays (Figures 3,4,5,6).
than film, resulting in the very low dose of radiation
required to make an image. New advances in screen


Overall grayness or Damaged cassette Tape edges of soft Cassettes should be inspected
blackness along one edge (light leak) or film cassette, replace damaged regularly for light tightness
or corner of film (fog) exposed to light hard cassette

Little or no image is Screens reversed Replace screens properly Dull surface of screen should
visible on film face film, not shiny

White streaks on image Damaged (scratched) Handle screens carefully Use screen cleaning solutions
screens and soft cloth to clean screens

Black marks, round Static electricity Avoid too rapid removal Use of antistatic mats or
clusters or lightening bolt of film from cassette humidifier can reduce static

Multiple images Double exposure Remove film from cassette Store unexposed and exposed
after each exposure cassettes separately

Table 2 - Cassette Problems

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Figure 3 - Light leak from torn cassette Figure 5 - Static electricity over L ramus

Figure 4 - Screens reversed Figure 6 - Double exposure

Step 2: Setting Exposure Factors

Many newer panoramic machines set
exposure factors automatically by reading a
small portion of the X-ray beam at the start
of the exposure. With most panoramic
machines, though, exposure must be set
based on the patient’s size or age. Usually,
icons of small, medium, or large patients are
used. Since the patient’s bone density is not
always related to their physical size, a better
guide is to look at the patient’s wrists or
ankles. Thick wrists can imply heavier bone
density; other factors to consider are age,
whether the patient is edentulous, and
obesity. Common exposure errors are
illustrated in Table 3 (Figure 7).
Figure 7 - Underexposure, note light, washed out image


Light, pale film with few dark Too little exposure Increase mA or kVp or use Also rule out worn-out or
areas next higher setting on reversed screens

Dark film with loss of details, Too much exposure Decrease machine settings Don’t confuse with film fogging,
amalgams and unexposed which is an overall grayness to
areas are still clear film
Table 3 - Exposure errors

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White opacities on film; Ghosts of metal jewelry Remove prior to exposure Watch out for necklaces
little or no image is visible
on film

Image is projected high onto

White opacity in palate Tongue bar Remove prior to exposure
palate instead of in floor of mouth

White opacity at bottom Lead apron above collar Adjust and properly place Watch for bunching at back of
of film shaped like line and in X-ray beam apron neck
inverted “V” or “shark

Table 4 - Jewelry, apron artifacts

Step 3: Have Patient Remove

Jewelry, Place Lead Apron on
Prior to exposure, the patient must
remove all jewelry from the head
area. The panoramic exposure
encompasses the whole head.
Earrings, necklaces, or other jewelry,
such as tongues bars or nose rings will
be visible on the radiograph.
Figure 8 - Ghost of earring over left max sinus
Unique to the panoramic radiograph
is the formation of “ghost” images.
These images result when an object is
imaged twice, once on the normal
side of the center of beam rotation,
and once on the opposite side.
“Ghost” images are easily identified
as they are on the opposite side of the
real image, higher on the film, and
are streaked horizontally. They can
be mistaken for pathology when they
fall in the area of the sinus. If a lead
apron is used during the exposure, it
must be properly placed. Special
panoramic aprons should be used that Figure 9 - Tongue bar projected over palate
cover the back of the patient and the
shoulder area. The apron must not
extend above the collar or it will be
imaged on the film as an opaque
“shark fin” artifact. This is due to the
angle of the panoramic X-ray beam,
which comes from below at
approximately a 7-degree angle
(Table 4) (Figures 8,9,10).

Figure 10 - Lead apron artifact

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Patient Positioning

he next few categories of errors are based on
patient positioning problems. Most panoramic
machines offer some type of positioning guides
such as lights or plastic guides to position the patient
along 3 major axes: anterior-posterior (too far
forward or back), vertically (alartragus, Franfurt
plane, or
lines), and
twisted or
(Figure 11).

Figure 11
Positioning guides;
note the bite rod, head guides, and aiming light

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Step 4: Bite on Rod

Most panoramic machines use a bite rod made of plastic with small grooves to position the patient’s anterior teeth in the focal trough. Most
machines also offer an edentulous guide that is placed against the patient’s chin or under the nose. These guides are also useful in partially
edentulous cases as well, and failure to use them can cause anterior-posterior errors. Other causes of patients being too far forward or back in the
focal trough are anterior malocclusions such as bimaxillary protrusion. Most machines offer a correction for these cases. Many machines offer an
aiming device centered on the mandibular cuspid, as it is considered to be more indicative of the patient’s skeletal position (Table 5) (Figures


Anterior teeth blurry, too Patient biting too far Make sure anterior teeth Make sure mandibular incisors
small and narrow, spine forward on bite rod are located in grooves on are in groove also, and bite
visible on sides of film rod rod is not being bent forward

Anterior teeth blurry and Patient is biting too Make sure anterior teeth If anterior teeth are missing
wide, ghosting of mandible far back on rod or are located in grooves on use edentulous guide
and spine, condyles close not at all rod
to edge of film

Table 5 - Anterior positioning errors

Figure 12 a,b - Patient too far forward; note spine Figure 13 a,b - Patient too far back; note ghosting of
superimposed over rami, blurring, and narrowing of mandible and spine, condyles pushed to outside of film,
anterior teeth blurring and widening of anterior teeth

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Step 5: Adjust Chin Tilt

In the panoramic radiograph the patient should be looking slightly down at a spot on the floor approximately 8 feet in
front of them. This elevates the posterior palate so it does not overlap the apices of the maxillary teeth in the final
image. This is often referred to as “chin tilt.” Having the patient’s chin tipped too far down is the most common
panoramic error (Table 6) (Figures 14,15).


Roots of lower incisors
blurry, mandible shaped Patient’s chin is tipped Reposition using proper Make sure patient does not
like a “V”, too much smile too far down guidelines for that machine, have unusual occlusal plane
line, condyles at top of such as alar-tragus line orientation
film, spine forms arch or
“gazebo” effect

Maxillary incisors blurry, Patient’s chin is Reposition using proper Make sure bite rod remains
hard palate superimposed tipped too far up guidelines for that machine seated in its guide
on roots, flat occlusal plane, such as alar-tragus line
mandible is broad and flat,
condyles at edge of film

Table 6 - Chin tilt errors

Figure 14 a,b - Chin tipped down; note V-shaped mandible, Figure 15 a,b - Chin up too high; note flattened
extreme smile line, arching of spine at top of film, condyles placed occlusal plane, palate superimposed on maxillary tooth
high on film, and streaking of the hyoid bone over the mandible roots, and broad flat mandible

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Step 6: Position and Close Side Guides

All panoramic
guides or positioning
Teeth are wide on one Patient’s head is Reposition using proper Make sure patient doesn’t try
lights to align the side, narrow on other side twisted in machine guidelines for that machine and look towards technician,
patient’s midsagittal of midline; ramus is wider causing midline but straight ahead. Always
plane. It is important on one side than the asymmetry use front-surface mirror on
that the patient be other; uneven pattern of machine to check alignment
looking straight blurring throughout arch;
ahead with no tip or nasal structures not clear
tilt to the head. Side
guides may be used Condyles are not equal Patient’s head is Reposition using proper Make sure patient’s head
and may come from in height, nasal rotated in machine guidelines for that machine
remains level through ears
either the top or the structures distorted (tipped)
bottom of the
machine. When the
Table 7 - Head twist errors
patient’s head is twisted,
it is similar to being too
far forward on one side
and too far back on the
other (Table 7) (Figure

Figure 16 a,b - Head twisted; note uneven width of

rami, unequal magnification of teeth, and condyles

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Step 7: Have Patient Stand Up Straight

The patient
must be
standing up
straight to White tapered opacity Ghost of spinal Have patient take a step Don’t allow patient to reach
prevent arching in middle of image column due to forward and straighten neck forward into machine; make
of the neck (Washington slumping them step forward
Monument shape)
The best
method of Dark vertical line Cassette hit Straighten neck as above. Have patient keep elbows
extending from top to shoulder and Check apron for tucked in to sides to reduce
achieving this
bottom edge of film temporarily stopped interference shoulder height
is not to allow
the patient to
Table 8 - Slumping errors
reach forward to the
bite stick or chin rest.
Have the patient take
a step forward after
they are biting the rod.
They should feel like
they will fall backward
if they let go of the
hand-holds. This will
avoid problems with
the cassette hitting the
shoulders and spinal Figure 17 a,b - Slumped;
note the white spine
ghosting (Table 8) shadow in midline
(Figures 17,18).

Figure 18 - Cassette hit

patient’s shoulder; note dark
vertical stripe on film

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Step 8: Have Patient Swallow, Place Tongue in Roof of Mouth, and Hold Still
Just before the exposure is made, the patient is instructed to swallow, place the tongue in the roof of the mouth, and
hold still during the exposure. Failure to do these things can result in patient movement artifacts or airway obscuring
vital portions of the image. In particular, not placing the tongue in the roof of the mouth results in a large airway
shadow directly over the roots of the maxillary teeth (Table 9) (Figures 19,20).


Large, dark shadow Patient’s tongue not Instruct patient to place Having patient swallow first
over maxillary teeth in roof of mouth tongue in roof of mouth can make it easier for them to
between palate and prior to exposure obtain proper tongue position
dorsum of tongue

Portions of radiograph Panoramic exposure Instruct patient to hold still Tell patient exposure will last
are blurred; large step takes approx. 15 prior to exposure 15 seconds, so that they
defects in inferior seconds. Patient expect it
border of mandible moved during this time

Table 9 - Tongue; movement errors

Figure 19 a,b - Tongue down during exposure; note

shadow of air space over roots of maxillary molars,
airway space over rami

Figure 20 - Patient movement; note step

defect in inferior border of mandible

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Step 9: Expose Film

Problems during
due to machine or
operator errors White vertical line on film Exposure stopped Hold exposure button down Modern machines will return to
including letting go of running from top to briefly, probably due to firmly during exposure start position if this happens
bottom edge of film letting go of exposure
exposure button
temporarily (not
possible with most
Images of springs or Cassette was placed in Label tube side; place lead foil Left and right will be reversed on
recent machines),
rectangular radiolucencies machine backwards “X” on back side of cassette film if this happens
changing exposure visible on film
settings during the
exposure, or not having Table 10 - Errors during exposure
the cassette properly inserted in the
machine. Cassettes must be inserted
with the smooth, flat side facing the
X-ray tube (Table 10) (Figure 21).

Figure 21 - Cassette placed

backward in machine, note
images of springs on film.
Right and left sides will be
mislabeled when this


Panoramic errors during processing Thin, washed-out images Depleted chemistry Replenish more frequently Consider X-OMAT processor
are no different than intraoral film.
Spent or depleted chemistry will Fogged film, overall Improper filter in Use red filter or cover viewing You can use cardboard to
lead to washed out, poor quality gray or very dark film daylight loader area on daylight loader cover filter area while
images. Panoramic films can loading panoramic film
normally be processed in standard
Table 11 - Processing errors
dental automatic processors. However, if a daylight
loader is used it must contain a red filter rather than
an amber one. Panoramic film is sensitive to green
light and the standard amber filter does not block this
wavelength. If large volumes of panoramic
radiographs are being processed such as in an oral
surgery practice, consideration should be given to the
purchase of a Kodak X-OMAT® processor. These
processors are designed to handle the size and surface
area of the panoramic radiograph (1 panoramic
radiograph is equivalent to a full-mouth series in terms
of surface area and chemistry usage) without rapid
chemistry depletion. In addition, they supply a dry
film in only 90 seconds. A small X-OMAT® tabletop
processor costs only slightly more than a standard
dental automatic processor (Table 11) (Figure 22).
Figure 22 - Fogging of film; panoramic film
requires a Kodak GBX-2 safelight filter

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Film Theory - Image Receptor

he image receptor in extraoral radiography is a combination of two intensifying screens with a film in between, all of which are
enclosed in a protective light-tight container called a cassette. A cassette can be soft or rigid. Each intensifying screen contains
phosphor layer that fluoresces when activated by x-radiation which has penetrated the patient and the cassette. This fluorescent
glow is what exposes the film. This exposure method differs from conventional intraoral radiographs in which the x-rays directly expose
the film. Film used in panoramic imaging is 10-60 times more sensitive to fluorescence than to X-rays; therefore, the amount of radiation
needed to produce a high-quality film is less when using screens. As the X-ray beam and image receptor encircle the patient, the image
is recorded on the film in vertical increments, which are restricted by the narrow beam and collimation.

Film Cassettes

ilm cassettes, Figures A and B, are
rigid cassettes. In a rigid cassette,
the intensifying screens are attached
A to the inside cover and base of the
cassette. When the panoramic film is
placed in the cassette, it lies in-between
the screens. Figure C is a flexible cassette
that has an opening at one end, creating
a pouch. The panoramic film is placed
between two removable, flexible
intensifying screens, which are then slid
into the pouch.

Figure 23 - Film Cassettes

Film / Film Combinations and Speeds

creen/film combinations come in different speeds. The faster the film speed, the lower the radiation dose to the patient.
The approximate relative speeds and sensitivities of Kodak screen-film combinations are shown in Tables 12 and 13.
Screens and films also vary by the type of light that they react to. Some react to ultraviolet light, others react to blue light,
still others to green light. Table 12 presents values for green-emitting Lanex and InSight screens and green-sensitive films.
Table 13 presents values for ultraviolet-emitting Kodak X-Omat screens and blue-emitting calcium tungstate screens with blue-
sensitive films. Screens and films are not interchangeable. It is important to use a blue-emitting screen with a film that is blue
sensitive and a green-emitting screen with a film that is green sensitive.

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Kodak Recommended Dental Films and Intensifying Screens

Table 12

Green-Sensitive Films and Rare Earth Screens

KODAK Film KODAK EKTAVISION Imaging Screens and LANEX Screens

EKTAVISION G Provides high-contrast, sharp images for excellent detail when paired with
Screen-Film Speed 400 EKTAVISION Imaging Screens.
Application: panoramic, TMJ, cephalometric exams

T-Mat G Provides high-contrast, detailed images of bone and intervening tooth structures while
Screen-Film Speed 400* retaining good soft tissue visibility when used with LANEX Regular or Medium Screens.
Application: panoramic, TMJ, cephalometric exams

EKTAVISION L Provides wide latitude for excellent imaging of soft tissue areas of facial profile while
providing good bone and tooth structure detail when used with EKTAVISION Screens.
Screen-Film Speed 400 Application: computed tomography (CT), cephalometric exams

Provides wide latitude for excellent imaging of soft tissue areas of facial profile while
T-Mat L providing good bone and tooth structure detail when used with LANEX Regular or
Screen-Film Speed 400* Medium Screens.
Application: cephalometric exams

Provides high-contrast images when used with LANEX Regular or Medium Screens. This
film is suitable for double-film loading techniques, which yields 2 original radiographs
T-Mat H
from a single exposure. When using double-loading techniques combined with LANEX
Screen-Film Speed 800**
Regular Screens, film system speed is 400.
Application: panoramic, TMJ, cephalometric exams

* System speed when used with LANEX Regular Screens and one film. System speed when used with LANEX Medium Screens and one film is 250.
** System speed when used with LANEX Regular Screens and one film. System speed when used with LANEX Medium Screens and one film is 500.

Both the Ektavision Imaging System and the T-Mat Film with Lanex Screen combination provide the added benefit of
reduced radiation exposure to your patient by up to 50%, as compared to conventional systems of comparable speed.

Table 13

Blue-Sensitive Films and X-OMAT Screens


X-OMAT DBF Provides excellent diagnostic detail when used with X-OMAT Regular Intensifying
Screen-Film Speed 200 Application: panoramic, TMJ, cephalometric exams

If the systems are mixed (e.g., using KODAK T-MAT Film with KODAK X-OMAT Screens), loss of density and contrast
will result, and is not recommended.

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Cross-Section Diagram of the EKTAVISION G Screen-Film System

Figure 23 - Film Cassettes

Support Layer
Front Screen
Phosphor Layer

High-Contrast Emulsion Layer

Low-Crossover Layer
Support Layer
Low-Crossover Layer
Constant-Contrast Emulsion Layer

Phosphor Layer
Back Screen
Support Layer

Exposure Settings

he average kVp and/or mA setting is recommended by the film and unit’s manufacturer, but can vary from
patient-to-patient due to size, dentition, etc. In panoramic radiography, the exposure time is fixed by the
time required to complete one full excursion of the assembly. There are other factors that can affect the
average exposure setting that is recommended by the equipment manufacturer. A summary of some of these
factors is listed in Table 14.

List of common factors that affect exposure

Table 14

Factors to Consider Exposure Setting

Obese patient Use the next highest kVp or mA setting

Patient with large bone structure Use the next highest kVp or mA setting

Patient with small bone structure Use the next lower kVp or mA setting

Patient that is edentulous Use the next lower kVp or mA setting

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Continuing Education Questions for Successful Panoramic Radiography

Test Questions 6. A film that is very dark with 11. When the patient is properly
loss of detail is most likely positioned in the panoramic
1. The area of sharp focus in due to: machine, they should feel:
panoramic radiography is a. underexposure a. very comfortable
known as the: b. overexposure b. nervous
a. exposure zone c. processor failure c. like they will fall backwards if
b. focal trough d. film too cold they let go of the handholds
c. aiming groove d. like they are leaning forward
d. tomographic zone 7. A white inverted V-shaped
radiopacity on the bottom of 12. If the patient fails to hold the
2. The focal trough can be as the film is most likely caused tongue in the roof of the
narrow as _____ mm in the by: mouth:
anterior region, making proper a. ghosts of metal jewelry a. a large black shadow will be
imaging of the lower incisors b. ghost of hyoid bone present between the tongue and
difficult. c. lead apron artifact palate
a. 1 mm d. damaged cassette b. roots of the maxillary teeth may
b. 2 mm be obscured
c. 3 mm 8. A panoramic radiograph c. an airway shadow will result
d. 5 mm shows small, narrowed d. all of the above
anterior teeth with the spine
3. There are approximately _____ visible on both sides of the
steps to follow in taking a film. The patient was probably 13. After development, a
successful panoramic image. positioned ______on the bite panoramic radiograph shows
a. 3 rod. strange artifacts that resemble
b. 5 a. too far forward springs or boxes. Also the
c. 7 b. too far back image appears to be reversed
d. 10 c. too high right to left. What happened?
d. too low a. wrong film type was used
4. Screens used in panoramic b. cassette was inserted into the
imaging cassettes are 9. A panoramic radiograph shows machine backwards
approximately ______times the mandible to be V-shaped c. panoramic was run in reverse
more sensitive to x-radiation and narrowed with the condyles direction
than film. high on the film. The occlusal d. film was not properly aligned in
a. 5-30 curve is exaggerated and the cassette
b. 5-40 spine arches over top of the
c. 10-60 film. The patient’s head tilt was 14. Panoramic film is _____
d. 10-80 most likely pointing ______. sensitive to green light than
a. too high intraoral film and requires an
5. A dark black or gray area b. too low _____ safelight filter.
originating on one edge or c. tipped a. less, orange
corner of the film is most d. twisted b. more, orange
likely due to: c. less, red
a. damaged screen 10. A large tapered vertical d. more, red
b. damaged cassette (light leak) radiopacity in the center of the
c. reversed screens panoramic radiograph is 15. A lead apron used for
d. static electricity usually caused by the ghost of panoramic radiography should
the spine due to: never:
a. patient is too far back in the a. cover the back of the patient
machine b. be used
b. patient’s head tilted too far up c. extend above the patient’s collar
c. patient was slumping, neck was d. be designed especially for
curved panoramic radiography
d. patient’s head was twisted

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Continuing Education Questions for Successful Panoramic Radiography

16. The image receptor in 22. Kodak T-Mat L Film is 27. The average kVp and/or mA
extraoral radiography is a recommended for the setting is usually
combination of: following applications. recommended by the:
a. one intensifying screen a. panoramic exams a. OSHA
b. two intensifying screens b. cephalometric exams b. film and radiographic units
c. three intensifying screens c. TMJ exams manufacturer
d. four intensifying screens d. all of the above c. the ADA
d. all of the above
17. As the theoretical resolution 23. The Kodak Ektavision Imaging
______, so does the system’s System and the T-Mat Film with 28. When radiographing obese
ability to reveal fine detail in LANEX Screen combination patients, the kVp or mA
the image. provides the added benefit of settings should be?
a. stays constant up to _____ reduced radiation a. left alone
b. increases exposure as compared to b. increased to the next highest
c. decreases conventional systems of c. decreased to the next lowest
d. does not matter comparable speed. d. none of the above
a. 30%
18. As the X-ray beam and image b. 40% 29. When radiographing patients
receptor encircle the patient, c. 50% with small bone structure, the
the image is recorded on the d. 60% kVp or mA settings should be?
film in ____ increments. a. left alone
a. short 24. A large tapered vertical b. increased to the next highest
b. long radiopacity in the center of the c. decreased to the next lowest
c. horizontal panoramic radiograph is d. none of the above
d. vertical usually caused by the ghost of
the spine due to: 30. Exposure time in panoramic
19. Blue-emitting screens can be a. patient is too far back in the radiography is fixed by:
used with green-sensitive machine a. film specifications
films? b. patient’s head tilted too far up b. bone density of the patient
a. True c. patient was slumping, neck was c. time required to complete one
b. False curved full excursion of the assembly
d. patient’s head was twisted d. all of the above
20. Kodak T-Mat G is not
recommended for? 25. In rigid film cassettes, the
a. panoramic exams intensifying screens are
b. CT exams attached to the inside cover
c. cephalometric and base of the cassette?
d. teeth exams a. True
b. False
21. Which Kodak film can be used
for double-film loading? 26. How many phosphor layers
a. Ektavision are used in the EKTAVISION G
b. T-Mat G screen-film system:
c. T-Mat L a. 1
d. T-Mat H b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

51360-Broch 1/20/04 12:08 PM Page 21


to the Sanford A. Aaronson, DDS, MS, JD
William S. Moore, DDS, MS
UTHSCSA Dental School
AND STOMATOLOGY’S San Antonio, TX Michael Florman, DDS
continuing education course titled Eric S. Fried, DDS
David Harney
John Skiera

CE Course Information
Douglas Woods


fter completion of this course, the ll participants scoring at least 80% f any participant of an Academy of Dental
reader will walk away with a better (answering 24 or more questions Therapeutics and Stomatology course
understanding of the following topics correctly) on the examination will wishes to communicate with the author of
related to Panoramic Radiography. This receive a certificate verifying 3 CEUs. The this course, please e-mail all questions to:
course will address the problems and errors formal continuing education program of this or fax questions to:
that can occur in the panoramic radiograph sponsor is accepted by the AGD for 216-398-7922
when errors are made at each of the ten Fellowship/Mastership credit. The current Be sure to provide us with the following
basic steps. This will allow the practitioner to term of acceptance extends from information: Name, address, e-mail address,
determine from the radiograph at what point 12/31/2001 to 12/31/2004. Please telephone number, and course completed.
in the image creation process the error contact ADTS for current license standing
occurred. The course will then suggest after 2004. “DANB Approval” indicates that
possible solutions to the problem based on a continuing education course appears to RECORD KEEPING
the step where it occurred. This will allow meet certain specifications as described in

easy correlation of error with solution and the DANB Recertification Guidelines. DANB he Academy of Dental Therapeutics and
give better understanding of what caused the does not, however, endorse or recommend Stomatology maintains records of your
error. The result will be panoramic any particular continuing education course successful completion of any Academy
radiographs with the maximum diagnostic and is not responsible for the quality of any of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology
detail and information that the equipment course content. Participants are urged to exam. Please contact our offices at:
and technique allows. contact their state dental boards for
continuing education requirements. The cost Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology,
for this course is $55.00. P. O. Box 569, Chesterland, OH 44026,
SPONSOR/PROVIDER by mailing a note requesting a copy of your

continuing education credits report.
he Academy of Dental Therapeutics and
EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER This report, which will list all credits earned to date,
Stomatology is the only sponsor. No
will be generated and mailed to you within five

other third-party manufacturer or o special relationships or interests
organization has any input or financial business days of receipt.
monetary or otherwise exist between
interest in the courses offered by the the Academy of Dental Therapeutics
Academy of Dental Therapeutics and and Stomatology and any of the products or REFUND POLICY
Stomatology. Please direct all questions companies discussed within any course. The

pertaining to the Academy of Dental opinions of efficacy or perceived value of ny participant who is not 100%
Therapeutics and Stomatology or the any products or companies mentioned in this satisfied with this course can request
administration of this course to the current course and expressed herein are those of the a full refund by contacting the
director, author(s) of the courses and do not Academy of Dental Therapeutics and
Michael Florman, D.D.S. necessarily reflect those of the Academy of Stomatology in writing.
P. O. Box 569, Chesterland, OH 44026. Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology.
Completing a single continuing education
course does not provide enough information
to give the participant the feeling that s/he is

an expert in the field related to the course e encourage participant feedback
topic. It is a combination of many pertaining to all courses. Please
educational courses and clinical experience be sure to complete the attached
that allows the participant to develop skills survey included with the answer sheet.
and expertise.
Continuing Education
The Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology The Academy of Dental Therapeutics and Stomatology is an
ADA CERP recognized provider.

51360-Broch 1/20/04 12:08 PM Page 22


City: State: Zip:
Telephone: ■ Home ( ) ■ Office ( )
After Reading Instructions: 1) Complete all information above. 2) Answer sheets may
be completed with either a pen or pencil. 3) All questions should have only one answer
marked. 4) When test is completed, enclose the completed answer sheet.
P.O. BOX 241337
MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44124 Course Evaluation
1-888-I NEED CE (463-3323) Please evaluate this course by responding to the
following statements, using a scale of
Excellent=4 to Poor=0
1. A B C D E 16. A B C D E
1. The content was valuable:
2. A B C D E 17. A B C D E 4 3 2 1 0
3. A B C D E 18. A B C D E 2. The questions were relevant:
4. A B C D E 19. A B C D E 4 3 2 1 0
5. A B C D E 20. A B C D E 3. The course gave you a better understanding
6. of the topic:
A B C D E 21. A B C D E
4 3 2 1 0
7. A B C D E 22. A B C D E
4. Rate the overall value to you:
8. A B C D E 23. A B C D E 4 3 2 1 0
9. A B C D E 24. A B C D E 5. Would you participate in a program similar to this
10. A B C D E 25. A B C D E one in the future on a different topic of interest:
_____ Yes _____ No
11. A B C D E 26. A B C D E
12. A B C D E 27. A B C D E Any additional comments or criticisms: ____________
13. A B C D E 28. A B C D E ____________________________________________
14. A B C D E 29. A B C D E ____________________________________________
15. A B C D E 30. A B C D E
❑ Payment of $55.00 is enclosed (Check & Credit cards accepted)
❑ I have already pre-paid for this course
If paying by credit card, please complete the following information
If you wish to receive your score with your
certificate, please check this box: ❑ Master Card ❑ Visa ❑ Discover ❑ American Express
❑ Account # ______________________ Exp. Date_____________

51360-Broch 1/20/04 12:08 PM Page 23

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EKTAVISION G and L Extraoral Films


Kodak’s sharpest extraoral film designed to visualize the maximum
amount of radiographic information for diagnosis. In fact, studies
have suggested that panoramic radiographs taken with films like
KODAK EKTAVISION G Extraoral Film may even assist in the
detection of calcifications in the carotid arteries, a possible
predictor of heart attack or stroke.


Low-contrast, wide-latitude film that gives practitioners
the ideal tool for enhancing soft tissue visualization
necessary for CT and cephalometric radiographs.

Plus, both films:

• Can be processed in automatic equipment or manually
• Use current cassettes with KODAK EKTAVISION or LANEX Regular screens
• Come in a variety of sizes to support panoramic and
cephalometric radiographs
• Are backed by dependable service and support from Kodak


KODAK EKTAVISION or LANEX Regular Intensifying Screens are compatible with KODAK EKTAVISION G and L Extraoral Films.
Approximate Exposure in Seconds†
Examination Image Receptor Distance KODAK Film 65 kVp 10 mA 75 kVp 10 mA 90 kVp 10 mA
Ramus of Mandible; Body of Mandible 15" G and L 1/15 1/20 1/30
Lateral Skull 30" G and L 3/5 3/10 1/12
Posteroanterior Skull (Granger Technic) 30" G and L 2/3 1/3 1/5
Temporomandibular Articulation 10" G and L 1/10 1/20 1/30
Cephalometric Radiography 60" G and L 2/3 1/3 1/5
*For children: Reduce adult exposure time about one-third to one-half. †Based on half-wave rectified units.

Get KODAK EKTAVISION G and L Extraoral Films, and more, all from one convenient source.
Contact your dealer of Kodak dental products to order today.
Extraoral Film Type Sheet Quantity/Size CAT No. Extraoral Film Type Sheet Quantity/Size CAT No.
Ektavision G 50 sheets, 5" x 12" 147 7405 Ektavision G 50 sheets, 8" x 10" 185 0809
Ektavision G 50 sheets, 15 cm x 30 cm 837 2716 Ektavision L 50 sheets, 15 cm x 30 cm 122 3478
Ektavision G 50 sheets, 5" x 7" 187 7984 Ektavision L 50 sheets, 8" x 10" 118 0546

For more information, call: U.S.: 1-800-933-8031 • Canada: 1-800-465-6325

Outside U.S. or Canada: Call your local Kodak company


© Eastman Kodak Company, 2002. Kodak, Ektavision, X-Omat, and Lanex are trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company. 1/04 N-406 CAT No. 131 4624

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