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Athena Decommissioning Programmes

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Finol Versioin 8th September 2016

Athena Field
Floating Production Storage and Offloading Vessel, Subsea
lnstallations and Associated Pipelines

Document Control


Document lD ITH-ATH-DCOM-PtN-OO1

Name Signature Date

Prepared by 5 Scott
r;WJ'or{f- 22/0812076

Reviewed by S Finch
&l 30/08/2Ot6

Approved by I Airnes 08109120L6

Revision Control

Revision No Reference Changes/Comments

0 Develop outline programme lncorporate CA feedback 72102120L6

lncorporate comments from
A1 First draft 08l03l2Ot6
internal review

A2 Draft to BEIS Review 24l03l2OL6

A3 Draft to BEIS lncorporate comments 08l04/2Ot6

A4 BEIS review lncorporate comments 78lOsl2Ot6

A5 BEIS review lncorporate comments t3l06l2OL6

A6 Consultation lncorporate comments 1610812076

c1 lssued for Use FihalVersion oslosl2ot6

D¡str¡but¡on L¡st

Name Company No of e Copies

Susan Laing BEIS L

The National Federation of Fishermen's

A Piggott 1

lWatt icottish Fishermen's Federation 1

R James Northern lrish Fish Producers Organisation 1

lWrottesley Global Marine Systems Limited 1

INST = lnstallations P/L = Pipelines Page lNsT Plt

Contents 3

1. Table of Terms and Abbreviations 5 {

2. Table of Figures and Tables 6 I
3. Table of Appendices 8 I
1.0 Executive Summary 9

L.t Combined Decommissioning Programmes 9 {

L.2 Requirement for Decommissioning Program mes 9 r' I
1.3 lntroduction 9 { r'
L.4 Overview of lnstallations/Pi pelines Being Decommissioned 10 I !
1.5 Summary of Proposed Decom missioning Programmes L2 {
1.6 Field Location lncluding Field Layout and Adjacent Facilities 13 r'
L.7 lndustrial lmplications 15 r' {
2.0 Description of ltems to be Decommissioned 15

2.1 Surface lnstallations: Facilities - FPSO 15 r'

2.2 Subsea lnstallations: including Stabilisation Features 15 r'
2.3 Pipelines lncluding Stabilisation Features 18

2.4 Wells 28 (
2.5 DrillCuttings 28 {
2.6 lnventory Estimates 30 r' r'
3.0 Removal and Disposal Methods 32

3.1 Topsides / FPSO 32 {

3.2 Jacket 32 {
3.3 Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features 33 r'
3.4 Pipelines 33


3.5 Pipeline Stabilisation Features 36

3.6 Wells 37 r'

3.7 Drill Cuttings 37

3.8 Waste Streams 38 {

4.0 Environmental lmpact Assessment (Environmental Statement| 4t

4.7 Environmental Sensitivities (Summary) 4L { r'

4.2 Potential Environmental lmpacts and their Management 44 r' {
5.0 lnterested Party Consultations 46 I {
6.0 Programme Management 48

6.1 Project Management and Verification 48 {

6.2 Post-Decommissioning Debris Clearance and Verification 48 { {
6.3 Schedule 49 {
6.4 Costs 49 {
6.5 Close Out 50 r' r'
6.6 Post-Decommissioning Monitoring and Evaluation 50 { {
7.0 Supporting Documents 50 I r'
8.0 Partner Letters of Support 50 I !

l. Terms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation Explanation

BEIS Department for Business, Energy and lndustrial Strategy

BWO Bergesen Worldwide Offshore

CA Comparative Assessment

3oP Cessation of Production

:SV Construction Support Vessel

DCR Design and Construction Regulations 1996

)sv Diving Support Vessel

:HC Electro/Hydraulic/Control Umbilical

:lA (ES) Environmental lmpact Assessment (Environmental Statement)

ESP Electrical Submerslble Pump

FPSO Floating Production Storage & Offloading

GMS Global Marine Systems Limited

GOR Gas Oil Ratio

HSE Health and Safety Executive

IPR lnterim Pipeline Regime

ils Left in Situ

LSA Low Specific Activity

N/EG lVonoethylene Glycol

N4ODU Mlobile Offshore Drilling Unit

N4WA l\4id-Water Arch

\FFO National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations

\IFPO Northern lreland Fish Producer's Organisation

NORM Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material

OGUK Oil & Gas United Kingdom

OSPAR Oslo and Paris Commissions

orw Oil in Water

PandA Plug and Abandon

PETS Portal Environmental Tracking System

PON Petroleum Operations Notice

Abbreviation Explanation

PWA Pipeline Works Authorisation

SFF Scottish Fishermen's Federation

STP Submerged Turret Production

fe Ionne

UKCS United Kingdom Continental Shelf

WI Water lnjection

2. Figures and Tables

Figure No Description Page

1.1 Athena Field Location in UKCS 13

L.2 Athena Field Layout L4

1.3 Adjacent Facilities !4

2.6.1 Pie Chart of lnstallations lnventory Est¡mates 30

2.6.2 Pie Chart of Pipelines lnventory Estimates 31

3.9.1 Pie Chart lnstallations lnventory Disposition 40

3.9.2 Pie Chart Pipelines lnventory Disposition 40

6.1 Gantt Chart of Project Plan 49

able No Description Page

1.1 lnstallations Being Decommissioned 10

L.2 lnstallations Section 29 Notice Holders Details 11

1.3 Pipelines Being Decommissioned t7

L.4 Pipelines, Section 29 Notice Holders Details 11

1.5 Summary of Decommissioning Programmes t2

1.6 Adjacent Facilities t4

2.t Surface Facilities I nformation 15

2.2 Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features 15

able No Description Page

2.3 Pipeline/Flowline/Um bilical I nformation 18

2.4 Subsea Pipeline Stabilisation Features 27

2.5 Well lnformation 28

2.6 Drill Cuttings Piles lnformation 28

2.7 lnstallations lnventory Estimates 30

2,8 Pipelines lnventory Estimates 31

3.1 Cleaning of FPSO for Removal 32

f.2 Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features 33

3.3 Pipeline or Pipeline Groups Decommissioning Options 34

t.4 Outcomes of Comparative Assessment 35

3.5 Pipeline Stabilisation Features 36

3.6 Well Plug and Abandonment 37

3.7 Drill Cuttings Decommissioning Options 37

3.8 Waste Stream Management Methods 38

3.9 lnventory Disposition 39

3.10 Re-use, Recycle and Disposal Aspirations for Material Recovered Onshore 39

4.1 Environmental Sensitivities 4L

4.2 Environmental lmpact Management 44

5.1 Summary of Stakeholder Comments 46

6.1 Provisional Decommissioning Programmes Côsts 49

7.L Supporting Documents 50

3. Appendices

Appendix Description Page

q.1 trtotice 51
8.1 overall Subsea Layout 54
ù.2 lSubsea Wells, Manifold, Pipeline Approaches and Stabilisation Features. 55

8.3 Base Pipeline Approaches and Stabilisation Features 56


c.1 s of Subsea Equipment 57


1. Executive Summary

1.1 CombinedDecommissioningProgrammes
This document contains two decommissioning programmes for each set of associated notices served under
Section 29 of the Petroleum Act 1998. The Decommissioning Programmes are for:
r 8 Athena Field lnstallations
o 32Athena Field Pipelines

t.2 RequirementforDecommissioningProgrammes
ln conjunction with public, stakeholder and regulatory consultation, the decommissioning programmes are
submitted in compliance with national and intefnational regulations and BEIS guidelines. The schedule
outlined in this document is for a 4 year decommissioning project plan due to. begin in 2016. The BWO
Athena FPSO was removed from the field in February 2016. The buoy and mid water arch will be removed
in 2016 to reduce the risk to shipping from submerged objects and to permit deployment of the vessel


ln accordance with the Petroleum Act 1998, the Section 29 notice holders of the Athena Field installations
(see Table 1.2) are applying to the Department for Business, Energy and lndustrial Strategy to obta¡n
approval for decommissioning the installations detailed in Section 2.L and 2.2 of this programme. (See àlso
Section 8 - Partner Letters of Support).


ln accordance with the Petroleum Act 1998, the Section 29 notice holders of the Athena Field pipelines (see
Table 1.4) are applying to the Department for Business, Energy and lndustrial Strategy to obtain approval
for decommissioning the pipelines detailed in Section 2.3 of this programme. (See also Section 8 - Partner
Letters of Support).

1.3 lntroduction
Athena is a low GOR Oil prospect lying in block 14/18b of the UK sector of the Central North Sea, and was
proven by the drilling and testing of the 14l18b-154 well in September 2006 and well 14/18b-16 in October
2007. Athena lies approximately 18.6km west of the Talisman operated Claymore facility and 116km from
Fraserburgh. lt received approval in 2010 for a Floating Production Storage & Offtake vessel. The FPSO was
installed and production started in 20t2. Production ceased on the 4th January 2016 due to declining
production rates and equipment failures (ESP's). Cessation of Production notification was submitted in
2015 and approved on the 18th December 2015 by the Oil & Gas Authority.

The facilities in the Athena Field comprise the BWO Athena FPSO and associated subsea equipment to tie-in
4 production wells and 1 water injection well approximately 2km from the vessel in 132m water depth. lt
was designed and operated to produce and treat fluids from the reservoir with oil offloaded to a shuttle
tanker and transported to the Nigg oil terminal for storage. Gas was compressed and used for fuel to
provide electrical power for the facilities.

Following public, stakeholder and regulatory consultation the decommissioning programmes will be
submitted without derogation and in full compliance with BEIS guidelines. The decommissioning

programmes explain the principles of the removal activities and are supported by an environmental impact
assessment. The decommissioning programmes for the pipelines, risers and umbilicals are supported by a
com parative assessment.

1,4 Overview of lnstallations/Pipelines Being Decommissioned

1.4.1 lnstallations

Table 1.1: lnstallations Being Decommissioned

Field Athena Production Type Oil& Gas


Water Depth (m) 132m UKCS block t4ltgb

Surface lnstallations

Number Type Topsldes Weight Fel Jacket Weight [Te]

1 FPSO 14,000 N/A

Subsea lnstallations Number of Wells

Number Type Platform Subsea

5 Wellheads including protection 0 5


Suspended well* 0 1

1 Manifold Structure including

protect¡on frame, piles, piping
& control modules

1 Riser base including roof

panels and pilés

1* Mid water arch including 2 x

clump weights, MWA base,
piles and tethers

Drill Cuttings piles Distance to median Distance from nearest

UK coastline

Number of Piles Total Estlmated volume (m3) km km

g** 1548 119 LT6

*Although not on Section 29 notice, included for information.

**lncluding 3 cuttings piles from appraisal wells previously abandoned



loeasozzo Ir
lsczzzoos þz
lscsszooz lso.ov"
loazoasoz Ir
loo+sooos Ir
]WO CARMEN LIMITED L þ% ltnctu6ed on Section 29
as FPSO Owner)
l+ozs lnotice
DYAS UK LIMITED þ% (transferred to DYAS

uK LrMrrED )
lo+oz+s+s lr*nronolo'rt

K 8R014820 kEap) LrrMrreo)



losooss lleae¡

1.4.2 Pipelines

Table 1.3: Pipelines Being Decommissioned

Number of Pipelines 32 (See Table 2.3)


loessozzo lnsN
lscszooz lso.oø
loazoosoz Ir
loo+soooa Ir
)YAS UK LIMITED loø ltransferred to DYAs
uK LrMrïED)
lo+oz+s+s lerrronolo*
lOø lrransferred
luK 8R014820 l(eg.p) r-rrMrr¡o)

lo'rro,,*rrooo* I

Table 1.4: Pipelines Section 29 Notice Holders Details

Section 29 Notice Holders Registration Number Equity lnterest (%)

ZEUS PETROLEUM LIMITED 005575 lo% gransterred to PARKMEAD

l" lqrae¡

1.5 Summary of Proposed Decommissioning Programmes

Table 1.5: Summary of Decommissioning Programmes

Selected Option Reason for Selection Proposed Decommissioning Solution
1. Topsides/FPSO
BWO Athena FPSO Vessel suitable for re- BWO Athena FPSO was taken off station on February
removed from station use 14th 2016 and transferred to the Nigg Oil Terminal for
for re-use. cleaning. lt will be redeployed by BWO.
2. Jackets
3. Subsea lnstallat¡ons
Complete removal for To remove all seabed Wellheads, Manifold structure including protection
re-use or recycling. structures and leave a frame, piping and control modules. Riser base
clean seabed including piping to be disconnected and completely
Complies with OSPAR removed. Manifold and riser base is flushed <10mg/1.
requirements otw.
MWA and MWA base including clump weights & all
associated piles. All to be disconnected and
completely removed. Either by DSV or crane vessel
with barge.
Piles for manifold, riser base & MWA base structures
will be removed to 2.0 - 3.0m below seabed.
4. Pipelines, Flowlines & Umbilicals
Complete removal for To remove all seabed Pipelines will be disconnected, capped and removed
rê-uSê or recycling. structures and leave a by reverse reeling. lt is intended that the mattresses,
clean seabed sand and grout bags be recovered to shore, however
in the event of practical difficulties BEIS will be
consulted and a comparative assessment submitted.
5. Wells
Abandon Wells in Meets BEIS and HSE Athena wells including previously suspended well will
accordance with HSE regulatory be plugged and abandoned using a drill rig. A PONS,
DCR 1996 and OGUK requirements Marine Licence and PETS will also be submitted to
Guidelines for the BEIS for approval to abandon the wells.
Suspension and
Abandonment of Wells
lssue 5, Julv 2015.
6. DrillCuttings
Leave in place to Cuttings piles are Left undisturbed on seabed
degrade naturally small and located
around each wellhead
and fall below both of
osPAR 2006/5

Table 1.5: Summary of Decommissioning Programmes
Selected Option Reason for Selection Proposed Decommissioning Solution
7. lnterdependencies
Wellheads can only be removed after disconnection and well P&A.
Manifold, Riser base MWA, MWA Clump weight base can only be removed after line flushing, tie-in spools,
ESP jumpers, EHC bundles and pipelines are disconnected.
FPSO came off station after wells were isolated and pipeline flushing completed.
Associated piles can be cut with minimal disturbance to the sea bed. Small amounts of sediment may have
to be displaced to allow pile cutting.

1.6 Field Location lncluding Field layout and Adjacent Facilities



ÌF Athêñ¡ orlll
Alhln. FPSO

P¡¡allña Roûtc

Bathymetry (m)
E <5 I 30-40
@ s- 10 r ¡o-sô
J"to-20 I50-100 @
I 20-30 I 100-250

! È".


Figure 1.1: Field Location in UKCS

Ithaça - Athena Field
lsometric Field Layout
lRff,,r.ry+ øfirt4c '

.!':..-. 1llôr!9


Figure 1.2: Field layout

Tabie 1.6 Adjacent Facilities

Owner Name Type Distance/Direction lnformation Status

Sinopec aymore East iquids processing.

lmpacts of Decommissioning Proposals

expected impact on adjacent Claymore facility

18.6 t!, .

\ ..,,^,,t, |iltt,

Athena Freld j.

Figure 1.3: Adjacent Facilities

1.7 lndustriallmplications

The work to decommission the Athena Field installations and pipelines will be largely completed from a
Diving Support Vessel (DSV)/ Construction Support Vessel (CSV) or a crane barge. Well plug and
abandonment operations will be completed using a drilling rig.

It is lthaca's intention to use existing framework agreements for the decommissioning of the subsea
installations and stabilisation features. lthaca will also seek to combine Athena decommissioning activities
with other development or decommissioning works should the opportunity be available. The
decommissioning schedule contains contingency to provide flexibility within the programmes.

2. Description of ltems to be Decommissioned

2.L Surface lnstallations Facilities - FPSO

Table 2.1: Surface Facilities lnformation

Name Facility Location Topsides/Facilities Jacket (if applicable)

Weight No of Weight Number Number
of piles
(re) modules (re) of legs of piles
BWO FPSO wcs84 Decimal o.s7 4' 14,000 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A
WGS84 Decimal 158"24.374'N
Minute otr'*

2.2 Subsea lnstallations including Stabilisation Features

Table 2.2: Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features

bsea installations Number Size/Weight Location Comments/Status

ncluding Stabilisation {te)

Wellheads (including P1 WGS84 t8.420" 0.550" Wellhead structures consist of

protection structure, Decimal flow base, tree and debris cap
ESPs, ESP Cables, Tubing which will be recovered
Total =
and Casing) individually during well P and A
WGSS4Decimal 580 25.205'N programme.
l\4inute 0033.017'w

Table 2.2: Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features

Subsea installations Number Size/Weight Location Comments/StatSubseainstallations

including Stabilisation (te) us including Stabilisation
eatures Featu res

>2 WGS84 t8.420" 0.550" Completions including tubing,

Decimal ESP pumps and motors and
cables will also be recovered. All
[otal =
WGS84 580 25.205'N above materials will be returned
Decimal ro 33.017'w onshore for re- use or recycling.
minute Casing will be cut >2.0 -3.0m
below seabed, recovered and
P3 .421" 0.551"
returned onshore for recycling
5.72mx5.72m Alltree valves are closed and
Total = "25.232'N production spools are flushed to
205.88te 33.064'W < 10mg/lOlW.

Lines àre filled with inhibited

seawater. Wells Shut in.
,4 WGS84 i8.420" 0.551"
total = 244.4te WGS84 58'25.224'N
Decimal 1"33.078'W

WI WGS84 58.420'0.551"
fotal = uVGS84 58'25.204'N 0'
131.05te )ecimal 33.044'W

L4h8b-772 WG584 t8.420" 0.550" Appraisal well previously drilled.

Casing top Well currently suspended.
iection 2.54te Well will be P and A during the
WGS84 i8q25.197'N
well programme.
Decimal 1"33.033'W
minute Casing will be cut >2.0 -3.0m
below seäbed, recovered and
returned onshore for recycling

Table 2.2: Subsea lnstallations and Stabil¡sation Features

bsea installations Number Size/Weight (te) Location €omments/S Subsea installations including
ncluding Stabilisation tatus Stabilisation Features

Manifold including I 20mx9mx6m úr/GS84 58.420" 0.551" The Manifold will be

protection frame, control niluding piping )ecimal disconnected and recovered in
& Piping modules and nodule 79te, four separate sections, roof
piles 3ontrols module panels, manifold module,
igte, protect¡on controls module and protection
lrame,56te and frame. These will be removed
'oof panels 25te and returned onshore for re-use.
tx36mx0660m Manifold production lines
¡iles 115,78te WGS84 58'25.210'N flushed with treated seawater to
lotal weight Decimal c"33.065',W <10mg/l OIW Hydraulic hoses
128.78te Minute retain HW540E water based
hydraulic fluid. Chemical
umbilical hoses flushed with
50/50 Pot water Meg mix.

Riser Base Structure I 20mx4.75mx4m WGS84 58.408" 0.571" Riser base will be disconnected
including piles Decimal recovered and returned onshore
45 tonnes
for re-use or recycling. Piles will
4x28mx0.66m WGS84 58"24.472'N
be cut 2-3m below the seabed
piles Decimal J" 34.27L'W
recovered and returned onshore
Iotal = 135 te Minute
for recycling.

Midwater Arch including 1 MWA 14m x 4.3m WGS84 58.407" 0.572" Mid water arch, clump weight

MWA base with clump Decimal base, clump weights and tethers
lotal = 552te 58"24.426',N
weights, piles and tether will be removed recovered and
WGS84 )"34.345'W
returned onshore for re-use or

Concrete mattresses N/¡

Grout/Sand bags N/A

Formwork N/A

Frond Mats N/A

Rock Dump N/A


2.t Pipelines lncludingStabilisation Features

Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current
Number (inches) Component Parts End Points Status Content

(as per PWA)

Production P12818 gt' 2.280 3" Static Flexible Oil; Gas Subsea Manifold frenched & IPR Flushed

Pipeline Duplex carcass To luried with <10mg/lOlW

Pipeline and 8" l.38km of Treated sea
STP Buoy
Flexible Duplex tlexible riser water
:arcass Riser :xposed

Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current
Number (inches) Component Pãrts End points Status Content
(as per PWA)

P1 tie-in spool PL2818JP1 tr 0.060 Rigid Spool Oil; Gas Pl well Mattresses. IPR Flushed
Super duplex To Connections <10mg/lOlW
supported by Treated sea
Subsea Manifold
grout bags water

P2 tie-in spool PL2818JP2 þ o.o44 Rigid Spool Oil; Gas P2 well lM"ür"rr"r. IPR Flushed

Super duplex To lconnections <10m9/lOlW

Subsea Manifold lrrooon"o ou Treated sea

bacs water
P3 tie-in spool PL2818JP3 o 0.053 Rigid Spool Oil; Gas P3 well lM"ttr"rr"r. IPR Flushed
Super duplex To lconn".t¡on, <10m9/lOlW

Subsea Manifold lruooon"o ou Treated sea

bacs water
P4 tie-in spool PL2818JP4 o o.042 Rigid Spool Oil; Gas P4 well lMrftr"rr"r. IPR Flushed

Super duplex To lconnections <10mg/lOlW

Subsea Manifold lsupported by Treated sea

bass water

Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - Ïo Burial Status Pipeline Cu rrent
Number (inches) Component Parts End points Status Content

(as per PWA)

Water Pt2819 g" 2.280 8" Static Flexible Treated sea Subsea Manifold Trenched & IPR Flushed

injection line Duplex carcass water/produced To Buried with Treated sea

Pipeline and 8" water re-injection 0.38km of water
STP Buoy
Flexible Duplex flexible riser
carcass Riser. exposed

Wltie-in spool PL2819JW1 tl 0.026 Super Duplex Treated sea Wlwell Mattresses. IPR Flushed
water/produced To Connections Treated sea
water re-injection supported by water
Subsea Manifold
grout bags


Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current
Number (inches) component Parts End points Status Content
(as per PWA)

Service line PL2820 3" 2.280 3" Stat¡c Flexible Treated Seawater Subsea Manifold Trenched & IPR Flushed
Duplex carcass Buried with
To Treated sea
Pipeline and 3" 0.38km of
STP Buoy water
Flexible Duplex flexible riser
:arcass Riser exposed

P1 service tie-in PL282OJP1 2" 0.060 Rigid Spool Duplex Treated Seawater Pl well Mattresses. IPR Flushed
spool To Connections Treated sea
Subsea Manifold supported by water
grout bags

P2 service tie-in PL282OJP2 2', o.o44 Rigid Spool Duplex Treated Seawater P2 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed
;pool TO Connections Treated sea
Subsea Manifold supported by water
grout bags

P3 service tie-in Pt2820JP3 2" 0.053 Rigid Spool Duplex Treated Seawater P3 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed
spool To Connections Treated sea
Subsea Manifold supported by water
grout bags


Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current
Number (inches) Component Parts End Points Status Content

(as per PWA)

tie- PL282OJP4 o.o42 Rigid Spool Duplex Treated Seawater P4 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed
P4 service 2n
in spool To Connections Treated sea

Subsea Manifold supported by water

grout bags

ESP Power PLU2821 g" 2.280 Combined static to Electric Power Subsea Manifold Trenched & IPR lsolated &
dynamic umbilical Buried with positively
Cable To
(via transition 0.38km of disconnected
STP Buoy
flexible riser at FPSO

Pl tie in PLU282lJP1. 2" 0.100 Flexible Electric power Pl well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
Jumper Jumper To
supported by disconnected
Subsea Manifold
grout bags at FPSO

Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical tnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current Content
Number (inches) Component Parts End Points Status
(as per PWA)

P2 tie in PLU2827JP2 2" 0.085 Flexible Electric power P2 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
Jumper . positively
Jumper To Connections
disconnected at
Subsea Manifold supported by
grout bags

P3 tie in PLU2821JP3 2" 0.08s Flexible Electric power P3 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
Jumper To Connections positively
supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

P4 tie in PLU2821JP4 2" 0.070 Flexible Electric power P4 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
Jumper To Connections positively
supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

EHC Umbilical PLU2822 8" 2.280 Combined static to Electrical Power/ Subsea Manifold Trenched & IPR Hydraulic hoses
dynamic umbilical Hydraulic Fluid/ To Buried with retain HW540E
(via transition 0.38km of Water based
Chemicals STP Buoy
bulkhead) flexible riser Hydraulic Oil.
exposed Chemical
Flushed 50/50

Table 2. 3: Pipeline/Flowlíne/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline CurrentContent
Number (inches) Component Parts End points Status
(as per PWA)

Electric cable PLU2823 3" 0.095 Jumper bundle Electric power Pl well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
bundle containing 4 x To Connections positively
electric cables supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

Hydraulic hose PLU2824 þ 0.100 Jumper bundle Hydraulic fluid Pl well Mattresses. .
IPR Retain HW540E

bundle containing 13 x .To Connections Water based

hydraulic hoses supported by Hydraulic, Oil
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Chemical hose PLU2825 2" 0.095 Jumper bundle Chemicals P1 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed 50/50
bundle containing 2 x To Connections MEG/Potable
chemical hoses supported by water
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Electric cable PLU2826 0.070 Jumper bundle Electric power P2 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
bundle containing 4 x Connections
electric cables supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

Hydraulic hose PLU2827 Þ 0.070 Jumper bundle Hydraulic fluid P2 well Mattresses. IPR Retain HW540E

bundle containing 13 x To Connections Water based

hydrãulic hoses supported by Hydraulic, Oil
Subsea Manifold
grout bags


Table 2.3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical lnformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current Content
Number (inches) Component Parts End points Status
(as per PWA)

Chemical hose PLU2828 2" 0.085 Jumper bundle Chemicals P2 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed 50/50
bundle containing 2 x To Connect¡ons MEG/Potable
chemical hoses supported by water
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Electric cable PLU2829 3" 0.085 Jumper bundle Electric power P3 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
bundle containing 4 x To Connections positively
electric cables supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

Hydraulic hose PLU283O rt 0,085 Jumper bundle Hydraulic fluid P3 well Mattresses. IPR Retain HW540E
bundle containing 13 x To Connections Water based
hydraulic hoses supported by Hydraulic, Oil
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Chemicalhose PLU2831 2n 0.085 Jumper bundle Chemicals P3 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed 50/50
bundle containing 2 x To Connections MEG/Potable
chemical hoses supported by water
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Electric cable PLU2832 3', 0.070 Jumper bundle Electric power P4 well Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
bundle containing 4 x To Connections positively
electric cables supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

Table 2. 3: Pipeline/Flowline/Umbilical I nformation

Description Pipeline Diameter Length (km) Description of Product Conveyed From - To Burial Status Pipeline Current Content
Number (inches) Component Parts End points Status
(as per PWA)

Hydraulic hose PLU2833 r, 0.070 Jumper bundle Hydraulic fluid P4 well Hydraulic hose IPR Retain'HW540E
bundle containing 13 x bundle Water based
hydraulic hoses Hydraulic, Oil
Subsea Manifold

Chemical hose PLU2834 2" 0.070 Jumper bundle Chemicals P4 well Mattresses. IPR Flushed 50/50
bundle containing 2 x To Connections MEG/Potable
chemical hoses supported by water
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

Electric cable PLU2835 3" 0.070 Jumper bundle Electric power Wlwell Mattresses. IPR lsolated &
bundle containing 3 x To Connections positively
electric cables supported by disconnected at
Subsea Manifold
grout bags FPSO

Hydraulic hose PLU2836 4" 0.070 Jumper bundle Hydraulic fluid Wlwell Mattresses. IPR Retain HW540E
bundle containing 8 x To Connections Water based
hydraulic hoses supported by Hydraulic, Oil
Subsea Manifold
grout bags

ç) ! NÊRGY

Table 2.4: Subsea Pipeline Stabilisation Features

Stabilisation Feature Total Number Weight (Te) Locations Exposed/Bu ried/Cond ition

Concrete mattresses 172 6 te each At riser base and manifold end of Exposed
1032te pipelines and between manifold and

Grout bags L440 25kg each At riser base, manifold and well tie-in Exposed

36te spools

Sand bags 400 25kg each At manifold for flushing spool support Exposed


Formwork n/a n/a n/a n/a

Frond Mats n/a n/a n/a n/a

Rock Dump n/a n/a n/a n/a

2.4 Wells

Table 2.5 Well lnformation

Wells Designation Status Category of Well

14l18b-1sA (As) / (Pl) OiUGas Production Shut in ss 3-3-3

L4lt8b-16 (A3)/ (P2) OiUGas Production Shut in ss 3-3-3

L4/t8b-18 (A4)/ (P3) Oil/Gas Production Shut in ss 3-4-3

14l18b-PH (A2) / (P4) O¡l/Gas Production Shut in ss 3-3-3

14l18b-A1(W1) Water lnjection Shut in ss 3-3-3

L4/t&b-L7Z Appraisal Suspended ss 0-0-1

L4h8b-7 Appraisal Abandoned Abandoned

r.4l18b-11 Appraisal Abandoned Abandoned

L4h8b-1.2 Appraisal Abandoned Abandoned

For details of well categorisation see OGUK Guidelines for the Suspension or Abandonment of Wells,
lssue 5, July 2015

2.5 DrillCuttings

(See Section 3.7 for further information)

Table 2.5: Drill Cuttings Piles lnformation

Location of Pile Centre

seabed Area Estimated volume of
(-') cuttings {m3)
Well wcs84 Decimal wcs84 Decimal Minute

P1 58.420' 580 25.205'N 135 232

0.550' oogs.orzw

P2 58.420' 580 25.211'N 109 L87

0.550" oo 32.029'w

P3 58.420" 58"25.232'N 110 190

0.551' 0'33.064',W

P4 58.420' 58"25.224'N 80 L37

0.551" 0"33.078'W

WI 58.420" 58"25.204'N 109 188

0.551" 0" 33.044'W

Table 2.6: Drill Cuttings Piles lnformation

Location of Pile Seabed Area Êstimated volume of

{Latitude/Longitude} (.') cuttings (mr)

Well WGS84 Decimal WGS84 Decimal Minute

L7z 58.420" 58'25.197'N 116 200

0.550" 0"33.033'W

L4/L8b-7 58.418" 58"25.086'N 100 L72

0.545" 0"32.722'W

t4/L$b-rt 58.414' 58"24.837'N 100 t72

0.505" 0"30.278'W

14/!8b-12 58.428" 58"25.703'N 100 t72

0.540' 0"32.383',W


Drill. cuttings from water based mud for each well top hole sections, cuttings from lower sections were
drilled using oil based mud and were disposed of onshore therefore no oil release anticipated. Three of
the cuttings piles are associated w¡th appraisal wells previously abandoned.

2.6 lnventory Estimates

Table 2.7 lnstallations lnventory Estimates

Area Concrete Ferous Non Ferrous NoRM/Hazardous Plastic Other Non-Hazardous Total
Metal Metal waste waste te te

¡PSO 0.00 12000.00 1800.00 90.00 100.00 10.00 14000

rÂ/ellheads 0.00 832.82 89.83 0.00 24.28 0.00 946.93

N/lanifold 0.00 328.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 328.78

Riser base o.00 135.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 135.00

IVWA 0.00 549.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 552.00

STP Buoy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

\nchors 0.00 t9L7.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1917.00

lotal 0.00 15973.7 1889.83 90.00 127.28 10.00 18090.80

Please refer to section 3.5 in the Environmental Statement (1) for information on the material inventory.

lnstallations lnventory Estimates

10% o.t%
7% I Ferrous

I Plastic

I NORM/Hazardous

I Non Ferrous

I Other Non-Hazardous

Totâl Tonnage 18090.80te

Figure 2.6.1 Pie Chart of lnstallations lnventory Est¡mates

Table 2.8 Pipelines lnventory Estimates

Area Conrete/ Ferrous Non Ferrous NORM/Hazardous Plastic Other Non-Hazardous Total
Grout Metal Metal waste waste te te
l'ie-in Spools 234.75 13.19 0 0 0 0 247.94

0 15.11 0.41 0 4.09 0 19.61

524.75 0 0 0 0 10 534.75

:lowlines 0 330.46 0 0 288.42 0 618.88

0 185.93 15.4 0 205.03 405.36

ìiser Base
302.5 0 0 0 0 302.s

ìisers 0 73.9 0 0 s7.6A 0 131.58

fotal L062 618.59 15.81 0 555.22 10 226L.62

Pipelines lnventory Estimates



I Concrete/Grout
¡ Non Ferrous
I Plestic
I Ferrous
I Other


Tota I Ton nag e 226t.62te

Figure 2.6.2Pie Chart of Pipelines lnventory Est¡mates

3.0 RemovalandDisposalMethods

Potential for re-use of the BWO Athena FPSO is being actively pursued.

Redeployment of the mooring anchor system including suction cans, chain and wire, mid water arch and
MWA clump base assembly is also being actively pursued with BWO.

Wastes generated during decommissioning will be seg'regated and recorded by type and periodically
transported onshore to licenced waste contractors. Steel and other recyclable metals are estimated to
account for the greatest proportion of the materials inventory.

ln line with the waste hierarchy, the re-use of an installation (or parts thereof) is first in the order of preferred
decommissioning options considered.

The subsea production equipment is relatively modern and it may be possible to sell for re-use elsewhere.

3.1 Topsides/FPSO

Post subsea flushing and cleaning the BWO Athena FPSO was taken to Nigg Oil Terminal which has a licence to
accept and treat 3'd party waste. The FPSO storage tanks were cleaned and the residue transferred to Nigg for

The BWO Athena FPSO will be redeployed elsewhere by BWO, this includes the STP buoy.

Table 3.1 Cleaning of FPSO for Removal

Waste Type Composition of Waste Disposal Route

f,nboard Hydrocarbons fluids, fuels and lubricants lHydrocarbons transported viá FPSO to Nigg
for disposal and treatment
le'o."" lOilrerminal
Other Hazardous Materials lp¡pel¡ne clean up fluids and chemicals (ruee ) lHydrocarbons transported via FPSO to Nigg
disposal and treatment
I loilTerminalfor

1.2 lacket


3.3 Subsea lnstallations and Stabilisation Features

See Appendix C.1 for photographs

Wellheads, completions including iull recovery as part of MODU Return to shore for re-use or
protection structures, ESPs, Cables, :ampaign to P&A wells recycling
Iubing and top 4.5m section of

N4anifold; Piping module & Control iull recovery to shore for re-use or
\/¡ lt¡o
Riser base including piles :ull recovery of riser base. Piles cut to shore for re-use or
2.0 - 3.0m below seabed
Vid water arch including clump :ull recovery, Piles cut 2.0 3.0m to shore for re-use or
- ln"turn
areight base and base piles celow seabed
:ormwork ,,¡/A
þ lrurn
:rond Mats \/A
þ lruln
Rock Dump t¡/e
þ lrurn
Other \,l/A
þ l*lo

3.4 Pipelines

Decommissioning Options:

*Key to Options:

1) Remove - reverse reeling 2) Remove - Reverse S lay 3) Trench and bury

4) Remedialremoval 5) Remedial trenching 6) PartialRemoval

7) Leave in place 8) Other 9) Remedialrock-dump

Table 3.3: Pipeline or Pipeline Groups Decommissioning Options

Pipeline or Group Condition of line/group

(surface laid/Trenched/ Whole or part of Decommissioning Options*
(as per PWA)
Buried/ Spanning) pipeline/group considered

P12818 Part Trenched, buried Whole 7,3,4, 5,6,7,9

Part Exposed

)12818JP1 to Surface laid with Concrete Whole 4

)12818JP4 mattresses for protection

)1U2821JP1 to

PL2820JP1 to

PLU2822 to

P12819 to Irenched, buried Â/hole 7,3,4, 5,6,7,9


)12819iW1 Surface laid connections Whóle 4

supported by sand bags

Comparative Assessment Method:

A two phased process was used comprising of a multidiscipline Screening team followed by the
assessment workshop for compilation and option selection. The purpose of the comparative assessment
being to identify the best overall option for decommissioning each of the production, water injection,
service pipelines, ESP cable and the EHC umbilical.

lnitially all decommissioning options were considered at a screening meeting to establish potential
options to consider for risk assessment: Options 2 and 8 were discounted during screening as unsuitable.

The assessínent workshop objectives were to assess the technical feasibility and risk of major operations
failure for all identified decommissioning opt¡ons for the associated pipelines.

The list below contains the options considered during the multidiscipline assessment workshop
consisting ofexperienced in house and external participants.

Option 1) Remove - reverse reeling. 3)Trench and Bury. 4) Remedial Removal. 6) Partial Removal

7) Leave in Place

Outcome of Comparative Assessment:

Following the above exercise the table below catalogues the preferred options for the decommissioning
of the pipelines.

Table 3.4: Outcomes of Comparative Assessment

peline or Recommended Justification

roup Option*
P12818 P12819 I Static section is trenched and buried to >0.6m below seabed. Ends will
PL282OPLU282L be disconnected and capped at both the riser base and manifold and
PLU2822 removed by reverse reeling to a recovery vessel.
Dynamic section (riser) will be disconnected and capped at the riser
base and STP buoy, removed from the MWA and completely removed
by reverse reeling to a recovery vessel.

fhis will cause some minor disturbance to the seabed local to the
removal site, however the environmental effect is judged to be
Ihe pipeline and riser will be transported onshore for re-use or

PL2818JP1 - 4 I [ie in spools will be disconnected and removed by crane to DSV or

support barge and returned onshore for recycling.

PL2819JW1 I Iie in spool will be disconnected and removed by crane to DSV or

support barge and returned onshore for recycling.

?L282OJPL.4 + Iie in spools will be disconnected and removed by crane to DSV or

suþport barge and returned onshore for recycling.

PLU282lJP1 to 4 ESP cable Jumper sections from manifold to wellheads will be

7LU282LJP4 disconnected and removed and recovered to support barge for
recycling onshore.
>LU2823, 4 Electric, Hydraulic and Chemical control jumper sections from
manifold to P1 wellhead will be disconnected removed and recovered
lo support barge for recycling onshore.

PLU2826, 4 Electric, Hydraulic and Chemical control jumper sections from

PLU2827, manifold to P2 wellhead will be disconnected removed and recovered
PLU2828 lo support barge for recycling onshore.

Table 3.4: Outcomes of Comparative Assessment

Pipeline or Recommended Justification

Group Option*
P1U2829, Hydraulic and Chemical controljumper sections from manifold
PLU283O, e3 wellhead will be disconnected removed and recovered to support
lbarge for recycling onshore.

P1U2832, Hydraulic and Chemical controljumper sections from manifold

P1U2833, P4 wellhead will be disconnected removed and recovered to support
PLU2834 for recycling onshore.
PLU2835 and
lElectric and Hydraulic controljumper sections from manifold to Wl
PLU2836 will be disconnected removed and recovered to support barge
recycling onshore.

3.5 PipelinesStabilisationFeatures

Table 3.5: Pipelines Stabilisation Features

Stabilisation features Number Option Disposal Route

Concrete mattresses L72 Full recovery Recover onshore for re-

It is intended that the mattresses be recovered use or recycling.

to shore, however in the event of practical
difficulties BEIS will be consulted and a

comparative assessment submitted.

Grout bags 1440 Full recovery. Recover onshore for re-

It is intended that the grout bags be recovered use or recycling.

to shore, however in the event of practical

difficulties BEIS will be consulted and a
com parative assessment submitted.

Sand bags 400 :ull recovery. Recover onshore for re-

t is intended that the sand bags be recovered use or recycling.

lo shore, however in the event of practical

difficulties BEIS will be consulted and a

comparative assessment submitted.

Formwork N/A N/A N/A

Frond Mats N/A N/A N/A

Rock Dump N/A N/A N/A

3.6 Wells

Table 3.6: Well Plug and Abandonment

Athena Field consists of four production wells, one water injection well, one previously drilled well that is
rrently suspended and three other appraisal wells which were previously abandoned.
wells which remain to be abandoned, listed in Section 2.4 (Table 2.5), will be plugged and abandoned in
with Oil and Gas UK Guidelines for Abandonment of Wells lssue 5, July 2015.
PONS/Portal Env¡ronmental Tracking System (PETS)/Marine Licence application will be submitted in support of any
h work that is to be cãrried out.

3.7 DrillCuttings
Table 3.7 Drill Cuttings Decommissioning Options

How many drill cuttings piles are present? 9

l-ick options examined :

IRemove and re-inject y'Leave in place üCover

I Relocate on seabed /Remove and treat onshore
E Remove and treat offshore
Review of Pile characteristics Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6 Pile 7 Pile 8 Pile 9

{ow has the cuttings pile been screened? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

)esktop exercise

)ates of sampling (if applicable) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Sampling to be included in pre-decommissioning N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Does it fall below both OSPAR thresholds? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Willthe drill cuttings pile have to be d¡splaced in N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
order to remove the jacket?

What quantity (m3) would have to be N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/,A N/A N/A N/A

Will the drill cuttings pile have to be displaced in N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
order to remove any pipelines?

What quantity (m3)would have to be N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Have you carried out a Comparative Assessment N N N N N N N N N

of options for the Cuttings Pile?

Comparative Assessment Method :

The well programme for the Athena field was developed to allow discharge of drill cuttings for the top
hole sections only which were completed using an environmentally friendly water based mud. Lower
hole sections that required oil based mud systems utilised a skip and ship regime. All lower hole sections
completed had the drill cuttings removed to onshore for treatment and disposal

The discharged drill cuttings at each of the wellheads were from the top hole sections of the wells and
were completed using a water based mud. These piles do not contain any oil based mud cuttings.

It was therefore accepted to consider the options to either to leave in place or remove and treat

Outcome of Comparative Assessment:

Given the evidence that localised repopulation by incumbent flora and fauna had effectively reclaimed
the area. The decommissioning team chose the option to leave in place as this was considered the most
environmentally friendly option.

3.8 Waste Streams

Table 3.8: Waste Stream Management Methods

Waste Stream Removal and Disposal Method

Bulk liquids Subsea system including wellheads, pipelines, manifold, riser base and risers are flushed with
treated sea water <10mg/l OIW returned to FPSO cargo tanks post final cargo discharge. Line
cleaning and tank washings will be offloaded at.a licenced onshore facility for treatment prior
to disposal. Pipeline ends will be capped and any residual fluids from within the subsea
fac¡lities will be released to the marine environment under permit prior to removal to shore.
Further cleaning and decontamination will take place onshore prior to re-use/recycling.

Marine growth Removed offshore and disposed of according to guidelines. Residual mar¡ne fouling will be
re¡noved qnshore at a recognised and certified disposal contractor's base. Disposed of waste
according to gu idelines.

NORM/LSA Scale NORM is not expected, however NORM/Benzene checks will continue as part ofthe clean- .

up/disposal process. Any NORM encountered will be dealt with and disposed of in accordance
with guidelines.

Asbestos N/A

Other hazardous Will be recovered to shore and disposed of according to guidelines, company policies and
wastes under the appropriate permit.

Onshore qpproprlate licenced sites will be selected. Facility chosen by removal contractor must

Dismantling sites lemonstrate proven disposal track record and waste st/eam management throughout the
leconstruction process and demonstrate their ability to deliver innovative recycling options.

Table 3.9 lnventory Disposition

lnventory Total lnventory Tonnage Planned Tonnage to shore Planned Left in situ

lnstallations 18090.80 18090.80 0

Pipelines 226L.62 2261.62

All materials will be removed and returned onshore for re-use or recycling. lthaca has identified a
possible re-use opportunity for some items such as the flexible flowlines and risers and the wellheads
manifold and riser base. The STP buoy will be recovered and presented to BWO for re-use with the FPSO.

All recovered material will be transported onshore for re-use recycling or disposal. lt is not possible to
predict the quantity of materials that will be re-used as this will depend entirely on market conditions
The figures in Table 3.10 are best case.


I nsta I I ati ons

Approx.97% Approx.2% 7%

Approx.51% Approx.47% 2%

lnstallations lnventory Disposition

I lnstallation/FPSO Reuse

I Recycle

r Disposal

Total Tonnage 18090.80te

Fig 3.9.1 lnstallat¡ons Inventory Disposition

Pipelines lnventory Disposition


I Pipeline Re-use
I Recycle Jumpers
I Concrete Re-use
t Disposal

Tota I Tonna ge 226I.621e

Fig 3.9.2 Pipelines lnventory Disposition

4.0 Environmental lmpact Assessment (Environmental Statementl

4.1 Environmental Sensitivities (Summaryl

Table 4.1: Environmental Sensitivities

Main Features

Conservation fhe coasts of north east Scotland, Orkney and Shetland have a variety of important habitats and
nterests ;pecies protected under international, national and local designations; however, these are all at
east 116km from the Athena area. These sites have year round importance. A candidate Special
\rea of Conservation for pockmark habitat features lies 89km to the east (Scanner pockmark). lt
s possible that th¡s site could be impacted should a large hydrocarbon release occur. However
;he likelihood of such an event is very low and the control and mitigation measures in place will
rrin¡mise the ¡mpact therefore the residual risk to the area is low. No additional conservation
îanagement is required.

bed Gard line (2007a) sampled the infauna at sltes within and around several pockmark features in
the Athena area. Around the drilling location, grab samples revealed that the faunal community
was fairly uniform across the area, with no evidence that species composition was influenced by
var¡ation in sediment chemistry (Gard line 2OO7al. Similarly, seabed photographs taken within
and outside of pockmark features across the same area (Gard line 2007a & b) and interpreted in
this ES did not identify any evidence of cemented sediments, chemosynthetic communities or
var¡at¡on in epifauna between pockmark and non-pockmark areas.
lnformation provided bythe seabed surveys indicated that pockmarkfeatures in the Athena area
do not qualify as Annex I habitat (Gardline 2007a & b).
Ihe pipelines and connections have been flushed with treated sea water, therefore only
relatively small volumes of chemicals/hydrocarbons will be released and the quantities covered
by permit. The potential impact on the marine environment will be small and changes to the
chemical composition of the sediment are low. The removal of the pipelines will create a
localized disturbance to the seabed in the immediate vicin¡ty of the pipelines.
lmpact on the seabed and its associated ecosystem will be short term with rapid recovery. An
assessment of the potent¡al impact on the seabed concluded that the significance of the impact
is low.

Fisheries lmpacts on fishing industry have been assessed as low significance as the decommiss¡oning
activities will be relatively short term. The area will be over trawled to ensure there are no snag
hazards post decômmissioning. The safety exclusion zones at the riser base and the manifolds
seas will be removed on completion of the project, thereby increasing the area available for

Table 4.1: Environmental Sensitivities

Main Features

Fish [he area overlaps with known spawning grounds of Nephrops, Whiting, Norway Pout and Sprat
(see below for timing). The area also supports known nursery grounds of Nephrops, Blue
Whiting, Norway Pout and Spral. These fish populations could be affected by
chemical/hydrocarbon releases to the marine environment and of the increased noise. The
pipelines and connections have been flushed with treated sea water, therefore only relatively
small volumes of chemicals/hydrocarbons will be released and the quantities covered by permit.
The potential impact on the fish population has been assessed as of low significance.

Given the existing background noise levels and the relatively short duration of the
decommissioning activities, the underwater noise levels generated by vessels are unlikely to lead
to physiological damage to fish. While the fish may be disturbed by the noise generated in the
immediate vicinity of the decommissioning area the noise will be short term and has been
assessed as low significance.

(ey: 1 = 1 species spawnin& 2 = 2 species spawnin& 3= 3 species spawning

Vlarine Mammals l-he most frequently occurring cetaceans in the general Athena area are Harbour Porpoise,
rilhite-Beaked Dolphin and Minke Whale. Atlantic Wh¡te-S¡ded Dolphin may also occur in the
rrea, particularly in summer. Limited s¡ghtings of Killer Whale and Bottlenose Dolphin have also
oeen recorded in the general area. The Moiay Firth and the coast of eastern Scotland is home to
lhe only resident population of Bottlenose Dolphins in the North Sea; however, these are a
primarily coastal species and are unlikely to be frequently present in the Athena area. Harbour
and Grey Seals may occur in the proposed Athena area, but in very limited numbers and for fairly
short periods of time as this area is beyond their typical foraging hab¡tat. Given the ex¡st¡ng
background noise levels and the relatively short duration of the decommissioning activities, the
underwater noise levels generated by vessels are unlikely to lead to physiological damage to
marine mammals. While the cetaceans & pinnipeds sighted in the area may be disturbed by the
noise generated in the immed¡ate vicinity of the decommissioning area the noise will be short
term and has been assessed as low significance.

(ey: Darker colour reflects months when marine mammals most frequently observed

0nshore the impact of the disposal of waste from the decommissioning activities on onshorê
Communities :ommunities would be slightly beneficial as it will contribute to job cont¡nuation. However this is
expected to be small as the disposal sites already exist and the volume of waste is relatively

Table 4.1: Environmental Sensitívities

Main Features

Birds At an annual scale, the area may be considered to be of moderate importahce for seabirds in the
:ontext of the North Sea as a whole. Seabird vulnerability to surface pollution in Block 14/18
øaries between moderate-low from Dec-Jun and high-very high from Jul-Nov (JNCC 1999). The
region is a considerable distance from important coastal water bird sites and seabird breeding
:olonies. Post breeding dispersal from the colonies sees rafts of adult and juvenile birds,
orimarily Auks congregate on the sea surface. This, along with birds migrating through the area,
rccounts for the high vulnerability. The main prey of many bird species is sandeels which are not
cresent in the fine sediments of the Fladen Ground
ieabird vulnerability to surface pollution for block 14/18. The greatest risk to birds would be an
¡ccidental large release of hydrocarbons. Oil spill modelling has shown that should a worst case
liesel release occu¡ only small volumes can be expected to remain on the sea surface after 10
Jays. Although birds could be affected, mitigation measures to restrict.activit¡es out with the
righ risk months identified below and the relatively short duration that diesel would be expected
:o remain on the sea surface the potential impact is of low significance

4 2 4 4 2 2 2
f rv*
4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2
f utrs
(cy 1=Very High. 2=HiBh. 3=Moderate. 4=Low

Other Users of th€ The Athena area lies within ICES rectangle 45E9 this area receives considerable fishing effort,
Sea primarily from demersal trawlers targeting Nephrops and demersal fish. ln 2015, UK landings
into Scotland from rectangle 45E9 were worth approx¡mately f2.3m. Fishing effort fluctuates
considerably between months and years, although effort appears to be greatest from Oct-Jan
and Jun-Aug. Twenty-five shipping routes pass within 10nm of the Athena location. There are no
Ministry of Defence exercise areas, dredging areas or marine disposal s¡tes in the Athena area.
Ihere are 17 wells and two gas pipelines within block 14/18. There are no designated protected
wrecks in the area, but several wrecks are known.
lhere will be a relatively short period when decommissioning vessdls will be operating around
the Athena area and there will be a higher than normal level of shipping act¡vity. However the
associated effects will be short term. All material will be removed from the seabed therefore the
long term impact on other users of the sea has been assessed as low.

Key: Darker colour reflects months when fishing effort is typ¡cally greater

Atmosphere Generally conditions offshore provide an environment which leads to the rapid dispersion and
Cilution of any emissions to atmosphere. The majority of decommissioning activities will be
:onducted at the field location and emissions can mainly be attributed diesel fuel from the
¡arious vessels required. These are likely to be short term durat¡ons, highly localised and
¡ssessed as low significance. The emissionof combustion gases will contribute to global effects
ie.g. global warming and acid rain). However given the relatively small volume of gases to be
:mitted and the control and mitigation measures that will be implemented the impact is low.

4.2 Potential Environmental lmpacts and their Management

Environmental lmpact Assessment Summary:

Although there is expected to be some env¡ronmental impact during the decommissioning of the Athena infrastructure, long term environmental impacts from the

activities are expected to be negligible. There will be no planned use of explosives during these activities. We acknowledge that there will be a requirement for an
env¡ronmentâl protection plan to be produced and submitted to BEIS should this plan change.

Table 4.2: Environmental lmpact Management

Activity Main lmpacts Management

:PSO onnection and submersion of the STP buoy to -24m SFF guard vessel will remain on stat¡on to ensure any approaching shipping is made aware of the
,cause some environmental impact due to potential and advised to change course if necessary. ln addition the buoy location has been
to shipping from a submerged obstruction. to the Hydrographers Office and Fishsafe.


3WO FPSO of the anchor suction cans will cause some the ¡nstallation methodology. Minimal disturbance is caused to the seabed,
is a reverse of

\nchor system environmental impact at the individual anchor will be planned to be executed as efficiently as possible..Vessels will be managed to
inimise the durations required while on board practices will address fuel efficiency, noise and
management. ln the event of practical difficulties in removing the suction cans by
installation alternative methods of removal will be discussed and agreed with the

iubsea of Wellheads, Manifold, Riser Base and MWA mmissioning activit¡es will be planned to be e;ecuted as efficiently as possible, minimising
nstallations mp Weight Base will cause some localised ng and disturbance of the seabed in order to reduce the impact on the affected areas. Vessels
Removal mental impact at the individual sites due to lifting, be managed to minimise the durations required while on board practices will address fuel
piles and temporary laydown of equipment. ciency, noise and waste management.


of the pipelines, ESP bundle and umbilical will have a localised
activities will be planned to be executed as efficiently as
Pipelines on the seabed. Removal of the risers will require temporary laydown minimising disturbance of the seabed in order to reduce the
limRact lR.ossible,
the seabed. Vessel noise will also have an impact. The effects are
lon limpaa on the affected areas. Vessels will be managed to minimise the
lexpected to be short term and the seabed and associated ecosystem is ldurations required while on board practices will address fuel efficiency,
to recover rapidly once activities are complete. and waste management.
lexnected lnoise
Decommissioning þhere will be some localised disturbance of the seabed by relocating
Decommissioning activities will be planned to be executed as efficiently as
Stabilisation Features grout and sand bags prior to recovery. possible, minimising disturbance of the seabed in order to reduce the
will also be noise from the attendant vessels. The effects are impact on the affected areas.
to be short term and the seabed and associated ecosystem is Vessels will be managed to minimise the durations required while on board
to recover rapidly once activities are complete. practices will address fuel efficienc¡ noise and waste management.
Decommissioning one - drill cuttings will remain in place to degrade naturally I cuttings do not contain any oil and fall below the OSPAR limits
Drill Cuttings

5 lnterested Party Consultations

Consultations Summary:

During the public consultation period, copies of the Decommissioning Programmes and supporting
documents will be forwarded to the following Statutory Consultees:

1. The Scottish Fishermen's Federation (SFF):

2. The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations (NFFO);

3. The Northern lreland Fish Producer's Organisation (NIFPO):

4. Globalmarine systems Limited (GMS).

Meetings and telephone calls have been held with SFF to advise of progress and to provide more
detail of the proposals.

Copies of the Decommissioning Programmes and supporting documents will be available for viewing
at lthaca's office at 7-8 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1XE.

A public notice will be published in the Aberdeen Evening Express and the Times please refer to
Appendix 4.1 for a copy of the public notice). The public notice gives instructions for
representations to be made in writing.

Table 5.1 Summary of stakeholder Comments

Who Comment Response

lnformal Consultations

Scottish telephone discussions and a meeting at feedback and pleased

Fishermen's office to present the outline see that the area will be
Federation rssronrng programmes ble for fishing on
n ofthe
ecommrssronrng programmes

Partners level presentation to partners on the nor comments on content

mmissioning programmes d decommissioning
mes updated.

Statutory Consultations

Scottish e point we would appreciate clarification on regards to the cuttings

Fishermen's th¡s stage is with regard to drill cuttings. We les, it is difficult to determine
Federation that that the proposed decommissioning e thickness of the cuttings an
ution is for the drill cuttings piles (described le is misleading. From our
s small and located around each wellhead and footage the cuttings
ing below both of OSPAR 2006/5 thresholds) to be spread fairly
be left undisturbed on seabed to degrade ly around the wellheads
lly. As, in due course, the 500 metre show reasonable signs of
Zones will be removed and therefore the nisation. Estimated


areas will be opened up to fishing operations, we footprints are as detailed in the

would be obliged if lthaca could provide details decommissioning programmes.
on the estimated height and footprint of each Further clarification will be
individual drill cutting pile. provided prior to completing
the well plug and abandonment

National o comments
Federation of

Northern lrish No comments

Fish Producers

Global Marine I have reviewed the document you provided and Review of cables and other
Systems Limited I note in Table 4.1- Environmental Sensitivities, subsea linear structures have
under 'Other Users of the Sea', there is no been considered and will not be
mention of fibre optic telecommunications affected by the
cables. Have cables and other subsea linear decommissioning programmes
;tructures been considered in the proposal? work scopes.
Ihere are trans-Atlantic fibre optic cables in the
ricinity of the Athena area, and other systems
assume there are no crossings or direct No crossings or direct
nteractions that you are aware of, but the works interactions have been
¡¡ill need to be publicised and notice to mariners dentified and notices to
rrranged to ensure that other sea users are fully mariners and others will be
nformed of works in case of any inadvertent provided prior to
nteractions whilst marine works take place. commencement of work.

Table 5,1 Summary of Stakeholder Comments

Who Comment Response

Statutory Consultations

u blic Sonsideration should be given to the possibility Iable 4.2 updated

lhat the suction anchors may not be easily
removed as stated in the programme - Please
nsert a comment into the document (Page 44 -
Iable 4.2) to advise that in the event of practical
difficulties in removing the suction cans by
reverse installation, alternative methods of
removal will be discussed and agreed with the

Update the ICES statistics data to include 2015 ICES updated to include 2015
data. data.

6 Programme Management

6.1 Project Management and Verification

A Project Management team will be appointed to manage suitable sub-contractors for the removal
ofthe installations and pipelines. Standard procedures for operational control and hazard
identification and management w¡ll be used. The Management team will monitor and track the
process ofconsents and the consultations required as part ofthis process. Any changes in detail to
the offshore removal programme will be discussed and agreed with BEIS.

6.2 Post-Decommissioning Debris Clearance and Verification

A post decommissioning site survey will be carried out around 500m radius of installation sites and
200m corridor along each existing pipeline route. Any seabed debris related to offshore oil and gas
act¡vities will be recovered for onshore disposal or recycling in line with existing disposal methods.
lndependent verification of seabed state will be obtained by trawling the installation sites and
pipeline corridors. This will be followed by a statement of clearance to all relevant governmental
departments and non- governmental organisations.

6.3 Schedule

Project Plan:

mfi ¡olt ¡018 t0l9 l0l0

Athena f ield llecommiríonins

bsâtlmd È[ddmDffihYl0ß
lqlß/fi Flim de¡n t m¡le s¡fs

rdrnn q¡lltllrt Enord

flrllr P¡A

,effi dc¡flnando¡rrt¡lrl
ü l)e(dllmissiafu tiliûnìdül Süvlf t
B D.omnlsdciü fmll¡
bt Dcffi l|ll$ioiq tñimuùl PlFline

bt Demni$iüifl PiF{n süvly ll

*The timing of future surveys will be discussed and agreed with DECC

Figure 6.1: Gantt chart of Project Plan

6.4 Costs

Table 6.1 - Provisional Decommissioning Programmes Costs

Item Estimated Cost

BWO FPSO - Preparation & Removal Submitted
separately to BEIS

Pipeli nes Decommissioning Submitted

Subsea lnstailations and Stabilisation Features separately to BEIS

WellAbandonment Submitted
separately to BEIS

Continuing Liability - Future Pipeline and Environmental Survey Requirements Submitted

separately to BEIS

TOTAL Submitted
separately to BEIS

6.5 Close Out

ln accordance with the BEIS Guidelines, a close out report will be submitted to BEIS explaining any
variations from the Decommissioning Programmes (normally within 4 months of the completion of
the offshore decommissioning scope) including debris removal and independent verification of
seabed clearance and the first post-decommissioning environmental survey.

6.6 Post-Decommissioning Monitoringand Evaluation

A post decommissioning environmental seabed survey, centred on sites of the wellheads and
installations, will be conducted. The survey will focus on chemical and physical disturbances of the
decommissioning and be compared with the pre decommissioning survey. Results of this survey will
be available once the work is complete, with a copy forwarded to BEIS. All pipeline routes and
installation sites will be the subject of surveys when decommissioning act¡vity has concluded. After
the surveys have been sent to BEIS and reviewed, a post monitoring survey regime will be agreed by

both parties. Typically a minimum of 2 post decommissioning environmental surveys and structural
pipeline surveys are expected

7.O SupportingDocuments

Table 7.1: Supporting Documents

Document Number Title


8.0 Partner letters ofSupport



Appendix A.1 Public Notice


The Petroleum Act 1998

Athena Field Decommissioning Programmes

Ithaca Energy (UK) Limited has submitted, for the consideration of the Secretary of State for Energy
and Climate Change, draft Decommissioning Programmes for the Athena Field facilities: FPSO BWO

Associated pipelines Manifolds and wellheads, in accordance with the provisions of the Petroleum
Act 1998.

It is a requirement of the Act that interested parties be consulted on such decommissioning


The items/facilities covered by the Decommissioning Programmes are;

Subsea lnstallations;

1. Wellheads
2. Manifold piping and control module
3. Riser base module
4. Mid Water Arch and Clump weight base
5. Anchor suction cans and chains

1. Well tie in spools

2. Electric Hydraulic & Chemical control lines
3. Electric Submersible Pump cables
4. Electric Hydraulic Chemical umbilical
5. Electric Submersible Pump supply cable
6. 8" Flexible Production flowline & Dynamic Riser
7. 8' Flexible Water lnjection flowline & Dynamic Riser
8. 3" Flexible Service flowline & Dynamic Riser
Hard copies of the Decommissioning Programmes can be inspected at the:- BEIS Website
and at the following location during office hours.

7-8 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1XE Contact Jamie Airnes 01224 652186 for appointments

Representations regarding the Athena Decommissioning Programmes should be submitted in writing

to applicant's nominated contact at the above address, where they should be received by closing
date 15th July 2016 and should state the grounds upon which any representations are being made.

Date: 16th June 201 6

J. Airnes, Delivery Manager

Copies of Public Notices

' t th'¡trd¡ttur. 18. t0tr8



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Appendix B.l Athena Overall Subsea Layout

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Appendix 8.2 Subsea Wells, Manifold, Pipeline Approaches and Stab¡l¡sation Features

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Apperdix 8.3 Riser Basc Pipeline Approaches ard Stabilisation Features

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Appendix C.l Photographs of Subsea Equipment

Photograph of Xmas Tree

1¿9.É {1 1.+ 133$6 A¡1û14 frcno

Photograph of ¡nstalled Xmas Tree Pl (Oct 2014)


Fhotograph of Manifold piping module

Photograph of Manifold control module


Photograph of Manifold protection frame

Photograph of Riser base


Photograph of Mid Water Arch

Tlr¡pr¡il Department for Business Energy
& lndustrial Strategy
3rd Floor, Wing C
AB1 Building
Crimon Place

28th September 2016

Registoed Office
ro The Triangle
NGz Business Pæk
NG2lAE Dear Sir or Madam
United Kingilom



We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8th September 2016.

We, Jersey Oil and Gas PLC on behalf of Trap Oil Limited confirm that
we authorise lthaca Energy (UK) Limited to submit on our behalf
abandonment programmes relating to the Athena Field facilities as
directed by the Sec¡etary of State on 20th December 2011.

We confirm that we support the proposals detailed in the Atlrena

Decommissioning Programmes dated 8th September2016, which isto
be submitted by lthaca Energy (UK) Limited in so far as they relate to
those facilities in respect of which we are required to submit
abandonment programmes under section 29 of the Petroleum Act
1 998.

Yours faithfully

Scott R i ch ard son B rotttn

Chief Fi nanci al Officer

For and on behalf of Trap Oil Limited

Unl<¡ckin g Trap Oil Group plc

polentio t, Regi stered office: r o The Triangle, NGz Business Park, Noltingham N Gz rAE
Regi sta'ed no.75o3957
Department for Business €nergy
& lndustrialStrategy
3rd Floor, Wing C
ABl Building
Crimon Place

Date: 16th September 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,



We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated f)8th September 2016.

We, BW Ofßhore (UK) timited confirm that we authorise lthaca Energy (UKl Limlted to submit the
abandonment progremmes relating to the Athena Field fac¡lit¡es as directed by the Secretary of State

We confirm that we have no objection to the proposals detailed in the Athena Decommissíoning
Programmes dated 08th September 2016, which ¡s to be submitted by lthaca Energy (UK! Limited in so
far as they relate to those fecil¡t¡es in respect of which we are requlred to submit abandonment
progñ¡mmes under section 29 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

Yourr Faithfully,

Rod Macleod
Asset Manager, UK

For and on behalf of BW Offshore (UK) timited

8W Offrhorr lUXl trd Voyager Hous€, 75 Wôterloo Quav, Aberdeen Ag11 sOE, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)12249ü1260 Faxì +44 lO)1224 900261 www.bwoffshorc.corn

lGtl¡tcrrd OfRßr - 8W 0llthorc (U[l ltd - Voy¡¡g HourÇ - 75 W¡rcrho Qr¡åy. Abe¡dcçn * 5csú¡nd - Agl¡ lOÉ - Bi8irtcrld ln S{otland Í{o, 5c8¿U3
Dyas Exploratlon UK Limited
Rijnkade 1
dyas 3511 LC Utrecht
P.O. Box 2065
3500 GB Utrecht
The Netherlands
t+gt go 2998434
F +31 30 2338418

Department for Busíness Energy Registered Offlce

& lndustrial Stategy Athena House
3rd Floor, Wing C Athena Drive
AB Building Tachbrook Park
Crimon Place Warwick
Aberdeen Warwickshire CV34 6RL
ABIO 1BJ United Kingdom
United Kingdom

Subject Reference Date


Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8th September 2016.

We, Dyas Exploration UK Limited confirm that we authorise lthaca Energy (UK) Limíted to
submit on our behalf abandonment programmes relating to thè Athena Field facilities as
directed by the Secretary of State on 20ü December 2011.

We confirm that we support the proposals detailed in the Athena Decommissioning

Programmes dated 8th September 2016, which is to be submitted by lthaca Energy (UK)
Limited in so far as they relate to those fecilities ín respect of which we are required to
submit abandonment programmes under section 29 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

For and on behalf of Dyas Exploration UK Ltd

Companies House No
GouÞ Headquorters:

Parkmead.(E&P) Limited
4 Queen's Terrace
Aberdeen ABl0 IXL
Tel: +44 l'224622200
Fax: +44 1224 623530

19 September,20l6

Departrnent for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy,

3rd Floor, Wing C,
ABI Building,
Crimon Place,

Dear Sir or Madam,



We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated I Septernber,2016

We, Parkmead (E&P) Limited, confinn tlrat we authorise Ithaca Energy (UK) Lirnited to
subrnit on our behalf abandonment programmes relating to the Athena Field facilities as
directed by the Secretary of State on 20 December, 201 l.

We confin¡ that we support the proposals detailed in the Athena Decommíssioning

Programrnes dated 8 Septernber, 2016, which are to be subrnitted by lthaca Energy (UK)
Limited in so far as they relate to those facilities in respect of which we are required to submit
abandonment programmes under section 29 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

Yours faithfully,
f'or and on behalf of Parkmead (E&P) Limited

C 1 1..--l
Colin J. Percival
Technical Director

Rcq¡sae! ed Olliß: 4 Queeo's ler râce, AbÊrdeer ABl0 lXl

Reg¡stered rn Scorlàrìd []o 5C397002
\ÆRUS Verus Pell olerrnl 'r +44 (0)1224 659120

t ; .,. ,'
3 (ìLlecr;s E
liì}1;,i :
Cì¿l¡clt:r rs
; Atrerciec¡r Alll5 aYi) www.v€

26 September 2016

Department for Business Energy

& lndustrial Strategy
3rd Floor, Wing C
AB1 Building
Crimon Place

Reference : AT-01-02-OE-t-0001

Dear Sir or Madam



We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8th September 2016

We, Verus Petroleum on behalf of Spike Exploration UK Limited confirm that we authorise lthaca
Energy (UK) Limited to submit on our behalf abandonment programmes relat¡ng to the Athena
Field facilities as directed by the Secretary of State on 20th December 201L.

We confirm that we support the proposals detailed ¡n the Athena Decommissioning Programmes
dated 8th September 2016 which is to be submitted by lthaca Energy (UK) Limited in so far as they
relate to those facilities in respect of which we are required to submit abandonment programmes
under section 29 ofthe Petroleum Act 1998.

Yours fa¡thfully

Alan Curran

For and on behalf of Spike Exploration UK Limited

Verus Petroleunì Holding Lrm¡ted is a company registered rn Scolland under company number SC470677
Registered Olficer 3 Oueens Gardens, Aberdeen ABl 5 4YD

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