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Test Metals Core

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Q1. The reactivity series of metals given below contains both familiar and unfamiliar elements.

For most of the unfamiliar elements, which are marked *, their common oxidation states are

* barium Ba

* Vanadium (+5)



* chromium Cr (+2), (+3), (+6)



* ceasium (+1)

(a) Choose metal(s) from the above list to answer the following questions.
(i) Which two metals would not react with dilute hydrochloric acid?
(ii) Which two unfamiliar metals (*) would react with cold water?
(iii) What is the oxidation state of barium?
(iv) Name an unfamiliar metal (*) whose oxide cannot be reduced by carbon.
(b) For each of the following unfamiliar elements predict one physical and one chemical
(i) caesium (Cs)
physical property ____________________________________________________________________
chemical property ___________________________________________________________________
(ii) vanadium (V)
physical property ____________________________________________________________________
chemical property ___________________________________________________________________
[Total: 10]
Q2. Platinum is a shiny metal which was first discovered in Columbia in south America, where small amounts
were found along with silver. Platinum is very unreactive but is very useful as a catalyst.
a) Suggest a use for platinum other than as a catalyst.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1]
b) What is the function of a catalyst.
_________________________________________________________________________ [1]
c) i) Complete the word equation for the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid.
Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid ___________ + _____________ [2]

ii) Platinum is a transition element and magnesium is in group II of periodic table. Complete the
following sentences about the physical properties of these two elements.

Platinum has a ___________ density than magnesium.

Magnesium has a ___________ boiling point than platinum.

[ Total: 6]

Q3. The four metals below are written in order of decreasing reactivity.
Below is a worksheet used by a pupil to check the order of reactivity of the metals. Each metal oxide was
reacted with the other metals. A cross (x) shows that no reaction takes place; a tick () shows that a
reaction took place.

a) Complete the table.


The Reactivity of Metals
metal aluminium copper iron magnesium
aluminium oxide x 

copper (II) oxide  

iron (III) oxide 

magnesium x x
[Total: 5]
b) Potassium and calcium are very reactive metals at the top of the series. Because their ions have
different charges, K+ and Ca2+, their compounds behave differently when heated.

(i) Explain why the ions have different charges.

_____________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(ii) Their hydroxides are heated.
If the compound decomposes, complete the word equation.
If it does not decompose, write “no reaction”.

Potassium hydroxide __________________________________________________

Calcium hydroxide __________________________________________________ [2]

(iii) Complete the equations for the decomposition of their nitrates.

2KNO3 + _________________________ + ______________________

2Ca(NO3)2 + + _____________ + ______________ + ___________________ [4]
[Total: 13]
Q4. By observing the reaction of metals with water and dilute sulfuric acid it is possible to put metals in
order of their reactivity.

a) A student tried to make some magnesium sulfate. Excess magnesium was added to dilute sulfuric
acid. During this reaction fizzing was observed due to the production of a gas.

i) Copy, complete and balance the chemical equation for this reaction.

_______________ + H 2SO4 ___________ + ___________ [3]

ii) At the end of the reaction the solution remaining was filtered. Why was the solution filtered?

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

iii) The filtered solution was left in a warm place.

Explain why the filtered solution was left in a warm place.


______________________________________________________________________________ [2]
b) The reaction between aluminium and iron oxide is used to join lengths of railway track. It is called
the thermit reaction.

Fe2O3 (s) + 2Al (s) Al2O3 (s) + 2Fe (l)

i) Why does aluminium react with iron oxide?

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

ii) What does the (l) after Fe in the chemical equation mean?


iii) Suggest why the thermit reaction can be used to join lengths of the railways track?



[Total: 9]

Q5. Iron is a transition element.

(a) Which of the following statements about transition elements are correct?
Tick three boxes.
The metals are highly coloured e.g. yellow, green, blue.
The metals have low melting points.
Their compounds are highly coloured.
Their compounds are colourless.
The elements and their compounds are often used as catalysts.
They have more than one oxidation state.
(b) (i) In which Period in the Periodic Table is iron to be found?
_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
(ii) Use the Periodic Table to work out the number of protons and the number of neutrons in one
atom of iron.
number of protons = ____________________ number of neutrons = _________________ [1]
(c) Iron is extracted in a blast furnace. The list below gives some of the substances used or formed in the
carbon monoxide coke iron ore limestone slag
(i) Which substance is a mineral containing largely calcium carbonate?
_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
(ii) Which substance is formed when impurities in the ore react with calcium oxide?

(iii) Which substance is also called hematite?

_______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(d) State two functions of the coke used in the blast furnace.
_______________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(e) Most of the iron is converted into mild steel or stainless steel. Give one use for each.
mild steel ______________________________________________________________________
stainless steel ___________________________________________________________________ [2]

[Total: 12]
Q6. Aluminium is an important metal with a wide range of uses.
(a) Aluminium is obtained by the electrolysis of aluminium oxide dissolved in molten cryolite.

(i) Solid aluminium oxide is a poor conductor of electricity. It conducts either when molten or when
dissolved in molten cryolite. Explain why.
_____________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(ii) Why is a solution of aluminium oxide in molten cryolite used rather than molten aluminium
______________________________________________________________________________ [1]

(iii) Explain why the carbon anodes need to be replaced periodically.

______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
(iv) One reason why graphite is used for the electrodes is that it is a good conductor of electricity. Give
another reason.

(b) Aluminium is used to make food containers because it resists corrosion.
Explain why it is not attacked by the acids in food.
______________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(c) Aluminium is used for overhead power (electricity) cables which usually have a steel core.

(i) Give two properties of aluminium which make it suitable for this use.
______________________________________________________________________________ [2]
(ii) Explain why the cables have a steel core.
______________________________________________________________________________ [1]
[Total: 10]

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