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Book of Exalted Deeds

Exhalted Feats
Table Of Contents Exalted Smite
Churches Exalted Turning
Joining a Church Favored of the Gods
Benefits of Membership Gift of Faith
Drawbacks of Membership Hands of a Healer
Churches Holy Radiance
Dominant Nemesis
Independent Nimbus of Light
Cult Quell the Profane
Sect Ranged Smite Evil
Resounding Blow
Running a Church Rightous Wrath
Expenses Sacred Strike
Charity Sacred Vow
Adventure Support Stigmata
Advertising Vow of Abstinence
Staff Vow of Chastity
Income Vow of Obedience
Church Activities Vow of Purity
Services and Rituals Inquistor
Clerical Duties False Idol
Adventuring Clerics Generalis
Followers Truth Seeker
Follower Benefits
Costs of Affiliation
Sin and Atonement
New Spells
Creating a Saint

s much as many rulers and politicians might On a deeper level, one can become a formal member of a
wish oth¬erwise, the government is rarely the church by actually joining the institution, Mostpriests of a
most powerful social force in the city. Religion givengad are part of that god's church, but the church's
moves and guides people with greater force and personnel is not lim¬ited to priests. Temple guards and holy
efficacy than any law, for in the eyes of the war¬riors, researchers, bookkeepers, travel. ing friars,even
believer, no monarch, no governor, no temple groundskeepers can be official members of a Aural.
magistrate is above the gods themselves. Such in¬dividuals gain many more benefits and much higher
Churches wield an enormous amount of power in many status than the laypeople, but must also per-form a great
cities, though how effectively depends onboth the church many duties in the name of their god and the church
itself and the government that ostensibly rules it. A strong or hierarchy.
despotic government might keep local churches smaIl and
weak; similarly. some churches are not inclined to interfere in
political affairs, On the other hand, some churches dominate
the government, either openly in a theocratic culture, or by
manipulating it from behind the scenes. Most cities and is
happy medium, with the government handling legal issues
and the Churches leading the community on social ones, but
in less harmonious cities, political and even overt physical
conflict might erupt between the two. In this context, the
term "church' does not refer to a specific house of worship or
similar structure', such a place is, in D&D terms, as temple, a
cathedral, or a shrine, depending on size and build. A church
is a religious institution, a sociopolitical body in its own right.
For instance, the Church of Pelor in a given city likely
encompasses all the local temples and priests of Pelor.
Joining a Church
Being a member of a church actually has two very distinct
meanings. Most individuals who choose to worship with
others at a temple or shrine could be considered members of
their church; for clarity, they are hereafter referred to as
cungregants, This status grants a worshiper a number of
acquaintances and a social sup-port group to whom she can
turn in rime of need, making her a part of a religious
community. Congregants need perform only a few duties for
their church, beyond following the tenets of the religion. They
are encouraged to donate at least as small sum of money to
the fold, or else devote a few hours is week in service no the
temple. The precise amounts of money and time depend on
the size of the church to which the temple belongs.
Churches | Book of Exalted Deeds
While its easy enough to become a congregant of a church, Higher-ranking members of the church, such as priests or
attaining formal member¬ship is harder. One must be a other church employees, gain advantage on Persuasion and
recognized priest of the church's god—a task that involves Insight checks involving other members and congregants of
more than merely possessing levels in cleric or a similar class the same church, and a +1 bonus on those checks involving
—or else seek employment with the church directly. This worshipers of the same god who, for whatever reason, are not
process is handled much like approach¬ing a guild for part of the local church. Additionally, so long as they remain
membership. It requires a DC l0 Insight or History check to members in good standing, they receive a 5% discount on any
find the offices or temple of a high-ranking member of a spells they hire other church members to cast. (This discount
public church. A secret sect might require a lengthy quest for applies only to the cost of casting; the character must still
clues, followed by a Insight or History check with a DC of 15, provide the full value ofany material components.) Upon
20, or even higher. becoming a formal member of the church, a character gains
As with other organizations, those who desire membership one new contact.
in a church must either have levels of an appropriate class or
be proficient an appropriate skill. In the case of churches, the
associated classes are always the same: cleric, crusader, and
paladin. Associated skills for each type of church are given in
the sections below. An individual who aspires to membership
must also be a follower of the church's god, In some
instances, a church might make an exception to the above
requirements if an individual has Other useful abilities. The
Church of Boccob, for instance, might permit a powerful
sorcerer to join because of his magical abilities. Similarly, the
churches ofmartial gods, such as Heironeous or Hextor,
might permit fighters, hexblades, and warriors to join even if
they lack the associated skills.
A great number of churches require that all their members
follow the same behavioral strictures as their clerics—in
game terms, that they be within one step of their deity in
alignment. Some churches have additional restrictions, such
as an oath of secrecy (possibly enforced through spells such
as mark of justice), a ceremony of allegiance, a quest or
activity to prove one's faith, and so forth.
Not everyone joins a church for the same reason. Some are
true believers who simply wish to serve their god in whatever
way they can. Others see the church as a source of
employment; they are faithful enough, but act primarily for
money, not devotion. Still others see it as an easier or greater
path to powerthan a career in politics.
Benefits of Membership
Congregants in a church gain +1 on Persuasion and Insight
checks involving other congregants and members of the
same church. Other members of their specific temple—but
not other temples of the same church—have a starting
attitude one step closer to helpful than they would normally
Priest or Cleric In the case Of congregants, membership in a church requires Tru
It's worth noting that not all priests must be clerics. A priest little more than regular (or at least occasional) participation time
is defined as someone recognized by a church or temple as a in temple services and holidays, and that the individual not leavin
religious leader, someone well versed in religious lore and blatantly and publicly violate any religious precepts. perfo
capable of leading the faithful in prayer and services. Many Congregants are encouraged to volunteer either their money acting
priests are clerics or paladins, of course. Others, however, are or their time, but the amounts are extremely modest. A (or ev
simply experts or other classes who are both faithful congregant might be exiled from her temple—and thus, the In a
worshipers and scholars of the faith. larger church—if she grossly violates any religious precepts, settin
if she utterly refuses to donate even the smallest bit of money find h
Drawbacks of Membership or time, or if she completely ceases attend- ing services.
Churches | Book of Exalted Deeds
Sample Contact: Archbishop Calapri (clerc 12). Calapri
Dominant will officially sanction an adventure or quest, allowing the
A dominant church is a massive, powerful organization that PCs to freely cross borders anywhere the church is
might rival the local government in terms of authority. (In dominant, and expanding the PCs' church based Persuiasion
fact, in theocracies, the dominant church might also act as and Intimidate bonuses to work in those areas as well. Once
the local government,) It boasts numerous temples or only.
shrines, often among the largest and wealthiest in the area. A
dominant church claims a sizable portion of a city's
population among its congregants. It is rare for a city to have
more than one dominant church, and few have more than
three or four.
A dominant church often encompasses a number of
religious guilds and organizations, as well as several
denominations (see Sect, below). It has vast resources at its
disposal, and it might even be richer than the city in which it
resides. It invariably holds some sway with the local
government, with many congregants in high positions or
serving as advisors to the local rulers.
Most dominant churches have reached far beyond the
confines of any one particular community. Some boast
cathedrals in every major city in the campaign world and a
single center of power from which the highest priest,
archbishop, pontiff, or prelate hands down dictates in the
name of his deity.
Examples: Church of Pelor, Church of Kord.
Associated Skills: Persuasion, History, Religion, Arcana.
Duties: Congregants of a dominant church must either
donate 10% of their income or volunteer 1 hour a week to aid
in maintaining the church's temples and performing the
faith's works in the city. Unsurprisingly, most individuals
choose the latter option. True members of the church must
spend at least 20 hours a week devoted to religious and
administrative duties, which might range from leading
services to standing guard over church property to working in
the church library. A DC 15 Persuasion check allows a PC to
count time spent adventuring with his companions toward
this requirement, if the adventure specifically advances the
cause of the church or if the PC is willing to tithe 10% of all
treasure he finds to the church.
Favored Benefits: A member of a dominant church gains a
+1 bonus on Persuasion and Intimidate checks involving
anyone from the local government, major mercantile
concerns such as guilds, or members of smaller churches in
the city. Additionally, a member has access to the church's
library and records. He has advantage on any History or
Religion check after he has been actively engaged in research
in the church library (reading books and speaking to Other
members), a process that takes ld4+1 days for each check.
An independent church is a temple or association of temples holds
Independent that, due to lack Of size, wealth, or political influence, is a canno
less powerful entity than the dominant church of the region. guild
Perhaps the deity is not widely worshiped in the city, and has domi
only one temple—or at most a handful of them to his name. popu
The religion might be new to the city, and thus has not had Ex
time to expand, or it might face resistance from the Ass
entrenched churches. All too frequently, an independent
church has failed to expand because it is oppressed, either by
the local government or the dominant church. And
sometimes, a church simply fails to catch on in a given
population, or exists in a region where the dominant church
Churches | Book of Exalted Deeds
Cult Sect
A cult is a small organization made up of followers associated A sect, in this context, is a subgroup or denomination of a
with the same faith. Cults are smaller than other churches, larger church—usually either dominant or independent,
with little (if any) political or social power. In most instances, though a few cults grow large enough to boast multiple
cults are devoted to obscure, unpopular, or even illegal denominations. It follows the same god and most of the same
entities. The most common example is a cult devoted to a vile dictates as the larger church, but diverges in a few specific
deity or an archfiend, but cults might also be dedicated to details. For instance, a group Of Pelor's followers who view
foreign gods, or even gods of goodness and light in an evil the sun god as a harsher deity who burns away weakness,
culture. Also uncommon but not unheard of in major cities and who focus on a neutral alignment and a "survival of the
are bands of nature worshipers, many ofwhich qualify as fittest" mentality would qualify as a sect.
cults. Cults might not have any true temples, relying instead How well a sect is accepted by its parent church or its
on tiny shrines or altars tucked away in otherwise secular sibling sects depends on the alignment and attitudes of
structures. Many cults are secret organizations, and they look everyone involved. Ifthe offspring denomination follows very
with suspicion on anyone who seeks them out. similar tenets, and if the two faiths are of a similar (and non-
Examples: Cult of Asmodeus, Cult Of Tharizdun, druidic evil) alignment, the parent church likely allows the sect to
circle. operate relatively unmolested. It might pass a few regulations
Associated Skills: Deception, Religion, Arcana or Nature restricting some of its activities, but for the most part—so
(whichever is appropriate). long as it does not embarrass or damage the larger church
Duties: Congregants of a cult must spend at least 4 hours and continues to follow its laws—a sect can function as it
per week in worship and ceremonies. Formal members of the likes. If a sect strongly diverges from the parent church,
cult must spend at least 20 hours a week in service to it. A however, or if one or the other is of evil alignment, the larger
successful DC 10 Diplomacy check allows a PC to count time church might try to eradicate the sect. This situation can
spent adventuring with his companions toward this result in the creation of various secret societies, a schism and
requirement, if the adventure specifically advances the Cause civil war within the church, or even a complete separation (in
Of the cult or if the PC is willing to tithe 10% of all treasure which case the sect evolves into either an independent
he finds to the cult. church or a cult).
Favored Benefits: Membership in this small, tightly knit Associated Skills: As the parent church, plus Deception if
group strengthens an individual's faith and determination. the sect is secretive.
When accompanied by at least one other member of the cult, Duties: As the parent church, if the sect is open and
or when within the shrines or holdings, a member receive a accepted. In the case of a conflicted or secret sect, the
+1 bonus on Wisdom saves made against spells cast by member's duties are roughly equivalent to those of an
anyone not part of the cult. independent church, and the member must keep details of
Sample Contact: Jaraddis Jass (paladin 9). Jaraddis will the sect's activities secret.
provide an outsider, by means of lesser planar ally, to aid the Favored Benefits: As the parent church, if the sect is open
party (the PCs must pay half the fee demanded by the and accepted. In the case of a conflicted or secret Sect;
outsider). Once only. members swiftly learn techniques for keeping their affiliation
secret. The character gains a +1 bonus on Deception checks
when dealing with matters of religious affiliation.
Sample Contact: Sister Tabuela (Cleric 9). Tabuela will
cast commune on behalf of a PC. Once per year.
Churches | Book of Exalted Deeds
Running a Church

unning a temple requires dedication, sacrifice, Good churches often undertake substantial charity work.
and a fair number of gold pieces. Being part of They may run soup kitchens to feed the less fortunate, or they
the daily life of a flock of faithful worshipers may clothe those who would otherwise wear rags. Some may
brings in the gifts that keep the temple provide free healing services and spells. Others might
running, but it also demands a great deal of provide flophouses or retreats for the homeless. Natural
time. While adventuring clerics are spared disasters often bring out the best in such faiths, as the
most of this responsibility, they have some worshipers race to provide whatever assistance they can to
obligations when exceptional events occur. Sometimes the those affected. All these efforts cost time and money.
daily duties and events of a temple need the assistance of Evil churches take different approaches. They may seek to
passing adventurers. undermine the efforts of good churches by spoiling their food
Money to support a temple may come from several or rotting their free clothing. They may offer the same
sources. The most familiar is tithing, or giving 10% of one’s services as a “false front,” kidnapping and selling into slavery
income. Tithing may be voluntary, or it may be enforced those who only wanted a bowl of stew or a pair of sandals.
depending on the church’s alignment. Where a good church They may seek to cause natural disasters. Some evil
views tithes as gifts, an evil church views tithes as pleas for churches may simply ignore the poor, choosing to flaunt their
mercy. In some cases, as in a theocracy, churches may have wealth and power rather than to share it.
the right to levy taxes. The ruling authority may subsidize a
church, paying a sum out of the royal coffers directly to the
church. Adventure Support
Adventuring is another expenditure faced by some churches.
Expenses If a church supports adventurers, it may feed, clothe, and
house them. It may pay for some or all of their training while
Some churches may hoard the funds they collect. Others may they undertake quests for the church. It may provide free, or
invest them. Most of the money goes to expenses, regardless discounted, healing services. The church may provide some
of a church’s alignment. or all of the money for equipment, mounts, rations, weapons,
All churches want to look prosperous, well attended, and armor, or even magic items. Churches may provide
vigorous. Items such as altar cloths and braziers have to be information adventurers need. Some churches may support a
repaired or replaced every few years. In addition, candles and team of adventurers, some might support multiple teams, and
lamp oil cost money. Depending on where the temple is still others might only provide these services to the clerics of
located, the cost of fuel for heating might eat a substantial the party.
portion of the temple’s treasury.
Specific churches have their own needs. For instance, a
temple to Kord almost certainly needs athletic equipment so Advertising
the clergy and the congregation may develop their bodies. A Advertising is always an expense. Bards and heralds may
church of Wee Jas or Boccob needs a magical library. A reach out to new arrivals in the area served by the church,
temple to Heironeous or Hextor must maintain its armory. A and they may also attract backsliders from the congregation.
temple to Vecna must buy paper, ink, and pens, and must Banners become worn and weather-beaten and need repair
maintain a storage area for books, scrolls, and maps. The or replacement. Also, advertising combats the messages
church of Fharlanghn has few physical needs and few spread by rival churches. Churches looking for adventurers
maintenance expenses for its shrines; however, clerics of must pay to advertise.
Fharlanghn travel constantly, and the expense of eating and
sleeping in inns adds up.
The m
and a
Running a Church | Book of Exalted Deeds
Particular faiths may also conduct ritual blessings at major
Income events. Clerics of Heironeous may bless military ceremonies
A church may collect fees for the services it conducts or confer knighthood on paladins. Most religions participate
(generally 100 gp or less, unless the service is particularly in any coronation or bestowing of noble rank. High-ranking
time-consuming, such as a lavish, all-day wedding between clerics advise local authorities. If clerics are the local
two nobles). Churches may hold fund-raisers. Where a good authorities, they add the duties of nobility to their daily work.
church might hold a craft fair, an evil church might send They must hear appeals from their subjects, act as judicial
thugs around to steal enough to meet its needs. In organized, authorities, collect taxes, and conduct negotitions. Because
hierarchical churches, money may come from subordinate temples often hold wedding, birth, and funeral ceremonies,
parishes. Of course, that’s also an expense, since a church they generally keep records of such for the local ruler. When
must pay its superior. property changes hands in the form of gifts, dowries, and
A temple that keeps records or a library might charge a willed endments, clerics record that information as well.
small fee every time the librarian must return to the shelves Local tax assessors use these records, so at least one cleric
and search for a docment or text. In poor regions, the faithful in the temple works with them.
may give to the church in goods rather than in gold. A
farmer’s tithe might be a dozen eggs or a bushel of wheat.
Others may only be able to give their services to the church. A
church has many needs, and puts all gifts to good use.

Church Activities
Money is only part of what it takes to run a temple. Clerics
and staff have duties to perform as well. Clerics teach the
dogma and history of their faith, both to junior clerics and to
the faithful. Depending on the church, this activity could take
a few hours a week or a few hours every day. In addition,
junior clerics need training—not only in the combat and
spellcasting skills they’ll need if they adventure, but also in
the rituals and services required by the faithful.

Services and Rituals

Most churches hold small, informal services several times
throughout the day. In addition, clerics act as advisors and
confessors for their congregations. If a deity holds a
particular day of the week sacred, major services occur then.
Holy days particular to a faith occur several times throughout
each year, and at those times services may last the entire day.
In addition, clerics may be responsible for ceremonies at
births, weddings, and deaths.
They may have specific tasks assigned them by the head of In a
Clerical Duties their temple, or they may undertake such tasks simply spells
Clerics have responsibilities to themselves as well. They must because the task needs doing and they are the best suited for mone
spend time in meditation and prayer everyday, both to gain it. Such tasks might include negotiating better prices for spells
spells and to commune with their deity. They train with their temple supplies, discussing truces or cooperation with cases
weapons and armor as needed. They teach or attend classes. temples that share a holy day, arranging for arcane assistance or so
They must mend their clothes, polish their holy symbols, and from local wizards or sorcerers, or researching obscure multi
clean their armor and weapons. points of dogma or history. Clerics may research new spells the cl
or new ways to use their magic. They may train for any other holy w
classes they have. items
Running a Church | Book of Exalted Deeds
Adventuring clerics represent their religion in the public
Adventuring Clerics eye, so they may find themselves asked to perform simple
Adventuring clerics usually don’t need to worry about how ceremonies such as country weddings, or to cast spells to aid
temple funds are spent, or which cleric will perform the noon or heal local people. They may ask for compensation from the
service. The exception occurs when they’re responsible for faithful, but they’ll probably be paid in goods. If they are paid
founding a new temple, when they may briefly be the only in money, they should remember that money belongs to their
clerics present. temple.
They may need to worry about where the money comes Adventuring clerics may perform or assist secret
from, since their temple may depend on them to collect diplomatic missions, if the local ruler feels religious advice
treasures or protect the delivery of the king’s tithe. Many could be needed and doesn’t want anyone to notice a local
unusual or short-term duties may involve adventurers. A cleric missing. Adventuring clerics may possess a skill
temple may request that adventuring clerics and their needed temporarily at a remote temple, and should
companions protect it for a brief period of time if the head participate in services while present. Temples are a vital part
cleric suspects a local evil group is poised to attack. Similarly, of daily life. Clerics provide services and support to their
adventuring clerics and their companions may find flock, and to adventurers. Experienced Dungeon Masters
themselves protecting a shipment of valuable sacred objects may use clerics’ duties as starting points for adventurers.
between temples. Such objects may be valuable only for
religious reasons.

The success of a church, and thereby the worship of the deity it gives its patronage to, is only as successful as its followers. The
following rules are used to determine the effectiveness of a church, as well as its type (dominate, independant, cult, sect).
The follower roll is made as part of the weekly income roll for a Temple.
Follower Roll
Roll Result
1 - 10 You lose 1d4 nobles, alcolytes, paladins or priests or 1d10 commoners if the temple has no nobles, alcolytes,
paladins or priests
10 - 15 You lose 1d8 common followers
15 - 25 You gain no new followers
26 - 35 One commoner joins your temple because they have nothing left
36 - 65 1d6 commoners join your temple
66 - 75 1 Noble and 1d4 commoners join your temple
76 - 85 One Acolyte offers Healing services to at your Temple. They bring 1d4+2 commoners.
86 - 95 1d3+1 Paladin's join your temple
95 - A Priest with a following of 1d4+2 Paladin's and 2d4 commoners convert to your deity and joins your temple

Follower Mod Capacity

Follower Benefits Commoner / Noble +1/+5 Influence per 500+
The following benefits are realized depending on the number Alcolyte Spellcasting 100
of followers a temple has.
Paladin +10 Influence per 15
Temple Benefits Priest +1 on Follower rolls 25
Capacity is the max number of that type of follower a single Spellcasting
temple can have. Temple that have alcolytes are able to offer spellcasting
services. The number of alcolytes a temple has determines
the level of spells available to the temple.

Running a Church | Book of Exalted Deeds


churches influence represents its stature and Church Type by Influence
policital power in a region. The influence of a Influence Type
church is directly tied to its follower size. As a 500+ Dominant
church growns in influence so does the benefits
of being affiliated with the church. The 250 Indpendant
following table dictates the benefits of influence 50 Cult or Sect
and is cumulative. For example, an Indpendant
church has all the benefits of being Independant, but also the
lesser churches (either a Sect or a Cult).
Influence Benefits
Church Skills Tithe Favored Benefits
Dominant Persuasion, history, religion, arcana 10% +1 Persuasion & Intimidate
Independent Persuasion, history, religion, arcana 5% 10% discount on spell casting
Cult Deception, religion, arcana or nature (whichever is appropriate) - +1 on Wisdom saves
Sect As the parent church, plus Deception if the sect is secretive. - +1 on Deception

Rank Title: Benefit and Duties

Costs of Affiliation 0 None
Most churches do not accept new members lightly, nor do 1 Favored: Favored benefits, Tithe
they allow just anyone to tap the power granted by their
patron deities. To gain a new affi liation score benefit, a 2 Initiate: Blessing
member must tithe to the church as a show of loyalty. The 3 Adept: -
cost of this tithe depends on the new rank sought, as given on 4 Elder: Skills
the following table.
5 Paragon: Divine Favor
Rank Tithe (in gp)
0 0
1 500
2 2,000
3 4,500
4 8,000
5 12,500

The first rank, listed as rank 0, grants no actual benefit.

Simply joining one of these churches requires no initial tithe,
but this rank grants no benefit except membership. Members
at this rank typically include commoners who frequent the
church but lack the desire to gain further benefits, or the
required tithe money, or both.
Titles and benefits are cumlative. For example, an Adept
gains the Favored benefits, Blessing and must Tithe.
Blessing Followers who belong to a church with enough influence to
Followers who belong to a church with enough influence to grant a Divine Favor receive the benefits of the Divine Favor
grant a Blessing receive the benefits of the Bless spell once spell once per adventure. This can be used anytime during
per adventure. This can be used anytime during the the adventure, as per the spell, cast by the follower after
adventure, as per the spell, cast by the follower after taking an taking an action to offer a prayer to the deity of the church
action to offer a prayer to the deity of the church they follow. they follow.
Divine Favor

Running a Church | Book of Exalted Deeds

Sin and Atonement

he higher one’s standards, the easier it is to fall
short of them. There are times in any New Spells
campaign when players of good characters Attonement
make bad choices or are forced into a choice 5th-level abjuratin (ritual)
between two evils and end up committing the
lesser. The dangers are great: paladins and Casting Time: 1 hour
good clerics might lose class abilities or spell Range: Touch
access, and other characters could lose access to exalted Components: V, S, M (50gp worth of incense)
feats. Depending on the severity of the transgression, good Duration: Instantaneous
characters might become neutral or even evil, either in one This spell removes the burden of evil acts or misdeeds
cataclysmic fall or over the course of a long downward spiral. from the subject. The creature seeking atonement must be
The powers of good would be hypocritical if they truly repentant and desirous of setting right its misdeeds.
demanded that mortals offer forgiveness to one another If the atoning creature committed the evil act unwittingly or
while themselves withholding it from mortals who displease under some form of compulsion, atonement operates
them. Therein is the blessing and assurance that all good normally at no cost to you. However, in the case of a creature
creatures can cling to: there is no sin so great that it cannot atoning for deliberate misdeeds and acts of a knowing and
be forgiven. However, just as when player characters extend willful nature, you must intercede with your deity (requiring
forgiveness to villains, forgiveness is predicated upon you to expend 500 XP) in order to expunge the subject’s
repentance. A character who has committed an evil act burden. Many casters first assign a subject of this sort a quest
cannot simply obtain an atonement spell and carry on as if or similar penance to determine whether the creature is truly
nothing had happened. She must first make amends for her contrite before casting the atonement spell on its behalf.
actions, at least trying to repair any damage she caused and Atonement may be cast for one of several purposes,
offering sincere apologies to those who might still hold depending on the version selected.
resentment against her. She must demonstrate a willingness Reverse Magical Alignment Change If a creature has had
to try harder in the future to avoid such actions, a real its alignment magically changed, atonement returns its
commitment to avoiding evil at all costs. In many cases, she alignment to its original status at no cost in experience
must also perform an act of penance: a good deed that most points.
likely has nothing to do with reparations to those she injured, Restore Class A paladin who has lost her class features
but simply demonstrates her renewed commitment to good. due to committing an evil act may have her paladinhood
With all these criteria met, the powers of good joyfully restored to her by this spell.
welcome straying sheep who return to the fold, and an Restore Cleric or Druid Spell Powers A cleric or druid
atonement spell subsequently cast can have its full effect: who has lost the ability to cast spells by incurring the anger of
restoring a paladin’s class, restoring a cleric’s or druid’s spell his or her deity may regain that ability by seeking atonement
powers, or restoring the benefits of exalted feats to any from another cleric of the same deity or another druid. If the
character. transgression was intentional, the casting cleric loses 500 XP
for his intercession. If the transgression was unintentional, he
does not lose XP.

Sin & Atonement | Book of Exalted Deeds


ven an epic-level character is probably a
long way from becoming a deity, at least in Creating a Saint
most campaigns. However, there is a goal to “Saint” is an acquired type that can be added to any living
which the purest and most devoutly good creature of good alignment that is not an outsider or an
characters can aspire at almost any level: elemental (referred to hereafter as the “base creature”).
sainthood. No temple or religious
organization needs to give its formal Size and Type: The character’s type changes to “outsider.”
approval for a character to become a saint. Rather, sainthood The saint has the native subtype. Size is unchanged.
is a gift bestowed by the deities of good and the mightiest Armor Class: A saint may use their Wisdom modifier instead
celestials to those exalted heroes who deserve it. of their Dexterity modifier for the purposes of AC bonuses.
In order to qualify for sainthood, a character must meet the Holy Power: The save DCs of any and all of the saint’s
following qualifications: special attacks, including spells as well as spell-like,
Must be of good alignment supernatural, and extraordinary abilities, increase by +2.
Must have at least three exalted feats Holy Touch: A saint’s entire being is suffused with holy
Must never have lost the benefit of exalted feats or class power, which likewise flows into any weapon the saint
abilities because of committing an evil act, even if the wields. A saint’s melee attacks with any weapon (or
character properly atoned unarmed) deal an additional 1d6 points of radiant damage
Must at all times behave in a way the DM considers to be against evil creatures, and 1d8 points against evil undead
exemplary of the exalted path described in this book and evil outsiders. Any evil creature that strikes a saint
Must be at least 6th level with a natural weapon takes radiant damage as if hit by the
Must make an extraordinary sacrifice (not necessarily his saint’s attack.
or her life) for the good of another Spell-Like Abilities: At will—guidance, resistance and bless.
A saint’s caster level is equal to its Hit Die total. The save
A character who meets these criteria and achieves this DCs are Charisma-based.
pinnacle of sanctification can acquire sainthood. A character Damage Resistance: Saints gain resistance to fire and
who becomes a saint retains his or her statistics except as poison.
specified by the saint type. Fast Healing: Each round, a saint heals damage equal to half
A saint is still a far cry from godhood; she is more like an of its Hit Dice (including character levels, to a maximum of
earthly celestial. However, saints have an advantage over 10 points healed).
ordinary mortals where the good deities are concerned: the Immunities: A saint is immune to acid, cold, lightning, and
deities always hear their prayers and pay attention. In game petrification attacks.
terms, this translates to a handful of minor spell-like abilities. Keen Vision: Saints have low-light vision and 60-foot
In the game world, however, people tend to flock to saints in darkvision.
order to receive their blessings and bring their concerns to Protective Aura: As a bonus action, a saint can surround
the ears of the deities. Saints often spend an hour in prayer herself with a nimbus of light having a radius of 20 feet.
every day, simply lifting up the names of those who have This acts as a double-strength magic circle against evil and
approached them for help and asked them to pray on the as a lesser globe of invulnerability, both as cast by a cleric
supplicants’ behalf. whose level equal to the saint’s Hit Dice.
Tongues: A saint can speak with any creature that has a
language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-
level cleric. This ability is always active.
Abilities: Modify the base creature as follows: Con +1, Wis
+1, Cha +2 (Max of 20 on all).
Sainthood | Book of Exalted Deeds
Exhalted Feats

his book introduces a new type of feat: the Benefit: You gain advantage on saving throws to resist any
exalted feat. Only intelligent characters of good fear effect, despair effect (such as the crushing despair spell),
alignment and the highest moral standards or similar mind-affecting condition, but not charms or
can acquire exalted feats, and only as a gift compulsions (such as the charm person and dominate person
from powerful agents of good—deities, spells).
celestials, or similar creatures.
A character must have the DM’s permission to take an
exalted feat. In many cases, a ritual must be performed; often
this simply amounts to a character swearing a sacred vow, for
example, in the presence of a celestial being. A character who
willingly and willfully commits an evil act loses all benefits
from all his exalted feats. She regains these benefits if she
atones for her violations (see Sin and Atonement).
Aura of Good: A character with at least one exalted feat
radiates an aura of good with a power equal to her character
level (see the detect good spell), as if she were a paladin or a
cleric of a good deity.
Exalted Smite [Exalted]
Your smite ability is empowered with holy energy.
Prerequisites: Smite evil class ability.
Benefit: When you use your smite evil ability, your weapon
overcomes any necrotic resistance or immunity.
Exalted Turning [Exalted]
You turn undead with such power that affected undead take
Prerequisites: Ability to turn undead.
Benefit: Any undead creature that you turn takes 3d6
points of damage in addition to the normal turning effect.
Favored of the Gods [Exalted]
You swear allegiance to your deity in exchange gain power to
act on their behalf.
Benefit: Once per day, while performing an act of good, you
may call upon your patron deity to gain advantage on any one
roll or check.
Special: Once you take this feat, you may not take it again.
Your allegiance is only yours to give once.
Gift of Faith [Exalted]
You have an unusual capacity to trust in divine providence
working all things for the good.
Prerequisites: Wis 13.
Hands of a Healer [Exalted] Prerequisites: Cha 15, Nimbus of Light. Be
You can heal more damage than normal by laying on hands. Benefit: At will, as a bonus action, you can empower the sense
Prerequisites: Cha 13, lay on hands class ability. radiance surrounding you into a blazing glow that sheds well a
Benefit: When determining pool of healing power, treat bright light in a 10-foot radius (and shadowy illumination out relati
your class level as if it were 2 points higher. For example, a to 20 feet). Undead within 10 feet of you take 1d4 points of this s
5th-level paladin has a pool of 35 points (instead of the damage per round they remain within your halo. and l
normal 25 points) with this feat. This
Nemesis [Exalted] creat
Holy Radiance [Exalted] You are the holy bane of creatures of a particular type.
You can increase the intensity of the light surrounding you to Prerequisites: Favored enemy class ability.
damage undead creatures.
Feats | Book of Exalted Deeds
Quell the Profane [Exalted] Benefit: When you use your sneak attack ability against an
Your mightiest attacks weaken evil foes. evil creature, roll d8s for your sneak attack dice (instead of
Prerequisites: Str 13, Great Weapon Master, Resounding d6s) and your sneak attack damage is considered radiant for
Blow, Proficiciency Bonus +3. purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
Benefit: Whenever you deal a critical hit to an evil creature
using a melee weapon with which you are proficient, your Sacred Vow [Exalted]
opponent must succeed on a Constitution save (DC 8 + 1/2 You have willingly given yourself to the service of a good deity
your character level + your Cha modifier) or take 1d4+1 or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to better serve
points of temporary Strength damage. A monk’s unarmed your highest ideals.
strike is considered a melee weapon for purposes of this feat. Benefit: You gain advantage on Persuasion checks.
Special: This feat serves as the prerequisite for several
Ranged Smite Evil [Exalted] other feats, including the Vow of Abstinence, Vow of Chastity,
Your smite ability can be channeled through your ranged Vow of Obedience, and Vow of Purity
Prerequisites: Divine smite class ability.
Benefit: Your divine smite ability can be channeled through
a missile that you fire.
Resounding Blow
Your mightiest attacks cause your foes to tremble before you.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Great Weapon Master, Intimidation
Benefit: Whenever you deal a critical hit using a melee
weapon with which you are proficient, your opponent must
succeed on a Wisdom save (DC 8 + 1/2 your character level +
your Cha modifier) or cower for 1 round. A monk’s unarmed
strike is considered a melee weapon for purposes of this feat.
Rightous Wrath [Exalted]
Your rage is empowered with divine fury.
Prerequisites: Rage class ability.
Benefit: When you first deal damage with a melee attack
against an evil foe during your rage, that creature must make
a successful Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + 1/2 your raging
class level + your Cha modifier) or be stunned. If you fail to
affect a creature the first time you hit it, you cannot affect it in
that encounter. The stunned effect remains until you
withdraw or are killed or incapacitated.
While raging, you maintain clarity of mind unusual among
barbarians. You are perfectly able to deal nonlethal damage,
stop your attacks to show mercy, and distinguish friend from
foe even in the heat of your rage.
Sacred Strike [Exalted]
Your sneak attack is enhanced by your unshakable faith in a
good-aligned deity.
Prerequisites: Sneak attack class ability.
Stigmata [Exalted] Once you have activated your stigmata, you can touch your You
You bear the marks of wounds on your body, as sort of a living allies to heal them of 1 point of damage per level they possess dama
martyrdom. for every 2 points of Constitution damage you take. In touch
Prerequisite: Nimbus of Light. addition, any character you touch who is suffering from a benef
Benefit: You can heal the wounds and ailments of others disease can immediately make a new saving throw against activa
using your own life energy. When you activate this ability, as a that disease with aadvantage. If the character succeeds on
bonus action, you immediately take at least 2 points of that saving throw, she is freed from the disease.
temporary Constitution damage. You can take as many points
of Constitution damage as you wish, as long as you remain
alive and conscious.

Feats | Book of Exalted Deeds

Vow of Chastity [Exalted]
You have taken a sacred vow to refrain from marriage and
sexual intercourse.
Prerequisites: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: You gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws
against charm and phantasm spells and effects.
Special: To fulfill your vow, you must abstain from any
sexual contact with any other creature. If you intentionally
break your vow, you immediately and irrevocably lose the
benefit of this feat. You may not take another feat to replace
it. If you break your vow as a result of magical compulsion,
you lose the benefit of this feat until you perform a suitable
penance and receive an atonement spell
Vow of Obedience [Exalted]
You have taken a sacred vow to live according to the dictates
of another, generally your superior in a religious order or
similar organization.
Prerequisites: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: You gain advantage on Wisdom saving throws
against compulsion spells and effects.
Special: To fulfill your vow, you must unquestioningly obey
your superior and live according to the rules of your
organization. If you intentionally break your vow, you
immediately and irrevocably lose the benefit of this feat. You
may not take another feat to replace it. If you break your vow
as a result of magical compulsion, you lose the benefit of this
feat until you perform a suitable penance and receive an
atonement spell.
Vow of Purity [Exalted]
You have taken a sacred vow to avoid contact with dead flesh.
Prerequisites: Sacred Vow.
Benefit: You gain advantage on Constitution saving throws
to resist disease and death effects.
Special: To fulfill your vow, you must avoid all contact with
dead creatures, including meat cooked for food. You may not
touch fallen foes. You may fight undead foes, but must purify
yourself as soon as possible afterward. You may touch dead
characters in order to restore them to life (by way of a raise
dead or similar spell that requires you to touch the corpse),
but for no other purpose.
If you fight undead creatures or accidentally touch dead
flesh, you must purify yourself in a special ritual that requires
1 hour and a flask of holy water.
If you intentionally break your vow, you immediately and
irrevocably lose the benefit of this feat. You may not take
another feat to replace it. If you break your vow as a result of
magical compulsion, you lose the benefit of this feat until you
perform a suitable penance and receive an atonement spell.
Feats | Book of Exalted Deeds

small gathering of religious followers are held
under the safety of a leaning building, the
pouring rain that falls deafens the world around
them. A single Half-Elf looks down at the
gathering, his eyes just as twisted as his mind.
As he begins to speak, the gathering cowers
under the fear and weight of his prophetic
Within a Temple to the divine, a Dragonborn makes her
way through the masses of worshipers, clerics, and paladins.
All the while, giving orders to those she passes, calming fears
and concerns, and ensuring that things are in their place. She
has an important job, but her ambition does not stop there.
Today is the start of many others.
A dirty room. Its only occupants a chair and two
individuals. The Half-Orc stands over the other individual,
who is strapped to the chair. The journey to forgiveness and
truth is a long and arduous one, but they will both know that
by the end of the day. The Half-Orc leaves the room alone,
only silence and the truth follow after her.
Those who are Inquisitors have a passion to be in charge,
whether that is of their own lives or of a convent at a temple.
Most wish to spread their religion for the good of all races,
but in some cases, the allure of power is too much and they
fall to temptation.
Fear or Respect
All Inquisitors are usually within or from positions of power
in a temple or church. They take those positions and use
them to their advantage. While not all Inquisitors are forceful
and frightening, most are. Every so often, there will be an
Inquisitor that leads using kindness or respect from the
actions they have done, they have the hardest time making
others believe them.
Fear and respect are almost synonymous when in an
Inquisitor’s vocabulary. They use fear to ensure that those
below them don’t act out of line or entertain the idea that they
may not be the best to lead the current venture. If one person
or persons presents any resistance, the Inquisitor will use
their position of authority to convince them otherwise.
In some cases, Inquisitors may fight one another for their
position. While each of them don’t see eye to eye most of the
time, they can co-exist. When arguments or fights do break
out, it usually ends in one of two ways, a peaceful resolution
where both of the parties involved come to an acceptable
agreement, or the deaths of multiple persons due to false
accusations, murder, or even “divine punishment”.
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
The Inquisitor
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Brand Uses
1st 2 Branding, Speaking in Tongues, Willing Scripture 2
2nd 2 Overwhelming Confidence, Word of Authority 2
3rd 2 Sect Discipline Feature 3
4th 2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5th 3 Stronger Testament 3
6th 3 Sect Discipline Feature 4
7th 3 Bandwagon, Word of Law 4
8th 3 Ability Score Improvement 4
9th 4 Blind Faith 4
10th 4 Sect Discipline Feature 5
11th 4 Heavy Scentence 5
12th 4 Ability Score Improvement 5
13th 5 Word of Traitor 5
14th 5 Honest Belief 5
15th 5 Sect Discipline Feature 6
16th 5 Ability Score Improvement 6
17th 6 Sanctified Mind 6
18th 6 Dual Scentence 6
19th 6 Ability Score Improvement 6
20th 6 Sect Discipline Feature 6

Creating an Inquisitor What are your overall goals? Is there something specific
that you want to find or succeed on? Do you wish to become
When creating an Inquisitor, think of your standing in the greater, to be more like the one you worship, to ensure the
religion. Are you a former member now traveling to find spread of your religion?
something new, do you still have a position and are looking to
find new ways to spread the faith, or are you trying to Quick Build
distance yourself from it for some reason? You can make an Inquisitor quickly by following these
What are your views on those who have actual divine suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest attribute,
blessings? Do you resent them, envy them and their followed by Dexterity. Second, take the Acolyte background.
connection to the divine, or actually accept your position and
Armor: Light armor (a) a s
Class Features Weapons: Simple weapons, fails, whips, and hand crossbows cro
As an inquistor, you gain the following class features Tools: None A prie
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Hit Points Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Intimidation,
Hit Dice: 1d6 per inquisitor level Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, and Religion
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier Equipment
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
modifier per inquisitor level after 1st equipment granted by your background:
Proficiencies (a) a flail and whip or (b) any 2 simple weapons
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
Brand Overwhelming Confidence
Your devotion to your deity is so strong that it emanates from Your speech gives those around you the confidence to fight
every word. As a bonus action on your turn, you may target a for your cause. Beginning at 2nd level, by speaking of your
creature you can see within 60ft. of you. Pick one of the deity and their praises for 1 minute, you may select up to 6
following Brands to effect the targeted creature. creatures within 30 ft. of you, including yourself, that were
Heretic. Attacks against the target have an additional plus within the range for the full duration. Those creatures gain a
1 to hit. While the Brand is active, the target appears to have number of temporary hit points equal to your Inquisitor level
a large letter ‘H’ branded on its forehead. + your Charisma modifier.
Apostasy. The next attack you make against the target The creatures must be able to hear and understand the
takes an additional 2d6 of your weapon damage. While the language you are speaking. After you use this feature, you
Brand is active, the creature appears to have black spots on must finish a short or long rest before it can be used again.
their skin that fester.
Lunacy. Target has disadvantage on all Intelligence checks
and Saving throws. While the Brand is active, the creature
appears disfigured and disproportioned.
Pariah. Targets speed is reduced by 15ft. and it must use
half its movement speed plus 5 to stand up from being prone.
While the Brand is active, the creature appears gaunt and
Anathema. Whenever the target makes an attack roll, they
subtract 1d6 from the total. While the Brand is active, the
creature gives off the distinct smell of rotting meat and
appears restless.
Heathen. Attacks against the target are critical hits on a
d20 roll of 19 or 20. While the Brand is active, the creature
appears to be covered in greenish boils that look painful.
You may use this feature two times before taking a long
rest. You gain more uses to this as you advance in this class,
as seen on the table. This effect lasts for 1 hour, until the
branded target dies, or you use this feature again.
Speaking in Tongues
The rapid speech that leaves your mouth is confusing and
mixed, but understandable. Pick three languages for you
become proficient in speaking. Also, while you are speaking,
you are considered to be speaking all languages that you are
proficient with. This effects normal conversation as well as
features given by this class. The only thing that a creature
hears is the native language that it speaks with some jumbled
phrases in other languages.
Willing Scripture
You recite encouraging scripture to embolden those around
you. As an action on your turn, you may target a friendly
creature that you are aware of within 60ft. of you. That
creature may make a weapon attack or cast a cantrip
targeting an enemy of your choice. The creature must be able
to hear and understand you, or this effect fails.
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
Word of Authority When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
Your words and standing with the church give you power over by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
others on an instinctual level. Also starting at 2nd level, as an one. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
action on your turn, you may target a creature within 30ft that using this feature.
you can see and give it a verbal command. The target must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Authority
DC or follow the command on its next turn. This has no
effect if the target is undead, if it cannot understand you, or if
your command is directly harmful to it.
Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might
issue a command other than one described here. If you do so,
the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t
follow your command, the effect ends. This may be done a
number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum
of 1). You regain all uses of this feature after a long rest.
Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest
and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet
of you.
Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then
ends its turn.
Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by
the fastest available means.
Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A flying
creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must
move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to
remain in the air.
Authority DC
For some of the features of this class, you need to convince
those around you that you’re in a higher position than them
and should be trusted. Because of this, you use your
Charisma modifier when setting your Authority DC that
creatures must succeed against to not be pulled into these
Authority DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
Sect Discipline
Choose a Sect to enter as a righteous path to follow. This will
determine your position within the faith: False Idol,
Generalis, or Truth Seeker, all detailed at the end of the class
Your choice grants your features when you choose it at 3rd
level and again at 6th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.
Ability Score Improvement
Stronger Testament Your speech can sway the masses and convince the crowd. You c
Beginning at 7th level, you gain proficiency in all of the or wo
Your ability to speak scripture has strengthened, allowing for following skills if you aren't already: Deception, Intimidation, cours
even more conviction in your words. and Persuasion. Whenever you make a Charisma check a crea
Starting at 5th level, when you use your Willing Scripture involving a group of 3 or more people, you may add double unde
feature, you may have the targeted creature instead take the your proficiency bonus when calculating the total. can’t
Attack action or cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action. must
You may do this a number of times equal to your Charisma Word of Law action
modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all uses of this after you throw
finish a short or long rest. obvio
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
Heavy Sentence Your mind has become labyrinth like, protecting your deepest
thoughts. Starting at 17th level, you are aware of any
Your brands grow more effective and carry more weight when divination spells that target you and can choose whether or
you speak them. Beginning at 11th level, when you use your not it takes effect. Spells that would allow others to read your
Brand feature, they instead do the following effects in thoughts or telepathy also only work if you allow them to. You
addition to the apparent physical change of the creature. also become immune to the charmed condition.
Heretic. Attacks against the target have an additional plus
3 to hit.
Apostasy. The next attack you make against the target
takes an additional 4d6 of your weapon damage.
Lunacy. Target has disadvantage on all Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma checks and Saving throws.
Pariah. Targets speed is reduced by 25ft. and it must use
its full movement speed to stand up.
Anathema. Whenever the target makes an attack roll, they
subtract 1d8 from the total.
Heathen. Attacks against the target are critical hits on a
d20 roll of 18-20.
Word of Traitor
Those who would oppose you are all traitors in the eyes of
your deity. Starting at 13th level, as an action on your turn,
you may target a creature within 30ft. of you and have it make
an Intelligence saving throw against your Authority DC. If the
creature fails, for the next minute, it regards all creatures it
can see as enemies. The creature may repeat the saving
throw at the end of its turn. If the creature was attacked by
one of its former allies that round, it makes the save with
Whenever the affected creature chooses a creature as a
target, it must choose the target at random from among the
creatures it can see within range of the attack, spell, or other
ability it’s using. If an enemy provokes an opportunity attack
from the affected creature, the creature must make that
attack if it is able to.
This feature has no effect on a creature that is immune to
the frightened condition, cannot hear you, or cannot
understand the language you are speaking. You must finish a
long rest before you can use this feature again.
Honest Belief
The faith in your own words is so strong, that it is hard to
discern when you are lying. Beginning at 14th level, you are
no longer affected by spells that force you to tell the truth or
discern if you are lying. To the caster, the spell appears to
have taken effect, but you are under no compulsion to speak
truthfully as you know it. Also, any Insight check made
against you has a -10 in addition to the creature’s modifier.
Sanctified Mind
Dual Sentence The devotion to your deity has driven you to follow one of the
pathways. Each will show you what your method of
Sometimes, one title isn’t enough to cover the atrocities righteousness is. Do not let anyone sway you from it.
committed against your deity. Beginning at 18th level, you
may select two brands to affect a creature when you target
them with the feature. This still only expends one use of your
Brand feature.

Sect Disciplines

Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds

False Idol
Your faith has shown you that things are not as they should
be. Your place is meant to be higher than others, to have
them look upon you for answers, as you will get them from
the deity. They trust in you and your words. Anyone going
against you, goes against your faith. This is no room for that.

Prophetic Decree
Speaking the words of truth you foresee, sowing discord
within the mind of your foes. Starting at 3rd level, you may
act out your beliefs and speak your gospel. As an action, make
an attack against a creature that you can see within 30ft. of
you using your Charisma modifier. You are considered to be
proficient with this attack. If the attack hits, the creature
takes 2d6 Psychic damage.
The damage for this effect increases to 3d6 at 6th level,
5d6 at 10th level, 6d6 at 15th level, and 8d6 at 20th level
Rending Truth
What is spoken must not be taken lightly, for you are just. At
6th level, your prophetic decrees are even more effective.
When you deal damage with your Prophetic Decree, the next
attack against the target is made with advantage.
Convincing Speed
As your deity speaks through you, they give you their blessing
of speed. Starting at 15th level, you may add your Charisma
modifier to your Initiative rolls or may have one creature that
can hear and understand you add it to their total instead. This
choice must be made before any die are rolled.
Spread the Word
Your gospel is too important to miss, and no excuses shall
hold weight. At 20th level, all creatures are able to
understand what you are saying, as long as they have 3 or
more intelligence. Creatures that do not speak a language
will be able to pick up on their emotional meaning instead.
This works for all normal conversation, features, and
spells that require the target to understand the
language you are using.
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
You know what is best and your word shall be followed to the
Generalis very letter. At 20th level, creatures under the effect of your
Rising to the top of your temple is the goal. None will get in Brand feature automatically fail saving throws against your
your way to spread the holy word of your deity. As you rise in Word of Authority, Word of Law, and Word of Traitor features.
power, those that look up to you will understand your station This still requires the feature not to fail due to its
and treat you as such. It is your job to keep them inspired and requirements.
Move the Masses
Your commands are not just for the single sinner, but for all
that wish to listen. Starting at 3rd level, once per short rest,
you may have your Willing Scripture feature effect a number
of creatures equal to your Charism modifier.
Taken Ground
We must move the assault of heresy forward and not relent.
Also at 3rd level, when you target a creature with your Willing
Scripture feature, they may choose to move up to half their
movement speed in addition to the attack.
Moral Boost
The words you speak embolden even the most Not for resale.
Permission Granted to print or photocopy this document for
personal use only. 8 hardened warriors of the faith.
Beginning at 6th level, when you use your Overwhelming
Confidence feature, you may also add your proficiency bonus
to the total temporary hit points given to each target.
Personal Interpretation
To each their own when it comes to how they accept the faith,
just so long as they accept it. Starting at 10th level, when you
use the Stronger Testament feature, the target may choose
one of the following effects to gain until the end of their next
Can take the Dash action as a bonus action
Can take the Disengage action as a bonus action
Can take the Doge action as a bonus action
Impowering Figure
The very act of standing at one’s side will assure them that
they are just. At 15th level, When a friendly creature makes a
Charisma check or saving throw while within 10ft. of you,
they add your Charisma modifier to the total in addition to
Command the Branded
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
None shall hide the truth from you. Beginning at 10th level,
Truth Seeker you have found the optimal methods of extracting
The truth and justice are one and the same. If you see the information out of others. By spending 1 hour with an
path to justice, you are truth. Your deity has given you the Incapacitated creature while trying to extract information
tools and skills necessary to find that truth. As you traverse from it, it must make a Constitution saving throw against
on this path to find what has been laid before you, remember your Authority DC.
that you are to find the truth at all costs, even your life. If it fails, you can ask it up to 3 questions that it must
answer with what it knows as the truth. The same creature
Insightful Glare cannot be affected by this feature more than once every 24
hours and after 3 attempts, it becomes immune to it.
It’s easy for you to distinguish truth from falsehood and your You must finish a long rest before you can use this feature
very presence has the intended effect on those that wish to again.
lie. Starting at 3rd level, when a creature makes a
Charisma(deception) or Charisma (persuasion) check while it
can see you, you may use your reaction to have it makes the
check with disadvantage.
You may use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). You regain all uses of this
feature after you finish a short or long rest.
Searing Brand
In the pursuit of the truth, you must remember those who
have wronged you. Also at 3rd level, when you use your Brand
feature, you may instead expend 2 uses of the feature to
attempt to make the Brand permanent. The target makes a
Constitution saving throw against your Authority DC and on a
failure, it is permanently branded.
While affected with the permanent brand, that creature
cannot be target with another brand. Permanent brands do
not disrupt brands you have active at the given time, if any.
The only way a permanent brand can be removed is if the
creature is target with the Remove Curse spell.
Watchful Eye
You have trained yourself to watch for openings and breaks in
armor. Beginning at 6th level, when a creature within 30ft. of
you makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to give the
roll a +10 bonus. You may make this choice after you see the
roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or
You must take a short or long rest before you can use this
feature again.
Interrogation Tactics
Mental Rework You are ready to dole out the truth on a moments notice.
Beginning at 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have
The speed of your mind is unparalleled, allowing for a quicker no uses of your Brand left, you regain two uses.
recovery than most. Starting at 15th level, when you fail a
saving throw, you can reroll it, and must use the new roll.
After you use this feature, you must finish a short or long
rest before you can use it again. You also regain use of this if
you roll a 20 on an ability check or attack roll you make or a
creature you can see rolls a 1 on an ability check or attack
Quick Judgment
Inquisitor | Book of Exalted Deeds
Strike Down Evil with the
Sword of Enlightenment
"Only those who are pure in word, thought, and deed may
look upon the knowledge gathered within this blessed
tome. For the blinding truths inscribed within offer
nothing but redemption or desctruction for the wicked.
May these consecrated pages forever illuminate the paths
of the righteous." - Raziel the Crusader
Copyright © 2019 by Matthew D. Johnson
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may
be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or
other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews
and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by
copyright law.

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