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Archmage Prestige Class

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While a powerful spell caster may claim to be an

archmage, the title is given only to those truly

deserving, decided by a council of other archmages,
heads of their respected studies. To be an archmage is
to be an embodiment of the power of magic itself, and
an avatar of the weave.

The Archmage
Level Features
1st High Arcana, Sanctum
2nd Arcane Expertise
3rd High Arcana, Downcasting Experiment
4th Sage of the Arcane
5th High Arcana, Mystra's Touch, Grand Magister

To become an archmage you must meet the following
Intelligence 18. Archmages have a deep knowledge
of the arcane arts.
Archmage Class: 20th level Wizard. To truly master the
The sky rumbles and flashes, and the clouds grow dark arcane, you must be willing to thoroughly study it.
as a lone figure gestures from atop a hill. Lightning Complete a special task. You must be elected into
streaks down from the clouds overhead, striking like the ranks of the Archmages by the ruling council of
the fist of a god, scattering the approaching forces in its archmagi. You may be sent on a quest before being
wake. given the title.
A woman sits calmly by her camp, steam rising from
her tea. She flicks her wrist, and the charging orcs that High Arcana
had planned to ambush her fall to the ground in a At 1st level, an archmage is so attuned to magic that
roaring gout of fire, leaving nothing but charred husks. they are able to augment their spells beyond the
A man gestures in grand style, his cape flying behind capabilities of lesser casters. You know one high
him as the parade marches by. He taps his ornate staff arcana of your choice. Your high arcana options are
on the dragon-shaped float which appears to come detailed at the end of the class description.
alive, spraying fire high into the air and roaring with You gain an additional high arcana at 3rd level and
him astride its back. another at 5th level.
All of these heros are archmages, figures of great
renown, wielding epic amounts of power. Sanctum
Also at 1st level, most archmages have found a place to
Adventures past 20th Level
call home. Whether you came across a hidden lab
while adventuring and claimed it, or built a majestic
Characters who reach 20th level have attained the
pinnacle of mortal achievement. However reaching tower that floats through the sky, a sanctum is a place
this point doesn't necessarily dictate the end of the to conduct your research in peace. Once you have
campaign. These powerful characters might be acquired your sanctum, you can spend one week
called on to undertake grand adventures on the infusing it with magical energy, and attuning to it.
cosmic stage.
Instead of awarding epic boons for such quests,
While you are attuned to your sanctum, you have lair
your DM might allow you to take levels in an epic actions you can use while in your sanctum.
class, and further develop your character.
Additionally, you can cast teleport with your sanctum
as destination without expending a spell slot once. You
can't do so again until you finish a long rest.
Lair Actions
When fighting inside your sanctum, you can invoke the
ambient magic to take lair actions. On initiative count
20 (losing initiative ties), you can take a lair action to
cause one of the following effects:
You choose a 10-foot square area on the ground that
you can see within 120 feet of you. The ground in
that area turns into 3-foot deep mud. Each creature
on the ground in that area when the mud appears
must succeed on a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or
sink into the mud and become restrained. A
creature can take an action to attempt a DC 17
Strength check, freeing itself or another creature
within its reach and ending the restrained condition
on a success. Moving 1 foot in the mud costs 2 feet
of movement. On initiative count 20 on the next
round, the mud hardens, and the Strength DC to
work free increases to 22.
Freezing fog fills a 20-foot radius sphere centered
on a point you can see within 120 feet of you. The
fog spreads around corners, and its area is heavily
obscured. Each creature in the fog when it appears
must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw, Divination
taking 21 (6d6) cold damage on a failed save, or half You can dictate the outcome of one attack roll, one
as much damage on a successful one. A creature saving throw, and one skill check. You can't do so again
that ends its turn in the fog takes 10 (3d6) cold until you finish a long rest.
damage. A wind of at least 20 miles per hour
disperses the fog. The fog otherwise lasts until you Enchantment
use this lair action again or until you die. All saving throws against your enchantment spells are
You conjure two flying swords (Monster Manual pg. made with disadvantage. Additionally, you can expend
20), each appearing in a spot within 120 feet of you one wizard spell slot to make a creature automatically
that you can see. The flying swords add your fail its saving throw against your enchantment spell.
proficiency bonus to their AC, attack rolls, and
damage rolls. The flying swords last until you use Evocation
this lair action again or until they are destroyed. Evocation spells you cast ignore damage resistances,
and treat damage immunities as resistances instead.
Arcane Expertise
At 2nd level, the knowledge of your Arcane Tradition Illusion
runs deep. You gain one of the following additional You can see, hear, and speak through any of your
benefits, depending on your Arcane Tradition. illusions. Additionally, you can cast spells as though
you were in one of your illusion's space as long as you
Abjuration can see it.
You can cast mage armor at will, without expending a
spell slot or material components. The target's base AC Necromancy
becomes 16 + its Dexterity modifier. When you take damage, you can split the damage
between any number of undead under your control. Any
Conjuration excess damage carries over to you.
Any creature that you summon or create with a
conjuration spell adds your proficiency bonus to its AC, Transmutation
attack rolls, and damage rolls. Whenever you create a transmuter's stone, you create a
number of transmuter's stones equal to your
Intelligence modifier (minimum of two) instead.
Spell Power
Downcasting Experiment You can expend one wizard spell slot to empower all
At 3rd level, choose one 4th-level wizard spell in your your spells. For 1 minute, when you cast a spell using a
spellbook to study. You can cast the chosen spell as a spell slot of 1st level or higher, the spell's level is
4th-level spell using any spell slot of 4th level or lower. increased by one (to a maximum of 9th level).
Sage of the Arcane
At 4th level, if your total for an Intelligence check is less
than your Intelligence score, you can use that score in
place of the total.
Additionally, you can attune to an additional item
that requires attunement.
Mystra's Touch
At 5th level, you gain an additional 8th-level and 9th-
level spell slot.
Grand Magister
Also at 5th level, your Intelligence score increases by 4,
and your maximum for that score is now 24.
High Arcana
Arcane Fire
When you cast a cantrip, you can expend one wizard
spell slot to increase the cantrip's damage. The extra
damage is 2d10 per spell slot level. If the cantrip
involves multiple damage rolls, you can divide the extra
damage dice between them.
Arcane Reach
When you cast a spell, you can expend one wizard spell
slot to increase the spell's range. The spell's range is
tripled, and a range of touch becomes 60 feet. If the
spell covers an area of effect, the size is doubled.
Mastery of Counterspelling
When you successfully counter a spell with
counterspell, you can expend one wizard spell slot to
reflect the spell's effect back to the caster, instead of
neutralizing it.
Mastery of Elements
When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, force,
lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you can
expend one wizard spell slot to change the element to a
different one from this list.
Mastery of Shaping
When you cast a spell that normally covers an area of Art credits (in order of appearance):
effect, you can expend one wizard spell slot and choose Archmage: breath-art
a number of 5-foot cubes equal to three times the Wizard's Tower: NM-art
spell's level + your Intelligence modifier within the Staff of Domination: Zezhou Chen
spell's range to be covered instead.

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