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Short Note Phytophilous Caridean Shrimps (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) in Salsa River (Canavieiras, Bahia, Brazil)

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Nauplius 21(1): 123-126, 2013 123

Short Note
Phytophilous caridean shrimps (Atyidae and Palaemonidae) in
Salsa river (Canavieiras, Bahia, Brazil)
Lucas Rezende Penido Paschoal, Regina Martins Souza, Fernanda Jordão Guimarães and Erminda
da Conceição Guerreiro Couto

(LRPP, RMS, FJG, ECGC) Laboratório de Ecologia Bêntica, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas,
Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC). Campus Soane Nazaré de Andrade, Rodovia Jorge
Amado, Km 16, 45662-000, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil. E-mails: (LRPP);
(RMS); (FJG); (ECGC) minda@

ABSTRACT - This paper evaluates the role of three species of macrophytes in

the population of caridean shrimps in the Salsa river (Northeastern of Brazil).
Results revealed that macrophytes have important functions and directly
responsible for modulating the spatial distribution of these shrimp species.

Key words: Caridea, ecological aspects, habitat preferences, phytophilous shrimps,

Salsa river.

Aquatic macrophytes carry significant associated with macrophytes, from protozoans

ecological importance due to their use as to large crustaceans – including shrimp of the
areas of protection, reproduction and nursery Infraorder Caridea Dana, 1852 (Montoya,
for a wide range of organisms, especially 2003; Williner and Collins, 2007; Marçal
invertebrates. Moreover, their submersed and Callil, 2008), which is represented by
stem and roots retain considerable amounts 389 genera and 3,438 species (De Grave and
of particulate matter and debris, which can be Fransen, 2011).
used as components in the diet of aggregate Freshwater shrimps pertaining to this
species. Organisms that are associated with infraorder were recorded and studied recently
these macrophytes are known as phytophilous in the northeast of Brazil, especially in the state
(for review see Thomaz and Bini, 2003, of Bahia, by Almeida et al. (2006, 2008, 2012
Thomaz and Cunha, 2010). for details). According to Almeida (unpubl.
A large part of phytophilous data) in this state, Caridea is represented by
invertebrates live in or above emergent approximately 100 species, of which 30 live in
and floating macrophytes, forming a very freshwater and estuary systems – environments
diverse community that can be obligatory in which macrophytes can be found. However,
or facultative (Thomaz and Bini, 2003). there is still no information on the association
According to Thomaz & Cunha (2010), the and/or use of specific macrophytes by some
architecture of each species of macrophytes species of Caridea in the northeastern region of
creates different levels of heterogeneity Brazil. The aim of this study was to analyse this
resulting in different habitats for aquatic association and describe some of the ecological
organisms. Several groups of invertebrates are aspects of these phytophilous shrimp.
c Published by Brazilian Crustacean Society, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil - July 2013
124 Paschoal et al.: Phytophilous caridean shrimps

Salsa river (15º 42’S/38º59’W) is (MZUESC 1561), M. olfersii (Wiegmann,

located in the south of the state of Bahia, 1836) (MZUESC 1562) and Palaemon
northeast of Brazil. It is considered one of the pandaliformis (Stimpson, 1871) (MZUSP
main tributaries of Pardo river, with a basin 28313) (Palaemonidae). Most individuals
that covers an area of 30,360 km². This region were recorded on Brachiaria sp. (41.79%),
is subject to dumping of domestic untreated followed by Juncus sp. (29.96%), and E.
effluents, artisanal and commercial fishing, crassipes (28.25%). These results are believed
ecological tourism and water sports (Paschoal to be associated with the degree of retention
et al., 2013). of bovine faecal matter among the roots near
Samples were collected during the day the BraI and BraII bank. The high density
on a monthly basis from September 2009 to and the complex spatial structure of the root
August 2010, at nine collection sites along a system were capable of retaining a considerable
stretch of Salsa river. The sampling stations amount of faecal matter, which served as food
were selected according to the macrophyte for the shrimps, and attracted larger numbers
patches, keeping approximately 300 meters of microfauna that were also consumed by the
of distance between them. Shrimps were shrimps. In spite of the recorded occurrences
captured using a hand net (0.5 mm mesh) of these species at the nine macrophyte banks,
dragged for 20 minutes with a collector along they all presented different habitat preferences
macrophyte banks, three of which consisted of (Fig. 1).
species Brachiaria sp. (Trin.) Griseb., 1853 –
BraI, II and III , another three Juncus sp. (L.)
– JuncI, II and III and the last three Eichhornia
crassipes (Mart.) Solms – EicI, II and III. With
the exception of banks BraI and II, which
are surrounded by pasture areas for livestock,
human activities were not observed in the
collection area.
Macrophytes were identified following
the proposals of Cook et al. (1974). Decapod
samples were identified according to Melo
(2003). Voucher specimens collected were
deposited in the crustacean collection of Figure 1. Correspondence Analysis of the total and ovigerous
females occurrence for each species in each collection sites at
Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Salsa river (Canavieiras, Bahia). Solid arrows indicate greater
Paulo (MZUSP) and Universidade Estadual association of each species to a given macrophyte bank, dotted
arrows indicate secondary associations. Ma, Macrobrachium
de Santa Cruz (MZUESC). The occurrence acanthurus; Mo, Macrobrachium olfersii; Ppa, Palaemon
of shrimps was calculated for grouped pandaliformis; Ppo, Potimirim potimirim; OF: ovigerous
sexes. The ovigerous females were counted females; Bra: Brachiaria sp.; Junc: Juncus sp.; Eic: Eichhornia
separately. This differentiation allowed the
establishment of specific habitat preferences Of the 271 samples collected of P.
between the groups. Data were submitted to potimirim (3.2% of the total), 159 were
Correspondence Analysis (CA) to verify and ovigerous females, mostly associated with
graphically summarize relationship patterns bank JuncIII (N = 35) and, on some occasions,
between the identified caridean species and the banks BraI (N = 23) and EicI (N = 22). The
nine macrophyte banks along Salsa river. remaining representatives of this species
A total of 9,972 individuals were were evenly distributed along all macrophyte
collected belonging to four species in two banks. Greater proportions of ovigerous
families: Potimirim potimirim (Müller, females collected near macrophytes confirm
1881) (MZUESC 1560) (Atyidae) and the findings of Montoya (2003) in relation
Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836) to the use of parts of these reproduction and
Nauplius 21(1): 123-126, 2013 125

nursery sites due to their richness in algae by this species, added to the fact that this
and particulate matter, increasing nutritional macrophyte is free-floating, which increases
quality of this source. Melo (2003) and the scope of occurrence of this caridean given
Almeida et al. (2008) state that representatives the high shifting and transport capacity of
of this species prefer calm stretches of river individuals in the flowing-water environment
and can be found in sandy and gravel river (i.e. lotic waters) (for details see Thomaz
bottoms or associated with marginal and/ and Bini, 2003). It should be noted that the
or leafy vegetation accumulated in the river information of accidental presence of M.
bed. This study, however, clearly showed the acanthurus in E. crassipes was refuted because a
use of stems and roots of emergent and free- large number of individuals was recorded with
floating macrophytes as the habitat and shelter the macrophytes.
of a wide range of individuals, contrary to the On several occasions, males of M.
findings of the abovementioned authors and acanthurus with hypertrophied chelae and
increasing the variety of habitat spectrum of considerably larger bodies (i.e. dominant
this species, and considering that Montoya males) were captured together with the female
(2003) and Thomaz & Bini (2003) suggested groups at the macrophyte banks, which was also
that macrophyte banks can be shifted and observed for M. olfersii (Paschoal, pers. obs.).
transported, significantly contributing to This suggests sexual dimorphism in relation
the distribution of invertebrates along water to the sex and led us to speculate about the
bodies. possibility of protection of females by males in
For genus Macrobrachium Spence the habitat. Bauer (2004) states that for certain
Bate, 1868, two representative species, with species of the genus Macrobrachium, this
commercial importance for the region, were behavioural pattern is common, as dominant
recorded: M. acanthurus – most abundant males protect and guard females when they
species, with 5,229 collected individuals (52% establish territories for mating and protect
of total) and M. olfersii with 316 collected their harems with several reproductive females.
individuals (2.8% of total). These species Palaemon pandaliformis was the second
show a significant association with areas of E. most abundant species with 4,151 collected
crassipes, as observed in EicII (N = 706 and individuals (42% of total), and the only
18, respectively) and EicIII (N = 411 and 60, species with a significant difference of habitat
respectively), corroborating results obtained preferences between ovigerous females (452
by Montoya (2003). This author observed the ind.) and other representatives (3,699 ind.).
presence of three species of Macrobrachium These females were predominant in EicII (N
associated with E. crassipes, in Venezuela, and = 105), showing a greater association with this
stated that this macrophyte plays an important bank, while the other individuals were associated
role in the population dynamics of individuals with areas in which Brachiaria sp. (N = 1,630)
of this genus given its use as a nutritional and Juncus sp. (N = 1,253) were predominant.
source, habitat, shelter and nursery, and can The difference in habitats is linked to greater
play an important role in the distribution and sizes recorded for ovigerous females in relation
dispersion of this species in rivers. Melo (2003) to other representatives of the species (Paschoal
and Almeida et al. (2006, 2008) highlight et al., 2013), making them more vulnerable to
the occurrence of M. acanthurus in dark, inanition and predation. As the males of this
stagnant waters with emergent vegetation and species do not protect or defend reproductive
muddy substrate, and the rare occurrence in females, these females are more susceptible to
brackish waters. Furthermore, Almeida et al. predators. Mattos & Oshiro (2009) suggest
(2006) state that the occurrence of species in that ovigerous females of Palaemonidae seek
E. crassipes is accidental. This study shows an shelter in specific habitats to become less
increased habitat spectrum of M. acanthurus susceptible to predators. Consequently, areas
due to the use of several portions of E. crassipes with high density of macrophytes and greater
126 Paschoal et al.: Phytophilous caridean shrimps

densification of roots – as found in EicII – Almeida, A.O.; Coelho, P.A.; Santos, J.T. A. and Ferraz, N.R.
served as a habitat and shelter against predators, 2006. Crustáceos decápodos estuarinos de Ilhéus, Bahia,
Brasil. Biota Neotropica, 6(2): http://www.biotaneotropica.
favouring the occurrence of ovigerous females -
in these locations. Caridean shrimps also ISSN 1676-0603.
execute circadian migrations to specific sites Bauer, R.T. 2004. Remarkable shrimps. Adaptations and
Natural History of the Carideans. Oklahoma: University
and/or macrophytes banks in search of food, Oklahoma Press, 282 p.
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(Williner and Collins, 2002; Paschoal, unpubl. De Grave, S. and Fransen, C.H.J.M. 2011. Carideorum
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Results and new information on Stenopodidean, Procarididean and Caridean shrimps
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phytophilous carideans obtained in this study, Marçal, S.F. and Callil, C.T. 2008. Structure of invertebrates
serve as a basis for future studies related to community associated with Eichhornia crassipes Mart.
management and preservation of these species, (Solms-Laubach) after the introduction of Limnoperna
fortunei (Dunker, 1857) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) in the Upper
and partially fill the gap created by the lack of Paraguay River, MT, Brazil. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia,
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mental and financial problems, such as the Montoya, J.V. 2003. Freshwater shrimps of the genus
Macrobrachium associated with roots of Eichhornia crassipes
accidental dissemination of these beings in (Water Hyacinth) in the Orinoco Delta (Venezuela).
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Relative growth and sexual maturity of the freshwater
shrimp Palaemon pandaliformis (Crustacea: Palaemonidae)
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - We thank the Coordena- in northeast of Brazil (Canavieiras, Bahia). Iheringia, Série
ção de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior Zoologia. 103(1):31-36.
– CAPES and Dr. Sergio João de Luca by financing Thomaz, S.M. and Bini, L.M. 2003. Ecologia e manejo de
this Project, Dr. Alexandre O. Almeida for confirming macrófitas aquáticas. Maringá, EdUEM, 341 p.
species identifications, Dr. Emerson C. Mossolin and Thomaz, S.M. and Cunha, E.R. 2010. The role of
Valter M. Azevedo-Santos whose comments signifi- macrophytes in habitat structuring in aquatic ecosystems:
methods of measurement, causes and consequences on
cantly improved this manuscript and Msc. Patricia S.
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Almeida, A.O.; Boehs, G.; Araújo-Silva, C.L. and Bezerra,
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Ferraz, N.R. 2008. Decapod crustaceans in fresh waters
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56 (3): 1225-1254. Accepted 18 May 2013

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