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World Report

Fears of “highly catastrophic” COVID-19 spread in Yemen

Yemen’s health system has been devastated by years of conflict and COVID-19 deaths are
reported to be surging in Aden. Sharmila Devi reports.

The COVID-19 outbreak in Yemen in obtaining permits. “The authorities as well as between the coalition and
will be “highly catastrophic” unless are trying to hide but every day there separatist forces in the south.
the authorities change course to apply are more dead bodies and it is out of Musani said WHO and UN leadership
mitigation measures in a country that control”, said the health worker. were working hard to support author­
is already highly fragile after more than Only half of the country’s health ities to do more. “We have really been
5 years of conflict, Altaf Musani, WHO’s facilities were operational before the trying to work with the authorities
representative in Yemen, told The Lancet. COVID-19 outbreak. Some health staff here in order to say the virus is
“Based on recently applied models are now refusing to work because of a circulating unchecked in Yemen and all
for the context in Yemen, we are countries are facing different phases
estimating in a worse-case scenario “...‘The surging deaths in Aden of their epidemic cycles”, he said. “In
with no mitigation measures 28 million suggest that the virus is Yemen, we collectively need to gain a
people infected, at least 65 000 deaths, spreading far faster and stronger foothold of where the virus is
and around 494 000 hospitalisations”, further than the number of circulating and its devastating impact
said Musani in a telephone interview confirmed cases’...” on lives and livelihoods.”
from Sanaa. “It is a deeply alarming Further compounding Yemen’s
situation, highly catastrophic if people lack of protective equipment, and some challenges is a lack of humanitarian
do not make serious behavioural hospitals have been refusing admission funding, which has led to the reduction
changes [and] if we do not make some to patients presenting with COVID-19 in incentive payments that were
course corrections.” symptoms, such as respiratory made directly to health-care workers.
As of May 16, Yemeni authorities had problems and fever, said Save the “The health-care workforce is more
reported only 19 deaths and 126 cases. Children. “Hospitals are closing down than 50 000 [people] Yemen-wide
But WHO is operating under the and patients being turned away or left and they were not necessarily getting
assumption of full-blown community to die”, said Joubert. “It is impossible to their salaries consistently, so the
transmission and is working to impose full lockdown because people humanitarian community jointly with
persuade authorities to introduce more live hand to mouth and need to get health authorities designed a financial
mitigation. Médecins Sans Frontières, vital supplies”, said the health worker. support package within several
which runs a COVID-19 centre in Aden, “But health staff are working without categories”, said Musani.
said that from April 30 to May 17 it had protection and there is still normal life. “That money goes straight into the
admitted 173 patients, at least 68 of And because of the vulnerability of pockets of health-care workers; we do
whom had died. Officials in Aden had the population, more younger people not provide that money centrally to
reported at least 385 deaths of people aged between 40 and 50 years are government. There are a few cadres
with COVID-19-like symptoms from dying, unlike in Europe and the USA.” of the health workforce that are
May 7 to May 14, according to Save 24 million people (80% of the protected for a couple more months
the Children. “COVID-19 is pushing this population) need of humanitarian such as cholera workers and support
country even further into the abyss. assistance, and Yemen is struggling to malnutrition and a few therapeutic
The surging deaths in Aden suggest with overlapping outbreaks of cholera, feeding centres, but largely our
that the virus is spreading far faster and chikungunya, and diphtheria. Schools programmes do not have the necessary
further than the number of confirmed have shut but most Yemenis are funds to maintain such support.”
cases”, Xavier Joubert, country director circulating freely—eg, at mosques and WHO and other UN agencies have
of Save the Children, said in a press markets—but often from the necessity appealed for more COVID-19 funding,
release. to get food and water. including medical support and equip­
Yemeni authorities, particularly in The Saudi-backed coalition based ment estimated to cost US$179 million.
the north, have been loath to admit in Aden in the south announced a Saudi Arabia will host a donor pledging
the full scale of the outbreak, said a ceasefire because of COVID-19 last conference in partnership with the
health worker who did not want to be month but there have been incidents UN on June 2 that aims to address the
named because of fear of reprisal. Aid of conflict between their forces and humanitarian needs in Yemen.
agencies have reported harassment the Iranian-aligned Houthi movement
and detention of staff as well as delays headquartered in Sanaa in the north, Sharmila Devi Vol 395 May 30, 2020 1683

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