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Acupuncture Shortcuts For Kinesiologists PDF

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The first principle we learn is everybody has ‘X’ amount of

10 Acupuncture Shortcuts energy present in this system and that the system works best

for Kinesiologists
when the energy is equally distributed among the twelve
meridians. The next principle is, energy can neither be created
nor destroyed. Therefore, if one meridian is deficient, another
By Sheldon Deal, DC, NMD, DIBAK meridian must have excess. These two conditions always
These are various techniques go together, there are no exceptions to this principle.
that can be used to speed up
the process of checking to Shortcut Number One
see if a patient needs to have When there is an excess meridian on one side of the
acupuncture clearing done to body, the hand on that side of the body will TL to the
them. When it is found that the navel causing a strong indicator muscle to go weak.
patient does need acupuncture
Now you can do two tests, one with the left hand touching
work done, then a host of
the navel, and one with the right hand touching the
techniques are presented to
navel. If both tests are strong, you’re done with the entire
speed up that process also.
acupuncture system. This because if there are no over energy
Introduction meridians, there can be no under energy meridians!
Early on in teaching classes Shortcut Number Two
in Applied Kinesiology, I learned it was discouraging to a doctor
A muscle on an under meridian will always be weak in the clear,
that was new to the principles of AK, that there was such a vast
and a muscle on an over meridian will always go weak when
amount of material to learn, and so many different techniques used
the alarm point for that meridian is TL’ed. To properly fix the
to clear a problem that the patient might have. My introduction
patient, you need to identify the under and the over meridian.
of shortcuts was most welcomed and to this day has served those
doctors quite well, as well as myself. Although it goes without saying The best approach is to draw energy into the under
that the shortcuts are better appreciated and better understood, meridian from the over meridian, rather than go to the
when the doctor has learned the standard method first. over meridian and scatter the energy indirectly, which
would result in only a portion of the energy arriving at the
Acupuncture is a prime example of where there are so many
under meridian and produce temporary results at best.
different techniques used and so many different laws involved
that the shortcuts are especially welcomed. I need to make it Treat the command point on under meridian that
very clear that the techniques presented here are not the only represents the element of the over meridian. For example
way to clear out an acupuncture lesion. These techniques are if the Lung meridian was under and the Bladder meridian
not meant to discredit any other method and are not meant to (water element) was over, you would stimulate Lung 5
invalidate another technique. I fully understands there is more which is the water point on the Lung meridian.
than one way to accomplish this task. My only purpose is to
present another piece of the jig saw puzzle, and it is up to you
Shortcut Number Three
if you want to incorporate it into your procedures or not. • If the doctor TL’s the pulse points, only
the under meridians will show up.
Discussion • If the patient touches the pulse points,
The acupuncture system is one of the five major energy systems in only the over meridians will show.
the body. Your examination and treatment of the patient would not
• If the patient or the doctor touches the pulse points
be complete if you didn’t check out this particular aspect of AK.
lightly, only the yang meridians will show.
The acupuncture system serves many functions in the human
• If deep pressure is used, only the yin meridians will show.
body. Some of which may not be well known. Such as, serving as
a connection between higher energy fields that surround the body Shortcut Number Four
and the dense physical body itself. In this case, the components Once a pulse point is located to change your indicator muscle,
of the acupuncture system act like step down transformers have the patient move their eyes to the left and retest, then to the
to connect us to higher energy fields or higher vehicles. right and retest. Whichever side changes the indicator muscle is
I like to present acupuncture as a system of twelve major bilateral the side of the body where the meridian in question is located.
meridians or channels operating within the human body. In
addition, there is the conception vessel and the governing vessel,
which together act as a storehouse of energy for the other meridians.

Shortcut Number Five Shortcut Number Ten
Any acupuncture point that needs to be treated will A helium neon laser will duplicate anything a needle
therapy localize in the clear by the patient. will do to an acupuncture point, with the added
benefit of no pain and no chance of infection.
• A positive finger TL detects an over acupuncture
point, because it exaggerates the over condition. Conclusion:
• A negative finger TL detects an under acupuncture When a doctor has a command of these shortcuts, the acupuncture
point, because it exaggerates the under condition. system can be checked and treated very rapidly. The correction
• A negative finger TL would mask an over condition is thorough and lasting if these procedures are followed. I keep
an acupuncture chart on the wall of each treatment room, plus
• A positive finger TL would mask an under condition. a command point chart. I only need to glance up at the chart to
• To avoid missing these points always TL with two fingers. know where and which point(s) to treat. The illusion is the patient
Right Hand Left Hand thinks I have all those points memorized. Try these shortcuts, you
Thumb Neutral Neutral will like them. These and many more protocols will be included
Index Finger Positive Negative in my upcoming AK Shortcuts workshop in Newark, NJ.
Middle Finger Negative Positive
Ring Finger Positive Negative
Little Finger Negative Positive

Shortcut Number Six

Although there can be any combination of unders and overs
(sometimes you get lucky and there is only one under and
Part of the proceeds
one over), the rule is you always treat the command point on
the under meridian that represents the over meridians. will benefit EnKA®!
EnKA® members enjoy a discount. AND a donation
Thus, you are drawing energy to the under meridian directly
will be made to the Energy Kinesiology Association
from the over meridian. Technically, the energy may have to
by the Kinesiology Institute for each EnKA® member
jump through hoops to get there via the Sheng cycle or the
who attends Dr. Deal’s upcoming workshop!
Ko cycle, but it does not change the above procedure.
The Kinesiology Institute is bringing Dr. Sheldon Deal to
It could happen that you balance five meridians with
Newark, New Jersey for a special Applied Kinesiology Shortcuts
one acupuncture point, if the four fire meridians were
workshop on September 21 & 22. This article contains
over and the one under was kidney, for example. (See
some of what he will be teaching. Go to http://AKShortcuts.
the attached diagram for the command points.)
com to read more about what you can learn in this practical
Shortcut Number Seven course. Part of the proceeds will go to benefit EnKA.
Tugging around the navel in the direction of the five Dr. Deal will teach in Newark, New Jersey on September 21
elements will show which element is over. & 22. Call 800-501-4878 and don’t forget to mention you are
an EnKA® member. Enrollment is limited so call now to take
Shortcut Number Eight this rare opportunity to study with a master AK doctor!
When treating two meridians that are yin/yang
pairs in an element, you may use the Luo point or Dr. Sheldon Deal is both a naturopathic and chiropractic
the command point of the under meridian. physician who is one of the original 12 chiropractors who studied
with Dr. Goodheart to help create the International College
Shortcut Number Nine of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK). He is the past president of
A meridian that is 100% balanced will not weaken when the ICAK and chairman of the ICAK board of examiners.
run backwards. A meridian that is not weak in the clear and
For over 45 years, Dr. Deal has been in private practice at the
weakens when run backwards is not 100% balanced and
Swan Clinic in Tucson, AZ, where he operates one of the largest
needs to be balanced to fine tune the acupuncture system.
natural healing centers in the Southwest. He has written the
Always start at the distal end of the meridian and two-finger books - Advanced Kinesiology, New Life Through Nutrition,
TL each point to find the point or points in the lesion. New Life Through Natural Methods and the Basic AK Workshop
After you find the point, then you can use a positive or Manual. He has taught in fifteen countries around the world.
negative finger to determine if the point is over or under.


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