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Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of Kulekhani III HEP

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Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of Kulekhani III HEP

Conference Paper · January 2016

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3 authors, including:

Mahesh Chandra Luintel Tri Ratna Bajracharya

Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal Tribhuvan University


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Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2016
pp. 271–276

Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of

Kulekhani III HEP
Dipesh Thapa 1 , Mahesh Chandra Luintel 2 , Tri Ratna Bajracharaya 3
1, 2, 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Corresponding Emails: 1, 2

The development of hydropower is possible with the development of sound knowledge about all aspects. Various
guidelines are available for the design of hydropower plants which are based on experience and theoretical basis.
With the development of modern techniques and availability of enhance computational devices, various problems
can be solved using these techniques. One of these areas is the design optimization of penstock manifold and
bifurcation. With the proper design of penstock bifurcation, the head loss incurring in the mixed flow condition can
be minimized the output from both the units can be maximized. The conventional technique of design based on
codes results in high thickness and overall increase in material quantity. The structural design can be optimized
using Finite Element Method by accurately determining the three dimensional stress condition. Application of
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite element analysis in the field of hydropower projects is the current
industrial practice. However, it has found very limited use in context of Nepal. The research aims to enhance the
theoretical knowledge base for the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Finite Element Method for
the design and analysis of penstock bifurcation. The manifold arrangement of Kulekhani-III Hydropower Project
was chosen for the optimization. The proposed manifold arrangement was modelled and flow analysis was
performed. The flow and head loss were reviewed and the manifold arrangement was revised successively to
achieve acceptable geometry. The bifurcation was given thickness and reinforcements and the solid model for the
same was prepared which was then subjected to Finite Element Analysis. The result of stress and deformation
was observed and checked against prevailing design codes. Finally the acceptable design of bifurcation was
recommended for fabrication and installation.
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Bifurcation, Finite Element Analysis

1. Introduction huge. Hence, most of the plant will have at least two
generating units. In many cases the number of units are
Penstock is the pressure conduit between the turbine optimized based on the transportation limitation.So
inlet valve and the first open water upstream from the when there are more than one generating units, each one
turbine. The open water can be a surge tank, forebay or of them will be required to be feed up by penstock.
a reservoir. The penstock is mostly made up of welded
carbon steel. In some low head applications, HDPE Unless the head is very low, it is not economical to use
pipes are used for this purpose. Penstocks should be separate penstock for each units. So mostly a single
optimized with respect to the head loss and the material penstock will carry water from free water surface near
requirement.In the hydropower plant, a single the powerhouse. Then it will be branched depending
generating unit is seldom chosen. The turbines and upon the number of units. When there is two generating
generators needs periodic repair and maintenance. The units, the penstock is branched into two segments. This
shut down time required for maintenance purpose is the branching is called penstock bifurcation.
time the generation will be lost. In case of single unit, The profile of the manifolds affects the loss in the
the plant generation loss for the maintenance will be available water head significantly. This loss can
Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of Kulekhani III HEP

decrease the potential plant capacity. The profile 2. Methodology

selection process can be done either by experimental
analysis on reduced scale manifolds model test at lab or
by numerical modeling of the fluid flow [1] [2]. The
former option is rather expensive and may not be
feasible every time. It is preferable to select best profile
by tuning it with CFD solver and then follow reduced
scale model test for the confirmation of flow parameters.
The flow analysis through pipe under pressure is simple
and can be described by the one dimensional and two
dimensional flow equations precisely. But the flow near
the junction of the branches is difficult or some time
impossible to describe by the closed form mathematical
solution. In such case either model analysis will capture
the flow pattern or the Computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) can best model for the flow. Finite element
model of the control volume just replaces the water
volume by the discrete tetrahedral or hexahedral
elements. The flow parameters are assigned to each
node. The nodal parameters known at the boundary are
known as a boundary conditions. Mathematically this
process converts the flow differential equations by the
set of simultaneous linear equations for each fluid
element. The coefficient matrix of the linear equations
of each element is well known by the element stiffness
matrix. The elemental stiffness matrixes of all elements Figure 1: General Methodology
are assembled to form global stiffness matrix. The
matrix is solved to obtain the nodal parameter at each Computational Fluid Dynamics shall be used for the
node. All of these tasks can be done with the help of the analysis of the velocity and pressure distribution in
available CFD tools. Ansys CFX and FLUENT are the penstock pipes with branches. The velocity and
strong CFD tools for modeling of the flow in any pressure distribution can be used as criteria for choosing
boundary conditions and flow load. the best option to get maximum possible efficiency. The
The result validation can be done by doing experimental option with minimum loss or maximum discharge
analysis. Another way to validate the result is to carrying capacity with same head loss should be
compare the result with the result of similar selected for the recommendation. Following steps shall
experimental research.While doing so, exact values be followed for the hydraulic analysis of the bifurcation:
cannot be compared. So, the comparision can be done
in terms of some coefficient calculated for both 1. The geometry of the bifurcation will be purposed
experimental model and the computational model. and the flow field is calculated for it.
Therefore, the loss coefficient of the experimental 2. The result of pressure and velocity distribution as
model and the loss coefficient of computation model well as calculation of head loss will be studied.
shall be compared for validation. 3. Improvement in the geometry is purposed and
step 2 is repeated till an acceptable geometry is

K-E turbulence model shall be used to model the flow

turbulence. A turbulence intensity of 0.02 to 0.05 had

Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2016

been examined and had been assumed which is fair for slightly high [?](E.Mosonyi, 1991). As there are plenty
such flow condition [3]. High resolution solver option of space available in the penstock alignment, the
with convergence criteria of 10e-4 shall be selected. bifurcation is purposed to be shifted towards upstream
side in order to reduce the branching angle to 30
The selected geometry will be recommended for
degrees. It is well known to us (E.Mosonyi, 1991) that
structural design. Analysis of bifurcation geometry
this will improve the flow behavior significantly. The
needs to be carried out in order to check its structural
requirement of increased structural strength will be well
capacity to withstand the given loading condition. This
justified by the savings in the head loss and
can be performed using conventional analytical method.
improvement of flow behavior.
However, due to the complicated geometry of the
bifurcation, this method does not yields accurate result.
So, to optimize the design works, finite element method
needs to be employed to calculate the structural stress of
the bifurcation in the given condition.Following
methodology shall be employed for structural analysis:

1. Creation of solid model of the bifurcation with an

initial guess of all thickness and sizes.
2. Creation of mesh based on this solid model. Figure 3: Geometry of Opt-2
3. Application of pressure load, Nominal pressure
@ t=0 s and gradually increasing upto upsurge
pressure from t=0 to t=3 s to the inner wall of the
4. Calculation of equivalent von misses stress.
5. Reviewing of the von miss stress to check if it is
within limit or not.
6. Review of overall factor of safety.
7. Change the geometry, if required.
8. Repeat steps 2 to 8, if required.

3. Flow Analysis
Figure 4: Velocity Distribution at Mid Plane
Option 1 is the option initially purposed by the project.

The manifold is pushed 3.5m towards upstream side as

purposed in the initial layout. The branch angle is now
30 degrees as we have decided. Other arrangements are
as left as per the initial layout.The cad model is
exported to ICEM CFD and a tetrahedral mesh is
generated. The mesh file is then exported to Ansys
Fluent. Reference pressure: 1 atm; Boundry Condition
at inlet: pressure inlet with total pressure equivalent to
Figure 2: Geometry Proposed by Client(insert source) water head of 110m; Boundry Condition at Outlets:
flow rate of each outlet is 8cums; Wall: No Slip Wall;
Turbulence: K-E turbulence model with T I 5%,
The manifold lies in the single plane and hence the Solution Method: P-V Copuling; Maximum No of
dimensions shown are true measurements. However, the Iteration: 500; Solver: Second Order; Convergence
bifurcation bend angle purposed is 45degrees which is Criteria: 0.00001Flow field is calculated and is post

Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of Kulekhani III HEP

processed. Pressure and velocity distribution at mid

plane,inlet and outlet as well as the pressure and
velocity streamline is visualized.
The average flow velocity is in the range of 3.5m/s.
There are two stagnation points(indicated by circles0 in
the geometry.
The loss coefficient is calculated to be 0.44 and 0.43.
The shape of bifurcation is further improved by Figure 7: Geometry of Opt-4
increasing the flair angle.

Similar analysis was performed for this option.

Figure 5: Geometry of Opt-3

Similar analysis was performed for this option.

Figure 8: Velocity distribution at mid plane

The loss coefficient for this option is improved to 0.23

and 0.22. The value of loss coefficient predicted by
experimental method is

Figure 6: Velocity Distribution at Mid Plane

The average velocity at which the actual bifurcation is

happening is in the range of 2m/s. The topmost part of Figure 9: Bifurcation Loss Coefficient [4]
the bifurcation has not been utilized by the flow field.
Therefore this part needs to be modified for further
improvement in geometry.The loss coefficient for option Hence this value is satisfactory and hence the geometry
3 is calculated to be 0.26 and 0.23. The top edge of of option 4 is recommended for further analysis.A
option 3 has been replaced by a curved part as shown in comparision of all three options is summarized in figure
the figure below: 10.

Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2016

20x Diameter times longer than the conical transition

(critical) section for the analysis.

Figure 10: Velocity distribution at mid plane

The loss coefficient of option 2 is comparable to the loss

coefficient provided in figure 1. With the change in the Figure 11: Tetrahedral Mesh of Bifurcation
shape of bifurcation, the loss coefficient have improved
significantly in option 3. However, the improvement in
loss coefficient from option 3 to option 4 is not very
significant. Therefore, further improvement in the
The structural simulation was then carried after applying
geometry is expected to decrease the loss coefficient.
design pressure and boundary condition. The von-Mises
But the increased cost of fabrication will not be justified.
stress, total deformation and Safety factor were selected
Therefore, option 4 has been recommended for the
as key parameters to describe the simulation results.
structural analysis.

4. Structural Analysis

Three dimensional model of the bifurcation is proposed

for the given bifurcation geometry with a suitable guess
values for sickle plate thickness,pressure vessel
thickness and the thickness and arrangement of the
Material for the bifurcation is selected to be ASTM A36
having yeild stress of 250MPa. The geometry is
imported to the ANSYS and mesh is generated. The
designed pressure is calculated by adding surge pressure
to the static pressure.The total design pressure results to
Figure 12: Equivalent Stress Distribution
be 1.54MPa. The appropriate structural boundary
condition is very important factor to obtain realistic
result during the simulation process. Application of
exact nodal boundary condition was very complicated
due to geometrical complicacy. So, the branching The equivalent Equivalent Von Mises stress was
section considered as simply supported beam and fixed calculated. The stress diagram below was produced by
supports are applied to the free ends of inlet and branch the program.The maximum stress is 108MPa which is
outlets. To decrease the error due lack of exact within the allowable limit [5]. Hence given geometry is
boundary condition, the whole domain was taken about accepted for fabrication.

Flow Analysis and Structural Design of Penstock Bifurcation of Kulekhani III HEP

about the performance of the designed structure. The

weak parts are identified during the design phase and
changes had been made to make it acceptable.


The authors are grateful to Nepal Electricity Authority

and the engineering team of Kulekhani III Hydropower
Project for providing us necessary data and information.

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Figure 13: Bifurcation installed at site thesis, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, 1943.
[2] R. G. C. A. AGUIRRE. Head losses anslysis in
symmetrical trifurcation of penstock-high pressure
5. Conclusion pipeline systems cfd. IGHEM, 2016.

It was observed that the loss coefficient for bifurcation [3] Ansys Inc. Ansys cfx theory guide. IGHEM, 2016.
has reduced from 0.44 to 0.21. This will add up in the [4] E.Mosoniya. High Head Power Plant Volume IIA and
overall plant performance in long term. Furthermore, IIB. AKADIMIA KIADO, Bdapest, 1991.
with the help of Finite Element Analysis, we are sure [5] ASME. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. ASME, 2004.


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