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Bachelor of Civil Engineering

(BSc program)

University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering


Civil Engineering, BSc Program ..................................................................................................................................3

Model Curriculum ................................................................................................... Hiba! A könyvjelző nem létezik.
Basic Science Subjects .................................................................................................................................................7
Economics and Humanities Subjects .......................................................................................................................... 12
Specific compulsory subjects .....................................................................................................................................16
Subjects of Structural Architect Specification ............................................................................................................34
FACULTY BACKGROUND, AND HISTORICAL FACTS ....................................................................................39
FACILITIES AND INFRASTUCTURE OF THE TRAINING .................................................................................40
CONTACT INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................60
Civil Engineering, BSc Program
The aim of the teaching is to train professionals, having a civil engineering degree, who are are
intrigued by technologies for planning and building civil infrastructures and urban systems, the
program can prepare them for success in this rewarding field. Students receive a balanced
education composed of the theoretical and practical knowledge they need to become a valued
professional. The program provides them with the basic knowledge and skills to enter the civil
engineering profession.

Program Outcomes
In possession of a BSc degree civil engineers will be one of the broader of the engineering
disciplines both in terms of the range of problems that fall within its purview and in the range of
knowledge required to solve those problems.

Civil Engineering BSC program provides students with the following upon graduation:

 ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering;

 ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
 ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs;
 ability to function in multidisciplinary teams;
 ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems;
 understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
 ability to communicate effectively;
 broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global
and societal context;
 recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
 knowledge of contemporary issues;
 ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice;
 ability to apply mathematics through differential equations; probability and statistics;
calculus-based physics; general chemistry; and geology
 ability to apply knowledge in the following four recognized major civil engineering areas:
structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, water
resources engineering with a depth of focus in one or more of the four areas;
 ability to conduct laboratory experiments and to critically analyze and interpret data in the
following four (4) recognized major civil engineering areas: structural engineering,
geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, water resources engineering
 ability to perform civil engineering design by means of design experiences integrated
throughout the professional component of the curriculum culminating in a senior design
 ability to explain basic concepts in management, business, public policy, and leadership;
and explain the importance of professional licensure;
 ability to apply knowledge of sustainability to civil engineering practice.

Program Educational Objectives

The aim for the teaching is to train civil engineers who are capable and suitable for
 demonstrating the ability to solve complex civil engineering planning, design,
management, operations;
 solving construction problems in the public sector and in private industry;
 demonstrating that they can function ethically in the workplace;
 improving their professional standing through lifelong learning;

 demonstrating their potential for leadership;
 communicating effectively;
 their capacity to work in teams.

Subject modules
The curriculum contains the following subject modules:
Basics of natural sciences : 47 credits
Basics of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Mechanics, Descriptive Geometry, Technical Drawing,
Technical Chemistry, Engineering Phisics, Informatics for Engine

Economics and humanities subjects: 21 credits

State Administration &Low, Introduction to Economics, Microeconomics, Management for
Engineers, Quality Management, Introduction to Ethics, Europien Studies,
Professional subjects: 88 credits
Geoinformatics, Geographical Information System, Hydraulics, Hydrology & Hydrogeology,
Basics of Environmental Engineering, Public Works, Water Management & Hydraulic
Structures, Construction Materials, Geology, Geotechnics, Urban & Regional Development,
Transportation Engineering, Building Construction, CAD Modelling, Theory of Design, Steel
Structures, Reinforced Concrete Structures, Timber & Masonry Structures, Construction
Management, Bridges & Structures 38 credits
Geographical Information System, Transportation Engineering, Hydrobiology, Protection of the
Aquatic Environment, Hydraulics, Hydrology & Hydrogeology, Construction Management,
Public Works, Water Quality Control, Water Resources Management
Urban Engineering Specification
Transportation Engineering, Public Works, Water & Sewage Treatment, Urban Planning, Urban
Management 19 credits
Structural Engineering Stream
Theory of Girders, Building Construction, Design of Buildings, Steel Structures, Reinforced
concrete Structures, Geotechnics, Construction Management, FEM Modelling 39 credits
Structural Architect Specification
Steel Buildings, Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Composite Structures, Engineering Timber
Structures, Strengthening of Structures, Design of Building 18 credits
Optional subjects: 12 credits
Thesis: 15 credits
Duration of studies: 7 semesters, contact hours:
ECTS credits: 240, internship: 4 weeks
The state examination
Conditions for taking the state examination are:
 Fulfilling the requirement of the CE Bachelor Program by minimum 240 credit points
 Diploma Project accepted by the internal and external tutor
Parts of the state examination:
 Introducing the results of the Diploma Project in the frame of a 15 minutes oral
presentation including pptx slide show and review of the plans or research study
 Proper answer on the questions of the State Examination Committee, defending
the thesis grade

Result of the final examination is determined by the arithmetic mean of the marks given by the
Final Examination Committee:
 Defending of the Diploma Project (result of the oral presentation and the discussion)
 Two marks based on the written comment of the tutors (10% + 10%)
 Three marks of the Compulsory Exam of Mathematics (10%), Mechanics (10%) and
Infrastructural/Structural Engineering (40%)
The result of the state exam
The arithmetic mean of the mark given by the State Examination Committee for
 the defending of the diploma project and
 the two marks of the professional oral exams
The classification of the degree
The result of the final examination expressed by lettering
The thesis
The thesis is a written task which the students should solve relying on previous studies and
specialized national and international literature under the guidance of a tutor in one semester. The
diploma work must prove that the author can apply the acquired theoretical knowledge. A student
at Engineering Management MSc can choose any topic for the diploma work suggested by the
faculty or in occasional cases individual topics acknowledged by the head of the department. The
topics of the diploma work should be given in completely uniform manner and based on the
system of requirements set up by the head of the institute and the head of the department
responsible for the training. The diploma works are written with the close collaboration of the
candidate and the tutor.
Making and justifying the thesis the students of Engineering Management MSc proves that they
are able to use the learnt knowledge in practice, to summarize the fulfilled task and its results, to
solve creatively the tasks in their topics and to do professional work.
The formal requirements of the diploma work are detailed in the “Thesis formal requirements”
which is handed out to every candidate when they decide upon their topic. The diploma works
must be handed in to the department responsible minimum ten days before the beginning of the
final exam period. The thesis paper is evaluated by an external graduate professional who gives a
grade as well as a short written comment on it. The head of the department makes a proposal for
the final evaluation of the diploma work based on the comments. The diploma work receives a
grade from the final exam committee.

Civil Engineering BSc University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering

Structural Engineering Specialization
Name of the Subject Code 1st sem. 2nd sem. 3rd sem. 4th sem. 5th sem. 6th sem. 7th sem. 8th s
1 Basics of Engineering Calculations FMAT32S05-EN 0 2 s 0
2 Mathematics I MFMAT31S05-EN 2 2 ESE 5
3 Mathematics II FMAT32S05-EN 2 2 ESE 5
4 Mathematics III MFMAT32S03-EN 1 2 AW5 3
5 Mathematics Compulsory Exam MFMAT30S00-EN 0 0 FE 0
Basics of Natural Sciences

6 Mechanics I (Statics) MFMEC31S05-EN 2 2 ESE 5

7 Mechanics II (Strength of Materials) MFMEC32S05-EN 2 3 ESE 5
8 Mechanics III (Dynamics) MFMEC33S05-EN 2 2 ESE 5
9 Mechanics Compulsory Exam MFMEC30S00-EN 0 0 FE 0
10 Descriptive Geometry I MFABR31X04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
11 Technical Drawing MFMAB31S03-EN 1 2 AW5 3
12 Technical Chemistry MFKEM31S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
13 Engineering Physics MFMFI31S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
14 Informatics for Engineers I MFINF31X03-EN 0 2 AW5 3
15 Informatics for Engineers II MFINF32X03-EN 0 2 AW5 3
16 State Administration and Law MFJOG31X02-EN 2 0 ESE 2
17 Introduction to Economics KTE10300K03-EN 2 0 ESE 4
Economics &

18 Microeconomics KTE10310K03-EN 2 2 AW5 4

19 Management for Engineers MFMFE31X03-EN 1 2 ESE 3
20 Quality Management MFQMA31X03-EN 2 0 ESE 3
21 Introduction to Ethics MFITE31X03-EN 2 0 AW5 3
22 European Studies MFEUI31X02-EN 2 0 AW5 2
23 Geoinformatics I MFGIN31S04-EN 2 2 AW5 4
24 Geoinformatics II MFGIN32S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
25 Geographical Information System (GIS) I MFTIN31S03-EN 1 2 AW5 3
26 Hydraulics I MFHID31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
27 Hydrology & Hydrogeology I MFHIO31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
28 Basics of Environmental Engineering MFKOR31S03-EN 2 1 AW5 3
29 Public Works I (Water Public Works) MFKOZ31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
Civil Engineering Compulsory Subjects

30 Water Management & Hydraulic Structures MFVIZ31S04-EN 2 2 AW5 4

31 Construction Materials I MFEPA31S03-EN 2 1 AW5 3
32 Construction Materials II MFEPA32S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
33 Geology MFGEO31S03-EN 2 0 ESE 3
34 Geotechnics I (Soil Mechanics) MFGTH31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
35 Geotechnics II (Earthworks) MFGTH32S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
36 Geotechnics III (Foundation Engineering) MFGTH33S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
37 Urban & Regional Development MFTEL31S03-EN 2 0 AW5 3
38 Transportation Engineering I (Roads) MFKLE31S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
39 Transportation Engineering II (Railways) MFKLE32S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
40 Building Construction I MFMAG31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
41 CAD Modelling I MFCAD31S04-EN 0 4 AW5 4
42 Theory of Design MFMEL31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
43 Steel Structures I MFACS31S03-EN 2 1 AW5 3
44 Reinforced Concrete Structures I MFVBS31S03-EN 2 1 AW5 3
45 Timber & Masonry Structures MFFFS31S03-EN 2 1 AW5 3
46 Construction Management I MFKIV31S03-EN 1 2 AW5 3
47 Bridges & Structures MFMUT31S04-EN 2 2 ESE 4
48 Theory of Girders I MFTST31SS3-EN 1 2 ESE 3
49 Theory of Girders II MFTST32SS3-EN 1 2 ESE 3
Structural Engineering Compulsory

50 Building Construction II MFMAG32SS3-EN 2 2 ESE 4

51 Building Construction III MFMAG33SS4-EN 2 2 ESE 4
52 Design of Buildings I (Residental Buildings) MFETE31SS3-EN 1 2 ESE 3
53 Steel Structures II MFACS32S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3

54 Steel Structures III MFACS33SS3-EN 2 1 ESE 3

55 Reinforced Concrete Structures II MFVBS32S03-EN 2 1 ESE 3
56 Reinforced Concrete Structures III MFVBS33SS3-EN 2 1 ESE 3
57 Geotechnics IV MFGTH34SS3-EN 2 0 ESE 3
58 Construction Management II MFKIV32S03-EN 1 2 AW5 3
59 FEM Modelling I MFVEM31SS3-EN 0 4 AW5 4
60 Structural Engineering Compulsory Exam MFKSS31SS0-EN 0 0
61 Steel Buildings MFMAC31SM3-EN 2 1 AW5 3

62 Reinforced Concrete Buildings MFMVB31SM3-EN 2 1 AW5 3


63 Composite Structures MFMÖS31SM3-EN 2 0 AW5 3

64 Engineering Timber Structures MFMFS31SM3-EN 2 0 AW5 3
65 Strengthening of Structures MFSZM31SM3-EN 2 0 AW5 3
66 Design of Buildings II (Industrial & Agricultural Buildings) MFETE32SM3-EN 1 2 ESE 3
67 Thesis MFSZA31SS15-EN 0 12
Optional Subject I 2 0 AW5 3

Optional Subject II 2 0 AW5 3

Optional Subject III 2 0 AW5 3
Optional Subject IV 2 0 AW5 3
68 Geoinformatics Laboratory MFGIG31S00-EN 1 week

69 Industrial Practice MFTELG3S00-EN 4 weeks

70 Structural Engineering Geoinformatics Laboratory MFSGG31SS0-EN 1 week
71 Material & Structural Engineering Laboratory MFFAM31SS0-EN 1 week
Credits in the semester: 30 33 36 35 33 33 25
Number of lectures/practical classes in the semester: 15 14 14 15 18 14 20 13 16 16 16 15 15 6 0 12
Number of ESE in the semester: 4 5 7 5 7 6 3
Number of AW5 in the semester: 5 4 3 4 2 3 5
Credits total: 240
Number of lectures/practical classes total: 219
Number of ESE total: 37
Number of AW5 total: 27

L= Lecture
P= Practice
E= Evaluation
C= Credits
ESE= exam
AW5= mid-semester grade
FE= final exam
s= signature
Basic Science Subjects
Basics of Engineering Calculations
Code: MFTTA31X00-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 0
Year, Semester: 1st year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 0
Practice: 2
Prerequisites: -

Numbers and Basic Operations: Fractions, decimals. A ratio, a proportion, a percentage.
Calculations with fractions. Handling exponents. Rounding and estimating. Normal forms of
numbers (scientific notation). Prime numbers, prime factorization.
Geometry: Points, lines, planes, segments, rays. Distance between points. Angles, types of
angles. Parallel lines and transversals. Vectors, vector operations. Types of triangles (scalene,
isosceles, equilateral, right). Congruent triangles. Centers of triangles. Polygons, interior and
exterior angles of a polygon. Quadrilaterals. Characteristics of parallelograms. Kites and
trapezoids. Transformations (reflection, rotation, translation). Similar polygons, a scale factor.
Similar triangles. Right triangles. Pythagorean theorem. Parts of a circle, angles. Perimeter and
area: triangle, quadrilaterals, general polygons, circles. Surface area and volume: polyhedral,
prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, spheres. Constructing lines, angles, polygons, circles and
Functions, equations and inequalities: Basic functions (polynomial, power, exponential,
logarithmic, trigonometric), graphs and properties. Shifting and scaling. Linear functions
equations and inequalities. Graphical solution. Rates of change (examples in physics). Quadratic
polynomials equations and inequalities. Factoring. Exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric
equations and inequalities.
Statistics: Random events. Probability. Classical probability formulas. Conditional probability.
Empirical probabilities based on specific sample data. Percentile rank of an item in a data set,
first, second, and third quartiles. Histogram, cumulative frequency histogram, a box-plot diagram.
A scatter plot. Discrete and continuous random variables. Mean, median, mode, standard
deviation, variance. Linear regression models. Normal distribution.

Mitas, P.J., Basic Math Quick Reference eBook, ISBN 978-0-615-27390-7
Zegarelli, M., Basic Math & Pre-Algebra for dummies, Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Freeman, C.M., Hand-On-Geometry, Prufrock Press Inc., ISBN-13: 978-1-59363-555-8
Alexander, D.C., Koeberlein, A., Elementary Geometry for College Students, BROOKS/COLE, 2011
Larson, R., Farber, B., Elementary Statistics - Picturing the World, Prentice Hall, 2012

Mathematics I
Code: MFMAT31S05-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 5
Year, Semester: 1st year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 3

Prerequisites: -
Arithmetic of real and complex numbers. Algebra of vectors in 2 and 3 dimensions. Coordinate
systems. Functions and their graphs. Composition of functions. Inverse functions. Sequences and
series of numbers, and convergence criteria. Sequences and series of functions, power series,
convergence criteria. Real functions. Polynomials. Limits, continuity. Interpolation. Arithmetic of
matrices. Determinants. Systems of linear equations. Cramer's rule. Linear space, subspace,
generating systems, bases, orthogonal and orthonormal bases. Linear transformations,
eigenvectors, eigen values.
1. Thomas’ Calculus, Addison Wesley (11th edition, 2005), ISBN: 0-321-24335-8
2. S. Minton, Calculus Concept and Connections, McGraw Hill (2006), ISBN 0-07111200-6

Mathematics II
Code: MFMAT32S05-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 5
Year, Semester: 1st year/2nd semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 3
Prerequisites: Mathematics I.MFMAT31S05-EN

Derivatives, linear approximation. Differentiation rules. Applications in physics. Taylor
polynomials. Extreme values. Monotony and convexity testing. Mean value theorems, l'Hospital's
rule, Taylor’s theorem. Curve sketching for a function, local and absolute extrema.
Antiderivatives. Integration by parts and by substitution. Integration in special classes of
functions. The Riemann integral. The Newton-Leibniz theorem. Improper integrals. Applications
of the integration in geometry and physics. Fourier series. Classification of differential equations.
Initial value problems, boundary value problems. First order differential equations. Slope fields.
Euler’s and Runge-Kutta methods. Problems leading to differential equations. Separable
differential equations. Second order differential equations. The theory of linear differential
equations, method of variation of parameters, method of undetermined coefficients, application of
the Laplace transform.
1. Thomas’ Calculus, Addison Wesley (11th edition, 2005), ISBN: 0-321-24335-8
2. S. Minton, Calculus Concept and Connections, McGraw Hill (2006), ISBN 0-07111200-6
3. M. D. Greenberg, Fundamentals of engineering analysis, Cambridge University Press,
ISBN 978-0-521-80526-1

Mathematics III
Code: MFMAT33S03-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Year, Semester: 2nd year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 2
Prerequisites: Mathematics II.MFMAT32S05-EN


Functions of several variables, and scalar fields. Continuity, differential and integral calculus,
partial derivatives, gradients, and Young's theorem. Local and global extrema. Double and triple
integrals. The Jacobian determinant. Vector-valued functions and curves. Derivatives. Linear
approximation. Curvature, torsion. Motion in space, velocity, acceleration. Vector fields.
Derivatives. Divergence and curl. Line and surface integrals. The theorems of Gauss and Stokes,
Green’s formulae. Conservative vector fields, potentials. Applications in physics.

1. Thomas’ Calculus, Addison Wesley (11th edition, 2005), ISBN: 0-321-24335-8
2. S. Minton, Calculus Concept and Connections, McGraw Hill (2006), ISBN 0-07111200-6
3. M. D. Greenberg, Fundamentals of engineering analysis, Cambridge University Press,
ISBN 978-0-521-80526-1

Mechanics I (Statics)
Code: MFMEC31S05-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 5
Prerequisites: MFMAT31X05-EN, MFMFI31S03-EN

Fundamentals of Mechanics and Statics. Force, moment, force-couple. Reduction of a force
system. Equilibrium equations Statics of material point. Statics of rigid body (moment, system of
planar forces). Static problems of planar systems. Internal force system of rigid body. Loadings
of beams (cantilevers, freely supported beams, fraction lined beams). Statically determined beam
structures (hinged-bar system, compound beams, trussed bars). Practical structures (friction).
Forces and rigid bodies in plane and in space. Simple structures. Compound structures. Trusses.
Internal forces. Force systems in three dimensional space. Structures in three dimensional space.

1. Joseph F. Shelley: 800 solved problems in vector mechanics for engineers, Volume I:
2. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston, Jr., (1987): University of Connecticut, Mechanics
for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics (Package), 4th Edition, ©1987, ISBN-13
3. Russel C. Hibbeler (2006): Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics, Prentice Hall,
2006. ISBN-13 9780132215091
4. Lakshmana C. Rao, J. Lakshminarasimhan, Raju Sethuraman, Srinivasan M. Sivakumar
(2004): Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., ISBN
8120321898, 9788120321892
5. Lawrence E. Goodman, Susan Goodman, William H. Warner (2001): Statics
Courier Dover Publications, ISBN 0486420051, 9780486420059
6. Ferdinand Beer, E. Russell Johnston: Vector Mechanics for Engineers ISBN
10: 0070042780 / 0-07-004278-0
ISBN 13: 9780070042780, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publication Date: 1977
7. Vector Mechanics for Engineers by Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russell Johnston and Phillip J.
Cornwell (2012, Hardcover) ISBN-10: 0077402324 | ISBN-13:9780077402327

Mechanics II
Code: MFMEC32S05-EN
Classes/week: 2+3 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 5

Prerequisites: MFMEC31S05-EN

Statics review. Mathematical preliminaries (vector, matrix and tensor algebra). Fundamentals of
strength of materials. Polar moment of inertia. State of stresses. Principal values of normal
stresses, principal axes. Strain energy. Constitutive equations (Hooke’s law). Simple loadings
(tension, compression, bending, torsion, shear). Axial Loading: normal stress. Hooke’s Law,
modulus of elasticity. Design methods. Moment of inertia and product of inertia. Elastic and
plastic deformations. Physical interpretation of strain terms. State of deformation. Determination
of principal axes. Mohr’s circle. Combined loadings (tension and bending, inclined bending,
eccentric tension, tension and torsion, bending and torsion). Buckling of columns. Energy
methods (Betti’s theorem). Stress Transformations.

1. Stephen Timoshenko (1955): Strength of Materials: Elementary Theory and Problems,
Van Nostrand
2. Jacob Pieter Den Hartog (1961): Strength of Materials, Courier Dover Publications,
3. ISBN 0486607550, 9780486607559
4. Ladislav Cerny (1981): Elementary Statics and Strength of Materials, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN 0070103399, 9780070103399
5. Ferdinand P. Beer, E. Russel Johnston, Jr., John T. DeWolf (2006): University of
Connecticut Mechanics of Materials, 4th Edition, © 2006, ISBN-13 9780073107950
6. Beer, Johnston: Mechanics of materials (3rd edition, 2004), ISBN: 13-978-0-07-053510-7
7. Budynas: Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis (2nd edition, 1998), ISBN-
8. Popov: Mechanics of materials (2nd edition 1976) ISBN-13: 978-0135713563

Mechanics III (Dynamics)

Code: MFMEC33S05-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 5
Prerequisites: MFMEC32S05-EN

Kinematics of material point. Kinetics of material point. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Kinetics of
rigid bodies. Impact problems. Free, and forced vibration problems with one degree of freedom.
Free and forced vibration problems with more degrees of freedom. Vibration forced by support

1. F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston: Dynamics
2. S. Timoshenko: Vibration problems in engineering.
3. E. C. Pestel, W. T. Thomson: Dynamics
4. C. M. Harris, C. E. Crede: Shock and vibration handbook

Descriptive Geometry
Code: MFABR31X04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: None

Monge-representation: Making images, methods of projection, the Monge image-plane system,
representation of space elements, space elements of special place, reconstruction, integration.
Fundamentals of intersection: Designing a stabbing point under normal and special cases, planes
and plane-plates intersection. Fundamental tasks of metricity: Perpendicularity, distance and
angle tasks, rotation of a plane into an image-plane, image-plane transformations, designing
graphical picture by image-plane transformation, visibility. Plane bodies: Representation of them,
their plane intersection, their interpenetration. Surfaces: Construction of surfaces, representation
of surfaces, their plane intersection, interpenetration of surfaces.

1. Paré, E. G.: Descriptive geometry, Prentice Hall, 1997
2. Gordon, V. O.: A course in descriptive geometry, Mir, 1980
3. Hood, G. J. and Palmerlee, A. S.: Geometry of Engineering Drawing, 4th ed., McGraw-
Hill, 1958

Technical Drawing
Code: MFMAB31S03-EN
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: None

Classification of projection methods. Multi-view orthogonal projection, use of picture planes.
Fitting, joining and intersecting problems. Successive auxiliary views. Defining true shape of
objects. Defining and projecting of polyhedrons. Affinity and collineation. Section of
polyhedrons, operations in solid geometry. Axonometrical systems, orthogonal and oblique
projection. Topographic map. Generating and descripting curved surfaces. Generating and
descripting warped surfaces. Basics of technical drawings, common system of notations, symbol
of materials. Role of the human body in determining dimensions. Concept and technical content
of groundplan and section. Elevation. Free-hand sketches of constructions, renders.

1. J. Böhönyey (1986) Building construction encyclopedia. Iparterv, Budapest ISBN : -
2. Madan Mehta (1997) The principles of building construction. Prentice Hall ISBN :
3. Ralph W. Liebing (1999) Architectural Working Drawings. Wiley ISBN-10: 0471348767

Technical Chemistry
Code: MFKEM31X03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: None

The series of lectures are based on the topics of general chemistry. Atomic theory, chemical
bonding, structure. Definitions, elements, chemical equations. Gases, liquids and solutions.
Concentration, chemical reactions. Chemical technologies, modeling. Chemical basis of
engineering materials such as cement, adhesives, polymers, fuels, metals and semiconductors.

1. Tom Holme, Larry Brown: Chemistry for Engineering Student, Publisher: Brooks Cole,
Hardcover: 653 pages, 2006, Paperback ISBN-10: 0534389740,
2. James O. Glanville: General Chemistry for Engineers, Preliminary Edition (Paperback)
Paperback: 663 pages, Publisher: Prentice Hall; Prl edition, 2000, ISBN-13: 978-
3. Darrell Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon: General Chemistry (Hardcover) Publisher: Brooks
Cole; 9 edition, 2007, 1030 pages ISBN-13: 978-06188574871. Joseph

Engineering Physics
Code: MFMFI31G02-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 2
Year, Semester: 1st year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 0
Prerequisites: -

The basics of kinematics and dynamics of particles. Giving the position of a particle. Position-
time function, velocity and acceleration. Newton’s laws. Types of forces. The concept of
mechanical work, potential and kinetic energy. Work-energy theorem.
The basics of electricity and magnetism. Transport processes. Electrostatics, electrical potential,
electric fields around conductors, capacity and capacitors. Transport processes. Electric current,
AD circuits. A heat transfer: thermal conduction, convection and radiation. The fields of moving
charges, magnetic fields, electromagnetic induction and Maxwell’s equations, AC circuits,
electric and magnetic fields in matter.
1. Alvin Halpern (1988): 3,000 Solved Problems in Physics (SCHAUM’S SOLVED
PROBLEM SERIES), McGraw-Hill, 1988, ISBN 0-07-025734-5
2. Michael Browne (1999): Physics for Engineering and Science, McGraw-Hill, 1999, ISBN
3. Robert Balmer (2006) Thermo-dynamics, Jaico Publishing House, ISBN: 817224262X, 868

Economics and Humanities Subjects

Economics for Engineers
Code: MFKGZ31X04-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Year, Semester: 2nd year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 3
Practice: 0
Prerequisites: -

This course focuses on the theory and application of the following:
Measuring national income and output (real vs. nominal GNP, GDP, NNP, NDP, the problem of
double counting). Consumption and Investment. IS model. Economic role of government
(externalities). Fiscal policy and output determination. The role of money in the economy, the
evolution of money, central bank, commercial banking, supply and demand for money. Monetary
policy (varieties and problems of monetary policy). IS-LM analysis: the integration of the goods
and money market models. Aggregate demand and supply. Labour market. Unemployment and

1. T. KISS, J., Introduction to Macroeconomics for Engineers and technical Managers.
University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering. Debrecen University Press, 2014. ISBN:
978 963 318 416 5.
2. SAMUELSON P.A., NORDHAUS W.D.: Economics, 18th edition, Academic Internet
Publishers Inc., 2006. ISBN: 0072872055
3. PARKIN, M., POWELL, M. & MATTHEWS, K. (2008) Economics. 7th ed. Harlow:
Wesley. ISBN-13: 9780132041225

Code: MFVGF31X04-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Year, Semester: 2nd year/2nd semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 1
Practice: 2
Prerequisites: Economics for Engineers MFKGZ31X04-EN

This course aims to make students familiar with the basic concepts of microeconomic analysis. In
particular, the course will be focused on the analysis of how economic actors, consumers and
firms choose between different alternatives. By the end of the course, the student should be able
to use the basic tools and models of microeconomics, and apply them in solving problems. The
course focuses on the theory and application of the following: The basics of supply and demand.
Market equilibrium. Elasticity of demand (supply). Consumer behavior - Households’ choices
(Marginal utility theory, indifference (curve) analysis. Firm’s production (factors), costs of
production, profit-maximizing behavior. Market structures (perfect competition, imperfect
competition: monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition). Profit maximizing under perfect
competition, and monopoly. Investment, interest, profits and capital.

1. BESANKO, DAVID – BREAUTIGAM, RONALD R.: Microeconomics. Third Edition
(International Student version). John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2008.
2. BESANKO, DAVID – BREAUTIGAM, RONALD R.: Microeconomics. Study Guide.
Third Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 2008.
3. GREGORY MANKIW: Principles of Microeconomics, 4th edition. South-Western College
Pub, 2006
4. GREGORY MANKIW: Principles of Microeconomics - Study Guide. South-Western
College Pub, 2006

Basics of Quality Management

Code: MFMIN31X04-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Year, Semester:3rdyear/1stsemester
Number of teaching hours/week:

Lecture: 1
Practice: 1
Prerequisites: -

This course focuses on making the theories and principles of total quality both practical and
useful ways. Practitioners in a corporate setting will find it a valuable guide in helping them to
learn how to be effective agents of the total quality approach, to understand and implement total

1. Goetsch D. L. – Davis, S. (2006): Quality management: introduction to total quality
management for production, Pearson Prentice Hall, ISBN 0131189298, 9780131189294
2. Dale, B. G. (2003): Managing Quality, Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN 0631236147,

Management for Engineers

Code: MFMAM31X04-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Year, Semester: 3rd year/2nd semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 1
Practice: 3
Prerequisites: -

In the Management for Engineers course students gain in sight into the key areas of leadership.
During the course students become familiar with the new management trends, such as coaching
authoritarian leadership, time- and energy management and with the importance of emotional
intelligence in effective leadership. In the framework of practical classes the students’ leadership
skills, emotional intelligence and their soft skills are measured and analyzed.

1. McKeown, A. – Wright, R. (2011): Professional English in Use, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge
2. Gordon, T. (2001): Leader Effectiveness Training, New York, Widden Books
3. Schwart, T – Loehr, J. (2005): The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not
Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, New York, Free Press
4. Mancini, M. (2003): Time management, New York, McGraw-Hill Companies
5. Taylor, J. (2012): Decision Management System, IBM Press, USA

State administration and Law

Code: MFJOG31X02-EN
ECTS Credit Points:2
Year, Semester: 3rdyear/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 0
Prerequisites: -


Legal systems of the world, civil and human rights, the main characteristics and structure of the
Hungarian Law System, major rules of commercial law and proprietary rights, evolution, history
and development of the European integration.
1. Zoltán Horváth: Handbook on the European Union, HVG-ORAC, Budapest, 2011.
2. Péter Smuk: The transformation of the Hungarian Legal System 2010-2013. Complex,

Engineering Ethics
ECTS Credit Points: 2
Year, Semester: 1st year/2nd semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 2
Practice: 0
Prerequisites: -

This course is intended to introduce students to the study of ethics, the branch of philosophy that
aims to understand what actions are right and wrong, what states of affairs are good and bad, and
what traits of personality are desirable and undesirable. Our central question will be “What
should I (morally) do?” Similarly, although it is impossible to separate the discussion of ethical
theories from their application to particular moral problems, this course will emphasize the
former. The most well-developed and carefully formulated ethical theory that addresses our
central question is utilitarianism: what I should do to make the world a better place. In the second
half of we review of the growth and development of professions, engineering ethics, obligations
to employers and their peers, limits of professional responsibility, codes of ethics and
enforcement. Traditional function of engineering societies. Ethical engineers and the lows, the
public interest analyzing some case studies.

1. Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, Michael J. Rabins: Engineering Ethics: Concepts
and Cases, 2008 - 313 pages

Europien Studies
Code: MFEUI31X02-EN
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 2
Prerequisites: None

History of the European Union. Community law. Economics and industry. Agriculture of the EU.
Social and political questions. The process of enlargement. EU and the rest of the world.
Operation of the EU: presidency, committees, parliament. Regional and cohesional policy. Focus

1. R. Thomson, F.N. Stokman, C.H. Achen, T. König (eds.) (2006) The European Union
Decides. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-052-186-1-892
2. R. Dannreuther (2012) European Union Foreign and Security Policy: Towards a
Neighbourhood Strategy. Routledge, London. ISBN 0-415-32297-9

3. H. Lelieveldt, S. Princen (2011) The Politics of the European Union. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 978-052-151-8-628
4. D. Watts (2008) The European Union. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN

Specific compulsory subjects

Informatics for Engineers I
Code: MFINF31X03-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Year, Semester: 1st year/1st semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 0
Practice: 2
Prerequisites: -

Introduction to informatics. Computer structures. Operating systems. Computer networks, the
Internet. Theoretical and practical data structures. Algorithms. Spreadsheets: entering data,
records, fields, creating a table, sorting and filtering data, expanding databases, formatting
databases. Relational databases, SQL language, normalizing databases, securing databases
(confidentiality, integrity and availability), keys, transactions.

1. J. Walkenbach, Excel 2007, Wiley Publishing Inc.
2. C. N. Prague, M. R. Irwin, J. Reardon, Access 2003 Bible, Wiley Publishing Inc.

Informatics for Engineers II

Code: MFINF32X03-EN
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Year, Semester: 1st year/2nd semester
Number of teaching hours/week:
Lecture: 0
Practice: 2
Prerequisites: Informatics for Engineers I. MFINF31X03-EN

Definitions and basics of CAD, geometric modeling, computer graphics. Blocks, customizing,
dimensioning, drawing commands, drawing Aids, file formats, images paper space and model
space, plotting, programming, rendering, sheet sets, tables, text. Computer programs, program
design, programming methods, program structures. Programming languages: basics, data types,
variables, programming structures, subroutines, modules. Programming with LabVIEW,
applications in engineering. Creating subVI, loops, charts, arrays, clusters, graphs, case and
sequence structures, data acquisition, instrument control.

Geoinformatics I
Code: MFGIN31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: None

The principle of place definition. Reference systems (horizontal, vertical). Projection systems.
Important domestic projections (geodesic, geographic). International and domestic basic point
networks (horizontal, vertical, 3D). Methods of defining basic points and connecting points.
Creating polilines, assessing equipment. Analogous, analytical and numeric assessing
procedures. Otrophoto. Inner, relative and absolute transformations. Applying photogrammetry.
Basic geodesic instruments and measuring methods. Getting acquainted with and practicing with
the tools. Location definition with satelites. Using manual navigation GPS equipment. Basic
concepts of space information technology. Space information systems (construction,
characterization, models, applications).

1. Wolfgang Torge, Jürgen Müller (2012): Geodesy ISBN: 978-3-11-025000-8
2. Wolfgang Torge (2001): Geodesy ISBN: 3-11-017072-08
3. James A. Elithorp, Jr. and Dennis D. Findorff: GeodesyforGeomatcs and GIS
Professionals, 2nd editionedition)

Geoinformatics II
Code: MFGIN32S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFGIN31S04-EN

By using an interactive map constructing programme we present the means of map construction
as well as the basic rules of map making and their graphic presentation. Making different types of
files and theoptions of their application. Presenting, interpreting and using the menu and the
tools. The basic condtions of construction. The methods of picture design. Creating layers and
their significance. Applying filters in the course of picture design.Types of views and their
significance. Validating map making principles in the course of construction. The insertion of
graphs into context and the design of pictures. Opportunities of map making. The methods of
graphic presentation. Options of printing and application.

1. Wolfgang Torge, Jürgen Müller (2012): Geodesy ISBN: 978-3-11-025000-8
2. Wolfgang Torge (2001): Geodesy ISBN: 3-11-017072-08
3. James A. Elithorp, Jr. and Dennis D. Findorff: GeodesyforGeomatcs and GIS
Professionals, 2nd editionedition)

Geographical Information System I (GIS)

Code: MFTIN31S03-EN
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFGIN32S04-EN

Basics of geographic information systems. Application of GIS in technical and civil engineering
practice. The concept of information systems. The role of location-based information.
Information systems components and application. Process of data modelling. Geometric data
reference systems. Data sources and data collection methods. Technical background of GIS
systems, their operational development perspectives, and their realization problems. The goal of

the practice is to train topographic and remote sensing based data capture, the collection of
geometric information. They execute a map update task by aerial images.

1. Christopher B. Jones (1997): Geographical information systems and computer
cartography, ISBN: 0582044391
2. Paul A. Longley (2005): Geographical information systems and science, ISBN:
047087001X (pbk)

Hydraulics I
Code: MFHID31S04 EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMFI31S03-EN

Elementary fluid mechanics. Understanding of the fundamental principles of hydrostatics and
hydrodynamics; the basic ideas of dimensioning of hydraulic structures and hydraulic machinery.
Hydrostatics (absolute and relative equilibrium, pressure head diagrams and buoyancy).
Application of the Bernoulli equation (laminar and turbulent flow in pipes, losses and pipe
systems). The impulse momentum equation, open channel flow (Chezy). Specific energy,
supercritical and subcritical flow, hydraulic jump, stilling basins. Hydraulic machinery.

1. Solomon Alemu (1992) Essentials of Hydraulics / AAU Printing Press
2. Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi, (2009) Fundamentals of Fluid
Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 978-0470262849, 776 pages
3. R. E. Featherstone (1995), Civil Engineering Hydraulics, Blackwell Ltd.
4. Y. Nakayama (1999), Introduction to fluid mechanics, Butterworth Heinemann
5. Streeter, V.a. (1997) Fluid Mechanics . McGraw – Hill
6. Marriott, M 2009, Nalluri & Featherstone's civil engineering hydraulics: essential theory
with worked examples, 5th ed., Wiley Blackwell, Oxford.

Hydrology and Hydrogeology I

Code: MFHIO31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFHID31S04-EN

Component of the water cycle, such as precipitation, evaporation and transpiration, runoff,
infiltration, and surface and ground water flow. Understanding of physical hydrologic principals,
processes and related observation/measurement techniques, calculation methods: including the
ability to critically analyze and apply that understanding to new problems.

1. Martin R. Hendriks (2010):Introduction to Physical Hydrology, Oxford Press, 978-0-19-
2. Roy Ward and Mark Robinson (2000): Principles of Hydrology (Fourth Edition),
McGraw-Hill International (UK), ISBN 0 07 709502 2
3. Philip B. Bedient, Wayne C. Huber and Baxter E. Vieux (2012): Hydrology and

Floodplain Analysis (5th Edition), ISBN-13: 978-0132567961
4. Lecture notes of the International Post-Graduate Course on Hydrology (UNESCO-
VITUKI) – one copy available at Beáta Pataki
5. Related – available recent – research project results and scientific articles about issues,
methods, results

Basics of Envorinmental Engineering

Code: MFKOR31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFKEM31X03-EN, MFHIO31S04-EN

The most important current environmental issues, such us: sustainability, ecological footprint,
deforestation, climate change, wetlands, water and air pollution. Basic engineering principles and
the ecological approach. Most important ecological terms. Important mass cycles (H2O, C, O, N,
P). Adverse effects of pollution on the environment, pollution control strategies, environment
protection). Sustainable development, sustainable building, settlement and region. Management
approaches/tools (DPSIR chain, Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecosystem Services
approach). The main goals of the course are: to help understanding the complexity of
environmental problems, shaping attitude andbroadening knowledge of the new generation of
civil engineers to be able to use the system approach in technical planning and for solving
comprehensive environmental management, regulation and planning tasks. The course helps to
understand the effects of the engineering activities on the environment.

As interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach prevails during the course, the
presentations (and partly the university notes – HEFOP/2004/3.3.1/0001.01 in Hungarian
languages) prepared for the Hungarian BSc are going to be translated and recent results of
research projects and scientific publications are also going to provided for the students.
Further readings:
1. D. Heinrich and H. Manfred (1994): Atlas of Ecology, Springer Verlag, pp. 296
2. M.E. Jensen and P.S. Bourgeron (2001): A Guidebook for Integrated Ecological
Assessments, Springer Verlag, ISBN 9780387985831
3. Guy R. McPherson, Stephen DeStefano (ed.) (2002): Applied Ecology and Natural
Resource Management, Cambridge University Press
4. W.Barthlott and M. Winiger (ed.) (2001): Biodiversity - A Challenge for Development
Research and Policy, Springer, ISBN 9783540639497
5. W. Steffen, J. Jäger, D.J. Carson, C. Bradshaw (ed.) (2003): Challenges of a Changing
Earth, Springer, ISBN 9783540433088
6. G. Bruce Wiersma (ed.) (2004): Environmental monitoring CRC Press, ISBN

ElectrotecPublic Works I
Code: MFKOZ31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFHID31S04-EN

Topics: Basic technical parameters of water public work, water consumption and its features.
Water resources in Hungary ( in Europe). Water quality and water classification. Physical,

chemical and biological parameters. Water supply system. Water distribution system, network.
Types of sewers. Estimating wastewater flow. Sewer design. Storm water inlets. Manholes. The
basic designing instructions are presented for public utilities.

1. Jonathan T. Ricketts, M. Kent Loftin, Frederick S. Merritt, Standard Handbook for Civil
Engineers, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 2003; ISBN 0-07-136473-0

Water management and hydraulic structures

Code: MFVIZ31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFKOZ31S04-EN, MFHIO31S04-EN

Hydraulic structures are engineering structures constructed for the purposes of harnessing and
using water resources (groundwater, surface water, lakes, sea, etc) or for the prevention of the
negative and destructive actions (floods, shore erosion, etc) of water on the surrounding
environment. There are a large variety of hydraulic structures to serve the many purposes
for which water resources are put to use. Also case studies from Hungary’s complex water
management issues - water resources management, excess water problems, flood management,
settlement-scale water management issues, thermal water management, water quality control
management, etc. - are discussed. However, several issues like water utilities, water treatment and
water resources management are discussed in the frame of other courses, these get less emphasis
during this course. Main topics are Classification of hydraulic structures by purpose and types;
Site selection factors; wave pressure, wind load in the stability analysis; load conditions; sliding
stability; design of gravity dams; classification of reservoirs; Keywords: storage structures, flow
control structures, flow measurement structures, division structures , conveyance structures,
collection structures, collection structures, energy dissipation structures, shore protection
structures, river training and waterway stabilization structures, sediment and quality control
structures, hydraulic machines, dams, tanks, spillways, outlets, valves, gates, weirs, orifaces,
flumes, coffer dams, canal headworks, intake works, open channel, pressure conduit, drain
inlets, infiltration galleries, stilling basins, surge tanks, check dams, dikes, groins, revetments,
levees, cutoffs, locks, piers, culverts, sluiceways, racks, sedimentation tanks, storage dams,
diversion dams, detention dams, overflow dams , siphon spillway, crest, earthfill dam, zoned
earth dams, seepage flow, hydraulic failure, stability of earthfill dams

1. WFD (Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23
October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy)
2. A practical guide to integrated land management methods intended to improve land use
and water management efficiency in the Tisza river basin; ICPDR 2010.
3. Download course material
4. Hydraulic Structures, Fourth Edition by P. Novak, A.I.B. Moffat, C. Nalluri, R.
Narayanan ISBN-10: 0415386268 ISBN-13: 978-0415386265 Published 21st December
2006 by CRC Press – 736 pages

Construction materials I
Code: MFEPA31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3

Prerequisites: MFKEM31X03, MFMFI31S03-EN

Introduction: Basic definitions. History of construction materials. Development of construction
materials. Grouping of construction materials. Rheology of materials. Idealisation diagrams.
Weight, density of solid and liquid type materials (with laboratory measurements). Aggregates.
Sieve curve (with laboratory measurements). Inorganic binder materials. Curing of binder
materials (with laboratory measurements). Modifiers. Concrete mix-design. Properties of fresh
concrete. Consistency of fresh concrete (with laboratory measurements). Concrete classes.
Exposition conditions of concrete. Hardened concrete properties (strength). Determination of
compressive strength of concrete with laboratory measurements with classification. Durability of
concrete. Special concrete types (FRC, SCC, HSC etc.)

1. Hegger M., Auch-Schwelk V., Fuchs M., Rosenkranz T. (2006): Construction Materials
Manual, Birkhäuser Edition Detail, ISBN 3-7643-7570-1
2. Kind-Barkauskas, Kauhsen, Polonyi, Brandt. (2002): Concrete Construction Materials
Manual, Birkhäuser Edition Detail, ISBN 3-7643-6724-5

Construction materials II
Code: MFEPA32S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFEPA31S03-EN

Glass as building material (types of glasses and properties of different glass types, mechanical
and physical properties of glass, introduction in possibilities of creating load bearing glasses.).
Wooden materials in building industry, mechanical and hidrotechnical properties (laboratory
testing of wood, effect of fiber direction on properties of wood, force-deflection diagrams,
determination of Young’s modulus etc.). Steel in engineering applications. Mechanical properties
of hot and cold formed steels. Stress-strain diagrams. Effect of carbon content on forming and
welding of steel. Laboratory tensile testing of steel (reinforcement). Hardness of steel. Effect of
temperature on the external work of steel (Charpy-hammer tests). Alloys. Plastics in engineering
applications. Organic binder materials (bituminous materials). Ceramic. History of ceramics.
Strength and durability of ceramic materials. Laboratory compression tests of bricks.

1. Hegger M., Auch-Schwelk V., Fuchs M., Rosenkranz T. (2006): Construction Materials
Manual, Birkhäuser Edition Detail, ISBN 3-7643-7570-1
2. Schultz H. C., Sobek, W., Haberman K.J. (2000): Steel Construction Manual, Birkhäuser
Publishers, ISBN 3-7643-6181-5
3. Herzog T., Natterer J., Schweizer R., Volz M. , Winter W. (2004): Timber Construction
Manual, Birkhäuser Edition Detail, ISBN 3-7643-7025-4
4. Schittich, C., Staib, G., Balkow, D., Schuler, M., Sobek, W. (1999): Glass Construction
Manual, Birkhäuser Publishers, Basel, ISBN 3-7643-6077-1
5. Pankhardt, K. (2012): Load bearing glasses, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN
6. Pfeifer G., Ramcke R., Achtziger J. et. al. (2001): Masonry Construction Manual,
Birkhäuser Basel, ISBN: 978-3-7643-6543-1

7. Knippers J., Cremers J., Gabler M., Lienhard J., (2012): Plastic and Membranes
Construction Manual, Birkhäuser Architecture, ISBN: 978-3-0346-0726-1

Code: MFGEO31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: None

The geology provides the characterisaton of geological formations and materials from a civil
engineering point of view. It describes the processes and the interactions between the engineering
works and the geological environment. The dynamics of the Earth, the description of raw
materials and geo – materials used in engineering practice (minerals and rocks), the geological
risks such as earthquakes, volcanism, landslides and their effect, characterisation of surface and
subsurface waters and related geological problems.

1. Bell, F. G.: Fundamentals of engineering geology. Butterwords, London, 1983.
2. Bell, F. G.: Engineering geology. 2nd edition, Elsevier, 2007.
3. Dr. Lajos Endrédi (2000): Geographisch cognition, National Coursebook Publishing
House, Budapest
4. Zoltán Borsy (1998): General Naturalgeography, National Coursebook Publishing House,
5. József Juhász: Hydrogeology, Academy Publishing House

Geotechnics I
Code: MFGTH31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMEC32S05-EN, MFGEO31S03-EN

Origin of soils, soil exploration, soil samples. Components of soils (phase relationships, grain
size distribution, consistency limits), soil classification, compaction. Stresses in the soil (under
static conditions, conditions of steady vertical flow). Flow of water through soil due gravity
(Darcy’s law, coefficient of permeability, flow nets). Compressibility of soil (reasons and types
of compression). Shear strength of soil (Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion, determination of
shearing strength).

1. Atkinson, J.: The Mechanics of Soils and Foundations. Taylor and Francis, London, 2007.
2. Craig, R. F.: Craig’s Soil Mechanics. Spon Press, Taylor and Francis Group, London,
3. Kempfert, H. G., Gebreselassie, B.: Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils.
4. Lambe, J., Whitman, G.: Soil mechanics, SI-Version. John Wiley and Sohn, New
5. Lancelotta, R.: Geotechnical Egineering. Balkema. Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1995.
6. Look, B.: Handbook of geotechnical investigation and design tables. Taylor and
Francis,London, 2007.

7. Lunne, T., Robertson, P. K., Powell, J. J. M.: Conee penetration testing in geotechnivcal
practice. Spon / Routledge, London, New York, 2002.
8. Terzaghi, K.: Theoretical soil mechanics. John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1943.
9. Terzaghi, K., Peck, R.: Soil mechanics in engineering practice. John Wiley and Sons,
10. New York, 1943.
11. Whitlow, R.: Basic soil mechanics. Longman Scientific and Technical, 1990.

Geotechnics II
Code: MFGTH32S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFGTH31S04-EN

Scope of earth works. Plastic limit states, Rankine earth pressures. Earth pressure and passive
resistance of real” walls. Soilstatical design of retaining structures. Stability of earth works.
Construction of earth works. The designal, executional and monitoring questions of construction.
Dewatering of earth works. Geosynthetics.

1. Bell, F. G.: Engineering Geology and Construction. Taylor and Francis, London, 2004.
2. Hausmann, M.: Engineering principles of ground modification. Mc Graw – Hill
Publishing Company, New York, 1986.
3. Kempfert, H. G., Gebreselassie, B.: Excavations and Foundations in Soft Soils.
4. Koerner, R. M.: Designing with Geosynthetics. Prentice Hall, Eaglewood Cliffs, 2005.

Geotechnics III
Code: MFGTH33S04 EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFGTH31S04-EN

Foundation types. Design of rigid and flexibile shalow foundations (spread, pier, slab, box
foundation). Determination the bearing capacity and settlements of soils under load. Factors
effecting the value of differential settlements. Stability analysis. Types and design of different
support systems of excavations. Bearing capacity of pile foundations. Anchorages. Design of
ground anchors. Design and construction of cast in situ and prefabricated diaphragm walls.

1. Chang-Yu Ou: Deep Excavations. Taylor and Francis, London, 2006.
2. Dandy, G., Walker, D., Daniell, T., Warner, R.: Planning of Engineering Systems. Taylor
and Francis, London, 2006.
3. Fang, H. S.: Foundation Handbook. Chapman and Hall, New York, 1990.
4. Fang, Hsai, Yand, Daniels, J. B: Introductory Geotechnical Engineering. Taylor and
Francis, London, 2006.
5. Lancelotta, R.: Geotechnical Egineering. Balkema. Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1995.
6. Mitchell, J. K. Fundamentals of soil behaviour, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1976.
7. Moseley, M. P., Kirsch, K. ed. Ground Improvement. Taylor and Francis, London, 2004.

8. Tomlinson, M. J.: Foundation design and construction.n. Pearson Education, Harlow,
Urban and regional development
Code: MFTEL31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: None

Urbanization. Evolution of settlements and theories. Urban sprawl. Types of settlements.
Agglomeration and conurbation. Functional role of settlements in the urban network. World
cities/global cities/mega cities. Evolution of the structure of cities. Theories of urban
development. Development strategies. Protection and reconstruction of the built environment.
Types of regions. NUTS structure of the European Union. Regional development theories.
Regional development and cohesion policies in the European Union. National Regional
Development Concept. Effects of regional development policies on urban network. European
Spatial Development Perspective.

1. P. L. Knox, L. McCarthy (2012) Urbanization. An Introduction to Urban Geography. 3rd
Edition. Pearson Education, Glenview. ISBN 978-0-321-73643-7
2. J. Glasson and T. Marshall (2007) Regional Planning. Routledge, New York. ISBN 978-
3. S. Sassen (2001) The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo. 2nd Edition. Princeton
University Press, Princeton. ISBN 978-0-691-07063-6
4. European Spatial Development Perspective: Towards Balanced and Sustainable
Development of the Territory of the European Union (1999) Office for Official
Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. ISBN 92-828-7658-6

Transportation Engineering I (Roads)

Code: MFKLE31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFGIN31S04-EN

Charasteristics of road transportation. Road networks, categories. Vehicle proceeding in straight
and circular sections. Speeds, impedances. Sight distances. Horizontal and vertical alignment,
harmonization. Rural and urban intersections, sizing. Multi-level intersections. Implementing of
roads. Planning phases. Agricultural roads. Materials of road structures. Flexible and inflexible
road structures.

Transportation Engineering I (Railway Tracks)

Code: MFKLE32S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFGIN32S04-EN

Topics: Concepts of rail transport and rail track, their particularities and elements. Kinetics and
kinematics of rail transport, its regularities. The theory and practice of track tracing, the basics of
track planning. Substructure and superstructure of the train track, its structural formation,

methods of estimating its bearing capacity. The theory of the rail-track without inter-space, its
conditions and regulations. Types of railway intersections, creation of track network, methods
and elements of track connection. The ageing of the track, the principles of its building and

1. Dr Kerkápoly Endre: Vasútvonalak tervezése és korszerűsítése. / Planning and
Modernisation of Railway Tracks/ Tk. Bp.1968
2. Dr Gajári József: Vasútépítéstan I. II./ Railway Construction Studies I. II./ Tk. Bp. 1982
3. Dr Megyeri Jenő: Vasútépítéstan. / Railway Construction Studies/ Műegyetemi Kiadó Bp.
4. Dr Kerkápoly Endre: Vasútépítéstan III. – Vágánykapcsolások. / Track Switching/
(Műegyetemi kiadó Bp. 2002)
5. Országos Közforgalmi Vasutak Pályatervezési Szabályzata 2. / Planning Regulations of
National Public Railways 2./ átdolgozott kiadás / revised edition/KÖZDOK Bp. 1993.

Building Construction I
Code: MFMAG31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMAB31S03-EN

Subject of building construction science. Primary and inferior structures of buildings. Effects on
buildings, requirements. Horizontal load-bearing structures. Arches. Solid floors. Monolithic and
prefabricated RC floor structures. Frame-type buildings, architectural features. Structure of
monolithic RC frame buildings, space limiting structures. Foundation and under grade insulation.
Pitched roof: roof truss and roofing. Flat roof. Door (external and internal), window. Floor, stairs.
Chimneys and ventilation shafts. Floor finish, façade finish (envelope).

1. Ambrose, James E. (1993) Building structures. Wiley, New York ISBN: 0471540609
2. J. Böhönyey (1986) Building construction encyclopedia. Iparterv, Budapest ISBN: -
3. Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno (2010) Building Construction Handbook. Butterworth-
Heinemann ISBN-10: 1856178056
4. Madan Mehta, Walter Scarborough, Diane Armpriest (2007) Building Construction:
Principles, Materials, and Systems. Prentice Hall ISBN-10: 0130494216
5. Madan Mehta (1997) The principles of building construction. Prentice Hall ISBN :

CAD modelling
Code: MFCAD31S04-EN
Classes/week: 0+4 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFABR31X04-EN

Introduction to computer aided design. Presentation of the history of CAD. Presentation of the
screen. Giving the coordinates and drawing with coordinates. Introduction of draw (line, polygon,
circle, arch, line chain, etc.) and draw modifying commands (erase, copy, mirror, array, move,
ratate, etc.). Managing the layer and introduction of features, settings. Settings of the linetype,

context and dimension style. Usage of palettes and tools. Creating and using blocks and
references. Introduction of inqueries. Presentation of draw settings, costumizing and settings.
Detailed presentation of drop-down boxes and toolbars. Usage of model space and paper space.
Settings of printing and printing.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:

Theory of Design
Code: MFMEL31S04-EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMEC31S05-EN

Principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability and durability of structures, basis of
structural design and verification, guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability according
the EUROCODE standard. Modelling of structures. Classification and modelling of general
actions on structures: self-weight, imposed loads for buildings, snow loads, wind actions, actions
on structures exposed to fire, accidental actions, seismic actions and rules for buildings, static and
dynamic action. Characteristic and other representative values of variable actions. Verification by
the partial factor method. Combinations of actions: Ultimate limit states, serviceability limit
states. Serviceability criteria.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
3. EN 1991-1-2:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-2: General actions - Actions
on structures exposed to fire.
4. EN 1991-1-3:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General actions - Snow
5. EN 1991-1-4:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind
6. EN 1991-1-5:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-5: General actions -
Thermal actions
7. EN 1991-1-6:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-7: General actions -
Accidental actions
8. EN 1998-1:2004 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1:
General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
9. Basis of structural design, Guide to Interpretative Documents for Essential Requirements,
to EN 1990 and to applications use of Eurocodes; Garston, Watford, UK, 4. 2004.

Steel Structures I
Code: MFACS31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFEPA32S03-EN, MFMEL31S04-EN


History of steel constructions. Basis of steel structures design. Mechanical properties of structural
steel: yield strength, ultimate strength, elongation at failure; ductility requirements, design values
of material coefficients. Structural analysis, elastic and plastic global analysis of structures.
Imperfections. Classification of cross sections. Resistance of cross-section: tension, compression,
bending moment, shear, bending and shear, bending and axial force, bending, shear and axial
force. Buckling resistance of members, uniform members in compression, uniform members in
bending, buckling curves. Bolted joints (shear resistance and bearing resistance), welded joints
(simplified method for design resistance of fillet weld).

1. EN 1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
2. EN 1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints

Timber and Masonry Structures

Code: MFFFS31S03-EN
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFMEL31S04-EN

History of timber building structures: floors, roofs, walls and frames. Mechanical properties of
structural timber: yield strength, ultimate strength, elongation at failure; elastic moduli, design
values of material coefficients. Resistance of cross-section: tension, compression, bending
moment, shear, bending and shear, bending and axial force, bending, shear and axial force,
torsion. Buckling resistance of members, uniform members in compression, uniform members in
bending. Connectors for timber structures. Engineering timber structures. Mechanical properties
of masonry structures: yield strength, ultimate strength, elastic moduli, design values of material
properties. Reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures. Resistance of cross-section:
compression, bending moment, shear, bending and shear, bending and axial force, bending, shear
and axial force.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
3. MSZ EN 1995-1-1: 2010 Design of timber structures. Part 1-1: General. Common rules
and rules for buildings
4. MSZ EN 1995-1-2: 2005 Design of timber structures. Part 1-2: General. Structural fire
5. MSZ EN 1996-1-1: 2009 Design of masonry structures. Part 1-1: General rules for
reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures.
6. MSZ EN 1996-2: 2006 Design of masonry structures. Part 2: Design considerations,
selection of materials and execution of masonry.
7. MSZ EN 1996-3: 2006 Design of masonry structures. Part 3: Simplified calculation
methods for unreinforced masonry structures.
8. MSZ EN 1996-1-2: 2005 Design of masonry structures. Part 1-2: General rules. Structural
fire design.
9. Basis of structural design, Guide to Interpretative Documents for Essential Requirements,
to EN 1990 and to applications use of Eurocodes; Garston, Watford, UK, 4. 2004.

10. Jack Porteous & Abdy Kermani: Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5, Blackwell
Publishing 2009, ISBN: 978-14051-4638-8

Construction Management I
Code: MFKIV31S03 -EN
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFMFE31X03 -EN

Students learn about the participants of the investments in construction, they are bound to their
duties. Parts of the construction contract, together with the documents and the role of history
documents. Budget in construction, location, role, and part of the methods of calculation. The
concept of overhead hourly wage, the price of construction materials and the method of
calculation of the cost. After making a plan of complete budget should be size calculations and
shaped plans. Standard time allowance for labeling and defining technological order.

Compulsory/Recommended Readings:
1. Monori Joseph ( Ed. ) - Stephen kurty : Construction Management II . Organizing parades
. Fifth edition . Technical University Publishing House, Budapest, 1999th
2. Big Paul : Construction Technology I Technology Fund . The notes were issued in 1986,
sixth reprint . Technical University Publishing House, Budapest, 2000th
3. Consolidated Mining Issuer Collection I-II- III . TERC Budapest , 2009. , 2010. 2010th

Bridges and Structures

Code: MFMUT31S04 -EN
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFGTH33S04 –EN

History of bridges. Bridge classes. Norms and preliminary works. Foundations, substructures and
equipment. Dilatations. Structure and building techniques of steel bridges. Steel beam bridges.
Steel frame, arch and suspension bridges. Orthotropic plates. Structure and building techniques of
concrete bridges. Concrete beam, frame and arch bridges. Prestressing techniques. Precast
pretensioned girder bridges. Concrete box girders. Structures and building techniques of cable-
stayed bridges. Composite and timber bridges. Test loading, monitoring and maintenance and
strengthening techniques. Reservoirs, bunkers water-towers.

1. M. J. Ryall, G. A. R. Parke, J. E. Harding (2000): The Manual of Bridge Engineering,
Thomas Telford
2. H. G. Tyrrell (2008): History of Bridge Engineering; Stubbe Press

Theory of Girders I
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFMEC33S05-EN


Principle of virtual displacements and forces. Principle of potential and complementary energy.
Deflection of beams by the moment-area method and by work principle. Solution of statically
indeterminate plane structures by the force method, dead load, manual solution. Frames, trusses,
strengthened structures and continuous beams. Solution of statically indeterminate plane
structures by the displacement method, dead load, manual solution.

1. Structural Analysis : Aslan Kassimali (2014) ISBN:1133943896

Theory of Girders II
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFTST31SS3-EN

Principle of virtual displacements and forces. Principle of potential and complementary energy.
Deflection of beams by the moment-area method and by work principle. Solution of statically
indeterminate plane structures by the force method, dead load, manual solution. Frames, trusses,
strengthened structures and continuous beams. Solution of statically indeterminate plane
structures by the displacement method, dead load, manual solution.

1. Budynas: Advanced Strength and Applied Stress Analysis (ISBN-13: 978-0070089853)
2. Popov: Mechanics of materials (ISBN-13: 978-0135713563)

Building Construction II
Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMAG31S04-EN
Lecturer: Krisztina KOZMÁNÉ SZIRTESI, Marcel FERENCZ

Load bearing structures (walls, frames, floors, stairs, foundation). Wall-type buildings. Load
bearing and space-limiting walls. Lintel, ring-beam. Homogeneous and mixed walls. Systems of
construction and building (panels and cast wall construction, frames of reinforced concrete, steel
and wood, dry-tech construction, ready-made building). Monolithic RC walls. Partitions.
Horizontal load-bearing structures. Dense-rib, floor block, hollow ceramic block, self-
formworking floors. Comparative evaluation of alternatives. Design principles and rules of floor
systems. Balconies. Structures and roofing of pitched roof, built-in roof space. Structural variants
of wooden roof trusses. Transitional and engineered roof trusses. Steel and RC pitched roof
structures. Roof cladding. Soft sheet and plate covers. Metal structures of roof covers. Variants of
sheetmetal covers. Energy balance of buildings: components, geometric ratio and groundplan
arrangement of buildings, natural ventilation, energetic requirements, specific heat demand,
procedure of energetic design and checking.

1. Ambrose, James E. (1993) Building structures. Wiley, New York ISBN: 0471540609
2. J. Böhönyey (1986) Building construction encyclopedia. Iparterv, Budapest ISBN: -

3. Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno (2010) Building Construction Handbook. Butterworth-
Heinemann ISBN-10: 1856178056
4. Madan Mehta, Walter Scarborough, Diane Armpriest (2007) Building Construction:
Principles, Materials, and Systems. Prentice Hall ISBN-10: 0130494216
5. Madan Mehta (1997) The principles of building construction. Prentice Hall ISBN :

Building Construction III

Classes/week: 2+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFMAG32SS4-EN

External - independent and built-together - stairs. Structural alternatives of internal stairs. Stone
steps. Prefabricated RC, steel and wooden stairs. Accessories of stairs. Foundation and subsoil
insulation. Building constructional considerations in selecting foundation mode. Subs, protecting
and supporting structures for insulations. Insulating variants for different effects and requirements
(coating, felt, expanding and mass insulations). Flat roofs. Main functional and additional layers.
Sub, protection against wind suction. Draining vapour pressure. Plastic and coating-like
waterproofings. Utilized flat roofs. Roof terraces with conventional and elastically bedded
finishes. Variants of green roofs, functional layers. Waterproofing against functional waters.

1. Ambrose, James E. (1993) Building structures. Wiley, New York ISBN: 0471540609
2. J. Böhönyey (1986) Building construction encyclopedia. Iparterv, Budapest ISBN: -
3. Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno (2010) Building Construction Handbook. Butterworth-
Heinemann ISBN-10: 1856178056
4. Madan Mehta, Walter Scarborough, Diane Armpriest (2007) Building Construction:
Principles, Materials, and Systems. Prentice Hall ISBN-10: 0130494216
5. Madan Mehta (1997) The principles of building construction. Prentice Hall ISBN :

Design of buildings I
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFMAG31S04-EN

This course presents the functional rules of residentional building design such as dimensions of
rooms, fixtures and furnitures with their space limitations. Descriptions from OTÉK,
requirements from local development plans, specifications and calculation about forming facade.
Significance of orientation. House featuring schema – detached, semi-detached, row houses,
atriums. One and multi-storey residentional buildings. Arragements, ground plan systems and
functional rules for design of staircases. Shaping the mass, adaptions to the environment. Space
requirements for parking, garbage storage, common areas and elevators in multi-unit reaidential

1. Malcolm Millais: Building structures

2. Philip Garrison: Basic Structures for Engineers and Architects
3. Ernst Neufert : Arhitects' data
4. Jürgen Adam, Kathariana Hausmann, Frank Jüttern: Industrial Buildings

Steel Structures II
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFACS31S03-EN

Uniform members in bending and axial compression. General method for lateral and lateral
torsional buckling of structural components. Uniform built-up compression members (built-up
columns with lacings and battening). Closely spaced built-up members. Design of joints,
classification of joints: classification by stiffness, classification by strength. Structural joints
connecting H or I section (single-sided beam-to-column joint, double-sided beam-to-column
joint, beam splice, column splice, column base). The component method. Design resistance of
joints with end-plate. Rotational stiffness and rotational capacity of joints.

1. EN 1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
2. EN 1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
3. Design of Steel Portal Frames for Europe, University of Edinburgh, 2011.

Steel Structures III

Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFACS32SS3-EN

Portal frames. Typical arrangement of portal frames. Imperfection. Load effects of frames.
Elastic and plastic global analysis of frames. Design of members (cross-section resistance,
member buckling resistance). Design of joints. Truss structures. Typical arrangement of truss
structures. Hollow section joints, types of joints in hollow section. Failure for hollow section
joints. Welded joint between CHS members. Welded joints between CHS or RHS brace
members and RHS chord members. Welded joints between CHS or RHS brace members and I or
H section chords. Welded joints between CHS or RHS brace members and channel section chord

1. EN 1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
2. EN 1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
3. Design of Steel Portal Frames for Europe, University of Edinburgh, 2011.

Reinforced concrete structures II

Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3

Prerequisites: MFVBS31SS3-EN

Theory of elastic slabs. Kirchhoff type slab. Loads, moments, internal forces, stresses and
deformations of elastic slab. Definition and behaviour of one way and two way slab. Design
moments of simply supported continous slabs and slab systems. Bending and torsional moments
of two way slabs, definition and determination of the main moments. Structural design of RC
slabs: determining the rreinforcement in two directions. Reinforcement for RC slabs: individual
bars and prefabricated welded mesh reinforcements. Arrangement of reinforcement in RC slabs:
detailing, anchoring, bentability of reinforcement. Structural analysis of flat slab. Detemination of
design bending moments, reaction forces and deflections by different methods. Problem of
punching shear. Design of flat slab for punching load. Detailing of punching shear reinforcement.
Plastic analysis of RC members. Definition and behaviour of plastic hinge. Static and kinematic
methods. Determination of plastic capacity, design. Plastic analysis of RC slabs.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
3. MSZ EN 1992-1-1: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-1.:General rules and rules
for buildings
4. MSZ EN 1992-1-2: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-2: General rules. Structural
fire design
5. MSZ 4798-1:2004 Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance production, conformity,
and rules of application of MSZ EN 206-1 in Hungary
6. Robert Park & Thomas Paulay: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Wiley-India Edition
(2010), ISBN:978-81-265-2362-5
7. Prab Bhatt, Thomas J. MacGinley & Ban Seng Choo: Reinforced Concrete Design Theory
and Examples,Taylor & FrancisGroup (2010), ISBN: 0-415-30796-1

Reinforced concrete structures III

Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFVBS32SS3-EN

Torsion of RC cross sections. Effect of normal force. Buckling of RC column. Normal force –
Bending moment interaction, interaction curve and interaction surface. Structural design of RC
columns, analysis of braced and unbraced members. Determination of the excentricities,
imperfections, second order effects, design value of bending moments. Analysis of RC frames,
design of D regions by strut models: corbels, corners, etc., reinforcing details. Prestressing of RC
sections, technologies and design. Reinforced concrete walls and shearwalls. RC walls as the
member of the bracing system. Reinforcing details of RC walls. RC foundations, design of flat or
slab foundation, design of RC piles. Problems, technologies and reinforcing details of industrial
floors. Application of steel fibre reinforcement.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.

3. MSZ EN 1992-1-1: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-1.:General rules and rules
for buildings
4. MSZ EN 1992-1-2: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-2: General rules. Structural
fire design
5. MSZ 4798-1:2004 Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance production, conformity,
and rules of application of MSZ EN 206-1 in Hungary
6. Robert Park & Thomas Paulay: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Wiley-India Edition
(2010), ISBN:978-81-265-2362-5
7. Prab Bhatt, Thomas J. MacGinley & Ban Seng Choo: Reinforced Concrete Design Theory
and Examples,Taylor & FrancisGroup (2010), ISBN: 0-415-30796-1

Geotechnics IV
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFGTH32S04-EN, MFGTH33S04 -EN

History of deep foundation. Load bearing capacity of foundations. Effect of the surrounding
soil/rock. Load transmitting systems. Piling techniques, examples. Designing of piles and pile
groups. Building and designing of diaphragm walls. Diaphragm wall boxes. Design aspects of
underground garages. Underpasses. Mechanized and conventional tunnelling. Pipe bursting.
Lining materials and techniques of underground structures. Soil improvements.

1. Károly Széchy (1966): The art of tunnelling, Akadémiai Kiadó
2. Utsav Chandra Kalita (2011): Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd
3. Sahashi K. Gulhati, Sahashi K Gulhati Manoj Datta (2005): Geotechnical Engineering,
Tata McGraw-Hill Education

Construction Management II
Code: MFKIV32SS3 -EN
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFKIV31S03 -EN

Create a budget based on the total of the previous semester band prepared schedule, making
machine schedule, preparation of staff schedules.
Creating organizational layout in three phases. Substructure works, structural work and during the
final phase of work. . Learn the temporary structures, temporary utilities, roads and means of
disposal solutions and marking of installed equipment.
Efforts should be made to both the installation and closed freely available land can plan!

1. Monori Joseph ( Ed. ) - Stephen kurty : Construction Management II . Organizing parades
. Fifth edition . Technical University Publishing House, Budapest, 1999th
2. Big Paul : Construction Technology I Technology Fund . The notes were issued in 1986,
sixth reprint . Technical University Publishing House, Budapest, 2000th
3. Consolidated Mining Issuer Collection I-II- III . TERC Budapest , 2009. , 2010. 2010th

FEM modellnig I
Classes/week: 0+4 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 4
Prerequisites: MFACS32SS3-EN, MFVBS32SS3-EN, MFTST31SS3-EN

The basis of the Finite Element Method (fundamentals of elasticity, the basic ideas of FEM).
Mathematical computational and mechanical background. Overview on the frequently used types
of elements in the structural analysis. Approximate calculations (Lagrange variational principle,
Ritz method). Compatible element model. Elemental and structural matrices. Isoparametric finite
elements. Computation of planar beam structures. Modelling questions. Contact problems.
Modelling of beams with the use of different elements. Modelling of frame structures. Modelling
of trusses. Modelling of structural joints. Modelling of concrete slabs. Modelling of concrete
pools. Modelling of timber structures.

1. Bathe, K. J. (1982): Finite element procedures in engineering analysis, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632, 1982.
2. Bathe, K.J. (1991): Finite Element Procedures, Prentice-Hall, Inc., New Jersey, 1996.
3. Szabó, B. Babuska,I. (1991): Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New
York, 1991.
4. O. C. Zienkiewicz, Robert Leroy Taylor (2000): The Finite Element Method: Solid
Mechanics, Butterworth-Heinemann, ISBN 0750650559, 9780750650557
5. O. C. Zienkiewicz, Robert Leroy Taylor, J. Z. Zhu, Perumal Nithiarasu (2005): The Finite
Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005, ISBN
0750663200, 9780750663205
6. I. Bojtár, Zs. Gáspár The finite element method – the basis
7. Guides of the FEM programs

Subjects of Structural Architect Specification

Steel buildings
Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFACS33SS3-EN

Steel buildings. Steel frames with simple (nominally pinned) joints. Steel frames with semi-rigid
joints. Steel frames with rigid joints. Basic and practice of the modern theory of design.
Connections of steel structures and the frame structures. Design of multi-storey steel buildings:
approximate calculation, detailed calculation (loads, calculation of the stresses, examination of
the structural elements, sizing of the connections).

1. EN 1993-1-1:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-1: General rules and
rules for buildings
2. EN 1993-1-8:2005, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures - Part 1-8: Design of joints
1. Design of Steel Portal Frames for Europe, University of Edinburgh, 2011
2. Eurocode-Manual: Design of multi-storey steel buildings, Miklós Iványi, Péter Iványi,
Pollack Press, 2008.

Reinforced concrete buildings

Classes/week: 2+1 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFVBS33SS3

Reinforced concrete buildings. Monolitic and prefabricated systems: structural elements of RC
frames and RC halls. Bracing systems of tall buildings. Reinforced concrete constructions:
forming of dilatations, forming of structural joints, structural elements for thermal, voice and
water isolations as well as vibrations, connection of prefabriacated RC members. Special design
problems of construction of prefabticated elements: connections of monolithic and prefabricated
element, detail of joints. Design considerations for the main formwork types. Effect of fire on RC
structures, structural fire design.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
3. MSZ EN 1992-1-1: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-1.:General rules and rules
for buildings
4. MSZ EN 1992-1-2: 2010 Design of concrete structures Part 1-2: General rules. Structural
fire design
5. MSZ 4798-1:2004 Concrete Part 1: Specification, performance production, conformity,
and rules of application of MSZ EN 206-1 in Hungary
6. Robert Park & Thomas Paulay: Reinforced Concrete Structures, Wiley-India Edition
(2010), ISBN:978-81-265-2362-5
7. Prab Bhatt, Thomas J. MacGinley & Ban Seng Choo: Reinforced Concrete Design Theory
and Examples,Taylor & FrancisGroup (2010), ISBN: 0-415-30796-1

Composite structures
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFACS32SS3-EN, MFVBS32SS3-EN

Basic problems of composite structure in general. Behaviour of an inhomogen cross-section,
stresses and deformations. Effect of material properties: creep and shreankeage of concrete.
Materials of steel-concrete composite building structures. Mechanism of force transferring
between components. Type of connectors. Elastic calculation of composite beams. Plastic
calculation of composite beams. Design of composite columns. Design of slabs with trapezoidal

1. EN 1990:2002/A1: 2005 Eurocode 1 - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1: 2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.

3. EN 1994-1-1: 2010 Design of composite structures – Part 1-1: General rules

Engineering timber structures

Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFFFS31S03-EN
Lecturer: Beáta SZAKÁCS, Imre KOVÁCS PhD

Timber as a structural material: strength and elastic properties. Engineering wood products.
Designof members subjected to flexure. Deign of members and walls subjected to axial or
combined axial and flexural actions. Design of glued laminated members. Design of composite
timbr and wood-based sections. Design of buil-up columns. Design of stability bracing, floor and
wall diaphragms. Design of metal dowel type connections. Design of joints with connectors.
Moment capacity of connections formed with metal dowel fasteners or connectors.

1. EN 1990:2002/A1:2005 Eurocode - Basis of structural design.
2. EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions -
Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings.
3. MSZ EN 1995-1-1: 2010 Design of timber structures. Part 1-1: General. Common rules
and rules for buildings
4. MSZ EN 1995-1-2: 2005 Design of timber structures. Part 1-2: General. Structural fire
5. Basis of structural design, Guide to Interpretative Documents for Essential Requirements,
to EN 1990 and to applications use of Eurocodes; Garston, Watford, UK, 4. 2004.
6. Jack Porteous & Abdy Kermani: Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5, Blackwell
Publishing 2009, ISBN: 978-14051-4638-8

Streightening of structures
Classes/week: 2+0 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFACS33SS3-EN, MFVBS33SS3-

General rules and methods for diagnostic and qualification of load-bearing structures. Rules and
methods for strengthening of structures. Strengthening of concrete beams. Strengthening of steel
frames. Strengthening of joints of steel frames. Strengthening of timber structures. Construction
of wall openings.

1. K.Koris, I.Bódi: Strengthening of structures

Design of buildings II
Classes/week: 1+2 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 3
Prerequisites: MFETE31SS3-EN

This course presents the design methodology of industrial and agricultural buildings. Functional
rules of industrial and agricultural buildings by OTÉK, limitations about peripherial built-in
areas, local development plans, main elements, structures. Specific technology requirements
descriced by animal species. Health and environmental rules. Manure management. Structures
and types of storage buildings and plant productions. Industrial parks and their regulations,
standards. Logistics and service facility needs. Structures of industrial buildings, particularly in
light weight structures. Design of social and service spaces, lockers and wet rooms. Fire
protections: Basic rules, structures and classification of buildings based on OTSZ.

1. Malcolm Millais: Building structures
2. Philip Garrison: Basic Structures for Engineers and Architects
3. Ernst Neufert : Arhitects' data
4. Jürgen Adam, Kathariana Hausmann, Frank Jüttern: Industrial Buildings

Diploma project
Code: MFSZA31SS15-EN
Classes/week: 0+12 hours
ECTS Credit Points: 15
Prerequisites: MFACS33SS3-EN, MFVBS33SS3-EN

Geoinformatics laboratory
Code: MFGIG31S00-EN
Classes/week: 1 week
ECTS Credit Points: 0
Prerequisites: MFGIN31S04-EN

Industrial practice
Code: MFTEG31S00-EN
Classes/week: 4 week
ECTS Credit Points: 0
Prerequisites: None

Structural engineering geoinformatics laboratory

Classes/week: 1 week
ECTS Credit Points: 0
Prerequisites: MFGIN32S04-EN, MFGIG31S00-EN

Material and structural engineering laboratory

Classes/week: 1 week
ECTS Credit Points: 0
Prerequisites: MFEPA32S03-EN, MFACS32SS3-EN, MFVBS32SS3-EN

Objective of the internship, competences ·

Students get acquainted with professional work in conformity with their specialist at a company
or institution and join in the daily working process. They have to resolve tasks independently
assigned by their supervisor and gain experiences may be utilized later in the labour market.

During the internship common and professional competences may be acquired. Common
competences: to precise working on schedule either individually or in team, to take part in talking
shops applying correct technical terms. Professional competences: applying professional skills
gained during the training and acquiring new knowledge.

Places suitable for internship

All the organizations, institutions and companies, provide students with the opportunity to
acquire proficiency in accordance with their specialization in the field of operation, repairing
technology, installation, management and development of different machines and vehicles, may
be a suitable place.

Documents necessary for commencing and completing the internship

The numbers of document copies is equivalent with the number of signers. The document types
which must be signed are here: Invitation Letter, Internship Cooperation, “Megállapodás”
(Company in Hungary), Student Agreement (Company abroad) The submission deadline is May
2016 to secretariat (Ms. Nóra Tóth, room 120).

Evaluation Sheet and Certificate must be submitted till September 2016 to Ms. Nóra Tóth.
Initiative of the internship at the company and providing for the documents from the company is
the student’s duty. If the student doesn’t specify the receiving company or doesn’t provide for the
Invitation Letter or the initiative of the Agreement and the Student Agreement (or its signature) in
time, the specialist responsible will refuse the Internship Certificate.

Execution of the Internship and its certification

1. The duration of the internship is 6 weeks.

2. Besides completing the internship, students have to compile a 15-20 pages essay about the
work done. The topic of the essay must be negotiated with the supervisor and attached to the
activity actually done by the student. It is expedient to choose a topic which may be appropriate
either for participating in the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference ("OTDK") or
a thesis.

3. The execution of the internship must be certified by the Evaluation Sheet and Certificate form
can be downloaded from the website of the Department of Civil Engineering. The deadline of
submitting the Essay and the “Evaluation Sheet and Certificate”: September 2017, office 212
(Ms. Eva Hadházi Volszkyné) Summary of the tasks and deadlines regarding the internship

 the student sign up for the Internship course via the NEPTUN in the spring semester,
 contact the company and provide for the Invitation Letter (1 copy) must be submitted to
the secretariat, for the Internship Cooperation (2 original copies, company is abroad) or
““Internship Cooperation with Company in Hungary”” (4 original copies, company is in
Hungary) and for the Student Agreement (3 original copies) respectively signed by the
company till May 2017. Please remember that it is the student’s responsibility to meet the

deadline given! Having the documents signed by the Dean of the Faculty and sending
copies to the company by post is the duty of the secretariat.
 executing the 4 weeks internship in the summertime,
 providing for the Evaluation Sheet and Certificate form at the end of the internship and
submitting it together with the essay to Dr. Imre Kovács responsible for the internship
program at the department till September 2017.

A partial exemption may be required by the student who has completed an internship in the
secondary school and it is certified by the secondary school certificate. The request for partial
exemption can be submitted till May 2017. After this deadline requests are denied. The copy of
the secondary school certificate and the written request addressed to Dr. Imre Kovács specialist
responsible must be submitted to Ms. Eva Hadházi Volszkyné secretary (office 212). In case of
any problem arising from the internship please contact Dr. Imre Kovács head of the Department
of Civil Engineering (office 212, or Ms. Eva Hadházi Volszkyné secretary
(office 212,


The history of the Faculty of Engineering dates back to 1965, when the Technical College was
established. In 1972 it was named Ybl Miklós Polytechnic and in 1995 it became part of Kossuth
Lajos University. In 2000 the Faculty of Engineering became part of the integrated University of
In 2005 the Bologna System was introduced, which aids the compatibility of the qualifications
received at the University of Debrecen with universities all over Europe.
The Faculty of Engineering is at the forefront of education and training of engineers in the North
Great Plain Region and in the whole of Hungary. It is a dynamically developing Faculty with
over 3.000 students and a highly-qualified and enthusiastic teaching staff of about 80 members.
The teaching staff is involved in numerous domestic and international research and design
projects. The Faculty of Engineering is practice oriented and develops skills required for the
current conditions of the national and international labor market. The recently opened new
building wing with its ultra-modern design hosts several lecture halls, seminar rooms and
laboratories equipped with the latest technology. Our students are provided with practical
knowledge, training and field practice with the help of the numerous prestigious domestic and
multi-national industry partners. The internship periods are excellent opportunities for students to
experience theory put into practice at the most renowned industry representatives and to become
more successful in the labor market in this highly competitive sector. Students learn to operate in
the working environment of multi-national companies and adapt to challenges easily. After
graduation they will be able to operate at a strategic decision-making level, placing priority on
efficiency and engineering ethics.
The Faculty of Engineering offers a great variety of BSc, MSc courses and post-graduate training
courses tailored to suit the rapidly changing world of engineering and focusing on European and
international trends. In order to optimize the quality of training, the Faculty continuously strives
to expand the number of industrial and educational partners at home and abroad.
The Faculty of Engineering launched the engineering trainings in English in 2011.
The Faculty of Engineering has been a pioneer in the introduction of the Quality Management
System at faculty level to measure and evaluate the efficiency of its education and teaching staff
in order to improve the quality of education and training from the feedback received. The Faculty
was awarded by the Ministry of Education the Quality Prize in 2011 as recognition of its efforts
in this field.

The Faculty of Engineering has a vivid student life. There is a film club waiting for movie buffs
and the door of the Faculty library is always open. The library is not only the host of the most
recent technical books, exhibitions and tea afternoons with invited speakers, but students can also
purchase theatre and concert tickets here from the staff. The Borsos József dormitory is also a
hub of activities for students.
The increasing number of foreign students brings cultural and ethnic diversity to the faculty.
Our aim is to aid students to become efficient members of the labor market and enrich the world
of engineering in Hungary and abroad with their knowledge and expertise.


Classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories and their instrumentation, workshops.

The available capacity of the lecture halls:

 24 classrooms and drawing-rooms for
training purposes (each with 16-70 seats,
altogether 1.258 seats, measures 1.670 m2)
 18 auditoriums (each with 78-256 seats,
altogether 1.281 seats, measures 1.396 m2)
 The total capacity of full-time students:
3.250. Current number of students:
approximately 2.860.

IT, Teaching technology and library supply etc.

 3 IT
for teaching
graphics and
CAD, seating
30 people each.

The Faculty library is a unit of the University and

National Library of Debrecen University. The
Library lays special emphasis on the extension of
its electronic services. Most units of the Library
worked with the integrated library system of
Corvina (former Voyager) since 1992. The Library
attaches great importance to collecting modern in-
formation carriers beside the traditional printed
documents. Either by being a member of national consortia or by local subscription the library
ensures that the citizens of the University be able to search in the bibliographic and full-text
databases of the most important scientific periodicals of each discipline (EBSCO, WEB of
Science, Elsevier periodicals, Biological Abstract, PsycINFO, Jstor etc.) It collects processes and
services the specialized literature of the taught and researched fields of the sciences. It stores
about 40,000 specialized books, textbooks and notes, 140 Hungarian and 25 foreign specialized
journals, thousands of standards, extra materials for teaching and planning, product catalogues
and brochures.

Language learning materials

The library provides students with language books, CDs and cassettes which help students fulfill
the foreign language requirements necessary to finish the major. It pertains to the Hungarian
teaching materials too in the case of training foreign students.

Different services and benefits which help students graduate

 Learning tools (course books and notes, technical books in Hungarian and in English)
 Textbook store where students can use their financial aid allocated for notes/textbooks
 Free wireless internet access in the Faculty buildings, including the dormitory

Administration unit
There is a Registry at the faculty, administration of courses is fully electronic with the NEPTUN
system, the retrieval is helped by a register system.


Laboratory and tutorial workshop background of the Mechanical Engineering and

Mechatronics Engineering fields
o Biomechanical materials testing lab: for testing prosthesis’, plastics’ and light metals’
joints. Applied equipment: INSTRON 8874 universal biaxial materials testing machine.
o LabView teaching room: The basic teaching of LabView is carried out by 8 colleges
trained by National Instruments (NI), in the teaching room supplied with 40 PCs. This
lab is equipped with the latest technology of NI.
o LEGO MINDSTORM teaching room: Thanks to LEGO Hungary, 8 pieces of LEGO
MINDSTORM robots are available for teaching the basics of the robot actuation and
sensing technologies.
o Machine elements lab: oscilloscope, photo elastic bench, Spider 8 amplifier, DMC
9012 amplifier, CATMAN evaluating software, force transducer, torque transducer,
inductive displacement transmitter, test pads.
o Machining shop: 5 machine lathes, 2 milling machines, gear-cutting machines,
generating milling cutters, centre grinder, web-framed cross-cut saw, EMCO PC Mill
type CNC drilling machine, CKE 6136i type CNC turning machine.
o Material testing lab: OLYMPUS GX41, NEOPHOT-2 and EPIGNOST-2 type metal
o Machine repairing lab: hand tools, turning lathe, Castolin ROTOTEC type flame
spraying pistol, EUTALLOY Super Jet type flame spraying pistol, column-type drilling
o Measuring lab: calliper gauge, micrometer calliper gauge, base tangent length
micrometer, optical dividing head.
o Mechanical technology lab: tensile-testing machine, ZD 20 type hardness tester,
impact-tester, Brinell microscope, fatigue-testing machine.
o Metallographic lab: NEOPHOT type 2 and EPIGNOST type 2 microscopes, grinding-
and polishing machines, power supply and auxiliary tools for electrolytic etching
o SKF and diagnostics lab: manual OILCHECK equipment, CMVP type 10 vibrometer
pen, CMVP type 30 SEE pen, shock impulse analyzer with PRO32-2 and PRO46-2
software, Testo 816 type acoustimeter, infrared distance thermometer, UNIBALANCE 4
type balancing equipment, informatics background

o X-Ray lab: MXR type equipment, Liliput type radiation source, VA-J-15 type radiation-
measuring assembly, densitometer, processing gauge, radiographic materials testing,
magnetic crack detection, ultrasonic testing, liquid-penetrant testing.
o Welding workshop: 8 gas welder workstations, 6 manual arc welding workstations, 3
consumable-electrode welding workstations, 3 argon-shielded tungsten-arc welding
o ZF Lenksysteme Hungary Automotive Laboratory: the laboratory is equipped with
ZF Lenksysteme Hungary’s products, mountable steering systems and steering columns
Laboratories of the Building Mechatronics Research Center
o Building mechatronics research laboratory: The purpose of the laboratory is the
elaboration of methods to carry out intelligent evaluation of measurements, intervention
and planning. The competence of the laboratory includes the integrated parts of building
automation, building supervision and security techniques, including the operation of
necessary sensors, regulators and interveners, which is defined as building mechatronics.
o Hydraulics laboratory: Presentation of most modern hydraulic systems and research in
the field of hydraulics, teaching of hydraulic subject-matters on the basis of the
programs elaborated by FESTO Ltd. Didactic, resp. BOSCH-Rexroth. The laboratory
has been set up and is sponsored by BOSCH-Rexroth Ltd. and FESTO Didactic Ltd.
o Laboratory of electronic engineering and electronics (Rohde & Schwarz reference
lab): The main competence of the laboratory is the measuring of electric quantities in
the field of mechatronics, mechanical engineering and chemical mechanical engineering
by means of digital and analogue circuits. There are 10 measuring stations in the
laboratory, which means that 20 students can carry out measurements at the same time.
o Laboratory of re-configurable mechatronics controllers: The purpose of the
laboratory is the research and further development of intelligent controllers by using
freely configurable digital electronic tools.
o Measurement and Control Engineering Laboratory: The following tools are of
cardinal importance in the laboratory for the support of teaching and research activities:
- storing oscilloscope
- power-supply unit
- digital manual instruments
- plotter
- function generator
- data collection and signal conditioning unit
o MPS manufacturing line laboratory: Teaching of pneumatics on the basis of the
program elaborated by FESTO Ltd. Didactic in the field of pneumatics, electro-
pneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, PLC technique, driving technique,
mechatronics and sensor technique.
o MPS PA laboratory: Presentation and research processes based on the flow of
industrial liquids. Study and research of the control of closed and opened systems. Festo
Didactic’s Learning System for process automation and technology is orientated towards
different training and educational requirements.
o NI Elvis (Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite) Lab: The NI
Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) features an integrated

suite of 12 of the most commonly used instruments in the lab - including the
oscilloscope, digital multimeter, function generator, variable power supply, and Bode
analyzer - in a compact form factor for the lab or classroom demonstrations. Based on
NI LabVIEW graphical system design software, NI ELVIS, with USB plug-and-play
capabilities, offers the flexibility of virtual instrumentation and allows for quick and
easy measurement acquisition and display.
o Pneumatics laboratory (FESTO FACT -Festo Authorized and Certified Training
Center): Teaching of pneumatics on the basis of didactic programs of FESTO Ltd. In
the field of pneumatics, electro-pneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, PLC
technique, driving technique, mechatronics and sensor technique.
o Robotics laboratory: The lab contains 16 workstations of robot technology, allowing
32 students to work simultaneously. There are altogether 16 PLC controlled robots at the
16 workstations.
o Schneider Electric knowledge center: all teaching, research, expert and advisory
activities concerning the products of Schneider Electric and the examination of the
possibility of their non-conventional use. The laboratory is suitable for the following
- Teaching of industrial controls by means of small and medium PLCs and realization
of real industrial processes on twido demonstration tables built with PLCs of type
- Regulation of driving technical models by programming frequency changers
(ATV11, ATV31 and ATV71).
- Complex engineering tasks by connecting operating models into the network.

IT laboratories and software

AutoCAD® Map 3D
Solid Edge
FEMAP v9.3
Autodesk® Inventor®
AutoCAD® Electrical
Autodesk® Robot™
Fanuc Oi MATE TC Control

Air and Noise Protection Laboratory

Purpose of the laboratory
The Air and Noise Protection Laboratory provides the practical background for different courses
such as Noise and Vibration Protection, Air Quality Protection, and Unit Operations. Numerous
different specific software are introduced to students in the lab, which is also the place for result
processing of field measurements.

Competence of the laboratory
The laboratory is suitable for carrying out and post-processing acoustic and vibration diagnostic
tests. In addition, modeling noise and air pollution propagation and noise mapping are also
important tasks of the lab, just like mathematical modeling of dynamical systems in the field of
chemical and environmental methods. Numerous software are used for the determination of
optimal operation of chemical and environmental systems.
Our partners
DKV Debrecen Transportation Services Ltd., Plánum 97 Ltd., TIKTVF (Green Authority)
Equipment in the laboratory
The laboratory boasts 20 personal computer with software for modeling noise and vibration
measurements (IMMI, SAMURAI) and environmental processes (MATLAB, Control System
Toolbox, Simulink Toolbox). The laboratory is also equipped with measurement systems and
devices for in situ tests, such as a Soundbook universal multi-channel acoustic measuring system,
four channel analyzers with Samurai software for vibration and noise measurements, a PDV 100
portable digital vibrometer, SINUS 3D seismometer and a Larson Davis 831 sound level meter.
Additionally, other sound level meters are available for student measurements.

Cutting and CNC Workshop

Purpose of the laboratory
The laboratory is based on the common and latest production technologies, thanks to which
students have the opportunity to see the material removal processes on the production machine in
real time. The machinery and equipment used in the lab provide the scientific and technical
background to education. The available technologies are identical with the latest technologies
used in industry.
Competence of the laboratory
Students learn about the basic manufacturing procedures (lathe machining, milling, planning,
sawing, grinding gear-tooth forming), the main parts of the equipment and their operation by
working on the machines in small groups. They also have the opportunity to study the cutting
edge geometry of the different tools.
Our partners
Optimum Hungary Ltd
Equipment in the laboratory

The workshop is equipped with five universal lathe machines, a universal milling machine with
two planer machines each, a Fellow Gear machine, two saw machines, two grinding machines
used to sharpen tools.
A type of OPTI M2 CNC milling machine, a CNC lathe L28 Opti and Opti D280x700 a type
universal lathe.
CNC programming and simulation software are available for ten students.

Diagnostics Lab
Purpose of the laboratory
The purpose of the lab is to provide the technical background to different diagnostic tests and
measurements applied in general mechanical engineering. Studying the application of measuring
systems and special diagnostic devices is also emphasized in the lab. Students can practise how to
set up and carry out measurements and draw the conclusion about technical problems.
Competence of the laboratory
Acquiring the basics of measurement techniques of machine fault diagnostics applied in machine
repairing and maintenance engineering fields. With the up-to-date equipment and measuring
systems students carry out different testing and structural analysis of structures and machine
elements as research and scientific activities. Our lab also provides the scientific and technical
background for PhD students.
Our partners
SKF Group, FAG Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG · Deutschland,
GRIMAS Hungary Ltd., SPM Instrument Budapest Ltd., KE-TECH Ltd.
Equipment in the laboratory
The following measurement devices are available:
 Oilcheck oil tester
 CMVP 10 vibration tester
 CMVP 30 SEE tester
 SPM analysator with PRO32-2 and PRO46-2 software’s
 VIB 10 vibrometer
 Testo 816 noise meter
 Center 320 noise meter

 Infrared thermal meter
 SPM Leonova Infinity universal vibration tester
 SPM Vibchecker
 SPM Bearingchecker
 Flir (ThermaCAM E45)
 Labview software
 Audacity acoustic software

Building mechatronics research laboratory

Purpose of the laboratory
The goal of the laboratory is the elaboration of methods for carrying out intelligent evaluation of
measurements, intervention and planning. The international research carried out in the laboratory
promotes the activity of practicing planners, operators and builders so that they can use more
efficient building engineering and building supervision systems from an energetic aspect and for
buildings to meet the comfort feeling of residents, especially their special requirements in case
environmental conditions differ from normal circumstances.
Competence of the laboratory
The competence of the laboratory includes the integrated parts of building automation, building
supervision and security techniques, including the operation of necessary sensors, regulators and
interveners, which is defined as building mechatronics. Our researchers have a wide-ranging
theoretical and practical experience in automation of building engineering systems of intelligent
grounds, elaboration of their support by means of building information technology as well as
elaboration of objectives relating to the cost-saving intelligent automation of systems.
Our partners
The laboratory was established thanks to the EU-funded project “HURO/0802/155_AFA
„Hungarian-Rumanian Research and Development Platform for supporting the building of
Intelligent Buildings” and with the co-operation of the European Regional Development Fund.
Apparatus utilizing renewable energy were built with the co-operation of ENERGOTEST Ltd,
while the measuring and automations objectives have been realized by means of instruments and
software of National Instruments.
Equipment in the laboratory

The construction and embodiment of the apparatus manufactured individually and installed into
the laboratory promotes the access for teaching, research, presentation and measurement.
Hot water supply system
Vacuum-tube solar collector (1000W).
Flat solar collectors:
Buffer stores
6 pcs solar cells (PV) to be used for research.
Rotating stand

Biomechanics Laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
The main purpose of the lab is the determination of mechanical properties of polymer structural
materials and biomaterials in contrast with stress. The Laboratory of Biomechanics participates in
material testing, particularly in tests of human bones. The Laboratory supports the following
courses: Biomechanics, Material Testing Methods of Plastics and CAD-CAM, Rapid
Prototyping. It is also used for various research activities.
Competence of the laboratory
The Biomechanical Material Testing Laboratory was founded in 2005 for accredited material
testing activities with its quality management system. The main activity of the Material Testing
Laboratory is research: various biomechanical nature experiments, measurements and tests. In
accordance with the accredited activity orders from external companies are executed as well.
Our partner
DEKK (University of Debrecen, Clinical Center)
Equipment in the laboratory
The most important devices of the laboratory:
Instron 8874 biaxial material testing machine,
Instron AVE advanced video extensometer,
Instron 51 portable digital durometer,
Mitutoyo measuring devices,
Torque meters,
Connex three dimensional printer
Zprinter 310 three dimensional printer,
Cobra Fastscan three dimensional scanner.

Heat Treatment Lab
Purpose of the laboratory
Heat treating is a group of industrial and metalworking processes used to alter the physical, and
sometimes chemical, properties of a material. The following basic heat treatment techniques take
place in the laboratory: annealing, case hardening, precipitation strengthening, tempering and
quenching processes for small groups (8-10 students).
Competence of the laboratory
The lab supports the teaching of the Materials Sciences and Manufacturing Engineering practice
course, and presents the main heat treatment processes for small groups (8-10 people). With the
up-to-date equipment and heat treatment techniques different heat treatment methods of different
materials can be carried out as research and scientific activities.
Equipment in the laboratory
 Heat treatment furnaces: RE-60, KO-14, ET-2
 Quenching vessels: water, oil, salt
 Hardness testers
 Temperature measurement & management equipment
 Personal protection & safety equipment

Machine Elements Lab

Purpose of the laboratory
The machine elements lab practice is part of the Machine Elements course, which introduces
machine elements and machine constructions built up of them to students, familiarizing them
with the material taught at lectures. Machines and equipment in the lab are designed in the
framework of the four designing tasks: Welded Machinery Base; Hydraulic Cylinder; External
Double-Shoe Thruster Released Drum Brake; Counter drive, which may be dismantled and
assembled with the guidance of the instructor.
Competence of the laboratory

Students have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with machine elements and parts and
to study their construction and operation methods. The lab provides the background for the
technical knowledge and hands-on skills required by the educational and outcome requirements
of the training program. Students have the opportunity to design the four designing tasks, operate
and maintain mechanical systems. The lab is equipped with test-benches instrumented with an
up-to-date measuring system comprising an amplifier and evaluating software, which is suitable
for the fast, electrical measurement of mechanical parameters changing with time.
Our partner
Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnic Ltd. (HBM)
Equipment in the laboratory
Test benches for testing drive train vibration, bolted joints, spring operation, endurance limit of
composite materials and friction phenomenon between surfaces, and so on.
The lab is instrumented with Spider 8 amplifier and CATMAN Easy software from HBM for
acquisition and evaluation of the measurement signals provided by transducers for the
measurement of force, pressure, acceleration, torque, and displacement. The Catman software
package running under MS-Windows is applied for experimental stress analysis with strain
gauges and an on-line measurement system.
The applied transducers and gauges:
 force transducers: measure static and dynamic tensile and compressive loads,
 torque transducers: in rotating and non-rotating version,
 pressure transducers: for absolute and differential pressure measurements,
 displacement transducers,
 strain gauges for determining the strain on the surface of components,
 piezoelectric accelerometer.

Hydraulics laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
Presentation of most modern hydraulic systems and research in the field of hydraulics.
Competence of the laboratory
Teaching of hydraulic systems of different courses by means of software developed by FESTO
Didactic Ltd, resp. BOSCH-Rexroth.
Our partners
The laboratory is sponsored by BOSCH-Rexroth Ltd and FESTO Didactic Ltd.

Equipment in the laboratory
 Two-side stand system with hydraulic power-supply unit, slave cylinder, hose storage, oil
tray, hydro-battery, cog-wheel motor, pressure limiter, stuffing-one-way valves,
electronically controlled root changers, manometers,
 error locating system: electro-hydraulic elements operating defectively, manually controlled
valves operating defectively,
 a set of mobile hydraulic elements, including the control block necessary for mobile
hydraulic research,
 axial-piston hydro-motor, pre-controlling apparatus and loading simulator.

Laboratory of electronic engineering and electronics

Purpose of the laboratory
In the laboratory students obtain experience in the field of electronics and electronic engineering
in the framework of the following courses: electrical engineering and electronics, technique and
electronics and chemical science of mechanics.
Competence of the laboratory
Students measure electric quantities by means of digital and analogue circuits composed by the
students themselves, which enables them to extend their experience. The examination of passive
and active elements for understanding the operation of digital and analogue circuits is also
possible, just as well as practising the search of electric errors. The laboratory takes part in the
development of electric cars through activities such as the energy supply of vehicles, charging
batteries, planning and building dashboard panels.
Equipment in the laboratory
There are 10 measuring stations in the laboratory, where 20 students can carry out measurements
at the same time. The equipment of the stations includes 2-channel and 35-MHz oscilloscopes, 2-
MHz function, direct-current double power-supply units, 3,5-digit multimeters, and measuring

Mechanical Lab
Purpose of the laboratory
The laboratory is based on common testing methods of raw materials, technological materials and
structures like welded joints. The devices in the lab follow the order of an ordinary material
testing method. There are several devices for test sample preparation (cutting, grinding).
Comprehensive analysis of materials is rendered possible by the tensile test machine and the
Charpy impact testers.
Competence of the laboratory
Transferring the basic knowledge of lectures of material testing, technology of structural
materials, fracture mechanics courses, representing the testing processes by specialized test
machines. Our lab is a scientific and technical background for PhD students providing the
facilities to carry out experimental tests for research and scientific activities.
Equipment in the laboratory
 Tensile test machine (with computer managed closed loop data storage & handling)
 Charpy impact tester machines (computer controlled from 0 to 450J impac5t range)
 Hardness tester (computer managed)
 Furnace up to 1300°C (computer managed heating & cooling curve)
 Personal protection & safety equipment

MPS PA laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
 Presentation and research processes based on the flow of industrial liquids,
 study and research of the control of closed and open systems,
 FESTO Didactic’s Learning System for process automation and technology is orientated
towards different training and educational requirements.

Competence of the laboratory
Teaching of pneumatics on the basis of didactic programs by FESTO Ltd. in the fields of
pneumatics, electro-pneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, PLC technique, driving
technique, mechatronics and sensor technique.
The systems and stations of the modular Production System for Process Automation (MPS® PA)
facilitate vocational and further training in line with industrial practice. The actual project phases
can be taught in training projects which include: planning, assembly, programming,
commissioning, operation, optimisation of control parameters, maintenance and fault finding.
Our partners
The laboratory was established within the framework of the project TÁMOP-4.1.1/A-10/1-
KONV-2010-0016 and supported by FESTO Ltd Didactic.
Equipment in the laboratory
 instrumentation for measuring and evaluation of quality and technological data of filtering,
mixing, reactor, charging (bottling), thermo and hydrodynamic measurements, control with
opened and closed cycle,
 filtration, mixing, reactor station and bottling station.

MPS Manufacturing Line Laboratory

Purpose of the laboratory
 Teaching and research of industrial discrete processes;
 study and research of the control of closed and open systems.
Competence of the laboratory
Teaching of pneumatics on the basis of the program developed by FESTO Didactic Ltd. in the
field of pneumatics, electro-pneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, PLC technique, driving
technique, mechatronics and sensor technique. The laboratory carries out research on the basis of
contracts signed with FESTO Didactic Ltd.
Our partners
The laboratory is sponsored by FESTO Didactic Ltd.
Equipment in the laboratory
 a 5-cation manufacturing line built by FESTO Didactic Ltd.
 software programming of the production schedule, examination of the advance and
automated quality monitoring between actions of the manufacturing

NI ELVIS laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
The aim is to provide practical courses in basic electrotechnics and electronics, and to grant
specialized knowledge and experience to mechatronics students in special areas like data
acquisition, Labview programming and research on the system of NI ELVIS (Teaching
Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite).
Competence of the laboratory
Based on NI LabVIEW graphical system design software, NI ELVIS, with USB plug-and-play
capabilities, offers the flexibility of virtual instrumentation and allows for quick and easy
measurement acquisition and display in the field of control, telecommunication, fiber optics,
embedded design, bioinstrumentation, digital electronics, and field-programmable gate arrays
(FPGAs). Besides our teaching duties, these NI tools enable us to conduct research and software
development in different fields of sciences.
Our partners
The laboratory is maintained by National Instruments Hungary Ltd and financed by the project
HURO-0901/028/ 2.3.1. „E-Laboratory Practical Teaching for Applied Engineering Sciences”.
Equipment in the laboratory
The NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) features an integrated
suite of 12 of the most commonly used instruments in the lab (including the oscilloscope, digital
multimeter, function generator, variable power supply, and Bode analyser) in a compact form
factor for the lab or classroom demonstrations.

NDT (Metallographic) Lab

Purpose of the laboratory

The laboratory is based on NDT testing of raw materials, technological materials and structures
like welded joints. The devices in the lab follow the order of an ordinary material testing method.
There are several devices for test sample preparation (cutting, grinding, polishing and chemical
conservation). Metallographic analysis of the prepared sample is rendered possible by a
microscope. Besides, there are several NDT (metallographic) inspection equipment to create a
comprehensive analysis of the material.
Competence of the laboratory
Supporting the education of basic lectures like material science, technology of structural
materials, manufacturing technologies I-III. Supporting our student’s measuring for scientific
contests. With the up-to-date equipment and measuring techniques we are able to do different
testing and structural analysis of special technological materials as research and scientific
activities. Our lab is also a scientific and technical background for PhD students.
Equipment in the laboratory
 Cutting, grinding and polishing machines to create samples
 Hardness testers (computer managed HB, HRC, HV)
 Ultrasonic wall thickness measurement equipment
 Ultrasonic hardness tester
 Microscopes (Neophot with CCD & Olympus with CCD up to M=250x digital imaging)
 Image analysis software
 Furnace up to 1300°C (computer managed heating & cooling curve)
 Qualified measuring tools (callipers, gauges, micrometers)

Pneumatics laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
Presentation of the most modern pneumatic systems used in industry and research in the field of
Competence of the laboratory
Teaching of pneumatics on the basis of didactic programs of FESTO Ltd in the field of
pneumatics, electro-pneumatics, hydraulics, electro-hydraulics, PLC technique, driving
technique, mechatronics and sensor technique.
Our partners
The laboratory is sponsored by FESTO Didactic Ltd.
Equipment in the laboratory
 FESTO teaching package (PLC, VEEP emulator, wires, tools, specifications…),

 two-side pneumatic stand system: pneumatic power-supply unit, hose storage,
 basic and electro-pneumatics, proportional pneumatic stock.

Robotics laboratory
Purpose of the laboratory
Teaching of robotics and research processes concerning the robotizing of industrial processes.
Presentation of CIM systems and research of the possibilities of integration
Competence of the laboratory
 Use and programming of recycle bin robots, carrying out of examination concerning the
operation of robots,
 examination of human-machine communication on intelligent grounds, where robots and
humans are present at the same time and perhaps co-operate with each other in space.
Our partners
The laboratory is supported by KUKA Robotics Hungary Ltd, Robot-X Hungary Ltd, Flexlink
Systems Ltd.
Equipment in the laboratory
 3-axe TTT Q-robot multitasking robot, a KR5arc KUKA industrial robot, a KR5Sxx KUKA
teaching robot and a SONY SCARA SRX-611 robot connected with a delivery track
incorporated into a manufacturing cell,
 8 pcs LEGO MINDSTORM robot and a sample manufacturing line consisting of 16
Fischertechnik elements developed by the university as well as a FESTO Robotino robot,
 KUKA.Sim Pro software developed for programming offline KUKA robots and their

Roller Power Test Bench and Diagnostics Lab for Passenger Cars

Purpose of the laboratory
The roller power test bench is appropriate for measuring and diagnosing the vehicle performance
and its condition. The installed test bench makes wild range power measurements possible in
different speed range in a safe environment.
Students can carry out a series of measurements in the laboratory about internal combustion
engine performance, exhaust gas analysis and on-board diagnostic (OBD) systems. These
measurements may support the degree theses of students.
Competence of the laboratory
The installed measuring equipment of Vehicle Engine Performance Measurement and Diagnostic
Laboratory have official calibration and authentication, therefore performance measurements,
exhaust gas analyses, emission measurement and diagnostic tests carried out in this laboratory are
all certified.
Our partners
Energotest Ltd
Equipment in the laboratory
 Rolling road dynamometer (TMP-350) with CAN bus based measurement data logger
unit. The equipment is suitable for performance measurement of two-wheel-drive
passenger cars and light duty vans up to 350 kW. Our lab is able provides scientific and
technical background for PhD students.
 Exhaust gas analyser instrument (AVL DiGas 480) which is capable of measuring the
composition of exhaust gas. The measuring system is also equipped with Diagnostic
Trouble Codes scanner, diagnostic software and an Autodata emission database.
 The laboratory is equipped with more wind generators and exhaust gas extractors.

Schneider Electric Knowledge Center

Purpose of the laboratory
The knowledge center established by Schneider Electric Ltd offers complete solutions in the field
of energy management, electric energy distribution, control engineering and automation of
processes of industry, building automation and security, energy supply and cooling as well as
installation and the control of installation systems. The knowledge center is instrumented for the
presentation of these systems as well as for carrying out research of building supervision systems.
Competence of the laboratory
The laboratory is suitable for the following activities:

 Teaching of industrial controls by means of small and medium PCs and realization of real
industrial processes on twido demonstration tables built with PLCs of type M340.
 Regulation of driving technical models by programming frequency changers (ATV11,
ATV31 and ATV71).
 Complex engineering duties by connecting operating models into the network.
Our partners
Schneider Electric Hungary Ltd
Equipment in the laboratory
 TAC system for realizing a complete building supervision A (TAC 302, 422, 731, 100,
452, 511 OPC panel) and terrain tools,
 let-in/let-out and camera system controlled by an Andover system,
 the laboratory is officially informed about any development carried out by Schneider
Electric and given a sample of its products.

Water Quality Protection Laboratory

Purpose of the laboratory
The laboratory has all basic tools applied in environmental engineering to ensure a strong
practical analytic background for field and laboratory measurements. Several research topics are
also connected to the equipment of the laboratory (such as investigation of rain water or
greywater reuse in households; thermal water final placement and the environmental effect of
thermal water utilization; surface water analysis and environmental status assessment of
watercourses surrounding Debrecen).
Competence of the laboratory
Environmental engineers get a good experience and knowledge on the prevention of
environmental hazards, the abolition of environmental problems, the utilization of natural
resources, cleaner technologies, analytical and monitoring methods. The lab is equipped with
modern and efficient instrumental analytical devices to get reliable and fast results for water or
sludge samples.
Our partners
TIKTVF (Green Authority), Debrecen Waterworks Ltd., Hajdú-Bihar County Municipalities
Water Works Co., Ltd. Analab Ltd., Scharlab Hungary Ltd., NNK Environmental Management,
Information Technology, Sales and Service Ltd.
Equipment in the laboratory
Classical and instrumental analytical techniques for investigation of different water or sludge
- DIONEX ICS 3000 ion chromatographic system,
- Shimadzu Vcpn TOC instrument,
- Zetasizer Nano Z zeta potential analyser,
- WTW MultilineP4 electro-analytical set,
- BOD OXITOP IS 12 measurement, Thermostat cabinet,
- Nanocolor Linus spectrophotometer with thermoblock,

- TURB-555 IR Turbidimeter,
- Millipore Milli-Q Integral 3 water purification unit,
- Classical analytical methods (gravimetry and titrimetry).

Welding Lab
Purpose of the laboratory
 Instruction, presentation and practice of advanced welding procedures used in industry all
over the world,
 to ensure the proper technological environment for the construction of racing cars driven
by compressed air or electric motors for student’s competitions.
Competence of the laboratory
Introduction of the basic welding processes by welding joints of test specimens. The lab supports
the Materials Sciences and Manufacturing Engineering courses.
The laboratory is equipped with eight welding dry boxes for electric arc-welding and one for gas-
welding and metal cutting. Students learn and practise four different welding procedures:
 Manual metal arc welding (MMA)
 MIG-MAG gas-shielded arc welding (MIG -MAG)
 Wolfram electrode welding with argon shielding gas ( GTAW -TIG, WIG )
 Gas welding, flame cutting , and plasma cutting.
Equipment in the laboratory
 MILLER Powcon-300 type welding machines for MMA welding,
 MILLER Synchrowave-250 type welding machines for TIG welding,
 MILLER MIGBLU-300 type welding machines for gas-shielded metal-arc welding,
 WELDI TIG-200i DC type welding machines for TIG and MMA welding,
 WELDI AMIGO-250, WELDI MIG-320 Plus, WELDI MIG-420 type welding machines for
gas-shielded metal-arc welding.

ZF Lenksysteme Hungária Automotive Lab

Purpose of the laboratory
The ZF Lenksysteme Hungária Automotive Laboratory was established by ZF Lenksysteme
Hungária Ltd. in 2014. The Laboratory is suitable for performing activities like electric vehicle
construction and assembly for student competitions and for company related projects. Thanks to
its modern equipment and top class steering systems, the lab ensures the appropriate background
for related research.
Competence of the laboratory
The Laboratory is suitable for implementing modern engineering projects. The laboratory is
equipped with the products of ZF Lenksysteme Hungária Ltd., mountable steering systems and
steering columns. Students have the opportunity to investigate real steering systems in the lab,
which is also a scientific and technical background for PhD students.
Our partners
ZF Lenksysteme Hungária Ltd
Equipment in the laboratory
 Turning lathe (OPTI TU 2807 – D280x700mm, 125-1200 f/p, 850W/400V)
 Welding machine (AC/DC AWI)
 Drillers, Cutters
 Hand tools
 Tool trolleys
 Measuring instruments

Coll. Prof. Dr. Zsolt TIBA PhD, Head of International Office

Zita SZILÁGYI, international relationship coordinator of the International Office


Erika THOMAS, international relationship coordinator of the International Office


International Office, Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen

H-4028, Debrecen, Ótemető utca 2-4.


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