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Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang

December 2012

TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

ISSN 1651-064X
Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

© Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang 2012

Degree Project for the masters program in Water System Technology
Done in association with the Hydraulic Engineering Research Group
Department of Land and Water Resources Engineering
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM, Sweden
Reference to this publication should be written as: Alsuleimanagha, Z, Liang, J, (2012)
“Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM” TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

The core issue of this thesis is a model analysis of the seismic activity of
the Baozhusi dam, exposed to the 8.0 Ms (Mercalli intensity scale)
earthquake in 2008. The intensity of the Wenchuan earthquake surpassed
the design level of the dam however, except minor injuries; the Baozhusi
dam was not destructively damaged.
The horizontal component of the ground motion predominate the
dynamic response of the dam, it is considered that the horizontal
component of the ground motion crossed the dam at its axis therefore
diminishing the seismic shockwaves.
The dynamical behavior of the dam has been modeled and analyzed by
the 2- dimensional finite element method with the help of ABAQUS
software package in order to ensure the safe operation of the dam. The
seismic response is evaluated for Wenchuan earthquake ground
acceleration data using finite element acceleration time history method.
This dynamical analysis has calculated the time history of the main
principal stresses and displacement in the dam section, and their
maximum values in the earthquake duration have been compared and

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

I denna avhandling genomförs en modal analys av inverkan av seismisk
akitvitet på Baozhuisdammen som 2008 drabbades av en jordbävning
som uppmätte 8,0 påMercalliskalan. Dammen fick inga allvarliga skador
trots att intensiteten i jordbävningen överskred den nivåsom dammen är
dimensionerad för.
Markrörelsens horrisontella komponent var riktad parallellt med
dammaxeln vilket medförde att de sesmiska vågorna i dammen inte
blev såomfattande.
Dammens dynamiska beteende har modellerats och analyserats med den
två-dimensionella finitaelementmetoden med hjälp av ABAQUS
mjukvarupaket. Den sesmiska responsen har evaluerats med hjälp av
tidshistorisk finitaelementmetod med utgångspunkt från jordbävningens
Med hjälp av dynamisk analys har beräkningar av de påkänningar och
förskjutningar av dammsektionen som orsakats av jordbävningen
utförts, de maximala värdenna har identifierats och redovisas.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

ABAQUS 软件对宝珠寺大坝进行静动加载二维有限元分析。通过对

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

The project reported in this master degree thesis was carried out at the
Department of Hydraulic Engineering of Tsinghua University Beijing
from March to June 2012.
Our thoughts of appreciation go to Professor Jin Feng for inviting us to
the Hydraulic Department of Engineering at Tsinghua University, for his
patience and his passion for our topic of interest. We would also like to
devote our thanks to Miss Guan Ying for all the help offered during our
We would like to bring our thanks to Dr. James Yang from Vattenfall
R&D/KTH for making the trip possible and for all necessary
We are grateful to our examinator, Professor Hans Bergh from the Land
and Water Resources Engineering Department within the Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH) Sweden.
Our thanks go also to the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) that
helped achieving the present project.
The present project, managed by James Yang, was funded by Elforsk AB
within the frame of dam safety, with Mr. Cristian Andersson as the
program director. Some funding was even obtained from KTH that
facilitated the accomplishment of the project.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Summary ........................................................................................................................... iii
Sammary in swedish ...........................................................................................................v
Summary in Chinese........................................................................................................ vii
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................ ix
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. xi
Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1
Hydropower condition in China.................................................................................. 1
Baozhusi hydropower station ...................................................................................... 3
WenChuan earthquake................................................................................................. 3
Objectives and targets of the study ............................................................................. 4
Dam types ..................................................................................................................... 5
Dam parts and dam terminology ................................................................................ 6
Concrete gravity dams.................................................................................................. 6
Forces acting on gravity dams ..................................................................................... 7
Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 9
Gravity dams stability criteria ...................................................................................... 9
Finite element method (FEM) .................................................................................... 9
ABAQUS software ...................................................................................................... 11
Modeling of Baozhusi dam and material properties ............................................... 12
Load conditions and assumptions ............................................................................ 14
Self-weight, hydrostatic and silt pressure ............................................................................... 14
Up-lift pressure ..................................................................................................................... 14
Hydrodynamic pressure ........................................................................................................ 14
Seismic load .......................................................................................................................... 15
Dynamic methods of stress- strain analysis ............................................................. 15
Results .............................................................................................................................. 16
Discussion ........................................................................................................................ 19
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 19
References ........................................................................................................................ 21
Other References ............................................................................................................. 22
Appendix ........................................................................................................................... II
Appendix I -Equations................................................................................................ II
Equation of motion ................................................................................................................ II
Normal stresses ...................................................................................................................... II
Principal stresses ................................................................................................................... III
Reduced gravity formula ....................................................................................................... III
Silt pressure equation ............................................................................................................ IV
Westergaard hydrodynamic equation ..................................................................................... IV
Appendix II-Learning (ABAQUS) software ............................................................. IV
Equations used in the analytical solution ............................................................................... IV
Appendix III-Input file ............................................................................................... V
Part of static input file.............................................................................................................V
Part of static, dynamic integrated analysis input file ............................................................... XI

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

High magnitude earthquakes have devastating effects that leads to severe human and
material losses; when affecting concrete gravity dams, seisms devastate the
surrounding habitat through sudden release of reservoir. Dam safety is therefore
a significant issue to be accounted in order to prevent the failure of dams located in
seismic regions.
The Baozhusi dam, the case study of this thesis, was exposed to 8.0 Ms (at the
Mercalli scale) Wenchuan earthquake 2008 with intensity of (0.148 g) at the dam site.
The earthquake intensity exceeded the design level of the dam (0.1 g); yet, the
Baozhusi dam was not severely damaged as showed by tests.
The present study case is a modeling and analyzing of the dynamical behavior of the
Baozhusi dam during the earthquake duration.
The results show that the horizontal component of the ground motion predominate
the dynamic response of the dam. It is confirmed that the horizontal component of
the ground motion crossed the dam at its axis and therefore minimizing the damages
on the concrete gravity dam.

Keywords: Baozhusi dam; Wenchuan earthquake; Finite element method;

ABAQUS; Time history method

Hydropower condition in China
Water energy has been a force that humans tried to make use of since
the dawns of humanity. Parallels can be drawn between the technological
evolution of humanity and the use of water energy. If in ancient times,
water energy was used to grind flour and irrigate in time its use has
progressed to operating watermills, sawmills, cranes and domestic lifts,
to undertake the flood control, shipping, water mining etc.
The water is the cheapest and most at hands energy in nature, it is the
leading renewable and sustainable energy source in the world (Martinot
& Sawin, 2009).

Fig. 1 Hydroelectric Generation by Country, 2011.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

In 2001, 3500 billion kilowatt-hours hydroelectricity were produced,

accounted for approximately 16 percent the electricity generated globally.
Hydropower is generated in over 160 countries. Amongst them China,
Brazil, Canada, and the United States dominate the hydropower
production (Fig. 1) that corresponds to more than half of the world’s
hydroelectricity (BP, 2012).
Hydropower resources in China take up a large share of the natural
resources outsourced in order to produce energy. China has the largest
annual hydroelectric energy production (Fig. 1) and is the home of more
than 22,000 large dams. It is one of countries with the most abundant
water resources in the world (The Economist, 2003). China owns the
Three Gorges dam, which is the world's biggest hydroelectric station
with an estimated total capacity of around 22,500 megawatts
(Yang et al, 2006).
The world hydroelectric power generation is growing steadily at a 2 %
annually over the past four decades (Fatih & Maria, 1999). China is an
important actor of this global increase, by going from
220 bilion kilowatt-hours in 2000 to 720 billion of hydropower in 2010,
despite the drought of 2011 (Fig. 2) (BP, 2012). Such a rapid growth is
set up into China’s vital needs of providing self sufficiently for the
country’s increasing energy needs and reduce the dependency on
conventional thermal energy sources, (i.e., coal, oil, natural gas)
expensive harmful to the environment. (Liang, 2010).
China’s hydropower potential is vast, especially in Southern region.
However problems appeared in the hydropower projects, such as:
dangers of methane emissions, erosions and landslides. Before starting
any other massive hydroelectric project, decision making has to consider
the social costs and benefits of using hydropower resources
(Unicef, 2008).

Fig. 2 Hydroelectric generation in China, 1965-2011.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Baozhusi hydropower station

The Baozhusi hydropower station (Fig. 3) is located on the Jialing river
tributary and downstream of Bailong River in the Guangyuan City,
Sichuan Province of China and was set into function in 1998. The dam is
a gravity dam that is built of mass concrete material. The maximum
height of the dam is 132 meters; its total reservoir capacity at the check
flood level is 2.55 billion cubic meters with a total installed capacity of
hydro power of 700 megawatts. The average power generation amounts
2.278 billion kilowatt-hours per year. The initial purpose of the dam was:
hydroelectric power generation, flood control, irrigation and other
industrial utilities. The crest of the dam and the normal water level are
respectively 595 m and 588 m above the sea level (Fig. 4). The length of
the dam crest is 524 meters (China Water, 2008).
WenChuan earthquake
In May 12, 2008, an 8.0 Ms earthquake occurred in Wenchuan County in
Sichuan province of China. The epicenter of the earthquake (Fig. 5) was
80 kilometers west-northwest of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, with
a focal depth of 19 kilometers. The earthquake had devastating
consequences on the area. Except the infrastructure damages the
earthquake has killed approximately 68,000 peoples and left about
4.8 million peoples homeless (Li et al, 2009).
Big cities as far as Beijing and Shanghai (1500 kilometers and
1700 kilometers away from the epicenter) even felt the earthquake,
buildings being shaken by the earthquake waves for about two minutes
and people were evacuated(Wu & Xu, 2009).
The tremendous consequences and damages (human losses and material
costs) set again into the engineers’ focus taking into account the loading
of the earthquake in the design and evaluation of most of civil
engineering structures, especially critical structures as dams. Following
the earthquake in the Wenchuan region, 1803 dams suffered various
degree damages. Amongst them, the Baozhusi concrete gravity dam

Fig. 3 Baozhusi hydropower station from downstream.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

(260 kilometers from the epicenter of Wenchuan earthquake) suffered

damages at the top of the dam (Fig. 6). Yet, no severe effects on the
integrated stability and water storage capacity were recorded. Post
earthquake surveys showed no significant damages on the dam, no
obvious leakages in the foundation of the dam (no obvious changes of
the uplift pressure) (Shi et al, 2010).
High magnitude earthquakes have damaged some large concrete dams in
the past, for example Hsingfengkiang buttress dam (105 meters high) in
China which was exposed to a nearby earthquake of 6.1 magnitudes;
Koyna dam (103 meters high) in India - exposed to an earthquake of
6.5 magnitudes in 1967; Pacoima arch dam (113 meters high) in USA,
exposed to an earthquake of 6.6 magnitudes, Sefid Rud buttress dam
(106 meters) in Iran that was damaged by an earthquake of
7.3 magnitudes occurred nearby the dam in 1990. Most of the affected
dams have shown a tendency to develop major cracks both at the upper
part and at the base of the dam. In the same time, many others concrete
dams have been shaken by earthquakes without any damage, for
instance, the Hoover dam (USA), Kurobe (Japan) and Grandval (France)
(Gosschalk, 2002).
Objectives of the study
The main objectives of the present study are to evaluate the dynamic
characteristics of a 2 dimensional model of the Baozhusi dam using
FEM analysis, by focusing on the maximum tension and compression
stresses and to compute the displacements of the system when subjected
to ground motion. The result of the prototype model analysis is to be
compared with the current situation of the dam at the post seismic
condition in order to ensure the safe operation of the dam.

Fig. 4 Cross section of the non overflow monolith of the Baozhusi dam.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Though there were no significant damages caused by the Wenchuan

earthquake, the dam received the safe status. Attention should be paid to
the dynamic responses of the dam and the seismic safety margin.
Dam types
Hydro facilities’ purpose is saving water, solving the problem of high
floods and transforming the water into a hydroelectric resource.
Dams can be classified according to their material, structural behavior,
hydraulic behavior, and functions (Bergh, 2010).
Dam types according to their material:
 Embankment (earth) dam
 Concrete dam
 Steel dam
 Timber dam
Concrete dam types according to their structural behavior:
 Gravity dam
 Arch dam
 Buttress dam
Dam types according to their hydraulic behavior:
 Overflow dam
 Non overflow dam
Dam types according to their function:
 Storage dam
 Diversion dam
 Coffer dam
 Power generation dam

Fig. 5 Location of Wenchuan earthquake and Sichuan province of China.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Dam parts and dam terminology

The dam safety depends highly on the arrangement of different
structural parts of the dam (Fig. 7).
Dam parts in a typical design dam:
 Crest: the top of the dam that may sometimes provide the road way or
walkway over the dam.
 Parapet wall: low protective wall on the upstream side of the roadway
or walkway on the crest.
 Free board: the space between the highest level of water in the
reservoir and the dam crest.
 Spillway: the arrangement near the top of the structure that allows the
passage of surplus/ excessive water from the reservoir and protects
the dam from overtopping. The dam should be provided with either
a single spillway or a service spillway-auxiliary spillway combination
(George & John, 1989).
 Gallery: level or gently sloping tunnel, constructed transversely or
longitudinally within the dam. Galleries are generally provided for
having space for drilling grout holes and drainage holes. These may
also be used to accommodate the instrumentation for checking
 Sluice way: opening in the structure near the base, provided to clear
the silt accumulation in the reservoir.
 Heel: part in contact with ground or river-bed at upstream side.
 Toe: part in contact with ground or river-bed at downstream side.
Concrete gravity dams
A deeper consideration shall be shown to the concrete gravity dam – the
dam type used in the present analysis.
Gravity dams are solid structures built of mass concrete material; they
maintain their stability against the design loads from the geometric
shape, the mass, and the strength of the concrete. Their own weight

Fig. 6 Fracture of the concrete near contraction joint at the top of Baozhusi dam after
Wenchuan Earthquake.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

resists the forces acting on the dam (Fig. 8). Concrete gravity dams are
especially suited across gorges with very steep side slopes and where
good foundations are available. The particularity of this dam is that it
requires a lot of construction materials and therefore it may be costly.
It is still cheaper than earth dams if suitable soils are not available for the
construction of earth dams (USACE, 1995).
Forces acting on gravity dams
Different forces acting on gravity dams are (Fig. 8):
 Self-weight of the dam
 Water pressure
 Uplift pressure
 Silt pressure
 Wave pressure
 Ice pressure
 Temperatures
 Earthquake

Fig. 7 Dam parts in a typical cross section.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Self-weight: also known as dead load, it is the major resisting force in

gravity dams. The weight of the dam per unit length is equal to the area
of the cross section of the dam multiplied with the specific weight of the
material (usually taken as 24 KN/m3). The total weight of the dam acts at
the center of gravity of its cross section (USACE, 1995).
Water pressure acts on the upstream face and on the downstream face
of the dam. It is the major overturning force acting on the dam. The
water pressure varies linearly from a zero value at the surface of the
reservoir to a value of ( H) at the base, where (H) is the water depth,
and ( ) is the specific weight of the water. This force acts at a height of
(H/3) above the base (USACE, 1995).
Uplift pressure or internal hydrostatic pressure is the upward pressure
exerted by the water that seeps through the dam body or its foundation
(USACE, 1995).
Silt pressure or earth pressure acts on the upstream face of the dam and
occurs where the sediments are settled. It should be considered in case
the measurements of the suspended sediment indicate that such
pressures are expected (USACE, 1995).
Wave pressure acts at the upper portion of the upstream face of the
dam, mainly depends on the extent of the reservoir and the wind
velocity. The most important factor is to determine the height of the
wave in order to prevent over topping caused by wave splash
(USACE, 1995).
Ice pressure acts on the upstream face of the dam and should be
considered in the areas where there is a drop in temperatures. When the
temperature rises, the ice expands and exerts pressure on the dam
(USACE, 1995).
Temperature (thermal loads) affects the stresses in the dam mostly
during the dam construction due to temperature variations. It can also
affect the stresses in the dam during its operations, consequent to the
variations of temperature in the reservoir at the upstream face of the
dam and the solar radiations on the dam body at the downstream face of
the dam (USACE, 1995).

Fig. 8 Typical forces acting on gravity dams.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Earthquake (seismic load) causes ground motion in any direction; it can

be horizontal, vertical or both. The horizontal acceleration of the
earthquake causes two forces acting on the dam as inertia force in the
dam body and hydrodynamic pressure against the dam in addition to the
hydrostatic pressure, both forces act in the opposite direction of the
horizontal earthquake acceleration. While the vertical acceleration of the
earthquake affects the unit weight of the water in the reservoir and the
concrete of the dam body, the unit weight can be increased or decreased
depending on the direction of the vertical acceleration of the earthquake.
It acts too in the opposite direction of the earthquake (USACE, 1995).

Gravity dams stability criteria
The basic stability requirements for a gravity dam for all conditions of
loading are (Bergh, 2010):
 Stability against overturning: it may occur if moment around the dam
toe of the stabilizing forces (mainly the self-weight of the dam) is
larger than the moment of the overturning forces (hydrostatic
pressure, uplift pressure etc.).
The stability can be estimated through dividing the stabilizing moment
with the overturning moment at any point in the dam body. The result
should be larger than the magnitude of the safety factor that is between
1.3 - 1.5.
 Stability against sliding: the dam should be safe against sliding on any
horizontal or near-horizontal plane within the structure at the base or
surfaces in the foundation. This is expressed as ∑ H< ∑ v tanψ.
 Overstressing: the allowable stresses in the concrete and in the
foundation material shall not be exceeded.
Finite element method (FEM)
The Finite Element Method (FEM) is a key technology in the modeling
and simulation of advanced engineering systems.
The FEM is a numerical method which distributes field variables in the
problem domain, harder to obtain analytically. For instance, it is applied
to determine the distribution of some field variables: the temperature or
heat flux in thermal analysis, the electrical charge in electrical analysis etc.
(Liu & Quek, 2003).
The FEM divides the problem domain into several sub domains. The
smaller elements usually have a very simple geometry. A continuous
function of an unknown field variable is approximated using piecewise
linear functions in each sub-domain, called an element formed by nodes.
Next principles helped the elements “tied” to one another. This process
leads the entire system can be solved easily to yield the required field
variable (Liu & Quek, 2003).
The behavior of a phenomenon in an engineering system depends upon
the geometry or domain of the system, the property of the material or
medium, and the boundary, initial and loading conditions. Normally the
geometry or domain can be very complex. Further, the boundary and
initial conditions can also be complicated. Therefore, it is very difficult to
solve the governing differential equation via analytical means. Thus, in
practice, most of the problems are solved using numerical methods.
Amongst these, the FEM is the most popular one, due to its practicality
and versatility (Liu & Quek, 2003).

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Four steps are included in the procedure of computational modeling by

using the FEM broadly:
 Modeling of the geometry
Real structures, components or domains have to be reduced to
a manageable geometry, as generally they are very complex. The
geometry is eventually represented by a collection of elements and the
accuracy of representation is controlled by the number of elements used.
It is obvious that more elements we have, the more accurate the solution
shall be. Unfortunately, more elements demand a longer the
computational time is required. Hence, the number of the elements is
always being limited, due to constrain on computational hardware and
software. Graphic interfaces are often used to create and manipulate of
the geometrical objects, such as computer aided design (CAD) software
which can significantly save time to create the geometry
(Liu & Quek, 2003).
Knowledge, experience and engineering judgment are very important in
modeling the geometry of a system. An example of the having sufficient
knowledge in the simplification required by the mathematical modeling:
a plate has three dimensions geometrically. However, the plate theory of
mechanics is represented mathematically only in two dimensions. Hence
plate elements will be used in meshing surfaces. A similar situation can
be found in shells. The beam element has to be used to mesh the lines in
models; this is also true for truss structure (Liu & Quek, 2003).
 Meshing (discretization)
Mesh generation is very important in the pre-process. Proper theories are
needed for discretizing the governing differential equations based on the
discretized domains. The domain has to be meshed into elements of
specific shapes such as triangles and quadrilaterals. During the mesh
process, some information must prepared, such as elements connectivity,
due to the later formation process of the FEM equations.
Based on the mesh generated, a few types of approach are provided to
establish the simultaneous equations. The first is based on energy
principles; the second is weighted residual method. The third approach is
based on the Taylor series, which leads to the formation of the
traditional finite difference method (FDM). The fourth approach is
based on the control of conservation laws on each finite element in the
domain. The Finite Volume Method (FVM) is established using this
approach. Another approach is integral representation, used in some
mesh free methods.
Table. 1 Commercially available software packages.
Software packages Methods used Application problems
ABAQUS FEM(implicit, explicit) Structural analysis, acoustics, thermal analysis, etc.
Ideas FEM(implicit) Structural analysis, acoustics, thermal analysis, etc.
Structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics,
LS-DYNA FEM(explicit)
Fluid-structural interaction, etc.
Sysnoise FEM/BEM Acoustics (frequency domain)
NASTRAN FEM(implicit) Structural analysis, acoustics, thermal analysis, etc.
MARC FEM(implicit) Structural analysis, acoustics, thermal analysis, etc.
Structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics,
Fluid-structural interaction, etc.
Structural analysis, acoustics, thermal analysis, Multi-
ANSYS FEM(implicit)
physics etc.
Structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics,
Fluid-structural interaction, etc.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

It is so far shown that the first two are often used for solids and
structures, and the others often used for fluid flow simulation
(Liu, 2002).
 Specification of material property
The engineering system always consists of several materials. For each
individual element or a group of elements, materials properties must be
defined. Different sets of material properties are required in different
simulated phenomena. For example, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
ration are required in the stress analysis of solids and structures, whereas
the thermal conductivity coefficient will be required in a thermal analysis
(Liu & Quek, 2003).
 Specification of boundary, initial and loading conditions
Boundary, initial and loading conditions are crucial parts in solving the
simulation. Again, to accurately simulate these conditions for actual
engineering systems requires experience, knowledge and proper
engineering judgments. They are different from problem to problem and
usually done easily by using commercial pre-processors
(Liu & Quek, 2003).
ABAQUS software
Realistically, up to thousands, and even several millions of elements and
nodes are included in the FEM problems, therefore they are usually
solved by using commercially available software packages. A large
number of commercial software packages (Table. 1) are available for
solving a wide range of problems which might be static, dynamic, linear
and nonlinear. Most of them use the finite element method or used in
combination with other methods (Liu & Quek, 2003).
The ABAQUS program applied in this project was developed by Hibbitt,
Karlsson & Sorenson.Inc. It is an indispensable software package due to
its abilities of dealing with nonlinear problems. There are several
modules in the ABAQUS finite element package: ABAQUS/Explicit
(mainly used for explicit dynamic analysis); ABAQUS/CAE is an
interactive preprocessor that can be used to create finite element models

Fig. 9 Finite element mesh of the Baozhusi dam.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Table. 2 Material properties of the foundation of the dam.

Foundation Rock(O22-2-2)
Density [kg/m3] 1*10-9
Poisson's ratio [-] 0.18
Elastic modulus [Mpa] 26000
Rayleigh mass damping factor (α) [1/sec] 1.429732
Rayleigh stiffness damping factor (β) [sec] 0.0011331

and the associated input file for ABAQUS; ABAQUS/Viewer

(a menu- driven interactive post-processor for viewing the results
obtained from ABAQUS/Standard and ABAQUS/Explicit)
(Hibbitt et al, 2009 a). Though preprocessor like ABAQUS/CAD or
PATRAN can be used in creating the finite element model and
generating the input file for complex models, the analyst still often find
out that not all the functions which required in the input file are available
through the preprocessor automatically generate. An ABAQUS input file
is an ASCII date file which can be created or edited using any text editor
(UltraEdit was used in this project) (Hibbitt et al, 2009 b).
One of the best ways of learning about and understanding the ABAQUS
is to work with one example. A simple example (Appendix II) of
modeling a cantilever beam subjected to a uniform distributed force was
used to learn creating input file and check the accuracy of the result.
Modeling of Baozhusi dam and material properties
A three –dimensional problem can be simplified if it can be treated as
a two- dimensional (2D) solid. The dam was represented as a 2D solid,
where one coordinate (z-axis) was removed (Fig. 8). Two types of
2D solids were included in this dam model. Plane stress solids whose
thickness in the z direction was very small compared with dimensions in
the x and y. External forces were applied only in the x-y plane, and
stresses in the z direction were all zero. The other one was plane strain
solids whose thickness was large compared with x and y. In this case, the
external forces were applied evenly along z axis, and the movement in
the z direction at any point was constrained (Liu & Quek, 2003).
The dam is 132 meters high and 69 meters wide at the base of the solid
section. The upstream wall is straight and vertical. The depth of the
water at the upstream of the dam was 90 meters at the moment of
Wenchuan earthquake. According to the geometry of the dam (Fig. 4),
the two-dimensional finite element model was established using
a commercially available computer software package.
Table. 3 Material properties of the dam body.
Concrete type R90150 R90200
Density [kg/m3] 2400 2400
Poisson's ratio [-] 0.167 0.167
Elastic modulus [Mpa] 27950 32500
Rayleigh mass damping factor (α) [1/T] 1.429732 1.429732
Rayleigh stiffness damping factor (β) [T] 0.0011331 0.0011331
Allowable compressive strength (Static) [Mpa] 10.07 13.48
Allowable tensile strength (Static) [Mpa] 0.805 1.078
Allowable compressive strength (Dynamic) [Mpa] 13.1 17.32
Allowable tensile strength (Dynamic) [Mpa] 1.04 1.4

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Fig. 10 The horizontal component of the Wenchuan earthquake.

The finite element meshes used in the analysis of the Baozhusi gravity
dam consist of 2604 nodes and 2477 elements, first order, plain stress
elements (CPS4) (Fig. 9). The foundation was rock with specific
properties (Table. 2) and modeled as massless. The length of the
foundation was modeled as 1.5 times the dam height from both the heel
of the dam and upstream and from the toe of the dam and downstream,
while the depth of it was modeled as 2 times the dam height. The nodes
coordinate of the model referred to the global coordinate system
centered at the lower left of the dam with vertical y-axis pointing to the
upward direction and horizontal x-axis pointing to the downstream
direction (Fig. 9).
Two types of concrete were used in the construction of the dam: R90150
and R90200 with different properties (Table. 3). According to the
“Chinese seismic design criterion of the hydraulic structure
DL50732000”, the dynamic strength and dynamic elastic modulus
should be applied as 1.3 times of the static ones. The dynamic tensile
strength was estimated to be 8% of the dynamic compressive strength
and the static tensile strength is 8% of the static compressive strength.
Solids can be either elastic or plastic according to the property of the
material. Elastic means that the deformation in the solid disappears fully
if the loads have been removed, whereas plastic means that the
deformation cannot be fully recovered when it is unloaded.

Fig. 11 The vertical component of the Wenchuan earthquake.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Materials can be isotropic (meaning that the material property is the

same in any directions) or anisotropic (meaning that the material
property varies with directions). This project deals only with the
materials which are elastic and isotropic.

Load conditions and assumptions

The dam was subject to different loads which include: gravity load due to
self-weight of the dam, hydrostatic pressure, sediment pressure, uplift
pressure, hydrodynamic pressure and seismic load.
Forces can be static and/or dynamic. Statics deals with the mechanics of
solids and structures subjected to static loads such as the dead weight of
the structures. Structures will experience vibration when subjected to
dynamic forces varying with time, such as seismic forces generated by
an earthquake. In such case, principles and theories of dynamics must be
applied, where stress, strain and displacement will be functions of time
(Liu & Quek, 2003).
Self-weight, hydrostatic and silt pressure
The self-weight of the dam (gravity loading) and the hydrostatic pressure
in the model were specified in two static steps respectively: the DLOAD
option was used with the load type labels GRAV for the gravity loading
and the uplift pressure while DSLOAD option was used with the load
type labels HP for the hydrostatic pressure which includes the headwater
pressure and sediment pressure (Input file, Appendix III). The
hydrostatic pressure was calculated only at the upstream of the dam
where the water depth was 90 meters.
The sediment pressure was calculated with a specific equation
(silt pressure equation, Appendix I), where the depth of sediment was
35.7 meters.
Up-lift pressure
The core idea behind the modeling of the uplift pressures was to reduce
the gravity of particular elements set and directing them upwards by
using positive sign (Reduced gravity formula, Appendix I), where the
total area of the chosen element sets was equivalent to the total area of
the uplift pressure (Feng, 2012).
Hydrodynamic pressure
The hydrodynamic pressure was modeled as an added mass according to
Westergaard theory which states that: “the hydrodynamic pressure that
the water exerts on the dam during an earthquake is the same if a certain
body of water moves back and forth with the dam while the rest of the
reservoir water remains inactive” (Westergaard, 1933); the water
compressibility was neglected.
The added mass approach was implemented using 2-nodes user elements
which were defined by user ABAQUS software and had been coded in
user subroutine UEL.

Table 4 Maximum and minimum displacement and principle stresses from static
Maximum Minimum

Horizontal displacement [Cm] -1.173 -0.02473

Vertical displacement [Cm] -2.405 -1.493

Principle stress [Mpa]
0.1215 -6.301

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Table 5 Maximum and minimum displacement and principle stresses from

dynamic analysis
Maximum Minimum
Horizontal displacement [Cm] 0.995 0.123
Vertical displacement [Cm] -0.494 -0.152
Principle stress [MPa] 4.329 -7.211
Principle stress with 5% eliminating [MPa] 0.3926 -

Seismic load
The horizontal and vertical components of the ground accelerations
during the Wenchuan earthquake were used as an input to linear finite
element acceleration time history method (Fig. 10, 11) respectively. The
earthquake was 0.148g and the duration of the earthquake was
158.2 seconds.
The amplitude of the vertical component was taken as two thirds of the
gravity acceleration according to Chinese specification for seismic design
of hydraulic structures.
For the dynamic analysis the damping type needs to be specified. In this
study Rayleigh damping has been used, where the damping ratio is larger
than 10% of the critical damping of the system. Rayleigh damping has
two factors: mass damping factor and stiffness damping factor (Table 3).
The damping ratio which determines the behavior of the system was set
to 0.05.
Dynamic methods of stress- strain analysis
The dam structure is under stress when subjected to loads or forces. In
general, the stresses are not uniform and lead to strains, which can be
observed as either deformation or displacement (Liu & Quek, 2003).
Solid mechanics and structural mechanics deal with the relationships
between stresses and strains, displacements and forces, stress (strains)
and forces for given boundary conditions of solids and structures. These
relationships are vital to the modeling, simulating and designing of
structural systems. Thus, the mechanics knowledge was reviewed and
been used in the comparison between analytical solution and simulated
solution (Apendix II) (Table. 1A) in the beam example.
The aim of the dynamic analysis is to determine the responses of the
structure concentrating on the maximum tension and compression
stresses and the displacements, based on the characteristic of the
structure and the nature of the earthquake. Dynamic methods usually
apply the model technique which is based on some simplified
assumptions i.e. the responses can be computed independently in each
natural mode of vibration followed by a combination of these responses
in order to obtain the total response (Chopra, 1987).
Two methods are recommended for the analysis of the stresses in gravity
dams by using the finite element method: finite element response
spectrum method and finite element acceleration time history method.
Due to the ability of taking small time intervals of the earthquake
duration in the analysis, the finite element acceleration time history
method was used to determine the linear dynamic responses of the
Baozhusi gravity dam in the attempt of giving more accurate
information. In this study the time interval was used to be 0.0005
second. The 2-dimensional finite element method it is generally regarded
as an appropriate analysis method to gravity dams with height of more
than 100 meters, therefore used in the present study (USACE, 2003).

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

The inputs of the seismic load included two components of the

acceleration of ground motion registered at the Wenchuan earthquake:
horizontal component and vertical component (Fig.10, 11).
In the acceleration time history method the responses were computed at
the end of each time interval of the duration, of the earthquake
acceleration time history records, these modal responses were combined
using the square root of the sum of squares (SRSS) to obtain the
maximum total response (USACE,1995).
Linear time history method has the advantage of analyzing time
dependent characteristics of dynamic responses which at their turn
provide more information about the evaluation of the dam safety;
information such as whether or not high stresses occur in the same time,
short duration and repeated many times .The only drawbacks of this
approach are its sophistication and the relative sensitivity of its outcome
to the choice of input ground motions (FERC, 1999).

Two analyses were applied to the dam, static analysis where only static
forces have been taken into account (Table. 4) and static dynamic
integrated analysis where static forces plus the hydrodynamic pressure
and seismic load are considered (Table. 5). The statics analysis can be
taken as a special case of dynamics where the static equations can be
derived by simply dropping out the dynamic terms in general, dynamic
equations (Liu & Quek, 2003), the following part only describes the
static, dynamic integrated case.
The contour lines of the minimum and maximum principal stresses due
to Wenchuan earthquake including the initial static loading represent the
distribution of the peak values of the maximum principal stress at each
point within the section. The positive values represent the tensile
stresses, while the negative values represent the compression stresses
(Fig. 12, 13 and 14).

Fig. 12 Maximum compression stresses in the dam (Mpa).

(Note: The figure is distorted of layout reasons.)
Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Fig. 13 Maximum tension stresses in the dam (Mpa).

(Note: The figure is distorted of layout reasons.)

According to the static dynamic integrated analysis, the main part of the
dam was subjected to compression stresses (minimum principal stress)
yet the maximum compression stress was 7.211(Mpa) located near to the
break point of the downstream slope (Fig. 12).
The highest value of the tensile stress (maximum principal stress) was
4.329 (Mpa) occurred at the heel of the dam (Fig. 13).

Fig. 14 Maximum tension stresses after eliminating the stresses with a radius 5% of
the dam height at the dam heel (Mpa).
(Note: The figure is distorted of layout reasons.)

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Fig. 15 Maximum displacements in the horizontal direction (cm).

(Note: The figure is distorted of layout reasons.)
To prevent the high stresses concentration in the finite element
calculation, some of the maximum tension stresses have been eliminated
by a fan shaped area with radius of 5% of the dam height at the dam heel
(Feng, 2012). After the eliminating process the maximum tension stress
was 0.392 (Mpa) (Fig. 14).
According to the static dynamic integrated displacement results, the
maximum horizontal displacement towards the downstream was
0.995 centimeters occurred at the dam crest (Fig.15). The maximum
vertical downward displacement was 0.494 centimeters and located at the
half’s slope of the downstream face (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16 Maximum displacements in the vertical direction (cm).

(Note: The figure is distorted of layout reasons.)

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

The results of the linear static dynamic integrated analysis showed that
the main part of the dam is subjected to compression stresses and its
highest value was located near to the break point of the downstream
slope. The maximum compression stress was 7.211 (Mpa) (Fig. 12)
(Table. 5) and does not exceed the allowable compressive strength of the
selected concrete which is 13.1 (Mpa) (Table. 3).
The results of the linear static dynamic integrated analysis show that the
maximum tension stress was 4.329 (Mpa) at the heel of the dam (Fig.13).
It is approximately three times the allowable tensile strength for the
selected concrete - 1.4 (Mpa) (Table. 3). Since the tension that occurs in
the vicinity of the dam foundation interface is largely fictitious
(Léger & Katsouli, 1989). Eliminating the maximum principal stresses
from the region at the dam heel by radius of 5% of the dam height has
been employed in order to get more accurate results (Feng, 2012).
After removing the maximum principal stresses at the heel of the dam
with radius of 5% of the dam height, the response results showed that
the maximum tension stress was 0.392 (Mpa) (Fig. 14) which did not
exceed the allowable tensile strength of the selected concrete.
The displacement result obtained through this model may not properly
represent the real situation of the dam. It is hard to define the initial
displacement of the dam before applying the loads. These results may be
affected by the assumptions of the model, for instance the depth of the
foundation and its material properties.

Based on the intensity of the Wenchuan earthquake (0.148g) at the dam
site, which exceeded the design intensity of the Baozhusi gravity dam
(0.1g) and finite element acceleration time history method, the results of
the responses of the dynamic analysis of the 2D FEM model are
compatible with the real situation of the Baozhusi dam therefore the
objectives of this study have been achieved. Since no significant damages
have been reported and the dam resisted to the shock of the earthquake,
the results demonstrated that the vertical component of the earthquake
motion had relatively weaker excitation to the dam than the horizontal
component that predominates the dynamic response of the dam.
Therefore it is believed that the horizontal component of the ground
motion crossed the dam along the dam axis. It is probably the reason
that avoided the severe damaging of the dam (Feng, 2012).
With the combination of the seismic load, self-weight and water
pressure, it is normal for the dam heel and dam toe regions to have high
tensile and high compression stresses. The effect of the mesh in the
finite element method makes the dam heel and toe areas to have
maximum value of the stresses, thus more attention needs to be paid to
these regions.
In this study the mass less foundation model was applied in the finite
element simulation. In fact the infinite dam foundation radiation
damping effect will, to some extent, weaken the seismic energy that
creates the dynamic response of the structure decreased. This is
beneficial to the dam seismic safety (Feng, 2012).
The slight cracking of the dam contraction joints that occurred during
the earthquake can release high tensile stress that effectively mitigates the
destruction of the ground movement on the dam structure (Feng, 2012).

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

The seismic load damages started from its upper part which has a thinner
section- the break slope. As the earthquake develops the cracks will
extend to the internal dam body, and will result in bigger cracks
throughout the upstream and the downstream of the dam.
Anchor cables or other protection means can also be used on the dam
face for preventing cracks from expanding.
Further study should be applied, due to the numerical simulation in this
project did not consider the dam seismic response caused by the infinite
dam foundation radiation damping effect.
In a practical analysis more load cases should be performed, such as
analyses based on different water level in the reservoir, accordingly
further research is recommended to extend the study case of Baozhusi
concrete gravity dam under Wenchuan earthquake.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

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Land and Water Resources Engineering, KTH, Stockholm.
BP. 2012. The BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2012. BP plc.
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Chopra AK. 1987. Simplified Earthquake Analysis of Concrete Gravity
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FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). 1999. Engineering
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Division of Dam Safety and Inspections. 104p.
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Hibbitt D, Karlsson B, Sorensen P. 2009 a. Abaqus User Manual.
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Liu GR, Quek SS. 2003. The Finite Element Method: A Pratical Course.
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Unicef. 2008. China- Hydropower As the Right Solution. United Nations
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USACE (US Army Corps of Engineer). 1995. Engineering and Design,
Gravity Dams Design. United States Army Corps of Engineer. 10p.

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USACE (US Army Corps of Engineer). 2003. Engineering and Design,

Time-History Dynamic Analysis of Concrete Hydraulic Structures.
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Westergaard HM. 1933. Water Pressures on Dams during Earthquakes.
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Feng J. 2012. Professor & Chair at the Department of Hydraulic
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Appendix I -Equations
Equation of motion
The dynamic equilibrium equation is formulated from the equilibrium of
the effective forces associated with each of its degree of freedom
(Clough & Penzien, 1995) and can be expressed as:
 MÜ (t) +I-P=0
M: mass matrix of the structure
Ü (t): acceleration vector of the structure
I: internal force of the structure
P: applied external load vector
 I=KU (t) +CÙ (t)
K: stiffness matrix of the structure.
U (t): nodal displacement
C: damping matrix for the structure
Ù (t): velocity of the structure
So the equation of motion can be written as (USACE, 2003):
 MÜ (t) + KU (t) + CÙ (t) = P (t)
Normal stresses
The sum of the direct stress and the bending stress at any point on the
base of the dam gives the normal stress that can be calculated according
to this formula:

 * +
: Normal stress
∑ : Sum of the vertical forces
: Width of the dam base
: Eccentricity of the resultant force
The normal stress at the toe of the dam will be calculated by using the
positive sign in the above formula while the normal stress at the heel will
be calculated by using the negative sign.

Table. 1 A Analytic and simulated solution of the cantilever beam.

(σMax) (UMax) ( )
Errors %

Errors %

Errors %

(UMax) ( )
[Mpa] [mm] [Mpa]
Model [Mpa] [mm] [Mpa]
Analytic Analytic Analytic
Simulated Simulated simulated
solution solution solution

108 118 9.2 16.19 16.58 2.4 9 8.17 9.2

108 101 6.4 16.19 16.5 1.9 9 9.34 3.7

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

When the eccentricity of the resultant force (e) is less than (b/6) the
compression stress occurs in both toe and heel of the dam, when it is
equal to (b/6), the maximum compression stress occurs at the toe of the
dam and it is equal to zero at the heel of the dam.
When the eccentricity of the resultant force (e) is larger than (b/6), the
negative compression stress or the tensile stress occurs at the heel of the
dam which is not allowed to the safety of the dam (Bergh, 2010).
Principal stresses
Principal stresses are the maximum and minimum stresses that occur at
any point within the dam which can be calculated according to this
[ ]
 √* +
: Maximum and minimum principal stresses
: Normal stress on the horizontal plane
Normal stress on the vertical plane
: Shear stress
The shear stress is equal to zero at the upstream and downstream face of
the dam, therefore the upstream and downstream faces of the dam are
planes principal stresses.
The principal stresses at both upstream and downstream faces can be
computed by the following equations:
 ( )
 ( )
: Maximum principal stress at the upstream face of the dam
: Maximum principal stress at the downstream face of the dam
: Normal stress
: Intensity of hydrostatic pressure
: Intensity of hydrodynamic pressure due to earthquake
Reduced gravity formula

: Reduced gravity
: Water density
: Concrete density
Normal acceleration

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

Silt pressure equation

 ( )
: Intensity of silt pressure
: Friction angel
: Silt submerged density
Silt height
: Gravity acceleration
Westergaard hydrodynamic equation
 √ ( )

: Hydrodynamic pressure of one node on the dam face
: Water density
: Total depth of water acting on the structure
: Height of the node above the dam base
: Dam face nodal acceleration
Appendix II-Learning (ABAQUS) software
In order to familiarize oneself with the (ABAQUS) software and its
different features, begin with modeling a beam fixed at one end
(cantilever beam) with uniformly distributed load (Fig. 1A). After
computing the stresses and displacements in the models with different
mesh size, start to analyze the accuracy of the results that depend on the
number and the shape of the element in the model. Compare the results
with the analytical solutions (Table. 1A).
Equations used in the analytical solution

Maximum bending moment
= load per unit length
= span length of the bending member

Fig. 1 A Cantilever beam with uniform distributed load.

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

= Maximum stress
= Distance from neutral axis
= Moment of inertia
 =
= Beam width
= Beam height

= Maximum displacement
= Elastic modulus

Maximum shear stress
= shear force
= cross section area of the beam
Appendix III-Input file
These are parts of our modeling input file which include static analysis
and dynamic analysis input files. Parts of listing of nodes and elements
were removed due to the fact that they are more than 5000 raw.
Necessary explanation is only given to the static input file, as the static
and dynamic input file have similar syntax rules.
Dynamic analysis is starting with the part of added mass set representing
the elements that have been set to hydrodynamic pressure, followed by
material properties, boundary conditions, static steps analysis and
dynamic steps analysis. All the rows that have the symbol (*) are
considered during the model run, while the rows that have the symbol
(**) are used for describing and commenting on the code- they are not
included during the computation.
Part of static input file
1, -494.763, 595. Nodal cards
2, -514.263, 595. It defines the coordinates of
3, -496.263, 595. the nodes in the model. The
4, -497.763, 595. first entry being the node ID
while the second and third
5, -499.263, 595.
entries are the x and y
** coordinates of the position
*ELEMENT, TYPE=CPS4 of the node, respectively.
1, 43, 57, 42, 32
2, 44, 58, 57, 43
3, 45, 59, 58, 44
4, 46, 60, 59, 45
5, 47, 61, 60, 46
** base

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

1878, 2477, 1
Element (connectivity) card
It defines the element type
** damlayer and what nodes make up the
** element. CPS4 represents
*ELSET, ELSET=DAMLAYER that it is a plane stress, four
189, 199, 1 nodal, quadrilateral elements.
There are many other
1112, 1147, 1 element types in the
** ABAQUS element library.
** baselayer For example, if we were to
** use a plane strain element,
the element type would be
CPE4. The order of the
1402, 1424, 1 nodes for all elements must
1581, 1607, 1 be consistent and
** counterclockwise.
** add-concret
1311, 1401, 1
** dam
1, 1310, 1
1425, 1580, 1
1622, 1877, 1
** cutoff
1608, 1621, 1 The “ELSET= DAM”
** statement is simply for
** R200 naming this set of
elements so that it can be
referenced when defining
*ELSET, ELSET=R200, GENERATE the material properties. In
16, 33, 1 the subsequent data entry,
42, 47, 1 the first entry is from
which element ID this
54, 61, 1
element set applied, and
75, 83, 1 the following entry is end
91, 100, 1 up with which element
** planestress ID.
1, 1607, 1

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

1622, 1877, 1
** planestrain
1608, 1621, 1
1878, 2477, 1
** uplift
24, 33, 1 Node sets
199, 199, 1 It sets of nodes defended to be
205, 208, 1 used for referencing when
264, 303, 1 defining boundary and loading
conditions. For example, the
363, 398, 1 nodes 2033, 2042, 2043 etc. are
** grouped up as a set labeled
*NSET, NSET=boundary_up “boundary_up”.
*NSET, NSET=boundary_down
*NSET, NSET=boundary_bottom
199, 1147
24, 32, 1
264, 288, 1
289, 299, 1
1185, 1193, 1
33, 205, 300, 1148, 1194
205, 300, 1148, 1194
289, 299, 1
1185, 1193, 1
*Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=hydro_up

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

*Surface, type=ELEMENT, name=sand
SAND_1, S2
SAND_2, S4
*Solid Section, ELSET=BASE, material=rocko2-2-2
1., Property cards
*Solid Section, ELSET=R150, material=r150 It defines
1., properties to the
elements of set
*Solid Section, ELSET=R200, material=r200 ”r150”. It will
1., have the material
*Solid Section, ELSET=CUTOFF, material=r150 properties defined
1., under ” r150”.
*Solid Section, ELSET=ADD-CONCRET, material=r150
*Solid Section, ELSET=BASELAYER, material=baselayer
*Solid Section, ELSET=DAMLAYER, material=damlayer
Material cards
*Material, name=r150
It defines material properties under
the name “r150 etc.” Density, elastic
2400., properties are defined.
2.15e10, 0.167
*Material, name=r200
2.50e10, 0.167
*Material, name=rocko2-2-2
2.00e10, 0.18
*Material, name=baselayer

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

2.15e10, 0.167
Boundary Condition cards
*Material, name=damlayer
It defines boundary conditions. For
*Density example, the first one
2400., labeled”boundary_bottom” represents
*Elastic that nodes belonging to the set
“boundary_bottom” have its “1” and
2.15e10, 0.167
“2” directions constrained.
boundary_bottom, 1, 2
boundary_down, 1, 1
boundary_up, 1, 1
Control card
*STEP,name=GEOSTATIC It indicates the analysis step. In this
*GEOSTATIC case it is a “Geostatic” analysis.
base, GRAV, 9.81, 0.,-1
*Output, field
*Element Output
*node output
*End Step
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
** STEP: Gravity
*Step, name=Gravity,inc=10000
0.1, 1., 1e-12, 1.
** Load cards
** Name: Load-1 Type: Gravity “DLOAD” defines Gravity on
*Dload the element set “dam” defined
dam, GRAV, 9.81, 0., -1. earlier.
add-concret, GRAV, 9.81, 0., -1.

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

*Output, field
*Element Output
*node output
*node file
*El file
*End Step
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
** STEP: hydro-static
*Step, name=hydro-static,inc=1000000
0.05, 1., 1e-12, 1.
** Name: hydro_up Type: Pressure
HYDRO_UP, HP, 882000, 588, 498
**dam uplift
uplift, GRAV, 4.0875, 0.,1.
** Name: sand_pressure Type: Pressure
sand, HP, 148182.46, 533.7, 498
** OUTPUT REQUESTS Output control cards
*Output, field It defines the output required. For
example for nodal output, we require
*Element Output the displacement “U”, while for
S,PEEQ element output, we require the stress,
*node output “S”.
*node file
*El file
*End Step

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

Part of static, dynamic integrated analysis input file

**--------------------------------added mass-----------------------------
1, 2
2478, 22, 23

2538, 1243, 1233
2478, 2538, 1
90, 588, 1000.0
*Material, name=r150
*damping, alpha=1.429732, beta=0.0011331
2.795e10, 0.167
*Material, name=r200
*damping, alpha=1.429732, beta=0.0011331
3.25e10, 0.167
*Material, name=rocko2-2-2
*damping, alpha=1.429732, beta=0.0011331
2.60e10, 0.18
**------------------- BOUNDARY CONDITIONS------------------------
Boundary bottom, 1, 2
Boundary down, 1, 1
Boundary up, 1, 1
** --------------------------STEP: Gravity ----------------------------------
*Step, name=Gravity, Inc=10000

Zaid Alsuleimanagha & Jing Liang TRITA-LWR Degree Project 12:43

0.1, 1.0, 1e-12, 1.

**----------------- LOADS---------------------------
** Name: Load-1 Type: Gravity
Dam, GRAV, 9.81, 0.0, -1.
Add-concrete, GRAV, 9.81, 0.0, -1.
*Output, field
*Element Output
*node output
*End Step
** ----------------------------------------------------------------
**--------------- STEP: hydro-static--------------------------
*Step, name=hydro-static, Inc=1000000
0.05, 1.0, 1e-12, 1.
**------------------------ LOADS--------------------------------
** Name: hydro_ up Type: Pressure
HYDRO_UP, HP, 882000, 588, 498
**dam uplift
Uplift, GRAV, 4.0875, 0.0, 1.
** Name: sand_pressure Type: Pressure
Sand, HP, 148182.46, 533.7, 498
*Output, field
*Element Output
*node output
U, Coord
*End Step
** ----------------------STEP: earthquake---------------------------------
*Step, name=earthquake, Inc=2000000
*Dynamic, alpha=-0.33, haftol=5e+10, initial=no
0.005, 158.22, 1e-8, 0.005
*control, PARAMETERS=time incrimination
16, 20, 5, 50, 30, 10, 50, 10, 12, 10

Dynamic analysis of the Baozhusi dam using FEM

*control, parameters=field, field=displacement

0.01, 2.0, 20.0, 2.0e-3
**----------------------- BOUNDARY CONDITIONS-------------------------
boundary_BOTTOM, 1, 1, 0.981
boundary_UP, 1, 1, 0.981
boundary_DOWN, 1, 1, 0.981
boundary_BOTTOM, 2, 2, 0.654
boundary_UP, 2, 2, 0.654
boundary_DOWN, 2, 2, 0.654
*Output, field, frequency=1
*Element Output
*node output
*Output, history, frequency=1
*Node Output, nset=N_DamTop
A1, A2, U1, U2
*Node Output, nset=N_Base
A1, A2, U1, U2
*End Step


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