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Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

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Journal of Administrative Management,

Education and Training (JAMET)

ISSN: 1823-6049
Volume (13), Issue (1), 2017, 175-188
Available online at

M.J.Taghipourian, H.Noormohammadan, The Role of Customer Based Brand Equity on the Brand
Resonance in Buying the Insurance Policy, Journal of Administrative Management, Education and
Training, Volume (13), Issue (1), 2017, pp. 175-188
The Role of Customer Based Brand Equity on the Brand
Resonance in Buying the Insurance Policy

M.J.Taghipourian, H.Noormohammadan

Customer based brand equity influence on brand resonance. Due to exploration of brand equity
value dimensions on the brand resonance dimension the significant influence of perceived brand
quality and willing to pay a price premium is observable on all the dimensions of brand
resonance. Current research explores the influence of brand equity on brand resonance in
insurance industry. In order to explore the research a sample consisted from 400 persons of
Asia insurance customers are selected in Alborz province. The methodology is survey and
descriptive and the other questionnaire is derived from the Netmeyer (2008) and Keller (2003).
Modeling results of structural equations indicate that the perceived brand quality and willing to
pay a price premium both influence on the brand resonance behavior significantly. The
influence of both brand uniqueness variables on all dimensions of brand resonance dimensions
is rejected and the perceived value for the cost influenced just on one dimensions meaning the
active engagement.
Keywords: brand resonance, brand equity, perceived quality, perceived brand value for the cost,
brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price premium

Despite the growing literature on brand equity, there is little attention given to research on brand
resonance; which is one of the most important building blocks of brand equity. The power of a
brand depends on what resides in customers’ minds (brand resonance) and includes behavioral
loyalty, attachment, sense of community, and engagement (Abdolvand and Taghipourian, 2013).
Brands play the main role as one of the intangible assets of the companies. In the field the brand
are considered as an intermediate between the customers and the company. Branding for the long
years were used as a method for distinction of products of a manufacture from other ones (ladha,
2005). The perceptions and total feelings of consumer about the product characteristics and the
way of its function about the brand, what can be notation of and there are some elements that
make distinct one brand from others (Keller, 2005). Building is considered as a method for
distinction of a manufacture products from others (Ladha, 2005). Keller (2001) believes that the
final results of brand management are for a time in which the brand resonance is occurred. The
brand resonance describes the way of creation the active and intense loyal relationship with
customers (Keller, 2001). Likewise the brand resonance creates an intensive and deep moral link
in which customer actively seek to interact with a unique brand and share their experience with
others (Vinodhini and Kumar, 2012). In fact we can say the power of a brand is depended on the
thoughts, feelings, mental image, beliefs, visions and experience that take place in the mind of
customers toward a unique brand. Each company actively seeks to create more positive vision of
customer toward its brand in compared with competitive brands. The process as brand equity
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

more and more become harder (Farhana and Islam, 2012). One of the most popular models in the
field is the customer based brand equity model that contains 6 parts as:
 Brand salience
 Brand performance
 Brand imagery
 Brand judgment
 Brand feeling
 Brand resonance
Which on Keller’s point of view the most valuable part of the process is the brand resonance and
this occur when the other parts become complete. In fact in the step customer have the high
degree of loyalty toward a unique trademark (Keller, 2001). Brand equity due to competitive
space is very important. The challenges like intensive competition in the service industry and
increasing the demand and customer expectations cause that the service organization selects the
customer based brand equity approach for survival in the competitive stage and being success.
Today the brand equity is a distinctive factors and a most competitive gun for pioneer service
company in the insurance industry (TingchiLiu and et al, 2014). With increasing spread of
insurance room importance in human life style, creation of a positive mentality in customer mind
aligned with their buying preference toward a unique brand is very important. The insurance
firms should be aware from their brand situation and society mentality toward self. The brand
awareness and competitive companies, finding the effective priorities on the customer mind is
very important for the insurance company’s managers. The perception of brand equity importance
can be considered as a guide for planning and future decisions of managers. The problems like
measurement of pull reactions about the price change, the market visions assessment is derived
from the brand equity. Therefore the brand equity cause brand profitability and create cash value
for the organization. Aaker believe that the trade name equity create value for both company and
customers and added value lead to increase the added value for the company (Kabadayi and et
al,2007). For perception and identification of brand equity and brand resonance relationship the
brand resonance models are used. Based on the exploration in the field, 2 models are derived that
one is brand resonance pyramid by Keller (2003) and other is a model based on the social
identification by Ewing (2010). Using brand resonance pyramid that is same the customer based
brand equity pyramid and provide a total framework that express a subject how brand knowledge
can lead to brand equity or brand resonance that is an extra output (Ewing, 2010). Keller
developed the pyramid as a tool for more comprehensive perception about a brand for marketers
and managers of market (Keller, 2003). This research seeks to explore the customer based brand
equity on the brand resonance in the insurance service field. The research includes explanations
and exploration of brand equity dimensions and brand resonance and exploration of both variable
effects and discussion and conclusion.

Literature Review
Brand equity
In the competitive situation of the current markets, achieving to a suitable room in the consumer
mind so that the customer become loyal to company is very important. Including factors that is
effective in reaching to such room in customer mind is brand equity (Aaker, 1991). Brand equity
is most famous and important marketing concepts that today is discussed by research’s and
experts in the marketing field and from the reputation reasons is the strategic role of brand equity
in the managerial decision and creation of competitive advantage for company and customers
(Atilgan, 2007). Today t brand equity is the focus of many pioneer companies and includes assets
and liabilities of a brand that increase or reduce the product or service value. Brand equity make
companies able to call more payment for the brand in addition of market share (lee and back,
2010). Aaker in 1991 explain that brand equity lead to increase the marketing plans efficiency and
customer loyalty toward brand and decrease the promotional activities expenditure and by brand
development create a place for growth and development. Brand value is expressed in loyalty, the
unique and positive associations , new customers attraction capability and calling higher price,
facilitation for entry to new market and prevention from new competitions .when the brand equity
is measured exactly the suitable is a suitable measure for assessment of long term effects of
marketing decisions. The brand based customer imply on perception measurement from the
brand equity from the customer point of view (Keller, 2003).
Customer based brand equity
The customer based and positive equity can be led to high income, lower cost and higher profit
and influence on the organization capability in making suitable decision about the product price
increase, the marketing communication effectiveness and success in commercial development
(Keller, 2008). Therefore brand equity cause brand profitability and for the organization create
the cash flow and can make distinct in price or commodities demand and similar services (Buil
and et al, 2001). Challenges like intensive competition in the service industry and demand
increase and customer expectations cause that service organizations for survival in the
competitive stage and being success, select the customer based brand equity. Today the brand
value is considered as a distinctive factor and a most competitive gun for the pioneer service
quality especially in the insurance industry (Tingchiliu and et al, 2014). One of the reasons for the
importance of trademark equity is to create value for the customers and companies and as a result
the marketers can get to competitive advantage using from the higher brand equity (Hoffman and
Novak, 2000). The brand equity brings many advantages for the companies and manufactures. If
a brand has very high brand equity the target consumers treat to brand positively that as a result
like to higher price for the product or service and repeat his or her buying and do the verbal
advertisement for the product (Wang and Chuling, 2008). Strong brand equity can bring loyal
customers that provide the fixed and constant return for the company (kuvykaite and et al, 2014).
Kapferer have a customer based vision on the brand equity and consider the brand equity from the
added value of intangible assets. In his point of view 4 factors are combined in the customer mind
for determination of brand perceived value that include the brand awareness perceived quality
level in comparison with competitions, the confidence level from the importance, confirmation,
popularity, perfectness and attraction and richness of brand image. When the marketing managers
talk about the brand equity their purpose is the customer based brand equity that makes them
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

distinct from the financial vision toward brand. Customer based brand equity view to brand
category from the customer point of view whether personal or organizational. Such experts
believe that a brand is valuable when value from the customer point of view have. Likewise the
power of brand is derived from the instructions, feelings, seeing and hearing of customers based
on the brand experience during the time. If a brand has no meaning in the customer view other
definitions will be meaningless principally (Keller, 2003). Brand creates value for both customer
and organization and the principal resource of the value is hidden in the customer. It is the
customer mindset that will create a real value for the organization stockholders (Keller,
2001).Each brand is valuable when customers react pleasantly and desirable toward the products
and services and all of marketing activities. As a result of using from higher brand equity the
customers react better toward the brand extension approach and have less senility toward the price
increase and seek to find the desirable brand in distribution networks and shops or even if there is
no advertisement activities continue to buy and use from the brand. In other word the customer
approach explore the brand equity in the customer level. Customers are both the stockholders of
the companies and relationship based marketing goal. In fact the customer based brand equity is
measured by customer perception level (Kim and et al, 2008).
Brand equity dimensions
The brand equity is derived from the perception that customer have about the brand that the
perception is undergone changes by many factors. The brand equity cannot be perceived and
recognized without considered its resource meaning factors that are effective in creation and
shaping the brand equity in the customers mind. In the below table the brand equity is brought
from the various research’s view and its findings.

Table 1: The studied dimensions of brand equity from the various experts view
Researcher name and date Brand equity dimensions Findings
Keller, 1993 Brand awareness and brand imagery When a customer is aware about the brand and in his or her
mind has the desirable, strong and unique associations, the
customer based brand equity is created.
Park and Srinivasan, 1994 The brand imagery (the component based on the It seems the non-based components on the brand equity
property and not based on the brand equity) play more role in its determination
Cobb- Walgren and Ruble, 1995 The perceived quality ,brand awareness, the brand The trademark that are advertised more has the more
imagery, advertisement constant equity and there is more preference and tendency
for buying
Aaker, 1996 The perceive quality, brand awareness, the brand 4 dimensions of brand equity indicate the customer
associations perception and can be used for all products and markets
Yoo et al., 2000 Perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand awareness The brand equity is related to perceived quality, loyalty to
and brand imagery brand and its association, perceive quality and association
relationship with brand equity is weaker then relationship
with loyalty
Berry, 2000 Brand Awareness and brand sense (domination The brand positive brand equity in the service scope is
perception of customer) emerged from the awareness and brand sense synergy
Gil et al., 2007 The perceived quality, brand loyalty, brand Loyalty to brand in comparison with perceived quality,
awareness and associations brand awareness and associations is more closer total
concept of brand equity
Atilgan et al., 2006 Perceived quality brand loyalty, brand awareness Creating confidence to brand as a new dimensions and
and associations instead of brand awareness is aligned with recent literature
of global branding
Mishra and Datta, 2011 Brand name, communication, associations, The brand asset influence importance like name,
awareness, image Perceived quality ,brand loyalty awareness, personality and consequences like advise and
tendency to buying

Brand resonance
The brand resonance describe the way of creation of active and intense loyal relationship with
customers and also creation of intense and deep moral link in which the customers actively seek
to interact with a unique brand and share their experience with other( Keller, 2001).
Dimensions of brand resonance
Keller believes that brand resonance is the presence of 4 components namely behavioral loyalty,
attitudinal attachment, sense of community and active engagement. Keller considers the first
dimension of brand resonance as loyalty that indicate value and frequency of customer buying
from a trademark but he believes that for brand resonance occurrence, the behavioral loyalty is
essential but is not sufficient. For this the attitudinal attachment is introduced by him as the
second dimension. The customer who has high attitudinal attachment to a unique trademark,
explain that they admire it or consider it as popular assets. The third dimension of brand
resonance is the sense of community and he believes that a trademark may reflect a main social
phenomenon in which the customers sense friendly with the customers who deal with the trade
mark but Keller believes that the most strong criteria for a loyalty occurs when the consumers
tend to invest time, energy and money and other resources for a trademark beyond items are
bought that it is active engagement (Keller, 2001).
The brand resonance reinforcement approaches
Keller explain that a brand with suitable brand resonance level allow to customers to feel being a
part of brand and can be identified by brand (Keller, 2003). Keller exploration indicates that few
brands can be reached to complete brand resonance. Perhaps the only brand that could do this is
Harly-Davidson brand that during the measurement time could assign high rate in 4 dimensions.
The manufactures of vehicles is successful in creation strong link with brand customers that form
global owners group of Harly for reaching to the point that now have more than 600000 members.
It is interesting to note that if a brand only has a good rate in one of the brand resonance
components can still reverberate with his customers. Due to power of brand resonance in
customer’s mindset, the faced challenge is whether the customer has the correct kinds of
experience with service and products and whether there are suitable marketing plans for creation
of brand knowledge suitable structure .Thus the key elements in construction of brand resonance
include following items that should be noted (Vinodhini and Kumar, 2012).
 Guess
 Feelings
 Brand imagery
 Perceptions
 Visions
 Identification of strengths and weakness point
 Provision of guidance for marketing activities
Likewise the Keller has 4 advices under the 4B for all managers and marketing in the field:
1- Be creative: express your message brand uniqueness. For creation of brand uniqueness, strong and
suitable associations with brand, use for promotional policies.
2- Be accurate: track competitions, customers, Chanel members and employees by studies
3- Be realistic: perceive the complexities in marketing communications

Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

4- Be patient: for creation and management of trademark equity , have a long term view in effective

Theoretical Model
Today brand equity is the focus of many pioneer companies. Brand equity is a set of brand assets
and related commitments to provided value for a product or service for company and customers
(Aker, 1996). Brand equity has many advantages for companies and manufactures. If a brand has
high brand equity the targeted consumers behave positively toward brand that as a consequent
tend to pay higher price for the service or products and repeat his or her buying and do the verbal
advertisement (Wang and chuling, 2008). The strong brand equity can bring some loyal
customers that have a constant and fixed return for a company (Kuvykaite and et al, 2014).
In Keller view brand resonance is a strong interface between consumers and brand. The link has
both judgmental and sentimental aspect and is the final step in the customer based brand equity
pyramid (Keller, 2005). So the hypothesis is as following:
 Brand equity has a positive influence on brand resonance.
Brand equity has a significant contribution on the behavior loyalty positively (Archana and et al,
2014). Magdanz in his research explain that brand association is a central part of customer based
brand equity and the brand loyalty the desirable result of customer based brand equity. Customer
based brand equity influence on the behavioral loyalty is evident (Magdanz, 2009). So, the
hypothesis is as following:
 Brand equity (perceived quality, perceived value, brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price
premium) positively influence on the behavioral loyalty.
Ewing in 2010 in his research explains that the customers who have a higher attachment toward
brand are ones who consider the special importance for brand and their assets. Ewing (2010)
stated that brand special value significantly influence on attitudinal attachment. Belaid and Behi
(2010) seek the role of attitudinal attachment on the brand equity and customer relationship and
its association with other brand equity components like confidence awareness, satisfaction,
loyalty and commitment. Their results indicate that attitudinal attachment is effective in the brand
and customer relationship positively. Therefore the hypothesis is as following:
 Brand equity (perceived quality, perceived value, brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price
premium) positively influence on attitudinal attachment.
Sense of community is an important concept in the social psychology that was defined first time
by Sarason (1947) and then by McMillan and Chavis (1986) was defined comprehensive.
McMillan and Chavis (1986) have defined the sense of community as an attachment sense, caring
other group members, sharing the confidence and commitment and overcoming. Keller considers
the sense of community as one of the brand resonance dimension and explains that a brand can
embrace a more extensive concept for customers from the sense of community view. Sense of
community with brand can reflect the important social phenomenon in which the customer have a
friendly sense with others who are associated with brand (Keller, 2001). Thus brand equity
significantly influence on sense of community. Therefore the following hypothesis is considered:

 Brand equity (perceived quality, perceived value, brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price
premium) positively influence on the sense of community.
Active engagement occurs when the customers tend to invest time, energy, money and other
resources for the brand beyond items that are bought. Bowden (2009) indicate in his research that
the customer-brand relationship is not a static and point relationship but it is developed during the
time and through the multiple experiences. He explore the customer acceptance process in the
restaurant industry and concluded that the customers’ acceptance in the restaurant industry impact
on the brand analysis. So the hypothesis is as following
 Brand equity (perceived quality, perceived value, brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price
premium) positively influence on the active engagement.

In order to collect statistical data in the research 2 questionnaire is used, one for brand equity and
other for brand resonance. The related questionnaire about the brand equity is derived from the
Netemeyer (2008) that include 16 questions in 4 components (perceived quality, perceived value,
brand uniqueness, willing to pay a price premium) and questions related to brand resonance is
derived from the Keller (2003) that include 21 questions in 4 components (behavioral loyalty,
attitudinal attachment, sense of community ,active engagement) In the research the statistical
populations are the Asia insurance company customers in Alborz province. 430 questionnaire is
distributed from which 400 cases are analyzed.The statistical populations from the 400 customers
are 55 percent men, singles are 72 percent 31 to 40 years old 38.8 percent, people who have
bachelor are 37 percent and employees are 70 percent and more than 52 percent of respondent
have income higher than 1250 thousand tomans. For measurement of validity the confirmatory
factor analysis and for measurement of reliability the Cronbach’s alpha has been used. The
confirmatory factor analytical results of both questionnaires imply on fitness. Only one item from
the questionnaire of customer based brand equity and one item from the brand resonance
questionnaire were lower than threshold and thus are eliminated and the research is continued.

Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

Table 2. Validity results (confirmatory analytical standard factor load) and reliability
(questionnaire Cronbach’s alpha) questionnaire
Construct Dimensions Items Factor Cronbach’
load s alpha
Brand equity Perceived In comparison with other trademarks the insurance has a higher 0.90 0.924
quality quality
In comparison with other trademarks the insurance has a higher 0.87
The insurance company outperform other insurance brands 0.89
In can rely on the insurance for its quality 0.89
Perceived value Something i receive from the insurance is valuable 0.69 0.875
Due to price time and effort the insurance is buyable 0.86
In comparison with other insurance brands the insurance have a good 0.93
value for paying money
When i use from the insurance i fell that it is affordable 0.74
Brand The insurance is distinct from other insurance brands 0.80 0.926
uniqueness The insurance is superior than other insurance brands 0.83
The insurance is different from other insurance brands 0.92
The insurance company is more brand uniqueness then other brands 0.92
Tendency to The price of the insurance may rise before i choose other brand 0.95 0/871
payment I am ready to pay higher price for the insurance brand than other 0.91
I am ready to pay % more for the brand than others 0.64
I am ready to pay more for the insurance than other brands -0.32
Brand resonance Behavioral I feel the brand is the only brand in the category of insurance service 0.44 0.901
loyalty that i need
The insurance company in the only brand that i prefer to use 0.66
If the insurance is not accessible it is not differ to me to buy another 0.79
I am ready to change my life style in order to use from the insurance( 0.90
if i am forced i try to change my life style and buy the insurance
I love the insurance 0.66 0.889
Attitudinal If one day the insurance did not exist i would really miss it 0.70
attachment The insurance is special for me 0.95
The insurance is beyond a service for me 0.95
Sense of I am really recognized by someone who use from the insurance( i 0.92 0.912
community have empathy with someone who use from the insurance)
I feel that i and other users of the insurance are attached to a club 0.92
The insurance is a brand that are used by people who are similar to 0.71
I feel attachment deeply to people who use from the insurance 0.80
Active I really like to talk with others about the insurance 0.79 0.946
engagement I am always interested to find more about the insurance 0.84
I am interested to buy product on which have the insurance name on 0.90
I glory that others know i use the brand 0.87
I am interested to visit from the insurance website 0.87
In comparison with others i track the new news about the insurance 0.92

In the research using from the Lisrel and modeling the structural equations the hypothesis are
tested. Figure 1 and 2 indicate the results of the research totally. Totally the T statistic is 13.38.
Thus brand equity influence on the brand resonance and since the R value (0.68) is positive the
influence is positive. Likewise 16 hypotheses that are the basis of research from which the 8
hypothesis are rejected and 8 ones are confirmed

Figure 1.T-value statistic of final model confirmatory results of relationship between brand
equity with brand resonance

Figure 2: Final model confirmatory results of relationship between brand equity with brand

Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

Results of secondary hypothesis test of 1 to 16 in table 2 are brought:

Table 3: Results of hypothesis with SEM

Analysis path T statistic Coefficient value sign Result
Precived quality * behavioral loyalty 2.87 0.22 + Accepted
Precived value * behavioral loyalty 0.19 0.03 + Rejected
Uniqueness * behavioral loyalty -0.63 0.12 - Rejected
Willing to pay a price premium 4.01 0.63 + Accepted
behavioral loyalty
Precieved quality * attitudinal attachment 2.87 0.23 + Accepted
Precieved value * attitudinal attachment -0.65 0.10 - Rejected
Uniqueness * attitudinal attachment 0.65 0.14 + Rejected
Willing to pay a price premium 2.41 0.38 + Accepted
attitudinal attachment
Precived quality * sense of community 3.83 0.30 + Accepted
Preceived value * sense of community -0.42 0.06 - Rejected
Uniqueness * sense of community 0.89 0.20 + Rejected
Willing to pay a price premium price 1.68 0.26 + Rejected
sense of community
Precived quality * active engagement 4.23 0.32 + Accepted
Preceived value * active engagement 2.28 0.22 + Accepted
Uniqueness * active engagement -1.05 0.22 - Rejected
Willing to pay a price premium 2.12 0.32 + Accepted
active engagement

Findings show that the perceived brand quality and willing to pay a price premium both influence
significantly on brand resonance behavior of brand. Influence of both brand uniqueness variables
on the all brand resonance dimension is rejected meaning the there is no influence on the brand
resonance and the perceived brand value for the cost only influence on one dimension of active

Discussion and Conclusion

Brand equity is assets and liabilities of a brand that increase or decrease the product or service
value (Bianchi and et al, 2014). Brand equity brings many advantages for the companies and
manufactures. If a brand has a higher brand equity the targeted consumer behave toward brand
positively that as a consequent is ready to pay higher for the product or service,repeat the buying
and do the verbal advertisement for the product (Wang and chuling, 2008).Band resonance is the
ultimate relationship that customer have with brand and the level by which customers feel to align
with brand. Customers with special brand resonance experience attach to unique brand and
encourage others to experience for the brand in the future (Keller, 2008). In the research
perceived quality influence on the behavioral loyalty that is aligned with research of Walgren and
Ruble (1995), Gil and et al (2007) and Archana and et al (2014). Findings of Archana titled the
effect of brand equity on the behavioral loyalty, image and brand quality among the Islam bank
customers in the Malaysia show that the brand equity contribute significantly on the behavioral
loyalty, brand image. In the research perceived value of the brand does not influence on the
behavioral loyalty that is aligned with Boo and et al (2007) and Farhana and Islam (2014). In the
research perceived value of the brand does not influence on the attitudinal attachment that is
aligned with Farhrana and Islam (2012). In the research willing to pay a price premium does not
influence on the attitudinal attachment that is compatible with researches by Park and et al (2010).
In the research the perceived value of brand does not influence on sense of community that results
are compatible with researches by Farhana and Islam. And also the results indicate that the
perceived quality influence on the active engagement that is aligned with Abhishek Dwivedi
(2015) research. Abhishek in a research titled by higher level model for consumer acceptance
toward brand and its influence on the loyalty purpose provide data by using from the 408
opinions of users of mobile in India. The results support the consumer acceptance factor 3
dimension structure named brand and also the results indicate that the brand acceptance not only
influence on the behavioral loyalty significantly but show the brand value, brand quality and
satisfaction significantly. In the research the perceived value influence on the active engagement
that is aligned with research of Farhana and Islam (2012). In the research the brand uniqueness
influence on the active engagement that is not aligned with AbhishekDwivedi (2015). Due to
hypothesis we argued that brand equity influence on the brand resonance in the Asia insurance
buying in the Alborz province positively and significantly and due to exploration of the entire
dimension we find that both perceived quality and willing to pay a price premium influence on
the brand resonance dimension from the Asia insurance customer’s point of view. Perceived
quality in the customer based brand equity is considered as core. Some of the customer point of
view acceptance level in relation with perceived quality totally is considered as the customer
judgment about the excellence, self-actualization or superiority of a trademark. Perceived quality
is more similar to attitudinal evaluation of a trademark and sentimental assessment of a
performance of a trademark toward other marks and willing to pay a price premium is defined as
a value that a customer is ready to pay. This is one of the strongest indicators that indicate the
loyalty toward brand that in the research influence on the brand resonance significantly. In
addition of the variable the brand uniqueness variable don’t influence on a dimension of brand
resonance in the research and the perceived value variable only influence on the one dimension of
brand resonance that is acceptance significantly. Results indicate that the brand equity correlate
with brand resonance in the studied company. In the other word there is a significant relationship
between the customer based brand equity on the customer and brand resonance. Thus it is
proposed that the Asia insurance company organize some plans for relationship with its
customers. There is a strong relationship between the perceived quality and brand resonance. The
customer influenced by quality that perceive from the organization increase their loyalty and
provide the advertisement for the brand. Using from the efficient service, service even in
accidents location, employee suitable behavior, responding, reduction of queue system for
damage recipe not only push the organization toward its quality goals but create a stronger image
from the brand in the mind of customers. Customer always is faced with cost-value equation. He
wants to gain more value by using from the insurance service. No doubt the organization that
offers quicker and easier service will have the stronger and more loyal customers toward its
brand. Complains from the not payment of damage timely, damage estimation long queue
Journal of Administrative Management, Education and Training (JAMET)

,technical examinations are some keys in the managers hand for creation of constant competitive
advantage in the market for their organization. About willing to pay a price premium we now that
the satisfied customers are ready to pay more price for their brand. As we see in the research the
more a brand is important in the customer mindset the higher he tends to pay in the value-cost
equation because the brand creates value for him. Thus by creation of distinction and desirable
service the customers can be attracted to unique insurance company. Today many of insurance
company send postal card for big customers and by using from the technologies like mobile, the
sending SMS for all the customers is not a hard work. Contact with customers one month before
insurance date termination and indication of paying attention to his work flow is very important.
Due to the fact that in the current era some Asia insurance branches are considered in Alborz
province it is suggested that the next researchers explore some researches in other parts or other
insurance companies in order to gain confidence and reliability by comparing the results from the
research. The effective factors on the brand resonance beyond explored variable in the research
can have valuable results. In the research brand equity is considerable from the Net Mayer point
of view. It is proposed that in other researches the point of views of other experts to be used for
measurement of brand equity on the brand resonance. If there is any tendency to research about
brand other models can be use. If there is any tendency to research in the insurance market it is
suggested that research to be conducted in more extensive geographical rang. Due to rejection of
some research hypothesis, next researchers are suggested to explore the reasons of reactions for
the hypothesis. The research about the insurance brand by questionnaire from the customers of
other insurance companies can have interesting results. The reduction reasons of the perceived
value impact and uniqueness of Asia insurance brand on the brand resonance dimension to be
explored and the suitable approach for the improvement to be provided.

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MOHAMMAD JAVAD TAGHIPOURIAN, Departmental of Management, Islamic Azad
University, Chalous Branch, Iran
Corresponding Author Email:
HADISE NOORMOHAMMADAN, Department of Business Management, Islamic Azad
University, Tehran Branch, Iran


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