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Brand Positioning of Smartphones

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Game of the Names: Branding in Smartphone industry.

Prathamesh Muzumdar, The University of Texas at Arlington.

Brand name and product positioning have been a critical issue in the field of branding especially for
growing market of smartphones. Blooming market has made industry to invest more capital in research
and development of more sophisticated devices featuring advanced features from basic calling technology
to advance computing. Many companies have developed various technologies differentiating themselves
from their competitors. The companies are seen following particular pattern of updating on particular
attributes of their products. The purpose of the research study is to understand the preferences of
consumers in an experimental group and control group setup. This study explores the fundamental of
change in preferences along the basic features of smartphone and change in purchase intentions due to
influence of brand title. The study uses paired sample t test, conjoint analysis, and positioning mapping to
address the issue of brand influence in experimental and control group setup. The study uses Euclidean
distance model to explore the dimensions that define particular brands. Overall the study concludes by
proving the effect of brand title on preferences and defining the dimensions along which brands are

Brand name, purchase intention, positioning map, Euclidean distance model, conjoint analysis.

Brand is a combination of name, symbol, and offerings which create a distinctive identity of the
brand within a crowd of choices through its different brand features (Farhana, 2012). Targeting approach
of different brand features cause a high level of brand awareness and familiarity among target consumers
and later on individually or collectively, brand features work as clue to consumers to recall and recognize
the brand (Farhana, 2012). Brand promises a particular level of quality, trust-worthiness and distinctive

position among different choices and differentiates itself from other competitor brands. Brands today
function as symbols that enable consumers to identify and separate different brands (Koehn, 2001).
Brands are today believed to have characteristics that serve as a strategic business asset essential for firms
to develop if they are to compete successfully with their competitors (Aaker, 1991; Kapferer, 2004).
Branding today has emerged as a phenomenon of top management priority due to the growing
realization that brands are one of the most valuable intangible assets that firms have on which the firm can
strive to stay in the markets for years to come. For customers, brands stand out to simplify choice,
promise a particular quality level, reduce risk, and engender trust (Keller & Lehmann, 2006). Brand
elements can be chosen to enhance brand awareness among existing and prospective customers; facilitate
the formation of strong, favorable and unique brand associations; or elicit positive brand judgments and
feelings (Keller, 2001, Keller, 2003). Brand features differentiate a brand and try to keep consumers
aware on the benefits that come from those features. Each brand today tries to develop unique set of
features which they believe will make their product different from others. Each product today is more
precisely know for its features rather than its function. Many products falling into the same category type
benefit themselves from this differentiation technique.
Brand features facilitate the process of consumer brain mapping and play a key role in building
brand equity (Keller, 2001). These feature help brands to take a strong position in the market and make
consumers prefer their products the most to their competitors. The discussion of brands has come to
include the management of psychological associations developed under a brand name from the
manufacturers and consumers perspectives (Keller, 1993). Brand features can be chosen to both enhance
brand awareness and facilitate the formation of strong, favorable, and unique brand associations (Keller,
2003). These brand association help brand to acquire new customers and retain old ones. The association
lies in the mind of consumer where the desire to acquire the same brand not only guarantees satisfaction
but also reduces perceived risks associated with the product. The value directly or indirectly accrued by
various brand features is often called brand equity (Kapferer, 2005; Keller, 2003). The concept refers to

the basic idea that a product's value to consumers, the trade and the firm is somehow enhanced when it is
associated or identified over time with a set of unique elements that define the brand concept (Erdem,
Swait, Broniarczyk, Chakravartti, Kapferef, Keane, 1999).
Concept of brand equity is rooted in cognitive psychology and focuses on consumer cognitive
processes (Erdem & Swait, 1998). The real power of a brand is in thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs,
attitudes, experiences and so on that exist in the minds of consumers (Keller, 2003). Customer based
brand equity occurs when consumer has a high level of awareness and familiarity with the brand and
holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in memory (Keller, 2003). Since the name
can bring inherent strength to a brand (Kohli and Labahn, 1997; Klink, 2001), brand names need to be
actively managed in order to influence external stakeholders (Klink, 2001). Consumers feel strongly
associated with their existing brand when the perceived risk is high. The brand name becomes the
psychological property of consumers increasing the desire to purchase the same brand again and again
(Lerman & Garbarino, 2002). A brand name is an anchor for a products identity where it carries with it
essentially all of the brand equity (Lerman & Garbarino, 2002).
The purpose of the research article is to identify the effect of brand name in a particular setup of
an experiment. The research is divided in two parts in which care is taken that the same group of
respondents is made to evaluate different measures in different setups. Each setup or section as described
in the article deals with certain number of questions which help evaluate respondents preferences
towards attributes/ features and purchase intentions. Through the 6 sections the research develops
multiple results in both the experimental and control group and compares them to evaluate each
hypothesis derived through the literature review. Overall the research tries to study how brand name in a
particular setup of questions will make a respondent to rate a particular feature higher or lower on that
particular scale when compared with rating of the same feature in an experimental setup with brand
names undisclosed. Overall the study uses multiple analytics to determine such effect.

Conceptual Background
Brand name is considered as a producers mark onto their product, which differentiates products
even if they belong in the same product type. Internal information about the brand is gathered by the
consumer by retrieving knowledge from memory which encompasses prior brand experience, prior format
experience, or prior exposure to advertising (Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2001). External information
about the brand is collected from sources such as a reference group (e.g. peers, family members) and the
marketplace (e.g. product description online) (Blackwell et al., 2001). Internal and external information
are both searched by the consumer through which a purchase decision is build upon which further helps to
develop brand promise among consumers. Brand promise changes from product to product where each
brand is differentiated on different features where the particular feature is used as tool to fulfill the brand
promise. Thus the brand promise is affected from both internal and external information, which may
reduce perceived risk and thus result in altering the search behavior (Moorthy, Ratchford, & Talukdar,
1997). Failing to fulfill the promise results in increasing the perceived risks and thus perceived risks
results in decreasing the promise that the consumers expect to attain from particular brand. As satisfaction
of buying goals and/or potential consequences become more important and perceived risk increases,
search for information becomes greater (Urbany, Dickson, & Wilkie, 1989). The search plays an integral
part in building the promise that brand claims to deliver. Search in the external form strongly influences
the purchase decision where elements like word of mouth influence the preference towards a product. The
success of an external search relies on the amount of information available (Kim and Lennon, 2000), and
that of an internal search on the extent of prior experience with the product or brand (Elliot and Fowell,
Brand familiarity is defined as the number of brand-related direct or indirect experiences that
have been accrued by the consumer. Brand experiences such as exposure to various media advertisements
for the brand, exposure to the brand in a store, and purchase or usage of the brand increase brand
familiarity (Alba and Hutchinson, 1987) and are an important internal source of information. Sen and
Johnson (1997) found that familiarity resulting from the mere possession of a brand could lead to positive

evaluation of the brand. Alba and Hutchinson (1987) also suggested that increasing familiarity with a
brand might create a better knowledge structure in an individuals memory and thus, that person would
believe that they know a brand well.
Well-known brands may achieve better recall and are better able to be protected from competitive
advertising interference than less familiar brands (Kent & Allen, 1994). One study examined the influence
of brand familiarity on confidence in brand evaluation in a traditional store setting (Laroche, Kim, &
Zhou, 1996). Well-known brands may have an advantage from being better liked than less familiar brands
(Colombo & Morrison, 1989). Howard and Sheth (1969) found that confidence was positively related to
purchase intention and negatively related to information search. Bennett and Harrell (1975) found that the
buyers overall confidence in a brand is positively related to intention to purchase the brand, which is also
positively related to actual behavior toward the brand (Woodside & Wilson, 1985).
H 1: Brand name influences the preferences of a consumer when selecting a brand. Selection of brand
occurs when brands are comparable on different attributes.
H2: Brand name influences the purchase intentions of a consumer particularly when selecting an
smartphone, irrespective of the features provided by the particular model.
H 3: Particular set of dimensions compare smartphones rather than each available technical specification
(feature) of the smartphone.

Questionnaire Design and Survey Procedure

Focus Group
The study involves conjoint analysis and perceptual mapping as a part of analytics. When
considering conjoint analysis methodology multiple attributes and multiple levels make it
difficult to attain possible number of profiles for examining each combination. It becomes a
tedious job for a respondent to examine each profile and rank it individually. Having too many
profiles may result in creating bias towards the first few profiles while responding to the survey.

For this reason initial focus group was created to rank the important attributes/ features that are
commonly present in smartphones. A focus group consisting of 30 respondents was surveyed.
These respondents were told to rank 14 features as per their importance. Out of these 14 features
first 5 ranked features were selected. These 5 features were used for designing the conjoint
template overall reducing the combinations to 16 profiles.
Experimental Group
The survey was divided into 3 parts in which the experimental group was the second part.
The experimental group design of the survey consisted of two sections. Care was taken while
designing the survey such that the name of the brand was explicitly avoided to evaluate the
respondents preferences towards the pre selected features and profiles. Section 1 consisted of
questions designed particularly to rank pre selected 5 features in a context when making the
purchase decision. The one thing that was avoided was a particular brand name to prevent any
kind of bias from taking place while ranking the features.
The section 2 of experimental group of questions was analyzed using conjoint analysis.
Conjoint analysis template consisted of 16 different bundles/ profiles, each profile consisting of 5
different attribute each attribute having more than 2 levels. The 5 attributes considered were the
5 different technical features which consisted of operating system, memory, display, camera, and
battery. Out of the 16 different bundles 12 bundles were created as pseudo profiles. Pseudo
profiles were created to hide 4 profiles which were exact replica combination of 4 different
brands. To prevent any bias while ranking these profiles these 4 bundles were shuffled with other
12 profiles for each respondent. Also preference partworths and factor importance were

calculated for each attribute from this analysis. Overall the experimental group design had no
influence of any brand name over it.
Control Group
The control group design consisted of three different sections. All the three sections
consisted of questions designed such that they explicitly disclosed name of each brand with a
particular product associated with that brand. The sole purpose of the control group design was
to measure the change in preferences of respondents that occured due to the inclusion of brand
and product name in the questionnaire. Section 1 consisted of questionnaire particularly designed
to extract a positioning map showcasing position of each brand in two dimensional space. Also
the positioning map was used to evaluate preferences towards feature positioned in two
dimensional space falling closer towards a particular brand. The simulated market shares for
each brand were calculated from the map. Each question was measured on a 5 point Likert scale.
Section 2 consisted of 4 questions; each was used to measure likelihood of purchase
using 5 point Likert scale. Each question measured purchase intention of the respondent with
respect to a particular brand and product. Section 3 consisted of 6 questions; each question
compares the similarities between different brand products on a 5 point Likert scale. This section
measures the dimensionality along which the comparisons between brands can be carried out.
Dimensionality consists of multiple dimensions each dimension being a combination of multiple
features. Each dimension is then used to differentiate different brand and products in

Data Collection and Methodology

The questionnaire in the survey consisted of five sections where each section was
designed as per its relevance with the hypothesis. During the initial stages of research the
research questions were developed into hypothesis and different analytical methods were
assigned to address each hypothesis. The five different analytical methods were used to address
three hypotheses. Each section had relevant scale assigned to a set of questions which were
specially designed for a particular method. The questionnaire contained 43 questions out which
four were used for demographics; remaining thirty nine were allocated for different methods.
Total of two hundred questionnaires were mailed, out of those 200 one hundred and
ninety two responses were recorded and used for the analysis. Only 157 responses were used for
analysis due to its availability at the time of analysis. The responses recorded consisted of
different demographics and came from different geographic locations. Demographics consisted
of gender and annual income, while as Geographics consisted of location of the respondent.
Responses were recorded from 14 different countries and consisted of income range from 0 to
$100000. The response rate was 96%.
Three hypotheses were addressed by five analytical methods. To address the relationship
of brand name and change in preferences of attributes, the experimental questionnaire was
analyzed using paired sample t test for comparing the means and conjoint analysis was used to
find the preferred feature bundle. The set of control grouped questions were analyzed using
perceptual mapping to analyze the change in preferences towards features with the use of brand
title in the questionnaire. The purpose of using these methods was to compare the results of the

experimental group of questions with that of control group. The results were to address the
conclusion on change in perceptions towards technical features of smartphone.
Different approaches were taken to address each hypothesis synthesizing or formulating a
research design of comparing the results from different analytics rather than the analytics as a
whole. For addressing the relationship between brand name and purchase intentions the
experimental set of questions were analyzed using conjoint analysis which optimally resulted in
estimating a bundle which resembled a particular combination of features of existing brand and
this result was compared to the results from t test on the control group. The purpose of
comparing results was to support the relationship between the brand name and the likelihood of
The third and the final issue of determining the number of dimensions for evaluating and
comparing particular brands was done with the help of control group questionnaire, where the
respondents were subjected to evaluating an feature belonging to a particular brand. In this
section the control group questionnaire was analyzed using multidimensional scaling in which
each brand was plotted in a two dimensional plot using Euclidean distance model. Measurements
of distances were used to address the relationship of a particular dimension with a particular
Results from positioning map (figure 1) indicate that in the control group questionnaire
the market share for Samsung Galaxy S3 and Apple iPhone 5 are same in the sample set. The
map also indicates that the market share for HTC 8X and Nokia Lumia 920 are the lowest in the
sample. Also the positioning map indicates that the variance present in technical features differs

due to influence of brand titles. The variance present in the variable battery is the highest
followed by the variable operating system and then by display, memory, and camera. High
variance in each feature indicates that the ranking done by the respondents differ heavily along
the featured variable.
From the map (figure 1) it can be concluded that Apple iPhone 5 is perceived by the
respondents to be superior in features like memory and operating system, while as brand
Samsung Galaxy S3 is seen to be superior in features like display, battery, and camera. Nokia
Lumia 920 and HTC 8X are perceived to be inferior compared to the other two when compared
on the basis of these 5 features.
The results from the experimental group questionnaire indicate that variance differs
across all the variables but is highest in battery followed by operating system, camera, display,
and memory. The experimental set of questions were also used to compare the rankings among
the features, means for each variable were used to rank the features. The lowest mean was
considered as a tool to differentiate variables according to their ranking. The results (figure 3)
indicate that the operating system has the lowest mean and is ranked as 1, which is then followed
by battery (2), display (3), memory (4), and camera (5). Paired sample t test was carried out on
the experimental group to compare the means and check for differences between the mean. It can
be concluded from figure 2 that the difference between means of pairs operating systemmemory, operating system- display, operating system- camera, operating system- battery, and
camera- battery are found to be significant at 1% significance level. But the differences between
means of memory- display, memory- camera, display- camera, and display- battery are found to
be non significant. The reason for the non significance was strong correlation that was found
between these features at a significant level.

The second set of experimental group of questions was analyzed using conjoint analysis,
where 16 different bundles consisted of 5 different attribute each attribute having more than 2
levels. The results indicated (figure 4) that bundle 1 has the highest market share of 12.81%
followed by bundle 8 (10.91%), bundle 10 (9.56%), and bundle 11 (8.27%). Bundle 1 being the
replicas of combination for HTC 8X had the highest market share. Also respondents preference
partworth (figure 5) indicated that Microsoft windows phone 8 had the highest average
preference (21.06) followed by Apple iOS 6 (8.37). For memory respondents preferred 16 GB
(39.03) over 32 and 64, for display respondents preferred 4.5 inches (22.60) over 4, 4.8, and 4.8
inches. The results for camera and battery stand out to be mix; respondents prefer 8 megapixels
over 8.7 megapixels for camera and 1800 mAH over 2100, 2000, and 1440 for battery. In the
discussion section the results from the control group questionnaire are compared to the results
from the experimental group questionnaire thereby testing the hypothesis 1 for any existing
relationship between brand name and respondents perceptions towards technical features of a
Hypothesis 2 tried to explore the issue of influence of brand name on the purchase
intentions. For this study the control group questionnaire was tested using paired sample t test
where the results indicated mean difference among the brands Apple iPhone 5- HTC 8X, Apple
iPhone 5- Nokia Lumia 920, Samsung Galaxy S3- HTC 8X, Samsung Galaxy S3- Nokia Lumia
920 to be significant at 1% significance level. The mean difference between Apple iPhone 5Samsung Galaxy S3 and HTC 8X- Nokia Lumia 920 were found to be non significant. The
reason for the non significance was found to be an existing correlation between the purchase
intentions of different brand products. The means of control group questionnaire were also used
to compare ranks of the brands and their particular products. The results indicated that Samsung

Galaxy S3 has the highest likelihood of purchase followed by Apple iPhone 5, HTC 8X, and
Nokia Lumia 920.
The experimental group of questionnaire was tested using conjoint analysis and the
results were as discussed above for hypothesis 1. To test the hypothesis 2 both results were
compared to see if the purchase intentions change with the inclusion of brand name to a
particular set of features.
Hypothesis 3 was tested using control group questions. The control group questions were
analyzed using multi dimensional scaling using Euclidean distance model. Particular brands were
plotted in two dimensions. Each dimension consisted of particular brand attached to them
measured using the distance from the point the brand is plotted to the axis closer to it. The
distances were derived from the analysis (figure 10) and it is clear that the distance between
dimension 1 (X axis) and brand Apple and HTC is lesser than dimension 2 (figure 10). The
model shows that five different brands are differentiated into dimensions. Each dimension
representing a particular set of attributes. From figure 8 and figure 9 we can conclude Apple and
HTC are found to be closer to dimension 1, while as Samsung Galaxy S3, Nokia and Huwaei are
found closer to dimension 2. Brand Huwaei being used for analytical purpose only is not
considered for interpretation. Therefore Samsung Galaxy S3 and Nokia Lumia 920 are the only
brands found to be closer to dimension 2. The goodness of fit was measured using stress which
was found to be significant at 0.003 level and R square value is 0.99 (figure 11).
From the results of perceptual mapping it is clear that the respondents perceive each
brand in two dimensions and their preferences towards features are influenced by brands. In the
map particular brands are shown to be related to particular feature measuring their perpendicular

distance from that feature. As discussed above from the positioning map (figure 1) it can be
concluded that brands are perceived to be superior to others because of their technical superiority
in a particular feature or features. Thus the brand and features relationship from positioning map
(figure 1) define the dimensions in Euclidean distance model (figure 8), where dimension 1 in
Euclidean distance model is represented by brands Apple and HTC by measuring the Euclidean
distance (figure 10) from the coordinate axis. Dimension 2 is represented by Samsung Galaxy S3
and Nokia Lumia 920.
The research tries to compare two sets of results from different groups to prove the three
hypotheses. With a different approach the study takes a diverse route using analytics like
conjoint analysis on an experimental design. Study also tries to develop dimensions with the help
of Euclidean distance model rather than exploratory factor analysis. All three hypotheses are
proved by successfully comparing the two groups. From conjoint analysis it is clear that the
respondents preferred HTC 8X in an brand name undisclosed set of questions but the same
respondents preferred Samsung GS3 and Apple iPhone 5 in an brand name disclosed set of
questions. Inclusion of brand and product name in the questionnaire changed respondents
preferences from one brand to other. Also the conjoint analysis produced factor importances for
different attributes where it is clear that the respondents preferred Windows phone 8 as an
operating system in the experimental setup while in the positioning map the feature operating
system was positioned between brands Apple and Samsung displaying preference towards iOS 6
and Android. Therefore overall it can be concluded that the inclusion of brand name up to certain
extent tries to change the preference from one feature to another and from one brand product to
another. Overall it can be concluded that the research proves hypothesis 1 in this setup of study.

The research further tries to study the effects of brand title on likelihood of purchase of a
particular product in context of both the experimental and control group setup. In the
experimental setup the results from conjoint analysis indicate that the purchase intentions are
highest towards HTC 8X (Profile 1) followed by Apple iPhone 5 (Profile 2), but in the control
group Samsung Galaxy S3 is seen to have the highest preference followed by Apple iPhone 5.
From these results it can be concluded that the change in intentions occur on the inclusion of
brand and product name in the control group questionnaire. Thus the hypothesis 2 stands to be
correct in this setup of study.
Lastly the research uses a single analytic to explore and define dimensions under which
these 4 brands and products are compared. Using Euclidean distance model two dimensions are
extracted with a model significant at 0.01% significance level. Each dimension is defined with
the help of positioning map where particular attributes are assigned to particular brands
positioned closer to them. From the results it is clear that two dimensions compare the 4 different
brands in which dimension 1 consists of features like operating system and memory, while as
dimension 2 consists of features like operating system, display, and camera. Thus these
dimensions produce a set of features along which different products of different brands are
compared and overall it can be concluded that features like operating system, display, and
camera play are considered to be the variables along which product comparison takes place.
Future studies and Managerial Implications
The results from this study can be used to position particular product in a particular
customer segment. The responses collected comprised of 14 different countries and 6 different
income groups. A thorough research can be conducted to evaluate the preferences towards

smartphone and purchase intentions of a particular segment of consumers. A positioning and thus
a pricing strategy can be developed by altering the features to suit a particular segment in a
particular income range.
The recorded responses consisted of 70% responses collected from respondents from
India and 20% from USA. Further investigation is required to done to investigate the purchase
pattern of the consumption of Indian market strongly driven by price. Comparing the higher
price tags of Apple and Samsung to lower price tags of Nokia and HTC in the Indian market it is
clear that the preference towards Apple and Samsung may have more than one decisive factor
affecting the purchase decision. A study can be devised to investigate the relationship between
conspicuous consumption and brand name like Apple and Samsung. Thus this will help such
brand to promote themselves as a smartphone for particular segment than general.

Figure 1

Positioning Map
Operating System

Dimension II (37.1%)

Apple iPhone 5

Samsung Galaxy SIII



Nokia Lumia 920

Dimension I (48.9%)

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4
Market Share Simulations.
Market share predictions for different scenarios, using the First -Choice Rule.

Figure 5
Respondents' Preference Partworths

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9
Stimulus Coordinate


Stimulus Name
Apple iPhone 5
Nokia Lumia 920
Samsung GS 3


Figure 10
Goodness of Fit
R square

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