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Computing Paradigms: Câu 1: Why Is It Necessary To Understand The Various Computing Paradigms?

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Câu 1: Why is it necessary to understand the various computing paradigms?

Because each various computing paradigms have different advantages and disadvantages.
In the domain of computing, there are many different standard practices being followed
based on inventions and technological advancements. So we have to understand many
computing paradigms to apply to different practical standards
Câu 2: Compare grid computing with electric power grid
Grid Computing Electrical Power Grid
 Never worry about where the  Never worry about where the
computer power that we are using electricity that we are using comes
comes from; that is, whether it is from; that is, whether it is from
from a supercomputer in Germany, coal in Australia, from wind power
a computer farm in India, or a in the United States, or from a
laptop in New Zealand, one can nuclear plant in France, one can
simply plug in the computer and simply plug the electrical appliance
the Internet and it will get the into the wall-mounted socket and it
application execution done. will get the electrical power that we
 The infrastructure that makes this need to operate the appliance.
possible is called the computing  The infrastructure that makes this
grid. It links together computing possible is called the power grid. It
resources, such as PCs, links together many different kinds
workstations, servers, and storage of power plants with our home,
elements, and provides the through transmission stations,
mechanism needed to access them power stations, transformers, power
via the Internet. lines, and so forth.
 The grid is also pervasive in the  The power grid is pervasive:
sense that the remote computing electricity is available essentially
resources would be accessible from everywhere, and one can simply
different platforms, including access it through a standard wall-
laptops and mobile phones, and one mounted socket.
can simply access the grid  The power grid is a utility: we ask
computing power through the web for electricity and we get it. We
browser also pay for what we get.
 The grid computing is also a utility:
we ask for computing power or
storage capacity and we get it. We
also pay for what we get.
Grid computing is more popular due to the following reasons:
• Its ability to make use of unused computing power, and thus, it is a cost-effective
solution (reducing investments, only recurring costs)
• As a way to solve problems in line with any HPC-based application.
• Enables heterogeneous resources of computers to work cooperatively and
collaboratively to solve a scientific problem
Câu 3: Will mobile computing play a dominant role in the future? Discuss
In mobile computing, the processing (or computing) elements are small (i.e., handheld
devices) and the communication between various resources is taking place using wireless
media. Mobile communication for voice applications (e.g., cellular phone) is widely
established throughout the world and witnesses a very rapid growth in all its dimensions
including the increase in the number of subscribers of various cellular networks. An
extension of this technology is the ability to send and receive data across various cellular
networks using small devices such as smartphones. There can be numerous applications
based on this technology; for example, video call or conferencing is one of the important
applications that people prefer to use in place of existing voice (only) communications on
mobile phones. Mobile computing–based applications are becoming very important and
rapidly evolving with various technological advancements as it allows users to transmit
data from remote locations to other remote or fixed locations.

Câu 4: How are distributed computing and network computing different or


Distributed computing Network computing

 The existence of multiple  A computer network is an
autonomous computers in a interconnected collection of
computer network is transparent autonomous computers able to
to the user. exchange information.
 The operating system  A computer network usually
automatically allocates jobs to requier users to explicitly login
processors, moves files among onto one machine, explicitly
various computers without submit jobs remotely, explicitly
explicit user intervention. move files/data around the
Câu 5: How may nanocomputing shape future devices?
Nanocomputing refers to computing systems that are constructed from nanoscale
components. The silicon transistors in traditional computers may be replaced by
transistors based on carbon nanotubes. The successful realization of nanocomputers
relates to the scale and integration of these nanotubes or components. The issues of scale
relate to the dimensions of the components; they are, at most, a few nanometers in at least
two dimensions. The issues of integration of the components are twofold: first, the
manufacture of complex arbitrary patterns may be economically infeasible, and second,
nanocomputers may include massive quantities of devices. Researchers are working on
all these issues to bring nanocomputing a reality

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