Gear Grease MDS 32 MuuntajaOljy SL 200 37 Ward L 10T, 25T, 30T E 40T 38
Gold 19 Pienkoneoljy 23
Gold S 19
Basics about lubricants
All the properties, which modern machines and engines Extreme pressure additives (EP additives), form, togeth-
require from their lubricant, cannot be achieved by using er with metallic surfaces, a chemical film that will effec-
only base oils. This is why special substances must be tively prevent seizure.Transmission oils (oils for gearbox-
added. These additives can improve the properties of es, differentials, etc.) are typical oils that are used with
high-performance base oils. It must be remembered, how- EP additives.
ever, that even the best additives cannot turn low-quali-
ty base oils into high-quality lubricants. Antifoaming additives stop the oil from foaming by
decreasing the surface tension. This helps the air bubbles
The most important additives are:
break more easily.
Oxidation inhibitors. Oxidation is a chain reaction, in Pour point depressants prevent the wax crystals in the
which both former oxidation and impurities in lubricating oil from joining each other. This ensures that the crys-
oils increase the speed of the reaction. Oxidation
tallised wax does not stop the oil from flowing.
inhibitors will stop the oxidation reaction and block the
catalytic effect of the metallic surfaces. VI (viscosity index) improvers are macromolecular poly-
Detergent and dispersant additives keep the engine clean. mers that prevent the oil from thinning when the temper-
ature rises.
Corrosion inhibitors form a film that prevents corrosion
on the metallic surfaces.
Containers with oil Must be stored in such a way so as to When transporting and storing oils, one should adhere to
prevent penetration of water and dirt from the outside. For the accepted requirements to storing petroleum, oil and
example, barrels are best stored on their side or upside lubricants, and to manufacturer's instructions.
down. In this way, no water can accumulate on top of the
barrel top will not penetrate under the plug because of any
temperature and pressure fluctuations.
Engine oil classification
Service ratings
Service classifications
ACEA classification able for use in some engines. Consult owner manual or hand-
ACEA, the European classification of service properties, con- book if in doubt.
tains stricter requirements to oils than the API classification.
The ACEA classification is suited for motor vehicles and oper- In addition to the API and ACEA classifications, many engine
ating conditions typical for the European area. manufacturers develop their own classifications. Such manufac-
turers as Audi, BMW, Ford, GM, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Saab,
The ACEA classification divides engine oils into three cate- and Volkswagen require that oils that comply with their own
gories according to type of engine: petrol engine oils (A) and classifications should be used. As a rule, engine manufacturers,
light diesel oils (B), and heavy-duty diesel engine oils (E). In in developing their classifications, use the API and ACEA clas-
2004, A and B classes were merged into one A/B class. sifications as a basis. In addition to that, an oil, to become
Additionally, class C was introduced. This class is intended for approved, must be tested by the manufacturer in laboratory
special exhaust gas recirculation and cleaning systems installed conditions and with engines.
on light petrol and diesel engines using C class oils. These oils
are Low SAPS oils and they contain less sulfur, phosphor, and Heavy-duty diesel engines oils
sulfate ash than conventional engine oils.
E2 class oils are designed for both turbocharged and non-tur-
The classification is as follows: bocharged heavy-duty diesel engines mostly normal oil drain
Petrol engines (A1, A2, A3, and A5);
Light diesel vehicles (B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5); E4 class oils are recommended for highly rated diesel engines
Exhaust gas recirculation and cleaning systems light engines under very severe conditions, e.g. significantly extended oil
(C1, C2, C3); drain intervals according to the manufacturer's recommenda-
Heavy diesel vehicles (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, and E7). tions. Mostly for Mercedes-Benz and MAN Euro 3 engines. It is
suitable for engines without particulate filters, and for some
A1/B1 EGR engines and some engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction
Oils intended for use in petrol and diesel car and light com- systems.
mercial vehicles specifically capable of using low friction, low
viscosity oils with high temperature / high shear characteris- E5 class oils are recommended for highly rated diesel engines
tics. These oils may be unsuitable for use in some engines. meeting Euro 1, Euro 2 and Euro 3 emission requirements and
Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt. running under severe conditions, e.g. extended oil drain inter-
vals according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
For use in petrol and diesel cars and light commercials where E6 class oils are recommended for highly rated diesel engines
normal drain intervals. A3/B3 and A3/B4 class oils may be meeting Euro 3 and Euro 4 emission requirements and running
used instead of A2/B2 oils. under very severe conditions, e.g. significantly extended oil
drain intervals according to the manufacturer's recommenda-
A3/B3 tions. It is suitable for EGR engines, with or without particulate
For use in high performance petrol and diesel cars and light filters, and for engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction systems.
commercials where extended drain intervals are specified by the E6 quality is strongly recommended for engines fitted with par-
vehicle manufacturer and / or for year-round use of low vis- ticulate filters.
cosity oils and / or for use in severe operating conditions as
defined by the vehicle manufacturer. E7 class oils are recommended for highly rated diesel engines
meeting Euro 1, Euro 2, Euro 3 and Euro 4 emission requirements
A3/B4 and running under severe conditions, e.g. extended oil drain inter-
For use in high performance petrol and direct injection diesel vals according to the manufacturer's recommendations. It is suit-
engines. Also suitable for applications described under B3. able for engines without particulate filters, and for most EGR
engines and most engines fitted with SCR NOx reduction systems.
For use at extended oil change intervals in high performance car
and light commercial petrol and diesel engines designed for low
viscosity oils. These oils may be unsuitable for use in some
engines. Consult owner manual or handbook if in doubt.
For vehicles with DPF and TWC in high performance car and
light van diesel and gasoline engines requiring low friction, low
viscosity, low SAPS oils. These oils will increase the DPF and
TWC life and provide fuel economy benefit.
Vehicles with DPF and TWC in high performance car and light van
diesel and gasoline engines designed to be capable of using low
friction, low viscosity oils. These oils will increase the DPF and
TWC life and provide fuel economy benefit.
Vehicles with DPF and TWC in high performance car and light
van diesel and gasoline engines. These oils will increase the DPF
and TWC life.
Vehicles with DPF and TWC in high performance car and light
van diesel and gasoline engines requiring low SAPS oil with
HTHS higher than 3.5mPa.s. These oils will increase the DPF
and TWC life.
WARNING: these oils have low SAPS limits and may be unsuit-
2-stroke engine oil classifications
SAE grades for these oils are 70W, 75W, 80W, 85W, 80, 85, GL-1 gear oil without extreme pressure additives (EP addi-
90, 110, 140, 190 and 250. The letter W indicates that the oil tives). It is used in light-duty transmissions where surface
pressures and speeds are low.
viscosity is determined in low temperatures, when the vis-
cosity must remain below 150,000 centistokes in tempera-
GL-4 Oils with a fair amount of EP additives used in most
tures given in the chart provided, and to fulfil certain mini- cars with manual transmissions.
mum requirements in 100∞C. Other SAE grades viscosity
limit values are determined in 100∞C. GL-5 Oils with a great quantity of EP additives. Used in
most modern vehicles and construction machines equipped
SAE class with hypoid gears where high speeds, high temperatures and
stroke-like peak loads are present.
SAE class Maximum Viscosity at 100∞—,
temperature sq.mm/s
corresponding to Min/Max Note: Always use GL class oils as the API reference.
a viscosity of
150.000 CP
Transmission components with friction elements operat-
70W –55 4,1 /– ing in oil require oils containing special additives ensur-
ing smooth and stable operation of these units. Under the
75W –40 4,1 /–
API classification these oils are marked with LS letters
80W –26 7,0 /– (Limited Slip), for example, Teboil Hypoid LS 80W-90-
85W –12 11,0 /– API GL-5(LS).
80 7,0 / <11,0 In addition to regular properties of gear oils, automatic
85 11,0 / <13,5 transmission fluids (ATF) must operate as a power trans-
90 13,5 / <18,5 mission media and be able to fulfil the requirements for
friction properties on different materials.
110 18,5 / <24,0
140 24,0 / <32,5
190 32,5 / <41,0
Note: The API classification does not include automatic
transmission oils because the transmission manufacturers
250 41,0 / – have their own requirements to the oils that must be
used. Most of automatic transmissions can be lubricated
with Dexron II or Dexron III type oils, but if the trans-
mission manufacturers specify their own requirements as
to the oil that must be used, they should be adhered to.
Lubrication greases
Lubrication grease is a lubricant that is formed when the liq- Dropping point
uid lubricating oil is made solid or semi-solid with a help of Temperature, at which oil begins to separate from grease.
special thickening agents. To improve their properties, either
solid or liquid additives are used. Lubricating properties
Lubrication grease = Oil (80-90 %) + Thickening Lubricating properties of a grease, and its load-bearing
capability, are equally dependent on the thickness of the
agent + Additives base oil, as well as on thickening agent's behaviour in
boundary lubrication situation and its ability to strengthen
ï Metal soaps e.g. lithium (70% of all manufactured
soaps), calcium, aluminium and sodium. Anti-wear and EP properties are measured e.g.
ï Complex soaps from previously mentioned metals, the with the following tests:
most generally used being lithium complex.
ï Inorganic thickening agents, such as bentonite clay ï SKF bearing tests, e.g. SKF R2F (where, for example,
and silica gel. the highest allowed operating temperature is deter-
ï Synthetic thickening agents, such as polyurea and mined).
PTFE. ï Timken EP test.
Base oil ï Four-ball test.
In lubricating greases, as in lubricating oils, both syntheti- ï Almen EP test.
cand mineral based oils are used. Base oil together with the Pumping limit
thickening agent determine the rheological characteristics of
High pumping limit is an essential property for central lubri-
the lubrication grease. (Rheology = flowing of liquid). cation systems, especially in cold climates. For example,
Safematic has developed a grease pumping test, by which
Additives the lowest operating temperature of each grease is deter-
In greases, as in lubricating oils, additives are used to mined. Safematic updates and publishes a catalogue about
improve their properties. In addition to liquids, solid lubri- tested greases.
cants (such as molybdenum sulphide (MoS2) and graphite)
are added to grease. Corrosion resistance
For example SKF Emcor test, where the grease's ability to
Properties and analyzing prevent bearing surfaces from rusting in the presence of
The hardness, or penetration, of greases is determined water.
according to NLGI (National Lubricating Grease Institute)
ratings. The penetration is measured with special equipment, Water resistance
where a cone is allowed to sink for five (5) seconds into The Water Wash Out Test establishes how well the grease
grease in a temperature of +25∞C. The penetration depth is remains on the lubrication target in the presence of flowing
measured and announced in 1/10mm. Usually, a point is water. The result is the flushed percentage of grease.
made whether it is "whisked" or "non-whisked" penetration.
The differences in these values indicate how well the grease
can bear mechanical load. On the basis of penetration,
greases are divided into NLGI categories, which vary from
000 to 6. The greater the number that indicates the catego-
ry, the harder the grease is.
NLGI ratings
NLGI number Penetration 1/10 mm
000 450-475
00 400-430
0 355-385
1 310-340
2 265-295
3 220-250
4 175-205
5 130-160
6 85-115
Lubrication greases
ISO 3448 viscosity grading consists of 18 viscosity cate- ISO VG class Average viscosity in mm2/s in
gories. The numerical value (2-1500) describes the kine- 400C. Variation limits ±10 %
matic viscosity at 40∞C in centistokes mm?/s (cSt). The
ISOVG 2 2,2
lowest allowed variation limit of viscosity is ±10% of the
nominal value of each grade. ISOVG 3 3,2
ISOVG 5 4,6
Teboil's hydraulic and lubricating oils are designed to
ISOVG 7 6,8
meet the requirements of the latest technology. Our prod-
uct development is based on the most recent data on ISOVG 10 10
lubricating technology. The names of Teboil hydraulic and ISOVG 15 15
lubricating oils include a number that indicates the ISO
VG viscosity grade. Where the number indicating the ISO ISOVG 22 22
VG viscosity grade has been printed bold in the charts of ISOVG 32 32
this brochure, it is then a part of the product name. ISOVG 46 46
For example: Teboil Hydraulic Oil 15.
ISOVG 68 68
ISOVG 100 100
ISOVG 150 150
ISOVG 220 220
ISOVG 320 320
ISOVG 460 460
ISOVG 680 680
ISOVG 1000 1,000
ISOVG 1500 1,500
Hydraulic oils
Required properties
Start-up viscosity
ï Correct viscosity The highest allowed start-up viscosity depends on pump
ó Thin enough in start-up temperature; type. Pump manufacturers define the following guidelines
ó Thick enough to ensure lubrication in operating for different types:
ï Stable viscosity. Piston pumps 200–800 mm2/s
ï Anti-wear properties. Vane pumps 500–1,000 mm2/s
ï Corrosion preventing properties. Gear pumps 800–1,600 mm2/s
ï Good water separation.
ï Non-foaming and good deaeration.
ï Oxidation resistance properties. Optimum viscosity:
ï Gasket friendliness. To prevent cavitation and ensure minimal flow resistance,
the oil's viscosity must be as low as possible, but at the
same time high enough to ensure pump lubrication.
Minimal viscosity:
Additional classifications Viscosity at its minimum is so low that the films between
Besides the main classification of hydraulic oils, there are surfaces reduce critically and metal begins to scrub
other classifications: against metal, thus increasing wear and tear.
ï DIN 51524, part 2 (HLP) and 3 (HVLP) Because the viscosity depends on temperature, the oper-
ï SS 155 434 ating temperatures of hydraulic oils are presented in
charts. Limit value viscosities are established in accor-
DIN 51524, part 2 (HLP) ó applies to hydraulic oils with dance with the pump manufacturers' specifications and
additional additives designed for modern high-pressure are thus only guidelines. (More specific instructions are
hydraulic systems with insignificant pressure fluctuations. available in equipment manufacturers' manuals).
The most typical examples of such systems are industrial
systems operating indoors.
DIN 51524, part 3 (HVLP) ó applies to hydraulic oils with Engine oil is not recommended to be used in hydraulic
additives for high-pressure hydraulic systems operating at equipment, because in comparison to the special
alternating temperature. The oil's viscosity index must be hydraulic oils:
140 or higher. The most typical examples of such systems
are hydraulic systems in mobile equipment. ï They have poor water separation and deaeration
SS 155 434 is a Swedish standard for high viscosity index ï Mono-grade engine oils have a narrow operating
hydraulic oils. SS 155 434 standard covers the cold-enduring temperature range and most multi-grade engine oils
properties better than DIN standard. contain viscosity index improving additives that do
not withstand in hydraulic use.
Hydraulic oils
Minimum starting temperature Viscosity of 500 to 1,600 mm2/s: pump can be started carefully without load.
Maximum operating temperature Viscosity of 10 to 16 mm2/s: pump can only be used temporarily and short-term use
Note: These values are guidelines only. More specific instructions are available in manufacturers' manuals.
Hydraulic oils
Hydraulic oils
Viscosity-temperature diagram
Example of using the diagram
How to use the diagram:
Viscosity of oil in different temperatures can be deter- Hydraulic Arctic Oil:
mined with the help of this diagram. ï viscosity at 400 C is 15 cSt
Viscosities in two different temperatures are marked in ï viscosity at 1000 C is 5.5 cSt
the diagram. ï on the diagram you can see that the viscosity 570 C
The line crossing the points describes the change of vis- is 10.5 cSt.
cosity according to the temperature. Viscosity of oil in
any temperature can thus be estimated.
Generally, viscosity diagrams use 40∞C and 100∞C, which
can also be found in the technical charts of this brochure.
Example diagrams:
Automotive oils
Engine oils
for cars and vans
Teboil Diamond Carat Teboil Diamond Carat 0W-30 is a fully synthetic low viscos-
ity A5/B5 engine oil for year-round use with extended oil-
Viscosity class change intervals. Carat 0W-30 is suitable for many new gen-
SAE 0W-30 eration cars using the Longlife service system. Not suitable for
all cars check the owners manual.
Engine oils
for cars and vans
Teboil Diamond Teboil Diamond 5W-40 is a top-class fully synthetic engine oil
for demanding year-round use. The oil is designed for both
Viscosity class car and van petrol and diesel engines. Due to its low pour
SAE 5W-40 point and optimal viscosity-temperature properties, Teboil
Specifcations Diamond 5W-40 provides excellent protection to your engine
API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3, BMW LL-98, under any conditions.
MB 229.1, Porsche, VW 502.00 and 505.00
Teboil Diamond Teboil Diamond 5W-30 is a fully synthetic engine oil that
meets special requirements of Opel, Saab (GM), BMW, and
Viscosity class Mercedes Benz to extended oil-change intervals. High-per-
SAE 5W-30 formance additives ensure noiseless operation of the engine
Specifcations and cleanness of its internal surfaces during the entire service
API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B4, GM LL-A/B-025, life of the oil until replacement.
BMW LL-01, MB 229.3, VW 502.00 and 505.00
Teboil Diamond Diesel Teboil Diamond Diesel 5W-40 is Multi-Synthetic engine oil
made of several synthetic base oils and last generation high-
Viscosity class performance additives. Diamond Diesel 5W-40 is specially
SAE 5W-40 designed for modern high-speed diesel engines in cars and
API CF, ACEA B3, MB 229.1, VW 505.00/505.01
Teboil Gold S Teboil Gold S ó is a fully synthetic engine oil for year round
use. Gold S is recommended for petrol and diesel engines of
Viscosity class cars and minivans, including supercharged engines.
SAE 5W-40
API CL/CF, ACEA A3/B3, MB 229.1,
VW 502.00 and 505.00, BMW-LL-98, Porsche
Teboil Moniaste Teboil Moniaste is designed for older petrol and diesel
engines of the cars and vans. Teboil Moniaste with SAE 15W-
Viscosity class 40 viscosity class is especially good for the engines with
SAE10W-30 and 15W-40 increased oil consumption and operated in summer.
Automotive oils
Teboil Super HPD Teboil Super HPD ó diesel engine oils are designed for
heavy professional use, typically for high-powered diesel
Viscosity class engines and long service intervals. ACEA E7 and API CI-4 clas-
SAE 5W-40 (fully synthetic) sifications quarantee that Super HPD is excellent for the new
10W-40 (synthetic), 10W-30 and 15W-40 European and American low-emission diesel engines. With long
service intervals, most engine manufacturers require the use of
Specifcations SHPD classified oils. Teboil Super HPD series include a fully
API CI-4, CH-4, CG-4, CF-4, ACEA E7, E5, E3, B3, B4, synthetic SAE 5W-40, synthetic SAE 10W-40 and mineral oil-
MB 228.3, MAN 3275, Volvo VDS-2, VDS-3 (1OW-40, based SAE 10W-30 and 15W-40 oils.
15 W-40), RVI RLD, Cummins CES 20,071, -2,-6,-7,
and 8, MackEO-M Plus, CAT ECF-1 (1OW-40, 15W-40)
Teboil Super XLD L-SAPS Teboil Super ’LD L-SAPS is a fully synthetic low SAPS oil
for new EURO 4 diesel engines that are equipped with diesel
Viscosity class particulate filter (DPF) or other after treatment systems that
SAE 10W-40 requires low SAPS oils. Super XLD L-SAPS prevents the
engine efficiently against wear, carbon deposit formation and
Specifcations cylinder wearing.
API CF, ACEA E6, E4, MB 228.51, MAN 3477
Teboil Super XLD Teboil Super XLD is a synthetic diesel engine oil that has
been developed for European engines and vehicles that oper-
Viscosity class ate in heavy long-distance traffic and have "ultra-long" service
SAE 10W-40 intervals. Super XLD prevents the engine efficiently against
Specifcations wear, carbon deposit formation and cylinder wearing.
API CF, ACEA E4, MB 228.5, MAN 3277,
Volvo VDS-2 and Scania LDF
Heavy-duty engine oils
Teboil Special GML Teboil Special GML is a fully synthetic engine oil for gas
engines in automotive use and gas operated forklifts. Special
Viscosity class GML has excellent clean-up and lubricating characteristics and
SAE 15W-40 supreme low-temperature performance in comparison with the
normal SAE 15W-40 oils.
Categories of performance characteristics
Volvo CNG, MAN M3271
Teboil Power D Teboil Power D 10W-30 Ë 15W-40 are mineral oil based
multi-grade diesel engine oils for year-round use in heavy-duty
Viscosity class diesel engines. Power D oils are excellent choice when there is
SAE 10W-30 and 15W-40 no need to meet to latest specifications. Suitable for most
Specifcations heavy-duty vehicles manufactured during 1990's.
API CG-4, CF/ SJ, ACEA E2,B2,A3,
Volvo VDS, MB 228.1, Mark EO-L
Teboil Power D Teboil Power D 10W, 20W-20, 30, 40 and 50 are mono-grade
diesel engine oils. Power D oils can also be used in hydraulic
Viscosity class systems and transmission when the equipment manufacturer
SAE 10W, 20W-20, 30, 40 and 50 recommends using of engine oils.
API CG-4, CF-4, CF-2, CF/SG, ACEA E2,
MB 228.0, MIL-L-2104E, Allison C3/C4
Teboil Serina Teboil Serina engine oils are recommended to older diesel
engines that have no need to meet the latest quality require-
Viscosity class ments.
SAE 10W-30, 15W-40 and 30
Teboil Monitra Plus Teboil Monitra Plus is a multi-purpose oil for farming machin-
ery. Monitra Plus was developed in co-operation with additive
Viscosity class producers and tractor manufacturers. It is suitable for all farming
SAE 10W-30 machinery engines, transmissions, gear units and hydraulic sys-
tems. Due its carefully selected friction properties, Monitra Plus
is also suitable for most power take-off clutches and wet brakes.
API CG-4, CF-4, CF/SF, GL-4/GL-5, ACEA E3
Monitra Plus fulfils for example, the following quality require-
MIL-L-2104D; Massey Ferguson M1127, M1135, M1139, and M1144;
Case-IH M1207; Ford M2C 86A, 134C/D, and 159B; john Deere J
20 A/C, and J27; Allison C4; CAT TO-2; ZF TE-ML 06B.
Oils for small-size two- and four-stroke engines
Teboil 2“ Bike Teboil 2T Bike is a fully synthetic low-smoke and low ash oil
for powerful 2-stroke motorbikes. Excellent lubricating proper-
Specifcations ties reduces wear and keeps engine clean. Suitable for pre-
API TC, JASO FC, ISO-L-EGD, ISO GD++, mix and autolube systems.
Husqvarna, Piaggio Hexagon
Teboil 2T Mix Teboil 2T Mix is self-mixing two-stroke engine oil for all kind
of 2-stroke engines. Suitable for premix and autolube systems.
Teboil 2T Special Outboard Teboil 2T Special Outboard is a special 2-stroke engine oil
for modern outboard engines. It includes anti-ash additives,
Specifcations which is why the carbon deposit formation is lower than with
APITD, NMMA:TC-W3 regular 2-stroke engine oils. 2T Special Outboard provides
good protection for engine against wear and corrosion.
4-stroke engine oils
Teboil 4“ SuperBike Oil Teboil 4T SuperBike Oil is a special fully synthetic engine oil
for four-stroke motorbikes. The oil is manufactured taking into
Viscosity class consideration the motorbike engine specifications and gearbox
SAE 15W-50 special requirements. 4T SuperBike boasts excellent high-tem-
perature performance and stable viscosity. The oil's friction
and pressure endurance properties are carefully determined to
suit the gearboxes and wet clutches. It maintains the proper-
ties that protect the engine from wear, and improve the oper-
ation of clutch even in the most demanding conditions, through
the whole oil-change interval.
Automotive oils
Teboil Gear Teboil Gear is a transmission oil that contains wear and cor-
rosion inhibitors. Teboil Gear meets the API GL-1 requirements
Viscosity class and does not contain EP additives. It Has good anti-wear
SAE 80W-90 properties and excellent viscosity characteristics.
API GL-1, Volvo 97305
Teboil Gear Oil VO Teboil Gear Oil VO is a high-quality fully synthetic transmis-
sion oil that meets the API GL-1 requirements. It is designed
Viscosity class for transmissions that do not require EP additives. The oil has
SAE 75W-90 excellent flow characteristics at low temperatures ensuring
trouble-free transmission even in extremely cold weather.
API GL-1, Volvo 97305
Teboil Gear Oil MTF-V Teboil Gear Oil MTF-V ó is a high-quality fully synthetic
transmission oil for heavy vehicles manual transmissions with
Viscosity class extreme long service intervals. Excellent flowing characteristics
SAE 75W-90 in cold conditions ensure that the transmission operates also in
Specifcations sub-zero temperatures; and the thoroughly selected additives
Volvo 97307, Eaton, Voith Retaarder, MAN 341SL provide excellent protection against wear, also in high temper-
and ZF transmissions atures and high loads.
API GL-4 transmission oils
Teboil EP Teboil EP oils are designed for light and heavy machinery
transmissions, when API GL-4 rating is required. These oils
Viscosity class have efficient additives against gear abrasion, oil oxidation
SAE 80W and 80W-90 and foaming.
API GL-4, MB 235.1, MIL-L-2105, MAN 341N, ZF TE-ML
02A, 16A, 17A, 19A
Teboil EP (fully synthetic) Teboil EP 75W-90 is a fully synthetic API GL-4 transmission
oil. Its low pour point ensures that the transmission operates
Viscosity class even in the coldest temperatures and its efficient EP additives
give the transmission first rate protection against wear in high
SAE 75W-90 temperatures and high loads. Due its excellent flowing charac-
Specifcations teristics, it reduces power loss in the power train and
improves fuel economy.
API GL-4, MIL-L-2105
Teboil Hypoid Teboil Hypoid is a differential oil for light and heavy machin-
ery and it can also be used in transmissions, when the required
Viscosity class level is API GL-5. Carefully selected base oil and advanced
SAE 90 and 80W-90 additives secure good cold properties, and efficient EP addi-
tives give the gearbox first-rate protection against wear in
high temperatures and high loads.
API GL-5, MB 235.0, MIL-L-2105, MAN 342N, ZF TE-ML
05A, 16B, 17B, 19B
Teboil Hypoid Teboil Hypoid 75W-90 is a fully synthetic differential oil for
light and heavy machinery. It is also suitable for transmissions
(fully synthetic) if the requirement is API GL-5. Hypoid 75W-90 has excellent
Viscosity class low temperature performance, which decreases power loss in
SAE 75W-90 and 75W-140 power train and improves fuel economy. Carefully selected
base oil and additives give first-rate protection against wear
Specifcations in high temperatures and high load.
API GL-5, MT-1, MAN 3343 SL, MIL-PRF-2105E, Scania
STO 1:0, ZF TE-ML 05B, 12B, 16F, 17B, 19C Teboil Hypoid 75W-140 is a fully synthetic differential oil for
extremely demanding conditions in heavy machinery. Hypoid
75W-140 has expectional lubricating and anti-wear properties.
And excellent low temperature performance decreases power
loss in power train and improves fuel economy compared to
regular SAE 140 oils.
API GL-5, MIL-L-2105D, Scania STO 1:0, ZF TE-ML 05A,
12E, 16D, 19B
Transport vehicles and equipment oils
Transmission oils
Teboil Wetol and Wetol SHV Teboil Wetol and synthetic Wetol SHV are transmission and
gear oils especially for tractors and working machinery with wet
Viscosity class brakes. Wetol oils are suitable year round use. Carefully deter-
SAE 80W and 75W-80 mined friction properties ensures steady and smooth operation of
brakes. It's excellent for constructions in which brakes are inte-
Specifcations grated into the same oil cavity with gearbox and final drive. Wetol
API GL-4 and Wetol SHV are designed for heavy-duty year-round use. for
transmissions and main gears, especially for those in tractors and
machining equipment that have parts operating in oil. In such
designs these oils are often used in hydraulic control systems as
well. Their properties were selected so as to provide reliable pro-
tection of transmission components from wear, and to ensure
smooth and trouble-free operation of friction elements. Thanks to
its flat temperature-viscosity curve, Teboil Wetol SHV oil ensures
reliable operation of electrohydraulic transmission control sys-
tems, especially in winter.
Teboil Wetol oil and Wetol SHV oil meet the requirements of the
following manufacturers: Allison C3/C4; Case-IH B6, 185, 1204,
1206 and 1207; Cat TO-2; Ford M2C 41 B, M2C 53A, M2C 86A/B,
M2C 134C/D; John Deere J20A/C; Massey Ferguson M 1110, M
1127 A/B, M 1141 and M 1143; Volvo BM Valmet.
In hydraulic systems: - Denison HF-0, HF-1, HF-2; Sauer
Sundstrand; Vickers I-280-S, M 2950 S.
Teboil Outboard Gear Teboil Outboard Gear is a special gear oil for drive units in
Viscosity class boats and final drives of outboard engines. Excellent water
SAE 90 separation and corrosion inhibition properties are required in
these uses.
Automatic transmission fluids
Teboil Fluid ES-Max Teboil Fluid ES-Max is a fully synthetic automatic transmis-
sion fluid for the most demanding conditions. It is specifically
Specifcations designed for heavy-duty machinery with long service intervals.
Dexron IIE, Ford Mercon, Allison C4, ZF TE-ML-14B, Voith The special requirements of transmission manufacturers have
G 1363, MB 236.8, MAN 339 Typ D been taken into consideration.
Teboil Fluid TO-4 Teboil Fluid TO-4 is a transmission and gear oil for heavy-
duty construction equipment, that requires Cat TO-4 fluids. It
Viscosity class has an efficient additive substance against wear, oil oxidation
SAE 10W, 30 and 50 and foaming. Fluid TO-4's friction-controlling additives main-
tain smooth and silent operation of wet brakes.
CAT TO-4, Allison C4, Komatsu
Automotive lubricants
Special automotive
hydraulic oils
ISO VG Kinematic Viscosity Pour Flash
Teboil Hydraulic Oil S Viscosity Index Point, Point,
at 40 — at 100 — (VI) — —
Oils of this series are designed for hydraulic systems mm2/s mm2/s
operating under high pressure and extreme weather
32S 32 32 7,1 192 – 51 175
conditions. The oils contain efficient additives to pro
tect against wear, oxidation and corrosion. Hydraulic 46S 46 46 9,2 188 – 48 178
systems in mobile equipment are the typical uses of 68S 68 68 11,1 154 – 48 188
these oils.
Specifications: SS 15 54 34 AV (formerly - the SMR
standard), DIN 51524, part 3 (HVLP), Vickers 1-286-S,
Teboil Hydraulic Oil (15, 22, 100) ISO VG Kinematic Viscosity Pour Flash
Viscosity Index Point, Point,
Teboil Hydraulic Lift (32, 46) at 40 —
at 100 —
mm2/s mm2/s
Oils in this series are designed for high-pressure 15 15 15 3,7 141 – 54 175
hydraulics in mobile equipment, when the low tem-
perature performance demands are reasonable due to 22 22 22 4,7 141 – 54 175
pre-heating or other reasons. 100 100 100 14,1 145 – 36 200
Specifications: DIN 51524, part 3 (HVLP), Vickers 1-
286-S, M-2950-S. Lift 32 32 32 6,0 147 – 42 185
Lift 46 46 46 7,8 141 – 42 195
Oils for hydraulic systems
of transport vehicles and equipment
ISO VG Kinematic Viscosity Pour Flash
Teboil Hydraulic Arctic Oil (15) Viscosity Index Point, Point,
Teboil Hydraulic Oil Polar (22)
at 40 — at 100 — (VI) — —
mm2/s mm2/s
Teboil Hydraulic Deck Oil (32) 15 15 5,5 375 – 60 110
Oils of this series are designed for hydraulic systems 22 22 7,5 375 – 60 110
operating within a wide range of temperatures. These
32 36 8,9 245 – 54 170
oils have a very high viscosity index and excellent
properties at low temperatures. Hydraulic Arctic
Oil is excellent choice for tale gate lifts in trucks.
hydraulic oil designed for heavy-duty hydraulic systems 36 7,7 175 – 48 230
that require a wide operating temperature, from the
heat of the summer to sub-zero winter conditions.
Typically uses are earthwork and forestry machinery,
truck hydraulics, port equipment and deck hydraulics.
Fully Synthetic Teboil Hydraulic Oil 5W and miner- 5W 32 6,2 150 – 54 180
al oil based Teboil Hydraulic Oil 10W ó special 10W 41 6,5 110 – 39 210
hydraulic oils developed for hydraulic systems
requires mono grade engine oils. Hydraulic Oil 5W
has excellent performance at low and high tempera-
tures ensuring reliable operation of equipment under
various weather conditions.
Teboil Teraketjuoljy
Teboil Teraketjuoljy is a mineral oil based chain oil for chain saws.
Teboil MoTo
Teboil MoTo is a mineral oil based chain oil for harvesters. The product is available in winter (T) and summer (K) qual-
Lubricant greases
Multi-purpose greases
High temperature greases
Central lubrication
Special greases for humid and heavy
conditions Teboil Solid 2
Teboil Solid 2 Thickener NLGI Drop
of use
— viscosity temperature,
Teboil Solid 2 is water-free calsium grease for heav- at 40Ó—, Ó
ily loaded, slowly running journal and roller bearings,
especially in humid conditions. It has excellent adhe- Calcium soap 2 140 800 – 20Ö.120
sion, water- resisting and load-carrying characteris-
tics. Solid 2 is excellent choice for lubricating auto-
motive and construction machinery joints and chassis
Gear grease
Instrument grease for cold condirions
Polytetrafluorethylene-based grease
Industrial oils
Synthetic transmission oils
ï Do not mix with mineral or other hydrocarbon
ï The oil may dissolve some paints. We recom-
mend epox paints or corresponding coatings
and paints.
Compressor oils
Pneumatic tool oils
Heat-transfer oils
Turbine oils
Non-drip oils
Slide-way oils
ISO VG Kinematic Viscosity Pour Flash
Teboil Slide Viscosity
at 40 — at 100 —
mm2/s mm2/s
Teboil Slide series is designed for lubricating slide
ways in machine tools. Their "anti slip-stick" proper- 32 32 5,4 100 – 12 200
ties enable smooth feed movements that ensure 68 68 8,7 105 – 12 210
smooth surface quality for workpiece even in heavy
grinding and low feeding speeds. Teboil Slide 32 is 150 150 14,5 95 – 12 220
also suitable for hydraulic systems, where hydraulic 220 220 19,0 95 – 12 240
oil lubricates guiding surfaces.
Transformer oils
Kinematic Flash
Viscosity Point,
Teboil Form Oil E Ó Ó
at 40 — at 100 —
mm2/s mm2/s
Teboil Form Oil E is concrete form oil that eases
removal of the casting from the form and protects 8 – 75
the steel from corrosion. It is suitable for all types
of concreting and use with conventional materials of
which forms are made, in particular, with steel,
wood, and hardboard. Optimal oil consumption is
1l / (35-55) m2.
Marine lubricants
Your lubricants supplier
Special lubricants
Modern lubricant technologies in Europe
Equipment-wise, Teboil's lubricant plant in Hamina is one of the most advanced in Europe.
Efficient automation of the production process and close control over the quality
of the produced articles allow us to manufacture high quality lubricant products.
In order to develop new high-grade lubricants, improve the production process,
and control the quality of the manufactured products the plant operates
its own laboratory to carry out the necessary research.