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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Crime

and Criminal Justice in the United States

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Citation Sampson, Robert J., and Janet L. Lauritsen. 1997. Racial and ethnic
disparities in crime and criminal justice in the United States. Crime
and Justice 21: 311-374.

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Crime and Criminal Justice in the United States
Author(s): Robert J. Sampson and Janet L. Lauritsen
Source: Crime and Justice, Vol. 21, Ethnicity, Crime and Immigration: Comparative and Cross
-National Perspectives (1997), pp. 311-374
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 01/08/2009 03:02

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Robert . Sampsonand Janet L. Lauritsen

Racial and Ethnic Disparities

in Crime and Criminal
Justice in the United States


Although racial discrimination emerges some of the time at some stages

of criminal justice processing-such as juvenile justice-there is little
evidence that racial disparities result from systematic, overt bias.
Discrimination appears to be indirect, stemming from the amplification
of initial disadvantagesover time, along with the social construction of
"moral panics" and associated political responses. The "drug war" of the
1980s and 1990s exacerbated the disproportionate representation of blacks
in state and federal prisons. Race and ethnic disparities in violent
offending and victimization are pronounced and long-standing. Blacks,
and to a lesser extent Hispanics, suffer much higher rates of robbery and
homicide victimization than do whites. Homicide is the leading cause of
death among young black males and females. These differences result in
part from social forces that ecologically concentrate race with poverty and
other social dislocations. Useful research would emphasize multilevel
(contextual) designs, the idea of "cumulative disadvantage" over the life
course, the need for multiracial conceptualizations, and comparative,
cross-national designs.

Research on race and crime has become a growth industry in the

United States. For much of this century, studies have poured forth on
racial differences in delinquency, crime, victimization, and, most of all,
criminal justice processing. To take but one example, racial differences
in sentencing have captured the attention of numerous journal articles,

RobertJ. Sampson is professor of sociology at the University of Chicago and research

fellow at the American Bar Foundation. Janet L. Lauritsen is associate professor of crim-
inology and criminal justice at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. We thank John
Laub, Michael Tonry, and participantsin the 1994 Race, Ethnicity, and Criminal Justice
conference in Oxford for helpful comments on an earlier draft.
? 1997 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.

312 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

books, meta-analyses, and a panel of the National Academy of Sciences

(among others, see reviews in Kleck 1981; Hagan and Bumiller 1983;
Petersilia 1985).
The volume of research has not gone hand in hand with dispassion-
ate scholarly debate. The topic of race and crime still rankles, fueling
ideologically charged discussions over competing schools of thought
such as discrimination versus differential involvement, cultures of vio-
lence versus structural inequality, and empiricism versus critical the-
ory. Some argue that bringing empirical data to bear on the race and
crime question is itself evidence of racism (MacLean and Milovanovic
1990). It is thus not surprising that, despite the abundance of empirical
data, many criminologists are loathe to speak openly on race and crime
for fear of being misunderstood or labeled a racist. This situation is
not unique, for until recently scholars of urban poverty also con-
sciously avoided forthright discussion of race and social problems in
the inner city lest they be accused of blaming the victim (see Wilson
1987, pp. 3-19; Sampson and Wilson 1995).
What, then, does one make of the charge to assess the current state
of knowledge on racial-ethnic disparities and discrimination in the jus-
tice systems of the United States and of the sources of knowledge from
which such conclusions can be drawn? The sheer volume of research
makes a review of empirical studies impossible in one essay, and the
political climate suggests a no-win substantive outcome as well. In ad-
dition, many important questions remain unanswered either because
we lack the necessary data or because results are conflicting across al-
ternative forms of measurement. Recognizing these perils, we none-
theless tackle the topic of race, ethnicity, and crime in the United
States by focusing on four general questions: What are the key empiri-
cal findings on race, ethnicity, and crime? What are the most promis-
ing theoretical explanations? What are the major limitations of both
research and theory? and Where do we go from here?
Rather than try to review all individual studies, we close in on the
"big picture"-that is, the one painted by robust findings that hold up
across disparate investigators, forms of data collection, and analytical
methods. But empirical generalizations only take us so far (we have yet
to hear data speak), so the second question becomes crucial-what the-
oretical and substantive interpretations can we place on the empirical
data? Of course, both the answers to this question and the empirical
backdrop of data are subject to numerous pitfalls, and hence question
three prompts an inquiry into the limitations of extant knowledge.
United States 313

Consideration of limitations leads naturally to the final question of fu-

ture research designs. In probing this issue, we focus on how knowl-
edge might be advanced by using a comparative, international perspec-
tive with collaborative research designs.
Our essay addresses these questions in the following way. We start
with a discussion of general contextual issues relevant to the United
States. For background purposes, Section I describes the racial and
ethnic makeup of the U.S. population and the American criminal jus-
tice system. Sections II-VI subdivide the empirical morass of U.S. data
into several interrelated domains. Section II discusses race, ethnic-
ity, and criminal victimization (who becomes victimized by crime?),
whereas Section III overviews the literature on race, ethnicity, and
criminal offending (who commits criminal acts?). The findings pre-
sented in these two sections represent the dominant tradition in crimi-
nology, which seeks to distinguish individual offenders from non-
offenders and victims from nonvictims. Section IV discusses the
community structure of race, ethnicity, and crime in the United States,
namely, what are the characteristics of communities that contribute to
rates of crime for different race and ethnic groups? The findings from
the community literature are compared with evidence on individual
differences in criminal involvement, and critical problems in interpre-
tation are discussed.1Section V summarizes the findings on racial dis-
parities in the U.S. criminal justice system (e.g., who gets convicted
and imprisoned?), and Section VI reviews the various approaches for
understanding differential treatment. Finally, Section VII presents our
interpretations of the literature on race, crime, and criminal justice and
discusses what we believe are the important implications for future re-
Before we begin, it is important to qualify our use of the terms
"race" and "ethnicity." In the United States, the term "race" tradi-
tionally refers to skin pigmentation or color, whereas ethnicity refers
to the countries from which a person's ancestors can be traced. For
various historical and social reasons, definitions of race in the United
States have referred mainly to categories that are allegedly mutually
exclusive-(a) white, (b) black, (c) American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut,
and (d) Asian or Pacific Islander. The American conception of eth-

Our reviewof the empiricalevidenceon racialdifferencesin victimizationand of-

fending,and our theoreticalargumentsregardingcommunities,race, and crime, are
drawnin large part from two previouspapers-Sampson and Lauritsen(1994) and
SampsonandWilson (1995).
314 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

nicity differs from that of race in that it is usually reported by subjects

themselves (as opposed to visual identification), and it may consist of
as many categories as one believes necessary to indicate his or her heri-
tage. Clearly, however, there are ongoing scholarly and political de-
bates that challenge the definitions and usefulness of these terms in
U.S. society. For example, it has been argued that the American con-
ception of race is arbitraryinsofar as there is no single set of traits that
satisfactorily distinguish one group from another. Biological research
reminds us that race definitions are socially constructed and reflect the
concerns and preoccupations of a particular society (e.g., Hawkins
1995; Marks 1995). Simple classification attempts rooted in biological
analogies are also invalidated because many individuals are of mixed
races. Furthermore, we sympathize with those who argue that by high-
lighting race differences in crime and criminal justice sanctioning, such
work has the potential to exacerbate problems of institutional racism
and stereotyping in the United States.
Yet to acknowledge these points does not undermine the salience of
race or ethnicity, however socially constructed, in a given society.
There are profound race and ethnic differences in the representation
of citizens in the U.S. criminal justice system. It seems to us that
knowledge about the origins and consequences of these discrepancies
is preferable to ignorance-even as we acknowledge that observed dif-
ferences between groups are not due to inherent differences in physical
traits. We would add that while definitions and records of race and
ethnicity differ across countries, the social conception of race has valid-
ity and reliability within the United States. We are less certain of the
validity of the term "ethnicity" since social agreement as to whether
someone is, for example, Hispanic or of some other ethnic heritage is
likely to be much lower. For our purposes, then, the definition of race
imposed by administrativeand political structures is an important sub-
ject of study in its own right, but it should not be a significant source
of error when making cross-group comparisons. The interpretation of
ethnic differences (much less available in the data) requires more cau-
tion. Other data limitations, not relevant to definitional issues, are dis-
cussed when appropriate.

I. The U.S. Context

The Census Bureau currently defines race in five broad categories-
"white," "black," "American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut," "Asian or
United States 315

Pacific Islander" (further subdivided into ten groups), and "other."2

Recent data on ethnicity usually focus on whether persons are of
"Hispanic" origin. The term Hispanic is meant to define persons of
Spanish-speaking origin who may identify themselves as any one of the
racial groups. There is great diversity in how Hispanics define them-
selves racially, and there are perhaps even greater cultural differences
between, say, Puerto Ricans and Cubans, as there are between racial
groups. Not sharing a common culture, the myriad groups classified as
Hispanic thus fail to meet the criteria we typically think of as constitut-
ing an ethnic group. For these and other reasons, the construct of His-
panic has been criticized as a political definition that has little meaning
(e.g., Mann 1993, pp. 8-12), with many preferring the label "Latino"
instead. Similar arguments have been made about the meaning of race
categories, namely, that there is more within-group variation (in terms
of traditional cultural experiences) than there are differences between
race groups.
Though few still hold to the notion of the United States as a "melt-
ing pot" of racial and ethnic cultures, there is little doubt that the pot
is becoming increasingly diverse. Table 1 presents census data on the
resident population of the United States and changes from 1980 to
1990 by race and Hispanic origin. Whites made up 80 percent of the
approximately 250,000,000 residents of the U.S. population in 1990.
This represents a decline from 83 percent in 1980. Blacks represent 12
percent of the 1990 population, up modestly from 1980. Native Ameri-
can Indians comprise a very small portion of the population-less than
1 percent. However, each of the Chinese, Asian Indian, Korean, and
Vietnamese populations increased more than 100 percent over the de-
The other striking feature of table 1 is the sharp growth in the num-
ber of Hispanic Americans-53 percent-to the point where they now
make up almost 10 percent of the U.S. population. If the growth rate
of more than 50 percent continues into the next century as demo-
graphic predictions suggest, Hispanic Americans will represent the

2 The U.S.
Bureau of the Census is likely to change how it measures "race" and "eth-
nicity" before implementation of the next decennial census. Race and ethnicity are self-
identified in the census questionnaires, and many have argued that existing categories
do not capture many persons' sense of identity. The most pressing issues involve the
classification of multiracial persons and individuals who consider themselves neither
"white" nor "black." Whatever the decision of the Bureau of the Census, it will affect
the kinds of questions researchers ask and the politics of race in America (e.g., eligibility
for federal aid to minorities, minority redistricting for elections).
316 Robert J. Sampson and Janet L. Lauritsen

Resident Population, by Race and Hispanic Origin: 1980 and 1990
(as of April 1)

N (in Thousands)
N (in
Race and Hispanic Origin 1980 1990 Thousands) Percent

All persons 226,546 248,710 22,164 9.8

White 188,372 199,686 11,314 6.0
Black 26,495 29,986 3,491 13.2
American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut: 1,420 1,959 539 37.9
American Indian 1,364 1,878 514 37.7
Eskimo 42 57 15 35.6
Aleut 14 24 10 67.5
Asian or Pacific Islander: 3,500 7,274 3,773 107.8
Chinese 806 1,645 839 104.1
Filipino 775 1,407 632 81.6
Japanese 701 848 147 20.9
Asian Indian 362 815 454 125.6
Korean 355 799 444 125.3
Vietnamese 262 615 353 134.8
Hawaiian 167 211 44 26.5
Samoan 42 63 21 50.1
Guamanian 32 49 17 53.4
Other Asian or Pacific Islander N.A. 822 N.A. N.A.
Other race 6,758 9,805 3,047 45.1
Hispanic origin:
Of Hispanic origin: 14,609 22,354 7,745 53.0
Mexican 8,740 13,496 4,755 54.4
Puerto Rican 2,014 2,728 714 35.4
Cuban 803 1,044 241 30.0
Other Hispanic 3,051 5,086 2,035 68.7
Not of Hispanic origin 211,937 228,356 14,419 6.8

SOURCE.-U.S. Bureau of the Census (1993), p. 18.

NOTE.-N.A. = not available. Z < 0.05%.

largest "minority" group. Overall, if the data are reclassified to take

account of both race and ethnic identification, the United States is
dominated by three race and ethnic groups-non-Hispanic whites (75
percent), non-Hispanic blacks (12 percent), and Hispanics (9 percent).
In urban areas where crime rates tend to be highest, non-Hispanic
whites no longer represent the majority population in many of the na-
tion's largest cities (e.g., Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit).
United States 317

Despite the changing racial and ethnic diversity of U.S. society, in

this essay we focus mainly on "black" and "white" comparisons. The
reason stems primarily from a lack of data on crime that consistently
classifies information for Hispanic and non-Hispanics, and for groups
such as Asians and Native Americans. Where available and appro-
priate, data reflecting these latter classifications is presented (e.g., ar-
rest statistics). Moreover, most analytical work on disparity and dis-
crimination in crime and sanctioning has focused on comparisons
between whites and blacks.
Unfortunately, the types of crime covered in this essay's explication
of race and ethnic disparities are not fully representative of the land-
scape of criminal behavior in the United States. For many "white-
collar" and "organized" crimes, sound data are hard to come by.3 Per-
haps more crucially, the data that do exist are rarely presented to per-
mit systematic study of race and ethnic variations. Although there is
excellent reason to believe that whites are overrepresented in "crimes
of the suite," an analysis of this phenomenon is beyond the scope of
current efforts. However, a large body of research in the United States
on racial and ethnic disparities focuses on "street" or "index" crimes-
especially violence (e.g., murder, rape, robbery, assault) and property
crime (e.g., larceny, motor vehicle theft, burglary). Race and ethnic
comparisons are usually possible for these offenses, and hence we focus
disproportionately on crimes against persons and property.
Of these two general crime types, we give more coverage to vio-
lence. As seen below, race and ethnic disparities in both criminal of-
fending and criminal victimization tend to be greatest among violent
crimes. With homicide mortality rates now at least eight times higher
among young black males than young white males (National Center
for Health Statistics 1995, table 6), a sense of public urgency has also
emerged regarding a crisis of violence in the black community (Dilulio
1994; Sampson and Wilson 1995). Understanding racial disparities in
urban violence is thus a major priority for criminal justice in the
United States, and our review reflects this concern. We recognize that
by focusing our attention on violence, we are in danger of overempha-
sizing the importance of race or ethnicity in offending and victimiza-
tion and underemphasizing its influence on criminal justice decision
making. We attempt to compensate for this possible bias by includ-
Corporate crimes are excluded because the "offender" is an institution rather than
an individual. In theory, however, one could characterize the race and ethnic composi-
tion of corporate decision makers.
318 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

ing relevantinformationon other crime types-particularly drug of-

fendingand drugsanctioning,which have attractedmuch recentcon-
cern in the United States(see Blumstein1993a;Tonry 1995).
A furthercomplicationis thatthe justicesystemin the United States
is decidedlycomplex,makingthe taskof trackingracialdisparitieseven
more difficult.It is probablya misnomerto speak of a "system"of
criminaljusticebecausesome 90 percentof all crimesare prosecuted
at state and local levels. With fifty states and separateproceduresfor
juvenilesand adults,the United Statesis characterizedby wide varia-
tion in local practices,laws,and criminaljusticeoperations.Still, there
is a commonthreadthat ties togetherthe way that most criminalcases
are processed(see U.S. Departmentof Justice 1988, p. 56). The bulk
of previousresearchhas centeredon key decision points in the pro-
cessingof adults,especiallyarrest,bail (pretrialrelease),charging,plea
bargaining,conviction,sentencing(e.g., to probation,imprisonment),
and postcorrectionalrelease(e.g., parole).Like the socialorganization
of the criminaljusticesystem,datareflectingthis processare similarly
complex.They run the gamutfrom local records(e.g., arreststatistics
for a city precinct)to nationalfigurespublishedby the U.S. govern-
ment. Becauseof this variation,data sources are describedbelow in
tandemwith the phenomenonunderconsideration.

II. Race-Ethnicityand CriminalVictimization

What arethe risksof victimizationto individualsof differentracialand
ethnic groups?Are these differencesstable over recent time periods?
Answersto thesetypesof questionshavebeen obtainedlargelythrough
analysesof National Crime VictimizationSurvey(NCVS) data.The
NCVS (previouslyknownas the National Crime Survey[NCS]) is an
ongoing surveyconductedby the Bureauof JusticeStatistics,designed
to measurethe extent of personaland householdvictimizationin the
United States.Interviewsare conductedat six-monthintervalswith all
personstwelveyearsof age or older living in a sampledhousehold.As
many as 150,000 personsin 80,000 householdsare interviewedon a
biannualbasis.The majoradvantageof the NCVS is the abilityto esti-
mate victimizationsthat may be incorrectlyreflectedin officialpolice
data (e.g., becauseof nonreportingof incidents or arrestbias). The
NCVS thereforeconstitutesthe best availabledatasourceon the risk
of victimizationfor variouspopulationsubgroupsliving in the United
States.The exception,naturally,is for homicide,wheremost estimates
United States 319

are based on vital statistics (e.g., Fingerhut and Kleinman 1990) and
the FBI's supplemental homicide reports which provide a racial classi-
fication of homicide victims.
Victimization research over the past twenty years has consistently
shown that the overall risk of experiencing personal violence (i.e., ho-
micide, rape, robbery, or assault) is much lower than the risk of house-
hold victimization (U.S. Department of Justice 1994a). For example,
the combined risk of suffering a violent victimization by either rape,
robbery, or assault in 1992 was estimated at approximately 1 in 31,
while the risk of household burglary was nearly 1 in 6. However, the
major finding for our purposes is that the distribution of victimization
varies systematically across different subgroups. In terms of race, both
the NCVS and official statistics confirm that blacks are disproportion-
ately the victims of violent crimes (U.S. Department of Justice 1993a,
1994b). Differences in homicide risk are the most pronounced. Ac-
cording to the U.S. Department of Justice, in 1992 blacks were nearly
seven times more likely than whites to become victims of homicide
(1993a). Similarly, data derived from death certificates (rather than
crime reports) and that adjust for differences in the age composition
of the two populations show that the 1992 rate of homicide for the
black population was 6.5 times that for the white population (National
Center for Health Statistics 1995).
Estimates of homicide risk over the life span further underscore ra-
cial disparities. By 1990, black women and black men were, respec-
tively, four and six times more likely than white women and white men
to be murdered in their lifetime (Reiss and Roth 1993, p. 63). The
leading cause of death among black males and black females ages fif-
teen to twenty-four is homicide (National Center for Health Statistics
1995). These differentials help explain estimates that a resident of rural
Bangladesh has a greater chance of surviving to age forty than does a
black male in Harlem (McCord and Freeman 1990).
Estimates of lifetime homicide risk for American Indians, blacks, and
whites are presented in Reiss and Roth (1993, pp. 62-63). The lifetime
risk for black males is 4.16 per 100, followed by Native Indian males
(1.75), black females (1.02), white males (.62), Native Indian females
(.46), and white females (.26). Thus Native Indian males' risk falls ap-
proximately halfway between that of black and white males. Reiss and
Roth also note that less than one-fourth of Americans' lifetime risk for
homicide is incurred before the twenty-fifth birthday. Consequently,
320 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

Deaths per 100.000 population





Deaths per 100.000 population

120 / \ _--0--




I&'-- -G - -
1, -G

nv ir

LT 1 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

FIG. 1.-Homicide among males by firearm status in the United States. a, Among
white males. b, Among black males. Source: Fingerhut (1993), pp. 16-17.

the very high homicide rates among young black males in particular
must be considered in conjunction with the higher homicide rates of
black males at all ages.
Racial disparities for gun-related homicide victimization are particu-
larly striking. Figure 1 displays the age-specific 1990 U.S. death rate
by firearms for white males and black males according to mortality re-
ports from vital statistics (Fingerhut 1993). Note that the peak death
United States 321

rate for young black males (140 per 100,000) is more than ten times
greater than the peak death rate for young white males (twelve per
100,000). Given the nature of death reports, these differentials in vic-
timization cannot reasonably be attributed to bias in official reaction
by the criminal justice system.
As with homicide, blacks report greater levels of robbery victimiza-
tion than do whites (U.S. Department of Justice 1994a). Over the past
twenty years, blacks' risk of robbery has been between two and three
times greater than that of whites. While the risk of robbery among
whites has slightly declined over the last two decades, the risk among
blacks fluctuates more from year to year and shows no clear evidence
of decline.
Unlike homicide and robbery, rates of assault victimization for
blacks and whites have not differed consistently over the last twenty
years, although the majority of assault victimizations reported by
blacks tend to be incidents of aggravated assault, whereas simple as-
saults predominate among whites (U.S. Department of Justice 1994a).
The lack of race differences in assaults overall may be the result of dif-
ferences in reporting. Specifically, it has been hypothesized that blacks
may underreport less serious forms of assault and that whites may
overreport minor assaults (Skogan 1981; Gottfredson 1986).
Race differentials in victimization risk decline significantly for per-
sonal theft (larceny with or without contact) and crimes against prop-
erty. The personal theft victimization rate is very similar, at fifty-nine
per 1,000 for blacks and sixty per 1,000 for whites (U.S. Department
of Justice 1994b). However, rates of household victimization (burglary,
larceny, and motor vehicle theft) are consistently higher for blacks than
for whites. For example, the burglary victimization rate per 1,000
households is sixty-eight for blacks and forty-six for whites (U.S. De-
partment of Justice 1994b). Compared over time, trends in property
victimization reveal similar patterns by race. Since about 1980, both
whites and blacks have experienced general declines in personal theft
and household victimization.
For violence, however, both rate and trend differences by race are
substantial. Beginning about 1990, reported rates of violence among
blacks increased to their highest level ever recorded in the NCVS.
This trend parallels the trajectory of homicides measured by death rec-
ords-increases in homicide rates since the mid- to late 1980s in the
United States have been racially selective. For example, while white
rates remained relatively stable, the firearms death rate among young
322 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

black males more than doubled from 1984 to 1988 alone (see Fin-
gerhut et al. 1991).4
In short, the available race-specific data on victimization suggest a
fairly straightforward pattern. Blacks suffer much higher rates of per-
sonal violence and homicide victimization than do whites. Racial dif-
ferences are reduced considerably in magnitude when it comes to
household crimes and especially personal theft victimizations. And
while overall victimization trends are similar for blacks and whites, rob-
bery and homicide are the two notable exceptions. Recent trends for
these two violent crimes show greater increases for blacks than whites.
The NCVS provides only limited information on ethnic dif-
ferences in victimization risk, restricted mainly to Hispanic versus
non-Hispanic comparisons. According to the NCVS, Hispanics ex-
perience higher rates of violent and household victimization than non-
Hispanics (39.6 vs. 35.3, and 265.6 vs. 204.5, respectively). Conversely,
non-Hispanics report higher rates of personal theft (80.3) than His-
panics (74.9) (U.S. Department of Justice 1990). Government vital sta-
tistics on mortality provide another source of comparison, as they re-
port the cause of death for Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites. As is
true for blacks, the leading cause of death among Hispanics aged 15-
24 is homicide (National Center for Health Statistics 1995).
Recall that in the United States race and ethnicity are not mutually
exclusive categories. Because Hispanics may be designated as either
black or white (or "other"), compositional effects may account for the
higher NCVS victimization rates of Hispanics than of non-Hispanics.
Since NCVS summary reports do not present differences between
non-Hispanic whites, non-Hispanic blacks, and Hispanics, it is difficult
to know precisely to what degree these subgroups differ in their risks
of victimization. Similarly, vital statistics do not provide homicide rates
for Hispanics because population estimates by race-ethnicity remain
The primary explanation of the race-victimization connection in vi-
olence stems from "lifestyle" (Hindelang, Gottfredson, and Garofalo
1978; Garofalo 1987) and "routine activity" (Cohen and Felson 1979)
theories of victimization. The essential proposition of lifestyle-routine
activity theories is that the convergence in time and space of suitable
targets and the absence of capable guardiansleads to increases in crime
independent of the structural and cultural conditions that may moti-
4The most recent data indicate that the overall age-adjusted firearm death rates de-
clined slightly between 1991 and 1992 (National Center for Health Statistics 1995, table
United States 323

vate individualsto engagein crime(e.g., poverty,unemployment,sub-

culturalvalues).Derivedfrom this generalproposition,the "principle
of homogamy"in lifestyletheorystatesthat personsare more likelyto
be victimizedwhen they disproportionatelyassociatewith, or come
into contactwith, membersof demographicgroupsthat containa dis-
proportionateshare of offenders(Hindelang,Gottfredson,and Ga-
rofalo 1978, pp. 256-57).
Accordingto this explanation,blackssuffera higher risk of violent
victimizationthan do whites becausethey are more likely to associate
with other blackswho are themselvesdisproportionately involvedin
violence. In other words, race-shapedlifestylefactorssuch as friend-
ship patternsand leisure activitiesaccount for higher levels of risk.
Similarly,the "proximity"hypothesisposits that ecological propin-
quityto the residencesof high-rateoffendergroupswill increaseone's
riskof victimization.The theoreticalimplicationhere is that blacksare
segregatedfromwhitesandlive in closerproximityto otherblackswho
commitcrimesat higherratesthanwhites.As discussedbelow,the ve-
racityof the differentialoffendingclaimhasbeen challenged;however,
the key point is that homogamyof personalassociationsand proximity
to offendergroupsare the leadinghypothesesfor the racedifferentials
in victimization risk.
The limitationsof lifestyle-routineactivitiestheory and research
have been discussedat length elsewhere (for overviews,see Gott-
fredson 1986; Garofalo1987;Meier and Miethe 1993; Sampsonand
Lauritsen1994).The most commoncriticismof empiricalresearchhas
been the inadequatemeasurementof explanatoryvariables-direct
measuresof lifestyle activitiesand proximityto offenderpopulations
are not usuallyincludedin models containingsocial and demographic
characteristics.In particular,most researchon race differencesin risk
has not been able to distinguishbetween individual-levelinterpreta-
tions (suchas lifestyleand friendshipchoices)and contextualexplana-
tions (suchas proximityto offendergroupsresultingfromhousingseg-
regation patterns). Clearly, this is an important issue to resolve.
Subcultural explanations have also been used to explain higher rates
of victimization, especially violence, among various subgroups (e.g.,
Wolfgang 1958; Wolfgang and Ferracuti 1967; Singer 1981). The sub-
culture of violence thesis argues that certain subgroups share norms
conducive to the use of violence for resolving disputes, thereby gener-
ating subgroup differences in victimization. However, this hypothesis
has not been empirically validated with respect to race. As discussed
more below, key methodological difficulties need to be resolved before
324 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

it can be determined whether differences in normative contexts ac-

count for racial differences in violent victimization (see e.g., Korn-
hauser 1978; Hawley and Messner 1989).

III. Race-Ethnicity and Criminal Offending

Prior research on the correlates of criminal offending has extensively
reviewed the methodological issues that limit the validity of findings
(see e.g., Hindelang 1978; Hindelang, Hirschi, and Weis 1979; Elliott
and Ageton 1980), and therefore we mention only a few of these quali-
fications here. A primary concern is the source of data on offending-
whether the findings are based on official, self-report, or victimization
data. Findings based on official data such as arrest statistics published
by the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) are limited to the extent
that apprehended offenders differ in some way from nonapprehended
offenders (e.g., because of racial bias). They are also limited in that
persons who are arrested more than once in any year are overrepre-
sented in arrest statistics. Findings based on self-report surveys may be
limited by either the respondents' intentional or unintentional errors
in reporting or by sampling restrictions (e.g., an almost exclusive focus
on juveniles or males, or on minor offenses).
Although NCVS victimization data provide information on the per-
ceivedrace of offenders, estimates are available only for those incidents
involving a single or lone offender, and where there is face-to-face
contact between the offender and victim.5 Thus this restriction ex-
cludes race-specific data on crimes committed by two or more offend-
ers, or by groups (such as gangs). It is also the case that victims of per-
sonal crimes have been found to underreport certain types of incidents,
especially those involving victimizations by family members and ac-
quaintances (Hindelang 1978). These sources of error are all relevant
to inferences about race and crime. Consequently, we emphasize con-
vergent findings across various data sources.

A. Arrest Data
Because nationwide arrest reports are available by race but not by
ethnicity, we focus on the most recent race-specific arrest data by of-

5The NCVS distinguishes between "lone"-offender and "multiple"-offender inci-

dents. Multiple-offender incidents are crimes involving more than one offender per inci-
dent. Approximately three-fourths of violent crimes in the United States are committed
by lone offenders (see Reiss and Roth 1993, p. 75).
United States 325

fense type. Presented in table 2, these 1993 data suggest that race is
related to criminal offending (see also Maguire and Pastore 1995, table
4.11). Although whites are arrested for the majority of all crimes (ap-
proximately 67 percent), blacks and American Indians are most likely
to be overrepresented in arrests reported in the UCR. For example, in
1993 blacks comprised 31 percent of total arrests yet constituted 12
percent of the population, and American Indians comprised 1.1 per-
cent of total arrests while constituting .8 percent of the population.
Asians, however, appear to be underrepresented in arrest statistics.
Note that Asians account for 1.0 percent of all arrests, yet make up 2.9
percent of the population.
The relationship between race and offending is not the same for all
crime types; there are certain offenses for which each is overrepre-
sented. For instance, whites are disproportionately arrested for driving
while intoxicated, and Asians are over-represented in arrests for illegal
gambling. Blacks are consistently more likely to be arrested for crimes
of violence (Hindelang 1978; Elliott and Ageton 1980; Bridges and
Weis 1989; U.S. Department of Justice 1993b). In 1993, blacks ac-
counted for 45 percent and 50 percent of adult and youth arrestees,
respectively, for murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault (Ma-
guire and Pastore 1995, pp. 389-90). The crime in which blacks are
most overrepresented is robbery (for a fascinating albeit controversial
discussion, see Katz 1988), comprising 62 percent of arrestees in 1993.
In general, blacks are approximately six times more likely to be ar-
rested for violent crimes than are whites (U.S. Department of Justice
Overall trends in index-crime arrest rates for the last twenty-five
years show a fluctuating pattern, peaking in the early 1990s for adults
and in the mid-1970s and early 1990s for juveniles (U.S. Department
of Justice 1993b).6When race-specific trends in these crimes are com-
pared, black and white differences in rates of offending have decreased
somewhat over time. For example, in 1965, black juveniles' and adults'
arrest rates were 3.1 and 5.7 times that of white juveniles and adults.
By 1992, black-white differences in index crime arrest rates had
dropped to 2.3 and 4.9 (U.S. Department of Justice 1993b). With re-
spect to violence, murder arrest rates for juveniles also increased in a

6 Index offenses include murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny
theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. However, arson has only recently been added to
the classification.
Breakdown by Offense Charged, Age Group, and Race,
United States, 1993 (10,509 Agencies; 1993 Estimated
Population = 213,093,000)

Indian or Asian or
Alaskan Pacific
Offense Charged White Black Native Islander

Total 66.9 31.1 1.1 1.0

Murder and nonnegligent man-
slaughter 40.7 57.6 .6 1.1
Forcible rape 56.9 41.3 1.0 .8
Robbery 36.5 62.1 .4 1.0
Aggravated assault 58.4 39.8 .9 1.0
Burglary 67.2 30.9 .9 1.0
Larceny theft 64.6 33.0 1.0 1.4
Motor vehicle theft 57.1 40.3 .9 1.7
Arson 74.6 23.5 .9 .9
Violent crime 52.6 45.7 .8 1.0
Property crime 64.4 33.2 1.0 1.4
Total crime index 61.3 36.5 .9 1.3
Other assaults 62.9 34.9 1.2 1.0
Forgery and counterfeiting 63.0 35.4 .6 1.0
Fraud 62.3 36.6 .5 .7
Embezzlement 67.4 31.0 .4 1.2
Stolen property; buying, receiving,
possessing 56.1 42.3 .6 1.1
Vandalism 74.8 22.9 1.1 1.2
Weapons; carrying, possessing, etc. 55.4 43.0 .5 1.1
Prostitution and commercialized vice 62.0 35.9 .6 1.5
Sex offenses (except forcible rape
and prostitution) 77.0 20.9 1.0 1.1
Drug abuse violations 59.8 39.3 .4 .5
Gambling 48.2 46.9 .4 4.6
Offenses against family and children 65.6 31.2 1.3 2.0
Driving under the influence 87.2 10.6 1.3 .9
Liquor laws 84.5 12.6 2.3 .6
Drunkenness 79.7 17.8 2.1 .3
Disorderly conduct 64.6 33.6 1.3 .5
Vagrancy 56.6 41.2 1.9 .4
All other offenses (except traffic) 62.6 35.5 1.0 .9
Suspicion 46.9 52.0 .6 .5
Curfew and loitering law violations 78.8 18.1 1.1 2.0
Runaways 78.1 17.2 1.3 3.4

SOURCE.-Maguireand Pastore (1995), p. 388.

NOTE.-Percents sum to 100.0 for each row.
United States 327

similar pattern for both blacks and whites in the period 1985-90
(Blumstein 1995, p. 8).
An important exception to these time trends is drug-related arrests.
From 1965 through the early 1980s, blacks were approximately twice
as likely as whites to be arrested for drug-related offenses (Blumstein
1993a; Tonry 1995). Following the federal government's initiation of
the "war on drugs," black arrest rates skyrocketed, while white arrest
rates increased only slightly. By the end of the 1980s, blacks were more
than five times more likely than whites to be arrested for drug-related
offenses. It is highly unlikely that these race differences represent gen-
eral substance use patterns since drug arrests grew at a time when na-
tional self-report data showed that drug use was declining among both
blacks and whites. Rather, these differences reflect the government's
targeting and enforcement of specific types of drug use and trafficking
(Blumstein 1993a; Tonry 1995).

B. Victimization-Based Estimates
The data presented thus far focus on "offending" as measured by
official statistics on arrests. The obvious critique, long voiced in U.S.
criminology, is that police decisions to arrest are biased. According to
conflict theory, the police believe that blacks-especially low-income
blacks-commit more crimes and therefore more often take action to
arrest them. The general stereotype of blacks as "disreputable" and
"dangerous" (Irwin 1985) thus leads the police to watch and arrest mi-
norities more frequently than warranted based on actual criminal be-
havior (for further elaboration, see Sampson 1986).
In an important investigation, Hindelang (1978) disentangled the
extent to which black overrepresentation in official violent crime data
was explained by differential involvement or by differential selection
into the criminal justice system via arrests by police. In comparing the
distribution of arrestees by race from the 1974 UCR to the distribution
of perceived race of offenders derived from the 1974 NCS,7 he found
some evidence for the differential selection hypothesis with respect to
assault and rape. Overall, however, reports by victims suggest that
most of the race difference found in arrest rates for violence is ex-
plained by greater black involvement in personal crimes, especially
robbery. In 1974, both the NCS and UCR estimated that 62 percent
of offenders committing robbery were black.
7Recall that the NCS data are restricted to those victim-reported incidents consisting
of a lone-offender and face-to-face contact between the victim and the offender.
328 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

Data for violent crimes as reported in the 1992 NCVS and 1992
UCR arrest data show much the same pattern as reported earlier by
Hindelang (1978). However, there is a slightly larger discrepancy be-
tween the two estimates of racial involvement (see table 2 and U.S.
Department of Justice 1994b, table 45). For instance, the NCVS esti-
mate of black involvement in robbery in 1992 is 56 percent, whereas
the UCR data report that 61 percent of robbery arrestees were black.
These differences between UCR and NCVS data do not necessarily
indicate increasing selection bias in robbery arrests over time. If black
robbery offending is more likely to involve two or more offenders now
compared to twenty years ago, such changes would differentially in-
fluence the estimates of the percentage black involvement in UCR and
NCVS data.
The limitations of using NCVS victim reports to validate UCR ar-
rest data have been discussed elsewhere (e.g., Hindelang 1981; Reiss
and Roth 1993; Sampson and Lauritsen 1994), including the concern
that race estimates are based solely on NCVS victim reports of lone-
offender crimes and that the NCVS data produce incidence rates in-
stead of prevalence rates. The problem of relying on NCVS incidence
rates is important to the extent that each racial subgroup contains dif-
ferent proportions of repeat offenders. The UCR data share a similar
limitation in that they use arrest incidents as the unit of analysis (and
not offenders). The potential inaccuracy of victims' reports of an of-
fender's race in the NCVS data is also a concern, but it is not consid-
ered to be a serious limitation. Hindelang (1981), for example, com-
pared NCS rape victims' reports of their offender's age and race to
police reports of the offender's demographic characteristicsand found
substantial agreement. Victims' reports of race agreed with police re-
ports in over 96 percent of the cases. These findings are not definitive,
however, because arrests are usually made on the basis of victims' de-
scriptions of offenders.
Since blacks are at greater risk for violent victimization and are dis-
proportionately involved in violent offending, it may not be surprising
that the majority of violent crimes are disproportionately intraracial
(see Sampson and Lauritsen 1994 for reviews). For example, whites
tend to assault other whites and blacks tend to assault other blacks
more so than expected, based on chance encounters (Sampson 1984;
O'Brien 1987). Racial cross-over is especially rare in nonfelony homi-
cides-that is, killings that occur without an accompanying felony such
United States 329

as a robbery or rape (Cook 1987). Because nonfelony homicides tend

to be nonstranger homicides, and the routine activities and residences
of blacks and whites are in large part segregated, these findings are to
be expected. However, felony homicides (e.g., robbery-murders) are
more likely to be interracial than are nonfelony homicides because
they typically involve strangers (Block 1985; Cook 1987). In felony ho-
micides, as in robberies, black offenders are more likely to victimize
whites than white offenders are to victimize blacks (Wilbanks 1985).
Yet this is still what we should expect because blacks are the smaller
group and have more chances to interact with whites. Variations in the
relative sizes of the black and white populations thus explain the pat-
terning of interracialviolence (see Sampson 1984; O'Brien 1987; Reiss
and Roth 1993).
As noted earlier, it is impossible to validate race differences in cer-
tain kinds of crimes reported in UCR arrest data with NCVS victim
reports. Common crimes such as burglaries and larcenies do not often
result in victim-offender interaction, and therefore validation with
NCVS data is not feasible. For these types of crimes, then, we must
be less certain of race and ethnic differentials.

C. Self-ReportedOffending
In an attempt to overcome the limitations of both official statistics
and victimization surveys, self-reported delinquency data have been
brought to bear on the race question. Many studies, especially those
in the 1960s and 1970s, found little or no differences in self-reported
offending among juveniles of different racial and ethnic groups (see
Hindelang, Hirschi, and Weis 1979, 1981). One reaction to these
findings was to attribute racial bias to official statistics. Others posited
methodological explanations. In particular, Hindelang, Hirschi, and
Weis (1979) argued that self-report studies typically measure less seri-
ous forms of common delinquency, whereas official arrest statistics
showing race differentials refer primarily to serious index crimes. Na-
tionally representative self-report data on serious offense involvement
for adults are rare, and cross-method validation has not been com-
pleted (Elliott 1994). Consequently, the evidence to date suggests that
the domains of behavior are not isomorphic across data sources.
Another critique, in many ways more powerful, is that the self-
report method itself is differentially valid by race, with blacks underre-
porting certain offenses at higher rates than whites. In a reverse record
330 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

check analysis, Hindelang, Hirschi, and Weis found that black males
were least likely to self-report offenses recorded by the police (e.g., 33
percent of total offenses known and 57 percent of serious offenses
known to police were not self-reported by black males; Hindelang,
Hirschi, and Weis 1981, p. 172). Hence the issue of differentialvalidity
according to race is of concern even when the behavior elicited by the
self-report method is a serious offense such as burglary, robbery, or
weapons violation.8
Advances in self-report methodology have resolved some of these is-
sues. For example, Elliott and Ageton (1980) have shown that police
and self-report differences in the relationships between race and of-
fense involvement are to a large extent a function of delinquency in-
strument construction, especially item content and response set range.
Using nationally representative data, they found self-reported race
(and class) differences in delinquency at the high end of the frequency
continuum and for serious offenses like robbery where police contacts
are more likely (see also Elliott 1994). Consequently, the magnitude of
the race-crime correlation is higher in official statistics than in self-
reported data. While limitations exist for both official and self-report
data, it thus appears that race differences in offending as recorded in
arrest reports and victimization surveys "reflect real differences in the
frequency and seriousness of delinquent acts" (Elliott and Ageton
1980, p. 107).

D. ExplainingRacialDisparitiesin Offending
Few criminological theories have been designed "a priori" to explain
racial differences in official, victimization, or self-report data. Rather,
most theories have been applied "post hoc" to race-related differences,
not just for offending but victimization as well. In this regard, it is of
theoretical relevance that offenders and victims share a similar demo-
graphic profile-especially for violence. Both violent offenders and
victims of violent crime tend to be young, male, black, and live in ur-
ban areas (see Hindelang, Gottfredson, and Garofalo 1978; Gott-
fredson 1986). Subcultural perspectives even suggest that victims and
offenders are often the same people (Wolfgang 1958; Singer 1981).
Lifestyle-routine activity theory also tries to explain the overlap among
victims and offenders. For example, in analyses of panel data, Laurit-
Interestingly,differentialvalidityof self-reporteddelinquencyhas also been found
in othercountries,withsomenationalminoritiesunderreporting knownoffenses(unger
United States 331

sen, Sampson, and Laub (1991) found that delinquency involvement

made independent contributions to victimization risk among adoles-
cents and that increases in victimization, in turn, increased subsequent
offending. This pattern, often neglected by criminological theory, sug-
gests that an explanation of offending may go a long way toward ex-
plaining racial differences in victimization as well. Nevertheless, most
thinking on race and crime focuses on the causes of offending differen-
There are numerous ways to categorize the many theories devoted
to explaining variations in crime. Some of the most common hypothe-
ses used in attempts to explain individual-level race differences in of-
fending are based on constitutional, family socialization, the subculture
of violence, and economic inequality/deprivation theories (Wilson and
Herrnstein 1985). As most criminologists are aware, constitutional the-
ories are least popular. The idea that IQ, temperament, and other indi-
vidual characteristicsexplain the race-crime connection is anathema to
many on political and policy grounds. But there are better reasons to
reject the constitutional argument-empirical invalidity. Even Wilson
and Herrnstein, sympathetic in general to constitutional explanations,
largely dismiss them as providing little insight on racial disparities.
The reason is simple; there are more variations within any race or eth-
nic group than betweenthem. As noted earlier, "race" is socially con-
structed, and the explanation of apparent differences is linked to the
fact that race is serving as a proxy for some other set of variables.
A second explanation of race differences in crime is that the family
socialization of black children is somehow inadequate. Culture of pov-
erty and lower-class culture theories assert that inadequate socializa-
tion can be traced to the female-headed family structure more com-
monly found among blacks than whites (e.g., Miller 1958), while
structurally oriented theories assert that differences in child socializa-
tion practices are the consequence of economic deprivation (Korn-
hauser 1978). Although there is good evidence that family socialization
influences children's delinquency and aggressive behavior patterns
(e.g., Loeber and Stouthamer-Loeber 1986), there is no consistent evi-
dence that factors such as lack of supervision and erratic or harsh disci-
pline account for race differences in crime net of socioeconomic condi-
Deviant subcultures have also been proposed to account for group
differences in crime. These perspectives vary in details but in general
claim that blacks are more likely to commit offenses because they are
332 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

socialized into a culture in which crime, aggressive behaviors, and ille-

gitimate activities are not strongly condemned. The most influential of
these perspectives is the subculture of violence thesis (Wolfgang and
Ferracuti 1967) which argues that in certain areas and for certain sub-
groups (i.e., blacks), there is a subcultural value system that supports
the use of violence and other behaviors (e.g., sexual machismo) not em-
phasized in the dominant culture (Curtis 1975). In addition to the
methodological difficulties noted earlier, one of the primary weak-
nesses in the subculture of violence literature has been the problem of
tautology-that is, violent behaviors are used to infer the existence of
a subcultural system, which in turn is used to explain behavior. There
is little evidence from social surveys that black and white Americans
differ significantly in their attitudes and values toward crime (Korn-
hauser 1978; Dilulio 1995).9 In addition, empirical support for subcul-
tural explanations requires finding that the normative context of differ-
ent groups has an influence on behavior independent of structural
differences (Kornhauser 1978). Consequently, the role of subcultural
value systems in producing race differences in crime remains to be
Finally, racial differences in offending have been attributed to group
differences in economic opportunities and success. For example, strain
theories argue that individuals who aspire to cultural goals such as
wealth, but lack access to the legitimate means for achieving those
goals, are most strongly motivated to use illegitimate means for success
(see Merton 1938; Blau and Blau 1982). In such theories, race is ex-
pected to be related to offending differences insofar as it serves as a
proxy variable for access to legitimate means of success. Yet at the indi-
vidual level, economic strain theories have not fared well empirically-
race differences persist even after controlling for socioeconomic status
(Kornhauser 1978). Relatedly, other race, ethnic, and immigrant
groups, such as Chinese, Japanese, and Hispanic, have also experienced
economic exclusion but exhibit offending rates much lower than those
of African Americans. It is unknown to what extent structural or cul-
tural differences account for lower offending rates among other ethnic

9Attitudes toward criminal justice issues, however, do differ between blacks and
whites. For example, data from the National Opinion Research Center's General Social
Surveys show that blacks have been less likely than whites to support the use of capital
punishment and are more likely to favor handgun restrictions. Racial divisions in atti-
tudes about criminal justice have become even sharper in the wake of the Rodney King
beating and the 0. J. Simpson trial.
United States 333

groups, but clearly socioeconomic status and deprivation alone are in-
adequate explanations (Wilson and Herrnstein 1985).
Unfortunately then, traditional theories do not seem to have gotten
us very far in unraveling race differences. For this reason, recent schol-
ars have begun to look at the macro- and community-level underpin-
nings of the race-crime connection. Because of its potential importance
and the surge in recent research, we discuss the community context of
crime in some detail.

IV. The Community Structure of Race and Crime

Unlike the dominant tradition in criminology that seeks to distinguish
offenders from nonoffenders, the macrosocial or community level of
explanation asks what it is about community structures and cultures
that produce differential ratesof crime. As such, the goal of macrolevel
research is not to explain individual involvement in criminal behavior
but to isolate characteristics of communities, cities, or even societies
that lead to high rates of criminality. From this viewpoint the "ecologi-
cal fallacy"-inferring individual-level relations based on aggregate
data-is not at issue because the unit of explanation and analysis is the
The Chicago-school research of Shaw and McKay spearheaded the
community-level approach of American studies of ecology and crime.
In their classic work, Juvenile Delinquencyand UrbanAreas, Shaw and
McKay (1969 [1942]) argued that three structural factors-low eco-
nomic status, racial or ethnic heterogeneity, and residential mobility-
led to the disruption of local community social organization, which in
turn accounted for variations in crime and delinquency rates. Subse-
quent research has generally supported these findings, although most
research on violence has examined racial composition-usually percent
black-rather than racial heterogeneity per se. Also, while descriptive
data show that percentage black is positively and strongly correlated
with rates of violence, multivariateresearch has yielded conflicting find-
ings. Namely, some studies report a sharply attenuated effect of race
once other factors are controlled, whereas others report that the percent
black effect remains strong (Sampson and Lauritsen 1994, pp. 53-54).
Whether or not race has a direct effect on crime rates, Sampson and
Wilson (1995) argue that a major key to solving the race-crime conun-
drum is traceable to Shaw and McKay (1969 [1942]). Arguably, the
most significant aspect of Shaw and McKay's research was their dem-
onstration that high rates of delinquency persisted in certain areas over
334 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

many years, regardless of population turnover (but see Bursik and

Webb 1982). This finding, more than any other, led them to reject
individual-level explanations of delinquency and focus instead on the
processes by which delinquent patterns of behavior were transmitted
across generations in areas of social disorganization and weak social
controls (Shaw and McKay 1969 [1942], p. 174). This community-
level orientation led Shaw and McKay to an explicit contextual inter-
pretation of correlations between race or ethnicity and rates of delin-
quency. Their logic was set forth in a rejoinder to a critique in 1949
byJonassen, who had argued that ethnicity had direct effects on delin-
quency. Shaw and McKay countered (1949, p. 614): "The important
fact about rates of delinquents for Negro boys is that they too vary by
type of area. They are higher than the rates for white boys, but it can-
not be said that they are higher than rates for white boys in comparable
areas, since it is impossible to reproduce in white communities the cir-
cumstances under which Negro children live. Even if it were possible
to parallel the low economic status and the inadequacy of institutions
in the white community, it would not be possible to reproduce the ef-
fects of segregation and the barriers to upward mobility."
Sampson and Wilson (1995) argue that Shaw and McKay's insight
almost a half century ago raises interesting questions still relevant to-
day. First, to what extent do rates of black crime vary by type of eco-
logical area? Second, is it possible to reproduce in white communities
the structural circumstances under which many blacks live? The first
question is crucial, for it signals that blacks are not a homogeneous
group any more than are whites. It is racial stereotyping that assigns
to blacks a distinct or homogeneous character, allowing simplistic
comparisons of black-white group differences in crime. As Shaw and
McKay thus recognized, the key point is that there is heterogeneity
among black neighborhoods that corresponds to variations in crime
rates. To the extent that the structural sources of variation in black
crime are not unique, rates of crime by blacks should also vary with
social-ecological conditions in a manner similar to whites.

A. Structural Variationsin Black Violence

To disentangle the contextual basis for race and crime requires racial
disaggregation of both the crime rate and the explanatory variables of
theoretical interest. This approach was used in research that examined
racially disaggregated rates of homicide and robbery by juveniles and
adults in over 150 U.S. cities in 1980 (Sampson 1987). Substantively,
United States 335

this study focused on the role of joblessness among black males in pre-
dicting violent crime rates through the mediating influence of black
family disruption. The results showed that the scarcity of employed
black males relative to black women was directly related to the preva-
lence of families headed by females in black communities (see also
Wilson 1987). Black family disruption was in turn significantly related
to rates of black murder and robbery-especially by juveniles-inde-
pendently of income, region, density, city size, and welfare benefits.
The finding that family disruption had a stronger relationship with ju-
venile violence than adult violence, in conjunction with the inconsis-
tent findings of previous research on individual-level delinquency and
broken homes, supports the idea that family structure is related to
macrolevel patterns of social control and guardianship, especially re-
garding youth and their peers (Sampson and Groves 1989). Moreover,
the results offer a clue as to why unemployment and economic depriva-
tion have had weak or inconsistent direct effects on violence rates in
past research-joblessness and poverty appear to exert much of their
influence indirectly through family disruption.
Despite a large difference in mean levels of family disruption be-
tween black and white communities, the percentage of white families
headed by a female also had a significant effect on white juvenile and
white adult violence. The relationships for white robbery were in large
part identical in sign and magnitude to those for blacks. As a result, the
influence of black family disruption on black crime was independent of
alternative explanations (e.g., region, income, density, age composi-
tion) and could not be attributed to unique factors within the black
community because of the similar effect of white family disruption on
white crime.10
Black communities are thus not homogeneous in either their crime
rates or levels of social organization. Moreover, that the considerable
variations in black violence are explained by generic features of urban
social structure goes some way toward dispelling the idea of a unique
"black" subculture. As Sampson and Wilson (1995) argue, how else
can we make sense of the systematic variations within race-for exam-

10There is some recent evidence that black

crime rates are related to some structural
features differently than white crime rates (see especially LaFree et al. 1992; Harer and
Steffensmeier 1992). However, these studies have been based either on national trends
over time or large macrolevel units (standard metropolitan statistical areas). More im-
portant, the point is not so much whether all the predictors of white and black crime
rates match exactly, but the systematic variation in rates of black violence according to
basic features of structural context.
336 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

pie, if a uniform subculture of violence explains black crime, are we to

assume that this subculture is three times as potent in, say, New York
as Chicago (where black homicide differed by a factor of three in
1980)? These distinct variations exist at the state level as well. For ex-
ample, rates of black homicide in California were triple those in Mary-
land in 1980 (see Hawkins 1986; Wilbanks 1986). As Sampson and
Wilson (1995) ask, must whites then be part of the black subculture of
violence in California, given that white homicide rates were also more
than triple the homicide rates for whites in Maryland?It does not seem
likely. The sources of violent crime appear to be remarkably similar
across race and rooted instead in the structural differences among
communities, cities, and regions in economic and family organization.
It is important to note, however, that a structural perspective need not
dismiss wholesale the relevance of culture. Rather, cultural influences
may be triggered by structural features of the urban environment (for
further elaboration, see Sampson and Wilson 1995).

B. The EcologicalConcentrationof Raceand SocialDislocations

Bearing in mind the general similarity of black-white variations by
social-ecological context, consider the next logical question. To what
extent are blacks as a group differentially exposed to criminogenic
structural conditions (Sampson and Wilson 1995)? More than forty
years after Shaw and McKay's assessment of race and urban ecology,
we still cannot say that blacks and whites share a similar environ-
ment-especially with regard to concentrated urban poverty. Although
approximately70 percent of all poor non-Hispanic whites lived in non-
poverty areas in the ten largest U.S. central cities in 1980, only 16 per-
cent of poor blacks did. Moreover, whereas less than 7 percent of poor
whites lived in extreme poverty or ghetto areas, 38 percent of poor
blacks lived in such areas (Wilson et al. 1988, p. 130). Quite simply,
race and poverty are confounded in the United States (Land, McCall,
and Cohen 1990).
The combination of urban poverty and family disruption concen-
trated by race is particularly severe. Whereas the majority of poor
blacks live in communities characterizedby high rates of family disrup-
tion, most poor whites, even those from "broken homes," live in areas
of relative family stability (Sampson 1987; Sullivan 1989). As an exam-
ple, consider Sampson and Wilson's (1995) examination of race-
specific census data on the 171 largest cities in the United States as of
1980. To get some idea of concentrated social dislocations by race,
United States 337

they searched for cities where the proportion of blacks living in pov-
erty was equal to or less than whites and where the proportion of black
families with children headed by a single parent was equal to or less
than white families. Although the national rate of family disruption and
poverty among blacks is two to four times higher than among whites,
the number of distinct ecological contexts in which blacks achieve
equality to whites is striking. In not one city over 100,000 in the
United States do blacks live in ecological equality to whites when it
comes to these basic features of economic and family organization. Ac-
cordingly, racial differences in poverty and family disruption are so
strong that the "worst" urban contexts in which whites reside are con-
siderably better off than the average context of black communities (see
also Sampson 1987, p. 354).
Taken as a whole, these patterns underscore what Wilson (1987) has
labeled "concentration effects"-the effects of living in a neighbor-
hood that is overwhelmingly impoverished. These concentration ef-
fects, reflected in a range of outcomes from degree of labor force at-
tachment to social dispositions, are created by the constraints and
opportunities that the residents of inner-city neighborhoods face in
terms of access to jobs and job networks, involvement in quality
schools, availabilityof marriageable partners, and exposure to conven-
tional role models. Moreover, the social transformation of inner cities
in recent decades has resulted in an increased concentration of the
most disadvantaged segments of the urban black population-espe-
cially poor, female-headed families with children. Whereas one of ev-
ery five poor blacks resided in ghetto or extreme poverty areas in 1970,
by 1980 nearly two out of every five did so (Wilson et al. 1988, p. 131).
This process of social transformationhas been fueled by macrostruc-
tural economic changes related to the deindustrialization of central
cities where disadvantaged minorities are concentrated (e.g., shifts
from goods-producing to service-producing industries; increasing po-
larization of the labor market into low-wage and high-wage sectors;
and relocation of manufacturing out of the inner city). The exodus of
middle- and upper-income black families from the inner city has also
removed an important social buffer that could potentially deflect the
full impact of prolonged joblessness and industrial transformation
(Wilson 1987). At the same time, inner-city neighborhoods have suf-
fered disproportionately from severe population and housing loss of
the sort identified by Shaw and McKay (1969 [1942]) as disruptive of
the social and institutional order. For example, Skogan (1986, p. 206)
338 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

has noted how urbanrenewaland forcedmigrationcontributedto the

wholesaleuprootingof manyurbanblackcommunities,especiallythe
extent to which freewaynetworksdriventhroughthe heartsof many
citiesin the 1950sdestroyedviable,low-incomecommunities.Nation-
wide, fully 20 percent of all central city housing units occupied by
blackswere lost in the period 1960-70 alone.As Logan and Molotch
(1987, p. 114) observe,this displacementdoes not even include that
broughtaboutby routinemarketforces(e.g., evictions,rent increases).
An understandingof concentrationeffects is not completewithout
recognizingthe negativeconsequencesof deliberatepolicydecisionsto
concentrateminorities and the poor in public housing. Opposition
from organizedcommunitygroupsto the buildingof public housing
in "their"neighborhoods,de facto federalpolicy to tolerateextensive
segregationagainstblacksin urbanhousingmarkets,and the decision
by local governmentsto neglect the rehabilitationof existingresiden-
tial units (manyof them single familyhomes)haveled to massive,seg-
regated housing projectswhich have become ghettos for minorities
and the disadvantaged.The cumulativeresult is that even given the
same objectivesocioeconomicstatus,blacksand whites face vastlydif-
ferent environmentsin which to live, work, and raise their children.
As Bickfordand Massey (1991, p. 1035) have argued,publichousing
representsa federallyfunded,physicallypermanentinstitutionfor the
isolationof blackfamiliesby classandmustthereforebe consideredan
importantstructuralconstrainton ecologicalareaof residence(see also
Masseyand Denton 1993). When segregationand concentratedpov-
ertyrepresentstructuralconstraintsembodiedin publicpolicyandhis-
toricalpatternsof racialsubjugation,concernsthat individualdiffer-
ences (or self-selection)explaincommunity-leveleffects on violence
are considerablydiminished(see also Tienda 1991;Sampsonand Lau-
ritsen 1994).

C. Implications
for ExplainingRaceand Crime
These differentialecological distributionsby race lead to the sys-
tematicconfoundingof correlationsbetweencommunitycontextsand
crimewith correlationsbetweenraceandcrime.Analogousto research
on urbanpoverty,simple comparisonsbetweenpoor whites and poor
blacksare confoundedwith the findingthat poorwhitesresidein areas
which are ecologicallyand economicallyvery differentfrom those of
poor blacks.For example,regardlessof whether a black juvenile is
raisedin an intact or single-parentfamily,or a rich or poor home, he
United States 339

or she is not likely to grow up in a community context similar to whites

with regard to family structure and the concentration of poverty
(Sampson 1987). Hence, observed relationships involving race and
crime are likely to reflect unmeasured advantages in the ecological
niches that poor whites occupy (Wilson 1987, pp. 58-60).
Partial evidence supporting this interpretation is found in Peeples
and Loeber's (1994) contextual analysis of ethnic difference in delin-
quency using data from a longitudinal study of male juveniles in Pitts-
burgh. Consistent with past research, African-American youth exhib-
ited much higher rates of delinquency, especially serious crime, than
did whites. However, when the "underclass"status of the subject's res-
idential neighborhood was controlled, race/ethnic differences in delin-
quency disappeared. Similar to Wilson's (1987) concentration thesis,
the "underclass" index was composed of variables that clustered sig-
nificantly on one factor-joblessness, female-headed families, nonmar-
ital births, poverty, welfare, and percent black. Perhaps most striking,
the delinquency rates of African-American youth living in nonun-
derclass neighborhoods were largely equivalent to those of whites liv-
ing in nonunderclass areas. Although unable to study whites in disad-
vantaged areas, Peeples and Loeber's findings support the idea that
community context helps us interpret the race-crime association.
With respect to theories on race and crime, community-level in-
quiry also exposes what Sampson and Wilson (1995) call the "individu-
alistic fallacy"-the often-invoked assumption that individual-level
causal relations necessarily generate individual-level correlations. In
particular, research conducted using individuals as units of analysis-
especially in national probability samples-rarely questions whether
obtained results might be spurious and confounded with commu-
nity-level context. As noted earlier, the most common strategies in
criminology search for individual-level (e.g., constitutional), social-
psychological (e.g., relative deprivation), or group-level (e.g., social
class) explanations for race and crime. That these efforts have largely
failed to explain the race-violence linkage is, we believe, a direct result
of the decontextualization that attends reductionist explanations.
Boiled down to its essentials, then, linking theories of community
social organization with research on political economy and urban pov-
erty suggests that both historical and contemporary macrosocial forces
(e.g., segregation, migration, housing discrimination, structural trans-
formation of the economy) interact with local community-level factors
(e.g., residential turnover, concentrated poverty, family disruption) to
340 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

impede the social organization of inner cities. This viewpoint focuses

attention on the proximate structural characteristics and mediating
processes of community social organization that help explain crime and
its connection to race in contemporary American cities, while at the
same time recognizing the larger historical, social, and political forces
shaping local communities (Sampson and Wilson 1995).
Perhaps most important, the logic of this theoretical strategy sug-
gests that the profound changes in the structure of urban minority
communities in the 1970s may hold a key to understanding recent in-
creases in violence. Research has consistently demonstrated the early
onset of delinquency and its relative long-term stability (Sampson and
Laub 1992). These differences among individuals that are highly stable
over time imply that to understand the present high crime rates among
youth we must come to grips with their experiences in early adoles-
cence. Much longitudinal research shows that delinquent tendencies
are fairly well established at early ages-at eight or so, and certainly
by the early teens. Socialization and learning begin even earlier,
prompting us to consider the social context of childhood as well.
Considered from this perspective, the roots of urban violence among
today's fifteen- to twenty-one-year-old cohorts may in part be attribut-
able to childhood socialization that took place in the late 1970s. In-
deed, recent large increases in crime among youth-but not adults-
may be a harbinger of things to come as the massive secular changes
that transformed the context of childhood socialization in the 1970s
and 1980s are now beginning to exert their influence on those entering
the peak years of offending. Cohorts born in 1970-76 spent their
childhood in the context of a rapidly changing urban environment un-
like that of previous points in recent U.S. history. As documented in
more detail by Wilson (1987), the concentration of urban poverty and
other social dislocations began increasing sharply at about 1970 and
continued throughout the decade and into the early 1980s. For exam-
ple, the proportion of black families headed by women increased over
50 percent from 1970 to 1984 alone (Wilson 1987, p. 26). Large in-
creases were also seen for the ecological concentration of poverty, ra-
cial segregation, and joblessness. By comparison, these social disloca-
tions were relatively stable in earlier decades.
In short, massive social change in the inner cities of the United
States during the 1970s and continuing into the 1980s may be the clue
to unraveling recent race-related increases in urban violence. This the-
sis has import for the comparative study of social change in interna-
United States 341

tional context, especially considering the economic and racial/ethnic

upheavals now emerging globally. Before explicating this idea further,
we complete the picture of race and crime by turning to the U.S. sys-
tem of criminal justice.

V. Criminal Justice Processing

Criminologists have produced a voluminous body of research on racial
differences in criminal justice processing. This research, conducted
over the course of several decades, has covered the major decision
points in the justice systems of the United States. Rather than trying
to make sense of each and every study, we consult state-of-the-art re-
views of research to provide an overview of major findings. In some
cases we consider seminal or recent studies in detail, but for the most
part we highlight general patterns and trends established in multiple
works. We focus on critical decision points in the criminal justice "sys-
tem" (see U.S. Department of Justice 1988, p. 56)-especially racial
disparities in arrest, sentencing, and imprisonment. Although a focus
on the criminal justice system leads primarily to research on adult pro-
cessing, it is important first to consider the literature on race differ-
ences in juvenile justice.

A. Juvenile Justice
As Pope and Feyerherm (1990) have argued, minority discrimination
in the juvenile and adult systems should be considered separately for
two reasons. First, the greater level of discretion allowed in the juve-
nile justice system may mean that race discrimination is more evident
compared to the adult system. Second, because most adult offenders
begin their criminal contact with the state through the juvenile justice
system, disadvantagesincurred as juveniles may influence criminal jus-
tice outcomes as adults through characteristics such as prior record,
which is typically considered in key decision points throughout life
(Pope and Feyerherm 1990, p. 328)."
1 It shouldbe noted that in the United
States,the age at which the state treatsan
adolescentas a "juvenile"or an "adult"variesacrossbothjurisdictionsandcrimetypes.
The age at which an adolescentis consideredan adultvariesfrom sixteento eighteen
yearsof age, althoughmanyjurisdictionsallowjuvenilesto be waivedto the adultsystem
as young as age thirteenor fourteenif the chargeis a seriousviolentcrime.In general,
the juvenilejusticesystemis characterized by greaterdiscretionand less formalitythan
the adultsystem.However,in some largerurbanjurisdictions,juvenilejusticesystems
operatewith a considerabledegreeof proceduralformality.The juvenilejusticesystem
is constitutedby manyorganizationalunits which varyin caseloads,resources,proce-
duresand practices,structures,and institutionalnorms.
342 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

A recent overview of the literature on minority status and juvenile

justice processing summarizes the findings on the relationships be-
tween race and postarrest decision making (see Pope and Feyerherm
[1990] for more details and an extended bibliography). Pope and Fey-
erherm (1990) draw three major conclusions about minority status and
juvenile-justice decision making. First, two-thirds of the studies re-
viewed showed evidence of either direct or indirect discrimination
against minorities, or a mixed pattern of bias. Direct evidence of dis-
proportionate treatment was inferred when significant race differences
in processing (e.g., detention) persisted after controlling for relevant
case characteristics (for a recent example, see Wordes, Bynum, and
Corley 1994). Indirectevidence of race discrimination was said to exist
when a significant race effect operated through some other case char-
acteristic closely associated with race. A mixed pattern of effects was
established when an investigator analyzed several decision points and
race was found to be significant at some stages but not others, or when
race differences existed for specific subgroups of offenders or offenses.
Second, Pope and Feyerherm (1990) argue that studies reporting ev-
idence of differential minority treatment were no less sophisticated in
their methodology or statistical techniques than studies reporting oth-
erwise. Inadequacies of research design and execution thus do not ap-
pear responsible for evident patterns of discrimination. Third, they re-
port evidence that race differences in outcome may appear minor for
any particulardecision-making stage, but become more pronounced as
earlier decisions accumulate toward a final disposition.
These findings underscore important methodological issues relevant
to the study of minority differences in criminal justice processing. As
Pope and Feyerherm (1990) note, most research asserts no evidence of
discrimination for a processing decision if the statistical significance of
the race coefficient is eliminated by controlling for some other individ-
ual-level variable (e.g., family structure, prior record). However, as
they correctly argue, "logically, what has occurred in these studies is
the identification of the mechanism by which differences between
white and minority youths are created. Whether these types of vari-
ables ought to be used in justice system decision making, and whether
they ought to produce the degree of differences between white and mi-
nority youths that they appear to produce, are issues that must be ad-
dressed" (Pope and Feyerherm 1990, pp. 334-35; see also Kempf-
Leonard, Pope, and Feyerherm 1995).
The importance of understanding the consequences of data aggrega-
United States 343

tion is noted as well. Where racially discriminatory practices operate

in relatively few jurisdictions in a region, the process of aggregating
data across jurisdictions is likely to mask evidence of differential treat-
ment (see also Crutchfield, Bridges, and Pritchford 1994). For exam-
ple, Pope and Feyerherm found no overall minority discrimination in
juvenile justice processing in California and Florida, despite the fact
that racially discriminatory practices were evident in several of the
counties in each state. Alternatively, they also describe data from a dif-
ferent state in which there appeared to be no racial discrimination
within each court or jurisdiction, yet the race composition of the juris-
diction (i.e., county) was associated with between-courtdifferences in
the use of incarceration. Specifically, counties with greater proportions
of blacks and Hispanics were found to rely more heavily on out-of-
home placement (Pope and Feyerherm 1990, p. 335). An indepen-
dent analysis of juvenile processing across a representative sample of
jurisdictions supports this "macrolevel" pattern. Sampson and Laub
(1993a) report that counties with greater poverty and race inequality
are more apt to use predispositional detention and adjudicated out-of-
home placement.
In short, the relationship between race and juvenile justice decision
making is complex and requires careful methodological consideration.
The use of data from multiple levels of analyses is undoubtedly impor-
tant as both macro- and individual-level factors (including community
race composition and inequality, and suspect's race) have been shown
to predict the severity of dispositions among juveniles. Furthermore,
several multilevel analyses suggest that macro- and individual-level fac-
tors interactto produce racial differences in juvenile justice outcomes.
In a later section we elaborate on the implications of a contextual per-
spective for understanding racial differences in justice processing.

B. Police-CitizenEncountersand Arrest
We now turn to a consideration of research on the sequential nature
of processing in the criminal justice system. We begin with the institu-
tion that suspects (whether juvenile or adult) are likely to first encoun-
ter-the police. In evaluating rival hypotheses on racial differences in
criminal offending, research on arrest disparities was covered in Sec-
tion III (e.g., NCVS victimization reports vs. the UCR). There we saw
that, for the most part, racial differences in arrests for "street" crimes
are attributableto the differential involvement of blacks in criminal of-
fending irrespective of age (Hindelang 1978, 1981). However, there
344 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

are two other dimensions to policing that bear on race disparities: po-
lice-citizen encounters that may or may not result in arrest, and police
shootings of civilians.
The literature in the area of police discretion to arrest originated
with research on juvenile encounters. In general, the data have shown
that when offenses are minor in nature, officers typically rely on the
juvenile's demeanor or attitude to determine how they will handle the
case (Piliavin and Briar 1964; Black and Reiss 1970). The suspect's race
is relevant insofar as it serves as a proxy for police perceptions of disre-
spectful attitudes, which increase the likelihood of an official write-up
or arrest.
Extending the scope of analysis to adults, Smith (1986) found that
neighborhood context influenced the willingness of police to arrest and
use coercive authority. Smith reports that the police are more likely to
arrest, or use or threaten to use force, against suspects in racially mixed
or minority neighborhoods. Within these areas, however, suspect's
race did not serve as an additional predictor of police behavior. Smith
(1986) also reports that black suspects in white neighborhoods are
treated less coercively than black suspects in minority neighborhoods
and that white suspects are treated similarly regardless of neighbor-
hood. In other words, neighborhood characteristicssuch as racial com-
position and socioeconomic status interact with suspect characteristics
to predict arrest and use of coercive authority.
Another line of inquiry into police-citizen encounters involves the
overrepresentation of blacks in police shootings of criminal suspects.
In analyses of data from New York City, Fyfe (1982) reports that
blacks were more likely than whites to be shot by police because they
were disproportionately involved in armed incidents at the time of the
encounter. By contrast, a similar analysis based on data from the city
of Memphis showed that blacks were no more likely than whites to be
involved in armed incidents, and yet disproportionately more blacks
were shot by police while retreating. Fyfe (1982) concludes that in
Memphis, police use of deadly force varies significantly according to
suspect's race. Similar to the interaction effects noted above, the im-
portance of a suspect's race for predicting police use of deadly force
appears to vary across context (e.g., neighborhoods, cities).

C. Bail
Following an arrest, the next major point of contact within the crim-
inal justice system centers on whether an accused will be held in deten-
United States 345

tion pending case disposition or released on bond (i.e., bail). Research

on pretrial release practices by the criminal justice system shows that
defendants who are detained prior to prosecution tend to receive more
serious penalties on conviction (Goldkamp 1979). For this reason, and
because pretrial detention constitutes "punishment" before conviction,
discriminatory processes in pretrial release are an important concern.
For the overwhelming majority of offenses charged, prosecutors and
judges have considerable discretion whether defendants are "released
on their own recognizance" or as to the dollar amount of bail re-
quested to secure a pretrial release. United States courts are legally al-
lowed to use dangerousness to the community and flight risk in pretrial
decision making. Typically, the court relies on the defendant's employ-
ment status, marital status, and length of residence to indicate "com-
munity ties" which, in turn, are used to predict whether a defendant
is likely to flee the area or fail to appear at trial (Albonetti et al. 1989).
Although few in number, prior studies tend to show that the direct
influence of race on pretrial release is insignificant once a defendant's
dangerousness to the community (e.g., offense charged, prior record,
weapons use) and prior history of failing to appear at trial are con-
trolled. Nonetheless, as Albonetti et al. (1989) show, race is related to
bail decision making in complex, interactive ways. In a study of more
than 5,000 male defendants across ten federal court districts, Albonetti
et al. report that defendants with lower levels of education and income
receive significantly more serious pretrial release decisions, controlling
for community ties and dangerousness. Moreover, they report that
white defendants benefited more from the (nonlegal) effects of educa-
tion and income than did black defendants with equal resources. Prior
record also had a stronger negative effect on pretrial release decisions
among blacks than it did for whites. However, dangerousness and of-
fense severity had stronger influences on bail decisions for whites.
While these results reveal that under certain conditions whites are
treated more severely at pretrial release, in the main they suggest that
white defendants "receive better returns on their resources" (Albonetti
et al. 1989, p. 80).

D. Conviction
The consensus of prior research goes against a simplistic discrimina-
tion thesis-in the aggregate, blacks tend to be convicted less than
whites (Burke and Turk 1975; Petersilia 1983; Wilbanks 1987, appen-
dix). Several researchers, however, have argued that this finding stems
346 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

froma confoundingof casemix (i.e., type of crimecharged)with race.

Once type of chargeagainstthe defendantis controlledin multivariate
analysis,the direct influenceof race tends to disappearin studies of
conviction.As BurkeandTurk (1975, pp. 328-29) conclude,"racehas
no independenteffectupon case dispositions"(see also Petersilia1983,
p. 19). With or withoutcontrolof type of crime,then, thereis no con-
sistentevidencethatminoritiesare disadvantaged at the stageof crimi-
nal conviction.The caveathere, as elsewhere,concernsrace or ethnic
comparisonsotherthanblackversuswhite.We haveno empiricalbasis
from which to draw conclusionsabout convictionsamong Hispanic,
Asian,and Native Americans.
It is thus clearthat more researchis needed on this subjectthat in-
cludesthe full arrayof ethnic groupsthat makeup an increasinglydi-
verse society.

E. Sentencing
Researchon the sentencingof criminaldefendantshas generatedthe
greatestinterestamongthose studyingracialdisparities.As Zatz (1987,
p. 69) argues,researchon whetherthe legal system discriminateson
the basis of racialor ethnic group membershipwas the question for
studiesof sentencingin the 1970s and early 1980s. The topic has an
even earlierhistory,however,as Zatz (1987) demonstratesin her re-
view of four "waves"of researchon racialdisparities.The first wave
of researchconductedthroughthe mid-1960stended to suggest that
bias against minority defendantswas significant.These studies in-
cluded the researchof Thorsten Sellin, in particularhis well-known
assertionthat equalitybeforethe law is a social fiction (Sellin 1935).
Wave 2 followedin the wakeof civil unrestin the United Statesand
began to addressthe assertionthat race was a determinativefactorin
sentencingin a more sophisticatedway. Wave 1 studies were crude
methodologically,and almostnone controlledfor legallyrelevantvari-
ables in assessingrace effects.In an effort to amelioratethese limita-
tions, wave 2 inspireda large numberof studies that have been the
subjectof widelycited and influentialreviewsby Hagan (1974),Kleck
(1981), and Hagan and Bumiller(1983). Kleck (1981) assessedfifty-
seven studies,while Hagan and Bumiller(1983) reviewedmore than
sixty for the National Academyof Sciences.These assessmentscon-
verged in their conclusionthat the effect of race in prior studieswas
in largeparta proxyfor the legallyrelevantfactorof priorcriminalrec-
ord-once the latterwascontrolledthe directeffectof raceon sentenc-
United States 347

ing was for the most part eliminated. That is, the racial disparities in
sentencing (e.g., to prison) arose from the greater proportional
involvement of minorities in criminal behavior, which was in turn re-
flected in longer or more serious prior records.
Hagan's and Kleck's exhaustive reviews, covering dozens of empiri-
cal studies, were largely responsible for creating what has been labeled
by Wilbanks (1987) as the "no discrimination thesis" (NDT). How-
ever, as Zatz (1987, p. 73) argues, many criminologists quoting the
NDT glossed over two of the caveats that these reviews emphasized.
Similar to the concerns raised in research on juvenile justice pro-
cessing, one caveat was that race might have a cumulative effect on
sentencing outcomes by operating indirectlythrough other variables
that disadvantage minority group members. The second is that race
may interactwith other factors to influence decision making. We re-
turn to these arguments below, but for now, it is important to clarify
that the NDT refers specifically to the insignificant direct effects of
race on sentencing.
Conducted mainly in the late 1970s and 1980s, wave 3 of research
witnessed yet another round of methodological refinements, including
corrections for "selection bias" (the nonrandom selection of defen-
dants into the system) and "specification error" (the omission of ex-
planatory variables;see Zatz 1987, p. 75). Researchers also investigated
historical changes in sentencing practices and expanded the focus to
types of crime not previously emphasized (e.g., drug processing). For
example, Peterson and Hagan (1984) found that the sentencing of
black drug offenders in New York depended on shifting symbolic con-
texts-minor black dealers were treated more leniently than their
white counterparts, but major black dealers ("kingpins") were treated
more harshly than white dealers because they were perceived as in-
flicting further harm on an already victimized nonwhite population
(Peterson and Hagan 1984, p. 67). Other research began to examine
racial bias in terms of the victim's status rather than that of the of-
fender. This line of inquiry suggests that defendants are more harshly
sentenced by the criminal justice system when the victim is white
rather than black (Myers 1979).
Research from wave 3 is thus not easily summarized, for many stud-
ies began to uncover contradictory findings or began to explore
hypotheses tangential to the NDT. For example, some researchers
found expected patterns of discrimination while others did not, and a
fair number of studies showed that whites received harsher sentences
348 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

than blacks in certain cases (Zatz 1987, pp. 74-78). Overall, though,
the thrust of research during this era seemed to shift away from the
NDT to the idea that there is somediscrimination, someof the time, in
some places. These contingencies undermine the broad reach of the
NDT, but the damage is not fatal to the basic argument that race dis-
crimination is not pervasive (or systemic) in criminal justice processing.
What Zatz (1987) calls wave 4 of research is still in progress. Based
on data from the late 1970s and 1980s and conducted from the 1980s
to the present, this era of research continues to use advanced statistical
techniques. But perhaps the main distinguishing feature is the research
exploitation of policy changes that introduced determinate sentencing.
First enacted in the United States in the mid-1970s, the fixed sentenc-
ing mandate has grown even stronger, with the latest manifestation
found in the politically popular "three strikes and you're out" laws.12
In one of the larger studies, Klein, Petersilia, and Turner (1990) ana-
lyzed over 11,000 cases in California and found slight racial disparities
in sentencing one year after that state had implemented a determinate
sentencing act. However, once prior record and other legally relevant
variables were controlled, Klein, Petersilia, and Turner (1990, p. 815)
found that "racial disparity in sentencing does not reflect racial dis-
crimination." Also analyzing data from California after determinate
sentencing, Zatz (1984) found no overt or direct bias against Hispanic-
Americans compared to Anglos (i.e., non-Hispanic whites).
The research in wave 4 on determinate sentencing is interesting be-
cause it shifts attention to prior stages of the system where discre-
tion by prosecutors may potentially disadvantage minorities. In other
words, if sentences are (relatively) fixed, then charging and plea bar-
gaining become more crucial in the criminal justice process. Accord-
ingly, some studies have turned to the study of the relatively hidden
dimension of prosecutorial discretion. Although little research has ac-
cumulated, especially on racial differences in charging (see Wilbanks
1987), Spohn, Gruhl, and Welch (1987) found a pattern of discrimina-
tion in favor of female defendants and against blacks and Hispanics.
More specifically, their analysis of more than 30,000 cases from Los
Angeles County showed that, after adjusting for age, prior record, seri-
ousness of charge, and weapon use, cases against blacks and Hispanics

"Three strikes and you're out" laws refer to legislation first enacted in Washington
State in 1993 and subsequently replicated elsewhere making the consequence of a third
conviction for a violent crime an automatic life sentence without the possibility of parole.
The phrase itself is popularly known from its use in the American sport of baseball.
United States 349

were significantly more likely to be prosecuted than cases against

whites. Spohn, Gruhl, and Welch (1987) did not control for bail status,
a factor predictive of prosecution, but the findings are nonetheless pro-
vocative in suggesting that blacks and Hispanics in Los Angeles are
more likely to be formally prosecuted than whites.
The research on race and plea bargaining is also sparse, but the stud-
ies of Miethe and Moore (1986) and Albonetti (1990) both find an in-
significant main effect of race on plea negotiations net of control vari-
ables. Albonetti (1990) pursues interaction effects and finds that legal
factors (e.g., weapon use, prior record, type of counsel) work differ-
ently for whites than blacks in a complex fashion. But the reason why
blacks are less likely to plead guilty in her data remain unclear, and the
fact remains that the main effect of race is insignificant. Hence the
NDT fails to be rejected in this case.
The other distinguishing feature of recent research on sentencing is
a deeper appreciation for the salience of macrosocial contexts. Primed
by the research in wave 3 suggesting interaction and contextual effects,
scholars began to design research that could disentangle the role of
macrolevel contexts (e.g., county poverty, urbanism) on sentencing.
One of the best studies to date of race and sentencing emerges from
this concern-Myers and Talarico's The Social Contextsof Criminal
Sentencing(1987). Analyzing more than 26,000 felons convicted be-
tween 1976 and 1985 in the forty-five judicial courts of Georgia, Myers
and Talarico employ state-of-the-art statistical methods to counter the
limitations of previous research outlined by Zatz (1987). With the
southern state of Georgia as its focus, it is hard to imagine a better test
case for discrimination in the modern era. The findings are complex,
and as the title would indicate, Myers and Talarico report that sentenc-
ing outcomes vary significantly as a function of social context (e.g., ur-
banization of the county). This pattern supports the contingency
model of criminal sentencing and rejects the idea that invariant laws
or modes of behavior characterize the "system" as a whole.
In terms of race, however, the data analyzed by Myers and Talarico
(1987) clearly failed to support the thesis of systemic race discrimina-
tion-even in a contingent manner. As they summarize the book's key

The analyses reported in previous chapters indicate that there

is little system-wide discrimination against blacks in criminal
sentencing. This is an important finding, because general charges
350 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

of discriminationare commonnot only in some interpretations

of conflicttheory,but also in some sectorsof the popularand
academicpress.To be sure, the absenceof evidenceof system-
wide discriminationdoes not mean that all courtsand judgesare
[color]blind in the administrationof criminallaw. Interactive
analysisrevealedcontext-specificpatternsof discrimination.
Importantly,however,therewere manyinstancesin which blacks
receiveddisproportionately lenient punishment.Althoughthis
patternmay reflecta paternalismthat is just as discriminatoryas
disproportionate punitiveness,it nonethelessindicatesthat the
courtsin Georgiado not have a heavyhandwith blackdefendants
in the generalsystemicsense or in everycontextwhere differential
treatmentis observed.(Myersand Talarico 1987, pp. 170-71)

This conclusionmatchesthat of the U.S. JusticeDepartment'srecent

surveyof felonycasesin the seventy-fivemost populousurbanareasin
the United States (Smith 1993;Langan 1994). These areasrepresent
the jurisdictionsin which most black defendantscome into contact
with the criminaljusticesystem, and thus the data are useful for de-
scribingoveralldifferencesin prosecution,conviction,and sentencing
of felony cases. The surveyfindingsshowed that following a felony
charge,blackswereprosecutedat a slightlylowerratethanwhites(e.g.,
66 percentof blackdefendantswere prosecutedcomparedto 69 per-
cent of whites). Once prosecuted,blackdefendantswere also slightly
less likelyto be found guilty than were whites (75 percentvs. 78 per-
cent). However,of those convicted,blackswere more likelyto be sen-
tencedto prison(51 percentvs. 38 percent).Amongthose sentencedto
prison,therewereno significantracedifferencesin length of sentence.
Langan(1994) reportsthat the observedrace differencesin impris-
onmentwere the resultof type of crime,priorrecord,andaggregation
effects.Blackdefendantswere more likely to be chargedwith robbery
or anotherviolentoffensethanwerewhites.Also, a greaterpercentage
of the blackdefendantshad prior felony convictions.Examinationof
aggregationeffectsrevealedthat blackdefendantswere more likely to
be adjudicatedin jurisdictionsthatweremore likelyto handout prison
sentences.Yet, within these harsherjurisdictions,blackswere treated
no differentlythan whites. Based on these findings, Langan (1994,
p. 51) concludesthat the "JusticeDepartmentsurveyprovidesno evi-
dence that, in the placeswhere blacksin the United Stateshave most
of their contactswith the justicesystem,the systemtreatsthem more
harshlythan whites."It could have been argued,however,that what
United States 351

the survey revealed was a potential contextual relationship between

race and the decision to imprison.
A recent review of thirty-eight studies on race and sentencing by
Chiricos and Crawford (1995) suggests that this latter interpretation is
plausible. By separating the evidence on the decision to imprison and
the length of sentence once imprisoned, these authors confirm the Jus-
tice Department's report; most studies showed that blacks were more
likely to be sentenced to prison than were whites, but there was no
pattern of race differences in sentence length. However, Chiricos and
Crawford also investigated the contextual conditions of the samples
used in each of the studies and found that, controlling for crime type
and prior record, black defendants were more likely to receive impris-
onment in high unemployment areas, in places where blacks constitute
a larger percentage of the population, and in the South. This meta-
analysis strongly suggests the plausibility of contextual influences on
the decision to imprison. As they argue, "these specific structural con-
texts lend support to the premise that criminal punishment not only
responds to crime, but responds as well to specific community condi-
tions" (Chiricos and Crawford 1995, p. 301). Thus unlike Langan's
dismissal of the race differences in the decision to imprison, Chiricos
and Crawford focus explicitly on the context in which these decisions
are most likely to occur.13
Langan's interpretation, however, matches those of other scholars
such as Petersilia (1985) and Wilbanks (1987) in suggesting that sys-
temic discrimination does not exist. Zatz (1987) is more sympathetic
to the thesis of discrimination in the form of indirect effects and subtle
racism. But the proponents of this line of reasoning face a considerable
burden. If the effects of race are so contingent, interactive, and indirect
in a way that has to date not proved replicable, how can one allege that
the "system" is discriminatory?At least some part of the differences in
the interpretation of existing findings is semantic. For some, any evi-
dence of differential treatment, whether anecdotal or empirical, direct
or indirect, or at the individual or jurisdictional level, is indicative of a
discriminatory system. For those at the other end of the continuum
(e.g., Wilbanks 1987), the term is reserved for widespread and consis-
tent differentials in processing unaccounted for by relevant legal fac-
tors. Recognizing these differences in the use of terms implies that the
findings of the Justice Department may be a function of the urban sampling
frame. Chiricos and Crawford (1995) note that black defendants were least disadvan-
taged in non-Southern urban areas where minority concentration was highest.
352 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

assessment of racial discrimination is not simply a matter of empirical

Perhaps more importantly, "the inconsistency in findings offers
clues to the contextual character of possible race effects" (Chiricos and
Crawford 1995, p. 284). This assessment suggests that multilevel re-
search designs are necessary to assess the impact of race on within- and
between-jurisdiction differences in the decision to imprison. We re-
turn to this issue below.

F. ImprisonmentDisparities
The sentencing studies considered to this point are for the most part
drawn from one jurisdiction or state. Attempting to make broader con-
tributions to the race-sentencing debate, a series of recent efforts has
engaged national-level data to account for the racial disproportionality
of U.S. prison populations. Generating considerable attention, the
seminal article in this area was published by Blumstein in 1982. To
study the racial distribution of state prison populations in 1974 and
1979, Blumstein used UCR arrest statistics from the same years to esti-
mate the racial composition of offenders committing offenses punish-
able by imprisonment. Although blacks represented 11 percent of the
U.S. population, they comprised approximately 49 percent of the
prison population in both 1974 and 1979. However, blacks also repre-
sented 43 percent of the arrestees in these years, leading Blumstein to
conclude that racial disproportionality in offending explained 80 per-
cent of the racial disproportionality in prison populations.
Using arrest data as a simple indicator of offending is controversial
for reasons discussed earlier. Langan (1985) counteracted this problem
by replicating Blumstein's analysis with estimates for black offending
derived from victims' reports in the NCVS. Essentially, Langan's strat-
egy followed that of Hindelang's (1978) in estimating offenders rather
than arrestees. By estimating the expected number of black offenders
admitted to prison for the years 1973, 1979, and 1982 using the proba-
bility of whites going to prison, Langan was able directly to assess the
racial disparity argument by comparing these estimates to the observed
number of black offenders admitted to prison. For 1973, there is al-
most exact agreement between the two estimates-19,344 expected to
19,953 admitted black prisoners. The differences are greater in 1979
and 1982, leading to speculation whether a trend of increasing discrim-
ination was set in motion around 1980 (see below). However, Langan
(1985) emphasized the overall agreement of the figures and concluded
United States 353

that approximately 85 percent of the disproportionality in prison ad-

missions by race is explained by differential offending.
Crutchfield, Bridges, and Pritchford (1994) extend the Blumstein-
Langan strategy by disaggregating racial disproportionality estimates
across the fifty states. As did Pope and Feyerherm (1990), they argue
that if there is variation across states in the degree to which levels of
criminal involvement among blacks explain observed imprisonment
rates, studies that aggregate to the national level are likely to mask this
variation (Crutchfield, Bridges, and Pritchford 1994, p. 179). Similar
to Blumstein and Langan, Crutchfield and colleagues find that for the
United States as a whole, the lion's share of variation in the observed
racial disproportionality of prisons-90 percent-is explained by ar-
rest differentials (NCVS estimates of offending are unavailable by
state). However, they uncover striking variations in this ratio across the
fifty states. In some states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware,
and Kentucky, the percentage of imprisonment disparity explained by
arrest is virtually 100-suggesting little to no discrimination. By con-
trast, in many other states the percent dips well below 100, and in
some cases below fifty. States with extreme racial differentials in arrests
compared to imprisonment include Massachusetts (40 percent), Idaho
(53 percent), Colorado (62 percent), Alabama (54 percent), and Maine
(58 percent).
The common denominator in these patterns is hard to discern, al-
though most of the states indicating large racial imbalances in impris-
onment decisions are smaller in population, with a relatively low per-
centage of blacks. It may simply be that the estimates are unreliable
due to the small number of cases on which the state-specific disparity
ratios are calculated. Crutchfield, Bridges, and Pritchford (1994) inter-
pret them substantively, however, arguing that contextual differences
have heretofore been hidden by the tendency of researchers to aggre-
gate data across jurisdictions. Similar to the context-specific arguments
of Myers and Talarico (1987) and Zatz (1987), the implication is that
multiple-jurisdiction or comparative studies are essential to disentan-
gling racial disproportionality. Put differently, understanding racial
disparity requires disaggregation of variations by social structural con-
text. We address this concern further when discussing contextual theo-
ries and future research from a comparative perspective.
An update of the 1982 Blumstein study suggests several reasons why
disaggregation by crime type might be necessary as well (Blumstein
1993b). First, Blumstein notes the enormous growth in imprisonment
354 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

over the 1979-91 time period. Following decades of relative stability,

the 1990 U.S. incarceration rate was nearly triple that of 1975. More-
over, the total number of drug offenders in prison increased nearly
tenfold. Second, the 1991 level of racial disproportionality in incarcer-
ation rates remained similar to what it had been in 1979 (seven to one),
and overall differences in offending (i.e., arrests) explained slightly less
of disproportionality in the 1991 prison rates (76 percent). Third, the
importance of the war on drugs becomes particularly pronounced for
race differences in incarceration by 1991. For drug offending, differ-
ences in drug arrests accounted for only 50 percent of the race dispro-
portionality in drug incarceration. The government's "war on drugs"
was concentrated on an offense that involved high levels of discretion
and hence was vulnerable to charges of racist practices. The proportion
of drug offenders in U.S. prisons went from 5.7 percent in 1979 to
21.5 percent in 1991. As the distribution of offense types changes in
prison populations, it thus becomes crucial to examine the issue of dis-
parity by crime type.

G. Death Penalty
The ultimate criminal sanction-death-has been the subject of
much empirical research and philosophical debate. The United States
is the only Western industrialized democracy that permits states to im-
pose capital punishment. In 1972 (Furman v. Georgia), the Supreme
Court ordered a halt to executions because it found the application of
the death penalty to be arbitraryand racially discriminatory. By 1976
(Gregg v. Georgia)the Supreme Court had reinstated the death penalty
as long as states could show that the risk of arbitrarinesshad been re-
moved through the development of explicit sentencing criteria, sepa-
rate sentencing hearings, consideration of mitigating circumstances,
and automatic appellate review. Nonetheless, research covering the pe-
riod since the 1976 Gregg decision shows that, controlling for type of
homicide, race is related to the prosecutor's decision to seek the death
penalty and to imposition of the death penalty (Bowers and Pierce
1980; Radelet 1981; Paternoster 1984; Keil and Vito 1989; Aguirre and
Baker 1990; Baldus, Woodward, and Pulaski 1990).
These studies converge in showing that it is the race of the victim
interacting with the race of the offender that significantly influences
prosecutors' willingness to seek the death penalty, and judges' and ju-
ries' willingness to impose a sentence of death. Paralleling the data on
convictions, black offenders found guilty of murdering white victims
United States 355

are at the highest risk for the death penalty. Offenders (of either race)
found guilty of murdering black victims are least likely to receive the
death penalty. These differential patterns of risk for the death penalty
were found to persist despite stringent controls for the seriousness of
the incident (e.g., defendant's deliberation, heinousness of the murder)
and other legally relevant factors (see Keil and Vito 1989).14

H. Summary
Recognizing that research on criminal justice processing in the
United States is complex and fraught with methodological problems,
the weight of the evidence reviewed suggests the following. When re-
stricted to index crimes, dozens of individual-level studies have shown
that a simple direct influence of race on pretrial release, plea bar-
gaining, conviction, sentence length, and the death penalty among
adults is small to nonexistent once legally relevant variables (e.g., prior
record) are controlled. For these crimes, racial differentials in sanc-
tioning appear to match the large racial differences in criminal of-
fending. Findings on the processing of adult index crimes therefore
generally support the NDT.
However, research on the decision to imprison suggests that race
matters in certain contexts. Controlling for crime type and prior rec-
ord, black defendants in some jurisdictions are more likely to receive
a prison sentence than are white defendants. Research on the juvenile
justice system also offers evidence of racial influences on detention and
placement, although this disparity is more widespread than context-
specific. Perhaps because the juvenile justice system is more informal,
discrimination operates more freely. Moreover, in both the adult and
juvenile systems, indirectracial discrimination is plausible. For example,
prior record is the major control variable in processing studies and is
usually interpreted as a "legally relevant" variable. But to the extent
that prior record is contaminated by racial discrimination, indirect race
effects may be at work. Although this argument is difficult to assess
definitively, it remains a productive hypothesis to be explored. Also
tentative but plausible is the idea that race interactswith other individ-

While it has been argued that this is evidence of discrimination warranting a mora-
torium on capital punishment, there are those who argue that such differential treatment
warrants increased use of the death penalty. For example, DiIulio (1994) calls attention
to the evidence of discrimination against black victims and suggests that justice requires
increased use of the death penalty for murderers of all victims. Ironically, calls for in-
creased equity in the application of the death penalty may lead to increased executions
of blacks.
356 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

ual-levelvariables(e.g., income, family status)to predictprocessing.

What this means for the NDT hypothesishas yet to be fully deter-
As suggestedearlier,one of the most promisinglines of inquiryfor
uncoveringdiscriminationpatternsinvolvesthe contextual analysesof
criminaljusticeoutcomes.As manyhave argued(Hagan 1987;Myers
and Talarico 1987;Sampsonand Laub 1993a;Chiricosand Crawford
1995),the key to resolvingracialdifferencesin processingmay turnin
large part on contextualor macroleveldifferences.This parallelsthe
argumentsmadein favorof a community-levelinterpretationof racial
differencesin criminaloffending.As the next section explores,recent
moves in theories of official social control and processinghave also
adaptedthis contextualtheme.

VI. ExplainingRace-EthnicDisparitiesin Criminal

Most criminaljustice researchhas drawnon consensusand conflict
perspectivesof society(Hagan1989).Accordingto the consensusview,
there is an assumptionof sharedvalues,where the state is organized
to protect the common interestsof society at large. Criminallaw is
seen as an instrumentto protectthe interestsof all, and punishmentis
based on legally relevantvariables(e.g., seriousnessof the offense,
In contrast,conflict theoristsview society as consistingof groups
with conflictingand differingvalues and posit that the state is orga-
nized to representthe interestsof the powerful,rulingclass.Criminal
law is thusviewedas an instrumentto protectthe interestsof the pow-
erfuland the elite, and punishmentis basedto a largeextenton extra-
legalvariables(e.g., race,socialclass).A majorpropositiondrawnfrom
conflicttheoryis that groupswhichthreatenthe hegemonyof middle-
andupper-classrulearemorelikelyto be subjectedto intensifiedsocial
control-more criminalization,more formalprocessingby the crimi-
nal justicesystem,and increasedincarcerationcomparedwith groups
that are perceivedas less threateningto the statusquo (see also Brown
and Warner 1992). Furthermore,conflict theoristshave arguedthat
minorities(especiallyblacks),the unemployed,and the poor represent
such threateninggroups(see also Turk 1969;Chamblissand Seidman
1971;Jacksonand Carroll1981;Liskaand Chamlin1984;Brownand
Warner 1995).15
15There is some evidence to suggest that the relationship between percent black and
increased social control is curvilinear (see e.g., Jackson and Carroll 1981). Liska and
United States 357

The criticisms of conflict theory are well known. Elites do not form
a unitary whole, monopolize decision making, or appear particularly
vulnerable to the objective threats of subordinates (Liska 1987; Tittle
1994). Perhaps more damaging, the evidence on personal and property
crimes points to legal variables as the prime determinants of criminal
justice processing.
Attempting to transcend the limitations of traditional conflict the-
ory, a recent school of thought has forged a more contextually nuanced
appreciation of minority group threat. While there may indeed be a
general consensus in society on core values, it is not the objective level
of threat but rather the symbolicaspect of social conflict that may be
the salient feature driving crime control (Myers 1989). For instance,
Tittle and Curran (1988) emphasize perceptions of threat that "pro-
voke jealousy, envy, or personal fear among elites" rather than the ac-
tual threat these groups represent to reigning political positions. Sup-
porting this notion, they found differential sanctioning of juveniles in
Florida counties depending on the size of the nonwhite population.
Moreover, Tittle and Curran found the largest discriminatory effects
in juvenile justice dispositions for drug and sexual offenses which they
argue "represent overt behavioral manifestations of the very qualities
[that] frighten white adults or generate resentment and envy" (Tittle
and Curran 1988, p. 52). Tittle (1994, pp. 39-46) elaborates this find-
ing with reference to the "emotional significance" of crime, especially
stereotypical attributions of threat associated with the conflation of
race, aggression, and sexual promiscuity.
These ideas are consistent with a study in Washington State, where
nonwhites were sentenced to imprisonment at higher rates in counties
with large minority populations (Bridges, Crutchfield, and Simpson
1987). Follow-up interviews with justice officials and community lead-
ers revealed a consistent public concern with minority threat and "dan-
gerousness." With crime conceptualized as a minority problem, lead-
ers openly admitted using race as a code for certain patterns of dress
and styles of life (e.g., being "in the hustle") thought to signify crimi-
nality. It was decision makers' perceptions of minority problems as
concentrated ecologically that seemed to reinforce the use of race as a
screen for criminal attribution (Bridges, Crutchfield, and Simpson
1987, p. 356). Similarly, Irwin (1985) notes the importance of subjec-
tive perceptions of "offensiveness," which are determined by social sta-

Chamlin (1984) suggest that when minorities become so large as to represent a majority,
the criminal justice system takes on the stance of "benign neglect."
358 RobertJ. SampsonandJanet L. Lauritsen

tus and ethnic group context. Groups deemed as threatening (often

when reaching a threshold size) and offensive to the dominant majority
are seen as the "rabble class-detached and disreputable persons." Ir-
win (1985, p. xiii) argues that the primary purpose of jails in the United
States is to manage society's rabble class.
Attributions of criminality to subordinate ethnic populations have
been found in other stratified societies as well. In Israel, for example,
Fishman, Rattner, and Weiman (1987) found that public assignment
of criminal intent was directly related to ethnic divisions. Arab Israelis,
followed by Sephardic Jews, were most likely to be perceived by re-
spondents as criminal. With recent unrest in the occupied territories,
charges have also flared anew that Israeli Arabs are being targeted for
increased social control by Israeli police, especially in impoverished
towns where Arab concentrations are high (Hedges 1994).
In short, recent theory has turned to a macrosociological orientation
by focusing on the symbolic and contextual aspects of minority group
threat. In this viewpoint, "the poor," "the underclass," and "the rab-
ble" (i.e., poor minorities) are perceived as threatening not only to po-
litical elites, but to "mainstream America"-middle-class and work-
ing-class citizens who represent the dominant majority in American
society. This perspective suggests that we need to take into account
the joint effects of race and poverty. Interestingly, it is here that the
pejorative connotations of the term "underclass" become quite rele-
vant. Although criticized by some social scientists (e.g., Gans 1991),
the term has nonetheless been appropriated by the media and public
at large as a code for dangerous, offensive, and undesirable populations
that threaten social stability and a sense of order. As the social historian
Michael Katz (1993, p. 4) has noted, "underclass"has become a public
metaphor for social transformation in the United States, conjuring up
images of group alienation and danger-a collectivity "outside of poli-
tics and social structure," a "terrain of violence and despair." Embody-
ing its controversial nature, then, the term "underclass" captures the
stereotype of pathological danger relevant to a theoretical concern
with how race-class divisions bear on official social control and the
"crisis in penality" (see Feeley and Simon 1992, p. 467; McGarrell
1993a, p. 11; Simon 1993, p. 5).

A. StructuralChangesin UnderclassInequality
Debates on the underclass are linked, of course, to demographic evi-
dence on the increasing size and concentration of the urban poverty
population. A great deal of sociological attention has centered on the
United States 359

growing entanglementin urban areasof neighborhoodpovertywith

other social dislocationssuch as joblessness,family disruption,high
ratesof infantmortality,and a host of factorsthat are detrimentalto
socialdevelopment(e.g., school dropout).As noted earlier,the chang-
ing neighborhoodcontext of povertywas highlightedby WilliamJu-
lius Wilson in The TrulyDisadvantaged (1987), where he arguedthat
the socialtransformationof the inner city has resultedin an increased
geographicalconcentrationof race, poverty,and urbansocial disloca-
Recentevidencesuggeststhat the clusteringof economicand social
indicatorsappearsnot only in 1990 and in neighborhoodsof large
cities, but also for the two previousdecennialperiodsand at the level
of macrosocialunits as a whole. For example,Land,McCall,and Co-
hen (1990) presentevidencethat concentrationeffects grew more se-
vere from 1970 to 1980 in U.S. cities and metropolitanareas,while
Coulton et al. (1995) documentan increasingclusteringof indicators
of social disadvantage(e.g., poverty, family disruption,welfare) in
neighborhoodsof Clevelandduringthe 1980s.
Recentdatapoint to the existenceof a large"underclass" population
in ruralareas,especiallyin the South. Using 1990 data, O'Hare and
Curry-White(1992, p. 8) concludethatthereis a largeruralunderclass
of both whites and blacksthat has not been recognizedby researchers
in the past and that blacksin the ruralSouth actuallyhave a higher
prevalenceof underclasscharacteristicsthan do blacks in the large
cities of the urban North. Adding to this picture, the term "un-
derclass"has recentlybeen appliedto poor whites (Murray1993) in a
call for immediatepublicactionto stem a host of socialills usuallyas-
sociatedin the Americanmindwith blacks(e.g., out-of-wedlockbirths,
welfare,crime).In a fascinatingrevisionof the once-commonstereo-
type of "whitetrash,"the idea of an emerging"whiteunderclass"that
threatensto drag down a society alreadyweakenedby the blackun-
derclassis now being fostered in contemporarydebate. Thus while
race and povertyare stronglyconnectedin ecologicalspace,the wide
reportingof Murray's(1993) alarmon the white underclasssuggests
that inequalityand class tensions have extendedbeyond the confines
of the African-American community(one might note also the general
increasesin hate speech and ethnic intolerance).

B. DrugsandMinorities
The symbolicnatureof the "underclass"threatseems to have been
operativein the recent "waron drugs"in the United States.Peterson
360 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

and Hagan's (1984) analysis of drug enforcement activity during the

1960s and 1970s documents the beginning of a shifting concern with
drugs and crime in society and illustrates the need to consider histori-
cal context in understanding criminal justice operations related to race.
More recently, Myers (1989) found increased punitiveness for non-
white drug dealers, underscoring the need to examine race in conjunc-
tion with drug use and drug trafficking in a particular historical con-
Two trends emerged during the 1980s that reinforce these claims.
The first was the increasing number of black males under correctional
supervision (Mauer 1990), and the second saw increasing punitiveness
toward drug offenders, especially blacks and users of cocaine (Belenko,
Fagan, and Chin 1991; Blumstein 1993a; McGarrell 1993b). By the
1990s, race, class, and drugs became intertwined; it is difficult if not
impossible to disentangle the various elements of the problem. More-
over, the war on drugs in the 1980s embodied a different personae than
earlier wars, leading many to charge racially discriminatory practices
by the criminal justice system in the processing of drug offenders
(Feeley and Simon 1992, pp. 461-70; Jackson 1992; Tonry 1995). Par-
ticularly relevant to this thesis, recall Tittle and Curran's (1988) find-
ing that the largest discriminatory effects on juvenile dispositions con-
cerned drug offenses.
Data from the 1980s support concerns about the changing dynamics
of race and drugs. For instance, while the number of arrests for drug
abuse violations by white juveniles declined 28 percent in 1985 com-
pared with 1980, the number of arrests for drug abuse violations by
black juveniles increased 25 percent over the same time period (Uni-
form Crime Reports 1980, 1985). Furthermore, data on arrest rate
trends by race show that in 1980 the rate of drug law violations was
nearly equal for whites and blacks; however, during the decade of the
1980s, white rates declined while black rates increased markedly (Sny-
der 1992). Juvenile court data show that the number of white youth
referred to court for drug law violations declined by 6 percent between
1985 and 1986; the number of referrals for black youth increased by 42
percent (Snyder 1990). The disproportionate increase in the number of
black youth detained also seemed linked to the increased number of
black drug law violators referred to court. More generally, Blumstein
(1993a) has shown that the dramatic growth in state prison populations
during the 1980s was driven in large part by increasing admissions of
blacks on drug convictions.
United States 361

These trends suggest a recent and increasing punitiveness toward

drug offenders-especially those perceived to be gang members from
a growing underclass population (Feeley and Simon 1992, pp. 467-69;
Jackson 1992, pp. 98-100). Drawing on a revised conflict theory,
Sampson and Laub (1993a) argue that the rising concentration of so-
cioeconomic disadvantage corresponds precisely with that population
perceived as threatening, and the population at which the war on drugs
has been aimed. The dual image of "underclass" offenders and the
evils of "crack cocaine" thus appears to have triggered a "moral panic"
(Goode and Ben-Yehuda 1994; Chiricos and Crawford 1995) in the
middle class as well, further reinforcing a drug war by law enforce-
At the macro level, Sampson and Laub (1993a) specifically hypothe-
sized that counties characterized by racial inequality and a large con-
centration of the "underclass"(i.e., minorities, poverty, female-headed
families, welfare) were more likely than other counties to be perceived
as containing offensive and threatening populations and as a result ex-
perience increased punitiveness and hence social control by the juve-
nile justice system (see also Feeley and Simon 1992, pp. 467-69; Jack-
son 1992, pp. 98-100). A static version of this hypothesis found
preliminary support in Sampson and Laub's (1993a) cross-sectional
analysis of approximately200 counties in 1985. Aggregating court rec-
ords to the county level, they found that underclass poverty and racial
income inequality were associated with higher levels of juvenile con-
finement (secure detention and out-of-home placement), especially for
drug offenses. The effects of underclass poverty also tended to be
larger for black juveniles than for white juveniles. In sum, while overt
racial discrimination at the individual level appears to be weak, a body
of recent contextual evidence suggests that a different scenario may be
at work for macrolevel variations in juvenile and adult court pro-

VII. Implications for the Future

In his review essay on studies of criminal sentencing, John Hagan
(1987, p. 426) asks: "Why has race so preoccupied us in the study of
the criminal justice system?" Indeed, research in the U.S. has em-
barked on a seemingly unending search for racial influences on crimi-
nal justice processing. Hagan's answer is that race and sentencing are
symbolically linked considerations in the criminal justice system, "giv-
ing the most visible expression to the value we place on equity in this
362 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

system" (Hagan 1987, p. 426). In other words, the United States prides
itself on the symbolism of equality before the law, and any threat of
racial bias serves to undermine a major linchpin of the system. It is
thus understandable that racial biases, even if seemingly infrequent,
have been the subject of much recent concern in the United States.
Strong predictions from conflict theory and ideological beliefs not-
withstanding (e.g., MacLean and Milovanovic 1990; Mann 1993), the
results of this search have not been kind to a simplistic "discrimination
thesis." As shown in this essay, racial discrimination emerges some of
the time at some stages of the system in some locations, but there is
little evidence that racial disparities reflect systematic, overt bias on the
part of criminal justice decision makers. Rather, the most compelling
evidence concerning racial discrimination in the administration of jus-
tice involves community and national constructions of "moral panics"
and political responses to those contexts. For example, Tonry (1995)
points out that the war on drugs was initiated at a time when national
drug use patterns had already exhibited a considerable decline. Tonry
further argues that the politically charged war on drugs, with its legis-
lative and budgetary emphasis on the type of drug most likely to be
used and detected in black disadvantagedurban areas (i.e., "crack"co-
caine), could be viewed as racially discriminatory in intent and conse-
In addition, even though overt race discrimination in criminal justice
processing appears to be a problem restricted to specific spatial and
temporal contexts, the fact remains that racial disparities in crimes
other than drugs have reached a critical stage in the United States. Not
only is homicide the leading cause of death among young black males
and females, it is now the case that the majority of persons in state and
federal prisons are black (U.S. Department of Justice 1995). As indi-
cated earlier, the incarceration rate of black males is currently seven
times the rate for white males (2,678 vs. 372 per 100,000). Even more
striking, approximately 6.3 percent of all black males ages twenty-five
to twenty-nine are serving time in state prisons (U.S. Department of
Justice 1994c), and Mauer (1990, pp. 3, 9) estimates that one of every
four black men are processed by the criminal justice system eachyear.
With such enormous disproportionality in sanctioning, it should be of

16The U.S. federaldrugcontrolbudgetincreasedfromapproximately 2.4 billiondol-

larsin 1984to morethan 12.1 billiondollarsin 1994 (ExecutiveOfficeof the President
United States 363

little comfort that most of the disparityis a result of differential

involvementin nondrugcriminaloffending.

A. FourCrucialQuestions
We believethat to more fully understandracialdisparitiesin crime
and justice,at least four areasare in need of furtherresearch.First,it
is clearthat racialdifferencesin criminalvictimizationand offending,
especiallyfor violence, must be studiedfrom a more complex,multi-
level perspective(see Sampsonand Lauritsen1994).A lesson learned
from our reviewis that prior theory on criminaloffendingis usually
couched at the level of analysis least likely to yield racial differ-
ences-the individual.Posing the problemin a contextualframework,
however,suggeststhat the relationshipbetweenrace and criminalof-
fendingvariessubstantiallyacrossecologicalcontexts.With few excep-
tions, criminologistshave only recentlyrealizedthe extent to which
correlationsbetween communitycontextsand crime are confounded
with associationsbetweenrace and crime.Macrolevel analysisthus of-
fers an alternativemode of inquiryinto the social bases of race and
crime (Sampsonand Wilson 1995).
Second,the role that formalsanctioningplaysin producingcumula-
tive disadvantage across the life course of individualsrequiresa new
agenda of research. As suggestedthroughoutour synthesis,the volumi-
nous researchon the direct effects of race on conviction,sentencing,
and other laterstagesof adultprocessing(e.g., imprisonment)appears
to havereacheda deadend. We knowthatby the time adultspenetrate
the justicesystemto the laterstagesof sentencingand imprisonment,
decisionmakersrely primarilyon priorrecordand seriousnessto dis-
pose of cases.But it is in the juvenilejusticesystemthat race discrimi-
nation appearsmost widespread-minorities(and youth in predomi-
nantly minority jurisdictions)are more likely to be detained and
receiveout-of-homeplacementsthanwhitesregardlessof "legal"con-
siderations.Becauseprocessingin the juvenilejusticesystemis deeply
implicatedin the constructionof a criminal(or "prior")record,experi-
ences as a juvenileserveas a majorpredictorof futureprocessing.Yet
surprisinglylittle is knownabouthow experiencesin the juvenilejus-
tice systeminfluencerelationshipswith the police and criminaljustice
system as youth age into adulthood (Pope and Feyerherm 1990).
Ratherthan more studiesof adultsin the legal versusextralegalmold,
researchis thus needed to track offendersbackwardand forwardin
time to understandthe dynamicsof criminalcareers.This implies a
364 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

life-courseperspective that attempts to bridge the gap between adoles-

cent and adult experiences and to unravel the dynamics of cumulative
disadvantage associated with race or ethnicity. In particular, attention
to the consequences of disproportionate detention and imprisonment
must be a priority (see Sampson and Laub 1993b).
Third, despite the volume of previous research on race and ethnic
comparisons, we know very little about criminal justice processing
other than for blacks and whites. Quite simply, there is little empirical
basis from which to draw firm conclusions for Hispanic, Asian, and
Native Americans. As seen at the outset, the United States is becoming
increasingly diverse largely because of the growing Asian- and His-
panic-American populations. Recent immigration from Mexico and
Cuba in particularis reshaping the landscape of many American cities.
Hence, the future picture of criminal justice processing may be closely
tied to the experiences of race or ethnic groups that have heretofore
been neglected by mainstream criminological research. As noted ear-
lier, such analyses will also benefit greatly from work on the changing
social constructions of race and ethnic identities in the United States.
Fourth, the extent to which crime wars are waged disproportionately
against minorities needs to be examined from a contextual, social con-
structionist perspective (Best 1990; Goode and Ben-Yehuda 1994;
Hawkins 1995). As discussed earlier, the recent drug war in the United
States has had its greatest effect on the lives of minorities. While drug
arrestshave declined among whites, they have skyrocketedamong blacks.
And while "crack" cocaine has generated an intense law enforcement
campaign in our nation's black ghettos, "powder" cocaine use among
whites is quietly neglected (perhapseven portrayedas fashionable).These
differences cannot be attributedsolely to objective levels of criminal dan-
ger, but rather to the way in which minority behaviors are symbolically
constructed and subjected to official social control (Chambliss 1995;
Tonry 1995). As conflict theorists argue, the study of race discrimination
in sentencing, controlling for crime type, is irrelevant insofar as "moral
panics," legislation, and enforcement activities are designed to target the
kinds of lifestyles or areasassociated with racial minorities. Hence, close
attention to how crime is defined and the social construction of social
"problems"is necessary to the study of racialdisparityin criminaljustice
(Goode and Ben-Yehuda 1994).

B. The GlobalPicture
Because of the nearly overwhelming complexity of these proposed
areas of research, it is with an international, comparative approach that
United States 365

we feel the greatest gains will be made. As Ruback and Weiner (1993,
p. 195) note, comparative analyses "take advantage of the fact that in-
fluences that are causally confounded in their relationships to [crime]
within one society or culture are often unconfounded when many soci-
eties or cultures are examined." The objective of a comparative ap-
proach is to understand how complex causal influences are moderated
or mediated by individual and contextual factors. Comparative re-
search also permits the uncovering of etiological universals, and the
discovery that variables assumed to be universal have effects only under
unique social and cultural circumstances (Munroe, Munroe, and Whit-
ing 1981). Furthermore, comparative analyses provide insights into the
assumptions underlying a given society's definitions of race and eth-
Applying a comparative framework to racial disparities in crime and
justice raises a host of salient questions. Among many others, a cross-
national perspective needs to address variations in how race and eth-
nicity are related to patterns of offending and victimization across soci-
eties. For example, are race and ethnicity effects "explained" in other
societies as they are in the United States? What are the relevant theo-
retical constructs (e.g., community context, cultural heterogeneity,
concentration of economic deprivation), and how are they manifested?
What do minority groups disproportionately involved in offending
have in common across societies? How are historical patterns of racial
and ethnic subjugation similar or different? What role does skin color
play as opposed to cultural differentiation among groups (Mann 1993)?
How do ethnic conflicts over immigration influence crime and social
Racial disparities in criminal justice sanctioning are also ripe for
comparative study across time and place. At a fundamental level, re-
search has yet to explicate in a systematic way the nature of macrocom-
parativevariations in race and ethnic disparities across societies and ep-
ochs of different political, economic, and social structures. For
example, we need to be reminded that moral panics have long ex-
isted-from the Renaissance witch craze from the fourteenth to the
seventeenth century to the "reefer madness" of the 1930s in America
to present-day outcries over satanic ritual abuse on a mass scale
(Goode and Ben-Yehuda 1994). Under what cultural, structural, and
temporal conditions do such moral panics typically arise? Why are ac-
companying wars waged disproportionately against minorities (e.g., fe-
males and blacks)? At the macrocomparative level, a contextual con-
structionist approach may also shed light on how the structures and
366 RobertJ. SampsonandJanetL. Lauritsen

cultures of criminal justice organizations contribute to racial or ethnic

To be sure, these are only a sampling of the questions that a com-
parative approach to race and ethnicity might address. But addressing
them is a necessary first step toward eliminating racial disparities at all
levels of the criminal process, not just in the United States but globally
as well. As the 1992 riots in Los Angeles suggest, until racial disparities
in crime and justice are reduced, the social stability of the criminal jus-
tice system-and perhaps the social structure of the United States-
will remain in doubt. Unfortunately, as ethnic and racial conflicts con-
tinue to escalate around the globe (Williams 1994), the United States
may be a signpost for future trends.


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