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Punishing Race A Continuing American Dilemma by Mi

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Punishing Race: A Continuing American Dilemma. By

Michael Tonry. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
204 pp. $19.95 paper.

Article  in  Law & Society Review · June 2013

DOI: 10.1111/lasr.12025


1 1,128

1 author:

Traci Schlesinger
DePaul University


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Book Reviews 453

Punishing Race: A Continuing American Dilemma. By Michael

Tonry. New York: Oxford University Press, 2011. 204 pp. $19.95

Reviewed by Traci Schlesinger, Department of Sociology, DePaul


In the contemporary United States, 7 million people are under

some form of correctional control—either on probation or parole
or in jail or prison; more people, that is, than the people that live
in Baltimore, Detroit, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New Orleans,
Seattle, and San Francisco combined. Moreover, blacks are six
times more likely than whites to be imprisoned at some point
during their lives. Today, nearly 5 percent of black men are in jail
or prison on any given day and one in three black men are under
some form of correctional control. As if this travesty was insuffi-
cient, if incarceration rates remain unchanged, one in three black
boys born in 2001 will go to prison during some point in their
Much of Michael Tonry’s scholarship has addressed this
social reality. In Malign Neglect (1996), he argued that sentencing
policies were to blame for the rapid increase in incarceration that
occurred in the United States during the last quarter of the
twentieth century and that policy makers could have foreseen that
this increased severity would disproportionately impact black
people. In Punishing Race, Tonry builds on his earlier work by
posing the question, “How did it happen that long series of crimi-
nal justice policies that do special damage to black people were
conceived, adopted, and carried out in a country in which few
whites any longer believe in white supremacy or black inferior-
ity?” (x).
Punishing Race brings together research from criminology, soci-
ology, and social psychology and situates the emerging knowledge
from each of these fields in a genealogy of the contemporary poli-
tics of law and order. Tonry supplements these reviews with a
cursory evaluation of the characteristics of U.S. culture (he faults
the “paranoid streak in American politics” and moralism emanating
from evangelical Protestantism) and politics (he impugns the politi-
cization of the justice system via the election of judges and pros-
ecutors and the frequent election of congress people). The book
reads like a collage; insights from each field fit loosely rather than
perfectly together and the argument is most convincing when the
reader takes a step back from it.
Tonry situates Punishing Race within the emerging consensus
in criminal legal research that declares both that the scale of
454 Book Reviews

imprisonment practiced in the contemporary U.S. cannot be justi-

fied with reference to any crime control or public safety goal and
that policing strategies and sentencing policies are responsible for
both the severity of and the disparities within incarceration. His
claim is provocative, although hardly unheard: policies and prac-
tices that create the severity of and disparity in criminalization
endure because “white empathy for blacks who are affected [is]
weak and uncommon” (8) and racial disparities in incarceration
“help white Americans maintain social, economic, and political
dominance over blacks” (4).
Many of the claims upon which the book rests are well sup-
ported by social science research. Incarceration rates as high as
those in the United States have either a neutral effect on crime
rates or are criminogenic. Police practices that focus on open air
drug markets are difficult to justify with race-neutral policy goals.
Sentencing policies enacted in the last quarter of the twentieth
century disproportionately harm black people. White people asso-
ciate blackness and stereotypically black features with a host of
negative traits, including violence and criminality. Felony convic-
tions and incarceration produce a number of negative outcomes
including exclusion from employment, suppressed lifetime
incomes, and decreased quality of family lives. Other claims that
the book makes—that Americans have a tendency to view issues in
polarized, moralistic ways and this moralism is fed by evangelical
Protestantism, for example—are interesting hypotheses that get
some support from a number of historical and sociological analy-
ses but which are more assumed than demonstrated within the
book itself.
These limitations, however, neither dismantle nor severely
weaken the main argument of the book. We, as Americans, have a
moral obligation to dramatically decrease the scale of imprison-
ment within our country. To this end, Tonry both starts and ends
the books with audacious but possible policy solutions, including
the abolition of punitive sentencing policies; the replacement of
elected judges and prosecutors with appointed ones; the limitation
of the effects of prior records on sentencing; the enactment of racial
impact statement requirements; and a shift of police attention from
black to white drug dealers.
Tonry elegantly streams together research from a variety of
fields and embeds this research in his own analysis of the culture
and political structure of the United States. His goal is never pri-
marily analytical but rather to awaken the reader to action. As such,
this book should not just be read by students and scholars of law,
criminology, sociology, and social psychology, nor only by policy
makers, but rather by all people living in the United States who are
concerned about racial justice.
Book Reviews 455


Tonry, Michael (1996) Malign Neglect: Race, Crime, and Punishment in America. New York:
Oxford Univ. Press.


From Black Power to Prison Power: The Making of Jones v. North

Carolina Prisoners’ Labor Union. By Donald F. Tibbs. New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 260 pp. $90.00 cloth.

Reviewed by Tryon P. Woods, Department of Sociology,

Anthropology, and Crime and Justice Studies, University of
Massachusetts, Dartmouth

In his new book, From Black Power to Prison Power, Donald Tibbs
achieves precisely what the field of law and society aims to do:
demonstrate how a landmark, if largely overlooked, court decision
emerges from the historical struggle for black liberation during the
Black Power era, a conflict between an inexorable social movement
and state power intent on preserving white people’s five centuries-
old despotic relationship to black people. Through Tibbs’ legal
history, we can glean how such a thing as a labor union for prison-
ers came to be in the first place, how the organizing which made it
possible was neither anomalous nor exceptional but rather was the
culmination of black struggle across the generations, and how the
strategic decisions of prisoners and their supporters indicate what it
means to exist within the crosshairs of state repression. While it
may be unsurprising that the court ultimately decided against
the prisoners (no spoiler alert needed), From Black Power to Prison
Power’s deconstruction of the court’s reasoning in Jones illustrates a
basic principle of law and society studies—that is, contradictions
between power and jurisprudence betray the law’s fundamental
tyranny, especially where black people are concerned.
From Black Power to Prison Power is organized into three sections.
In the first section, “Foundations,” Tibbs establishes the historical
context for the two main strands of political movement that would
later come together to comprise the prisoner union movement. On
the one hand, there was the struggle within prisons by inmates who
sought to exploit the state’s ambivalent policies, which, for a time,
vacillated between rehabilitation and straight-up punishment.
From the 1950s onward, collective action by prisoners, together
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