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Comprehension Test: Scotland and The Mystery of The Loch Ness Monster

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Comprehension Test www.mittelschulvorbereitung.

ch/englisch E160

Read text about the Loch Ness and answer the 20 questions. You may use a dictionary.

Scotland and the Mystery of the Loch Ness. We saw the monster. A strange creature
Ness Monster lives in Loch Ness. It’s a dragon.”

Have you ever heard or read about the Loch The Daily Mail is a big and important London
Ness Monster? Do you think the monster is real? newspaper. They send a reporter to Scotland to
Nobody knows the answer. ask questions. But he gets different stories. It’s a
very strange monster, the reporter says. It has got
Loch Ness is in northern Scotland, and Scotland a long and a short neck, a big head and a small
is part of the United Kingdom. People often head. But it’s not a monster. And it’s not a
speak of „Great Britain“. Great Britain is only dinosaur. It’s a whale.
England, Wales and Scotland. The United
Kingdom (UK) is Great Britain and Northern One year later, in 1934, John McLean sees the
Ireland. monster. He draws a picture of the monster. And
the Daily Mail has his picture on the front page
Men and woman in Scotland sometimes wear the with the headline: MONSTER IN THE LOCH –
kilt. It is part of their dress. Bagpipes are also MYSTERY OF LOCH NESS.
Scottish. Of course not all Scotsmen and
Scotswomen play bagpipes and wear kilts. But
Scottish people are always Scottish, not English.
Say to a Scotsman: „You’re Scottish “ and he’s
your friend. But if you say: „You’re English“ he
won’t be happy at all. And don’t say Scotch.
Scotch is the Scottish whisky.
Loch Ness is an old lake. Scientists tell us that it
is 25,00 years old. It is also a long lake. It is 38 Now the people say, „We want a photograph of
kilometres long, but only 1.6 kilometres across. the Loch Ness Monster.“ The newspapers send
Eight rivers and 228 streams run into it. The reporters to Scotland to get a photograph of the
rivers and streams come down from the hills and monster. Also a lot of tourists come to Loch
the water runs into the loch. Loch is an old Ness. They are from England, Wales, and
Scottish word and means lake. Ireland. They have their cameras with them.
They wait and watch, watch and wait. But Nessie
It’s also a deep lake, 296 metres deep. The water waits, too. Is the monster afraid of cameras?
in the loch isn’t clear. You can only see one Then the first photographs are in the newspaper.
meter in the water. They are from different people and they show
Nessie is not just the name of the monster. It’s a different Nessies. Are they real? Are there lots of
real Scottish name. It comes from the name different monsters in the lake? Some of these
Agnes. Scottish people like the name Agnes, and monsters look like a boat, others like a big fish
it is common to call a girl Nessie. or a tree in the water.

The name of Loch Ness comes from the River From 1939 to 1945 are the years of the Second
Ness. It runs from the lake to the town of World War. The newspapers write about the war.
Inverness. But after the war Nessie is there again, every
summer. Now people come with film cameras.
The Inverness Courier is the name of a But Nessie doesn’t like film cameras.
newspaper. The people of Inverness read it. One
day, in the year 1933, they see a headline in their Nessie is not only a mystery, it’s also a big
newspaper: STRANGE SPECTACLE ON business. You can buy posters of the Loch Ness
LOCH NESS. And then a strange story: Mr and Monster, a Loch Ness Monster game, books and
Mrs Spicer who live in London but often go to videos about the Mystery of the Loch, T-shirts,
Scotland say: “We were in our car near Loch and souvenirs of all kind.
Name and Test Date: ....................................................................................................................

1. The Loch Ness Monster

O wears a T-shirt. 12. A dragon is
O is on T-shirts you can buy. O a monster.
O sells T-shirts in Inverness. O a fish.
O a boat.
2. The Loch Ness Monster
O is real. 13. Why was there no monster during the
O is a mystery. war?
O is a girl. O Nessie is afraid of guns.
O The newspapers had more important things to
3. “Nessie” is a write about.
O boy’s name. O No cameras allowed for tourists during the
O girl’s name. war.
O Scottish family name.
14. Loch is the Scottish word for
4. Perhaps Nessie is O monster.
O a whisky. O lake.
O a whale. O river.
O a wasp.
15. Bagpipes
5. The titles on the front page of a newspaper O can find the monster.
are called O make music.
O headhunters. O drink whisky.
O headlines.
O headmasters. 16. A kilt is
O a skirt for men.
6. Inverness is in O a Nessie hunter.
O Great Britain. O a bird of the Highlands.
O England.
O Ireland. 17. The photographs
O don’t lie.
7. The people of Inverness are O are not always true.
O English. O show always the same Nessie.
O Scotch.
O Scottish. 18. People call the monster Nessie
O because it was a girl named Agnes who saw it
8. Scotland belongs to for the first time.
O Ireland. O because the lake it lives in is called Loch
O England. Ness.
O the UK. O because it makes a similar sound, like the
hissing of a snake.
9. The people of Inverness like Nessie,
O because it brings tourists and money to them. 19. When you know the answer of a mystery
O because it eats fish. then
O because it’s real. O it isn’t a mystery any more.
O you don’t believe it.
10. Loch Ness is O it is a strange spectacle.
O a small lake.
O a deep lake. 20. The tourists coming to the Loch Ness
O a broad lake. O usually have cameras with them.
O don’t buy any souvenirs.
11. A stream is O try to catch Nessie with nets and fishing.
O a very small river.
O a very big river.
O a very deep lake.

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