Exceptional Sensitivity
Superior Immunity
The Metor 6S High Sensitivity Enhanced Security Intelligent Traffic Counters for
walk-through metal detector is Reliable Statistics
The latest features for advanced
designed specifically for detecting
security are available on the Metor Metor 6S is built with intelligent and
small ferrous and non-ferrous
6S. Calibration guard, power guard virtually invisible traffic counters
items, such as disposable prison
and ready-state violation all protect which are integrated inside the coil
razors, a piece of razor blade, metal
against unwanted tampering to the panels. Counters are bi-directional
shanks, handcuff keys, detonator
machine. Fully configurable user with a decrease mode. Alarms,
caps, jewelry, coins, microprocessor
levels allow for unprecedented people and alarm rates can all be
and memory chips. The Metor 6S
control over who can view and counted.
increases safety in prisons and jails
change settings on the Metor 6S.
by efficiently detecting small metal Easy to Install and Operate
objects that can be used as weapons, Enhanced Features for Easier
With its immunity to electromag-
even when they are hidden in body Usability
netic interference and vibration, the
cavities. When used in manufacturing Automated sensitivity and floor Metor 6S is easy to install in the most
and distribution facilities to protect sensitivity functions make the demanding environments. Several
small, valuable assets, the Metor calibration process easy, eliminating units can be placed in close proximity
6S raises profitability by deterring the time consuming trial and error to one another, increasing the level of
employee theft. method. flexibility when planning an installa-
NIJ Standard 0601.02 tion site.
Automated frequency function
The Metor 6S complies with NIJ selects the optimum operating
Standard 0601.02, fulfilling the frequency for the installation
requirements for corrections and environment or in case of side-by- Markets
law enforcement agencies. Preset side use of more than one unit.
Law Enforcement
programs which meet the different Preset Detection Programs – The
security levels defined by NIJ are Metor 6S is delivered with multiple
immediately available. preset detection programs for the Loss Prevention
different levels of NIJ-0601.02 as
Independent Zones
well as for the detection of small
Provide for:
magnetic or non-magnetic items and
Superior discrimination objects made of mixed alloys, ready
Reliable detection of to use immediately.
threat items Random Alarm Function
High traffic throughput The Metor 6S has a random alarm
Reliable location of function that enables security
threats personnel to randomly choose
individuals for an additional security
With the new dual random alarm
feature, people who cause a normal
alarm are also subject to a random
850 mm (33.5”)
710 mm (28”)
Safety Standards The Metor 6S meets with the limits set by international standards
for human safety. Safe for wearers of heart pacemakers, pregnant
women and magnetic recording materials.
2240 mm (88.2”)
2050 mm (80.7”)
Other Standards The Metor 6S complies with NIJ Standard 0601.02, fulfilling the
requirements for corrections and law enforcement agencies.
Traffic Lights: to assist in the smooth flow of people through the machine. WEB
Rapiscan Systems is
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
ONE COMPANY - TOTAL SECURITY www.rapiscansystems.com
M6S-002 022312