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Caribbean Studies SPEC 2014 (1) Paper

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SPEC 2014/0211010

Unit 1  Paper 01

1 hour 30 minutes


1. This specimen paper consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes
to answer them.

2. In addition to the test booklet, you should have an answer sheet.

3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D).
Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best.

4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and
shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the
sample item below.

Sample Item

Which of the following political ideologies emphasizes market-led development?

(A) Marxism Sample Answer

(B) Socialism

(C) Capitalism
(D) Communism

The best answer to this item is “Capitalism”, so (C) has been shaded.


Copyright © 2014 Caribbean Examinations Council

All rights reserved.2


1. Which Amerindian group settled in Central America in pre-Columbian times?

(A) Maya

(B) Tainos

(C) Ciboneys

(D) Kalinagos

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Caribbean society?

(A) Cultural diversity

(B) Social stratification

(C) Cultural homogeneity

(D) Cultural hybridization

3. The practice of using indigenous labour in the Caribbean in exchange for

conversion to Christianity is referred to as:

(A) asiento
(B) genocide

(C) encomienda

(D) indentureship

4. Which of the following is NOT a method of preventing soil erosion?

(A) Afforestation

(B) Deforestation

(C) Crop rotation

(D) Contour ploughing

5. Which of the following is an indigenous Caribbean art form?

(A) Rap

(B) Jazz

(C) R & B

(D) Reggae

6. Which of the following is an example of material culture?

(A) Food

(B) Norms

(C) Symbol

(D) Language
7. “Social structures, groups and institutions work together towards achieving
social stability, and ensuring that the collective will of the members of society is

This statement BEST summarizes which view of society?

(A) Marxist

(B) Socialist

(C) Interpretive

(D) Functionalist

8. Eurocentric ideals of society are BEST reflected in the ideology of:

(A) Hinduism

(B) Garveyism

(C) Functionalism

(D) Rastafarianism

9. Creolization is a function of Caribbean society MAINLY because of the:

(A) Ability to tolerate other cultures

(B) Merging of cultures to retain identity

(C) Tendency towards social exclusivity

(D) Need of the oppressed to gain recognition

10. Mulattos formed the middle layer of plantation society MAINLY because they


(A) Creole mothers

(B) European fathers

(C) European mothers

(D) Amerindian parents

11. Which of the following is the BEST example of cultural retention?

(A) Video games for entertainment

(B) Microwave ovens for cooking

(C) Hammocks in the porch for relaxation

(D) European names used by Caribbean People

12. The declaration of Emancipation Day on August 1 as a public holiday by

several Caribbean countries is an attempt at cultural

(A) Erasure

(B) Retention

(C) Diversity

(D) Rehabilitation
13. The presence of Indian dishes, like roti and doubles in Trinidad and Tobago
and Guyana, that are not found in India is MOST likely evidence of

(A) Creolization

(B) Globalization

(C) Racial unification

(D) Social integration

14. Every year after carnival celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago, Mike Antoine
takes some of his local band members to participate in Notting Hill, Caribana and
Labour Day festivities. Mr. Antoine’s actions are a good example of the:

(A) Underutilization of local culture

(B) Overexploitation of local culture

(C) Dominance of metropolitan culture

(D) Influence of local culture on the diaspora

15. Marxists regard religion as the ‘opiate’ of the people because it:

(A) Helps the poor

(B) Makes the population happy

(C) Allows suffering of the poor

(D) Allows exploitation of the poor with rewards promised in the afterlife
16. The movement started by Aimé Cesaire which focused on black consciousness
and pride was referred to as:

(A) Rastafari

(B) Negritude

(C) Code Noir

(D) Pan-Africanism

17. The Gini Index is used to measure:

(A) Energy

(B) Sociability

(C) Inequality

(D) Productivity

18. Which of the following is NOT a feature of globalization?

(A) E-commerce

(B) Protectionism

(C) Commercialization

(D) Trade liberalization

19. The concept of black consciousness was first popularized in the Caribbean by

(A) Haile Selassie

(B) Marcus Garvey

(C) William Du Bois

(D) Martin Luther King

20. Which of the following is an indicator used to compare the distribution of
wealth within a population?

(A) Gini coefficient

(B) Gross national product

(C) Gross domestic product

(D) Human development index

21. The person PRIMARILY associated with industrialization by invitation in the

Caribbean is:

(A) Aimé Cesaire

(B) Marcus Garvey

(C) Sir Arthur Lewis

(D) Uriah Buzz Butler

22. Acknowledging that people of the same ethnic group faced similar problems is
a main impact of:

(A) Trade unions

(B) Political parties

(C) Pan-Africanism

(D) The University of the West Indies

23. Sustainable tourism CANNOT be encouraged by utilizing:

(A) Solar water heating

(B) Natural ventilation and lighting

(C) Environmental training for staff

(D) The coastline for the building of hotels

24. Caribbean feminists are interested in engendering Caribbean history in order


(A) Study male/ female relationships

(B) Devalue the historical achievements of men

(C) Oppose the traditional male-dominated roles in history

(D) Distort history in order to give women increased roles

25. ‘Industrialization by invitation’ was intended to benefit the Caribbean region in

which of the following ways?

I. Transferring managerial and technical skills to Caribbean people

II. Providing a cheap labour force for foreign investors

III. Diversifying the mainly agricultural-based economies

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only

(C) II and III only

(D) I, II and III

26. Research objectives are important because they:

(A) Contain dependent and independent variables

(B) Prove the relationship between variables

(C) Indicate the sources of information relevant to the study

(D) Guide the researcher in developing relevant research questions

27. The mass media can promote Caribbean integration by:

(A) Acting as a national watchdog

(B) Monitoring political development

(C) Supporting foreign film industries

(D) Promoting sports heroes in the Caribbean

28. Janice applied for a job as an instrument technician in an industrial estate

located in a Caribbean country. She was denied the position since as a Seventh Day
Adventist she could not work on Saturdays. This act of discrimination against
Janice is referred to as:

(A) Racism

(B) Sexism

(C) Classism

(D) Creedism

29. Ramesh is a passionate supporter of West Indian Cricket. However, he is very

upset because no player from his native land was selected for the West Indies
Cricket Team, and the stadium in his territory was not even chosen as a venue for
any of the matches. The above situation demonstrates that one of the MAJOR
challenges facing West Indies Cricket is:

(A) Insularity among supporters

(B) Competition for selection of venues

(C) Development of new skills and talent

(D) Conflict between management and players

Item 30 refers to the following conversation between two friends.

Alyssa: My favourite TV station is BET. I just love Beyoncé.

Zoia: Me too, and don’t you just love her clothes?

Alyssa: Oh yes, I want to look just like her.

30. The situation described above can BEST be described as:

(A) Assimilation

(B) Globalization

(C) Cultural erasure

(D) Cultural imperialism

31. Problem-solving research is MAINLY referred to as research that is

(A) Pure

(B) Applied

(C) Qualitative

(D) Systematic
32. An example of a primary source of information is information obtained from

(A) A letter

(B) A tribute

(C) A textbook

(D) An interview

33. Which of the following is NOT a scientific method of sampling?

(A) Random

(B) Systematic

(C) Probability

(D) Convenience

34. Systematic inquiry may be referred to as

(A) Applied research

(B) The scientific method

(C) The generation of new knowledge

(D) An in-depth analysis of complex situations using words

35. The MOST important function of the Literature Review in research is to:

(A) Clarify the problem statement

(B) Link the research to important writers

(C) Establish the major concepts in the review

(D) Provide information for the introduction

36. A hypothesis is BEST defined as a:

(A) Statement of the variables that the study is expected to analyze

(B) Prediction of the relationships between variables

(C) Description of the nature of the problem that is being investigated

(D) Question that identifies the problem and the methods of investigation

37. A valid source of secondary information for research in Caribbean Studies

would be:

(A) Textbooks

(B) Interviews

(C) Observations

(D) Questionnaires

38. Jack presented his data using text and tabulation. This demonstrates a mix of

(A) Validity and reliability measures

(B) Qualitative and quantitative approaches

(C) Probability and non-probability sampling

(D) Comparison and categorization analysis

39. Which of the following should be considered when identifying a topic for

I. Was the problem previously researched?

II. Is the problem researchable and manageable?

III. Is the problem an issue of significance to the government?

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only

(C) II and III only

(D) I, II and III

40. Which of the following statements is a hypothesis?

(A) Examine the causes of obesity in St John’s Village

(B) What are the causes of youth violence in Mt Hope Village?

(C) To what extent has pollution affected the village of Mt Deaux?

(D) The use of alcohol is responsible for the poor performance of students at St
John’s High School

41. One MAJOR advantage of a review of existing literature is that it provides:

(A) Related material

(B) Background information

(C) Specialist contact information

(D) Timely theoretical perspectives

42. A sixth form student is conducting research on the reasons why students are not
doing their homework. Which sampling method would be MOST effective in
ensuring that the views of students at all levels are represented?
43. Max is conducting research on the topic “The effects of illegal drugs among
teenagers”. In determining whether to use participant observation or
questionnaires, Max’s MAIN consideration could be:

I. Reliability

II. Sample size

III. Ethical issues

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only

(C) II and IIII only

(D) I, II and III

44. A series of fights have occurred in a school. An investigation was carried out in
which students were interviewed on the cause of the fights. The data would BEST
be presented using:

(A) Text

(B) Tables

(C) Charts

(D) Graphs

45. A teacher wishes to carry out an investigation on the types of food consumed
by first form students at a high school. She wants an unbiased sample.

What type of sampling should she use?

(A) Random

(B) Stratified

(C) Purposive

(D) Convenience




Solution set









10 b

11 c

12 b

13 a

14 d

15 b

16 b

17 c

18 b

19 b

20 a

21 c

22 c

23 d

24 c
25 b

26 d

27 d

28 d

29 a

30 a

31 b

32 d

33 d

34 b

35 b

36 b

37 a

38 b

39 c

40 d

41 d

42 d

43 b

44 b

45 a

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