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Evaluation of Psychiatric Morbidity in The Community Through Application of Schedule For Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (Scan)

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Research Article


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P. K. Chaudhury, Dhrubajyoti Bhuyan

Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam India.

Background: Hospital based reports do not reflect prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in the community. Even the lack of knowl-
edge and stigma associated with mental disorders cause hindrance to avail hospital services. Community based survey in a well
defined sample is the right and appropriate approach for proper estimation of prevalence of such illnesses.
Aims: To estimate the prevalence of psychiatric illnesses in the community and to study the socio demographic co-relates of
the positive cases.
Methods: 10% of participants from the pool of three thousand (3,000) respondents recruited for World Mental Health (WMH)
Survey were selected, by using systemic random sampling method and psychopathology was tested by using the translated
Assamese version of Schedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN).
Results: The prevalence of psychiatric morbidity in the community was found to be 13.18%, with Alcohol Use Disorder being
the most common psychiatric morbidity.
Conclusion: Alcohol Use Disorders are the commonest psychiatric morbidity (4.39%) in the study population followed by De-
pression (3.38%), Anxiety (1.69%) and Psychosis (1.69%). The figures reflect only the point prevalence of the diseases.
Key Words: Psychiatric morbidity, Clinical assessment, Composite international diagnostic interview

INTRODUCTION nity, like Diagnostic Interview Schedule (DIS) (1981)

and Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI)
Psychiatric conditions are a growing public health con- (1993), which can be used by trained non-mental health
cern, – they are responsible for little more than 1% of professionals, the results obtained by application of such
deaths and accounts for about 11% of disease burden1. instruments may not also be able to identify the actual
magnitude of the illness. However, the diagnosis made
Though psychiatric conditions are well known to impose
by application of another sophisticated instrument called
a great burden to the sufferer, family and also to the so-
Schedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry
ciety, mental health is still the most neglected portion of
(SCAN) adopted by WHO requires trained mental health
the spectrum of health2. May be due to lack of aware-
professionals and is recognized as a valid and reliable
ness and associated social stigma, patients even if they
are suffering for a longer period hesitate to present to
psychiatrists3. Therefore, what we see in the clinical set- Therefore the current study attempts to estimate the
up is probably the tip of the iceberg; the actual problem prevalence of psychiatric illnesses in the community
may be much more greater than one can anticipate. So, through application of this instrument. This instrument
proper evaluation of psychiatric morbidity is a necessity was applied in its translated Assamese version to see its
for any intervention to be taken. applicability and any technical problem in the adminis-
tration in a small-defined population.
Although there are various instruments designed to
study the epidemiology of mental illness in the commu-

Corresponding Author:
Dr. DhrubajyotiAuthor:
Bhuyan, Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh, Assam, India
Anil Pawar, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, D.A.V. College for Girls, Yamunanagar (Haryana); Mobile:919467604205;
Pin 786002; Mob: 9435030212; E-mail:
Received: 15.05.2015 Revised: 09.06.2015 Accepted: 28.06.2015
Received: 16.6.2014 Revised: 11.7.2014 Accepted: 29.7.2014

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AIMS AND OBJECTIVES and problems associated with basic bodily functions and
use of Alcohol and other Substance use, while Part II con-
The aims and objectives of the study are tains Psychotic and Cognitive disorders and observed ab-
normalities of speech, affect and behaviour. The instru-
1. To estimate the prevalence of mental disorders in
ment was translated into Assamese and adopted after
the community.
testing the inter-rater reliability which was found to be
2. To study the socio-demographic correlates of the
of higher order.
positive cases.

Place of Study:
METHODOLOGY The study was conducted in the rural and urban areas of
Dibrugarh District having a total population of 2,08,548
Sample Selection: households according to the 2001 census.
The samples for the study were drawn from a prede-
termined sample for another study – The World Men- Procedure:
tal Health (WMH) Survey, conducted by the WHO. The The Study was undertaken after receiving ethical clear-
WMH study was completed in the Department of Psy- ance of Institutional ethical committee of Assam Medical
chiatry, Assam Medical College and Hospital, Dibrugarh College and Hospital, Dibrugarh
in the month of October 2004. This study has the ad-
vantage of having a meticulously worked out sample of For the purpose of the study, a SCAN trainer who had
3000 households, which was made on the basis of sam- been trained in New Delhi trained five PG students from
ple proportion to size. From this pool of 3000 households the Department of Psychiatry, Assam Medical College
the sample for our study was drawn by using systematic and Hospital Dibrugarh.
random sampling method (every 10th sample). The in-
Informed consent was obtained from each respondent
vestigators were blind about the diagnostic status of the
before evaluation. Those respondents suffering from de-
sample, which has already been evaluated by the WMH
bilitating systemic illness were excluded from the study.
– CIDI in the study mentioned above.
The diagnosis was obtained by using the diagnostic algo-
Size of the Sample: rithm of SCAN.
We have selected a sample of Three hundred respond-
ents by using the method mentioned above.
Inclusion Criteria: Though our original sample size was 300, 4 respondents
1. Age: 18 years and above were excluded from the study due to their debilitating
2. Sex: Both sexes. physical illnesses as per the criteria. Therefore effective
Exclusion Criteria: sample size reduced to (300 – 4) = 296.
1. Age: Below 18 years. 181 male & 115 female respondents participated in the
2. Respondents with chronic debilitating illness. study and their age wise distribution is shown in table 1:
Instruments Used: Table 1: Distribution of samples according to age
Schedule for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry and sex.
(SCAN): It is an instrument for assessing, measuring and
Age group Male Female
classifying major psychiatric illnesses, It was developed
in the framework of the World Health Organization and < 20 1 4
the National Institute of Health joint project on Diagnosis
and Classification of Mental Disorders, Alcohol and Drug 20 - <30 37 28
related problems. It consists of four parts: 30 - <40 45 36
1. The Tenth Edition of Present State Examination 40 - <50 36 26
2. The Glossary of Differential Definitions. 50 - <60 34 11
3. The Item Group Checklist (IGC)
60 and above 28 10
4. Clinical History Schedule (CHS)
PSE 10 itself has two parts, Part I covers Somatoform, Total 181 115
Dissociative, Anxiety, Depressive and bipolar disorders

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The study was conducted in both urban & rural areas of Table 5: Prevalence of Psychiatric illness in the com-
Dibrugarh District. As many as 255 ( 86.15%) respond- munity.
ents hailed from rural areas and only 41 (13.85%) were No of
from urban area. This is depicted in table 2: Total posi-
Variable %
Sample tive
Table 2: Distribution of study group according to cases
Overall 296 39 13.18
Locality Male Female Total
Male 181 24 13.26
Urban 25 16 41 Female 115 15 13.04

Rural 156 99 255 <20 05 Nil Nil

20 - <30 65 07 10.77
Total 181 115 296 30 - <40 81 11 13.58
40 - <50 62 11 17.74
Table 3 shows marital status of the respondents partici- 50 - <60 45 07 15.56
pating in the study: 60 and above 38 03 7.89
Table 3: Distribution of study group according to Urban 41 05 12.20
marital status. Locality
Rural 255 34 13.33
Status Male Female Total
00 46 07 15.22
Married 152 86 238 1–4 30 05 16.67
Yrs of formal
Unmarried 28 20 48 education 5–7 30 06 20
8 – 10 122 14 11.48
Widow Nil 09 09
10 + 68 07 10.29
Divorced 01 Nil 01
Distribution of positive cases according to various diagnostic
Total 181 115 296
groups is shown in table 6:

The educational status was measured in terms of years

of formal education and the distribution of the samples Table 6: Distribution of positive cases by diagnostic
according to this variable is shown in table 4: groups:
Diagnosis Male Female Total %
Table 4: Distribution of study group according to
educational status: Alcohol Use
13 7.18% Nil Nil 13 4.39
Educational status:
(rs of formal educa- Male Female ToTAL Anxiety Disor-
02 1.10% 03 2.61% 05 1.69
tion) ders
Depression 03 1.66% 07 6.09% 10 3.38
0 21 25 46
Mixed Anxiety
1–4 23 07 30 and Depres- Nil Nil 03 2.61% 03 1.01
5–7 20 10 30 sion

8 – 10 70 52 122 Dementia Nil Nil 01 0.87% 01 0.34

10 + 47 21 68 Psychosis 04 2.21% 01 0.87% 05 1.69

Obsession 01 0.55% 01 0.87% 02 0.68
Our study shows 13.18% prevalence on psychiatric ill-
nesses including mental and behavioural disorders due Total 24 13.26% 15 13.04% 39 13.18
to use of alcohol. Alcohol related mental problems alone
Positive cases found in the psychotic group which includes-
have the prevalence on 4.38% and this accounts for Acute and Transient Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Bipolar
about 33.33% of the total psychiatric morbidity. Affective Disorder in the following order:
Acute and Transient Psychosis = 01
Schizophrenia = 03
Bipolar Affective Disorder = 01

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Table 7: Distribution of patients in the psychotic

Type of Psychosis Male Female Total

Acute and Transient Psychosis Nil 01 01

Schizophrenia 03 00 03

Bipolar Affective Disorders 01 Nil 01

04 00 05

Alcohol related mental and behavioural problems ac-

counts for about 33.33% of all the psychiatric morbid-
ity followed by Depression, which accounts for about
25.64%, Anxiety and Psychosis each contributes to Figure 1: Distribution of Positive Cases as per diagnostic
12.82% of all psychiatric morbidity. groups (Pie Diagram)

Distributions of positive cases are shown according to various sociodemographic variables in table 8 to table 11:

Table 8: Age wise distribution of patients in various diagnostic groups:

Age Depression Anxiety Mixed Anxiety & Alcohol use Psychosis Obsession Dementia
group Depression Disorders
<20 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
20 to <30 Nil 03 Nil 01 03 Nil Nil
30 to <40 04 02 01 01 02 01 Nil

40 to <50 03 Nil 02 05 Nil 01 Nil

50 to <60 03 Nil Nil 04 Nil Nil Nil
60 and Nil Nil Nil 02 Nil Nil 01

Table 9: Distribution of positive cases according to literacy:

Years of
Mixed Anxiety Alcohol use
formal educa- Depression Anxiety Psychosis Obsession Dementia
& Depression Disorders
0 04 Nil 01 01 Nil Nil 01
1 –4 Nil Nil Nil 03 02 Nil Nil
5–7 01 01 Nil 02 01 01 Nil
8 – 10 02 03 01 06 01 01 Nil
10 + 02 01 01 01 01 Nil Nil

Table 10: Distribution of positive cases according to locality:

Mixed Anxiety Alcohol use
Locality Depression Anxiety Psychosis Obsession Dementia
& Depression Disorder

RURAL 08 03 03 11 05 02 01

URBAN 01 02 Nil 02 Nil Nil Nil

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Table 11: Distribution of positive cases according to marital status:

Mixed Anxiety Alcohol use
Status Depression Anxiety Psychosis Obsession Dementia
& Depression Disorder

Married 06 03 03 10 04 02 Nil

Unmarr-ied 02 02 Nil 02 01 Nil Nil

widow 02 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 01

Divorced Nil Nil Nil 01 Nil Nil Nil

Data analysis:
I. Analysis based on age wise distribution
According to the statistical analysis based on age wise distribution of the positive cases the following results
were obtained –

Table 12 a: Correlation of Psychiatric illnesses with age and education

Diagnosis Age Years of Formation
r Sig (2 tailed) r Sig (2 tailed)
Depression 0.230 0.662 0.000 1.000
Anxiety -.0442 0.382 0.700 0.188
Mixed Anxiety Disorder 0.064 0.904 0.293 0.633
Alcohol Use Disorder 0.633 0.177 0.277 0.652
Psychosis 0.193 0.704 0.195 0.753
OCD 0.000 1.000 0.363 0.548
Dementia 0.655 0.158 -0.705 0.184

According to the statistical analysis co- relation between common in early adult ages. However, statistical analysis
age and depression was found to be 0.230, which indi- shows no linear co-relation between Age and Obsession.
cates that as the age increases the occurrence of Depres-
sion also increases and it its percentage of increment is Positive co-relation was found between Years of Formal
23%. Such type of positive co-relations were also found Education and Anxiety, the co-relation coefficient being
with Mixed Anxiety Depression, Alcohol Use Disorder, 0.700. A negative co-relation of –0.705 was found be-
Psychosis and Dementia: tween Years of Formal Education and Dementia. Obses-
sion, Psychosis, Mixed Anxiety Depression and Alcohol
o Co-relation between Age and Mixed Anxiety De- Use Disorder also show a positive co-relation with lit-
pression = 0.064 eracy.
o Co-relation between Age and Alcohol Use Disor-
der = 0.633 o Co-relation between Years of Formal Education
o Co-relation between Age and Psychosis and Obsession = 0.363
= 0.193 o Co-relation between Years of Formal Education
o Co-relation between Age and Dementia and Mixed Anxiety Depression = 0.293
= 0.655 o Co-relation between Years of Formal Education
This indicates these disorders are related to age and they and
increase as the age progresses. Alcohol Use Disorder = 0.277
o Co-relation between Years of Formal Education
However, a negative co-relation (-0.442) was found and Psychosis = 0.195
between Age and Anxiety indicating that as the Age in- However, no co-relation was shown to occur between
creases prevalence of Anxiety decreases and its percent- Years of Formal Education and Depression.
age of decrease is 44.2%, in other words Anxiety is more

33 Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 13 • July 2015

Chaudhury et. al.: Evaluation of psychiatric morbidity in the community through application of schedule for clinical assessment...

Our study shows point prevalence of 13.18% psychiat- Authors acknowledge the immense help received from
ric illnesses including Alcohol Use Disorders, which is in the scholars whose articles are cited and included in ref-
keeping with the study- NIMH – Epidemiological Catch- erences of this manuscript. The authors are also grateful
ment Area (ECA) Programme (1984) conducted in USA, to authors / editors / publishers of all those articles, jour-
which showed 1-month prevalence of psychiatric illness- nals and books from where the literature for this article
es being 15.14%4. has been reviewed and discussed.

Alcohol Abuse and Dependence were found to be the

most common psychiatric condition in this part of the
country accounting for about 33.33% of all psychiatric REFERENCES
illnesses. This is most common in males and incidentally 1. Murrey C J L and Lopez AD, Summary Global Burden of
we have not found any female alcoholic during our study, Disease and Injury Series Global Burden of Disease a com-
this was probably because we were handicapped with a prehensive assessment of mortality and disability from dis-
small sample size. Depression was the second common eases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected to
psychiatric morbidity in the community and majority of 2020 The Harvard School of Public Health on Behalf of The
the sufferers were the females. Though the sample size World Health Organization And The World Bank.
was small the detection of the cases with the help of 2. WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (2005) Mental health:
facing the challenges, building solutions Report from the
SCAN was very meticulous and the results were in ac-
WHO European Ministerial Conference WHO Regional of-
cordance with the other standard literature5,6,7. fice for Europe Scherfigsvej 8 DK-2100 Copenhagen, Den-
Though our study samples were drawn from the pool
3. ����������������������������������������������������������
Stier A and Hinshaw SP, (2007) Explicit and Implicit Stig-
of respondents recruited for the WMH (World Mental ma Against Individuals With Mental Illness, Australian Psy-
Health) Survey which was done by using another instru- chologist 42(2), 106-117.
ment (CIDI) which was completed in the Department 4. Eaton WW, Holzer CE, Von Korff M et al (1984): The Design
of Psychiatry, Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh during Of The Epidemiologic Catchment Area Survey; Archives of
2002 – 2004 with support from WHO and Ministry of General Psychiatry: 41: 942-948.
Health, Government of India. The two results could not 5. Regier DA, Myers JK, Kramer M et al (1984) The NIMH Epi-
be compared as the data of the WMH Survey are under demiologic Catchment Area Program; Archives of General
process of analysis at WHO headquarters, and results are Psychiatry: 41: 934-941.
6. ������������������������������������������������������
Robbins LN, Helzer JE, Weissman MM et al (1984): Life-
yet to be published. Hopefully the two results may be
time Prevalence of Specific Psychiatric Disorders in Three
compared once the WMH results are published. Sites; Archives of General Psychiatry: 41:949-958.
7. Dr. Kulkarni AP and Dr. Baride J P (2002): Textbook of
Limitation: Community Medicine, 2nd Edition; Vora Medical Publica-
1. Sample size was too small for a community-based tion, Mumbai.
2. Burden of disease was not assessed.
3. Utilization of health services for various mental
illnesses was not studied.
4. The study does not reflect the course of illness, as
it was a cross-sectional study.

Epidemiological studies involving this type of sophisti-
cated instrument are quite a few in the world and ours
is one of its kinds in this part of the country. Although
the sample size was small the case detection with the
help of SCAN was very meticulous and the results were
in accordance with the standard literature. The trans-
lated Assamese version of SCAN was found to be very
useful and no technical problems during its application
was met with. This study is expected to be a guide in the
field of Community Based Study and inspire the future
generation for a more comprehensive study in the field
of Mental Health Disorders.

Int J Cur Res Rev | Vol 7 • Issue 13 • July 2015 34

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