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Chapter 9 - Developing A Compensation Plan PDF

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1. Explain how to formulate a strategic compensation program.

2. Indicate how pay is determined.
3. Know how to effectively perform a job evaluation.
4. Explain the purpose of a wage survey.
5. Define the wage curve, pay grades, and rate ranges as parts of the
compensation structure.
6. Understand the importance of using a compensation scorecard.
7. Identify the major provisions of the federal laws affecting compensation.
• Pay is a statement of an employee’s worth by an employer.
• Pay is a perception of worth by an employee.
Total Compensation

Direct Indirect
Time Not Worked
Wages / Salaries • Vacations
• Breaks
• Holidays
Insurance Plans
• Medical
Bonuses • Dental
• Life
Security Plans
• Pensions

Employee Services
• Educational assistance
• Recreational programs
Supply of applicants affects
Aid or impair recruitment Recruitment wage rates

Selection standards affect

Pay rates affect selectivity Selection level of pay required

Training and Increased knowledge leads

Pay can motivate training
Development to higher pay

Training and development may Compensation A basis for determining

lead to higher pay Management employee’s rate of pay

Low pay encourages Pay rates determined

Labor Relations through negotiation
 Strategic Compensation
 Links the compensation of employees to the mission, objectives,
philosophies, and culture of the organization.
 Serves to mesh the monetary payments made to employees with specific
functions of the HR program in establishing a pay-for-performance
 Seeks to motivate employees through compensation.
Value-added Compensation
 Evaluating the individual components of the compensation program (pay and

benefits) to see if they advance the needs of employees and the goals of the

 “How does this compensation practice benefit the organization?”

 “Does the benefit offset the administrative cost?”

1. To reward employees’ past performance

2. To remain competitive in the labor market

3. To maintain salary equity among employees

4. To mesh employees’ future performance with organizational goals

5. To control the compensation budget

6. To attract new employees

7. To reduce unnecessary turnover

1. The rate of pay within the organization and whether it is to be above, below, or at the
prevailing community rate.

2. The ability of the pay program to gain employee acceptance while motivating employees
to perform to the best of their abilities.

3. The pay level at which employees may be recruited and the pay differential between new
and more senior employees.

4. The intervals at which pay raises are to be granted and the extent to which merit and/or
seniority will influence the raises.

5. The pay levels needed to facilitate the achievement of a sound financial position in
relation to the products or services offered.
Pay-for-Performance Standard

• The standard by which managers tie compensation to employee effort and performance.

• Refers to a wide range of compensation options, including merit-based pay, bonuses,

salary commissions, job and pay banding, team/group incentives, and various
gainsharing programs.
• How will performance be measured?
• How will monies to be allocated for compensation increases.
• Which employees will be eligible?
• How will payouts be made?
• How often will payouts occur?
• How large will the payouts be?
• Will employees perceive the rewards as valued?
Pay Equity (also Distributive Fairness)
• An employee’s perception that compensation received is equal to
the value of the work performed.
• A motivation theory that explains how people respond to
situations in which they feel they have received less (or more)
than they deserve.
- Individuals form a ratio of their inputs to outcomes in their
job and then compare the value of that ratio with the value of
the ratio for other individuals in similar jobs.
Expectancy Theory

• A theory of motivation that holds that employees should exert

greater work effort if they have reason to expect that it will result
in a reward that they value.

• Employees also must believe that good performance is valued by

their employer and will result in their receiving the expected
Pay Secrecy
• An organizational policy prohibiting employees from revealing their compensation
information to anyone.
- Creates misperceptions and distrust of compensation fairness and pay-
for-performance standards.
• Arguments against secrecy:
- Knowledge of base pay is the strongest predictor of pay satisfaction,
which is highly associated with work engagement
- Knowledge of base pay more strongly predicts pay satisfaction than
does the actual amount of pay received by employees.
Hourly Work
• Work paid on an hourly basis.
• Work paid according to the number of units produced.
Salary Workers
• Employees whose compensation is computed on the basis of weekly,
biweekly, or monthly pay periods.
Nonexempt Employees
• Employees covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA).
• They must be paid time and one-half their regular pay for all work
performed after forty regular hours of work in a workweek.
Exempt Employees
• Employees who not covered in the overtime provisions of the Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
• Managers, supervisors, and white-collar professional employees are
exempted on the basis of their exercise of independent judgment and
other criteria.
Employer’s Compensation Strategy

 Establishes the internal wage relationship among jobs and skill levels

 Sets organization compensation policy to lead, lag, or match competitors’


 Rewards employee performance

 Guides administrative decisions concerning elements of the pay system

such as overtime premiums, payment periods, and short-term or long-
term incentives.
Worth of a Job

• Establishing the internal wage relationship among jobs and skill


Employee’s Relative Worth

• Rewarding individual employee performance

Employer’s Ability-to-Pay

• Having the resources and profits to pay employees.

Labor Market Conditions
 Availability and quality of potential employees is affected by economic

conditions, government regulations and policies, and the presence of


Area Wage Rates

 A firm’s formal wage structure of rates is influenced by those being

paid by other area employers for comparable jobs.

Cost of Living
 Local housing and environmental conditions can cause wide variations
in the cost of living for employees.
 Inflation can require that compensation rates be adjusted upward
periodically to help employees maintain their purchasing power.

Consumer Price Index (CPI)

 A Bureau of Labor Statistics measure of the average change in prices
over time in a fixed “market basket” of goods and services
Collective Bargaining
 Escalator clauses in labor agreements provide for quarterly upward cost-of-

living (COLA) wage adjustments for inflation to protect employees’

purchasing power.

 Unions bargain for real wage increases that raise the standard of living for

their members.

 Real wages are increases larger than rises in the consumer price index; that

is, the real earning power of wages.

Job Evaluation

The systematic process of determining the relative worth of jobs in order

to establish which jobs should be paid more than others within an
a) Job Ranking System

 Oldest system of job evaluation by which jobs are arrayed on the basis
of their relative worth.
 Disadvantages

 Does not provide a precise measure of each job’s worth.

 Final job rankings indicate the relative importance of jobs, not the
extent of differences between jobs.
 Method can used to consider only a reasonably small number of jobs.
b) Job Classification system

 A system of job evaluation in which jobs are classified and grouped

according to a series of predetermined wage grades.

 Successive grades require increasing amounts of job responsibility,

skill, knowledge, ability, or other factors selected to compare jobs.

c) Point System

 A quantitative job evaluation procedure that determines the relative value of a

job by the total points assigned to it.

 Permits jobs to be evaluated quantitatively on the basis of factors or

elements—compensable factors—that constitute the job.

The Point Manual

 A handbook that contains a description of the compensable factors and the

degrees to which these factors may exist within the jobs.

d) Work Valuation

 A job evaluation system that seeks to measure a job’s worth through its value to the


 Jobs are be valued relative to financial, operational, or customer service objectives of

the organization.
 Considers that work should be valued relative to the business goals of the organization

rather than by an internally applied point-factor job evaluation system.

 Work valuation serves to direct compensation dollars to the type of work pivotal to

organizational goals.
e) Job Evaluation for Management Positions (Hay Profile Method)

 Job evaluation technique using three factors—knowledge, mental activity, and

—to evaluate executive and managerial positions.
(A) Wage and Salary Survey

 A survey of the wages paid to employees of other employers in the

surveying organization’s relevant labor market.

 Helps maintain internal and external pay equity for employees.

Outside Sources of Data
 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)

 National Compensation Survey

 State and local wage surveys

 Online survey data

Problems with Surveys

 They are not always compatible with the user’s jobs

 The user cannot specify what specific data to collect.

Wage Curve

 A curve in a scatter gram representing the relationship between relative worth of jobs and
wage rates.

Pay Grades

 Groups of jobs within a particular class that are paid the same rate.

Rate Ranges

 A range of rates for each pay grade that may be the same for each grade or proportionately
greater for each successive grade.
Competence-based Pay, (also skill-based pay or knowledge-based pay)
 Compensation for the different skills or increased knowledge employees
possess rather than for the job they hold in a designated job category.
 Greater productivity, increased employee learning and commitment to
work, improved staffing flexibility to meet production or service
demands, and the reduced effects of absenteeism and turnover,

 Collapses many traditional salary grades into a few wide salary bands.
• Assessing the effectiveness of your compensation system is vitally important
to linking compensation with strategy.

• Measures:

• help the company detect potential compensation problems,

• make compensation decisions more transparent, and

• improve the alignment of compensation decisions with organizational

• The compensation scorecard collects and displays the results for all the
measures that a company uses to monitor and compare compensation
among internal departments or units.

• The scorecard creates a comparative tool within the organization that

can reinforce desired outcomes that are unique to the company’s

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