Bobcat E16 Mini Excavator
Bobcat E16 Mini Excavator
Bobcat E16 Mini Excavator
by Ettore Zanatta
at your fingertips
Bobcat recently launched version of this model is offers precise movements E16 mini excavator can
two new and improved complete with auxiliary and rapid cycle time. be transported on trailers
versions of the successful hydraulic system with a In this way its various towed by pick-ups and
1-2 T class E14 and 30 l/min flow rate and accessories can be fully vans, or even by medium-
E16 mini excavators two-way control with quick utilised. Thanks to its small size cars. The E16 mini
on the market. Starting and fluid response that size and light weight, the excavator is powered by
with their extraordinary
reliability and life,
E16 Limited Edition
proven comfort for the
operator and the already Celebrations in grand style!
outstanding performance
of the previous models, The E16 Limited Edition boasts an exclusive design
the new and improved for celebrating the 25-year anniversary of Bobcat mini
models offer a number of excavators. This 1.6 t mini excavator is marked by an
innovations and optional exclusive look that ideally ties it to the loading blades of
features designed to the famous and esteemed M Series. This special version
further enhance overall offers performance and comfort very similar to that of the
comfort, in addition to new E16 mini excavator, but that is enriched with a wider
new, top quality design range of standard equipment. A true collector's piece!
components and solutions
and a new exterior look in
line with that of the other
Bobcat E Series mini
1-2. When completely forces that the machine is protected from collisions forces, but also improves
retracted, the able to supply with accessories or stones the resistance of the
undercarriage allows the transported in the bucket. cylinder and significantly
excavator to go through 5. The large steel rear The extra reliability this lengthens its operating
narrow spaces. Then door ensures easy access configuration offers is life. Use of the four-plate
when it is completely to all components that particularly important for box-type section profile
extended it supplies top have to undergo daily small excavators, where makes internal welding
stability, particularly along maintenance so that the boom and accessory possible, which improves
the sides. Extension and machine downtime is are close to each other the resistance of the boom
retraction are simple cut to a minimum 6. and the dependability of
and quick, and are The protective door, 8. all hoses and lines - the work assembly
commanded by an electric which also serves as a including the auxiliary
switch located on the counterweight, is made lines - are canalized
control panel of 6-mm-thick steel. It inside the boom and arm;
entirely covers the rear this solution protects
3-4. in addition to use end of the mini excavator, the hydraulic lines and
on the front, the long is made of hardened steel improves visibility for the
dozer blade significantly and ensures excellent operator
improves forward high resistance
excavator stability, 9. The increased cylinder
allowing the operator to 7. Located above the diameter not only boosts
fully use the breakout boom, the cylinder is the work assembly
The increased unloading height of the E16 mini
excavator simplifies operations of loading large lorries,
while the ground range eliminates the need for frequent
repositioning while digging
The Bobcat E16 mini excavator