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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Volume 2011, Article ID 650263, 6 pages

Original Article
Electroacupuncture at the Zusanli (ST-36) Acupoint Induces
a Hypoglycemic Effect by Stimulating the Cholinergic Nerve in
a Rat Model of Streptozotocine-Induced Insulin-Dependent
Diabetes Mellitus

Yu-Chen Lee,1, 2 Te-Mao Li,2 Chung-Yuh Tzeng,3 Ying-I Chen,4 Wai-Jane Ho,4
Jaung-Geng Lin,2 and Shih-Liang Chang2, 4
1 Department of Acupuncture, China Medical University Hospital, Taiwan
2 Schoolof Chinese Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung City, Taiwan
3 Department of Orthopedics, Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Taichung City, Taiwan
4 Department of Medicinal Botanicals and Health Care, Da-Yeh University, Chunghwa County, Taiwan

Correspondence should be addressed to Shih-Liang Chang,

Received 21 August 2009; Accepted 19 May 2010

Copyright © 2011 Yu-Chen Lee et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Animal studies have shown that electroacupuncture (EA) at Zusanli (ST-36) and Zhongwan (CV-12) acupoints reduces plasma
glucose concentrations in rats with type II diabetes. However, whether EA reduces plasma glucose levels in type I diabetes is still
unknown. In this study, we explore the various non-insulin-dependent pathways involved in EA-induced lowering of plasma
glucose. Streptozotocin (STZ) (60 mg kg−1 , i.v.) was administered via the femoral vein to induce insulin-dependent diabetes
in non-adrenalectomized and in adrenalectomomized rats. EA (15 Hz) was applied for 30 min to bilateral ST-36 acupoints
after administration of Atropine (0.1 mg kg−1 i.p.), Eserine (0.01 mg kg−1 i.p.), or Hemicholinium-3 (5 μg kg−1 i.p.) in non-
adrenalectomized rats. Rats administered acetylcholine (0.01 mg kg−1 i.v.) did not undergo EA. Adrenalectomized rats underwent
EA at bilateral ST-36 acupoints without further treatment. Blood samples were drawn from all rats before and after EA to measure
changes in plasma glucose levels. Expression of insulin signaling proteins (IRS1, AKT2) in atropine-exposed rats before and after
EA was measured by western blot. Atropine and hemicholinium-3 completely blocked the plasma glucose lowering effects of EA,
whereas eserine led to a significant hypoglycemic response. In addition, plasma glucose levels after administration of acetylcholine
were significantly lower than the fasting glucose levels. In STZ-adrenalectomized rats, EA did not induce a hypoglycemic response.
EA stimulated the expression of IRS1 and AKT2 and atropine treatment blocked the EA-induced expression of those insulin
signaling proteins. Taken together, EA at the ST-36 acupoint reduces plasma glucose concentrations by stimulating the cholinergic

1. Introduction and effective, certain treatments can lead to serious side

effects [8, 9]. Patients with poorly controlled non-insulin-
Diabetes is an important public health issue worldwide. dependent, type II DM who frequently use oral hypo-
Traditional Chinese medicine treatments for diabetes include glycemic agents often present with unstable plasma glucose
electroacupuncture (EA), syndrome differentiation and Chi- levels. In addition, insulin resistance due to long-term insulin
nese massage (Tui na) [1–4]. EA and Tui na not only decrease usage is common among patients with insulin-dependent
plasma glucose levels, but also stimulate the cardiovascular type I DM. Researchers have, therefore, searched for mild
system, the neuroendocrine system and the digestive system or complementary treatment methods with no side effects
to either directly or indirectly regulate plasma glucose [5–7]. to increase insulin sensitivity [2, 5, 6, 10]. Studies on EA
Methods for controlling plasma glucose levels in patients treatment of diabetes in animal models have shown that
with diabetes mellitus (DM) include diet control, exercise EA leads to a reduction in plasma glucose levels by pro-
and medication. While medical treatment is convenient moting insulin production and improves insulin sensitivity
2 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

by inducing secretion of endogenous β-endorphin. Studies a hypoglycemic effect in insulin-dependent types is not well
have also shown that stimulating the CV-12, CV-4 and understood.
ST-36 acupoints with a specific frequency on both sides Although acupuncture is not suitable as a long-term
of rats significantly reduces their plasma glucose levels [5, treatment for diabetes, it may be suitable as a short-
11]. Stimulation of acupoints results in significantly greater term intervention in patients with unstable plasma glu-
plasma glucose lowering effects than stimulation of adja- cose control [6, 19, 20]. Previously, we explored various
cent non-acupuncture points [5]. Researches exploring this insulin-dependent pathways through which EA induces
mechanism discovered that the insulin secretion encouraged hypoglycemia [5]. In this study, we explore the various
by EA originates from endorphin stimulation, and that non-insulin-dependent pathways involved in EA-induced
sufficient amounts of the opioid receptor binding blocker lowering of plasma glucose.
naloxone (1 mg kg−1 , i.v.) inhibits the EA-induced plasma
glucose lowering effect [5]. Lin et al. showed that 15 Hz 2. Methods
EA at the CV-12 acupoint in adrenalectomized rats resulted
in reduced plasma glucose levels [12]. A relative study 2.1. Animal Models. Normal male Wistar Rats weighing
showed that a stimulation frequency of 2 Hz have a minor ∼250–350 g and aged 8–10 weeks were purchased from
plasma glucose lowering effect [13]. Lin et al. concluded that the BioLASCO animal center. After a 1-week adaptation
multiple sources of endogenous opioid peptide participate in period, animals were randomly divided into two groups.
the hypoglycemic effect of EA (15 Hz) stimulation at the CV- In Group I, insulin-dependent diabetes was induced by
12 acupoint [12]. Researchers compared the plasma glucose administration of streptozotocin (STZ) (60 mg kg−1 , i.v.) via
lowering effect of low frequency (2 Hz) EA stimulation at the femoral vein on the third day of a 3-day fasting period as
the ST-36 acupoint with that at the CV-12 acupoint and described previously [11, 21]. In Group II, rats underwent
found that the ST-36 acupoint was more effective in reducing bilateral adrenalectomy. After a 3-day recovery period,
plasma glucose levels. Studies have repeatedly observed that insulin-dependent diabetes was induced by administration
effect in adrenalectomized rats [14]. It has been shown of STZ (60 mg kg−1 , i.v.) via the femoral vein as previously
that the hypoglycemic effect of low frequency (2 Hz) EA described [12, 13]. Animals were housed in plexiglass cages
stimulation at the ST-36 acupoint in adrenalectomized rats at a constant room temperature of 22 ± 2◦ C with a relative
was not attenuated by naloxone treatment [15]. This finding humidity of 65 ± 5%. Rats were fed standard rat chow
implies that the glucose lowering effects of 2 Hz EA applied and were given free access to water. Animals were treated
to ST-36 acupoints do not involve the endogenous opioid in accordance with the National Institute of Health (NIH)
peptide mechanism only. Whether or not the parasympa- Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and the
thetic nervous system participates in the plasma glucose study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the
lowering effect of EA is an interesting question. Acetylcholine China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
(Ach) affects and relaxes vascular smooth muscles and lowers
blood pressure. This occurs mainly through binding to the 2.2. EA. Acupoints were located according to body-length
M3 receptor, which results in an increase in intracellular measurement as described elsewhere [22]. The ST-36 acu-
Ca2+ levels, which in turn leads to eNOS activation and point was located on the anterior tibia muscle approximately
NO production. The parasympathetic nerve blocker atropine upper 1/6 to the length of lower leg below the knee. Bilateral
blocks muscarinic receptors and directly competes with ST-36 acupoints were punctured in a vertical and deep
Ach for the M3 receptor. The nerve blocker hemicholin- manner with 1.27-cm, 32-gauge acupuncture needles. After
ium (HC-3) represses the choline re-uptake channel of a 5-min needling period, EA was performed for 30 min at
cholinergic nerves to directly repress Ach production instead a frequency of 15 Hz and an amplitude of 10 mA using a
of acting upon the nerve transmission system [16]. The HANS LY257 acupoint and nerve stimulator (Healthtronics,
Chinese scholar Zhao regulated the parasympathetic nervous Singapore).
system and eNOS expression using sheep red blood cell
(SRBC) to induce an immune response and HC-3 blocker 2.3. Plasma Glucose Assay. Animals were anesthetized using
to test the role of the parasympathetic nervous system pentobarbital (40 mg kg−1 i.p). Approximately 0.3–0.5 mL of
in immune system regulation induced by EA. Zhao used blood was obtained from a femoral vein using a 1-mL syringe
the lymphocyte transformation test (LTT) and measured containing heparin. The collected blood was introduced into
interlukin-2 (IL-2) activity to evaluate whether the EA- eppendorff tubes, lightly shaken and then stored on ice.
induced immune system regulatory effects are due to the Following centrifugation at 21 880 × g for 5 min, a Glucose
release of Ach by parasympathetic nerves [17]. Hsieh et al. UV reagent (Raichem, USA) was added to test the amount of
tested the effects of low frequency (2 Hz) and high frequency biological index glucose contained in the serum. The content
(100 Hz) EA stimulation at the ST-36 acupoint on heart was measured using a fully automatic biochemical analyzer
rate and skin temperature in humans and found that high- (Roche COBAS-MIRA-PLUS, USA).
frequency EA stimulation led to a reduction in heart rate
by activating parasympathetic nerves [18]. Previous studies 2.4. Experimental Protocol
have shown that EA has plasma glucose lowering effects in
non-insulin-dependent types; however, the plasma glucose 2.4.1. Electrical Acupuncture Hypoglycemic Experiment. STZ-
lowering effects and the mechanisms by which EA induces induced diabetic rats (n = 16) were randomly divided into
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 3

the EA group (N = 8) or the control group (N = 8). Animals 600

in the EA group were anesthetized and then subjected to

Plasma glucose level (mg/dL)

EA for 30 min as described in the Methods section. Rats in ∗∗
the control group were anesthetized but did not undergo 400
EA. Blood was extracted for glucose testing prior to the
experiment and 30 min after the experiment as previously 300
described. 200

2.4.2. Examination of EA Impact on Glucose Mechanisms.
Atropine Experiment: Atropine 0.1 mg kg−1 was injected into 0
the abdomens of 12 STZ-induced diabetic rats 30 min prior Non-EA EA
to the experiment. The 12 rats were randomly and equally
divided into the EA group or the control group. Blood was Before
extracted for glucose testing prior to the experiment and After
30 min after the experiment. Figure 1: Hypoglycemic effects of ST-36 EA in STZ rats: EA
Eserine Experiment: Eserine 0.01 mg kg−1 was injected represents fasting for 12 h and EA treatment for 30 min; non-
into the abdomens of 12 STZ-induced diabetic rats 30 min EA represents the non-EA control group; comparison of plasma
prior to the experiment. The rats were then randomly glucose levels was performed by self-pair t-test, ∗∗ P < .01.
divided into the EA group (N = 6) or the control group
(N = 6). Blood was extracted for glucose testing immediately
before and 30 min after the experiment.
temperature and incubated with specific primary antibodies
Hemicholinium (HC-3) Experiment: HC-3 (5 μg kg−1 )
(Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., CA, USA). After washing
was injected into the abdomens of 12 STZ-induced diabetic
the membranes in a buffer containing 0.1% Tween 20 in
rats 30 min prior to the experiment. The 12 rats were then
1 × PBS, blots were incubated with a horseradish peroxidase-
randomly and equally divided into the EA group or the
linked specific second antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
control group. Blood was extracted for glucose testing 30 min
Inc.) followed by enhanced chemiluminescence detection
before and 30 min after the experiment.
using ECL reagent plus (PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Inc.,
Ach Experiment: This experiment was performed on
USA). Band intensities were quantified by densitometry to
six STZ-induced diabetic rats. Blood was extracted from
observe the target proteins. β-actin served as a loading
anesthetized animals 30 min prior to the administration of
Ach 0.01 mg kg−1 i.v. EA was not performed. Blood was
extracted for glucose testing 0, 30 and 60 min after the
beginning of the experiment. 2.5. Statistical Analysis. The experimental results for each
EA in Adrenalectomized Rats: A total of 12 STZ-induced group are expressed in means ± SEM; t-test and ANOVA
diabetic rats that had undergone adrenalectomy were ran- statistical analyses were performed. Statistically significant
domly divided into the EA group (N = 6) or the control differences were set at P < .05.
group without EA (N = 6). Blood was extracted for glucose
testing 30 min before and 30 min after the experiment. 3. Results

2.4.3. Western Blot Assay. Fasting STZ rats (n = 12) were 3.1. Hypoglycemic Effect. EA (15 Hz) was applied to bilateral
randomly divided into EA or non-EA groups. The other ST-36 acupoints in eight STZ-induced diabetic rats. As seen
fasting STZ rats (n = 12) were randomly divided into the in Figure 1, there was a significant decrease in mean plasma
EA or non-EA group 30 min after treatment with atropine glucose levels before EA (418 ± 82 mg dL−1 ) and 30 min after
0.1 mg kg−1 , i.p. At the end of treatment (30 min) in EA (372 ± 77 mg dL−1 ) (n = 8, P < .01). There were no
each group, portions of the gastrocnemius muscles were significant differences in mean plasma glucose levels in the
taken as samples for analysis of insulin signaling proteins control (non-EA) group (range 447 ± 69 to 420 ± 61 mg dL−1 ;
(IRS1, AKT2). The samples were homogenized in buffer P > .05).
solution before centrifugation at 16 440 × g. The obtained
supernatant was used to estimate the amount of protein 3.2. The Influence of Atropine, HC-3 and Eserine. Atropine
using an assay kit (Bio-Rad Laboratories, CA, USA). The (0.1 mg kg−1 i.p.) and HC-3 (5 μg kg−1 i.p.) blocked the
supernatant (protein) was added to a 4× loading dye and hypoglycemic effects of 15 Hz EA performed on the ST-
boiled for 15 min at 95◦ C for denaturing. This process 36 acupoint. Thirty minutes following treatment, mean
produced a separating (8%) and stacking gel. Then, protein plasma glucose levels were 413 ± 29 mg dL−1 in the atropine
(90 μg mL−1 ) in the buffer solution was loaded into each group and 510 ± 109 mg dL−1 in the HC-3 group. After EA
well for electrophoresis. Proteins were electrophoretically stimulation, mean plasma glucose levels had decreased by
transferred to polyvinylidene difluoride membranes at 4◦ C. 1 ± 4% to 408 ± 32 mg dL−1 in the atropine group and by 3 ±
The membranes were then blocked with 5% nonfat dry 7% to 494 ± 106 mg dL−1 in the HC-3 group. There were no
milk in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 1 h at room significant differences before and after EA treatment in either
4 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Table 1: Influence of atropine, eserine and HC-3 on plasma glucose Table 2: Hypoglycemic response to EA in STZ-adrenalectomized
levels in STZ rats that underwent EA treatment at ST-36. rats.
Group (n = 6) Before After HGA% Group (n = 6) Before After HGA%
Atropine + EA 413 ± 29 408 ± 32 –1 ± 4 ADX-EA 507 ± 39 494 ± 63 –3 ± 6
Atropine 480 ± 51 480 ± 54 0±2 ADX-non EA 460 ± 75 446 ± 78 –3 ± 3
Eserine + EA 406 ± 55 331 ± 57∗∗ –19 ± 6# The level of plasma glucose are expressed as mean ± SEM (mg dL−1 ), n:
Eserine 460 ± 111 417 ± 105 –9 ± 6 sample number; ADX-non-EA: adrenal glands were removed + STZ induced
but did not undergo EA; ADX-EA: adrenal glands were removed + STZ
HC-3 + EA 510 ± 109 494 ± 106 –3 ± 7 induced, followed by EA; before: before EA; after: after EA treatment at ST-
HC-3 491 ± 61 471 ± 50 –4 ± 4 36; comparison of plasma glucose levels before and after EA by self-pair t-
The levels of plasma glucose are expressed as mean ± SEM (mg dl−1 ), test statistical analysis.
n: sample number; atropine: atropine 0.1 mg kg−1 i.p. treatment;
atropine + EA: atropine 0.1 mg kg−1 i.p. treatment prior to EA; eserine + EA:
eserine 0.01 mg kg−1 i.p. treatment prior to EA; HC-3: HC-3, 5 μg kg−1 Actin
i.p. treatment; Before: plasma glucose levels 30 min following medicinal
treatment; After: plasma glucose levels following 30 min of EA treatment 1.2
to ST-36; HGA%: hypoglycemic activity; comparison of before and after ∗∗ ∗∗
EA treatment by self-pair t-test ∗∗ P < .01 versus before; Student’s t-test 1
# P < .05 versus the control group.


group. In addition, there were no significant differences in
mean plasma glucose levels after injection with atropine or 0.4
HC-3 in the control group (P > .05) (Table 1). Conversely,
15 Hz EA stimulation in STZ-induced diabetic rats treated 0.2
with eserine (0.01 mg kg−1 i.p.) led to a reduction in mean
plasma glucose levels. Mean glucose levels were 406 ± STZ STZ + Atro STZ STZ + Atro
55 mg dL−1 following eserine treatment and 331±57 mg dL−1 IRS-1 AKT2
30 min after EA treatment, representing a decrease of 19 ± 6%
(n = 6). The difference in mean values before and after EA Non EA
was significant (P < .01). EA

Figure 2: Effect of EA and atropine on the expression of muscular

3.3. The Effect of Ach on STZ Rats. Plasma glucose values insulin signaling proteins. All signaling protein values were calcu-
lated as a ratio of signal protein to actin. The ratios were compared
were measured in STZ-induced diabetic rats before and after
within the groups. Signal: signal protein/actin ratio, STZ group:
administration of Ach (0.01 mg kg−1 i.v.). The mean fasting the STZ-induced diabetic rats were treated with normal saline as
plasma glucose level was 491 ± 47 mg dL−1 before treatment a control, STZ + Atro group: the STZ-induced diabetic rats were
and 408 ± 71 mg dL−1 after 60 min treatment with Ach, treated with atropine 0.1 mg kg−1 for 30 min before EA and non-
representing a decrease of 18 ± 10% (n = 7). The difference EA. The Student’s t-test was used to compare the means between
between plasma glucose levels before and after treatment was the EA and non-EA groups, ∗∗ P < .01 was considered statistically
significant (P < .05). significant.

3.4. The Impact of Adrenalectomy on EA. EA (15 Hz) was

applied to both ST-36 acupoints in STZ-adrenalectomized 4. Discussion
rats. Plasma glucose levels were initially 507 ± 39 mg dL−1 ,
while plasma glucose levels following EA were 494 ± We found that EA stimulation at the ST-36 acupoint
63 mg dl−1 , representing a decrease of 3 ± 6% (n = 6). The for 30 min resulted in a significant reduction in plasma
difference in mean plasma glucose levels before and after glucose levels in STZ-induced diabetic rats. These results
EA was not significant (P > .05). In addition, there were are consistent with those reported by Lee [23] and Chang
no significant differences in mean hypoglycemic activity [11] that indicated acupuncture and EA performed on ST-
between STZ-adrenalectomized rats with EA and without EA 36 acupoints lowered plasma glucose levels in type I diabetic
stimulation (Table 2, P > .05). animal models. We did not evaluate the effect of EA at non-
acupoints in the study because a previous study showed
that EA stimulation of the zhongwan acupoint resulted in
3.5. EA-Induced Expression of Insulin Signal Proteins. The a more significant plasma glucose lowering effect than EA
levels of IRS1 and AKT2 protein expression were significantly stimulation at non-acupoints [5]. Thus, we concluded that
lower in the non-EA group than in the EA group. There the hypoglycemic effect of EA stimulation at acupoint is not
were no significant differences in IRS1 and AKT2 expression only due to activation of 5 -AMP-activated protein kinase
between the EA and non-EA groups that had been adminis- [24] caused by the contraction of electrically stimulated
tered atropine (Figure 2). muscle, but also relative with stimulating different sites of
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 5

acupoint that may more effective than the site of non-

acupoint according to the meridian theory of traditional
Chinese medicine.
This study examined whether the hypoglycemic effect of Target organs
15 Hz EA at the ST-36 acupoints in STZ-induced diabetic EA (+) (−) ex: muscle
(glucose uptake)
rats is mediated by the cholinergic nerve. A diagram of
the hypothetical mechanism is depicted in Figure 3. We
first experimented with the cholinergic nerve-blocking agent Colinergic Type 1
atropine. Our findings show that atropine (0.1 mg kg−1 i.p.) nerve Type 2 Insulin
completely blocks the hypoglycemic effect of 15 Hz EA
stimulation at the ST-36 acupoints in STZ-induced diabetic
rats, which implies that the cholinergic nerve plays a role.
These results are consistent with those reported by Patel [25], EOPs
who found that the parasympathetic nerves in diabetic rats
play an important role in hypoglycemia. Parasympathetic Pancreas
nerves, such as cholinergic nerves secrete Ach. In order to Medulla β-cell
investigate whether the plasma glucose lowering effects of
EA are mediated by the cholinergic nerves, we used the Figure 3: Hypoglycemic effect of EA in different types of DM. The
acethylcholinesterase (AchE) inhibitor eserine as a cholin- gray block and arrow indicate the main pathway of the present
ergic agonist to induce Ach accumulation in rats prior to study; the open arrows summarize the pathway suggested from
previous study in non-insulin-dependent DM (type 2) [5]; the solid
EA stimulation. We found that EA stimulation at the ST-
thin arrow indicates the direction of stimulation. Type 1: insulin-
36 acupoint 30 min after injection of eserine (0.01 mg kg−1
dependent DM; type 2: non-insulin-dependent DM; AG: adrenal
i.p.) resulted in a significant decrease in mean plasma glucose gland; EOPs: endogenous opioid peptides; (+) (–): bilateral zusanli
levels. In addition, plasma glucose levels dropped signifi- acupoints (ST-36) connected to the positive and negative pole of the
cantly after direct injection of Ach (0.01 mg kg−1 i.v.) into EA apparatus.
the femoral vein, further demonstrating that Ach controls
plasma glucose levels. As a drug that indirectly inhibits
choline reuptake, HC-3 reduces Ach concentration between
Our findings indicate that EA (15 Hz) at the ST-
synapses [26, 27]. In doing so, HC-3 inhibits cholinergic
36 acupoint induces a hypoglycemic response in STZ-
nerve activity. We found that HC-3 (5 μg kg−1 i.p.) blocks the
induced diabetic rats by stimulating the cholinergic nerves
hypoglycemic effects of EA stimulation at ST-36 acupoints in
and involving adrenal glands, which in turn stimulate the
diabetic rats.
expression of insulin signaling proteins.
In this study, we examined the role adrenal glands play
in mediating the hypoglycemic effect of EA stimulation. We
found that EA did not result in a significant decrease in Funding
mean plasma glucose levels in STZ-adrenalectomized rats.
Therefore, our findings indicate that hypoglycemic effect Taichung Veterans General Hospital and DaYeh University,
of EA is not only mediated by the cholinergic nerves but Taiwan (TCVGH-DYU-988310) and China Medical Univer-
also by the adrenal glands (Figure 3). Western blot assay sity Hospital, Taiwan (DMR-98-003).
detected the expression of the insulin signaling proteins
IRS1 and AKT2 in muscle tissue taken from rats that had Acknowledgment
been stimulated by EA for 30 min; however, atropine treat-
ment attenuated the expression of those signaling proteins The authors would like to thank Miss Xin-Ping Ku for her
(Figure 2). assistance.
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