Dell Hymes 1 PDF
Dell Hymes 1 PDF
Dell Hymes 1 PDF
NIIPAIIK : 195906011985031003
Telah membaca dal, rnencermati naskah arlikel publikasi ilmiah, yang merupakan
ringkasan skrips ii tugas akhir dari Mahasiswa :
Dra. Djoko Srijono. M.Hum. Dra. Dwi Haryanti, M.Hum.
NIP : 19590601 1985031003 NIP :447
A. Introduction
2) Participant
speaker and addressee, but also the addressor and the audience. The
participants include their age, sex, ethnicity, social status, or other relevant
3) End
end is all speech events and speech acts that have an end
or a purpose, even if occasionally it is only a phatic
communion. Sometimes several events shared the same
style and are distinguished only by purpose and
participants or setting. Hymes observes that the identical
to the purposes of those engaged in it. At every language,
individuals can exploit the system for personal or social
reasons or effects.
4) Act
5) Key
which a speech act is carried out: for example, whether is mock or serious,
perfunctory or painstaking.”
6) Instrument
and form of speech. The kind of channels are written, telegraph, and the
7) Norm
8) Genre
events since a speech genre can occur in more than one kind of speech
B. Research Method
in this research are the dialogues of Matt King in The Descendants movie. Method
of collecting data is watching the movie repeatedly, collecting the data of Matt
King utterances or the dialogues, classifying the data based on the criteria.
Technique for analyzing is collecting the data of Matt King utterances or
Dialogues in The Descendants movie , classifying the data or dialogue based on
the Hymes theory, analyzing the Matt King utterances by the ethnography of
communication, drawing conclusion and suggestion for the data
C. Research Finding and Discussion.
This chapter deals with the analysis the data based on the problem
statements in the research. The data are the utterance of Matt King in The
Descendants movie (2011)
1. Research Finding
The problem statement in this research answered by the analysis
bellow :
1. MATT : “My friends on the mainland think just because I
live in Hawai'i, I live inparadise. Like a permanent
vacation we're all just out here drinking mai-tais,
shaking our hips, and catching waves. Are they
nuts? How can they possibly think our families are
less screwed up, our cancers less fatal, our heart
attacks less paintful I haven't been on a surfboard
in fifteen years.For the last 23 days, I've been
living in a "paradise" of IVs and urine bags and
endotracheal tubes. Paradise. Paradise can go fuck
it self.
a. Setting or Scene
The setting of Matt King monologue above is in patient
room. Matt waits for Elizabeth in the hospital because she is coma,
and he tells about the other people’s opinion about Hawaii and the
real condition of people in Hawaii. The setting of time is in the
b. Participants :
The participant of Matt King is the sender, because Matt as
the informan who gives information about the background of this
c. Ends
Based on the previous dialog Matt King gives information
to the viewer about Hawaii and the life style there, Hawaii is not
only a paradise like the people think but there are also many
conflicts in Hawaii.
d. Act
The act based on the Matt King monologue is with normal
situation. Matt says with the flat intonation and there is no
e. Keys
The keys of Matt King monologue are with flat tone,
because the intonation of Matt King is using low intonation.
f. Instruments
The instrument of Matt king based on the monologue is
verbal communication with informal style because the partner of
Matt King’s Monologue is the audience.
g. Gender
Based on the Matt King utterance, the gender is monologue.
: “Yeah, she's sort of been going to town
with the whole picture-taking thing, but I had no
THULL : “Mr. King, we see this every day children acting
out at school when something's wrong at home.
And your family is facing a devastating crisis.
Have you been engaging Scottie in really talking
about what's going on? Encouraging her to
express her feelings? That's crucial
a. Settings or Scene
b. Participants
c. Ends
The ends from the dialogue between Matt King and Scottie
teacher above is getting information, Matt King gets information
from Scottie’s teacher about Scottie art photograph that makes her
friends afraid and their parents complaint to the school.
d. Act
The act based on the dialogue is Matt King getting
information from Scottie’s teacher and Matt King is in confused
situation. Matt never knows about the problem of his daughter
before because Matt is always busy with his job.
e. Keys
The tone of Matt King based on the dialogue with Scottie’s
teacher above is tense tone because Matt is confused with the
situation and Matt does not know whathe should do toward Scottie
f. Instruments
The instrument of Matt King utterance based on the
dialogue is verbal communication with formal style because Matt
King has conversation with Scottie’s teacher and there is a respect
g. Gender
Based on Matt King utterances with Scottie’s teacher above,
the gender is dialogue because Matt has a partner in their
D. Discussion
The writer finds the Matt King utterance is affected by the Hawaiian
culture, the Hawaiian culture is calm and the character of Matt King in this movie
is calm, Matt King has wise character in every scene, when Matt King knows
about his wife’s affair Matt King is angry but still wise, Matt King can handle his
emotion in front of his daughter, and Matt King still calm. Matt King also the
wise husband because Matt King treats his wife when she is coma although his
wife cheating on him. In other words the character of Matt King is emphatic as a
family member, Matt King is empathic when he is a decision marker. The
participant of Matt King based on the research finding above is the sender and the
receiver, the sender as informant, as family member, as husband, as father, as
friend. The receiver as father, as husband, as family member, as friend, and as son
in law.
The dialogue of Matt King contains ends and act sequences, between ends
and act sequences has a closely relation. When Matt King talks with someone he
has ends of his utterance and has relation with the situation on the act sequences.
The end of Matt King is as commander, as husband, as friends, as family member,
as father. And the act sequence is with normal situation, regret situation, confused
situation, rushes situation, slow situation, and disappointment situation.
The writer finds the utterance of Matt King is using different style, tone,
and intonation in his utterance, when he talks with the older man Matt King uses
the low intonation and sometime with the formal style language. The formal and
informal language style of Matt King is the instruments of Matt King utterance
with the verbal communication. Matt also uses non-verbal communication in his
utterance for example when he hit Alex buttocks. Then the manner and the tone as
keys of Matt King utterance. Matt King uses flat, tense, worried, intimidate,
emphatic, sad, and amazed tone for his utterance than low and high intonation to
the manner of his utterance. Matt King understands with his utterance, how he has
to be. The writer also finds the domination of the Matt King is utterance based on
the movie data is monologue. But the gender of the Matt King utterances is
monologue and dialogue
e. Keys of Matt King communication consist of two parts, tone and manner.
The tone of Matt King is flat, tense, worried, intimidate, emphatic, sad,
and amazed. The manner is low intonation and high intonation.
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