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Attitudes, Beliefs and Predictors of Male Circumcision Promotion Among Medical University Students in A Traditionally Non-Circumcising Region

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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Attitudes, Beliefs and Predictors of Male
Circumcision Promotion among Medical University
Students in a Traditionally Non-Circumcising Region
Maria Ganczak 1, *, Marcin Korzeń 2 ID
and Maciej Olszewski 3
1 Department of Epidemiology and Management, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Pomeranian Medical
University, 71-210 Szczecin, Poland
2 Department of Methods of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Computer Science
and Information Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology, 71-210 Szczecin, Poland;
3 Students’ Scientific Association, Pomeranian Medical University, 70-204 Szczecin, Poland;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +48-91-4800965

Received: 8 August 2017; Accepted: 18 September 2017; Published: 21 September 2017

Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the beliefs of medical university students regarding male circumcision
(MC), as well as attitudes and the predictors of its promotion in the case of adults at risk of HIV.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between 2013–2016 at the Medical University
in Szczecin, Poland, among final year Polish/foreign students from Northern Europe, using a
standardized questionnaire. Results: There were 539 participants, median age 25 years, 40.8% males,
and 66.8% were Polish nationals. The MC rate was 16.7%. Regarding HIV/AIDS knowledge, 66.6% of
the students scored more than 75%; and, 34.2% knew that MC reduces the risk of HIV infection.
One in eleven respondents (9.1%) believed that circumcised men felt more intense sexual pleasure.
More than half of the respondents (54.8%) declared that they would recommend MC to adult patients
at risk for HIV. The belief that circumcised men felt more intense sexual pleasure, and knowledge
on MC regarding HIV risk reduction was associated with greater odds of recommending adult
MC (OR = 3.35 and OR = 2.13, respectively). Conclusions: Poor knowledge of its benefits and a low
willingness to promote the procedure—strongly dependent on personal beliefs—suggest that medical
students may need additional training to help them to discuss MC more openly with adult men
at risk for HIV infection. Knowledge may be an effective tool when making decisions regarding
MC promotion.

Keywords: male circumcision; attitudes; beliefs; determinants; promotion; medical students

1. Introduction
It is important to tackle HIV transmission by using strategies that may improve population health;
and this includes male circumcision (MC). Three large randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted
in African countries have shown that MC reduces the risk of acquiring HIV through heterosexual
intercourse in males by 51–60% [1], and has been associated with a decreased risk of acquiring human
papillomavirus, syphilis, and urinary tract infections [2,3]. These findings are currently being taken
into account with regards to health recommendations and policy proposals. In areas with high endemic
rates of HIV, the World Health Organization and Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS
recommend MC as a part of a comprehensive program for prevention of HIV transmission. MC is a
procedure that can be performed not only during infancy, but also in adolescence or adulthood [4].
As such, it could be discussed with those adults at risk of contracting HIV [1].

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097; doi:10.3390/ijerph14101097
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However, the inclusion of MC in the health policy of developed countries with low endemic
HIV rates, such as those in Europe, requires further scrutiny [5]. Currently, no major medical
organization has either recommended or banned universal neonatal circumcision in these regions.
In 2012, the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) and the American Congress of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists published recommendations stating that doctors should discuss the benefits and risks
of newborn MC with parents [6]. This stance is very similar to that of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, the Canadian Medical Society, the British Medical Association, the Royal Australasian
College of Physicians, and the Circumcision Academy of Australia [7,8]. These policy statements have
arisen in the context of a growing body of evidence supporting the medical benefits of MC. Despite
this evidence, MC rates in developed countries have been in decline in recent years [9].
In some European countries, especially Poland, negative attitudes towards MC persist, largely
stemming from the period of Nazi occupation during World War II, when MC was perceived as
Judaism-related and possibly provoking repression and even leading to a death sentence [10].
Thus, MC promotion in the region remains challenging. MC opponents in Europe may also point
to its minimal anticipated impact, since HIV rates per 100,000 of the population [11] are much lower
than in some African countries [12], where the overall risk regarding HIV transmission is very high.
In Europe, males are reported as the more affected gender. In Poland, in 2014, almost two thirds
of newly diagnosed infections among men with known transmission category were acquired by men
who had sex with other men (MSM). However, no increase has been observed in the number of cases in
this population group as compared to 2013 [13]. There has been a 32% increase among people infected
through heterosexual contact. Sex between men accounted for more than half of new diagnoses in 14
other European countries (Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Malta, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and the United Kingdom). The prevalence
rates of new HIV cases per 100,000 of the population in those countries varied between 1.6 in Slovakia
and 9.6 in the UK. In Scandinavia, the prevalence rates were low (3.3–5.2), although higher than that
observed in Poland (2.8). However, a different pattern regarding the transmission mode was reported,
with heterosexual transmission being the most commonly reported known mode in Finland, Norway,
and Sweden.
Before effective interventions to promote MC can be introduced on a national scale in traditionally
non-circumcising European regions, thorough studies need to be conducted. MC rates and its
cost-effectiveness need to be analyzed in order to determine whether the policy of promoting and
providing inexpensive access to voluntary circumcision for adult men would indeed result in lower
overall societal healthcare costs [14]. Of note, in Poland, MC performed for non-medical reasons has
to be covered by the patient and costs on average, around 260–400 USD. The cost of medical MC is
paid for through health insurance. It is estimated that about 13,500 procedures are performed annually,
mainly to treat pathological phimosis and refractory balanoposthitis [15].
Another obstacle regarding adult MC promotion might be a reluctance to accept circumcision as
an HIV preventative measure by communities that do not traditionally circumcise. Therefore, to study
predictors regarding the acceptability of this practice among health care providers and patients would
be also of value.

2. Objectives
The objective of the study was to assess MC prevalence in a traditionally non-circumcising region,
and to evaluate the beliefs of medical university students regarding male circumcision (MC), as well
as attitudes, and the predictors of its promotion in the case of adults at risk of HIV. The main goal was
to assess the potential for introducing culturally applicable interventions tailored to promote MC as an
element of HIV prevention strategy. To our knowledge, similar studies on MC related to European
medical students, as prospective health care providers, have not yet been carried out.
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3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Design, Setting, Population and Sampling

This was a cross-sectional survey, conducted between 2013–2016 at a national government
university (The Pomeranian Medical University) situated in Szczecin, in the north west of Poland.
The study population consisted of 541 final year medical students who were enrolled in the
program—Poles from different regions of the country, as well as foreign students from Scandinavia and
Germany, attending a medical course taught in English. All of the students who were present at the
time when the questionnaires were administered were asked to participate. As part of the consenting
process, it was made clear that there would be no penalty for refusing to participate in this study.

3.2. Data Collection

One research team member (Maciej Olszewski) administered the questionnaires under normal
classroom conditions. A structured, anonymous questionnaire, with separate versions for males and
females was adapted for local conditions from a questionnaire used in a previous research addressing
MC by Westercamp et al. [16]. The authors obtained consent to use the original questionnaire and it
was then translated for Polish respondents. Participants were asked about:
(i) demographic data (age, gender, nationality, religion, and circumcision status in the case of male
(ii) sources of knowledge with regard to MC;
(iii) knowledge of HIV/AIDS regarding transmission modes; clinical manifestations; testing;
treatment; and, preventive measures;
(iv) knowledge about MC regarding the risk of HIV transmission, determined by asking participants
how likely a circumcised man would become infected with HIV as compared to an
uncircumcised individual;
(v) if they knew someone who had been circumcised; and,
(vi) beliefs about MC measured by asking participants if, in their opinion: (1) circumcised men feel
more intense/about the same/less sexual pleasure than uncircumcised men, (2) penis sensitivity
decreases/ increases/remains the same after MC, and (3) is MC a safe procedure.
Knowledge of HIV/AIDS was assessed by giving 1 point for each correct answer to the 12 items
rated as “true”, “false”, “don’t know”. The scale measured knowledge from a minimum of 0 to a
maximum of 12. Scores for individuals were summed up to give a total knowledge score. Scores of 0–5
(less than 50% answered correctly) were arbitrary taken as poor, 6–9 (50–75% correct answers)—as
mediocre knowledge, 10–12 (more than 75% correct answers)—as good knowledge.
Circumcised males were asked about their age at circumcision and the primary reason for
the procedure.
The main question of interest, developed for the purpose of this study, was: “When counseling a
male at risk of HIV infection, would you generally recommend adult circumcision?”. The possible
answers were (1) yes, (2) no, (3) not sure. Heterosexual men at an increased risk for HIV included
those who are in sexual relationships with HIV infected female partners, men with multiple female
partners, those in relationships with women who are at high risk of HIV (e.g., commercial sex workers,
intravenous drug users). The study was approved by the Pomeranian Medical University Ethics
Committee (KB 0012/41/13).

3.3. Statistical Analysis

Data analysis was carried out using STATISTICA PL Version 12.5 (StatSoft, Polska, Kraków, Poland)
and R software (Lucent Technologies, New providence, NJ, USA) [17]. Bivariate analysis examined
demographic and other characteristics: age (<25/≥25years), gender, nationality (Polish/other), religion
(Roman Catholic—other Christian—Muslim/atheist), being circumcised (yes/no; analysis referred to
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 4 of 14

males only), knowing a circumcised male (yes/no), participant beliefs in MC (such as: MC is a safe
procedure: yes/no–not sure; circumcised men feel more intense sexual pleasure than uncircumcised
men/less intense—the same; MC increases penis sensitivity/decreases —no effect), knowledge
regarding HIV/AIDS (good/mediocre-poor), and knowledge of MC regarding the impact on HIV
risk (it is less likely circumcised men become infected with HIV/more likely—don’t know), associated
with an outcome variable. For categoric variables, groups were compared using the chi-square test
with Yates correction and Fisher’s exact test; the Mann-Whitney test was used for numeric variables.
For the predicted outcome variable listed above, a standard single-outcome logistic model was built;
the model was reduced with the use of a stepwise selection [18]. For main regression analyses, the three
possible responses were dichotomized into two categories: willing (yes) or not willing (no—not sure).
Regression coefficients in the regression model were used to assess any change in the model. A change
in coefficients was compared and used to determine any variable change.

4. Results

4.1. Demographics
The response rate was 99.6%, with 539 students (Me of age 25 years, range 22–38 years)
participating. Males constituted 40.8% of the sample, Polish nationals—66.8%. The vast majority of
students (79.7%) declared being religious: more than half (59.0%) were Roman Catholics, 16.7%—other
Christians, 4.5%—Muslims; 19.9% were atheists (Table 1). There were no statistically significant
between-gender differences regarding age (p = 0.89), nationalities (p = 0.36 and p = 0.98, respectively,
regarding Polish and other students), and religion (p = 0.91, p = 0.98 and p = 0.29 respectively regarding
Roman Catholics, other Christians, and atheists). There were significantly more males among Muslims
than females (p = 0.02).

Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the participants, Poland, 2013–2016; n = 539.

Total Males Females

Variable N % n % n % p*
539 100 220 40.8 319 59.2
Age (Me) 25 25 25
Range 22–38 22–35 22–38
Male 220 40.8 - - - - -
Female 319 59.2 - - - - -
Polish 360 66.8 152 28.4 207 38.4 0.36
Other 179 33.2 68 12.4 97 20.8 0.98
Roman Catholic 318 59.0 128 58.2 190 59.6 0.91
Other Christian 90 16.7 27 12.3 63 19.7 0.09
Muslim 24 4.5 16 7.3 8 2.5 0.02
Atheist 107 19.9 49 22.2 58 18.2 0.29
Circumcision ** 192 - 32 16.7 - - -
Medical reasons - - 16 - - - -
Religious reasons - - 16 - - - -
p * males versus females; ** only 192/220 males answered this question.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 5 of 14

4.2. Circumcision Rates

Among the 192 men who answered the question, 32 (16.7%) reported being circumcised (Table 1);
the percentage was lower among the Polish students as compared to other nationalities (4.6% vs. 42.6%,
respectively), p < 0.0001. The median of reported age at circumcision was 1.5 years (range 0–26 years).
All of the Polish students were circumcised for medical reasons, 61.5% foreign students were
circumcised for religious reasons. More than one fourth of participants (29.7%) knew someone
who had been circumcised.

4.3. Sources of MC Information

Most frequently students had obtained information on MC from university staff (66.1%),
media-radio/TV/newspapers (60.2%), medical personnel (29.4%), and an individual who had been
circumcised (28.0%); this was a multiple-choice question.

4.4. Beliefs of MC
Of the 343/539 (63.6%) respondents who answered this question, 295 (86.0%) stated that MC is a safe
procedure, 28 (8.2%) answered that it is not safe, 20 (5.8%) were not sure. In terms of the impact on sexual
satisfaction, of the 471 participants (87.4%) who responded to this question, 9.1% stated that circumcised
men feel more intense sexual pleasure than uncircumcised men, 25.7%—that they feel less intense pleasure,
25.5%—about the same, 39.7%—were unsure. Of the 475 (88.1%) participants who responded to the
statement “MC changes the sensitivity of the penis”, 32.2% stated that it decreases sensitivity, 17.5%—that
it increases sensitivity, 15.8%—that sensitivity remains about the same, 34.5%—were unsure. Answers to
those two questions were correlated (Kendall’s tau-b coefficient r = 0.27, p < 0.001).

4.5. Knowledge on HIV/AIDS

The mean score of HIV/AIDS knowledge was 9.49, SD ± 2.2. Two-thirds (n = 359; 66.6%) of
the respondents scored more than 75% correct answers, 28 (5.2%)—less than 50%. The majority of
students (96.1%) correctly identified mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) as a possible route of HIV
transmission, as shown in Table 2. Vaginal receptive intercourse was correctly recognized as not
the highest risk in terms of contracting HIV infection by 58.0% of the respondents. The majority of
participants (87.4%) were aware that most people with HIV did not show signs of being sick in the
first week after infection; and, 71.4% correctly interpreted a positive blood test result. Regarding
HIV treatment, 94.8% of respondents had heard about anti-retroviral therapy (ART), the vast majority
(71.2–89.4%) correctly answered ART-related questions; only 18.0% correctly marked that globally,
ART was not available to almost all of those who needed it. In the overall sample, 95.2% recognized
using a condom as a protective measure to prevent HIV infection.

Table 2. Knowledge on HIV/AIDS; final year medical students, Poland, 2013–2016; n = 539.

Statement Answer n (%)
Yes 518 96.1
HIV can be transmitted from a mother to a child Yes No 8 1.5
Don’t know 13 2.4
Yes 126 23.4
Vaginal receptive intercourse is the most risky in
No No 313 58.0
terms of contracting HIV infection
Don’t know 100 18.6
Yes 51 9.5
Most people with HIV show signs of being sick in the
No No 471 87.4
first week after infection
Don’t know 17 3.1
Yes 385 71.4
If someone is tested for HIV, a “positive blood test”
Yes No 140 26.0
means that the person is infected with HIV for life
Don’t know 14 2.6
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 6 of 14

Table 2. Cont.

Statement Answer n (%)
Yes 511 94.8
Have you heard about anti-retroviral therapy (ART) Yes No 9 1.7
Not sure 19 3.5
Yes 51 9.5
HIV/AIDS can be cured with ART No No 446 82.7
Don’t know 42 7.8
Yes 482 89.4
Taking ART on schedule can help someone with HIV
Yes No 47 8.7
to prolong his/her life
Don’t know 10 1.9
Yes 384 71.2
Once a person starts ART, he/she should take ART
Yes No 97 18.0
every day for life
Don’t know 58 10.8
Yes 467 86.6
Missing doses of ART leads to worsening an infection Yes No 24 4.5
Don’t know 48 8.9
A mother who is infected with HIV can reduce the Yes 480 89.1
risk of giving the virus to her baby by taking certain Yes No 24 4.5
medicines during pregnancy Don’t know 35 6.4
Yes 240 44.5
Globally ART is available to almost all people who
No No 97 18.0
need it
Don’t know 202 37.5
Yes 513 95.2
People can reduce their chances of getting HIV by
Yes No 17 3.2
using a condom every time they have sex
Don’t know 9 1.6

4.6. Knowledge on the Association between MC and the Risk of Contracting HIV
Participants were asked how likely circumcised men become infected with HIV as compared
to uncircumcised men. Of the 281 participants who responded to this question, 34.2% stated “less”,
10.3%—“more”, 37.4%—“about the same”, and 18.1%—“don’t know”. Answers to this question were
correlated to questions about HIV/AIDS knowledge (Kendall’s tau-b coefficient r = 0.15, p < 0.0002).

4.7. Willingness to Recommend MC to Adults at Risk of Contracting HIV

Of 305/539 respondents who answered this question (56.6%), 167 (54.8%) declared they would
recommend MC to adults at risk of contracting HIV, 78 (25.6%) would not, and 60 (19.7%) were
not sure.

4.8. Factors Associated with Students Willingness to Recommend Adult MC

Table 3 demonstrates bivariate analyses of determinants for the willingness among final year
medical students to recommend MC to adults at high risk for HIV. Poles were on average more
willing to discuss (60.9% vs. 41.8%; p = 0.003). Among those who believed that circumcised men felt
more intense sexual pleasure, more were willing to discuss MC (73.2% vs. 52.2%; p = 0.03). Among
students with knowledge, MC reduces HIV risk, and more were willing to discuss it with the patient
(60.8% vs. 39.0%; p = 0.001). Among students familiar with knowledge on MC ex re HIV risk reduction,
more were willing to discuss MC (60.8% vs. 39.0%; p = 0.001).
Statistically significant differences between selected determinants are presented in Figure 1.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 7 of 14

Table 3. Bivariate analyses of determinants of final year medical students’ willingness to recommend
male circumcision (MC) to adults at high risk for HIV, Poland, 2013–2016; n = 539.

Variable n N % p
Male 58 92 63.0
Female 109 213 51.2
<25 118 200 59.0
≥25 43 93 46.2
Atheist 29 63 46.0
Other 135 234 57.7
Polish 126 207 60.9
Other 41 98 41.8
Being circumcised
Yes 11 13 84.6
No 43 71 60.6
Knowing circumcised man
Yes 40 77 51.9
no 127 228 55.7
MC is safe
Yes 54 106 50.9
No 7 14 50.0
Circumcised Men experience more sexual pleasure
Yes 25 34 73.5
No/Not sure 141 270 52.2
MC increases the sensitivity of penis
Yes 35 65 53.8
No/Not sure 131 238 55.0 0.98
HIV/AIDS knowledge level
Good 127 222 57.2
Mediocre/Poor 40 83 48.2
MC decreases the chance to acquire HIV
Yes 135 222 60.8
No/Not sure 32 82 39.0 0.001
Good 127 222 57.2
Mediocre/Poor 40 83 48.2
MC decreases the chance to acquire HIV
Yes 135 222 60.8
No/Not sure 32 82 39.0 0.001
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 8 of 14

80 73.5
60.9 60.8 Polish
52.2 Foreign
50 Kolumna1
40 Pleasure:Yes
30 No/not sure


10 Knowledge: yes
adult MC

Figure 1.
Figure 1. Willingness
Willingnessto to
recommend male circumcision
male (MC) (MC)
circumcision to adults
to at high risk
adults for HIV
at high riskbyfor
HIV by
belief that circumcised
nationality, belief thatmen experience
circumcised more
men sexual pleasure,
experience and knowledge
more sexual pleasure,about HIV/AIDS. about
and knowledge
Regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with a willingness of the
students to recommend adult MC. Those aware that MC reduces HIV risk, as well as those who
Regression analyses were performed to assess the factors associated with a willingness of the
believed that circumcised men feel more intense sexual pleasure were more willing to recommend the
students to recommend adult MC. Those aware that MC reduces HIV risk, as well as those who
procedure (OR = 2.13 and OR = 3.35, respectively). There was no significant association between student
believed that circumcised men feel more intense sexual pleasure were more willing to recommend
willingness to propose MC and: age, gender, religion, being circumcised, knowing someone who is
the procedure (OR = 2.13 and OR = 3.35, respectively). There was no significant association between
circumcised, belief that MC is safe or that it increases penis sensitivity, and HIV/AIDS knowledge
student willingness to propose MC and: age, gender, religion, being circumcised, knowing someone
(Table 4).
who is circumcised, belief that MC is safe or that it increases penis sensitivity, and HIV/AIDS
Table 4.(Table
regression model: association of willingness to recommend male circumcision (MC) to
adults at high risk for HIV with variables selected with the use of a stepwise approach (OR’s estimates,
95% CIs of OR estimates), Poland, 2013–2016; n = 539.

Variable OR * CI p
Knowledge on MC ex re HIV risk reduction 2.13 1.22–3.77 0.008
Belief that circumcised men get more sexual pleasure than uncircumcised 3.35 1.44–8.77 0.008
* Odds ratio = ratio between the two categories tested in each variable, controlling for other variables.

5. Discussion

5.1. Overview of the Results

One in six male respondents was circumcised, and the rate was nine times higher among foreign
students as compared to Polish students. Although overall HIV/AIDS knowledge was high, only about
one-third of participants knew that MC reduces the chance of HIV infection. More than half of the
respondents declared that they would recommend MC for adult patients with HIV infection risk.
Regression analysis revealed that personal belief that circumcised men felt more intense sexual pleasure
and knowledge that MC reduces HIV risk were predictors of a willingness to recommend adult MC.

5.2. Male Circumcision Rates

According to most recent estimations, 37–39% of men are circumcised globally; with
approximately half of these procedures being carried out for religious/cultural reasons [9,19]. Morris
et al. [19] estimated that MC prevalence rates in Europe vary between 0.1–48%, noting higher figures
for countries in which males are circumcised for religious reasons. In Poland, where MC is performed
mainly to treat adverse medical conditions, the estimated MC prevalence rate is 0.11%, which is the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 9 of 14

lowest in the EU. However, that estimation is regarded as conservative by the authors. According to
our results, about 5% of men were circumcised; all for medical reasons. This is in line with the results
of a survey conducted in Denmark (4.5%), where non-medical circumcision is rare [20]. MC prevalence
rates estimated for other Central European countries vary from very low (Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Hungary) to moderately low (Austria, Slovenia, Germany), with the same being true for Scandinavia
(3.0–5.3%) [19]. High MC prevalence rates observed among foreign students can be explained by a
higher number of circumcisions performed for religious reasons.

5.3. Knowledge of MC Health Benefits Regarding HIV Infection

We found that knowledge of HIV/AIDS among final year medical students was high (around
two-thirds scored higher than 75% in knowledge level scores). Students gained information about
MC from credible sources, including university staff and healthcare personnel. Despite this, most
lacked the knowledge of MC and its health benefits regarding HIV infection. Only a third knew
that circumcised men were less likely to become infected with HIV, which is alarming, given that
prospective doctors should be knowledgeable on the potential benefits of MC.
The reason for this gap in knowledge might be that, although the issue of MC is well covered by
the medical curriculum, the procedure is usually discussed only when studying urology, and therefore
students are taught mainly about its medical indications, performance, and complications, rather than
its health benefits regarding HIV. A similar lack of knowledge among medical staff was reported
previously [21–23]. For instance, only 23% of health care providers in the United States correctly
answered that MC could reduce HIV acquisition by 60% [21].

5.4. Willingness to Recommend Adult MC

This study also illustrates that for medical students, MC is an area that seems to have cultural
sensitivity. We have experienced challenges when tackling this subject and the response rate to
questions about the willingness to discuss adult MC was surprisingly low.
In our study, females were less willing to recommend MC, although the differences were not
statistically significant. This is in line with the results of a study conducted by Carbery et al. [21],
who found that a relatively large proportion of American female physicians were not comfortable
counseling patients on MC. Many reported they did not understand the benefits and risks well
enough to counsel adult men or parents of newborns (one-fourth and more than a half, respectively).
The authors suggest that one of the reasons for this gender disparity might be that males identify
with the procedure to a greater extent, as a significantly higher percentage of MCs are performed by
male physicians.
Around 35–40% of the students in our study were unsure if MC would increase or decrease sexual
pleasure and penis sensitivity, which was also found in other research [23]. So far, studies have offered
conflicting results regarding MC and sexual pleasure or penile sensitivity [1,24–26]. However, current
high-quality surveys suggest that MC has no adverse effect on sexual function, sensitivity, sexual
sensation or satisfaction [24,26]. This study suggests that personal beliefs influence MC acceptability
among future practitioners. The willingness to recommend adult MC was much higher among students
who believed that circumcised men felt more intense sexual pleasure. These results do not correspond
to AAP recommendations, that physicians should explain the benefits and risks of MC in a nonbiased
manner [6]. Personal beliefs as determinants of MC acceptance among students could be explained by
using the Health Belief Model, in which various psychological factors are to be believed to influence
an individual’s decision regarding a beneficial health action [27]. The results of this study show that
an individual’s assessment of the value of engaging in MC promotion is not necessarily based on
its effects in decreasing the risk of HIV transmission, but rather effects which may influence sexual
functioning. Probability analysis showed that better knowledge regarding the effect of MC on sexual
pleasure might increase the acceptability of MC among healthcare providers [23].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 10 of 14

Sahay et al. [28] identified religion as a cohesive force within circumcising (CC) and
non-circumcising communities (NCC) in India. According to the authors, non-medical MC is a
religious faith based ritual, which results in cohesion and bonding within the practicing community,
but also in polarization with opposing views between CC and NCC. However, religion did not emerge
as an important determinant of student willingness to counsel on adult MC. Thus, it can be concluded
that in northern Europe and Poland, religious practice may not play a role in influencing decisions
made by prospective doctors regarding this issue. Even though MC is universally associated with Islam
and Judaism and could face challenges in its acceptability among other religious followers, most other
religions currently maintain a neutral position on the practice of non-religious circumcision [9,29].
Regarding the HIV epidemic in Europe, the males are the more affected gender [11]. Voluntary
non-medical adult MC can make a contribution to combination prevention due to its unique
features: it is a single event without ongoing adherence challenges that has lifetime direct
benefits [30,31]. However, assuming that adult MC might be promoted at a national level in
traditionally non-circumcising countries, several issues should be taken into consideration. Firstly,
evidence that MC reduces the risk of contracting HIV infection should be thoroughly studied among
countries and also among subgroups, which vary from those reported in RCTs by socioeconomic status,
culture, and tradition. It would also be valuable to consider evidence from subgroups that vary in
demographics or sexual orientations.
A literature review of the impact of MC on HIV-related issues is mainly based on RCTs conducted
among adult men in Africa [1], which revealed that MC reduces the risk of infection with HIV and
some STIs in the settings of high HIV and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections) endemicity; post-trial
follow-up demonstrated that the efficacy of MC to reduce HIV acquisition increased even further
over time [9]. Further support has been provided by meta-analyses [32], effectiveness studies in the
implementation of MC [33] and biological evidence [34]. The African trials results also appear to be
relevant to heterosexuals at high risk of STIs in countries with the highest levels of socioeconomic
development, as well as among different cultures and traditions [9]. Observational studies in the
United States involving circumcised heterosexual men have found the protective medical effects of
MC consistent with those found in the African trials. For instance, in a study among men with known
heterosexual HIV exposure visiting an STI clinic in Baltimore, Maryland, HIV prevalence among
uncircumcised men was 22%, but only 10% among circumcised men [35]. A recent study by Chemtob
et al. has provided much needed evidence demonstrating that MC was associated with reduced HIV
acquisition in heterosexuals in Israel—the country in which HIV prevalence is low [36].
Socioeconomic factors may influence circumcision prevalence, especially in countries with a more
recent uptake of the practice. Studies conducted in England, the United States, and Australia found
that the rate of MC was associated with higher levels of education and income. Low circumcision
prevalence was observed among recent immigrants, many of whom were more likely to be of lower
socioeconomic status [37]. Further studies from traditionally non-circumcising European countries are
needed to better assess this issue.
Regarding other sexual orientations, it is unknown whether MC prevents HIV acquisition in MSM,
although there might be a protective effect for men who engage mainly in insertive anal intercourse [1].
The International Antiviral Society-USA suggests that circumcision be discussed with MSM who
primarily engage in insertive anal sex, especially in areas where HIV is common [38]. Existing work
suggests that MC for MSM should reach its maximum potential in settings where HIV incidence
among MSM is high, reported willingness for prophylactic circumcision is high, and pre-existing
circumcision rates are low [39]. Further analysis is needed to properly address this challenging issue
in the European region. The potential impact and cost-effectiveness of voluntary MC are not uniform
and vary by age of circumcised males [40]. Therefore, studies based on mathematical models should
be initiated to help examine the potential effects on programme impact and the cost-effectiveness of
prioritizing specific subpopulations by age [30,40].
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 11 of 14

It is important that prospective doctors have the knowledge needed to counsel adult men being at
risk of HIV infection. Given the observed lack of knowledge among students about MC health benefits,
it could be concluded that one of the main barriers to scaling up the procedure identified in this study,
might be the healthcare professionals themselves. Having adequate knowledge was significantly
associated with student support for adult MC, which is in line with the results of a previous study
carried out among physicians [21].

6. Limitations
There were several potential limitations to the study. Firstly, the response rate regarding outcome
variables was less than 100%, which may have resulted in a response bias. Secondly, not all of the
relevant variables may have been measured; for instance, to study participant views on patient anxiety
regarding the procedure would be of value. Furthermore, the sample is drawn from one medical
university, and therefore, limits the generalizability outside of the studied population. The study
presents hypothetical conditions that might not guarantee that students would be willing to propose
MC in real life circumstances. However, the strength of the study lays in its pioneering character and
the diversity of its respondents, who spanned multiple European countries, with different cultures
and religions.

7. Conclusions
Any strategy that reduces HIV infection risk should be recommended. There is still room
for further investigation of the potential impact and cost-effectiveness of voluntary adult MC in
countries with low HIV prevalence. Still, independent studies have so far demonstrated considerable
benefits of MC regarding heterosexual HIV prevention and a protective effect among MSM who
predominantly practice insertive anal intercourse [1]. While voluntary MC should attract little
opposition in developed countries that enjoy a cultural or religious tradition of MC [31,35,36], it might
be met with skepticism in some European countries where cultural bias against MC persists, also
among health care professionals [10,26,41].
This study has disclosed challenges in implementing this prevention modality in the North
European region and Poland. More than half of the final year medical students declared that they
would recommend MC for adult patients at HIV risk. It is a significant finding, given that physicians
are often perceived as a credible source of information when making decisions about health care [21];
this refers also to MC [28].
Although medical students presented a good level of HIV/AIDS knowledge overall, they seem
to be poorly trained in the benefits of MC regarding HIV risk reduction. Their willingness to
discuss MC was often dependent on personal beliefs rather than scientific information. Given that
the knowledgeable students were more willing to discuss MC, it is vital to provide additional
evidence-based information about the procedure. That should bring about an attitudinal change
and help prospective physicians feel more comfortable discussing MC with adult patients at risk of
HIV. Medical curriculum should be revised to encourage topics related to MC as a strategy that reduces
HIV risk.
Our study, which is a preliminary report, encourages further analyses based on prospective
studies conducted among additional groups of medical professionals, such as other medical university
students, physicians, and nurses, possibly with the active involvement of other countries in the region.

Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank final year medical students from the Pomeranian
Medical University for sharing their views and sensitive information. We would also like to sincerely thank
Mathew Westercamp from the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, for his permission to use his standardized
questionnaire and warm encouragement.
Author Contributions: Maria Ganczak together with Maciej Olszewski were involved in conception and design
of the study. Maciej Olszewski made contributions to acquisition of data. Marcin Korzeń analyzed the data
together with Maria Ganczak and Maciej Olszewski. Maria Ganczak was involved in literature search, in drafting
the manuscript and finalizing the version to be published. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2017, 14, 1097 12 of 14

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interests.

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