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History - Road Map of Events

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History – Road Map of Events

The Institute of Flight Research of the German Aerospace Center (DLR, formerly DFVLR) was
established in Braunschweig on July 21, 1953 with the rebuilding of the German Aeronautical
Research Establishment (DFL) after World War II. DFL later became part of DFVLR (1969). Founding
Member and first Director was Hermann Blenk who also became the first President of DFL. Peter
Hamel was appointed as Director on April 1, 1971.

Foundation of the Institute of Flight Research of the

German Aeronautical Establishment (DFL) in

H. Blenk (right) and Minister of Defense F.-J. Strauß


Vertol H 21 dynamic response flight tests and rotor blade

deformation measurements using a rotorhead-mounted
high speed camera-system. The research objectives
included a better understanding of rotor aeromechanics
and related flying qualities deficiencies.

Vertol H 21 research helicopter


Do 27 dynamic response flight tests and flight control

augmentation research. Beginning of modeling and
parameter identification research.

Do 27 research aircraft

USAF-BMVg/DLR Data Exchange Agreement (DEA): Subsonic Parachute Design, Performance, and
Similarity Laws. Also research on dynamic pressure loading and effective porosity of canopies. In
total, an exchange of data of 3000 USAF- and 400 DLR-drop tests took place.
Large scale flight tests of parachute recovery systems. Development of instrumented drop test
vehicles (FB-Family) and personnel dummies. A multitude of flight test programs based on
Government contracts was accomplished. In the early eighties, rescue and recovery systems
research, development, and evaluation activities of the Institute were discontinued in order to provide
manpower for the projected airborne simulator ATTAS.

FB-Family of parachute drop test vehicles

Rocket-boosted test vehicle FB 6 for DEA research


Various helicopter project support activities for the

Ministry of Defense and the Federal Certification Agency
(LBA) such as flight testing and certification of steel and
fiberplastic rotor blades (GFK-blades System Bölkow)
using a special instrumented Alouette II test helicopter
provided by the German Army. Consulting activities
included the evaluation of the Borgward/Focke Kolibri I
helicopter prototype.

Borgward/Focke Kolibri I helicopter prototype

Stability investigations and model validation wind tunnel experiments of parachute-payload systems
(cooperation with University of Minnesota, USA).
Model- and full-scale parachute recovery systems research. Incident and accident research of rescue
systems. Analyses, component modifications, ground and flight testing of G 91, F 104, and F 4
rescue systems.

Ground testing of ejection system recovery systems FB drop test vehicle attached to Fiat G 91 of German Forces Flight Test Center
Development and operation of the Free-Flight Parachute Test Facility for parachute experiments in
horizontal flight at up to 300 m/s initial velocity.

Development and drop testing of a three-canopy

personnel parachute system (3K-System) for low

Flight demonstration of a 3K-Parachute system


Design and flight demonstration of an electrically

operated Direct Lift Control (DLC) flap system on the
HFB 320 (cooperation with MBB).

HFB 320 Direct Lift Control flight test aircraft


Development and full scale model flight testing of a

rocket motor recovery system.

Black Brant rocket motor recovery system test

First noise abatement flight test program with HFB 320 test aircraft accomplished. The potential and
the decisive effect of precise direct lift control along with automatic throttle control on accurate steep
and segmented flight path control was demonstrated.
Dynamic wind tunnel simulation of a highly augmented
flexible model aircraft with canard control surfaces. The
test rig and model aircraft demonstrated open- and
closed-loop control laws for variable stability functions,
rigid body gust alleviation, and elastic mode suppression
systems (Project BASE).

Demonstration of a gust alleviation system for flexible aircraft

(Project BASE)


Model and full-scale testing of an innovative rescue

system for combat helicopter crews. The rescue and
recovery process included a "clean" rotor blade
severance system (no pyrotechnic cutting debris) and a
rocket-assisted crew extraction device.

Ground testing of a helicopter crew rescue system

Ground testing of a helicopter crew rescue system

Cooperative Agreement entitled Wehrtechnische
Flugerprobung signed with the German Forces Flight
Test Center BWB/WTD 61. Various collaborative aircraft
flying qualities flight test evaluation and parameter
estimation programs were initiated since then
encompassing the MRCA/ Tornado, Alpha Jet Direct Side
Force Control (DSFC) and Transonischer Tragflügel
(transonic wing, TST) test aircraft, C-160 Transall, and
the EF 2000 Eurofighter. Of national importance was also
the formulation of the Flying Qualities Specification
Documents for the multinational EF 2000 and the NATO
Helicopter NH90 programs. In 1995 the BWB/DLR
Cooperation Agreement was revisited and updated.
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet DSFC demonstrator aircraft
Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet TST demonstrator aircraft German MRCA/Tornado prototype aircraft


Design of a first model rotor test rig for large wind tunnels
(ROTEST). First test run accomplished in Volkswagen
wind tunnel. It was successively used in the Daimler-
Benz and DNW wind tunnels (cooperation with MBB,
VFW, and Dornier).

Model rotor test rig ROTEST in Volkswagen wind tunnel (1976)

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) USAF-
BMVg/DLR: Aircraft Flight Control Concepts. Common
simulation and flight test programs with USAF Flight
Dynamics Laboratory (FDL) and Edwards Air Force Base
and side-by-side located NASA Dryden Flight Research
Center undertaken under this MoU. They included direct
lift control effects on steep landing approach flight tests at
Braunschweig airfield with the HFB 320 DLC
demonstrator aircraft supported by an early TALAR MLS
flight path guidance system (1976), and pilot evaluations
of time delay and reduced stability effects on handling
qualities with LAMARS simulator, Calspan NT-33A
variable stability aircraft, and the airborne simulator HFB
USAF and DLR MoU project officers with variable stability aircraft 320 FLISI. GRATE/ATLAS flight test techniques for
unmasking handling qualities deficiencies developed and
applied to a variety of test aircraft such as NT-33A and X-
29 (1984-87).
Memorandum of Understanding US Army-BMVg/DLR:
Helicopter Flight Control established. Since 1986
changed to Helicopter Aeromechanics. This MoU will
eventually become one of the most successful
transatlantic basic research activities in the fields of
helicopter flying qualities, flight/ rotor control, noise
phenomena, crashworthiness, and unsteady
aerodynamics involving US Army, NASA Ames and
Langley Research Centers, as well as up to five DLR
Institutes at Braunschweig, Göttingen, and Stuttgart
Research Sites. German industrial participation is later
initiated by ZFL- Kassel and supported by the Institute
leading in the year 1993 to the IBC (Individual Blade
Bo 105 IBC experimental set-up of ZFL in NASA Ames 40x80ft Control) experiment in the NASA-Ames 40x80 ft wind
wind tunnel (1993) tunnel facility with a full scale Bo 105 rotor which is
controlled by high bandwidth hydraulic actuators
designed by ZFL.
First publication and flight testing of DLR´s 3211 control input signal (Koehler-input). The 3211
multistep input is a series of four contiguous steps with alternating signs lasting for 3, 2, 1 and 1 time
units. The length of the time unit is adjustable to center the frequency band of the input around the
flight vehicle natural frequency. This input signal is relatively easy to fly by pilots and accepted by the
international flight test community for parameter estimation purposes.
Do 28 TNT flight demonstration of an Open-Loop-Gust-Alleviation (OLGA) system designed for the
Do 228 commuter aircraft. This project included a unique and comprehensive correlation and
validation process of data from analysis, wind tunnel, and flight test (cooperation with Dornier and

Do 28 TNT OLGA wind tunnel model aircraft and flight demonstrator


First in-flight simulation with HFB 320 FLISI. This test

aircraft was used until 1984 for various flying qualities
investigations including effects of direct lift control,
reduced stability, and flight control time delays.

In-flight Simulator HFB 320 FLISI with swept forward wing and fly-
by-wire control.

In-flight simulation of an A310-type wide-body configuration in the landing approach mode with
airborne simulator HFB 320 FLISI. First use of a digital model following control law with explicit model

First flight tests with DLR´s new research helicopter Bo

105 S-123 for the definition of handling qualities
maneuvers, investigation of control strategies, and
system identification purposes. Several transatlantic flight
test campaigns followed to generate flying qualities
databases for future helicopter systems. The
complementary use of simulation facilities and research
helicopters strongly enhanced the research productivity
(cooperation with WTD 61, US Army, and NASA).
Bo 105 S-123 (DLR) and UH-1D(WTD 61) with integrated test team
of DLR / NASA / WTD 61.

First test entry of modified rotor test rig ROTEST in the large German-Dutch Wind Tunnel (DNW).
This was also the first customer-paid DNW test program altogether. Due to its unique aerodynamic
and aeroacoustic qualities, it was decided by the Institute to conduct all future rotorcraft model testing
at DNW. For this reason a special DNW sting adapter was replicated and integrated in the DLR Test
Preparation Facility at the Institute in Braunschweig. Until 1998 about 1500 hours of rotorcraft wind
tunnel testing were accumulated.

Floor-mounted rotor test rig ROTEST in DNW (1982)

Advanced rotor blade (LAH) testing in DNW with sting-mounted ROTEST (1989)

Launching of VFW 614 in-flight simulator project ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft
System). The research aircraft was jointly developed with Dasa Bremen and Liebherr Aerospace.
Member of Special Research Project (Sonderforschungsbereich) SFB 212 on Aviation Safety. During
this period, issues pertaining to flight safety and related problem areas were addressed. Excellent
rapport and technical contributions paved the way to continuation of the traditional participation since
1995 in a yet another project SFB 420 on Flight Measurement Techniques.
First vortex-wake aircraft interaction study on request of Frankfurt Airport. Dynamic aircraft response
to a perpendicular vortex entry investigated.
A new flight test technique GRATE (Ground-Attack-Testing) for unmasking handling qualities
deficiencies was developed. It was used at the German Forces Flight Test Center WTD 61 for aircraft
flying qualities assessments and pilot training. A derivative dubbed ATLAS was developed by NASA
Dryden Flight Research Center and used within cooperative flight test programs with the Institute
(Memorandum of Understanding between USAF-FMOD/ DLR) and at the Air Force Test Pilot School,
Edwards Air Force Base.
Completion of the onboard and ground-based Flight Test Instrumentation System (FTIS) for the
Indonesian CN 235 prototype aircraft. This project included a fully equipped autonomous Container-
City and was accomplished within only 15 months. A multiyear government supported cooperation
with IPTN followed including Man Power Development and Training (MPDT) programs, ATTAS in-
flight simulation investigations for the N 250 fly-by-wire transport aircraft, and N 250 flight test
instrumentation support.

Meeting with the Indonesian Minister of State for Research and Technology and President
Indonesian prototype aircraft CN 235 (1985) of IPTN
B.J. Habibie (center), B. Rebe, President of the Technical University of Braunschweig
(right), and
P. Hamel in the ATTAS Cockpit.

First version of a dialog-oriented flight test data analysis package DIVA (Dialogorientierte
Versuchsdatenanalyse) tested and implemented. DIVA later became the standard flight data analysis
code for flight test engineers at the Institute and partner organizations such as German Forces Flight
Test Center WTD 61 and Dasa Flight Test Center, both in Manching. It is used in common projects
like X-31A and Eurofighter.
First in-flight simulation performed with the airborne fly-
by-wire/light Helicopter Bo 105 ATTHeS (Advanced
Technologies Testing Helicopter System). The
decoupling of the rigid rotor response of the host
helicopter was the most challenging task and rendered
feasible only by diligent modeling of higher-order rotor
dynamics and the implementation of a high bandwidth
model following control system. ATTHeS became the
only European test facility for rotorcraft in-flight
simulation. ATTHeS was operated until 1995 with a total
of about 1300 hours of digital-electronic flight control
In-flight Simulator Bo 105 S-3 ATTHeS (foreground) experience when the research helicopter was lost during
Bo 105 S-123 (background)
a routine flight.

First entry of newly designed modular rotor test rig in

DNW. This test rig, later dubbed ROTOS (Rotor-on-
Sting), was commonly designed with MBB-UD and
incorporates an internal balance, a hydraulic drive motor,
and a PCM data acquisition system. ROTOS and an
upgraded version will be heavily used in future DNW
model rotor test campaigns.

Versatile sting-mounted rotor test rig ROTOS in DNW with

advanced rotor blades (1989)

Launching, chairing, and managing multinational AGARD FMP Working Group 18 on Rotorcraft
System Identification comprising a wide range of research specialists and industry representatives.
Special Bo 105 flight tests were initiated at the Institute resulting in a world-unique high quality flight
data compendium for model validation purposes and flight control law investigations. The outcome of
this working group resulted in the preparation of the standard reference documents AGARD Advisory
Report 280 and Lecture Series 178.
First in-flight simulation accomplished with the fly-by-wire/light aircraft VFW 614 ATTAS. ATTAS is
the only European transport-type research aircraft with a flexible nonlinear model following flight
control architecture (Dial-a-Model). Until 1998 flight experience of about 1200 hours of digital-
electronic flight control has been accumulated.

Bavarian Ministerpresident (and private jet pilot) F.-J. Strauß testing the ATTAS sidestick
In-flight Simulator VFW 614 ATTAS
(ILA 1988)

Member of transatlantic working group for up-grading the Military Helicopter Handling Qualities
Specification (ADS-33). These activities provided the basis for the definition of the NH90 Handling
Qualities Requirements (1993-1996).

Finalization of the Handling Qualities Definition Document

(HQDD) for the EF 2000 Eurofighter. This document was
prepared by DLR, WTD 61, and IABG, to become the
reference document for all multilateral government
handling qualities acceptance flight testing.

German EF 2000 Eurofighter prototypes DA 1 and DA 5


Member of the US-German X-31A Integrated Flight Test

Team. The technology demonstrator aircraft X-31A
incorporates three-dimensional thrust-vectoring paddles
to perform high-angle-of-attack maneuvering in the post-
stall flight regime under operational conditions.
Responsible for system identification and leading role in
designing the separate effector excitation concept for
generating physically plausible, reliable, and reproducible
simulation models (cooperation with Dasa, RI, NASA,
WTD 61).
US-German control technology and post-stall flight demonstrators

Member of European industrial team for Helicopter ACT (Active Control Technologies). DLR´s
airborne simulator Bo 105 ATTHeS was used as national flight demonstrator for advanced flight
control and sidestick technologies.

Annual test pilot training campaigns with DLR in-flight

simulator Bo 105 ATTHeS at the French and English test
pilot schools EPNER (Ecole du Personnel Navigant
d´Essai et de Reception, Istres) and ETPS (Empire Test
Pilot´s School, Boscombe Down).

EPNER students gathering with ATTHeS safety pilot Klaus Sanders


Organization of the first International Symposium on In-flight Simulation at DLR Research Site in
Braunschweig. Display and flight demonstration of In-flight Simulators ATTAS and ATTHeS
(sponsored by AIAA, AHS, RAeS, AAAF, DGLR, and DLR). More than 100 national and international
flight test engineers and pilots attended the meeting and shared with DLR the flight demonstrations of
the airborne simulators.

B. Harper (Arvin/Calspan) during International Symposium on In-

Formation flight of DLR in-flight simulators ATTAS and ATTHeS
flight Simulation after demonstration flight with ATTAS

ATTAS in-flight simulation of Hermes spaceplane. Flight demonstration for European astronauts
Haigneré and Reiter.

Instrumentation, flight testing, data-gathering, and model

development for C-160 Transall Mission-Simulator
accomplished in 15 months. Contract work for Thomson-
CSF in cooperation with German Air Force Transport
Squadron LTG 62 (Wunstorf) and German Forces Flight
Test Center WTD 61 (Manching). A challenging single-
engine take-off was demonstrated within the 80-hour
flight test program and subsequently modeled for
simulation purposes.
C-160 flight test team in front of aircraft at German Forces Flight
Test Center WTD 61

Unsteady rotor blade pressure measurements and complementary far field BVI (Blade-Vortex-
Interaction) noise measurements gathered with ROTOS test rig in DNW. Nearly real-time pressure
data analysis in the frequency domain accomplished with innovative TEDAS technology (Throughput
Enhanced Data Acquisition System) developed by the Institute. The program was started at DLR
(CP-ROT) and transformed to the European Program Helinoise (cooperation with DLR-Institutes of
Design Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, and Fluid Mechanics, ECD, and Agusta).

World Class Glider prototype assessment. The

International Glider Commission of the Fédération
Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) organized an
international flight assessment. Seven glider prototypes
coming from five different nations entered final World
Class Glider evaluation. This Institute successfully
provided world-unique flight test methodologies and
instrumentation for the prototype evaluation of handling
The champion World Class Glider prototype PW-5 (background)
in formation flight with the second placed SZD-51-1 JUNIOR qualities and flight performance.
(both from Poland)

Technical project control and supervision, flight vehicle system identification, and flight testing of the
high-altitude atmospheric research aircraft G 850 Strato 2C. This world-unique largest carbon-fiber
aircraft with a pressurized cabin and two three-stage turbocharged piston engines attained a
maximum altitude of 18500m (world record for manned piston-engined aircraft). Feasibility tests of a
Russian emergency pressure suit for long endurance high altitude operations were undertaken in the
ATTAS System Simulator (cooperation with Grob, IABG, and various DLR institutes).

High-altitude research aircraft G 850 Strato 2C Strato 2C pressure suit tests in ATTAS System Simulator

Signing of Memorandum of Agreement with Eurocopter provided the first milestone for development
of a new Active Control Technology / Flying Helicopter Simulator (ACT/FHS), later dubbed HESTOR,
which was launched two years later.

German-Russian Workshop on In-flight Simulation. Flight

Research Institute Gromov and DLR Institute of Flight
Research made a public display and flight demonstration
of their airborne simulators Tu 154M and VFW 614
ATTAS at the Hanover Airport. The Tu 154 M was used
for simulating and flight testing the guidance and control
system of the Russian Buran spaceplane. In-flight thrust
reversing was used to match Buran´s low lift-to-drag
ratio. ATTAS was also used as reference vehicle for the
design specification of the European Hermes Training
Joint flight of airborne simulators Tu 154M and VFW 614 ATTAS as Aircraft (HTA).
photographed by WTD 61 Alpha Jet.


NATO Helicopter Industries NH90 configuration

measurements in DNW. Subsequent flight testing
revealed no major changes to the NH90 empennage. It is
the first time in Europe that diligent wind tunnel tests of
complete rotorcraft models were used for development
risk and cost reduction of large scale helicopter projects
(cooperation with Eurocopter and NLR).

NH90 model configuration testing at DNW (1993)

ATTAS flight evaluation and validation of advanced control laws dubbed SAFIR (Small Airliner Flight
Control Laws Investigation and Refinement). Flying qualities including flight envelope protection
functions were rated to be outstanding. Special customer-oriented computer interfaces for hardware-
in-the-loop integration were provided by DLR. Results are of direct relevance to the VFW 614 ATD
(Aerospace Technologies Demonstrator) EFCS (Electronic Flight Control System) flight test program
planned by Dasa-DA (cooperation with Dasa-DA).

Autonomous hovering tracking flight above moving

ground target demonstrated for the first time with Bo 105
ATTHeS. High-bandwidth model following flight control
for active and effective decoupling of higher-order rotor
dynamics is a prerequisite for computer-controlled
precision flight. Hands-off tracking flight was achieved by
sensor vision and pattern recognition technologies.

World first autonomous hovering tracking flight demonstrated with

ATTHeS (1994)


ATTAS in-flight simulation of an A3XX-type very large

transport aircraft. Flight control laws based on model
following control architectures flight tested and
demonstrated (cooperation with Airbus Industrie).

Chief test pilot Lelaie and flight test director Robert (both Airbus
Industrie) after flight evaluation of very large aircraft dynamics with


Higher-Harmonic Control Aeroacoustic Rotor Tests

(HART) with modified ROTOS test rig in DNW. For the
first time unsteady rotor pressure data were gathered
under active rotor control test conditions. Minimum
vibration and noise control laws explored. Physics of
blade-vortex interactions (BVI) studied. TEDAS
technology again indispensable for on-line data
acquisition and spectral analysis of enormous data
quantities. Unique database for aeroacoustic prediction
codes (cooperation with US Army, NASA, DLR Institutes
Transatlantic multidisciplinary active noise control research project
of Design Aerodynamics, Aeroelasticity, and Fluid
HART in DNW (1994)
Mechanics, and ONERA).

Development of an unmanned high altitude solar-

powered aircraft for long endurance aerial positioning at
intermediate latitudes. Flight testing of the SOLITAIR
proof-of-concept model aircraft with adjustable solar
panels for optimum solar radiation absorption
(cooperation with Technical University of Munich).

SOLITAIR proof-of-concept model aircraft with adjustable solar


The Institute (Experimental Flight Control and
Measurement System), Eurocopter Deutschland (EC 135
Airframe Modifications and Certification), Liebherr
Aerospace (Fly-by-Light Control Actuators and Core
Computer) became the key players for system design
and integration of the new Active Control Technology and
Flying Helicopter Simulator (ACT/FHS) based on a
EC 135 host helicopter. This project - later dubbed
HESTOR (Helicopter Simulator for Technology,
Operations and Research) - is sponsored by the Ministry
of Defense (BMVg) and managed by DLR under contract
EC 135 host helicopter for the HESTOR (ACT/FHS) project
of the German Procurement Agency (BWB). First flight
with integrated systems is planned for the year 2000
(additional partners within DLR: Institute of Flight
Guidance and Flight Department).
Prototype design and demonstration of innovative active pilot control inceptor/sidestick MAGSI
(Magnetically force loaded Sidestick, cooperation with Technical University of Braunschweig).

Enhanced and synthetic vision flight tests with ATTAS

using head-up and flat panel displays. Flight evaluation
and demonstration of an advanced display concept with
3-D terrain presentation on a large flat panel display. In
total, 35 flights with 20 airline pilots were conducted at
Frankfurt airport. Head-Up Display (HUD) demonstration
of low level flights for future large transport aircraft
(cooperation with TU Darmstadt, VDO, Dasa, Honeywell).

ATTAS integrated head-up and flat panel displays

Ground-based (FFA FOSIM) and in-flight simulation (ATTAS) studies of aircraft-pilot coupling (APC)
phenomena. Test data were gathered to validate the new DLR stability criterion OLOP (Open-Loop-
Onset-Parameter) for predicting pilot-in-the-loop oscillations. Flight critical APC problems are often
strongly related to control surface rate saturation effects. The OLOP criterion has already been
applied in national and international aircraft industry projects (cooperation with US NRC, NASA H.Q.,
FFA, Saab, and WTD 61).

Mathematical model development for Dornier 328-110

Level-D Training Simulator. Reversible manual flight
control dynamics and propeller slipstream interference
effects challenged the complex nonlinear modeling and
validation process. FAA Level-D certification was
achieved (cooperation with Fairchild/Dornier).

Dornier 328 commuter aircraft


Development and flight testing of a Small Autonomous

Parafoil Landing Experiment (ALEX) for the investigation
of GNC concepts for autonomous landing. Research
focuses also on low-cost instrumentation and system
identification of non-rigid parafoil-payload systems
(cooperation with Technical University of Braunschweig).

ALEX I system during take-off beneath research helicopter Bo 105


Development support for the VFW 614 ATD (Advanced Technologies Demonstrator) of Dasa-DA.
ATD is the attempt of the German Aerospace Industry to develop, flight test, and certify a full digital
fly-by-wire flight control system without mechanical back-up. The Institute provided scientific and
engineering support regarding handling qualities analysis, flight control law design, sensor calibration,
telemetry setup, and flight test preparation.
W. Kröll, Chairman of the DLR Executive Board (right), and G. Schröder, Ministerpresident
VFW 614 ATD Fly by Wire Technology Demonstrator of Lower Saxony, now Chancellor of the Federal Republic (center), being briefed on
HESTOR (ACT/FHS) host helicopter EC 135 (1997)


Flight test program for airborne sensor integration and

system certification conducted for the high altitude
research aircraft Grob G 520T Egrett twin-seater, owned
by the Flinders University/Airborne Research Australia.
The flight test program was managed by the Institute,
accumulating a total of 24 flight test hours. Aircraft testing
included flutter, stability and control, and climb
performance checks. A maximum operational ceiling of
50100 ft pressure altitude was achieved.
High altitude research aircraft Grob G 520T Egrett in

Consolidation and finalization of a modular system of algorithms for parameter estimation. This
unique tool, dubbed ESTIMA is used in all Institute´s projects on flight vehicle system identification.
The first version of the software tool for parameter estimation for general nonlinear systems was
developed in the period 1981-1983. Later, in 1989 the techniques were extended to account for plant
noise (atmospheric turbulence).

IBC (Individual Blade Control) flight tests accomplished

with ZFL actuator technology integrated into the Bo 105
S-1 technology demonstrator of Eurocopter Deutschland.
DLR provided control law design, PCM instrumentation
as well as data acquisition and evaluation systems.

Bo 105 S-1 IBC technology demonstrator and DLR flight test


15 years of fruitful collaboration between the Institute and NAL (National Aerospace Laboratories,
Bangalore, India) covering the fields of system identification, data analysis, flight control system
design techniques, and flight instrumentation. The 10th anniversary of cooperation was celebrated in
November 1993 with a joint symposium on System Identification. The cooperation led to an exchange
of more than 20 scientists from each side. The Institute was also the host organization for Indian
DAAD as well as Alexander-von-Humboldt fellowship holders.

The 20-Year-Anniversary of the US Army-BMVg/DLR

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Helicopter
Aeromechanics was celebrated at the German Ministry of
Defense. US and German government representatives
commended to this MoU as a shining example of
successful transatlantic cooperation in the field of
fundamental and multidisciplinary aeronautical research.
The complementary use of research tools, and the work
in integrated teams produced world-unique results which
a single party could not have accomplished.
US Army, BMVg and DLR team members at 20-Year-MoU-
Anniversary celebration meeting in Bonn.

ATTAS Dial-a-Model demonstration flights for ETPS and EPNER test pilot schools. With these flights,
the Test Pilot Training Syllabus was established and consolidated. ATTAS will be flown for ETPS,
EPNER, and the German Forces Flight Test Center WTD 61 as test pilot training aircraft in 1999 and
following years.
DLR-ONERA installation of a permanent rotorcraft management team. The cooperation was
pioneered by the Institute, defining three leading projects dubbed Quiet, Smart, and Robust

A new low noise, high performance rotor system named

ERATO was commonly developed by DLR and ONERA.
Extensive computations with varying local rotor blade
parameters like airfoil section, chord, and sweep and
twist angles resulted in an unconventional noise
alleviating blade shape. The rotor was successfully tested
in the Modane wind tunnel and at DNW (cooperation with
ONERA, Eurocopter, and DLR-Institutes of Design
Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity).
ERATO and the people in DNW

Within the program to expand the FBW-flight regime of the In-Flight Simulator ATTAS for research
application to touch down and landing first FBW- landing took place on April, 30 at Berlin
Schoenefeld airport. Several technical modifications have been developed to allow safe operation
also in failure cases near the ground.
A flight test campaign with ATTAS was carried out under contract of the French Test pilot school
(EPNER) at Istres May 1999. ATTAS in the role as In-Flight Simulator was used to demonstrate to
the test pilots various aircraft/ flight control characteristics mainly for large transport aircraft. The tests
include rate-, nz- and alfa-command control, one engine approach and virtual ILS-approach.
The name of the
DLR - Institute of Flight Mechanics
has been changed on 17. December 1999.
The new name of the institute is
DLR - Institute of Flight Research
or, in German
DLR - Institut für Flugsystemtechnik.
The active sidestick development MAGSI was completed
end of 2000. The system with an unique elecromagnetic
actuation system is scheduled to be flight tested on
ATTAS in the EPIAS program (Enhanced pilot
information by using active sidestick) to investigate the
influences of tactile information in order to improve
situational awareness of the pilot. In total seven units
were built.
Within the ATTAS up grade program the system capabilities were improved to fulfill present and
future requirements. In 2000 a new high performance VME-bus based experimental control computer
(EXEC) as well as DMA interfaces to link user hardware were integrated and operated on ATTAS.
Further, a new user software interface based on MATLAB/SIMULINK was established. This solution
allows autocoding of the SIMULINK designed programs by using the Real Time Workshop to real
time programs running on the ATTAS target computers. This new approach allows very simple and
safe transportation of user developed software into the flight test bed.
The ground based system simulator for ATTAS got a new
improved vision system. The system has two channels
with video projection of 120 degrees in azimuth and 30
degrees in elevation. Further terrain data base was
improved to provide detailed Frankfurt and Braunschweig
airport sceneries for landing tests. The ATTAS simulator
has to be used to verify user software, to prove flight test
procedures and to train the crew before the real flight

The ACT/FHS helicopter simulator in the same role as

the ATTAS simulator was completed for testing the
experimental fly-by-wire equipment and functions before
installed in the flight test vehicle.

Flight test engineer training on ATTAS was carried out at Braunschweig, Sept. 2000 under contract of
the Empire Test Pilot School. Uk (ETPS). The training objective was to demonstrate the behaviour of
augmentation systems in-flight which were designed by the test engineers. After flight demonstration
the engineers could improve their design on the base of SIMULINK. Next day the modified systems
could be flight tested on ATTAS for further evaluation.
In total 5 engineers, one testpilot and two tutors took part on the flight trials where 9 control
configurations were tested.
On 16 August 2001 during a farewell celebration Prof.
Dr.-Ing. SM., Peter Hamel was honored for his successful
leadership of the Institute of Flight Research during more
than 30 years. Prof. Hamel retired on 1 August. The new
director is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Levedag.

The former and the new Director of the Institute of Flight Research,
Prof. Peter Hamel (left) and Prof. Stefan Levedag,
having a chat at the ATTAS 20 Year Anniversary Workshop.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the In-Flight Simulator and Flying Demonstrator Aircraft
ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System) a scientific workshop was held at the DLR
Research Center Braunschweig on October 16th and 17th 2001. For this important event 60
international flight testing experts came together. The unique capabilities and the most important
flight test campaigns carried out on ATTAS over the last 15 years were presented by DLR scientists
and ATTAS customers. The high-light at the end of the workshop was a demonstration of the three
testing facilities: The ATTAS aircraft, the ATTAS ground based simulator and the ATTAS rear

The 20th Anniversary of the DLR-NAL (National
Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, India) bilateral
cooperation for peaceful purposes in the field of
Aeronautical Sciences was celebrated at the Embassy of
India in Berlin on 25-26 Sept. 2001. The One-Day
Technical Symposium was part of the celebration and
essentially organized to take stock of the major R&D
activities pursued jointly in the different areas, the
achievements and to plan future directions. During the
last 20 years different DLR Institutes (Flight Research,
Aerodynamics and Flow Techniques, Structure
Mechanics and Flight Guidance) were involved in this
His Excellency Mr. Ronen Sen (right), Ambassador, cooperation. The complementary use of software tools
Embassy of India, releasing the brochure.
and wind-tunnel test techniques produced some unique
results. A detailed brochure giving an excellent record of
highlights of joint work carried out by DLR-NAL Teams
over the years was compiled and released during the
celebration. Besides the outstanding technical results and
large number of peer reviewed international publications,
the unique feature of the cooperation program was the
excellent understanding and close rapport amongst the
collaborators at various levels.

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