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Minimal Model: Perspective From 2005: Research

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Insulin Sensitivity: Methods

HORMONE Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 Published online: January 20, 2006
RESEARCH DOI: 10.1159/000089312

Minimal Model: Perspective from 2005

Richard N. Bergman
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., USA

Key Words cepted in cardiovascular and respiratory control [1, 2],

Insulin resistance ! Insulin secretion ! Genetics ! the acceptance of models to describe blood glucose regu-
Disposition index ! Modelling lation was more controversial. Early models were based
upon differential equation representations of the dynam-
ic relationships between glucose and insulin, and varied
Abstract from extremely simple [3] to extremely complex [4].
The minimal model was proposed over 25 years ago. However, the impact of modelling on the diagnosis and
Despite (or because of) its simplicity it continues to be treatment of diabetes mellitus was limited. One reason
used today – both as a clinical tool and an approach to for the lack of acceptance was the unfamiliarity of many
understanding the composite effects of insulin secretion endocrinologists with the process of using mathematical
and insulin sensitivity on glucose tolerance and risk for or computer representations to describe closed-loop feed-
type 2 diabetes mellitus. The original assumptions of the back systems. Additional problems arose from the inher-
model have led to an understanding of the kinetics of ently non-linear nature of the function of the organs that
insulin in vivo, as well as the relative importance of !-cell play prominent roles in regulation of the blood glucose
compensatory failure in the pathogenesis of diabetes. concentration.
The disposition index (DI), a parameter emerging from Modelling the pancreatic islets was a particularly dif-
the model, represents the ability of the pancreatic islets ficult problem. The !-cell is a complex cell demonstrating
to compensate for insulin resistance. There is evidence biphasic insulin secretion, with a response that is altered
that a locus on chromosome 11 codes for the DI, which by previous history of stimulation and a non-linear dose-
has a significant heritability and can predict type 2 dia- response curve. These complex characteristics of the !-
betes better than any known genetic locus. Even today, cells are not amenable to simple representation in math-
the model continues to be a subject of scientific discov- ematical terms [5]. However, it proved to be possible to
ery and discourse. exploit mathematical modelling and gain substantial in-
Copyright © 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel formation regarding blood glucose regulation while avoid-
ing the hurdles inherent in describing !-cell function in
mathematical terms.
Origin of the Minimal Model To do this we exploited the intravenous glucose toler-
ance test (IVGTT). We modified the test by making fre-
Mathematical modelling of homeostatic systems has quent measurements of plasma glucose and insulin fol-
long held great promise to explain the behaviour of closed- lowing glucose injection – thus revealing the complex dy-
loop physiological systems. While modelling has been ac- namic relationship between plasma glucose and insulin.

© 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Richard N. Bergman, PhD

0301–0163/05/0649–0008$22.00/0 Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California
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Pancreas dG
= – SG + X(t) ✽G

Liver dX
‘Remote’ = p2 ✽ l(t) – p3 ✽ X(t)
SI =

Glucose Glucose Remote

= – + ✽G
restoration rate effectiveness insulin

CNS Increase in Plasma Remote
= p2 ✽ – p3 ✽
remote insulin insulin insulin

Fat ‘Minimal’ model (sic)


Fig. 1. Closed-loop relationship between glucose, insulin secretion Fig. 2. The minimal model. The first equation represents the phys-
and insulin action. ‘Tank’ represents blood glucose in extracellular iological factors that determine the restoration of plasma glucose
fluid. The level of glucose (height of fluid) is the balance between after injection: the effect of glucose itself (SG), and the effect of in-
the rate of production (flux from liver) and rate of utilization (drain- sulin in the interstitial compartment [X(t)], which acts synergisti-
age from tank). After meals, the level of glucose increases (i.e. the cally with glucose to return the glycaemia to basal levels. The second
height in the tank rises) eliciting an insulin secretory response. In- equation represents the flux of insulin from plasma into the inter-
sulin crosses the endothelial barrier (represented by the wavy line), stitial compartment, where it acts [8]. dG/dt = Glucose restoration
increases glucose uptake by muscle and suppresses lipolysis from rate; G = plasma glucose; dX/dt = rate of increase in remote insulin;
adipose tissue, which in turns reduces liver glucose production. To p2 = fractional rate of insulin appearance in interstitial fluid; p3 =
simplify modelling, only the extrapancreatic tissues are represented fractional clearance of insulin from interstitial compartment; I(t) =
(indicated by the dotted arrow), including the effects of insulin and plasma insulin; SI = insulin sensitivity index; SG = glucose effective-
glucose per se on net glucose utilization (i.e. production by liver ness; X(t) = is proportional to remote insulin (i.e. insulin in inter-
minus uptake by the central nervous system and muscle) [6]. stitial compartment).

We reasoned that, although the closed-loop relationship model, the minimal model, is represented in figure 2. We
between glucose and insulin remains intact during the discovered that certain very fundamental physiological
test, the resulting data can be described by a stimulus-re- realities had to be represented in the model. (1) Glucose,
sponse (input-output) model of the extrapancreatic tis- once elevated by injection, returns to basal level due to
sues that utilize glucose. The plasma insulin measured two effects: the effect of glucose itself to normalize its own
during the IVGTT represents the stimulus to the tissues concentration (mass action plus allosteric effects of hex-
utilizing glucose (fig. 1), and glycaemia is the response. ose [7]) as well as the catalytic effect of insulin to allow
What remained was to define a model that could accu- glucose to self-normalize (now known to be due to mobi-
rately represent the effect of secreted insulin on glucose lization of glucose transporter 4). (2) Also, we discovered
dynamics. that the effect of insulin on net glucose disappearance
We applied the principle of Occam’s Razor, i.e. by ask- must be sluggish – that is, that insulin acts slowly because
ing what was the simplest model based upon known phys- insulin must first move from plasma to a remote compart-
iology that could account for the insulin–glucose relation- ment (later shown to be interstitial fluid) to exert its action
ship revealed in the data. Such a model must be simple on glucose disposal. The model embodies these simple
enough to account totally for the measured glucose (given ideas in two equations – one that relates glucose disap-
the insulin input), yet it must be possible, using mathe- pearance to the glucose effect (catalysed by insulin), and
matical techniques, to estimate all the characteristic pa- a second that describes the kinetics of insulin movement
rameters of the model from a single data set (thus avoid- from blood to the active compartment (fig. 2).
ing unverifiable assumptions). The emergent selected

Minimal Model Update Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 9


Minimal model: papers published






1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Fig. 3. Studies using or studying the minimal model from 1979 to April 2005, estimated from the PubMed Cita-
tion Index.

The Metabolic Profile considerations made it possible to: (1) perform the fre-
quently sampled IVGTT on an individual; (2) measure
The mere presentation of a model of glucose homeo- glucose and insulin; (3) fit the data to the minimal model;
stasis would have only didactic value if not applicable in (4) calculate insulin sensitivity.
real circumstances. We considered the descriptive pa- The value of SI has been compared favourably many
rameters that could emerge from the modelling of the times with measures of insulin sensitivity from the glu-
IVGTT, which might have usefulness for assigning risk cose clamp [6]. To carry out this comparison it was nec-
for developing diabetes. It was clear even several decades essary to discern the clamp analogue to SI. In fact, SI from
ago that insulin resistance could be an important risk fac- the clamp represents the effect of insulin, per se, to aug-
tor for type 2 diabetes. How could insulin resistance (or ment the ability of glucose to enhance net glucose disap-
its converse, insulin sensitivity) be calculated from the pearance from the extracellular fluid (by suppression of
minimal model? Insulin sensitivity was defined in quan- endogenous glucose output plus increase in glucose dis-
titative terms as the effect of insulin to catalyse the disap- posal). The term SI is often misused as a general term for
pearance of glucose from plasma. insulin sensitivity whereas it should be used according to
In mathematical terms, this translated as the partial the formal definition given above (see Zethelius et al. [9]
derivative of insulin (I) and glucose (G) upon net glucose for an example).
disappearance: In addition to SI, we defined an additional parameter
"2 (dG/dt)/"G"I of glucose homeostasis: SG, or glucose effectiveness –
the ability of glucose itself to enhance its own disappear-
in which G is the plasma glucose concentration and I is ance independent of an increment in insulin. Addition-
the plasma insulin concentration. ally, we adopted the insulin secretory measure introduced
We showed that insulin sensitivity, which we defined by Porte and his colleagues: the first-phase insulin re-
as the insulin sensitivity index (SI), could readily be cal- sponse (AIRglucose). Thus, it is possible to obtain a com-
culated from parameters of the minimal model [8]. These prehensive snapshot of glucose homeostasis from the ac-

10 Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 Bergman

The Interface



Onboard editor
for data entry
and data editing

Fig. 4. Output from the user-friendly pro-

gram Minmod Millennium (copyright R.N.

cumulated parameters from the minimal model: SI, SG insulin sensitivity ! insulin secretion = disposition
and AIRglucose. The minimal model has been used in hun- index (DI)
dreds of studies, and the number of minimal model pa- SI ! AIRglucose = DI
pers continues to increase (fig. 3), testifying to the longev-
ity and usefulness of this modelling approach. One pos- This suggests that environmental reduction in insulin
sible contributor to the longevity is the availability of sensitivity (e.g. due to obesity, pregnancy, puberty, infec-
‘friendly’ software [10, 11], which allows independent in- tion etc.) would be compensated for by an increase in
vestigators to calculate minimal model parameters with- !-cell function, thus avoiding an impairment in glucose
out a sophisticated knowledge of the underlying mathe- tolerance.
matics (fig. 4). The !-cell has the ability to upregulate insulin secre-
tion in response to insulin resistance. The degree to which
it is able to do this is represented by the DI, which is,
Disposition Index and the Hyperbolic Law of therefore, a measure of !-cell functionality. That is, DI
Glucose Tolerance reflects the ability (or lack thereof) of the !-cells of the
pancreatic islets to be able to compensate for insulin re-
The minimal model was first applied to human pa- sistance by increasing !-cell responsivity. The latter pro-
tients in 1981 [12]. In this study, we introduced the con- cess is possibly the most fundamental factor in the main-
cept that there is a stereotypical relationship between in- tenance of normal glucose tolerance (and, in fact, normal
sulin sensitivity and insulin secretion (fig. 5) [13]. Based fasting glucose) in the face of the vicissitudes of insulin
upon the engineering principle of closed-loop gain, we sensitivity, which are inevitable in the modernized world.
hypothesized that in normal individuals, the product of The DI can be conveniently represented as a hyperbola
insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion would be approx- (fig. 5). Numerous studies have confirmed the ability of
imately constant; that is: the !-cells to compensate for insulin resistance as pre-

Minimal Model Update Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 11

It is now abundantly clear that intervention can delay,
1,000 or possibly even prevent, type 2 diabetes. Various insulin-
sensitizing protocols, including pharmacological [18] and
lifestyle intervention [19], effectively prolong the period
before the development of diabetes in individuals at high
risk. Thus, it is very important to identify those at great-
Secretion % sensitivity
est risk for type 2 diabetes, so that resources for interven-
Secretion by pancreas

= constant (DI)
tion can be judiciously applied. How may we identify
those individuals most at risk?
Despite high expectations, a single gene responsible
for type 2 diabetes has not been identified. Instead, sev-
eral gene variants have emerged as possibly contributing
to diabetes risk; among these nominated genes are the
peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor # gene as
at risk well as hepatocyte nuclear factor 4$ and calpain-10. The
search for genes contributing to diabetes risk contin-
0 50 100 ues.
Insulin sensitivity of tissues In the absence of ‘the’ diabetes gene, other approaches
to measuring diabetes risk must be used. One such puta-
tive measure is the DI. It is the reduction in the ability to
Fig. 5. Hyperbolic law of glucose tolerance. The hyperbolic curve compensate for insulin resistance that may predict dis-
represents the propensity of the pancreatic !-cells to upregulate ease. That this is true, at least in some populations, has
insulin secretion in the face of insulin resistance. Thus, in normal been demonstrated by several groups. DI has been found
states of insulin resistance such as pregnancy and puberty, insulin
sensitivity is reduced and there is an appropriate increase in secre-
to be a powerful predictor of type 2 diabetes in the Pima
tion to compensate for and maintain glucose tolerance in the nor- Indians of Arizona, with a difference in odds for diabetes
mal range. Patients at risk for type 2 diabetes, however, operate on (comparing lowest to highest decile of DI) of almost 20.
a curve nearer the origin, such that insulin resistance causes a less- In addition, Groop and colleagues [20] have recently
er compensation in secretion. This can lead to glucose intolerance shown that DI is the single most effective non-genetic
and, eventually, type 2 diabetes. The equation for each curve is in-
sulin sensitivity ! insulin secretion = DI. The latter is a measure of
predictor of diabetes in the Botnia study of diabetes ge-
!-cell health (i.e. the ability of the pancreatic !-cells to compensate netics in Western Finland.
for insulin resistance). Figure adapted from Bergman [13].

Genetics of DI

dicted by the previous equation [14, 15], and the DI re- If DI can predict diabetes, and if gene loci have been
lationship has achieved the status of being referred to as identified that are linked to increased risk of diabetes, is
a law: the hyperbolic law of glucose tolerance [16]. there a gene for DI that may in fact be responsible for at
least some cases of diabetes in a given population? Two
groups have identified a locus on chromosome 11 that
Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes may be linked to diabetes. In the Insulin Resistance Ath-
erosclerosis (IRAS) Family Study [21], quantitative link-
Traditionally, type 2 diabetes has been considered to age analysis was used in a genome scan, and the highest
be a disease that develops rather slowly and one for which lod score identified (approximately 3) linked the DI to the
obesity is a prominent risk factor, usually responsible for locus on chromosome 11. The Finland–United States In-
insulin resistance. With time, !-cell functionality slowly vestigation of NIDDM Genetics (FUSION) study of dia-
declines, until hyperglycaemia ensues. The precise event betes [22] confirmed this, and identified a locus for dia-
that causes the tipping point [17] from impaired glucose betes risk in a region that overlaps with the chromosome
tolerance to fasting hyperglycaemia remains elusive. 11 risk from the IRAS study. Thus, the possibility exists
However, it is clear that both insulin resistance and de- that there is a gene on chromosome 11, which is heritable,
creased !-cell function are risk factors for diabetes. that causes risk for type 2 diabetes, and which determines

12 Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 Bergman

the DI. Further studies will test the hypothesis that in-
heritance of the DI can explain at least some cases of type
I: Basal III: β-cell compensation
2 diabetes.
II: Uncompensated resistance IV: Reduced insulin clearance

Accounting for the Hyperbola

5 What physiological mechanism accounts for the ro-

bust hyperbolic relationship between insulin secretion
4 and insulin sensitivity? Insulin resistance caused by a va-

riety of mechanisms elicits the appropriate insulin re-

3 sponse [23]. For example, induction of insulin resistance
by fat feeding causes a rapid decline in insulin sensitivity
(after 1 week), followed several weeks later by the appro-
priate degree of hyperinsulinaemia (fig. 6) [24], but how
do the !-cells ‘know’ to increase secretion in response to
0 insulin resistance? The classic concept is that insulin
resistance results in a subtle glucose intolerance, which in
4,000 turn causes mild hyperglycaemia leading to increased
!-cell responsivity. However, in studies in the dog model,
we reported substantial insulin resistance in the absence
of any increase in plasma glucose. Nevertheless, plasma
insulin still increased to compensate for resistance, and

2,000 glucose intolerance was prevented. What is the mysteri-

ous signal that notifies the !-cells to increase insulin out-

The Mysterious Signal


0.6 Our laboratory carried out a systematic study to at-

tempt to identify the signal for upregulation of insulinae-
0.5 mia. We considered the following possible endogenous
secretory signalling mechanisms, which could conceiv-
Fractional clearance

0.4 ably act as signals:

1 fasting glucose
2 fasting free fatty acids (FFA)
3 nocturnal glucose and/or FFA
4 glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1
0.1 5 cortisol
6 growth hormone
0 7 central nervous system.
Basal 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12
Time (weeks)
As previously mentioned, we induced insulin resis-
tance in the dog model by feeding a high-fat diet (6 g/kg/
day). Dogs gained weight (!5 kg or 20% of body weight
in 6 weeks), and demonstrated insulin resistance and hy-
Fig. 6. Time course of compensation for insulin resistance in the
perinsulinaemia. However, there was absolutely no in-
dog model. Insulin resistance is induced by increased dietary fat,
which is slowly compensated for by increased insulin secretion crease in fasting glucose and no significant increase in
(maximal at 5–6 weeks) and a decrease in first-pass clearance of fasting FFA. To examine possible nocturnal changes, we
insulin by the liver [24]. collected blood samples over 24 h under control (normal

Minimal Model Update Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 13

24-h plasma profiling
6 . . 9 . . 12 . . 3 . . 6 . . 9 . . 12 . . 3 . . 6
a.m. Noon p.m. Midnight a.m.


12-h light period 12-h dark period

At weeks 0 and 6:
• Dogs brought up to laboratory at 5 a.m.
• Each animal housed in a kennel during the experiment
• Blood samples taken at hourly intervals, starting at 6 a.m., from indwelling
catheters exposed/secured at the neck
• Meal presented at 9 a.m. and removed at 10 a.m. (uneaten food recorded;
identical meals at weeks 0 and 6).

Fig. 7. Protocol for establishing changes in FFAs overnight in the dog model.

diet) conditions, and after 6 weeks on the high-fat diet It will thus be of interest to observe the next 25 years, to
(fig. 7). Again, there was no change in the glucose pattern, see whether this simple model with interesting character-
even over 24 h. Additionally, no increases were observed istics further enhances studies of carbohydrate metabo-
in 24-h patterns of GLP-1, cortisol or growth hormone. lism and diabetes. In particular, it will be of interest to
In sharp contrast, however, was a highly significant in- see if the model’s usefulness is reduced by genetics, or if
crease in FFA levels overnight: the 24-h pattern of FFA it can continue to enhance studies looking for the cause
secretion was increased by 49%. On the basis of these re- of, and therapy for, type 2 diabetes and other insulin-re-
sults, we hypothesize that increased nocturnal FFA levels sistant states.
are the signal responsible for the insulinaemic compensa-
tion for fat-induced insulin resistance. Definitive proof
will require pharmacological normalization of overnight Acknowledgement
FFA to see if the compensatory signal is suppressed.
Dr. Bergman’s work is supported by the National Institutes of
Health (NIDDK, AM27619 and AM29867).


The minimal model is now over 25 years old. It is

somewhat surprising that it has lasted so long, but this
may be regarded as a testament to the robustness of the
model itself. Its longevity is also due to the fact that
‘friendly’ software (such as Minmod Millennium, copy-
right MINMOD Inc., Pasadena, California, USA) has
been made available so that the model is accessible to in-
dividuals not necessarily conversant in differential equa-
tions. The model has been useful as a compass by which
to identify important issues in systems biology as they
relate to carbohydrate metabolism. While the model itself
has not been changed, it is now being expanded to include
fat metabolism (A.E. Sumner, personal communication).

14 Horm Res 2005;64(suppl 3):8–15 Bergman


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