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GCS Article Part 2

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J Neurosurg 128:1621–1634, 2018

Simplifying the use of prognostic information in

traumatic brain injury. Part 2: Graphical presentation of
Gordon D. Murray, MA, PhD,1 Paul M. Brennan, MBBChir, FRCS, PhD,2 and
Graham M. Teasdale, MBBS, FRCP, FRCS3
Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics and 2Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh;
and 3Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

OBJECTIVE  Clinical features such as those included in the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, pupil reactivity, and pa-
tient age, as well as CT findings, have clear established relationships with patient outcomes due to neurotrauma. Never-
theless, predictions made from combining these features in probabilistic models have not found a role in clinical practice.
In this study, the authors aimed to develop a method of displaying probabilities graphically that would be simple and easy
to use, thus improving the usefulness of prognostic information in neurotrauma. This work builds on a companion paper
describing the GCS-Pupils score (GCS-P) as a tool for assessing the clinical severity of neurotrauma.
METHODS  Information about early GCS score, pupil response, patient age, CT findings, late outcome according to the
Glasgow Outcome Scale, and mortality were obtained at the individual adult patient level from the CRASH (Corticoste-
roid Randomisation After Significant Head Injury; n = 9045) and IMPACT (International Mission for Prognosis and Clini-
cal Trials in TBI; n = 6855) databases. These data were combined into a pooled data set for the main analysis. Logistic
regression was first used to model the combined association between the GCS-P and patient age and outcome, follow-
ing which CT findings were added to the models. The proportion of variability in outcomes “explained” by each model
was assessed using Nagelkerke’s R2.
RESULTS  The authors observed that patient age and GCS-P have an additive effect on outcome. The probability of
mortality 6 months after neurotrauma is greater with increasing age, and for all age groups the probability of death is
greater with decreasing GCS-P. Conversely, the probability of favorable recovery becomes lower with increasing age
and lessens with decreasing GCS-P. The effect of combining the GCS-P with patient age was substantially more infor-
mative than the GCS-P, age, GCS score, or pupil reactivity alone. Two-dimensional charts were produced displaying
outcome probabilities, as percentages, for 5-year increments in age between 15 and 85 years, and for GCS-Ps ranging
from 1 to 15; it is readily seen that the movement toward combinations at the top right of the charts reflects a decreasing
likelihood of mortality and an increasing likelihood of favorable outcome.
Analysis of CT findings showed that differences in outcome are very similar between patients with or without a hema-
toma, absent cisterns, or subarachnoid hemorrhage. Taken in combination, there is a gradation in risk that aligns with
increasing numbers of any of these abnormalities. This information provides added value over age and GCS-P alone,
supporting a simple extension of the earlier prognostic charts by stratifying the original charts in the following 3 CT
groupings: none, only 1, and 2 or more CT abnormalities.
CONCLUSIONS  The important prognostic features in neurotrauma can be brought together to display graphically their
combined effects on risks of death or on prospects for independent recovery. This approach can support decision mak-
ing and improve communication of risk among health care professionals, patients, and their relatives. These charts will
not replace clinical judgment, but they will reduce the risk of influences from biases.
KEYWORDS  Glasgow Coma Scale; head injury; traumatic brain injury; trauma; prognosis; charts

ABBREVIATIONS  CRASH = Corticosteroid Randomisation After Significant Head Injury; GCS = Glasgow Coma Scale; GCS-P = GCS-Pupils score; GCS-PA = GCS-P plus
age; GCS-PA CT = GCS-P plus age plus CT findings; GOS = Glasgow Outcome Scale; IMPACT = International Mission for Prognosis and Clinical Trials in Traumatic Brain
Injury; PRS = pupil reactivity score; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage; TBI = traumatic brain injury.
SUBMITTED  November 4, 2017.  ACCEPTED  December 23, 2017.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING  Published online April 10, 2018; DOI: 10.3171/2017.12.JNS172782.

©AANS 2018, except where prohibited by US copyright law J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018 1621
G. D. Murray et al.

linicians’ decisions about the management of model was developed using data from 11,989 patients
acute head injury are influenced by their percep- who had sustained moderate (GCS scores 9–12) or severe
tions of the patient’s prognosis.1 Nevertheless, de- (GCS scores 3–8) traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): the data
spite several decades of interest in, and descriptions of, had been collected prospectively during 11 different stud-
more than 100 methods of making probabilistic predic- ies.28 The present study used pooled data derived from a
tions of an individual patient’s outcome,39 there is little combined database, which was constructed as described
evidence that these methods have found a role in clinical in our companion paper.4
practice in neurotrauma.22,35,39 This position is echoed in
other acute illnesses,48 for example, predicting outcomes Prognostic Features
in acute stroke12 or pulmonary embolism,3 or predicting We abstracted items from the CRASH and IMPACT
hospital readmission.6,19 A survey of neurosurgical units databases into a single data set containing information on
in the United Kingdom revealed that almost all clinicians patient age in years at the time of injury and clinical find-
(90%) use the Glasgow Coma Scale as an index of injury ings.
severity on referral or hospital admission; in no instances
were further formal multifactorial calculations of progno- Patient Age
sis being made. We restricted our analysis to patients 16 years of age or
A reason for the lack of uptake of probabilistic models older. Age was treated as a linear factor on a logistic scale,
may be that clinicians can be uneasy about dealing with as it was previously demonstrated that the association be-
explicit mathematical probabilities. This is especially the tween age and both mortality and unfavorable outcome in
case if the process of producing models with varying, usu- neurotrauma can be well described in this way.17
ally unquantified, uncertainty seems opaque and lacks a
context for the information. However, whatever the rea- GCS Score
sons limiting uptake of probabilistic models, clinical care
itself is exposed to the influence of personal, highly vari- In the CRASH study the eye, verbal, and motor com-
able subjective opinions,32 and more effective and accept- ponents of the Glasgow Coma Scale were recorded for
able methods of communicating prognoses are required in each patient at the time of randomization, from which the
patients’ clinical care. GCS total score was calculated. In each of the 11 studies
Aids to the understanding of risks through graphical included in the IMPACT database the GCS score was de-
presentation have been found useful in presenting infor- termined at different time periods and the IMPACT model
mation in several fields, improving diagnostic inferences was developed using a “derived GCS score,” defined as
and judgment.5,14 Graphical aids may provide a simpler as- the GCS score obtained closest to randomization or on en-
sessment of risk than more complicated models, but they try into the study.28
trade off this loss of detail for greater transparency and an
Pupil Reactivity
understanding of the underlying pattern of relationships
between features, both singly and in combination, and the Pupil reaction to light was coded separately for each
outcome of interest. eye and was recorded at the same time as assessment of the
A visual aid may improve the usefulness of probabi- GCS score. To combine the GCS score and pupil findings,
listic models in neurotrauma. Four prognostic factors a GCS-Pupils score (GCS-P) was derived, as described
contain much of the information needed for prognosis of in the companion paper,4 by subtracting a pupil reactiv-
patients with acute head injury.2,7,33 The age of the patient ity score (PRS) from the GCS total score (range 3–15):
is a powerful factor. Most clinical predictive information GCS-P = GCS score – PRS. The PRS is determined from
is contained in the patient’s score on the Glasgow Coma the pupillary reaction to light. If both pupils are reac-
Scale and pupil reaction; and CT findings are the most tive, the PRS equals zero. If 1 pupil is unreactive the PRS
useful investigative index. These factors are key features equals 1. If both pupils are unreactive the PRS equals 2.
in most predictive systems.22,35,49 We therefore investigated This gives a possible range of GCS-P values from 1 to 15.
ways in which these 4 factors could be combined to convey
information about the risks of mortality, or, conversely, the CT Scan
prospects for independent recovery, after head injury. Our The methods used to record findings of the patient’s
intent was to create a simple graphical display that would first CT scan after arrival at the hospital differed between
be easy to use in a clinical setting. the CRASH and IMPACT databases. In the CRASH study,
the presence or absence of normal appearances, petechial
hemorrhage, obliteration of the third ventricle and/or basal
Methods cisterns, subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), midline shift
Sources of Information greater than 5 mm, or any type of intracranial hematoma
Our investigations were based on information derived (evacuated or not) were recorded as separate items.43 In the
from 2 large head-injury databases. The CRASH (Corti- IMPACT database the findings were recorded according
costeroid Randomisation After Significant Head Injury) to the Marshall classification as follows: I) diffuse injury,
study recruited 10,008 adults with head injury and GCS no visible pathology; II) diffuse injury, cisterns present,
scores of 14 or less from 239 hospitals in 49 countries.43 midline shift 0–5 mm; III) swelling, cisterns compressed
The IMPACT (International Mission for Prognosis and or absent; IV) diffuse injury and midline shift > 5 mm;
Clinical Trials in Traumatic Brain Injury) prognostic [V]) evacuated mass lesion; or [VI]) nonevacuated mass

1622 J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018

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lesion.21 The presence or absence of SAH was also re- TABLE 1. Principal patient characteristics for the analysis
corded. data set
To take account of these differences in recording, and Factor Value
in accord with their prognostic value, CT data were ab-
stracted from the CRASH and IMPACT databases and No. of patients 10,702
categorized according to the presence or absence of 3 Mean age in yrs (SD) 36.6 (16.5)
abnormalities: 1) an intracranial hematoma (evacuated or M/F ratio 80:20
not), 2) absent cisterns, and 3) SAH.41,51 GCS score
  13–15 (mild head injury) 1796 (16.8)
Patient Outcome
  9–12 (moderate head injury) 2653 (24.8)
In the CRASH study, outcome on the Glasgow Out-
  3–8 (severe head injury) 6253 (58.4)
come Scale (GOS) was determined at 6 months postinjury
by using a structured postal questionnaire. For data in the No. of reactive pupils
IMPACT database, outcome on the GOS was derived for  0 1169 (10.9)
each patient 6 months after head injury based on the avail-  1 1026 (9.6)
able information. If 6-month data were unavailable, the  2 8507 (79.5)
3-month GOS classification was used. Data were extracted CT classification
from the 6-month (3-month if necessary) GOS findings,
 Normal 1817 (17.0)
and “favorable outcome” was defined as moderate disabil-
ity or good recovery on the GOS. We included the 140 pa-  Hematoma 3997 (37.3)
tients listed as being in a persistent vegetative state (1.3%)  Other 4888 (45.7)
in the mortality group. Mortality 2678 (25.0)
Favorable outcome 6257 (58.5)
Analysis and Modeling of Relationships
Unless otherwise indicated, values represent number of patients (%). Mortality
The modeling that led to the combination of the GCS group includes patients listed as being in a persistent vegetative state.
total score and pupil reactivity into the GCS-P is set out in
our companion paper.4 Logistic regression was used first
to model the combined association between the GCS-P
and patient age and outcome; following this, CT findings Relationship of Individual Prognostic Features to Patient
were added to the models. An assessment of the infor- Outcome
mation yield from combinations of the prognostic fea- Patient Age
tures was made. The proportion of variability in outcome The relationship between increasing age above 16 years
that were “explained” by each model was assessed using and mortality or favorable outcome is set out in Table 2
Nagelkerke’s R2.36 and illustrated in Fig. 1. The probability of death 6 months
Once a model was selected, we constructed a prognos- after head injury increases steadily, and the probability
tic chart using predicted probabilities of either mortality of favorable recovery decreases steadily, as age above 16
or favorable outcome, which were derived from the fitted years increases.
model. We then constructed a table providing these pre-
dicted probabilities over a grid corresponding to each pos-
sible GCS-P value and 5-year steps in age from 15 to 85 TABLE 2. Patient age and outcomes
years. Color shading was used to highlight gradations in
the relevant predicted probabilities from 0% up to 100%. Age (yrs) Sample Size Mortality Favorable Outcome
The performance of predictions presented in these 16–20 1868 342 (18.3) 1269 (67.9)
charts was compared with the performance of the pub- 21–25 1775 324 (18.3) 1211 (68.2)
lished IMPACT49 and CRASH38 models (the IMPACT 26–30 1360 260 (19.1) 898 (66.0)
Core and Extended models and the CRASH Basic and CT
models) by calculating the corresponding R2 values for pa- 31–35 1059 232 (21.9) 659 (62.2)
tients in our database, whose information came separately 36–40 977 217 (22.2) 601 (61.5)
from the IMPACT and CRASH databases. Data were not 41–45 821 207 (25.2) 440 (53.6)
available to cross-apply IMPACT models to CRASH pa- 46–50 742 231 (31.1) 359 (48.4)
tients or cross-apply CRASH models to IMPACT patients. 51–55 560 160 (28.6) 278 (49.6)
56–60 494 165 (33.4) 215 (43.5)
Results 61–65 347 127 (36.6) 141 (40.6)
Patient Review 66–70 214 105 (49.1) 77 (36.0)
We identified patients in each database for whom infor- 71–75 211 115 (54.5) 61 (28.9)
mation on age, GCS score, pupil reactivity, and CT find- 76–80 137 94 (68.6) 31 (22.6)
ings was all available. We excluded patients under 16 years 81–85 77 53 (68.8) 11 (14.3)
of age (n = 334). For our analysis, the information from the
2 sources was combined into a single set of 10,702 patients 86+ 60 46 (76.7) 6 (10.0)
with features shown in Table 1. Unless otherwise indicated, values represent number of patients (%).

J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018 1623

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FIG. 1. Percentages of patients dead (Mortality) or with a favorable outcome (Favorable) 6 months following head injury according
to patient age at hospital admission. Error bars show corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Figure is available in color
online only.

GCS Score and Pupil Reactivity ing GCS-P score. This is shown in Tables 4 and 5. In pa-
We combined data on the GCS score and pupil reac- tients 16–20 years of age with a GCS-P of 15, the rate of
tivity by using the GCS-P. The interaction between the mortality was 0% and the rate of favorable recovery was
GCS-P and either mortality or favorable outcome is set out 100%. In patients older than 85 years with a GCS-P of 1,
in Table 3. The probability of death 6 months after head the rate of mortality was 100% and the rate of favorable
injury increases and the probability of favorable recovery recovery was 0%, although the numbers of patients with
decreases as the GCS-P declines from 15 to 1. This is il- these extreme combinations were very small. There was
lustrated in Fig. 2. no evidence of a threshold or break point at which there
was a change in the relationship.
Interaction Between Age, GCS-P Score, and Outcome There are potentially 225 (15 × 15) possible combina-
We observed that patient age and the GCS-P have an tions of age (in 5-year increments) and GCS-P; so despite
additive effect on outcome. For GCS-P values from 1 the size of the data set, the numbers in some combina-
to 15, the probability of death 6 months after head inju- tions are limited. We therefore used logistic regression to
ry becomes greater with increasing age, and for all age attempt to illustrate the underlying smooth relationship
groups the probability of death is greater with decreasing between patient age, GCS-P, and outcome. The resulting
GCS-P. Conversely, the probability of favorable recovery fitted models, in which both age and GCS-P were taken
decreases with increasing age and decreases with lower- as continuous variables, are demonstrated graphically in
Fig. 3 left for mortality and in Fig. 3 right for favorable
Nagelkerke’s R2 is a measure of the proportion of vari-
TABLE 3. GCS-P and outcome
ability in outcome that is explained by the model used to
GCS-P Sample Size Mortality Favorable Outcome
1 298 235 (78.9) 32 (10.7)
2 384 270 (70.3) 52 (13.5)
3 719 329 (45.8) 215 (29.9)
4 709 283 (39.9) 217 (30.6)
5 821 279 (34.0) 332 (40.4)
6 1139 297 (26.1) 596 (52.3)
7 1443 298 (20.7) 879 (60.9)
8 813 165 (20.3) 532 (65.4)
9 619 114 (18.4) 431 (69.6)
10 671 116 (17.3) 481 (71.7)
11 616 81 (13.1) 467 (75.8)
12 700 80 (11.4) 541 (77.3)
FIG. 2. Relationship between the GCS-P and the percentages of pa-
13 823 76 (9.2) 672 (81.7) tients dead or with favorable recovery 6 months after injury. Error bars
14 912 50 (5.5) 782 (85.7) show corresponding 95% CIs. At a GCS-P of 15 these CIs are wide,
15 35 5 (14.3) 28 (80.0) because that data point is underrepresented in the data set as a result of
the inclusion criteria of the CRASH and IMPACT studies (see Table 3).
Unless otherwise indicated, values represent number of patients (%). Figure is available in color online only.

1624 J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018

TABLE 4. Relationships between mortality, age, and GCS-P
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Age % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
(yrs) SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead SS Dead
86+ 0 — 7 71 10 60 4 100 3 33 5 80 1 100 4 75 3 67 3 100 5 80 3 67 4 100 2 50 6 100
81–85 3 33 12 42 8 38 5 20 4 50 4 100 5 80 7 100 8 75 5 100 1 100 2 50 3 100 4 100 6 100
76–80 0 — 20 35 16 31 10 60 8 50 12 75 10 80 5 100 10 80 11 91 6 100 4 100 13 77 5 100 7 100
71–75 1 0 31 32 20 40 24 33 18 50 20 55 13 54 12 67 16 50 10 60 9 89 9 89 14 93 6 100 8 62
66–70 1 100 27 11 25 16 13 31 14 43 13 46 15 53 15 47 16 56 18 72 9 67 11 64 17 65 8 100 12 100
61–65 0 — 26 4 32 22 30 27 22 45 16 25 23 17 26 31 35 31 38 34 33 48 21 62 18 56 14 86 13 77
56–60 3 0 44 2 28 7 31 23 36 14 28 18 26 38 35 26 71 24 44 43 47 49 28 54 35 63 24 79 14 79
51–55 0 — 56 4 41 10 46 15 42 19 35 34 44 36 35 29 67 21 60 25 32 41 34 44 33 55 18 72 17 76
46–50 2 0 66 5 62 10 54 6 52 17 50 16 37 24 49 33 94 22 67 40 57 54 55 65 56 54 16 75 25 80
41–45 3 67 72 1 75 3 47 4 31 10 49 14 40 27 55 11 115 20 90 26 69 35 57 47 58 48 35 80 25 80
36–40 1 0 83 1 68 7 72 10 53 6 64 11 56 14 73 18 135 21 98 30 82 30 78 36 58 36 31 58 25 92
31–35 2 50 88 3 81 5 63 11 63 13 71 6 55 11 72 18 149 19 133 18 69 33 51 45 87 44 48 67 27 67
26–30 7 0 98 2 96 7 91 5 86 5 83 16 77 12 103 16 192 19 146 23 115 22 96 31 84 29 53 57 33 79
21–25 8 0 140 2 132 5 120 4 98 4 117 12 100 7 152 14 255 15 192 20 141 30 127 29 103 44 56 59 34 79
16–20 4 0 142 2 129 5 90 7 86 6 104 8 117 5 170 13 277 17 224 17 146 21 133 28 136 38 64 77 46 67
SS = sample size.

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TABLE 5. Relationships between favorable outcome, age, and GCS-P

J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Age % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
(yrs) SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav SS Fav
86+ 0 — 7 29 10 20 4 0 3 33 5 0 1 0 4 0 3 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 4 0 2 50 6 0
81–85 3 33 12 33 8 12 5 20 4 25 4 0 5 0 7 0 8 25 5 0 1 0 2 50 3 0 4 0 6 0
76–80 0 — 20 60 16 50 10 10 8 38 12 25 10 10 5 0 10 10 11 9 6 0 4 0 13 8 5 0 7 0
71–75 1 100 31 55 20 55 24 46 18 22 20 20 13 8 12 25 16 25 10 40 9 0 9 0 14 0 6 0 8 12
66–70 1 0 27 74 25 68 13 54 14 57 13 46 15 13 15 33 16 6 18 22 9 11 11 18 17 24 8 0 12 0
61–65 0 — 26 77 32 63 30 53 22 41 16 63 23 57 26 50 35 40 38 34 33 18 21 5 18 28 14 0 13 8
56–60 3 100 44 82 28 61 31 55 36 69 28 75 26 58 35 40 71 42 44 32 47 17 28 25 35 14 24 4 14 14
51–55 0 — 56 80 41 80 46 72 42 62 35 51 44 50 35 51 67 49 60 40 32 25 34 24 33 18 18 11 17 12
46–50 2 100 66 80 62 71 54 83 52 63 50 66 37 59 49 49 94 45 67 37 57 23 55 11 56 23 16 12 25 8
41–45 3 33 72 85 75 88 47 83 31 65 49 67 40 65 55 62 115 57 90 49 69 28 57 19 58 24 35 14 25 4
36–40 1 100 83 90 68 90 72 82 53 83 64 73 56 70 73 68 135 59 98 53 82 43 78 37 58 38 31 19 25 4
31–35 2 50 88 88 81 93 63 75 63 81 71 85 55 85 72 65 149 62 133 59 69 48 51 24 87 30 48 15 27 19
26–30 7 86 98 94 96 88 91 90 86 86 83 75 77 77 103 75 192 70 146 54 115 50 96 44 84 42 53 19 33 12
21–25 8 100 140 94 132 86 120 87 98 92 117 82 100 85 152 76 255 71 192 59 141 51 127 41 103 36 56 16 34 9
16–20 4 100 142 96 129 93 90 88 86 91 104 85 117 85 170 77 277 72 224 64 146 54 133 35 136 35 64 14 46 22
Fav = favorable outcome.
G. D. Murray et al.

FIG. 3. Relationships between mortality, age, and GCS-P (left) and between favorable outcome, age, and GCS-P (right), based
on the fitted logistic regression models. Figure is available in color online only.

combine the data. Values for the GCS score, pupil reactiv- Interactions Between CT Characteristics, GCS-P, Age, and
ity, and age, alone or in combination, are shown in Table Outcome
6. The combination of GCS-P and age was found to be Taken individually, differences in outcome for those
substantially more informative than the GCS-P, age, GCS patients with and without each abnormality are very simi-
score, or pupil reactivity alone. The 3D plots in Fig. 3 il- lar for the 3 CT features. Taken in combination there is a
lustrate the general nature of the relationships. To translate gradation in risk moving from no CT abnormality (10%
these graphs into a useable prognostic aid that provides mortality) to 1 abnormality (mortality 20%–28%) to 2
precise percentage probabilities of outcomes with specif- abnormalities (mortality 38%–53%), and last to all 3 ab-
ic combinations of age and GCS-P, we produced the 2D normalities (mortality 61%). Fewer than 5% of all patients
charts shown in Fig. 4: GCS-P plus age (GCS-PA) predic- (505/10,702 patients) fell into the highest risk category, that
tion charts. is, with all 3 CT abnormalities present.
In these charts, the axes for age and GCS-P each start Table 8 shows the predictive yield of the CT data in
with the value associated with the worst prognosis— terms of Nagelkerke’s R2. The CT data are clearly informa-
GCS-P of 1 and age of 85 years—so that combinations tive, both in isolation and in their added value over age and
toward the bottom left of the charts represent an increas- GCS-P. There is a trade-off between predictive yield and
ing risk of mortality (Fig. 4 left) and a reduced prospect of simplicity as the number of CT groupings reduces from 8
favorable outcome (Fig. 4 right). Conversely, movement to- to 4 and then to 3; although even with only 3 groups, most
ward the combinations shown at the top right of the charts of the predictive yield is maintained. This leads to a simple
reflects a decreasing likelihood of mortality (Fig. 4 left) extension of the earlier charts by stratifying the original
and an increasing likelihood of favorable outcome (Fig. 4 charts by the 3 CT groupings: no CT abnormality; exactly
right). Color shading was used to highlight gradations in 1 CT abnormality; and 2 or more CT abnormalities. The re-
the relevant predicted probabilities as they range from 0% sulting GCS-PA CT prediction charts are shown in Figs. 5
to 100%. and 6. These charts were derived by adding the 3-group CT
The figures given for age represent precise values, as variable as a categorical variable into the logistic regression
the probabilities in the charts are derived from the fitted model that includes age and GCS-P as linear terms.
logistic regression models. So, for example, if applying the
chart for an individual 42 years of age, the relevant prob-
ability will lie between those probabilities given for 40 and
45 years. TABLE 6. Predictive yield of GCS-P score and patient age—both
separately and in combination
CT Characteristics and Outcome Nagelkerke’s R 2 (%)
Given the 3 CT abnormalities abstracted from the da- Modeling Modeling Favorable
tabase (intracranial hematoma, absent cisterns, and sub- Model Death Outcome
arachnoid hemorrhage [SAH]), there are 8 possible patterns
of CT abnormality (e.g., hematoma alone, or no hematoma GCS score as linear variable 15.5 19.8
but absent cisterns and SAH). Table 7 shows the relation- Pupil reactivity as linear variable 14.0 13.9
ship between outcome and the presence of each of the 3 GCS-P as linear variable 18.4 22.2
CT abnormalities, both individually and in all possible Age as linear variable 7.1 7.6
combinations. In addition, the corresponding information
GCS-P as linear variable & age 26.7 31.5
is presented for a simple grouping based on the number of
as linear variable
CT abnormalities (0, 1, or ≥ 2).
J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018 1627
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FIG. 4. GCS-PA prediction charts for the probability of 6-month mortality (left) and favorable outcome (right) based on the
patient’s admission GCS-P (derived as the GCS total score minus the number of nonreactive pupils) and age. The probabilities are
derived from the fitted logistic regression models. Figure is available in color online only.

In comparison with published predictive models38,49 (Ta- not require any calculation or computation. The distri-
ble 8) our CT-stratified charts are superior to the IMPACT bution of probabilities from our charts can be applied to
Core Model and the CRASH Basic Model. For patients individual patients to inform and assist discussions about
included in the IMPACT database, the performance lies management both between clinicians and among clini-
midway between the IMPACT Core and Extended models; cians, patients, and patients’ relatives. The probabilities
and for patients in the CRASH study, the performance of place outcome for an individual in the broader context of
the charts lies very close to that of the relatively complex the influence and interactions of age and clinical and CT
CRASH CT Model. findings. The probability charts do not attempt to provide
information on what will happen to a specific patient; that
Discussion is more a prophesy of specific outcome and is recognized
by clinicians as inherently fallible.
We have devised a method for bringing together the 4
most important prognostic features for outcome following Multivariate prognostic models in head injury have not
head injury (early GCS score, pupil response, patient age, found widespread adoption in clinical practice for many
and CT findings) to display graphically their combined reasons. The inherent uncertainty of models, set against the
effects on the risk of death or prospects for independent discipline and additional work involved in collecting and
recovery. inputting multiple data points, contributes to the lack of
Much of the focus on outcome prediction in neurotrau- adoption.20,30,35,39 A systematic review of prognostic models
ma and, indeed, in medicine in general, has been on the in TBI observed that only 10% of models were reported in a
methodology of prediction rather than on the method by manner practical in the clinical setting.39 Clinicians need to
which prognostic information is communicated, with even understand the origin of information that they use to justify
less attention paid to its practical impact. Robust tools for their practice.3 For clinical utility a model needs to balance
communicating risk in a readily understandable manner to incorporation of key data points and simplicity of use.54
doctors, other health care professionals, patients, and care- For prognostic models to be useful, they should be present-
givers are needed to address the gap between the avail- ed in a user-friendly manner so they can be easily applied
ability of prognostic evidence and its routine use in clini- in the clinical scenario.38 The GCS-PA CT charts, which
cal practice—the so-called “prognostic gap.”32 There is a we present in this paper, achieve this. Our charts incor-
conceptual difficulty in applying probabilistic statistics porate 4 factors—patient age, GCS score, pupil reactivity,
(for example, 72% of patients with this condition survive) and CT appearance—that have been extensively validated
to the binary outcomes possible for an individual patient in previous studies as the most important prognostic fea-
(survival or death). This contributes to the observation that tures in head-injured patients.28,38,49 We focused on adults
clinicians systematically overlook relevant factors with 16 years or older. Patient recruitment to the IMPACT and
prognostic significance in their decision making, leading CRASH databases, on which our analysis was performed,
to variations in predictions about patient outcomes and a was largely restricted to adults; even in the combined data,
tendency to pessimism.32 only 334 patients were children, compared with the 10,702
The process that we have developed for determin- adults used for prognostic modeling in this paper. Age was
ing outcome probability in patients with TBI is easy and treated as a linear factor on the logistic scale, as it was pre-
quick. Other than subtraction of pupil findings from the viously demonstrated that the association between age and
GCS score and identification of whether there are 0, 1, both mortality and unfavorable outcome in neurotrauma is
or 2 or more types of CT abnormality, our method does adequately described in this manner.17
1628 J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018
G. D. Murray et al.

TABLE 7. Relationships between CT characteristics and TABLE 8. Predictive yield of CT scan features alone and in
proportions of patients who either were dead or had favorable combination with GCS-P and patient age, together with a
outcomes at 6 months after head injury comparison with the published IMPACT49 and CRASH38 predictive
CT Characteristic Sample Size Mortality Favorable Outcome
Nagelkerke’s R 2 (%)
 No 6705 1223 (18.2) 4389 (65.5) Modeling
 Yes 3997 1455 (36.4) 1868 (46.7) Modeling Favorable
Model Death Outcome
Absent cisterns
 No 8051 1551 (19.3) 5184 (64.4) CT scan showing every combination of abnor- 15.8 13.4
 Yes 2651 1127 (42.5) 1073 (40.5) malities (8 groups)
SAH CT scan showing 0–3 abnormalities (4 groups) 15.1 13.1
 No 6765 1294 (19.1) 4451 (65.8) CT scan showing 0, 1, or ≥2 abnormalities (3 14.4 12.7
 Yes 3937 1384 (35.2) 1806 (45.9) groups)
No abnormality 3588 350 (9.8) 2763 (77.0) GCS-P as linear variable & age as linear 26.7 31.5
Hematoma alone 1893 469 (24.8) 1107 (58.5) variable
Absent cisterns 843 240 (28.5) 429 (50.9) GCS-P as linear variable & age as linear vari- 33.5 35.5
alone able & CT findings in 8 groups
SAH alone 1412 287 (20.3) 838 (59.3) GCS-P as linear variable & age as linear vari- 32.6 35.2
Hematoma & absent 441 235 (53.3) 152 (34.5) able & CT findings in 4 groups
cisterns GCS-P as linear variable & age as linear vari- 32.1 34.9
Hematoma & SAH 1158 445 (38.4) 476 (41.1) able & CT findings in 3 groups
Absent cisterns & 862 346 (40.1) 359 (41.6) IMPACT patients
SAH   IMPACT Core Model 20.3 24.9
Hematoma & absent 505 306 (60.6) 133 (26.3)   IMPACT Extended Model 27.0 32.5
cisterns & SAH   Age/GCS-P/CT chart 23.9 28.8
No. of CT abnor- CRASH patients
malities   CRASH Basic Model 34.9 37.7
  0 3588 350 (9.8) 2763 (77.0)
  CRASH CT Model 41.9 42.1
  1 4148 996 (24.0) 2374 (57.2)
   2 or more 2966 1332 (44.9) 1120 (37.8)   Age/GCS-P/CT chart 39.7 39.7
Values represent number of patients (%).

to divide patients based on their CT findings into 3 ap-

Attempts have been made to simplify the assessment proximately comparable size groups, with a clear grada-
of impaired consciousness by taking into account only 1 tion in prognosis, based on a simple count of the number of
or 2 components of the Glasgow Coma Scale, contracting abnormalities. In patients with a mass lesion, prognosis is
the criteria within these, or adding other features.15,47,52 Al- better when an extradural hematoma is present; however,
though in severe head injury, defined as a GCS score of 8 this distinction was not made in the CRASH study and we
or less, it is inevitable that changes in the motor score con- draw attention to the need to allow for this.16,24,33,43 There
stitute the main influence on prognosis, a recent definitive is no evidence that other imaging features have a strong
analysis of 54,069 patients with TBI confirmed that each enough independent effect to merit additional categories.
of the 3 components of the Glasgow Coma Scale contrib- Using our present approach, the CT findings clearly add
utes usefully to prognosis across the spectrum of the GCS value to the predictive yield from age, GCS score, and pu-
total score.42 pil reactivity when assessed using Nagelkerke’s R2.
A range of CT findings have been shown individually to The IMPACT and CRASH data are now more than a
relate to prognosis in head injury.29,41,42,51 These have been decade old, but comparisons within the IMPACT data set
combined in a variety of ways in different approaches to do not indicate a time-related influence.33 Moreover, de-
classification and scoring, and there is no consensus about spite changing practices in prehospital care, emergency
a uniform system.21,26 We were clear that for practical im- medicine, and intensive care, neither a clear decrease in
pact our approach needed to have clinical face value, to TBI-related mortality nor an improvement in overall out-
use a very limited number of categories to produce charts come has been observed over the past 2 decades.44 Cur-
with distinctly different patterns, and to be as simple and rently, several large prospective studies are underway,
easy to apply as possible. The finding that the presence including in North America TRACK-TBI (Transforming
of an intracranial hematoma, an abnormality of the basal Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain
cisterns, or SAH on CT scans had very comparable effects Injury, and the TBI-Progno-
on prognosis supports our approach based on the number sis Study ( and in Europe
of these abnormalities present rather than a complex ma- CENTER-TBI (Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Ef-
trix of findings for each. In this way, we have been able fectiveness Research in TBI,
J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018 1629
G. D. Murray et al.

FIG. 5. GCS-PA CT prediction charts for the probability of mortality 6 months after head injury based on the patient’s admission
GCS-P (derived as the GCS sum score minus the number of nonreactive pupils) and age with no CT abnormality (A), exactly 1
CT abnormality (B), and 2 or more CT abnormalities (C). The category CT abnormalities comprises intracranial hematoma, absent
cisterns, and SAH. Figure is available in color online only.

These studies are linked together by the International performance of the Core and Extended IMPACT models
Initiative for Traumatic Brain Injury Research (InTBIR; and very close to that of the relatively complex CRASH and are expected to yield detailed, CT Model. We believe this shows that our charts strike
standardized information based on almost 10,000 patients. a good compromise in terms of performance versus sim-
These data will provide new and consistent information plicity.
with which our modeling can be updated.31 Experience in risk estimation tools in other domains of
Any prognostic model is by definition a simplification of medicine has underlined the fact that the outcomes identi-
reality, and in terms of Nagelkerke’s R2 the models that we fied need to be relevant to management decisions.23 There
have derived using age, GCS, pupils, and CT findings ex- are continuing concerns about quality of survival after
plain approximately one-third of the observed variability severe injury. Thus the DECRA (Decompressive Crani-
in mortality and favorable outcome. The gain from using a ectomy)10 and RESCUEicp (Randomised Evaluation of
more complex multivariable analysis such as the IMPACT Surgery with Craniectomy for Uncontrollable Elevation
and CRASH models is modest.49 A much repeated apho- of Intracranial Pressure)18 trials demonstrated how surgi-
rism, ascribed to the statistician George Box, states that all cal intervention with decompressive craniectomy in head-
models are wrong, but some are useful. We have strived to injured patients can increase survival, but at the expense
base our models on rigorous statistical principles, while of an increased proportion of patients left with poor func-
placing a major emphasis on transparency and clinical tional status. The mortality and recovery outcomes that we
face validity, to derive a decision aid that should be widely have used are therefore of critical importance in discus-
applicable and useful in clinical practice. sions about the management of patients with neurotrauma.
There is a strong theme running throughout the lit- Setting out the steps in arriving at a prediction has been
erature on clinical predictive models that simple models recommended as a way to gain clinician acceptance.53 A
perform almost as well as complex ones.22,49 The perfor- visual representation of the steps involved in making a
mance of our CT-stratified charts lay midway between the prediction in head injury was first reported by Barlow et
1630 J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018
G. D. Murray et al.

FIG. 6. GCS-PA CT prediction charts for the probability of favorable outcome 6 months after head injury based on the patient’s
admission GCS-P (derived as the GCS sum score minus the number of nonreactive pupils) and age with no CT abnormality (A),
exactly 1 CT abnormality (B), and 2 or more CT abnormalities (C). The category CT abnormalities comprises intracranial hema-
toma, absent cisterns, and SAH. Figure is available in color online only.

al.11 The effects of successive incorporation of 8 predic- the tree identifies the single most likely outcome for an
tive features in a Bayesian analysis on the changing rela- individual, the actual probability is not easily determined.
tive likelihoods of death, of severely disabled survival, or We are aware of only 1 previous example of charts of
of moderate good recovery was illustrated by changing probabilities derived from a logistic regression model that
positions of a point in a triangle. A prospective, cluster- was used to provide information about prognosis after a
randomized research study demonstrated that provision of head injury.9 Choi et al. studied ventilated, severely head
this information was associated with changes in manage- injured patients, and their model incorporated GCS score,
ment, but the system was not taken up in routine practice.34 oculocephalic responses, and age.9 Four different charts
Decision trees, also termed classification and regression were provided, depending on the day after head injury and
trees (CARTs), also have been proposed as a way to fol- the oculocepahlic reflex result. The chart was not taken
low the steps in deriving a prediction of the single most up generally, and Choi and colleagues later moved on to a
likely outcome for a head-injured person. There are limita- decision tree method.8 Factors in this lack of success may
tions in these approaches that may account for their lack of have been restriction of the model to patients in the inten-
adoption. The decision tree method assumes the existence sive care unit, the requirement for assessment of the oculo-
of break points in relationships between prognostic fac- cepahlic reflex, and the yield of information about only the
tors. This is not the case with these prognostic factors. In probability of good recovery and not mortality. Further-
contrast, our approach is consistent with well-established more, the charts were composed of a series of boundary
continuous relationships between both age and GCS score lines based on deciles of outcome rather than on a given
and outcomes. Another problem is that the data sets used GCS score or age, and how these were to be applied to an
to derive the trees in an earlier study were very small, con- individual patient was not readily appreciated.
taining only 345–555 patients, so that the artificial break Our work differs from that of Choi and colleagues in
points are likely to be inconsistent, reducing the validity that we incorporated pupil reactivity as a simpler and more
and general applicability of the models.8,37,45,50 Although widely assessed feature than the oculocephalic reflex, and
J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018 1631
G. D. Murray et al.

we added extra information from the CT scan. Also, our of the approach in this, the largest group of head-injured
charts cover patients at all levels of head injury severity patients.46
and predict mortality as well as good functional outcome.
They thus address a greater scope of neurotrauma in a Conclusions
more relevant and more informative, understandable way.
Risk prediction charts have been produced in other The important prognostic features in neurotrauma can
fields of medicine. Our approach derives from possibly the be brought together to display graphically their combined
best-known uses of these, identification of the risks of car- effects on the risks of death or prospects for independent
diovascular disease. In North America, data were derived recovery. The approach can support decision making and
from the Framingham Study to create a risk score calcula- improve communication of risk among health care profes-
tor based on factors including blood pressure, total choles- sionals, patients, and their relatives. These charts will not
terol, HDL-C, smoking, and diabetes.13 How this interacts replace clinical judgment, but they will reduce the risk of
with age is shown in charts of absolute and relative risks influence from subjective, inappropriate assumptions.
with differing (arbitrary) degrees of risk distinguished by
color coding.23 In Europe, the European Systematic Coro- Acknowledgments
nary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) algorithm40 charts evalu- We thank Professor Andrew Maas, University of Antwerp, and
ate the 10-year risk of fatal cardiovascular disease based Professor Ian Roberts, London School of Hygiene and Tropical
on smoking, age, sex, systolic blood pressure, and total Medicine, for allowing the use of information from the IMPACT
cholesterol. This results in a matrix of 16 charts in which and CRASH databases, respectively. We are grateful to Luke
risk progressively increases from female nonsmokers, age Moodley of The Edinburgh Film Company for his assistance in
developing the design of the prognostic charts.
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male smokers, age 65 years, with high blood pressure; the
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53. Wyatt JC, Altman DG: Commentary: Prognostic models:
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Copies of prognosis charts in Figs. 4, 5, and 6 are available to
54. Yue JK, Vassar MJ, Lingsma HF, Cooper SR, Okonkwo DO,
Valadka AB, et al: Transforming research and clinical knowl- download online at
edge in traumatic brain injury pilot: multicenter implementa-
tion of the common data elements for traumatic brain injury. Companion Papers
J Neurotrauma 30:1831–1844, 2013 Brennan PM, Murray GD, Teasdale GM: Simplifying the use
of prognostic information in traumatic brain injury. Part 1: The
GCS-Pupils score: an extended index of clinical severity. DOI:
Disclosures 10.3171/2017.12.JNS172780.
Financial support for this study was provided by the Muriel
Cooke Bequest to the University of Glasgow. Correspondence
Gordon Murray: Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences
Author Contributions and Informatics, University of Edinburgh Medical School, Edin-
Conception and design: all authors. Acquisition of data: all burgh, United Kingdom.

1634 J Neurosurg  Volume 128 • June 2018

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