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Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions - Principles of Biomedical

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5/6/2020 Project 4.4.

2: Heart Disease Interventions


Project 4.4.2

Heart Disease Interventions


Anna Garcia had a history of heart disease, but did this disease contribute to her

Lifestyle plays a role in prevention and maintenance of many diseases and disorders.
Risk factors are conditions that put a person at greater risk of developing a
specific disease. Some risk factors are modifiable and can be affected by lifestyle and
daily actions. Smoking and eating a diet high in saturated fat are modifiable risk
factors. You can make a choice to end these behaviors. Unfortunately, some diseases
also have nonmodifiable risk factors, risk factors that cannot be changed. Family
history of disease, race, and gender are risk factors that are considered
nonmodifiable – you have no control over these. The more risk factors a person has
for a particular disease, either modifiable or not, the greater chance the person has of
developing the disease.

In this activity you will learn to assess risk of heart disease. You will use an online risk
calculator to explore factors that increase or decrease the risk of heart attack or
associated coronary disease. You will calculate risk for both Anna Garcia and a patient
you have been assigned. As you design a heart disease intervention plan for your
assigned patient, think about all you have learned in this unit and how lifestyle and
the choices that we make impact overall health. 1/6
5/6/2020 Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions


Computer with internet access and Inspiration® software (optional)

Highlighters (2 colors)
Laboratory journal
Career journal


Project 4.4.2 Resource Sheet

4.2.1 Medical History Document

4.3.1 Medical History Document

4.1.2 Autopsy Report

Unit 4 Investigative Notes

Inspiration Getting Started Guide 2/6
5/6/2020 Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions

Part I: Analyzing Anna

1 Return to the introduction of Anna’s cardiac workup on the 4.2.1 Medical History

2 Obtain two different color highlighters.

3 Think about behaviors that put Anna at risk for heart disease and behaviors
which could have helped prevent disease. 

Note: Use one highlighter to highlight risk factors (either modifiable or

nonmodifiable) and use another color to highlight those actions that
decrease her risk of developing disease.

4 Visit the following disease risk calculator and select heart disease.

Your Disease Risk Calculator / Siteman Cancer Center

Select Heart Disease

5 Complete the risk assessment for Anna using information from her medical
history sheet. Be sure to also use information from the Anna Garcia Case File –
to find information such as cholesterol levels and blood sugar, and to analyze her
food diary to estimate dietary intake. 

6 On the final screen of the calculator, review the risk factors for heart disease as
well as the action steps for reducing risk. Complete additional research to
investigate the risk factors mentioned in the list.

7 Print the report that is generated and attach this document in your laboratory
journal. 3/6
5/6/2020 Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions

8 Refer to the 4.1.2 Autopsy Report, the 4.2.1 Medical History Document, and the
Project 4.3.1 Medical History Document. Add any last comments, findings, or
causes of death to the autopsy report or any final recommendations to the
medical history documents.

9 Update the classroom evidence board with information from Lesson 4.4.

10 Answer the Project 4.4.2 questions on Unit 4 Investigative Notes. 

Part II: Patient Plans

11 Read the 4.4.2 Resource Sheet.

12 Choose a fictional client from the resource sheet. 

Note: You may be assigned a particular client by your teacher.

13 Read the information available about your client. Highlight risk factors as well as
actions that decrease heart disease risk. Use the same color highlighters you
used when reviewing Anna's medical history.

14 Complete the heart risk assessment using the information provided for your

Note: You may not have exact data for each field in the assessment tool.
Do your best with the information provided to estimate values (as needed).
Print out the final report(s).

15 Complete additional research as needed on risk factors or medical conditions

described in the client profile that were not factored in to the heart disease risk
calculator. 4/6
5/6/2020 Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions

16 Work with your team to design a heart disease risk reduction program for you
assigned client. Your plan should be clear and concise and include
recommendations for improving heart health and decreasing risk. Think about
the current values and outline goals of where this patient should be. Describe
actions that can help your patient go from his or her current state to the goal. 

The plan should be the collaborative work between three health professionals. Each
member of the group should play the role of one health professional. One professional
should be a cardiologist. The other two professionals should be from two additional fields
as deemed necessary by the case. These professionals may include nurses, nutritionists,
physical therapists or trainers, natural medicine practitioners such as acupuncturists or
reflexologists, or others. The plan should include the following:

An outline of the key heart-related medical issues and risk factors apparent from the
narrative. Provide a diagnosis if applicable
A discussion of how lifestyle modifications play a role in treatment and prevention.
A clearly outlined plan for helping the patient achieve heart health.
Recommendations for medical procedures as well as post-operative instructions and
guidelines or recommendations for medications (as necessary given the case).
A schedule for post-intervention testing and goal values such as blood pressure
levels, cholesterol levels, and physical fitness as appropriate to the case.
Demonstrate how you plan to measure progress.

17 Compile your plan in a case file. Include memos, doctor’s notes, and other
documents that showcase your research. Make sure it is clear how the three
medical professionals contributed to the overall diagnosis and plan.

Note: Make sure it is clear how the three medical professionals

contributed to the overall diagnosis and plan.

18 (Optional) Present your plan in an oral presentation. Use graphics, diagrams, or

models as needed. Be prepared to answer questions from the audience. As you
present, assume the role of your designated medical professional. 5/6
5/6/2020 Project 4.4.2: Heart Disease Interventions

19 In your career journal, add a heading for each career covered in your project (if
not already covered in your journal already). Write a reflection describing your
level of interest in each career.


1 How does smoking relate to risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis?

2 Which risk factors for heart disease are also risk factors for the development of

3 Outline the rationale a doctor should use for deciding whether to put a patient
on blood pressure or cholesterol-lowering medications.

4 Explain the role that stress can play on the development of disease. Describe
at least three strategies or interventions a person could employ to control

5 Describe how each professional researched in this activity may have helped
diagnose, treat, or counsel Anna Garcia.

Proceed to next unit 6/6

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