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Mental Health Vs Work

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The document discusses mental health and work, the impact of mental health issues on employment, and good practices for supporting employment among those with mental health conditions.

The objectives are to strengthen mental health policies and plans, and improve planning and development of mental health services.

Financial support is provided from foundations like Eli Lilly and Johnson & Johnson, as well as governments of Italy, Japan, Norway, Australia, and the Brocher Foundation.



Mental health
and work:
Impact, issues and
good practices

Mental health and work

Mental Health Policy and Service Development

Department of Mental Health
and Substance Dependence
Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health
World Health Organization

Target Group Unit

InFocus Program on
Knowledge, Skills and Employability

International Labour Organisation


Mental health policy and service development team

Publications produced or distributed by Nations for Mental Health

Objectives and strategies

To strengthen mental health policies, legislation and plans through: increasing
awareness of the burden associated with mental health problems and the commitment
of governments to reduce this burden; helping to build up the technical capacity of
countries to create, review and develop mental health policies, legislation and plans;
and developing and disseminating advocacy and policy resources.


To improve the planning and development of services for mental health through:
strengthening the technical capacity of countries to plan and develop services;
supporting demonstration projects for mental health best practices; encouraging
operational research related to service delivery; and developing and disseminating
resources related to service development and delivery.

Nations for Mental Health: An overview of a strategy to improve the mental health of
underserved populations.
WHO/MSA/NAM/97.3. Rev.1

Financial support is provided from the Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, the Johnson and
Johnson European Philanthropy Committee, the Government of Italy, the Government of
Japan, the Government of Norway, the Government of Australia and the Brocher

Gender differences in the epidemiology of affective disorders and schizophrenia.

WHO/MSA/NAM/97.1. (Out of print)

Nations for Mental Health: A focus on women.*

Order n 1930123. Sw.Fr. 12./in developing countries Sw.Fr. 8.40
Nations for Mental Health: Supporting governments and policy makers.*
Order n 1930136. Sw.Fr. 10./in developing countries Sw.Fr. 7.
Nations for Mental Health: Schizophrenia and public health.*
Order n 1930144. Sw.Fr. 10./in developing countries Sw.Fr. 7.
Nations for Mental Health: Recommendations for evaluation.
Nations for Mental Health: The mental health of indigenous peoples
Order n 1930168. Sw.Fr. 10./in developing countries Sw.Fr. 7.
Nations for Mental Health video: Sriyawathie Rehabilitation of chronic psychiatric
patients in Sri Lanka.
Priced publications can be ordered through WHO,
Marketing and Dissemination, 1211, Geneva 27, Switzerland.
Tel: +4122 791 2476. Fax: +4122 791 4857. E-mail:

Further information can be obtained by contacting:

Dr Michelle Funk
Mental health policy and service development (MPS)
Department of Mental Health and
Substance Dependence (MSD)
World Health Organization
CH - 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
Telephone: (41) 22 791 3855
Fax: (41) 22 791 41 60

* These documents have been translated into Russian by the Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry.
Requests for copies in Russian should be directed through Dr Robert Van Voren, General
Secretary, Geneva Initiative on Psychiatry, PO Box 1282, 1200 BG Hilversum, Netherlands.
Tel: 0031-35-6838727. Fax: 0031-35-6833646. E-mail:
These documents are available from our website:


Mental health
and work:
Impact, issues and
good practices
Gaston Harnois
Phyllis Gabriel

Mental Health Policy and Service Development

Department of Mental Health
and Substance Dependence
Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health
World Health Organization

Target Group Unit

InFocus Program on
Knowledge, Skills and Employability
International Labour Organisation


Nations for Mental Health

WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

Harnois, Gaston.
Mental health and work : impact, issues and good practices / Gaston Harnois, Phyllis Gabriel.
(Nations for mental health)
1.Mental health 2.Workplace 3.Mental disorders - therapy 4.Mental health services - standards
5.Occupational health services - standards 6.Benchmarking 7.Cost of illness
I.Gabriel, Phyllis. II.Title III.Series
ISBN 92 4 159037 8
ISSN 1726-1155

(NLM classification: WA 495)

This publication is a reprint of material originally distributed as WHO/MSD/MPS/00.2

This publication is a joint product of the World Health Organization and the
International Labour Organisation.
World Health Organization 2002
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The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers products does not imply that they
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Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices




Chapter 1
1.1 Scope of the problem

1.2 Mental health problems cause disability

1.3 Using the workplace to prevent mental health problems and

provide solutions for referral and rehabilitation

Chapter 2
The importance of work to an individuals mental health
2.1 The workplace and mental well-being

2.2 Categories of psychological experience

Chapter 3
The workplace and mental health
3.1 Promotion of mental health in the workplace

Good Practice: Workplace activities for mental health United Kingdom

3.2 Job stress the stressful characteristics of work

3.3 Consequences of mental health problems in the workplace

3.4 Mental health and unemployment

Chapter 4
Mental health an imperative concern
4.1 Issues facing employers and managers


Good Practice: Promotion/prevention a case study on organizational stress


4.2 Country examples


4.2.1 United Kingdom the health of the nation


4.2.2 Mental health issues in Finnish workplaces


Good Practice: Total wellness programme, Finland

4.2.3 Targeted intervention to facilitate return to work in Canada


Good Practice: The use of group process to facilitate work reintegration


4.3 Action needed


4.3.1 Specific steps an employer can take to help an employee

return to work after treatment for a mental health
problem such as depression


4.3.2 Employee assistance programmes (EAPs)


4.3.3 Practical suggestions for small businesses


Good Practice: Employee Assistance Programme, USA



Nations for Mental Health

Chapter 5
Work as a mechanism for reintegrating persons with serious mental illness
5.1 Size and profile of this group


5.2 Historical perspective


5.2.1 Deinstitutionalization


5.2.2 Organization of services


5.2.3 Psychosocial rehabilitation


5.2.4 Developing work skills

5.3 Current context: changes in the nature of work
5.4 Overcoming obstacles affecting clients ability to access work


5.4.1 Context


5.4.2 Overcoming obstacles linked to the illness


5.4.3 Overcoming obstacles linked to lack of

educational training and lack of work experience


Good Practice: Supported education in Boston Choose/Get/Keep


5.4.4 Overcoming obstacles linked to prejudice and stigma


5.4.5 Myths about mental illness and the workplace


5.4.6 Overcoming obstacles linked to government policy


5.4.7 Overcoming obstacles linked to the labour market


5.5 The perspective of international agencies


5.5.1 United Nations


5.5.2 World Bank and the Harvard Report


5.5.3 International Labour Organisation


5.5.4 World Health Organization


5.5.5 Nongovernmental organizations


5.5.6 Overseeing training and employment of persons with disabilities


Good Practice: Vocational rehabilitation for individuals with a psychiatric disability

the Australia experience


5.6 Rights of persons with serious mental health problems with

respect to access to work


5.7 International variations pertaining to culture, social structure and

economics that may exist in developing countries


5.7.1 Countries in transition


Good Practice: A cotton factory in Beijing, China


5.8 Promoting the employment of persons with mental health problems


5.8.1 Political will and legislation

Good Practice: Towards reasonable accommodation of persons with mental health problems


5.8.2 Quota system


5.8.3 Support


5.8.4 Coordinated action


Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.9 Research findings

5.9.1 Potential predictors of successful participation


5.9.2 Developing work skills


5.9.3 Costs


5.9.4 Useful research tools

5.10 Successful work programmes at the international level


5.10.1 Utilization of supported employment programmes


5.10.2 Finding a job on the regular market


5.10.3 Developing social firms


5.10.4 Utilizing the cooperative movement


5.10.5 Other international examples


Good Practice: An American Bank


Good Practice: Service Cooperative, Italy


Good Practice: A complete furniture factory, Spain


Good Practice: Gardening project in Milan, Italy


Good Practice: An Olympic task, Montreal, Canada


Good Practice: A Mental Health NGO in Northern Ireland


Chapter 6


Chapter 7





Nations for Mental Health

All of us have the right to decent and productive work in conditions of freedom,
equity, security and human dignity. For persons with mental health problems,
achieving this right is particularly challenging. The importance of work in enhancing the economic and social integration of people with mental health problems is
highlighted in this monograph.
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has long recognized the importance of documenting the extent of disabilities among the labour force and setting
up effective preventive and rehabilitative programmes. The ILOs activities promote the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in mainstream training and
employment structures. The importance of addressing specific issues related to the
employment of persons with mental health problems has also been recognized.
ILO promotes increased investment in human resource development, particularly
the human resource needs of vulnerable groups, including persons with mental
health problems. Employees mental health problems and their impact on an
enterprises productivity and disability/medical costs are critical human resource
issues. Increasingly, employers organizations, trade unions and government policy-makers are realizing that the social and economic costs of mental health problems in the workplace cannot be ignored.
Because of the extent and pervasiveness of mental health problems, the World
Health Organization (WHO) recognizes mental health as a top priority.
Using instruments that allow us to see not how people die but rather how they
live (1), we now know that the problems of mental illness loom large around the
world. It accounts for 12% of all disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and 23%
in high-income countries.
Five of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental problems (major
depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, alcohol use and obsessive-compulsive disorders). These disorders together with anxiety, depression and stress
have a definitive impact on any working population and should be addressed
within that context. They may also develop into long-term disorders with accompanying forms of disability.
Given the fact that numerous affordable interventions exist, the time has come to
challenge both the low priority given to mental health and the stigma that those
with mental ill-health still endure around the world.
We now know that when essential drugs, if needed, are made available and access
is offered to a psychosocial rehabilitation programme (including the access to
meaningful and realistic employment) many persons will be able to lead more
socially and personally satisfying lives.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

WHO has made a renewed commitment to mental health in making it one of its
priorities. Mental health will be the theme of World Health Day 2001 and also
the World Health Report 2001. Given the multifaceted nature of the factors that
contribute to good mental health, WHO is ever mindful of the need to highlight
activities that foster good practices in mental health. In this monograph the issue
of work as it relates to mental health is addressed.
The publication of this document is particularly important because it has brought
together two large United Nations agencies involved in rehabilitation, namely
WHO and ILO. The document examines the importance of mental health in the
workplace in general, and suggests appropriate management for workers with
mental health problems. In addition, it takes a practical look at strategies to promote and sustain good mental health while highlighting examples of good practices.
The document was written jointly by Dr Gaston Harnois on behalf of WHO and
Phyllis Gabriel on behalf of ILO. Dr Harnois is Director of the Montreal WHO
Collaborating Centre at the Douglas Hospital in Montreal, Canada. He is also
Associate Professor of Psychiatry at McGill University, and former President of
the World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation. Phyllis Gabriel MPH, MA
is aVocational Rehabilitation Specialist at the ILO headquarters in Geneva. She
has worked as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counsellor in US community-based
social service agencies as well as in mental health care facilities.
It is hoped that this important document will assist employers and employees in
raising awareness of the benefits of good mental health practices and encourage
the implementation of strategies to maintain a healthy working environment.

Dr Benedetto Saraceno
Department of Mental Health and
Substance Dependence (MSD)
World Health Organization

Mr Pekka Aro
InFocus Programme on
Knowledge, Skills and Employability
International Labour Organization



Nations for Mental Health

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Chapter 1

1.1. Scope of the problem
There is growing evidence of the global impact of mental illness. Mental health
problems are among the most important contributors to the burden of disease and
disability worldwide. Five of the 10 leading causes of disability worldwide are mental health problems. They are as relevant in low-income countries as they are in
rich ones, cutting across age, gender and social strata. Furthermore, all predictions
indicate that the future will see a dramatic increase in mental health problems (2).
The burden of mental health disorders on health and productivity has long been
underestimated. The United Kingdom Department of Health and the
Confederation of British Industry have estimated that 15-30% of workers will
experience some form of mental health problem during their working lives. In
fact, mental health problems are a leading cause of illness and disability (3). The
European Mental Health Agenda of the European Union (EU) has recognized
the prevalence and impact of mental health disorders in the workplace in EU
countries. It has been estimated that 20% of the adult working population has
some type of mental health problem at any given time (4). In the USA, it is estimated that more than 40 million people have some type of mental health disorder and, of that number, 4-5 million adults are considered seriously mentally ill
(5). Depressive disorders, for example, represent one of the most common health
problems of adults in the United States workforce.
The impact of mental health problems in the workplace has serious consequences
not only for the individual but also for the productivity of the enterprise.
Employee performance, rates of illness, absenteeism, accidents and staff turnover
are all affected by employees mental health status. In the United Kingdom, for
example, 80 million days are lost every year due to mental illnesses, costing
employers 1-2 billion each year (6). In the United States, estimates for national
spending on depression alone are US$ 30-40 billion, with an estimated 200 million days lost from work each year (7, 8).

1.2 Mental health problems cause disability

As illustrated in this monograph, mental health problems affect functional and
working capacity in numerous ways. Depending on the age of onset of a mental
health disorder, an individuals working capacity may be significantly reduced.
Mental disorders are usually one of the three leading causes of disability, together
with cardiovascular disease and musculo-skeletal disorders. In the EU, for example, mental health disorders are a major reason for granting disability pensions (9).
Disability not only affects individuals but also impacts on the entire community.
The cost to society of excluding people with disabilities from taking an active part

Nations for Mental Health

Costs of occupational and work-related diseases

Skin diseases



Respiratory disorders


Mental disorders

Heart disease

Source: Takala J. (ILO) Indicators of death, disability and disease at work. African Newsletter on
Occupational Health and Safety, December 1999, 9(3):60-65.

in community life is high. This exclusion often leads to diminished productivity

and losses in human potential. The United Nations estimates that 25% of the
worlds population is adversely affected in one way or another as a result of disabilities. The cost of disability has three components (10):
the direct cost of welfare services and treatment, including the costs of disability benefits, travel and access, possible medication, etc;
the indirect cost to those who are not directly affected (carers);
the opportunity costs of income foregone as a result of incapacity.
For example, analysis of Tanzanian survey data has revealed that households with a
member who has a disability have a mean consumption less than 60% of that of the
average household. This leads the authors to conclude that disability is a hidden
aspect of African poverty (11).
People with disabilities, particularly psychiatric disabilities, face numerous barriers
in obtaining equal opportunities environmental, access, legal, institutional and

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Social and cultural
exclusion and stigma

Denial of opportunities
for economic, social and
human development

to poverty
and ill-health

Reduced participation in
decision-making, and denial
of civil and political rights

Deficits in economic,
social and cultural rights

Source: United Kingdom Department for International Development. Disability, Poverty and
Development, February 2000 (modified)

attitudinal barriers which cause social exclusion (12). For people with mental illness, social exclusion is often the hardest barrier to overcome and is usually associated with feelings of shame, fear and rejection.
It is clear that mental illness imposes a heavy burden in terms of human suffering,
social exclusion, stigmatization of the mentally ill and their families and economic
costs. Unfortunately, the burden is likely to grow over time as a result of ageing
of the global population and stresses resulting from social problems and unrest,
including violence, conflict and natural disasters (13).

1.3 Using the workplace to prevent mental health problems and provide
solutions for referral and rehabilitation
Globalization and interdependence have opened new opportunities for the growth
of the world economy and development. While globalization has been a powerful
and dynamic force for growth, work conditions and the labour market have
changed dramatically during the last two decades. The key elements in these
changes are increased automation and the rapid implementation of information
technology. Workers worldwide confront as never before an array of new organizational structures and processes downsizing, contingent employment and
increased workload.
Employers have tended to take the view that work and/or the workplace are not
etiological factors in mental health problems. However, whatever the causal factors, the prevalence of mental health problems in employees makes mental health
a pressing issue in its own right (14). Although, effective mental health services
are multidimensional, the workplace is an appropriate environment in which to
educate individuals about, and raise their awareness of, mental health problems.
For example, the workplace can promote good mental health practices and pro-

Nations for Mental Health

vide tools for recognition and early identification of mental health problems, and
can establish links with local mental health services for referral, treatment and
rehabilitation. Ultimately, these efforts will benefit all by reducing the social and
economic costs to society of mental health problems.
For people with mental health problems, finding work in the open labour market
or returning to work and retaining a job after treatment is often a challenge.
Stigma surrounds those with mental illness and the recovery process is often misunderstood.
This monograph addresses these issues. It provides a practical guide and resource
for human resource managers, mental health professionals, rehabilitation workers, policy-makers, trade unionists and other concerned individuals.
The central themes of this monograph are:
To examine the importance of mental health problems in the workplace.
To consider the role of the workplace in promoting good mental health practices for employees.
To examine the importance of work for persons with mental health problems.
To discuss the different vocational strategies and programmes for persons with
mental health problems.
To provide examples of good practices. These examples illustrate:
good mental health promotional practices in the workplace by employers;
how to handle an employee who becomes ill with a mental health problem,
such as depression;
vocational rehabilitation models/programmes for persons with long-term
mental health problems.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Chapter 2

The importance of work to an

individuals mental health
2.1 The workplace and mental well-being
The workplace is one of the key environments that affect our mental wellWork is at the very core of
being and health. There is an
contemporary life for most people,
acknowledgement and growing awareproviding financial security, personal
ness of the role of work in promoting or
identity, and an opportunity to make a
hindering mental wellness and its corolmeaningful contribution to
lary mental illness. Although it is difficommunity life.
cult to quantify the impact of work
Source: NAMI (15).
alone on personal identity, self-esteem
and social recognition, most mental
health professionals agree that the workplace environment can have a significant
impact on an individuals mental well-being.

2.2 Categories of psychological experience (16)

Employment provides five categories of psychological experience that promote
mental well-being:
time structure (an absence of time structure can be a major psychological burden);
social contact;
collective effort and purpose (employment offers a social context outside the family);
social identity (employment is an important element in defining oneself);
regular activity (organizing ones daily life).
Many large companies now realize that their employees productivity is connected to their health and well-being. However, more emphasis has traditionally been
placed on physical health than on mental health and well-being.
Several factors at a workplace can promote employees psychosocial well-being
and mental health. Especially important in this respect is the opportunity to be
included in planning and carrying out activities and events in the workplace (e.g.
the opportunity to decide and act in ones chosen way and the potential to predict the consequences of ones action). A related feature is the degree to which
the environment encourages or inhibits the utilization or development of skills.
Physical security, opportunity for interpersonal contact, and equitable pay are
also important.

Nations for Mental Health

Chapter 3

The workplace and mental health

3.1 Promotion of mental health in the workplace
Notions of mental health at work tend
to focus on the individual rather than
the organization. A comprehensive policy of mental health at work includes,
however, an assessment of the mental
health of the organization itself. The
gain to both individuals and the organization from promoting good mental
health at work is reflected in increased
presence, well-being and production.

We at the CBI are convinced that the

mental health of a companys
employees can have an important
impact on business performance in
the same way as do industrial
relations climate or inadequate
training. That is why the CBI
continues to add its voice to the
campaign to raise the profile of mental
health as a workplace issue.

Howard Davies, Director General,

The constant and unremitting rate of
Confederation of British Industry.
change that affects all businesses today
is increasingly motivating employers to
address the health of their staff. Moreover, it is taking its toll on employees, some
of whom fail to cope with the changes and need support to help them avoid
under-performance and absenteeism. The global marketplace is forcing organizations to upgrade their efficiency and this, in turn, is encouraging employers to
seek ways of enhancing the performance of employees and to avoid losses associated with health and safety (see example of Marks & Spencer, UK on page 7).

3.2 Job stress stressful characteristics of work

Job stress can be defined as the harmful
The nature of work is changing at
physical and emotional response that
whirlwind speed. Perhaps now more
occurs when the requirements of the job
than ever before, job stress poses a
do not match the capabilities, resources
threat to the health of workers and, in
or needs of the worker (18). Job stress
turn, to the health of organizations.
can cause poor health and can increase
rates of work-related injuries and acciSource: National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health, 1998.
dents. Some potential causes of workrelated stress are overwork, lack of clear
instructions, unrealistic deadlines, lack of decision-making, job insecurity, isolated
working conditions, surveillance, and inadequate child-care arrangements (19) (see
examples on page 10). Although sexual harassment and discrimination are often
excluded from lists of traditional job stressors, they must be included in any comprehensive analysis of the causes of workplace stress. Sexual harassment is a stressor for
women in the workplace; and discrimination is a stronger predictor of health outcomes, including mental ill-health, for ethnic minorities than traditional job stressors
(20). Some of the many effects of stress include numerous physical ailments as well as
mental health problems such as depression and increased rates of suicide (21).

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Good practice: Workplace activities for mental health, United Kingdom

A large international retailer with 696 stores in many parts of the world including North
America, Asia and Europe employs some 56,000 people. Over 52,000 of these are employed
in stores. 83% of the workforce is female and 62% of these are part-time.
Their stated policy is to take the mental health of its workforce seriously: We realize that
in ensuring the mental well-being of staff we benefit from an individual and company point
of view.

Strategy for health promotion

The strategy for overall health promotion, which includes mental health, is based on the
health education to raise awareness of factors affecting health and well-being;
screening programmes to detect risk factors or early signs of disease;
action programmes to do something about them.

The role of the occupational health service

The occupational health service works closely with personnel and line management regarding all aspects of mental and physical health of employees. The occupational health team is
available to look at the effects of health on work or of work on health, to discuss with staff
any health problems they may have and to promote good health through health education,
screening and action programmes. The company believes that an occupational health service can play a major role in helping:

to identify work problems caused by mental ill-health;

to take action to improve the health of employees;
to assist employers in modifying the work and work environment;
to enable employees to remain at work rather than withdraw.

The organization assists in preventing mental ill-health by giving people a good working
environment and a clearly defined job. Following absence, it is often essential to be able to
modify working hours during the rehabilitation period and to provide a gradual return to
usual working practices through a good sick pay scheme. Financial support at this time
allays anxiety and encourages a speedier return to work.
Regular honest appraisals are important and problems in performance should be discussed
when they occur, with an opportunity to follow up and review progress. People should feel
able to contribute to their development and feel accountable for their jobs.
On-site counselling facilities from personnel or health professionals are available, reducing
time away from work (17).

Nations for Mental Health

There is growing global concern about the impact of job stress, including issues
related to gender, ethnicity, sexual harassment, violence and mobbing at work,
family, and underemployment (22). Job stress is one of the most common workrelated health problems in EU countries. The Second European Survey on
Working Conditions indicated that 28% of workers reported that their work causes stress. In Japan, the proportion of workers who report serious anxieties or
stress in relation to their working life increased from 53% in 1982 to 63% in
1997. In developing countries, there is increasing concern regarding the health
impact of job stress. For example, an increased risk of work-related illnesses and
accidents has been observed in South-east Asian countries that have experienced
rapid industrialization (23).
In most countries there is no specific legislation addressing the impact of job
stress. Most countries have at least minimum standards for safety and health features of the workplace. These standards tend to focus on the physical aspects of
the workplace and do not explicitly include the psychological and/or mental
health aspects of working conditions. Notable exceptions include the
Netherlands and the Nordic countries (24).

3.3 Consequences of mental health problems in the workplace

The consequences of mental health problems in the workplace can be summarized
as follows (25):

increase in overall sickness absence, particularly frequent short periods of
poor health (depression, stress, burnout);
physical conditions (high blood pressure, heart disease, ulcers, sleeping disorders, skin rashes, headache, neck- and backache, low resistance to infections).

Work performance
reduction in productivity and output;
increase in error rates;
increased amount of accidents;
poor decision-making;
deterioration in planning and control of work.

Staff attitude and behaviour

loss of motivation and commitment

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

staff working increasingly long hours but for diminishing returns

poor timekeeping
labour turnover (particularly expensive for companies at top levels of

Relationships at work
tension and conflicts between colleagues;
poor relationships with clients;
increase in disciplinary problems.
Workers health is a separate goal in its own right. Addressing mental health
issues in the workplace means incorporating social responsibility in a firms everyday practices and routines.

3.4 Mental health and unemployment

Re-employment has been shown to be
one of the most effective ways of promoting the mental health of the unemployed (26).
A review of studies of the mental and
physical health effects of unemployment
and the mechanisms by which unemployment causes adverse health outcomes reveals a complex relationship.
There has been a serious debate about
the direction of causality. Does unemployment cause deterioration in health,
both mental and physical? Are the sick
more likely to become unemployed?

Fact: The National Institute of Mental

Health estimates that more than 3
million adults aged 18-69 have a
serious mental illness. Estimates of
unemployment among this group are
70-90%, a rate higher than for any
other group of people with disabilities
in the USA. Recent surveys report that
approximately 70% of those with
psychiatric problems rank
employment as an important goal.
Source: NAMI (27).

In a study reported in the Journal of Community Psychology (28), an analysis of

employed respondents revealed that those who became unemployed had over
twice the risk of increased depressive symptoms and diagnosis of clinical depression than those who remained employed. Furthermore, the data did not support
any relationship between clinical depression and becoming unemployed. In the
respondents community at the time of the study, depression was not a causal factor for the unemployment rate. The incidence and prevalence of depression
increased once individuals became unemployed.


Nations for Mental Health

Stressful characteristics of work

Work characteristics
Organizational function and culture

Role in organization

Career development

Decision latitude/control

Interpersonal relationships at work

Task design

Workload/work pace
Quantities and quality
Work schedule

Condition defining hazard

(demands, control and support)
Poor task environment and lack of
definition of objective
Poor problem solving environment
Poor development environment
Poor communication
Non-supportive culture
Role ambiguity
Role conflict
High responsibility for people
Career uncertainty
Career stagnation
Poor status or status incongruity
Poor pay
Job insecurity and redundancy
Low social value to work
Low participation in decision-making
Lack of control over work
Little decision-making in work
Social or physical isolation
Poor relationships with supervisors
Interpersonal conflict and violence
Lack of social or practical support at home
Dual career problems
Ill-defined work
High uncertainty in work
Lack of variety of short work cycles
Fragmented or meaningless work
Underutilization of skill
Continual exposure of client/customer groups
Lack of control over pacing
Work overload or underload
High levels of pacing or time pressure
Shift working
Inflexible work schedule
Unpredictable working hours
Long or unsociable working hours

Consensus from literature outlining nine different characteristics of jobs, work environment
and organization which are hazardous.
Source: HSE Contract Research Report No. 61/1993. Cox T. Stress Research and Stress Management: Putting
Theory to Work.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Chapter 4

Mental health:
an imperative concern
4.1 Issues facing employers and managers
Although our knowledge of mental health issues has increased over the past few
decades, employers and enterprises have lagged behind in their understanding
and acceptance of the pervasiveness, treatment and impact of mental health problems on organizational life (29). Most human resource management and public
administration training programmes do not cover adequately the area of mental
health and employment. Recognition of mental illness in the workplace is often
difficult for there is often a psychological component to physical symptoms and
physical ailments may be present in some mental disorders (30). Whatever the
original cause, employers and managers are faced with three main issues as they
attempt to address the mental health needs of their employees:

Recognition and acceptance of mental health as a

legitimate concern of organizations (31)
There is a need among employers to recognize mental health issues as a legitimate workplace concern. As disability costs and absenteeism increase in the workplace due to mental ill-health (whatever the precipitating factors), more and
more employers are faced with the challenge of developing policies and guidelines to address these issues.

Effective implementation of a countrys anti-discrimination provisions (32)

The last decade has seen a significant increase in anti-discrimination legislation specific to employment for people with disabilities. Although many of these laws and
statutes have weak enforcement mechanisms, there is an increasing need for
employers and their human resource managers to understand how these laws affect
their companys employment policies.

Preventive, treatment, and rehabilitation programmes that

address employees mental health needs
The development of appropriate prevention and mental health promotion policies
in the workplace is an increasing concern for many employers. Understanding the
need for early intervention and treatment, as well as reintegrating an employee
into the work environment, is also a critical challenge.



Nations for Mental Health

Good practice: Promotion/prevention

a case study in organizational stress, United Kingdom
A Mental Health Trust organizational stress pilot for employees (33)
A Mental Health Trust employs some 846 people and provides mental health services to a
large catchment area in Britain. The trusts data showed that stress-related illness was
responsible for 25% of all absence. To address this issue, the trust implemented the Health
Education Authoritys anti-stress pilot programme designed to reduce the anxiety and tension of employees within the organization. The programme was introduced at a time of
major organizational change at the trust. As a result of the programme, absenteeism due to
stress-related conditions was reduced. Moreover, a general sense of improved morale
among the employees was noted.

Key components
Formation of a Stress Management Group (SMG). The SMG managed the programme. It
was usually led by the human resource director with the full support of the chief executive.
The Listening Group. This was a two-day event for 25-30 people representing all sections
of the organization. The Listening Group was led by the consultants to the programme.
Its aim was to develop a preliminary analysis of the nature and extent of organizational
stress by listening to the views of the staff.
Post -Listening Group action. Following the Listening Group, the SMG worked with consultants to plan the Organizational Stress Workshop on the basis of the findings of the
Listening Group.
The Organizational Stress Workshop. This was a second two-day event for 30-60 people
who had a particular involvement in the findings of the Listening Group. Their role was
to draw up action plans.
The Action Groups. A number of groups were formed, coordinated by the SMG, to see
through the action plans over a period of months or even years.

Reasons for stress as expressed by the employees in the Listening Group

Staff felt uninvolved in the planning and process of change, leading to a loss of control,
of choice and ownership and a sense of devaluation and powerlessness.
Staff did not know what was happening when it happened. Decisions could change
from one week to the next.
Many were struggling to cope with changes in their work environment, such as service
relocations and new methods of recording information.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Sickness absence in the Mental Health Trust




Proportion of sickness absence due to stress, 1993-1997



Employees comments after participation

Managers were generally more enthusiastic about the programme than staff. Most participants in workshops or action groups felt they had benefited. Several described the programme as therapeutic and constructive.
Communications were better, more information was getting through, the lead up to the
move was better. It felt as though there was more support and team effort. Things are
changing in my department - theres more on offer, training, support but dont know if its
the result of this intervention.
A few identified other beneficial changes in attitudes or culture. Before the project it had not
been possible to admit to certain feelings, such as being upset about the closure, but now it was.
Some felt more confident that things could be influenced from the bottom up.

4.2 Country examples

4.2.1 United Kingdom The health of the nation (34)
The Health of the Nation is a national response to WHOs campaign for Health
for all by the year 2000. It sets goals for health outcomes and selects mental illnesses as a priority area.
The overall mental illness goals are to prevent mental illness, improve health and
social functioning of people with mental illness, reduce mortality from mental illness, reduce stigma, deliver effective services, and continue research into causes,
care and consequences of mental illness.
The national targets for mental illness are:
to significantly improve the health and social functioning of mentally ill people;
to reduce the overall suicide rate by at least 15% by the year 2000 from the
1990 level of 11 per 100,000;
to reduce the lifetime suicide rate of severely mentally ill people by at least 33%
by the year 2000.


Nations for Mental Health

The overall strategy to achieve the targets is:

to improve information and understanding about mental illness;
to continue developing local comprehensive services;
to promote good practice in mental health promotion, primary, secondary and
tertiary prevention, and prevention of mortality.
The mental illness key area encompasses the National Health Service (NHS) as well
as a whole range of organizations and settings such as local authorities, the voluntary sector, the criminal justice system, schools, workplaces, cities and rural areas.
Since the United Kingdom does not have a national occupational health service,
many large employers have established their own occupational health services for
their employees.

4.2.2 Mental health issues in the Finnish workplace (35)

Measures most commonly taken at the Finnish workplace aim to:
improve work environment (e.g. enhancing occupational safety and ergonomics, communication, clear goals, independence at work);
provide further training and learning opportunities (e.g. improving occupational skills and team work or promoting independent studying);
promote health (e.g. promoting physical activities, healthy lifestyle, offering
rehabilitation and preventing substance abuse).
The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health recommends the following means
to promote mental health in work organizations (36):
to implement models of good workplace practices and disseminate this information in the community;
to increase the cooperation of mental health and occupational health professionals in promoting mental health activities at the workplace;
to train occupational health care professionals in mental health issues and mental health professionals in work-life issues.
to increase the general knowledge of the whole population regarding the preconditions for and value of good mental health in working life, and develop selfhelp skills for creating satisfactory working conditions.

4.2.3 Targeted intervention to facilitate return to work

The Association of Canadian insurance companies estimates that 30-50% of disability allowances are paid on account of mental health problems. This is therefore
the principal cause of long-term absences from ones job. The experience of many
employers is that once an employee is absent for mental health reasons for 3
months, the likelihood is very high that the absence will last more than 1 year.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

4.3 Action needed

4.3.1 Specific steps an employer can take to help an employee return to
work after treatment for a mental health problem such as depression (37)
Inform the attending physician or appropriate mental health professional of
the exact duties of the job before the physician makes a final decision on return
to work.
In consultation with the individuals physician or other mental health professional, encourage an early to return to work. The longer an employee is out of
work due to treatment, the more he/she will worry about losing the job.
Furthermore, the longer a person is away from the job, the more mentally
detached he or she will become.
Consider gradual return to work. Allowing part-time work for several weeks
may help reduce stress, leave time for additional medical counselling and allow
the worker to quickly get back into a normal routine. Flexitime, temporarily
changed duties that involve less job-related stress or other flexible arrangements
may be useful. However, there should be a clear understanding between the
employee and the employer as to the details of the return-to-work programme:
the expected length of time for which special accommodations will be granted,
what day-to-day flexibility is allowed, the exact duties of the employee and who
will supervise the work.

Good practice: Total Wellness Programme, Finland

One of the worlds leading wireless and wireline telecommunications firms runs a total wellness programme which includes mental health issues for its employees.The programmes purpose is to create an efficient and healthy workplace and health promoting working conditions.
This companys human resources and occupational medicine departments are responsible for
workplace health promotion and prevention programmes.The Total Wellness Programme was
developed in collaboration with the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health.
To plan its health promotion activities, the company uses its own statistics on working days
lost due to illness, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as data on staff satisfaction and the health of employees. The occupational medicine department organizes medical
examinations and assessments of the need for rehabilitation. As part of the fitness survey,
employees are assessed on a scale of one to five on health-related issues such as work, physical condition, and ability to cope with stress, family life, social contacts and hobbies. Receiving
the lowest score in any of these sections prompts quick intervention to determine how the situation can be improved. Participation in the programme is evaluated on a regular basis. Work
stressors and health and career development are part of the agenda of annual development
discussions between employees and their superiors. The company places great emphasis on
continuing professional education. It has established its own global learning centre network.



Nations for Mental Health

Other possible stress-reducing accommodations include:

altering the pace of work;
lowering the noise level of work;
providing water, tea or soda and crushed ice to combat a dry mouth caused
by some medications;
extra encouragement and praise of job performance, but only if warranted
and not obviously excessive;
while taking steps to reduce stress, avoidance of over-protection of the
making sure the employee is treated as a member of the team and not excluded from social events, business meetings or other activities relevant to the job.

4.3.2 Employee assistance programmes

Employee assistance programmes (EAPs) are company-sponsored programmes
designed to alleviate and assist in eliminating workplace problems caused by per-

Good practice: the use of group process to facilitate work

reintegration of employees with mental health problems in Canada
A 12-week programme was created to bring about a synergetic partnership and a
dynamic alliance between employee, employer, health professionals, unions and insurance
The programme, offered to no more than 12 individuals at any one time, combines group
intervention and an individual action plan; it is action-oriented and centred on the regaining of power for the person.
First, the programme aims at:
identifying and resolving collective and individual problems;
reviewing vocational skills and interpersonal relationships;
consolidating job skills.
Secondly, the employee is accompanied in the negotiation of his/her progressive return to
work. A joint supervisory process (involving the employee, the vocational consultant and
the employer) takes place on the job scene. This serves to give confidence to the employee
while at the same sensitizing other workers.
Thirdly, in order to avoid relapses and to consolidate job stability, the individual is followed
up for 6 months and as needed thereafter.

Results: After 2 years, 85% of the employees who took the programme have returned to
their jobs and are still in them.
Cost: The programme costs Cdn.$ 2600 (US$ 1700) for 12 weeks.
Charbonneau, C.: Accs Cible S.M.T. Dix ans faire renatre la confiance. November 1998.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

sonal problems. These programmes typically provide supportive, diagnostic,

referral and counselling treatment services. Many EAPs began as occupational
alcoholism programmes and gradually evolved into broader-based efforts as
employers recognized that alcoholism was not the only problem that could negatively affect job performance.
Although some EAPs continue to focus only on identifying and assisting workers
who are substance abusers, most now offer a wide range of other services to help
employees resolve personal and work-related problems. These services may
on-site and telephone counselling;
referral for psychological symptoms or mental health disorders (e.g. depression, stress, anxiety);
marital or family-related issues;
legal and financial problems;
catastrophic medical problems (e.g. AIDS, cancer);
pre-retirement planning needs;
career-related difficulties (38).
Many EAPs have been affected by changes in national and regional legislation. As
an employer develops programmes to respond to national policies as well as legislation, EAP professionals have had to become knowledgeable about the statutes
and how they affect their companys employees and policies (39).

4.3.3 Practical suggestions for small businesses (40)

Often the smaller employer (with fewer than 25 employees) cannot afford to
have a specific EAP or medical and rehabilitation experts on the staff. However,
the model that is often used by many large employers can be adapted to a small
The personnel or human resource director or other appropriate officer of the
company should visit the employee who is on a medical/disability leave as soon
as possible to demonstrate concern and to encourage an early return to work.
Always try to return the worker to his or her old job, even if an accommodation
or flexible work time is required. This minimizes complications to the employee, reduces stress which may trigger a reoccurrence of depressive symptoms, and
maximizes the companys advantage of having a trained employee.
Use community resources. Local rehabilitation agencies and support groups may
aid in a successful return to work with minimal or no expense to the business.
Make a special effort to inform the employees physician or mental health professional regarding the requirements of the job and possible changes and



Nations for Mental Health

Good practice: Employee assistance programme, USA

A large diversified health care company with more than 54,000 employees.
The following psychiatric disability case illustrates the benefits of an effective workplace
programme to manage mental health problems. An office assistant in her early thirties was
a divorced single mother with two children. Her manager, having observed her recent problems with concentration and productivity, referred her to the companys EAP.
Due to the severity of the employees condition, the EAP recommended that she be placed
on medical leave. The employee, who had a history of childhood abuse and symptoms of
depression, had been under the care of a psychiatrist and therapist. These providers were
not responsive to the EAPs request for additional evaluation and more intensive outpatient
treatment. Therefore, with the employees agreement, she was referred to in-network
providers, a psychiatrist and psychologist team, who quickly determined that she needed
more timely intensive care. Her medications were modified and she began partial hospitalization treatment. The EAP case manager also arranged for the employee to receive financial assistance through a company programme, which helped to reduce her level of stress.
After seven weeks, the woman had stabilized and was returned to work. However, shortly
thereafter she had a relationship break-up and quickly slipped back into crisis mode, including suicide ideation. The employee was again placed on medical leave and her providers
admitted her to an inpatient programme. After a few days in the hospital, the employee
stabilized again, returned to partial hospitalization and began attending a depression support group.
Within six weeks, the employee returned to work for a second time. This time, she was
eased back into the work routine, beginning on a part-time basis and slowly increasing her
work hours. Within a month, she returned to full-time work. The EAP case manager maintained contact with her after the return to work, and also worked with the employees manager to ensure a successful transition back to work. The employee has since demonstrated
positive progress with a good prognosis.
Over a 10-month period, the EAP had made a total of 163 contacts with the employee,
providers and company personnel. This investment in support has enabled an employee
who had been a probable candidate for long-term disability to remain productive (41).

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices


Chapter 5

Work as a mechanism for

reintegrating persons with
serious mental illness
5.1 Size and profile of this group
According to WHO, more than 500
million people around the world are
afflicted with serious mental illness,
alcoholism and/or drug addiction.
Expressed differently, 1.5-2% of the
population of each country has to face
this issue.
According to ILO (43), mental illness
hits more human lives and gives rise to a
greater waste of human resources than
all other forms of disability.

We have been asking for the means to

actively construct the real access to
rights for years: not only the right to
medical care, but also the right to
produce, to have a house, an activity, a
relationship, economic means, value.
Source: Franco Rotelli (42)

The unemployment rate of this group is around 90% in contrast to that of persons with physical or sensorial disabilities, which is approximately 50%. Again,
expressed differently, only 10% of persons with a serious psychiatric background
who wish to work and are judged capable of working are in fact working. Women
fare less well than men.
It has long been known that severe mental illness often impairs dramatically ones
capacity to work and to earn a living. It can lead to impoverishment, which in
turn may worsen the illness. Thus, all efforts to find employment for these persons are essential since they improve quality of life and reduce both impoverishment and the high service and welfare costs engendered by this group (44).

5.2 Historical perspective

Tremendous changes have taken place in the management of persons with severe
mental illness over the past 50 years.

5.2.1 Deinstitutionalization
Until the early 1950s we had to resort to long-term hospitalization, usually in a
psychiatric hospital, since few very effective treatments were available. The negative side of prolonged hospitalization was that patients not only had the signs and
symptoms of their illness but also had a tendency to lose the social skills which
they possessed that are required in order to live in society (such as the ability to


Nations for Mental Health

Disabled people with mental health problems and work,

United Kingdom
(Total of working age with mental health problems = 475,000)


57 000
In employment 12%
Looking for work 4%


20 000

398 000
Not actively looking for work 84%

Source: Labour Force Survey, Spring 1998. United Kingdom Educational and Employment
Committee, Opportunities for Disabled People

dress and to feed oneself appropriately, to relate to other persons, to take the bus,
or go to the bank, etc.). This phenomenon, referred to as institutionalization,
became more evident when the first neuroleptic drugs (tranquillizers) were discovered in the 1950s. These had the capacity to control symptoms such as
thought disorder, hallucinations, restlessness and agitation. Their discovery had a
dramatic impact on the life of many long-term psychiatric patients who could
then be discharged much more rapidly and also benefit from other treatments
such as psychotherapy. However, a good number of patients whose active symptoms were well looked after with the first and successive generations of neuroleptic medication were still showing other symptoms such as withdrawal, lack of
motivation, a certain degree of apathy, and the so-called negative symptoms of
major psychiatric illness, most notably schizophrenia. It is only since 1985 that
we have medications available (so-called atypical neuroleptics) that can significantly impact on negative symptoms.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

All the above medications are powerful and they must always be carefully prescribed and monitored. Several can cause secondary effects such as thirst, involuntary movements and problems with vision, although this is less frequent with
the newer molecules.
The other categories of illnesses normally included under the term severe mental illness are the major depressions, be they unipolar or bipolar (manic-depressive illness). Tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors are used for the
former and mood stabilizers (mostly lithium carbonate) for the latter.

5.2.2 Organization of services

In developed countries today, most admissions take place in general hospitals
rather than in psychiatric hospitals.
A substantial percentage of persons are able to return to live in society, either
with their own families or in different types of living arrangements with more or
less need for supervision and support. Many patients can be treated in day or
night hospital programmes. By far the majority of patients are treated as outpatients, ideally by a multidisciplinary team that participates in carrying out a plan
or project that has been developed jointly with the patient.
Today, the vast majority of persons with mental illness live in the community and
not in institutions.

5.2.3 Psychosocial rehabilitation

Coincidental with these changes, we have witnessed a rapid development in the
field and practice of psychosocial rehabilitation, a discipline which aims to overcome the difficulties of playing a social role and living in a social environment
(45). The emphasis is on skills and abilities rather than on symptoms and disabilities, and the focus is on the areas of activities of daily living, socialization and
work. The practice of psychosocial rehabilitation can be done by existing professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists
and nurses if they have the necessary skills and training, or by persons who have
received specific training in psychosocial rehabilitation in university programmes
which are growing more numerous nowadays. All groups share a belief that most
persons with serious mental health problems can improve if properly evaluated,
trained and supported in the community (46).
Whereas physicians (mostly psychiatrists) are responsible for hospital admissions
and treatment, including the prescription of appropriately monitored medication
(which a majority of patients will require, often for long periods of time), most
facets of reintegration and life in the community are looked after by professionals
who use a psychoeducational approach rather than a medical one.



Nations for Mental Health

With appropriate treatment and psychosocial rehabilitation programmes, many

people who would formerly have had to spend years in psychiatric institutions are
now able to lead fairly interesting lives in the community.
Mental illness should be distinguished from mental retardation. The latter refers to
subnormal intellectual functioning which usually begins before adulthood (47).

5.2.4 Developing work skills

While our focus is on access to paid employment, we know that a majority of persons with severe mental health problems have been exposed to programmes that
focus more on developing work skills than on actual paid work. These programmes are summarized briefly (48).
Hospital-based programmes of training and work integration
These are less used now than in the past; their aim is to increase self-confidence
and general functioning and the type of activities that one finds in such programmes include food distribution, gardening, running a small store, etc. While
participants tend to have reduced numbers of days of hospitalization, it appears
that few obtain successful permanent employment.
Sheltered workshops
This is another traditional approach where subcontract work is used. It is felt that
this type of work does not prepare very well for remunerative employment and
that the person tends to remain in a patient role. However, 10-15% of participants have been found capable of moving to a more intensive programme.
Training in community living
These programmes have been developed through the pioneering efforts of Stein,
Test & Marx (49). They attend to basic needs and feature strong individual management as well as a global approach. While participation in such programmes
reduces hospitalization and increases independent living, it has not been found to
have a great impact on keeping a permanent job.
Programmes of assertive community treatment (PACT)
These programmes were also developed by Stein, Test & Marx in response to the
growing need for community-based services for persons with severe mental illness. The focus has been on recovery from illness and enhanced quality of life.
This training has been implemented in Canada and in several areas of the United
States. PACT is an interdisciplinary team approach including a psychiatrist, registered nurses, peer specialists, vocational specialists, an addiction specialist and a
programme administrator. Crisis care is available 24 hours a day.
This integrated, community-based model provides the treatment, rehabilitation,
and support services that persons with severe mental illness need to live successfully in the community (50).

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

The clinical principles of treatment include, in part, an assertive approach to

keeping individuals involved; continuous monitoring to maintain current knowledge of their functioning and to facilitate intervention when necessary; and individually tailored treatment and rehabilitation programmes (51).
PACT appears to be the model that has resulted in the most candidates being
able to obtain increased competitive employment.
Other approaches are described later under 5.10.

5.3 Current context: changes in the nature of work

Obtaining competitively paid employment for a person with a background of
serious mental illness remains a challenge at the best of times. It is even more difficult in periods of high unemployment when the availability of nondisabled
workers is plentiful.
Globalization, technological development and changes in the organization of
work are having an impact worldwide (52).
In the manufacturing sector of OECD countries, the employment of unskilled
labourers has fallen by 20% (53) and there is a definitive trend towards the hiring
of highly-skilled workers.
We are forced to acknowledge that important changes have taken place in the
very nature and organization of work: the free-market economy which predominates, is often accompanied by downsizing of human resources and increased loss
of job security. Moreover, various governments, in order to balance their budgets, have felt the need to reduce their social costs from which persons with serious
mental illness traditionally get support: conditions of eligibility have been made
stricter and the duration of the support programme often shorter.
With respect to the near future, there seem to be two schools of thought one
pessimistic and the other more optimistic.
The pessimists viewpoint, as represented by sociologist Jeremy Rifkin (54), states
that we are nearing the end of work. The recent technological advances have
resulted in a sharp reduction of new jobs in the industrial sector and he predicts
that, with the assistance of computer technology, the reduction will be even
greater in the services sector.
The optimists, as represented by Charles Goldfinger, are of the opinion that
each time a new technology is developed, it brings not a decrease, but an
increase in job opportunities, albeit, not necessarily of the same kind as before.
The new economy contains huge pools of new jobs which can more than make
up for the inevitable loss of traditional jobs (55). This latter viewpoint seems to
be borne out in several countries that have experienced sustained growth in the



Nations for Mental Health

last few years: this has revived the demand for a great variety of workers in many
spheres of economic activity (56).
Supporters of both viewpoints seem to agree that the organization of work is
becoming more intangible and that regular 8 to 5 jobs may be less common, to
be replaced by flexible schedule, increased part-time work, short-time contracts,
often done in the employees own home
There seems to be agreement that the newer jobs will be in the following sectors:
handling information and knowledge;
information technology;
the health sector;
the leisure economy.
Whenever they have been successful in finding a paid job in the past, persons with a
backgound of serious mental illness tended to work either in the traditional industrial sector or in service areas that did not require high technological capacity.
While it is too early to predict what will happen in the 21st century, it is obvious
that work programmes for these persons will have to take into account the
changes in the nature of work. This will include the need for a better education
and the development of professional skills in keeping with the requirements of
the new jobs.

5.4 Overcoming obstacles affecting clients ability to access work (57)

Individuals with mental illness want to
work but are often discouraged by many
barriers in the current public system. A
recent survey in the United States
showed that 72% of unemployed people
with disabilities, including people with
severe mental illness have a strong desire
to work. Several recent surveys have
found this rate to be as high as 80% for
adults with mental illnesses (58).

Six principal barriers to the

employment of individuals with severe
mental illness:
1. Lack of choice in employment
services and providers.
2. Inadequate work opportunities.
3. Complexity of the existing work
incentive systems.
4. Financial penalties of working.
5. Stigma and discrimination.
6. Loss of health benefits.

Employment is an essential part of

recovery for people with mental illnesses and recent advances in treatment
services and medications have increased the capacity of people with mental illnesses to join the mainstream and live independently.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.4.1 Context
Shorter periods of hospitalization when needed and appropriate follow-up in the
community prevent people from losing the social skills that are essential to adequate living in the community. The approach is also somewhat less costly to governments. However, we find that, while they are saving millions of dollars by
closing psychiatric beds, at least in most developed countries, few governments
have promulgated policies and developed community resources necessary to
ensure the social integration of these patients. It takes greater political will and
skills to put in place the conditions and programmes that will permit the meaningful return to life and society (including work) of persons with serious mental
illness than it does to close a psychiatric hospital.
In the past, policies and programmes have tended to lump together the requirements of persons with mental retardation and those of persons with serious mental illness. Whereas they can have several needs in common, it has to be realized
that the requirements for both groups are vastly different when it comes to reasonable accommodation.
It is useful to review how to overcome the main obstacles that impact on the ability of persons with serious mental illness to have access to work.

5.4.2 Overcoming obstacles linked to the illness

A substantial majority of persons with serious mental illness take medication.
When appropriately prescribed and monitored, these medications, especially the
newer molecules, not only control the positive symptoms of illness (agitation,
restlessness, etc.), but also have a significant impact on negative symptoms such
as apathy, passivity and social withdrawal, as well as interpersonal relationships.
All in all, 60-80% of persons with serious mental illness can be substantially
helped with a well monitored medication regime and an appropriate psychosocial
management and support programme.
It remains essential for persons with serious mental illness to have access to (and
be able to afford) both appropriate medication and a psychosocial programme
that will focus on the persons living conditions, his/her ability to relate to others, and his/her willingness and capacity to work. In all instances the persons
choices must be sought and taken into account.
There is still a debate as to how much an employer should (or wants to) know
concerning an employees psychiatric background. In all modern legislation, disability cannot be sufficient grounds to refuse employment if otherwise the person
can do the job.
The assurance that there will be a quick and easy access to appropriate medical
and psychological help has been found to influence very positively the willingness
of employers to offer jobs to persons with mental health problems.



Nations for Mental Health

In the past, and still today, many persons with psychiatric backgrounds have had
to lie to a potential employer about their illness. Some of the most successful programmes are those where a mutual trusting and respectful attitude has been
developed so that issues that may arise are easier to address.

5.4.3 Overcoming obstacles linked to lack of educational training and

lack of work experience
Mental illness can strike at any age of life: some of the most severe forms begin in
the late teens and early twenties and usually prevent the person from completing
secondary education, college and/or university. This renders the person illequipped to face the requirements of a job, especially in todays world. Other
forms of illnesses start in the late twenties and early thirties while the person is
already working.
The work milieu is often intolerant of a colleague suffering from mental illness;
the first episode may result in a demotion or a change of job, if not an outright
firing. The impact on the persons self-esteem is usually very negative. The loss of
ones remuneration brings with it economic hardship, notwithstanding the various aid programmes that exist in developed countries.
Research has shown a constant positive relationship between the skills of a client
and his/her vocational outcome (59) and that persons with severe psychiatric disability can indeed learn new skills (60). With the ever-increasing importance of
technology, we find that the low-tech jobs to which many persons with serious
mental illness had access in the past are no longer available, at least in developed
We need to develop training programmes that take into account the needs of persons with mental health problems as well as the requirements of potential
In low-income countries, greater use should be made of the apprenticeship model.
We now believe that it makes eminent sense to encourage someone whose academic career was interrupted by mental illness to go back to school, college or university, in order to complete a qualification and therefore have access to a much
wider choice of jobs and opportunities. Whereas government programmes have
traditionally supported direct employment, there now exists a number of support
programmes that will allow one to return to school.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Good practice: Supported education in Boston Choose/Get/Keep

As part of its array of rehabilitation services, a University-based Centre for Psychiatric
Rehabilitation has developed an extensive programme of supported education. The centre applied a basic model (61) called Choose/Get/Keep which was initially developed for
persons seeking a return to employment.
Supported education has been defined (62) as the provision of post-secondary education
in integrated educational settings for people with psychiatric disabilities whose education
has been interrupted, intermittent or has not yet occurred because of a severe psychiatric
disability, and who, because of this psychiatric impairment, need ongoing support services
in order to be successful in the educational environment. The programme utilizes supported learning specialists with a masters degree in psychiatric rehabilitation (practitioners) who assist and accompany the person with a former psychiatric disability throughout
the three phases of the programme. The guiding principle is to focus on participant
process rather than on practitioner activity.
In the Choosing phase the participant is helped in describing why he/she wishes to go
back to school and in making an enlightened choice as to the type of environment
which suits his/her needs, as well as in making a choice as to which school might meet
expectations. The eliciting of educational goals, the assessment of personal criteria, and
the realistic objective evaluation of the students abilities are paramount in facilitating
the decision-making process. Part of this phase also involves the identification and
securing of other sources of support for the student, including family and friends.
In the Getting phase a decision is made by the practitioner and the student concerning the assignment of responsibility for getting enrollment in the academic facility chosen, including obtaining the financial support needed. A decision has to be made
concerning the amount of information which the student may wish (or may not wish) to
disclose concerning the psychiatric disability.
In the Keeping phase efforts are made to continue to support students in enrollment
and in academic success. The practitioner needs to provide the teaching of special skills
which the student might need to pursue the programme. Coordination also applies to
those facets of academic life with which the students might encounter some difficulties.
Experience has shown that the need for greater support arises during stressful periods
such as examinations.
All in all, the relationship established between the practitioner and the participant (student) is a crucial factor. It has to be egalitarian, continuous and very flexible.
As with other successful rehabilitation programmes, the outcome has an impact on the persons illness. There tend to be fewer rehospitalizations and a need for lower doses of medication (occasionally the need for medication may disappear) for persons involved in the



Nations for Mental Health

5.4.4 Overcoming obstacles linked to prejudice and stigma

Stigma is basically an attitude that aims
There is a growing awareness that
at marginalizing and ostracizing somedisability is not so much an
one because that person has a mental
impairment of the individual as a
health problem. While the stigma can be
product of the environment in which
quite overt, it tends nowadays to be
he or she lives.
more subtle. For instance, a person may
find it very difficult to obtain appropriSource: ILO (63).
ate lodging or to join a social club. It
may include fears of violent behaviour
on the part of the person with the mental health problems.
While violence attributable to mental illness exists, it is very low when compared
to other forms of violence. The risk of violence is much greater when severe mental illness is associated with alcoholism and drug abuse (64) and when there is a
past history of violent behaviour.
In its most advanced forms, stigma leads to exclusion of the person from several
spheres of social functioning. Stigma may have disastrous consequences when a
person with a mental health problem starts believing that he/she deserves to be
treated in such a way. Stigma can also manifest itself in the denial of the persons competence, ability and potential.
The best way to fight stigma is through appropriate education and information.
This may include a public information campaign, courses, conferences, etc. It is
important to delineate very precisely what component of general stigma one
wants to address and to develop a specific plan of action for it.
The mass media often portray persons with mental illness in a most unfavourable
light. It has been shown (65) that nearly half of health journalists have serious
misconceptions concerning mental illness. Codes of ethics should be strengthened and rigorously applied to eradicate the altogether frequent sensationalism
with which the press treats stories involving persons with alleged or real
mental health problems. Since the media play a crucial role in filtering information that reaches the public, it is obvious that all efforts should be made by mental health professionals to work closely with them and to correct the
misconceptions which they may harbour.
Recently, advocates in the mental health/illness field have made progress with
the mass media, stirring up interest and controversy at both the international and
national levels. In general, there has been more widespread discussion in the press
and on television regarding the situation of this traditionally overlooked disability
group and more in-depth presentations about some of the political and professional issues in this field.
Today, advocates are more successful at working with the press and on the
Internet to bring mental health/illness issues both into the mainstream of the

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

disability rights movement and to the attention of the public. At the international
level, advocates are combining three themes to attract media coverage: redefining
the bottom line as a universal human rights issue, subjecting residential institutions to worldwide exposure, and building support for community based services
(66). Ultimately, this type of advocacy can ameliorate negative myths and stereotypes and, in turn, can impact and influence work opportunities for individuals
with mental health problems.
Another important way to fight stigma is to inform the community of good
practices and of programmes that work.

5.4.5 Myths about mental illness and the workplace

The following are major myths and facts
regarding the impact of mental illness
on the workplace (67):

The facts dispute major myths about

mental illness in the workplace.

Myth 1: Mental illness is the same as mental retardation.

Facts: These are two distinct disorders. A diagnosis of mental retardation is
chiefly characterized by limitation in intellectual functioning as well as difficulties
with certain daily living skills. In contrast, among persons with psychiatric disabilities, intellectual functioning varies as it does across the general population.
Myth 2: Recovery from mental illness is not possible.
Facts: Long-term studies have shown that the majority of people with mental illnesses show genuine improvement over time and lead stable, productive lives.
For many decades mental illness was thought to be permanent and untreatable.
People with mental illness were separated from the rest of society through institutionalization in mental hospitals. As medications were discovered which helped to
alleviate the symptoms of mental illness, there was a gradual evolution towards
the provision of treatment and rehabilitation services in the community.
Myth 3: Mentally ill and mentally restored employees (the term denotes when
the disorder is effectively treated) tend to be second-rate workers.
Facts: Employers who have hired these individuals report that they are higher
than average in attendance and punctuality and as good or better than other
employees in motivation, quality of work, and job tenure. Studies reported by US
National Institute of Mental Health and National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
conclude that there are no differences in productivity when compared to other
Myth 4: People with psychiatric disabilities cannot tolerate stress on the job.
Facts: This oversimplifies the complex human response to stress. People with a
variety of medical conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis,
and psychiatric disorders, may find their symptoms exacerbated by high levels of
stress. However, the source of personal and job-related stress varies substantially



Nations for Mental Health

between individuals. Some people find an unstructured schedule to be very

stressful while others struggle with a regimented workflow. Some people thrive
on public visibility or high levels of social contact, while others require minimal
interaction in order to focus and complete tasks. Workers with psychiatric disabilities vary in their response to stressors on the job. In essence, all jobs are stressful
to some extent. Productivity is maximized when there is a good match between
the employees needs and working conditions, whether or not the individual has
a psychiatric disability.
Myth 5: Mentally ill and mentally restored individuals are unpredictable, violent, and dangerous.
Facts: The vast majority of these individuals are not dangerous or violent. Upon
learning that an applicant has a mental illness, some employers may expect that
the individual is likely to become violent. This myth is reinforced by portrayals in
the media of people with mental illnesses as frequently and randomly violent. A
scholarly review of the research literature by Cornell University indicates that
none of the data give any support to the sensationalized caricature of the mentally disordered served up in the media.
Although stigma and shame are still the dominant attitudes towards mental
health and mental illness, there has been a dramatic shift in perception during the
last 10 years. Advancement and improvements in the legal system have had a positive impact on attitudes and knowledge relating to all disabilities and to mental
illness in particular. This has, in turn, created a greater openness towards all mental health issues. Additional contributing factors include public and professional
awareness that prolonged hospital stays can be disabling, advances in pharmacology, and a shift in focus from pathology to strengths and abilities. More importantly, a variety of service models have been developed and implemented over the
past decade which are successful in helping people with a depressive illness and
other mental illnesses to secure and maintain employment.

5.4.6 Overcoming obstacles linked to government policy

While there exists, in developed countries, a number of programmes to help disabled unemployed persons (unemployment insurance, income support, job training, job search clubs, subsidies to employers, etc.) each programme has its set of
fairly complicated rules and it becomes apparent that the philosophy underlying
such programmes was not conceived for persons with mental health problems in
mind. The programmes are either too short in duration or have requirements of
rigid working hours or high output which persons with serious mental illness cannot be expected to fulfil, at least initially.
A cursory look at existing programmes in many countries reveals that, notwithstanding the fact that persons with mental illness may represent a majority of
persons with a disability, only a very small number of structured programmes
exist and are adapted to the needs of this group, as compared to programmes for
physical or sensorial disabilities.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

A paradoxical situation exists in some developed countries. The disability benefits

paid to someone officially classified as a person with a disability and without
any obligation to work may be very close to the minimum wage which the same
person would earn if working. To compound the problem, the person may also
lose an entitlement to free medication, to transportation subsidies, or other social
benefits by accepting the status of employee. This often constitutes a powerful
disincentive for a person with a disability to join the labour force.
In the USA, the impact of welfare reform on the employment of people with psychiatric disabilities is an issue worth noting. Many of the problems associated
with welfare reform as it concerns people with mental illness are not unique to
the USA, particularly as many European countries are trying to decrease their
social welfare costs. (Many people receiving welfare benefits have either mental
health problems or are at increased risk of them.) In the USA, by focusing on the
importance of work and training, the current national trend in welfare reform has
the potential to expand employment opportunities for people with psychiatric
disabilities. However, many mental health experts express concern about this
impact. The reasons cited for concern are:
increased competition for employment from welfare recipients entering the
job market could crowd out people with psychiatric disabilities;
employment and training programmes designed for the general welfare population are unlikely to address the special needs of people with psychiatric disabilities;
disincentives to work inherent in many government benefit programmes can
make it difficult for persons with psychiatric disabilities to enter and remain in
the workforce.
Despite these concerns, many mental health advocates hope that welfare reform
will encourage state and local mental health agencies to adopt more innovative
and effective strategies to help people with psychiatric disabilities to enter or
reenter the workforce. It is hoped that welfare reform will create an environment
that encourages state and local agencies to work together in new ways to address
the issue of employment and training. In addition, welfare reform offers an
opportunity for the mental health system to contribute its considerable expertise
and experience to promoting and supporting employment in the effort to assist
welfare recipients to enter the world of work (68).

5.4.7 Overcoming obstacles linked to the labour market

Previous successful work history has traditionally been mentioned as a key factor
in predicting successful return to employment. This obviously puts persons with a
background of serious mental illness at a disadvantage.
With a few exceptions (notably the USA), unemployment rates in many countries
are around 10%. Changes in the labour structure mean that there are fewer lowtech jobs available. Training may be needed to acquire the competence which
newer jobs may demand.



Nations for Mental Health

Professionals and workers in the disability field must remember that employers are
not social agencies and are traditionally reluctant to hire persons with a background of serious mental illness. Employers are concerned that there will be a loss
of productivity and this concern has to be addressed.

5.5 The perspective of international agencies

5.5.1 United Nations
The United Nations, which proclaimed the International Year of Disabled
Persons in 1991, adopted the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled
Persons in 1992. This emphasized the right of persons with disabilities to the
same opportunities as other citizens and to an equal share in the improvements in
living conditions resulting from economic and social development. On the same
occasion, it defined handicap as a function of the relationship between persons
with disabilities and their environment.
In 1994 the United Nations published the Standard Rules on the Equalization
of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (69).
The term equalization of opportunities means the process through which the
various systems of society and the environment such as services, activities, information and documentation are made available to all, particularly persons with
disabilities. Persons with disabilities are members of society which have the right
to remain within their local communities. They should receive the support they
need within the ordinary structures of education, health, employment and social
Article 7 deals specifically with employment; it mentions that States should recognize the principle that persons with disabilities must be empowered to exercise
their human rights particularly in the field of employment. In both rural and
urban areas they must have equal opportunities for productive and gainful
employment in the labour market.
Sub-article 2 mentions that States should actively support the integration of persons with disabilities into open employment. This active support could occur
through a variety of measures, such as vocational training, incentive-oriented
quota schemes, reserve or designated employment, loans or grants for small business, exclusive contracts or priority production rights, tax concessions, contract
compliance or other technical financial assistance to enterprises employing workers with disabilities. States should also encourage employers to make reasonable
adjustments to accommodate persons with disabilities.
Article 7 also proposes public awareness-raising campaigns and further mentions
that the goal should always be for persons with disabilities to obtain employment
in the open labour market. However, for those whose needs cannot be met in
open employment, small units of sheltered or supported employment may be an

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.5.2 World Bank and the Harvard Report

With few exceptions, severe mental illness does not represent an immediate threat
to life. Therefore, mortality rates are of little use to measure the true impact of
mental illness on an individual, family or society as a whole.
To address this issue, the World Bank has introduced (70) the concept of DALYs,
or disability-adjusted life-years: this is a measure that combines healthy life years
lost because of both premature mortality and losses resulting from disability.
The sum of DALYs is referred to as the Global Burden of Disease (GBD).
The seminal 1995 Harvard Report (71) on World Mental Health: Problems and
Priorities in Low-Income Countries points out that whereas there have been, over
the last 50 years, marked improvements in the physical health of low-income
countries (owing among other things to better control of fertility rates, improved
perinatal care, and prevention and treatment of several infectious diseases, resulting in reduced mortality rates), on the other hand the mental health of these
populations has either remained stagnant or has decreased.
According to The World Health Report 1999, neuropsychiatric disorders account
for 11.5% of the burden of disease worldwide as measured by DALYs which is
more than the proportion of the burden imposed by respiratory infections and
diseases (10.7%), cardiovascular diseases (10.3%), or malignant neoplasms (5.8%).
Even in the low-income and middle-income countries of the world where it is
often assumed that infectious and parasitic diseases are of paramount importance
one finds that neuropsychiatric disorders account for 10.5% of the burden of
Data from the Global Burden of Disease provide further evidence. In 1990,
among people between the ages of 15 and 44, fully 30% of DALYs were the consequence of mental health problems about twice the burden imposed by infectious and parasitic diseases, five times that of cardiovascular diseases, and seven
and a half times that of malignant neoplasms. For this age group, unipolar major
depression accounted for more than 10% of all DALYs and was the single leading
cause of disease burden in the world. Put another way, neuropsychiatric conditions were the greatest cause of disability in what is a particularly active and productive age group (72).
It has been reported (73) that for the USA, the United Kingdom and Australia,
43% of DALYs are traceable to mental disorders and that the latter account for
22% of the GBD. The much higher percentages in developed countries reflect the
fact that perinatal death and disability from infectious disease are much lower
than in developing countries.
We are aware that criticisms have been leveled against the DALY and GBD concepts (74), to the effect that they do not give sufficient importance to social and
environmental factors. According to our experience, they remain very useful ways


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to describe disabilities in a manner which is clear and likely to be understood by

decision-makers who can influence policies.

5.5.3 International Labour Organisation

ILO generally agrees with WHO estimates that more than 500 million people, or
7-10%1 of the worlds population, are disabled. ILO also feels that this number is
increasing owing to greater longevity and the physical and psychological ravages of
Today, ILO has a new organizational structure in which the disability programme
is part of the Employment Sector which reflects the principle of mainstreaming.
The Employment Sector is responsible for developing and promoting employment
strategies, job creation programmes, and human resources development policies,
and for initiating actions to respond rapidly to economic crisis in conflict countries
and to the needs of those devastated by natural disasters. Within the Employment
Sector, the disability programme has been integrated into a broader unit (Target
Groups Unit of the InFocus Programme on Skills, Knowledge and Employability).
The aim behind the establishment of this new unit is to enhance synergy between
the ILOs different programmes targeting disadvantaged groups such as youth,
older workers, displaced workers and people with disabilities which include mental
health disorders. The disability programme works in close cooperation with the
ILOs occupational safety and health programmes, especially the InFocus
Programme on SafeWorks. The latter focuses on preventive policies and programmes to protect workers in hazardous occupations and sectors.
ILOs focus on persons with disability is outlined in its Constitutions Convention
number 159 (75) and its recommendation 168 (76) (Recommendation concerning vocational rehabilitation and employment Disabled Persons).
For the purpose of the Convention, the term disabled person means an individual
whose prospects of securing, retaining and advancing in suitable employment are substantially reduced as a result of a duly recognized physical or mental impairment.
Part II of the Convention urges Member States to formulate, implement and
periodically review a National Policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of disabled persons, restates the principle of equal opportunity between
disabled workers and workers in general, and puts forward the fact that representative organizations of employers and workers shall be consulted on the implementation of the said policy.
Recommendation 168 is much more explicit and contains 9 sections. After restating that disability can arise as a result of a duly recognized physical or mental

Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, Director-General of WHO, Interagency Consultation on

Disability, 15-16 June 1999.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

impairment (terms which are not defined), section 2 on vocational rehabilitation

and employment opportunities stresses the following:
Disabled persons should enjoy equality of opportunity and treatment in respect
of access to, retention of and advancement in employment which, whenever
possible, corresponds to their own choice and takes account of their individual
suitability for such employment.
Measures for disabled persons should conform to employment and salary standards applicable to workers generally.
Measures which are recommended include:
measures to create job opportunities on the open labour market;
appropriate government support for the establishment of various types of
sheltered employment for disabled persons for whom access to open employment is not practicable;
appropriate government support for vocational training and vocational guidance, placement services, etc.;
encouragement of the establishment and development of cooperatives by and
for disabled persons;
elimination by stages if necessary of physical, communication and architectural barriers and obstacles;
nondiscrimination and information on successful instances of integration;
research on the various types of disability.
The third part of the Recommendation deals with community participation in
both urban and rural areas, in particular with that of representatives of employers,
workers and disabled persons organizations.
Other sections deal with vocational rehabilitation in rural areas, the training of
staff, the contribution of employers and workers organizations to the development of vocational rehabilitation services, the contribution of disabled persons and
their organizations to developmental vocational rehabilitation services, vocational
rehabilitation under social security schemes and, lastly, coordination, where Article
42 states:
Measures should be taken to ensure, as far as practicable, that policies and programmes concerning vocational rehabilitation are coordinated with policies and
programmes of social and economic development (including scientific research
and advanced technology) affecting labour administration, general employment
policy and promotion, vocational training, social integration, social security, cooperatives, rural development, small-scale industry and crafts, safety and health at
work, adaptation of methods and organization of work to the needs of the individual and the improvement of working conditions.
Both the Convention and its Recommendations cover very extensively the field of
disability. Measures described clearly address disability arising from physical and



Nations for Mental Health

sensorial problems. Although there is little elaboration of what might be required

for persons with disability arising from mental health problems, both the
Convention and its Recommendations apply equally to mental health disabilities.

5.5.4 World Health Organization

WHO was founded in 1948 as the main international organization to oversee
world health. Its constitution (77) gives the organization and member countries
the objective of the attainment by all people of the highest possible level of health.
It further states that the enjoyment of the highest standard of health is one of the
fundamental rights of every human being. In 1977, the World Health Assembly
expressed this as Health for all by the year 2000 (78).
The 9th General Programme of Work of WHO establishes the global health policy
framework for action by the world health community (international organizations
of the United Nations system, including WHO, nongovernmental organizations,
bilateral and multilateral donor and development agencies, banks and countries
In 1981, WHO adopted primary health care as the way to achieve the goal of
health for all. As a strategy, primary health care seeks reorientation of health systems to enable the whole population to have effective and essential care and to
promote individual and community involvement in health, as well as intersectoral
Appropriate treatment of common diseases and injuries and mental health care are
integral components of primary health care.
Much of the attention of WHOs Department of Mental Health and Substance
Abuse is focused on the most effective ways to ensure the highest quality of life for
persons with serious mental health problems. Several projects deal specifically with
rehabilitation issues, including access to employment.
Throughout the 9th General Programme of Work there is a constant reference to
the necessity to improve the quality of life of people and to integrate health and
human development in public policies.
The World Health Report 1998 has the theme Life in the 21st century: a vision
for all (79). The report states that there is increasing life expectancy due mainly to
a reduction in premature death and a steady reduction in major infectious diseases.
The report identifies as major problems the HIV epidemic and the enormous rise
in violent death and injuries from violence.
On the issue of work, the report states that more working days are lost as a result of
mental disorders than physical conditions. It also recognizes that, whereas mental
disorders contribute little to mortality, they make a huge contribution to the Global
Burden of Disease.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.5.5 Nongovernmental organizations

There are perhaps thousands of consumer and professional groups for individuals
with mental health disabilities and their families in many countries of the world.
These groups have had a vital role in raising the awareness of mental health issues,
reducing stigma and discrimination, and advocating for appropriate legislation.
Jobs and other meaningful activities are important for a person to be included in
the social and economic mainstream. Recently, there has been impetus by some
NGOs to frame the discussion and advocacy of mental health issues within a
human rights perspective.
Often NGOs work closely with government agencies, business groups, corporate
sponsors and community-based mental health services. They are an important
source of expertise and provide opportunities to reach people with mental health
problems. They serve as a policy monitor and a catalyst for change.

5.5.6 Overseeing training and employment of persons with disabilities

In a recent worldwide survey undertaken by ILO (80), it was found that the
organization of vocational rehabilitation is very diverse and occasionally quite
diffused in many countries. There is often an obvious lack of communication
between the different agencies responsible for policies and programming.
In more economically developed countries, the increase in vocational rehabilitation programmes parallels the increasing strength of the disability organizations and their lobby. This has led to continuous surveillance of national policies
and programmes by people with disabilities.
For obvious reasons, the lobby representing physical and sensorial disability has
traditionally been much stronger and more vocal than that representing mental
health problems. For its part, the mental retardation lobby has become strong and
vocal owing to the fact that, by and large, families now view the condition as having a physical origin about which one should not be ashamed.
Over the last two decades, the users (or survivors) movement in mental health
has grown very significantly and has become an increasingly powerful lobby group,
especially in more economically advanced countries. It is making good use of the
ever-increasing knowledge that we have of the biological and genetic components
of most major mental illnesses to challenge the stigma that is still too often associated with these illnesses.



Nations for Mental Health

Good practice: vocational rehabilitation for individuals with a

psychiatric disability the Australia experience
The National Employment and Psychological Services (NEPS) centre was founded in 1992.
The centre operates in both Victoria and Queensland. NEPS has employment services, a work
crew and two commercial businesses. Most of their clients (85%) have a psychiatric disability. The centre also has a secondary focus on people from non-English speaking background.
The following example illustrates good practices that have been effective in assisting
people with mental illness obtain and maintain employment. The main features are that
this programme is consumer-driven and fully integrated into the community.
According to Leonie Exel from the NEPS centre: Our staff and clients have been through
many an exponential learning curve in the last six years, particularly as we are among the
first wave of specialist providers in Australia. Nowadays, we can define some of the service
features which are likely to assist our clients to find and maintain relevant jobs. Our knowledge has come from a combination of research, hard work and sometimes painful trial and
error. Our experience has taught us that many or most successful factors in our agency can
be attributed to plain and simple, garden variety common sense.
The primary factors which ensure that NEPS clients obtain and maintain relevant employment are:

high levels of client (consumer) participation;

client-driven processes, goal-setting and methodology;
an empowerment focus;
flexibility in service delivery schedules and service re-entry processes;
strong policies of nondisclosure and confidentiality;
staff personalization of service delivery.

Implementing these factors involves the following strategies:

clients (consumers) are highly involved in the design, management and implementation
of vocational services;
clients do what they choose to do (we dont do things for people and we dont
chose their goals);
clients choose the manner in which they are assisted (in group work, one-to-one, or via
peer consultancy services);
clients fail, succeed, try again, and test the jobs, vocations, careers and periods of unemployment until they decide what they would like to do;
clients can keep their personal lives private from other people if they want to.
Service delivery phases are as follows:
substantial time is spent working with the client on pre-vocational factors such as medication and illness management in the workplace;
substantial time is spent on vocational counselling and developing community, social
and service provider networks for vocational support;

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

substantial time is spent talking with other service providers trying largely to increase
their optimism about the clients chance of finding and keeping work in the hope that
they will be supportive throughout what can be a difficult process for the job-seeker;
an emphasis is placed on the staffs own mental health in the workplace with a very
strong sense of community and mutual support and emphasis on training and further
education for staff.

Source: Exel L. Vocational rehabilitation of people who have a psychiatric disability: the
Australian experience. Proceedings of the Asia and the Pacific Regional Conference
Campaign98 for Asia and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons 1993-2000, Hong Kong, 2328 August 1998.

5.6 Rights of persons with serious mental health problems with respect
to access to work
While access to paid work for persons with serious mental health problems can be
influenced by a number of contingencies such as low level of development, traditions, culture, and high level of unemployment, we fully share the viewpoint
expressed in the ILO Convention and in many countries legislation that disability, including mental health disabilities, cannot be used as an excuse to refuse
access to employment to someone who wishes to work and is capable of working.
We therefore believe that:
work represents a most important value in society;
work represents for a person a privileged way to exercise a role in society;
persons with serious mental health problems have the right to exercise the
same social roles as other citizens;
work is a right for these persons to the extent that they desire to exercise this right;
services must be developed to answer the work needs of these persons.

5.7 International variations pertaining to culture, social structure and

economics that may exist in developing countries
Chronic mental illness is ubiquitous. In developing countries with understaffed
mental health services, a paucity of structured programmes and case managers,
and very high rates of unemployment, it becomes much more difficult to find a
paid job for someone with serious mental illness.

5.7.1 Countries in transition

Effective action to promote the availability of employment for people with mental health problems has been hindered by the difficult conditions in the labour
market. The transformation of the economic system has included a massive effort
to create new jobs for society and has required individuals to acquire new voca-



Nations for Mental Health

tional skills. There have been insufficient resources available to assist individuals
with psychiatric disabilities in vocational rehabilitation efforts so they may compete and succeed in the job market.
In rural areas, for economic and pragmatic reasons, there are strong pressures to
involve the mentally ill individual in the field. If community leaders have been
sensitized and the individual receives adequate medication and support, this may
lead to quite productive employment.
In Viet Nam, we have seen a few examples of women being involved in cultivating rice after discharge from the psychiatric hospital. This was not systematically
used, but was always more successful when the Peoples Committees representatives were involved in the process (82).
In some countries of Africa (Kenya, Nigeria), there exist so-called psychiatric villages where many former patients live with members of their families. In these
enclaves, which are quite well accepted by the community at large, the former
patients can be reintegrated to a useful role and involved in the production of
goods which are then purchased by the community at large. In Abeokuta,
Nigeria, we have seen former patients making and selling candles for a reasonable
profit from which they derive much of their subsistence.
In large, fast-moving urban areas, with crowded living space and no alternative
accommodations available, the situation is often quite difficult.
Success stories, nevertheless, exist.

Good practice: a cotton factory in Beijing, China

In Chinas urban areas, until recently, the trend was for someone to join a factory and to
stay in the same employment more or less for life. The employer was responsible not only
for providing a salary as well as living accommodation, but also for the rehabilitation of
employees back to their job in cases of serious physical or mental illness.
In Beijing, one of the countrys largest cotton factories also has several hundred apartments
for its employees as well as a 140-bed hospital and two schools. On a recent visit we talked
at length with a 29-year-old woman who had been diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia and had been hospitalized for a year. On leaving the hospital (where she had been visited regularly by factory workers and managers), she returned to her apartment and to her
former job on the cotton chain with full pay. After one month, she could not keep the
pace of her co-workers in the assembly line and had to be transferred to an office job.
There is little doubt that without a legal obligation on the part of the employer to take her
back, she would be unemployed.
We are informed that in recent years, with changing economic conditions, the law is
applied much less strictly than in the past.
Harnois, G.: La Chine Incoutournable! Editorial, WAPR Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 1995.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Programmes must be culture-relevant and culture-sensitive. While a sharp division often exists between rural and urban settings, the family remains at the core
of provision of services and the main link towards involvement in natural community support.
Currently, in Poland there are occupational therapy workshops and centres for
work activities for people with moderate and severe mental health disorders. The
primary aim of therapy workshops is to promote the social skills necessary for
independent living, including work. There are approximately 300 occupational
therapy workshops in Poland which ensure temporary employment for people
with mental illness who have lost their jobs. They receive a small stipend for their
work. There is one experimental Centre for Work Activities, in which the staff
consists of people with severe mental illness. This centre is supported financially
by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled (81).

5.8 Promoting the employment of persons with mental health problems

5.8.1 Political will and legislation
Most countries have legislation which postulates that disability shall not be a barrier to a meaningful life. With respect to access to work, these laws (as is the case
with the American Disability Act) dictate that reasonable accommodations
should be made by an employer and describe what is meant by this concept.
Because it is in many ways a model legislation, some of the features of the
American Disability Act are mentioned here in some detail.
The American Disability Act (83) was passed in 1990 after many years of experimentation. Its Title I describes the standards of accessibility for persons with
physical or mental disabilities in employment and further defines that reasonable
accommodation standards will also apply to the private sector.
The majority of reasonable accommodation standards pertain to physical disability and include making facilities used by employees readily accessible, the acquisition or modification of equipment or devices, the provision of readers or
interpreters, etc. The provisions that apply most often to persons with mental
health problems have to be developed individually and have to do mostly with
part-time or modified work schedules, job restructuring to eliminate or exchange
auxiliary job functions that increase pressure for the worker, and time off for therapy.
Whereas the accommodations necessitated for physical disability are very often
technical or a one-time affair, those required for psychiatric disabilities tend often
to be quite simple but will last in time and require an attitudinal change on the
part of the employer and, quite often, co-workers.
The law also foresees that the cost of bringing about reasonable accommodations should not be unreasonable or unbearable for the employer.



Nations for Mental Health

Good practice: towards Reasonable Accommodation for

persons with mental health problems
We reproduce here a list of accommodations proposed by Mancuso (84):

Changes in interpersonal communication

Arranging for all work requests to be put in writing for a library assistant who becomes
anxious and confused when given verbal instructions.
Training a supervisor to provide positive feedback along with criticisms of performance
for an employee re-entering the workforce who needs reassurance of his/her abilities
after a long psychiatric hospitalization.
Allowing a worker who personalizes negative comments about his/her work performance to provide a self-appraisal before receiving feedback from a supervisor.
Scheduling daily planning sessions with a co-worker at the start of each day to develop
hourly goals for someone who functions best with added time structure.

Modifications to the physical environment

Purchasing room dividers for a data entry operator who has difficulty maintaining concentration (and thus accuracy) in an open work area.
Arranging for an entry-level worker to have an enclosed office to reduce noise and interruptions that provoke disabling anxiety.

Job modifications
Arranging for someone who cannot drive or use public transportation to work at home.
Restructuring a receptionist job by eliminating lunchtime switchboard duty normally
handled by someone in this position.
Exchanging problematic secondary tasks for part of another employees job description.

Schedule modification
Allowing a worker with poor physical stamina to extend his/her schedule to allow for
additional breaks or rest periods during the day.
Allowing a worker to shift his/her schedule by 1? hours twice per month to attend psychotherapy appointments.
In the United States until recently recipients of social security lost cash and medical benefits if they earned US$ 500 per month. This has now been raised to US$ 700 per month in
order to create an incentive for social security recipients to go back to work.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.8.2 Quota system

The quota system that is used, for instance, in 10 European countries is an obligation requiring employers to hire a certain percentage of disabled persons as
part of their workforce. If they fail to do so, a fine or levy is assessed which is
then pooled in a fund to promote the employment of disabled persons. The
quota usually applies to all of the public sector and to several components of the
private sector, under certain conditions.
In Germany (85), the quota is usually (it may be increased or decreased) 6% and
applies to all employers with at least 16 employees. A compensation tax of DM
200 per month must be paid for unfulfilled compulsory places thus constituting a pool which, in 1992, amounted to DM 960 million.

5.8.3 Support
One needs to emphasize once again the necessity of providing continuing support to
both the individual and, most often, to the employer, in order to establish a working relationship based on known expectations, cooperation and partnership.
Trial periods on the job site have been found to be very successful and predictive
of the employers capacity to integrate the job.

5.8.4 Coordinated action

To help employers and to facilitate access to work for our clientele, it has been
found very useful to regroup potential employers. For instance, in the United
Kingdom, the Employers Forum on Disability acts as the authoritative employers voice on disability as it affects employers and service providers. The Forum
is funded and managed by over 350 members who employ nearly 20% of the
United Kingdom workforce.
The Employers Forum on Disability Employment agenda provides the framework for employers committed to developing best practice in the employment of
disabled people (86).
For planning purposes, it has been found very useful to have formal input from
representatives of employers and from labour unions who can facilitate the
required openness to create jobs for persons with a background of serious mental
While they will benefit immensely from initiatives stemming from the private sector, the most successful programmes will require government support.
It is not always easy to decide where the primary responsibility rests among the
departments or ministries of a government. Effective intersectoral collaboration
will involve the departments of health, labour, employment, education, income
support, regional development, social services, etc. A specific formal mechanism
which allows for this intersectoral collaboration is a highly effective tool.



Nations for Mental Health

5.9 Research findings

5.9.1 Potential predictors of successful participation
Given the size of the mental health population that can and would like to work,
there are very few effective vocational programmes available. It would therefore
be extremely useful to develop criteria that will identify the likelihood of successful outcomes.
Using a research sample of 279 participants, matched as far as possible with an
equivalent number of nonparticipants, project WINS in the USA (87) identified
three major principles: 1) toward zero exclusion; 2) choose/get/keep; 3) consumers determination.
The variables that were found to be relevant were:
work expectation (those who expected to be working within a year were 4.5
times as likely to be enrolled in the programme);
attitudes about work as a source of pride and accomplishment (each increment
on the scale resulted in double participation);
work history (individuals with fewer than 5 paid jobs since age 15 were only 0.4
times as likely to receive services as those with more extensive work experience);
age was negatively related (with each additional 5 years of age, corresponding to
0.8 times the odds of participation);
education was positively related (each increase in educational level yielded an
increase of 1.48 times the odds of participation).

5.9.2 Developing work skills

In another recently completed (88) vast inquiry in the Province of Quebec,
Canada, 70% of 115 programmes filled out a lengthy questionnaire which was later
followed by 26 thematic group discussions involving 235 persons (127 participant
users, 48 nonparticipant users, 60 employers).
The findings revealed two broad categories of programmes:
Group 1: Developing employability
These are much more frequent than programmes offering paid employment. The
vast majority (85%) are managed by nonprofit organizations and take place in the
community (93%); they evaluate capacities and interest (85%); offer individual follow-up (83%) and programme support; help the acquisition and maintenance of
basic work skills (75%); evaluate work competence (72%); and offer training in
social skills (60%).

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Most programmes have admission criteria that tend:

to be motivated;
to have capacities and aptitudes for work;
to have a good level of overall functioning.
With respect to remuneration (pay):
a majority receive an increase in social welfare payments;
receive a work allowance;
receive a salary;
receive nothing.
The majority of programmes rely on government grants while one-third utilize
revenues from the production of goods and services.
The most important obstacles identified by programme directors included selfdeprecating attitudes, emotional instability, stigma, programmes not well adapted
to the persons needs, and lack of recognition of the individuals potential.
Among the most favourable conditions to achieve the programme objectives were
positive attitudes of users, openness of the environment, matching the needs of the
user, individual follow-up, and sufficient financial resources.
In the thematic groups, support from relatives and families and from programme
staff scored very high.
The majority of employers highlighted the importance of being well informed
with respect to the illness, developing financial incentives, establishing partnerships, and adapting the work environment.
Group 2
Group 2 consists of the 19% of the programmes which offered what could be called
a salary, although in most instances it was not extremely competitive. These programmes tended to function more or less as social firms, which are described later.
Myth re: low productivity
Recent Australian research (89) aimed to challenge the idea that disabled employees are less productive than nondisabled persons. With a sample of 196 usable
cases, the research revealed that:
with respect to length of service, workers with a disability served longer;
there was no difference in absenteeism between disabled and nondisabled workers;
log-on ratio (subjects total hours of work) showed no significant difference;



Nations for Mental Health

with respect to contact efficiency, there were no significant differences;

with respect to upgrades and sales effectiveness, there was no significant difference.
Support in the workplace
Findings of a large inter-state study in the USA (featuring 243 individuals in 10
programmes across 8 states, and utilizing an 85-item questionnaire about individuals, disability information, employment features, employers and community connections) included:
staff support to a disabled employee on the job has a negative effect on work
rate, work quality, co-worker relations and typical employment conditions (this
is especially true when symptoms are present at work);
staff support to workplace personnel has a positive effect on work rate, work
quality, co-worker relationships, typical employment conditions, and employee
In trying to explain these findings, the authors propose that direct support can
possibly be stigmatizing and that believing that the supported employee needs an
expert to provide support for his/her symptoms may actually hinder successful
outcomes (90).
Mental health at work why is this field so under-researched?
In the United Kingdom, Jenkins has pointed out (91) that 14% of the certified
absences and of NHS and patients costs are due to mental illness, which also
accounts for 23% of NHS pharmaceutical costs.
Depression alone is estimated to cost approximately 2 billion a year in Britain
and, on top of absenteeism, has an impact on reduced productivity, labour
turnover, poor timekeeping and accidents.
The author points out that, even if employers take the view that work does not
constitute an etiological factor for mental illness, the fact that there are 30 working
days lost to depression and anxiety for every single day lost to industrial disputes
makes the issue a paramount one. This viewpoint is now apparently shared by
employers, employees and trade unions.
The author feels that the main issues for research in this field are:
more accurate prevalence studies of a wide range of different work settings;
elucidation of risk factors;
evaluation of techniques for primary prevention;
evaluation of techniques for secondary prevention;
evaleation of occupational mental health services, provisions and policies;
more accurate estimation of the impact of minor psychiatric morbidity on sickness absence, work performance, relationships with colleagues, accidents and
labour turnover.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

5.9.3 Costs
There are few complete evaluations of the costs of programmes and services,
including subsidies and parity in mental health insurance, as well as the savings
accrued to governments from not having to pay social benefits to this clientele.
In the United States, the cost of equal health insurance coverage for mental and
physical health services has been one of the most hotly debated issues at national
and state levels. Despite vehement opposition by special interests who claimed
that parity would be too costly for businesses, the Federal Mental Health Parity
Act was passed in 1996, requiring the level of insurance coverage for mental illness to be similar to that for physical illness. Multiple studies show that the cost
impact is minimal and that many employers (those with over 50 employees) are
instigating policies to provide parity for their workers. The introduction of parity
in combination with managed care results in, at worst, very modest cost increases. In fact, lowered costs and lowered health insurance premiums were reported
within the first year of the Mental Health Parity Act2 (92).
A recent Canadian study (93) found that, over a period of 10 years, 240 persons
with serious mental health problems have been able to keep a job, largely owing to
the work reintegration programme. Using conservative figures, these persons
earned $5 million (all figures in Canadian dollars), paid $1.3 million mostly in
income tax, and saved the government an estimated $700,000 in social costs
which they would have received had they been unemployed. The net result is
therefore an increase in collective wealth of the order of $2 million.

5.9.4 Useful research tools

Given the explosion of data in the complex and developing field of disability and mental health, the Internet has become an invaluable tool for obtaining and accessing
information on research, policies, legislation, promotion and preventive programmes,
rehabilitation and medical treatment. There are numerous databases and websites on
disability, mental health, mental illness, psychiatric disabilities and employment issues.
Fortunately, with the spread of information technology, most regions of the world
now have access to the most up-to-date information on these topics.
In response to this growth, the Global Applied Disability Research and
Information Network on Employment and Training (GLADNET) was created a
few years ago. This network brings together universities, research centres,
employers, workers organizations, government agencies, and organizations of
persons with disabilities.

A recent survey by the US General Accounting Office found that 14% of employers
in 26 states were not complying with the federal standards. Most of those companies
had lifetime limites on mental health benefits of $100.00 or less but set higher
ceilings for medical and surgical benefits. (Many employers found to violate law
requiring parity for mental health coverage. New York Times, 18 May 2000.)



Nations for Mental Health

GLADNET is a nonprofit organization, affiliated with the ILOs Target Groups

Unit in the InFocus Programme on Skills, Knowledge and Employability. While it
does not deal specifically with disability related to mental health problems, it contains several elements that are related and remains a very useful tool for persons to
keep abreast of developments in the field. It can be found at the following Internet


Successful work programmes at the international level

5.10.1 Utilization of supported employment programmes

While the obtaining of permanent competitive employment remains a major goal,
many persons with severe mental health problems will not be able to achieve this.
Many are involved in so-called supported employment (SE) programmes.
The American Rehabilitation Act defines supported employment as follows:
Competitive employment in an integrated setting with ongoing-support services
for individuals with the most severe disabilities:
for whom competitive employment has not traditionally occurred or for whom
competitive employment has been interrupted or intermittent as a result of a
severe disability;
who, because of the nature and severity of their disabilities, need intensive supported employment services from the designated state unit (Division of
Vocational Rehabilitation) and extended services after transition in order to perform this work; or,
transitional employment for individuals with the most severe disabilities due to
mental illness.
Therefore, most SE programmes will help the individual find a job and may offer
assistance before the individual starts working, and usually throughout the
employment period. Quite often the jobs found are at the lower end of the salary
scale, near the minimum wage. They may include clerks, shippers, helpers, etc.
Substantially more persons who have participated in SE programmes get and maintain a job than comparison groups. While participants report overall improvements
in quality of life and job satisfaction, only a minority are able to earn enough so as to
be able to do away with the various existing government support programmes.

5.10.2 Finding a job on the regular market (the work integration contract)
In order to foster the progressive reintegration of persons in the job market, individual work integration contracts may be used. The employers tend to be small
to medium-sized businesses or community agencies.
The contracts, which vary in duration (many do not have any time limits), all
receive government support in a decreasing proportion. For instance, in Quebec,

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Canada, the government will give the employer a grant of up to 85% of the persons salary for the first year and of up to 75% in subsequent years. The grant will
also pay for special needs such as access to worksite, accompaniment, evaluation
of capacities, and medical treatment, in a proportion ranging from 50% to 100%.
In one such programme, (94) 300 of the 3000 persons with work integration contracts have a background of serious mental health problems and the state contributes (after several years) 40% of their salary.

5.10.3 Developing social firms (enterprises)

Social firms are small to medium-sized firms which have been developed with the
primary purpose of providing employment for persons with a disability in a context
which is more or less the same as that of a regular firm, while at the same time
offering the required support to workers who need it.
In social firms, persons with disabilities work side by side with nondisabled individuals. All are paid regular wages and work on the basis of a regular work contract.
They all have the same rights and obligations (95).
The balance between commerce and care is the single most critical issue which
faces social firms, and this balance is achieved differently according to the origins
of the firm and the orientation of its founders. (96)
Social firms have developed mostly in the last 20 years in order to deal realistically
with increasing unemployment ratios and major changes in the nature of work
itself, characterized by downsizing, increasing requirement for specialized training,
and an ongoing demand for higher productivity. These are all factors that tend to
exclude many persons who have experienced severe mental illness.
Mention should be made of the exemplary support offered by the EU for the
development and evaluation of social firms, mostly through its Azimuth and
Horizon I and II projects. The projects have fostered transnational cooperation
which has allowed participating countries to exchange views, experiences, problems and solutions.
The concurrent existence of the Confederation of European Firms, Employment
Initiatives and Cooperatives for People with Psychosocial Handicaps (CEFEC) has
been extremely useful. CEFEC has acted as a leader and a broker on many transnational issues regarding the employment of persons with disabilities. Recently CEFEC
has extended its membership to other countries, and specifically to North America.
CEFECs charter, principles and guidelines (97) provide very useful orientation for
the development of social firms.
Using a broad definition of social firms, and including Italian cooperatives, there
are said to be in excess of 2000 social firms at this point in time in Europe offering
employment to persons with psychiatric disabilities.



Nations for Mental Health

There are some key differences between social firms and regular businesses:
First of all it is the mission of a social firm to create jobs for people with disabilities
and disadvantaged people. Social firms have a social and a commercial mission.
One of the most important characteristics of a workplace in a social firm is the
empowering atmosphere for their employees with disabilities. While in a regular business people with disabilities might be considered as a disturbing factor,
social firms do actively recruit from this target group and provide the necessary
reasonable accommodations.
The emphasis is on the potential and abilities of the worker rather than on potential
problems and barriers. With this flexible approach work tasks can be arranged and
adjusted to accommodate worker needs. This often results in the job being accomplished as quickly and to as high a standard as in any other workplace (98).
All social firms initially receive support from the state. In the most advanced firms,
a full market analysis and business plan must be developed prior to receiving the
Several firms, once established, reach 85% self-financing. All firms employ, side-byside, handicapped and non-handicapped workers. All are paid the regular rate for
the sector of employment in which they work.
While the majority of workers are permanent employees, approximately 25% may
use the firm as transitional work while 10-15% receive qualifying training. A
good majority of workers are trained on site and all of them receive ongoing support as necessary.
The firms are involved either in the provision of services (office work, recycling,
restaurant, catering, landscaping, etc.) or in manufacturing (textiles, computer
hardware, furniture, etc.).

Country list of social firms in Europe (1999)

Germany (1998)
Italy (1997)

Social firms
Approx. 300
Approx. 1,600

Approx. 6000
Approx. 40,000

Disabled employees




Approx. 2000

Approx. 47,000


(type B social cooperatives)

Spain (Andalusia)
United Kingdom
(Carinthia & Styria, 1999)


* Includes 50 emerging social firms

Source: Schwartz G, Higgins G. Marienthal: a social firms network. Netherne Printing Services
Social Firms, United Kingdom, 1999:4.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Because of the differing contexts and variations of each individuals disabilities,

and because of the lack of evaluative studies with comparative groups, it is difficult to judge the social firms efficacy solely in terms of economic independence
of its members (99). The performance of an integration company (social firm)
may not be judged merely in economic terms, it must also be seen in terms of
integration (100).

5.10.4 Utilizing the cooperative movement

There exist various models of cooperatives around the world, but perhaps the best
known examples are in Italy where more than 700 cooperatives exist.
Italy is well known for its avant garde mental health legislation. Law 180, passed
in 1978, stopped admissions to psychiatric hospitals, prescribed treatment and follow-up in community mental health centres, and allowed hospitalization only in
general hospitals of fewer than 15 beds. Regions, departments and municipalities
(the mayors themselves) play a key role in the operationalization of the law whose
philosophy is based on equality of rights, community integration, and full citizenship, including the right of access to work.
Although they function independently from the mental health services, social
cooperatives maintain a close working liaison with them. Many cooperatives share
the social firms philosophy of the need to find a place in the labour market. At the
same time they provide a protected workplace for persons with disabilities (101).
The importance of social cooperatives was acknowledged in 1991 by Law 381
which describes two types of social cooperatives:
type A which aim to provide social and health assistance (here the workers are
involved in the management of care centres; many provide rehabilitation packages and professional education and programmes);
type B which aim to promote job opportunities for people with disabilities.
Both types of social cooperative must employ a minimum of 30% of persons with
disabilities in order to receive government grants.
Given the fact that several younger persons are no longer satisfied with the type of
work which traditional cooperatives have been offering them, there has been considerable effort in the last few years to find new types of work which would be more
suitable to a younger people who often have more education than in the past (102).



Nations for Mental Health

5.10.5 Other international examples

Several examples show the great variety of possibilities which exist in the development of social firms and other types of programmes that promote the employment
of persons with serious mental illness.
More recently, a number of initiatives have involved the provision of white collar
jobs for persons with serious mental health problems, as opposed to jobs which are
close to the minimum wage.
In the United States, Project Employ (part of the Presidents Committee on
Employment of People with Disabilities) has identified programmes which offer
white collar office occupations (105). The common features of most of these new
programmes involve the following: many were initiated by large corporations
themselves and corporate contacts were systematically used; individualization of
job development is the rule rather than the exception, even though it is more costly; several initiatives came from local governments.

Good practice: an American bank

A large US credit card lender provides a variety of jobs for people with cognitive disabilities.
This includes positions in clerical support, the mail centre, the copy centre, the fitness centre, environmental services, fleet services, and landscaping. In 1990, a parent advocate
approached the company to discuss jobs for people with cognitive disabilities. The chairman made the initial corporate commitment. An in-house staff member assists the managers and co-workers who are mentors to the individuals with disabilities with techniques
to give meaningful instructions, encouragement and needed support.
Of the 36 jobs at the company, 20 are nontraditional. Salaries are between US$ 13,000 and
US$ 20,000 annually, plus up to US$ 2000 in individual and company performance incentives. All personnel are evaluated after six months and are eligible for merit increases.
People receive full company benefits, including health care, life and disability insurance,
pension and retirement plans.
Thirty-five employees with disabilities work 40 hours per week, and one works 20 hours per

Source: Supported Employment InfoLines (106).

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Good practice: A complete furniture factory, Spain

A major Spanish NGO has created 12 service centres employing more than 800 handicapped persons who fill 183 service contracts (104).
In Cabra, Andalusia, they run a commercial furniture factory employing 212 persons, the
vast majority having had long stays in psychiatric hospitals. The factory is very modern and
has several separate assembly chains where the needs of individual workers are taken into
account. There is also a large showroom and the products are sent throughout Europe and
even to America.
Most workers live where the NGO is located and they are very well accepted owing, among
other things, to the constant cooperation between the city council and the workshop leaders. Seventy workers live in an Andalusian type of residence with a swimming pool next to
the factory.
The NGO also has a research centre affiliated to the University of Cordoba where the emphasis
is placed on scientific and technical research in rehabilitation with emphasis on computer technologies.
All workshop workers receive salaries equivalent to those of workers in regular industries.
The workshop is 90% self-financing.
Like all European programmes mentioned here, this NGO receives material help within the
framework of the Horizon and Helios 1 and 2 programmes put together by the EU.

Good practice: Service Cooperative, Italy

This cooperative was founded in 1981 as an integrated cooperative because its members
both worked together and supported each other.
The cooperative has grown from 9 members to more than 500.
The cooperative offers:
cleaning services (interior and exterior cleaning in schools, public offices, private homes,
industrial buildings and district health offices);
social services (assistance to elderly and handicapped persons, programmes for children,
and work training programmes;
upkeep of parks and gardens, and reclamation of run-down green areas, using specially
trained staff (defence of the environment in cooperation with private individuals, firms,
and public entities);
general maintenance activities (plumbing, electrical work, house painting) (103).



Nations for Mental Health

Good practice: Gardening project in Milan, Italy

A few years ago, 12 patients were discharged from a psychiatric hospital in Milan, Italy, to
be followed up as outpatients. They all found living accommodation either with their families or in apartments with some supervision close to the hospital. They tended to be somewhat passive until a formal work training programme was offered to them in gardening by
a cooperative that had been recently created and subsidized by the regional government.
After an apprenticeship of a few months, the cooperative obtained a formal, year-round
contract from three suburbs of Milan. This included seeding, planting, looking after flower
arrangements and grass, and general maintenance of public gardens.
Within 4 months of initiating their work, all ex-patients had moved to the areas where they
were working.
The project includes two monitors who are professional gardeners. All employees are paid
the regular rate corresponding to their job.
Harnois, G.: The Role of Work in Psychosocial Rehabilitation European Union Symposium on Training and Employment for
People with Psychosocial Disabilities, Sweden, October 14-16, 1994.

Good practice: An olympic task, Montreal, Canada

An adapted work centre with a yearly budget of $5 million Canadian dollars, of which 25%
comes from the Quebec Office of Handicapped Persons (OPHQ). This centre has a staff of
203 persons, of whom 55% have had serious mental health problems.
A small factory at the head location makes carton products for offices. The larger portion of
the enterprise has a 5-year contract for cleaning of the Olympic sites and village.
There are 11 teams of 12-16 persons deployed around the clock. In order to ensure full
availability, 20 persons are on a standby list. Most of the workers are unionized and are
paid union wages.
The employees are very proud to wear their company uniforms. There are very few dropouts.
In order to lessen the stigma problems associated with mental illness, a special educational
programme is offered to the non-handicapped employees.
Taking the OPHQ subsidy into account, the company is 75% self-financing.
The majority of handicapped employees freely admit that they would be unemployed but
for the existence of the programme.
The board of directors comprises 10 persons, of which 5 are from the private sector, mostly
banking. The board also includes one user.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Good practice: A mental health NGO in Northern Ireland

Through work to health is the motto of this NGO which operates in Northern Ireland to promote
employment opportunities for people who are recovering from mental ill-health. It is one of the
largest regional voluntary sector organizations in the United Kingdom providing vocational rehabilitation and personal development training programmes with employment placement and support. Over 1000 adults participate in a range of programmes each year and about a quarter of
them move to either full or part-time employment or other training organizations.

A quality provision
This success is due to a number of factors. One clearly relates to the encouragement and
training provided to the trainees. The organizations efforts have obtained regional and
national recognition in the United Kingdom National Training Awards competition in 1997
and 1999. The other has to do with the strong links which have been established with over
300 of the largest employers in Northern Ireland. Indeed, since its earliest days the work of
the organization has been led by businessmen helped by health professionals.

Partnership working
Great importance is attached to maintaining ongoing links with employers and this is promoted
on two levels. One had been secured as the result of the organization being successful in attracting subcontract work based on quality, price and time delivery from a range of companies.
The other is due to the personal links established with human resources departments by the
employment service officers.This has helped to overcome the stigma which is still attached to
mental illness and, more importantly, has ensured that ongoing help is available to both the
employer and the trainee once a job placement has been secured.A range of organizations from
many parts of Europe has studied the methods employed by this NGO.

Good mental health makes good business sense

The organization has also recently adopted a more proactive approach by encouraging
employers to promote positive mental health in the workplace policies. This makes good
business sense, as there is clear evidence about the loss of production allied to the litigation which can arise if employees seek compensation payments as the result of work-related stress. To that end, a consultancy and training service to industry has just been launched
with the full support of employer organizations, including the Institute of Directors.

There is no health without mental health

This NGO is also proactive in promoting a positive understanding about mental health and
has launched a Design for Life competition aimed at the student population. Information
packs about this innovative competition were circulated to all post-primary schools and
youth groups across Northern Ireland. The response was encouraging.
Further information can be obtained from: Cecil Graham, Chief Executive, Action Mental
Health, 19 Knockbracken Healthcare Park, Saintfield Road, Belfast, BT8 8BH, Northern Ireland.



Nations for Mental Health

Chapter 6

The issue of work and mental health has been explored from two different perspectives. The first emphasized mental health problems that may arise in employees who have an employment history. The second addressed the issue of making
employment accessible to persons who never had a job, or have lost it due to serious mental illness.
The magnitude of mental health problems in the general population and in the
working population tends to be highly underestimated. The percentages of the
population that admitted having had any psychiatric disorder during their life
were: Brazil (36.3%), Canada (37.5%), Netherlands (40.9%), USA (48.6%),
Mexico (22.2%) and Turkey (12.2%) (107). It was also found that the highest
prevalence rates occurred amongst the youngest age group with the lowest socioeconomic status. Further, most individuals with mental health problems do not
receive professional help.
With respect to the impact of mental health problems at work, a major study (108)
suggested a prevalence of 18.2% for any mental health problems. Work impairment
is always higher in workers with comorbid psychiatric disorders (more than one
disease at the same time). The average number of psychiatric work days loss was 6
days per month per 100 workers, and the average number of psychiatric work cutback days was 31 days per month per 100 workers.
Loss of productivity is often substantial,
especially since absenteeism caused by
Clinical depression is a major
mental health problems can be proworkplace health issue.
longed, the more so if it is not officially
Employers are beginning to recognize
recognized and adequately addressed as
its implications for productivity and,
part of the health coverage benefits availfortunately, there are effective
able to the employee. There will be
treatments which lead to positive longinstances in which mental health probterm results.
lems appear to be mostly related to difficult working conditions. In other cases,
the illness may appear regardless of the nature of the work environment. Whatever
the etiology, the issues must be addressed adequately.
Employers of all sizes are beginning to recognize that depressive disorders often
constitute their single highest mental health (medical) and disability cost.
Employers experience expensive consequences of depression through absenteeism,
lower productivity, disability, accidents and the inappropriate use of medical services (109). A large percentage of employers understand the relationship between
health and productivity and are improving their management strategies by developing and implementing programmes supportive of work/family/life issues, such
as flexitime, part-time schedules, child care benefits, personal leave, wellness health
programmes, and family counselling. Innovative employers have developed prac-

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

tices in conjunction with their health and human resource systems for managing
both the direct and indirect cost consequences of mental illness in general and
depressive disorders in particular. To recap briefly, these employers are encouraging early recognition, appropriate and cost-effective care management, accommodations, and timely return to work. This is especially evident with the larger
employer (over 1000 employees) who is more apt to have the resources in terms of
time, staff and capital expenditure. It is important to note, though, that smaller
enterprises (under 50 employees) can partially implement aspects of these programmes without incurring financial costs.
Access to sustained employment for individuals with serious mental health problems is a more difficult issue to address.
Serious mental illness affects approximately 2% of the worlds population. It results
in persons having much difficulty in fulfilling the role which they may have set for
themselves in life. Those individuals no longer live in institutions for long periods
of time; the vast majority are in the community where they often receive inadequate follow-up.
Even though more than 70% of these people would like to work, only 10-12% do
in fact work, all too often in jobs that do not correspond to their liking and capacities. In contrast, the employment rate of other forms of disability is in the vicinity
of 50%.
Most countries have legislation which basically states that disability does not constitute valid grounds to deny someone the right of access to equal opportunities,
including that of competitive employment.
Within the realm of disability, persons with serious mental illness are particularly
vulnerable. We have reviewed how one can overcome obstacles related to ignorance, prejudice and stigma. The concept of rights to equal opportunity fully justifies taking all measures to facilitate access to paid work for those who wish it and
are capable of it. Globalization, privatization and downsizing are not valid excuses
for social and economic exclusion of individuals with mental health problems.
The users themselves now increasingly
utilize empowerment strategies to
demand proactive policies and coordinated action.

Perhaps the single most important

myth that has been dispelled is that
nothing much can be done for the
clientele with serious mental health

Perhaps the single most important myth

that has been dispelled is that nothing
much can be done for the clientele with
serious mental health problems. There is now a very important body of scientific
knowledge attesting to the contrary. The skills and tools exist to treat and to facilitate meaningful life in the community and they have been proven successful.
Numerous examples of good practices have been mentioned. Very often, the
most successful stories involve cooperation between the private and public sectors.



Nations for Mental Health

The ongoing creation of social firms (enterprises) testifies to the fact that it is possible to function in an entrepreneurial manner and to be competitive, while at the
same time not sacrificing the social needs of persons with serious mental illness on
the altar of unrestricted profitability. Data now prove that successful employment
programmes not only exist but that they can be very cost-effective.
Given the magnitude of the problem, it is expected that government-supported
initiatives will remain the rule rather than the exception. We have noticed with
approval the active involvement of the EU in support of the development of
model programmes in 11 countries. Many of these programmes now function
in a largely autonomous manner.
Once an employer recognizes that mental health problems are probably the single
most important factor responsible for the disability of employees, it makes sense to
recognize mental health as a legitimate concern of the organization.
We now know that there are effective preventive and promotion programmes as
well as those for treatment and rehabilitation.
The promotion and prevention programmes will attempt to create a climate that
fosters motivation and commitment, reduces obvious stressful agents and promotes harmony among co-workers. The good practices in this monograph illustrate the importance of health education in order to increase awareness of factors
affecting mental health and well-being; screening programmes to detect risk factors or early signs of stress-related illness; and communication, clear work goals
and participation of employees in this process. In addition, occupational health
services and employee assistance programmes are instrumental in implementing
promotion and prevention activities.
Treatment programmes should include the capacity for correct diagnosis, remembering that often mental illness hides behind physical signs and symptoms.
Quick access to and intervention by competent medical and professional staff will
be called for. Integral to quick access and early intervention of appropriate medical
treatment for individuals is reducing the stigma and shame associated with mental
health problems. As discussed, often an individual will not seek treatment or will
delay seeking it because of the stigma associated with mental illness. Furthermore,
there is a need for more easily accessible mental health treatment programmes.
Rehabilitation programmes will emphasize the requirements for a prompt return
to work by focusing on necessary accommodations to the work situation, as well as
required support to the individual. The good rehabilitation practices highlighted
in the monograph encourage high levels of client participation in all aspects of the
rehabilitation process. This also includes the participation of an individuals support system such as family members, a mental health professional, case manager,
vocational counsellor and work supervisor. A successful timely return to work and
the identification of necessary accommodations needs to involve the client as well
as his/her support system.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices

Breaking the cycle of discouragement

Breaking the cycle of discouragement
and eliminating the numerous societal
and eliminating the numerous societal
barriers that affect employment are key
barriers that effect employment are
to enhancing the economic and social
key to enhancing the economic and
integration of people with mental
social integration of people with
health problems (110). We must considmental health problems.
er the mental health system and its
influence on challenging negative
stereotypes as well as encouraging employers to implement good practices. It is
important to recognize that in many parts of the world the mental health delivery
system often discourages an individual from entering the workforce or returning
to work after a diagnosis of mental ill-health, despite stabilization of symptoms.
Although there is an increasing emphasis on employment and re-employment,
there is still a tendency by mental health and rehabilitation professionals to minimize the importance of work for many individuals, particularly for strengthening
and maintaining recovery. Furthermore, the system of financial supports for individuals with mental health disability is a disincentive for employment. Financial
concerns are often cited as a major contributing factor to discouraging a person
with a mental illness from seeking employment, education and training opportunities (111). It is important that these issues be fully understood as they impact
employment prospects.
This monograph has illustrated that steps can be taken to help reduce barriers to
employment and the systematic cycle of discouragement. For example, early and
timely intervention, networking and client participation in identifying and setting
goals are all elements of effective programmes sponsored by some employers and
vocational rehabilitation agencies. Engaging all individuals in early discussions
about work and recognizing that the purpose of early discussions may ultimately
help an individual identify realistic goals and strategies for achieving these goals.
Early intervention, for example, in recognizing and ameliorating the impact of
workplace stress has shown to be effective in reducing stress-related absenteeism.
Accessing resources and referral information to become more knowledgeable in
assisting individuals in exploring vocational supports and services are important
components of networking. Furthermore, using community resources such as
state or local rehabilitation agencies and support groups may aid in the successful
return to work of an employee. For the mental health and rehabilitation professional, in particular, learning about all of the options available within the surrounding community including details about types of employment
programmes, eligibility criteria and key contact personnel is a good practice in
assisting the individual to find employment or re-employment (112). Lastly, it is
important to recognize the impact of family and/or significant others on an individuals choice to engage in education, training or employment activities. A person recovering from mental illness may be reluctant to pursue work-related goals
that may reflect the concerns of the family who fears that stressors may occur that
could trigger a relapse. Within this context, the family and significant others are
often relying on the mental health professional for information regarding
resources in their communities for rehabilitation and support.



Nations for Mental Health

Chapter 7

The central themes of this monograph were: to address the importance of work
for people with mental health problems; to discuss the different vocational strategies and programmes for people with a mental health disorder; and to consider
the role of the workplace in promoting good mental health practices for employees. Integral to these themes is the identification of good practices by employers
as well as vocational rehabilitation agencies and professionals.
It is clear that there are many factors involved in addressing the importance of
work for people with mental health problems, as well as identifying effective practices that encourage employment, re-employment and retention. Social support
systems, mental health professionals and employers all have a significant role in
helping individuals define options, make choices, learn to manage potentially disabling conditions, and avoid long-term hospitalization. The ultimate goal is for
individuals to obtain and/or return to gainful, worthwhile activity, such as meaningful work (113).
Access to satisfying work remains one of the most sought-after goals of the adult
population of most countries. Employers, employees and unions are starting to
realize that, for this population, mental health problems are the single most important cause of disability responsible for a global burden of disease larger than that
due to infections, AIDS, cancer and physical accidents. The impact of mental
health problems on absenteeism, productivity and job satisfaction is only starting
to be realized.
Given the importance of work, and due to advances made in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of persons with mental health problems, it makes eminent
sense to address all aspects of the mental well-being of employees.
For the same reasons, the disability associated with severe mental health problems
can no longer serve as an excuse to deny those who so wish reasonable access to
competitive employment. It is a precondition to full citizenship.

Mental health and work: Impact, issues and good practices


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113. Ibid., p. 20.

Mental health policy and service development team

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awareness of the burden associated with mental health problems and the commitment
of governments to reduce this burden; helping to build up the technical capacity of
countries to create, review and develop mental health policies, legislation and plans;
and developing and disseminating advocacy and policy resources.


To improve the planning and development of services for mental health through:
strengthening the technical capacity of countries to plan and develop services;
supporting demonstration projects for mental health best practices; encouraging
operational research related to service delivery; and developing and disseminating
resources related to service development and delivery.

Nations for Mental Health: An overview of a strategy to improve the mental health of
underserved populations.
WHO/MSA/NAM/97.3. Rev.1

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Gender differences in the epidemiology of affective disorders and schizophrenia.

WHO/MSA/NAM/97.1. (Out of print)

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