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Biology Bmat Section 2

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The key takeaways are that cells are the basic units of living things, eukaryotic cells contain organelles like the nucleus and mitochondria, plant cells also contain chloroplasts and a cell wall, and cells carry out essential functions like respiration, photosynthesis and transport.

The potato cylinder gains length and mass in pure water due to osmosis - the water has a higher water potential than the potato cells so water moves into the cells by osmosis, making the cells turgid and swelling the cylinder. It loses length and mass in sugar solution as the solution has a lower water potential than the cells so water moves out by osmosis, making the cells flaccid and shrinking the cylinder.

Potato cells have cell walls made of cellulose which provides rigidity and prevents the cells from bursting when they become turgid with water.


All living things are made up of one or more units called cells. Cells are microscopic.
Eukaryotes are organisms made up of a cell or cells containing DNA inside a recognisable nucleus. The DNA
is present in the form of one or more linear chromosomes within the nucleus. 
A unicellular organism or single-celled organism is an organism that consists of only one cell. Multicellular
organisms are made up of many cells. These may be specialised to perform particular functions. The size and
shape of these cells depend on the role they perform. Plant cells tend to be larger than animal cells.

Structure and function of the main sub-cellular components of animal and plant eukaryotic cells
The features present in cells are known as their sub-cellular components. All eukaryotic cells have a cell
membrane and cytoplasm. Mitochondria (singular: mitochondrion) are present in the cytoplasm, but these
are not visible using a light microscope. Most eukaryotic cells have a nucleus. Exceptions are mature red
blood cells in mammals.
Plant cells also have a cell wall and a sap vacuole. In addition, photosynthetic cells contain chloroplasts.

Simplified structure of an animal cell – a liver cell 

Simplified structure of a plant cell – a palisade cell from a leaf

This table summarises the sub-cellular components of animal and plant cells:

Sub-cellular component Structure and description Function

Cell membrane A partially permeable layer that forms a Contains the cell contents and
boundary around the cytoplasm of the cell. controls the movement of some
substances into and out of the
  cell. It allows water, oxygen and
nutrients to enter and allows
waste products (e.g. carbon
dioxide) to leave.

Chromosomal DNA One or more linear pieces of double-stranded Stores the genetic material
DNA. required for the various cell
Cytoplasm A jelly-like region, surrounded by the cell Is the site of chemical reactions
membrane. Salt ions and sugar molecules are and contains enzymes that
  dissolved in it. Fat molecules and proteins, e.g. control these reactions. It holds
enzymes, are suspended in it. It also contains the cell organelles.
food reserves (e.g. glycogen in some animal
cells, starch in some plant cells) and organelles  
such as the nucleus and
mitochondria. Chloroplasts are present in the
cytoplasm of photosynthetic plant cells.

Nucleus Usually round or oval, contained by two Regulation of cell functions

nuclear membranes and containing DNA in the through directing the production
  form of chromosomes. It is found inside the of RNA and protein required for
cytoplasm. all cell processes, including cell
division, cell differentiation
(specialisation) and cell
metabolism (chemical reactions).
Mitochondrion A small organelle (can be viewed using an Controls the production of
electron microscope) with an inner and outer energy from aerobic respiration. 
  membrane. The inner membrane has many
inward-pointing folds.  

Cell wall (plant only) A tough, rigid layer surrounding the cell Provides a rigid external coat to
membrane made primarily of cellulose. It is plant cells, providing mechanical
freely permeable to water and salts. strength which allows cells to
resist bursting when the cell is

Chloroplast (plant only) A small organelle with its own double Traps (absorbs) light energy and
membrane, found in the cytoplasm of converts it to chemical energy by
  photosynthetic plants, containing chlorophyll the process of photosynthesis.
and other pigments.

Vacuole (plant only) A fluid-filled space surrounded by a membrane Stores water-soluble chemicals
in plant cells. It is found inside the cytoplasm. and ions and helps to keep plant
The fluid is called sap, which is a watery cells and tissues firm.
solution of sugars and salts. In some cells, e.g.
rhubarb, it is also coloured.  


a) Name three cell parts which are common to both a liver cell and a palisade mesophyll cell.

 Cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall, chloroplast and sap vacuole are present in plant cells.
However, animals do not have a cell wall, chloroplasts or a sap vacuole.
b) Which plant cell part is not found in a root hair cell? Explain your answer.

Chloroplasts are not found in root hair cells because these cells are not exposed to light. Their function is the
absorption of mineral ions and water, as well as anchorage, and they are adapted to do this by having an
elongation to the cell – the root hair.

Match the cell parts to their descriptions. There is only one description for each, and one match has been
completed for you.

Structure and function of the main sub-cellular components of prokaryotic cells (bacteria)
Prokaryotic cells are typically smaller and simpler in organisation than plant or animal cells. They have some
features in common with eukaryotic cells.

Simplified structure of a bacterial cell

This table summarises the sub-cellular components of a prokaryotic cell:

Sub-cellular component Structure and description Function

Cell membrane A partially permeable layer that forms a Contains the cell contents and
boundary between the cytoplasm and the controls the movement of some
cell wall. Functions as a boundary to restrict molecules into and out of the cell.
materials moving between the inside and
outside of a cell.

Cytoplasm A jelly-like region, surrounded by the cell Is the site of chemical reactions
membrane. It may contain glycogen and contains enzymes that control
  granules, fats (lipids) and other food these reactions. It holds the cell’s
molecules. DNA.

Cell wall A tough, rigid external coat that surrounds Provides structural support and
the cell membrane. It is made of a complex protection to bacteria. It is freely
mixture of proteins, lipids (fats) and sugars. permeable to small molecules, so
This makes it different from plant cell walls, does not control the intake or loss
which are made of cellulose. Some bacterial of materials. 
cells have a slime capsule surrounding the
cell wall.  

Chromosomal DNA A large closed circular coiled molecule of Carries genetic information that
(bacteria) double-stranded strand DNA located within regulates most bacterial cell
the bacterial cytoplasm (no nucleus or processes.
  enclosing membrane).

Plasmid DNA A small molecule of closed double-stranded Carries genetic information for
circular DNA, usually present in multiple specialist cell functions (like
  copies per cell. antibiotic resistance). It can
replicate and operate
  independently from the
chromosomal DNA. Can be readily
moved between different bacterial
cells, including for genetic
engineering (biotechnology)


With reference to DNA, outline how an animal cell and a prokaryotic cell are different.

-An animal cell has a nucleus which contains DNA, and a prokaryotic cell has DNA but no nucleus. Animal
cells usually contain several large chromosomes, but a prokaryotic cell usually only contains one per cell.
DNA in prokaryotic cells is circular with no free ends, but the DNA of eukaryotic cells forms large linear
chromosomes with free ends

-In an animal cell the DNA is surrounded by membrane, but in a prokaryotic cell the DNA there is no nuclear
membrane. A prokaryotic cell contains a plasmid but an animal cell does not. The DNA of a prokaryotic cell
contains fewer genes than the DNA of an animal cell.

Levels of organisation 
Most eukaryotic cells become specialised when they have finished dividing and growing. This process is
called differentiation.
Specialised cells tend to carry out one particular function (job) and have certain features which allow them
to do this:
 they have a distinct shape
 they undertake specific chemical reactions and processes in their cytoplasm.

Examples of specialised cells are ciliated cells, red blood cells, nerve cells (neurones), sperm cells, root hair
cells and palisade mesophyll cells.

Simplified diagram of ciliated cells

Animals have many structures containing ciliated cells. For example, ciliated cells form the lining of the
Function: moving mucus to protect the lungs from infection and irritants.

Simplified diagram of red blood cells

Red blood cells have a biconcave shape, which gives

them a larger surface area for absorbing gases. They
also contain a pigmented molecule called
haemoglobin that binds to oxygen and carbon dioxide. Red blood cells in mammals have eliminated their
nucleus and chromosomal DNA during the process of differentiation.
Function: transport of gases around the body.
Simplified diagram of a sperm cell 
Sperm cells contain a nucleus which carries genetic information about the father. The mid-section contains
mitochondria to provide energy for movement. The tail is used for cell movement (swimming).
Function: reproduction, by fertilising an egg cell.

Simplified diagram of a nerve cell (neurone)

Nerve cells are often elongated to conduct nerve impulses from one part of the body to another. Chemical
reactions cause the impulses to travel along the fibre.
Function: conducting nerve impulses.

Simplified diagram of root hair cells

Root hair cells have an elongated ‘hair-like’ structure. This gives them a large surface area for the absorption
of water and mineral ions.
Function: absorption of water and mineral ions from the soil.

Simplified diagram of a palisade mesophyll cell

Palisade mesophyll cells are columnar (elongated) and the cytoplasm is packed with chloroplasts to trap
(absorb) sunlight.
Function: to make food for the plant through the process of photosynthesis.

Cells in multicellular organisms tend to work together in groups to carry out their functions
A tissue is made up of one or a few different cell types, working together to perform a
shared function. Examples include muscle (contractile tissue) associated with the skeleton,
blood circulating around the body, xylem vessels in a plant stem and palisade mesophyll of
a leaf.
An organ is a structure made up of a group of tissues, working together to perform a
specific function.  Examples include the heart (pumps blood) and a leaf (harvests energy).
An organ system is a group of organs with related functions, working together to perform a
body function. Examples include the circulatory system, made up of blood, the vessels and
the heart; and the shoot of a plant, made up of the stem, leaves and buds.

Examples of tissues
Muscle tissue

Some of the solid components of blood

Diagram showing the relationship between cells, tissues and organs in the human respiratory


a) Name four organ systems found in multicellular animals.

b) For each system, name two organs associated with it.
c) Name one system possessed by both plants and animals.
A and b:

Any four organ systems, and two organs for each system, from:
Organ system Organ 1 Organ 2
circulatory heart artery
digestive  stomach small intestine 
excretory  kidney urethra
nervous  brain nerve
reproductive testes penis
respiratory  lungs diaphragm 
skeletal skull femur 
Other organs for each of the organ systems would also be acceptable answers.
For example:
circulatory – vein, capillary
digestive – oesophagus, rectum
excretory – ureter, bladder, lungs
nervous – spinal cord, eye
reproductive – ovary, uterus
respiratory – trachea, ribcage
skeletal – any other named bones

Q: Place the following levels of organisation for a multicellular animal in order of size from
smallest to largest: cell, organ, sub-cellular component, organism, organ system, tissue.

ANSWER: Smallest to largest: sub-cellular component, cell, tissue, organ, organ system,
Sub-cellular components are the smallest structures as they are found within cells. A tissue
is a group of one or a few cell types, performing a shared function. An organ is a structure
made up of a group of tissues working together to perform a shared function. An organ
system is a group of organs with related functions, working together to perform a body
function. An organism is a whole living being capable of reproduction. In the example of a
multicellular animal, it is made up of the levels of organisation named in this question.
Know and understand the processes of diffusion, osmosis and active transport, including
examples in living and non-living systems.

A membrane is a selective barrier. All cells have a cell membrane which forms a highly
flexible barrier to stop the cell contents from escaping and control which substances enter
and leave the cell. 
Processes occurring in cells require certain substances to move across the cell membrane.
Raw materials, like water, nutrients and ions must cross the membrane to enter cells. Cells
also need to get rid of waste substances that have accumulated, as these may be toxic or
interfere with essential chemical reactions. Prokaryotes must acquire nitrogen, carbon, salts
and water from their surroundings in order to grow. Plant cells also need carbon dioxide for
chloroplasts in their photosynthetic cells to generate energy from the sun. Animal cells also
need oxygen for their mitochondria to generate energy from food molecules with high
To enter or exit the cell, nutrients and other substances must cross the cell membrane. This
can occur by a passive process that does not require energy (diffusion or osmosis) or an
active process which requires the cell to use energy (active transport).
Particles in liquids and gases move about randomly. The rate of movement is affected by
factors such as concentration gradients and temperature. Over time, any uneven distribution
of particles will become even as a result of this random motion. 

Diffusion is the net movement of molecules and ions from a region of their higher
concentration to a region of their lower concentration down a concentration gradient, as a
result of their random movement. This continues until there is no net movement.
Factors affecting the rate of diffusion:

 Concentration gradient – the greater the difference in the concentration of particles

between two locations, the faster the rate of diffusion. The particles move due to the
transfer of kinetic energy to and from the water molecules. 

 Temperature – if a system is hot, the particles have more kinetic energy so they
move faster. 

 Distance – the further the particles have to travel, the longer it takes the molecules
to diffuse. 

 Size – the smaller the particles, the faster they can diffuse.

 Surface area – the larger the surface area, the faster the molecules will diffuse.

If a small amount of a substance such as a single crystal of sugar is put into water, the sugar
molecules will dissolve in the water. Initially the sugar will have highest concentration near
where the crystal is placed. Over time, the kinetic energy of the water molecules will cause
the dissolved sugar molecules to diffuse. Eventually the sugar molecules will become
evenly distributed in the water.

Sugar molecules in water

If a cell is placed in a situation where there is a higher concentration of molecules outside
the cell, the process of diffusion could result in a net movement of the molecules into the
cell. However, this depends on whether the cell membrane will let the molecules through.
This is because cell membranes are partially permeable. This means they allow some
substances to move across but not other substances. 
In general, small molecules can pass freely through the cell membrane by diffusion but
large molecules cannot. For example, oxygen, carbon dioxide, glucose and water can pass
through the cell membrane, but large molecules like starch and proteins cannot.
As cell membranes are permeable to oxygen, if a cell is placed in a situation where there is
a higher oxygen concentration outside the cell, oxygen molecules will diffuse across the
membrane until its concentration is equal on both sides.


Examples of diffusion in living systems include:

 gas exchange in the lungs (oxygen and carbon dioxide)
 absorption and release of oxygen by red blood cells
 absorption of solutes into the blood stream from the kidney tubules
 absorption of digested food molecules into the blood stream from the ileum
 movement of neurotransmitter substances across synaptic gap in the nervous system
 absorption of carbon dioxide by palisade mesophyll cells in a leaf
 loss of water vapour from plant leaves during transpiration.

Examples of diffusion in non-living systems include:

 spread of the smell of perfume across a room (no membrane involved)

 spread of the brown-coloured pigments out of tea leaves in a bag when placed in hot
water (non-living membrane involved)
 spread of potassium manganate (VII) when a crystal is dropped into a beaker of
water (no membrane involved)
 movement of ammonia along a hollow glass tube, indicated by a change in colour of
litmus paper placed at regular intervals inside the tube (no membrane involved)
 movement of glucose but not starch across dialysis tubing (non-living membrane

Movement of ammonia along a hollow glass tube

Spread of the brown-coloured pigments from a tea bag

Demonstrating diffusion in dialysis tubing

A mixture of glucose and starch dissolved in water is sealed inside a section of dialysis
tubing. The starch molecules are too large to pass through the tubing into the water but the
glucose is small enough to freely diffuse.

Kidney dialysis machine using diffusion through a membrane to regulate the composition
of the patient’s blood
Using the process of diffusion through the dialysis tubing, urea, uric acid and excess salts are
removed from the blood as it passes along the dialysis tubing.

A mixture of glucose and starch dissolved in water is sealed inside a section of dialysis
tubing and the tubing placed into a test tube containing only water. How would the rate of
diffusion of glucose change in the following circumstances:
a) The temperature of the bathing solution was increased?
b) The concentration of glucose was decreased?
c) The dialysis tubing used had a thicker wall?
a) The rate would increase.
Reason: At the higher temperature the glucose molecules have more kinetic energy. So they
would be able to move faster from inside the dialysis tubing into the surrounding water.
b) The rate would decrease.
Reason: The concentration gradient between the inside of the tubing and the water
surrounding the tubing would be lower.
c) The rate would decrease.
Reason: There would be a greater distance for the glucose molecules to travel between the
inside of the dialysis tubing and the surrounding water.

Osmosis is the movement of water from a region of higher water potential (dilute solution)
to a region of lower water potential (concentrated solution) through a partially permeable
The model below demonstrates the process of osmosis. A U-shaped tube is divided in half
by a semi-permeable membrane. At the start of the experiment, equal volumes of salt water
and pure water are placed into the two halves. 
As time progresses, the water molecules in the pure water (which have the higher water
potential) show a net movement through the membrane into the salt water (which has a
lower water potential). The salt particles are too large to pass through this membrane, so
they don’t move through it. Gradually the height of the salt water column rises and the pure
water column falls as a result of osmosis. 


A plant cell contains water in the sap vacuole and cytoplasm in the form of solutions. The
cell wall is freely permeable to water.
An animal cell contains water in the cytoplasm, in which a variety of solutes are dissolved.

Cells in water
When a plant cell is placed into pure water, there is a large difference in water potential
between the outside of the cell (higher water potential), and the inside (lower water
potential). As a result, water will flow across the membrane into the cell. This is called
In a plant cell, the sap vacuole fills up and exerts pressure on the cytoplasm, which presses
against the cell wall. The cell becomes turgid, but the cell wall prevents the cell from
When an animal cell is placed in water, osmosis will cause water to enter the cell. The
volume of the cytoplasm will increase and the cell membrane will stretch. Eventually the
membrane will burst because animal cells do not have a cell wall and the membrane is not
strong enough to withstand the pressure of the extra fluid in the cell.

Cells in concentrated solutions

When cells are placed into a concentrated salt solution (lower water potential than their
cytoplasm), both plant and animal cells will lose water through their membranes by
Plant cells become flaccid when placed in concentrated sugar solutions. This is because the
volume of fluid in the sap vacuole decreases and the pressure reduces, resulting in much of
the cell membrane and the cytoplasm shrinking away from the cell wall.
Animal cells such as red blood cells become crenated when placed in concentrated sugar
solutions. This is because the volume of their cytoplasm decreases as water leaves the cell
by osmosis. 
Onion cells in water

The cells are turgid: in each cell the cytoplasm is pressing against the cell wall, making the
wall bulge outwards.

Onion cells in a concentrated solution

The cells are flaccid: in each cell the cytoplasm is shrinking away from the cell wall.

Osmosis in red blood cells

Experiments using plant tissue can be used to demonstrate osmosis. Single cells are
microscopic, so are not easy to measure or weigh, but plant tissue can be measured as it
contains many cells. 
Experiment to investigate the effect of the concentration of a solution on length or mass of
potato cores.

 Cores of raw potato in the form of cylinders or chips are cut to the same length. 
 Samples are placed in solutions of a range of concentrations.
 After an hour, these are removed and re-measured or weighed.
 The potato pieces in pure water get longer and gain mass.
 Those in concentrated solutions get shorter and lose mass.

Examples of osmosis

 Plants rely on osmosis to obtain water through their roots. Water is transferred from
cell to cell by osmosis.

 When plant cells are turgid, their rigidity can keep the whole plant firm and upright.
Leaves can be held in the best position possible to trap (absorb) sunlight for

 When plant cells are flaccid, they lose their rigidity and the whole plant can wilt. 

 If animal cells are exposed to pure water, they can swell up and burst (in a red blood
cell this is called haemolysis). Red blood cells, for example, would not then be able to
carry oxygen.

 If animal cells lose water, they become flaccid. Red blood cells, for example, would
be less efficient at carrying oxygen.

 Water is absorbed by osmosis from the ileum and colon as food passes along the
alimentary canal.

 Water is reabsorbed in the kidney tubules by osmosis.

a) With reference to osmosis, explain why a cylinder of raw potato cut from a slice of
uniform thickness: 
i) gets longer and gains mass when placed in pure water
ii) gets shorter and loses mass when placed in a concentrated sugar solution.

b) Explain why cells in the potato cylinder do not burst when placed in pure water.

i) The water surrounding the potato cylinder has a higher water potential than the fluid in the
cytoplasm and sap vacuole of the potato cells. Water moves into the potato cells by osmosis, from
the higher water potential to the lower water potential. The cells become turgid, making the cell
walls bulge outwards. Each of the cells gets longer and heavier, so the cylinder gains length and

ii) The water surrounding the potato cylinder has a lower water potential than the fluid in the
cytoplasm and sap vacuole of the potato cells. Water moves out of the potato cells by osmosis, from
the higher water potential to the lower water potential. The cells become flaccid, removing pressure
on the cell walls. The cells get shorter and lighter, so the cylinder loses length and mass.

b) Potato cells are plant cells, so they have cell walls. Plant cell walls are made of cellulose, which
provides rigidity and prevents the cells bursting when they are turgid.

Active transport
Active transport is the movement of particles through a cell membrane from a region of
lower concentration to a region of higher concentration using the energy from respiration.
Movement of the particles is in the opposite direction to diffusion (moving up a gradient
instead of down a gradient). Cells have to provide the energy to achieve this, through
respiration using ATP. Mitochondria control the energy release, so cells involved with
active transport tend to have large numbers of mitochondria in their cytoplasm. The
chemical energy from respiration is converted to kinetic energy for movement of the
particles. Anything which interferes with respiration, e.g. toxins or lack of oxygen, prevents
active transport from taking place. Active transport is thought to be achieved by carrier
proteins embedded in the membrane. They move the particles from one side of the
membrane to the other.
Examples of active transport

 Plant root hair cells use active transport to move mineral salts from the soil into the
root. These salts are commonly in lower concentrations in soil than in the plant root
cells, so diffusion is not adequate to absorb them.

 Glucose is moved from the small intestine into the blood stream of mammals by
active transport. Absorption of glucose by diffusion would stop once the concentration
in the blood reached that of the intestine.


a) Explain why the rate of respiration in root hair cells of plants may increase when they are
taking in mineral salts. 
b) Explain why the uptake of the mineral salts slows down when the root hairs are exposed
to a respiratory poison.
c) Suggest why uptake of the mineral salts does not completely stop after exposure to the
respiratory poison.


a) The concentration of salts surrounding the root hair cell may be higher than inside. This
would mean that diffusion would not move salts into the cells (it may even cause the cells
to lose salts). Active transport is needed. This process requires energy, which is supplied by
the process of respiration.
b) Active transport requires energy to move the mineral salts. The energy is provided by
respiration. If respiration is inhibited by a poison, little energy is available, so active
transport will stop. However, some salts may still move by diffusion, so movement of salts
may not stop completely.
c) Although active transport will not be available to move salts into the root hair cells, if
there is a higher concentration of salts in the soil around the root hair cells, salts will still
move into the cells by diffusion, which does not require an energy source.

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