Appleman - Salzeinfluss
Appleman - Salzeinfluss
Appleman - Salzeinfluss
the substrate in
Soluble salts are very widespread on government and in-
dustrial substrates. A major source is sea salt, which affects
ships, offshore structures, waterfront structures, and inland
facilities within several miles of the sea. Soluble salts can
also arise from chemical processes, cooling towers, and
burning of sulfur-containing coal.
Fig. 2: Swabbing in progress for extraction of soluble salts from a steel surface
These are described in SSPC-TU 4, “Field Methods for Re- are three common field methods for analyzing chloride.
trieval and Analysis of Soluble Salts on Substrates,” and These include ion detection tubes (Fig. 5), paper chro-
other publications. matography strips (Fig. 6), and titration. Each of these is
Unfortunately, the efficiency of extraction varies quite sufficiently accurate and precise for determining the con-
significantly among these methods and within a given centration of chloride in the extracted liquid. The ion de-
method. Earlier data published by SSPC had indicated that tection tube is the most sensitive. (Of the three methods, it
44 JPCL May 2002
Fig. 7: Pocket chloride and conductivity.
conductivity meter Methods for Removing Soluble Salts
Traditionally, the most productive and effective method for
preparing steel for application of a coating is dry abrasive
blasting. Dry blasting, however, is most suitable for mechan-
ically breaking up layers of rust, mill scale, and coating, and
for eroding the steel to produce a profile. It is not intended to
remove water-soluble salt or grease and oil. For more effec-
tive removal of salts, some form of water in the surface
preparation is desirable.
Waterjetting at high-and ultra-high-pressures of 10,000 to
35,000 psi (666 to 2,333 bar) is generally effective at dissolv-
ing and removing any salts the waterjet can reach. However,
Fig. 8: (below) Meter mea- these jets by themselves (i.e., without abrasive) are relatively
sures conductivity of pre-
wetted filter paper placed on ineffective at removing tight rust or mill scale. In addition,
substrate water alone cannot produce a surface profile normally rec-
Courtesy of Elcometer Ltd. ommended for high-performance coatings. These systems
are, however, suitable for maintenance painting where the
surface previously had a profile that can be restored.
Another approach is wet abrasive blasting, in which water
and abrasive are utilized. One version is to inject water, typ-
ically at 1,000–3,000 psi (66 to 200 bar), into a conventional
air abrasive blasting nozzle. Alternatively, one can inject
abrasive into a waterjetting system. These techniques are de-
scribed in SSPC-TR 2/NACE 6G198, Wet Abrasive Blast
Cleaning. Some recent data on the effectiveness of wet and
dry methods in removing chlorides are given in Table 3.9–12
Table 3:
Comparison of Salts from Wet and Dry Cleaning Methods
Remaining Salt
Method (µg/cm2) % Extracted Source
Wet blasting 0–3.2 avg*: 96.2% Reference 9a
can measure the lowest level of chloride.) Waterjetting (35 ksi) 0–2.4 avg*: 95.9% Reference 9
Conductivity measures the ability of the extracted liquid Hand tool (SP 2) 160–288 avg*: 43.8% Reference 9
to carry an electric current. It is a measure of the total dis- Power tool (SP 3) 212–296 avg*: 35.4% Reference 9
solved salts, but does not provide direct information on the Blast (SP 6) 44–68 avg*: 83.0% Reference 9
specific chemical ions. There are several types of field con- UHP waterjet 1.6–1.8 avg: 93.5% Reference 10b
ductivity meters available. One is the pocket conductivity Blast (SP 10) 3.3 84% Reference 10
meter shown in Fig. 7. A relatively new device is a meter Needle gun (SP 3) 11.4 3% Reference 10
that measures the conductivity of pre-wetted filter paper 15.2
Wire brush (SP 2) 9% Reference 10
placed on the substrate (Fig. 8). The units are furnished
Blast (SP 5) <3.2–3.4 avg: 90.2% Reference 11c
with calibration solutions. They are sensitive to conductiv-
Power tool (SP 3) 16.2–24.1 avg: 43.5% Reference 11
ities of 2–3 microsiemens/cm. (This concentration is ap-
SP 3 + steam 8.6–12.9 avg: 69.9% Reference 11
proximately equivalent to 6–10 parts per million [ppm]
Power tool (SP 11) 7.0–13.9 avg: 72.1% Reference 11
chloride if one assumes that chloride is the only soluble
SP 11 + steam 3.9–7.7 avg: 84.5% Reference 11
ion.) These instruments are also sufficiently accurate and
Power tool (SP 3) 22–97 avg: 45.4% Reference 12d
precise for measuring the soluble salts at levels that can af-
fect coating performance. Power tool (SP 11) 41–124 avg: 17.2% Reference 12
Field test kits are also available for measuring the levels a Salts extracted by Bresle and analyzed by conductivity
b Methods not included in paper
of soluble sulfate and ferrous ions as well as nitrate ions.
c Salts extracted by boiling and analyzed by selective ion electrode
These salts are much less frequently specified than are d Salts extracted by swabbing and analyzed by conductivity