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Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

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Progress in Organic Coatings

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Advances and future outlook in epoxy/graphene composites for

anticorrosive applications
Jesiya Susan George a, b, Poornima Vijayan P c, Jibin Keloth Paduvilan a, b, Nisa Salim d,
Jaka Sunarso e, Nandakumar Kalarikkal b, f, Nishar Hameed d, Sabu Thomas a, b, g, *
School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
International and Inter University Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
Department of Chemistry, Sree Narayana College for Women (Affiliated to University of Kerala), Kollam 691001, Kerala, India
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Technology, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia
Research Centre for Sustainable Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
School of Pure and Applied Physics, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
School of Energy Materials, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India


Keywords: Coatings are the prevailing, practical and preferred way to safeguard metals from corrosion. Graphene based
Corrosion protection organic polymer coatings are extensively used as corrosion fortification aids in this era. This short review
Epoxy highlights the importance of diverse features of such engineered coatings. Graphene has engrossed momentous
responsiveness in many industrial fields due to its superior anti-corrosion and barrier properties. The current
Metal coating
review honestly debated the recent works and reports on epoxy/graphene coatings for metal protection from
extensive corrosion and oxidation. The various methodologies to acquire stable-homogenous graphene/epoxy
dispersion, covalent functionalization of graphene, doping of graphene with other nanofillers and their effect on
corrosion protection of epoxy/graphene coatings along with detailed corrosion protection mechanism are dis­
cussed. This review also outlines the integration of potentially relevant multifunctionalities in epoxy/graphene
coatings for self-healing, antifouling, self-cleaning and corrosion protection with suitable examples.

Abbreviations: A-GO, APTES modified Graphene oxide; APTES, 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane; ASTM, American Society for Testing and Materials; ATMP, ami­
notrimethylphosphonic acid; BIIR, Bromobutyl rubber; BLc, blank epoxy resin; BTA, Benzotriazole; CNT, Carbon Nano Tube; CVD, Chemical Vapour Deposition; DA,
dopamine; DGEBA, Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether; EGDE, epoxy monomer ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether; EIS, Electrochemical Impedance spectroscopy; EP, epoxy;
EPN, epoxy Polydimethy Siloxane neat coatings; EPG, epoxy Polydimethy Siloxane graphene oxide composite coatings; FESEM, Field Emission Scanning Electron
Microscopy; FG, fluoro graphene FGc, fluorographene coatings; GLGO γ-(2,3-glycidoxy), propyltrimethoxysilane functionalized silica nano- particles grafted lysine-
modified graphene oxide hybrid; GNP, Graphene Nano platelets; GOE, epoxy monomer ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether functionalised graphene oxide; GOH, 1-
hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid functionalised graphene oxide; GPTMS, glycidoxy propyl triethoxy silane; G-GO, GPTMS modified graphene oxide; GO,
Graphene oxide; GOc, GO/epoxy coatings; GO-SiO2, graphene oxide silica hybrid; GP0.05, Polypyrrole doped graphene oxide epoxy coatings; GO-PPy-Zn extract,
graphene oxide polypyrrole zinc hybrid reinforced epoxy coating; GO-Ti hybrid, graphene oxide titanium hybrid; HB, Hyper branched; HNT, Hallocyte nanotube;
HEDP, 1-hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid; HF, Hydrogen fluoride; Ly-GO-EP, lysine functionalised graphene oxide reinforced epoxy coating; LPPS, Low
pressure plasma spraying; M-Gel-EP, modified gelatin reinforced epoxy; MGel/GO-EP, modified gelatin modified graphene oxide reinforced epoxy; MMT, mont­
morillonite; NSS, Neutral Salt Spray; PANI, Poly Aniline; PANI-DBSA, polyaniline doped with dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid; PDA, poly dopamine; PDA/PANI-GO/
WAV, polydopamine modified polyaniline-graphene oxide hybrid in water based alkyd vanish; PDMS, Polydimethy Siloxane; PAMAM, poly amidoamine dendrimer;
PBH, benzotriazole-loaded hallocyte nanotube hybrids; Ppy, polypyrrole; PS, Polystyrene; PVA, polyvinyl alcohol; PU, poly Urethane; PDA@HNT, polydopamine
coated hallocyte nano tubes; NaCl, Sodium chloride; TEM, Transmission electron microscopy; rGO, reduced Graphene Oxide; TiO2-GO-f-EP, GPTMS modified TiO2-
GO/epoxy; UP, unsaturated Poly ester; WEP, water borne epoxy.
* Corresponding author at: School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India
E-mail address: (S. Thomas).
Received 2 August 2021; Received in revised form 15 October 2021; Accepted 15 October 2021
Available online 8 November 2021
0300-9440/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

1. Introduction protected from the external environment. While in chemical inhibition,

the chemical can suppress the corrosion process. Whereas in the case of
Metallic structures are of great importance in the field of construc­ sacrificial protection, an active metal is coated to the metal which is to
tions, aerospace, automobiles, oil/gas industries and so on, because of be protected [23]. Coatings can be broadly classified into three classes, i.
their desirable multiple properties such as low cost, recyclability, high e., metallic coatings, inorganic coatings and organic coatings [3].
strength etc. Infrastructures such as steel pipes, ship hulls and bridges
are susceptible to corrosion when they are exposed to harsh environ­ 2.1. Metallic coatings
ments [1]. Metallic corrosion not only causes economy loss but also
results in safety hazard and environmental consequences to a large Thin metallic coatings are applied to metallic substrates for corrosion
extent. Corrosion of steel bridges and ship parts can negatively impact its protection, provides a new metallic composite by combining the prop­
performance, service life, aesthetic appearance and safety of human [2]. erties of both substrate and the coating. For e.g. mild steel has excellent
The collapse of silver bridge into the Ohio river in the United States cost mechanical properties with poor corrosion resistance which restricts
40 lives and millions of dollars [3]. So far various methods have been their application in corrosive environment, this can be avoided by
reported by researchers to prevent the extent of corrosion. Electro alloying them with corrosion resistant metals such as chromium and
deposition [4], electroless plating [5], gas phase deposition [6] and nickel [24]. Metallic coatings can be classified into noble metallic
organic coatings [7] are some of the widely used methods of corrosion coatings and sacrificial metallic coatings. The concept of applying a
protection. Among the aforementioned methods, applying an organic noble metallic coating (Au, Ag, or Pt) to a more active metal takes the
anti-corrosion coating over the metal surface is an effective and advantage of greater corrosion resistance by the noble metal [25]. A
economical way to prevent corrosion [8]. Covering the metal surface of noble metallic coating is more corrosion resistant than the substrate.
submerged ship parts and gas/oil pipes with an organic coating en­ Thus, it can provide excellent protection when it exists as pore-free
hances the fouling resistance and extends its service life. Hence, the barrier coating. Sacrificial coating, on the other hand, is more active
long-term corrosion protection of metallic parts still need to rely on than the substrate. It provides protection via combined action of barrier
organic anticorrosive coatings [9]. At present organic coatings, metallic action and sacrificial action. In galvanized steel for example, zinc
coatings and organic- inorganic hybrid coatings are frequently used for coating corrodes preferentially and protects the steel [3]. Jayaweera
corrosion protection [10]. et al. [26] investigated powder coatings of Si, Ti, Ni and alloy of Ni and
On comparing the current trends in the literature, there is an Ti (Ti-Ni 70:30 wt%) over low carbon steel. They exhibited reduced
increased interest in anticorrosive coatings prepared by incorporating corrosion rate of the coated carbon steel in chloride environment,
nanoparticles into the polymer matrix [11], [12], [13]. Some reviews expecially Ti-Ni alloy showed exceptionally good corrosion protection.
have been published in recent years which are extremely devoted to Metallic powder coatings are non-sacrificial in nature with excellent
different aspects of achieving corrosion protection by means of various corrosion protection for a long time and are widely accepted for many
nanostructures, polymers and nanocomposites [14]. Ding et al. [15] practical applications. Priyantha et al. [27] reported a cost-effective
explored the corrosion protection of graphene films from different an­ metallic coating for the protection of metals from corrosion. Fluidized
gles. The current article is the first review article on epoxy/graphene bed reactor chemical vapour deposition was chosen to prepare diffusion
composites debate its corrosion protection performance. This review coatings of Cr, Ni, Si and Ti on carbon steel and stainless steel surfaces.
concisely discusses the effect of graphene and graphene oxide in epoxy Cr and Ni coatings on stainless steel showed better corrosion protection
matrix towards corrosion resistance by citing relevant reports in this moreover, they didn't show any visible damage on the coatings other
area. The review also prospects the potential of epoxy/graphene to deal than slight discoloration even after exposure to high temperature ab­
with future corrosion challenges. sorption fluids. Very recently, Chen et al. [28] introduced a novel green
sol gel method to introduce aluminium metallic coatings to protect
2. Basics of corrosion and corrosion protection carbon steel. Silica sol mixture of a spherical and flaky Al powder to
make bottom coating and silica sol with Al fakes to prepare top coating
Corrosion is defined as the surface disintegration of metals and alloys (double layer). These Al coatings showed an average adhesive strength
when exposed to a harsh environment, resulting in a deterioration of its of 11–12 MPa and the corrosion current density of the single layer and
properties due to certain electrochemical reaction via oxidation [16]. double layer specimen was 31 μA cm− 2 and 5 μA cm− 2 respectively. Liu
Corrosion is a spontaneous natural phenomenon, which drives the ma­ et al. [29] explored low pressure plasma spraying (LPPS) to fabricate
terials to their lowest possible energy states [17–18]. Corrosion of the iron-based metallic glass coatings over steel substrate. They have found
metallic parts creates a substantial economic loss to the society and that at higher hydrogen flow rate, denseness of the as-sprayed coatings
threatens life too, especially in the industries. The diffusive chloride ions increases. Amorphous coatings obtained by maintaining a low hydrogen
in the seawater serve as an extensive corrosive agent to the submerged flow (4–6 L/min) while partially crystalline coatings are obtained by
metallic parts of ships such as hull and ballast tank [19]. maintaining the hydrogen flow at 8 L/min. They reported an improve­
Coatings are considered as one of the most effective way to protect ment in the corrosion protection of steel by the partially crystallized
metal surfaces from corrosion due to its simplicity and ease of applica­ coating than amorphous one.
tion. Protective coatings create a barrier between the metal surface and
the exposed environment, thereby preventing the base metal from 2.2. Inorganic coatings
extensive corrosion [20]. The homogeneity of the coating, the degree of
the porosity, and the adhesion to the substrate are the key factors Besides good corrosion protection, high thermal and mechanical
affecting the service life and performance of the coatings [21]. The stability could be offered by several inorganic coatings. In recent years
performance and durability of anticorrosive coatings in turn depend on considerable developments have been achieved in the field of inorganic
various parameters such as nature of the substrate, the pre-treatment protective coatings. The continuous and extensive research on inorganic
process, the coating thickness, the adhesion between substrate and coatings suggested that nanosilica based coating systems are considered
coating, and the external environment [22]. Understanding the in­ as a potential candidate to replace phosphate- chromate conversion
teractions between the individual components and the external exposing coatings. However, several inorganic coatings exhibited low adhesion to
environment is important in developing high-performance anticorrosive the metal substrate especially at high temperature, this can be solved by
coating. A corrosion protection coating can function via any of the three creating a conversion layer over the metal surface prior to the applica­
mechanisms, i.e., barrier protection, chemical inhibition, or sacrificial tion of coating. Bamoulid et al. [30] deposited titanium oxide coatings
protection. Barrier protection is achieved by isolating the metal to be on stainless steel surface by sol –gel process followed by the

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 1. Statistics of the number of published papers on epoxy coatings in the last 20 years [Source: PubMed database].

functionalization of the substrate in a conversion bath ceramic protec­ and thermosetting polymers are used as protective coatings. Corrosion
tive barrier on metal surface. Better corrosion protection of the fabri­ inhibition of poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA) was reported by Alaoui et al.
cated coatings was due to the synergistic effect of both conversion layer [35]. PVA can be used as a mixed type corrosion inhibitor for carbon
and TiO2 coating. On the other hand, hybrid inorganic materials are steel and the corrosion inhibition properties were exponentially
frequently employed as a best route to impart excellent corrosion pro­ increased by increasing the concentration of PVA. Garcia et al. [7] re­
tection by combining the properties of individual nanostructures. For ported the corrosion protection of poly urethane films. Diniz et al. [36]
instance, Cheraghi et al. [31] introduced TiO2–NiO hybrid nanocoating compared the anticorrosive efficiency of poly urethane (PU) and epoxy
on stainless steel substrate via sol gel process followed by dip coating coatings containing polyaniline doped with dodecyl benzene sulfonic
and heat treatment. They found that composite coatings contain 80% acid (PANI-DBSA). Studies revels that the epoxy-based coatings exhibit
TiO2–20%NiO exhibited better corrosion resistance. Anatase and nickel better protection efficiency than PU based coatings.
titanate phases are in a uniform surface hence the corrosion current
density reduced from 186.7 nA⋅cm− 2 (bare steel) to 34.21 nA⋅cm− 2. Yu
et al. [32] also investigated the effect of CuO/SiO2 and NiO/SiO2 hybrid 2.4. Organic-inorganic hybrid coatings
coatings for corrosion protection in Al alloy. On comparing the protec­
tive nature of NiO/SiO2 and CuO/SiO2 nanocomposite coatings, NiO/ Organic–inorganic hybrid materials defined as a class of multi
SiO2 coatings demonstrated exceptional protection to Al alloy. component compounds having at least one of their organic or inorganic
In the current scenario, several strategies have been explored to components in the submicron level mostly in the nanometric size
introduce hierarchical structures on the surface of the inorganic coat­ domain [37]. The properties of this system do not simply results from
ings. Recently, Xiang et al. [33] fabricated nature inspired slippery zinc the synergistic action of the both the components but also from the
phosphate coatings with homogenous pores of 250 mm diameter. Zinc hybrid interface [38]. The use of organic inorganic hybrid materials
phosphate coatings exhibited an exact honeycomb like heirarchial attracted a great deal of interest in the field of protective coatings. [1].
structures. Homogeneous porous structure hinders the transport of Application of these organic-inorganic coatings ensures a long term
corrodents into the metal surface. protection [39]. New functional coatings can be achieved by adjusting
the proportion and nature of interaction between the two phases [10]. In
recent years, combining the properties of organic polymer and inorganic
2.3. Organic (polymeric) coatings materials resulted in extensive research in hybrid organic-inorganic
coatings for corrosion protection.
Organic coatings have been widely used to protect metallic bodies Ramezanzadeh and his co-workers [40] studied the corrosion pro­
from corrosion [34]. Recent research on polymer coatings has shown its tection performance of polyurethanes (PU) containing modified nano-
potential application as corrosion protection systems. They can form a Fe2O3. Nanoparticles tend to form aggregates due to higher surface en­
thin layer over the metal surface, which act as a barrier to protect the ergy and specific surface area, starts to behave like larger sized particles
metal from the external environment. Here the barrier function is ach­ within the matrix, thereby reducing the efficiency of coating. But the
ieved by blocking the entrance of moisture and other corrosive agents surface modification of nanoparticles increases the interaction between
into the substrate. Organic coatings inhibit the charge transfer from the filler and matrix. PU composites containing modified Fe2O3 shows better
metal surface to the environment. The current research community is corrosion protection and lower adhesion loss than composites with un­
focused on the development of anticorrosive polymeric coatings due to modified one. The EIS measurements of the prepared composite in acidic
its simplicity, efficiency, low cost, and ease of availability [15]. A medium gave evidence of its excellent corrosion protection. Najibzad
desirable coating should provide chemical resistance, adhesion, flexi­ et al. [41] reported the corrosion resistance performance of rare earth
bility, impact resistance, low moisture permeability, ease of application, element praseodymium (Pr) doped PANI based silane coatings for Mg
affordability and durability. The polymeric coating increases the me­ alloys. Pure silane coatings have been degraded in a very faster rate than
chanical flexibility and toughness of the coatings. Both thermoplastics Pr-PANI coating in the salt spray test. Self-healing properties shown by

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 2. SEM images of a) SiO2, b and c) SiO2/MoS2 core shells c and d)TEM images of core shell, f) HR TEM images of MoS2 [55].

these coatings is due to the release of Pr3+ and convert to Pr4+ as of epoxy resins are as coatings, owing to its unique characteristics [46].
insoluble hydroxides around the scratch. Similarly, Rajkumar and Vedhi Epoxy-based coatings are frequently used on the account of their
[42] incorporated silica nanoparticles into acrylic resin and examined excellent combination of properties like anticorrosive nature, chemical
their corrosion prevention in mild steel. Incorporation of silica nano­ resistance, superior fatigue strength properties and excellent adhesion to
particles remarkably enhances the corrosion inhibition and the corro­ various substrates [47]. Because of these incredible properties of epoxy
sion inhibition efficiency silica nanoparticles were found to be 77% in resin is widely used as anticorrosive coatings for marine articulates such
3.5% NaCl. Likewise, Yu et al. [43] studied the p-phenylenediamine as in ship hull. Corrosion rate on these structures depends on the water
modified GO reinforced Polystyrene (PS) coatings for corrosion protec­ salinity, chloride content, water temperature and current environment
tion. Dispersion of GO in PS was enhanced due to the presence of ter­ on which it is exposed also [46] [48]. Epoxy based corrosion resistant
minal vinyl groups on GO. The barrier properties of the PS was increased coatings was extensively studied in the recent years and the number of
by adding 2 wt% of GO. In addition to the aforementioned thermoplastic papers published per year in the last 20 years on epoxy-based coatings is
coatings, thermosetting polymers like phenol formaldehyde resins, ep­ represented in Fig. 1, according to PubMed database. As shown in Fig. 1,
oxies and polyesters are also used for obtaining corrosion protection. number of published research papers per year continues to increase,
Salehon et al. [44] prepared Unsaturated Polyester/clay composites by especially after 2017, there is a rapid increase in the number of research
in situ polymerization method. Electrochemical corrosion resistance papers published on epoxy-based corrosion resistant coatings.
studies and Tafel polarization studies reveal that the inclusion of clay DGEBA (diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A) is the most widely used
particles significantly enhances the corrosion resistance. Neat UP resin epoxy resin, synthesized by the reaction between bisphenol A and
exhibits a corrosion current value of (Icorr) 0.1125 nA/cm2 corre­ epichlorohydrin [49]. Significant amount curing agent/hardeners are
spondingly nanocomposites with 5 wt% of clay (UP 5) shows very low added to epoxy resin to form a three-dimensional cross-linked network
Icorr value of 0.0067 nA/cm2 among all other compositions in alkaline [50] [51]. Sometimes catalysts were added in small amount to epoxy/
environment, which is attributed due to the good dispersion of nano­ hardener to system to accelerate the curing reaction. Insufficient amount
layers of nanoclay particles in the polymer matrix, increases the diffu­ of curing agent will results in the presence of unreacted functional
sion pathways of corrosive agents. groups in the cured system hence the expected set of properties will not
be exhibited by the cured system [52]. Therefore, the exact amount
curing agent required for curing should be estimated by the curing
2.5. Epoxies as a coating material chemistry of the system. Upon the addition of curing agent, viscosity of
the system increases drastically. As the curing reaction proceeds, mo­
Epoxy resins are a class of thermosetting polymers having a unique lecular weight of the epoxy prepolymers starts to increase, results to
combination of excellent properties [45]. One of the largest applications

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

form a gel at a certain point of reaction, so called gelation/gel point

[53]. It is the point at which the storage modulus and loss modulus
become equal also the weight average molecular weight becomes
infinite. Finally, the system undergoes vitrification (elastic gel to glassy
state) due to infinite three-dimensional network formation [54].
Curing of epoxy resin creates a high crosslink density in it, which
limits their application and the prolonged exposure of epoxy resins in
the corrosive environment results in the hydrolytic degradation due to
the hydrophilic hydroxyl groups in the cured network, paves a way for
corrosive ions [34]. Hence various approaches have been put forwarded
by researchers to impart a larger diffusive path for the corrosive agents
for a long-term application. Incorporation of various nanoparticles is an
efficient and effective way both in terms of cost and performance. Xia
et al. [55] modified MoS2 with SiO2, the incorporation of MoS2 increases
the tensile strength furthermore the hybrid action of wrinkled MoS2 with
SiO2 drastically increases the diffusion pathways of corrosive medium
than when they are used alone. MoS2/SiO2 hybrid forms a core shell
Fig. 3. Mechanical transfer preparation of graphene films on silver foil [74].
structure in which SiO2 is covered by MoS2 as shown in the TEM images
in the Fig. 2 and they have examined the corrosion resistance of these
core shell/epoxy composites. Found that the core shell nanostructure in only. Graphene sheets have high electron density which creates a
the epoxy matrix could effectively the block the several and micropores repulsive field and thereby act like a strong impermeable material [72].
in the coating which prevents the further diffusion of electrolyte, and Reports of Chen et al. [73] demonstrated the excellent performance
maximum corrosion resistance was exhibited by 3 wt% system with a of graphene sheets as a passive layer for Cu and Cu/Ni alloys. Zaho et al.
Icorr value of 0.035 × 10− 6 after 150 h of immersion in 3.5% NaCl. [74] introduced an ultrathin protective layer for silver thin films using
Hang et al. [56] examined the corrosion resistance of amino­ graphene sheets. Monolayers of graphene films were deposited on the Cu
trimethylphosphonic acid (ATMP) modified MMT (montmorillonite) in surface and finally transferred into Ag substrate as shown in Fig. 3.
epoxy matrix and the corrosion protection of the carbon steel was Graphene layers on the Ag surface significantly protect the surface. Due
considerably improved by the modification, this is because the ATMP to the ultrathin impermeable graphene layers corrosion rate of coated
reacts with Fe2+ form a complex at the steel surface, which protects the Ag is reduced by about sixty times than the uncoated one.
metal from excessive attack [57]. The extensive studies found that in­ Arrangement of graphene sheets parallel to the metal surface can
clusion of nanofillers enhances the durability and performance of epoxy create several multiple barrier layers and provides an extra advantage
coatings by increasing the diffusion path of corrosive ions also anticor­ due to high specific surface area to prevent electrolyte penetration.
rosive nature and lifetime of coatings simultaneously [58]. However, due to high electrical conductivity of graphene sheets once the
coating is damaged, the base metal will experience a boosted corrosion.
3. Graphitic structures for corrosion protection Hence the pure graphene film is not suitable for long-term corrosion
protection. Graphene-based organic coatings have been widely used for
Graphene and graphene oxide are the important two-dimensional corrosion protection owing to its protection efficiency and simple
materials, derived from parental natural graphite by simultaneous preparation method [75].
exfoliation and oxidation [59]. Graphene is an amazing material in the
universe because of its versatile and astonishing properties [60]. It was 3.1. Epoxy/graphene oxide composites for corrosion protection
discovered in 2004 by A.K Geim and K⋅S Novoselov. Graphene and
graphene oxide are the most investigated materials at this moment Effective anticorrosive coatings are a hot research area due to the
because of their incredible mechanical, thermal, electrical and optical growing need to develop excellent corrosion protection materials with
properties [61] [62] [63]. Graphene oxide is the heavily oxygenated multifunctionality. The active physical barrier property of graphene
form of graphene, could be prepared by the direct oxidation and exfo­ oxide is explored for the preparation of anticorrosive composite coatings
liation of graphite. Both modified and unmodified graphene oxides, in [76]. Jiang et al. [77] reported the anticorrosive properties of epoxy/GO
conjugation with/without other nanomaterials are extensively used for composites on steel and the effect of sheet size and morphology towards
several applications [64]. Graphene-based composites are abundantly anticorrosive property was explained. GO sheets with different aspect
used in anticorrosive coatings since it forms a natural impermeable ratios were prepared by controlling the degree of oxidation during
barrier between the substrate surface and corrosive agents [65] [66]. synthesis and they are successfully incorporated into the epoxy matrix
The remarkable chemical inertness of graphene to various chemicals via wet transfer method. The influence of aspect ratio of GO sheets to­
even to HF and its impermeability to gases and fluids make it a potential wards anticorrosion performance was examined via EIS and polarization
unique material for corrosion protection [67]. In general, pure graphene studies using 3.5% NaCl solution. They revealed that the aspect ratio of
coatings on metals prevent the formation of the oxide layer over it, GO significantly influences the corrosion resistance. Composites with
thereby protecting it from the reactive environment. There were two GO having high aspect ratio showed higher corrosion resistance than
approaches for using graphene for anticorrosive applications [67]. The other composites this is because, higher the aspect ratio, the higher
first one is by creating a layer of graphene on the substrate, this can be would be the barrier property and hence tortuous diffusion channel for
achieved either by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) [68], Electro­ the corrosive ions.
phoretic deposition [69] and electrodeposition [70], second approach is Pourhashem et al. [78] studied the corrosion protection properties of
by adding it as a reinforcing agent in organic coatings with the aim of solvent-based epoxy-GO composites. They found that the preparation
inhibiting the diffusion of electrolytes path by creating an increased process also affects the dispersion quality of GO in resin. Direct addition
tortuous degree [62]. Stanković et al. [71] studied the anticorrosion of GO into the hardener followed by mixing with resin shows better
efficiency of pure graphene sheets on Ni substrates. The sheets are dispersion than those prepared by direct mixing GO in resin. 0.1 wt% of
deposited on the substrates by CVD using methane as a carbon source. GO is considered as the optimum wt% which shows the best corrosion
CVD technique produces defect-free few-layered graphene sheets on Ni resistance, as the amount of GO increases the coatings tends more brittle
but the oxidation resistance of these coating is effective up to 500 ◦ C due to the agglomeration of nanosheets.

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 4. Schematic illustration of a) mixing GNPs into epoxy resin using ultrasonication and b) mixing GNPs into hardener using ultrasonication [88].

3.2. Dispersion of graphene and graphene oxide in organic anticorrosion considered. Among the reported methods, widely used method is the
coatings dispersion of graphene using an organic solvent followed by the com­
plete removal of solvent from the system before curing, which is prac­
Graphene nanosheet shows poor dispersibility in polymer matrix due tically not simple and cause various difficulties in large scale production
to its insolubility in the matrix, owing to higher van der Waal forces and [86]. Due to strong van der Waal forces of attraction between the sheets,
ℼ-ℼ stacking between the sheets [79] [80]. The week bonding strength graphene dispersion in solvents has a high tendency to restack over a
between the graphene and polymer matrix is due to the low surface period of time even after ultrasonication too. Therefore the direct
activity of graphene. The surface of pristine graphene lacks active dispersion of graphene in epoxy resin/in harder by ultrasonication,
functional group, hence surface modification or functionalization is mechanical mixing, and shear mixing can solve these drawbacks [87].
often necessary to perform prior to the application [81]. Usually, re­ Kilic et al. [88] studied the effect of dispersion technique on the final
searchers incorporated Graphene oxide (GO) or reduced Graphene properties of epoxy/graphene composites. The composites were pre­
Oxide (rGO) in functional coatings due to the presence of reactive pared by sonication or sonication in combination with high shear mix­
functional groups on it. Improvements in mechanical and other prop­ ing. They have prepared epoxy/graphene and hardner/graphene
erties are directly related to the quality of dispersion of nanoparticles in dispersion. Most of the previous reports prefer the preparation of epoxy/
the polymer matrix. Till date various mixing protocols have been graphene dispersion rather than hardener/graphene dispersion as given
adapted by researchers to obtain a stable dispersion of graphene in in Fig. 4a and b.
various polymer matrix. Obtaining a stable and uniform dispersion of They have found that the dispersion of graphene nanoparticles in
these materials are quite essential in anticorrosive coatings [82] [83]. A resin shows overall better properties than dispersion in hardener and the
number of parameters have to be considered for obtaining a good combination of high shear mixing and ultrasonication results in better
dispersion of nanoparticle. The total free energy of any colloidal system dispersion of nanoparticles. Similarly, Tang et al. [89] prepared epoxy/
is depends on both interfacial tension and interfacial energy, the theo­ rGO composites by a two-step process, in the first step, rGO were
retical surface area of a monolayer graphene is around 2590 m2 g− 1, dispersed in ethanol by ultrasonication followed by mechanical ball
consequently the conditions are limited under which it can be dispersed milling. Ball milling can create a large shear force on graphene, the
using polar aprotic solvents typically by sonication. collision of small zirconia balls in the ball milling process can fragment
Obtaining and maintaining a stable dispersion needs an energy the sheets and inhibits its agglomeration. On comparing the dispersion
barrier to aggregation. This can be typically achieved by either elec­ level with the previous results dispersion of rGO does not change after
trostatic or steric repulsion. If the energy barrier is sufficiently high then ball milling process, however the size of aggregate particles became very
Brownian motion will maintain the dispersion, this is achieved by sol­ small compared to other mixing protocols. Amirova [90] followed an
vent selection and covalent/non-covalent functionalization of graphene aqueous transfer method for the preparation of epoxy/GO composites.
[84]. The dispersibility of graphene and its derivates are inversely Here they have transferred the GO sheets from water phase to epoxy
proportional to its properties and it follows a trend of graphene oxide > resin skillfully. Better improvements in the mechanical properties have
reduced graphene oxide > graphene. Chemical functionalization of been achieved at 0.03 wt% of GO owing to its homogeneous dispersion
these structures improves the dispersibility but it has a negative impact and strong interfacial interaction between epoxy and GO.
towards the final property since it creates some defects into the structure One of the main factors which affects the dispersion of graphene is
[85]. the viscosity of the epoxy resin. Pourhashem et al. [78] used low vis­
Coming to the preparation of epoxy/GO composites, various cosity polyamide curing agent for high viscosity epoxy resin and found
dispersion methods of graphene within the epoxy matrix have been that GO dispersed uniformly in the harder rather than in the high

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 5. FESEM image of GO and silane modified GO sheets [95].

viscosity resin. Moreover, the large surface area and surface energy of
graphene and GO results in great tendency to form agglomerate within
the matrix. Modification of graphene reduces the surface energy and
thereby achieves sufficient compatibility and dispersion within the
polymer matrix. So far, a variety of graphene-based coatings were pre­
pared and applied to various substrates to protect them from corrosion.

3.3. Functionalization of graphene oxide

As we discussed earlier, aggregation of graphene sheets in the com­

posite is a major drawback in such application, and this is the direct
effect of strong van der Waals interaction. To solve this issue, chemical
modification of the graphene sheets or conjugation of a second particle
into the graphene sheets is the most convenient strategy employed [91].
Either non-covalent or covalent functionalization of nanosheets signif­
icantly enhances the interfacial interaction between the sheet and the
polymer matrix [92]. A lot of works has been already published on the
modification of graphene sheets using various chemicals, such as phytic
acid, DGEBA [93], polyacrylates [94] and so on. Pourhashem et al. [95]
modified GO sheets using an organosilane coupling agent, 3-amino
propyl triethoxy silane and the effect of silane modification of gra­
phene oxide towards corrosion resistance on mild steel was investigated.
The covalent bond between silane-modified GO and epoxy resin in­
creases the interfacial interaction between them as well as the dispersion
It is very clear from the SEM image (Fig. 5) that the silane modifi­
cation makes the surface of GO rougher with wrinkle morphology. The
functionalization results in a better exfoliation of GO which prevents the
restacking of the nanosheets. GO contain reactive oxygen functional
groups such as hydroxyl, epoxy, carbonyl and carboxyl groups on sheet
edges and basal planes [96]. However, the ethoxy groups on APTES is
also highly reactive thus, it will form silanol (Si–OH) groups by hy­ Fig. 6. a) Bode plot and b) Nyquist plots pure epoxy, M-Gel-EP, MGel/GO-EP-
coated samples after 24 h of immersion in 3.5% NaCl [97].
drolysis. The silanol group and hydroxyl groups on GO and form
Si–O–Si bonds. The corrosion resistance of the coatings depends on the
quality of the dispersion as well as on the interfacial interaction between value of Epoxy gelatin composite has a lower value than gelatin modi­
the filler and matrix. Silane functionalization of GO in the epoxy coating fied GO composites, and there are no significant changes for the phase
enhances the compatibility and interfacial interactions. Hence, the angle values after prolonged immersion too as shown in Fig. 6.
coatings containing A-GO exhibit better corrosion resistance in the mild The improvement of corrosion resistance of epoxy coatings by add­
steel than the pure epoxy coatings with unmodified GO. ing hydroxyl terminated hyperbranched (HB) polyamine functionalised
Ranjitha et al. [97] modified GO using gelatin for the first time and GO was reported by Sari et al. [98]. Mild steel substrates were coated
they also found that, gelatin modification helps to obtain good disper­ with 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 wt% of functionalised/epoxy coatings. The
sion within the epoxy matrix. The hydrophobic nature of the coatings adhesion of epoxy resin into the steel substrates was found enhanced by
drastically enhanced by adding gelatin modified GO, the increment in incorporating polyamine modified GO particles. In the electrochemical
water contact angle can be attributed to the increased crosslinks. aspects, corrosion is a slow process; initially, corrosive ions diffuse into
Corrosion protection of the coatings was evaluated by EIS analysis. Neat the coating through inherent micro and macropores but do not reach the
epoxy has a low phase angle value among all. However, the phase angle surface of the substrate or the interface between coating and substrate,

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 7. Impedance values versus immersion time for neat epoxy and different
wt% of hydroxyl terminated hyperbranched polyamide functionalised GO after
850 h immersion in saline water [98].

but after a long time, corrosive products starts to accumulate on the

surface of the substrate results in the reduced adhesion and finally
detachment. The impedance value further supports this mechanism.
Fig. 7 represents the trend in immersion time versus impedance of the
composites after immersion in saline water. Impedance value of 0.5 and
1.0 compositions remain unchanged at all immersion time and all
remaining compositions have a decreasing trend. The highest compo­
sition (0.25) shows a very lowest impedance value among all composi­
tion. Improved corrosion resistance of modified GO was due to their
ability to form good dispersion in the matrix, which increases the
diffusive path of corrosive ions by creating a tortuous path.
Hayatgheib et al. [99] functionalised the GO nanosheets with PANI Fig. 8. Schematic illustration of modification of GO by dendrimer
nanofibers increase the dispersion of graphene in epoxy resin. Com­ (PAMAM) [100].
patability of GO in epoxy resin was effectively enhanced by PANI
modification and the composite shows enhanced barrier properties.
coupling agent. Amine functional groups present in the GPTMS modified
Correspondingly Ramezanzadeh et al. [100] introduced amino func­ GO(G-GO) are less active than the modified APTMS (A-GO) hence NH2
tionalised (polyamidoamine) dendrimers into GO as shown in Fig. 8.
groups in the A-GO are more prone to form hydrogen bonds with their
Bode plot for the samples after 56 days of immersion in 3.5% NaCl as unpaired electrons with the epoxy ring.
shown in Fig. 9, revels that the phase angle of the neat system decreases Cui et al. [102] functionalised GO with a corrosion inhibitor, 1-
with immersion time increases from 14 days to 56 days indicate the hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonic acid (HEDP) and with an epoxy
reduced barrier protection as a result of electrolyte diffusion. On the monomer ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (EGDE), denoted as GOH and
other hand, dendrimer modified GO sheet doesn't show a change in GOE respectively. The addition of both HEDP and EDGE functionalised
phase angle even after 56 days of immersion. GO (GOEH) in the water borne epoxy matrix (WEP) significantly im­
Pourhashem et al. [101] evaluated the effect of different silane proves the corrosion protection by chemical inhibition and barrier ef­
coupling agents (APTES and GPTMS) towards corrosion resistance via fect. Neutral salt spray test was conducted as per the standard ASTM B
GO modification with them. Schematic representation of modification 117. After 16 days onwards, several corroded area were visible on neat
on Fig. 10. Silane modification of GO found to enhance the water contact WEP coatings and tiny black dots were appeared on both GOE/WEP and
angle and adhesion of epoxy coatings to metal substrates. Ultimately, GOH/WEP coatings as shown in Fig. 11. As proposed earlier GOEH/WEP
APTES modified GO coatings exhibit better corrosion resistance coatings show a smooth surface without pronounced on it even after 28
compared to GPTMS modified coatings. This improvement in corrosion
inhibition is greatly affected by the organic structure of the silane Fluorographene (FG), one of the stable derivatives of graphene,

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

attracted remarkable attention of the research community on account of

its extra ordinary physical and chemical properties. Doping F atom in
graphene could destroy the electron conduction pathway in graphitic
structures, since the continuous π-π bond was converted to an isolated
π-π bonds in FG [103] [104]. In view of the excellent, barrier property,
low surface energy and superhydrophobicity (water contact angle 123◦ )
of the fluorographene [105] [106] they are widely used to fabricate
superhydrophobic, self-cleaning corrosion resistant coatings. In the
current scenario, fluorographene structures are extensively used and
accepted to achieve better corrosion resistance. On the other hand, high
hydrophobicity of the FG makes it extremely difficult to disperse in the
organic matrix. Lei et al. [107] reported the anti-corrosion and anti-
scratch properties of the epoxy/graphite fluoride coatings on steel.
They revealed that the synergistic enhancement in the corrosion resis­
tance and scratch resistance were attributed by the excellent electrical
insulating properties of the well dispersed graphite fluoride platelets in
the epoxy matrix. Recently, Shen et al. [105] extensively studied the
effect of degree of fluorination towards corrosion resistance. They
fabricated epoxy/F-doped rGO coatings with different degree of fluori­
nation. In general, electrical conductivity of the FG decreased with the
increased degree of F-doping and they found that the corrosion resis­
tance of EP/FG coatings was enhanced directly with the F-doping degree
of FG in the composite coatings. Yang et al. [106] used a liquid phase
exfoliation of the fluorographene to stack them over the epoxy coating
on the Cu surface, in order to introduce several micro/nanoscale
roughness on it. The enhanced superhydrophobicity by incorporation of
fluorographene results in the excellent protection of the Cu substrate in
3.5 wt% NaCl aqueous solution. For a change, Wu et al. [108] used CVD
to prepare FG coatings on Cu surface, for that they used convenient and
efficient gas phase fluorination technique to fluorinate graphene
sprightly. The theoretical modelling revels that the doping of fluorine in
graphene films are able to form some bond with carbon atoms, espe­
Fig. 9. Bode plots of the (a) blank epoxy, GO/epoxy and GO-PAMAM/epoxy cially in the defect sites. This has a huge impact for the inhibition of the
composites [100]. entire corrosion process on the underlying metal substrate.

3.4. Graphene based hybrid filler for epoxy coatings

Graphene and its derivatives are widely used as corrosion protection

aid in conjugation with various resins and polymers. However, the
massive defects in the graphene reduce its long-term anticorrosive
properties. In addition to the above-mentioned problem agglomeration
of the nanofillers is a serious problem which deteriorates the anti-
corrosion performance. In order to overcome these problems, GO can
be anchored with other fillers like TiO2 [109], Ag [110], SiO2 [111] via
with/without chemical bonding. Table 1 represents the recently re­
ported graphene hybrid systems for corrosion protection in terms of
their corrosion current density.
The enhanced macroscopic properties in a polymer composite
directly affect the compatibility between polymer and filler [121]. The
ease of availability, corrosion resistance and low cost of aluminium
oxide (Al2O3) make it a potential corrosion resistance agent. The in­
clusion of GO/alumina hybrid helps to get a synergistic property on the
composites rather than using them individually. There are only a few
reports on epoxy/GO-Al2O3 for corrosion resistance. Yu et al. [122]
reported the anticorrosive performance of epoxy coatings with GO-
Al2O3 hybrids on steel substrates. GO-Al2O3 was fabricated with the help
of a silane coupling agent and the scheme was given in the Fig. 12.
Hybrid filler forms a stable dispersion in epoxy resin Coating composi­
tions with hybrid shows better corrosion resistance this was highly
supported by the data obtained from EIS studies. Better dispersion of
hybrid in epoxy resin inherently plugs the micropores performance. The
Fig. 10. Scheme for the modification of GO using APTES and GPTMS [101]. synergistic effect of GO and Al2O3 in the epoxy resin ultimately enhances
the corrosion resistance by creating a barrier for the corrosive ions,
prevents the coated metal from its attack.
The incorporation of silica particles provides thermal and mechani­
cal properties into the coatings. Large surface area and smooth surface of

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 11. a) Images of the steel substrates coated with WEP, GOH/WEP, GOE/WEP and GOEH/WEP coatings after NSS tests, b) adhesion strength of the coatings by
pull of test [102].

On the other hand Ramezanzadeh et al. [125] prepared GO-Silica

Table 1 conjugate using a mixture of silane coupling agents TEOS and APTES
Comparison of the graphene hybrids for corrosion protection. by two methods. The method I describe the simple mixing of GO in an
Sl. No Hybrid system Authors Corrosion current (Icorr) Ref. ethanol-water mixture along with the silane coupling agents whereas
1 GO/TiO2 Kumar et al. 105 nA/cm2 [112] the method II involves the mixing of the ethanol-water mixture along
2 TiO2–GO/EP Liu et al. 6.94 × 10− 10 A/cm2 [113] with the silane coupling agents for a time period followed by the addi­
3 GO–ZrO2/EP Haihui et al. 0.37 μA/cm2 [114] tion of GO. The corrosion resistance performance of these hybrids along
4 Ni/graphene Ding et al. 1.961 × 10− 8A/cm2 [115]
with epoxy resin on mild steel was examined. The effect of silanization
5 Cu/Gr/PPy Merisalu et al. 6.2 mA/cm2 [116]
6 PDMS/GO-ZnO Selim et al. 0.035 mA/cm2 [117]
time towards corrosion resistance explains that samples contain hybrids
7 PANI/graphene Jafari et al., 0.1 μA/cm2 [118] with silanization time 24 h and 48 h shows only one time constant, and
8 GLGO/WEP Wang et al. 1.115 × 10 × 8 A/cm2 [119] sample (the method I) with silanization time 72 h shows 2-time constant
9 Ti3C2/graphene/ Yan et al. 9.23 × 10− 11 A/cm2 [120] semicircles appeared for this sample after 60 days of immersion. Sam­
ples with silanization time 48 h were the best for corrosion protection,
Graphene Oxide (GO), Titanium dioxide (TiO2), TiO2-GO-f-EP; GPTMS modified similarly samples with silanization 48 h only show single time constants
TiO2-GO/epoxy. Cu/Gr/Ppy graphene/polypyrrole hybrid coating on Cu. in the case of method II.
PDMS/GO-ZnO; polydimethylsiloxane/graphene oxide nano- sheets decorated Ramezanzadeh [126] and his co-workers evaluated the corrosion
with ZnO. PANI/graphene; polyaniline graphene coating. GLGO/WEP; γ-(2,3- protection efficiency of epoxy/GO-Ppy/Zn coatings. Fig. 14 represents
glycidoxy) propyltrimethoxysilane functionalized silica nano- particles (GSiO2)
the digital photographs of the coating after salt spray test. As the
grafted lysine-modified graphene oxide (LGO) hybrid in water borne epoxy.
exposure time increases huge quantity of corrosion products was
deposited near to the broken regions. Compared to neat epoxy coatings,
silica particles promote the interfacial interaction and dispersion be­ nanocomposite coatings exhibit less blisters and rusts. Because of the
tween polymer and filler, silica-based scratch resistant and corrosion improved barrier properties, functionalised GO coatings show few
resistant coatings were already reported in the literature. Ma et al. [123] corrosion spots. Coating containing GO-Ppy-Zn shows better corrosion
reported the anticorrosive properties of epoxy-GO/silica hybrids on steel resistance among all.
substrates. The correlation between morphology and water contact Chang et al. [127] successfully prepared GO/Fe3O4 @ poly(DA +
angle after 20 days of immersion in 3.5% of NaCl was recorded and are KH550). A hydrothermal route was used to prepare GO/Fe3O4 hybrid, it
given in the Figure 13. The water contact angle of epoxy coatings with 2 was then modified by dopamine (DA) and amino silane (KH550). The
wt% of GO-silica hybrid was 92◦ even after 20 days of soaking. aggregation of GO sheets within the matrix reduces the corrosion inhi­
Morphological analysis is considered as an important method for the bition as shown in Fig. 15. In all these figs. GO/epoxy composites show
selection of excellent coating systems, lesser the morphological changes smaller impedance radius than the neat epoxy due to the aggregation of
after immersion, considered as good candidates. It is evident from the sheets. However, GO@Fe3O4(DA+ KH550)/epoxy composites have a
below images all other samples show a considerable difference in the higher impedance radius than all other compositions indicate their
morphology except composites with 2 wt% of GO-silica hybrid. Wu et al. better anti-corrosion properties. This increased impedance radius was
[124] synthesized fluorinated rGO/CeO2 hybrid and evaluated their due to the improved interfacial adhesion and dispersion of the hybrid
effectiveness to enhance the corrosion protection of epoxy resin on mild system in the resin.
steel surfaces. Adsorption of CeO2 on the surface of mild steel lead to the Studies of Yuan et al. [128] reported the anticorrosion performance
formation of a passivation layer, which further restricts the corrosion on of GO nano titanium hybrids. These hybrids were prepared by simple
the steel. mixing of functionalised GO and functionalised titanium particles.

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 12. Synthesis route for the preparation of GO-Al2O3 hybrid [122].

Macropores in the organic coatings will not provide a long-term corro­ 4. Mechanism of corrosion protection and practical problems
sion resistance; therefore, incorporation of nanoparticles will block such associated with graphene-based coatings
pores and results in long-term corrosion resistance. Various studies
found that the loading of inorganic nanoparticles into the GO sheets Graphene films are the thinnest material in the universe with
reduces aggregation and results in good dispersion. Fig. 16 represents excellent corrosion resistance; hence these nanosheets are utilized as
the scheme utilized for the preparation of hybrid filler. corrosion inhibiting fillers in organic coatings in order to get the syn­
Go sheets are agglomerated in the SEM image due to strong van der ergistic corrosion inhibition and enhanced mechanical properties [137].
Waals forces of attraction. Corrosion protection performance of an organic coating most often
Similarly, nano Ti particles also in severe aggregated state; uniform depend on its barrier properties and the maintenance of adhesion be­
dispersion of these individual fillers in the polymer matrix is a serious tween the coating substrate under the environment. The corrosion
issue. However, the Figure 17 c, d and f represent SEM images of the initiation in a polymer coated metal is due to the penetration of water
hybrids at different ratios, at 1:1 ratio Ti particles are aggregated on GO molecules, ions and oxygen into the interface [138] [139]. Diffusion of
sheets and at 2:1 (GO-Ti) ratio nano Ti particles are uniformly distrib­ these species probably follows the small pores or paths within the
uted on GO sheets but at 3:1 ratio Ti particles are randomly distributed polymer matrix. However, severe corrosion process start at the local
on GO sheets and probability of finding a particle at a given area is very defects within the coating, this can be generated during the fabrication
less, hence 2:1 is the appropriate ratio. Corrosion resistance studies of or during the working of the coated material, such as that happened by
the composites revels that GO-Ti/EP composites, especially 2:1 ratio stone shipping or by scratching. These defect leads to a direct contact
shows excellent corrosion resistance than other compositions due to the between the bare metal and corrosive agent, subsequently, detachment
synergistic effect of GO and Ti. of coated material from the metal surface happens [140].
Corrosion current in most of the papers represented as corrosion The primary mechanism for corrosion protection using organic
current density because this current density is an interfacial property. coatings is barrier protection. The cracks and micropores in the organic
Corrosion current density directly related to the penetration rate of the coatings formed by the solvent evaporation on the curing process
metal. This Icorr is a kinetic parameter obtained from the Tafel plot, attenuate the barrier protection performance of these coatings [141].
smaller the corrosion current density value indicates a slow corrosion The corrosion process on a coated metal consists of several stages. In the
rate of the coating. initial stage, electrolyte/the corroding agents penetrate into the coating
Table 2 represents the comparison study of corrosion current density via inherent micro-pores in it but they do not reach the surface of the
of some reports. By comparing the values of corrosion current density, metal. As the reaction proceeds with time and accomplished by the
PGT/WEP coating composition shows higher corrosion resistance, this accumulation of corrosive products either on the metal surface or metal-
enhanced corrosion resistance of the systems can be ascribed by the coating interface. The corrosion process in steel involves several oxi­
strong interfacial interaction between GO and epoxy resin. Modification dations and reduction reaction as shown in the below equations.
of GO with PDA helps to disperse uniformly in the matrix and creates a As a result of these redox reactions, pH locally raises, hence the
dense barrier layer for corrosive ions. As well as TiO2/GO hybrids fill the chemical and physical bonding between the metal substrate and epoxy
voids, cracks and other pinholes/interstitial sites in the system. coating results in the delamination of the coating. It is clear that oxygen
and water molecules are the key corrosion initiators in steel and they can
easily penetrate through the several micropores present in the epoxy
coating. The addition of graphene-based fillers into these organic coat­
ings prevents this penetration and thereby offers excellent anticorrosion

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 13. SEM images of coatings before and after soaking pure epoxy (a &a′ ), 2 wt% GO/epoxy (b &b′ ), 2 wt% silica/epoxy (c&c′ ) and 2 wt% SiO2/GO/epoxy
(d&d′ ) [123].

behaviour. Zhou et al. [142] reported the corrosion inhibition of zinc- electrical conductivity between steel and zinc particles thereby increases
rich epoxy/rGO coatings as shown in Fig. 18. It is clear that the inclu­ the cathodic protection.
sion of rGO sheets provided some additional advantage such as Coming to Fig. 19 corrosive agents can easily reach the metal surface
enhanced electrical conductivity of rGO sheets, thereby enhances the very rapidly without any delay in the epoxy resin. Higher the aspect

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 14. Digital photographs of the GO-Ppy coatings after salt spray test [126].

Fig. 15. Impedance spectra of various epoxy composite coatings GO-Fe3O4@poly (KH550 + DA) hybrid after soaking for different times: a) 12 h, b) 24 h, c)72 h, and
d) 144 h [127].

ratio of the added filler better the barrier property and more the tortuous corrosion protection efficiency through these defects. However, there
path for corrosive agents compared to those having lower aspect ratio. were different opinions on the protective the efficiency of graphene
Cracks and defects present in the graphene sheets are the major sheets explained by various researchers. The main challenge of using
problems associated with graphene coatings and they reduce the graphene oxide in most of the polymeric coatings is its poor

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 16. Scheme for the preparation of GO-Ti Hybrids [128].

Fig. 17. SEM images of GO (a), Nano-Ti particles (b), GO-Ti [1:1] (c), GO-Ti [2:1] (d), GO-Ti [3:1] (e) and TEM image of GO-Ti [2:1] (f) [128].

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Table 2 benefits. In the current scenario, multifunctional coatings gain an

Comparison of corrosion current density values of reported works. attraction over the scientific community [143] [144] [145]. Studies of
Hybrid system Icorr (A/cm2) Author Reference Kim et al. [146] suggests the prevention of corrosion fatigue of ship parts
− 8 in seawater using a self-healing system based on Bromobutyl rubber
Epoxy/GO 1.164 × 10 Jiang et al. [77]
Epoxy/M-gel-GO 6.836 × 10− 8 Rajitha et al. [97] (BIIR) and carbon nano tube. The CNTs can facilitate the self-healing at a
Ly-GO-EP 2.898 × 10− 8 Yang et al [129] much faster rate. Reports of Najmi et al. [147] also suggests the effective
Ppy-GO/EP 1.815 × 10− 8 Amirazodi et al [130] utilization of CNTs in epoxy resin for self-healing and corrosion pro­
PDA/PANI-GO/WAV 5.99× x10− 6 Wang et al [131] tection. Similarly epoxy/PANI/ZnO hybrid multifunctional coatings
GO/PCL 1.033 × 10− 8 Rajitha et al [132]
R+(H + GO) 0.22 × 10− 6 Pourhashem et al. [78]
have been introduced by Najjar et al. [148] for corrosion protection and
PGT/WEP 0.418 × 10− 9 Wang et al. [133] self-healing. Kumar et al. [149] reported the antifouling and anticor­
Epoxy/GO-SiO2 0.09 × 10− 6 Pourhashem et al. [134] rosive system based on silicon/phosphorous/epoxy hybrid coatings.
GP0.05 2.725 × 10− 8 Rajitha et al. [135] Quan et al. [150] prepared epoxy/p-aminophenol coatings with anti­
MoS2-RGO/epoxy 0.0049 Chen et al. [136]
microbial/antifouling and anticorrosive properties. Based on the
GO-PPy-Zn extract 3.22 × 10− 6 Khani et al. [126]
research conducted so far in the area of multifunctional epoxy coatings,
Epoxy/GO; epoxy/graphene oxide. Epoxy/M-gel-GO; epoxy/modified gelatin several epoxy systems have been used for fouling and corrosion pro­
graphene oxide. Ly-GO-EP lysine functionalised graphene oxide reinforced tection such as APTES modified TiO2/DGEBA, silicon/phosphorous/
epoxy coating GP0.05 Polypyrrole doped graphene oxide epoxy coatings PDA/
sulphur/DGEBA as reported by Saravanan et al. [151] and Kumar et al.
PANI-GO/WAV polydopamine modified polyaniline-graphene oxide hybrid in
[152]. In this section, we are discussing on the development of self-
water based alkyd vanish. GO/PCL modified graphene oxide – Polycaprolactone.
healing, super-hydrophobic and antifouling coatings based on epoxy/
R+(H + GO); dispersion of hardner followed by mixing with resin. PGT/WEP;
polydopamine@graphene oxide‑titanium dioxide/water borne epoxy. Epoxy/ graphene composites for the increased corrosion protection.
GO-SiO2, epoxy graphene oxide silica hybrid. GP0.05; polypyrrole functionalized
graphene oxide. MoS2-RGO/epoxy; molybdenum disulphide-reduced graphene
5.1. Super-hydrophobic self-cleaning -corrosion resistant coatings
oxide hybrid reinforced epoxy coatings. GO-PPy-Zn extract; graphene oxide
polypyrrole zinc hybrid reinforced epoxy coating.
There is an increased demand has been given to super hydrophobic
coatings for corrosion protection [115] [153]. Super hydrophobic
coatings are those which exhibits a water contact angle of at least 150◦
and are extremely difficult to wet. This anti wetting property of super
hydrophobic coatings boosts the corrosion prevention. Chang et al.
[154] gives an insight into the bio-inspired super hydrophobic epoxy/
GO coatings for corrosion protection. They have duplicated the surface
features of Xanthosoma Sagittifolium leaves with the help of PDMS

Fig. 18. Corrosion protection mechanism of zinc rich epoxy/rGO coat­

ings [142].

compatibility with non-polar solvents, resulting in the particle

agglomeration and phase separation [15].

5. Multifunctional smart epoxy/graphene coatings

Multifunctional coatings are a class of coatings that can be tailored

Fig. 20. Digital photograph of a) natural leaf, b) SEM images of the natural leaf
for many applications and exhibits an impressive array of performance and c) PDMS template [154].

Fig. 19. Corrosion protection mechanism of GO sheets with different aspect ratio [77].

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 21. Self-cleaning test of the composite at an angle ⁓8◦ using graphite as dirt a) BLc, b) GOc and c) FGc [106].

templates. Fig. 20 shows the image of the natural leaf (a) and SEM im­ structures of the leaf. This confirms the PDMS temple effectively repli­
ages of the natural leaf and the prepared PDMS template. The cated the topologically inverse structures of the hydrophobic leaves. The
morphological analysis of the composite exhibits the similar topological corrosion protection performance of these coatings was measured and

Fig. 22. Self-healing protection mechanism of WEC coatings [162].

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

Fig. 23. FESEM images of the coatings before and after corrosion (a&b) bare steel, (c&d) EPN coatings, (e&f) EPG-1 coatings [167].

the Icorr values of the coatings are 0.35 and 0.10 μA/cm2 respectively for species heal cuts or wounds [157] [158] [159]. Epoxy coatings have
hydrophobic epoxy composites and neat epoxy composites. been specially designed with self-healing functionality to further assist
Yang et al. [106] discussed the self-cleaning and anticorrosion the protection of metal parts [160] [161]. Many researchers report the
properties of the epoxy/fluro graphene coatings. Lotus leaf effect was self-healing epoxy/GO based coating for corrosion protection. Moham­
the inspiration behind the research on the self-cleaning polymer coat­ madkhani et al. [126] reported the self-healing and barrier properties of
ings. The self-cleaning property of the composite was analysed by its epoxy/GO-Zn-polypyrrole composites (Ppy). Incorporation of GO-Zn-
ability to remove the graphite powder from its surface. As shown in ppy imparts the self-healing property to the system. Also, the higher
Fig. 21, BLc represents blank epoxy resin, GOc represents GO/epoxy low impedance value |Z|0.01HZ of GO-Zn-Ppy revels its corrosion resis­
coatings and FGc represents fluorographene coatings. After the self- tance. In parallel, Chen et al. [162] demonstrated the multifunctional
cleaning test of FGc with graphite and water, its surface remains same water borne epoxy coatings (WEC) using GO and polydopamine (PDA)
as the freshly prepared FGC within the 25 s.however, in the case of BLc coated hallocyte nano tubes (PDA@HNT). The prepared coating shows
and GOc surface the water droplet could neither roll off the surface or corrosion resistance and self-healing ability. The mechanism of self-
clean. Therefore, the incorporation of fluorographene in the epoxy healing was given in the Fig. 22. The local changes in the PH associ­
coating enhances its self-cleaning property drastically. The corrosion ated with corrosion process results in the stripping of PDA from the
protection efficiency of the same coating was analysed in 3.5% NaCl surface of HNT, which results in the release of corrosion inhibitor ben­
solution. zotriazole (BTA). Self-healing property of PBH/WEC was attributed to
the formation of BTA-Fe-BTA complex. Whereas GO@PBH/WEC coat­
ings exhibit the corrosion protection via reconnecting the detached PDA
5.2. Self-healing corrosion resistant coatings polymer network by iron ion through catechol Fe3+ bonds.

Continues exposure of the coated metallic parts in harsh environ­

ment may results in several cracks and damages in it. Self-healing is a 5.3. Anti-fouling corrosion resistant coatings
novel approach introduced by researchers [155], [156] [147] ‘Self-
healing’ coatings are those is the property of a material to reconstruct Bio-fouling is a kind of pollution happened by the accumulation of
from damages, which was inspired from nature where the biological microorganisms, plants or algae on the floating surfaces. Various studies

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

organic-inorganic hybrid coatings, and inorganic coatings and metallic

coatings display good corrosion resistance in practical applications.
Graphene and graphene-based composites have received extensive sci­
entific curiosity due to their astonishing physical and barrier properties.
Recently, the gifted barrier properties of graphene and its derivatives got
prodigious interest in anticorrosive coatings. Graphene possesses
excellent barrier properties likewise epoxy resin possesses good anti­
corrosion properties. GO has been successfully used to reinforce epoxy
resin to improve the barrier properties against corrosive agents effec­
tively. The dispersion and compatibility of graphene in the polymer
matrix is a serious concern. Doping of graphene with other fillers help to
form stable dispersion with less agglomeration to an extent with
improved corrosion protection, however, these challenges are more
obvious and serious for the fillers at nanoscale size level because of their
easy agglomeration and large specific surface area. Novel tailored
multifunctional epoxy/graphene coatings for corrosion protection was
explained. The findings in this review article potentially broadens the
applications of epoxy/graphene as smart coatings for corrosion

7. Future perspectives

Advancements in nanotechnology and material science pave a way

for the developments of effective anti-corrosive coatings. Tailoring of
polymer coatings with nanostructured materials help to obtain novel
coating systems for futuristic applications. New innovations in the
coating systems such as self-healing coatings with corrosion resistance
and fouling resistance, are capable of protecting the marine articulates
from severe damage and achieves their long-term application. Such
smart coatings will become more common in practical applications after
several improvements and modifications on the existing systems.
Among the dense 2D nanostructures for corrosion protection, such as
Fig. 24. a and b) Digital images of the coatings EPN and EPG-1 coatings before hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide, graphene and molyb­
immersion, c, d) after immersion and e, f) optical micrographs [167]. denum diselenide, graphene has been the most studied one. Graphene
derivatives have shown promising scope to develop nanostructures with
have been reported on dual functional anti corrosive and antifouling several tunable properties particularity barrier properties. Indeed,
coatings [163] [164] [165]. In this context, Shoukouhi et al. [166] detailed investigation on the 2D nanostructures such as MoS2 and BN
evaluated the efficiency of epoxy-PANI/P-phenylene functionalized GO should be explored more for next generation smart coatings.
coatings for corrosion protection and fouling resistance. The percentage Although pristine graphene showed excellent corrosion resistance,
of PANI was maintained as 2 wt% throughout the experiment. They have its high conductivity leads to galvanic corrosion and its control is still a
found that the addition of 0.2 wt% of PGO shows outstanding corrosion major challenge. Functionalization and conjugation of graphene sheets
resistance and fouling resistance in a simulated environment. with other nanostructures can reduce this problem to a large extent.
Similarly Verma et al. [167] discussed the antifouling and corrosion When the graphene sheet orientation is parallel to the metal surface, the
resistance properties of epoxy/hydroxyl terminated PDMS and GO barrier effect is found to be maximum. However, more meaning full and
composites. Morphology of the bare steel, epoxy/PDMS (EPN) and strong research outputs are required in this direction. Investigation on
epoxy PDMS with 1 wt% of GO (EPG-1) was analysed before and after the correlation between GO sheet alignment and barrier effect will be a
corrosion by taking FESEM images. As shown in Fig. 23, bare steel ex­ strong and promising research area in the coming years. A thorough
hibits several defects in its surface after corrosion. For EPN coatings, a understanding of the protection mechanism and degradation mecha­
swelled texture with numerous pores was observed, attributed by the nism by mathematical models will be a new interesting area to explore.
dissolution of Cl− ions. This failure morphology of the EPN coating was More research on the sustainable development of multifunctional
in line with its high Icorr values, whereas EPG-1 shows the presence of coating based on epoxy/GO composites need to explore for a better
several nanoflakes in it after corrosion with an accumulated thin layer of future.
corrosion products. Field immersion study of the coatings was con­
ducted in sea water for 9 months. As shown in Fig. 24, several enormous Author statement
fouling was found in EPN coatings. EPG-1 coatings show good fouling
resistance. This may be due to the good antifouling property of the We confirm that this work is original and has not been published
system and excellent dispersion of the GNs in the blend. elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication else­
where. We hereby confirm that all authors have seen and approved the
6. Summary and conclusions final version of the manuscript being submitted.

Studies and statistics show that marine corrosion is a sombre concern

in the last few decades and about 90% of ship catastrophes are credited Declaration of competing interest
to corrosion fatigue. Underground and submarine coated structures like
oil and gas pipelines are at a high risk of failure due to localized The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
corrosion and stress corrosion cracking Organic polymeric coatings,
the work reported in this paper.

J.S. George et al. Progress in Organic Coatings 162 (2022) 106571

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