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Discrete Structure: Logic, Induction and Reasoning

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The documents provide information about course outlines for Discrete Structure, Ethical and Professional Issues in IT, Distributed Database Management Systems and Software Project Management. The courses cover topics such as logic, graphs, finite automata, ethics, database architecture, transaction management etc.

The Discrete Structure course covers topics like logic, induction, reasoning, finite state automata, recurrence relations and graph theory.

The Ethical and Professional Issues in IT course aims to develop students' capability to critically analyze issues related to technology use in society and guide their professional conduct. It covers topics like perception, introduction to ethics and profession, policies and regulations.

Course Title: Discrete Structure

Course Code: MTH-611.3

Administration: First Semester
Duration: One Semester
Class Load: 3 Hrs. per Week (Theory: 3 Hrs.)
Pre-requisite: Nil
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 50 - 50
Final 50 - 50
Total 100 - 100

Course Objective:
 Main objective of this course is to provide the necessary mathematical foundation for the
study of various computer science and technology related subjects of M.Sc.(CS) program.
 After completing this course, the target student will gain knowledge in discrete mathematics
and finite state automata in an algorithmic approach. It helps the target student in gaining
fundamental and conceptual clarity in the area of Logic, Reasoning, Algorithms, Recurrence
Relation, Graph Theory, and Theory of Automata.
Course Contents:
1. Logic, Induction and Reasoning (12 hrs)
Proposition and Truth function, Propositional Logic, Expressing statements in Logic
Propositional Logic, The predicate Logic, Validity, Informal Deduction in Predicate
Logic, Rules of Inference and Proofs, Informal Proofs and Formal Proofs, Elementary
Induction, Complete Induction, Methods of Tableaux, Consistency and Completeness
of the System.

2. Finite State Automata (10 hrs)

Sequential Circuits and Finite state Machine, Finite State Automata, Language and
Grammars, Non-deterministic Finite State Automata, Language and Automata,
Regular Expression.
3. Recurrence Relations (8 hrs)
Recursive Definition of Sequences, Solution of Linear recurrence relations, Solution
to Nonlinear Recurrence Relations, Application to Algorithm Analysis.
4. Graph Theory (15 hrs)
Undirected and Directed Graphs, Walk Paths, Circuits, Components, Connectedness
Algorithm, Shortest Path Algorithm, Bipartite Graphs, Planar Graphs, Regular
Graphs, Planarity Testing Algorithms, Eulerian Graph, Hamiltonian Graph, Tree as a
Directed Graph, Binary Tree, Spanning Tree, Cutsets and Cutvertices, Network
Flows, Maxflow and Mincut Theorem, Data Structures Representing Trees and
Graphs in Computer, Network Application of Trees and Graphs, Concept of Graph

Reference Books :
1. Kenth Rosen, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science, WCB/
McGraw Hill
2. G. Birkhoff, T.C. Bartee, Modern Applied Algebra, CBS Publishers.
3. R. Johnsonbaugh, Discrete Mathematics, Prentice Hall Inc.
4. G.Chartand, B.R.Oller Mann, Applied and Algorithmic Graph Theory, McGraw Hill
5. Joe L. Mott, Abrahan Kandel, and Theodore P. Baker, Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Scientists and Mathematicians, Prentice-Hall of India
Course title: Ethical and Professional Issues in IT
Course code:
Administration: First semester
Duration: One semester
Class load: 3 hours per week (Theory: 2 hours)
Pre-requisite: No
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 60 60
Final 40 40
Total 100 100

Course objective:
The objective of this course is to develop students' capability in critically analyzing
the environment and issues related with the use of technology in society and help
them in guiding their professional conduct.

1. Perception and individual decision-making. [4 hrs.]

2. Introduction to profession – definition and characteristics of a profession, code of
ethics for IT professionals [4 hrs.]
3. Introduction to ethics – definitions and scope of ethics, characteristics of ethical/moral
decision making, theories defining ethical/moral decisions [4 hrs]
4. General introduction to IT policies, laws and regulations of Nepal along with global
perspective [5 hrs]
5. General introduction to Labor Act, Trade Union Act and Environment Protection Act
[4 hrs]
6. Introduction to intellectual property rights – patent, design, trade marks and copy
rights [2 hrs]
7. Introduction to contract – definition, essentials of a valid contract and types of
contract [4 hrs]
8. Introduction to tort and third party liabilities [4 hrs]
9. Introduction to disputes and conflict – sources of disputes and methods of dispute
resolutions; sources of conflict and methods of conflict resolutions [4 hrs.]
10. Case studies and seminar presentations covering the wide application of information
and communication system/technology [10 hrs]

1. Robbins, Stephen P., Organizational Behavior, The Prentice Hall of India, New
2. Hosmer, LaRue Tone, The Ethics of Management, Universal Book Stall, New Delhi
3. Law of Torts
4. Building Contracts
5. Related Acts and regulations
Course Title : Software Project Management
Course Code : COM 734.3
Credit : 3
Class Load : 3 hours
Evaluation :
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 60 60
Final 40 40
Total 100 100

Course Objective:
To be familiar with the modern trends of software project management and important
case studies.

1. Introduction (4 Hrs)
Waterfall Model: theory and practice, Software cost estimation, Conventional
software management performance, software economics, Software cost estimation.

2. Software Economics (5 Hrs)

Reducing software product size, Improving software processes, Improving team
effectiveness, Improving automation through software environments, Achieving
required quality, Pragmatic view.

3. Software Management Process (12 Hrs)

Engineering and production stages, Inception phase, Elaboration phase, Construction
phase, Transition phase, Artifact sets, Management artifacts, Engineering artifacts,
Pragmatic artifacts, Model- based software architecture, Software process workflows,
Iterative workflows, Milestones, Periodic status assessments.

4. Iterative Process Planning (4 Hrs)

Work breakdown structures, Planning guidelines, Cost and schedule estimating
process, Iterative planning process, Pragmatic planning

5. Project Organization and Responsibilities (3 Hrs)

Line-of business organization, Project organization, Evolution of organization.

6. Process Automation (4 Hrs)

Automation building blocks, Project Environment: Round-trip engineering, Change
environment, Infrastructures, Stockholder environments.

7. Project Control and Process Instrumentation (7 Hrs)

The seven core metrics, Management indicators, Quality indicators, Life-cycle
expectations, Pragmatic software metrics, Metrics automations, Process
discriminations, Small-scale projects versus large-scale project.

8. Recent and Future Trends (6 Hrs)

Continuous integration, Early risk resolution, Evolutionary requirements, Teamwork
among stakeholders, Top 10 software management principles, Software management
best practices, Next-generation cost models, modern software economics, Cultural
impacts, Denouement.
9. Case Studies (3 Hrs)
COCOMO cost estimation model, CCPDR-R case study, CMM, Resent cases study

1. Software Project Management: A Unified Framework, Walker Royce, Pearson
Education Asia, 2002.
Course Title : Distributed Database Management Systems
Course Code : COM 730.3
Credit : 3
Class Load : 3 hours
Evaluation :
Theory Practical Total
Sessional 60 60
Final 40 40
Total 100 100

Course Objective:
To make the student familiar with the fundamentals of the technical issues behind the
design and architectural aspects of distributed database management systems

Course Contents:
1. Introduction (3 hrs)
Distributed database (DDB) management system, Review of Relational DB concepts
and Network concepts.

2. DDB Architecture and Design (6 hrs)

Architectural models: autonomy, distribution, heterogeneity, Client server, Peer-to-
peer Multi-DB , Global directory issues; Distribution design issues, Horizontal and
Vertical fragmentation, Allocation.

3. Semantic Data Control (3 hrs)

View Management, Views in Centralized DBMS, Update through Views, Views in
Distributed Database, Data Security, Centralized and Distributed Authorization
Control, Centralized and Distributed Integrity Control.

4. Query Processing and Optimization (14 hrs)

Query Processing Problem, Complexity of Relational Algebra Operation,
Characterization of Query Processors, Query Processing Layers, Query
Decomposition, Localization of Distributed data, Query Optimization, Distributed
cost model, Join ordering in Fragment queries, Distributed query optimization

5. Transaction Management and Distributed Concurrency Control (12 hrs)

Transaction and Transaction Properties –ACID, Types of Transaction, Serializability
Theory, Lock-based concurrency control, Timestamp–based concurrency control,
Optimistic concurrency control, Deadlock Management, Relaxed concurrency control.

6. Distributed Database Management System Reliability (4 hrs)

Reliability Concepts and Measures, Failures and Fault Tolerance, Failures in DDBM,
Local Reliability Protocols, Distributed Reliability Protocols, Site Failures, Network

7. Parallel Database Systems (3 hrs)

DB Servers, Parallel Architecture, Parallel DBMS Techniques, Parallel Execution
Problem, Parallel Execution for Hierarchical Architecture.
1. M. Tamer Ozsu and Patrick Valduriez, Principles of Distributed Database Systems, Second
Edition, Pearson.
2. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, Fourth
Edition, McGraw Hills
3. C. J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, Addison Wesley Publishing

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