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ZERO Lecture CSE316 August - December 2024

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Lecture #0
The kick start session
Course Details
• LTP – 3 0 0 [Three lectures/week]
• Credit – 3
Course Outcomes
Through this course students should be able to:
CO1 :: understand the role, functionality and layering of the
system software components.
CO2 :: use system calls for managing processes, memory
and the file system.
CO3 :: Analyze important algorithms eg process scheduling
and memory management algorithms.
CO4 :: use and outline the various security measures that
ensure threat free operation of a system.
CO5 :: apply various operations on processes, threads and
analyze methods to synchronize their execution.
CO6 :: simulate inter-process communication techniques like
message passing and shared memory.
Program Outcomes

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of

mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an
engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
PO2:: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research
literature, and analyze complex engineering problems
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
Program Outcomes
PO3:: Design/development of solutions: Design
solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health
and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental
PO4:: Conduct investigations of complex problems:
Use research-based knowledge and research methods

including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation

of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
Program Outcomes
PO5:: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply
appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the
PO6:: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning
informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent

responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering

PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and
have the preparation and ability to engage in independent
Program Specific Outcomes
PSO1:: Apply skills for configuring and operating complex
software systems, packages, tools and applications for
sustainability in various domains.

PSO2:: Acquire skills to model, design, develop, manage and

resolve issues related to robust computing applications and
software solutions

PSO3:: Able to practice and promote computing technologies

for societal needs and contribute to advancement of
computer technology by means of research and
Course Focus
• In Computer Science and Engineering, Operating Systems is one of the
scoring subjects for the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)
• The GATE scorecard is also used by multiple PSUs (Public Sector
Undertakings) to recruit applicants for various jobs, including service-
based companies, govt. companies {Indian Oil, GAIL: Gas Authority of
India Limited and Hindustan Petroleum etc.}

So, It is essential to know all the important concepts of an Operating System

as it has an easily understandable theory and a set pattern of questions.
Course Content
Unit I
Introduction to Operating System : Operating System Meaning,
Supervisor & User Mode, review of computer organization,
introduction to popular operating systems like UNIX,
Windows, etc., OS structure, system calls, functions of OS,
evolution of OS
Process Management : PCB, Operations on Processes, Co-
operating and Independent Processes, Inter-Process
Communication, Process states, Operations on processes,
Process management in UNIX, Process concept, Life cycle,
Process and threads
Course Content
Unit II
CPU Scheduling : Types of Scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms,
Scheduling criteria, CPU scheduler - preemptive and non
preemptive, Dispatcher, First come first serve, Shortest job
first, Round robin, Priority, Multi level feedback queue,
multiprocessor scheduling, real time scheduling, thread
Course Content
Unit III
Process Synchronization : Critical Section Problem, Semaphores,
Concurrent processes, Cooperating processes, Precedence
graph, Hierarchy of processes, Monitors, Dining Philosopher
Problem, Reader-writer Problem, Producer consumer
problem, classical two process and n-process solutions,
hardware primitives for synchronization
Threads : Overview, Multithreading Models, scheduler
activations, examples of threaded programs
Course Content
Unit IV
Deadlock : Deadlock Characterization, Handling of deadlocks-
Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance & Detection,
Deadlock Recovery, Starvation
Protection and Security : Need for Security, Security
Vulnerability like Buffer overflow, Trapdoors, Backdoors,
cache poisoning etc, Authentication-Password based
Authentication, Password Maintenance & Secure
Communication, Application Security - Virus, Program
Threats, Goals of protection, Principles of protection, Domain
of protection, Access matrix, implementation of access
matrix, System and network threats, Examples of attacks
Course Content
Unit V
Memory Management : Logical & Physical Address Space,
Swapping, Contiguous Memory allocation, Paging,
Segmentation, Page replacement algorithms, Segmentation -
simple, multi-level and with paging, Page interrupt fault,
Fragmentation - internal and external, Schemes - Paging -
simple and multi level, Overlays - swapping, Virtual memory
concept, Demand paging
Course Content
Unit VI
File Management : File Concepts, Access methods, Directory
Structure, File System Mounting and Sharing, Protection,
Allocation methods, Free-Space Management, Directory
Device management : Dedicated, shared and virtual devices,
Serial access and direct access devices, Disk scheduling
methods, Direct Access Storage Devices – Channels and
Control Units
Inter process communication : Introduction to IPC (Inter process
communication) Methods, Pipes - popen and pclose
functions, Co-processes, Shared memory, Stream pipes,
FIFOs, Message queues, Passing File descriptors, Semaphores
Assessment/Evaluation Scheme
• Attendance: 5%
• CA: 25%
• MTT: 20%
• ETT: 50%

MTT and ETT will be MCQ.

Text & Reference Books
Text Books:
Pearson Education India
2. REAL-TIME SYSTEMS by JANE W. S. LIU, Pearson Education India
Evaluation Criteria for the Course

CA1: 30 marks- Test (Quiz/MCQ of 30 Questions)

To assess the students’ understanding on Introduction to Operating System,
Process Management, CPU Scheduling, and Process Synchronization
NOTE: The CA1 will be allocated in 3rd Week and conducted in 4th Week.

CA2: 30 marks- Test (Class Test- Student will write the answers on test sheets)
To assess the students’ understanding on Threads, Deadlock, Protection and
Security, and Memory Management.
NOTE: The CA2 will be allocated in 7th Week and conducted in 8th Week.
Evaluation Criteria for the Course

CA3: 30 marks- Test (Term Paper)

To assess the students’ understanding of recent technology trends, they will be
given topics upon which they will submit a term paper.
NOTE: The CA3 will be allocated in the 2nd Week and till the 12th Week students
will show acceptance of the paper.

Instructions for CA3:

1.Students will be given a list of topics from which they will select a single topic
for their term paper.
2.Maximum 3 students can be in a group.
3.Students will have to show the conference acceptance of the term paper they
wrote before the deadline.

The best 1 out of CA1 and CA2 will be considered. CA3 is compulsory.
Open Educational Resource
MOOC Detail
NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning)

MOOC Title: Operating System Fundamentals

Exam Type: Proctored Exam
Benefit: All CA, MTE, ETE waive off (if student pass the exam)
MOOC Link:
Mapped Cohorts
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT-(Product Based and Service
A Product-Based Company is one that has its own product to sell
to consumers through the market.
The product-based company list includes Microsoft, Google,
Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Adobe etc…

A Service-Based Company is an enterprise, that offers services

to its clients.
TCS, Wipro are some examples of service-based companies
Mapped Cohorts
• The business environment relies heavily on software for many
functions - from automated traffic control systems to complex
manufacturing processes.
• Software Engineers are pivotal in developing software that
provides real solutions.
Mapped Cohorts
• A Software Engineer needs to address the entire software
development lifecycle - to analyze the needs, and then
design, test, and develop software to meet those needs.

• The career of a software engineer typically follows one of two

primary paths:
• they either progress through greater responsibility and
ownership over technical architecture and systems or
• progress into managing software engineering teams.
OS as a Star Course
Operating system interview questions are mostly focused on
process management(fork()), CPU scheduling algorithms,
difference between a process and a thread, critical solution
problem (mutex and semaphore) and memory management
in operating system.
Relevancy of OS for Placements
Operating system is one of the most important topic for
Placement preparation. Following are the most important
topics for Operating Systems –
• CPU Scheduling
• Process Synchronization
• Deadlocks
• Processes and Threads
• Memory Management
• File and Disk Management
• Algorithms
Importance of the Course
• Many recruiters (like TCS, CTS, HCL, IBM, Tech Mahindra,
Amdocs, etc.) ask about operating systems in Technical Quiz
and Technical Interview round.
• This course is essential for GATE aspirants, it has good
weightage (10%) in GATE.
What is the %age weightage of operating systems subject in GATE
a. 13%
b. 10%
c. 17%
d. 20%
Operating Systems
Unit 1
Introduction to Operating System
Unit 2
CPU Scheduling
Which process to execute in which order?

Scheduling Criteria

Scheduling Algorithms
CPU Scheduling

1. Throughput: number of processes completed per unit time.

2. Turnaround Time: mean time from submission to completion

of the process. turnaround time is the total time taken
between the submission of a program/process/thread/task for
execution and the return of the complete output to the

3. Waiting Time: Amount of time spent ready to run but not


4. Response Time: Time between submission of requests and

first response to the request.
Unit 3
Process Management

Managing all the processes that are running on a computer and

allocate each process a certain amount of time to use the
Unit 4
• Deadlock Prevention

• Deadlock Avoidance & Detection

• Deadlock Recovery

• Starvation

• Critical regions
Unit 4
Security and Protection
• Protection

• Access matrix

• System and network threats

• User authentication
Unit 5
Memory Management
• Swapping Schemes

• Paging

• Demand paging

• Page interrupt fault

• Page replacement algorithms

• Segmentation
Unit 6
File Management

• Files and Directories

• Directory structure

• Accessing Data
Unit 6
Device Management

• Serial access devices

• Direct access devices

• Disk scheduling methods

• Direct Access Storage Devices

Unit 6
Inter-Process Communication
• Information Sharing

• Resource Sharing

• Process Control

• Event Notification
What of the following is not the type of OS:
a. Windows
c. Oracle
d. Android
Zero Lecture - Feedback
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Your honest opinions shall be valued and appreciated.

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