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Kinglong Can Bus: Dominant Bit When Recessive Bit When

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KingLong CAN Bus

1。CAN 概念
CAN,全称为"Controller Area Network",即控制器局域网,是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之
CAN,full name "Controller Area Network",which is one of the extensively applied field bus(现场总线??)
internationally. CAN bus is a kind of serial data bus, which is developed for the data exchange of many
electric control units (ECU) in modern automobile.
二.CAN 网络组成
CAN 是由传输媒体与一系列电控模块(ECU)组成。
CAN is constituted by transmission medium and many electric control units (ECU).
传输媒体--双绞线, 这两条信号线被称为CAN_H 和CAN_L
Transmission medium -- twisted pair. These two signal lines are called as CAN_H and CAN_L
信号电平和位表示--静态时是2.5V 用CAN_H(3.5V)比CAN_L(1.5V)高表示的逻辑0被称为
Signal level and bit-static state voltage is 2.5 Volt, the logic 0 is called dominant bit when
CAN_H (3.5V)is higher than CAN_L(1.5V),the logic 1 is called recessive bit when CAN_L(3.5V)
is higher than CAN_H(1.5V).
Electric control units (ECU) are the units that collect, display and control specific data, e.g.: engine
control module (ECM), transmission control module (TCM), lamp control module.
2. CAN信号分类
① 开关量:只有通/断两种状态,如小灯开关、油压报警、ABS故障等
SWITCH SIGNAL: ONLY "ON/OFF" state, e.g. small lamp switch, oil pressure alarm,
ANBS malfunction.
② 模拟量:用数值表示的量,如水温、油量、车速等
Simulation quantity: shown by quantity. E.g.: water temperature, oil quantity, speed
二. 输出信号 output signal
the signals that performs specific function. E.g.: ignition、side lamp、raise body
金龙客车至今应用了 3 代总线技术,第一代应用最为广泛。第一代即现在广泛使用的一级
King Long bus has applied three generation's bus technology. First generation is most extensively
applied, which is first grade bus technology. King Long name it as "bus instrument", that is, bus
technology is applied in instrument, CPU and bus manager. At the same time, traditional connection is
applied in other circuits. Second generation is seldom used, so we do not introduce it now. Third
generation is whole bus technology, which is ready to be or has been extensively used, but has not been
exported, so we do not introduce it now.
总线仪表由仪表 ZB271,总线处理器 CLQ271 和总线管理器 CGM271 组成.
CAN instrument system include 3 parts: CAN instrument ZB271, CAN processor CLQ271 and CAN
recorder CGM271.

KingLong CAN instrument brief introduction

1. Structure
KingLong CAN instrument includes CAN instrument zb271, CAN
recorder CGM271 and CAN processor CLQ271.

1.KINGLONG BUSES data recorder and processor install position

CAN processor

Name: CAN Recorder


Relays and fuses

AT position indicator Digital display screen

Engine speed Signal displayer

Vehicle speed

Oil pressure Fuel level

Air pressure II
Coolant temp. Air pressure I
Recharge voltage

S1 S2 S3

ZB271 组合仪表如图所示,主要包括 8 块指针式表、29个由发光二极管(LED)点亮的图标、1 块
液晶显示屏和 4 个按键。
ZB271 cluster instrument includes 8 finger gauges, 29 icons which 20 LEDs lighten, 1
liquid-crystal displayer and 4 key-presses.
a.指针式仪表 finger gauges
Vehicle speed, engine speed, coolant temperature, oil pressure, air pressure I, air
pressure II, recharge voltage, fuel level.
b.图标 icons
指示报警(如水温报警,油压报警等)、操作(如左转向,右转向等)及状态(ABS 工作指示,缓
Indicate warning signal (e.g. coolant temp. warning, oil pressure warning) , Operate
(e.g. left turn, right turn) and state(ABS working indicate, retarder working indicate)

c.液晶显示屏 LED screen function

• Display time information
⑵显示累计里程和 2 个临时里程(又称短里程)。
• Display total mileages and 2 temporary mileages (short mileage)
• Display residual fuel level, continuous mileage and fuel consumption /100km
• Display engine accumulative total number of revolution.
Running time, temporary running time.
• Display inner temperature, outside temperature, engine cabin temperature.
• Display warning signal.
Prompt awake.
3、技术参数 technical parameter
Voltage range:20-32V
2.功耗:最大 6 瓦(所有指示图标均点亮,背光调到最亮)
Power consumption: max 6 watt
3.休眠时电流:小于 0.1 毫安
Dormancy current: less than 0.1 milliamps
Communication protocol: J1939
1)、8 块表 8 gauges

2)、指示灯 indicator
上排: upper row
(1) 远光(+) (2)左转向 (+) (3)右转向(+) (4)倒车(+) (5)气压I(-)
(6)气压Ⅱ(-) (7)油压 (8)驻车(+) (9)STOP
High beam(+) (2)left turn (+) (3)right turn (+) (4)back-up(+)
(5)pressureⅠ(-) (6)air pressureⅡ(-) (7)oil pressure (8)parking(+) (9)STOP
Lower row
(10)P (11)R (12)N (13)D (14)S
中间方阵: Middle phalanx:
(15)coolant level (16)water temp. (17)fr.fog (18)rear fog (19)lower
beam (20)stop brake (21)lamps main switch (22)preheating (23)width
lamp 示 廓 灯 (24)recharge indicator (25)ABS 26)retarder
3)液晶显示内容 LED display datum
(1)5 个门指示 (2)油量报警 (3)机油滤 (4)燃油滤 (5)空气滤 (6)制动灯故障 2
个 (7) 仓温报警 (8)刹车片磨损 4 个 (9)转向灯 4 个 (10)集中润滑 (11)气囊报警
4 个 (12)测滑 (ASR) (13)发动机启动等待 (14)发动机停止 (15)发动机维护
(16)发动机诊断 (17) 干燥器 (18)巡航 (19)卫生间水位 (20)危险信号 (21)
(1) 5 doors indicator (2) fuel level alarm (3)oil filter (4)fuel filter (5)air filter
(6)2 brake lamp malfunctions (7)engine cabin temp. alarm (8)4 worn brake disc
warning lamp(9) 4 turning lamps (10)central lubrication (11)4 air bag
alarm (12)ASR (13)start waiting (14)engine stop (15)engine maintenance
(16)engine diagnose (17)dryer (18)cruise (19)toilet water level
(20)emergency signal (21)long mileage/short mileage/time /fuel
level/engine accumulative total running time, total running revolution.

仪表板从左至右四个操作键分别为:S1、S2、S3、S4(参见 ZB261 外形图)。基本功能如下:

S1: 设置键

S2、S3: 功能键

S4: 仪表背光调整


注 :当液晶屏上有报警时不可以修改时间。

⑵按"S2 或 S3"键有以下几点功能:

① 正常状态下 S2 可向上翻屏,S3 可向下翻屏。

没有报警时的显示状态转换如图 5 如示:
图-5 液晶屏显示转换


a 屏显示内容为:Total:000000 Km 累计里程

TripA:000.0 Km 短里程 A

TripB:000.0 Km 短里程 B

b 屏显示内容为: 发动机图标

Rv:000000 K *10 发动机累计转数,单位为万转

Tt:000000 Hr 发动机累计时间,单位为小时

TA:00:00 H:M 发动机短累计时间,格式为(时:分)

c 屏显示内容为: 燃油量图标

0000 Ltr 剩余油量

* 0000 剩余油量所能行驶的公里数
* 00.0
( * 此功能暂缺 )

d 屏显示内容为: 车里温度(-20 ~ +40℃)

车外温度(-20 ~ +40℃)

仓温(40 ~ 120℃)

e 屏显示模块温度

f 屏显示模块温度

g 屏显示模块工况,实圈表明正常运行空圈,表明未安装或故障状态

f-g 屏为报警显示

② 在默认屏状态下如长时间按下 S2 键可清里程 A,同时清发动机短累计时间,长时间按

下 S3 键可清里程 B。显示状态如下:

图-7 清短里

③ 在修改时钟状态下 S2、S3 可实现减一、加一功能。

④ 当有多个报警显示时选择 S2 键可向左移动屏上箭头,选择 S3 键可


图-8 查看液晶屏上的报警、操作及状态图标

⑷长时间同时按下 S2、S3 键可使所有仪表指针校准。

四.显示图标 display icons

icon remark description icon remark description

* Anti-lock brake system defroster

ASR dryer

Air suspension Engine cabin door

cruise * Rear fog lamp

Engine cabin temp. * Front fog lamp

Inner temp Oil filter block

Outside temp. * Oil pressure

Back-up (reverse) Central lubrication

* Lamp main switch * Lower beam

* Waiting start * High beam

* Engine maibtenance * Engine diagnose

* Engine stop WIF * Water in fuel

Door 1 * retarder

Door 2 * Fuel level

* Exhaust brake Fuel filter

* Air pressureⅠ、Ⅱ Worn brake pad

* Parking brake Flank indicator

Coolant level * Water temp.

Emergency warning Toilet water level

Low voltage * Right Turn

* preheat * Left turn

Air filter block Right luggage door

* Recharge indicator left luggage door

STOP * Stop warning 档位 P * parking

S * Safty belt 档位 R * reverse

档位 N *

Note: icon which is marked "*" displays on the signal displayer.
无 *号标注的图标在液晶屏上显示
icon which is not marked "*" displays on thedigital display screen..

VD-ZB271 cluster instrument terminals designation

No. designation wiring Number
1 +24V 1e 1e-0.75R
2 earth 31 31-0.75B
3 WAKE_UP1 W1 W1-0.5W
4 CANH1 CH1 CH1-0.5L
5 CANH2 CH2 CH2-0.5L
6 CANL1 CL1 CL1-0.5G
7 CANL2 CL2 CL2-0.5G
8 Blank
9 Blank
10 Blank
11 WAKE_UP2 W2 W2-0.5W
12 Blank
13 Blank
14 Blank
15 Blank
16 Blank
17 Blank
18 Blank
19 Blank
20 Blank
21 Blank


Main function :
——transform instrument signal
——control autodoor and retarder
——control speed lamp
——control air suspension
MODEL: VD-CLQ271-100
function:collect speed pulse, count speed;collect engine RPM pulse,count
RPM(revolutions per minute) ; modulate speeed signal , prodoce 3 frequency
conversion units pulse output for control speed meter,air susspention,retarder.
modulate RPM pulse output for controlling RPM meter;connect water tempreture/oil
pressure/air pressureI/air pressure II alarm value;connect battery voltage、
oil pressure、water temp.、oil pressure、air pressureⅠand air pressure Ⅱ
simulation value; output battery voltage、oil pressure、water temp.、oil
pressure、air pressureⅠand air pressure Ⅱ by digital value,output state values
(turn L/R,reverse etc.)and alarm values;
Output autodoor/retarder control signal. Autodoor Switch is off and retarder switch is
on when speed value is over seeting value;control speed lamps,lamps flash 3 times when
start,lamps is off when stop;1lamp is on when speed is less than 30km/h, 2lamp are on
when speed is 30----60km/h , 3lamps are on when speed is over 60km/h。
二. 接口定义 TERMINAL

cord e
D i ng
录仪 ( ivr
行车 记
c ):
Pr u
名称 ( do t
): J
LY 2 JP2
Model ):
型号 ( eter s 07
Param ):
( No.
参数 ir l 80
号( Sai E )
编 70
生产 88转( t.x
0888 710 8
:871 0 00,81
Fax. ) :871 080
传真 ( Te )
电话 ( .l


1. JP2-16 pins socket,

2. RS232-communication socket ,connect computer RS232 socket .

3. USB-USB socket

4.电源-voltage supply , remove to read the traveling data

JP2 16 pins socket

JP2 socket JP2 wire harness plug

VD-CGM271 CAN recorder

JP2 terminals definition

definition Wire No. Wire color remark
JP2-1 +24V 1e R
JP2-5 TXD2 TX2 G
JP2-6 RXD2 RX2 Y
JP2-7 blank
JP2-8 ground 31 B
JP2-9 24V 1e R
JP2-10 blank
JP2-11 blank
JP2-13 blank
JP2-14 blank
JP2-15 blank
JP2-16 ground 31 B

三.功能 function
1. 管理 CAN 总线 manage CAN
2. 记录行车数据 record travelling datum
四. 主要操作 operate
1. 数据下载 download datum
下载 VITI 行车数据或国标行车数据。
2. 查看行车数据 examine travelling datum
查看 VITI 行车数据或国标行车数据。
3. 设置参数 set parameter
Set recorder parameter or CAN module parameter
CAN processor CLQ271

VD-CLQ271 Sockets Designnation

处理 器
t) :
oduc 270
名称 ):
rs) :
( o
型号 te ):
M(P ra e N o.
am al
参数 (Si ri 007
.) 8
编号 Ext
生产 转(
00888 1018
:87 1 ,8 7
x.) 8000
(Fa 0
传真 ): 871
电话 VD-CLQ271 CAN processor

处理 器
t) :
o c 270
(P r CL
名称 ud ):
rs) :
( o
型号 te ):
M ram e
(P a o.
参数 al N
(S i ri 00 7
.) 8
编号 Ext
生产 转(
0 88 101 8
:87 1 80 ,8 7
x.) 800 0
(F a 0
传真 ): 871
(T e l.

VD-CLQ271 processor

VD-CLQ271 processor socket


J1:26 pins socket J2:16 pins socket

J3:12 pins socket J4:22 pins socket

J1/J2 socket wiring harness plugs J3/J4 socket

VD-CLQ271 terminals definition

I-Input O-output N(or -)-Negative P(or +)-positive
definition Wire No. Wire color Input/output positive(+) remark
J1-1 Front fog lamps 30 Y Switch input +
J1-2 Left cabin door 20 R Switch input +
J1-3 Parking brake 10 WR Switch input -
J1-4 Rear fog lamps 30d YL Switch input +
J1-5 Shift-P blank blank Switch input +
J1-6 Toilet water level 117 Switch input +
J1-7 Main switch, lamp 16 GW Switch input +
J1-8 Air pressureⅠalarm 8 Br Switch input -
J1-9 Exhaust brake 105 WB Switch input -
J1-10 Oil temperature Switch input -
J1-11 Drier Switch input -
J1-12 Direction indicator Switch input
lamp malfunction

J1-13 Automatic Switch input +


J1-14 Middle (rear) door 117 G Switch input +

J1-15 Oil filter blinding Switch input -
J1-16 Right luggage door 20 R Switch input +
J1-17 Left brake disc abrasion TP Y Switch input -
J1-18 Oil pressure 5 Switch input -
J1-19 Front door 106 R Switch input +
J1-20 Brake light malfunction SZ RBr Switch input -
J1-21 Cruise Switch input

J1-22 Brake retarder 17 GBr Switch input +

J1-23 Air pressureⅡalarm 23 LR Switch input -
J1-24 Engine stop G Switch input -
J1-25 Water level Sj Switch input -
J1-26 Air filter blinding 13 RY Switch input -
J2-1 Exhaust brake Switch input +
J2-2 AirbagⅠ Switch input

J2-3 Distance light Switch input +

J2-4 Right steer Switch input +
J2-5 Left steer Switch input +
J2-6 Shift-D Switch input +
J2-7 Engine start Switch input -
J2-8 Right brake disc Switch input -

J2-9 ABS Switch input -

J2-10 Water temperature Switch input -
J2-11 Shift-N Switch input +
J2-12 airbagⅡ Switch input
J2-13 Engine diagnosis Switch input -
J2-14 Shift-R Switch input +
J2-15 Dim light Switch input +
J2-16 Fuel filter alarm Switch input -
J3-1 +24V Electric source Power
J3-2 Compartment simulation -
temperature signals input
J3-3 WAKE_UP Input
J3-4 Speed output Output Frequence AC
J3-6 Warm-up Switch input +
J3-7 GND Earth Unattached
J3-8 Rear bin gate Switch input
J3-9 Inner temperature simulation
signals input

J3-10 Ignition switch Electric source

J3-11 CANL

J3-12 Retarder display Switch input +

J4-1 VBB Electric source Power
J4-2 Retarder output output +
J4-3 Speed lamp 1 output -
J4-4 C3 output Frequence
J4-5 Air suspension output +
J4-6 Veh35 output _
J4-7 Speed of car Frequency input

J4-8 Outer temperature simulation

signals input

J4-9 Air pressureⅡ simulation

signals input

J4-10 Air pressureⅠ simulation

signals input

J4-11 Fuel input simulation

signals input

J4-12 Door cylinder output +

J4-13 VG Earth Unattached
J4-14 Speed lamp3 output
J4-15 Speed lamp2 output
J4-16 C3 output Frequence
J4-17 +12V output +
J4-18 engine speed Frequency input
J4-19 Oil pressure simulation
signals input
J4-20 Charge display simulation -
signals input
J4-21 Water temperature simulation
signals input
J4-22 Bailout door Switch input +
2.How to check CAN instrument system

2.1 Check voltage supply (+24V) and ground (-),J1-1 and J3-2 are

the 24V voltage supply ,it is not controlled by ignition witch.

J1-1 is on the instrument back. CAN processor J3-1 voltage is

24V also.

2.2 Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position, wire No.

44(Instrument power supply)input 24V to CAN processor J3-10 .

And the CAN processor J3-3 outputs 24V to instrument J1-3/J1-11

and J1-2.

Check method :

2.2.1 Remove the instrument from dashboard

2.2.2 Turn the ignition switch to "ON" position

2.2.3 Test the terminal J1-1/J1-3/J1-11(wake up power

supply),must have 24V voltage. If J1-3、J1-11 have not input,

test CAN processor J3-3 can not have output , at the same time

the instrument LCD does not work, not light.

2.3. Keep the CAN communication wires(wire No.: CH,CL) work well

and the LCD displays lights well,

Check method :

2.3.1 Turn the ignition switch to "OFF" position.

2.3.2 Test instrument socket terminals J1-4 and J1-6

resistance ,R=60 ohm, test J1-5 and J1-7,R=60 ohm.

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