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Health & Wellness

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Health is about the whole state of a person, it includes the mental, physical, and social
aspects of a healthy wellbeing. Health is what we depend ourselves as we continually to develop
and grow whether physical or our social wellbeing. Health is important as what we’ve said, it
composes the whole state being of a person. We should give importance to our health because it
will increase our physical fitness and as well develop our physical fitness, we will be able to
adopt to our environment and eventually, we can be socially productive as we communicate with
other people with a healthy mind and thinking. According to World Health Organization, a good
health is what makes a person happy and wellbeing. It also increases our economic progress
since we people are healthy, they tend to be more productive and energetic as they do their jobs.
With doing their work, they think properly and they also get physically fit. It increases their job
ability to do more work and complete the tasks given to them.

Playing sports surely does the job in making people’s lives better and the same goes to
their health and wellness. People tend to play sports just for fun of doing the sports they’re good
at and some play sports with goals of achieving a physically fit body. Sports help people to
achieve their physically fit body because playing sports also burns fats easily because they tend
to move frequently in playing games. At the same, the muscles around the body move around
and stretch, that’s why it contributes to having a big and healthy physical built. Playing sports are
a good way of maintaining the weight of the body, but at the same time, playing sports or games
are really enjoyable. It’s truly a fantastic way to doing what you love and at the same time,
maintaining your physical health and wellbeing. According to Realbuzz, playing sports is a
generally a fantastic way to improve your fitness and health. Many of us may not feel at home
pounding away on a treadmill or working up a sweat in the gym, but we’ll happily chase a ball
around endlessly while playing a game of some sort. For most people, taking part in sport will
improve your general health and wellbeing. There are plenty of reasons why you should become
involved in sport with reduced body fat, bone strengthening, improved stamina and flexibility
being some of the reasons why you should take up a sport. Another reason that sports are
important for health is that participating in sports can encourage positive lifestyle and dedication.
Through sports it increases our self esteem which is important role in our community.

Health and wellness is about understanding the state of one self. By the means of
knowing the state of one’s health, we can easily keep track of ourselves and be self-conscious to
what we do to become healthy and physically fit. Health is the most important thing in people’s
lives because health is what people depends their lives on.
Relation of Health and Wellness/Sports to Science

Through science, we are being able to discover diseases that are harmful and risky to the
whole human race. In relation to it, although discovering diseases is handful for everyone, the
advantage of it is we are able to create medicines that might cure multiple diseases and prevent
them as well. According to Eloi S. Garcia (2000), We live in an age in which the power of
science becomes evident every day. A better quality of life, the advancements in medicine and
public health have doubtlessly contributed to an increase in the life expectancy in Brazil. Fifty
years ago, the major part of Brazilians born at that time had a life expectancy of less than 45
years.  Today, the expectancy of life in Brazil is about 64 years and will probably be more than
70 years in 2020 unless pandemic diseases such as Aids reverse it. As we all can take note,
science has really played a big part in every people since it provides greater advancement that
can be used through our lives. It makes our lives easier, that’s why we have longer life than ever.
The same goes to sports wherein we improve our health through sports since it has lots of health
benefits. According to Cohen (2018), physical activity such as sports has health benefits, it
improves cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, bone health, increased life expectancy, and
coronary health.

Science has helped health and wellness evidently because by the help of science, we were
able to discover new techniques on how we can improve our state of body. One thing that we
have discovered is that by moving and exercising, we can improve our health since the physical
state of a person moves continually and as people do exercises, the internal state wellbeing of a
person develops because of the blood circulation that happens whenever people move around.
"Sweat's main purpose is to help the body cool down," says Jodi Ganz, M.D., a dermatologist at
Piedmont. Sweat glands release sweat onto the skin, which then evaporates and helps reduce the
body's internal temperature. If you're in a hot climate and sweating a lot, be sure to replace the
fluids you're losing with plenty of water (Piedmont, 2018). In a mental health wellbeing, science
has given people a variety of choices to be mentally fit. One of example is reading books or
listening to music. They activate our minds more and increases our happiness level. Reading
books are possible through phones which most people carry around everywhere they go and
makes it convenient for them to ready wherever they go. Listening to music increases the
happiness level because when people hear music, it calms them and relaxes their mind
effectively. According to Kendra Cherry (2019), Music therapy is an intervention sometimes
utilized to promote emotional health, help patients cope with stress, and boost psychological
well-being. The Wellness Living Laboratory (WELL) aim is to apply the science of health and
wellbeing into concrete, scientific evidence that can improve the quality of our lives. WELL is a
cutting-edge effort to define, redefine, expand, and materialize wellness.
Relation of Health and Wellness/Sports to Technology

Technologies today are more advanced and it gives ease and faster way of improving life.
Some technologies today are:

Health and Wellness:

 Robotic Surgery - is used in minimally invasive procedures and helps to aid in precision,
control and flexibility. During robotic surgery, surgeons can perform very complex
procedures that are otherwise either highly difficult or impossible. As the technology
improves, it can be combined with augmented reality to allow surgeons to view important
additional information about the patient in real time while still operating. While the
invention raises concerns that it will eventually replace human surgeons, it is likely to be
used only to assist and enhance surgeons’ work in the future.

 Telehealth Tools - Bi-directional video feed, cameras, TVs and wireless infrastructure
are some of the elements hospitals are adopting to remain competitive in the telehealth
realm. The biggest advantage hospitals will gain from telehealth technologies.

 Ultrasound imaging - uses high-frequency sound waves to view inside the body.
Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, they can also show movement of
the body's internal organs as well as blood flowing through the blood vessels.
 Health wearables - The demand for wearable devices has grown since their introduction
in the past few years, since the release of bluetooth in 2000. People today use their phone
to track everything from their steps, physical fitness and heartbeat, to their sleeping
patterns. The advacement of these wearable technologies is in conjunction with rising
chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and aim to combat these by
helping patients to monitor and improve their fitness.

 Artificial Organs - While it was initially ground-breaking to be able to regenerate skin

cells for skin draughts for burn victims, this has slowly given way to even more exciting
possibilities. Scientist have been able to create blood vessels, synthetic ovaries and even a
pancreas. These artificial organs then grow within the patient’s body to replace original
faulty one. The ability to supply artificial organs that are not rejected by the body’s
immune system could be revolutionary, saving millions of patients that depend on life-
saving transplants every year.

 Wearable Athletic Devices- a wearable computer, also known as a wearable or body-

borne computer, is a small computing device worn on the body. Wearable sports
technologies are being used to monitor athletic training, in-game performance, and
recovery after an injury. Developments in this rapidly expanding technological niche are
letting team administrators, coaches, trainers, and players excel in their sport while
reducing injury and sports related illness at the same time.

 Instant replay - is an example of the remarkable technology being used in sports today.
With this technology, officials are able to see exactly what happened, providing a second
perspective on sports events. Instant replay is used in games like cricket, American
football, rugby, soccer, and even in combat sports.
 Radio-frequency identification Chips (RFID) - are often used to time individual
contestants in an event. The devices use antennas that relay wireless signals. RFID chips
are often used in long distance races to help broadcasters and viewers track the exact
locations of contestants during a race.

 Hawk-Eye Technology - Hawk-eye is the name of a computer and camera system which
traces a ball's trajectory. It is being used in international cricket and tennis, and many
other sports are also looking at making use of this technology.

 Ingestible Thermometer Pills - It will help to minimize death from heat exhaustion
which is the second most common reason for athlete fatalities. When you swallow a pill,
it moves around the gastrointestinal tract and transmits vital information of the body to
medical personnel. So if there is any problem in your body, it can be solved before any
Relation of Health and Wellness/Sports to Society

To some, health is may be about eating healthy food and making good choices on taking
care of one self, though those that are mentioned are also essential to becoming healthy and
having a good wellbeing, it’s also about the internal situation that’s going around the people’s
bodies. Like mental health should be taken care of, some people tend to overthink sometimes
over things that are not actually important but people don’t know what effects they get from
overthinking. According to A. Morin (2019), it's likely that overthinking causes mental health to
decline and as your mental health declines, the more likely you are to overthink

Being healthy and fit can affect the lives of those who live in the same community since
being healthy means you belong in a healthy community where there are no threats of becoming
unhealthy. When the community is healthy, it is evident enough when they show that they can
work as one and they are determined to be a better community.

When the people are healthy and physically fit, the economy rises up since they are
physically fit which means they can work effectively and productively. They can easily do work
and finish the requirements and deadlines they have. Work may vary from physical work or they
have to deal with works that require more mental capacity. When they are physically fit, they can
do work even more and at the same, it also enhances their physical build. When the person or
worker is mentally fit for the job, he or she can immediately finish the work because he or she is
thinking the right way and it shows that the person is mentally healthy.

Unhealthy wellbeing is not good for the society since it creates conflicts with people and
it also affects the society. According to ACS Education (2011), People further down the social
ladder usually run at least twice the risk of serious illness and premature death as those near the
top. Nor are the effects confined to the poor: the social gradient in health runs right across
society, so that even among middle-class office workers, lower ranking staff suffer much more
disease and earlier death than higher ranking staff.

Through the help of science and technology, people were able to discover new medicines
that can treat certain diseases. As the society becomes knowledgeable of new discoveries, we can
easily prevent sickness and diseases, and science also gives advices the society some things that
are not good for health. Hospitals are more advanced and can easily accommodate patients by the
help of new technologies. Sports venues are more technical and technologies are helpful to game.

Health and wellness has been improved all throughout the years by the help of newly
discovered sciences and also the technology that people have right now. Health and wellness is
basically about taking care of one self by exercising which greatly affects the body to strengthen
and be physically fit to do certain things people are capable of. Science has greatly impacted
health and wellness since people have learned new techniques to improve the quality of lives of
the people. Science has found many new ways to be healthy and physically fit, like doing sports.
Sports have been proven to be fun to do but at the same time, it develops the muscles since when
people do sports, every muscle in the body moves around. It also strengthens our thinking and by
improving the thinking, people can decide rightfully.

By the help of technology, people can easily work out and exercise with the right tools
that are needed for their particular workout routine. People can workout at home because of
handy devices which means it lessens the time going to gym. Because of technology, people
would not manually do anything just to have a better physical build. At the same time, through
the help of technology, we can easily call for help without actually going to the hospital which it
very convenient from everyone. There are also online consultations for different diseases.

Health and wellness greatly affects the society because the environment that a person
lives in, it affects his/her health. People should secure themselves that they are in a healthy
environment because when the environment is unhealthy, it will affect their health. According to
researches, the people who belong in the lower class of society, they tend to catch diseases easily
because of their lifestyle and their environment. Being healthy in a community also affects the
economy, since the person is capable of doing anything, he/she can improve the economy
because they are more productive and they can think properly. Work can easily be done and the
economy will grow faster which means people can have a better standard of life. Another effect
of health to society is that people can easily treat their sickness because of new information
found by science and at the same time, gets developed by technology to produce new medicines
that are needed by the people.

Cherry, K. (2019). How Listening to Music can have Psychological Benefits. Retrieved from:

Clapp, B. (2016), Six Technological Advancements That Have Changed Sports., Retrieved from:

Crossman, A. (2019). What’s the Relationship Between Sports and Society? Retrieved from:

Ellis, M. (2019), Top 10 new medical technologies of 2019., Retrieved from:

Ganz, J. (2019). The Health Benefits of Sweating. Retrieved from:

Garcia, E. (2000). Science and Technology and their Role in Human Health in Developing
Countries. Retrieved from:

Kos, A., Tomazic, S., Wei, Y., Umek, A. (2018). The Role of Science and Technology to Sport.
Retrieved from:

Krueger, A. (2010). 6 Ways Technology is improving Healthcare. Retrieved from:

Linkoping University (2018). Health and Society. Retrieved from:


Morin, A. (2019). 10 Signs You’re an Overthinker. Retrieved from:


RealBuzz (2015). The Health and Fitness Benefits of Sport. Retrieved from:

Stoewen, D. (2015). Health and Wellness. Retrieved from:
World Health Organization (2008). Health and Development. Retrieved from:
Health and wellness/



Boño, Jhon Cleir

Conos, Zaldy

Renoballes, Kristy

Rodriguez, Steven Gian L.

Solis, Veronica

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