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Business Impact Analysis Form

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Business Impact Analysis Form

1. 2.
IAE CR# Short Title of Change Request:
3. 4.
Date Submitted to IAE: Submitter (Include Email/Phone):
This Analysis is for what System:      

Which Business Area(s) are impacted:      

Business Manager/Analyst (Include Email/Phone):      

Business Process Criteria: (NOTE: Select one answer for each question)

8. Highly Critical Function/ Provides new

What is the level of
Criticality to the Business functionality/Demands Attention
Process? Enhances Business Process/Address in Timely Fashion

Routine Function/Neutral Impact on Business

Process/Not Time-Sensitive
How will this Change Enables/Contributes to elimination of Redundancy
Request affect Efficiency of
the Business Process? Automates Manual Process

Neutral Impact on Efficiency

What is the Cost Reduction Significant Cost Reduction
to the Business Process?
Moderate Cost Reduction

Little or No Cost Reduction

Is this Change related to Yes No Explain
any policy, regulatory, or
statutory requirement      
change? (See Definitions at end of
this section)

What step(s) in the Acquisition Scenario does this Change affect?      

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE)

Business Impact Analysis Form v2.2
01/04/2005 1
Business Impact Analysis Form

Question #11 Definitions:

• Statute - a law enacted by the Legislative Branch of the government
• Regulation - a: an authoritative rule dealing with details or procedure <safety regulations> b: a rule
or order issued by an executive authority or regulatory agency of a government and having the force of law.
Example: Federal Acquisition Regulations.
• Policy - a: a definite course or method of action selected from among alternatives and in light of given
conditions to guide and determine present and future decisions b: a high-level overall plan embracing the
general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body. Generally conveyed via
Memoranda from the Secretary, Administrator or other Department head.

Description of Impact to Business Area(s): (Please be as descriptive and inclusive as possible):

In addition to the brief explanation on the IAE Change Request, what is the current
Business Process (“as is”)?      
What will the Business Process be, if the Change Request is approved (“to be”)?

How are the other business area (s) listed above impacted?      
What are the risks to the Business Process if the Change Request is not
What is the Outreach Communication Strategy needed for this Change, i.e., Notification,

Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE)

Business Impact Analysis Form v2.2
01/04/2005 2

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