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Resumen o abstract

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Antecedentes y justificación

Títulos y descripción de las secciones propuestas

Sección 1

Sección 2

Sección N

Referencias Bibliográficas

Ranking SJR*
Journal name Aim & scope Impact Factor
Quartile Categories
The most striking feature of
Life on Earth is its diversity,
and the fields of ecology and
evolution are central to
understanding how
biodiversity arose, how it is
maintained, what are its
consequences, and how we
should conserve it. Evolution
is the unifying concept than
runs through all the life
sciences, from the origin and
diversification of life to
understanding human
behaviour to dealing with the
challenges posed by disease.
Ecology takes biology from
the relative simplicity of
individuals to explain the
complexity of interactions
between organisms and their
environments. Its implications Agricultural
stretch beyond biology into and Biological
Nature Ecology and environmental science and Sciences
Evolution the grand challenges facing 10.08 5.212 Ecology,
society. Nature Ecology & Evolution,
Evolution is interested in the Behavior and
full spectrum of ecological Systematics
and evolutionary biology,
encompassing approaches at
the molecular, organismal,
population, community and
ecosystem levels, as well as
relevant parts of the social
sciences. Nature Ecology &
Evolution provides a place
where all researchers and
policymakers interested in all
aspects of life's diversity can
come together to learn about
the most accomplished and
significant advances in the
field and to discuss topical
issues. An online-only
monthly journal, our broad
scope ensures that the
research published reaches
the widest possible audience
of scientists.
Frontiers in Ecology and Frontiers in Ecology and the 10,47 4.454 Agricultural
the Environment Environment, issued 10 times and Biological
per year, consists of peer- Sciences
reviewed, synthetic review Ecology,
articles on all aspects of Evolution,
ecology, the environment, and Behavior and
related disciplines, as well as Systematics
short, high-impact research
communications of broad
interdisciplinary appeal.
Additional features include
breaking news (domestic and
international), multi-author
debates, editorials, special
columns, and a letters
Global Environmental Change
is a peer-reviewed
international journal
publishing high quality,
theoretically and empirically
rigorous articles, which
advance knowledge about the
human and policy dimensions
of global environmental
change. The journal interprets
global environmental change
to mean the outcome of
processes that are manifest in Environmental
localities, but with Science
consequences at multiple Ecology
spatial, temporal and socio-
political scales. The journal is Global and
Global Environmental Planetary
interested in articles which
Change 11,39 4.381
have a significant social Change
science component. These
include articles that address
the social drivers or Monitoring,
consequences of Policy and
environmental change, or Law
social and policy processes
that seek to address problems
of environmental change.
Topics include, but are not
restricted to, the drivers,
consequences and
management of changes in:
biodiversity and ecosystem
services, climate, coasts, food
systems, land use and land
cover, oceans, urban areas,
and water resources.
Global Ecology and Global Ecology and Agricultural
Biogeography Biogeography focuses on the and Biological
emerging field of Sciences
macroecology: the study of 5.99 3.458 Ecology,
broad, consistent patterns in Evolution,
the ecological characteristics Behavior and
of organisms and Systematics
ecosystems. The journal
emphasizes studies that Environmental
address general ecological Science
hypotheses, explored and Ecology
tested using data of broad Global and
geographic, taxonomic, or Planetary
temporal scope. A variety of Change
approaches are represented:
empirical studies
documenting ecological and
biogeographic patterns,
theoretical studies that
explore the causes of those
patterns, applied studies of
impacts of anthropogenic
influences, as well as
methodological studies of the
tools used to study these
The journal"s coverage will
reflect the increasingly Energy
interdisciplinary nature of Renewable
environmental science, Energy,
recognizing wide-ranging Sustainability and
contributions to the the Environment
development of methods,
tools and evaluation Environmental
strategies relevant to the field.
Environmental Research Science
Numerical modelling or
5.98 2.710 Environmental
simulation, as well as
theoretical and experimental
approaches to environmental (miscellaneous)
science will form the core of
ERL"s content, however Medicine
approaches from a range of Public Health,
physical and natural sciences, Environmental
economics, and political, and Occupational
sociological and legal studies Health
are strongly encouraged.
Colombia Forestal Colombia Forestal Journal 0.104 Ciencias Agrícolas
publica manuscritos 0,07
y Biológicas
originales sobre temas del SilviculturaCiencias
campo forestal y diversos del
aspectos de los recursos Suelo Ciencias
naturales y el medio
ambiente, que están Ambientales
discriminados en las Conservación de la
categorías de artículos de
Naturaleza y el
investigación, revisión,
reflexión y notas técnicas de
acuerdo con las
estipulaciones de
científicas. Según la
clasificación de áreas
científicas de la Organización
para la Cooperación y el
Desarrollo Económico
(OCDE), Colombia Forestal
Journal pertenece al área
grande de Ciencias Agrícolas
(4), Agricultura, Silvicultura y
Pesca (4A) y a la disciplina
Forestal (4A02) . Desde su
creación en 1978, la revista
ha sido editada y publicada
por la Universidad del Distrito
Francisco José de Caldas
con sede en Bogotá. La
calidad del contenido de la
revista se ha fortalecido con
la colaboración de
evaluadores externos
nacionales e internacionales
en un sistema de arbitraje
doble ciego y la difusión se
ha ampliado mediante la
publicación de manuscritos
en un idioma diferente al
español y con la inclusión en
bases de datos bibliográficas
como Scopus . , DOAJ,
Scielo, Redalyc, Ebsco, CAB
Abstracts of CAB
International, Forestry
Abstracts, Ulrich's, Latindex,
Publindex. Asimismo, tiene
perfiles académicos en
Mendeley, Academia e
Researchgate. Los artículos
que se envían a Colombia
Forestal Journal deben ser
originales e inéditos y no han
sido postulados en otras
revistas. Academia y
Researchgate. Los artículos
que se envían a Colombia
Forestal Journal deben ser
originales e inéditos y no han
sido postulados en otras
revistas. Academia y
Researchgate. Los artículos
que se envían a Colombia
Forestal Journal deben ser
originales e inéditos y no han
sido postulados en otras
Revista Luna Azul La revista Luna Azul es un 0,02 0.101 Ciencias
órgano de difusión Ambientales
académica y arbitrada que Ciencias
publica artículos que abordan Ambientales
cuestiones ambientales o (misceláneas)
ecológicas, ya sea de
investigación científica o Ciencias Sociales
desarrollo tecnológico, Educación
reflexiones o revisiones
originales. Las producciones,
reflexiones, análisis y
revisiones pueden provenir
de cualquiera de las áreas
científicas definidas por la
OCDE, a saber: ciencias
naturales, ingeniería y
tecnología, ciencias médicas
y de la salud, ciencias
agrícolas, ciencias sociales y
humanidades. La revista está
dirigida a docentes y
estudiantes de niveles
educativos intermedios y
superiores, así como a los
niveles ejecutivos y
gerenciales de organismos
gubernamentales y ONG
ambientales. El propósito de
la Revista Luna Azul es
contribuir a la difusión de los
resultados de la investigación
sobre temas ecológicos y

* Scimago Journal & Country Rank

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