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Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

COURSE CODE: E309, E327, E335, E344, E354 (People and the Earth Ecosystem)

Course Title: People and the Earth Ecosystem Course Credit: 3 units

Course Code: E309, E327, E335, E344, E354 Prerequisite: None

Type of Course: Hybrid Fully Online /_______ Fully In - Person



Urdaneta City University adheres to the educational worldview set forth by its founding father, Dr. Pedro T. Orata, “Globalized Teacher Education”
that –
1. Education contributes much to the development of an individual and the society in which he lives;
2. It is possible to make education available and accessible to all people in all walks of life, both in urban and rural A center of development in the field of education, which is committed to the development of globally
areas; competitive, transformed and morally upright educators, efficient professionals, principled leaders, and
3. The education provided will determine the quality of life of the people and the progress of the nation; and socially responsible citizens.
4. The institution shall provide such kind of education and development which are congruent to the national
development goals. MISSION
To pursue excellence in teacher education through its outcome-based teaching, continuous faculty
A leading university that transforms individuals into morally upright and globally competitive professionals through quality development, innovative and relevant research’s, extension programs, and institutional linkages.
and practical education for all
To produce educators who are academically and proficiently competent, whose orientation is firmly anchored
To provide exemplary outcome-based and advanced instructions; socially relevant and innovative researches; and inclusive on outcome-based and transformative education and enriched by faculty development, researches, extension
extension services, partnerships and/or linkages programs and linkages.


Instruction 1. To train students to become proficient and skilled educators through curricular offerings or programs
which are responsive to local and global market needs;
1. Instill formation of knowledge, abilities, skills, and attitudes necessary to make an individual a responsible member of 2. To provide accessible, affordable, technology-based education in the teacher training programs;
the society, enhance the development of instruction to produce high-level professionals, and harness the productive 3. To equip students to become academically competent and professionally skilled educators through
capacity of the country’s human resource-based toward international competitiveness. trainings that promote scholastic excellence, cultural enrichment, personal discipline, moral character,
Research critical thinking, and leadership capabilities;
4. To improve instructional competence and expertise of staff through seminars, conferences, workshops
2. Mold individuals who will conduct scientific, innovative and advanced researches in the quest for new knowledge, and provisions for scholarships and the like;
provide leadership in various fields toward dynamic and self-sustaining economy, and enrich historical and cultural 5. To perform extension services and research works which the college may deem essential in improving
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

heritage. the quality of life of the community; and

Community Services 6. To establish linkages with professional practitioners and other outside institutions for academic support,
socio-economic participation, and cultural development.
3. Undertake participatory and inclusive extension services which are relevant and responsive, accessible and equitable,
through efficient and effective community development programs, and broaden symbiotic partnerships and linkages
to establish intergenerational responsibility for the common good.


1. To provide professional, technical, and expert instruction in arts, sciences, humanities, and technology.
2. To conduct systematic investigations geared toward the establishment and discovery of novel facts, solve present or
existing problems, provide new ideas or develop new theories, satisfy curiosity, and mastery of nature.
3. To establish sustainable livelihood projects that will uplift the quality of life of the members of the community, and to
expand transnational collaborations that will have socio-economic benefits to the present and future generations.

Institutional Outcomes: The UCU Core Values

Integrity Competence

True UCUians imbued with the spirit of nobility live their lives guided by the ideals Passion for excellence drives noble persons to shine in their chosen craft. They do
of honesty and authenticity. Their words and actions consistently reveal their commitment not settle for mediocrity, and capacitate themselves with the requisite know-how and
to decency and honor. They pursue the path of truth even if this were the less popular skills to establish their expertise and credibility in their discipline. They continue the
choice. pioneering character of Dr. Pedro Orata by spearheading innovations while building on
traditions of excellence.

Teamwork Transcendence

The spirit of nobility moves UCUians to cooperate with other members of the Noble UCUians are selfless stewards of goodness and compassion to their fellow
university in realizing a common goal. With humility, they accept that each member of the human beings, to the school, to the community, and to those in need—prioritizing the
UCU community brings his or her own capabilities to actualize the university’s vision. cause of others before theirs, willing to accept, do, and get the job done without
Noble UCUians seek and pursue to achieve unity in any area or situation, understanding expecting recompense. Going beyond self-actualization, they aim to reach their full
that the best outcomes almost always happen in the spirit of cooperation. potential to best serve noble causes beyond the self.

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

Program Outcomes (CMO 19 S. 2017)

The graduates have the ability to:

1. Demonstrate deep understanding of scientific concepts and principles.
2. Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning.
3. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods.
4. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge of the sciences.
Course Information

Course Title: People and the Earth Ecosystem Course Credit: 3 units

Course Code: E309, E327, E335, E344, E354 Prerequisite: None

Course Description Instructor’s Information Consultation schedule

The course focuses on the technological, pedagogical, and content 9:00 – 10:30 MW
knowledge and skills on Science concepts and experiences that are relevant
Crisanto F. Solomon
to the three ECE levels. It provides opportunities to observe Science
experiences that show selection of appropriate materials, learning specific  +639918755368 Google Meet Link
scientific techniques for working with young children, and knowing how to
integrate Science concepts across all learning areas 

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, the pre-service teachers are expected to:
A. demonstrate the technological, pedagogical and content knowledge and skills on Science concepts and experiences which developmentally sequenced and
relevant in the three ECE levels;
B. demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that promote the development of Science skills among young children;
C. demonstrate familiarity with a range of strategies for communicating learner needs, progress and achievement in Science skills in the three ECE levels;
D. demonstrate engagement and enjoyment in facilitating Science activities to nurture and inspire learner participation; and demonstrate an inquiry based and problem
solving attitude for the three ECE levels.

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

Module Time Teaching Learning

Learning Outcomes Content Assessment
No. Allotment Activities
1 Week 1-2 At the end of the week, the pre- service teacher (PST) can: A. Introduction to Science Conducting an Sharing of
(6hours) 1. Curiosity of Children interactive Discussion experiences and
1. describe the importance of Science in the curriculum; 2. A Place for Science in the School
2. narrate the historical development of Science Teaching; on the following: insights on the
and 3. Organizing Science for
Understanding following
explain Science as a process approach. At the end of the week, Curiosity of Children
the pre- service teacher (PST) can: 4. The Nature of Science
Curiosity of
5. Historical Development of Science A Place for Science in
a. describe the importance of Science in the curriculum; Teaching Children
the School
b. narrate the historical development of Science
Teaching; and A Place for
Organizing Science for
3. explain Science as a process approach. 6. Science – A Process Approach Science in the
▪ The Science Curriculum The Nature of Science
Historical Science for
Development of Understanding
Science Teaching
The Nature of

Designing a concept Historical

map on the various Development of
Science processes Science Teaching

Presenting the Science Accomplished

Curriculum of the concept map on
Early Childhood Science Processes

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

Writing a
reflection paper
on the need of
Curriculum in
Early Childhood
Week 3 At the end of this module, the learners should be able to: Brainstorming & Individual
(3hours) Energy in an Ecosystem Discussion presentation of
1. Diagram, sketch or outline the transformation of energy  Food Chains motivation &
and the cycling of nutrients in the ecosystem by  Food Webs Provide motivation and strategy
considering the concepts of food chain/web and other  Ecological Productivity strategy for future use
existing interactions in relation to the process of cellular  Nutrient and Water Cycles of the Quiz
respiration and photosynthesis that contributes to the Ecosystems and Biosphere
fitness or unfitness of the environment to support and not
to support life respectively.
Week 4-6 At the end of this module, the learners should be able to: Brainstorming & Reaction/
(9hours) How Scientists Study the Ecosystems Discussion Technical
1. Extricate the importance of both field research and Paper
laboratory research, as well as mathematical and other models Provide motivation and
to learn about the ecosystems. strategy for future use Output Evidence-
Assessment /
Prelim Examination
3 Week 7-9 At the end of this module, the students should be able to: Biodiversity and Evolution Brainstorming & Individual
(9hours) ▪ Types of Biodiversity Discussion presentation of
1. Show the progression of the Earth, the different theories motivation &
▪ Biological Evolution and Natural
of evolution and its ecological foundation in the Provide motivation and strategy
development, growth, and improvement of species and strategy for future use
its future generation. ▪ Fossil Record and Evolution Quiz
2. Use context cues to explain and evaluate the impact of ▪ Genetic Makeup of a Population

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

evolution and its role on the effect of environmental Can Change

changes on the species over the millennia, which is ▪ Individuals in Populations with
extremely relevant considering the way man currently is Beneficial Genetic Traits Can Leave
using the environment (and, by extension, all other life More Offspring
forms on the planet). ▪ How Did Humans Become Such
3. Relate on the problems with regards to the loss of a
biodiversity that affects the richness of the ecosystem. Powerful Species?
▪ Common Myths About
Through Natural Selection
▪ Geological Processes
Affecting Natural Selection
▪ Climate Change & Catastrophes
Affecting Natural Selection
Speciation & Extinction
Week 10-12 At the end of this module, the student should be able to: Species Diversity Brainstorming & Individual
(9hours) ▪ Species Diversity, Species Discussion presentation of
1. Explain the importance of flora and fauna in providing Richness, and Species motivation &
safeguards to the people that depend on it which Evenness Provide motivation and strategy
coexist with other organisms. strategy for future use
2. Deliberate the different reproductive strategies the
▪ Species-rich Ecosystem Tend Quiz
species use to enhance their survival. to be Productive and Sustainable
3. Elucidate the status of vegetation and wildlife in ▪ Ecological Niche Midterm Exam
providing protections to the people that depend on it ▪ Invasive Species
which cohabit with other creatures. ▪ Keystone and Foundation
4. Evaluate the different factors that modify population Species
growth rate, births, deaths, immigration, emigration,
and the size of population especially in response to Species Interactions and Resources
environmental stress. Partitioning
5. Examine the reasons behind why there is a rising
population of the world and how it would affect the Population Dynamics
environment and the people in general. ▪ Population Patches
▪ J-Curves and S- Curves of
Population Growth
Carrying Capacity of a Population
Ecological Succession

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

▪ Primary Succession
▪ Secondary Succession

Midterm Examination
Week 13-15 At the end of this module, the student should be able to: The Human Population and Its Brainstorming & Individual
(9hours) Impact Discussion presentation of
1. Deliberate the effects of human activities have on ▪ Factors Causing Population motivation &
population, communities and the ecosystem; and what Increase and Decrease Provide motivation and strategy
effort to make or take in order to restore balance of the strategy for future use
ecosystems d a m a g e d by human actions.
▪ How Humans can Slow Quiz
Population Growth
2. Explore the reasons behind why there is a growth in
population of the world and how it would disturb the
ecosystem and the people in general. Terrestrial Ecosystems
3. Discuss the main role of population ecology in its ▪ Biomes Defined
association with the life development of the ecosystem and ▪ Types of Deserts
the biosphere. ▪ Types of Grasslands
▪ Types of Forest
▪ Temperate Shrub Land: Nice
Climate, Risky place to live

Aquatic Ecosystems
▪ Aquatic Life Zones Defined
▪ Types of Aquatic Ecosystems
(Marine &
▪ How Humans Affect Marine
▪ Importance of Freshwater
▪ How Human Activities Affect
Freshwater Ecosystems
Week 16-18 At the end of this module, the student should be able to: The Major Threats to Aquatic Biodiversity Brainstorming & Individual
(9hours) Discussion presentation of
1. Recognize the greatest threats to any aquatic species How to Protect and Sustain Marine motivation &

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

by loss or degradation of habitat, harmful invasive Biodiversity Provide motivation and strategy
species, pollution, climate change, and strategy for future use
overexploitation, all made worse by the growth of Video presentation
human population. Make a video
2. Elaborate and identify several methods of sustaining presentation on the Quiz
marine biodiversity by using laws and economic analysis about the
incentives to protect species; setting aside marine biodiversity status,
reserves to protect ecosystems, and using community- threats and conservation
based unified direction. of our country and other
At the end of this module, the student should be able to: Brainstorming & Individual
Discussion presentation of
1. Explain the different types and causes of pollution in motivation &
relations to the activities of humans and how these Provide motivation and strategy
would affect health and the environment. Pollution strategy for future use
2. Relate on how we can control pollution and quality Video presentation
standards prompted the development and application of Climate Change
methods and technologies to reduce the effects of
pollution. Humans and Sustainability
3. Explain the importance of waste management in the Quiz
protection of individual, family, and community health.
4. Infer the existence of the sun, its structure and
compositions within it; and its effect on warming the
planet and the changing weather conditions. Final exam
5. Explain and attend to the cause of climate change and
address its impact.
6. Explain the relevance of conservation, sustainability and
management to keep Earth safe and safe for the next
7. Impart the importance of preservation, conservation and
sustainable development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of the future
generations to meet their own needs
Final Examination

Grading system Final Grade is computed as follows:

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education

FG = (PG + MG + TFG)/3
● FG refers to the Final Grade

● PG refers to the Prelim Grade

● MG refers to the Midterm Grade

● TFG refers to the Tentative Final Grade

The Prelim Grade is computed as (1st CS) + (Prelim Exam)

The Midterm Grade is computed as (2nd CS) + (Midterm Exam)
The Tentative Grade is computed as (3rd CS) + (Final Exam)
● CS refers to Class Standing which is 60% composed of Quizzes (20%)+ Recitation (20%) + Term Paper (20%)

● Recitation includes participation in discussion prompts for online classes and discussion activities for offline classes.

● Major Exams = 40%

Course policies and ACADEMIC HONESTY
All students are expected to be academically honest. Cheating, lying, and other forms of unethical behavior will not be tolerated. Any student found guilty of cheating in examinations or
plagiarism in submitted course requirements will receive an F or failure in the course requirement or in the course. Cheating refers to securing help in a test; copying test, assignments, reports
or term papers; collaborating with other students during an examination or in preparing academic work that has not been designated as collaborative activity; signing another student’s name on
an attendance sheet; or otherwise practicing scholastic dishonesty.

1. In view of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational landscape, the university is modifying its policy on attendance for this semester.
2. Every student is required to attend his classes for every week of the course.
3. For online-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s participation in an interactive online study group or discussion prompt, student’s submission
of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the student-initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject
related to the course.
4. For correspondence-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s accomplishment of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a
documentation showing that the student-initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject related to the course.

References Environmental Science: A Shared Responsibility Towards the Earth. (Rex Bookstore: Sampaloc, Manila)
Imran Ahmad Dar, Mithas Ahmad Dar (2011). Earth and Environmental Sciences

Prepared: Checked and Reviewed: Noted: Recommending Approval:

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
College of Teacher Education


Instructor Dean, College of Teacher Education Vice President for Academic Affairs
Date Revised: February 2023 Program Head BEED

Bright future starts here (075) 600 - 1507

San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan |

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