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228 International Conference On Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

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228 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)


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University, Samsun/Turkey,
{durmus.sahin, oguz.kural, erdal.kilic, armagan.karabina}

Author detection: Text-mining methods apply to the books

or column so that author of texts can be recognized [4, 5].
Abstract With the widespread use of the internet, the size of There are very different studies apart from the above popular
the text data increases day by day. Poems can be given as an topics. [6], automatic
example of the growing text. In this study, we aim to classify
text summarization [7], automatic question answering systems
poetry according to poet. Firstly, data set consisting of three
have been constructed. [8], sentiment analysis on text [9, 10], music genre
Then, text categorization techniques are implemented on it. Chi- classification on lyrics [11, 12], television-rating prediction
Square (CHI) technique are used for feature selection. In addition, with social media [13] and automatic news article classification
five different classification algorithms are tried. These algorithms [14 16].
are Sequential minimal optimization In this study, we aim to classify poetry according to poet. The
C4.5 decision tree, Random Forest (RF) and k-nearest neighbors
first part of the study is to generate corpus. Thus, poetry of three
(KNN). Although each classifier showed very different results,
over the 70% classification success rate was taken by SMO different poets are taken from web page [17]. Poets are Adryan
technique. Rotica, Lamar Cole and Richard Allen Beevor. Generating data
set is balanced. After corpus have generated, text classification
Keywords poet detection, poetry data, text classification, text techniques were applied to the corpus.

I. INTRODUCTION Although computers can read text files, classifiers cannot

understand them. In addition, texts are named unstructured data.
W ITH the widespread use of the internet, text data have
augmented day by day. Therefore, produced and
recorded in the type of text data have to be operated by
For this reason, text files have to convert into the numerical data
so that they can be structured data anymore. In Figure-1
flowchart shows general text classification applications .
computers. For that reason obtaining and using meaningful
information from these data will facilitate the work of people.
Text mining is multi discipline; it makes use of such as data
mining, artificial intelligent, natural language processing and
information retrieval. Text classification is one of the most
widely studied areas in text mining. It is a supervised learning
problem. To solve this problem, firstly, data separated into two
parts called train and test data. In the next step, classification
algorithms applied training data. In the last step classifier
models predict label of text by means of learning model. There Figure 1: Text classification steps
are many text-mining studies in the literature.
Spam mail detection: Email is the simplest and cheapest Text files transform into structured data via pre-processing
communication tools in daily life. Most of the received emails and term weighting steps. Each of steps are detailed sub
are the text. These mails are two parts, named spam and non- sections.
spam. Some advertisement companies or bad people prefer to
send spam mails to users. Spam mails give rise to waste of time A. Pre-processing
and slow down daily work. Therefore, spam mails have to be The words in the documents are not always in the same form.
found and not delivered to the users. Spam mail detection is These words should be converted to the same style because they
binary text classification application [1, 2]. have the same importance. If words is not transformed into
Web page classification: Web pages occur in HyperText same style, the numbers of words are different so that may lead
Markup Language (HTML) files. There are some information to misleading results. In pre-processing step, all the words
based on text in these files. If text-mining techniques apply to converted uppercase into lowercase, punctuation marks and
these files, web pages may classify by the computers [3]. digits deleted, tokenization done according to white space

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
229 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

character, found stemming type all the words and stop words E. Data set
deleted. We prefer Porter Stemmer to find stem of words [18]. Table-1 shows poems and their poetry distribution. Data set
B. Term weighting divided approximately 60% train and 40% test. Because of the
number of poetry is close this data set is balanced.
Any term is very few in some documents but it can be seen very
much in some documents. Therefore, the term weighting must
Table 1: Poems-poetry distribution
reveal this distinction. Term Frequency Inverse Document
Frequency (TF.IDF) was used as term weighting method that is Poems Train Test
frequently used in text classification. TF is the number of Adryan Rotica 284 189
occurrences in a document. IDF is Lamar Cole 241 162
Richard Allen Beevor 227 152

F. Performance Measure
given Equation 1. In Equation 1, is the number of documents
With the performance measurement, the accuracy of belonging
in the whole collection, is the number of documents in the
to the relevant class is evaluated. A sample that is actually
positive category that contain this term, is the number of labeled positively in the dataset, if it is classified as positive in
documents in the negative category that contain this term. The the classification result, it is named True-Positive (TP). A
weight of the term is calculated by multiplying TF by IDF. sample that is actually labeled negative in the dataset, if it is
C. Feature selection classified as negative in the classification result, it is named
The operation of classification algorithms takes a long time. At True-Negative (TN). A sample that is actually labeled negative
the same time, the operation of these algorithms is directly in the dataset, if it is classified as positive in the classification
related to the size of the data. Bag of words model is preferred result, it is named False-Positive (FP). A sample that is actually
in traditional text categorization applications. Document labeled positive in the dataset, if it is classified as negative in
vectors are created using all the words in the training set. For the classification result, it is named False-Negative (FP). These
this reason, documents are represented in terms of tens of states are shown on the Table-2 as confusion matrix.
thousands. Majority of these terms are not considered to affect
important information because they do not affect the Table 2: Confusion matrix
classification success positively. Instead of using all the terms Real
in the bag of words, little word vector is preferred. Little vector
is the best subset of bag of words. By means of feature selection, Predict
memory wastage can be prevented by reducing vector size. C1 C2
Runtime of the text classification process reduce. C1 TP FP
Feature selection methods are generally divided into three C2 FN TN
main groups [19, 20]. These are filtering, wrapper and
embedded methods. In feature selection step, one of the filtering The most used performance measure in text classification is F-
method CHI is used. CHI is score. F-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall
Equation 3 and
Equation 4 respectively.

given Equation 2. In Equation 2, the CHI score of the term in

class is calculated. , and is emphasized in Equation 1.
is the number of documents in the positive category that do
not contain this term and is the number of documents in the
negative category that do not contain this term. The CHI scores
of all terms are calculated. Subsequently these values of CHI If harmonic mean of ,
sort big to small. The greatest value is the most relevant with
related category. If CHI value of any term is 0, it is not relevant
with related category.
D. Classification F-score is taken place as Equation 5. To evaluate classification
WEKA is data mining tool that is used in the classification stage success F-score is preferred.
[21]. There are a lot of data mining and machine learning
algorithms in WEKA tools. SMO based Support Vector III. RESULTS
Machine (SVM), NB based probability model, C4.5 and RF
The performance results of 5 different classifiers with
based decision tree and KNN are used in this study.
different working models are given in Figure 2.

E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017
230 International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE'17)

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E-ISBN: 978-605-67535-4-1 Konya, Turkey, December 7-9, 2017

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