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Density Ratio Estimation in Machine Learning

Machine learning is an interdisciplinary field of science and engineering that stud-

ies mathematical theories and practical applications of systems that learn. This book
introduces theories, methods, and applications of density ratio estimation, which is a
newly emerging paradigm in the machine learning community. Various machine learn-
ing problems such as non-stationarity adaptation, outlier detection, dimensionality
reduction, independent component analysis, clustering, classification, and conditional
density estimation can be systematically solved via the estimation of probability den-
sity ratios. The authors offer a comprehensive introduction of various density ratio
estimators including methods via density estimation, moment matching, probabilistic
classification, density fitting, and density ratio fitting as well as describing how these
can be applied to machine learning. The book also provides mathematical theories for
density ratio estimation including parametric and non-parametric convergence analy-
sis and numerical stability analysis to complete the first and definitive treatment of the
entire framework of density ratio estimation in machine learning.

Dr. Masashi Sugiyama is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer

Science at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

Dr. Taiji Suzuki is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematical

Informatics at the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Takafumi Kanamori is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer

Science and Mathematical Informatics at Nagoya University, Japan.
Density Ratio Estimation
in Machine Learning

Tokyo Institute of Technology

The University of Tokyo

Nagoya University
cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town,
Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Mexico City

Cambridge University Press

32 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013-2473, USA
Information on this title:

© Masashi Sugiyama, Taiji Suzuki, and Takafumi Kanamori 2012

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception

and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published 2012

Printed in the United States of America

A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data is available

ISBN 978-0-521-19017-6 Hardback

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Foreword page ix
Preface xi

Part I Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Machine Learning 3
1.2 Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning 9
1.3 Algorithms of Density-Ratio Estimation 13
1.4 Theoretical Aspects of Density-Ratio Estimation 17
1.5 Organization of this Book at a Glance 18

Part II Methods of Density-Ratio Estimation

2 Density Estimation 25
2.1 Basic Framework 25
2.2 Parametric Approach 27
2.3 Non-Parametric Approach 33
2.4 Numerical Examples 36
2.5 Remarks 37

3 Moment Matching 39
3.1 Basic Framework 39
3.2 Finite-Order Approach 39
3.3 Infinite-Order Approach: KMM 43
3.4 Numerical Examples 44
3.5 Remarks 45

4 Probabilistic Classification 47
4.1 Basic Framework 47
4.2 Logistic Regression 48
4.3 Least-Squares Probabilistic Classifier 50

vi Contents

4.4 Support Vector Machine 51

4.5 Model Selection by Cross-Validation 53
4.6 Numerical Examples 53
4.7 Remarks 54

5 Density Fitting 56
5.1 Basic Framework 56
5.2 Implementations of KLIEP 57
5.3 Model Selection by Cross-Validation 64
5.4 Numerical Examples 65
5.5 Remarks 65

6 Density-Ratio Fitting 67
6.1 Basic Framework 67
6.2 Implementation of LSIF 68
6.3 Model Selection by Cross-Validation 70
6.4 Numerical Examples 73
6.5 Remarks 74

7 Unified Framework 75
7.1 Basic Framework 75
7.2 Existing Methods as Density-Ratio Fitting 77
7.3 Interpretation of Density-Ratio Fitting 81
7.4 Power Divergence for Robust Density-Ratio Estimation 84
7.5 Remarks 87

8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction 89

8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach 89
8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 99
8.3 Numerical Examples 108
8.4 Remarks 115

Part III Applications of Density Ratios in Machine

9 Importance Sampling 119
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 119
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 131

10 Distribution Comparison 140

10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection 140
10.2 Two-Sample Test 148

11 Mutual Information Estimation 163

11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 164
11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction 174
11.3 Independent Component Analysis 183
Contents vii

12 Conditional Probability Estimation 191

12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 191
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 203

Part IV Theoretical Analysis of Density-Ratio

13 Parametric Convergence Analysis 215
13.1 Density-Ratio Fitting under Kullback–Leibler Divergence 215
13.2 Density-Ratio Fitting under Squared Distance 219
13.3 Optimality of Logistic Regression 223
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 225
13.5 Remarks 235

14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis 236

14.1 Mathematical Preliminaries 236
14.2 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis of KLIEP 242
14.3 Convergence Analysis of KuLSIF 247
14.4 Remarks 250

15 Parametric Two-Sample Test 252

15.1 Introduction 252
15.2 Estimation of Density Ratios 253
15.3 Estimation of ASC Divergence 257
15.4 Optimal Estimator of ASC Divergence 259
15.5 Two-Sample Test Based on ASC Divergence Estimation 265
15.6 Numerical Studies 269
15.7 Remarks 274

16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis 275

16.1 Preliminaries 275
16.2 Relation between KuLSIF and KMM 279
16.3 Condition Number Analysis 282
16.4 Optimality of KuLSIF 286
16.5 Numerical Examples 292
16.6 Remarks 297

Part V Conclusions
17 Conclusions and Future Directions 303

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 307

References 309
Index 327

Estimating probability distributions is widely viewed as a central question in

machine learning. The whole enterprise of probabilistic modeling using probabilis-
tic graphical models is generally addressed by learning marginal and conditional
probability distributions. Classification and regression – starting with Fisher’s
fundamental contributions – are similarly viewed as problems of estimating
conditional densities.
The present book introduces an exciting alternative perspective – namely, that
virtually all problems in machine learning can be formulated and solved as prob-
lems of estimating density ratios – the ratios of two probability densities. This
book provides a comprehensive review of the elegant line of research undertaken
by the authors and their collaborators over the last decade. It reviews existing
work on density-ratio estimation and derives a variety of algorithms for directly
estimating density ratios. It then shows how these novel algorithms can address
not only standard machine learning problems – such as classification, regression,
and feature selection – but also a variety of other important problems such as
learning under a covariate shift, multi-task learning, outlier detection, sufficient
dimensionality reduction, and independent component analysis.
At each point this book carefully defines the problems at hand, reviews existing
work, derives novel methods, and reports on numerical experiments that validate
the effectiveness and superiority of the new methods. A particularly impressive
aspect of the work is that implementations of most of the methods are available
for download from the authors’ web pages.
The last part of the book is devoted to mathematical analyses of the methods.
This includes not only an analysis for the case where the assumptions underlying
the algorithms hold, but also situations in which the models are misspecified.
Careful study of these results will not only provide fundamental insights into the
problems and algorithms but will also provide the reader with an introduction to
many valuable analytic tools.

x Foreword

In summary, this is a definitive treatment of the topic of density-ratio estimation.

It reflects the authors’ careful thinking and sustained research efforts. Researchers
and students alike will find it an important source of ideas and techniques. There is
no doubt that this book will change the way people think about machine learning
and stimulate many new directions for research.
Thomas G. Dietterich
School of Electrical Engineering
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA

Machine learning is aimed at developing systems that learn. The mathematical

foundation of machine learning and its real-world applications have been exten-
sively explored in the last decades. Various tasks of machine learning, such as
regression and classification, typically can be solved by estimating probability
distributions behind data. However, estimating probability distributions is one of
the most difficult problems in statistical data analysis, and thus solving machine
learning tasks without going through distribution estimation is a key challenge in
modern machine learning.
So far, various algorithms have been developed that do not involve distribution
estimation but solve target machine learning tasks directly. The support vector
machine is a successful example that follows this line – it does not estimate data-
generating distributions but directly obtains the class-decision boundary that is
sufficient for classification. However, developing such an excellent algorithm for
each of the machine learning tasks could be highly costly and difficult.
To overcome these limitations of current machine learning research, we intro-
duce and develop a novel paradigm called density-ratio estimation – instead of
probability distributions, the ratio of probability densities is estimated for statisti-
cal data processing. The density-ratio approach covers various machine learning
tasks, for example, non-stationarity adaptation, multi-task learning, outlier detec-
tion, two-sample tests, feature selection, dimensionality reduction, independent
component analysis, causal inference, conditional density estimation, and proba-
bilitic classification. Thus, density-ratio estimation is a versatile tool for machine
learning. This book is aimed at introducing the mathematical foundation, practical
algorithms, and applications of density-ratio estimation.
Most of the contents of this book are based on the journal and conference papers
we have published in the last couple of years. We acknowledge our collaborators for
their fruitful discussions: Hirotaka Hachiya, Shohei Hido, Yasuyuki Ihara, Hisashi
Kashima, Motoaki Kawanabe, Manabu Kimura, Masakazu Matsugu, Shin-ichi
Nakajima, Klaus-Robert Müller, Jun Sese, Jaak Simm, Ichiro Takeuchi, Masafumi

xii Preface

Picture taken in Nagano, Japan, in the summer of 2009. From left to right, Taiji Suzuki,
Masashi Sugiyama, and Takafumi Kanamori.

Takimoto, Yuta Tsuboi, Kazuya Ueki, Paul von Bünau, Gordon Wichern, and
Makoto Yamada.
Finally, we thank the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Okawa Foundation;
Microsoft Institute for Japanese Academic Research Collaboration Collabora-
tive Research Project; IBM Faculty Award; Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut
Oberwolfach Research-in-Pairs Program; the Asian Office of Aerospace Research
and Development; Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technol-
ogy Research Foundation; and the Japan Science and Technology Agency for their
financial support.
Masashi Sugiyama, Taiji Suzuki, and Takafumi Kanamori
Part I

Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning


The goal of machine learning is to extract useful information hidden in data

(Hastie et al., 2001; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002; Bishop, 2006). This chapter is
devoted to describing a brief overview of the machine learning field and show-
ing our focus in this book – density-ratio methods. In Section 1.1, fundamental
machine learning frameworks of supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and
reinforcement learning are briefly reviewed. Then we show examples of machine
learning problems to which the density-ratio methods can be applied in Section 1.2
and briefly review methods of density-ratio estimation in Section 1.3. A brief
overview of theoretical aspects of density-ratio estimation is given in Section 1.4.
Finally, the organization of this book is described in Section 1.5.

1.1 Machine Learning

Depending on the type of data and the purpose of the analysis, machine learning
tasks can be classified into three categories:
Supervised learning: An input–output relation is learned from input–output
Unsupervised learning: Some interesting “structure” is found from input-only
Reinforcement learning: A decision-making policy is learned from reward
In this section we briefly review each of these tasks.

1.1.1 Supervised Learning

In the supervised learning scenario, data samples take the form of input–output
pairs and the goal is to infer the input–output relation behind the data. Typi-
cal examples of supervised learning problems are regression and classification
(Figure 1.1):

4 1 Introduction

Decision boundary

Learning target function

Learned function
Training samples

Negative training samples
Input training samples
(a) Regression (b) Classification

Figure 1.1. Regression and classification tasks in supervised learning. The goal of
regression is to learn the target function from training samples, while the goal of
classification is to learn the decision boundary from training samples.

Regression: Real-valued output values are predicted. A distance structure exists

in the output space, thus making it important that the prediction be “close” to
the true output.
Classification: Categorical output values are predicted. No distance structure
exists in the output space, and thus the only thing that matters is whether the
prediction is correct.

Designing learning algorithms for making good predictions is the central

research topic in supervised learning. Beyond that, there are various challeng-
ing research issues such as model selection, active learning, and dimensionality
reduction (Figure 1.2):

Model selection: To obtain good prediction performance in supervised learning,

it is critical to control the complexity of models appropriately. Here a model
refers to a set of functions from which a learned function is searched (Akaike,
1970, 1974, 1980; Mallows, 1973; Takeuchi, 1976; Schwarz, 1978; Rissanen,
1978; Craven and Wahba, 1979; Rissanen, 1987; Shibata, 1989; Wahba,
1990; Efron and Tibshirani, 1993; Murata et al., 1994; Konishi and Kitagawa,
1996; Ishiguro et al., 1997; Vapnik, 1998; Sugiyama and Ogawa, 2001b;
Sugiyama and Müller, 2002; Sugiyama et al., 2004).
Active learning: When users are allowed to design the location of train-
ing input points, it is desirable to design the location so that the pre-
diction performance is maximized (Fedorov, 1972; Pukelsheim, 1993;
Cohn et al., 1996; Fukumizu, 2000; Wiens, 2000; Sugiyama and Ogawa, 2000,
2001a; Kanamori and Shimodaira, 2003; Sugiyama, 2006; Kanamori, 2007;
Sugiyama and Nakajima, 2009). Active learning is also called the experiment
design in statistics. The challenging problem of solving active learning and
model selection simultaneously has also been explored (Sugiyama and Ogawa,
2003; Sugiyama and Rubens, 2008).
1.1 Machine Learning 5

Target function
Learned function
Training samples

Appropriate model

Too simple model Too complex model

(a) Model selection

Learned function

Good training inputs Poor training inputs

(b) Active˙learning

High-dimensional space
Low-dimensional space

(c) Dimensionality reduction

Figure 1.2. Research topics in supervised learning. The goal of model selection is to
appropriately control the complexity of a function class from which a learned function is
searched. The goal of active learning is to find good location of training input points. The
goal of dimensionality reduction is to find a suitable low-dimensional expression of
training samples for predicting output values.
6 1 Introduction

Dimensionality reduction: As the dimensionality of input variables gets higher,

the supervised learning problem becomes more and more difficult. Because of
its hardness, this phenomenon is often referred to as the curse of dimensionality
(Bellman, 1961; Vapnik, 1998). One way to mitigate the curse of dimension-
ality is to assume that the data at hand are redundant in some sense and try
to remove such redundant components. Various dimensionality reduction tech-
niques have been developed (Fukunaga, 1990; Li, 1991, 1992; Fukumizu et al.,
2004; Weinberger et al., 2006; Globerson and Roweis, 2006; Sugiyama, 2007,
2009; Davis et al., 2007; Song et al., 2007b; Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010;
Sugiyama et al., 2010c). Dimensionality reduction is also referred to as fea-
ture extraction. If the reduction is confined to choosing a subset of attributes
of the original high-dimensional input vector, it is called feature selection or
variable selection. Unsupervised dimensionality reduction methods (i.e., out-
put information is not utilized) are also often employed, even in supervised
learning scenarios (see Section 1.1.2).

1.1.2 Unsupervised Learning

In contrast to supervised learning, where input–output samples are provided, data
samples containing only input information are available in an unsupervised learn-
ing scenario. The goal of unsupervised learning is to discover some “interesting”
structure hidden in the input-only data.
Typical examples of unsupervised learning problems are (Figure 1.3)
Visualization: High-dimensional data samples are projected onto a space
with dimension no more than 3. Essentially, data visualization is almost
the same as dimensionality reduction (Friedman and Tukey, 1974; Huber,
1985; Friedman, 1987; Oja, 1982, 1989; Jolliffe, 1986; Schölkopf et al.,
1998; Roweis and Saul, 2000; Tenenbaum et al., 2000; Saul and Roweis, 2003;
Belkin and Niyogi, 2003; Donoho and Grimes, 2003; He and Niyogi, 2004;
Hinton and Salakhutdinov, 2006; Blanchard et al., 2006; Kawanabe et al.,
Clustering: Data samples are grouped into several clusters based on
their similarity/distance (MacQueen 1967; Antoniak 1974; Hartigan
1975; Kohonen 1988; Jain and Dubes 1988; Buhmann 1995; Kohonen
1995; Shi and Malik 2000; Meila and Heckerman 2001; Ng et al. 2002;
Bach and Jordan 2006; Dhillon et al. 2004; Xu et al. 2005; Bach and Harchaoui
2008; Zelnik-Manor and Perona 2005; Blei and Jordan 2006; Song et al.
2007a; Faivishevsky and Goldberger 2010; Kimura and Sugiyama 2011;
Agakov andBarber 2006; Gomes et al. 2010; Sugiyama et al. 2011d).
Outlier detection: In real-world problems, data samples often contain outliers
(i.e., “irregular” samples) because of measurement error or human mislabeling.
The goal of outlier detection is to identify outliers in a dataset (Breunig et al.,
2000; Schölkopf et al., 2001; Tax and Duin, 2004; Hodge and Austin, 2004;
Hido et al., 2011). The problem of outlier detection is also referred to as anomaly
detection, novelty detection, and single-class classification.
1.1 Machine Learning 7

High-dimensional data Low-dimensional expression

(a) Visualization

Inliers Outliers


(b) Clustering (c) Outlier detection

Mixing Demixing

(d) Independent˙component˙analysis

Figure 1.3. Research topics in unsupervised learning. The goal of visualization is to find a
low-dimensional expression of samples that provides us some intuition behind the data.
The goal of clustering is to group samples into several clusters. The goal of outlier
detection is to identify “irregular” samples. The goal of independent component analysis
is to extract original source signals from their mixed signals.

Independent component analysis: Independent component analysis is a mac-

hine learning approach to the problem of blind source separation, which is also
known as the cocktail party problem. The goal of blind source separation is to
extract the original source signals from their mixed signals. Independent compo-
nent analysis methods tackle this problem based on the statistical independence
among the source signals (Jutten and Herault, 1991; Cardoso and Souloumiac,
8 1 Introduction

1993; Comon, 1994; Amari et al., 1996; Amari, 1998, 2000; Hyvaerinen, 1999;
Cardoso, 1999; Lee et al., 1999; Hyvärinen et al., 2001; Bach and Jordan, 2002;
Hulle, 2008; Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011).

An intermediate situation between supervised and unsupervised learning called

semi-supervised learning has also become a major topic of interest recently, where
input–output samples and input-only samples are given (Chapelle et al., 2006). The
goal of semi-supervised learning is still the same as supervised learning. Thus, the
only difference between semi-supervised learning and supervised learning is that,
in semi-supervised learning, additional input-only samples are provided, based on
which we expect that prediction performance can be improved.

1.1.3 Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998) is a framework of learning a
decision-making policy for computer agents through interaction with the sur-
rounding environment. Since the goal is to learn a policy function, it is similar to
supervised learning. However, no explicit supervision is available, that is, an action
to take is not explicitly provided. Thus, it is also similar to unsupervised learning.
Without any supervision, it is not possible to learn a policy function in a mean-
ingful way. A key assumption in reinforcement learning is that implicit supervision
called rewards is provided. The reward information reflects the appropriateness
of the action the agent takes at that time. Thus, intuitively, the action with the
maximum reward is regarded as the best choice. However, a greedy strategy of
maximizing the immediate reward does not necessarily lead to the maximization
of the long-term cumulative rewards. For example, a prior investment can pro-
duce more profits in the long run. The goal of reinforcement learning is to let the
agent learn the control policy that maximizes the long-term cumulative rewards
(Figure 1.4).
Regression methods are often utilized to solve efficiently the reinforcement
learning problem (Lagoudakis and Parr, 2003). Furthermore, various machine
learning techniques such as clustering, active learning, and dimensionality



Agent State

Figure 1.4. Reinforcement learning. If the agent takes some action, then the next state and
the reward are given from the environment. The goal of reinforcement learning is to let
the agent learn the control policy that maximizes the long-term cumulative rewards.
1.2 Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning 9

reduction are highly useful for solving realistic reinforcement learning problems.
Thus, reinforcement learning can be regarded as a challenging application of
machine learning methods. Following the rapid advancement of machine learn-
ing techniques and computer environments in the last decade, reinforcement
learning algorithms have become capable of handling large-scale, complex, real-
world problems. For this reason, reinforcement learning has gathered considerable
attention recently in the machine learning community.

1.2 Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning

As described in the previous section, machine learning includes various kinds of
important and practical data-processing tasks. For this reason, machine learn-
ing become one of the most challenging and growing research fields in the
areas of computer science and related data processing fields. Among the vari-
ous approaches, statistical methods have particularly achieved great success in the
last decade, when the size, dimension, and complexity of the data have grown
In a statistical approach, the data samples are assumed to be drawn from
an underlying probability distribution. Thus, the most fundamental statistical
approach tries to estimate the underlying probability distribution from samples.
Indeed, virtually all machine learning problems can be solved via probability dis-
tribution estimation. However, since probability distribution estimation is known
to be one of the most difficult problems (Vapnik, 1998), solving a target machine
learning task via probability distribution estimation can be highly erroneous.
Recently, an alternative framework of machine learning based on the ratio of
probability densities has been proposed and has gathered a great deal of attention
(Sugiyama et al., 2009). The purpose of this book is to give an overview of the
density-ratio framework including algorithms, applications, and theories.
The density-ratio framework of machine learning includes various statistical
data-processing tasks, which are extensively covered in Part III of this book.

Non-stationarity adaptation (Section 9.1): Ordinary supervised learning meth-

ods have been developed under the assumption that samples used for training
a regressor/classifier follow the same probability distribution as test samples
whose outputs are predicted. Under the common distribution assumption, ordi-
nary learning algorithms are designed to have good theoretical properties such
as consistency and asymptotic unbiasedness.
However, this fundamental assumption is often violated in real-world prob-
lems such as robot control, speech recognition, image recognition, brain-signal
analysis, natural language processing, bioinformatics, and computational chem-
istry. The goal of non-stationarity adaptation research is to develop learning
algorithms that perform well even when the training and test samples follow
different probability distributions. If the problem domains of the training and
test data are different, the adaptation problem is called domain adaptation or
10 1 Introduction

transfer learning. In econometrics, this problem has been studied under the
name of sample selection bias (Heckman, 1979).
When the training and test distributions have nothing in common, it is not
possible to learn anything about the test distribution from the training sam-
ples. Thus, some similarity between training and test distributions needs to be
assumed to make the discussion meaningful. Here we focus on the situation
called a covariate shift, where the training and test input distributions are dif-
ferent but the conditional distribution of outputs given inputs is common to the
training and test samples (Shimodaira, 2000). Note that “covariate” refers to an
input variable in statistics.
Under the covariate shift setup, the density ratio between the training
and test densities can be used as the measure of the “importance” of each
training sample in the test domain. This approach can be regarded as an appli-
cation of the importance sampling technique in statistics (Fishman, 1996).
By weighting the training loss function according to the importance value,
ordinary supervised learning techniques can be systematically modified so
that suitable theoretical properties such as consistency and asymptotic unbi-
asedness can be properly achieved even under covariate shift (Shimodaira,
2000; Zadrozny, 2004; Sugiyama and Müller, 2005; Sugiyama et al., 2007,
2008; Storkey and Sugiyama, 2007; Huang et al., 2007; Yamazaki et al., 2007;
Bickel et al., 2007; Kanamori et al., 2009; Quiñonero-Candela et al., 2009;
Sugiyama and Kawanabe, 2011).
Multi-task learning (Section 9.2): When one wants to solve many supervised
learning problems, each of which contains a small number of training sam-
ples, solving them simultaneously could be more promising than solving them
independently if the learning problems possess some similarity. The goal
of multi-task learning is to solve multiple related learning problems accu-
rately based on task similarity (Caruana et al., 1997; Baxter, 1997, 2000;
Ben-David et al., 2002; Bakker and Heskes, 2003; Ben-David and Schuller,
2003; Evgeniou and Pontil, 2004; Micchelli and Pontil, 2005; Yu et al., 2005;
Ando and Zhang, 2005; Xue et al., 2007; Kato et al., 2010).
The essence of multi-task learning is data sharing among different tasks,
which can also be carried out systematically by using the importance sampling
technique (Bickel et al., 2008). Thus, a multi-task learning problem can be
handled in the same way as non-stationarity adaptation in the density ratio
Outlier detection (Section 10.1): The goal of outlier detection is to identify out-
liers in a dataset. In principle, outlier-detection problems can be solved in
a supervised way by learning a classification rule between the outliers and
inliers based on outlier and inlier samples. However, because outlier patterns
are often so diverse and their tendency may change over time in practice, such
a supervised learning approach is not necessarily appropriate. Semi-supervised
approaches are also being explored (Gao et al., 2006a, 2006b) but they still
suffer from the same limitation. For this reason, it is common to tackle the
1.2 Density-Ratio Approach to Machine Learning 11

outlier-detection problems as one-class classifications in an unsupervised way.

However, solving the unsupervised outlier detection problem is hard due to lack
of prior knowledge about outliers.
Here we suppose that a set of inlier samples is given in addition to the test
dataset from which we want to find outliers. Then the density ratio between the
inlier dataset and the test dataset can be used for outlier detection; if the density-
ratio value for a test sample is far from one, the test sample is plausible to an
outlier (Smola et al., 2009; Hido et al., 2011). This setup is called inlier-based
outlier detection. In the framework of inlier-based outlier detection, outliers
are explicitly defined as samples “far” from inliers. As such, the density-ratio
approach to outlier detection can overcome the ill-posedness of unsupervised
outlier detection in which the definition of the outliers is implicit and unclear.
Two-sample test (Section 10.2): Given two sets of samples, testing whether
probability distributions behind the samples are equivalent is a fundamental
task in statistical data analysis. This problem is referred to as the two-sample
test or the homogeneity test (Kullback, 1959).
A standard approach to the two-sample test is to estimate a diver-
gence between two probability distributions (Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2005;
Kanamori et al., 2011a). A key observation is that a general class of
divergences (Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967), including the Kullback–
Leibler divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) and the Pearson divergence
(Pearson, 1900), can be approximated accurately via density-ratio estimation
(Nguyen et al., 2010; Sugiyama et al., 2011c), resulting in better test accuracy
than estimating the two distributions separately.
Change-point detection in time series: The goal of change-point detection
is to identify time points at which properties of time series data
change (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993; Brodsky and Darkhovsky, 1993;
Guralnik and Srivastava, 1999; Gustafsson, 2000; Yamanishi and Takeuchi,
2002; Ide and Kashima, 2004; Kifer et al., 2004). This problem is also referred
to as event detection. If vectorial samples are extracted from time series data in a
sliding-window manner, then change-point detection is reduced to a distribution
comparison. (Kawahara and Sugiyama, 2011).
Conditional density estimation (Section 12.1): Estimating the conditional mean
of an input–output relation is the goal of regression. However, the regres-
sion analysis is not sufficiently informative if the conditional distribution has
multi-modality, is highly asymmetric, or contains heteroscedastic noise. In
such scenarios, estimating the conditional density itself would be more useful
(Bishop, 2006; Takeuchi et al., 2006, 2009; Li et al., 2007). Since the condi-
tional density is expressed as the joint probability of inputs and outputs over
the marginal probability of inputs, conditional density estimation can be carried
out by direct application of density-ratio estimators (Sugiyama et al., 2010b).
Probabilistic classification (Section 12.2): The goal of classification is to pre-
dict class labels for test patterns. Depending on the application, one may also
want to know the confidence of the class prediction (Hastie et al., 2001); for
12 1 Introduction

example, when the confidence of class prediction is low, one may decide to label
the test pattern manually. The confidence of class prediction can be obtained
by the class-posterior probability given the test patterns. A classification based
on the class-posterior probability is called probabilistic classification. Because
the class-posterior probability is expressed as the joint probability of patterns
and labels over the marginal probability of patterns, probabilistic classification
can be carried out by direct application of density-ratio estimators (Sugiyama,

Furthermore, density-ratio methods can be used directly for approximating

mutual information (Suzuki et al., 2008, 2009a). Mutual information plays a cen-
tral role in information theory (Cover and Thomas, 2006) and can be used as a
measure of statistical independence among random variables. As will be shown
later, mutual information estimators based on density ratios are useful for solving
various machine learning tasks.

Independence test: Given input–output samples, testing whether the input and
output are statistically independent is an important task in statistical data anal-
ysis. This problem is referred to as the independence test. A standard approach
to the independence test is to estimate the degree of independence between the
inputs and outputs. Mutual information estimators based on density ratios can
be used for this purpose (Sugiyama and Suzuki, 2011).
Variable selection: The goal of variable selection or feature selection in super-
vised learning is to find a subset of attributes of the original input vector that
are responsible for predicting the output values. This can be carried out by
measuring the independence between a subset of input features and outputs.
Thus, mutual information estimators based on density ratios can be used for
this purpose (Suzuki et al., 2009b).
Clustering: The goal of clustering is to group data samples into several dis-
joint clusters based on their pairwise similarity. This can be carried out by
determining the cluster labels (i.e., group indices) so that the dependence on
input patterns is maximized (Song et al., 2007a; Faivishevsky and Goldberger,
2010). Mutual information estimators based on density ratios can be used as a
dependence measure (Kimura and Sugiyama, 2011).
Object matching: The goal of object matching is to find a correspondence
between two sets of objects in different domains in an unsupervised way.
Object matching is typically formulated as finding a mapping from objects
in one domain to objects in the other domain so that the pairwise depen-
dency is maximized (Jebara, 2004; Quadrianto et al., 2010). Mutual information
estimators based on density ratios can be used as a dependence measure
(Yamada and Sugiyama, 2011a).
Dimensionality reduction (Section 11.2): The goal of dimensionality reduction
or feature extraction is the same as feature selection. However, instead of sub-
sets, linear combinations of input features are searched. Similarly to feature
1.3 Algorithms of Density-Ratio Estimation 13

selection, feature extraction can be carried out by measuring the independence

between linear combinations of input features and outputs. Thus, mutual infor-
mation estimators based on density ratios can be effectively utilized for this
purpose (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010).
Independent component analysis (Section 11.3): The goal of independent com-
ponent analysis is to separate mixed-source signals into statistically indepen-
dent ones, by which the original source signals can be recovered under some
assumption. Here, signals are separated so that they are as independent of each
other as possible. Thus, mutual information estimators based on density ratios
can be utilized for this purpose (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011).
Causality learning: The goal of causality learning is to discover a causal relation
in data (Pearl, 2000). Under some additive noise assumptions, such causal
relations can be identified by investigating the dependency between one of the
variables and the residual of the prediction of the other variable (Hoyer et al.,
2009). Mutual information estimators based on density ratios are useful for this
purpose (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2010).

1.3 Algorithms of Density-Ratio Estimation

As was shown in the previous section, the use of density ratios allows us to solve a
wide range of machine learning problems in a unified manner. Part II of this book
is devoted to introducing various algorithms for density-ratio estimation. These
algorithms are aimed at estimating the density ratio r ∗ (x) between the probability
∗ nnu de nde

densities pnu (x) and pde (x) from samples {x nu
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 :

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) := ∗ ,
pde (x)
where “nu” and “de” indicate “numerator” and “denominator,” respectively.
A naive approach to estimating the density ratio r ∗ (x) is based on density
∗ ∗
estimation of pnu (x) and pde (x):
Density estimation (Chapter 2): Each density function is estimated separately
from the corresponding samples, and then the ratio of the estimated densities
is computed.
However, density estimation is known to be a hard problem, and thus this two-step
approach may not be reliable in practice.
Vapnik (1998) advocated that
One should avoid solving more difficult intermediate
problems when solving a target problem.
This statement is sometimes referred to as Vapnik’s principle. The support vector
machine (SVM; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1998; Schölkopf and Smola,
2002) would be a successful realization of this principle. Indeed, an SVM directly
models the decision boundary that is sufficient for pattern recognition instead of
14 1 Introduction

solving a more general and thus difficult problem of estimating the data-generation
Vapnik’s principle in the context of density ratio estimation may be interpreted
as follows:

One should avoid estimating the two densities pnu (x) and
∗ ∗
pde (x) when estimating the ratio r (x).

This statement sounds reasonable because knowing the two densities pnu (x) and
∗ ∗
pde (x) implies knowing the ratio r (x). However, the opposite is not necessarily
true, because the ratio r ∗ (x) cannot be uniquely decomposed into the two densities
∗ ∗
pnu (x) and pde (x) (Figure 1.5). Thus, directly estimating the ratio r ∗ (x) would be

a more sensible and promising approach than estimating the two densities pnu (x)

and pde (x) separately.
Following this idea, various direct density-ratio estimation methods have been
proposed so far, which are summarized in the following.
Moment matching (Chapter 3): Two distributions are equivalent if and only if

all moments agree with each other and the numerator density pnu (x) can be

expressed in terms of the ratio r (x) as

pnu (x) = r ∗ (x)pde

(x). (1.1)

Thus, if a density-ratio model r(x) is learned so that the moments of pnu (x)

and r(x)pde (x) agree with each other, a good approximation to the true density
ratio r ∗ (x) may be obtained. This is the basic idea of the moment-matching
approach (see Figure 1.6).

Knowing two densities Knowing ratio

nu (x)
p*nu (x), p*
(x) r* (x) =
p*de (x)

∗ ∗
Figure 1.5. Knowing the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) implies knowing their ratio
∗ ∗
r (x). However, the ratio r (x) cannot be uniquely decomposed into the two densities
∗ ∗
pnu (x) and pde (x).

p*de (x) r (x) p* (x)


x x

Figure 1.6. The idea of moment matching.

1.3 Algorithms of Density-Ratio Estimation 15

However, directly matching all (i.e., infinitely many) moments is not possi-
ble in reality, and hence one may choose a finite number of moments and match
them. Although this results in a computationally tractable algorithm, consis-
tency is not guaranteed (i.e., even in the limit of a large sample size, the optimal
solution cannot be necessarily obtained).
An alternative approach is to employ a universal reproducing kernel Hilbert
space (Steinwart, 2001); the Gaussian reproducing kernel Hilbert space is a
typical example. It was shown that mean matching in a universal reproduc-
ing kernel Hilbert space leads to a consistent estimator (Huang et al., 2007;
Quiñonero-Candela et al., 2009). This gives a computationally efficient and
consistent algorithm for density-ratio estimation.
Probabilistic classification (Chapter 4): An alternative approach to density-
ratio estimation is to use a probabilistic classifier. A key fact is that the density
ratio r ∗ (x) can be expressed as
p∗ (y = de) p∗ (y = nu|x)
r ∗ (x) = .
p ∗ (y = nu) p ∗ (y = de|x)
Thus, if a probabilistic classifier that separates numerator samples and denom-
inator samples can be obtained, the density rato can be estimated (Qin, 1998;
Cheng and Chu, 2004; Bickel et al., 2007). For example, a logistic regres-
sion classifier (Hastie et al., 2001) and a least-squares probabilistic classifier
(LSPC; Sugiyama, 2010) can be employed for this purpose (see Figure 1.7).
The logistic regression approach is shown to be optimal among a class of
semi-parametric estimators under a correct model assumption (Qin, 1998),
while an LSPC is computationally more efficient than logistic regression and
is thus applicable to massive datasets.
Density fitting (Chapter 5): In the moment matching approach described previ-
∗ ∗
ously, density ratios are estimated so that the moments of pnu (x) and r(x)pde (x)
are matched via Eq. (1.1). On the other hand, in the density-fitting approach,
density ratios are estimated so that the Kullback–Leibler divergence from
∗ ∗
pnu (x) to r(x)pde (x) is minimized. This framework is called the KL impor-
tance estimation procedure (KLIEP; Sugiyama et al., 2008). The “importance”
is another name for the density ratio.

p*nu (x) p*de (x)

∗ ∗
Figure 1.7. Probabilistic classification of samples drawn from pnu (x) and pde (x).
16 1 Introduction

True ratio function r * (x)

Learned ratio model r(x)

Figure 1.8. The idea of density-ratio fitting.

Practical implementations of KLIEP for various density-ratio models

have been developed, including linear, kernel, log-liner, Gaussian mix-
ture, and principal–component–analyzer mixture models (Sugiyama et al.,
2008; Tsuboi et al., 2009; Yamada and Sugiyama, 2009; Nguyen et al., 2010;
Yamada et al., 2010a). We will describe the ideas and derivations of these
algorithms with numerical examples.
Density-ratio fitting (Chapter 6): A direct approach to density-ratio estimation
would be to fit a density-ratio model r(x) to the true density-ratio function
r ∗ (x) [see Figure 1.8]. A least-squares fitting framework of density ratios was
proposed in Kanamori et al. (2009), which is called least-squares importance
fitting (LSIF).
At a glance, the LSIF framework may look equivalent to regression [see
Section 1.1.1 and Figure 1.1(a)]. However, density-ratio fitting is essentially
different from regression because samples from the target function (the true
density-ratio function in this case) are not available.
Computationally efficient algorithms of LSIF have been developed
(Kanamori et al., 2009). Because a regularization-path tracking algorithm
is available if the 1 -regularizer is used (Best, 1982; Efron et al., 2004;
Hastie et al., 2004), it is computationally efficient. Furthermore, an uncon-
strained variant of LSIF allows one to learn the density-ratio estimator
analytically, which can be computed efficiently and stably. Moreover, the
analytic-form solution can be utilized for various purposes such as dimension-
ality reduction, independent component analysis, and causality learning (see
Section 1.2).

In Chapter 7, a unified framework of density-ratio estimation by density-ratio

fitting (Sugiyama et al., 2011a) is introduced. This is a natural extension of the
previously mentioned least-squares density-ratio fitting approach to the Bregman
divergence (Bregman, 1967). The density-ratio fitting framework includes the
moment matching approach, the logistic regression approach, the KLIEP approach,
and the LSIF approach as special cases and is substantially more general. Thus,
the density-ratio fitting framework provides a unified view of various density-ratio
1.4 Theoretical Aspects of Density-Ratio Estimation 17

estimation approaches. The density-ratio fitting approach can also be interpreted

as divergence estimation (Nguyen et al., 2010) based on the Ali–Silvey–Csiszár
divergence (a.k.a. f -divergence; Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967).
The direct density-ratio estimation approaches described previously are shown
to compare favorably with the naive density estimation methods in experiments.
However, these direct density-ratio estimation methods still perform rather poorly
when the dimensionality of the data domain is high. To cope with this problem,
a framework of direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction (D3 ;
pronounced “D-cube”) was introduced in Sugiyama et al. (2010a). The basic idea
of D3 is to find a subspace in which the numerator and denominator densities
are significantly different, and then carry out density-ratio estimation only within
this subspace. Methods based on discriminant analysis and divergence maximiza-
tion have been proposed (Sugiyama et al., 2010a, 2011b). These methods will be
covered in Chapter 8.
Although we do not go into detail in this book, the density-ratio approach was
shown to be useful in various real-world applications including brain–computer
interface (Sugiyama et al., 2007; Y. Li et al., 2010), robot control (Hachiya et al.,
2009; Akiyama et al., 2010; Sugiyama et al., 2010b; Hachiya et al., 2011b),
speaker identification (Yamada et al., 2010b), audio tagging (Wichern et al., 2010),
natural language processing (Tsuboi et al., 2009), semiconductor wafer align-
ment (Sugiyama and Nakajima, 2009), human age prediction (Ueki et al., 2011),
bioinformatics (Suzuki et al., 2009b), visual inspection of precision instruments
(Takimoto et al., 2009), spam filtering (Bickel et al., 2007), human activity recog-
nition (Hachiya et al., 2011a), and HIV therapy screening (Bickel et al., 2008).
Thus, the density-ratio approach is a novel and promising paradigm in machine
learning and data mining.

1.4 Theoretical Aspects of Density-Ratio Estimation

In Part IV theoretical aspects of density ratio estimation are explored.
Parametric convergence analysis (Chapter 13): One of the main statistical
concerns about density-ratio estimation is the consistency (does the estima-
tor converges to the optimal solution in the limit of large sample size?) and
convergence rate (how fast does the estimator converge to the optimal solu-
tion?). In Chapter 13, such convergence issues are theoretically investigated
for the density-fitting method (Chapter 5) and the density-ratio fitting method
(Chapter 6) in the parametric setup, showing that both methods are consistent
and achieve the optimal parametric convergence rate (Sugiyama et al., 2008;
Kanamori et al., 2009).
Also, the optimality of the probabilistic classification method based on
logistic regression (Chapter 4) is established. More specifically, if the logis-
tic regression model is correctly specified (i.e., the true function is included in
the parametric model), logistic regression asymptotically gives the minimum
variance estimator among a wide class of estimators (Qin, 1998).
18 1 Introduction

We also theoretically compare the performances of the density estima-

tion method (Chapter 2), the logistic regression method (Chapter 4), and
the Kullback–Leibler density-fitting method (Chapter 5). If both numerator
and denominator density models are correctly specified (i.e., the true den-
sity is included in the parametric model), the density estimation approach is
shown to be the most accurate method (Kanamori et al., 2010). However, if
the model is misspecified (which would be the case in practice), the Kullback–
Leibler density-fitting method is shown to be the most promising approach
(Kanamori et al., 2010).
Non-parametric convergence analysis (Chapter 14): In Chapter 14, non-
parametric convergence rates of the density fitting method (Chapter 5) and the
density-ratio fitting method (Chapter 6) are elucidated. More specifically, both
of the methods are shown to achieve the optimal non-parametric convergence
rate in the mini-max sense (Sugiyama et al., 2008; Kanamori et al., 2011b).
Parametric two-sample test (Chapter 15): In Chapter 15 we consider a
divergence-based two-sample test (Section 10.2), where the divergence is
approximated based on parametric density-ratio estimation. More specifically,
an optimal estimator of the divergence in the sense of the asymptotic variance
is derived, and a statistic for a two-sample test based on the optimal diver-
gence estimator is provided, which is shown to dominate the existing empirical
likelihood-score test (Kanamori et al., 2011a).
Non-parametric numerical stability analysis (Chapter 16): In Chapter 16,
the numerical stabilities of the density-ratio fitting and the moment matching
methods are theoretically analyzed. Actually, the least-squares density-ratio
fitting method (Chapter 6) and the kernel-based moment matching method
(Chapter 3) share the same solution in theory (Chapter 7). However, their opti-
mization criteria are substantially different. Here the condition number of the
Hessian matrix is theoretically analyzed, and the least-squares density-ratio fit-
ting method is shown to be more favorable than kernel-based moment matching
(Kanamori et al., 2011c).

1.5 Organization of this Book at a Glance

The rest of chapters of this book are organized as follows (Figure 1.9):
Part II of this book introduces various methods of density-ratio estimations.
These methods are arranged into five chapters: density estimation (Chapter 2),
moment matching (Chapter 3), probabilistic classification (Chapter 4), density
fitting (Chapter 5), and density-ratio fitting (Chapter 6). Because these methods
form the basis of the density-ratio framework, we explain not only the algorithms
but also their ideas and derivations in detail. For an intuitive understanding of the
behavior of each method, illustrative numerical examples are also provided in each
chapter. In Chapter 7, a unified framework of density-ratio estimation by density-
ratio fitting is introduced, which accommodates various density-ratio estimation
methods and is substantially more general. The final chapter of Part II, Chapter 8,
1.5 Organization of this Book at a Glance 19

Density Ratio Estimation in Machine Learning:

A Versalite Tool for Statistical Data Processing

Part I Part II
Density-Ratio Approach Methods of Density-Ratio
to Machine Learning Estimation
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Introduction Density Estimation

Chapter 3
Moment Matching

Chapter 4
Probabilistic Classification
Chapter 5
Density Fitting
Chapter 6
Part III Density-Ratio Fitting
Applications of Density Ratios
Chapter 7
in Machine Learning
Unified Framework
Chapter 9
Chapter 8
Importance Sampling
Direct Density-Ratio Estimation
Chapter 10 with Dimensionality Reduction
Distribution Comparison
Chapter 11
Mutual Information Estimation Part IV
Chapter 12 Theoretical Analysis of
Conditional Probability Density-Ratio Estimation
Estimation Chapter 13
Parametric Convergence Analysis
Chapter 14
Non-Parametric Convergence
Part V
Perspectives Chapter 15
Parametric Two-Sample Test
Chapter 17
Chapter 16
Conclusions and Future
Non-Parametric Numerical
Stability Analysis

Figure 1.9. Organization of chapters. Chapters 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, and 16 contain advanced
materials, and thus beginners may skip these chapters at first.
20 1 Introduction

covers an advanced topic of direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality

reduction for high-dimensional density ratio estimation.
Part III describes how the density-ratio methods are used for solving vari-
ous machine learning tasks. These machine learning tasks are arranged into four
chapters: importance sampling (Chapter 9), distribution comparison (Chapter 10),
mutual information estimation (Chapter 11), and conditional probability estima-
tion (Chapter 12). The characteristics of the density ratio approaches in each task
as well as the relations between the density ratio methods and the representative
native methods for each machine learning task are also extensively discussed in
each chapter. The behavior of the density ratio and the native methods are illustrated
through numerical examples.
In Part IV, advanced theoretical issues of density-ratio estimation are explained.
In Chapters 13 and 14, the convergence rates of density-ratio fitting methods are
theoretically investigated in parametric and non-parametric settings. In Chapter 15,
a parametric method of a two-sample test is described, and its theoretical properties
are analyzed. In Chapter 16, the numerical stability of kernel-based density-ratio
fitting and moment matching is theoretically analyzed.
Finally, in Part V, concluding remarks and future directions are discussed.
Part II

Methods of Density-Ratio Estimation

In this part we discuss the problem of estimating the ratio of two probability density
functions from samples.
First we formulate the problem of density-ratio estimation. Let X (⊂ Rd ) be
the data domain, and suppose we are given independent and identically distributed
(i.i.d.) samples {x nu ∗
i }i=1 from a distribution with density pnu (x) and i.i.d. samples
de de ∗
{x j }j =1 from another distribution with density pde (x):

nnui.i.d. n i.i.d.
{x nu ∗ de de ∗
i }i=1 ∼ pnu (x) and {x j }j =1 ∼ pde (x).

∗ ∗
We assume that pde (x) is strictly positive over the domain X , that is, pde (x) > 0
for all x ∈ X . Our goal is to estimate the density ratio

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) := ∗
pde (x)
nnu n
from the samples {x nu de de
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 , “nu” and “de” indicate “numerator” and
“denominator,” respectively.
This part contains seven chapters. In Chapter 2, density-ratio estimation based
on a separate density estimation is explained. Parametric and nonparametric
density estimation methods are covered here. In the two-step approach of first
estimating the numerator and denominator densities and then plugging the esti-
mated densities into the ratio, the error caused by the second step (plug-in) is not
taken into account in the first step (density estimation). Thus, a more promising
approach would be a one-shot procedure of directly estimating the density ratio
without going through density estimation. Methods following this idea will be
explained in detail in the following chapters.
In Chapter 3, the framework of density-ratio estimation based on moment match-
ing is explained. The basic idea of moment matching is to obtain a “transformation”

function r(x) that matches moments of the denominator density pde (x) with those

of the numerator density pnu (x). Along this line, finite-order and infinite-order
moment matching methods are explained here.
22 Methods of Density-Ratio Estimation

In Chapter 4, the framework of density-ratio estimation based on probabilistic

classification is explained. The density ratio can be expressed in terms of the
∗ ∗
class-posterior probability whether a point x is drawn from pnu (x) or pde (x).
Density-ratio estimation methods based on logistic regression, the least-squares
probabilistic classifier, and the support vector machine are covered here.
In Chapter 5, the framework of density-ratio estimation based on density fitting
is explained. The basic idea of density fitting is to minimizes the Kullback–Leibler
∗ ∗
(KL) divergence from the true numerator density pnu (x) to its estimator r(x)pde (x).
This framework is called the KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP), and
we describe practical implementations of KLIEP for various density-ratio models
including linear/kernel models, log-linear models, Gaussian-mixture models, and
probabilistic principal–component–analyzer mixture models.
In Chapter 6, the framework of density-ratio estimation based on density-ratio
fitting is explained. The basic idea of this framework, called least-squares impor-
tance fitting (LSIF), is to fit a density-ratio model r(x) to the true density-ratio
function r ∗ (x) by least-squares estimation. We cover two implementations of LSIF
for linear/kernel models.

Part II
Methods of Density Ratio Estimation

Chapter 2
Density Estimation

Chapter 3
Moment Matching

Chapter 4
Probabilistic Classification Chapter 7
Unified Framework
Chapter 5
Density Fitting

Chapter 6
Density-Ratio Fitting
Chapter 8
Direct Density-Ratio Estimation
with Dimensionality Reduction

Figure 1.10. Structure of Part II. Chapters 7 and 8 contain advanced materials, and thus
beginners may skip these chapters at first.
Methods of Density-Ratio Estimation 23

In Chapter 7 we describe a unified framework of density-ratio estimation

that is based on density-ratio fitting under the Bregman divergence. This frame-
work is a natural extension of the least-squares approach described in Chapter 6,
and it includes various existing approaches as special cases. Furthermore, a
novel instance of this framework such as robust density-ratio estimation is also
described here.
The direct density-ratio estimation methods introduced in the preceding are
shown to compare favorably with the separate density estimation methods in
experiments. However, there is still room for further improvement when the
dimensionality of the data space is high. In Chapter 8, the framework of direct
density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction (D3 ; pronounced “D-cube”)
is described. In this framework, a subspace in which the numerator and denomi-
nator densities are significantly different is first identified, and then density-ratio
estimation is carried out only within this low-dimensional subspace. Methods
based on discriminant analysis and density fitting are covered here.
The structure of the chapters in Part II is illustrated in Figure 1.10. The most
important chapters in Part II are Chapters 5 and 6. Chapters 7 and 8 deal with
advanced topics, and thus beginners may skip these chapters at first.
Density Estimation

In this chapter, density-ratio estimation through density estimation is explained. In

Section 2.1, basic ideas of density estimation approaches are explained, including
the ratio of density estimators in Section 2.1.1 and uniformized density estimation
in Section 2.1.2. Then, parametric and non-parametric density estimation methods
are explained in Sections 2.2 and 2.3, respectively. Numerical examples are shown
in Section 2.4, and the chapter is concluded in Section 2.5.

2.1 Basic Framework

Suppose i.i.d. samples {x k }nk=1 following a probability distribution with density
function p∗ (x) are given:

{x k }nk=1 ∼ p ∗ (x).

The goal of density estimation is to obtain an estimator p(x) of the true density
p∗ (x) from {x k }nk=1 .
Here we describe two approaches to density-ratio estimation based on density
estimation: ratio of density estimators in Section 2.1.1 and uniformized density
estimation in Section 2.1.2

2.1.1 Ratio of Density Estimators

Density estimation methods can be used for density-ratio estimation by first obtain-
nnu de nde
ing density estimators p de (x) separately from {x nu
nu (x) and p i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 ,
and then estimating the density ratio by plugging the density estimators into the
ratio as
nu (x)

r(x) = .
de (x)

26 2 Density Estimation

This density estimation approach would be an easy and handy method for
de (x) may
density-ratio estimation. However, division by an estimated density p
nu (x).
magnify the estimation error included in p

2.1.2 Uniformized Density Estimation

When the denominator density pde (x) is uniform, the density ratio r ∗ (x) is

proportional to the numerator density pnu (x):
r ∗ (x) ∝ pnu

Thus, if we transform the input variable x to another domain so that the denomi-
nator density becomes uniform, we may simply approximate the density ratio by
a standard density estimation method (Ćwik and Mielniczuk, 1989; Chen et al.,
2009). We refer to this method as uniformized density estimation.
When the dimensionality of the input domain is d = 1 with a finite domain [a, b],
where −∞ < a < b < ∞, the above uniformization idea can be implemented using
∗ ∗
the cumulative distribution function Pde (x) of pde :
∗ ∗
Pde (x) := pnu (x)dx.

That is, if the denominator input variable x de is transformed to  x de by Pde (x) as

x de = Pde
 (x de ), then 
x de has the uniform density, as illustrated in Figure 2.1.

In practice, the cumulative distribution function Pde (x) is unknown, so we may
instead use the empirical cumulative distribution function P de (x) for {x de }nde :
j j =1

0 if x ≤ x1de ,
Pde (x) := j /nde if x de < x ≤ x de ,
 j j −1

1 if x > xndede ,

x̃ x̃
p˜*de (x)
1 1 P*de (x)

x˜ de

0 0 x
a x de b

p*de (x)

a b

x de = Pde∗ (x de ), where Pde∗ (x) is the cumulative distribution function of

Figure 2.1. Let 
∗ ∗
pnu (x). When x de follows pde x de has a uniform density.
2.2 Parametric Approach 27

Pˆde (x)

0 x
a x 1de x 2de x 3de x 4de x 5de b

de (x) for x1de ≤ · · · ≤ xnde .

Figure 2.2. Empirical cumulative distribution function P de

where we assume that x1de ≤ · · · ≤ xndede without loss of generality (see Figure 2.2).
Since no division by an estimated quantity is included in the uniformized density
estimation approach, it is expected to be more accurate than the ratio of density esti-
mations explained in Section 2.1.1. However, as shown in Ćwik and Mielniczuk
(1989) and Chen et al. (2009), these two approaches possess the same non-
parametric convergence rate.

2.1.3 Summary
As shown in the previous subsections, density estimation can be used for esti-
mating density ratios. In the rest of this chapter, we consider a standard density
estimation problem of estimating p ∗ (x) from its i.i.d. samples {x k }nk=1 and review
two approaches to density estimation: the parametric approach (Section 2.2) and
the non-parametric approach (Section 2.3).

2.2 Parametric Approach

The parametric approach to density estimation uses a parametric model of proba-
bility density functions: p(x; θ ), where θ is a parameter in some parameter space
. A parametric model p(x; θ ) is a setof probability density functions specified
by θ . Thus, it satisfies p(x; θ ) ≥ 0 and p(x; θ)dx = 1 for all θ in .
The goal of parametric density estimation is to learn the parameter θ so that the
true density p∗ (x) is accurately approximated. In the following, we explain two
methods: maximum likelihood estimation in Section 2.2.1 and Bayes estimation in
Section 2.2.2. Then the issue of model selection is discussed in Section 2.2.3.

2.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation

The main idea of maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is to determine the param-
eter θ so that the data at hand are most likely to be generated. To this end, the
probability of obtaining {x k }nk=1 from the model p(x; θ ) needs to be evaluated as a
function of θ. Because the samples {x k }nk=1 are assumed to be i.i.d. (see Section 2.1),
28 2 Density Estimation

the data-generating probability is expressed as


L(θ ) := p(x k ; θ ).

This is called the likelihood. In ML estimation, the parameter θ is learned so that

the likelihood L(θ) is maximized:

θ ML := argmax L(θ ).

Then the ML density estimator pML (x) is given by p ML (x) = p(x;
θ ML ).
When the number n of samples is large, the likelihood often takes an extremely
small value. To avoid any numerical instability caused by this, the log-likelihood
is often used instead:

log L(θ ) = log p(x k ; θ ). (2.1)

Because the log function is monotone increasing, the same ML estimator can
be obtained by maximizing the log-likelihood, which may be numerically more

θ ML = argmax log L(θ ).

Under some mild assumptions, the ML estimator was shown to possess the
following properties:
Consistency: The ML estimator converges in probability to the optimal parameter
in the model (i.e., the projection of the true probability density function onto
the model) under the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (see Section 2.2.3).
Asymptotic unbiasedness: The expectation of the ML estimator converges in
probability to the optimal parameter in the model.
Asymptotic efficiency: The ML estimator has the smallest variance among all
asymptotic unbiased estimators.1
Thus, the ML approach would be a useful method for parametric density estimation.
However, the previously mentioned asymptotic properties do not necessarily imply
that the ML estimator is accurate in small sample cases.

2.2.2 Bayes Estimation

In the framework of Bayes estimation (Bishop, 2006) the parameter θ is treated as
a random variable. Then, the following probabilities can be considered for θ :

π(θ ): Prior probability,

1 More precisely, the ML estimator asymptotically achieves the Cramér-Rao lower bound for the
variance (Cramér, 1946; Rao, 1945).
2.2 Parametric Approach 29

p(θ|D): Posterior probability,

p(D|θ): Likelihood,
where D := {x k }nk=1 . The likelihood is given in the same way as the ML case:

p(D|θ ) = p(x k |θ),

where the parametric model is denoted as a conditional density p(x|θ ) in the

Bayesian approach.
In Bayes estimation, the posterior probability p(θ |D) corresponds to a learned
result because this describes the behavior of parameter θ after knowing the samples
D. On the other hand, the prior probability π(θ ) represents our “belief” in the target
learning problem.
By Bayes’s theorem, the posterior probability p(θ |D) can be expressed as
p(D|θ )π(θ ) p(x k |θ )π(θ )
p(θ |D) =     =
 n k=1   . (2.2)
p(D|θ )π(θ )dθ k  =1 p(x k  |θ )π(θ )dθ

Based on this expression, the Bayesian predictive distribution p Bayes (x) is given as

Bayes (x) := p(x|θ )p(θ|D)dθ

p(x|θ) nk=1 p(x k |θ )π(θ)dθ
=  n    . (2.3)
k  =1 p(x k  |θ )π(θ )dθ

Thus, the parametric model p(x|θ) is averaged over the posterior probabil-
ity p(θ|D). This averaging nature would be a peculiarity of Bayes estimation:
Bayes (x) does not necessarily belong to the original parametric model p(x|θ )
because a parametric model often forms a curved manifold in the space of
probability densities (Amari and Nagaoka, 2000). See Figure 2.3 for illustration.
Bayes estimation was shown to be a powerful alternative to ML density esti-
mation. However, its computation is often cumbersome as a result of the integrals
involved in Eq. (2.3). To ease this problem, an approximation method called maxi-
mum a posteriori (MAP) estimation comes in handy – the integral over the posterior
probability p(θ|D) is approximated by the single maximizer of p(θ|D). Because
the denominator k  =1 p(x k  |θ )π(θ )dθ in Eq. (2.2) is independent of θ, the
posterior probability p(θ |D) can be expressed as

p(θ |D) ∝ p(x k |θ)π(θ ),

where ∝ means “proportional to.” Thus, the maximizer of the posterior probability
p(θ |D) is given by

θ MAP := argmax p(x k |θ)π(θ ).
θ∈ k=1
30 2 Density Estimation

p* (x) ˆ

pBayes (x) = p(x|θ)p(θ |D)dθ

p(x|θ )

p(θ |D)
pML (x) = p(x|θˆML)

Figure 2.3. The Bayes solution does not necessarily belong to the original parametric

Then the MAP solution p MAP (x) is given by pMAP (x) := p(x| θ MAP ). Because the
integral is approximated by a single point, MAP estimation loses the peculiarity
of Bayes estimation – the MAP solution is always a member of the parametric
The MAP estimator may also be obtained in the “log” domain, possibly in a
numerically stable manner:

θ MAP = argmax p(x k |θ) + log π(θ ) .
θ∈ k=1

Because the first term is the log-likelihood, the MAP solution can be regarded as a
variant of the ML method with a “penalty” induced by the prior probability π(θ).
For this reason, MAP estimation is also called penalized ML estimation.

2.2.3 Model Selection

Parametric estimation works very well when the model at hand is correctly speci-
fied, that is, there exists a parameter θ ∗ such that p(x; θ ∗ ) = p ∗ (x). Otherwise, a
good approximator of the true density in the model may be obtained.2 However,
when the model at hand is strongly misspecified, the best solution in the model is
still a poor approximation, and thus the parametric method is not reliable. In such
cases, different models may be used for obtaining better approximations. Here we
show how appropriate models are chosen based on data samples.

Akaike Information Criterion

When choosing an appropriate model, it is important to evaluate how good a
candidate model is. As a performance measure, let us employ the Kullback–Leibler
(KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) from the true density p ∗ (x) to its

2 As explained in Section 2.2.2, the estimated density is not necessarily included in the model in the
case of Bayes estimation.
2.2 Parametric Approach 31

approximation p

∗ p ∗ (x)
p ) := p∗ (x) log dx. (2.4)
The use of the KL divergence as a performance measure would be natural in the
ML framework because it is consistent with the log-likelihood. That is, the KL
p ∗ (x)
divergence from p ∗ (x) to p(x; θ) can be regarded as the expectation of log p(x;θ )
over the true density p∗ (x). If this expectation is approximated by the empirical
average over i.i.d. samples {x k }nk=1 , we have

 ∗ p) := 1 p ∗ (x k )
KL(p log
n k=1 p(x k ; θ )
n n

= log p ∗ (x k ) − log p(x k ; θ ). (2.5)

n k=1 n k=1

 ∗ p) converges in probability to

Note that, by the law of large numbers, KL(p

KL(p p) as n tends to infinity. Since the first term in Eq. (2.5) does not depend
 ∗ p) with respect to θ is equivalent to
on the parameter θ, minimizing KL(p
maximizing the log-likelihood [see Eq. (2.1)]:
 ∗ p) = argmax log L(θ ).
argmax KL(p
θ∈ θ∈

From this, consistency of the ML estimator under the KL divergence may be

intuitively understood.
Under the above setup, the model that minimizes the KL divergence may be
regarded as the best model. However, the KL divergence cannot be computed
directly because it includes the unknown true density p∗ (x). Let us decompose the
KL divergence as
KL(p ∗ p ) = p∗ (x) log p ∗ (x)dx − p∗ (x) log p(x)dx,

where the first term is the negative entropy of p ∗ (x) and is independent of p
Since we are interested in estimating the KL divergence as a function of p(x), the
entropy term can be safely ignored. Thus, the model that minimizes the second
term (denoted by KL ) is now regarded as the best one:

KL := − p∗ (x) log p

(x)dx. (2.6)

KL may be estimated by the negative log-likelihood (2.1). However, simply using
the negative log-likelihood as an approximation to KL for model selection is not
appropriate because the more complex the model is, the smaller the negative log-
likelihood is. Thus, model selection based on the negative log-likelihood merely
ends up always choosing the most complex model at hand, which is meaningless
in practice.
32 2 Density Estimation


log-likelihood Dimension of

Model complexity

Figure 2.4. Akaike information criterion.

A more sensible and accurate approximation to KL is given by the Akaike

information criterion3 (AIC; Akaike, 1974):

AIC := − log p(x k ;

θ ML ) + dim θ,

where dim θ denotes the dimensionality of parameter θ . Since the first term of the
AIC is the negative log-likelihood, the AIC can be regarded as an additive modifi-
cation of the negative log-likelihood by the dimensionality of parameters. By this
modification, the AIC can avoid always resulting in choosing the most complex
model (Figure 2.4). The implementation of the AIC is very simple, and thus is
practically useful. Various generalizations and extensions of the AIC have been
proposed by several researchers (e.g., Takeuchi, 1976; Shibata, 1989; Murata et al.,
1994; Konishi and Kitagawa, 1996; Ishiguro et al., 1997).

Empirical Bayes Method and Bayesian Information Criterion

In the Bayesian framework, the choice of the prior probability is as critical as the
choice of parametric models. Let us use a prior probability parameterized by a
hyperparameter β: π(θ; β). The hyperparameter may be optimized based on the
likelihood principle; that is, it is determined so that the probability of obtaining
the current data D := {x k }nk=1 is maximized:

β EB := argmax p(D; β).


This approach is called the empirical Bayes method or type II maximum likelihood
estimation. p(D; β) is called the evidence or the marginal likelihood (Bishop,
The marginal likelihood can be expressed as
p(D; β) = p(x k |θ)π(θ ; β)dθ ,

3 Although the criterion multiplied by 2 is the original AIC, we omitted the factor 2 for simplicity.
2.3 Non-Parametric Approach 33

which can be directly used for model selection. However, computing the marginal
likelihood is often cumbersome because of the integral. To ease this prob-
lem, the Laplace approximation is commonly used in practice (MacKay, 2003).
The Laplace approximation is based on the second-order Taylor expansion of
log p(D; β) around the MAP solution  θ MAP . The Laplace approximation of the
log-marginal-likelihood is given by

log p(D; β) ≈ log p(x k |

θ MAP ) + log π(
θ MAP ; β)

log(2π) 1
+ dim θ − log det(−H ), (2.7)
2 2
where det(·) denotes the determinant of a matrix. H is the matrix of size dim θ ×
dim θ with the ( ,  )-th element given by
∂ ∂

H ,  := log p(x k |θ) + log π(θ ; β)  ,
∂θ ∂θ  k=1 θ =

where θ denotes the -th element of θ. Note that H corresponds to the Hessian
matrix of log p(θ|D).
If higher order terms are ignored in Eq. (2.7), a much simpler criterion can be
obtained. The negative of the remaining lower order terms is called the Bayesian
information criterion (BIC; Schwarz, 1978):

log n
BIC := − log p(x k |
θ ML ) + dim θ .

It is noteworthy that the first term of the BIC is the negative log-likelihood, which
is the same as the AIC. Thus, the difference between the AIC and the BIC is only
the second term. However, because the framework of the AIC and the BIC is
completely different, one cannot simply conclude that one is better than the other
(Shibata, 1981).

2.3 Non-Parametric Approach

The parametric approach would be a useful method of density estimation when
combined with model selection. Another possible approach is not to use parametric
models, but directly approximate a density function. Such an approach is called
non-parametric density estimation (Härdle et al., 2004).
The basic idea of non-parametric density estimation is to consider a local region
R in the domain X . Let V be the volume of the region R, and let P be the probability
that a random sample following p∗ (x) falls into the region R [Figure 2.5(a)]. Then,
using a point x  in the region R, P can be approximated as P ≈ Vp∗ (x  ) [see
Figure 2.5(b)].
34 2 Density Estimation

p*(x) P p* (x)
R p*(x′)
x′ x′

(a) Notation (b) Rectangle approximation

Figure 2.5. Non-parametric density estimation.

Similarly, for m being the number of samples falling into the region R among
{x k }nk=1 , P can be approximated as P ≈ m/n. Together, the probability density
p∗ (x  ) at a point x  in the region R can be approximated as p ∗ (x  ) ≈ m/(nV ).
The approximation quality depends on the choice of the local region R (and
thus V and m). In the following, we describe two approaches to determining R:
kernel density estimation in Section 2.3.1 and nearest neighbor density estima-
tion in Section 2.3.2. Then the issue of hyperparameter selection is discussed in
Section 2.3.3.

2.3.1 Kernel Density Estimation

Let us employ a hypercube with edge length h as a local region R. Then its volume
V is given by V = hd , where d is the dimensionality of the input domain X and

x − xk
m= W ,

where, for x = (x (1) , . . . , x (d) ) , W (x) is the Parzen window function defined as

1 if max(|x (1) |, . . . , |x (d) |) ≤ 1/2,
W (x) =
0 otherwise.
This method is called Parzen window estimation.
A drawback of Parzen window estimation is its discrete nature caused by the
Parzen window function. Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a “smooth” variant
of Parzen window estimation, where the Parzen window function is replaced by a
smooth kernel function such as the Gaussian kernel:
x − x  2
K(x, x  ) = exp − .
2σ 2
The KDE solution for the Gaussian kernel is given by

KDE (x) :=
p 2 d/2
K(x, x k ).
n(2πσ ) k=1
2.3 Non-Parametric Approach 35

2.3.2 Nearest Neighbor Density Estimation

Nearest neighbor density estimation (NNDE) uses the hypersphere with radius τ
as a local region R. Its volume V is given by
π 2 τd
V= ,
#( d2 + 1)
where #(α) denotes the gamma function:
#(α) := uα−1 e−u du.

Since #(t) = (t −1)! for any positive integer t, the gamma function can be regarded
as an extension of the factorial to real numbers. The radius τ is set to the distance
to the m-th closest sample to the center (i.e., the hypersphere has the minimum
radius with m samples being contained). Then NNDE is expressed as
m#( d2 + 1)
NNDE (x) =
p d
nπ 2 τ d

2.3.3 Cross-Validation
The performance of KDE and NNDE depends on the choice of hyperparameters
such as the kernel width σ in KDE or the number m of nearest neighbors in NNDE.
For choosing the hyperparameter values appropriately, it is important to evaluate
how good a candidate the hyperparameter value is. As a performance measure, let
us again use the KL divergence defined by Eq. (2.4).
Cross-validation (CV) is a general method of estimating the second term of the
KL divergence [KL in Eq. (2.6)] as follows: First, the samples D = {x k }nk=1 are
divided into T disjoint subsets {Dt }Tt=1 of approximately the same size. Then a
density estimator pt (x) is obtained from D\Dt (i.e., all samples without Dt ), and
its log-likelihood for the hold-out samples Dt is computed (see Figure 2.6):

 t := 1
KL t (x).
log p
|Dt | x∈D

This procedure is repeated for t = 1, . . . , T , and the average of the above hold-out
log-likelihood over all t is computed as

  := 1
KL  t .
T t=1

  is chosen. Note that the above

Then the hyperparameter value that maximizes KL
 (and also each KL
KL  t ) is an almost unbiased estimator of KL (Härdle et al.,
Asymptotically, the AIC and CV were shown to behave similarly (Stone,
1974). However, CV is more widely applicable and often accurate, although it
36 2 Density Estimation

Subset of Subset of Subset of Subset of Subset of

samples samples samples samples samples
… …

Estimation Validation Estimation

Density Hold-out
estimator log-likelihood

Figure 2.6. Cross-validation. Hold-out estimation is carried out for all subsets, and the
average hold-out log-likelihood is output as an estimator of KL .

is computationally more expensive than the AIC as a result of the necessity of


2.4 Numerical Examples

In this section we illustrate the numerical behavior of KDE-based density-ratio
estimation described in Section 2.3.1.
Let us consider a one-dimensional example (i.e., d = 1) and suppose that the
∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu (x) = N (x; 1, 12 ) and pde

(x) = N (x; 0, 22 ),
where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
The true densities are plotted in Figure 2.7(a), while the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is
plotted in Figure 2.7(b).
Let nnu = nde = 200. For density-ratio estimation we use Gaussian kernel KDE:

r(x) = pnu (x)/
pde (x), where

1 (x − x nu )2
nu (x) =
p 2 )d/2
exp − 2
nnu (2πσnu =1

1 (x − x de )2
de (x) =
p 2 d/2
exp − 2
nde (2πσde ) =1 2σde

The Gaussian widths σnu and σde are chosen by 5-fold cross-validation (see
Section 2.3.3). The density functions estimated by KDE, p de (x), are
nu (x) and p
illustrated in Figure 2.7(a), and the density-ratio function estimated by KDE,

r(x), is plotted in Figure 2.7(b). The results show that KDE gives reasonably
good approximations to the true density functions and thus the true density-ratio
2.5 Remarks 37

0.5 2.5
p*nu (x) r* (x)
0.4 p*de (x) 2 r (x )
pnu (x)
0.3 pde (x) 1.5

0.2 1

0.1 0.5

0 0
−5 0 5 −5 0 5
x x
(a) True and estimated densities (b) True and estimated density ratios

Figure 2.7. Numerical example of KDE.

2.5 Remarks
Density-ratio estimation based on density estimation would be an easy and conve-
nient approach: just estimating the numerator and denominator densities separately
from their samples and taking the ratio of the estimated densities. However, its
two-step structure may not be suitable because density estimation in the first step
is carried out without regard to the second step of taking their ratio. For example,
optimal model/hyperparameter selection in density estimation is not necessarily
the best choice for density-ratio estimation. Furthermore, the approximation error
produced in the density estimation step can be increased by taking the ratio – divi-
sion by an estimated quantity often makes an estimator unreliable. This problem
seems to be critical when the dimension of the input domain is high, because den-
sity values tend to be small in high-dimensional cases, and thus its reciprocal is
vulnerable to a small error.
To overcome these limitations of the density estimation approach, one-shot
procedures of directly estimating the density ratio without going through density
estimation would be sensible and more promising. Methods following this idea
will be described in the following chapters.
It was advocated that one should avoid solving more difficult intermediate
problems when solving a target problem (Vapnik, 1998). This statement is some-
times referred to as Vapnik’s principle, and the support vector machine (SVM;
Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1998; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002) would be
a successful example of this principle – instead of estimating a data-generation
model, SVM directly models the decision boundary, which is sufficient for pattern
recognition. Density estimation (estimating the data-generation model) is a more
general and thus difficult problem than pattern recognition (learning the decision
If we followed Vapnik’s principle, directly estimating the ratio r ∗ (x) would
∗ ∗
be more promising than estimating the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x), because
38 2 Density Estimation

∗ ∗
knowing two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) implies knowing the ratio r ∗ (x), but not

vice versa; the ratio r (x) cannot be uniquely decomposed into the two densities
∗ ∗
pnu (x) and pde (x) (see Figure 1.5).
In Kanamori et al. (2010), the pros and cons of the two-step density estimation
approach and one-shot direct density ratio estimation approaches were theoreti-
cally investigated in the parametric framework. In a nutshell, the theoretical results
showed the following:
• The two-step density estimation approach is more accurate than one-shot
direct density-ratio estimation approaches when correctly specified density
models (i.e., the true densities are included in the parametric models) are
• The one-shot direct density-ratio estimation approach shown in Chapter 5
is more accurate than the two-step density estimation approach when
density/density-ratio models are misspecified.
These theoretical results will be explained in more detail in Chapter 13.
Since correctly specified density models may not be available in practice, the
one-shot direct density-ratio estimation approaches explained in the following
chapters would be more promising than the two-step density estimation approach
Moment Matching

In this chapter we describe a framework of density-ratio estimation without going

through density estimation based on moment matching. In Section 3.1, the frame-
work of moment matching is explained. Then, a finite-order approach to moment
matching is introduced in Section 3.2, and an infinite-order moment matching
method is shown in Section 3.3. Numerical examples of moment matching methods
are shown in Section 3.4, and the chapter is concluded in Section 3.5.

3.1 Basic Framework

Suppose that a one-dimensional random variable x is drawn from a probability
distribution with density p ∗ (x). Then the k-th order moment of x about the origin
is defined by

x k p ∗ (x)dx.

Note that two distributions are equivalent if and only if all moments (i.e., for
k = 1, 2, . . .) agree with each other.
The moment matching approach to density-ratio estimation tries to match the
∗ ∗
moments of pnu (x) and pde (x) via a “transformation” function r(x) (Qin, 1998).
More specifically, using the true density ratio r ∗ (x), pnu

(x) can be expressed as

pnu (x) = r ∗ (x)pde


Thus, for a density-ratio model r(x), matching the moments of pnu (x) and

r(x)pde (x) gives a good approximation to the true density ratio r ∗ (x). A schematic
illustration of the moment-matching approach is described in Figure 3.1.

3.2 Finite-Order Approach

In this section we describe methods of finite-order moment matching for density-
ratio estimation. In Section 3.2.1, the case of a fixed design, that is, estimating

40 3 Moment Matching

p*de (x ) r (x) p*nu (x)

x x

Figure 3.1. The idea of moment matching. The moments of r(x)pde (x) are matched with

those of pnu (x).

density ratio values only at sample points, is considered. In Section 3.2.2, the case
of induction, that is, estimating the entire density ratio function, is considered.

3.2.1 Fixed Design

Here, we describe a finite-order moment matching method under the fixed-design
setup, where density-ratio values only at the denominator sample points {x de
j }j =1
are estimated.
The simplest implementation of moment matching would be to match the first-
order moment (i.e., the mean):
argmin   xr(x)p ∗
de (x)dx − xp ∗
nu (x)dx  ,


where  ·  denotes the Euclidean norm. Its non-linear variant can be obtained
using some non-linear function φ(x) : Rd → R as
∗ ∗
argmin φ(x)r(x)pde (x)dx − φ(x)pnu (x)dx .

This non-linear method can be easily extended to multiple components by using a

vector-valued function φ(x) : Rd → Rt as
argmin MM (r),

MM (r) :=  φ(x)r(x)pde (x)dx − φ(x)pnu (x)dx 
  ∗ ∗

“MM” stands for “moment matching.” Let us ignore the irrelevant constant in
MM (r) and define the rest as MM(r):

MM(r) :=  φ(x)r(x)pde (x)dx 

∗ ∗
−2 φ(x)r(x)pde (x)dx, φ(x)pnu (x)dx ,

where ·, · denotes the inner product.

3.2 Finite-Order Approach 41

∗ ∗
In practice, the expectations over pnu (x) and pde (x) in MM(r) are replaced by
sample averages. That is, for an nde -dimensional vector

r ∗de := (r ∗ (x de ∗ de 
1 ), . . . , r (x nde )) ,

r de of r ∗de can be obtained by solving

where  denotes the transpose, an estimator 
the following optimization problem:

r de := argmin MM(r), (3.1)


 1 2
MM(r) := 2 r  
de de r − r  
de nu 1nnu . (3.2)
nde nde nnu
1n denotes the n-dimensional vector with all ones, and nu and de are the t × nnu
and t × nde design matrices defined by

nu := (φ(x nu nu
1 ), . . . , φ(x nnu )),

de := (φ(x de de
1 ), . . . , φ(x nde )),

respectively. Taking the derivative of the objective function (3.2) with respect to
r and setting it to zero, we have
2  2
de de r −  nu 1nnu = 0t ,
nde nde nnu de
where 0t denotes the t-dimensional vector with all zeros. Solving this equation
with respect to r, one can obtain the solution analytically as

r de = ( de )−1 
de nu 1nnu .
nnu de
One may add a normalization constraint n1 1 r = 1 to the optimization
de nde
problem (3.1). Then the optimization problem becomes a convex linearly con-
strained quadratic program. Because there is no known method for obtaining
the analytic-form solution for general convex linearly constrained quadratic pro-
grams, a numerical solver may be needed to compute the solution. Furthermore,
a non-negativity constraint r ≥ 0nde and/or an upper bound for a positive con-
stant B, that is, r ≤ B1nde , may also be incorporated in the optimization problem
(3.1), where inequalities for vectors are applied in the element-wise manner. Even
with these modifications, the optimization problem is still a convex, linearly con-
strained quadratic program. Therefore, its solution can be computed numerically
by standard optimization software.

3.2.2 Induction
The fixed-design method described in the previous section gives estimates of the
density-ratio values only at the denominator sample points {x de
j }j =1 . Here we
42 3 Moment Matching

describe a finite-order moment matching method under the induction setup, where
the entire density-ratio function r ∗ (x) is estimated.
We use the following linear density-ratio model for density-ratio function

r(x) = θ ψ (x) = ψ(x) θ,


where ψ(x) : Rd → Rb is a basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a parameter

vector. We assume that the basis functions are non-negative: ψ(x) ≥ 0b . Then
model outputs at {x de
j }j =1 are expressed in terms of the parameter vector θ as

(r(x de de  
1 ), . . . , r(x nde )) =  de θ,

where  de is the b × nde design matrix defined by

 de := (ψ(x de de
1 ), . . . , ψ(x nde )). (3.3)

Then, following Eq. (3.1), the parameter θ is learned as

 1    2  
θ := argmin 2 θ  de de de  de θ − θ  de de nu 1nnu . (3.4)
θ∈Rb nde nde nnu

Taking the derivative of the above objective function with respect to θ and setting
it to zero, we have the solution 
θ analytically as

θ= ( de   −1 
de de  de )  de de nu 1nnu .
One may include a normalization constraint, a non-negativity constraint (given
that the basis functions are non-negative), and a regularization constraint in the
optimization problem (3.4):
1  θ = 1, θ ≥ 0b , and θ ≤ B1b .
nde nde de
Then the optimization problem becomes a convex, linearly constrained quadratic
program whose solution can be obtained by a standard numerical solver.
The upper-bound parameter B, which works as a regularizer, may be optimized
by cross-validation (CV). That is, the numerator and denominator samples D nu =
nnu nde
{x nu
i }i=1 and D
= {x de nu T
j }j =1 are first divided into T disjoint subsets {Dt }t=1
de T
and {Dt }t=1 , respectively. Then a density-ratio estimator  rt (x) is obtained from
D nu \Dtnu and D de \Dtde (i.e., all samples without Dtnu and Dtde ), and its moment
matching error is computed for the hold-out samples Dtnu and Dtde :
 2

 t (
MM r) :=  de rt (x de )
φ(x de )
|Dt | de de
x ∈Dt
3.3 Infinite-Order Approach: KMM 43

  

− de nu  rt (x de ) 
φ(x de ) φ(x nu ) ,
|Dt ||Dt | de de nu
x ∈D nu
x ∈Dt t

where |D| denotes the number of elements in the set D. This procedure is repeated
for t = 1, . . . , T , and the average of the hold-out moment matching error over all t
is computed as

 := 1
MM  t.
T t=1

 is chosen. The availability

Then the upper-bound parameter B that minimizes MM
of CV would be one of the advantages of the inductive method (i.e., learning the
entire density-ratio function).

3.3 Infinite-Order Approach: KMM

Matching a finite number of moments does not necessarily lead to the true density-
ratio function r ∗ (x), even if infinitely many samples are available. To guarantee
that the true density-ratio function can always be obtained in the large-sample
limit, all moments up to the infinite order need to be matched.
In this section we describe a method of infinite-order moment matching
called kernel mean matching (KMM), which allows one to efficiently match all
the moments using kernel functions (Huang et al., 2007; Gretton et al., 2009).
The fixed-design case is considered in Section 3.3.1, and the induction case is
considered in Section 3.3.2.

3.3.1 Fixed Design

The basic idea of KMM is essentially the same as the finite-order approach, but
a universal reproducing kernel K(x, x  ) (Steinwart, 2001) is used as a non-linear
transformation. The Gaussian kernel
x − x  2
K(x, x  ) = exp −
2σ 2
is an example of universal reproducing kernels. It has been shown that the solution
of the following optimization problem agrees with the true density-ratio function
(Huang et al., 2007; Gretton et al., 2009):
min  K(x, ·)p ∗
nu (x)dx − K(x, ·)r(x)p ∗
de (x)dx  ,

r∈R R

where R denotes a universal reproducing kernel Hilbert space and  · R denotes

its norm.
44 3 Moment Matching

An empirical version of the problem is expressed as

1  2 
min 2
r K de,de r − r K de,nu 1nnu ,
r∈Rnde nde nde nnu
where K de,de and K de,nu denote the kernel Gram matrices defined by
[K de,de ]j ,j  = K(x de de de nu
j , x j  ) and [K de,nu ]j ,i = K(x j , x i ),

respectively. In the same way as the finite-order case, the solution can be obtained
analytically as
nde −1
r de = K K de,nu 1nnu .
nnu de,de
If necessary, one may include a non-negativity constraint, a normalization con-
straint, and an upper bound in the same way as the finite-order case. Then the
solution can be obtained numerically by solving a convex linearly constrained
quadratic programming problem.

3.3.2 Induction
For a linear density-ratio model

r(x) = θ ψ (x) = ψ(x) θ,


where ψ(x) : Rd → Rb is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a

parameter vector, an inductive variant of KMM is formulated as
1   2 
min 2 θ  de K de,de  de θ − θ  de K de,nu 1nnu ,
θ∈Rb nde nde nnu

and the solution 

θ is given by
θ= ( de K de,de  de )−1  de K de,nu 1nnu .

3.4 Numerical Examples

In this section we illustrate the numerical behavior of the fixed-design KMM
algorithm described in Section 3.3.1.
Let us consider a one-dimensional example (i.e., d = 1), and suppose that the
∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu (x) = N (x; 1, 12 ) and pde

(x) = N (x; 0, 22 ),
where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
The true densities are plotted in Figure 3.2(a), while the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is
plotted in Figure 3.2(b).
3.5 Remarks 45

0.4 2.5
p*nu(x ) r*(x )
p*de(x ) 2 r (x de)
0.25 1.5
0 0
−5 0 5 −5 0 5
x x
(a) True densities (b) True and estimated density ratios

Figure 3.2. Numerical example of KMM.

Let nnu = nde = 200. For density-ratio estimation, we use the fixed-design
KMM algorithm with the Gaussian kernel:
 (x − x  )2
K(x, x ) = exp − .
2σ 2

The Gaussian kernel width σ is set to the median distance between all samples,
which is a popular heuristic in kernel methods (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002).
The density-ratio function estimated by KMM,  r(x), is described in
Figure 3.2(b), showing that KMM gives a reasonably good approximation to the
true density-ratio function r ∗ (x).

3.5 Remarks
Density-ratio estimation by moment matching can successfully avoid density
The finite-order moment matching method (Section 3.2) is simple and compu-
tationally efficient, if the number of matching moments is kept reasonably small.
However, the finite-order approach is not necessarily consistent, that is, in the limit
of a large sample size, the solution does not necessarily converge to the true density
ratio. On the other hand, the infinite-order moment matching method (Section 3.3),
kernel mean matching (KMM), can efficiently match all the moments by making
use of universal reproducing kernels. Indeed, KMM has the excellent theoretical
property that it is consistent (Huang et al., 2007; Gretton et al., 2009). However,
KMM has a limitation in model selection – there is no known method for determin-
ing the kernel parameter (i.e., the Gaussian kernel width in the case of Gaussian
kernels). A popular heuristic of setting the Gaussian width to the median distance
46 3 Moment Matching

between samples (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002) would be useful in some cases, but
this may not always be reasonable.
In this chapter moment matching was performed in terms of the squared norm,
which led to an analytic-form solution (if no constraint is imposed). As shown in
Kanamori et al. (2011b), moment matching can be generalized systematically to
various divergences. This will be explained in detail in Chapter 16.
Probabilistic Classification

In this chapter we describe a framework of density-ratio estimation via probabilis-

tic classification.
We begin by describing a basic framework in Section 4.1. Then, a probabilistic
classification algorithm called logistic regression is explained in Section 4.2, an
alternative probabilistic classification algorithm called least-squares probabilistic
classifier is explained in Section 4.3, and a large-margin classification method
called the support vector machine is explained in Section 4.4. A model selection
issue is addressed in Section 4.5, and numerical examples are shown in Section 4.6.
Finally, Section 4.7 concludes the chapter.

4.1 Basic Framework

The basic idea of the probabilistic classification approach to density-ratio estima-
tion is to learn a probabilistic classifier that separates numerator samples {x nu
i }i=1
de nde
and denominator samples {x j }j =1 (see Figure 4.1).
nnu de nde
Let us assign labels y = +1 to {x nu i }i=1 and y = −1 to {x j }j =1 , respectively.
∗ ∗
Then the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are written as

pnu (x) = p ∗ (x|y = +1) and pde

(x) = p∗ (x|y = −1),
respectively. Note that y is regarded as a random variable here. An application of
Bayes’ theorem,
p∗ (y|x)p ∗ (x)
p∗ (x|y) = ,
p ∗ (y)
yields that the density ratio r ∗ (x) can be expressed in terms of y as
 ∗  ∗ 

pnu (x) p (y = +1|x)p∗ (x) p (y = −1|x)p∗ (x) −1
r (x) = ∗ =
pde (x) p ∗ (y = +1) p ∗ (y = −1)
p∗ (y = −1) p∗ (y = +1|x)
= .
p ∗ (y = +1) p ∗ (y = −1|x)

48 4 Probabilistic Classification

p*nu(x ) p*de(x )

∗ ∗
Figure 4.1. Probabilistic classification of samples drawn from pnu (x) and pde (x).

The prior ratio p ∗ (y = −1)/p∗ (y = +1) may be approximated simply by the ratio
of the sample size:
p∗ (y = −1) nde /(nnu + nde ) nde
≈ = .
p ∗ (y = +1) nnu /(nnu + nde ) nnu
The “class”-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x) may be approximated by separating
nnu de nde
{x nu
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 using a probabilistic classifier. Thus, given an estimator
(y|x), a density-ratio estimator 
of the class-posterior probability, p r(x) can be
constructed as
(y = +1|x)
nde p

r(x) = . (4.1)
(y = −1|x)
nnu p
A practical advantage of the probabilistic classification approach is its easy
implementability. Indeed, one can directly use standard probabilistic classification
algorithms for density-ratio estimation. In the following, we describe represen-
tative classification algorithms including logistic regression, the least-squares
probabilistic classifier, and support vector machines. For notational brevity, let
n := nnu + nde and we consider a set of paired samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 , where

(x 1 , . . . , x n ) := (x nu nu de de
1 , . . . , x nnu , x 1 , . . . , x nde ),

(y1 , . . . , yn ) := (+1, . . . , +1, −1, . . . , −1).

! "# $ ! "# $
nnu nde

4.2 Logistic Regression

In this section, a popular classification algorithm called logistic regression
(Hastie et al., 2001) is explained.
A logistic regression classifier employs a parametric model of the following
form for expressing the class-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x):
p(y|x; θ ) = % &,
1 + exp −yψ(x) θ
4.2 Logistic Regression 49

where ψ(x) : Rd → Rb is a basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a parameter

vector. The parameter vector θ is learned so that the penalized log-likelihood is
maximized, which can be expressed as the following minimization problem:

% % &&
θ := argmin 
log 1 + exp −yk ψ(x k ) θ + λθ θ , 
θ∈Rb k=1

where λθ θ is a penalty term included for regularization purposes. In this opti-
mization problem, ψ(x k ) θ can be regarded as an estimator of yk : 
yk = ψ(x k ) θ.
Thus, in logistic regression, the log-loss is employed for measuring the loss of
estimating yk by yk :

yk ) := log (1 + exp(−yk
loss(yk , yk )) ,

where yk yk is called the margin for the sample x k (Schapire et al., 1998). A profile
of a log-loss function is illustrated in Figure 4.2.
Because the objective function in Eq. (4.2) is convex, the global optimal solu-
tion can be obtained by a standard non-linear optimization technique such as the
gradient descent method or (quasi-)Newton methods (Hastie et al., 2001; Minka,
2007). A logistic regression model classifies a new input sample x by choosing
the most probable class as

y = argmax p(y|x;
 θ ).

Finally, a density-ratio estimator 

rLR (x) is given by
% &
nde 1 + exp ψ(x) θ

rLR (x) = % &
nnu 1 + exp −ψ(x) θ

Logistic loss
4 Hinge loss

−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Figure 4.2. Loss functions for classification.

50 4 Probabilistic Classification
% &% % & &
nde exp ψ(x)
θ exp −ψ(x) θ +1
= % &
nnu 1 + exp −ψ(x)
nde % &
= exp ψ(x)
θ ,
where “LR” stands for “logistic regression.”

4.3 Least-Squares Probabilistic Classifier

Although the performance of general-purpose non-linear optimization techniques
has been improved along with the evolution of computer environments, training
logistic regression classifiers is still computationally expensive. In this sections,
an alternative probabilistic classification algorithm called the least-squares proba-
bilistic classifier (LSPC; Sugiyama, 2010) is described. The LSPC is computation-
ally more efficient than logistic regression, with comparable accuracy. The LSPC
is actually based on the density-ratio estimation method described in Section 6.2.2,
and a detailed explanation of the LSPC will be provided in Section 12.2. For this
reason, we only briefly describe the algorithm of the LSPC here.
In the LSPC, the class-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x) is modeled as

p(y|x; θ ) := θ ψ(x, y) = ψ(x, y) θ ,


where ψ(x, y) (∈ R ) is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a


parameter vector. The class label y takes a value in {1, . . . , c}, where c denotes the
number of classes.
The basic idea of the LSPC is to express the class-posterior probability p∗ (y|x)
in terms of the equivalent density-ratio expression:
p∗ (x, y)
p∗ (y|x) = . (4.3)
p ∗ (x)
Then the density-ratio estimation method called unconstrained least-squares
importance fitting (uLSIF; Kanamori et al., 2009; see also Section 6.2.2) is used
for estimating this density ratio.
As explained in Section 12.2, the solution of the LSPC can be obtained by
solving the following system of linear equations:
 + λI b )
(H θ =
where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter, I b is the b-dimensional identity

n c n
 := 1 1

H ψ(x k , y)ψ(x k , y) , and 

h := ψ(x k , yk ).
n k=1 y=1 n k=1

Thus, the solution 

θ is given analytically as   + λI b )−1
θ = (H h.
4.4 Support Vector Machine 51

To assure that the LSPC produces a probability, the outputs are normalized
and negative outputs are rounded up to zero (Yamada et al., 2011a); thus, the final
LSPC solution is given by

max(0, ψ(x, y)

(y|x) = 'c
p .
y  =1 max(0, ψ(x, y θ)

A standard choice of basis functions ψ(x, y) would be a kernel model:


p(y|x; θ ) = θ K(x, x ),

where K(x, x  ) is some kernel function such as the Gaussian kernel:

x − x  2
K(x, x  ) = exp − .
2σ 2
As just described, the LSPC solution can be computed analytically simply by
solving a regularized system of linear equation. Thus, its computation is highly
efficient and stable. A MATLAB® implementation of the LSPC is available from˜sugi/software/LSPC/.

4.4 Support Vector Machine

The support vector machine (SVM) is a popular classification technique in
the machine learning community (Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1998;
Schölkopf and Smola, 2002). The SVM finds the hyperplane that separates
samples from different classes with maximum margin (see Figure 4.3).
The SVM models the separating hyperplane by

w x − w0 = 0,

where w = (w1 , . . . , wd ) (∈ Rd ) and w0 (∈ R) are parameters to be learned. For

this model, the margin is expressed as 1/w, and thus the maximum margin

p*de(x ) p*nu(x )

1/ ||w||

Figure 4.3. Margin of a separating hyperplane.

52 4 Probabilistic Classification

hyperplane is given as the solution of the following convex quadratic program:

min w w
w∈Rd ,w0 ∈R

s.t. yk (w x k − w0 ) ≥ 1 for k = 1, . . . , n.

If samples {x k |yk = +1} and {x k |yk = −1} are not linearly separable, then the
soft-margin variant may be employed instead:

min ξk + λw w
w∈Rd ,w0 ∈R

s.t. yk (w x k − w0 ) ≥ 1 − ξk and ξk ≥ 0 for k = 1, . . . , n,

where {ξk }nk=1 are slack variables and λ (> 0) is a regularization parameter.
By eliminating the slack variables {ξk }nk=1 , this optimization problem can be
equivalently expressed as

% &
min max 0, 1 − yk (w x k − w0 ) + λw w .
w∈Rd ,w0 ∈R

In this optimization problem, w x k − w0 can be regarded as an estimator of yk :

yk = w x k − w0 . Thus the SVM can be regarded as employing the hinge-loss for

measuring the loss of estimating yk by 
yk :
yk ) := max (0, 1 − yk
loss(yk , yk ) .
A profile of a hinge-loss function is described in Figure 4.2.
The dual expression of the soft-margin SVM problem is expressed as
 

n n

max  θk − θk θk  y k y k  x 
k x k

{θk }nk=1
2  k,k =1

s.t. 0 ≤ θk ≤ for k = 1, . . . , n, and θk yk = 0,
λ k=1

where {θk }nk=1 are Lagrange multipliers. This formulation allows one to obtain a
non-linear method by replacing the inner product x  x  with a reproducing kernel
function K(x, x  ):
 

n n

max  θk − θk θk yk yk K(x k , x k )
θ∈Rn ,b∈R
2  k,k =1

s.t. 0 ≤ θk ≤ for k = 1, . . . , n, and θk yk = 0.
λ k=1

The SVM was shown to converge to the Bayes optimal classifier as the number
of training samples tends to infinity (Lin, 2002). However, the SVM does not
4.6 Numerical Examples 53

give probabilistic outputs and thus it cannot be directly employed for density-
ratio estimation. Platt (2000) and Wu et al. (2004) proposed heuristic methods
for computing the class-posterior probability from the SVM solution, by which
density ratios may be approximated.

4.5 Model Selection by Cross-Validation

An important advantage of the probabilistic classification approach is that model
selection (i.e., choice of the basis functions and the regularization parameter) is
possible by ordinary cross-validation, because the learning problem involved in
this framework is a standard supervised classification problem.
More specifically, the numerator and denominator samples D nu = {x nu i }i=1 and
de de nde nu T de T
D = {x j }j =1 are divided into T disjoint subsets {Dt }t=1 and {Dt }t=1 , respec-
Dnu ,Dde (y|x) is obtained using D nu \Dtnu and
tively. Then a probabilistic classifier p
t t
D de \Dtde (i.e., all samples without Dtnu and Dtde ), and its misclassification error
(ME) for the hold-out samples Dtnu and Dtde is computed1 :

 t :=
ME I argmax p Dnu ,Dde (y|x nu ) = +1
|Dtnu | nu nu y=±1 t t
x ∈Dt

+ de Dnu ,Dde (y|x ) = −1 ,
I argmax p
|Dt | de de y=±1 t t
x ∈Dt

where I (·) is the indicator function:

1 if c is true,
I (c) =
0 otherwise.

This procedure is repeated for t = 1, . . . , T , and the average misclassification error

over all t is computed as

 := 1
ME t .
T t=1

 is chosen.
Then the model that minimizes ME

4.6 Numerical Examples

In this section we illustrate the numerical behavior of the logistic-regression–based
density-ratio estimation algorithm described in Section 4.2.

1 For probabilistic classifiers, a hold-out likelihood may also be used as the error metric in cross-
54 4 Probabilistic Classification

Let us consider a one-dimensional example (i.e., d = 1) and suppose that the

∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu ∗
(x) = N (x; 1, 12 ) and pde (x) = N (x; 0, 22 ),

where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
The true densities are plotted in Figure 4.4(a), while the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is
plotted in Figure 4.4(c).
Let nnu = nde = 200, n = nnu + nde = 400, and

(x1 , . . . , xn ) := (x1nu , . . . , xnnunu , x1de , . . . , xndede ),

(y1 , . . . , yn ) := (+1, . . . , +1, −1, . . . , −1).
! "# $ ! "# $
nnu nde

For density-ratio estimation, we use logistic regression with the Gaussian kernel:
p(y|x) =   n   .

(x − x )2
1 + exp −y θ exp −
2σ 2

The Gaussian width σ and the regularization parameter λ are chosen by 5-fold
cross-validation (see Section 4.5). The true class-posterior probabilities and their
estimates obtained by logistic regression are described in Figure 4.4(b), and
the density-ratio function estimated by logistic regression, r(x), is described in
Figure 4.4(c). The results show that reasonably good approximations were obtained
by the logistic regression approach.

4.7 Remarks
Density-ratio estimation by probabilistic classification can successfully avoid den-
sity estimation by casting the problem of density ratio estimation as the problem
of learning the class-posterior probability. The availability of cross-validation for
model selection is an advantage of the probabilistic classification approach over the
infinite-order moment matching approach described in Section 3.3. Furthermore,
the probabilistic classification approach is convenient practically because existing
software packages of probabilistic classifiers can be used directly for density-ratio
The probabilistic classification approach with logistic regression actually has a
superior theoretical property: If the logistic regression model is correctly specified,
the logistic regression approach gives the optimal estimator among a class of semi-
parametric estimators in the sense that the asymptotic variance is minimal (Qin,
1998). However, when the model is misspecified (which would be the case in
practice), this strong theoretical property is not true and the density fitting approach
explained in Chapter 5 is more preferable (Kanamori et al., 2010). Details of these
theoretical analyses will be explained in Chapter 13.
4.7 Remarks 55

0.4 1
p*de(x) 0.8
0.25 p*(nu| x)
p* (de|x )
0.2 p*(nu| x)
0.4 p*(de| x)
0 0
−5 0 5 −5 0 5
x x
(a) True densities (b) True and estimated
class-posterior probabilities
r*(x )

2 r (x )



−5 0 5
(c) True and estimated density ratios

Figure 4.4. Numerical example of density-ratio estimation by logistic regression.

Another advantage of the probabilistic classification approach is that it can be

used for estimating density ratios among multiple densities by a multi-class proba-
bilistic classifier. In this context, the least-squares probabilistic classifier (LSPC;
see Section 12.2) will be particularly useful because of its high computational
Density Fitting

In this chapter we describe a framework of density-ratio estimation by density

In Section 5.1 we first describe a basic framework of density fitting under
the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) called the
KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP; Sugiyama et al., 2008). Then, in
Section 5.2, we describe implementations of the KLIEP for various density-
ratio models including linear/kernel models, log-linear models, Gaussian mixture
models, and probabilistic principal–component–analyzer mixture models. Model
selection of the KLIEP by cross-validation is explained in Section 5.3, and numer-
ical examples are shown in Section 5.4. Finally, the chapter is concluded in
Section 5.5.

5.1 Basic Framework

In this section we describe the framework of density-ratio estimation by density
fitting under the KL divergence.
Let r(x) be a model of the true density ratio

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) = ∗ .
pde (x)

Then the numerator density pnu (x) may be modeled by

pnu (x) = r(x)pde (x).

Now let us consider the KL divergence from pnu (x) to pnu (x):
pnu (x)
KL (pnu

pnu ) := ∗
pnu (x) log dx = C − KL(r),
pnu (x)

5.2 Implementations of KLIEP 57

 ∗ p ∗ (x)
where C := pnu (x) log pnu
∗ dx is a constant irrelevant to r and KL(r) is the
de (x)
relevant part:

KL(r) := pnu (x) log r(x)dx.

An empirical approximation KL(r) of KL(r) is given by

KL(r) := log r(x nu

i ).
nnu i=1
Because pnu (x) is a probability density function, its integral should be one:

pnu (x)dx = r(x)pde (x)dx = 1. (5.1)
Its empirical approximation is given by n1 de
j =1 r(x j ) = 1. Furthermore, the den-
sity pnu (x) should be non-negative: r(x) ≥ 0 for all x. Combining these equations
together, we have the following optimization problem:

max log r(x nu

i )
r nnu i=1
s.t. r(x de
j ) = 1 and r(x) ≥ 0 for all x.
nde j =1

This formulation is called the KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP;

Sugiyama et al., 2008).

5.2 Implementations of KLIEP

In this section we describe practical implementations of the KLIEP for various
density-ratio models, including linear/kernel models (Section 5.2.1), log-linear
models (Section 5.2.2), Gaussian mixture models (Section 5.2.3), and probabilistic
principal–component–analyzer mixture models (Section 5.2.4).

5.2.1 Linear and Kernel Models

Let us employ a linear model for density-ratio estimation:

r(x) = θ ψ (x) = ψ(x) θ,


where ψ(x) : R → R is a basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a parameter vector.

d b

We assume that the basis functions are non-negative. Then the KLIEP optimization
problem for the linear model is expressed as follows (Sugiyama et al., 2008):

max log(ψ(x nu 
i ) θ ) s.t. ψ de θ = 1 and θ ≥ 0b ,
θ∈Rb nnu i=1
58 5 Density Fitting

where ψ de := n1 de
j =1 ψ(x j ).
Because this optimization problem is convex (i.e., the objective function to
be maximized is concave and the feasible set is convex), there exists the unique
global optimum solution. Furthermore, the KLIEP solution tends to be sparse, that
is, many parameters take exactly zero. Such sparsity would contribute to reducing
the computation time when computing the estimated density-ratio values.
A pseudo code of the KLIEP for linear models is described in Figure 5.1. As can
be confirmed from the pseudo code, the denominator samples {x de j }j =1 appear only
in terms of the basis-transformed mean ψ de . Thus, the KLIEP is computationally
efficient even when the number nde of denominator samples is very large.
The performance of the KLIEP depends on the choice of the basis functions
ψ(x). As explained below, the use of the following Gaussian kernel model is

r(x) = θ K(x, x nu
), (5.2)

where K(x, x  ) is the Gaussian kernel:

 x − x  2
K(x, x ) = exp − .
2σ 2
The reason why the numerator samples {x nu i }i=1 , and not the denominator sam-
ples {x de
j }j =1 , are chosen as the Gaussian centers is as follows. By definition, the

nnu n
Input: Data samples D nu = {x nu de de de
i }i=1 and D = {x j }j =1 ,
and basis functions ψ(x)
Output: Density-ratio estimator r(x)
 nu ←− (ψ(x nu nu 
1 ), . . . , ψ(x nnu )) ;
1 'nde de
ψ de ←− n j =1 ψ(x j );
Initialize θ (> 0b ) and ε (0 < ε  1);
Repeat until convergence
θ ←− θ + ε  nu (1nnu ./ nu θ ); % Gradient ascent
θ ←− θ + (1 − ψ de θ )ψ de /(ψ de ψ de ); % Constraint satisfaction
θ ←− max(0b , θ ); % Constraint satisfaction

θ ←− θ/(ψ de θ ); % Constraint satisfaction
r(x) ←− ψ(x) θ ;

Figure 5.1. Pseudo code of the KLIEP. “./” indicates the element-wise division and “ ”
denotes the transpose. Inequalities and the “max” operation for vectors are applied in the
element-wise manner.
5.2 Implementations of KLIEP 59

density ratio

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) = ∗
pde (x)

∗ ∗
tends to take large values if pnu (x) is large and pde (x) is small. Conversely, r ∗ (x)
∗ ∗
tends to be small (i.e., close to zero) if pnu (x) is small and pde (x) is large. When a
non-negative function is approximated by a Gaussian kernel model, many kernels
may be needed in the region where the output of the target function is large. On
the other hand, only a small number of kernels would be enough in the region
where the output of the target function is close to zero (see Figure 5.2). Fol-

lowing this heuristic, many kernels are allocated in the region where pnu (x)
takes large values, which can be achieved by setting the Gaussian centers to
{x nu
i }i=1 .
Alternatively, we may locate (nnu + nde ) Gaussian kernels at both {x nu i }i=1 and
{x de
j }j =1 . However, this seems not to further improve the accuracy but slightly

increases the computational cost. When nnu is very large, using all the numerator
samples {x nu i }i=1 as Gaussian centers only is already computationally expensive.
To ease this problem, a subset of {x nu i }i=1 may be chosen in practice as Gaussian
centers for computational efficiency, that is,

r(x) = θ K(x, c ),

where {c }b =1 are template points randomly chosen from {x nu i }i=1 without
replacement, and b (∈ {1, . . . , nnu }) is a prefixed number.
A MATLAB® implementation of the entire KLIEP algorithm (includ-
ing model selection by cross-validation; see Section 5.3) is available from˜sugi/software/KLIEP/.
The KLIEP methods for linear/kernel models are referred to as linear KLIEP
(L-KLIEP) and kernel KLIEP (K-KLIEP), respectively.


Figure 5.2. Heuristic of Gaussian kernel allocation.

60 5 Density Fitting

5.2.2 Log-Linear Models

Another popular model choice is the log-linear model (Tsuboi et al., 2009;
Kanamori et al., 2010):
% &
r(x; θ , θ0 ) = exp ψ(x) θ + θ0 ,
where θ0 is a normalization parameter. From the normalization constraint
r(x de
j ; θ , θ0 ) = 1
nde j =1

derived from Eq. (5.1), θ0 is determined as

 
% &

θ0 = − log  exp ψ(x) θ  .
nde j =1

Then the density-ratio model is expressed as

% &
exp ψ(x) θ
r(x; θ ) = 1 'nde % &.

n j =1 exp ψ(x) θ

By definition, outputs of the log-linear model r(x; θ ) are non-negative for all
x. Thus, we do not need the non-negativity constraint on the parameter. Then the
KLIEP optimization criterion is expressed as
max J (θ ),

 

J (θ ) := ψ nu θ − log  exp(ψ(x de  
j ) θ) ,
nde j =1

ψ nu := ψ(x nu
i ).
nnu i=1

This is an unconstrained convex optimization problem, and thus the global opti-
mal solution can be obtained by, for example, the gradient method or the (quasi-)
Newton method. The gradient vector ∇J (θ ) and the Hessian matrix ∇∇J (θ ) of
the objective function J are given by
∇J (θ ) = ψ nu − ζ (θ ),
∇∇J (θ) = − ψ(x de de  de 
j )ψ(x j ) r(x j ; θ ) + ζ (θ)ζ (θ ) ,
nde j =1
1 'nde de de nnu
where ζ (θ) := nde j =1 ψ(x j )r(x j ; θ ). Because the numerator samples {x nu
i }i=1
appear only in terms of the basis-transformed mean ψ nu , the KLIEP for log-
linear models is computationally efficient even when the number nnu of numerator
5.2 Implementations of KLIEP 61

samples is large (cf. the KLIEP for linear/kernel models is computationally efficient
when nde is large; see Section 5.2.1).
The KLIEP method for log-linear models is called the log-linear KLIEP (LL-

5.2.3 Gaussian-Mixture Models

In the Gaussian kernel model (5.2), the Gaussian shape is spherical and its width is
controlled by a single bandwidth parameter σ , which is chosen by cross-validation
(see Section 5.3). Although it is possible to use correlated Gaussian kernels as a
flexible alternative to spherical Gaussian kernels, choosing the covariance matrix
via cross-validation is computationally intractable.
A practical approach to overcoming this problem is to also learn the covariance
matrix directly from data. In this scenario, the Gaussian mixture model comes in
handy (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2009):

r(x; {θk , µk , k }ck=1 ) = θk N (x; µk , k ), (5.3)


where c is the number of mixing components, {θk }ck=1 are mixing coefficients,
{µk }ck=1 are means of Gaussian functions, { k }ck=1 are covariance matrices of Gaus-
sian functions, and N (x; µ, ) denotes the multi-dimensional Gaussian density
with mean µ and covariance matrix :
1 1  −1
N(x; µ, ) := d 1
exp − (x − µ) (x − µ) , (5.4)
(2π) 2 det( ) 2 2

where det(·) denotes the determinant of a matrix. Note that should be positive
definite, that is, all the eigenvectors of should be strictly positive.
For the Gaussian mixture model (5.3), the KLIEP optimization problem is
expressed as

max log θk N (x i ; µk , k )
{θk ,µk , k }ck=1 nnu
i=1 k=1
n c

s.t. θk N (x de
j ; µk , k ) = 1,
nde j =1 k=1

θk ≥ 0 and k ! O for k = 1, . . . , c,

where k ! O means that k is positive definite.

This optimization problem is non-convex, and there is no known method for
obtaining the global optimal solution. A fixed-point iteration gives an effective
algorithm for obtaining a local optimal solution. A pseudo code is described
in Figure 5.3. Practically, the k-means clustering algorithm may be used for
effectively initializing the parameters (Bishop, 2006), and cross-validation (see
62 5 Density Fitting

Section 5.3) may be used for determining the number of mixing components c and
the regularization parameter λ (see the pseudo code in Figure 5.3).
The KLIEP method for Gaussian mixture models is called the Gaussian-mixture

d nnu n
Input: Data samples D nu = {x nui (∈ R )}i=1 and D
= {x de d
j (∈ R )}j =1 ,

and the number of mixing components c.

Output: Density-ratio estimator 

Initialization step: Initialize mixing coefficients {θk (≥ 0)}ck=1 , Gaussian

means {µk (∈ Rd )}ck=1 , and Gaussian covariance matrices { k (! O)}ck=1 .
Step 1: Evaluate the responsibility values {γk,i }ck=1, ni=1
and {βk,j }ck=1, j =1
using the current parameters:
θk N (x nu
i ; µk , k )
γk,i ←− 'c nu ,
k  =1 θk  N (x i ; µk  , k  )
βk,j ←− θk N (x de
j |µk , k ).
Step 2: Re-estimate the parameters {θk , µk , k }ck=1 using the current res-
ponsibility values {γk,i }ck=1, ni=1 nu
' nu
nde ni=1 γk,i
θk ←− 'nde ,
nnu j =1 N (x de
j ; µk , k )
'nnu nu
'nde de
i=1 γk,i x i − j =1 βk,j x j
µk ←− 'nnu 'nde ,
i  =1 γk,i − j  =1 βk,j

γk,i (x nu − µk )(x nu − µk )
k ←− i=1 'nnu i 'nde i
i  =1 γk,i − j  =1 βk,j

'nde de de 
j =1 βk,j (x j − µk )(x j − µk )
− 'nnu 'nde + λI d ,
i  =1 γk,i − j  =1 βk,j

where λ (> 0) is the regularization parameter and I d denotes the d-

dimensional identity matrix.
Evaluation step: Evaluate the objective value

log θk N (x nu
i ; µk , k ) ,
nnu i=1 k=1

and repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the objective value converges.

Figure 5.3. Pseudo code of KLIEP for Gaussian-mixture models (GM-KLIEP).

5.2 Implementations of KLIEP 63

5.2.4 Probabilistic PCA Mixture Models

The Gaussian mixture model explained in the previous subsection would be more
flexible than linear, kernel, and log-linear models and suitable for approximating
density-ratio functions with some correlation in input variables. However, when
the target density-ratio function is (locally) rank-deficient, its behavior could be
unstable because inverse covariance matrices are included in the Gaussian function
[see Eq. (5.4)]. To cope with this problem, probabilistic principal–component–
analyzer mixture (PPCA mixture) models (Tipping and Bishop, 1999) can be
useful (Yamada et al., 2010a).
The PPCA mixture model is defined as

r(x; {θk , µk , σk2 ,Wk }ck=1 ) = θk N (x; µk , σk2 ,Wk ),


where c is the number of mixing components and {θk }ck=1 are mixing coefficients.
N(x; µ, σ 2 ,W) is a PPCA model defined by
1 1
N(x; µ, σ 2 ,W) = d 1
exp − (x − µ)  −1
C (x − µ) ,
(2πσ 2 ) 2 det(C) 2 2

where det(·) denotes the determinant of a matrix. µ is the mean of the Gaussian
function, σ 2 is the variance of the Gaussian function, W is a d × m ‘projection’
matrix onto an m-dimensional latent space (where m ≤ d), and C = WW + σ 2 I d .
Then the KLIEP optimization criterion is expressed as


nu 2
max log θk N (x i ; µk , σk ,Wk )
{θk ,µk ,σk2 ,Wk }ck=1 nnu i=1 k=1
n c

s.t. θk N (x de 2
j ; µk , σk ,Wk ) = 1,
nde j =1 k=1

θk ≥ 0 for k = 1, . . . , c.

This optimization is non-convex, and thus we may use the fixed-point iteration to
obtain a local optimal solution in the same way as the GM-KLIEP (Yamada et al.,
When the dimensionality of the latent space m is equal to the entire dimensional-
ity d, PPCA models are reduced to ordinary Gaussian models. Thus, PPCA models
can be regarded as an extension of Gaussian models to (locally) rank-deficient
data. The KLIEP method for PPCA mixture models is called the PPCA-mixture
KLIEP (PM-KLIEP). The PM-KLIEP is suitable for learning locally rank-deficient
density-ratio functions. On the other hand, methods for accurately learning globally
rank-deficient density-ratio functions are explained in Chapter 8.
64 5 Density Fitting

5.3 Model Selection by Cross-Validation

In the previous section we described implementations of the KLIEP for vari-
ous models. In practice, estimation accuracy depends heavily on the choice of
tuning parameters such as the regularization parameter and kernel parameters.
Model selection of the KLIEP is possible based on cross-validation (CV), which
is explained in this section.
In the CV procedure of the KLIEP, the numerator samples D nu = {x nu i }i=1
nu T
are divided into T disjoint subsets {Dt }t=1 . Then a KLIEP solution  rt (x) is
obtained using D nu \Dtnu and D de (i.e., all numerator samples without Dtnu and
all denominator samples), and its KL value for the hold-out numerator samples
Dtnu is computed:

 t :=
KL rt (x nu ).
|Dtnu | nu nu
x ∈Dt

This procedure is repeated for t = 1, . . . , T , and the average of the hold-out KL

values over all t is computed as


KL := KLt .
T t=1

 is chosen.
Then the model that maximizes KL
A pseudo code of CV for KLIEP is summarized in Figure 5.4.

nnu n
Input: Data samples D nu = {x nu de de de
i }i=1 and D = {x j }j =1 ,
and a set of basis function candidates {ψ m (x)}M
m=1 .
Output: Density-ratio estimator  r(x).
Split D nu into T disjoint subsets {Dtnu }Tt=1 ;
for each model candidate m = 1, . . . , M
for each split t = 1, . . . , T
rt (x) ←− KLIEP(D nu \Dtnu , D de , ψ(x));
 t (m) ←− 1nu
KL |D |
t x∈Dtnu log
rt (x);

KL(m) ←− T1 Tt=1 KL t (m);

 ←− argmax m KL(m);
r(x) ←− KLIEP(D nu , D de , ψ m

Figure 5.4. Pseudo code of CV for KLIEP.

5.5 Remarks 65

5.4 Numerical Examples

In this section we illustrate the numerical behavior of the KLIEP algorithm for the
kernel models described in Section 5.2.1.
Let us consider a one-dimensional example (i.e., d = 1), and suppose that the
∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu (x) = N (x; 1, 12 ) and pde

(x) = N (x; 0, 22 ),

where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
The true densities are plotted in Figure 5.5(a), while the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is
plotted in Figure 5.5(b).
Let nnu = nde = 200. For density-ratio estimation, we use the KLIEP algorithm
with the following Gaussian kernel model:

(x − x nu )2
r(x) = θ exp − .
2σ 2

The Gaussian width σ is chosen by 5-fold cross-validation (see Section 5.3). The
density-ratio function estimated by the KLIEP algorithm,  r(x), is described in
Figure 5.5(b), which shows that the KLIEP gives a reasonably good approximation
to the true density-ratio function r ∗ (x).

5.5 Remarks
Density-ratio estimation by density fitting under the KL divergence allows one to
avoid density estimation when estimating density ratios (Section 5.1). Furthermore,
cross-validation with respect to the KL divergence is available for model selection,
as described in Section 5.3.

0.4 2.5
p*nu(x) r*(x)
0.35 r (x)
p*de(x) 2
0.25 1.5
0 0
−5 0 5 −5 0 5
x x
(a) True densities (b) True and estimated density ratios

Figure 5.5. Numerical example of the KLIEP.

66 5 Density Fitting

The method, called the KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP), is appli-

cable to a variety of models such as linear models, kernel models, log-linear mod-
els, Gaussian mixture models, and probabilistic principal–component–analyzer
mixture models (see Section 5.2).
Theoretical properties of the KLIEP such as parametric and non-parametric
convergence rates have been studied in Sugiyama et al. (2008), which will be
explained in Sections 13.1 and 14.2. Also, under a certain parametric setup, the
KLIEP was proved to perform better than alternative approaches (Kanamori et al.,
2010), which will be detailed in Section 13.4.
Density-Ratio Fitting

In this chapter we describe a framework of density-ratio estimation by least-squares

density-ratio fitting (Kanamori et al., 2009).
We first give a basic framework for a least-squares fitting of density ratios called
least-squares importance fitting (LSIF) in Section 6.1. Then, two practical imple-
mentation LSIFs constrained LSIF (cLSIF) and unconstrained LSIF (uLSIF) –
are described in Section 6.2. In Section 6.3, model selection by cross-validation in
the LSIF framework is explained. Also, we describe two schemes for speeding up
model selection, that is, regularization path tracking for cLSIF and analytic com-
putation of leave-one-out cross-validation scores for uLSIF. Numerical examples
are shown in Section 6.4, and finally the chapter is concluded in Section 6.5.

6.1 Basic Framework

In this section we describe the framework of least-squares density-ratio fitting
(Kanamori et al., 2009).
Let us model the true density-ratio function

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) = ∗
pde (x)
by a model r(x). The model r(x) is learned so that the following squared error
SQ is minimized:

1 % &2 ∗
SQ (r) := r(x) − r ∗ (x) pde (x)dx
1 1
= r(x)2 pde

(x)dx − r(x)pnu ∗
(x)dx + r ∗ (x)pnu

2 2
where the last term is a constant and therefore can be safely ignored. Let us denote
the first two terms by SQ:
SQ(r) := r(x)2 pde

(x)dx − r(x)pnu ∗

68 6 Density-Ratio Fitting

Approximating the expectations in SQ by empirical averages, we obtain

nde nnu
de 2 1

SQ(r) := r(x j ) − r(x nu

i ).
2nde j =1 nnu i=1

Thus, the optimization problem is given as

 
nde nnu

min  r(x de 2
j ) − r(x nu 
i ) .
r 2nde j =1 nnu i=1

We refer to this formulation as least-squares importance fitting (LSIF).

6.2 Implementation of LSIF

In this section we describe two implementations of LSIF for the linear model

r(x) = θ ψ (x) = ψ(x) θ,


where ψ(x) : Rd → Rb is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a

parameter vector. Because this model is in the same form as that used in the KLIEP
for linear/kernel models (Section 5.2.1), we may use the same basis design idea
described there.
 defined in Section 6.1 are expressed as
For the above linear model, SQ and SQ
1  (θ) := 1 θ  H
θ −
SQ (θ) := θ  H θ − h θ and SQ h θ,
2 2

H := ∗
pde (x)ψ(x)ψ(x) dx,  := 1
H ψ(x de de 
j )ψ(x j ) , (6.1)
nde j =1

h := ∗
pnu (x)ψ(x)dx, and 
h := ψ(x nu
i ). (6.2)
nnu i=1

Following Kanamori et al. (2009), we describe implementations of LSIF for

linear models with and without non-negativity constraints in Sections 6.2.1 and

6.2.1 Implementation with Non-Negativity Constraint

Here we describe an implementation of LSIF with a non-negativity constraint,
called a constrained LSIF (cLSIF).
Let us impose the non-negativity constraint θ ≥ 0b when minimizing SQ,
the density-ratio function is non-negative by definition. Let us further add the
6.2 Implementation of LSIF 69

following regularization term to the objective function:


b θ = θ 1 := |θ |.

The term 1b θ works as the 1 -regularizer if it is combined with the non-negativity
constraint. Then the optimization problem is expressed as
min θ H θ − h θ + λ1b θ s.t. θ ≥ 0b ,
θ∈Rb 2
where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter. We refer to this method as a con-
strained LSIF (cLSIF). The cLSIF optimization problem is a convex quadratic
program, and thus the unique global optimal solution can be obtained by a standard
optimization software.
We can also use the 2 -regularizer θ  θ , instead of the 1 -regularizer 1
b θ , with-
out changing the computational property (i.e., the optimization problem is still
a convex quadratic program). However, the 1 -regularizer is more advantageous
due to its sparsity-inducing property, that is, many parameters take exactly zero
(Williams, 1995; Tibshirani, 1996; Chen et al., 1998). Furthermore, as explained
in Section 6.3.2, the use of the 1 -regularizer allows one to compute the entire
regularization path efficiently (Best, 1982; Efron et al., 2004; Hastie et al., 2004),
which highly improves the computational cost in the model selection phase.

6.2.2 Implementation without Non-Negativity Constraint

Here we describe another implementation of LSIF without the non-negativity
Without the non-negativity constraint, the linear regularizer 1
b θ used in cLSIF
does not work as a regularizer. For this reason, a quadratic regularizer θ  θ is
adopted here. Then we have the following optimization problem:
1   λ
min θ  H θ − h θ + θ θ . (6.3)
θ∈Rb 2 2
Equation (6.3) is an unconstrained convex quadratic program, and the solution can
be computed analytically by solving the following system of linear equations:
 + λI b )θ = 
(H h,

where I b is the b-dimensional identity matrix. The solution θ of this equation is

given by   +λI b )−1
θ = (H h. This method is called an unconstrained LSIF (uLSIF).
An advantage of uLSIF is that the solution can be analytically computed simply
by solving a system of linear equations. Therefore, its computation is stable when
λ is not too small.
Because the non-negativity constraint θ ≥ 0b was dropped, estimated density-
ratio values could be negative. To compensate for this, negative outputs may be
70 6 Density-Ratio Fitting

rounded up to zero as follows (Kanamori et al., 2011b):

r(x) = max(0, ψ(x) θ ).

6.3 Model Selection by Cross-Validation

Model selection of cLSIF and uLSIF (i.e., the choice of the basis functions and the
regularization parameter) is possible by cross-validation based on the SQ criterion.
In Section 6.3.1 we first explain how cross-validation is performed for cLSIF
and uLSIF. Then we describe two schemes for speeding up model selection:
a regularization-path tracking algorithm for cLSIF (Section 6.3.2) and analytic
computation of leave-one-out cross-validation scores for uLSIF (Section 6.3.3).

6.3.1 Cross-Validation
More specifically, the numerator and denominator samples D nu = {x nu i }i=1 and
de de nde nu T de T
D = {x j }j =1 are divided into T disjoint subsets {Dt }t=1 and {Dt }t=1 , respec-
rt (x) is obtained using D nu \Dtnu and D de \Dtde
tively. Then a density-ratio estimator
nu de
(i.e., all samples without Dt and Dt ), and its SQ value for the hold-out samples
Dtnu and Dtde is computed:

 t :=
SQ rt (x nu )2 − de
 rt (x de ).

2|Dt | nu nu |Dt | de de
x ∈Dt x ∈Dt

This procedure is repeated for t = 1, . . . , T , and the average of these hold-out SQ

values is computed as

 := 1
SQ t.
T t=1

 is chosen.
Then the model that minimizes SQ

6.3.2 Entire Regularization Path for cLSIF

The cLSIF solution θ is shown to be piecewise-linear with respect to the regulariza-
tion parameter λ (see Figure 6.1). Thus, the regularization path (i.e., solutions for
all λ) can be computed efficiently based on the parametric optimization technique
(Best, 1982; Efron et al., 2004; Hastie et al., 2004).
A basic idea of regularization-path tracking is to check the violation of
the Karush–Kuhn–Tacker (KKT) conditions (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004),
which are necessary and sufficient conditions for the optimality of convex pro-
grams, when the regularization parameter λ is changed. A pseudo code of the
regularization-path tracking algorithm for cLSIF is described in Figure 6.2. Thanks
to the regularization-path algorithm, model selection of cLSIF can be carried out
6.3 Model Selection by Cross-Validation 71

ˆ )

ˆ 1)

ˆ 2)
ˆ 0) = 0b

Figure 6.1. Regularization path tracking of cLSIF. The solution  θ(λ) is shown to be
piecewise-linear in the parameter space as a function of λ. Starting from λ = ∞, the
trajectory of the solution is traced as λ is decreased to zero. When λ ≥ λ0 for some λ0 ≥ 0,
the solution stays at the origin 0b . When λ gets smaller than λ0 , the solution departs from
the origin. As λ is further decreased, for some λ1 such that 0 ≤ λ1 ≤ λ0 , the solution goes
straight to 
θ (λ1 ) with a constant ‘speed’. Then the solution path changes its direction and,
for some λ2 such that 0 ≤ λ2 ≤ λ1 , the solution heads straight for  θ(λ2 ) with a constant
speed as λ is further decreased. This process is repeated until λ reaches zero.

The pseudo code implies that we no longer need a quadratic programming

solver for obtaining the cLSIF solution; just computing matrix inverse is sufficient.
Furthermore, the regularization-path algorithm is computationally more efficient
when the solution is sparse (i.e., most of the elements are zero) because the number
of change points tends to be small for such sparse solutions.
Although the regularization-path tracking algorithm is computationally effi-
cient, it tends to be numerically unreliable, as experimentally shown in
Kanamori et al. (2009). This numerical instability is caused by near singularity
of the matrix G  (see the pseudo code in Figure 6.2). When G  is nearly singu-
lar, it is not easy to accurately obtain the solutions u and v in Figure 6.2. Then the
change point λτ +1 cannot be detected accurately, and the active set of the inequality
constraints cannot be updated accurately. Consequently, the obtained solution  θ(λ)
can become unreliable; furthermore, such numerical error tends to be accumulated
through the path-tracking process. This instability issue seems to be a common
pitfall of solution-path-tracking algorithms in general (Scheinberg, 2006).
Suppose that the basis design heuristic described in Section 5.2.1 (i.e., the
Gaussian kernel model with Gaussian centers chosen from the numerator samples)
is used. Then the matrix H  tends to be nearly singular when the Gaussian width
σ is very small or very large, which makes the matrix G  also nearly singular. On
the other hand, when the Gaussian width σ is not too small or too large compared
with the dispersion of samples, the matrix G  is well conditioned, and therefore the
path-following algorithm performs well in a stable and reliable manner.
An R implementation of cLSIF with regularization path tracking is available

6.3.3 Analytic Expression of Leave-One-Out Score

A practically important advantage of uLSIF over cLSIF is that the score of
leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) can be computed analytically (Kanamori
72 6 Density-Ratio Fitting

Input: H h % see Eqs. (6.1) and (6.2) for their definitions
Output: Entire regularization path 
θ (λ) for λ ≥ 0
τ ←− 0; k ←− argmax i {
hi | i = 1, . . . , b}; λτ ←− 
hk ;
A ←− {1, . . . , b}\{k}; 
θ (λτ ) ←− 0b ;
While λτ > 0

E ←− O|A|×b ;

For i = 1, . . . , |A|

Ei,    | 
ji ←− 1; % A = {j1 , . . . , j|A| j1 < · · · < j|A|

H − E −1 h −1 1b

G ←− ; u ←− G 
; v ←− G ;
−E O|A|×|  A|  0|A|

If v ≤ 0b+|A|  % the final interval

λτ +1 ←− 0; 
θ (λτ +1 ) ←− (u1 , . . . , ub ) ;
else % an intermediate interval
k ←− argmax i {ui /vi | vi > 0, i = 1, . . . , b + |A|}; 
λτ +1 ←− max{0, uk /vk };

θ(λτ +1 ) ←− (u1 , . . . , ub ) − λτ +1 (v1 , . . . , vb ) ;
If 1 ≤ k ≤ b
A ←− A ∪ {k};
A ←− A\{   jk−b };
τ ←− τ + 1;
end 
0 if λ ≥ λ0

θ(λ) ←− λ −λ
 τ +1 
θ (λτ ) + λτ +1 −λτ 
λ−λ τ
θ (λτ +1 ) if λτ +1 ≤ λ ≤ λτ
λτ +1 −λτ

Figure 6.2. Pseudo code for computing the entire regularization path of cLSIF. When the
computation of G −1 is numerically unstable, small positive diagonals may be added to H

for stabilization.

et al., 2009). Thanks to this property, the computational complexity for performing
LOOCV is the same order as just computing a single solution.
nnu de nde
In the current setup, two sets of samples, {x nui }i=1 and {x j }j =1 , generally have
different sample sizes. For i = 1, . . . , n, where n := min(nnu , nde ), suppose that the
i-th numerator sample x nu de
i and the i-th denominator sample x i are held out at
the same time in the LOOCV procedure; the remaining numerator or numerator
samples for i > n are assumed to be always used for density-ratio estimation.
6.4 Numerical Examples 73

Note that the order of numerical samples can be changed without sacrificing the
computational advantages.
ri (x) be a density-ratio estimate obtained without the i-th numerator sample
x nu
i and the i-th denominator sample x de i . Then the LOOCV score is expressed as

LOOCV = ri (x de
( i )) 2
r (x
i i
) .
n i=1 2

A trick to efficiently compute the LOOCV score is to use the Sherman–Woodbury–

Morrison formula (Golub and Loan, 1996) for computing matrix inverses: For an
invertible square matrix A and vectors u and v such that vA−1 u # = −1,

A−1 uvA−1
(A+ uv )−1 = A−1 − .
1 + vA−1 u
Efficient approximation schemes of LOOCV have been investigated under
asymptotic setups (Stone, 1974; Larsen and Hansen, 1996). On the other hand,
for uLSIF, the LOOCV score can be computed exactly, which follows the same
line as that for ridge regression (Hoerl and Kennard, 1970; Wahba, 1990).
MATLAB® and R implementations of uLSIF are available from http://sugi˜sugi/software/uLSIF/ and˜kanamori/software/LSIF/.

6.4 Numerical Examples

In this section we illustrate the numerical behavior of the uLSIF algorithm
described in Section 6.2.2.
Let us consider a one-dimensional example (i.e., d = 1), and suppose that the
∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu (x) = N (x; 1, 12 ) and pde

(x) = p(x; 0, 22 ),

where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
The true densities are plotted in Figure 6.3(a), while the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is
plotted in Figure 6.3(b).
Let nnu = nde = 200. For density-ratio estimation, we use the uLSIF algorithm
with the following Gaussian kernel model:

(x − x nu )2
r(x) = θ exp − .
2σ 2

The Gaussian width σ and the regularization parameter λ are chosen by 5-

fold cross-validation (see Section 6.3). The density-ratio function estimated by
uLSIF, r(x), is described in Figure 6.3(b), which shows that uLSIF gives a good
approximation to the true density-ratio function r ∗ (x).
74 6 Density-Ratio Fitting

0.4 2.5
p*nu(x) r*(x)
p*de(x) 2 r (x)
0.25 1.5
0 0
−5 0 5 −5 0 5
x x
(a) True densities (b) True and estimated density ratios

Figure 6.3. Numerical example of uLSIF.

6.5 Remarks
The least-squares density-ratio fitting methods for linear/kernel models are
computationally more advantageous than alternative approaches. Indeed, the
constrained method (cLSIF) with the 1 -regularizer is equipped with a
regularization-path-tracking algorithm (Section 6.3.2). Furthermore, the uncon-
strained method (uLSIF) allows one to compute the density-ratio estimator
analytically (Section 6.2.2); the leave-one-out cross-validation score can also be
computed in a closed form (Section 6.3.3). Thus, the overall computation of uLSIF
including model selection is highly efficient.
The fact that uLSIF has an analytic-form solution is actually very use-
ful beyond its computational efficiency. When one wants to optimize some
criterion defined using a density-ratio estimator, for example, mutual informa-
tion (Cover and Thomas, 2006) or the Pearson divergence (Pearson, 1900), the
analytic-form solution of uLSIF allows one to compute the derivative of the tar-
get criterion analytically. Then one can develop, for example, gradient-based and
(quasi-) Newton algorithms for optimization. This property can be successfully
utilized, for example, in identifying the central subspace in sufficient dimension
reduction (Section 11.2), finding independent components in independent compo-
nent analysis (Section 11.3), and identifying the heterodistributional subspace in
direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction (Section 8.2).
Asymptotic convergence behavior of cLSIF and uLSIF in the parametric setup
was elucidated in Kanamori et al. (2009), which is explained in Section 13.2.
The asymptotic non-parametric convergence rate of uLSIF was studied in
Kanamori et al. (2011b), which is explained in Section 14.3. Also, uLSIF was
shown to be numerically stable and reliable under condition number analysis
(Kanamori et al., 2011c), which will be detailed in Chapter 16.
Unified Framework

In this chapter we describe a framework of density-ratio estimation by density-

ratio fitting under the Bregman divergence (Bregman, 1967). This framework is
a natural extension of the least-squares approach described in Chapter 6, and it
includes various existing approaches as special cases (Sugiyama et al., 2011a).
In Section 7.1 we first describe the framework of density-ratio fitting under
the Bregman divergence. Then, in Section 7.2, we show that various existing
approaches can be accommodated in this framework, such as kernel mean matching
(see Section 3.3), logistic regression (see Section 4.2), Kullback–Leibler impor-
tance estimation procedure (see Section 5.1), and least-squares importance fitting
(see Section 6.1). We then show other views of the density-ratio fitting framework
in Section 7.3. Furthermore, in Section 7.4, a robust density-ratio estimator is
derived as an instance of the density-ratio fitting approach based on Basu’s power
divergence (Basu et al., 1998). The chapter is concluded in Section 7.5.

7.1 Basic Framework

A basic idea of density-ratio fitting is to fit a density ratio model r(x) to
the true density-ratio function r ∗ (x) under some divergence (Figure 7.1). At a
glance, this density-ratio fitting problem may look equivalent to the regression
problem, which is aimed at learning a real-valued function [see Section 1.1.1
and Figure 1.1(a)]. However, density-ratio fitting is essentially different from
regression because samples of the true density-ratio function are not available.
Here we employ the Bregman (BR) divergence (Bregman, 1967) for measur-
ing the discrepancy between the true density-ratio function and the density-ratio
The BR divergence is an extension of the Euclidean distance to a class of
distances that share similar properties. Let f be a differentiable and strictly

76 7 Unified Framework

True ration function r * (x)

Learned ratio model r (x)

Figure 7.1. The idea of density-ratio fitting.

convex1 function. Then the BR divergence from t ∗ to t associated with f is

defined as
BR f (t ∗ t) := f (t ∗ ) − f (t) − ∂f (t)(t ∗ − t),
where ∂f is the derivative of f . Note that
f (t) + ∂f (t)(t ∗ − t)
is the value of the first-order Taylor expansion of f around t evaluated at t ∗ . Thus
the BR divergence evaluates the difference between the value of f at point t ∗ and
its linear extrapolation from t (Figure 7.2). Note that the BR divergence BR f (t ∗ t)
is a convex function with respect to t ∗ , but it is not necessarily convex with respect
to t.
Here the discrepancy from the true density-ratio function r ∗ to a density ratio
model r is measured using the BR divergence as
% &
BR f r ∗ r := pde ∗
(x) f (r ∗ (x)) − f (r(x))
− ∂f (r(x))(r ∗ (x) − r(x)) dx. (7.1)

BRf′ (t*||t)

f (t) ∂f (t)(t* – t)

t t*

Figure 7.2. Bregman divergence BR f (t ∗ t).

1 A function f is said to be convex if

f (αt + (1 − α)t  ) ≤ αf (t) + (1 − α)f (t  )

holds for any t < t  and any α ∈ (0, 1). If the above inequality holds without equality (i.e., with ‘<’),
f is said to be strictly convex.
7.2 Existing Methods as Density-Ratio Fitting 77

A motivation for this choice is that the BR divergence allows one to directly obtain
an empirical approximation for any f . Let us extract a relevant part of the BR
divergence, BR f , as
% &
BR f r ∗ r = C − pde ∗
(x)f (r(x))dx − pde ∗
(x)∂f (r(x))r ∗ (x)dx

+ pde (x)∂f (r(x))r(x)dx

= C + BR f (r) ,
where C := pde (x)f (r ∗ (x))dx is a constant independent of r and
∗ ∗
BR f (r) := pde (x)∂f (r(x))r(x)dx − pde (x)f (r(x))dx

− pnu (x)∂f (r(x))dx. (7.2)

 f (r) of BR f (r) is given by

Then an empirical approximation BR
n n

 f (r) := 1
BR ∂f (r(x de
j ))r(x de
j ) − f (r(x de
j ))
nde j =1 nde j =1

− ∂f (r(x nu
i )). (7.3)
nnu i=1

This immediately gives the following optimization criterion:

 f (r) .
min BR

7.2 Existing Methods as Density-Ratio Fitting

In this section we show that various density-ratio estimation methods explained
in the previous chapters can actually be accommodated in the density-ratio fit-
ting framework described in the previous section. The methods we explain in this
section are least-squares importance fitting (Section 7.2.1), kernel mean match-
ing (Section 7.2.2), logistic regression (Section 7.2.3), and the Kullback–Leibler
importance estimation procedure (Section 7.2.4).

7.2.1 Least-Squares Importance Fitting

Here we show that the least-squares importance fitting (LSIF) approach introduced
in Section 6.1 is an instance of density-ratio fitting. More specifically, there exists
a BR divergence such that the optimization problem of density-ratio fitting is
reduced to that of LSIF.
78 7 Unified Framework

f (t) = (t − 1)2 ,
BR (7.1) is reduced to the squared (SQ) distance:
SQ (t ∗ t) := (t ∗ − t)2 .
Following Eqs. (7.2) and (7.3), let us denote SQ without an irrelevant constant
 (r), respectively:
term by SQ (r) and its empirical approximation by SQ
1 ∗
SQ (r) := pde (x)r(x)2 dx − pnu∗
nde nnu
de 2 1

SQ (r) := r(x j ) − r(x nu

i ).
2nde j =1 nnu i=1

This agrees with the LSIF formulation given in Section 6.1.

7.2.2 Kernel Mean Matching

In this subsection we show that the solution of the infinite-order moment matching
method, kernel mean matching (KMM), introduced in Section 3.3 actually agrees
with that of an unconstrained LSIF (uLSIF; see Section 6.2.2) for a specific kernel
model. Because uLSIF was shown to be an instance of density-ratio fitting in
Section 7.2.1, the KMM solution can also be obtained in the density-ratio fitting
Let us consider the following kernel density-ratio model:

r(x) = θ K(x, x de
), (7.4)

where K(x, x  ) is a universal reproducing kernel (Steinwart, 2001) such as the

Gaussian kernel:
x − x  2
K(x, x  ) = exp − .
2σ 2
Note that the original uLSIF and KLIEP use the numerator samples {x nu i }i=1 as
Gaussian centers (see Section 5.2.1), while the model (7.4) adopts the denominator
samples {x de
j }j =1 as Gaussian centers.
For the density-ratio model (7.4), the matrix H defined by Eq. (6.1) and the

vector h defined by Eq. (6.2) are expressed as

 = 1 K 2de,de and 
H h=
K de,nu 1nnu ,
nde nnu
7.2 Existing Methods as Density-Ratio Fitting 79

where 1nnu denotes the nnu -dimensional vector with all ones, and K de,de and K de,nu
are the nde × nde and nde × nnu matrices defined by

[K de,de ]j ,j  = K(x de de de nu
j , x j  ) and [K de,nu ]j ,i = K(x j , x i ).

Then the (unregularized) uLSIF solution (see Section 6.2.2 for details),   −1
θ =H h,
is expressed as

 nde −2
θ= K K de,nu 1nnu . (7.5)
nnu de,de
On the other hand, let us consider an inductive variant of KMM for the kernel
model (7.4) (see Section 3.3.2). For the density-ratio model (7.4), the matrix  de
defined by Eq. (3.3) is expressed as  de = K de,de . Then the KMM solution (see
Section 3.3.2 for details),

θ= ( de K de,de  de )−1  de K de,nu 1nnu ,
is reduced to Eq. (7.5).
Thus, KMM and uLSIF share the same solution. However, it is important to
note that the optimization criteria of the two approaches differ. As will be shown
in Chapter 16, this fact makes a significant difference in numerical stability.
More specifically, the density-ratio fitting method has a smaller condition number
than the generalized moment-matching method (Kanamori et al., 2011c). Thus,
the density-ratio fitting approach is numerically more stable and computationally
more efficient than the moment matching method if solutions are computed by
numerical algorithms such as quasi-Newton methods.

7.2.3 Logistic Regression

Here we show that the logistic regression approach introduced in Section 4.2 is an
instance of density-ratio fitting. More specifically, there exists a BR divergence
such that the optimization problem of density-ratio fitting is reduced to that of the
logistic regression approach.

f (t) = t log t − (1 + t) log(1 + t),

BR (7.1) is reduced to the binary Kullback–Leibler (BKL) divergence:

1+t t
BKL (t ∗ t) := (1 + t ∗ ) log ∗
+ t ∗ log ∗ .
1+t t
The name BKL comes from the fact that BKL (t ∗ t) is expressed as
 ∗ ∗ 1   1
BKL (t t) = (1 + t )KLbin ,
1 + t∗  1 + t
80 7 Unified Framework

where KLbin is the KL divergence for binary random variables defined as

p 1−p
KLbin (p, q) := p log + (1 − p) log
q 1−q
for 0 < p, q < 1. Thus, BKL agrees with KLbin up to the scaling factor (1 + t ∗ ).
Following Eqs. (7.2) and (7.3), let us denote BKL without an irrelevant constant
term by BKL (r) and its empirical approximation by B  KL (r), respectively:
∗ 1 ∗ r(x)
BKL (r) := − pde (x) log dx − pnu (x) log dx,
1 + r(x) 1 + r(x)
nde nnu
1 1
r(x nu
i )

B KL (r) := − log − log . (7.6)
nde j =1 de
1 + r(x j ) nnu i=1 1 + r(x nu
i )

The density-ratio model r is learned so that B KL(r) is minimized.
Equation (7.6) is a generalized expression of logistic regression (Qin, 1998).
Indeed, the ordinary logistic regression formulation can be obtained from Eq. (7.6)
as follows: Let us consider a set of paired samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 , where, for n =
nnu + nde ,

(x 1 , . . . , x n ) := (x nu nu de de
1 , . . . , x nnu , x 1 , . . . , x nde ),

(y1 , . . . , yn ) := (+1, . . . , +1, −1, . . . , −1).

We employ the following log-linear density-ratio model:

r(x) = exp(ψ(x) θ ).

Then B KL is expressed as
% &

B KL (θ ) = log 1 + exp(ψ(x de 
j ) θ)
nde j =1
% &
+ log 1 + exp(−ψ(x nu 
i ) θ)
nnu i=1

% % &&
= log 1 + exp −yk ψ(x k ) θ .

When nnu = nde , this agrees with Eq. (4.2) up to a regularizer.

7.2.4 Kullback–Leibler Importance Estimation Procedure

We now show that the KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP) introduced
in Section 5.1 is an instance of density-ratio fitting. More specifically, there exists
a BR divergence such that the optimization problem of density-ratio fitting is
reduced to that of the KLIEP approach.
7.3 Interpretation of Density-Ratio Fitting 81


f (t) = t log t − t,

BR (7.1) is reduced to the unnormalized Kullback–Leibler (UKL) divergence2 :

UKL (t ∗ t) := t ∗ log − t ∗ + t.
Following Eqs. (7.2) and (7.3), let us denote UKL without an irrelevant constant
term by UKL (r) and its empirical approximation by U KL (r), respectively:
∗ ∗
UKL (r) := pde (x)r(x)dx − pnu (x) log r(x)dx,
nde nnu

U KL (r) := r(x de
j ) − log r(x nu
i ). (7.7)
nde j =1 nnu i=1

The density-ratio model r is learned so that U KL(r) is minimized. Here, we

further impose that the ratio model r(x) is non-negative for all x and is normalized
with respect to {x de
j }j =1 :

r(x de
j ) = 1.
nde j =1

Then the optimization criterion is reduced to


max log r(x nu

i )
r nnu i=1
s.t. r(x de
j ) = 1 and r(x) ≥ 0 for all x.
nde j =1

This agrees with the KLIEP formulation explained in Section 5.1.

7.3 Interpretation of Density-Ratio Fitting

In this section we give interpretations of the density-ratio fitting approach. In
Section 7.3.1, we show that the density-ratio fitting approach can be interpreted as
divergence estimation. In Section 7.3.2, the correspondence between the density-
ratio fitting approach and the moment-matching approach (Chapter 3) is described.
2 The UKL divergence from p(x) and q(x) is reduced to the ordinary KL divergence if p(x) and q(x)
are normalized (i.e., integrated to one):
p(x) p(x)
p(x) log dx − p(x)dx + q(x)dx = p(x) log dx.
q(x) q(x)
82 7 Unified Framework

7.3.1 Divergence Estimation View

Here we show that the density-ratio fitting formulation can be interpreted as diver-
gence estimation based on the Ali–Silvey–Csiszár (ASC) divergence (a.k.a. the
f -divergence).
Let us consider the ASC divergence (Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967) for
measuring the discrepancy between two probability density functions. An ASC
divergence is defined using a convex function f such that f (1) = 0 as follows:
∗ ∗ ∗ pnu (x)
ASCf (pnu pde ) := pde (x)f ∗ dx. (7.8)
pde (x)
The ASC divergence is reduced to the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence
(Kullback and Leibler, 1951) if f (t) = t log t, and the Pearson (PE) divergence
(Pearson, 1900) if f (t) = (t − 1)2 /2.
Let ∂f (t) be the sub-differential of f at a point t (∈ R), which is a set defined
as follows (Rockafellar, 1970):
∂f (t) := {z ∈ R | f (s) ≥ f (t) + z(s − t), ∀s ∈ R}.
If f is differentiable at t, then the sub-differential is reduced to the ordinary deriva-
tive. Although the sub-differential is a set in general, for simplicity, we treat ∂f (r)
as a single element if there is no confusion. In the following we assume that f is
closed, that is, its epigraph is a closed set (Rockafellar, 1970).
Let f ∗ be the conjugate dual function associated with f defined as
f ∗ (u) := sup[tu − f (t)] = − inf [f (t) − tu].
t t

Because f is a closed convex function, we also have

f (t) = − inf [f ∗ (u) − tu]. (7.9)

For the KL divergence where f (t) = t log t, the conjugate dual function is given by
f ∗ (u) = exp(u − 1). For the PE divergence where f (t) = (t − 1)2 /2, the conjugate
dual function is given by f ∗ (u) = u2 /2 + u.
Substituting Eq. (7.9) into Eq. (7.8), we have the following lower bound
(Keziou, 2003a):
∗ ∗
ASCf (pnu pde ) = − inf ASCf (g),

ASCf (g) := f ∗ ∗
(g(x))pde (x)dx − ∗
g(x)pnu (x)dx. (7.10)

According to the variational principle (Jordan et al., 1999), the infimum of ASCf
is attained at g such that

pnu (x)
∂f ∗ (g(x)) = ∗ = r ∗ (x).
pde (x)
7.3 Interpretation of Density-Ratio Fitting 83

Thus, minimizing ASCf (g) yields the true density-ratio function r ∗ (x).
In the following we derive a more explicit expression of ASCf (g). For some
g, there exists r such that g = ∂f (r). Then f ∗ (g) is expressed as
. /
f ∗ (g) = sup s∂f (r) − f (s) .

According to the variational principle, the supremum in the right-hand side of the
equation is attained at s = r. Thus we have

f ∗ (g) = r∂f (r) − f (r).

Then the lower bound ASCf (g) defined by Eq. (7.10) can be expressed as
 , -
ASCf (g) = pde∗
(x) r(x)∂f (r(x)) − f (r(x)) dx

− ∂f (r(x))pnu (x)dx.

This is equivalent to the criterion BR f defined by Eq. (7.2) in Section 7.1. Thus,
density-ratio fitting under the BR divergence can be interpreted as divergence
estimation under the ASC divergence.

7.3.2 Moment-Matching View

Let us investigate the correspondence between the density-ratio fitting approach
and the moment-matching approach (Chapter 3). To this end, we focus on the ideal
situation where the true density-ratio function r ∗ is included in the density-ratio
model r.
The non-linear version of finite-order moment matching (see Section 3.2.1)
learns the density-ratio model r so that the following criterion is minimized:
 φ(x)r(x)p∗ (x)dx − φ(x)p∗ (x)dx  ,
 de nu 

where φ(x) : Rd → Rm is some vector-valued function. Under the assumption

that the density-ratio model r can represent the true density ratio r ∗ , we have the
following estimation equation:
∗ ∗
φ(x)r(x)pde (x)dx − φ(x)pnu (x)dx = 0m , (7.11)

where 0m denotes the m-dimensional vector with all zeros.

On the other hand, the density-ratio fitting approach described in Section 7.1
learns the density-ratio model r so that the following criterion is minimized:
∗ ∗ ∗
pde (x)∂f (r(x))r(x)dx − pde (x)f (r(x))dx − pnu (x)∂f (r(x))dx.
84 7 Unified Framework

Taking the derivative of the above criterion with respect to parameters in the
density-ratio model r and equating it to zero, we have the following estimation
∗ 2 ∗
pde (x)r(x)∇r(x)∂ f (r(x))dx − pnu (x)∇r(x)∂ 2 f (r(x))dx = 0b ,

where ∇ denotes the differential operator with respect to parameters in the density-
ratio model r, and b is the number of parameters. This implies that putting
φ(x) = ∇r(x)∂ 2 f (r(x))
in Eq. (7.11) gives the same estimation equation as density-ratio fitting, resulting
in the same optimal solution.

7.4 Power Divergence for Robust Density-Ratio Estimation

In this section we introduce a new instance of density-ratio fitting based on Basu’s
power divergence (BA divergence; Basu et al., 1998).
In Section 7.4.1 we derive a density-ratio estimation method based on density-
ratio fitting under the BA divergence. In Section 7.4.2, the method based on the
BA divergence is shown to be robust against outliers. In Section 7.4.3 we show
some numerical examples.

7.4.1 Derivation
For α > 0, let
t 1+α − t
f (t) = .
Then BR (7.1) is reduced to the BA divergence:
t ∗ (t α − (t ∗ )α )
BAα (t ∗ t) := t α (t − t ∗ ) − .
Following Eqs. (7.2) and (7.3), let us denote BAα without an irrelevant constant
term by BAα (r) and its empirical approximation by BAα (r), respectively:
∗ 1 1
BAα (r) := pde (x)r(x)α+1 dx − 1 + ∗
pnu (x)r(x)α dx + ,
α α
nde   nnu
de α+1 1 1
BAα (r) := r(x j ) − 1+ r(x nu α
i ) + .
nde j =1 α nnu i=1 α

The density-ratio model r is learned so that 

BAα (r) is minimized.
When α = 1, the BA divergence is reduced to the twice SQ divergence (see
Section 7.2.1):
BA1 = 2SQ.
7.4 Power Divergence for Robust Density-Ratio Estimation 85

Similarly, the fact

tα − 1
lim = log t
α→0 α

implies that the BA divergence tends to the UKL divergence (see Section 7.2.4)
as α → 0:
nde nnu

BAα (r) = r(x de
j ) − log r(x nu 
i ) = UKL (r) .
α→0 nde j =1 nnu i=1

Thus, the BA divergence essentially includes the SQ and UKL divergences as

special cases, and is substantially more general.

7.4.2 Robustness
α (r) with respect to parameters included in the
Let us take the derivative of BA
density-ratio model r and equate it to zero. Then we have the following estimation

nde nnu

r(x de
j ) α
∇r(x de
j ) − r(x nu
i )
∇r(x nu
i ) = 0b , (7.12)
nde j =1 nnu i=1

where ∇ is the differential operator with respect to parameters in the density-ratio

model r, b denotes the number of parameters, and 0b denotes the b-dimensional
vector with all zeros.
As explained in Section 7.4.1, the BA method with α → 0 corresponds to the
KLIEP (using the UKL divergence).According to Eq. (7.7), the estimation equation
of the KLIEP is given as follows [this also agrees with Eq. (7.12) with α = 0]:

nde nnu

∇r(x de
j ) − r(x nu −1 nu
i ) ∇r(x i ) = 0b .
nde j =1 nnu i=1

Comparing this with Eq. (7.12), we see that the BA method can be regarded
as a weighted version of the KLIEP according to r(x de α nu α
j ) and r(x i ) . When
r(x de nu
j ) and r(x i ) are less than 1, the BA method downweights the effect of those
samples. Thus, “outlying” samples relative to the density-ratio model r tend to
have less influence on parameter estimation, which will lead to robust estimators
(Basu et al., 1998).
Since LSIF corresponds to α = 1, it is more robust against outliers than the
KLIEP (which corresponds to α → 0) in the above sense, and BA with α > 1
would be even more robust.
86 7 Unified Framework

7.4.3 Numerical Examples

Let the numerator and denominator densities be defined as follows [Figure 7.3(a)]:
∗ 1 1
pnu (x) = 0.7N x; 0, + 0.3N x; 1, ,
16 4

pde (x) = N (x; 0, 1),

where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
We draw nnu = nde = 300 samples from each density, which are illustrated in
Figure 7.3(b).

pnu(x) xnu (nnu = 300)
1 pde(x)
0.6 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
0.4 xde (nde = 300)


0 0
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
x x
(a) Numerator and denominator (b) Numerator and denominator
density functions sample points

r* (x)
rBA (x)
2.5 0
rBA (x)

2 rBA (x)
rBA (x)



−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
(c) True and learned density-ratio functions

Figure 7.3. Numerical examples.

7.5 Remarks 87

Here we employ the Gaussian kernel density-ratio model:


r(x) = θ K(x, x nu

where K(x, x ) is the Gaussian kernel with kernel width σ :
x − x  2
K(x, x  ) = exp − .
2σ 2

The model parameter θ is learned so that BA α (r) with a quadratic regularizer is

minimized under the non-negativity constraint:
n α+1

nu nu
min θ K(x j , x )
θ∈Rb nde j =1 =1
n α 
1 1

de nu 
− 1+ θ K(x i , x ) + λθ θ
α nnu i=1 =1

s.t. θ ≥ 0b . (7.13)

Note that this optimization problem is convex for 0 < α ≤ 1. In our implementa-
tion, we solve the above optimization problem by gradient projection, that is, the
parameters are iteratively updated by gradient descent with respect to the objective
function, and the solution is projected back to the feasible region by rounding up
negative parameters to zero. Before solving the optimization problem (7.13), we
run uLSIF (see Section 6.2.2) and obtain cross-validation estimates of the Gaus-
sian width σ and the regularization parameter λ. We then fix the Gaussian width
and the regularization parameter in the BA method to these values and solve the
optimization problem (7.13) by gradient-projection with θ = 1b /b as the initial
Figure 7.3(c) shows the true and estimated density-ratio functions by the BA
methods for α = 0, 1, 2, 3. The true density-ratio function has two peaks: higher one
at x = 0 and a lower one at around x = 1.2. The graph shows that, as α increases,
the estimated density-ratio functions tend to focus on approximating the higher
peak and ignore the lower peak.

7.5 Remarks
In this chapter we introduced a framework of density-ratio estimation by density-
ratio fitting under the Bregman divergence. This is a natural extension of the
least-squares approach described in Chapter 6 and includes various existing
approaches such as kernel mean matching (see Section 3.3), logistic regres-
sion (see Section 4.2), Kullback–Leibler importance estimation procedure (see
Section 5.1), and least-squares importance fitting (see Section 6.1). We also gave
88 7 Unified Framework

interpretations of the density-ratio fitting approach as divergence estimation and

moment-matching in Section 7.3.
This general framework allows one to derive novel density-ratio estimation
methods based on various instances of the Bregman divergence. Indeed, we showed
in Section 7.4 that the use of Basu’s power divergence yields a robust density-ratio
estimation method.
In the power divergence method, the choice of the robustness parameter α is an
open issue. Although there seems to be no universal way of doing this (Basu et al.,
1998; Jones et al., 2001; Fujisawa and Eguchi, 2008), a practical approach would
be to use cross-validation over a fixed divergence such as the squared distance.
Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with
Dimensionality Reduction

The approaches of direct density-ratio estimation explained in the previous

chapters were shown to be promising in experiments with naive kernel density
estimation in experiments. However, these methods still perform rather poorly
when the dimensionality of the data domain is high.
The purpose of this chapter is to introduce ideas for mitigating this weak-
ness, following Sugiyama et al. (2010a, 2011b). A basic assumption behind the
approaches explained here is that the difference between the two distributions in the
density ratio (i.e., the distributions corresponding to the numerator and denomina-
tor of the density ratio) does not spread over the entire data domain, but is confined
in a low-dimensional subspace – which we refer to as the heterodistributional sub-
space. Once the heterodistributional subspace can be identified, the density ratio is
estimated only within this subspace. This will lead to more stable and reliable esti-
mations of density ratios. Such an approach is called direct density-ratio estimation
with dimensionality reduction (D3 ; pronounced “D-cube”).
In this chapter, two approaches to D3 are described. In Section 8.1, a heuristic
method based on discriminant analysis is explained. This method is shown to be
computationally very efficient, and thus is very practical. On the other hand, in
Section 8.2, a more theory-oriented approach based on divergence maximization
is introduced. This method is justifiable under general settings, and thus it has a
wider applicability. Numerical examples are shown in Section 8.3, and the chapter
is concluded in Section 8.4.

8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach

In this section, a D3 method based on discriminant analysis is explained
(Sugiyama et al., 2010a). The D3 approach based on discriminant analysis is for-
mulated in Section 8.1.1, where the heterodistributional subspace plays an essen-
tial role. In Section 8.1.2, the heterodistributional subspace is characterized in terms
of bi-orthogonal bases. In Section 8.1.3, a method of heterodistributional sub-
space search based on supervised dimensionality reduction is explained. Finally,

90 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

in Section 8.1.4, an entire algorithm of the D3 method based on discriminant

analysis is described.

8.1.1 Hetero- and Homodistributional Subspaces

The basic assumption behind the D3 approach is that the two densities pnu

(x) and

pde (x) in the density ratio

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) = ∗
pde (x)
are different not in the entire domain but only in some subspace. This assumption
can be formulated mathematically using the following linear mixing model.
Let {unu
i }i=1 be i.i.d. samples drawn from an m-dimensional distribution with
density pnu∗
(u), where m ∈ {1, . . . , d}. Let {ude
j }j =1 be i.i.d. samples drawn from

another m-dimensional distribution with density pde (u), which is assumed to be
nu nnu de nde
strictly positive. Let {vi }i=1 and {vj }j =1 be i.i.d. samples drawn from a (d − m)-
dimensional common distribution with density p ∗ (v), which is also assumed to be
strictly positive. Let A be a d × m matrix and B be a d × (d − m) matrix such that
the column vectors of A and B span the entire space. Based on these quantities, we
nnu de nde
consider the case where the samples {x nu i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 are generated as

x nu nu nu
i = Aui + Bvi and x de de de
j = Auj + Bvj .
∗ ∗
Thus, pnu (x) and pde (x) are expressed as
∗ ∗
pnu (x) = c pnu (u)p ∗ (v) and pde
∗ ∗
(x) = c pde (u)p ∗ (v), (8.1)
where c is the Jacobian between the observation x and (u, v). We call the ranges
of A and B – denoted by R(A) and R(B), respectively – the heterodistributional
subspace and the homodistributional subspace, respectively. Note that R(A) and
R(B) are not generally orthogonal to each other (see Figure 8.1).
Under this decomposability assumption, the density ratio is simplified as
∗ ∗
pnu (x) c pnu (u)p ∗ (v) pnu

r ∗ (x) = ∗ = ∗ ∗
= ∗ = r ∗ (u). (8.2)
pde (x) c pde (u)p (v) pde (u)
This means that the density ratio does not have to be estimated in the entire d-
dimensional space, but only in the heterodistributional subspace of dimensionality
m (≤ d).
Now we want to extract the heterodistributional components unu de
i and uj from
x nu de
i and x j , which allows estimation of the density ratio only in R(A) via Eq. (8.2).
As illustrated in Figure 8.1, the oblique projection of x nu de
i and x j onto R(A) along
nu de
R(B) gives ui and uj .

8.1.2 Characterization of Heterodistributional Subspace

Let us denote the oblique projection matrix onto R(A) along R(B) by PR(A),R(B) .
To characterize the oblique projection matrix PR(A),R(B) , let us consider dual bases
8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach 91

R(V) R (B) R (V) R (B)

p*(υ) p*(υ)
p*nu(u ) p*de(u )

R (A) R(A)
p*nu(x ) p*de(u )

R (U) R (U)
(a) p*nu(x ) ∝ p*nu(u ) p* (υ) (b) p*de(x ) ∝ p*de(u ) p* (υ)

Figure 8.1. A schematic picture of the heterodistributional subspace for d = 2 and m = 1.

Let A ∝ (1, 0) and B ∝ (1, 2) . Then U ∝ (2, −1) and V ∝ (0, 1). R(A) and R(B) are
called the heterodistributional subspace and the homodistributional subspace,
respectively. If a data point x is projected onto R(A) along R(B), the homodistributional
component v is eliminated and the heterodistributional component u is extracted.

U and V for Aand B, respectively; that is, U is an m×d matrix and V is a (d −m)×d
matrix such that they are bi-orthogonal to each other:

U B = Om×(d−m) and VA = O(d−m)×m ,

where Om×m denotes the m × m matrix with all zeros. Thus, R(B) and R(U  )
are orthogonal to each other and R(A) and R(V ) are orthogonal to each other.
When R(A) and R(B) are orthogonal to each other, R(U  ) agrees with R(A) and
R(V ) agrees with R(B). However, they are different in general, as illustrated in
Figure 8.1.
The relation between A and B and the relation between U and V can be
∗ ∗
characterized in terms of the covariance matrix (of either pnu (x) or pde (x)) as

A −1 B = O(d−m)×m and U V = Om×(d−m) . (8.3)

These orthogonarilies in terms of follow from the statistical independence

between the components in R(A) and R(B). More specifically, the left equation
in Eq. (8.3) follows from the facts that the sphering operation (transforming sam-
ples x by −1/2 in advance) orthogonalizes independent components u and v
(Hyvärinen et al., 2001) and the right equation in Eq. (8.3) is its dual expression
(Kawanabe et al., 2007). After sphering, the covariance matrix becomes identity
and all the discussions become simpler. However, estimating the covariance matrix
from samples is erroneous, and taking its inverse tends to further magnify the esti-
mation error. For this reason, we deal directly with non-orthogonal A and B in the
92 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

For normalization purposes, we further assume that

UA = I m and VB = I d−m ,

where I m denotes the m-dimensional identity matrix. Then the oblique projection
matrices PR(A),R(B) and PR(B),R(A) can be expressed as

PR(A),R(B) = AU and PR(B),R(A) = BV,

which can be confirmed by the facts that P2R(A),R(B) = PR(A),R(B) (idempotence),

the null space of PR(A),R(B) is R(B), and the range of PR(A),R(B) is R(A);
the same goes for PR(B),R(A) . These expressions of PR(A),R(B) and PR(B),R(A)
imply that U plays a role of expressing projected images in an m-dimensional
coordinate system within R(A), and V plays a role of expressing projected
images in a (d − m)-dimensional coordinate system within R(B). U and V are
called the the heterodistributional mapping and the homodistributional mapping,
Now unu de nu de
i , uj , vi , and vj are expressed as

unu nu de de nu nu de de
i = U x i , uj = U x j , vi = Vx i , and vj = Vx j .

Thus, if the heterodistributional mapping U was estimated, estimation of the den-

sity ratio r ∗ (x) could be carried out in a low-dimensional heterodistributional
subspace via Eq. (8.2).
In the next subsection we explain how to estimate the heterodistributional
mapping U . For a while, we assume that the dimensionality m of the heterodistri-
butional subspace is known. We explain how m is estimated in Section 8.1.4.

8.1.3 Estimating the Heterodistributional Subspace

by Supervised Dimensionality Reduction
To estimate the heterodistributional subspace, we need a criterion that reflects
the degree of distributional difference in a subspace. Here we explain that the
heterodistributional subspace can be estimated by using supervised dimensionality
reduction methods.

Basic Idea
A key observation in identifying the heterodistributional subspace is that the exis-
tence of distributional difference can be checked whether samples from the two
distributions can be separated from each other. That is, if the samples of one dis-
tribution could be distinguished from the samples of the other distribution, the
two distributions would be different; otherwise, the distributions are similar. We
employ this idea for finding the heterodistributional subspace. Let us denote the
samples projected onto the heterodistributional subspace by
nu nnu n
{unu nu de de de de
i | ui = U x i }i=1 and {uj | uj = U x j }j =1 .
8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach 93

nnu n
Then our goal is to find the matrix U such that {unu de de
i }i=1 and {uj }j =1 are maxi-
mally separated from each other. To achieve this goal, we may use any supervised
dimensionality reduction methods.
Among various supervised dimensionality reduction methods (e.g., Hastieand Tibshirani,
1996a, 1996b; Fukumizu et al., 2004; Goldberger et al., 2005; Globerson and Roweis,
2006), we decided to use local Fisher discriminant analysis (LFDA; Sugiyama,
2007), which is an extension of the classical Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA;
Fisher, 1936). LFDA has various practically useful properties; for example, there
is no limitation on the dimensionality of the reduced subspace,1 it works well
even when the data have a multimodal structure (such as separate clusters), it is
robust against outliers, its solution can be analytically computed using eigenvalue
decomposition in a numerically stable and computationally efficient manner, and
its experimental performance was shown to be better than competitive methods. In
the following we briefly review the LFDA method, and show how it can be used
for finding the heterodistributional subspace.
Let us consider a set of binary-labeled training samples
{(x k , yk ) | x k ∈ Rd , yk ∈ {+1, −1}}nk=1 ,
and reduce the dimensionality of x k by T x k , where T is an m × d transformation
matrix. Effectively, the training samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 correspond to the following
setup: For n = nnu + nde ,
(x 1 , . . . , x n ) = (x nu nu de de
1 , . . . , x nnu , x 1 , . . . , x nde ),

(y1 , . . . , yn ) = (+1, . . . , +1, −1, . . . , −1).

! "# $ ! "# $
nnu nde

Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA)

Because LFDA is an extention of FDA (Fisher, 1936), we first briefly review the
original FDA.
Let n+ and n− be the number of samples in classes +1 and −1, respectively. Let
µ, µ+ , and µ− be the means of {x k }nk=1 , {x k |yk = +1}nk=1 , and {x k |yk = −1}nk=1 ,

µ := x k , µ+ := x k , and µ− := xk .
n k=1 n+ k:y =+1 n− k:y =−1
k k

(b) (w)
Let S and S be the between-class scatter matrix and the within-class scatter
matrix, defined as
S (b) := n+ (µ+ − µ)(µ+ − µ) + n− (µ− − µ)(µ− − µ) ,

S (w) := (x k − µ+ )(x k − µ+ ) + (x k − µ− )(x k − µ− ) .

k:yk =+1 k:yk =−1

1 FDA can only find a subspace with dimensionality less than the number of classes (Fukunaga, 1990).
Thus, in the binary classification scenario that we are dealing with here, the maximum dimensionality
of the subspace that FDA can find is only one.
94 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

The FDA transformation matrix T FDA is defined as

0 1
T FDA := argmax tr(T S (b) T  (T S (w) T  )−1 ) .
T ∈Rm×d

That is, FDA seeks a transformation matrix T such that between-class scatter is
maximized and within-class scatter is minimized in the embedding space Rm .
Let {φ l }dl=1 be the generalized eigenvectors associated with the generalized
eigenvalues {λl }dl=1 of the following generalized eigenvalue problem:

S (b) φ = λS (w) φ.

Without loss of generality, we assume that the generalized eigenvalues are sorted as
λ1 ≥ · · · ≥ λd . Then a solution T FDA is analytically given as T FDA = (φ 1 | · · · |φ m )
(e.g., Duda et al., 2001).
FDA works very well if the samples in each class have Gaussian distributions
with a common covariance structure. However, it tends to give undesired results
if the samples in a class form several separate clusters or there are outliers. Fur-
thermore, the between-class scatter matrix S (b) is known to have rank one in the
current setup (see e.g., Fukunaga, 1990), implying that we can obtain only a single
meaningful feature φ 1 through the FDA criterion; the remaining features {φ l }dl=2
found by FDA are arbitrary in the null space of S (b) . This is an essential limitation
of FDA in dimensionality reduction.

Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis (LFDA)

To overcome the weaknesses of FDA explained above, LFDA has been introduced
(Sugiyama, 2007). Here we briefly explain the main idea of LFDA.
The scatter matrices S (b) and S (w) in the original FDA can be expressed in a
pairwise manner as
S (b) = Wk,k (x k − x k )(x k − x k ) ,
k,k =1
S (w) = Wk,k (x k − x k )(x k − x k ) ,
k,k =1


 1/n − 1/n+ if yk = yk = +1,
Wk,k  := 1/n − 1/n − if yk = yk = −1,

1/n if yk # = yk ,

 1/n+ if yk = yk = +1,
Wk,k  := 1/n − if yk = yk = −1,

0 if yk # = yk .
8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach 95

Based on this pairwise expression, let us define the local between-class scatter
matrix S (lb) and the local within-class scatter matrix S (lw) as
S (lb) := Wk,k (x k − x k )(x k − x k ) ,
k,k =1
S (lw) := Wk,k (x k − x k )(x k − x k ) ,
k,k =1


 Ak,k (1/n − 1/n+ ) if yk = yk = +1,
Wk,k  := A  (1/n − 1/n− ) if yk = yk = −1,
 k,k
1/n if yk # = yk ,

 Ak,k /n+ if yk = yk = +1,
Wk,k  := Ak,k /n− if yk = yk = −1,

0 if yk # = yk .
Ak,k is the affinity value between x k and x k , for example, defined based on the
local scaling heuristic (Zelnik-Manor and Perona, 2005):
x k − x k 2
Ak,k := exp − .
ηk ηk 

ηk is the local scaling factor around x k defined by ηk := x k − x (K) k , where

x k denotes the K-th nearest neighbor of x k . A heuristic choice of K = 7 was
shown to be useful through extensive simulations (Zelnik-Manor and Perona,
2005; Sugiyama, 2007). Note that the local scaling factors are computed in a
classwise manner in LFDA.
Based on the local scatter matrices S (lb) and S (lw) , the LFDA transformation
matrix T LFDA is defined as
0 1
T LFDA := argmax tr(T S (lb) T  (T S (lw) T  )−1 ) .
T ∈Rm×d

The definitions of S (lb) and S (lw) imply that LFDA seeks a transformation matrix
T such that nearby data pairs in the same class are made close to each other and
the data pairs in different classes are made apart from each other; far apart data
pairs in the same class are not imposed to be close to each other.
By this localization effect, LFDA can overcome the weakness of the original
FDA against clustered data and outliers. When Ak,k = 1 for all k, k  (i.e., no
locality), S (lw) and S (lb) are reduced to S (w) and S (b) , respectively. Thus, LFDA
could be regarded as a localized variant of FDA. The between-class scatter matrix
S (b) in the original FDA has only rank one, while its local counterpart S (lb) in LFDA
usually has full rank with no multiplicity in eigenvalues (given n ≥ d). Therefore,
LFDA can be practically applied to dimensionality reduction in any dimensional
subspaces, which is a significant advantage over the original FDA.
96 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

A solution T LFDA can be computed in the same way as the original FDA; namely,
the LFDA solution is given as

T LFDA = (ϕ 1 | · · · |ϕ m ) ,

where {ϕ l }dl=1 are the generalized eigenvectors associated with the generalized
eigenvalues {γl }dl=1 of the following generalized eigenvalue problem:

S (lb) ϕ = γ S (lw) ϕ. (8.4)

Without loss of generality, we assume that the generalized eigenvalues are sorted
as γ1 ≥ · · · ≥ γd . Thus, LFDA is computationally as efficient as the original FDA.
A pseudo code of LFDA is summarized in Figure 8.2. A MATLAB® implemen-
tation of LFDA is available from˜sugi/soft

Use of LFDA for Heterodistributional Subspace Search

Finally, we show how to obtain an estimate of the transformation matrix U needed
in the D3 procedure from the LFDA transformation matrix T LFDA .
First, an orthonormal basis { ϕ l }m
l=1 of the LFDA subspace is computed from
the generalized eigenvectors {ϕ l }m l=1 so that the span of {
ϕ }
l l=1 agrees with the

span of {ϕ l }m
l=1 for all m 
(1 ≤ m 
≤ m). This can be carried out, for example, by
the Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization (see e.g., Golub and Loan, 1996). Then an
estimate U  is given as
U := ( ϕ m ) ,
ϕ 1 | · · · |
and the samples are transformed as

  nu for i = 1, . . . , nnu ,
i := U x i (8.5)
  de for j = 1, . . . , nde .
j := U x j (8.6)

This expression of U implies another useful advantage of LFDA. In this D3 pro-

cedure, we need the LFDA solution for each reduced dimensionality m = 1, . . . , d.
However, we do not have to compute the LFDA solution for each m – we only have
to solve the generalized eigenvalue problem (8.4) once for m = d and compute
the orthonormal basis { ϕ l }dl=1 ; the solution for m < d can be obtained simply by
taking the first m basis vectors { ϕ l }m
l=1 .

8.1.4 D3 via LFDA and uLSIF

Given that the heterodistributional subspace has been successfully estimated, the
final step is to estimate the density ratio within the subspace.
Here we use unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF;
Kanamori et al., 2009) – a ratio fitting method based on the squared distance
(see Section 6.2.2) – because it has several advantages over other methods; for
8.1 Discriminant Analysis Approach 97

nnu n
Input: Two sets of samples {x nu de de
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 on R

Dimensionality of embedding space m ∈ {1, . . . , d}

Output: m × d transformation matrix U 
nu nnu
x nu
i ←− 7th nearest neighbor of x i among {x i  }i  =1 for i = 1, . . . , nnu ;
de nde
x de
j ←− 7th nearest neighbor of x j among {x j  }j  =1 for j = 1, . . . , nde ;
ηinu ←− x nu i − x nu
i  for i = 1, . . . , nnu ;
de de de
ηj ←− x j −  x j  for j = 1, . . . , nde ;
de de 2
x i − x i 
Adei,i  ←− exp − for i, i  = 1, . . . , nnu ;
ηide ηide
 de de 2

x j − x j 
Adej ,j  ←− exp − for j , j  = 1, . . . , nde ;
ηjde ηjde
X nu ←− (x nu nu
1 | · · · |x nnu );
X de ←− (x de de
1 | · · · |x nde );
G ←− X diag(Anu 1nnu )X nu  − X nu Anu X nu  ;
nu nu

G de ←− X de diag(Ade 1nde )X de − X deAde X de ;

S (lw) ←− n1nu G nu + n1 G de ;
n ←− nnu + nde ;
S (lb) ←− ( n1 − n1nu )G nu + ( n1 − n1 )G de + nnde X nu X nu  + nnnu X de X de
− n1 X nu 1nnu (X de 1nde ) − n1 X de 1nde (X nu 1nnu ) ;
{(γl , ϕ l )}m
l=1 ←− generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
S (lb) ϕ = γ S (lw) ϕ; % γ1 ≥ · · · ≥ γd
ϕ l }m
{ l=1 ←− orthonormal basis of {ϕ l }l=1 ;

% span({ ϕ l }l=1 ) = span({ϕ l }m 
l=1 ) for m = 1, . . . , m
 ←− (
U ϕ m ) ;
ϕ 1 | · · · |

Figure 8.2. Pseudo code of LFDA. 1n denotes the n-dimensional vectors with all ones,
and diag(b) denotes the diagonal matrix with diagonal elements specified by a vector b.

example, its solution can be computed analytically by solving a system of linear

equations in an efficient manner, model selection is possible via cross-validation
(CV), the leave-one-out CV (LOOCV) score can be computed analytically without
repeating hold-out loops, and it was reported to perform well in experiments.
For convenience, we summarize how to compute the uLSIF solution once again.
In uLSIF, the linear model r(u) = ψ(u) θ is used for density-ratio estimation,
where ψ(u) : Rm → Rb is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a
parameter vector. The uLSIF solution is given by

  + λI b )−1
θ = (H h, (8.7)
98 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

where I b is the b-dimensional identity matrix and

nde nnu


 := 1
H ude
ψ(j )ψ(
u de 
j ) and 
h := unu
ψ(i ).
nde j =1 nnu i=1

m nnu n
{ i (∈ R )}i=1 and { ude m
j (∈ R )}j =1 are dimensionality-reduced samples given by

Eqs. (8.5) and (8.6).

Thus far we have assumed that the dimensionality m of the heterodistribu-
tional subspace is known. In practice, the CV score of the uLSIF algorithm (see
Section 6.3.3 for details) may be used for determining m. More specifically, let
r (k) (k ∈ {1, . . . , n}) be a density-ratio estimator obtained
n := min(nnu , nde ), and let
nu nnu nu nde
by uLSIF with { ui }i=1 \ uk and { ude
j }j =1 \ ude
k . Then the LOOCV score of uLSIF,
given by
1 (k) de 2 (k) nu
J = (r ( uk )) − r ( uk ) ,
n k=1 2

is computed as a function of the reduced dimensionality m, and the one that mini-
mizes the LOOCV score is chosen; we may use k-fold cross-validation instead of
The D3 procedure explained here is referred to as D3 -LFDA/uLSIF, which effec-
tively combines LFDA and uLSIF, both of which have analytic-form solutions. The
pseudo code of D3 -LFDA/uLSIF is described in Figure 8.3.

nnu n
Input: Two sets of samples {x nu de de
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 on R

Output: Density-ratio estimator 

nnu n
Obtain orthonormal basis {ϕ l }dl=1 by LFDA with {x nu de de
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 ;
For each reduced dimensionality m = 1, . . . , d
Form projection matrix: U m = ( ϕ m ) ;
ϕ 1 | · · · |
nu  m x } and {
ui,m = U
Project samples: { nu n nu
ude  de nde
j ,m = U m x j }j =1 ;
i i=1
For each candidate of Gaussian width σ
For each candidate of regularization parameter λ
Compute JLOOCV (m, σ , λ) using { unu nnu
i,m }i=1 and { ude
j ,m }j =1 ;
Choose the best model: ( σ ,
m, λ) ←− argmin m,σ ,λ JLOOCV (m, σ , λ);
Estimate density ratio by uLSIF for ( σ , λ) using { unu nnu
m }i=1 and {
i, ude m }j =1 ;
j ,

Figure 8.3. Pseudo code of D3 -LFDA/uLSIF.

8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 99

8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach

The method of D3 -LFDA/uLSIF explained in the previous section was shown to
be useful in high-dimensional density-ratio estimation (Sugiyama et al., 2010a).
However, it possesses two potential weaknesses: the restrictive definition of the
heterodistributional subspace and the limiting ability of its search method. In
this section, an alternative approach to D3 that can overcome these limitations
(Sugiyama et al., 2011b) is introduced.
The basic idea of the alternative approach is explained in Section 8.2.1,
and a generalized definition of heterodistributional subspaces is introduced in
Section 8.2.2. Then, in Section 8.2.3, a criterion for heterodistributional subspace
searches is given and how it is estimated from data is explained. In Section 8.2.4,
algorithms for finding heterodistributional subspaces are described. Finally, in
Section 8.2.5, the entire algorithm of heterodistributional subspace search for D3
is described.

8.2.1 Basic Idea

In the D3 -LFDA/uLSIF method introduced in the previous section, the component
inside the heterodistributional subspace and its complementary component are
assumed to be statistically independent [see Eq. (8.1)]. This assumption is rather
restrictive and can be violated in practice.
Furthermore, D3 -LFDA/uLSIF tries to find a subspace in which samples drawn
from the numerator and denominator distributions are separated from each other.
If samples drawn from the two distributions were separable, the two distributions
would be significantly different. However, the opposite may not be always true;
that is, non-separability does not necessarily imply that the two distributions are
different (consider two similar distributions with a common support). Thus, LFDA
(and any other supervised dimensionality reduction methods) does not necessarily
identify the correct heterodistributional subspace.
Here, a more general definition of the heterodistributional subspace is adopted,
where the independence assumption between the component inside the heterodis-
tributional subspace and its complementary component is not imposed. This allows
us to apply the concept of D3 to a wider class of problems.
However, this general definition in turn makes the task of searching the het-
erodistributional subspace more challenging – supervised dimensionality reduc-
tion methods for separating samples drawn from the two distributions cannot
be used anymore. Thus, we need an alternative method for identifying the
largest subspace such that the two conditional distributions are equivalent in its
complementary subspace.
To this end, it is proved that the heterodistributional subspace can be identified
by finding a subspace in which two marginal distributions are maximally differ-
ent under the Pearson (PE) divergence (Pearson, 1900), which is a squared-loss
variant of the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951).
Based on this characterization, a method called least-squares heterodistributional
100 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

subspace search (LHSS) is introduced for searching a subspace such that the Pear-
son divergence between two marginal distributions is maximized (Sugiyama et al.,
An advantage of the LHSS method is that the subspace search (divergence
estimation within a subspace) is carried out also using the density-ratio estimation
method uLSIF (see Section 6.2.2). Thus, the two steps in the D3 procedure (first
identifying the heterodistributional subspace and then estimating the density ratio
within the subspace) are merged into a single step. Thanks to this, the final density-
ratio estimator can be obtained automatically without additional computation. This
single-shot density-ratio estimation procedure is called D3 via LHSS (D3 -LHSS).
A summary of the density-ratio estimation methods is given in Figure 8.4.

8.2.2 Heterodistributional Subspaces Revisited

We now give a generalized definition of heterodistributional subspaces
(cf. Section 8.1.1).
Let u be an m-dimensional vector (m ∈ {1, . . . , d}) and v be a (d − m)-
dimensional vector defined as
u U
:= x,
v V

* (x)
from samples
{x }n i.i.d.
i ~ p * (x)
i =1 nu
Goal: Estimate density ratio r * (x) = n i.i.d.
* (x)
{x } ~ p *(x)
j =1 de

Naïve density estimation

{ }
xinu i =1 Estimating two
Taking the ratio r (x)
densities by KDE
{x }n
j =1

Direct density-ratio estimation

nu nnu
{x } i i =1 Directly estimating the ratio by
r (x)
{x }nde
j =1

Direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction (D3-LFDA/uLSIF)

{ }n
i =1 Identifying hetero-distributional Directly estimating the ratio by uLSIF
r (x)
{x }n
de de
j j =1
subspace by LFDA in heterodistributional subspace

Direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction (D 3-LHSS)

{ }
xinu i =1
Simultaneously identifying heterodistributional subspace
r (x)
{x }n
j =1
and directly estimating the ratio in the subspace by uLSIF

Figure 8.4. Summary of density-ratio estimation approaches.

8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 101

where U is an m×d matrix and V is a (d −m)×d matrix. To ensure the uniqueness

of the decomposition, we assume (without loss of generality) that the row vectors
of U and V form an orthonormal basis, that is, U and V correspond to “projection”
matrices that are orthogonally complementary to each other (see Figure 8.5). Then
∗ ∗
the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) can be decomposed as
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
pnu (x) = pnu (v|u)pnu (u) and pde (x) = pde (v|u)pde (u).
The key theoretical assumption that forms the basis of the algorithm introduced
∗ ∗
here is that the conditional densities pnu (v|u) and pde (v|u) agree with each other;
∗ ∗
that is, the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are decomposed as
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
pnu (x) = p(v|u)pnu (u) and pde (x) = p(v|u)pde (u),
where p(v|u) is the common conditional density. This assumption implies that the
marginal densities of u are different, but the conditional density of v given u is
∗ ∗
common to pnu (x) and pde (x). Then the density ratio is simplified as

pnu (u)
r ∗ (x) = ∗ =: r ∗ (u).
pde (u)
Thus, the density ratio does not have to be estimated in the entire d-dimensional
space; it is sufficient to estimate the density ratio only in the m-dimensional
subspace specified by U .
In the following we will use the term hetero-distributional subspace to denote
∗ ∗
the subspace specified by U in which pnu (u) and pde (u) are different. More
precisely, let S be a subspace specified by U and V such that
S = {U  U x | pnu
∗ ∗
(v|u) = pde (v|u), u = U x, v = Vx}.
Then the heterodistributional subspace is defined as the intersection of all sub-
spaces S. Intuitively, the heterodistributional subspace is the “smallest” subspace
∗ ∗
specified by U such that pnu (v|u) and pde (v|u) agree with each other. We
refer to the orthogonal complement of the heterodistributional subspace as the
homodistributional subspace (see Figure 8.5).
This formulation is a generalization of the one described in Section 8.1.1,
where the components in the heterodistributional subspace and its complimen-
tary subspace are assumed to be independent of each other. On the other hand,
such an independence assumption is not imposed here. As will be demonstrated in
Section 8.3, this generalization has the remarkable effect of extending the range
of applications of D3 .
For the moment, we again assume that the true dimensionality m of the het-
erodistributional subspace is known. Later, how m is estimated from data is
explained in Section 8.2.5.

8.2.3 Evaluating Distributional Difference by Pearson Divergence

Next we introduce a criterion for heterodistributional subspace searches, and
explain how they are estimated from data.
102 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

Homodistributional subspace
pnu (v|u) = pde (v|u) = p(v|u)

(m –d) x d
m –d
V∈ x∈ d

u∈ m

Heterodistributional subspace
pnu (u) ≠ pde (u)

Figure 8.5. Heterodistributional subspace.

We use the Pearson (PE) divergence (Pearson, 1900) as our criterion for evalu-
ating the discrepancy between two distributions. PE is a squared-loss variant of the

Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951). PE from pnu (x)

to pde (x) is defined and expressed as
  ∗ 2
∗ ∗ 1 pnu (x) ∗
PE[pnu (x), pde (x)] := ∗ − 1 pde (x)dx
2 pde (x)
1 pnu (x) ∗ 1
= ∗ pnu (x)dx − .
2 pde (x) 2
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
PE[pnu (x), pde (x)] vanishes if and only if pnu (x) = pde (x).
The following lemma (called the data-processing inequality) characterizes the
heterodistributional subspace in terms of PE.
Lemma 8.1 (Sugiyama et al., 2011b). Let
  ∗ 2
∗ ∗ 1 pnu (u) ∗
PE[pnu (u), pde (u)] = ∗ − 1 pde (u)du
2 pde (u)
1 pnu (u) ∗ 1
= ∗ pnu (u)du − . (8.8)
2 pde (u) 2
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
PE[pnu (x), pde (x)] − PE[pnu (u), pde (u)]
1 pnu (x) pnu ∗
(u) 2 ∗
= ∗ − ∗ pde (x)dx ≥ 0. (8.9)
2 pde (x) pde (u)
Equation (8.9) is non-negative, and it vanishes if and only if
∗ ∗
pnu (v|u) = pde (v|u). (8.10)
∗ ∗
Because PE[pnu (x), pde (x)] is a constant with respect to U , maximizing
∗ ∗
PE[pnu (u), pde (u)] with respect to U leads to Eq. (8.10) (Figure 8.6). That
8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 103

(p*p* (x(x)) – p*p* (u)(u) ( p*


nu nu
– de (x )d x PE [p*
nu (u), p*
de (u)]
2 de de

nu (x ), p*
PE [ p* de
(x )]

∗ ∗
Figure 8.6. Because PE[pnu (x), pde (x)] is a constant, minimizing
 , pnu
∗ (x) pnu
∗ (u) 2
∗ ∗ ∗
2 p∗ (x)
− p∗ (u) pde (x)dx is equivalent to maximizing PE[pnu (u), pde (u)].
de de

is, the heterodistributional subspace can be characterized as the maximizer2 of

∗ ∗
PE[pnu (u), pde (u)].
∗ ∗
However, we cannot directly find the maximizer of PE[pnu (u), pde (u)] because
∗ ∗
pnu (u) and pde (u) are unknown. Here, we utilize a direct density-ratio estimator
∗ ∗
uLSIF (see Section 6.2.2) for approximating PE[pnu (u), pde (u)] from samples. Let
∗ ∗
us replace the density ratio pnu (u)/pde (u) in Eq. (8.8) by a density ratio estimator
r(u). Approximating the expectation over pnu (u) by an empirical average over
nu nnu
{ui }i=1 , we have the following PE estimator:

 nu ∗ ∗ 1
PE[p (u), pde (u)] := r(unu
 i )− .
2nnu i=1 2

8.2.4 Least-Squares Heterodistributional Subspace Search (LHSS)

Given the uLSIF-based PE estimator PE[p nu ∗ ∗
(u), pde (u)], our next task is to find a
 ∗ ∗
maximizer of PE[pnu (u), pde (u)] with respect to U and identify the heterodis-
tributional subspace (cf. the data-processing inequality given in Lemma 8.1).
This procedure is called the least-squares hetero-distributional subspace search
We may employ various optimization techniques to find a maximizer of
PE[p ∗ ∗
(u), pde (u)]. Here we describe several possibilities.

Plain Gradient Algorithm

A gradient ascent algorithm is a fundamental approach to non-linear smooth opti-
mization. The gradient of PE[p ∗ ∗
(u), pde (u)] with respect to U is expressed as

2 As proved in Sugiyama et al. (2011b), the data-processing inequality holds not only for PE, but
also for any f -divergence (Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967). Thus, the characterization of the
heterodistributional subspace is not limited to PE, but is applicable to all f -divergences.
104 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

follows (Sugiyama et al., 2011b):

b b
∂ PE  h 1
  ∂ H
∂  , 
= θ − θ θ  , (8.11)
∂U =1
∂U 2  ∂U
, =1

θ is the uLSIF solution given by Eq. (8.7) and
h 1
∂ψ (unu
i )
= ,
∂U nnu i=1 ∂U
∂H 1
∂ψ (ude
j ) de de
∂ψ  (ude
j )
= ψ  (uj ) + ψ (uj ) ,
∂U nde j =1 ∂U ∂U

∂ψ (u) 1
= − 2 (u − c )(x − c ) ψ (u).
∂U σ
c (∈ Rd ) is a pre-image of c (∈ Rm ), that is, c = U c . Note that {
θ }b =1 in
Eq. (8.11) depend on U  through H and  h in Eq. (8.7), which was taken into
account when deriving the gradient. A plain gradient update rule is then given as

∂ PE
U ←− U + t ,
where t (> 0) is a learning rate. t may be chosen in practice by some approximate
line search method such as Armijo’s rule (Patriksson, 1999) or a backtracking line
search (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004).
A naive gradient update does not necessarily fulfill the orthonormality U U  =
I m , where I m is the m-dimensional identity matrix. Thus, after every gradient
step, U needs to be orthonormalized, for example, by the Gram–Schmidt process
(Golub and Loan, 1996) to guarantee its orthonormality. However, this may be
rather time-consuming.

Natural Gradient Algorithm

In the Euclidean space, the ordinary gradient ∂∂U PE
gives the steepest direction.
On the other hand, in the current setup, the matrix U is restricted to be a member
of the Stiefel manifold Sdm (R):

Sdm (R) := {U ∈ Rm×d | U U  = I m }.

On a manifold, it is known that, not the ordinary gradient, but the natural gradient
(Amari, 1998) gives the steepest direction. The natural gradient ∇ PE  at U is the

∂ PE d
projection of the ordinary gradient ∂U onto the tangent space of Sm (R) at U .
If the tangent space is equipped with the canonical metric, that is, for any G
and G  in the tangent space
2 3 1
G, G  = tr(G  G  ), (8.12)
8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 105

the natural gradient is given by

 )= 1
∇ PE(U
∂ PE
∂ PE
U .
2 ∂U ∂U
 ) over
Then the geodesic from U to the direction of the natural gradient ∇ PE(U
Sm (R) can be expressed using t ∈ R as
∂  ∂ PE
U t := U exp t U  − U ,
∂U ∂U

where “exp” for a matrix denotes the matrix exponential, that is, for a square
matrix C,

1 k
exp(C) := T . (8.13)

Thus, a line search along the geodesic in the natural gradient direction is equivalent
to finding a maximizer from {U t | t ≥ 0}. More details of the geometric structure
of the Stiefel manifold can be found in Nishimori and Akaho (2005).
A natural gradient update rule is then given as U ←− U t , where t (> 0) is
the learning rate. Since the orthonormality of U is automatically satisfied in the
natural gradient method, it is computationally more efficient than the plain gra-
dient method. However, optimizing the m × d matrix U is still computationally

Givens Rotation
Another simple strategy for optimizing U is to rotate the matrix in the plane spanned
by two coordinate axes (which is called the Givens rotations; see Golub and Loan,
1996). That is, a two-dimensional subspace spanned by the i-th and j -th variables
is randomly chosen, and the matrix U is rotated within this subspace:
(i,j )
U ←− Rθ U,
(i,j )
where Rθ is the rotation matrix by angle θ within the subspace spanned by the
(i,j )
i-th and j -th variables. Rθ is equal to the identity matrix except that its elements
(i, i), (i, j ), (j , i), and (j , j ) form a two-dimensional rotation matrix:
(i,j ) (i,j )
[Rθ ]i,i [Rθ ]i,j cos θ sin θ
(i,j ) (i,j ) = .
[Rθ ]j ,i [Rθ ]j ,j − sin θ cos θ

The rotation angle θ (0 ≤ θ ≤ π) may be optimized by some secant method

(Press et al., 1992).
As shown above, the update rule of the Givens rotations is computationally
very efficient. However, because the update direction is not optimized as in the
plain/natural gradient methods, the Givens rotation method could be potentially
less efficient as an optimization strategy.
106 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

Subspace Rotation
Because we are searching for a subspace, rotation within the subspace does not
 (see Figure 8.7). This implies that the
have any influence on the objective value PE
number of parameters to be optimized in the gradient algorithm can be reduced.
For a skew-symmetric matrix M (∈ Rd×d ), that is, M  = −M , rotation of U
can be expressed as (Plumbley, 2005)
% & U
I m Om,(d−m) exp(M ) ,

where Od,d  is the d ×d  matrix with all zeros, and exp(M ) is the matrix exponential
of M [see Eq. (8.13)]. M = Od,d (i.e., exp(Od,d ) = I d ) corresponds to no rotation.
An update formula of U through the matrix M is as follows.
Let us adopt Eq. (8.12) as the inner product in the space of skew-symmetric
matrices. Then the following lemma holds.

Lemma 8.2 (Sugiyama et al., 2011b). The derivative of PE with respect to M at
M = Od,d is given by

∂ PE Om,m
∂ PE
 = ∂U . (8.14)
∂M M =O   
−( ∂∂U
V ) O(d−m),(d−m)

The block structure of Eq. (8.14) has an intuitive explanation: The non-zero off-
diagonal blocks correspond to the rotation angles between the heterodistributional
subspace and its orthogonal complement that affect the objective function PE.
the other hand, the derivative of the rotation within the two subspaces vanishes
because this does not change the objective value. Thus, the only variables to be
optimized are the angles corresponding to the non-zero off-diagonal blocks ∂∂U
V ,
which includes only m(d − m) variables. In contrast, the plain/natural gradient
algorithms optimize the matrix U consisting of md variables. Thus, when m is

Rotation across
the subspace

Rotation within
the subspace


Figure 8.7. In the heterodistributional subspace search, only rotation that changes the
subspace matters (the solid arrow); rotation within the subspace (dotted arrow) can be
ignored because this does not change the subspace. Similarly, rotation within the
orthogonal complement of the heterodistributional subspace can also be ignored (not
depicted in the figure).
8.2 Divergence Maximization Approach 107

large, the subspace rotation approach may be computationally more efficient than
the plain/natural gradient algorithms.
The gradient ascent update rule of M is given by

∂ PE
M ←− t  ,
∂M M =O

where t is a step size. Then U is updated as

% & U
U ←− I m Om,(d−m) exp(M ) .
The conjugate gradient method (Golub and Loan, 1996) may be used for the
update of M .
Following the update of U , its counterpart V also needs to be updated accord-
ingly, because the heterodistributional subspace and its complement specified by
U and V should be orthogonal to each other (see Figure 8.5). This can be achieved
by setting
% &
V ←− ϕ 1 | · · · |ϕ d−m ,

where ϕ 1 , . . . , ϕ d−m are orthonormal basis vectors in the orthogonal complement

of the heterodistributional subspace.

8.2.5 The D3 -LHSS Algorithm

Finally, we describe a method of estimating the density ratio in the hetero-
distributional subspace detected by the above LHSS procedure.
A notable fact of the LHSS algorithm is that the density-ratio estimator in the
heterodistributional subspace has already been obtained during the heterodistribu-
tional subspace search procedure. Thus, an additional estimation procedure is not
necessary – the final solution is simply given by

r(x) =   x),
θ ψ (U

where U is a projection matrix obtained by the LHSS algorithm. { θ }b =1 are the

 that were obtained and used when computing the gradient.
learned parameters for U
This expression implies that if the dimensionality is not reduced (i.e., m = d),
the density-ratio estimator obtained by the above procedure agrees with that of the
original uLSIF. Thus, the above method could be regarded as a natural extension
of uLSIF to high-dimensional data.
Given the true dimensionality m of the heterodistributional subspace, the het-
erodistributional subspace can be estimated by the LHSS algorithm. When m
is unknown, the best dimensionality based on the CV score of the uLSIF esti-
mator may be used. This entire procedure is called D3 -LHSS (D-cube LHSS;
108 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

nnu n
Input: Two sets of samples {x nu de de
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 on R

Output: Density-ratio estimator 

For each reduced dimensionality m = 1, . . . , d
Initialize embedding matrix U m (∈ Rm×d );
Repeat until U m converges
Choose Gaussian width σ and regularization parameter λ by CV;
Update U by some optimization method (see Section 8.2.4);
Obtain embedding matrix U  m and density-ratio estimator 
rm (x);
Compute its CV value as a function of m;
Choose the best reduced dimensionality m that minimizes the CV score;

Set r(x) = rm

Figure 8.8. Pseudo code of D3 -LHSS.

direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction via a least-squares

heterodistributional subspace search).
The complete procedure of D3 -LHSS is summarized in Figure 8.8. A
MATLAB® implementation of D3 -LHSS is available from http://sugiyama-www.˜sugi/software/D3LHSS/.

8.3 Numerical Examples

In this section numerical examples of the D3 methods are shown. The subspace
rotation algorithm explained in Section 8.2.4 was used in the D3 -LHSS implemen-
tation. In uLSIF, the number of parameters is fixed to b = 100; the Gaussian width
σ and the regularization parameter λ are chosen based on cross-validation.

8.3.1 Illustrative Examples

First we illustrate the behavior of the D3 algorithms using toy datasets.
As explained in Section 8.2, the D3 -LFDA/uLSIF method introduced in
Section 8.1 has two potential weaknesses:

• The component u inside the heterodistributional subspace and its comple-

mentary component v are assumed to be statistically independent.
• Separability of samples drawn from two distributions implies that the two
distributions are different, but non-separability does not necessarily imply
that the two distributions are equivalent. Thus, D3 -LFDA/uLSIF may not be
8.3 Numerical Examples 109

able to detect the subspace in which the two distributions are different, but
the samples are not really separable.
Here, through numerical examples, we illustrate these weaknesses of D3 -
LFDA/uLSIF as well as how D3 -LHSS can overcome them.
Let us consider two-dimensional examples (i.e., d = 2), and suppose that the
∗ ∗
two densities pnu (x) and pde (x) are different only in the one-dimensional subspace
(i.e., m = 1) spanned by (1, 0) :
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
pnu (x) = p(v|u)pnu (u) and pde (x) = p(v|u)pde (u),

where x = (x (1) , x (2) ) = (u, v) . Let nnu = nde = 1000. The following three
datasets are used:
Rather-separate dataset (Figure 8.9):

p(v|u) = p(v) = N (v; 0, 12 ), pnu

(u) = N (u; 0, 0.52 ), and

pde (u) = 0.5N (u; −1, 12 ) + 0.5N (u; 1, 12 ),

where N(u; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance
σ 2 with respect to u. This is an easy and simple dataset for the purpose of
illustrating the usefulness of the idea of D3 .
Highly-overlapped dataset (Figure 8.10):

p(v|u) = p(v) = N (v; 0, 12 ),

pnu (u) = N (u; 0, 0.62 ), and pde

(u) = N (u; 0, 1.22 ).

Because v is independent of u, D3 -LFDA/uLSIF is still applicable in principle.

However, unu and ude are highly overlapped and are not clearly separable. Thus,
this dataset would be hard for D3 -LFDA/uLSIF.
Dependent dataset (Figure 8.11):

p(v|u) = N (v; u, 12 ), pnu

(u) = N (u; 0, 0.52 ), and

pde (u) = 0.5N (u; −1, 12 ) + 0.5N (u; 1, 12 ).

In this dataset, the conditional distribution p(v|u) is common, but the marginal
∗ ∗
distributions pnu (v) and pde (v) are different. Because v is not independent of
u, this dataset would be out of scope for D3 -LFDA/uLSIF.
The true heterodistributional subspace for the rather-separate dataset is depicted
by the dotted line in Figure 8.9(a); the solid line and the dashed line depict the
heterodistributional subspace found by LHSS and LFDA with reduced dimen-
sionality m = 1, respectively. This graph shows that LHSS and LFDA both give
very good estimates of the true heterodistributional subspace. In Figure 8.9(c)–(e),
density-ratio functions estimated by the plain uLSIF without dimensionality reduc-
tion, D3 -LFDA/uLSIF, and D3 -LHSS for the rather-separate dataset are depicted.
These graphs show that both D3 -LHSS and D3 -LFDA/uLSIF give much better
110 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

x de
4 x nu
True Subspace
LHSS Subspace
2 LFDA Subspace




−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
(a) Heterodistributional subspace

3 3

2 2
5 5
1 1
0 0 0 0
−5 −5
0 −5 x(2) 0 −5 x(2)
5 5
x(1) x(1)
(b) r *(x) (c) ˆ
r (x) by plain uLSIF

3 3
2 5 2 5
1 1
0 0 0 0
−5 −5
0 −5 0 −5
x(2) 5 x(2)
x(1) x(1)
ˆ by D3-LFDA/uLSIF
(d) r(x) (e) ˆ
r(x) by D3-LHSS

Figure 8.9. Rather-separate dataset.

estimates of the density-ratio function [see Figure 8.9(b) for the profile of the true
density-ratio function] than the plain uLSIF without dimensionality reduction.
Thus, the usefulness of D3 was illustrated.
For the highly-overlapped dataset (Figure 8.10), LHSS gives a reasonable
estimate of the heterodistributional subspace, while LFDA is highly erroneous
due to less separability. As a result, the density-ratio function obtained by D3 -
LFDA/uLSIF does not reflect the true redundant structure appropriately. On the
other hand, D3 -LHSS still works well.
8.3 Numerical Examples 111

x de
4 x nu
True Subspace
2 LHSS Subspace
LFDA Subspace




−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
(a) Heterodistributional subspace

5 5
1 1

0 0 0 0
–5 –5
0 –5 0 –5
x(2) x(2)
5 5
x(1) x (1)

(b) r *(x) (c) ˆ

r (x) by plain uLSIF

5 1

0 0 0 0
–5 –5
0 0 –5
–5 x(2) x(2)
5 5
x(1) x(1)

(d) rˆ(x) by D3-LFDA / uLSIF (e) ˆ

r (x) by D3-LHSS

Figure 8.10. Highly overlapped dataset.

Finally, for the dependent dataset (Figure 8.11), LHSS gives an accurate esti-
mate of the heterodistributional subspace. However, LFDA gives a highly biased
∗ ∗
solution because the marginal distributions pnu (v) and pde (v) are no longer com-
mon in the dependent dataset. Consequently, the density-ratio function obtained
by D3 -LFDA/uLSIF is highly erroneous. In contrast, D3 -LHSS still works very
well for the dependent dataset.
The experimental results for the highly-overlapped and dependent datasets
illustrated typical failure modes of LFDA, and LHSS was shown to be able to
successfully overcome these weaknesses of LFDA. Note, however, that one can
112 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

x de
4 x nu
True Subspace
2 LHSS Subspace
LFDA Subspace




−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
(a) Heterodistributional subspace

3 3
2 5 2 5
1 1
0 0 0 0
–5 –5
0 –5 0 –5
5 x(2) 5 x(2)
x(1) x(1)
(b) r *(x) (c) ˆ
r(x) by plain uLSIF

5 2 5
0 0 0 0
–5 –5
0 –5 0 –5
5 x(2) 5 x(2)
x(1) x(1)

(d) rˆ(x) by D3-LFDA / uLSIF (e) ˆ

r (x) by D3-LHSS

Figure 8.11. Dependent dataset.

obtain only a local optimal solution in D3 -LHSS, while D3 -LFDA/uLSIF gives

the global optimal solution with high computational efficiency.

8.3.2 Evaluation on Artificial Data

Next we compare the performance of D3 -LHSS with that of the plain uLSIF and
D3 -LFDA/uLSIF for high-dimensional artificial data.
For the three datasets used in the previous experiments, the entire dimensionality
is increased as d = 2, 3, . . . , 10 by adding dimensions consisting of standard normal
8.3 Numerical Examples 113

noise. The dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace is estimated based

on the CV score of uLSIF. The error of a density-ratio estimator
r(x) is evaluated by

1 % &2 ∗
Error := r(x) − r ∗ (x) pde (x)dx, (8.15)
which uLSIF tries to minimize (see Section 6.2.2).
The top graphs in Figures 8.12, 8.13, 8.14 show the density-ratio estimation
error averaged over 100 runs as functions of the entire input dimensionality d. The
best method in terms of the mean error and comparable methods according to the
t-test (Henkel, 1976) at the 1% significance level are specified by “◦”; the other
methods are specified by “×”.
These plots show that, while the error of the plain uLSIF increases rapidly
as the entire dimensionality d increases, that of D3 -LHSS is kept moderate.
Consequently, D3 -LHSS consistently outperforms the plain uLSIF. D3 -LHSS is

Plain uLSIF

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d
(a) Density-ratio estimation error
100 100
10 10
90 90
Dimensionality chosen by CV

Dimensionality chosen by CV

80 80
8 8
70 70
7 7
60 60
6 6
50 50
5 5
40 40
4 4
30 30
3 3
20 20
2 2
10 10
1 1
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d Entire dimensionality d
(b) Choice of dimentionality by (c) Choice of dimentionality by

Figure 8.12. Experimental results for rather-separate dataset. (a) Density-ratio estimation
error (8.15) averaged over 100 runs as a function of the entire data dimensionality d. The
best method in terms of the mean error and comparable methods according to the t-test at
the significance level 1% are specified by “◦”; the other methods are specified by “×”. (b)
The dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen by CV in LHSS. (c) The
dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen by CV in LFDA.
114 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

Plain uLSIF
0.2 D3−LHSS




2 34 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d
(a) Density-ratio estimation error

100 100
Dimensionality chosen by CV

Dimensionality chosen by CV
10 10
90 90
9 9
80 80
8 8
70 70
7 7
60 60
6 6
50 50
5 5
40 40
4 4
30 30
3 3
20 20
2 2
10 10
1 1
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d Entire dimensionality d
(b) Choice of dimentionality by (c) Choice of dimentionality by

Figure 8.13. Experimental results for highly-overlapped dataset. (a) Density-ratio

estimation error (8.15) averaged over 100 runs as a function of the entire data
dimensionality d. The best method in terms of the mean error and comparable methods
according to the t-test at the significance level 1% are specified by “◦”; the other methods
are specified by “×”. (b) The dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen
by CV in LHSS. (c) The dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen by

comparable to D3 -LFDA/uLSIF for the rather-separate dataset, and D3 -LHSS sig-

nificantly outperforms D3 -LFDA/uLSIF for the highly-overlapped and dependent
datasets. Thus, D3 -LHSS was shown to compare favorably overall with the other
The choice of the dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace in D3 -
LHSS and D3 -LFDA/uLSIF is illustrated in the bottoms of Figures 8.12, 8.13,
and 8.14; the darker the color is, the more frequently the corresponding dimen-
sionality is chosen. The plots show that D3 -LHSS reasonably identifies the true
dimensionality (m = 1 in the current setup) for all three datasets, while D3 -
LFDA/uLSIF performs well only for the rather-separate dataset. This occurred
because D3 -LFDA/uLSIF could not find appropriate low-dimensional subspaces
for the highly-overlapped and dependent datasets, and therefore the CV scores
misled the choice of subspace dimensionality.
8.4 Remarks 115

Plain uLSIF
0.5 D3−LHSS




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d
(a) Density-ratio estimation error

100 100
Dimensionality chosen by CV

10 10

Dimensionality chosen by CV
90 90
9 9
80 80
8 8
70 70
7 7
60 60
6 6
50 50
5 5
40 40
4 4
30 30
3 3
20 20
2 2
10 10
1 1
0 0
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Entire dimensionality d Entire dimensionality d
(b) Choice of dimentionality by (c) Choice of dimentionality by

Figure 8.14. Experimental results for dependent dataset. (a) Density-ratio estimation
error (8.15) averaged over 100 runs as a function of the entire data dimensionality d. The
best method in terms of the mean error and comparable methods according to the t-test at
the significance level 1% are specified by “◦”; the other methods are specified by “×”. (b)
The dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen by CV in LHSS. (c) The
dimensionality of the heterodistributional subspace chosen by CV in LFDA.

8.4 Remarks
In this chapter we explained two approaches to estimating density ratios in high-
dimensional spaces called direct density-ratio estimation with dimensionality
reduction (D3 ). The basic idea of D3 was to identify a subspace called the heterodis-
tributional subspace, in which two distributions (corresponding to the numerator
and denominator of the density ratio) are different.
In the first approach introduced in Section 8.1, the heterodistributional sub-
space was identified by finding a subspace in which samples drawn from the
two distributions are maximally separated from each other. To this end, super-
vised dimensionality reduction methods such as local Fisher discriminant analysis
(LFDA; Sugiyama, 2007) were utilized. This approach, called D3 -LFDA/uLSIF, is
computationally very efficient because analytic-form solutions are available. It has
116 8 Direct Density-Ratio Estimation with Dimensionality Reduction

been shown to work well when the components inside and outside the heterodis-
tributional subspace are statistically independent and samples drawn from the
two distributions are highly separable from each other in the heterodistributional
However, violation of these conditions can cause significant performance degra-
dation, as numerically illustrated in Section 8.3. This drawback can be overcome
in principle by finding a subspace such that the two conditional distributions
are similar to each other in its complementary subspace. To implement this idea,
the heterodistributional subspace was characterized as the subspace in which the
two marginal distributions are maximally different under Pearson divergence
(Lemma 8.1). Based on this lemma, an algorithm for finding the heterodistri-
butional subspace called the least-squares hetero-distributional subspace search
(LHSS) was introduced in Section 8.2 as an alternative approach to D3 .
Because a density-ratio estimation method is utilized during a heterodistri-
butional subspace search in the LHSS procedure, an additional density-ratio
estimation step is not needed after a heterodistributional subspace search. Thus, the
two steps in the first approach (heterodistributional subspace search followed by
density-ratio estimation in the identified subspace) were merged into a single step in
the second approach (see Figure 8.4). The single-shot procedure, called D3 -LHSS,
was shown to be able to overcome the limitations of the D3 -LFDA/uLSIF approach
through experiments in Section 8.3, although it is computationally more expensive
than D3 -LFDA/uLSIF. Thus, improving the computation cost for a heterodistri-
butional subspace search is an important future work. A computationally efficient
way to find a heterodistributional subspace is studied in Yamada and Sugiyama
Part III

Applications of Density Ratios in Machine


In this part we show how density-ratio estimation methods can be used for solving
various machine learning problems.
In the context of importance sampling (Fishman, 1996), where the expecta-
tion over one distribution is computed by the importance-weighted expectation
over another distribution, density ratios play an essential role. In Chapter 9,
the importance sampling technique is applied to non-stationarity/domain adap-
tation in the semi-supervised learning setup (Shimodaira, 2000; Zadrozny, 2004;
Sugiyama and Müller, 2005; Storkey and Sugiyama, 2007; Sugiyama et al., 2007;
Quiñonero-Candela et al., 2009; Sugiyama and Kawanabe, 2011). It is also shown
that the same importance-weighting idea can be used for solving multi-task
learning (Bickel et al., 2008).
Another major usage of density ratios is distribution comparisons. In
Chapter 10, two methods of distribution comparison based on density-ratio estima-
tion are described: inlier-base outlier detection, where distributions are compared
in a pointwise manner (Smola et al., 2009; Hido et al., 2011), and two-sample
tests, where the overall difference between distributions is compared within the
framework of hypothesis testing (Sugiyama et al., 2011c).
In Chapter 11 we show that density-ratio methods allow one to accu-
rately estimate mutual information (Suzuki et al., 2008, 2009a). Mutual infor-
mation is a key quantity in information theory (Cover and Thomas, 2006),
and it can be used for detecting statistical independence between ran-
dom variables. Mutual information estimators have various applications
in machine learning, including independence tests (Sugiyama and Suzuki,
2011), variable selection (Suzuki et al., 2009b), supervised dimensional-
ity reduction (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010), independent component anal-
ysis (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011), clustering (Kimura and Sugiyama, 2011;
Sugiyama et al., 2011d), object matching (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2011a), and
causal inference (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2010).
Finally, in Chapter 12, density-ratio methods are applied to conditional prob-
ability estimation. When the output variable is continuous, this corresponds
118 Applications of Density Ratios in Machine Learning

to conditional density estimation (Sugiyama et al., 2010b). On the other hand,

when the output variable is categorical, conditional probability estimation is
reduced to a probabilistic classification (Sugiyama, 2010). Density-ratio methods
systematically provide computationally efficient algorithms for these tasks.
Each of the four chapters in this part is self-contained and is not dependent on
the others. Thus, readers may choose to read one of the chapters independently.
Importance Sampling

In this chapter the usage of density ratio estimation in importance sampling

(Fishman, 1996) is explained.
The following identity shows the essence of importance sampling:

nu ∗
E ∗ (x)
x nu ∼pnu [g(x )] = g(x)pnu (x)dx
 ∗  ∗ de 
pnu (x) ∗ de pnu (x )
= g(x) p (x)dx = E de ∗
x ∼pde (x) g(x ) ,

pde (x) de ∗
pde (x de )
nu ∗
∗ (x) and E de
where Exnu ∼pnu x ∼pde∗ (x) denote the expectations over x following pnu (x)
de ∗
and x following pde (x), respectively. In the context of importance sampling, the
∗ ∗
density ratio pnu (x)/pde (x) is called the importance. The above identity shows that

the expectation of a function g(x) over pnu (x) can be computed by the importance-

weighted expectation of g(x) over pde (x). Thus, the difference of distributions can
be adjusted systematically by importance weighting.
In Section 9.1, density-ratio estimation is used for semi-supervised non-
stationarity adaptation under the covariate shift model, where input distributions
change between the training and test phases but the conditional distribution of
outputs given inputs remains unchanged. In Section 9.2, the problem of multi-task
learning is addressed, where many similar supervised learning tasks are solved
simultaneously with the hope that better prediction performance can be achieved
than solving the tasks separately. A similar importance sampling idea is shown to
provide a useful approach to multi-task learning.

9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation

In this section we consider a particular semi-supervised learning setup under non-
stationarity called a covariate shift, which is also called domain adaptation and
transfer learning depending on the context and research areas.

120 9 Importance Sampling

After an introduction in Section 9.1.1, the problem of semi-supervised learn-

ing under a covariate shift is formulated in Section 9.1.2. Then, learning methods
under covariate shifts are introduced in Section 9.1.3, and the issue of model selec-
tion under a covariate shift is addressed in Section 9.1.4; numerical examples are
also provided for illustrating the behavior of covariate-shift adaptation techniques.
Finally, the section is concluded in Section 9.1.5.

9.1.1 Introduction
The goal of supervised learning is to infer an unknown input–output dependency
from training samples, by which output values for unseen test input points can be
predicted (see Section 1.1.1). When developing a method of supervised learning,
it is commonly assumed that the input points in the training set and the input points
used for testing follow the same probability distribution (Wahba, 1990; Bishop,
1995; Vapnik, 1998; Duda et al., 2001; Hastie et al., 2001; Schölkopf and Smola,
2002). However, this common assumption is not fulfilled, for example, when
the area outside of the training region is extrapolated or when the training input
points are designed by an active learning (a.k.a. experimental design) algo-
rithm (Wiens, 2000; Kanamori and Shimodaira, 2003; Sugiyama, 2006; Kanamori,
2007; Sugiyama and Nakajima, 2009).
Situations where training and test input points follow different probability dis-
tributions but the conditional distributions of output values given input points
are unchanged are called covariate shifts1 (Shimodaira, 2000). In this section we
introduce covariate shift adaptation techniques based on density-ratio estimation.
Under covariate shifts, standard learning techniques such as maximum like-
lihood estimation are biased. It was shown that the bias caused by a covariate
shift can be asymptotically canceled by weighting the loss function according
to the importance – the ratio of test and training input densities (Shimodaira,
2000; Zadrozny, 2004; Sugiyama and Müller, 2005; Sugiyama et al., 2007;
Quiñonero-Candela et al., 2009; Sugiyama and Kawanabe, 2011). Similarly, stan-
dard model selection criteria such as cross-validation (Stone, 1974; Wahba, 1990)
and Akaike’s information criterion (Akaike, 1974) lose their unbiasedness under
covariate shifts. It was shown that proper unbiasedness can also be recovered
by modifying the methods based on importance weighting (Shimodaira, 2000;
Zadrozny, 2004; Sugiyama and Müller, 2005; Sugiyama et al., 2007).
Examples of successful real-world applications of covariate shift adapta-
tions include brain–computer interfaces (Sugiyama et al., 2007; Y. Li et al., 2010),
robot control (Hachiya et al., 2009; Akiyama et al., 2010; Hachiya et al., 2011b),
speaker identification (Yamada et al., 2010b), audio tagging (Wichern et al., 2010),
age prediction from face images (Ueki et al., 2011), wafer alignment in semi-
conductor exposure apparatus (Sugiyama and Nakajima, 2009), human activity

1 Note that the term “covariate” refers to an input variable in statistics. Thus, a “covariate shift”
indicates a situation where input-data distributions shift.
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 121

recognition from accelerometric data (Hachiya et al., 2011a), and natural language
processing (Tsuboi et al., 2009). Details of those real-world applications as well as
technical details of covariate-shift adaptation techniques are covered extensively
in Sugiyama and Kawanabe (2011).

9.1.2 Problem Formulation

We formulate the problem of supervised learning under covariate shifts.
Let us consider the supervised learning problem of estimating an unknown
input–output dependency from training samples. Let

{(x tri , yitr )|x tri ∈ X ⊂ Rd , yitr ∈ Y ⊂ R}ni=1


be the training samples, where x tri is a training input point drawn from a probability
distribution with density ptr∗ (x), and yitr is a training output value following a con-
ditional probability distribution with conditional density p ∗ (y|x = x tri ). p ∗ (y|x)
may be regarded as the superposition of the true output f ∗ (x) and noise @:

y = f ∗ (x) + @.

This formulation for Y as a continuous set (i.e., regression) is illustrated in

Figure 9.1.
Let (x te , y te ) be a test sample that is not given to us in the training phase but will
be provided in the test phase in the future. x te ∈ X is a test input point following a
probability distribution with density pte∗ (x), which is generally different from the
training-data distribution. y te ∈ Y is a test output value following p ∗ (y|x = x te ),
which is the same conditional density as the training phase.
The goal of supervised learning is to obtain an approximation f(x) to the true
function f ∗ (x) for predicting the test output value y te . More formally, we would
like to obtain the approximation f(x) that minimizes the test error expected over
all test samples (which is called the generalization error or the risk):
0 1
G := Exte ∼pte∗ (x) Ey te ∼p∗ (y|x=xte ) loss(f(x te ), y te ) ,

f (x 1tr )

f (x ) ⫹⑀ 1 f (x ntrtr )
y 2tr
f (x ) y 1tr ⫹⑀ trntr
⫹⑀ 2 y ntrtr
f (x 2tr )

x 1tr x 2tr ... x trntr

Figure 9.1. Framework of supervised learning.

122 9 Importance Sampling

where Exte ∼pte∗ (x) denotes the expectation over x te drawn from pte∗ (x) and
Ey te ∼p∗ (y|x=xte ) denotes the expectation over y te drawn from p ∗ (y|x = x te ).
The term loss( y , y) denotes the loss function that measures the discrepancy
between the true output value y and its estimate  y . When the output domain Y
is continuous, the problem is called regression and the squared loss is a standard
loss( y − y)2 .
y , y) = ( (9.1)
On the other hand, when the output domain Y is binary categories (i.e., Y =
{+1, −1}), the problem is called binary classification and the 0/1-loss is a typical
0 if sgn( y ) = y,
loss(y , y) =
1 otherwise,
where sgn(y) = +1 if y ≥ 0 and sgn(y) = −1 if y < 0. Note that the generalization
error with the 0/1-loss corresponds to the misclassification rate.
We use a parametric function f (x; θ) for learning, where θ is a parameter. A
model f (x; θ ) is said to be correctly specified if there exists a parameter θ ∗ such
that f (x; θ ∗ ) = f ∗ (x); otherwise the model is said to be misspecified. In practice,
the model used for learning is misspecified to a greater or less extent because we
do not generally have enough prior knowledge for correctly specifying the model.
Thus, learning theories specialized to correctly specified models are less useful in
practice; it is important to explicitly consider the case where our model at hand is
misspecified to some extent when developing machine learning algorithms.
In standard supervised learning theories (Wahba, 1990; Bishop, 1995; Vapnik,
1998; Duda et al., 2001; Hastie et al., 2001; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002), the test
input point x te is assumed to follow the same probability distribution as the training
input point x tr , that is, ptr∗ (x) = pte∗ (x). On the other hand, in this section we con-
sider the situation called a covariate shift (Shimodaira, 2000); that is, the training
input point x tr and the test input point x te have different probability densities (i.e.,
ptr∗ (x) # = pte∗ (x)). Under a covariate shift, most of the standard learning techniques
do not work well due to differing distributions. In the following, we introduce
importance sampling techniques for mitigating the influence of covariate shifts.

9.1.3 Learning Methods under Covariate Shifts

A standard method to learn the parameter θ in the model f (x; θ) is empirical risk
minimization (ERM; Vapnik, 1998; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002):


θ ERM := argmin tr tr
loss(f (x i ; θ ), yi ) .
θ ntr i=1

If ptr∗ (x) = pte∗ (x), 

θ ERM converges to the optimal parameter θ ∗ :
θ ∗ := argmin [G].
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 123

However, under a covariate shift where ptr∗ (x) # = pte∗ (x), 

θ ERM does not necessarily
∗ 2
converge to θ if the model is misspecified. Here we explain parameter learning
methods for covariate-shift adaptations and show numerical examples.

Importance-Weighted Empirical Risk Minimization

The inconsistency of ERM is due to the difference between the training and test
input distributions. Importance sampling (Fishman, 1996) is a standard technique
to compensate for the difference of distributions:
 ∗ tr 
te tr pte (x )
Exte ∼pte (x) [g(x )] = Extr ∼ptr (x) g(x ) ∗ tr ,
∗ ∗
ptr (x )
where Extr ∼ptr∗ (x) and Exte ∼pte∗ (x) denote the expectations over x tr drawn from ptr∗ (x)
and x te drawn from pte∗ (x), respectively. The density ratio
pte∗ (x)
ptr∗ (x)
is referred to as the importance in the context of importance sampling. The above
identity shows that the expectation of a function g(x) over pte∗ (x) can be computed
by the importance-weighted expectation of g(x) over ptr∗ (x). Thus, the difference
of distributions can be systematically adjusted by importance weighting.
Applying the above importance weighting technique to ERM, we obtain
importance-weighted ERM (IWERM):

p ∗
(x tr

θ IWERM := argmin te i tr tr
loss(f (x i ; θ ), yi ) .
θ ntr i=1 ptr∗ (x tri )

θ IWERM converges to θ ∗ under a covariate shift, even if the model is misspecified
(Shimodaira, 2000). In practice, IWERM may be regularized, for example, by
slightly flattening the importance weight and/or adding a penalty term as
ntr  ∗ γ
pte (x tri )
argmin loss(f (x tri ; θ ), yitr ) + λθ  θ , (9.2)
θ ntr i=1 ptr∗ (x tri )

where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 is the flattening parameter, λ ≥ 0 is the regularization parameter,

and  denotes the transpose.

Numerical Examples
Here we illustrate the behavior of IWERM using toy regression and classification
First, let us consider a one-dimensional regression problem. Let the learning
target function be
f ∗ (x) = sinc(x),

2 If the model is correctly specified, 

θ ERM still converges to θ ∗ even under a covariate shift. However,
we may not be able to assume the availability of a correctly specified model in practice.
124 9 Importance Sampling

and let the training and test input densities be

ptr∗ (x) = N (x; 1, (1/2)2 ) and pte∗ (x) = N (x; 2, (1/4)2 ),

where N(x; µ, σ 2 ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
As illustrated in Figure 9.2, we are considering a (weak) extrapolation problem
because the training input points are distributed on the left-hand side of the input
domain and the test input points are distributed on the right-hand side.
We create the training output value {yitr }ni=1
as yitr = f ∗ (xitr ) + @itr , where {@itr }ni=1

are i.i.d. noise drawn from N (@; 0, (1/4) ). Let the number of training samples be
ntr = 150, and use the following linear model for function approximation:

f (x; θ) = θ1 x + θ2 .

The parameter θ is learned by importance-weighted least-squares (IWLS), which

is IWERM (9.2) with the squared loss (9.1).
We fix the regularization parameter to λ = 0 and compare the performance
of IWLS for different flattening parameters γ = 0, 0.5, 1. When γ = 0, a good
approximation of the left-hand side of the target function can be obtained [see
Figure 9.2(b)]. However, this is not appropriate for estimating the test output
values (“×” in the figure). Thus, IWLS with γ = 0 (i.e., ordinary LS) results in a

Training 1
1.5 Test
0.5 f *(x)
−0.5 f(x)
0 Test
−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
x x
(a) Input data densities (b) γ = 0

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

−0.5 −0.5

−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

x x
(d) γ = 0.5 (d) γ = 1

Figure 9.2. An illustrative regression example with covariate shifts. (a) The probability
density functions of the training and test input points and their ratio (i.e., the importance).
(b)–(d) The learning target function f ∗ (x) (solid line), training samples (◦), a learned
function f(x) (dashed line), and test samples (×).
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 125

large test error under a covariate shift. Figure 9.2(d) depicts the learned function
for γ = 1, which tends to approximate the test output values well. However, it tends
to have a larger variance than the approximator obtained by γ = 0. Figure 9.2(c)
depicts a learned function for γ = 0.5, which yields an even better estimation of
the test output values for this particular data realization.
Next let us consider a binary classification problem on a two-dimensional input
space. For x = (x (1) , x (2) ) , let the class-posterior probabilities given input x be
1% % &&
p ∗ (y = +1|x) = 1 + tanh x (1) + min(0, x (2) ) ,
p (y = −1|x) = 1 − p∗ (y = +1|x).

The optimal decision boundary, that is, a set of all x such that
p∗ (y = +1|x) = p∗ (y = −1|x) = ,
is illustrated in Figure 9.3(a).
Let the training and test input densities be
∗ 1 −2 1 0 1 2 1 0
ptr (x) = N x; , + N x; , ,
2 3 0 4 2 3 0 4
∗ 1 0 1 0 1 4 1 0
pte (x) = N x; , + N x; , ,
2 −1 0 1 2 −1 0 1
where N(x; µ, ) is the multivariate Gaussian density with mean µ and covari-
ance matrix . This setup implies that we are considering a (weak) extrapolation
problem. Contours of the training and test input densities are illustrated in
Figure 9.3(a).

8 γ= 0.5 γ= 0 Train (+)1

8 Train (–1)
7 –1 +1
0.0 γ =1 Test (+)1
6 1
Test (–1)
0.02 6
4 4

3 Training
2 2


0 0

−1 Test

0.0 06 −2

−2 4

−4 −2 0 2 4 6 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6

(a) Optimal decision boundary (the thick (b) Optimal decision boundary (solid line)
solid line) and contours of training and and learned boundaries (dashed line).
test input densities (thin solid lines). “o” and “×” denote the positive and negative
training samples, while “ ” and “+” denote
the positive and negative test samples.

Figure 9.3. An illustrative classification example with covariate shift.

126 9 Importance Sampling

Let the number of training samples be ntr = 500; we then create training
input points {x tri }ni=1
following ptr∗ (x) and each training output label yitr follow-
∗ tr
ing p (y|x = x i ). Similarly, let the number of test samples be nte = 500 and
create nte test input points {x te ∗ te
j }j =1 following pte (x) and each test output label yj
∗ te
following p (y|x = x j ). We use the following linear model for learning:

f (x; θ ) = θ1 x (1) + θ2 x (2) + θ3 .

The parameter θ is learned by importance-weighted Fisher discriminant analysis
(IWFDA; Sugiyama et al., 2007), which is IWERM (9.2) with the squared loss
Now we fix the regularization parameter to λ = 0 and compare the performance
of IWFDA for different flattening parameters γ = 0, 0.5, 1. Figure 9.3(b) depicts
a realization of training and test samples, and decision boundaries obtained by
IWFDA with γ = 0, 0.5, 1. For this particular realization of data samples, γ = 0.5
and 1 work better than γ = 0.

9.1.4 Model Selection under Covariate Shifts

As illustrated in the previous subsection, importance weighting is a promising
approach to covariate-shift adaptation, given that the flattening parameter γ is
chosen appropriately. Although γ = 0.5 worked well both for the previous toy
regression and classification experiments, γ = 0.5 may not always be the best
choice. Indeed, an appropriate value of γ depends on various factors such as
the learning target function, models, and the noise level in the training samples.
Therefore, model selection needs to be appropriately carried out for enhancing the
generalization capability under covariate shifts.
The goal of model selection is to determine the model (e.g., basis func-
tions, the flattening parameter γ , and the regularization parameter λ) so
that the generalization error is minimized (Akaike, 1970; Mallows, 1973;
Akaike, 1974; Takeuchi, 1976; Craven and Wahba, 1979; Shibata, 1989; Wahba,
1990; Efron and Tibshirani, 1993; Murata et al., 1994; Konishi and Kitagawa,
1996; Ishiguro et al., 1997; Vapnik, 1998; Sugiyama and Ogawa, 2001b;
Sugiyama and Müller, 2002; Sugiyama et al., 2004). The true generalization error
is not accessible because it contains the unknown learning target function.
Thus, some generalization error estimator needs to be used instead for model
selection purposes. However, standard generalization error estimators such as
cross-validation (CV) are heavily biased under covariate shifts, and therefore they
are no longer reliable. Here we introduce a modified CV method that possesses
proper unbiasedness even under covariate shifts.

Importance-Weighted Cross-Validation
One of the popular techniques for estimating the generalization error is CV (Stone,
1974; Wahba, 1990), which has been shown to give an almost unbiased esti-
mate of the generalization error with finite samples (Luntz and Brailovsky, 1969;
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 127

Schölkopf and Smola, 2002). However, such almost unbiasedness is no longer

fulfilled under covariate shifts.
To cope with this problem, a variant of CV called an importance-weighted
CV (IWCV) has been proposed (Sugiyama et al., 2007). Let us randomly divide
the training set Z = {(x tri , yitr )}ni=1
into k disjoint non-empty subsets {Zi }ki=1 of
(approximately) the same size. Let fZi (x) be a function learned from Z\Zi (i.e.,
without Zi ). Then the k-fold IWCV (kIWCV) estimate of the generalization error
G is given by

kIWCV = 1 1
pte∗ (x)
G loss(fZi (x), y),
k i=1 |Zi | (x,y)∈Z ptr∗ (x)

where |Zi | is the number of samples in the subset Zi .

When k = ntr , kIWCV is particularly called leave-one-out IWCV (LOOIWCV):

LOOIWCV = 1 pte∗ (x tri )
G loss(fi (x tri ), yitr ),
ntr i=1 ptr∗ (x tri )

where fi (x) is a function learned from Z\(x tri , yitr ) [i.e., without (x tri , yitr )]. It was
proved that LOOIWCV gives an almost unbiased estimate of the generalization
error even under covariate shifts (Sugiyama et al., 2007). More precisely, LOOI-
WCV for ntr training samples gives an unbiased estimate of the generalization
error for ntr − 1 training samples:
0 1
E{xtr }ntr E{ytr }ntr G LOOIWCV = E tr ntr E tr ntr [G ]
i i=1 i i=1 {x } {y }
i i=1 i i=1

≈ E{xtr }ntr E{ytr }ntr [G],

i i=1 i i=1

where E{xtr }ntr denotes the expectation over {x tri }ni=1

drawn independently from
i i=1
∗ tr ntr
ptr (x), E{ytr }ntr denotes the expectation over {yi }i=1 with each drawn from
i i=1
p ∗ (y|x = x tri ), and G denotes the generalization error for ntr − 1 training sam-
ples. A similar proof is also possible for kIWCV, but the bias is slightly larger
(Hastie et al., 2001).
The almost unbiasedness of IWCV holds for any loss function, any model, and
any learning method; even non-identifiable models (Watanabe, 2009) and non-
parametric learning methods (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002) are allowed. Thus,
IWCV is a highly flexible model selection technique under covariate shifts. For
other model selection criteria under covariate shifts, see Shimodaira (2000) for
regular models with smooth losses and Sugiyama and Müller (2005) for linear
models with a squared loss.
A MATLAB® implementation of a regression method for covariate shift
adaptation – combining an importance-weighted version of kernel least-
squares regression, IWCV, and uLSIF (Section 6.2.2) – is available from˜sugi/software/IWLS.
A MATLAB® implementation of a classification method for covariate
shift adaptation – combining an importance-weighted version of logistic
128 9 Importance Sampling

regression (Section 4.2) and KLIEP (Section 5.2.1) – is available from˜yamada/iwklr.html.
A MATLAB® implementation of a classification method for covariate shift
adaptation – combining an importance-weighted version of the least-squares
probabilistic classifier (Section 12.2), IWCV, and uLSIF – is available from˜hachiya/software/IWLSPC/.

Numerical Examples
Here we illustrate the behavior of IWCV using the same toy datasets as in
Section 9.1.3.
Let us continue the one-dimensional regression simulation in Section 9.1.3.
As illustrated in Figure 9.2, IWLS with a flattening parameter γ = 0.5 appears
to work well for that particular realization of data samples. However, the best
value of γ depends on the realization of samples. To systematically investigate
this issue, let us run the simulation 1000 times with different random seeds; that is,
in each run, input–output pairs {(xitr , @itr )}ni=1
are randomly drawn and the scores of
10-fold IWCVs and 10-fold ordinary CVs are calculated for γ = 0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1.
The means and standard deviations of the generalization error G and its estimate
by each method are depicted as functions of γ in Figure 9.4. The graphs show that
IWCV gives accurate estimates of the generalization error, while ordinary CV is
heavily biased.


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

(a) True generalization error

0.5 1.4
0.3 0.8
0.2 0.6
0.1 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
γ γ
(b) IWCV score (c) Ordinary CV score

Figure 9.4. Generalization error and its estimates obtained by IWCV and ordinary CV as
functions of the flattening parameter γ in IWLS for the regression examples in Figure 9.2.
The thick dashed curves in the bottom graphs depict the true generalization error for a
clear comparison.
9.1 Covariate Shift Adaptation 129

Table 9.1. The mean and standard deviation of the

generalization error G obtained by each method
for the toy regression dataset. The best method and
comparable ones by the t-test at the significance
level 5% are indicated by “◦.” For reference, the
generalization error obtained with the optimal γ
(i.e., the minimum generalization error) is
described as “Optimal.”

IWCV Ordinary CV Optimal

0.077 ± 0.020 0.356 ± 0.086 0.069 ± 0.011

We then investigate the model selection performance. The flattening parameter

γ is chosen from {0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1} so that the score of each model selection crite-
rion is minimized. The means and standard deviations of the generalization error
G of the learned function obtained by each method over 1000 runs are described
in Table 9.1. This shows that IWCV gives a significantly smaller generalization
error than ordinary CV, under the t-test (Henkel, 1976) at the 5% significance
level. For reference, the generalization error when the flattening parameter γ is
chosen optimally (i.e., in each trial, γ is chosen so that the true generalization
error is minimized) is described as “optimal” in the table. The result shows that
the performance of IWCV is rather close to that of the optimal choice.
Next, let us continue the toy classification simulation in Section 9.1.3. In
Figure 9.3(b), IWFDA with a middle/large flattening parameter γ appears to work
well for that particular realization of samples. Here we investigate the choice of
the flattening parameter value by IWCV and ordinary CV. Figure 9.5 depicts the
means and standard deviations of the generalization error G (i.e., the misclassifi-
cation rate) and its estimate by each method over 1000 runs, as functions of the
flattening parameter γ in IWFDA. The graphs clearly show that IWCV gives much
better estimates of the generalization error than ordinary CV.
Finally, we investigate the model selection performance. The flattening param-
eter γ is chosen from {0, 0.1, 0.2, . . . , 1} so that the score of each model selection
criterion is minimized. The means and standard deviations of the generalization
error G of the learned function obtained by each method over 1000 runs are
described in Table 9.2. The table shows that IWCV gives significantly smaller test
errors than ordinary CV, and the performance of IWCV is rather close to that of
the optimal choice.

9.1.5 Remarks
In standard supervised learning theories (Wahba, 1990; Bishop, 1995; Vapnik,
1998; Duda et al., 2001; Hastie et al., 2001; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002), test
input points are assumed to follow the same probability distribution as training
130 9 Importance Sampling




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) True generalization error

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
γ γ
(b) IWCV score (c) Ordinary CV score

Figure 9.5. The generalization error G (i.e., the misclassification rate) and its estimates
obtained by IWCV and ordinary CV as functions of the flattening parameter γ in IWFDA
for the toy classification examples in Figure 9.3. The thick dashed curves in the bottom
graphs depict the true generalization error for clear comparison.

Table 9.2. The mean and standard deviation of the

generalization error G (i.e., the misclassification
rate) obtained by each method for the toy
classification dataset. The best method and
comparable ones by the t-test at the significance
level 5% are indicated by “◦.” For reference, the
generalization error obtained with the optimal γ
(i.e., the minimum generalization error) is
described as “Optimal.”

IWCV Ordinary CV Optimal

0.108 ± 0.027 0.131 ± 0.029 0.091 ± 0.009

input points. However, this assumption is often violated in real-world learning

problems. In this section, we introduced importance-weighting techniques for
covariate-shift adaptations. Details of real-world applications as well as techni-
cal details of covariate-shift adaptation techniques are extensively explained in
Sugiyama and Kawanabe (2011).
Recently, Elkan (2011) proposed using importance sampling techniques in
privacy-preserving data mining (Aggarwal and Yu, 2008). Privacy-preserving data
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 131

mining is a novel paradigm in the area of data mining aimed at performing some
data-processing operation (the most fundamental one would be to compute the
mean of data) with the data kept confidential to the public. The density-ratio
methods explained in Part II will play a central role in this line of research.

9.2 Multi-Task Learning

In this section we consider a problem of multi-task learning under supervised
learning. After an introduction in Section 9.2.1, we formulate the problem of
multi-task learning in Section 9.2.2. Then, a multi-task learning approach that
explicitly shares data samples across different tasks based on importance sampling
is introduced in Section 9.2.3. In Section 9.2.4, we describe another practical
approach to multi-task learning that implicitly shares information from different
tasks by regularization.

9.2.1 Introduction
Multi-task learning deals with a situation where multiple related learning tasks
exist. The rationale behind multi-task learning is that, rather than solving
such related learning tasks separately, solving them simultaneously by shar-
ing some common information behind the tasks may improve the prediction
accuracy (Caruana et al., 1997; Baxter, 1997, 2000; Ben-David et al., 2002;
Bakker and Heskes, 2003; Ben-David and Schuller, 2003; Evgeniou and Pontil,
2004; Micchelli and Pontil, 2005; Yu et al., 2005; Ando and Zhang, 2005;
Xue et al., 2007; Bonilla et al., 2008; Kato et al., 2010; Simm et al., 2011).
In Section 9.2.3 we describe multi-task learning methods that explicitly share
training samples with other tasks. We first introduce a naive approach that merely
borrows training samples from related tasks. This approach is useful if the other
tasks are very similar to the target task. On the other hand, if the other tasks
are rather similar but substantially different, the use of importance sampling for
absorbing differing distributions would be technically more sound (Bickel et al.,
Another line of research tries to implicitly share data samples in different tasks.
If prior knowledge that some parameters can be shared across different tasks (e.g.,
the class-wise variance of the data is common to all tasks), such a parametric
form can be utilized for improving the prediction accuracy. However, such “hard”
data-sharing models may not always be appropriate in practice.
More general approaches that do not require data-sharing models assume
the common prior distribution across different tasks in the Bayesian frame-
work (Yu et al., 2005; Xue et al., 2007; Bonilla et al., 2008) or impose solutions
of different tasks to be close to each other in the regularization framework
(Evgeniou and Pontil, 2004; Lapedriza et al., 2007; Kato et al., 2010; Simm et al.,
2011). These implicit data-sharing approaches are more flexible than the
explicit data-sharing approach. The regularization-based approach is described
in Section 9.2.3.
132 9 Importance Sampling

In multi-task learning, the computational cost is a key issue to be addressed

in general because many related tasks should be solved at the same time. Thus,
the number of training samples as well as the number of parameters tend to be
much larger than single-task learning problems. In Section 9.2.3 we introduce
a computationally efficient multi-task learning method that uses a probabilistic
classifier based on density-ratio estimation described in Section 12.2.

9.2.2 Problem Formulation

In this subsection we formulate the problem of multi-task supervised learning.
Suppose there are m supervised learning tasks, each of which has different but
similar learning target functions. The training samples in the multi-task learning
setup are accompanied with the task index, that is,

{(x k , yk , tk )}nk=1 ,

where tk (∈ {1, . . . , m}) denotes the index of the task to which the input–output
sample (x k , yk ) belongs. The training input point x k (∈ X ⊂ Rd ) is drawn from
a probability distribution with density pt∗k (x), and the training output value yk
(∈ Y ⊂ R) follows a conditional probability distribution with conditional density
pt∗k (y|x = x k ). pt∗ (y|x) for the t-th task, which may be regarded as the superposition
of the true output ft∗ (x) and noise @:

y = ft∗ (x) + @.

Let pt∗ (x, y) be the joint density of input x and output y for the t-th task.

9.2.3 Explicit Sample Sharing

Now we introduce multi-task approaches based on explicit sample sharing.

Naive Sample Sharing

Suppose we have prior knowledge that other tasks are very similar to the target
task t. Then we may directly use all samples {(x k , yk , tk )}nk=1 , including samples
that belong to other tasks as

min loss(f (x k ; θ ), yk ) , (9.3)
θ (t)

where f (x; θ (t) ) is a model of the t-th target function ft∗ (x) and loss(
y , y) is the
loss function that measures the discrepancy between the true output value y and
its estimate 
y , for example, the squared loss (9.1).
Such a naive data-sharing approach is useful when the number of training
samples for each task is very small. For example, in an application of multi-task
learning to optical surface profiling (Sugiyama et al., 2006), three parameters in
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 133

the model

f (x; θ (t) ) = θ0(t) + θ1(t) cos(x) + θ2(t) sin(x)

should be learned from only a single training sample. Because this is an ill-posed
problem, directly solving this task may not provide a useful solution. In such appli-
cations, borrowing data samples from “vicinity” tasks is essential, and the above
simple multi-task approach was shown to work well. See Yokota et al. (2009),
Kurihara et al. (2010), and Mori et al. (2011) for further developments along this
line of research, such as how the vicinity tasks are chosen and how model selection
is carried out.

Adaptive Sample Sharing by Importance Sampling

When other tasks have some similarity to the target task but they are substantially
different from the target task, using importance weighting (Fishman, 1996) would
be technically more sound:

p ∗ (x k , yk )
min ∗ loss(f (x k ; θ (t) ), yk ) . (9.4)
θ (t)
pt k
(x k , y k )

A notable difference from the covariate shift adaptation methods shown in

Section 9.1 is that the importance in Eq. (9.4) is defined over both input x and
output y.
In the multi-task setup, it is essential to use multiple density ratios,
pt∗ (x, y)
(∀t, t  ∈ {1, . . . , m}),
pt∗ (x, y)

for mutual data sharing. For estimating the density ratios pt∗ (x, y)/pt∗ (x, y) we can
use any of the various density-ratio estimators described in Part II. Among them, an
approach based on probabilistic classification described in Chapter 4 is particularly
useful in the context of multi-task learning, because density-ratio estimators for
multiple density ratios {pt∗ (x, y)/pt∗ (x, y)}m
t,t  =1 can be obtained simultaneously
using multi-class probabilistic classifiers (Bickel et al., 2008).
Although the importance-based multi-task learning approach is highly flexible,
estimating the importance weights over both x and y is a hard problem. Thus,
this approach could be unreliable if the number of training samples in each task is

9.2.4 Implicit Sample Sharing

Another popular idea of multi-task learning is to impose solutions of different
tasks to be similar to each other (Evgeniou and Pontil, 2004; Lapedriza et al.,
2007; Kato et al., 2010; Simm et al., 2011), by which common information behind
different tasks can be effectively shared.
134 9 Importance Sampling

Basic Formulation
The parameter for the task t (∈ {1, . . . , m}) is decomposed into the common part
θ (0) that is shared for all tasks and an individual part θ (t) that can be different for
each task (see Figure 9.6):

θ (0) + θ (t) .

Then the parameters for all the tasks are learned simultaneously as

min loss(f (x k ; θ (0) + θ (tk ) ), yk )
{θ (t) }m
t=0 k=1
λ γ
(t) 2
+ θ (0) 2 + θ  , (9.5)
2 2m t=1

where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter for the shared (i.e., task-independent)

parameter θ (0) , and γ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter for the individual (i.e.,
task-specific) parameters {θ (t) }mt=1 . λ controls the strength of the regularization
effect for all of the entire solutions, while γ controls how close to each other the
solution of each task should be.
If λ is large, the shared component θ (0) tends to vanish and thus we merely have
m separate single-task learning problems with a common regularizer 2m θ (t) 2 for
each task. On the other hand, if γ is large, the solutions for all tasks tend to θ (0) ;
that is, all tasks are jointly solved as a single task.
In the naive data-sharing approach (9.3) and the importance-weighting approach
(9.4), the optimization problems one needs to solve were task-wise. Thus,
the computational cost may be linear with respect to the number of tasks,
m. On the other hand, in the regularization approach (9.5), one needs to
optimize all the parameters {θ (t) }m t=0 simultaneously, which will cause com-
putational challenges when a large number of tasks are handled. So far, the
idea of regularization-based multi-task learning has been applied to a deter-
ministic classifier such as the support vector machine (Evgeniou and Pontil,

f (x ; θ (0) + θ (1))

f (x ; θ (0))

f (x ; θ (0) + θ (2))

Figure 9.6. Decomposition of model parameters into the common part θ (0) and individual
parts θ (1) and θ (2) .
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 135

2004; Kato et al., 2010) and a probabilistic classifier such as logistic regres-
sion (Lapedriza et al., 2007), and both were shown to improve the prediction
accuracy. Although optimization techniques for the support vector machine
have been studied extensively and highly improved (Platt, 1999; Joachims,
1999; Chang and Lin, 2001; Collobert and Bengio., 2001; Suykens et al.,
2002; Rifkin et al., 2003; Tsang et al., 2005; Fung and Mangasarian, 2005;
Fan et al., 2005; Tang and Zhang, 2006; Joachims, 2006; Teo et al., 2007;
Franc and Sonnenburg, 2009), training logistic regression classifiers for large-
scale problems is still computationally expensive (Hastie et al., 2001; Minka,

Computationally Efficient Multi-Task Classification

Sugiyama (2010) developed a computationally efficient probabilistic classification
method called the least-squares probabilistic classifier (LSPC), which is based on
density-ratio estimation (see Section 12.2). Simm et al. (2011) built up the LSPC
a computationally efficiently multi-task algorithm for probabilistic classification,
which is explained here.
The multi-task LSPC models the class-posterior probability pt∗ (y|x) for each
task t ∈ {1, . . . , m} and each class y ∈ {1, . . . , c} by the following linear model3 :

p(y|x; θ (0,y) + θ (t,y) ) = ψ(x) (θ (0,y) + θ (t,y) ),

where ψ(x) = (ψ1 (x), . . . , ψb (x)) is a basis function. As detailed in

Section 12.2.2, the LSPC adopts the empirical squared difference between the
true class-posterior probability pt∗ (y|x) and its model p(y|x; θ (t,y) ) as the loss
function. The multi-task LSPC learns the parameters {θ (t,y) }m
t=0 by Eq. (9.5) with
this loss function for each class y, which is formulated as
% &2
min ψ(x k ) (θ (0,y) + θ (tk ,y) )
{θ (t,y) }m
2n k=1

− ψ(x k ) (θ (0,y) + θ (tk ,y) )

n k:y =y
λ (0,y) 2 γ
(t,y) 2
+ θ  + θ  .
2 2m t=1

This is a convex optimization problem and the final solution is given analytically
as follows (Simm et al., 2011):
 

t (y|x) ∝ max 0,

p [A−1 g(x, t)]k  ,
k:yk =y

3 More precisely, the model is referred to as LSPC(full); see Section 12.2.3.

136 9 Importance Sampling

, γ - γn
Ak,k := + δtk ,tk ψ(x k ) ψ(x k ) + δk,k ,
mλ m
, γ -
gk (x, t) := + δt,tk ψ(x) ψ(x k ).

δt,t  denotes the Kronecker delta:

1 if t = t  ,
δt,t  =
0 otherwise.

Numerical Examples
Here we evaluate experimentally the performance of multi-task learning methods.
In the first set of experiments, we use the UMIST face recognition dataset
(Graham and Allinson, 1998), which contains images of 20 different people 575
images in total. Each face image was appropriately cropped into 112 × 92 (=
10304) pixels, and each pixel takes 8-bit intensity values from 0 to 255.
The database contains 4 female subjects among the 20 subjects. In this experi-
ment, a male subject is chosen from the 16 male subjects for each of the 4 female
subjects, and we construct 4 binary classification tasks between male (class +1)
and female (class −1). We expect that multi-task learning captures some common
structure behind the different male–female classifiers. As inputs, the raw pixel
values of the grayscale images are directly used, that is, x ∈ R10304 . The training
images are chosen randomly from the images of the target male and female sub-
jects, and the rest of the images are used as test samples. In each task, the numbers
of male and female samples are set to be equal for both training and testing.
We compare the classification accuracies and computation times of the multi-
task LSPC (MT-LSPC) method with the multi-task kernel logistic regression
(MT-KLR) method (Lapedriza et al., 2007) as functions of the number of train-
ing samples. As baselines, we also include their single-task counterparts: i-LSPC,
i-KLR, c-LSPC, and c-KLR, where the “i” indicates “independent,” meaning that
each task is treated independently and a classifier is trained for each task using
only samples of that task [this corresponds to setting λ in Eq. (9.5) large enough].
On the other hand, “c” denotes “combined,” meaning that all tasks are combined
together and a single common classifier is trained using samples from all tasks
[this corresponds to setting γ in Eq. (9.5) large enough].
In all six methods, MT-LSPC, MT-KLR, i-LSPC, i-KLR, c-LSPC, and c-KLR,
the Gaussian kernel
 x − x  2
K(x, x ) = exp −
2σ 2
is adopted as the basis function. five-fold cross-validation (CV) with respect to
the classification accuracy is used to choose the regularization parameter λ and
the Gaussian kernel bandwidth σ . Additionally, for MT-LSPC and MT-KLR, the
multi-task parameter γ is also selected based on CV.
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 137

All the methods are implemented using MATLAB® . KLR solutions are numer-
ically computed by the limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno
(L-BFGS) method using the minFunc package (Schmidt, 2005). The experi-
ments are repeated 50 times with different random seeds, and the mean accuracy
and computation time are evaluated. The classification accuracy is summarized
in Figure 9.7, showing that both multi-task learning methods significantly out-
perform the single-task learning counterparts. The accuracies of MT-LSPC and
MT-KLR are comparable to each other. Figure 9.7 summarizes the computation
times, showing that LSPCs are two to three times faster than KLRs, respectively.
In the second set of experiments, we use the Landmine image classification
dataset (Xue et al., 2007). The Landmine dataset consists of 29 binary classification
tasks about various landmine fields. Each input sample x is a nine-dimensional
feature vector corresponding to a region of landmine fields, and the binary class
y corresponds to whether there is a landmine in that region. The feature vectors
are extracted from radar images, which concatenate four moment-based features,
three correlation-based features, one energy ratio feature, and one spatial variance
feature (see Xue et al., 2007, for details). The goal is to estimate whether a test
landmine field contains landmines based on the region features. In the 29 landmine
classification tasks, the first 15 tasks are highly foliated and the last 14 tasks
are regions that are bare earth or desert. All 15 highly foliated regions and the
first 2 tasks from the bare earth regions are used for experiments. We completely
reverse the class labels in the latter two datasets and evaluate the robustness of the
multi-task methods against noisy tasks.
We again compare the performance of MT-LSPC, MT-KLR, i-LSPC, i-KLR,
c-LSPC, and c-KLR. The experimental setup is the same as the previous UMIST
experiments, except that, instead of the classification accuracy, the area under the

Mean classification accuracy

Computation time


c-LSPC c-KLR 10−1 c-LSPC c-KLR
3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of samples per task Number of samples per task
(a) Accuracy (b) Computation time

Figure 9.7. Experimental results for the UMIST dataset. (a) Mean accuracy over 50 runs.
“◦” indicates the best performing method or a tie with the best performance (by t-test with
1% level of significance). “×” indicates that the method is weaker than the best one. (b)
The computation time (in seconds).
138 9 Importance Sampling

receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC; Bradley, 1997) is adopted as the

performance measure. The reason for this choice is as follows. In the landmine
datasets, only about 6% of the samples are from the landmine class and the rest
are from the non-landmine class. For such imbalanced classification problems
(Chawla et al., 2004), using only classification accuracy is not appropriate because
just predicting all test samples to be non-landmine achieves 94% accuracy, which is
obviously nonsense. In imbalanced classification scenarios, it is important to take
into account the coverage of true landmine fields, in addition to the classification
accuracy. Because there is a trade-off between the coverage and the classification
accuracy, we decided to adopt the AUC as our error metric here, which reflects all
possible trade-offs. In the experiments, the AUC score on the test samples is first
calculated for each task separately, and then the mean of the AUC values over all
tasks is computed.4
The number of landmine samples contained in each task is 445–690. A subset
of the samples is randomly selected for training and the rest are used as test data for
evaluating the AUC score. The experiments are repeated 50 times with different
random seeds, and the mean AUC score and computation time are evaluated.
Figure 9.8(a) summarizes the AUC scores. The results show that the AUC
scores of MT-LSPC and MT-KLR are comparable to each other, and the multi-task
learning methods are significantly better than the single-task learning counterparts.
Figure 9.8(b) summarizes the computation time, showing that MT-LSPC is faster
than MT-KLR in two orders of magnitude.

0.8 103
Computation time

Mean AUC

0.65 101
i-LSPC i-KLR 100 i-LSPC i-KLR
0.55 c-LSPC c-KLR c-LSPC c-KLR
20 25 30 35 20 25 30 35
Number of samples per task Number of samples per task
(a) AUC score (b) Computation time

Figure 9.8. Experimental results for the Landmine dataset. (a) Mean AUC score over 50
runs. “◦” indicates the best performing method or a tie with the best performance (by
t-test with 1% level of significance). “×” indicates that the method is weaker than the best
one. (b) The computation time (in seconds).
4 To be consistent with the above performance measure, CV is also performed with respect to the AUC
score. Because the landmine datasets are highly imbalanced, the validation data in the CV procedure
can contain no landmine sample, which causes an inappropriate choice of tuning parameters. To
avoid this problem, all estimated class-posterior probabilities from different tasks are combined and
a single AUC score is calculated in the CV procedure, instead of merely taking the mean of the AUC
scores over all tasks.
9.2 Multi-Task Learning 139

9.2.5 Remarks
Learning from a small number of training samples has been an important challenge
in the machine learning community. Multi-task learning tries to overcome this
difficulty by utilizing information brought by other related tasks. In this section
we have described various multi-task learning methods by naive sample sharing,
adaptive sample sharing with importance sampling, and implicit sample sharing
using regularization.
The naive sample sharing without importance weighting is useful for overcom-
ing the ill-posedness of learning problems under very small sample sizes. The
adaptive sample sharing based on importance sampling would be theoretically
more sound, but estimating importance weights defined over both input and output
can induce another technical challenge. The implicit data sharing based on regular-
ization is a heuristic, but it can be useful in practice due to its simple formulation.
However, this makes optimization more challenging since all the task parameters
need to be learned at the same time. For regression, one may use ridge regression
(Hoerl and Kennard, 1970) as a building block for multi-task learning due to its
computational efficiency. For classification, the support vector machine (SVM)
and least-squares probabilistic classifier (LSPC) would produce computationally
efficient multi-task learning algorithms.
Distribution Comparison

In this chapter we explain the usage of density-ratio estimation for comparing

probability distributions.
In Section 10.1, the pointwise difference of two densities is considered for
evaluating whether a sample drawn from one distribution is “typical” in the other
distribution. This problem is referred to as inliner-based outlier detection, where
the degree of outlyingness of samples in an evaluation dataset is examined based on
another dataset that consists only of inlier samples (Smola et al., 2009; Hido et al.,
In Section 10.2, the overall difference of two densities is considered, which
basically corresponds to estimating a divergence between two densities. The esti-
mated divergence can be used for a two-sample test, which is aimed at judging
whether two distributions are the same within the framework of hypothesis testing
(Sugiyama et al., 2011c).

10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection

In this section we show how density-ratio methods can be used for inlier-based
outlier detection (Smola et al., 2009; Hido et al., 2011). After an introduction in
Section 10.1.1, we formulate the problem of inlier-based outlier detection and
show how it can be solved via density-ratio estimation in Section 10.1.2. Various
native outlier-detection methods are reviewed in Section 10.1.3, and experimental
performance is compared in Section 10.1.4. Finally, the section is concluded in
Section 10.1.5.

10.1.1 Introduction
The goal of outlier detection (a.k.a. anomaly detection, novelty detection, or
one-class classification) is to find uncommon instances (“outliers”) in a given
dataset. Outlier detection has been used in various applications such as defect
detection from behavior patterns of industrial machines (Fujimaki et al., 2005;
Ide and Kashima, 2004), intrusion detection in network systems (Yamanishi et al.,

10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection 141

2004), and topic detection in news documents (Manevitz and Yousef, 2002).
Recent studies include finding unusual patterns in time series (Yankov et al.,
2008), discovery of spatio-temporal changes in time-evolving graphs (Chan et al.,
2008), self-propagating worms detection in information systems (Jiang and Zhu,
2009), and identification of inconsistent records in construction equipment data
(Fan et al., 2009). Because outlier detection is useful in various applications, it
has been an active research topic in statistics, machine learning, and data mining
communities for decades (Hodge and Austin, 2004).
A standard outlier-detection problem falls into the category of unsupervised
learning (see Section 1.1.2), due to a lack of prior knowledge about the “anoma-
lous data”. In contrast, Goa et al. (2006a, 2006b) addressed the problem of
semi-supervised outlier detection where some examples of outliers and inliers
are available as a training set. The semi-supervised outlier detection methods per-
form better than unsupervised methods thanks to additional label information.
However, such outlier samples for training are not always available in practice.
Furthermore, the type of outliers may be diverse, and thus the semi-supervised
methods – learning from known types of outliers – are not necessarily useful in
detecting unknown types of outliers.
In this section we address the problem of inlier-based outlier detection where
examples of inliers are available. More formally, the inlier-based outlier-detection
problem is to find outlier instances in the test set based on the training set consisting
only of inlier instances. The setting of inlier-based outlier detection is more prac-
tical than the semi-supervised setting because inlier samples are often available
in abundance. For example, in defect detection of industrial machines, we know
that there was no outlier (i.e., no defect) in the past because no failure has been
observed in the machinery. Therefore, it is reasonable to separate the measurement
data into a training set consisting only of inlier samples observed in the past and
the test set consisting of recent samples from which we would like to find outliers.
As opposed to supervised learning, the outlier detection problem is often vague
and it may not be possible to universally define what the outliers are. Here we
consider a statistical framework and regard instances with low probability densities
as outliers. In light of inlier-based outlier detection, outliers may be identified via
density estimation of inlier samples. However, density estimation is known to be
a hard task particularly in high-dimensional problems, and thus outlier detection
via density estimation may not work well in practice.
To avoid density estimation, one can use a one-class support vector machine
(OSVM; Schölkopf et al., 2001) or support vector data description (SVDD;
Tax and Duin, 2004), which finds an inlier region containing a certain fraction
of training instances; samples outside the inlier region are regarded as outliers.
However, these methods cannot make use of inlier information available in the
inlier-based settings. Furthermore, the solutions of OSVM and SVDD depend
heavily on the choice of tuning parameters (e.g., the Gaussian kernel bandwidth),
and there seems to be no reasonable method to appropriately determine the values
of such tuning parameters.
142 10 Distribution Comparison

In this section we explore an alternative approach to inlier-based outlier detec-

tion based on density-ratio estimation that can overcome the weakness of the above
approaches. Among the various methods of density-ratio estimation reviewed
in Part II, the Kullback–Leibler importance estimation procedure (KLIEP; see
Chapter 5) and unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; see
Section 6.2.2) are employed for outlier detection here. The reason for this choice is
that KLIEP and uLSIF are equipped with cross-validation (CV), and hence values
of the tuning parameters such as the kernel bandwidth and regularization strength
can be objectively determined without subjective trial and error.
As explained in Section 7.4.2, uLSIF is more robust against outliers than KLIEP.
This in turn means that KLIEP can provide a more sensitive outlier score than
uLSIF. On the other hand, uLSIF is computationally more efficient than KLIEP
thanks to the analytic-form solution of uLSIF. Furthermore, the leave-one-out CV
(LOOCV) score can be computed analytically. Thus, uLSIF-based outlier detection
is more scalable to massive datasets.

10.1.2 Formulation
Suppose we have two sets of samples – training samples {x tri }ni=1 tr
and test sam-
te nte d tr ntr
ples {x j }j =1 on R . The training samples {x i }i=1 are all inliers, while the test
samples {x te j }j =1 can contain some outliers. The goal of outlier detection here is to
identify outliers in the test set based on the training set consisting only of inliers.
More formally, we want to assign a suitable outlier score for the test samples – the
larger the outlier score, the more plausible the sample is an outlier.
Let us consider a statistical framework of the inlier-based outlier-detection prob-
lem: Suppose training samples {x tri }ni=1 tr
are drawn independently from a training
data distribution with density ptr (x) and test samples {x te

j }j =1 are drawn indepen-
dently from a test data distribution with strictly positive density pte∗ (x). Within this
statistical framework, test samples with low training data densities are regarded as
outliers. However, the true density ptr∗ (x) is not accessible in practice, and estimat-
ing densities is known to be a hard problem. Therefore, merely using the training
data density as an outlier score may not be reliable in practice.
So instead we employ the ratio of training and test data densities as an outlier
score1 :
p∗ (x)
r ∗ (x) = tr∗ .
pte (x)
If no outlier sample exists in the test set (i.e., the training and test data densities
are equivalent), the density-ratio value is one. On the other hand, the density-ratio
value tends to be small in the regions where the training data density is low and
the test data density is high. Thus, samples with small density-ratio values are
plausible to be outliers.
1 Note that the definition of the density-ratio is inverted compared with the one used in covariate shift
adaptation (see Chapter 9). We chose this definition because the test data domain may be wider than
the training data domain in the context of inlier-based outlier detection.
10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection 143

One may suspect that this density-ratio approach is not suitable when there
exist only a small number of outliers – because a small number of outliers cannot
increase the values of pte∗ (x) significantly. However, this is not a problem because
outliers are drawn from a region with small ptr∗ (x), and therefore a small change in
pte∗ (x) significantly reduces the density-ratio value. For example, let the increase
1 0.001
of pte∗ (x) be @ = 0.01; then 1+@ ≈ 1, but 0.001+@  1. Thus, the density-ratio r ∗ (x)
would be a suitable outlier score.
A MATLAB® implementation of inlier-based outlier detection based on KLIEP
(see Section 5.2.1), called maximum likelihood outlier detection (MLOD), is avail-
able from˜sugi/software/MLOD/. Similarly,
a MATLAB® implementation of inlier-based outlier detection based on uLSIF
(see Section 6.2.2), called least-squares outlier detection (LSOD), is available

10.1.3 Relation to Existing Methods

In this subsection we discuss the relation between the density-ratio–based outlier-
detection approach and other native outlier-detection methods.
The outlier-detection problem addressed here is to find outliers in the test set
{x j }j =1 based on the training set {x tri }ni=1
te nte tr
consisting only of inliers. On the other
hand, the outlier-detection problem that the methods reviewed here are solving
is to find outliers in the test set without the training set. Thus, the problem setup
is slightly different. However, such native outlier-detection methods can also be
employed in the inlier-based scenario by simply using the union of training and
test samples as a test set:

(x 1 , . . . , x n ) = (x tr1 , . . . , x trntr , x te te
1 , . . . , x nte ),

where n := ntr + nte .

Kernel Density Estimation

Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric technique to estimate a den-
sity p∗ (x) from samples {x k }nk=1 (see Section 2.3.1). KDE with the Gaussian kernel
is expressed as

(x) =
p 2 d/2
K(x, x k ),
n(2πσ ) k=1

where d is the dimensionality of x and K(x, x  ) is the Gaussian kernel:

 x − x  2
K(x, x ) = exp − .
2σ 2
The performance of KDE depends on the choice of the kernel width σ , and its
value can be determined based on CV (Härdle et al., 2004): A subset of {x k }nk=1
is used for density estimation and the rest is used for estimating the likelihood of
144 10 Distribution Comparison

the hold-out samples (see Section 2.3.1 for details). Note that this CV procedure
corresponds to choosing σ such that the Kullback–Leibler divergence from p ∗ (x)
(x) is minimized. The estimated density values could be used directly as an
to p
outlier score. A variation of the KDE approach has been studied in Latecki et al.
(2007), where local outliers are detected from multi-modal datasets.
However, KDE is known to suffer from the curse of dimensionality (Vapnik,
1998), and therefore the KDE-based outlier-detection method may not be reliable
in practice.
The density-ratio can also be estimated by KDE, that is, first estimating the
training and test data densities separately and then taking the ratio of the estimated
densities (see Section 2.3). However, the estimation error tends to be accumulated
in this two-step procedure, and thus this approach is not reliable.

One-Class Support Vector Machine

The support vector machine (SVM; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1998;
Schölkopf and Smola, 2002; see also Section 4.4) is one of the most success-
ful classification algorithms in machine learning. The core idea of SVM is to
separate samples into different classes by the maximum-margin hyperplane in a
kernel-induced feature space.
A one-class SVM (OSVM) is an extension of SVM to outlier detection
(Schölkopf et al., 2001). The basic idea of OSVM is to separate data samples
{x k }nk=1 into outliers and inliers by a hyperplane in a Gaussian reproducing kernel
Hilbert space. More specifically, the solution of OSVM is given as the solution of
the following quadratic programming problem:


min θk θk K(x k , x k ) s.t. θk = 1 and 0 ≤ θ1 , . . . , θn ≤ ,
{θk }k=1 νn
k,k  =1 k=1

where ν (0 ≤ ν ≤ 1) is the maximum fraction of outliers.

The solution solution of OSVM is dependent on the outlier ratio ν and the
Gaussian kernel width σ . A critical weakness of OSVM is that there is no sys-
tematic method to choose these tuning parameter values. In practice, these tuning
parameters should be optimized manually, which is highly subjective and thus less
reliable in unsupervised outlier detection. Furthermore, outlier scores cannot be
directly obtained by OSVM; the distance from the separating hyperplane may be
used as an outlier score, but its statistical meaning is not clear.
A similar algorithm named support vector data description (SVDD;
Tax and Duin, 2004) is known to be equivalent to OSVM if the Gaussian kernel
is used.

Local Outlier Factor

The local outlier factor (LOF) is an outlier score suitable for detecting local outliers
around dense regions (Breunig et al., 2000). The LOF value of a sample x is defined
10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection 145

using the ratio of the average distance from the nearest neighbors as

LRDT (nearest t (x))
LOFT (x) = ,
T t=1 LRDT (x)

where nearestt (x) represents the t-th nearest neighbor of x and LRDT (x) denotes
the inverse of the average distance from the T nearest neighbors of x (LRD stands
for local reachability density). If x lies around a high-density region and its nearest
neighbor samples are close to each other in the high-density region, LRDT (x) tends
to become much smaller than LRDT [nearest t (x)] for every t. Then, LOFT (x) takes
a large value and x is regarded as a local outlier.
Although the LOF values seem to be a reasonable outlier measure, its perfor-
mance strongly depends on the choice of the locality parameter T . Unfortunately,
there is no systematic method to select an appropriate value for T , and thus subjec-
tive tuning is necessary, which is not reliable in unsupervised outlier detection. In
addition, the computational cost of the LOF score is expensive because it involves
a number of nearest neighbor search procedures.

10.1.4 Experiments
Here, the performances of various outlier-detection methods are compared
experimentally. In all the experiments, the statistical language environment R
(R Development Core Team, 2009) is used. The comparison includes the following
density-ratio estimators:

• Unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; see Section 6.2.2)

• Kullback–Leibler importance estimation procedure (KLIEP; see Section
• Kernel logistic regression (KLR; see Section 4.2)
• Kernel mean matching (KMM; see Section 3.3)

In addition, the native outlier-detection methods KDE, OSVM, and LOF reviewed
in Section 10.1.3 are included in the comparison. A package of the the limited-
memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno quasi-Newton method called optim
is used for computing the KLR solution, and a quadratic program solver called ipop
contained in the kernlab package (Karatzoglou et al., 2004) used for computing
the KMM solution. The ksvm function contained in the kernlab package is used as
an OSVM implementation, and the lofactor function included in the dprep package
(Fernandez, 2005) is used as an LOF implementation.
Twelve datasets taken from the IDA Benchmark Repository (Rätsch et al.,
2001) are used for experiments. Note that they are originally binary classifica-
tion datasets – here, the positive samples are regarded as inliers and the negative
samples are treated as outliers. All the negative samples are removed from the
training set; that is, the training set contains only inlier samples. In contrast, a
146 10 Distribution Comparison

fraction ρ of randomly chosen negative samples are retained in the test set; that is,
the test set includes all inlier samples and some outliers.
When evaluating the performance of outlier-detection algorithms, it is important
to take into account both the detection rate (the amount of true outliers an outlier
detection algorithm can find) and the detection accuracy (the amount of true inliers
that an outlier detection algorithm misjudges as outliers). Because there is a trade-
off between the detection rate and detection accuracy, the area under the ROC
curve (AUC; Bradley, 1997) is adopted as the error metric.
The AUC values of the density-ratio–based methods (KMM, KLR, KLIEP,
and uLSIF) and other methods (KDE, OSVM, and LOF) are compared. All the
tuning parameters included in KLR, KLIEP, uLSIF, and KDE are chosen based
on cross-validation (CV) from a wide range of values. CV is not available to
KMM, OSVM, and LOF; the Gaussian kernel width in KMM and OSVM is set to
the median distance between samples, which was shown to be a useful heuristic
(Schölkopf and Smola, 2002). For KMM, the other tuning parameters are fixed to
√ √
B = 1000 and @ = ( nte − 1)/ nte following Huang et al. (2007). For OSVM,
the tuning parameter is set to ν = 0.1. The number of basis functions in KLIEP and
uLSIF is fixed to b = 100 (note that b can also be optimized by CV if necessary).
For LOF, three candidate values 5, 30, and 50 are tested as the number T of nearest
The mean AUC values over 20 trials as well as the computation time are sum-
marized in Table 10.1, where the computation time is normalized so that uLSIF
is one. Because the types of outliers may be diverse depending on the datasets,
no single method may consistently outperform the others for all the datasets. To
evaluate the overall performance, the average AUC values over all datasets are
also described at the bottom of Table 10.1.
The results show that KLIEP is the most accurate on the whole, and uLSIF
follows with a small margin. Because KLIEP can provide a more sensitive outlier
score than uLSIF (see Section 7.4.2), this would be a reasonable result. On the
other hand, uLSIF is computationally much more efficient than KLIEP. KLR works
reasonably well overall, but it performs poorly for some datasets such as the splice,
twonorm, and waveform datasets, and the average AUC performance is not as good
as uLSIF and KLIEP.
KMM and OSVM are not comparable to uLSIF in terms of AUC, and they are
computationally less efficient. Note that we also tested KMM and OSVM with
several different Gaussian widths and experimentally found that the heuristic of
using the median sample distance as the Gaussian kernel width works reasonably
well in this experiment. Thus, the AUC values of KMM and OSVM are close to
their optimal values.
LOF with large T is shown to work well, although it is not clear whether the
heuristic of simply using large T is always appropriate. In fact, the average AUC
values of LOF are slightly higher for T = 30 than T = 50, and there is no systematic
way to choose the optimal value for T . LOF is very slow because nearest neighbor
search is computationally expensive.
10.1 Inlier-Based Outlier Detection 147

Table 10.1. Mean AUC values over 20 trials for the benchmark datasets
Name ρ (CV) (CV) (CV) (med) (med) T = 5 T = 30 T = 50 (CV)

0.01 0.851 0.815 0.447 0.578 0.360 0.838 0.915 0.919 0.934
banana 0.02 0.858 0.824 0.428 0.644 0.412 0.813 0.918 0.920 0.927
0.05 0.869 0.851 0.435 0.761 0.467 0.786 0.907 0.909 0.923
0.01 0.463 0.480 0.627 0.576 0.508 0.546 0.488 0.463 0.400
b-cancer 0.02 0.463 0.480 0.627 0.576 0.506 0.521 0.445 0.428 0.400
0.05 0.463 0.480 0.627 0.576 0.498 0.549 0.480 0.452 0.400
0.01 0.558 0.615 0.599 0.574 0.563 0.513 0.403 0.390 0.425
diabetes 0.02 0.558 0.615 0.599 0.574 0.563 0.526 0.453 0.434 0.425
0.05 0.532 0.590 0.636 0.547 0.545 0.536 0.461 0.447 0.435
0.01 0.416 0.485 0.438 0.494 0.522 0.480 0.441 0.385 0.378
f-solar 0.02 0.426 0.456 0.432 0.480 0.550 0.442 0.406 0.343 0.374
0.05 0.442 0.479 0.432 0.532 0.576 0.455 0.417 0.370 0.346
0.01 0.574 0.572 0.556 0.529 0.535 0.526 0.559 0.552 0.561
german 0.02 0.574 0.572 0.556 0.529 0.535 0.553 0.549 0.544 0.561
0.05 0.564 0.555 0.540 0.532 0.530 0.548 0.571 0.555 0.547
0.01 0.659 0.647 0.833 0.623 0.681 0.407 0.659 0.739 0.638
heart 0.02 0.659 0.647 0.833 0.623 0.678 0.428 0.668 0.746 0.638
0.05 0.659 0.647 0.833 0.623 0.681 0.440 0.666 0.749 0.638
0.01 0.812 0.828 0.600 0.813 0.540 0.909 0.930 0.896 0.916
satimage 0.02 0.829 0.847 0.632 0.861 0.548 0.785 0.919 0.880 0.898
0.05 0.841 0.858 0.715 0.893 0.536 0.712 0.895 0.868 0.892
0.01 0.713 0.748 0.368 0.541 0.737 0.765 0.778 0.768 0.845
splice 0.02 0.754 0.765 0.343 0.588 0.744 0.761 0.793 0.783 0.848
0.05 0.734 0.764 0.377 0.643 0.723 0.764 0.785 0.777 0.849
0.01 0.534 0.720 0.745 0.681 0.504 0.259 0.111 0.071 0.256
thyroid 0.02 0.534 0.720 0.745 0.681 0.505 0.259 0.111 0.071 0.256
0.05 0.534 0.720 0.745 0.681 0.485 0.259 0.111 0.071 0.256
0.01 0.525 0.534 0.602 0.502 0.456 0.520 0.525 0.525 0.461
titanic 0.02 0.496 0.498 0.659 0.513 0.526 0.492 0.503 0.503 0.472
0.05 0.526 0.521 0.644 0.538 0.505 0.499 0.512 0.512 0.433
0.01 0.905 0.902 0.161 0.439 0.846 0.812 0.889 0.897 0.875
twonorm 0.02 0.896 0.889 0.197 0.572 0.821 0.803 0.892 0.901 0.858
0.05 0.905 0.903 0.396 0.754 0.781 0.765 0.858 0.874 0.807
0.01 0.890 0.881 0.243 0.477 0.861 0.724 0.887 0.889 0.861
waveform 0.02 0.901 0.890 0.181 0.602 0.817 0.690 0.887 0.890 0.861
0.05 0.885 0.873 0.236 0.757 0.798 0.705 0.847 0.874 0.831

Average 0.661 0.685 0.530 0.608 0.596 0.594 0.629 0.622 0.623

Comp. time 1.00 11.7 5.35 751 12.4 85.5 8.70

148 10 Distribution Comparison

KDE sometimes works reasonably well, but the performance fluctuates depend-
ing on the dataset. Therefore, its average AUC value is not comparable to uLSIF
and KLIEP.
Overall, the uLSIF-based and KLIEP-based methods are shown to be promising
in inlier-based outlier detection.

10.1.5 Remarks
In this section we discussed the problem of inlier-based outlier detection. Because
inlier information can be taken into account in this approach, it tends to outperform
unsupervised outlier-detection methods (if such inlier information is available).
Furthermore, thanks to the density-ratio formulation, model selection is possible
by cross-validation over the density-ratio approximation error. This is a significant
advantage over purely unsupervised approaches. An inlier-based outlier-detection
method based on the hinge-loss was also studied (see Smola et al., 2009).
The goal of change detection (a.k.a. event detection) is to identify time points
at which properties of time series data change (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993;
Brodsky and Darkhovsky, 1993; Guralnik and Srivastava, 1999; Gustafsson,
2000; Yamanishi and Takeuchi, 2002; Ide and Kashima, 2004; Kifer et al., 2004).
Change detection covers a broad range of real-world problems such as fraud
detection in cellular systems (Murad and Pinkas, 1999; Bolton and Hand, 2002),
intrusion detection in computer networks (Yamanishi et al., 2004), irregular-
motion detection in vision systems (Ke et al., 2007), signal segmentation in data
streams (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993), and fault detection in engineering sys-
tems (Fujimaki et al., 2005). If vectorial samples are extracted from time series
data in a sliding-window manner, one can apply density-ratio methods to change
detection (Kawahara and Sugiyama, 2011).

10.2 Two-Sample Test

Given two sets of samples, testing whether the probability distributions behind
the samples are equivalent is a fundamental task in statistical data analysis. This
problem is referred to as the two-sample test or the homogeneity test (Kullback,
In this section we explain a density-ratio approach to two-sample testing. After
an introduction in Section 10.2.1, we review the framework of hypothesis test-
ing in Section 10.2.2. In hypothesis testing, the choice of test statistics and the
way the null distribution is computed are the key components. In Section 10.2.3,
we describe a density-ratio method of divergence estimation that is used as a
test statistic. We then describe a two-sample test method called the least-squares
two-sample test (LSTT; Sugiyama et al., 2011c) in Section 10.2.4, which uses
the permutation test (Efron and Tibshirani, 1993) for computing the null distribu-
tion. In Section 10.2.5, we review a kernel-based two-sample test method called
maximum mean discrepancy (MMD; see Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al.,
10.2 Two-Sample Test 149

2007; Sriperumbudur et al., 2009), and we compare the experimental performance

of the LSTT and MMD in Section 10.2.6. Finally, the section is concluded in
Section 10.2.7.

10.2.1 Introduction
The two-sample test is useful in various practically important learning scenarios:
• When learning is performed in a non-stationary environment, for exam-
ple, in brain–computer interfaces (Sugiyama et al., 2007) and robot control
(Hachiya et al., 2009), testing the homogeneity of the data-generating distri-
butions allows one to determine whether some adaptation scheme should be
used or not. When the distributions are not significantly different, one can
avoid using data-intensive non-stationarity adaptation techniques (such as
covariate shift adaptation explained in Section 9.1). This can significantly
contribute to stabilizing the performance.
• When multiple sets of data samples are available for learning, for exam-
ple, biological experimental results obtained from different laboratories
(Borgwardt et al., 2006), the homogeneity test allows one to make a deci-
sion as to whether all the datasets are analyzed jointly as a single dataset or
they should be treated separately.
• Similarly, one can use the homogeneity test for deciding whether multi-task
learning methods (Caruana et al., 1997, see also Section 9.2) are employed.
The rationale behind multi-task learning is that when several related learning
tasks are provided, solving them simultaneously can give better solutions than
solving them individually. However, when the tasks are not similar to each
other, using multi-task learning techniques can degrade the performance.
Thus, it is important to avoid using multi-task learning methods when the
tasks are not similar to each other. This may be achieved by testing the
homogeneity of the datasets.
The t-test (Student, 1908) is a classical method for testing homogeneity that
compares the means of two Gaussian distributions with a common variance; its
multi-variate extension also exists (Hotelling, 1951). Although the t-test is a fun-
damental method for comparing the means, its range of application is limited to
Gaussian distributions with a common variance, which may not be fulfilled in
practical applications.
The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and the Wald–Wolfowitz runs test are classi-
cal non-parametric methods for the two-sample problem; their multi-dimensional
variants have also been developed (Bickel, 1969; Friedman and Rafsky, 1979).
Since then, different types of non-parametric test methods have been studied (e.g.,
Anderson et al., 1994; Li, 1996).
Recently, a non-parametric extension of the t-test called maximum mean dis-
crepancy (MMD) was proposed (Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al., 2007). The
MMD compares the means of two distributions in a universal reproducing kernel
150 10 Distribution Comparison

Hilbert space (universal RKHS; Steinwart, 2001) – the Gaussian kernel is a typical
example that induces a universal RKHS. The MMD does not require a restrictive
parametric assumption, and hence it could be a flexible alternative to the t-test. The
MMD was shown experimentally to outperform alternative homogeneity tests such
as the generalized Kolmogorov–Smirnov test (Friedman and Rafsky, 1979), the
generalized Wald–Wolfowitz test (Friedman and Rafsky, 1979), the Hall–Tajvidi
test (Hall and Tajvidi, 2002), and the Biau–Györfi test (Biau and Györfi, 2005).
The performance of the MMD depends on the choice of universal RKHSs (e.g.,
the Gaussian bandwidth in the case of Gaussian RKHSs). Thus, the universal
RKHS should be chosen carefully for obtaining good performance. The Gaussian
RKHS with bandwidth set to the median distance between samples has been a pop-
ular heuristic in practice (Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al., 2007). Recently, a
novel idea of using the universal RKHS (or the Gaussian widths) yielding the max-
imum MMD value was introduced and shown to work well (Sriperumbudur et al.,
Another approach to the two-sample problem is to evaluate a divergence
between two distributions. The divergence-based approach is advantageous in that
cross-validation over the divergence functional is available for optimizing tuning
parameters in a data-dependent manner. A typical choice of the divergence func-
tional would be the f -divergences (Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967), which
include the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951) and
the Pearson (PE) divergence (Pearson, 1900) as special cases.
Various methods for estimating the divergence functional have been studied
so far (e.g., Darbellay and Vajda, 1999; Wang et al., 2005; Silva and Narayanan,
2007; Pérez-Cruz, 2008). Among them, approaches based on density-ratio esti-
mation have been shown to be promising both theoretically and experimentally
(Sugiyama et al., 2008; Gretton et al., 2009; Kanamori et al., 2009; Nguyen et al.,
A parametric density-ratio estimator based on logistic regression (Qin,
1998; Cheng and Chu, 2004) has been applied to the homogeneity test
(Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2005). Although the density-ratio estimator based on
logistic regression was proved to achieve the smallest asymptotic variance among
a class of semi-parametric estimators (Qin, 1998, see also Section 13.3), this the-
oretical guarantee is valid only when the parametric model is correctly specified
(i.e., the target density-ratio is included in the parametric model at hand). However,
when this unrealistic assumption is violated, a divergence-based density-ratio esti-
mator (Sugiyama et al., 2008; Nguyen et al., 2010) was shown to perform better
(Kanamori et al., 2010).
Among various divergence-based density-ratio estimators, unconstrained least-
squares importance fitting (uLSIF) was demonstrated to be accurate and compu-
tationally efficient (Kanamori et al., 2009; see also Section 6.2.2). Furthermore,
uLSIF was proved to possess the optimal non-parametric convergence rate
10.2 Two-Sample Test 151

(Kanamori et al., 2011b; see also Section 14.3) and optimal numerical stabil-
ity (Kanamori et al., 2011c; see also Chapter 16). In this section, we describe a
method for testing the homogeneity based on uLSIF.
Similarly to the MMD, the uLSIF-based homogeneity test processes data sam-
ples only through kernel functions. Thus, the uLSIF-based method can be used
for testing the homogeneity of non-vectorial structured objects such as strings,
trees, and graphs by employing kernel functions defined for such structured
data (Lodhi et al., 2002; Duffy and Collins, 2002; Kashima and Koyanagi, 2002;
Kondor and Lafferty, 2002; Kashima et al., 2003; Gärtner et al., 2003; Gärtner,
2003). This is an advantage over traditional two-sample tests.

10.2.2 Hypothesis Testing

A hypothesis test is a statistical method of decision making from data samples
(Henkel, 1976). Here, we briefly review the framework of hypothesis testing (see
Figure 10.1).
The hypothesis being tested is called the null hypothesis and denoted by H0 .
Its complementary hypothesis is called the alternative hypothesis and denoted by
H1 . In the case of two-sample tests, the null hypothesis H0 is that the two data-
generating distributions are equivalent, and the alternative hypothesis H1 is that
the two data-generating distributions are different. A decision is made whether the
null hypothesis is accepted or rejected under a pre-specified significance level α.
The significance level is conventionally set to α = 0.01 or 0.05.
For testing, some test statistic η is considered; typically, an estimator of the “dis-
tance” between the two data-generating distributions is used. Then the distribution
of the test statistic is computed under the assumption that the null hypothesis H0
is correct.
Next, the value of the test statistic  η for the given data is computed, and its
ranking in the null distribution is evaluated. If  η is in the critical region, which is
a tail of the null distribution with probability α, the null hypothesis H0 is rejected.
Otherwise, there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis H0 , and thus
the null hypothesis H0 is accepted.
A key component in this hypothesis testing procedure is the kind of test statistics
that is used and how the null distribution of the test statistics is computed. In this

Distribution of test statistic η

under null hypothesis Critical region

Value of test statistic η
computed from given samples

Figure 10.1. Framework of hypothesis testing.

152 10 Distribution Comparison

section we use the uLSIF-based divergence estimator described in Section 10.2.3

as a test statistic. For computing the null distribution, we use a general-purpose
numerical method called the permutation test, which is described in Section 10.2.4.

10.2.3 Divergence Estimation

To describe a divergence estimator based on uLSIF, suppose we are given a set of
samples X := {x i |x i ∈ Rd }ni=1 drawn independently from a probability distribution

P ∗ with density p ∗ (x), and another set of samples X  := {x j |x j ∈ Rd }nj =1 drawn
independently from (possibly) another probability distribution P ∗ with density
p∗ (x):
i.i.d.  i.i.d.
{x i }ni=1 ∼ P ∗ and {x j }nj =1 ∼ P ∗ .
Let us consider the Pearson (PE) divergence (Pearson, 1900) from P ∗ to P ∗
as a discrepancy measure between P ∗ and P ∗ , which is defined and expressed as
  ∗ 2
∗ ∗ 1 p (x)
PE(P , P ) := − 1 p ∗ (x)dx
2 p ∗ (x)
1 1
= r ∗ (x)p ∗ (x)dx − r ∗ (x)p ∗ (x)dx + , (10.1)
2 2
where r ∗ (x) is the density-ratio function defined by
p∗ (x)
r ∗ (x) = .
p ∗ (x)
PE(P ∗ , P ∗ ) vanishes if and only if P ∗ = P ∗ . The PE divergence is a squared-
loss variant of the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951)
and is an instance of the f -divergences, which are also known as the Ali–Silvey–
Csiszár (ASC) divergence (Csiszár, 1967; Ali and Silvey, 1966).
Let us replace the density-ratio function r ∗ (x) by a uLSIF estimator  r(x) (see
Section 6.2.2):

r(x) = 
θ ψ (x),

where b denotes the number of basis functions,

  + λI b )−1
θ = (H  ,  = 1
h, H ψ (x j )ψ  (x j ),

n j =1
x − c 2
h = ψ (x i ), ψ (x) = exp − ,
n i=1 2σ 2

I b is the b-dimensional identity matrix, λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter,

and {c }b =1 are Gaussian centers chosen randomly from {x i }ni=1 . To these kernel
basis functions we may also add a constant basis function ψ0 (x) = 1.
10.2 Two-Sample Test 153

Approximating the expectations in Eq. (10.1) by empirical averages, we have

the following PE divergence estimator:

n n
 , X ) := 1
r(x i ) −  
r(x j ) +
2n i=1 n j =1 2

1    1
= h θ −h θ + ,
2 2
where h = n1 nj =1 ψ (x j ).
 , X  ) can take a negative value, although the true PE(P ∗ , P ∗ )
Note that PE(X
 , X  ) can be
is non-negative by definition. Thus, the estimation accuracy of PE(X
improved by rounding up a negative estimate to zero. However, we do not employ
this rounding-up strategy here because we are interested in the relative ranking of
the divergence estimates, as explained in Section 10.2.4.

10.2.4 Least-Squares Two-Sample Test

Here we describe a two-sample test method based on PE(X  , X  ). We first describe a
basic procedure of the two-sample test and show its theoretical properties. Then we
illustrate its behavior using a toy dataset and discuss practical issues for improving
the performance.

Permutation Test
The two-sample test described here is based on the permutation test
(Efron and Tibshirani, 1993).
We first run the uLSIF-based PE divergence estimation procedure using the
 , X  ). Next,
original datasets X and X  and obtain a PE divergence estimate PE(X

we randomly permute the |X ∪X | samples, and assign the first |X | samples to a set
X and the remaining |X  | samples to another set X
 (see Figure 10.2). Then we run
the uLSIF-based PE divergence estimation procedure again using the randomly
shuffled datasets X and X  and obtain a PE divergence estimate PE(
 X , X
 ). Note
 and X
that X  can be regarded as being drawn from the same distribution. Thus,

X X′

~ ~
X X′

Figure 10.2. Randomly re-shuffling samples.

154 10 Distribution Comparison

PE( , X
 ) would take a value close to zero. This random shuffling procedure is
repeated many times, and the distribution of PE(  X , X
 ) under the null hypothesis
(i.e., the two distributions are the same) is constructed. Finally, the p-value is
approximated by evaluating the relative ranking of PE(X  , X  ) in the distribution
of PE(X , X ).

This two-sample method is called the least-squares two-sample test (LSTT;

Sugiyama et al., 2011c).
Suppose |X | = |X  |, and let F be the distribution function of PE( , X
 ). Let

β := sup{t ∈ R|F (t) ≤ 1 − α}

be the upper 100α-percentile point of F (see Figure 10.3). If P ∗ = P ∗ , it was

shown (Sugiyama et al., 2011c) that
% &
 , X  ) > β ≤ α,
Prob PE(X

where Prob(e) denotes the probability of an event e.

 , X )
This means that, for a given significance level α, the probability that PE(X
∗ ∗
exceeds β is at most α when P = P . Thus, when the null hypothesis is correct,
it will be properly accepted with a specified probability.

Numerical Examples
Let the number of samples be n = n = 500, and
X = {x i }ni=1 ∼ P ∗ = N (0, 1),
X  = {x j }nj =1 ∼ P ∗ = N (µ, σ 2 ),

where N(µ, σ 2 ) denotes the normal distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2 . We
consider the following four setups:
(a) (µ, σ ) = (0, 1.3): P ∗ has a larger standard deviation than P ∗ .
(b) (µ, σ ) = (0, 0.7): P ∗ has a smaller standard deviation than P ∗ .
(c) (µ, σ ) = (0.3, 1): P ∗ and P ∗ have different means.
(d) (µ, σ ) = (0, 1): P ∗ and P ∗ are the same.


β PE ( X , X  )

Figure 10.3. The role of the variables α and β.

10.2 Two-Sample Test 155

40 p−value = 0.02 40 p−value = 0.01

20 20

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(a) ( µ, σ) = (0, 1.3) (b) ( µ, σ) = (0, 0.7)

40 p−value = 0.02 40 p−value = 0.58

20 20

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
(c) ( µ, σ) = (0.3, 1) (d) (µ, σ) = (0, 1)

Figure 10.4. Histograms of PE( , X ) (i.e., shuffled datasets) for the toy dataset. “×”
indicates the value of PE(X , X ) (i.e., the original datasets).

Figure 10.4 depicts histograms of PE(  X , X ) (i.e., shuffled datasets), showing
that the profiles of the null distribution (i.e., the two distributions are the same)
are rather similar to each other for the four cases. The values of PE(X  , X  ) (i.e.,
the original datasets) are also plotted in Figure 10.4 using the “×” symbol on the
horizontal axis, showing that the p-values tend to be small when P ∗ # = P ∗ and the
p-value is large when P ∗ = P ∗ . This is desirable behavior as a test.
Figure 10.5 depicts the means and standard deviations of p-values over 100 runs
as functions of the sample size n (= n ), indicated by “plain.” The graphs show
that, when P ∗ # = P ∗ , the p-values tend to decrease as n increases. On the other
hand, when P ∗ = P ∗ , the p-values are almost unchanged and kept to relatively
large values.
Figure 10.6 depicts the rate of accepting the null hypothesis (i.e., P ∗ = P ∗ )
over 100 runs when the significance level is set to 0.05 (i.e., the rate of p-values
larger than 0.05). The graphs show that, when P ∗ #= P ∗ , the null hypothesis tends
to be more frequently rejected as n increases. On the other hand, when P ∗ = P ∗ ,
the null hypothesis is almost always accepted. Thus, the LSTT was shown to work
properly for these toy datasets.

Choice of Numerator and Denominator

In LSTT, uLSIF was used for estimating the density-ratio function r ∗ (x):
p∗ (x)
r ∗ (x) = .
p ∗ (x)
By definition, the reciprocal of the density-ratio r ∗ (x),
1 p ∗ (x)
= ,
r ∗ (x) p ∗ (x)
156 10 Distribution Comparison

Plain 0.35
0.5 Reciprocal
Adaptive 0.3
0.3 0.2
0.2 0.15
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
n n
(a) ( µ, σ ) = (0, 1.3) (b) ( µ, σ ) = (0, 0.7)

0.6 0.8
0.3 0.4
0 0
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
n n
(c) ( µ, σ ) = (0.3, 1) (d) ( µ, σ ) = (0, 1)

Figure 10.5. Means and standard deviations of p-values for the toy dataset.

1 1
Reciprocal 0.8
0.8 Adaptive
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
n n
(a) (µ,σ) = (0, 1.3) (b) ( µ,σ) = (0, 0.7)

1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500
n n
(c) ( µ,σ ) = (0.3, 1) (d) (µ,σ) = (0, 1)

Figure 10.6. The rate of accepting the null hypothesis (i.e., P ∗ = P ∗ ) for the toy dataset
under the significance level 0.05.
10.2 Two-Sample Test 157

is also a density-ratio, assuming that p ∗ (x) > 0 for all x. This means that we can
use uLSIF in two ways, estimating either the original density-ratio r ∗ (x) or its
reciprocal 1/r ∗ (x).
To illustrate this difference, we perform the same experiments as previously, but
swap X and X  . The obtained p-values and the acceptance rate are also included in
Figures 10.5 and 10.6 as “reciprocal.” In the experiments, we prefer to have smaller
p-values when P ∗ # = P ∗ and larger p-values when P ∗ = P ∗ . The graphs show
that, when (µ, σ ) = (0, 1.3), estimating the inverted density-ratio gives slightly
smaller p-values and a significantly lower acceptance rate. On the other hand, when
(µ, σ ) = (0, 0.7), reciprocal estimation yields larger p-values and a significantly
higher acceptance rate. When (µ, σ ) = (0.3, 1) and (µ, σ ) = (0, 1), the ‘plain’ and
‘reciprocal’ methods result in similar p-values and thus similar acceptance rates.
These experimental results imply that, if the plain and reciprocal approaches are
adaptively chosen, the performance of the homogeneity test may be improved.
Figure 10.5 showed that, when P ∗ = P ∗ [i.e., (µ, σ ) = (0, 1)], the p-values
are large enough to reject the null hypothesis for both the plain and reciprocal
approaches. Thus, the type I error (the rejection rate of correct null hypotheses,
i.e., two distributions are judged to be different when they are actually the same)
would be sufficiently small for both approaches, as illustrated in Figure 10.6.
Based on this observation, a strategy of choosing a smaller p-value between
the plain and reciprocal approaches was proposed (Sugiyama et al., 2011c). This
allows one to reduce the type II error (the acceptance rate of incorrect null hypothe-
ses, i.e., two distributions are judged to be the same when they are actually
different), and thus the power of the test can be enhanced.
The experimental results of this adaptive method are also included in
Figures 10.5 and 10.6 as “adaptive.” The results show that p-values obtained by
the adaptive method are smaller than those obtained by the plain and reciprocal
approaches. This provides significant performance improvement when P ∗ # = P ∗ .
On the other hand, smaller p-values can be problematic when P ∗ = P ∗ because
the acceptance rate can be lowered. However, as the experimental results show,
the p-values are still large enough to accept the null hypothesis, and thus there is
no critical performance degradation in this illustrative example.
A pseudo code of the “adaptive” LSTT method is summarized in Figures 10.7
and 10.8. Although the permutation test is computationally intensive, it can be
easily parallelized using multi-processors/cores.
AMATLAB® implementation of LSTT is available from http://sugiyama-www.cs.˜sugi/software/LSTT/.

10.2.5 Relation to Existing Methods

The maximum mean discrepancy (MMD; Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al.,
2007) is a kernel-based homogeneity test. Here, we review the definition of MMD
and explain its basic properties.
158 10 Distribution Comparison

Input: Two sets of samples X = {x i }ni=1 and X  = {x j }nj =1
Output: p-value p

 , X  );
p0 ←− PE(X   , X );
p0 ←− PE(X
For t = 1, . . . , T
Randomly split X ∪ X  into X  of size |X | and X
 of size |X  |;
pt ←− PE(  X , X
 );  X
pt ←− PE(  , X
' '
p ←− T1 Tt=1 I (pt > p0 ); p ←− T1 Tt=1 I (pt > p0 );
 ←− min(p, p  );

Figure 10.7. Pseudo code of LSTT. Pseudo code of PE(X  , X  ) is given in Figure 10.8.
I (c) denotes the indicator function, i.e., I (c) = 1 if the condition c is true; otherwise
I (c) = 0. When |X | = |X
 | (i.e., n = n ), p  ←− PE(
 X  , X
) may be replaced by p ←− pt
t t
because switching X and X  does not essentially affect the estimation of the
PE divergence.

Input: Two sets of samples X = {x i }ni=1 and X  = {x j }nj =1
 , X )
Output: PE divergence estimate PE(X

Randomly split X into {Xm }M 

m=1 and X into {Xm }m=1 ;

For each candidate of Gaussian width σ

For m = 1, . . . , M
, , 2
- , --
x−x n 2
% k σ (x) = 1, exp − x−x 2σ 2
, . . . , exp − 2σ 2
' '
Gm ←− 
 k σ (x )k σ (x ) ; 
g m ←− k σ (x);
x ∈Xm x∈Xm
For each candidate of regularization parameter λ
For m = 1, . . . , M
, ' -−1, ' -

θ m ←− |X  \X 1  1
m m # =m G m +λI n+1 |X \Xm |
g m ;
m #=m 
1    1 
JmCV (σ , λ) ←−  | θ m G m θ m − |X | θ m
2|Xm m
JCV (σ , λ) ←− M1 M CV
m=1 Jm (σ , λ);
λ) ←− argmin (σ ,λ) JCV (σ , λ);
σ ,

h ←− |X1 | x∈X kσ (x);
, ' -−1

θ ←− |X1  | x ∈X  kσ (x  )kσ (x  ) +  λI n+1  h;
, ' -
 , X ) ←− 
PE(X  1
θ h − 
θ 1
k (x 
) + 12 ;
2 |X  | x ∈X 

Figure 10.8. Pseudo code of uLSIF-based PE divergence estimator.

10.2 Two-Sample Test 159

MMD is an integral probability metric (Müller, 1997) defined as

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
MMD(H, P , P ) := sup f (x)p (x)dx − f (x)p (x)dx ,
f ∈H

where H : Rd → R is some function class. When H is a unit ball in a universal

reproducing kernel Hilbert space (universal RKHS; Steinwart, 2001) defined on
a compact metric space, then MMD(H, P ∗ , P ∗ ) vanishes if and only if P ∗ = P ∗ .
Gaussian RKHSs are examples of the universal RKHS.
Let K(x, x  ) be a reproducing kernel function. Then the reproducing property
(Aronszajn, 1950) allows one to extract the value of a function f ∈ H at a point x
by f (x) = f , K(·, x)H , where ·, ·H denotes the inner product in the RKHS H.
Let  · H be the norm in H. Then, one can explicitly express MMD in terms of
the kernel function as

MMD(H, P ∗ , P ∗ )
= sup f , K(·, x)H p ∗ (x)dx − f , K(·, x)H p ∗ (x)dx
f H ≤1
= sup f, K(·, x)p ∗ (x)dx − K(·, x)p∗ (x)dx
f H ≤1 H
=  K(·, x)p (x)dx − K(·, x)p (x)dx 
 ∗ ∗

where the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality (Bachman and Narici, 2000) was used in
the last equality. Furthermore, by using K(x, x  ) = K(·, x), K(·, x  )H , the squared
MMD can be expressed as
MMD (H, P , P ) =  K(·, x)p (x)dx − K(·, x)p (x)dx 
2 ∗ ∗  ∗ ∗

= K(x, x  )p ∗ (x)p ∗ (x  )dxdx  + K(x, x  )p ∗ (x)p ∗ (x  )dxdx 

−2 K(x, x  )p ∗ (x)p ∗ (x)dxdx  .

This expression allows one to immediately obtain an empirical estimator – with

i.i.d. samples X = {x i }ni=1 following p ∗ (x) and X  = {x j }nj =1 following p ∗ (x), a
consistent estimator of MMD2 (H, P ∗ , P ∗ ) is given as
n n 


2 (H, X , X  ) := 1
MMD K(x , x ) + K(x j , x j  )
i i
n2  n2 
i,i =1 j ,j =1

n n

− K(x i , x j ).
nn i=1 j =1
160 10 Distribution Comparison

By the same permutation test procedure as the one described in Section 10.2.4,
one can compute p-values for MMD2 (H, X , X  ). Furthermore, an asymptotic
2 (H, X , X  ) under P ∗ = P ∗ can be obtained explicitly
distribution of MMD
(Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al., 2007). This allows one to compute the p-
values without resorting to the computationally intensive permutation procedure,
which is an advantage of MMD over LSTT.
2 (H, X , X  ) depends on the choice of the universal RKHS H. In the
original MMD papers (Borgwardt et al., 2006; Gretton et al., 2007), the Gaussian
RKHS with width set to the median distance between samples was used, which is a
popular heuristic in the kernel method community (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002).
Recently, an idea of using the universal RKHS yielding the maximum MMD value
has been introduced (Sriperumbudur et al., 2009). In the experiments, we use this
maximum MMD technique for choosing the universal RKHS, which was shown
to work better than the median heuristic.

10.2.6 Numerical Examples

Here, the experimental performance of LSTT and MMD is compared.
We use binary classification datasets taken from the IDA Repository
(Rätsch et al., 2001). For each dataset, we randomly split all the positive training
samples into two disjoint sets, X and X  , with |X | = |X  |.
We first investigate whether the test methods can correctly accept the null
hypotheses (i.e., X and X  follow the same distribution). We use the Gaussian ker-
nel both for LSTT and MMD. The Gaussian width and the regularization parameter
in LSTT are determined by 5-fold cross-validation. The Gaussian width in MMD
is chosen so that the MMD value is maximized. Because the permutation test pro-
cedures in LSTT and MMD are exactly the same, we are purely comparing the
performance of the MMD and LSTT criteria in this experiment.
We investigate the rate of accepting the null hypothesis as functions of the
relative sample size η for the significance level 0.05. The relative sample size η
means that we use samples of size η|X | and η|X  | for homogeneity testing. The
experimental results are plotted in Figure 10.9 by lines with “◦” symbols. The
results show that the both methods almost always accepted the null hypothesis
correctly, meaning that the type I error (the rejection rate of correct null hypotheses,
i.e., two distributions are judged to be different when they are actually the same)
is small enough for both MMD and LSTT. However, MMD seems to perform
slightly better than LSTT in terms of the type I error.
Next we replace a fraction of the samples in the set X  by randomly chosen
negative training samples. Thus, while X contains only positive training samples,
X  includes both positive and negative training samples. The experimental results
are also plotted in Figure 10.9 by lines with “×” symbols. The results show that
LSTT tends to reject the null hypothesis more frequently than MMD for the banana,
ringnorm, splice, twonorm, and waveform datasets. MMD works better than LSTT
10.2 Two-Sample Test 161

1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
η η η
(a) Banana (b) Breast cancer (c) Diabetes

1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 LSTT(P=P’) 0.6 0.6
0.4 MMD(P=P’) 0.4 0.4
0.2 MMD(P ≠P’) 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
η η η
(d) Flare solar (e) German (f) Heart

1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
η η η
(g) Image (h) Ringnorm (i) Splice

1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
η η η
(j) Thyroid (k) Twonorm (l) Waveform

Figure 10.9. The rate of accepting the null hypothesis (i.e., P ∗ = P ∗ ) for IDA datasets
under the significance level 0.05. η indicates the relative sample size we used in the

for the thyroid dataset, and the two methods are comparable for the other datasets.
Overall, LSTT compares favorably with MMD in terms of the type II error (the
acceptance rate of incorrect null-hypotheses, i.e., two distributions are judged to
be the same when they are actually different).

10.2.7 Remarks
We explained a non-parametric method of testing homogeneity called the least-
squares two-sample test (LSTT). Through experiments, the LSTT was shown to
162 10 Distribution Comparison

produce smaller type II error (the acceptance rate of incorrect null-hypotheses)

than MMD, with a slightly larger type I error (the rejection rate of correct null
The performance of the LSTT relies on the accuracy of the density-ratio estima-
tion. We adopted unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF) because
it possesses the optimal non-parametric convergence rate (Kanamori et al., 2011b)
and optimal numerical stability (Kanamori et al., 2011c). uLSIF is computation-
ally highly efficient thanks to the analytic-form solution, which is an attractive
feature in the computationally demanding permutation test. Nevertheless, the per-
mutation test is still time consuming, and hence speedup is an important future
Mutual Information Estimation

For random variables X and Y, mutual information (MI) is defined as follows1

(Cover and Thomas, 2006):

p ∗ (x, y)
MI(X ,Y) := p∗ (x, y) log ∗ dxdy. (11.1)
p (x)p ∗ (y)
MI can be regarded as the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler,
1951) from the joint density p∗ (x, y) to the product of marginals p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y). This
means that MI is zero if and only if

p ∗ (x, y) = p∗ (x)p ∗ (y),

that is, X and Y are statistically independent. Therefore, MI can be used for
detecting the statistical independence of random variables.
A variant of MI based on the Pearson (PE) divergence (Pearson, 1900) is
given by
  ∗ 2
1 p (x, y)
SMI(X ,Y) := p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y) − 1 dxdy, (11.2)
2 p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y)
which is called the squared-loss mutual information (SMI). Similarly to MI, SMI
is zero if and only if X and Y are statistically independent. Thus, SMI can also be
used for detecting the statistical independence of random variables.
In this chapter we introduce methods of mutual information estimation based
on density ratios and show their applications in machine learning. In Section 11.1,
density-ratio methods of mutual information estimation are described. Then we
show how the mutual information estimators may be utilized for solving sufficient
dimension reduction (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010) in Section 11.2 and indepen-
dent component analysis (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011) in Section 11.3. Note that
1 To be precise, the density functions p ∗ (x, y), p ∗ (x), and p ∗ (y) should have different names, e.g.,
∗ (x, y), p ∗ (x), and p ∗ (y). However, to simplify the notation, we use the same name p ∗ in this

164 11 Mutual Information Estimation

the mutual information estimators can also be used for solving various machine
learning tasks such as independence testing (Sugiyama and Suzuki, 2011), vari-
able selection (Suzuki et al., 2009b), clustering (Kimura and Sugiyama, 2011;
Sugiyama et al., 2011d), object matching (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2011a), and
causality learning (Yamada and Sugiyama, 2010). For details, please refer to each

11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation

In this section we describe methods of mutual information estimation based on
density ratios. After an introduction in Section 11.1.1, we formulate the problem
of mutual information estimation in Section 11.1.2. Then we describe an estimator
of mutual information in Section 11.1.3 and an estimator of squared-loss mutual
information in Section 11.1.4. The relation between density-ratio methods and
other mutual information estimators is explained in Section 11.1.5, and numeri-
cal examples are provided in Section 11.1.6. Finally, the section is concluded in
Section 11.1.7.

11.1.1 Introduction
A naive approach to estimating mutual information (MI) is to use nonpara-
metric density estimation methods such as kernel density estimation (KDE;
Fraser and Swinney, 1986); that is, the densities p ∗ (x, y), p ∗ (x), and p ∗ (y)
included in Eq. (11.1) are estimated separately from the samples, and the estimated
densities are used for approximating MI. The bandwidth of the kernel functions
may be optimized based on cross-validation (Härdle et al., 2004), and hence there
is no open tuning parameter in this approach. However, density estimation is
known to be a hard problem, and division by estimated densities tends to magnify
the estimation error. Therefore, the KDE-based method may not be reliable in
Another approach uses histogram-based density estimators with data-dependent
partitions. In the context of estimating the KL divergence, histogram-based
∗ (x,y)
methods, which could be regarded as implicitly estimating the ratio p∗p(x)p ∗ (y) ,
have been studied thoroughly and their consistency has been established
(Darbellay and Vajda, 1999; Wang et al., 2005; Silva and Narayanan, 2007). How-
ever, the rate of convergence seems to be unexplored at present, and such
histogram-based methods seriously suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Thus,
these methods may not be reliable in high-dimensional problems.
Based on the fact that MI can be expressed in terms of the entropies, the nearest
neighbor distance has been used for approximating MI (Kraskov et al., 2004). Such
a nearest neighbor approach was shown to perform better than the naive KDE-
based approach (Khan et al., 2007), given that the number k of nearest neighbors
is chosen appropriately – a small (large) k yields an estimator with a small (large)
bias and a large (small) variance. However, appropriately determining the value of
k so that the bias-variance trade-off is optimally controlled is not straightforward
11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 165

in the context of MI estimation. A similar nearest-neighbor idea has been applied

to KL divergence estimation (Pérez-Cruz, 2008) in which consistency has been
proved for finite k; this is an interesting result because KL divergence estimation
is consistent even when density(-ratio) estimation is not consistent. However, the
rate of convergence seems to still be an open research issue.
Approximating the entropies based on the Edgeworth expansion (EDGE) has
also been explored in the context of MI estimation (Hulle, 2005). The EDGE
method works well when the target density is close to Gaussian. However, if the
target density is far from Gaussian, the EDGE method is no longer reliable.
In this section we consider an MI estimator based on the KL importance esti-
mation procedure (KLIEP; Sugiyama et al., 2008; see also Chapter 5). This
MI estimation method, called maximum likelihood mutual information (MLMI;
Suzuki et al., 2008), can overcome the limitations of the previously mentioned
approaches. MLMI does not involve density estimation but directly learns the
density ratio
p ∗ (x, y)
r ∗ (x, y) :=
p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y)
via maximum likelihood (ML) estimation.
Similarly, SMI defined by Eq. (11.2) can be estimated based on uncon-
strained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; Kanamori et al., 2009; see also
Section 6.2.2). This SMI estimation method, called least-squares mutual informa-
tion (LSMI; Suzuki et al., 2009b), provides an analytic-form SMI approximator
that can be computed efficiently in the same way as uLSIF.

11.1.2 Problem Formulation

Here we formulate the problem of MI estimation.
Let X ⊂ Rdx and Y ⊂ Rdy be data domains, where dx and dy are the dimen-
sionalities of X and Y, respectively. Suppose we are given n independent and
identically distributed (i.i.d.) paired samples
{(x k , yk ) | x k ∈ X , yk ∈ Y}nk=1
drawn from a joint distribution with density p∗ (x, y). Let p∗ (x) and p∗ (y) denote
the marginal densities of x and y, respectively. The goal is to estimate MI defined
by Eq. (11.1) or SMI defined by Eq. (11.2) from the samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 .
In the methods described in the following, we estimate the density ratio r ∗ (x, y)
defined by
p ∗ (x, y)
r ∗ (x, y) := .
p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y)
Then MI can be approximated using a density-ratio estimator 
r(x, y) as

 ,Y) := 1
MI(X log
r(x k , yk ). (11.3)
n k=1
166 11 Mutual Information Estimation

Similarly, SMI can be approximated as

 ,Y) := 1
r(x k , yk ) −
2n k=1 2


  (X ,Y) := − 1 1
SMI r(x k , yk )2 +
r(x k , yk ) − , (11.5)
2n  n  2
k,k =1 k =1

where we use the fact that SMI(X ,Y) can be equivalently expressed as

1 1
SMI(X ,Y) = p ∗ (x, y)r ∗ (x, y)dxdy −
2 2

=− p ∗ (x)p ∗ (y)r ∗ (x, y)2 dxdy

+ p∗ (x, y)r ∗ (x, y)dxdy − .

11.1.3 Maximum Likelihood Mutual Information

Let us employ the KL importance estimation procedure (KLIEP; Sugiyama
et al., 2008; see also Chapter 5) for learning the density-ratio model r(x, y). The
optimization criterion is given as follows:

max log r(x k , yk )

r n k=1

s.t. r(x k , yk ) = 1 and r(x, y) ≥ 0 for all x, y.

k,k =1

Once a density-ratio estimator  r(x, y) is obtained, MI can be approximated by

Eq. (11.3). This method is called maximum likelihood mutual information (MLMI;
Suzuki et al., 2008).
As a density-ratio model r(x, y), one may can choose from various models
such as linear/kernel models (Section 5.2.1), log-linear models (Section 5.2.2),
Gaussian mixture models (Section 5.2.3), and probabilistic principal–component–
analyzer mixture models (Section 5.2.4).
A MATLAB® implementation of MLMI for linear/kernel models is available

11.1.4 Least-Squares Mutual Information

Let us employ unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; Kanamori
et al., 2009; see also Section 6.2.2) for density-ratio estimation. We model the
11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 167

density ratio by a linear model:


r(x, y) = θ ψ (x, y) = ψ(x, y) θ ,


where ψ(x, y) (∈ Rb ) is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a

parameter vector. Let

n n
 := 1   1

H ψ(x k , y k  )ψ(x k , yk  ) and h := ψ(x k , yk ).

n2  n k=1
k,k =1

Then the uLSIF solution is given analytically as θ = (H + λI b )−1

h, where λ (≥ 0)
is the regularization parameter and I b is the b-dimensional identity matrix.
Once a density-ratio estimator
r(x, y) is obtained, SMI can be approximated by
Eq. (11.4) or Eq. (11.5). This method is called least-squares mutual information
(LSMI; Suzuki et al., 2009b).
As basis functions one may use a Gaussian kernel model in the regression
scenarios where y is continuous:
x − u 2 y − v 2
ψ (x, y) = exp − exp − ,
2σ 2 2σ 2

where {(u , v )}b =1 are Gaussian centers chosen randomly from {(x k , yk )}nk=1 . In
the classification scenario where y is categorical, the following Gaussian–delta
kernel model would be useful:
x − u 2
ψ (x, y) = exp − δ(y = v ),
2σ 2

1 if the condition c is true,
δ(c) =
0 otherwise.

To these kernel basis functions we may also add a constant basis function
ψ0 (x, y) = 1.
A MATLAB® implementation of LSMI is available from http://sugiyama-˜sugi/software/LSMI/.

11.1.5 Relation to Existing Methods

Here we discuss the characteristics of various approaches to mutual information
estimation and a kernel-based independence measure.

 becomes block-diagonal, given that the sam-

2 When the Gaussian-delta kernel is used, the matrix H
ples are sorted according to the class labels (Sugiyama et al., 2011d). Utilizing this block-diagonal
structure, we can compute the solution  θ = (H + λI b )−1
h more efficiently.
168 11 Mutual Information Estimation

Kernel Density Estimation and Adaptive Histogram Methods

Kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric technique for estimating a
density function p ∗ (x) from its i.i.d. samples {x k }nk=1 (see Section 2.3.1). For the
Gaussian kernel, KDE is expressed as

1 x − x k 2
(x) =
p exp − ,
n(2πσ 2 )dx /2 k=1 2σ 2

where dx is the dimensionality of x. The performance of KDE depends on the

choice of the kernel width σ , and it can be optimized by cross-validation (see
Section 2.3.3).
KDE-based estimations of MI can be performed using density estimators
(x, y), p
p (y) obtained from {(x k , yk )}nk=1 , {x k }nk=1 , and {yk }nk=1 , respec-
(x), and p
tively, as

 (KDE) (X ,Y) := 1 (x k , yk )
MI log .
n k=1 (x k )
p p (yk )

However, density estimation is known to be a hard problem, and division by

estimated densities may expand the estimation error. For this reason, the KDE-
based approach may not be reliable in practice.
Histogram-based estimators with data-dependent partitions are more adaptive
density estimation schemes. In the context of KL divergence estimation, the consis-
tency properties of histogram-based methods, which may be regarded as implicitly
∗ (x,y)
estimating the ratio p∗p(x)p ∗ (y) , have been investigated in Wang et al. (2005) and
Silva and Narayanan (2007). MI estimation following this line has been explored
in Darbellay and Vajda (1999). However, such histogram-based methods may seri-
ously suffer from the curse of dimensionality, and therefore they are not reliable
in high-dimensional problems. Furthermore, the convergence rate seems to be
unexplored as of yet.

Nearest Neighbor Method

If estimates of the entropies are obtained, MI can be estimated via the MI–entropy
identity as

MI(X ,Y) = H (X ) + H (Y) − H (X ,Y),

where H (X ) denotes the entropy of X :

H (X ) := − p∗ (x) log p ∗ (x)dx.

Thus, MI can be approximated if the entropies H (X ), H (Y), and H (X ,Y) are

An entropy estimator that utilizes the nearest neighbor (NN) distance has
been developed in Kraskov et al. (2004). Let us define the norm of z = (x, y) by
11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 169

zz := max{x, y}, where  ·  denotes the Euclidean norm. Let Nk (i) be the
set of k-NN samples of z i = (x i , yi ) with respect to the norm  · z , and let
@x (i) := max{x i − x j  | (x j , yj ) ∈ Nk (i)},
cx (i) := |{z j | x i − x j  ≤ @x (i)}|,
@y (i) := max{yi − yj  | (x j , yj ) ∈ Nk (i)},
cy (i) := |{z j | yi − yj  ≤ @y (i)}|.
Then the NN-based MI estimator is given by
n .

 (k-NN) (X ,Y) := F(k) + F(n) − 1 − 1
MI F(cx (i)) + F(cy (i)) ,
k n i=1

where F is the digamma function.

An advantage of the NN-based method is that it does not simply replace
entropies with their estimates; it is designed to cancel the error of individual entropy
estimates. A practical drawback of the NN-based approach is that the estimation
accuracy depends on the value of k, and there seems to be no systematic strategy for
choosing the value of k appropriately. Faivishevsky and Goldberger (2009, 2010)
proposed taking the average over all k, by which an explicit choice of k becomes
no longer necessary. Although this smoothed estimator was shown to work well
in some cases, its theoretical validity is not clear.
Recently, a KL divergence estimator utilizing NN density estimation (see
Section 2.3.2) was proposed in Pérez-Cruz (2008), and its consistency has been
investigated. A notable property of this estimator is that the consistency of the den-
sity estimation is not necessary to establish the consistency of the KL divergence
estimator. However, the rate of convergence still seems to be an open research issue.

Edgeworth Expansion Method

An entropy estimator based on the Edgeworth (EDGE) expansion was proposed
in Hulle (2005). The basic idea is to approximate the entropy by that of the normal
distribution and some additional higher order correction terms. More specifically,
 of the entropy H is given by
for a d-dimensional distribution, an estimator H

2 d

2 d

κi,i,i κi,i,j κi,j ,k
 = Hnormal −
H − − ,
12 i,j =1,i# =j
4 i,j ,k=1,i<j <k

where Hnormal is the entropy of the normal distribution with a covariance matrix
equal to the target distribution and κi,j ,k (1 ≤ i, j , k ≤ d) is the standardized third
cumulant of the target distribution. An estimate of MI can be obtained via the
MI–entropy identity as
 (EDGE) (X ,Y) := H
MI (X ) + H
(Y) − H
(X ,Y).

In practice, all the cumulants should be estimated from samples.

170 11 Mutual Information Estimation

If the underlying distribution is close to normal, the above approximation is

accurate and the EDGE-based method works well. However, if the distributions
are far from the normal distribution, the approximation error becomes large, and
therefore the EDGE-based method is no longer reliable.
In principle, it is possible to include the fourth and even higher cumulants for
reducing the estimation bias further. However, this in turn increases the estimation

Hilbert–Schmidt Independence Criterion

We now describe a kernel-based independence measure called the Hilbert–Schmidt
independence criterion (HSIC; Gretton et al., 2005, 2008), which is based on
characteristic functions (see also Feuerverger, 1993; Kankainen, 1995).
Let F be a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with reproducing kernel
K(x, x  ) (Aronszajn, 1950), and let G be another RKHS with reproducing kernel
L(y, y ). Let Cxy be a cross-covariance operator from G to F, which is defined
such that, for all f ∈ F and g ∈ G,

f , Cxy gF = f (x) − f (x)p (x)dx
× g(y) − g(y)p (y)dy p ∗ (x, y)dydy,

where ·, ·F denotes the inner product in F. Thus, Cxy can be expressed as
Cxy := K(·, x) − K(·, x)p∗ (x)dx
⊗ L(·, y) − L(·, y)p∗ (y)dy p ∗ (x, y)dxdy,

where ⊗ denotes the tensor product, and we use the reproducing properties:

f (x) = f , K(·, x)F and g(y) = g, L(·, y)G .

The cross-covariance operator is a generalization of the cross-covariance matrix

between random vectors. When F and G are universal RKHSs (Steinwart, 2001)
defined on compact domains X and Y, respectively, the largest singular value of
Cxy is zero if and only if x and y are independent. Gaussian RKHSs are examples
of the universal RKHS.
HSIC is defined as the the squared Hilbert–Schmidt norm (the sum of the
squared singular values) of the cross-covariance operator Cxy :

HSIC(Pxy ) := K(x, x  )L(y, y )p ∗ (x, y)p ∗ (x  , y )dxdydxdy
 ∗ ∗    ∗ ∗  
+ K(x, x )p (x)p (x )dxdx L(y, y )p (y)p (y )dydy
11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 171
−2 K(x, x )p (x )dx L(y, y )p (y )dy p ∗ (x, y)dxdy.

This expression allows one to obtain immediately an empirical estimator; with

the i.i.d. samples Z = {(x k , yk )}nk=1 following p∗ (x, y), a consistent estimator of
HSIC(Pxy ) is given as

HSIC(Z) := K(x i , x i  )L(yi , yi  )
i,i =1

+ K(x i , x i  )L(yj , yj  )
i,i ,j ,j =1

− K(x i , x k )L(yj , yk )
n3 i,j ,k=1

= tr(K L ),
where K i,i  = K(x i , x i  ), Lj ,j  = L(yi , yi  ), = I n − n1 1n 1
n , I n denotes the n-
dimensional identity matrix, and 1n denotes the n-dimensional vector with all
ones. Note that corresponds to the “centering” matrix in the RKHS.
 depends on the choice of the universal RKHSs F and G. In the original
HSIC papers (Gretton et al., 2005, 2008), the Gaussian RKHS with width set to
the median distance between samples was used, which is a popular heuristic in
the kernel method community (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002). However, there is
no theoretical justification for this. On the other hand, the density-ratio methods
are equipped with cross-validation, and thus all the tuning parameters such as the
Gaussian width and the regularization parameter can be optimized in an objective
and systematic way.

11.1.6 Numerical Examples

Here we experimentally illustrate the behavior of the MI estimators described in
the previous subsection.
The task is to estimate MI between x ∈ R and y ∈ R. We use the following four
datasets (see Figure 11.1):

(a) Linear dependence: Y has a linear dependence on x as

% &
X ∼ N 0, 12 and Y |X ∼ N (3X, 1),

where N (µ, σ 2 ) denotes the normal distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2 .
(b) Non-linear dependence 1: Y has a quadratic dependence on X as

X ∼ N (0, 1) and Y |X ∼ N (X2 , 1).

172 11 Mutual Information Estimation

6 10



−4 −5
−1 0 1 −2 0 2
x x
(a) Linear dependence (b) Non-linear dependence 1

2 4

1 2

0 0

−1 −2

−2 −4
−0.5 0 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
x x
(c) Non-linear dependence 2 (d) Independence

Figure 11.1. Datasets used in experiments.

(c) Non-linear dependence 2: Y has a lattice-structured dependence on X as

% &
X ∼ U − 12 , 12 ,
5 % 1& 1
N 0, if X ≤  ,
Y |X ∼ 1 % 1 & 1 %3
& 6
N 1, 3 + 2 N −1, 3 otherwise,
where U (a, b) denotes the uniform distribution on (a, b).
(d) Independence: X and Y are independent each other as
% &
Y ∼ U 0, 12 and Y |X ∼ N (0, 1).
We compare MLMI (with 5-fold cross-validation), KDE (with 5-fold cross-
validation), KNN (with k = 1, 5, 15), and EDGE; the approximation error of an MI
 is measured by
estimate MI
 − MI|.
Error := |MI
Figure 11.2 depicts the approximation error averaged over 100 trials as a function
of the sample size n. The symbol ‘◦’ on a line means that the corresponding method
is the best in terms of the average error or is judged to be comparable to the best
method by the t-test (Henkel, 1976) at the 1% significance level.
11.1 Density-Ratio Methods of Mutual Information Estimation 173

MLMI KNN (1) KNN (15)


0.25 0.4
Average MI approximation error

Average MI approximation error




0 0
50 100 150 50 100 150
Number of samples Number of samples
(a) Linear dependence (b) Non-linear dependence 1

0.5 0.25
Average MI approximation error

Average MI approximation error

0.4 0.2

0.3 0.15

0.2 0.1

0.1 0.05

0 0
50 100 150 50 100 150
Number of samples Number of samples
(c) Non-linear dependence 2 (d) Independence

Figure 11.2. MI approximation error measured by |MI  − MI| averaged over 100 trials as a
function of the sample size n. The symbol “◦” on a line means that the corresponding
method is the best in terms of the average error or is judged to be comparable to the best
method by the t-test at the 1% significance level.

Figure 11.2 shows that (a), MLMI, KDE, KNN with k = 5, and EDGE perform
well on the dataset (b), MLMI tends to outperform the other estimators on the
dataset (c), MLMI and KNN with k = 5 show the best performance against the
other methods on the dataset, and (d) MLMI, EDGE, and KNN with k = 15 perform
well on the dataset.
KDE works moderately well on datasets (a)–(c) and performs poorly on dataset
(d). This instability may be ascribed to division by estimated densities, which tends
to magnify the estimation error. KNN seems to work well on all four datasets
if the value of k is chosen optimally. However, there is no systematic model
selection strategy for KNN (see Section 11.1.5), and hence KNN would be unre-
liable in practice. EDGE works well on datasets (a), (b), and (d), which posses
high normality.3 However, on dataset (c), where the normality of the target

3 Note that, although the Edgeworth approximation is exact when the target distributions are precisely
normal, the EDGE method still suffers from some estimation error because cumulants are estimated
from samples.
174 11 Mutual Information Estimation

distributions is low, the EDGE method performs poorly. In contrast, MLMI with
cross-validation performs reasonably well for all four datasets in a stable manner.
These experimental results show that MLMI nicely compensates for the
weaknesses of the other methods.

11.1.7 Remarks
In this section we described methods of mutual information approximation based
on density-ratio estimation. The density-ratio methods have several useful prop-
erties; for example, they are single-shot procedures, density estimation is not
involved, they are equipped with a cross-validation procedure for model selec-
tion, and the unique global solution can be computed efficiently. The numerical
experiments illustrate the usefulness of the density-ratio approaches.

11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction

Feature selection is aimed at finding a subset of input features and feature extrac-
tion is aimed at finding a subspace (i.e., linear combinations) of input features.
In this section we describe a particular framework of feature extraction called
sufficient dimension reduction and describe a method based on density-ratio
After an introduction in Section 11.2.1, we formulate the problem of suf-
ficient dimension reduction in Section 11.2.2. A sufficient dimension reduc-
tion method based on LSMI, called least-squares dimension reduction (LSDR;
Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010) is described in Section 11.2.3. Numerical examples
are provided in Section 11.2.4, and the section is concluded in Section 11.2.5.

11.2.1 Introduction
The purpose of dimension reduction in supervised learning is to find a low-
dimensional subspace of input features that has “sufficient” information for
predicting output values. Supervised dimension reduction methods can be catego-
rized broadly into two types – wrappers and filters (Guyon and Elisseeff, 2003).
The wrapper approach performs dimension reduction specifically for a particu-
lar predictor, while the filter approach is independent of the choice of successive
If one wants to enhance the prediction accuracy, the wrapper approach is a
suitable choice because predictors’ characteristics can be taken into account in the
dimension reduction phase. On the other hand, if one wants to interpret dimension-
reduced features (e.g., in bioinformatics, computational chemistry, or brain-signal
analysis), the filter approach is more appropriate because the extracted features are
independent of the choice of successive predictors and therefore reliable in terms
of interpretability. Here we focus on the filter approach.
11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction 175

A standard formulation of filter-type dimension reduction is sufficient dimen-

sion reduction (SDR), which is aimed at finding a low-rank projection matrix such
that, given the relevant subspace of input features, the rest becomes condition-
ally independent of output values (Cook, 1998b; Chiaromonte and Cook, 2002;
Li and Lu, 2008; Cook and Forzani, 2009; Fukumizu et al., 2009). A traditional
dependency measure between random variables is the Pearson correlation coef-
ficient (PCC). PCC can be used for detecting linear dependency, and hence it is
useful for Gaussian data. However, the Gaussian assumption is rarely fulfilled in
Recently, kernel-based dimension reduction has been studied to overcome the
weakness of PCC. The Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC; Gretton
et al., 2005; see also Section 11.1.5) utilizes cross-covariance operators on uni-
versal reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs; Steinwart, 2001). HSIC allows
one to efficiently detect non-linear dependency by making use of the reproducing
properties of RKHSs (Aronszajn, 1950), and its usefulness in feature selection
scenarios has been demonstrated in Song et al. (2007b). However, HSIC has sev-
eral weaknesses both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, HSIC evaluates
the independence of random variables, not conditional independence. Thus, HSIC
does not perform SDR in a strict sense. From a practical point of view, HSIC eval-
uates the covariance between random variables, not the correlation. This means
that the change of input feature scaling affects the dimension reduction solution,
which is not preferable in practice.
Kernel dimension reduction (KDR; Fukumizu et al., 2004) can overcome these
weaknesses. KDR evaluates the conditional covariance using the kernel trick.
Therefore, KDR directly performs SDR. KDR was demonstrated to outper-
form other dimension reduction schemes such as canonical correlation analysis
(Hotelling, 1936), partial least squares (Wold, 1966; Goutis and Fearn, 1996;
Durand and Sabatier, 1997; Reiss and Ogden, 2007), sliced inverse regression
(Li, 1991; Bura and Cook, 2001; Cook and Ni, 2005; Zhu et al., 2006), and the
principal Hessian direction (Li, 1992; Cook, 1998a; Li et al., 2000). The the-
oretical properties of KDR such as consistency have been studied thoroughly
(Fukumizu et al., 2009). However, KDR still has a weakness in practice – the per-
formance of KDR (and HSIC) depends on the choice of kernel parameters (e.g.,
the Gaussian width) and the regularization parameter. So far, there seems to be no
systematic model selection method for KDR and HSIC.4
Another possible criterion for SDR is mutual information (MI; Cover and Thomas,
2006). MI may be employed directly in the context of SDR because maximizing

4 In principle, it is possible to choose the Gaussian width and the regularization parameter by cross-
validation (CV) over a successive predictor. However, this is not preferable for the following two
reasons. The first is a significant increase of the computational cost. When CV is used, the tuning
parameters in KDR (or HSIC) and hyperparameters in the target predictor (such as basis parameters
and the regularization parameter) should be optimized at the same time. This results in a deeply
nested CV procedure, and therefore this could be computationally very expensive. Another reason
is that features extracted based on CV over a successive predictor are no longer independent of
predictors. Thus, a merit of the filter approach (i.e., the obtained features are “reliable”) is lost.
176 11 Mutual Information Estimation

Table 11.1. Summary of existing and proposed dependency measures.

Non-linear Model Density Feature

Methods Distribution
dependence selection estimation extraction

Not Not Not

PCC Gaussian Possible
detectable necessary involved
Not Not
HSIC Detectable Free Possible
available involved
Not Not
KDR Detectable Free Possible
available involved
HIST Detectable Available Free Involved
KDE Detectable Available Free Involved Possible
Not Not Not
NN Detectable Free
available involved available
Not Near Not
EDGE Detectable Possible
necessary Gaussian involved
Not Not
MLMI Detectable Available Free
involved available
LSMI Detectable Available Free Possible

MI between the output and a projected input leads to conditional independence of

the output and input given the projected input. So far, a great deal of effort has
been made to estimate MI accurately, as described in Section 11.1. MLMI has been
shown to possess various practical advantages, as summarized in Table 11.1.
Thus, we want to employ the MLMI method for dimension reduction. However,
this is not straightforward because the MLMI estimator is not explicit, that is, the
MLMI estimator is defined implicitly as the solution of an optimization problem
and is computed numerically. In the dimension reduction scenarios, the projection
matrix needs to be optimized over an MI approximator. To cope with this problem,
we adopt the squared-loss MI (SMI) defined by Eq. (11.2) as our independence
measure and use its approximator least-squares MI (LSMI; see Section 11.1.4)
for dimension reduction here. LSMI inherits the good properties of MLMI, and
moreover it provides an analytic SMI estimator (see Table 11.1).

11.2.2 Problem Formulation

Here we formulate the problem of sufficient dimension reduction (SDR; Cook,
1998b; Chiaromonte and Cook, 2002; Li and Lu, 2008; Cook and Forzani, 2009;
Fukumizu et al., 2009).
11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction 177

Let X (⊂ Rd ) be the domain of input feature x, and let Y be the domain of output
data5 y. Let m (∈ {1, . . . , d}) be the dimensionality of the sufficient subspace. To
search the sufficient subspace, we utilize the Grassmann manifold Gr dm (R), which
is the set of all m-dimensional subspaces in Rd defined as
Gr dm (R) := {W ∈ Rm×d | WW = I m }/ ∼, (11.6)

where denotes the transpose, I m is the m-dimensional identity matrix, and “/ ∼”
means that matrices sharing the same range are regarded as equivalent.
Let W∗ be a projection matrix corresponding to a member of the Grassmann
manifold Gr dm , and let z ∗ (∈ Rm ) be the orthogonal projection of input x given
by W∗ :
z ∗ = W∗ x.
Suppose that z ∗ satisfies
y ⊥⊥ x | z ∗ . (11.7)

That is, given the projected feature z , the (remaining) feature x is condition-
ally independent of output y and thus can be discarded without sacrificing the
predictability of y.
Suppose that we are given n i.i.d. paired samples
D = {(x k , yk ) | x k ∈ X , yk ∈ Y}nk=1
drawn from a joint distribution with density p∗ (x, y). The goal of SDR is, from
data D, to find a projection matrix whose range agrees with that of W∗ . For a
projection matrix W (∈ Gr dm (R)) we write z k = Wx k . We assume that the reduced
dimensionality m is known throughout this section.

11.2.3 Least-Squares Dimension Reduction

Here we describe a method of SDR based on least-squares density-ratio estimation.

Characterization of Sufficient Subspace by SMI

A direct approach to SDR is to determine W so that Eq. (11.7) is fulfilled. To this
end, we adopt SMI as our criterion to be maximized with respect to W:
  ∗ 2
1 p (y, z)
SMI(Y, Z) := − 1 p ∗ (y)p ∗ (z)dydz,
2 p ∗ (y)p ∗ (z)
where p∗ (y, z) denotes the joint density of y and z, and p∗ (y) and p∗ (z) denote the
marginal densities of y and z, respectively. SMI(Y, Z) allows one to evaluate the
independence of y and z because SMI(Y, Z) vanishes if and only if
p∗ (y, z) = p∗ (y)p ∗ (z).
5 Y can be multi-dimensional and either continuous (i.e., regression) or categorical (i.e., classification);
structured outputs such as strings, trees, and graphs can also be handled in our framework, as long
as kernel functions for structured data are available.
178 11 Mutual Information Estimation

The rationale behind the use of SMI in the context of SDR relies on the following
Lemma 11.1 (Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2010) Let p ∗ (x, y|z), p ∗ (x|z), and p ∗ (y|z)
be conditional densities. Then we have
SMI(X ,Y) − SMI(Z,Y)
  2 ∗
1 p∗ (x, y|z) p (y, z)2 p ∗ (x)
= 1− ∗ dxdy ≥ 0.
2 p (x|z)p ∗ (y|z) p ∗ (z)2 p ∗ (y)
Lemma 11.1 implies
SMI(X ,Y) ≥ SMI(Z,Y),
and the equality holds if and only if
p ∗ (x, y|z) = p∗ (x|z)p ∗ (y|z),
which is equivalent to Eq. (11.7). Thus, Eq. (11.7) can be achieved by maximizing
SMI(Z,Y) with respect to W; then the “sufficient” subspace can be identified.

SMI Approximation by LSMI

We want to find the projection matrix W that maximizes SMI(Z,Y). However,
SMI is inaccessible in practice because densities p ∗ (y, z), p ∗ (y), and p∗ (z) are
unknown. Thus, SMI needs to be estimated from data samples.
Here we use LSMI (see Section 11.1.4) for SMI approximation. An LSMI-based
SMI estimator, 
SMI(Z,Y), is given as
 1   1
SMI(Z,Y) = 
 θ− θ Hθ − ,
2 2
where, for b being the number of basis functions used in LSMI, 
θ (∈ Rb ), 
h (∈ Rb ),
and H (∈ R ) are given by
y y
 + λI b )−1
θ = (H h,  h = φ (y )φ (z k ),
n k=1 k
 n  n 
y y

z z
H ,  = 2 φ (y )φ  (y ) φ (z k )φ  (z k ) ,
n k=1 k k
k  =1
 , 2
y exp − y−u2σ

2 (regression),
φ (y) =
δ(y = u ) (classification),
z z − v 2 1 if the condition c is true,
φ (z) = exp − 2
, δ(c) =
2σ 0 otherwise.

λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter, σ is the kernel width, and {(u , v )}b =1

are Gaussian centers chosen randomly from {(yk , z k )}ni=1 ; more precisely, we set
11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction 179

u := yτ ( ) and v := z τ ( ) , where {τ ( )}b =1 are randomly chosen from {1, . . . , n}

without replacement.

Sufficient Subspace Search

Finally, we show how LSMI is employed for dimension reduction. Because W is a
projection matrix, dimension reduction involves an optimization problem over the
Grassmann manifold Gr dm (R) [see Eq. (11.6)]. Here we employ a gradient ascent
algorithm to find the maximizer of the LSMI approximator with respect to W.
After a few lines of calculations, we can show that the gradient is given by

∂ SMI ∂h


(2θ − ξ ) − θ  
θ −ξ ,
∂Wj ,i ∂Wj ,i ∂Wj ,i 2

where, for w = (w (1) , . . . , w (d) ) := x τ ( ) ,

 + λI b )−1 H
ξ = (H θ,
h 1
(j ) (j ) (i) z k −v  2 y
=− 2 (zk −v )(xk −w (i) ) exp − φ (yk ),
∂Wj ,i nσ k=1 2σ 2
, (j ) (j ) (i)
∂H 1
y y
= φ (y )φ  (y ) × − 2 (z −v )(xk −w (i) )
∂Wj ,i n k=1 k k nσ k=1 k
(j ) (j ) z k − v 2 + z k − v  2
+(zk −v  )(xk(i)−w (i) ) × exp − .
2σ 2

In the Euclidean space, the ordinary gradient ∂∂W
gives the steepest direction.
However, on a manifold, the natural gradient (Amari, 1998) gives the steepest

direction. The natural gradient ∇ SMI(W) is the projection of the ordinary gradient

to the tangent space of the Grassmann manifold Gr dm (R) at W. If the tangent
space is equipped with the canonical metric G 1 , G 2  = 12 tr(G 
1 G 2 ), the natural
gradient is given as follows (Edelman et al., 1998):

∂ SMI 
∂ SMI 

∇ SMI(W) = − W W = W W⊥ , (11.8)
∂W ∂W ∂W ⊥
where W⊥ is any (d − m) × d matrix such that [W W ⊥ ] is orthogonal. Then the

geodesic from W to the direction of the natural gradient ∇ SMI(W) over Gr m
d (R)
can be expressed using t (∈ R) as
0 1 Om ∂W
W⊥ W
Wt := I d Od−m exp t  ,
−W⊥ ∂ SMI
Od−m W⊥

where “exp” for' a matrix denotes the matrix exponential; that is, for a square matrix
D, exp(D) = ∞ 1 k
k=0 k! D . Od is the d ×d matrix with all zeros. Note that the deriva-
tive ∂t Wt |t=0 coincides with the natural gradient (11.8); see Edelman et al. (1998)
for a detailed derivation of the geodesic. Thus, line search along the geodesic in the
180 11 Mutual Information Estimation

1. Initialize projection matrix W.

2. Optimize Gaussian width σ and regularization parameter λ by CV.
3. Update W by W ← Wt , where t denotes the step size.
4. Repeat 2 and 3 until W converges.

Figure 11.3. The LSDR algorithm.

natural gradient direction is equivalent to finding the maximizer from {Wt | t ≥ 0}.
For choosing the step size of each gradient update, we may use some approximate
line search method such as Armijo’s rule (Patriksson, 1999) or backtracking line
search (Boyd and Vandenberghe, 2004).
The LSMI-based sufficient dimension reduction algorithm is called least-
squares dimension reduction (LSDR). The entire algorithm is summarized
in Figure 11.3. A MATLAB® implementation of LSDR is available from˜sugi/software/LSDR/.

11.2.4 Numerical Examples

Here we experimentally investigate the performance of dimension reduction meth-
ods. In LSDR, Gaussian kernels are used as basis functions. We fix the number
of basis functions to b = min(100, n) and choose the Gaussian width σ and the
regularization parameter λ based on 5-fold CV with a grid search in terms of the
density-ratio estimation error. We restart the natural gradient algorithm 10 times
with random initial points, and choose the one that has the minimum CV score.
We use the following six artificial datasets (see Figure 11.4):

2 10
8 1
0 6

−1 4
−2 −1
−3 −2
−2 −1 0 1 2 −2 0 2 −0.5 0 0.5
x1 x1 x1
(a) Linear dependence (b) Non-linear dependence 1 (c) Non-linear dependence 2

20 1
10 0.5


0 0 −2
2 2 −0.5 −4
0 0
x2 −2 x1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 −2 −1 0 1 2
(d) Artificial data 1 (e) Artificial data 2 (f) Artificial data 3

Figure 11.4. Artificial datasets.

11.2 Sufficient Dimension Reduction 181

(a) Linear dependence: d = 5 and m = 1: y has a linear dependence on x as

% &
y = x (1) + @, x ∼ N (x; 05 , I 5 ), and @ ∼ N y; 0, 14 .

x (i) denotes the i-th element of the vector x, N (x; µ, ) denotes the multi-
variate normal density with mean µ and covariance matrix , 0d denotes the
d-dimensional vector with all zeros, and I d denotes the d-dimensional identity
matrix. The optimal projection is given by W∗ = (1 0 0 0 0).
(b) Non-linear dependence 1: d = 5 and m = 1. y has a quadratic dependence
on x as

y = (x (1) )2 + @, x ∼ N (x; 05 , I 5 ), and @ ∼ N (y; 0, 1) .

The optimal projection is given by W∗ = (1 0 0 0 0).

(c) Non-linear dependence 2: d = 5 and m = 1. y has a lattice-structured
dependence on x as

x ∼ U (x; [− 12 , 12 ]5 )

N (y; 0, 14 ) if x (1) ≤ | 16 |,
y|x ∼
N (y; 1, 14 ) + 12 N (y; −1, 14 ) otherwise,
where U (x; S) denotes the uniform density on the set S. The optimal projection
is given by W∗ = (1 0 0 0 0).
(d) Artificial data 1: d = 4 and m = 2. y has a non-linear dependence on x as
x (1)
y= 0.5+(x (2) +1.5)2
+ (1 + x (2) )2 + 0.4@,

x ∼ N (x; 04 , I 4 ), and @ ∼ N (1; 0, 1).

1 0 0 0
The optimal projection is W∗ = .
0 1 0 0
(e) Artificial data 2: d = 4 and m = 1. y has a non-linear dependence on x as

y = sin2 (π x (1) + 1) + 0.4@,

x ∼ U (x; [0, 1]4 \ {x ∈ R4 | x (i) ≤ 0.7 (i = 1, . . . , 4)}),
@ ∼ N (1; 0, 1).

The optimal projection is W∗ = (1 0 0 0).

(f) Artificial data 3: d = 10 and m = 1. y has a non-linear dependence on x as

y = 0.5(x (1) − 1)2 @, x ∼ N (x; 010 , I 10 ), and @ ∼ N (1; 0, 1).

The optimal projection is W∗ = (1 0 · · · 0).

Let us compare the following methods.
• Least-squares dimension reduction (LSDR)
• Kernel dimension reduction (KDR; Fukumizu et al., 2009)
182 11 Mutual Information Estimation

• The Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC; Gretton et al., 2005; see

also Section 11.1.5)
• Sliced inverse regression (SIR; Li, 1991)
• Sliced average variance estimation (SAVE; Cook, 2000)
• Principal Hessian direction (Li, 1992, pHd)

In KDR and HSIC, the Gaussian width is set to the median sample distance, follow-
ing the suggestions in the original papers (Fukumizu et al., 2009; Gretton et al.,
2005). We use the dimension reduction package dr included in R for SIR, SAVE,
and pHd. The principal directions estimated by SIR, SAVE, and pHd do not nec-
essarily form an orthogonal system; that is, the matrix F, each row of which
corresponds to each principal direction, is not necessarily a projection matrix.
To recover a projection matrix W, we perform a singular decomposition of F as
F = VSU and set W = U .
We evaluate the performance of each method by

W  − W∗ W∗ Frobenius , (11.9)

where ·Frobenius denotes the Frobenius norm, W  is an estimated projection matrix,

and W is an optimal projection matrix.
The performance of each method is summarized in Table 11.2, which describes
the mean and standard deviation of the Frobenius-norm error (11.9) over 50 trials
when the number of samples is n = 100. LSDR shows overall good performance;
in particular, it performs the best for datasets (b), (c), and (e). KDR also tends to
work reasonably well but it sometimes performs poorly; this seems to be caused by
an inappropriate choice of the Gaussian kernel width, implying that the heuristic
of using the median sample distance as the kernel width is not always appropriate.
On the other hand, LSDR with CV performs stably well for various types of

Table 11.2. Mean (and standard deviation in the bracket) of the

Frobenius-norm error (11.9) for toy datasets. The best method in terms
of the mean error and comparable ones based on the t-test at the
significance level 1% are indicated by boldface.


(a) 5 1 .13(.05) .13(.05) .17(.06) .11(.05) .37(.27) .89(.12)

(b) 5 1 .18(.14) .23(.14) .35(.27) .83(.19) .31(.11) .24(.07)
(c) 5 1 .12(.05) .37(.31) .70(.32) .89(.14) .48(.20) .86(.12)
(d) 4 2 .19(.10) .16(.06) .19(.07) .30(.15) .44(.18) .50(.18)
(e) 4 1 .08(.05) .13(.04) .17(.12) .21(.10) .34(.19) .36(.14)
(f) 10 1 .34(.11) .37(.11) .45(.13) .68(.22) .91(.13) .83(.12)
11.3 Independent Component Analysis 183

11.2.5 Remarks
In this section we described a method of sufficient dimension reduction (SDR)
called least-squares dimension reduction (LSDR) that utilizes least-squares
mutual information (LSMI). The LSDR method is advantageous over other
approaches in several respects; for example, density estimation is not involved,
it is distribution-free, and model selection by cross-validation is available. The
numerical experiments show the usefulness of LSDR.
Although the LSMI solution is given analytically, sufficient subspace search
involves non-convex optimization and the natural gradient method is still com-
putationally demanding. Thus, improving the computation cost for a sufficient
subspace search is an important future work. A heuristic for LSMI maximization
is studied in Yamada et al. (2011c).

11.3 Independent Component Analysis

The purpose of independent component analysis (ICA; Hyvärinen et al., 2001) is
to obtain a transformation matrix that separates mixed signals into statistically
independent source signals. A direct approach to ICA is to find a transformation
matrix such that the independence of separated signals is maximized under some
independence measure such as mutual information (MI).
In this section we describe an ICA algorithm, called least-squares ICA (LICA;
Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011), that is based on least-squares mutual information
(LSMI; see Section 11.1.4). After an introduction in Section 11.3.1, the ICA
problem is formulated in Section 11.3.2. The LICA algorithm is described in
Section 11.3.3, and numerical examples are shown in Section 11.3.4. Finally, the
section is concluded in Section 11.3.5.

11.3.1 Introduction
Various approaches to evaluating the independence of random variables from sam-
ples have been explored so far. A naive approach is to estimate probability densities
based on parametric or non-parametric density estimation methods. However, find-
ing an appropriate parametric model is not easy without strong prior knowledge,
and non-parametric estimation is not accurate in high-dimensional problems. Thus,
this naive approach is not reliable in practice. Another approach is to approxi-
mate the negentropy (or negative entropy) based on the Gram–Charlier expansion
(Cardoso and Souloumiac, 1993; Comon, 1994; Amari et al., 1996) or the Edge-
worth expansion (Hulle, 2008). An advantage of this negentropy-based approach
is that the hard task of density estimation is not directly involved. However, these
expansion techniques are based on the assumption that the target density is close
to normal and violation of this assumption can cause large approximation errors.
These approaches are based on the probability densities of signals. Another
line of research that does not explicitly involve probability densities employs
184 11 Mutual Information Estimation

Table 11.3. Summary of existing and proposed ICA methods.



Not Necessary Not Free
(Hyvaerinen, 1999)
Natural-gradient ICA (NICA)
Not Necessary Not Free
(Amari et al., 1996)
Kernel ICA (KICA)
Not Available Free
(Bach and Jordan, 2002)
Edgeworth-expansion ICA (EICA)
Not Necessary Nearly normal
(Hulle, 2008)
Least-squares ICA (LICA)
Available Free
(Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011).

non-linear correlations – signals are statistically independent if and only if all

non-linear correlations among the signals vanish. Following this line, compu-
tationally efficient algorithms have been developed based on a contrast function
(Jutten and Herault, 1991; Hyvaerinen, 1999), which is an approximation of negen-
tropy or mutual information. However, these methods require one to pre-specify
non-linearities in the contrast function, and thus could be inaccurate if the pre-
determined non-linearities do not match the target distribution. To cope with this
problem, the kernel trick (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002) has been applied in ICA,
allowing one to evaluate all non-linear correlations in a computationally efficient
manner (Bach and Jordan, 2002). However, its practical performance depends on
the choice of kernels (more specifically, the Gaussian kernel width), and there
seems to be no theoretically justified method to determine the kernel width (see
also Fukumizu et al., 2009). This is a critical problem in unsupervised learning
problems such as ICA.
In this section we describe an ICA algorithm based on density ratio estimation
that can resolve the previously mentioned problems. The method is called least-
squares ICA (LICA; Suzuki and Sugiyama, 2011). Characteristics of ICA methods
are summarized in Table 11.3, highlighting the advantage of the LICA approach.

11.3.2 Problem Formulation

Suppose there is a d-dimensional random signal x = (x (1) , . . . , x (d) ) drawn from
a distribution with density p∗ (x), where x (1) , . . . , x (d) are statistically independent
of each other. Thus, p ∗ (x) can be factorized as
p ∗ (x) = p1∗ (x (1) ) × · · · × pd∗ (x (d) ).
We cannot directly observe the source signal x, but only a linearly mixed signal y:
y = (y (1) , . . . , y (d) ) := Ax,
11.3 Independent Component Analysis 185

where A is a d × d invertible matrix called the mixing matrix. The goal of ICA is,
given samples of the mixed signals {yk }nk=1 , to obtain a demixing matrix W that
recovers the original source signal x. We denote the demixed signal by z:

z = Wy.

The ideal solution is W = A−1 , but we can only recover the source signals up to
the permutation and scaling of components of x because of the non-identifiability
of the ICA setup (Hyvärinen et al., 2001).

11.3.3 Least-Squares Independent Component Analysis

A direct approach to ICA is to determine W so that the components of z are as
independent as possible. Here we adopt SMI as the independence measure:
  ∗ 2
(1) (d) 1 q (z)
SMI(Z , . . . , Z ) := − 1 r ∗ (z)dz, (11.10)
2 r ∗ (z)
where q ∗ (z) denotes the joint density of z and r ∗ (z) denotes the product of marginal
densities q1∗ (z(1) ), . . . , qd∗ (z(d) ):

r ∗ (z) = q1∗ (z(1) ) × · · · × qd∗ (z(d) ).

SMI Approximation by LSMI

We want to find the demixing matrix W that minimizes SMI(Z (1) , . . . , Z (d) ). How-
ever, SMI is inaccessible in practice because the densities q ∗ (z) and r ∗ (z) are
unknown. Thus, SMI needs to be estimated from data samples.
Let us denote the demixed samples by

{z k |z k = (zk(1) , . . . , zk(d) ) := Wyk }nk=1 .

Here we use LSMI (see Section 11.1.4) for SMI approximation. An LSMI-based
SMI estimator, 
SMI(Z (1) , . . . , Z (d) ), is given as
1  1
SMI(Z (1) , . . . , Z (d) ) = 
 h θ− ,
2 2
n d
(z (i)
− v (i) 2
  + λI b ) h, 
θ = (H −1
h = exp − k
n k=1 i=1 2σ 2
(zk(i) − v (i) )2 + (zk(i) − v (i) )2

and H ,  = d exp − .
n i=1 k=1 2σ 2

b is the number of basis functions used in LSMI, and I b denotes the b-dimensional
identity matrix. Note that  θ and h are b-dimensional vectors and H  is a b × b
matrix. λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter in LSMI, σ is the kernel width, and
186 11 Mutual Information Estimation

{v |v = (v (1) , . . . , v (d) ) }b =1 are Gaussian centers randomly chosen from {z k }nk=1 ;

more precisely, we set v := z τ ( ) , where {τ ( )}b =1 are randomly chosen from
{1, . . . , n} without replacement.
In the following we explain two algorithms, which are called least-squares ICA
(LICA), for obtaining a minimizer of SMI  with respect to the demixing matrix W –
one is based on a plain gradient method (which is referred to as PG-LICA), and
the other is based on a natural gradient method for whitened samples (which is
referred to as NG-LICA). A MATLAB® implementation of LICA is available from˜s-taiji/software/LICA/.

Plain Gradient Algorithm: PG-LICA

Based on the plain gradient technique, an update rule of W is given by

W ←− W − ε , (11.11)
where ε (> 0) is the step size. The gradient is given by

∂ SMI ∂
h  1 ∂ H 
= θ− θ 
θ, (11.12)
∂Wi,i  ∂Wi,i  2 ∂Wi,i 

where, for u = (u(1) (d)  (1) (d) 

, . . . , u ) = yτ ( ) and yk = (yk , . . . , yk ) ,

h 1
(i)   z k − vi  2
=− 2 (zk − v (i) )(yk(i ) − u (i ) ) exp − ,
∂Wi,i  nσ k=1 2σ 2
∂H 1
(zk(i ) − v (i ) )2 + (zk(i ) − v (i ) )2
= d−1 exp −
∂Wi,i  n  k=1
2σ 2
i # =i

, (i) (i) (i  ) (i  ) -
(i) (i) (i  ) (i  )
× − (z −v )(y −u )+(z −v  )(y −u  )
nσ 2 k=1 k k k k

(zk(i) − v (i) )2 + (zk(i) − v (i) )2
× exp − .
2σ 2

In ICA, the scale of components of z can be arbitrary. This implies that the
above gradient updating rule can lead to a solution with poor scaling, which is not
preferable from a numerical point of view. To avoid possible numerical instability,
we normalize W at each gradient iteration as
Wi,i  ←− 6' . (11.13)
d 2
i  =1 Wi,i 

In practice, we may iteratively perform line searches along the gradient and opti-
mize the Gaussian width σ and the regularization parameter λ by cross-validation
(CV). A pseudo code of the PG-LICA algorithm is summarized in Figure 11.5.
11.3 Independent Component Analysis 187

1. Initialize demixing matrix W and normalize it by Eq. (11.13).

2. Optimize Gaussian width σ and regularization parameter λ by CV.

3. Compute gradient ∂∂WSMI
by Eq. (11.12).
4.  [see Eq. (11.10)] is minimized.
Choose step-size t so that SMI
5. Update W by Eq. (11.11).
6. Normalize W by Eq. (11.13).
7. Repeat steps 2–6 until W converges.

Figure 11.5. The LICA algorithm with plain gradient descent (PG-LICA).

Natural Gradient Algorithm for Whitened Data: NG-LICA

The second algorithm is based on a natural gradient technique (Amari, 1998).
Suppose the data samples are whitened, that is, samples {yk }nk=1 are trans-
formed as
yk ←− C − 2 yk , (11.14)
 is the sample covariance matrix:
where C

% n n
 := 1
&% & 1

C yk − y y k − y and y := y .
n k=1 n k=1 k

Then it can be shown that a demixing matrix that eliminates the second-order
correlation is an orthogonal matrix (Hyvärinen et al., 2001). Thus, for whitened
data, the search space of W can be restricted to the orthogonal group O(d) without
loss of generality.
The tangent space of O(d) at W is equal to the space of all matrices U such that
W U is skew symmetric, that is, UW = −WU  . The steepest direction on this

tangent space, which is called the natural gradient, is given as follows (Amari,
1 ∂ SMI 

∇ SMI(W) := −W W , (11.15)
2 ∂W ∂W

where the canonical metric G 1 , G 2  = 12 tr(G 

1 G 2 ) is adopted in the tangent space.
Then the geodesic from
% W in the direction
& of the natural gradient over O(d) can be

expressed by Wexp tW ∇ SMI(W) , where t ∈ R and “exp”' denotes the matrix
exponential; that is, for a square matrix D, exp(D) = ∞ 1 k
k=0 k! D . Thus, when
performing line searches along the geodesic in the natural gradient direction, the
minimizer may be searched from the set
7 % &  8
Wexp −tW ∇ SMI(W)  t ≥0 ; (11.16)

 [see Eq. (11.10)] is minimized and W is updated as

that is, t is chosen such that SMI
% &

W ←− Wexp −tW ∇ SMI(W) . (11.17)
188 11 Mutual Information Estimation

1. Whiten the data samples by Eq. (11.14).

2. Initialize demixing matrix W and normalize it by Eq. (11.13).
3. Optimize Gaussian width σ and regularization parameter λ by CV.
4.  by Eq. (11.15).
Compute the natural gradient ∇ SMI
5.  [see Eq. (11.10)] is minimized over
Choose step size t such that SMI
the set (11.16).
6. Update W by Eq. (11.17).
7. Repeat steps 3–6 until W converges.

Figure 11.6. The LICA algorithm with natural gradient descent (NG-LICA).

Geometry and optimization algorithms on more general structures, such as the

Stiefel manifold, were discussed in detail in Nishimori and Akaho (2005).
A pseudo code of the NG-LICA algorithm is summarized in Figure 11.6.

11.3.4 Numerical Examples

In this subsection we give some numerical examples. We compare LICA
with KICA (Bach and Jordan, 2002), FICA (Hyvaerinen, 1999), and JADE
(Cardoso and Souloumiac, 1993) on artificial and real datasets.
We use the following two-dimensional artificial datasets:

(a) Sub-sub-Gaussians: p ∗ (x) = U (x (1) ; − 12 , 12 )U (x (2) ; − 12 , 12 ), where U (x; a, b)

(a, b ∈ R, a < b) denotes the uniform density on (a, b).
(b) Super-super-Gaussians: p ∗ (x) = L(x (1) ; 0, 1)L(x (2) ; 0, 1), where L(x; µ, v)
(µ ∈ R, v > 0) denotes the Laplace density with mean µ and variance v.
(c) Sub-super-Gaussians: p∗ (x) = U (x (1) ; − 12 , 12 )L(x (2) ; 0, 1).

We also use the demosig dataset available in the FastICA package6 for MATLAB® ,
and 10halo, Sergio7, Speech4, and c5signals datasets available in the ICALAB
signal processing benchmark datasets7 (Cichocki and Amari, 2003).
The Amari index (Amari et al., 1996) is used as the performance measure
(smaller is better):

1 |oi,i  | |oi,i  |
Amari index := +
2d(d − 1)  maxi  |oi,i  | maxi  |oi  ,i  |
i,i =1

− ,
d −1

11.3 Independent Component Analysis 189

 i,i  for an estimated demixing matrix W.

where oi,i  := [WA]  We use the publicly
available MATLAB codes for KICA, FICA, and JADE,10 where default param-
® 8 9

eter settings are used. The hyperparameters σ and λ in LICA are chosen by 5-fold
CV from the 10 values in [0.1, 1] at regular intervals and the 10 values in [0.001, 1]
at regular intervals in log scale, respectively.
We randomly generate the mixing matrix A and source signals for artificial
datasets and compute the Amari index between the true A and W  −1 for W
by each method. As training samples, we use the first n samples for the Sergio7
and c5signals datasets, and the n samples between the 1001th and (1000+n)-th
intervals for the 10halo and Speech4 datasets. We test n = 200 and 500.
The performance of each method is summarized in Table 11.4, depicting the
mean and standard deviation of the Amari index over 50 trials. NG-LICA shows
overall good performance. KICA tends to work reasonably well for datasets (a),
(b), (c), and demosig, but it performs poorly for the ICALAB datasets; this seems
to be caused by an inappropriate choice of the Gaussian kernel width and local

Table 11.4. Means (and standard deviation in brackets) of the

Amari index (smaller is better) for the benchmark datasets. The
best method in terms of the mean Amari index and comparable
ones based on the t-test at the significance level 1% are indicated
by boldface.


(a) 200 0.05(0.03) 0.04(0.02) 0.06(0.03) 0.04(0.02)

500 0.03(0.01) 0.03(0.01) 0.03(0.02) 0.02(0.01)
(b) 200 0.06(0.04) 0.12(0.15) 0.16(0.20) 0.15(0.17)
500 0.04(0.03) 0.05(0.04) 0.11(0.12) 0.05(0.04)
(c) 200 0.08(0.05) 0.09(0.06) 0.14(0.11) 0.13(0.09)
500 0.04(0.03) 0.04(0.03) 0.09(0.08) 0.10(0.06)
demosig 200 0.04(0.01) 0.05(0.11) 0.08(0.05) 0.08(0.08)
500 0.02(0.01) 0.04(0.09) 0.04(0.03) 0.04(0.02)
10halo 200 0.29(0.02) 0.38(0.03) 0.33(0.07) 0.36(0.00)
500 0.22(0.02) 0.37(0.03) 0.22(0.03) 0.28(0.00)
Sergio7 200 0.04(0.01) 0.38(0.04) 0.05(0.02) 0.07(0.00)
500 0.05(0.02) 0.37(0.03) 0.04(0.01) 0.04(0.00)
Speech4 200 0.18(0.03) 0.29(0.05) 0.20(0.03) 0.22(0.00)
500 0.07(0.00) 0.10(0.04) 0.10(0.04) 0.06(0.00)
c5signals 200 0.12(0.01) 0.25(0.15) 0.10(0.02) 0.12(0.00)
500 0.06(0.04) 0.07(0.06) 0.04(0.02) 0.07(0.00)

10 cardoso/guidesepsou.html.
190 11 Mutual Information Estimation

optima. On the other hand, FICA and JADE tend to work reasonably well for the
ICALAB datasets but perform poorly for (a), (b), (c), and demosig; we conjecture
that the contrast functions in FICA and the fourth-order statistics in JADE do
not appropriately catch the non-Gaussianity of datasets (a), (b), (c), and demosig.
Overall, the LICA algorithm compares favorably with other methods.

11.3.5 Remarks
In this section we explained an ICA method based on squared-loss mutual infor-
mation. The method, called least-squares ICA (LICA), has several preferable
properties; for example, it is distribution-free and hyperparameter selection by
cross-validation is available.
Similarly to other ICA algorithms, the optimization problem involved in LICA
is non-convex. Thus, it is practically very important to develop good heuristics for
initialization and avoiding local optima in the gradient procedures, which is an open
research topic to be investigated. Moreover, although the SMI estimator is analytic,
the LICA algorithm is still computationally rather expensive because it requires
one to solve linear equations and perform cross-validations. The computational
issue needs to be addressed, for example, by vectorization and parallelization.
Conditional Probability Estimation

Estimating the conditional probability p ∗ (y|x) is a challenging problem, especially

when the conditioning variable x is continuous. In this chapter we describe a
density-ratio approach to conditional probability estimation. The key idea is that,
by definition, the conditional probability p ∗ (y|x) can be expressed in terms of the
density ratio of the joint density p ∗ (x, y) and the marginal density p ∗ (x):
p∗ (x, y)
p ∗ (y|x) = . (12.1)
p ∗ (x)
In the following we cover the situation where the target variable y is continuous
(i.e., conditional density estimation) in Section 12.1, and the situation where y
is categorical (i.e., probabilistic classification) in Section 12.2. For both cases,
computationally efficient algorithms can be derived based on the least-squares
density-ratio fitting method described in Section 6.2.2.

12.1 Conditional Density Estimation

In this section we focus on the case where the target variable y is continuous, that
is, conditional density estimation (Sugiyama et al., 2010b).
After an introduction in Section 12.1.1, we formulate the problem of conditional
density estimation and describe the algorithm called least-squares conditional
density estimation (LSCDE) in Section 12.1.2. Its relations to other conditional
density estimators are reviewed in Section 12.1.3, and the performances of various
conditional density estimators are compared experimentally in Section 12.1.4.
Finally, the section is concluded in Section 12.1.5.

12.1.1 Introduction
Regression aims to estimate the conditional mean of output y given input x (see
Section 1.1.1). When the conditional density p ∗ (y|x) is unimodal and symmet-
ric, regression would be sufficient for analyzing the input–output dependency.

192 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

However, when the conditional distribution possesses multi-modality (e.g., inverse

kinematics learning of a robot; see Bishop, 2006) or a highly skewed profile
with heteroscedastic noise (e.g., biomedical data analysis; see Hastie et al., 2001),
merely estimating the conditional mean may not be sufficient. In such cases, it
would be more informative to estimate the conditional distribution itself. In this
section we address the problem of estimating conditional densities when x and y
are continuous and multi-dimensional.
When the conditioning variable x is discrete, estimating the conditional den-
sity p∗ (y|x =  x) from samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 is straightforward – by using only
samples that satisfy the condition, {yk |x k =  x}nk=1 , a standard density estimation
method (see Section 2.2 and Section 2.3) gives an estimate of the conditional den-
sity. However, when the conditioning variable x is continuous, conditional density
estimation is not straightforward because no sample matches exactlythe condition
xk = x. A naive idea for coping with this problem is to use samples that approxi-
mately satisfy the condition (i.e., {yk |x k ≈ x}nk=1 ), but such a naive method is not
reliable in high-dimensional problems. Although slightly more sophisticated vari-
ants have been proposed based on weighted kernel density estimation (Fan et al.,
1996; Wolff et al., 1999), they still share the same weakness.
The mixture density network (MDN; Bishop, 2006) uses a mixture of para-
metric density models for approximating conditional densities. The parameters in
the density models are estimated by a neural network as functions of the input
variable x. MDN was shown to work well in experiments, although its training is
time consuming and only a local optimal solution may be obtained due to the non-
convexity of neural network learning. Similarly, a mixture of Gaussian processes
(Rasmussen and Williams, 2006) was used for estimating conditional densities in
Tresp (2001), where a mixture model was trained in a computationally efficient
manner by an expectation-maximization algorithm (Dempster et al., 1977). How-
ever, because the optimization problem is still non-convex, one may only access
a local optimal solution in practice.
The kernel quantile regression (KQR) method (Takeuchi et al., 2006; Li et al.,
2007) allows one to predict the percentiles of the conditional distributions. This
implies that solving KQR for all percentiles gives an estimate of the entire con-
ditional cumulative distribution. KQR is formulated as a convex optimization
problem, and therefore the unique global solution can be obtained. Furthermore,
the entire solution path with respect to the percentile parameter can be computed,
which allows highly efficient implementation (Takeuchi et al., 2009). However,
the range of applications of KQR is limited to one-dimensional output, and solution
path tracking could be numerically unstable in practice.
In this section we describe a method of conditional density estimation called
least-squares conditional density estimation (LSCDE) that is applicable to multi-
dimensional inputs and outputs. LSCDE is based on the fact that the conditional
density can be expressed in terms of the ratio of the joint density p ∗ (x, y) and the
marginal density p∗ (x) [see Eq. (12.1)]. Then, the density ratio p ∗ (x, y)/p ∗ (x) is
directly estimated without having to estimate densities p ∗ (x, y) and p ∗ (x).
12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 193

12.1.2 Problem Formulation and Solutions

Here we formulate the problem of conditional density estimation (i.e., the out-
put variable y is continuous) and describe a density-ratio approach to conditional
density estimation.

Formulation of Conditional Density Estimation

Let X (⊂ Rdx ) and Y (⊂ Rdy ) be input and output data domains, where dx and dy
are the dimensionalities of the data domains, respectively. Let us consider a joint
probability distribution on X × Y with probability density function p ∗ (x, y), and
suppose that we are given n i.i.d. paired samples of input x and output y:
{z k |z k = (x k , yk ) ∈ X × Y}nk=1 .
The goal is to estimate the conditional density p ∗ (y|x) from the samples {z k }nk=1 .
Our primary interest lies in the case where both variables x and y are continu-
ous. In this case, conditional density estimation is not straightforward because no
sample matches exactly the condition.
By definition, the conditional density p∗ (y|x) can be expressed in terms of the
following density ratio:
p∗ (x, y)
p ∗ (y|x) = ,
p ∗ (x)
where we assume p ∗ (x) > 0 for all x ∈ X . In the following, unconstrained least-
squares importance fitting (uLSIF; Kanamori et al., 2009; see also Section 6.2.2)
is applied to the estimation of the above density ratio, and a practical algorithm of
conditional density estimation called least-squares conditional density estimation
(LSCDE; Sugiyama et al., 2010b) is given.

Least-Squares Conditional Density Estimation

The conditional density function p ∗ (y|x) is modeled as

p(y|x; θ ) := θ ψ(x, y) = ψ(x, y) θ,


where ψ(x, y) (∈ R ) is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a


parameter vector. Let


H := ψ(x k , y)ψ(x k , y) dy, (12.2)

n k=1

h := ψ(x k , yk ).
n k=1

Then the uLSIF solution is given analytically as follows (see Section 6.2.2):
  + λI b )−1
θ = (H h,
194 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter and I b is the b-dimensional identity

To assure that the solution is a conditional density (i.e., non-negative and
integrated to one), we modify the solution as
ψ(x, y)θ
(y|x = 
p x) =  , (12.3)
x, y )
ψ( θ dy
where  θ = max(0b ,
θ ), 0b denotes the b-dimensional vector with all zeros, and the
“max” operation for vectors is applied in an element-wise manner.
As basis functions, a Gaussian kernel model is practically useful. More specif-
ically, suppose the variance of each element of {x k }nk=1 and {yk }nk=1 is normalized
to one. Then, for z = (x  , y ) , the following Gaussian basis functions are used:
z − c 2 x − u 2 y − v 2
ψ (x, y) = exp − = exp − exp − ,
2σ 2 2σ 2 2σ 2
where {c |c = (u , v ) } =1 are Gaussian centers randomly chosen from {z k |z k =
(x k , yk ) }k=1 without overlap. An advantage of this Gaussian kernel model is that
the integrals with respect to y in H [see Eq. (12.2)] and in the normalization factor
[see Eq. (12.3)] can be computed analytically as

 ,  = 1
√ 2x k −u 2 +2x k −u  2 +v −v  2
H ( πσ )dy exp − ,
n k=1 4σ 2


√ x − u 2
ψ(x, y) θ dy = ( 2πσ ) dy 
θ exp − .
2σ 2

This method is called least-squares conditional density estimation (LSCDE;

Sugiyama et al., 2010b). A MATLAB® implementation of LSCDE is available

Cross-Validation for Model Selection

The practical performance of LSCDE depends on the choice of model parameters
such as the basis functions ψ(x, y) and the regularization parameter λ.
Here we describe a cross-validation (CV) procedure for model selection. CV
should be carried out in terms of the error metric used for evaluating the test
performance. In the following we investigate two cases: the squared (SQ) error and
the Kullback–Leibler (KL) error. The SQ error for a conditional density estimator
(y|x) is defined as

1 % &2
SQ0 := p(y|x) − p∗ (y|x) p ∗ (x)dxdy = SQ + CSQ ,
SQ := p (y|x))2 p ∗ (x)dxdy −
( (y|x)p∗ (x, y)dxdy
12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 195

and CSQ is the constant defined by CSQ := 21 p∗ (y|x)p ∗ (x, y)dxdy. The KL error
for a conditional density estimator p (y|x) is defined as

p∗ (x, y)
KL0 := p∗ (x, y) log dxdy = KL + CKL ,
(y|x)p ∗ (x)

KL := − p ∗ (x, y) log p

and CKL is the constant defined by CKL := p∗ (x, y) log p ∗ (y|x)dxdy. The smaller
the value of SQ or KL, the better the performance of the conditional density
estimator p
For the above performance measures, CV is carried out as follows. First, the
samples Z := {z k |z k = (x k , yk )}nk=1 are divided into K disjoint subsets {Zk }Kk=1 of
approximately the same size. Let p k be the conditional density estimator obtained
using Z\Zk (i.e., the estimator obtained without Zk ). Then the target error values
are approximated using the hold-out samples Zk as


 Z := 1
SQ ( x))2 dy −
pk (y| k (
p y|
2|Zk | x∈Z |Zk | (x,y)∈Z
k k

KL := − k (
log p y|
|Zk | (x,y)∈Z

where |Zk | denotes the number of elements in the set Zk . This procedure is repeated
for k = 1, . . . , K and their averages are computed:

 := 1
SQ SQ  := 1
 Z and KL Z .
KL k
K k=1 k
K k=1

 and KL
SQ  can be shown to be almost unbiased estimators of the true costs
SQ and KL, respectively, where the “almost”-ness comes from the fact that the
number of samples is reduced in the CV procedure as a result of data splitting
(Luntz and Brailovsky, 1969; Schölkopf and Smola, 2002).

12.1.3 Relations to Existing Methods

Here we review other conditional density estimators and discuss their relations to

@-Neighbor Kernel Density Estimation (@-KDE)

For estimating the conditional density p ∗ (y|x), @-neighbor kernel density estima-
tion (@-KDE) employs the standard kernel density estimator (see Section 2.3.1)
using a subset of samples, {yk }k∈Ix,@ for some threshold @ (≥ 0), where Ix,@ is the
set of sample indices such that x k − x ≤ @.
196 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

In the case of Gaussian kernels, @-KDE is expressed as


(y|x) =
p N (y; yk , σ 2 I dy ),
|Ix,@ | k∈I

where N(y; µ, ) denotes the Gaussian density with mean µ and covariance matrix
. The threshold @ and the bandwidth σ may be chosen based on cross-validation
(Härdle et al., 2004). @-KDE is simple and easy to use, but it may not be reliable in
high-dimensional problems. Slightly more sophisticated variants have been pro-
posed based on weighted kernel density estimation (Fan et al., 1996; Wolff et al.,
1999), but they may still share the same weaknesses.

Mixture Density Network (MDN)

The mixture density network (MDN) models the conditional density by a mixture
of parametric densities (Bishop, 2006). In the case of the Gaussian density model,
MDN is expressed as

(y|x) =
p π (x)N (y; µ (x), σ 2 (x)I dy ),

where π (x) denotes the mixing coefficient such that


π (x) = 1 and 0 ≤ π (x) ≤ 1 for all x ∈ X .


All the parameters {π (x), µ (x), σ 2 (x)}b =1 are learned as a function of x by a

neural network with regularized maximum-likelihood estimation. The number b
of Gaussian components, the number of hidden units in the neural network, and
the regularization parameter may be chosen based on cross-validation. MDN has
been shown to work well, although its training is time consuming and only a local
solution may be obtained due to the non-convexity of neural network learning.

Kernel Quantile Regression (KQR)

Kernel quantile regression (KQR) allows one to predict the 100τ -percentile of
conditional distributions for a given τ (∈ (0, 1)) when y is one-dimensional
(Takeuchi et al., 2006; Li et al., 2007). For the Gaussian kernel model

fτ (x) = θi,τ φk (x) + bτ ,

, 2
where φk (x) = exp − x−x

2 , the parameters {θk,τ }nk=1 and bτ are learned by
 

n n

min  ρτ (yk − fτ (x k )) + λ φ (x k )θk,τ θ ,τ  ,

{θk,τ }nk=1 ,bτ
k=1 k, =1
12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 197

where ρτ (@) denotes the pin-ball loss function defined by

(1 − τ )|@| (@ ≤ 0),
ρτ (@) =
τ |@| (@ > 0).
Thus, solving KQR for all τ ∈ (0, 1) gives an estimate of the entire conditional
distribution. The bandwidth σ and the regularization parameter λ may be chosen
based on cross-validation.
A notable advantage of KQR is that the solution of KQR is piece-wise linear
with respect to τ . Based on this fact, a solution-path algorithm that allows one to
efficiently compute the solutions for all τ was developed (Takeuchi et al., 2009).
This implies that the conditional cumulative distribution can be computed in a
computationally efficient manner. However, solution-path tracking tends to be
numerically unstable and the range of applications of KQR is limited to one-
dimensional output y. Furthermore, some heuristic procedure is needed to convert
conditional cumulative distributions to conditional densities, which can produce
additional estimation errors.

12.1.4 Numerical Experiments

Here we investigate experimentally the performance of LSCDE and other
conditional density estimators. In the experiments, we fix the number of
basis functions in LSCDE to b = min(100, n), and choose the Gaussian
width σ and the regularization parameter λ by cross-validation from σ , λ ∈
{0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10}.

Illustrative Examples
First we illustrate how LSCDE behaves using toy datasets.
Let dx = dy = 1. Inputs {xk }nk=1 are independently drawn from U (−1, 1), where
U (a, b) denotes the uniform distribution on (a, b). Outputs {yk }nk=1 are generated
by the following heteroscedastic noise model:
yk = sinc(2πxk ) +
exp(1 − xk ) · εk .
We test the following three different distributions for {εk }ni=1 :
(a) Gaussian: εk ∼ N (0, 1)
i.i.d. 1
(b) Bimodal: εk ∼ 2
N (−1, 49 ) + 12 N (1, 94 )
i.i.d. 3
(c) Skewed: εk ∼ 4 N (0, 1) + 14 N ( 32 , 19 )
where “ ∼ ” denotes “independent and identically distributed” and N (µ, σ 2 )
denotes the Gaussian distribution with mean µ and variance σ 2 . See
Figure 12.1(a)–(c) for the true conditional densities and training samples of size
n = 200. The estimated results are depicted in Figure 12.1(a)–(c), illustrating that
LSCDE captures well heteroscedasticity, bimodality, and asymmetricity.
198 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

3 3
Truth Truth
Estiamted 2 Estiamted

1 1
Output y

Output y
0 0

–1 –1

–2 –2

–3 –3
–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Input x Input x
(a) Artificial dataset containing (b) Artificial dataset containing
i. i. d .
heteroscedastic Gaussian noise: ε k ∼ heteroscedastic bimodal Gaussian
N(0,1) noise:
i. i. d . 1 4 1 4
ε k ∼ 2 N (−1, 9 ) + 2 N (1, 9 )

2 Estiamted

Output y



–1 –0.5 0 0.5 1
Input x
(c) Artificial dataset containing
heteroscedastic bi modal Gaussian noise:
i. i. d . 3 1 3 4
ε k ∼ 4 N ( 0, 1) + 4 N ( 2 , 9 )

0.25 6
Relative Change in Spinal BMD

Duration time [minutes]

0.2 5
–0.05 1
–0.1 0
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Age Waiting time [minutes]
(d) Relative spinal bone mineral density (e) The durations of eruptions of the Old
measurements on North American Faithful Geyser (Weisberg, 1985) having
adolescents (Hastie et al., 2001) having a a bimodal conditional distribution
heteroscedastic asymmetric conditional

Figure 12.1. Illustrative examples.

12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 199

We also investigate the experimental performance of LSCDE using the

following real datasets:
(d) Bone Mineral Density dataset: Relative spinal bone mineral density mea-
surements on 485 North American adolescents (Hastie et al., 2001), having a
heteroscedastic asymmetric conditional distribution.
(e) Old Faithful Geyser dataset: The durations of 299 eruptions of the Old
Faithful Geyser (Weisberg, 1985), having a bimodal conditional distribution.
Figure 12.1 and (e) depict the results, showing that heteroscedastic and multi-modal
structures are nicely revealed by LSCDE.

Benchmark Datasets
Next we apply LSCDE and the methods reviewed in Section 12.1.3 to the bench-
mark datasets accompanied with the R package (R Development Core Team,
2009), and evaluate their experimental performance. See Table 12.1 for the list
of datasets.
In each dataset, 50% of the samples are chosen randomly for conditional den-
sity estimation and the rest are used for computing the estimation accuracy. The
accuracy of a conditional density estimator p (y|x) is measured by the negative
log-likelihood for test samples {
z k |
z k = ( yk )}ni=1 :
x k ,


NLL := − (
log p yk |
x k ). (12.4)

n i=1

Thus, the smaller the value of NLL, the better the performance of the conditional
density estimator p (y|x).
We compare LSCDE, @-KDE, MDN, and KQR. In addition, the ratio of ker-
nel density estimators (RKDE) is also tested, which estimates the density ratio
p∗ (x, y)/p ∗ (x) by first approximating the two densities p ∗ (x, y) and p ∗ (x) sep-
arately by kernel density estimation and then taking the ratio of the estimated
densities. For model selection, we use cross-validation based on the Kullback–
Leibler (KL) error (see Section 12.1.2), which is consistent with the above NLL.
In MDN, cross-validation over three tuning parameters (the number of Gaussian
components, the number of hidden units in the neural network, and the regular-
ization parameter; see Section 12.1.3) is unbearably slow, and hence the number
of Gaussian components is fixed to b = 3 and the other two tuning parameters are
chosen by cross-validation.
The experimental results are summarized in Table 12.1. @-KDE is computation-
ally very efficient, but it tends to perform rather poorly. MDN works well, but it is
computationally highly demanding. KQR performs well overall and is computa-
tionally slightly more efficient than LSCDE. However, its solution-path tracking
algorithm is numerically rather unstable and solutions are not properly obtained
for the engel and cpus datasets. RKDE does not perform well for all cases, imply-
ing that density-ratio estimation via density estimation is not reliable in practice.
Table 12.1. Experimental results on benchmark datasets (dy = 1). The averages and the standard
deviations of the NLL errors [see Eq. (12.4)] over 10 runs are described (smaller is better). The best
method in terms of the mean error and comparable methods according to the t-test at the 5%
significance level are specified by boldface. The mean computation time is normalized so that
LSCDE is one.
Dataset (n, dX ) LSCDE @-KDE MDN KQR RKDE

caution (50,2) 1.24 ± 0.29 1.25 ± 0.19 1.39 ± 0.18 1.73 ± 0.86 17.11 ± 0.25
ftcollinssnow (46,1) 1.48 ± 0.01 1.53 ± 0.05 1.48 ± 0.03 2.11 ± 0.44 46.06 ± 0.78
highway (19,11) 1.71 ± 0.41 2.24 ± 0.64 7.41 ± 1.22 5.69 ± 1.69 15.30 ± 0.76
heights (687,1) 1.29 ± 0.00 1.33 ± 0.01 1.30 ± 0.01 1.29 ± 0.00 54.79 ± 0.10
sniffer (62,4) 0.69 ± 0.16 0.96 ± 0.15 0.72 ± 0.09 0.68 ± 0.21 26.80 ± 0.58
snowgeese (22,2) 0.95 ± 0.10 1.35 ± 0.17 2.49 ± 1.02 2.96 ± 1.13 28.43 ± 1.02
ufc (117,4) 1.03 ± 0.01 1.40 ± 0.02 1.02 ± 0.06 1.02 ± 0.06 11.10 ± 0.49
birthwt (94,7) 1.43 ± 0.01 1.48 ± 0.01 1.46 ± 0.01 1.58 ± 0.05 15.95 ± 0.53
crabs (100,6) -0.07 ± 0.11 0.99 ± 0.09 -0.70 ± 0.35 -1.03 ± 0.16 12.60 ± 0.45
GAGurine (157,1) 0.45 ± 0.04 0.92 ± 0.05 0.57 ± 0.15 0.40 ± 0.08 53.43 ± 0.27
geyser (149,1) 1.03 ± 0.00 1.11 ± 0.02 1.23 ± 0.05 1.10 ± 0.02 53.49 ± 0.38
gilgais (182,8) 0.73 ± 0.05 1.35 ± 0.03 0.10 ± 0.04 0.45 ± 0.15 10.44 ± 0.50
topo (26,2) 0.93 ± 0.02 1.18 ± 0.09 2.11 ± 0.46 2.88 ± 0.85 10.80 ± 0.35
BostonHousing (253,13) 0.82 ± 0.05 1.03 ± 0.05 0.68 ± 0.06 0.48 ± 0.10 17.81 ± 0.25
CobarOre (19,2) 1.58 ± 0.06 1.65 ± 0.09 1.63 ± 0.08 6.33 ± 1.77 11.42 ± 0.51
engel (117,1) 0.69 ± 0.04 1.27 ± 0.05 0.71 ± 0.16 N.A. 52.83 ± 0.16
mcycle (66,1) 0.83 ± 0.03 1.25 ± 0.23 1.12 ± 0.10 0.72 ± 0.06 48.35 ± 0.79
BigMac2003 (34,9) 1.32 ± 0.11 1.29 ± 0.14 2.64 ± 0.84 1.35 ± 0.26 13.34 ± 0.52
UN3 (62,6) 1.42 ± 0.12 1.78 ± 0.14 1.32 ± 0.08 1.22 ± 0.13 11.43 ± 0.58
cpus (104,7) 1.04 ± 0.07 1.01 ± 0.10 -2.14 ± 0.13 N.A. 15.16 ± 0.72

Time 1 0.004 267 0.755 0.089

12.1 Conditional Density Estimation 201

Overall, LSCDE is a promising method for conditional density estimation in terms

of its accuracy and computational efficiency.

Robot Transition Estimation

Finally, the problem of robot transition estimation is discussed. We use the
pendulum robot and the Khepera robot simulators illustrated in Figure 12.2.
The pendulum robot consists of wheels and a pendulum hinged to the body.
The state of the pendulum robot consists of angle θ and angular velocity θ̇ of the
pendulum. The amount of torque τ applied to the wheels can be controlled, by
which the robot can move left or right, and the state of the pendulum is changed to
θ  and θ̇  . The task is to estimate p∗ (θ  , θ̇  |θ, θ̇, τ ), the transition probability density
from state (θ, θ̇ ) to state (θ  , θ̇  ) by action τ .
The Khepera robot is equipped with two infrared sensors and two wheels. The
infrared sensors hL and hR measure the distance to the left-front and right-front
walls. The speed of the left and right wheels vL and vR can be controlled separately,
by which the robot can move forward/backward and rotate left/right. The task is
to estimate p∗ (hL , hR |hL , hR , vL , vR ), where hL and hR are the next states.
The state transition of the pendulum robot is highly stochastic as a result of slip-
ing, friction, or measurement errors with strong heteroscedasticity. Sensory inputs
of the Khepera robot suffer from occlusions and contain highly heteroscedastic
noise, and hence the transition probability density may possess multi-modality
and heteroscedasticity. Thus, transition estimation of dynamic robots is a chal-
lenging task. Note that transition estimation is useful in model-based reinforcement
learning (Sutton and Barto, 1998).
For both robots, 100 samples are used for conditional density estimation and an
additional 900 samples are used for computing the NLL error [see Eq. (12.4)]. The
number of Gaussian components is fixed to b = 3 in MDN, and all other tuning
parameters are chosen by cross-validation based on the Kullback–Leibler (KL)
error (see Section 12.1.2). Experimental results are summarized in Table 12.2,
showing that LSCDE is promising in this challenging task of robot transition

hL hR

υL υR

(a) Pendulumvrobot (b) Khepera robot

Figure 12.2. Illustration of robots used for experiments.

202 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

Table 12.2. Experimental results on robot transition estimation. The

averages and the standard deviations of the NLL error [see Eq. (12.4)]
over 10 runs are described (smaller is better). The best method in terms of
the mean error and comparable methods according to the t-test at the 5%
significance level are specified by boldface. The mean computation time
is normalized so that LSCDE is one.

Pendulum1 1.27 ± 0.05 2.04 ± 0.10 1.44 ± 0.67 11.24 ± 0.32

Pendulum2 1.38 ± 0.05 2.07 ± 0.10 1.43 ± 0.58 11.24 ± 0.32
Khepera1 1.69 ± 0.01 2.07 ± 0.02 1.90 ± 0.36 11.03 ± 0.03
Khepera2 1.86 ± 0.01 2.10 ± 0.01 1.92 ± 0.26 11.09 ± 0.02

Time 1 0.164 1134 0.431

12.1.5 Remarks
We described a density-ratio method for conditional density estimation called
LSCDE. Experiments on benchmark and robot-transition datasets demonstrated
the usefulness of LSCDE.
In LSCDE, a direct density-ratio estimation method based on the squared
distance called unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; see
Section 6.2.2) was applied to conditional density estimation. Similarly, applying
the direct density-ratio estimation method based on the KL importance estimation
procedure (KLIEP; see Chapter 5), we can obtain a log-loss variant of LSCDE. A
valiant of the KLIEP method described in Section 5.2.2 uses a log-linear model
(a.k.a. a maximum entropy model; Jaynes, 1957) for density-ratio estimation:
exp(ψ(x, y) θ )
r(x, y) :=  .
exp(ψ(x, y ) θ )dy
Applying this log-linear KLIEP method to conditional density estimation is actu-
ally equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation of conditional densities for
log-linear models1 :

max log r(x k , yk ) .


A crucial fact regarding maximum

 likelihood conditional density estimation is that
the normalization factor exp(ψ(x, y ) θ )dy needs to be explicitly included in the
model; otherwise, the likelihood tends to infinity. On the other hand, LSCDE (based
on the squared distance) does not require the normalization factor to be included in
the optimization problem. This is evidenced by the fact that, without the normaliza-
tion factor, the LSCDE estimator is still consistent (Sugiyama et al., 2010b). This
contributes greatly to simplifying the optimization problem (see Section 12.1.2),
1 For structured output, it is particularly called a conditional random field (Lafferty et al., 2001).
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 203

which results in an analytic-form solution that can be computed efficiently. This is

a significant advantage of LSCDE over standard maximum likelihood conditional
density estimation.

12.2 Probabilistic Classification

In this section we focus on conditional probability estimation with categorical
output, that is, probabilistic classification (Sugiyama, 2010). After an introduction
in Section 12.2.1, we describe a method of probabilistic classification based on
density-ratio estimation called the least-squares probabilistic classifier (LSPC) in
Section 12.2.2. The performance of LSPC and related methods is experimentally
compared in Section 12.2.3, and the section is concluded in Section 12.2.4.

12.2.1 Introduction
The support vector machine (SVM; Cortes and Vapnik, 1995; Vapnik, 1998; see
also Section 4.4) is a popular method for classification. Various computationally
efficient algorithms for training SVMs with massive datasets have been developed
so far and (e.g., Platt, 1999; Joachims, 1999; Chang and Lin, 2001; Collobert and
Bengio., 2001; Suykens et al., 2002; Rifkin et al., 2003; Tsang et al., 2005; Fung
and Mangasarian, 2005; Fan et al., 2005; Tang and Zhang, 2006; Joachims, 2006;
Teo et al., 2007; Franc and Sonnenburg, 2009; and many other softwares available
online). However, SVMs cannot provide the confidence of class prediction because
they only learn the decision boundaries between different classes. To cope with this
problem, several post-processing methods have been developed for approximately
computing the class-posterior probability (Platt, 2000; Wu et al., 2004).
On the other hand, logistic regression (LR; see Section 4.2) is a classification
algorithm that can naturally give the confidence of class prediction because it learns
the class-posterior probabilities (Hastie et al., 2001). Recently, various efficient
algorithms for training LR models specialized in sparse data have been developed
(Koh et al., 2007; Fan et al., 2008).
Applying the kernel trick to LR as is done in SVMs, one can easily obtain
a non-linear classifier with probabilistic outputs, called a kernel logistic regres-
sion (KLR). Because the kernel matrix is often dense (e.g., Gaussian kernels),
the state-of-the-art LR algorithms for sparse data are not applicable to KLR.
Thus, to train KLR classifiers, standard non-linear optimization techniques such as
Newton’s method (which results in iteratively reweighted least squares) and quasi-
Newton methods such as the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno method seem to
be commonly used in practice (Hastie et al., 2001; Minka, 2007). Although the per-
formances of these general-purpose non-linear optimization techniques have been
improved together with the evolution of computer environments in the last decade,
computing the KLR solution is still challenging when the number of training sam-
ples is large. In this section we give an alternative probabilistic classification
method that can be trained very efficiently.
204 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

The method we describe here is called the least-squares probabilistic classifier

(LSPC). In LSPC, a linear combination of Gaussian kernels centered at training
points is used as a model of class-posterior probabilities. Then this model is fitted
to the true class-posterior probability by least squares.2 An advantage of this linear
least-squares formulation is that consistency is guaranteed without taking into
account the normalization factor. In contrast, normalization is essential in the
maximum likelihood LR formulation; otherwise, the likelihood tends to infinity.
Thanks to the simplification brought by excluding the normalization factor from
the optimization criterion, the globally optimal solution of LSPC can be computed
analytically just by solving a system of linear equations.
Furthermore, the use of a linear combination of kernel functions in LSPC allows
one to learn the parameters in a class-wise manner. This contributes significantly
to further reducing the computational cost, particularly in multi-class classification

12.2.2 Problem Formulation and Solutions

Here we formulate the problem of probabilistic classification and describe a
method of probabilistic classification based on density-ratio estimation.

Formulation of Probabilistic Classification

Let X (⊂ R ) be the input domain, where d is the dimensionality of the input
domain. Let Y = {1, . . . , c} be the set of labels, where c is the number of classes.
Let us consider a joint probability distribution on X × Y with joint probability
density p ∗ (x, y). Suppose that we are given n i.i.d. paired samples of input x and
output y:
{(x k , yk ) ∈ X × Y}nk=1 .
The goal is to estimate the class-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x) from the samples
{(x k , yk )}nk=1 . The class-posterior probability allows one to classify test sample x
to class  y with confidence p∗ ( y |x):
y := argmax p ∗ (y|x).


Let us denote the marginal density of x by p ∗ (x) and assume that it is

strictly positive. Then, by definition, the class-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x) can
be expressed as
p∗ (x, y)
p ∗ (y|x) = .
p ∗ (x)
Here we apply unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF; Kanamori
et al., 2009; see also Section 6.2.2) to estimate the above density ratio and
2 A least-squares formulation has been employed for improving the computational efficiency of SVMs
(Suykens et al., 2002; Rifkin et al., 2003; Fung and Mangasarian, 2005). However, these approaches
deal with deterministic classification, not probabilistic classification.
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 205

give a practical algorithm of probabilistic classification called the least-squares

probabilistic classifier (LSPC; Sugiyama, 2010).

Least-Squares Probabilistic Classifier

We begin by describing the approach to learning the class-posterior probability
p ∗ (y|x) as a function of both x and y; that is, the class-posterior probabilities
for all classes are learned simultaneously. Then we explain that this simultaneous
learning problem can be decomposed into separate class-wise learning problems,
which highly contributes to reducing the computational cost.
The class-posterior probability p ∗ (y|x) is modeled as

p(y|x; θ) := θ ψ(x, y) = ψ(x, y) θ,


where ψ(x, y) (∈ Rb ) is a non-negative basis function vector and θ (∈ Rb ) is a

parameter vector. Let

n c n
 := 1 1

H ψ(x k , y)ψ(x k , y) and 

h := ψ(x k , yk ).
n k=1 y=1 n k=1

Then the uLSIF solution is given analytically as follows (see Section 6.2.2):

  + λI b )−1
θ = (H h, (12.5)

where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter and I b is the b-dimensional identity

To ensure that the output of LSPC is a probability, the outputs are normalized
and the negative outputs are rounded up to zero as follows (Yamada et al., 2011a):

x, y) 
max(0, ψ( θ)
(y|x = 
p x) = 'c .
y  =1 max(0, ψ(
x, y θ)

This classification method is called the least-squares probabilistic classifier

Note that the way the solution is modified in LSPC is different from that in
LSCDE (see Section 12.2.2): The negative output ψ( x, y)θ is directly rounded
up to zero in LSPC, whereas the negative elements of the parameter  θ are rounded
up to zero in LSCDE. In the case of LSCDE, rounding up negative output is
difficult because of the integration with respect to the output y included in the
normalization factor [see Eq. (12.3)]. On the other hand, in the case of LSPC, the
output y is discrete and thus directly rounding up negative output is possible. This
direct rounding up was shown to be more accurate in experiments (Yamada et al.,
206 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

Basis Function Design

A naive choice of basis functions ψ(x, y) would be a kernel model; that is, for
some kernel function K  ,

(y  )
p(y|x; θ ) = θ K  (x, x , y, y  ), (12.6)
y  =1 =1

which contains c × n parameters. For this model, the computational complexity

for solving Eq. (12.5) is O(c3 n3 ).
Let us now separate input x and output y and use the delta kernel for y (as in

(y  )
p(y|x; θ ) = θ K(x, x )δy,y  ,
y  =1 =1

where K(x, x  ) is a kernel function for x and δy,y  is the Kronecker delta; that is,
δy,y  = 1 if y = y  and δy,y  = 0 otherwise. This model choice actually allows us
to speed up the computation of LSPC significantly because all of the calculations
can be carried out separately in a class-wise manner. Indeed, this above model for
class y is expressed as follows [see Figure 12.3(a)]:

p(y|x; θ ) = θ K(x, x ). (12.7)

Then the matrix H becomes block-diagonal, as illustrated in Figure 12.4. Thus,

we only need to train a model with n parameters separately c times for each class
y, by solving
(H  + λI n )α (y) = (y)
h ,
  is the n × n matrix and 
where H
h is the n-dimensional vector defined as

n n
  := 1 1

K(x i , x )K(x i , x  ) and 

H , h := K(x i , x )δy,yi .
n i=1 n i=1


Input Input
(a) Model (12.7) (b) Model (12.9)

Figure 12.3. Gaussian kernel models for approximating class-posterior probabilities. (a)
Locating Gaussian kernels at all samples. (b) Heuristic of reducing the number of basis
functions – locate Gaussian kernels only at the samples of the target class.
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 207

Kernels Kernels Kernels Samples Samples Samples

for class 1 for class 2 for class 3 in class 1 in class 2 in class 3


H′ H (2)

H (3)
(a) Model (12.7) (b) Model (12.9)

Figure 12.4. Structure of matrix H  for model (12.7) and model (12.9). The number of
classes is c = 3. Suppose training samples {(x k , yk )}nk=1 are sorted according to label y.
Colored blocks are non-zero and others are zeros. For model (12.7) consisting of c sets of
n basis functions, the matrix H becomes block-diagonal (with common block matrix H   ),
and thus training can be carried out separately for each block. For model (12.9) consisting
of c sets of ny basis functions, the size of the target block is further reduced.

Because H  is common to all y, we only need to compute (H   + λI n )−1 once. Then

the computational complexity for obtaining the solution is O(n3 + cn2 ), which is
smaller than the case with the general kernel model (12.6). Thus, this approach
would be computationally efficient when the number of classes c is large.
Let us further reduce the number of kernels in model (12.7) by focusing on a
kernel function K(x, x  ) that is “localized.” Examples of such localized kernels
include the popular Gaussian kernel:
 x − x  2
K(x, x ) = exp − . (12.8)
2σ 2
The key idea is to reduce the number of kernels by locating the kernels only at
samples belonging to the target class [Figure 12.3(b)]:

(y) (y)
p(y|x; θ) = θ K(x, x ), (12.9)

y (y) n
where ny is the number of training samples in class y and {x k }k=1 is the training
input samples in class y.
The rationale behind this model simplification is as follows. By definition, the
class-posterior probability p∗ (y|x) takes large values in the regions where samples
in class y are dense; conversely, p∗ (y|x) takes smaller values (i.e., close to zero)
in the regions where samples in class y are sparse. When a non-negative function
is approximated by a Gaussian kernel model, many kernels may be needed in the
208 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

region where the output of the target function is large; on the other hand, only a
small number of kernels would be enough in the region where the output of the
target function is close to zero. Following this heuristic, many kernels are allocated
in the region where p ∗ (y|x) takes large values, which can be achieved by Eq. (12.9).
This model simplification allows us to further reduce the computational cost
because the size of the target blocks in matrix H  is further reduced, as illus-
trated in Figure 12.4(b). To learn the ny -dimensional parameter vector θ (y) =
(y) (y)
(θ1 , . . . , θny ) for each class y, we only need to solve the following system of
ny linear equations:
(y) (y)

(H + λI ny )θ (y) = 
h , (12.10)
(y) (y)

where H is the ny × ny matrix and 
h is the ny -dimensional vector defined as

(y) := 1
(y) (y)
K(x k , x )K(x k , x  ), (12.11)
n k=1
(y) 1
(y) (y)
h := K(x k , x ).
n k=1
θ be the solution of Eq. (12.10). Then the final solution is given by
, ' -
ny (y) (y)
max 0, =1 
θ K(x, x )
(y|x) = '
p , 'n  -.
c y (y  ) (y  )
y  =1 max 0, =1 θ K(x, x )

For the simplified model (12.9), the computational complexity for obtaining
the solution is O(cn2y n); when ny = n/c for all y (i.e., balanced classification),
this is equal to O(c−1 n3 ). Thus, this approach is computationally highly efficient
for multi-class problems.
A pseudo code of the simplest LSPC implementation for Gaussian kernels is
summarized in Figure 12.5. A MATLAB® implementation of LSPC is available

12.2.3 Numerical Experiments

Here, we experimentally compare the performance of the following classification
LSPC: LSPC with the simplified model (12.9)
LSPC(full): LSPC with the full model (12.7)
KLR: 2 -penalized kernel logistic regression with Gaussian kernels (see
Section 4.2)
For computing KLR, we used a MATLAB® implementation included in
the minFunc package (Schmidt, 2005), which uses limited-memory Broyden–
Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno (L-BFGS) updates with Shanno–Phua scaling in
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 209

Input: Labeled training samples {(x k , yk }nk=1

(y) ny
(equivalently, {x k }k=1 for class y = 1, . . . , c)
Gaussian width σ , and regularization parameter λ;
Output: Class-posterior probability p(y|x);
for y = 1, . . . , c , -
% K(x, x  ) = exp − x−x
2σ 2
(y) ←− 1 n K(x k , x (y)
)K(x k , x  ) for , = 1, . . . , ny ;
, n' k=1
(y) (y) (y)
h ←− n1 k=1 K(x k , x ) for = 1, . . . , ny ;

 (y) + λI ny )θ (y) = 
Solve linear equation (H
h and obtain  θ ;
max(0, (y) (y)
=1 θ K(x,x ))
(y|x) ←−
p 'c 'ny  (y  ) (y  )
y  =1 =1 θ K(x,x ))

Figure 12.5. Pseudo code of LSPC for simplified model (12.9) with Gaussian kernel

computing the step direction and a bracketing line search for a point satisfying
the strong Wolfe conditions to compute the step size.
When data are fed to learning algorithms, the input samples are normalized
in element-wise manner so that each element has mean zero and unit variance.
The Gaussian width σ and the regularization parameter λ for all the methods are
chosen based on 2-fold cross-validation from
σ ∈ { 10 m, 15 m, 12 m, 23 m, m, 32 m, 2m, 5m, 10m},
λ ∈ {10−2 , 10−1.5 , 10−1 , 10−0.5 , 100 },
where m := median({x k − x k }nk,k =1 ).
We evaluate the classification accuracy and computation time of each method
using the following multi-class classification datasets taken from the LIBSVM web
page (Chang and Lin, 2001):
satimage: Input dimensionality is 36 and the number of classes is 6.
letter: Input dimensionality is 16 and the number of classes is 26.
We investigate the classification accuracy and computation time of LSPC,
LSPC(full), and KLR. For given n and c, we randomly choose ny = *n/c+ training
samples from each class y, where *t+ is the largest integer not greater than t. In the
first set of experiments, we fix the number of classes c to the original number shown
above and change the number of training samples to n = 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000.
In the second set of experiments, we fix the number of training samples to n = 1000
and change the number of classes c – only samples in the first c classes in the dataset
are used. The classification accuracy is evaluated using 100 test samples chosen
randomly from each class. The computation time is measured by the CPU compu-
tation time required for training each classifier when the Gaussian width and the
regularization parameter chosen by cross-validation are used.
210 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

The experimental results are summarized in Figures 12.6 and 12.7. The graphs
on the left in Figure 12.6 show the misclassification errors. When n is increased, the
misclassification error for all the methods tends to decrease and LSPC, LSPC(full),
and KLR perform similarly well. The graphs on the right in Figure 12.6 show the
computation times. When n is increased, the computation time tends to grow for
all the methods, but LSPC is faster than KLR by two orders of magnitude. The
graphs on the left in Figure 12.7 show that when c is increased, the misclassification
error tends to increase for all the methods, and LSPC, LSPC(full), and KLR behave
similarly well. The graphs on the right in Figure 12.7 show that when c is increased,
the computation time of KLR tends to grow, whereas that of LSPC is kept constant
or even tends to decrease slightly. This happens because the number of samples
in each class decreases when c is increased, and the computation time of LSPC
is governed by the number of samples in each class, not by the total number of
samples (see Section 12.2.2).
Overall, the computation of LSPC was shown to be faster than that of KLR by
two orders of magnitude, whereas LSPC and KLR were shown to be comparable to
each other in terms of classification accuracy. LSPC and LSPC(full) were shown
to possess similar classification performances, and thus LSPC with the simplified
model (12.9) would be more preferable in practice.

Misclassification rate (satimage, c = 6) Training time (satimage, c = 6)

0.4 104
0.38 LSPC(full)
0.36 KLR
0.3 100
0.26 10−2
100 200 500 1000 2000 100 200 500 1000 2000
n n

Misclassification rate (letter, c = 26) Training time (letter, c = 26)

0.8 104
0.3 100
0.1 10−2
100 200 500 1000 100 200 500 1000
n n

Figure 12.6. Misclassification rates (in percent, left) and computation times (in second,
right) as functions of the number of training samples n. The two rows correspond to the
satimage, and letter datasets, respectively.
12.2 Probabilistic Classification 211

Misclassification rate (satimage, n = 1000) Training time (satimage, n = 1000)

0.35 103
0.3 LSPC(full)
0.25 KLR 102
0.1 100
0 10−1
2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6
c c

Misclassification rate (letter, n = 1000) Training time (letter, n = 1000)

0.25 104

0 10−2
2 5 10 15 20 26 2 5 10 15 20 26
c c

Figure 12.7. Misclassification rate (in percent, left) and computation time (in second,
right) as functions of the number of classes c. From top to bottom, the graphs correspond
to the ‘mnist’, ‘usps’, ‘satimage’, and ‘letter’ datasets.

12.2.4 Remarks
Recently, various efficient algorithms for computing the solution of logistic regres-
sions have been developed for high-dimensional sparse data (Koh et al., 2007;
Fan et al., 2008). However, for dense data, using standard non-linear optimiza-
tion techniques such as Newton’s method or quasi-Newton methods seem to be
a common choice (Hastie et al., 2001; Minka, 2007). The performance of these
general-purpose non-linear optimizers has been improved in the last decade, but
computing the solution of logistic regressions for a large number of dense training
samples is still a challenging problem.
In this section we described a probabilistic classification algorithm called a
least-squares probabilistic classifier (LSPC). LSPC employs a linear combina-
tion of Gaussian kernels centered at training points for modeling the class-posterior
probability, and the parameters are learned by least-squares class-posterior fitting.
The notable advantages of LSPC are that its solution can be computed analytically
just by solving a system of linear equations and training can be carried out sepa-
rately in a class-wise manner. LSPC was shown experimentally to be faster than
kernel logistic regression (KLR) in computation time by two orders of magnitude,
with comparable accuracy.
212 12 Conditional Probability Estimation

The computational efficiency of LSPC was brought by the combination of

appropriate model choice and loss function. More specifically, KLR uses a log-
linear combination of kernel functions and its parameters are learned by regularized
maximum likelihood. In this log-linear maximum likelihood formulation, nor-
malization of the model is essential to avoid the likelihood diverging to infinity.
Thus, the likelihood function tends to be complicated and numerically solving
the optimization problem may be unavoidable. On the other hand, in LSPC, a
linear combination of Gaussian kernel functions was used for modeling the class-
posterior probability and its parameters were learned by regularized least-squares
class-posterior fitting. This combination allows one to obtain the solution ana-
lytically. When Newton’s method (more specifically, iteratively reweighted least
squares) is used for learning the KLR model, a system of linear equations needs
to be solved in every iteration until convergence (Hastie et al., 2001). On the other
hand, LSPC requires that one solves a system of linear equations only once to
obtain the global optimal solution.
It is straightforward to show that solutions for all regularization parameter
values (i.e., the regularization path; see Efron et al., 2004; Hastie et al., 2004) can
be computed efficiently in LSPC. Let us consider the eigendecomposition of the
matrix H  (y) [see Eq. (12.11)]:

 (y) =
H γ ψ ψ 
where {ψ } =1  (y) associated with the eigenvalues {γ }ny .
are the eigenvectors of H =1
Then, the solution 
θ can be expressed as

h ψ
  (y) + λI ny )−1
θ = (H
h = ψ .
γ + λ
Because ( h ψ )ψ is common to all λ, the solution 
θ for all λ can be computed
efficiently by eigendecomposing the matrix H  (y) once in advance. Although the
eigendecomposition of H  (y) may be computationally slightly more demanding
than solving a system of linear equations of the same size, this approach would be
useful, for example, when computing the solutions for various values of λ in the
cross-validation procedure.
When ny is large, we may further reduce the computational cost and memory
space by using only a subset of kernels. This would be a useful heuristic when
a large number of samples are used for training. Another option for reducing the
computation time when the number of samples is very large is the stochastic gra-
dient descent method (Amari, 1967). That is, starting from some initial parameter
value, gradient descent is carried out only for a randomly chosen single sample
in each iteration. Because our optimization problem is convex, convergence to
the global solution is guaranteed (in the probabilistic sense) by stochastic gradient
Part IV

Theoretical Analysis of Density-Ratio


In this part we address theoretical aspects of density-ratio estimation.

In Chapter 13, we analyze the asymptotic properties of density-ratio estimation.
We first establish the consistency and asymptotic normality of the KLIEP method
(see Chapter 5) in Section 13.1, and we elucidate the asymptotic learning curve
of the LSIF method (see Chapter 6) in Section 13.2. Then, in Section 13.3, we
explain that the logistic regression method (see Chapter 4) achieves the minimum
asymptotic variance when the parametric model is specified correctly. Finally, in
Section 13.4, we compare theoretically the performance of density-ratio estima-
tion methods, showing that separate density estimation (see Chapter 2) is favorable
if correct density models are available, and direct density-ratio estimation is
favorable otherwise.
In Chapter 14, the convergence rates of KLIEP (see Chapter 5) and uLSIF (see
Chapter 6) are investigated theoretically under the non-parametric setup
In Chapter 15, a parametric method of a two-sample test is described, and
its properties are analyzed. We derive an optimal estimator of the divergence
in the sense of the asymptotic variance, which is based on parametric density-
ratio estimation. Then we provide a statistic for two-sample tests based on the
optimal divergence estimator, which is proved to dominate the existing empirical
likelihood-score test.
Finally, in Chapter 16, the numerical stability of kernelized density-ratio esti-
mators is analyzed. As shown in Section 7.2.2, the ratio fitting and the moment
matching methods share the same solution in theory, although the optimization
criteria are different. This fact may have a strong impact on the numerical stabil-
ity and computational efficiency. We show that uLSIF has the smallest condition
numbers among a class of estimators, implying that it would be numerically more
reliable and computationally more efficient
Parametric Convergence Analysis

In this chapter we theoretically elucidate the convergence properties of density-

ratio estimation under the parameric setup. In Sections 13.1 and 13.2, we
investigate the asymptotic behavior of the KLIEP method (see Chapter 5) and
the LSIF method (see Chapter 6), respectively. Then, in Section 13.3, the optimal-
ity of the logistic regression method (see Chapter 4) is shown under the correctly
specified parametric setup. Finally, in Section 13.4, we theoretically compare the
performance of density-ratio estimation by density estimation (see Chapter 2),
logistic regression (see Chapter 4), and Kullback–Leibler density-ratio fitting (see
Chapter 5). The chapter is concluded in Section 13.5.
Let us recall the notation of our density-ratio estimation problem: Let X (⊂ Rd )
be the data domain, and suppose we are given i.i.d. samples {x nu i }i=1 drawn from a

distribution Pnu ∗
with density pnu (x) and i.i.d. samples {x de
j }j =1 drawn from another

∗ ∗
distribution Pde with density pde (x):

nnu i.i.d. n i.i.d.

{x nu ∗ de de ∗
i }i=1 ∼ Pnu and {x j }j =1 ∼ Pde .

We assume that pde (x) is strictly positive. The goal is to estimate the density ratio
∗ ∗ ∗
r (x) = pnu (x)/pde (x) based on the observed samples. In this chapter we focus
on using a parametric model (i.e., a finite-dimensional model) for density-ratio

13.1 Density-Ratio Fitting under Kullback–Leibler Divergence

In this section we show the asymptotic normality of KLIEP in the parametric setup.
All the proofs of the theorems in this subsection can be found in Sugiyama et al.

216 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

13.1.1 Preliminaries
We consider a linear parametric model with b basis functions {ϕ | = 1, . . . , b}.
Letting ϕ(x) := (ϕ1 (x), . . . , ϕb (x)) , we can express our parametric model R as
9 :
R := α  ϕ | α ≥ 0 .

For simplicity, we assume n = nnu = nde . Let 

rn be the density ratio estimated by
KLIEP, which is given as the solution to the following optimization problem:
n n
nu 1
rn := argmax log(r(x i )) s.t. r(x j ) = 1.
r∈R n i=1 n j =1

α n be the coefficient corresponding to  α
rn = 
rn , that is,  ∗
n ϕ, and let α be the
coefficient of the true density-ratio function:

r ∗ = ϕα∗ = ∗
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ as
For any function r, let us define Pnu , Pde , Pnu , and P de
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Pnu r := r(x)pnu (x)dx, Pde r := r(x)pde (x)dx,
n n
∗ 1
nu ∗ 1
P r := r(x i ), Pde r := r(x j ).
n i=1 n j =1

We define the (generalized) Hellinger distance with respect to pde as
 ,; ; -2 1/2
hPde∗ (r, r  ) := ∗
r(x) − r  (x) pde (x)dx ,

where r and r  are non-negative measurable functions (not necessarily probability

We assume the following conditions:
Assumption 13.1
1. The density ratio r ∗ is bounded from both above and below:

0 < η0 ≤ r ∗ ≤ η1

on the support of pnu .
∗ ∗
2. ∃@ , ξ > 0 such that

ϕl (x)pde (x)dx ≥ @ ∗ , ϕl ∞ ≤ ξ ∗ , (∀ϕl ∈ F).

3. ϕ(x)ϕ(x) pde (x)dx ! O (positive definite).
4. The model contains the true density-ratio function: r ∗ ∈ R.
13.1 Density-Ratio Fitting under Kullback–Leibler Divergence 217

Let ψ(α) := log(α  ϕ(x)). Note that if Pde (ϕϕ  ) ! O is satisfied, then we
obtain the following inequality for all β # = 0:
∗ ϕ  ϕϕ 
β  ∇ 2 Pnu

ψ(α ∗ )β = β  ∇Pnu  β = −β  ∗
P nu β
α  ϕ α=α∗ (ϕ  α ∗ )2
= −β  Pde

β ≤ −β  Pde

(ϕϕ  )β/η1 < 0.
(ϕ  α ∗ )
Thus, −β  ∇ 2 Pnu

ψ(α ∗ )β is also positive definite. Let
G ∗ := −∇ 2 Pnu

ψ(α ∗ ) = Pnu

∇ψ(α ∗ )∇ψ(α ∗ ) (! O).

13.1.2 Consistency and Asymptotic Normality

We first give the n-consistency result of 
α n /cn , where
 −1

de 1
cn := (P r ) =
∗ ∗ −1
r ∗ (x de
j )
 .
n j =1

Let  · G ∗ denote a norm defined as

α2G ∗ := α  G ∗ α.
By the positivity of G ∗ there exist 0 < ξ1 < ξ2 such that
ξ1 α ≤ αG ∗ ≤ ξ2 α. (13.1)
Then we have the following lemma.
Lemma 13.2 Under Assumption 13.1, the KLIEP estimator for a finite fixed-
dimensional model satisfies

α n /cn − α ∗  = Op (1/ n).

Remark. From the relationship (13.1), Lemma 13.2 also implies 
α n /cn −

α ∗ G ∗ = Op (1/ n), which indicates

rn , cn r ∗ ) = Op (1/ n).
hPde∗ (
Next we establish the asymptotic normality. Let

S := {α | Pde (α  ϕ) = 1, α ≥ 0},
Sn := {α | P ∗
(α  ϕ) = 1/cn , α ≥ 0}.
Note that α ∗ ∈ S and α n /cn , α ∗ ∈ Sn . Let the approximating cones of S and Sn at
α ∗ be C and Cn , respectively, where an approximating cone is defined as follows.
Definition 13.3 Let D be a closed subset in Rk and θ ∈ D be a non-isolated point
in D. If there is a closed cone A that satisfies the following conditions, we define
A as an approximating cone at θ :
218 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

• For an arbitrary sequence yi ∈ D − θ , yi → 0,

inf x − yi  = o(yi ).


• For an arbitrary sequence x i ∈ A, x i → 0,

inf x i − y = o(x i ).


The @-ball around α is denoted by

B(α, @) := {α  | α  − α ≤ @}.

Now S and Sn are convex polytopes, so that the approximating cones at α ∗ are
also convex polytopes and

C = {λ(α − α ∗ ) | α ∈ S ∩ B(α ∗ , @), λ ≥ 0},

Cn = {λ(α − α ∗ ) | α ∈ Sn ∩ B(α ∗ , @), λ ≥ 0}

for a sufficiently small @. There is no loss of generality if we assume α0,i = 0 (i =

1, . . . , j ) and α0,i > 0 (i = j + 1, . . . , b) for some j . Let νi := Pde ϕi . Then the
approximating cone C is spanned by µi (i = 1, . . . , b − 1) defined as
       
1 0 0 0
 0   ..   ..   . 
   .   .   .. 
 .       
 ..   0   0   0 
       
 0   1   0   0 
   ν   ν   
µ1 := ν1 , . . . , µj := j , µ := j +2 , . . . , µb−1 := νb .
− νj +1  − νj +1  j +1 − νj +1  − νj +1 
       
 0   0   1   0 
       
 ..   ..   ..   .. 
 .   .   .   . 
0 0 0 1

That is,  

j b−1

C= λ i µi + β i µi | λi ≥ 0, β i ∈ R .
 
i=1 i=j +1

Then we obtain the asymptotic law of α n /cn − α ∗ ).

Theorem 13.4 Let Z ∼ N (0, G ∗−1 ). Then

α n /cn − α ∗ )  argmin δ − ZG ∗
n( (convergence in law).

In addition to Theorem 13.4, we can show the asymptotic law of αn − α∗)
as follows.
13.2 Density-Ratio Fitting under Squared Distance 219

Theorem 13.5 Let Z ∼ N (0, G ∗−1 ) and Z  ∼ N (0, Pde ∗ ∗

(r − 1)2 ), where Z and

Z are independent. Then

α n − α ∗ )  argmin δ − ZG ∗ + α ∗ Z  (convergence in law).

Remark. It can be easily checked that

µ ∗ ∗
i G α = 0 (i = 1, . . . , b − 1).

Thus, Theorem 13.5 gives an orthogonal decomposition of the asymptotic law of

√ ∗
α n −α ∗ ) to a parallel part and an orthogonal part to C. Moreover, if pnu
n( ∗
= pde ,

then r = 1, so that the orthogonal part vanishes.

13.2 Density-Ratio Fitting under Squared Distance

In this section we elucidate the statistical properties of parametric density-ratio
estimation under the squared distance, least-squares importance fitting (LSIF)
introduced in Chapter 6.

13.2.1 Preliminaries

Let us model the density ratio r ∗ (x) = pnu

(x)/pde (x) by the following linear

r(x; θ ) = θ ϕ (x),

where ϕ1 , . . . , ϕb are basis functions and θ = (θ1 , . . . , θb ) is the parameter vector.

We assume that the basis functions are non-negative. Let H  be the b × b matrix
with the ( ,  )-element

 ,  = 1
H ϕ (x de de
j )ϕ  (x j ),
nde j =1

and let 
h be the b-dimensional vector with the -th element

h = ϕ (x nu
i ).
nnu i=1

Similarly, the elements of the b × b matrix H and the b-dimensional vector h are
defined as
∗ ∗
H ,  = ϕ (x)ϕ  (x)pde (x)dx and h = ϕ (x)pnu (x)dx,

which are obtained as the infinite sample limits of H h, respectively.
220 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

Suppose that the linear model r(x; θ ) includes the true density ratio r ∗ (x). Then,
if the sample sizes nde and nnu tend to infinity, both the constrained LSIF (cLSIF;
Section 6.2.1) and the unconstrained LSIF (uLSIF; Section 6.2.2) estimators will
converge to r ∗ (x). In the following we present the asymptotic properties of these
Let us consider the squared distance between two ratios, r ∗ (x) and r(x; θ ):

J0 (θ) = (r(x; θ ) − r ∗ (x))2 pde

1 2 ∗ ∗ 1
= r(x; θ ) pde (x)dx − r(x; θ )pnu (x)dx + r ∗ (x)2 pde

2 2
where the last term is a constant and therefore can be safely ignored. Let us denote
the first two terms by J :
1 2 ∗ ∗
J (θ ) = r(x; θ) pde (x)dx − r(x; θ )pnu (x)dx
b  b 

= θ θ  ϕ (x)ϕ  (x)pde (x)dx − θ ϕ (x)pnu (x)dx
2  =1
, =1

= θ  H θ − h θ .
The accuracy of the estimated ratio r(x;
θ ) is measured by J (
θ ).

13.2.2 Asymptotic Properties of cLSIF

As shown in Section 6.2.1, the constrained LSIF (cLSIF) estimator is given as the
optimal solution of the quadratic optimization problem
max θ H θ − h θ + λ1b θ s.t. θ ≥ 0b , (13.2)
θ∈Rb 2
where 0b and 1b are the b-dimensional vectors with all zeros and ones, respectively;
the vector inequality θ ≥ 0b is applied in an element-wise manner, that is, θ ≥ 0
for = 1, . . . , b. Denoting the optimal solution by θ = (θ1 , . . . , 
θb ), we can express
the estimated density ratio as r(x; θ ).
To investigate the statistical properties of the cLSIF estimator, let us consider
an “ideal” version of the problem (13.2):
max θ H θ − h θ + λ1b θ s.t. θ ≥ 0b . (13.3)
θ∈Rb 2
That is, H h in Eq. (13.2) are replaced with H and h, respectively. The optimal
solution of Eq. (13.3) is denoted as θ ∗ = (θ1∗ , . . . , θb∗ ).
We prepare some notations. Let A ⊂ {1, . . . , b} be the set of active indices of
the optimal solution for the problem (13.3), that is,
A = { | θ ∗ = 0, = 1, . . . , b}.
13.2 Density-Ratio Fitting under Squared Distance 221

For the active set A = {j1 , . . . , j|A| } with j1 < · · · < j|A| , let E be the |A| × b
indicator matrix with the (i, ji )-th element

1 j = ji ∈ A,
Ei,j =
0 otherwise,

and A = H −1 − H −1 E  (EH −1 E  )−1 EH −1 . For the functions r(x) and r  (x), let
C r,r  be the b ×b covariance matrix with the ( ,  )-th element being the covariance

between r(x)ϕ (x) and r  (x)ϕ  (x) under the probability pde (x), and the functions

r (x) and v(x) denote


r ∗ (x) = θ ∗ ϕ (x) and v(x) = [A1b ] ϕ (x).

=1 =1

In the following we also use C r ∗ ,r ∗ and C r ∗ ,v defined in the same way as was done
previously. Let
f (n) = ω(g(n))
denote that f (n) asymptotically dominates g(n); more precisely, for all C > 0,
there exists n0 such that

|Cg(n)| < |f (n)| for all n > n0 .

Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 13.6 Assume that

(a) The optimal solution of the problem (13.3) satisfies the strict complementarity
condition (Bertsekas et al., 2003).
(b) nnu and nde satisfy
nnu = ω(n2de ). (13.4)

Then, for any λ ≥ 0, we have

1 1
E[J (
θ )] = J (θ ∗ ) + tr(A(C w∗ ,w∗ − 2λC w∗ ,v )) + o .
2nde nde

This theorem elucidates the learning curve (Amari et al., 1992) of cLSIF up to
the order of 1/nde .

13.2.3 Asymptotic Properties of uLSIF Estimator

Let the estimator 
θ be the optimal solution of
1   λ
min θ H θ −h θ + θ θ , (13.5)
θ∈Rb 2 2
222 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

where λ (≥ 0) is the regularization parameter. Then the uLSIF estimator is

defined as

θ = max(0b ,  + λI b )−1
θ ) = max(0b , (H h),

where the “max” operation for a pair of vectors is applied in an element-wise

To investigate statistical properties of the uLSIF estimator, we consider the
“ideal” version of the problem (13.5). Let θ ◦ be the optimal solution of the ideal
1  λ
min θ H θ − h θ + θ  θ . (13.6)
θ∈Rb 2 2
That is, θ ◦ = (H + λI b )−1 h. Then the ideal solution θ ∗ is given by

θ ∗ = max(0b , θ ◦ ) = max(0b , (H + λI b )−1 h).

Let B ⊂ {1, . . . , b} be the set of negative indices of θ ◦ , that is,

B = { | θ ◦ < 0, = 1, . . . , b}.

Let D be the b-dimensional diagonal matrix with the -th diagonal element

0 ∈ B,
D , =
1 otherwise.



r (x) = θ ∗ ϕ (x) and v(x) = [B−1 ∗
λ D(H θ − h)] ϕ (x),
=1 =1

where Bλ = H + λI b . Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 13.7 Assume that

(a) For the optimal solution of the problem (13.6), the condition θ ◦ # = 0 for =
1, . . . , b holds.
(b) nde and nnu satisfy Eq. (13.4).

Then, for any λ ≥ 0, we have

E[J (
θ )] = J (θ ∗ )
1 −1 −1 −1 1
+ tr(Bλ DH DBλ C r ,r + 2Bλ C r ,v ) + o
∗ ∗ ∗ .
2nde nde

Theorem 13.7 elucidates the learning curve of uLSIF up to the order of n−1
de .
13.3 Optimality of Logistic Regression 223

13.3 Optimality of Logistic Regression

In this section we introduce Qin’s (1998), result that is, a correctly specified logistic
regression provides the optimal estimator for density ratios.

Let us model the density ratio r ∗ (x) = pnu ∗
(x)/pde (x) by the following
parametric model:

r(x; θ ) = exp{θ0 + φ(x; θ 1 )},

where θ0 ∈ R, θ 1 ∈ Rb−1 , θ = (θ0 , θ 1 ) is the b-dimensional parameter and φ(x; θ 1 )

is a real-valued function. We assume that the true density ratio r ∗ (x) is realized by
r(x; θ ∗ ) in the parametric model.
Here we consider the moment-matching estimator for density ratios. Let
η(x; θ) ∈ Rb be a vector-valued function, and let the estimator  θ η be the solution
of the equation
nde nnu

η(x de
i ; θ )r(x de
i ; θ ) = η(x nu
i ; θ ). (13.7)
nde i=1 nnu j =1

In the infinite sample limit, the Eq. (13.7) converges to

∗ ∗
η(x; θ )r(x; θ)pde (x)dx = η(x; θ )pnu (x)dx, (13.8)

and hence θ = θ ∗ is a solution of Eq. (13.8). Under a mild assumption, the estimator

θ η converge to θ ∗ ; that is, the estimator has the statistical consistency. Qin (1998)
proved that the moment function defined by
η∗ (x; θ ) = ∇ log r(x; θ ) (13.9)
1 + nnu /nde · r(x; θ)
is optimal, where ∇ log r(x; θ ) denotes the b-dimensional gradient vector of
log r(x; θ ). More precisely, the variance–covariance matrix V( θ η∗ ) of the estima-
θ η∗ is asymptotically smaller than or equal to the variance–covariance matrix
V(θ η ) of the other estimator 
θ η in the sense of the positive semi-definiteness of
the matrix. This fact is summarized as follows.

Theorem 13.8 (Theorem 3 in Qin, 1998) Suppose that the limit of nnu /nde con-
verges to a positive constant. For any vector-valued function η(x, θ ) with finite
∗ ∗
variance under pde and pnu , the difference of the asymptotic variance covariance

lim nde (V(

θ η ) − V(
θ η∗ )),
nde →∞

is positive semi-definite, where η∗ is defined by Eq. (13.9).

Because the probabilistic order of 
θ η − θ ∗ is usually Op (1/ nde ), the variance–
covariance matrix is multiplied by the factor nde , to the Theorem 13.8 guarantees
224 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

that the estimator with η∗ is optimal in the sense of the variance–covariance matrix
of the estimator.
In the following we show that the optimal moment-matching estimator is
derived from the maximum likelihood estimator of the logistic regression models.

Let us assign a selector variable y = nu to samples drawn from pnu (x) and y = de

to samples drawn from pde (x); that is, the two densities are written as

pnu (x) = q ∗ (x|y = nu) and pde

(x) = q ∗ (x|y = de).

Suppose the marginal probability of y is defined as q ∗ (nu) and q ∗ (de). Then,

according to the Bayes formula, the conditional probabilities q ∗ (y = de|x) and
q ∗ (y = nu|x) are represented as
q ∗ (y = de|x) =
1 + q ∗ (nu)/q ∗ (de) · q ∗ (x|y = nu)/q ∗ (x|y = de)
= ,
1 + q (nu)/q ∗ (de) · r ∗ (x)

q ∗ (nu)/q ∗ (de) · r ∗ (x)

q ∗ (y = nu|x) = .
1 + q ∗ (nu)/q ∗ (de) · r ∗ (x)
Therefore, the statistical model
q(y = de|x; θ ) = ,
1 + nnu /nde · r(x; θ)
nnu /nde · r(x; θ )
q(y = nu|x; θ ) = ,
1 + nnu /nde · r(x; θ)
is available to estimate the conditional probability, in which the ratio q ∗ (nu)/q ∗ (de)
is approximated by ρ := nnu /nde .
When the dataset

(x de nu
i , de), i = 1, . . . , nde and (x j , nu), j = 1, . . . , nnu ,

is observed, the maximum likelihood estimator based on the model (13.10) is the
maximizer of the log-likelihood function,
nde nnu

nnu /nde · r(x nu
j ;θ)
L(θ ) = log + log ,
1 + nnu /nde · r(x de
i ;θ) j =1
1 + nnu /nde · r(x nu
j ;θ)


r(x, θ) = exp{θ0 + θ 
1 φ(x)}.

The extremal condition of the log-likelihood function is given as

nde nnu

ρr(x de

i ;θ) de ρ
∇ log r(x i ; θ ) = nu ∇ log r(x nu
j ; θ ).
1 + ρr(x i ; θ ) j =1
1 + ρr(x j ; θ )
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 225

This equation is identical to Eq. (13.7) with η = η∗ up to a constant factor.

The logistic model (13.10) is closely related to the density ratio of pnu (x)

and pde (x), and the maximum likelihood estimator of the logistic model is the
asymptotically optimal estimator under some regularity condition. This is the main
reason why the estimator with η = η∗ is optimal not only for the parameter of
logistic regression models but also for the density-ratio models.

13.4 Accuracy Comparison

In this section we consider the following three methods of density-ratio estimation
and compare their estimation accuracies (Kanamori et al., 2010):
(A) The numerator and denominator densities are separately estimated by the
maximum likelihood estimation, and then the ratio of the estimated densities is
computed (Chapter 2).
(B) The logistic regression classifier that discriminates denominator samples
from numerator samples is learned, and then the ratio of the posterior
probabilities is computed (Chapter 4).
(C) The density-ratio function is directly modeled and learned by minimizing the
empirical Kullback–Leibler divergence (Chapter 5).
We first show that when the numerator and denominator densities are known to
be members of the exponential family, (A) is better than (B) and (B) is better than
(C). Then we show that once the model assumption is violated, (C) is better than
(A) and (B). Thus, in practical situations where no exact model is available, (C)
would be the most promising approach to density-ratio estimation.
Throughout this section, we assume n = nnu = nde .

13.4.1 Measure of Accuracy

Let us consider the unnormalized Kullback–Leibler (UKL) divergence

(Cesa-Bianchi and Lugosi, 2006) from the true density pnu (x) to its estimator

r(x)pde (x):
∗ ∗ ∗ pnu (x)
r · pde ) := pnu (x) log ∗ dx

r(x)pde (x)

−1+  r(x)pde (x)dx. (13.11)
∗ ∗
UKL(pnu (x)
r(x)pde (x)) is non-negative for all  r and vanishes if and only
∗ ∗
r = r . If r(x)pde (x) is normalized to be a probability density function,

that is, r(x)pde (x)dx = 1, then the unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence
is reduced to the ordinary Kullback–Leibler divergence (Kullback and Leibler,
∗ ∗ ∗ pnu (x)
KL(pnu  r · pde ) := pnu (x) log ∗ dx. (13.12)

r(x)pde (x)
226 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

∗ ∗
In our theoretical analysis, we use the expectation of UKL(pnu 
r · pde ) over
nu n de n
{x i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 as the measure of accuracy of a density-ratio estimator r(x):
0 ∗ ∗
J (
r) := E UKL(pnu 
r · pde ) , (13.13)
n de n
where E denotes the expectation over {x nu
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 .

13.4.2 Density-Ratio Estimators

Here the three methods of density-ratio estimation we are dealing with are
described in detail.

Ratio of Maximum Likelihood Density Estimators

∗ ∗
When the parametric models for pnu (x) and pde (x) are prepared, the numerator
and denominator densities are separately estimated and then the ratio of the esti-

mated densities is computed. Suppose that two parametric models pnu (x; θ nu ) and
∗ ∗ ∗
pde (x; θ de ) for pnu (x) and pde (x) are defined as

pnu (x; θ nu )dx = 1, ∀θ nu ∈ nu ,

pnu (x; θ nu ) ≥ 0, ∀x ∈ X , ∀θ nu ∈ nu ,

pde (x; θ de )dx = 1 ∀θ de ∈ de ,

pde (x; θ de ) ≥ 0 ∀x ∈ X , ∀θ de ∈ de .

Then the maximum likelihood estimators  θ nu and θ de are computed separately

nu n de n
from {x i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 :

θ nu := argmax nu
log pnu (x ; θ nu ) ,
θ nu ∈nu i=1
 


θ de := argmax  log pde (x de 
j ; θ de ) .
θ de ∈de j =1

Note that the maximum likelihood estimators  θ nu and  θ de minimize the empirical
∗ ∗
Kullback–Leibler divergences from the true densities pnu (x) and pde (x) to their
models pnu (x; θ nu ) and pde (x; θ de ), respectively:
p ∗
(x nu

θ nu = argmin log nu i
θ nu ∈nu n i=1 pnu (x nu
i ; θ nu )
 

n ∗
1 pde (x de
j )
θ de = argmin  log .
θ de ∈de n j =1 pnu (x de
j ; θ de )
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 227

Then the density-ratio estimator based on a separated maximum likelihood

estimator is constructed by taking the ratio of the estimated densities:
 −1
θ nu )  1
pnu (x j ;
pnu (x;
θ nu )

rA (x) :=  ,
pde (x;
θ de ) n pde (x de ;
j =1
θ de )

1 'n
where the estimator is normalized so that n
rA (x de
j =1  j ) = 1.

Logistic Regression

Let us assign a selector variable y = nu to samples drawn from pnu (x) and y = de
∗ ∗
to samples drawn from pde (x); that is, the two densities are written as pnu (x) =
∗ ∗ ∗
q (x|y = nu) and pde (x) = q (x|y = de). Since
q ∗ (y = nu|x)q ∗ (x)
q ∗ (x|y = nu) = ,
q ∗ (y = nu)
q ∗ (y = de|x)q ∗ (x)
q ∗ (x|y = de) = ,
q ∗ (y = de)
the density ratio can be expressed in terms of y as
q ∗ (y = nu|x) q ∗ (y = de) q ∗ (y = nu|x)
r ∗ (x) = = ,
q ∗ (y = nu) q ∗ (y = de|x) q ∗ (y = de|x)
where we use q ∗ (y = nu) = q ∗ (y = de) = 1/2 based on the assumption that nnu = n.
The conditional probability q ∗ (y|x) could be approximated by discriminating
nu n n
{x i }i=1 from {x de
j }j =1 using a logistic regression classifier; that is, for a non-
negative parametric function r(x; θ), the conditional probabilities q ∗ (y = nu|x)
and q ∗ (y = de|x) are modeled by
r(x; θ ) 1
q(y = nu|x; θ ) = and q(y = de|x; θ ) = .
1 + r(x; θ ) 1 + r(x; θ )
Then the maximum likelihood estimator 
θ B is computed from {x nu n
i }i=1 and
de n
{x j }j =1 as

 r(x nu
i ;θ) 1
θ B := argmax log + log . (13.14)
θ∈ i=1
1 + r(x nu
i ;θ) j =1
1 + r(x de
j ;θ)

Note that the maximum likelihood estimator θ B minimizes the empirical Kullback–
Leibler divergences from the true density q ∗ (x, y) to its estimator q(y|x; θ)q ∗ (x):

 1 q ∗ (x nu
i , y = nu)
θ B = argmin log
θ∈ 2n i=1 q(y = nu|x nu ∗ nu
i ; θ )q (x i )
q ∗ (x de
j , y = de)
+ log .
2n j =1 q(y = de|x de ∗ de
j ; θ )q (x j )
228 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

Finally, the density-ratio estimator is constructed by taking the ratio of q(y =

θ B ) and q(y = de|x;
nu|x; θ B ) with proper normalization:
 −1

q(y = nu|x; θ B ) 1 q(y = nu|x j ; θ B )

rB(x):= 
q(y = de|x;θ B) n q(y = de|x de ;
j =1
θ B) j
 −1
de  
= r(x;
θ B)  r(x j ; θ B ) .
n j =1

Empirical Unnormalized Kullback–Leibler Divergence

For the density-ratio function r ∗ (x), a non-negative parametric model r(x; θ ) is
prepared. Then the following estimator  θ C is computed from {x nu n de n
i }i=1 and {x j }j =1 :

n n

θ C := argmax log r(x nu r(x de
i ;θ) − j ;θ) . (13.15)
θ∈ i=1 j =1

Note that 
θ C minimizes the empirical unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence
∗ ∗
from the true density pnu (x) to its estimator 
r(x)pde (x):

n n 
 1 pnu∗
(x nu
i ) 1
θ C = argmin log − 1 + 
r(x j ) .
θ∈ n i=1 r(x nu
 ∗ nu
i )pde (x i ) n j =1

Finally, the density-ratio estimator is obtained by

 −1

rC (x) := r(x;
 θ C)  r(x de   .
j ; θ C)
n j =1

13.4.3 Exponential Models for Densities and Ratios

∗ ∗
For the densities pnu (x) and pde (x), we use the following exponential model
(Lehmann and Casella, 1998):
9 :
p(x; θ ) = h(x) exp θ  ξ (x) − ϕ(θ ) , θ ∈ , (13.16)

where h(x) is a base measure, ξ (x) is a sufficient statistic, ϕ(θ) is a normalization

factor, and  denotes the transpose of a vector. The exponential model includes
various popular models as special cases, for example, the normal, exponential,
gamma, chi-square, and beta distributions.
Correspondingly, we use the following exponential model for the density ratio
r ∗ (x):
9 :
r(x; θ , θ0 ) = exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x) , θ ∈ , θ0 ∈ R. (13.17)
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 229

Method (A): For the exponential model (13.16), the maximum likelihood
θ nu and 
θ de are given by

θ nu = argmax  nu
θ ξ (x ) − nϕ(θ) , i
θ nu ∈ i=1
 

θ de = argmax  θ  ξ (x de 
j ) − nϕ(θ) ,
θ de ∈ j =1

where irrelevant constants are ignored. The density-ratio estimator 

rA (x) for the
exponential density model is expressed as
 −1
7  8 1
n 7  8
rA (x) = exp 
 θ A ξ (x)  exp 
θ A ξ (x de
j )
 ,
n j =1

θ A := 
θ nu − 
θ de . One may use other estimators such as
7  8
rA (x) = exp 
 θ A ξ (x) − ϕ(
θ nu ) + ϕ(
θ de )

instead of rA (x). However, we focus on

rA (x) here because the same normalization
factor as rA (x) appears in other methods, as is shown in the following. This fact
facilitates the theoretical analysis.

Method (B): For the exponential model (13.17), the optimization problem (13.14)
is expressed as

θ B, 
θB,0 )

r(x nu
i ; θ , θ0 ) 1
= argmax log + log
(θ,θ0 )∈×R i=1 1 + r(x nu
i ; θ , θ0 ) j =1
1 + r(x de
j ; θ , θ0 )

n 9 :
exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x nu i )
= argmax log 9 
(θ,θ0 )∈×R i=1 1 + exp θ0 + θ ξ (x nu i )

+ log 7 8 .
j =1 1 + exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x de j )

The density-ratio estimator 

rB (x) for the exponential ratio model is expressed as
 −1
7  8 1
n 7  8
rB (x) = exp 
 θ B ξ (x)  exp 
θ B ξ (x j )  .
n j =1
230 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

Method (C): For the exponential model (13.17), the optimization problem
(13.15) is expressed as

n n 
1 1
(θ C, 
θC,0 ) = argmax log r(x nu
i ; θ , θ 0 ) − r(x i ; θ , θ 0 )
(θ,θ0 )∈×R n i=1 n j =1

= argmax (θ0 + θ  ξ (x nu
i ))
(θ,θ0 )∈×R n i=1

9  de
− exp θ0 + θ ξ (x j ) .
n j =1

The density-ratio estimator 

rC (x) for the exponential ratio model is expressed as
 −1
7  8 1
n 7  8
rC (x) = exp 
 θ C ξ (x)  exp 
θ C ξ (x de
j )
 .
n j =1

13.4.4 Accuracy Analysis for Correctly Specified Exponential Models

Here we theoretically analyze the accuracy of the three previously mentioned

density-ratio estimators under the assumption that the true densities pnu (x) and
pde (x) both belong to the exponential family; that is, there exist θ nu ∈  and θ ∗de ∈ 
∗ ∗

such that pnu∗

(x) = p(x; θ ∗nu ) and pde

(x) = p(x; θ ∗de ). Because the ratio of the
two exponential densities also belongs to the exponential model, this assumption
implies that there exist θ ∗ ∈  and θ0∗ ∈ R such that
r ∗ (x) = r(x; θ ∗ , θ0∗ ). (13.18)
Note that it is straightforward to extend the current results to general parametric
models, because we focus on the first-order asymptotics of the estimators. An
arbitrary parametric model p(x; θ ) has the same first-order asymptotics as the
exponential model of the form
pexp (x; θ) ∝ exp{log p(x; θ ∗ ) + (θ − θ ∗ ) ∇ log p(x; θ ∗ )}
around the parameter θ ∗ . Thus the same theoretical property holds.
First, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of J (
rA ).
Lemma 13.9 J ( rA ) can be asymptotically expressed as
1 ∗ ∗ −1
rA ) =
J ( dim  + tr(F(θ nu )F(θ de ) ) + PE(pde pnu ) + O(n−3/2 ),
∗ ∗
where O(·) denotes the asymptotic order. F(θ) denotes the Fisher information
matrix of the exponential model p(x; θ ):

F(θ ) := ∇ log p(x; θ )∇ log p(x; θ ) p(x; θ )dx,
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 231

where ∇ denotes the partial differential operator with respect to θ . PE(pq)

denotes the Pearson divergence of the two densities p and q and is defined as

1 (p(x) − q(x))2
PE(pq) := dx.
2 p(x)
Next we investigate the asymptotic behavior of J ( rB ) and J (
rC ). Let y be the
selector variable taking nu or de as defined in Section 13.4.2. The statistical model
of the joint probability for z = (x, y) is defined as
∗ ∗
pnu (x) + pde (x)
q(z; θ , θ0 ) = q(y|x; θ, θ0 ) × , (13.19)
where q(y|x; θ, θ0 ) is the conditional probability of y such that
9 :
r(x; θ , θ0 ) exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x)
q(y = nu|x; θ , θ0 ) = = 9 :,
1 + r(x; θ , θ0 ) 1 + exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x)
1 1
q(y = de|x; θ , θ0 ) = = 9 :.
1 + r(x; θ , θ0 ) 1 + exp θ0 + θ  ξ (x)

The Fisher information matrix of the model (13.19) is denoted as

F(θ , θ0 ) ∈ R(dim +1)×(dim +1) ,

and its inverse is expressed as

 H 11 (θ , θ0 ) h12 (θ, θ0 )
F(θ , θ0 )−1 = ,
h12 (θ , θ0 ) h22 (θ, θ0 )

where H 11 (θ, θ0 ) is a (dim ) × (dim ) matrix. Then we have the following


Lemma 13.10 J (rB ) can be asymptotically expressed as

rB ) =
J ( tr(F(θ ∗nu )H 11 (θ ∗ , θ0∗ )) + PE(pde
∗ ∗
pnu ) + O(n−3/2 ),

where (θ ∗ , θ0∗ ) is defined in Eq. (13.18).

Lemma 13.11 J ( rC ) can be asymptotically expressed as

1 ∗ −1
rC ) =
J ( dim  + tr(F(θ nu ) G) + PE(pde pnu ) + O(n−3/2 ),
∗ ∗

where G := r ∗ (x)(ξ (x) − ηnu )(ξ (x) − ηnu ) pnu

(x)dx and ηnu = Enu [ξ (x)].

Based on these lemmas, we compare the accuracy of the three methods. For the
accuracy of (A) and (B), we have the following theorem.
232 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

Theorem 13.12 J (
rA ) ≤ J (
rB ) holds asymptotically.
Thus method (A) is more accurate than method (B) in terms of the expected
unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence (13.13). Theorem 13.12 may be
regarded as an extension of the result for binary classification (Efron, 1975): esti-
mating data-generating Gaussian densities by maximum likelihood estimation has
higher statistical efficiency than logistic regression in terms of the classification
error rate.
Next, we compare the accuracy of (B) and (C).
rB ) ≤ J (
Theorem 13.13 J ( rC ) holds asymptotically.
Thus method (B) is more accurate than method (C) in terms of the expected
unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence (13.13). This inequality is a direct
consequence of Qin (1998) (see Section 13.3), where it was shown that method
(B) has the smallest asymptotic variance in a class of semi-parametric estimators.
It is easy to see that method (C) is included in the class.
Finally, we compare the accuracy of (A) and (C). From Theorems 13.12
and 13.13, we immediately have the following corollary.
rA ) ≤ J (
Corollary 13.14 J ( rC ) holds asymptotically.
It was advocated that one should avoid solving more difficult intermedi-
ate problems when solving a target problem (Vapnik, 1998). This statement is
sometimes referred to as Vapnik’s principle, and the support vector machine
(Cortes and Vapnik, 1995) would be a successful example of this principle; instead
of estimating a data-generation model, it directly models the decision boundary,
which is sufficient for pattern recognition.
If we follow Vapnik’s principle, directly estimating the density ratio r ∗ (x) would
∗ ∗
be more promising than estimating the two densities pnu (x) and pde (x), because
∗ ∗ ∗
knowing pnu (x) and pde (x) implies knowing r (x), but not vice versa; indeed,

r ∗ (x) cannot be uniquely decomposed into pnu ∗
(x) and pde (x). Thus, at a glance,
Corollary 13.14 is counterintuitive. However, Corollary 13.14 would be reasonable
because method (C) does not make use of the knowledge that each density is
exponential, but only the knowledge that their ratio is exponential. Thus method
(A) can utilize the a priori model information more effectively. Thanks to the
additional knowledge that both the densities belong to the exponential model, the
intermediate problems (i.e., density estimation) were actually made easier in terms
of Vapnik’s principle.

13.4.5 Accuracy Analysis for Misspecified Exponential Models

Finally, we theoretically analyze the approximation error of the three density-
ratio estimators for misspecified exponential models; that is, the true densities and
ratio are not necessarily included in the exponential models. The unnormalized
Kullback–Leibler divergence is employed to measure the approximation error.
13.4 Accuracy Comparison 233

First we study the convergence of method (A). Let p nu (x) and p de (x) be the
∗ ∗
projections of the true densities pnu (x) and pde (x) onto the model p(x; θ ) in terms
of the Kullback–Leibler divergence (13.12):

p nu (x) := p(x; θ nu ) and pde (x) := p(x; θ de ),

∗ pnu (x)
θ nu := argmin pnu (x) log dx,
θ∈ p(x; θ )
∗ pde (x)
θ de := argmin pde (x) log dx.
θ∈ p(x; θ )

This means that p nu (x) and pde (x) are the optimal approximations to pnu (x) and

pde (x) in the model p(x; θ) in terms of the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Let
pnu (x)
r A (x) := .
pde (x)
Because the ratio of two exponential densities also belongs to the exponential
model, there exists θ A ∈  such that r A (x) = r(x; θ A , θ̄A,0 ). Then we have the
following lemma.
Lemma 13.15 
rA converges in probability to r A as n → ∞.
Next we investigate the convergence of method (B). Let q ∗ (x, y) be the joint
probability defined as
∗ ∗
pnu (x) + pde (x)
q ∗ (x, y) = q ∗ (y|x) × ,
where q ∗ (y|x) is the conditional probability of y such that
r ∗ (x) 1
q ∗ (y = nu|x) = ∗
and q ∗ (y = de|x) = .
1 + r (x) 1 + r ∗ (x)
The model (13.19) is used to estimate q ∗ (x, y), and let q(x, y) be the projection
of the true density q ∗ (x, y) onto the model (13.19) in terms of the Kullback–Leibler
divergence (13.12):

q(x, y) := q(x, y; θ B , θ̄B,0 ),


q ∗ (y|x)
(θ B , θ̄B,0 ) := argmin q ∗ (x, y) log dx.
(θ,θ0 )∈×R q(y|x; θ, θ0 )

This means that q(x, y) is the optimal approximation to q ∗ (x, y) in the model
∗ ∗
pnu (x) + pde (x)
q(y|x; θ , θ0 )
234 13 Parametric Convergence Analysis

in terms of the Kullback–Leibler divergence. Letting r B (x) := r(x; θ B , θ̄B,0 ), we

have the following lemma.
Lemma 13.16 
rB converges in probability to r B as n → ∞.
Finally, we study the convergence of method (C). Suppose that the model
r(x; θ, θ0 ) in Eq. (13.17) is employed. Let r C (x) be the projection of the true
density-ratio function r ∗ (x) onto the model r(x; θ, θ0 ) in terms of the unnormalized
Kullback–Leibler divergence (13.11):

r C (x) := r(x; θ C , θ̄C,0 ),


∗ r ∗ (x)
(θ C , θ̄C,0 ) := argmin pnu (x) log dx
(θ,θ0 )∈×R r(x; θ, θ0 )

−1+ pde (x)r(x; θ, θ0 )dx .

This means that r C (x) is the optimal approximation to r ∗ (x) in the model r(x; θ)
in terms of the unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence. Then we have the
following lemma.
Lemma 13.17 
rC converges in probability to r C as n → ∞.
Based on these lemmas, we investigate the relation among the three methods.
Lemma 13.17 implies that method (C) is consistent with the optimal approxima-
tion r C . However, as we will show in the following, methods (A) and (B) are
not consistent with the optimal approximation r C in general. Let us measure the
deviation of a density-ratio function r  from r by

% &2
D(r  , r) := pde∗
(x) r  (x) − r(x) dx.

Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 13.18 For any r in the exponential model,
D(r, r C ) ≥  pde

(x) r(x)dx − 1 .

∗ ∗
When the model is misspecified, pde (x) r A (x) and pde (x) r B (x) are not proba-
bility densities in general. Then Theorem 13.18 implies that methods (A) and (B)
are not consistent with the optimal approximation r C .
Because model misspecification is a usual situation in practice, method (C) is
the most promising approach in density-ratio estimation.
Finally, for the consistency of method (A), we also have the following additional
13.5 Remarks 235

Corollary 13.19 If pde (x) belongs to the exponential model (13.16), that is, there
∗ ∗
exists θ de ∈  such that pde (x) = p(x; θ de )n, then r A = r C holds even when pnu (x)
does not belong to the exponential model (13.16).

This corollary means that, as long as pde (x) is correctly specified, method (A)
is still consistent.

13.5 Remarks
In this chapter we analyzed the asymptotic properties of density-ratio estimators
under the parametric setup.
We first elucidated the consistency and asymptotic normality of KLIEP
(Chapter 5) in Section 13.1, and the asymptotic learning curve of cLSIF
(Section 6.2.1) and uLSIF (Section 6.2.2) in Section 13.2. All of the methods

were shown to achieve the n-consistency, which is the optimal parametric
convergence rate.
In Section 13.3 we considered the moment-matching approach to density-ratio
estimation and introduced Qin’s (1998) result: The logistic regression method
(Chapter 4) achieves the minimum asymptotic variance under the correctly spec-
ified parametric setup. Thus, as long as the parametric model at hand is correctly
specified, use of the logistic regression method is recommended.
Finally, in Section 13.4, we theoretically compared the performance of three
density-ratio estimation methods:
(A) The density estimation method (Chapter 2)
(B) The logistic regression method (Chapter 4)
(C) The Kullback–Leibler divergence method (Chapter 5)
In Section 13.4.4, we first showed that when the numerator and denominator
densities are known to be members of the exponential family, (A) is better than (B)
and (B) is better than (C) in terms of the expected unnormalized Kullback–Leibler
divergence. This implies that when correctly specified parametric density models
are available for both the numerator and denominator densities, separate density
estimation is more promising than direct density-ratio estimation. This is because
direct density-ratio estimation cannot utilize the knowledge of each density, only
the knowledge of their ratio. However, once the model assumption is violated, (C)
is better than (A) and (B), as shown in Section 13.4.5. Thus, in practical situations
where no exact model is available, (C) would be the most promising approach to
density-ratio estimation.
In the next chapter we analyze statistical properties of density-ratio esti-
mation under the non-parametric setup, which requires considerably different
mathematical tools.
Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

In this chapter we analyze the convergence properties of density-ratio estima-

tors under a non-parametric setup. After summarizing the mathematical tools in
Section 14.1, non-parametric convergence analyses for KLIEP (see Chapter 5)
and uLSIF (see Chapter 6) are provided in Sections 14.2 and 14.3, respectively.
Finally, Section 14.4 concludes the chapter.
We describe again the notation of our density-ratio estimation problem. We are
given two sets of i.i.d. samples in the data domain X (⊂ Rd ):

nnu i.i.d. n i.i.d.

{x nu ∗ de de ∗
i }i=1 ∼ Pnu and {x j }j =1 ∼ Pde .

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Let pnu (x) and pde (x) be the probability densities for the distributions Pnu and Pde ,
∗ ∗ ∗
respectively. The goal is to estimate the density ratio r (x) = pnu (x)/pde (x) based

on the observed samples, where pde (x) is assumed to be strictly positive. In this
chapter we focus on using a non-parametric model (i.e., an infinite-dimensional
model) for density-ratio estimation.

14.1 Mathematical Preliminaries

In this section we show the flow of the proof of the non-parametric convergence
rates and prepare some basic mathematical devices.
As we will see, a uniform upper bound of empirical processes is used to derive
the convergence rates. Roughly speaking, an empirical process of a function class
F is a random process,

F / f 0→ f (x i ),
n i=1

where {x i }ni=1 are samples; its uniform upper bound is defined as


sup  f (x i ) − E[f ] ,
f ∈F  n 

14.1 Mathematical Preliminaries 237

where E denotes the expectation. To evaluate the uniform upper bound, quanti-
ties that represent the “complexity” of F are required. The covering numbers and
bracketing numbers are commonly used complexity measures that will be intro-
duced in Section 14.1.3. A key device to give the tail probability of the uniform
upper bound is Talagrand’s concentration inequality, which evaluates how the
uniform upper bound of the empirical process concentrates around its expectation.
Talagrand’s concentration inequality will be explained in Section 14.1.5.

14.1.1 Outline
First we give an outline for deriving the convergence rates of non-parametrically
estimated density ratios. Because the aim here is to give an intuitive explanation,
mathematical preciseness is sacrificed to some extent.
Let F be a model that is a class of measurable functions. Let x 1 , . . . , x n be
i.i.d. samples, and let P ∗ be an underlying probability measure generating x i . We
denote an empirical risk of a function f for a loss function by

∗ (f ) := 1
P (f (x k )).
n k=1

The true risk of f with respect to the true probability measure P ∗ is written as

P ∗ (f ) := (f (x))p∗ (x)dx.

We want to evaluate the convergence rate of the excess risk:

P ∗ (f) − P ∗ (f ∗ ).
For simplicity, we assume that all elements of F are uniformly bounded from
above; that is, there exists a constant M such that f ∞ ≤ M (∀f ∈ F). In the
following we consider the optimization problem
∗ (f ).
f= argmin P
f ∈F

Although there may be an additional regularization term in some methods such as

uLSIF, we focus on the simplest situation here. We assume that f ∗ minimizes the
true risk:
f ∗ = argmin P ∗ (f ).
f ∈F

A key technical ingredient to derive a tight convergence bound of the excess

risk is the localization technique or the pealing device, which exploits a “distance”
between f and f ∗ . As the sample size increases, f and f ∗ are likely to be close
to each other, so that the asymptotic behavior of f becomes similar to f ∗ . The
localization technique utilizes such a property to bound the differences between
the empirical and the true excess risks:
∗ ( (f) − (f ∗ )) − P ∗ ( (f) − (f ∗ )).
238 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

This allows us to obtain a tighter bound compared with dealing with f and f ∗
independently. In the following we show an illustrative usage of the localization
First we suppose that there exists a (pseudo) distance d(f, f ∗ ) such that

d(f, f ∗ ) ≥ f− f ∗ 2,P ∗ , (14.1)

P ( (f) − (f )) ≥ d(f, f ) ,
∗ ∗ ∗ 2

where f− f ∗ 2,P is the L2 -distance with respect to the probability measure P ,
and we ignore the difference in constant factors. This assumption can be achieved,
for example, if there exists a constant δ > 0 such that
(z) − (z0 ) ≥ (z − z0 )  (z0 ) + (z − z0 )2 .
For F := { (f ) | f ∈ F}, its complexity is usually measured by the covering
number or the bracketing number. Roughly speaking, the covering number and
the bracketing number of F are large/small if the model F is complex/simple.
To impose that the model F is not too complicated, we assume that there exists
0 < γ < 2 such that one of the following two conditions is satisfied:
% &
log N[] (@, F , L2 (P ∗ )) = O @ −γ ,
% &
sup log N (@, F , L2 (P )) = O @ −γ ,

where N[] (@, F , L2 (P )) denotes the bracketing number of F (see Definition 14.4)
and N(@, F , L2 (P )) denotes the covering number of F with respect to the norm
L2 (P ) (see Definition 14.3). In the last equation, the supremum is taken over all
discrete probability measures (see Lemma 14.5).
Under the previously mentioned conditions about the covering number or the
bracketing number, one can show that
1− γ2
∗ )( (f ) − (f ∗ )) ≤ Op √δ
sup (P ∗ − P . (14.3)
f ∈F :d(f ,f ∗ )≤δ n

Condition (14.1) is used to prove this bound. Roughly speaking, the right-hand
side comes from the so-called Dudley integral (see Lemmas 14.5 and 14.6):
 δ;  δA
1 1
√ log N[] (@, F , L2 (P ∗ ))d@ or √ sup log N (@, F , L2 (P ))d@.
n 0 n 0 P

Equation (14.3) indicates that if f is close to f ∗ , the stochastic behavior of f is

∗ )( (f) − (f ∗ )) of the risk becomes small.
similar to f ∗ , so that noise (P ∗ − P
The excess risk of the empirical risk minimizer fcan be bounded from above as
d( , f ∗ )1− 2
P ( (f) − (f )) ≤ (P − P
∗ ∗ ∗  )( (f) − (f )) ≤ Op
∗ ∗
√ , (14.4)
14.1 Mathematical Preliminaries 239

where the second inequality follows from P∗ (f) ≤ P

∗ (f ∗ ) (recall that f min-
imizes the empirical risk P ). On the other hand, by the assumption (14.2), the
risk of f is also bounded from below as

P ∗ ( (f) − (f ∗ )) ≥ d(f, f ∗ )2 . (14.5)

Combining Eqs. (14.4) and (14.5), we observe that

d( , f ∗ )1− 2
d(f, f ) ≤ P ( (f) − (f )) ≤ Op
∗ 2 ∗ ∗
√ .

Therefore, the convergence rate of the distance between f and f ∗ can be

evaluated by
d(f, f ∗ )1− 2
d(f, f ) ≤ Op
∗ 2
√ ,

which implies that

, -
− 1
d(f, f ∗ ) = Op n 2+γ .

Consequently, we arrive at the convergence rate of the true risk of f:

d(f, f ∗ )1− 2 , -
∗  ∗ − 2
P ( (f ) − (f )) ≤ Op √ ≤ Op n 2+γ .

This bound is called the fast learning rate (Koltchinskii, 2006; Bartlett et al., 2005).

14.1.2 Bernstein’s and Hoeffding’s Inequalities

The tail bound of the sum ni=1 f (Xi ) of a function f with independent random
variables Xi is needed for analyzing the properties of non-parametric estima-
tion such as the consistency and the convergence rate. Bernstein’s
' inequality and
Hoeffding’s inequality give sub-Gaussian tail bounds of ni=1 f (Xi ).
For large n, the sum ni=1 Yi of independent variables with mean zero and a
bounded range is approximately normally distributed with variance v = var(Y1 +
· · · + Yn ). If the variables Xi have range [−M, M], then Bernstein’s inequality
gives a tail bound exp[−x 2 /(2v + (2Mx/3))] for variables ni=1 Yi .
Proposition 14.1 (Bernstein’s Inequality) Let Y1 , . . . , Yn be independent random
variables with bounded range [−M, M] and zero means. Then, for v ≥ Var(Y1 +
· · · + Yn ), where Var denotes the variance,
Pr(|Y1 + · · · + Yn | > x) ≤ 2 exp − .
2(v + Mx/3)
Pr(·) denotes the probability of an event.
240 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

Hoeffding’s inequality is simpler than Bernstein’s, and gives the tail bound of
i=1 Yi of independent variables with range [0, 1] but unknown variance.

Proposition 14.2 (Hoeffding’s Inequality) Let Y1 , . . . , Yn be independent random

variables taking values in [0, 1], and let µ = n1 ni=1 E[Yi ]. Then, for 0 < t < 1 − µ,
i=1 Yi
Pr − µ ≥ t ≤ exp(−2nt 2 ).

14.1.3 Covering and Bracketing Numbers

Given a collection F of measurable
 functions, investigating the convergence rate of
1 'n

supf ∈F n i=1 f (Xi ) − E[f ] is key for analyzing of the convergence rate of non-
parametric estimators. The convergence rate of supf ∈F  n1 ni=1 f (Xi ) − E[f ]
depends on the complexity (size) of a class F. A commonly used quantity to
measure the complexity of a class F is the entropy number, which is the logarithm
of the bracketing number or the covering number (see van der Vaart and Wellner,
1996, for details). Let (F,  · ) be a subset of a normed space of real functions
f : X → R on a domain X . In the following we often use a subset of L2 (P )-space
with respect to a probability measure P .
Definition 14.3 (Covering Number) The covering number or the @-covering num-
ber N(@, F,  · ) is the minimal number of balls {g | f − g ≤ @} of radius @ and
center f needed to cover a set F. The centers of the balls need not belong to F,
but they should have finite norms. The covering entropy is the logarithm of the
covering number.
Definition 14.4 (Bracketing Number) Given two functions l and u, the bracket
[l, u] is the set of all functions f with l ≤ f ≤ u. An @-bracket is a bracket [l, u] with
l − u ≤ @. The bracketing number or the @-bracketing number N[] (@, F,  · ) is
the minimal number of @-brackets needed to cover F. The upper and lower bounds
u and l of the brackets need not belong to F, but they should have finite norms.
The bracketing entropy is the logarithm of the bracketing number.

14.1.4 Uniform Upper Bounds

The entropy numbers give upper bounds of supf ∈F  n1 ni=1 f (Xi ) − E[f ]. Let
∗ be an empirical measure of a sample of random elements X1 , . . . , Xn ; that is,

P ∗ = n1 ni=1 δXi of the Dirac measures at the observations. We use the abbreviation
Pf = f dP for a given measurable function f and a signed measure P . Let
P F = sup{|Pf | | f ∈ F}. Then the following lemma holds.
Lemma 14.5 (Mendelson, 2002) Let F be a class of functions such that f ∞ ≤ 1
and supf ∈F Ef 2 ≤ δ 2 . Assume that there exist K ≥ 2 and 0 < γ < 2 such that
sup log N (@, F, L2 (P )) ≤ ,
P @γ
14.1 Mathematical Preliminaries 241

where “sup” is taken over all discrete probability measures. Then there exists a
constant CK,γ such that
∗ − P ∗ F ] ≤ CK,γ max{n−1/2 δ 1−γ /2 , n
− 2+γ
By Lemma 3.4.2 of van der Vaart and Wellner (1996), we also have the
following lemma.
Lemma 14.6 Let F be a class of functions such that f ∞ ≤ 1 and supf ∈F Ef 2 ≤
δ 2 . Then there exists a constant C such that
 ∗ ∗ 2
E[P∗ − P ∗ F ] ≤ C J (F, δ,√L2 (P )) + J (F, δ, L2 (P )) ,
n δ2n
where  δ;
J (F, δ, L2 (P ∗ )) := 1 + log N[] (F, @, L2 (P ∗ ))d@.
It should be noted that the inequality shown in Lemma 14.5 is a uniform ver-
sion of Hoeffding’s inequality, and that of Lemma 14.6 is a uniform version of
Bernstein’s inequality.

14.1.5 Talagrand’s Concentration Inequality

Our analysis in this chapter relies heavily on the inequality known as Talagrand’s
concentration inequality (Talagrand, 1996b,a). We utilize a version of Talagrand’s
concentration inequality that gives a uniform tail bound for the sum of i.i.d. random
Let {Xi }ni=1 be a sample of i.i.d. random variables that take values on some
space X̃ and let P ∗ be an underlying probability measure generating Xi . Let F
be a set of functions X̃ → [0, 1] that is separable with respect to the L∞ -norm.
The inequality associates the uniform tail bound (the tail bound of P ∗ − P ∗ F )
∗ ∗
with the expectation of P − P F , where the diameter of F is defined by
σP ∗ (F)2 := supg∈F (P ∗ g 2 − (P ∗ g)2 ).
The following bound is a version of Talagrand’s concentration inequality, also
known as Bousquet’s bound (Bousquet, 2002), which plays a very important role
in our analysis:
Pr P∗ − P ∗ F ≥ EP ∗ − P ∗ F
2t % 
& t
+ 2 ∗ ∗
σP ∗ (F) + 2EP − P F + ≤ e−t .
n 3n
Bousquet’s bound allows us to investigate the difference between the empirical
risk and the true risk of an estimator. We can easily see that EP∗ − P ∗ F and
σP ∗ (F) in Bousquet’s bound can be replaced with other functions bounding from
above. For example, upper bounds of EP ∗ − P ∗ F are available as indicated in
Lemmas 14.5 and 14.6, and σP ∗ (F) can be bounded by the L2 (P ∗ )-norm.
242 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

14.2 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis of KLIEP

In this section we investigate convergence properties of the KLIEP algorithm (see
Chapter 5) in a non-parametric setting.
We first give some mathematical notations in Section 14.2.1. Then we elucidate
the non-parametric convergence rate of KLIEP under two different situations in
Sections 14.2.2 and 14.2.3, respectively.

14.2.1 Preliminaries
For simplicity, we assume that the numbers of the numerator and denominator
samples are the same, that is, n = nnu = nde . We note that this assumption is just
for notational simplicity; in the absence of this assumption, the convergence rate
is determined solely by the sample size with the slower rate.
∗ ∗
For the two probability distributions pnu (x) and pde (x), we express the
expectation of a function r as
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Pnu r := r(x)pnu (x)dx and Pde r := r(x)pde (x)dx.

In a similar fashion we define the empirical distributions of pnu ∗
and pde nu
by P ∗
and Pde , that is,
n n
∗ 1
nu de
∗ 1
P r := r(x i ) and P r := r(x j ).
n i=1 n j =1

The set of basis functions is denoted by Q := {ϕθ | θ ∈ }, where  is some

parameter or index set. Similarly, the set of basis functions at n samples is denoted
using  ⊆  by Q  := {ϕθ | θ ∈ }
 ⊂ Q, which can behave stochastically. The
set of finite linear combinations of Q with positive coefficients and its bounded
subset are denoted by

R := α ϕθ  α ≥ 0, ϕθ ∈ Q ,

R := {r ∈ R | r∞ ≤ M} ,

and their subsets at n samples are denoted by


  ⊂ R,
Rn := α ϕθ  α ≥ 0, ϕθ ∈ Q

n := {r ∈ Rn | r∞ ≤ M} ⊂ RM .

n be the feasible set of KLIEP:

Let R
n := {r ∈ Rn | P
R de

r = 1}.
14.2 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis of KLIEP 243

Under the notations described above, the solution rn of (generalized) KLIEP is
given as
rn := argmax P ∗
log (r) .

For simplicity, we assume that the optimal solution can be determined uniquely.

We define the (generalized) Hellinger distance with respect to pde as
 ,; ; -2 1/2
hPde∗ (r, r  ) := ∗
r(x) − r  (x) pde (x)dx ,

where r and r  are non-negative measurable functions (not restricted to be

probability densities).
In Sections 14.2.2 and 14.2.3, we show two types of convergence analyses under
different conditions. Although neither of the two conditions implies the other, the
implications derived from the two analyses agree well with each other.

14.2.2 Convergence Analysis of KLIEP under L2 -Norm Covering

and Bracketing Number Conditions
We now perform a theoretical analysis under the following assumptions (the proofs
of the theorems in this subsection can be found in Sugiyama et al., 2008).
Assumption 14.7
∗ ∗
1. pnu and pde are absolutely continuous and satisfy
0 < η0 ≤ r ∗ (x) ≤ η1
∗ ∗ ∗
for all x on the support of pnu and pde , where r ∗ (x) := pnu

(x)/pde (x).
∗ ∗
2. There exist @ , ξ > 0, such that

Pde ϕ ≥ @ ∗ , ϕ∞ ≤ ξ ∗ , (∀ϕ ∈ Q).

3. Let N(@, Q,  · ) and N[] (@, Q,  · ) be the @-covering number and the @-
bracketing number of Q with norm  · , respectively (see Definitions 14.3
and 14.4). For some constants 0 < γ < 2 and K,
sup log N (@, R , L2 (P )) ≤ K , (14.6)
P @
where the supremum is taken over all finitely discrete probability measures
P , or  γ
log N[] (@, RM , L2 (pde

)) ≤ K . (14.7)
The lower bound of r ∗ that appears in the first assumption will be used to
ensure the existence of a Lipschitz continuous function that bounds the Hellinger
distance from the true density ratio. The bound of r ∗ is needed only on the support
244 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

∗ ∗
of pnu and pde . The third assumption controls the complexity of the model. By
this complexity assumption, we can bound the tail probability of the difference
between the empirical risk and the true risk uniformly over the function class RM .
Then we have the following convergence bound for KLIEP.

Theorem 14.8 Let γn := max{−P nu∗

rn ) + Pnu

log(cn r ∗ ), 0}, where cn :=
∗ r ∗ )−1 . Then we have hP ∗ (r ∗ , − 1 √
(P de de
rn ) = Op (n 2+γ + γn ).

The technical advantage of using the Hellinger distance instead of the Kullback–
Leibler divergence is that the Hellinger distance is bounded from above by a
Lipschitz continuous function. On the other hand, the Kullback–Leibler divergence
is not Lipschitz continuous because log(x) diverges to −∞ as x → 0. This allows
us to utilize the uniform convergence results of the empirical processes.

Remark. If there exists N such that ∀n ≥ N, r ∗ ∈ Rn , then γn = 0 (∀n ≥ N ). In

− 2+γ
this setting, hPde∗ (r ∗ ,
rn ) = Op (n ).

From Theorem 14.8 we can derive another convergence theorem based on a

different representation of the bias term as follows:

Theorem 14.9 In addition to Assumption 14.7, if there exists rn∗ ∈ Rn such that,
∗ ∗ 2 ∗ ∗
for some constant c0 , r (x)/rn (x) ≤ c0 for all x on the support of pnu and pde ,
− 2+γ
then hPde∗ (r ∗ ,
rn ) = Op (n + hPde∗ (r ∗ , rn∗ )).

In the following we evaluate more explicitly the convergence rate using an


Example 14.10 Let d = 1, the support of Pnu be [0, 1] ⊆ R, Q = {K1 (x, x  ) | x  ∈
[0, 1]}, Q = {K1 (x, xi ) | i = 1, . . . , n}, and K1 (x, x  ) = exp(−(x − x  )2 /2). Note
that setting the Gaussian kernel variance to 1 is just for simplicity; essentially the
same argument can be applied to an arbitrary Gaussian variance.
∗ ∗
Assume that Pnu has a density pnu (x) and there exists a constant η2 such that
pnu (x) ≥ η2 > 0 (∀x ∈ [−1, 1]). We also assume that the true density ratio r ∗ is a

mixture of Gaussian kernels, that is,

r (x) = K1 (x, x  )dP (x  ) (∀x ∈ [0, 1]),

where P is a positive finite measure whose support is contained in [0, 1]. For a
measure P  , we define rP  (x) := K1 (x, x  )dP  (x  ). According to Lemma 3.1 of
Ghosal and van der Vaart (2001), for every 0 < @n < 1/2 there exits a discrete
positive finite measure P  on [0, 1] such that

r ∗ − rP  ∞ ≤ @n , P  ([0, 1]) = P ([0, 1]).

Let us divide [0, 1] into bins with width @n . Then the number of sample points xinu
that fall in a bin is a binomial random variable. If exp(−η2 n@n /4)/@n → 0, then
14.2 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis of KLIEP 245

the Chernoff bound 1 implies that the probability of the event

Wn := { max  min |x − xinu | ≤ @n }

x∈supp(P ) i

converges to 1, where supp(P  ) denotes the support of P  . This holds because the

density pnu (x) is bounded from below across the support.
It holds that

|K1 (x, x1 ) − K1 (x, x2 )|

= exp(−(x − x1 )2 /2)[1 − exp(x(x2 − x1 ) + (x12 − x22 )/2)]
≤ exp(−(x − x1 )2 /2)|x(x2 − x1 ) + (x12 − x22 )/2|
≤ exp(−(x − x1 )2 /2)(|x − x1 ||x1 − x2 | + |x1 − x2 |2 /2)

≤ |x1 − x2 |/ e + |x1 − x2 |2 /2.
Thus, there exists α̃i ≥ 0 (i = 1, . . . , n) such that, for r̃n∗ := ni=1 α̃i K1 (x, xinu ),

r̃n∗ − rP  ∞ ≤ P  ([0, 1])(@n / e + @n2 /2) = O(@n )
n .
∗ r̃n∗ ), we have rn∗ ∈ R
is satisfied on the event Wn . Now, defining rn∗ := r̃n∗ /(P
√ de
Set @n = 1/ n. Noticing

|1 − Pde
∗ ∗ de
r̃n | = |1 − P ∗ ∗
(r̃n − rP  + rP  − r ∗ + r ∗ )|

≤ O(@n ) + |1 − P de
∗ ∗
r | = Op (1/ n),

we have rn∗ − r̃n∗ ∞ = rn∗ ∞ |1− P ∗ r̃n∗ | = Op (1/√n). From the above discussion,
√ de √
we obtain rn∗ −r ∗ ∞ = Op (1/ n), which indicates that hPde∗ (rn∗ , r ∗ ) = Op (1/ n)
and that r ∗ /rn∗ ≤ c02 is satisfied with high probability.
For the bias term in Theorem 14.8, set @n = C log(n)/n for sufficiently large
C > 0 and replace r ∗ with cn r ∗ . Then we obtain γn = Op (log(n)/n).
As for the complexity of the model, a similar argument to Theorem 3.1 in
Ghosal and van der Vaart (2001) gives
M 2
log N (@, RM ,  · ∞ ) ≤ K log
for 0 < @ < M/2. This gives both conditions (14.6) and (14.7) of the third assump-
tion in Assumption 14.7 for arbitrary small γ > 0 (but the constant K depends
on γ ). Thus, the convergence rate is evaluated as hPde∗ (r ∗ ,
rn ) = Op (n−1/(2+γ ) ) for
arbitrary small γ > 0.
1 Here we refer to the Chernoff bound as follows: Let {X }n
i i=1 be independent random variables
taking values on 0 or 1. Then, for any δ > 0,
   

n n

Pr  Xi < (1 − δ)  
E[Xi ] < exp −δ 2 E[Xi ]/2 .
i=1 i=1 i=1
246 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

14.2.3 Convergence Analysis of KLIEP under Hellinger Distance

Bracketing Number Conditions
Here we provide another convergence analysis for KLIEP under different
assumptions. We make the following assumptions instead of Assumption 14.7.
Assumption 14.11
1. There exists a constant η∗ < ∞ such that the true density ratio r ∗ is upper-
bounded as r ∗ (x) ≤ η∗ for all x on the support of pnu

2. All basis functions are non-negative, and there exist constants @ ∗ , ξ ∗ > 0
such that ∀ϕ ∈ Q,

pde (x)ϕ(x)dx ≥ @ ∗ , and ϕ∞ ≤ ξ ∗ .

3. There exist constants 0 < γ < 2 and K > 0 such that

 √ γ
log N[] (@, RM , hPde∗ ) ≤ K . (14.8)

Note that only an upper bound on r ∗ is required in Assumption 14.11, whereas

r was assumed to be bounded from both below and above in Assumption 14.7.
Thus, Assumption 14.11 is weaker than Assumption 14.7 in terms of r ∗ .
Instead, the bracketing number condition (14.8) is with respect to the
Hellinger distance hPde∗ , whereas the covering and bracketing number conditions in

Eqs. (14.6) and (14.7) are with respect to the L2 (pde )-norm. Typically, the bracket-
ing condition with respect to the Hellinger distance is stronger and more difficult to
check than that for the L2 -norm. The bracketing number for Gaussian mixture mod-
els with respect to the Hellinger distance is discussed in Ghosal and van der Vaart
Let rn∗ be the optimal function in R n :

∗ ∗
rn := argmax pde (x) log r(x)dx.

Then the following theorem and corollary establish the convergence rate of 
rn .
Theorem 14.12 If there exist constants c0 and c1 such that rn∗ satisfies
r ∗ (x)
Pr c0 ≤ ∗ ≤ c1 , ∀x → 1 as n → ∞,
rn (x)
− 2+γ
rn , r ∗ ) = Op (n
then hPde∗ ( + hPde∗ (rn∗ , r ∗ )).
Corollary 14.13 If there exists N such that ∀n ≥ N , r ∗ ∈ Rn , then hPde∗ (
rn , r ∗ ) =
− 2+γ
Op (n ).
rn , rn∗ )
The main mathematical device used in Section 14.2.2 was to bound hPde∗ (
from above by the difference between the empirical mean and the expectation of
14.3 Convergence Analysis of KuLSIF 247

log(2rn∗ /(
rn + rn∗ )). On the other hand, in the proof of the above results, 2
rn /(
rn +
∗ ∗ ∗
rn ) was used instead of log(2rn /( rn + rn )), which enabled us to replace the lower
bound of r ∗ with the bounds of the ratio r ∗ /rn∗ . Then the convexity of Rn and the
bracketing number condition with respect to the Hellinger distance were utilized
to establish the above proof (see Section 7 of van de Geer, 2000). The complete
proof can be found in Suzuki et al. (2011).

14.3 Convergence Analysis of KuLSIF

In this section, following Kanamori et al. (2011b), we study the non-parametric
convergence properties of uLSIF (see Chapter 6).
We first give some mathematical notations in Section 14.3.1. Then we elucidate
the non-parametric convergence rate of uLSIF under two different situations in
Sections 14.2.2 and 14.2.3, respectively.

14.3.1 Preliminaries
For simplicity, we assume that the numbers of numerator and denominator samples
are the same, that is, n = nnu = nde . We note that this assumption is just for
notational simplicity; in the absence of this assumption, the convergence rate is
determined solely by the sample size with a slower rate.
Given a probability distribution P and  a random  variable h(X), we denote
the expectation of h(X) under P by hdP or h(x)P (dx). Let  · ∞ be
the infinity norm,  and let  · P be the L2 -norm under the probability P ,
that is, h2P = |h|2 dP . For a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) R
(Schölkopf and Smola, 2002), the inner product and the norm on R are denoted
as ·, ·R and  · R , respectively.
Let R be an RKHS endowed with the kernel K(x, x  ), and let the estimated
density ratiorn be defined as the minimizer of the following minimization problem:
 

1 1 λ
g := argmin 
 r(x de 2
j ) − r(x nu 2 
i ) + rR . (14.9)
r∈R 2n j =1 n i=1 2

In practice, the truncated estimator  g+ = max{ g , 0} may be preferable. The

estimation procedure of  g or 
g+ based on Eq. (14.9) is called uLSIF (Chapter 6).
The non-negativity condition r ≥ 0 may be added to the problem (14.9),
although the computation will become hard (see Section 6.2.1). When the sam-
ple size is large, the estimator 
g obtained by Eq. (14.9) will automatically be a
non-negative function. Thus, the estimators g and g+ are asymptotically equiva-
lent to the one obtained by imposing the non-negative constraint on the problem
(14.9). For a small sample size, however, the estimator  g can take a negative
value, and the rounding-up post-processing in  g may yield some statistical bias.
In non-parametric density estimation, non-negative estimators cannot be unbiased
248 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

(Rosenblatt, 1956), and the same fact may hold in non-parametric density-ratio

14.3.2 Convergence Analysis of uLSIF under Bracketing Number

Here we elucidate the convergence rate of the uLSIF estimators 
g and 
g+ based
on bracketing numbers.
Theorem 14.14 (Convergence rate of uLSIF) Assume that the domain X is com-
∗ ∗
pact. Let R be an RKHS with a Gaussian kernel. Suppose that pnu /pde = r∗ ∈ R

and r R < ∞. Set the regularization parameter λ = λn so that
lim λn = 0 and λ−1
n = O(n
) (n → ∞),

where δ is an arbitrary number satisfying 0 < δ < 1. Then the estimators 

rn and

g+ satisfy
g+ − r ∗ Pnu∗ ≤ 
 g − r ∗ Pnu∗ = Op (λ1/2
n ),

where  · Pnu∗ is the L2 -norm under the probability Pnu .
By choosing small δ > 0, this convergence rate will get close to the convergence

rate for parametric models, O(1/ n).
Remark. Although Theorem 14.14 focuses on the Gaussian kernel, extending it
to other kernels is straightforward. Let X be a probability space, and let K be
a kernel function over X × X such that supx∈X K(x, x) < ∞. We assume that

the bracketing entropy log N[] (δ, HM , Pnu ) is bounded above by O(M/δ)γ , where
0 < γ < 2. Then we obtain
g+ − r ∗ Pnu∗ ≤ 
 g − r ∗ Pnu∗ = Op (λ1/2
n ),
where λn = O(n1−δ ) with 1 − 2/(2 + γ ) < δ < 1.

14.3.3 Convergence Analysis of uLSIF under Kernel

Spectrum Conditions
In Section 14.3.2, the convergence rate of uLSIF was shown based on bracketing
numbers. Here, we explore an alternative way to reveal the convergence rate of
uLSIF based on the spectrum of the kernel function. The proofs of the theorems
in this subsection can be found in Sugiyama et al. (2011c).
Using the condition of the kernel spectrum, a much simpler proof is possible for
deriving the convergence rate. In fact, instead of the uniform bounds (Lemmas 14.5
and 14.6), the proof based on the kernel spectrum only requires Bernstein’s inequal-
ity on Hilbert spaces. This is because, with the spectrum condition, we can fully
make use of the analytic solution of uLSIF. A similar idea was applied to kernel
ridge regression in Caponnetto and de Vito (2007).
14.3 Convergence Analysis of KuLSIF 249

By Mercer’s theorem (Mercer, 1909), the kernel K(x, x  ) has the following

spectrum decomposition with respect to pde :

K(x, x  ) = ek (x)µk ek (x  ),

where {ek }∞ ∗ 2
k=1 is an orthogonal system in L2 (pde ); that is, Epde [ek ] = 1 and

∗ [ek ek  ] = 0 for all k # = k  .

We assume the following conditions.

Assumption 14.15

1. supx∈Rd K(x, x) ≤ 1.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
2. The true density ratio pnu /pde is contained in R, that is, pnu /pde = r ∗ ∈ R.
3. There exists a constant 0 < γ < 1 such that the spectrum µk of the kernel
decays as µk ≤ ck − γ for some positive constant c.

The first condition is used to ensure that

|f (x)| ≤ |f , K(·, x)R | ≤ f R K(x, ·), K(·, x)R ≤ f R

for all f ∈ R. The third condition is important for controlling the complexity of
the model R. The main message of this condition is that the constant γ represents
the “complexity” of the model R. It is easy to see that the spectrum decays rapidly
if γ is small. Then the situation gets close to a finite-dimensional case, and thus
the model becomes simple. In fact, if the kernel is linear, that is, K(x, x  ) = x  x  ,
then µk = 0 for all k > d (this corresponds to the situation where γ is arbitrarily
small). We note that there is a clear relation between the spectrum condition and
the covering number condition (Steinwart et al., 2009); that is, µk ∼ ck − γ if and

only if N(@, BR , L2 (pde )) ∼ @ −γ , where BR is the unit ball in R. However, dealing
directly with the spectrum condition gives a tighter bound because the spectrum
condition allows us to avoid using the uniform bounds.
Then we have the following theorem.
, -2/(2+γ )
Theorem 14.16 Under Assumption 14.15, if we set λn = logn n , then we
∗ log n 2+γ
rn − r L2 (pde
 ∗ ) = Op ,

where γ (0 < γ < 1) is a constant in the third condition of Assumption 14.15.

The above convergence rate agrees with the mini-max optimal rate up to the
log(n) factor. It is easy to see that, if γ is small (i.e., the model R is simple), the
convergence rate becomes faster.
250 14 Non-Parametric Convergence Analysis

Finally, we investigate the convergence rate of an uLSIF-based Pearson

divergence estimator (see Section 10.2.3),

n n
 := 1 1
PE rn (x nu
 i )− rn (x de
 j )+ ,
2n i=1 n j =1 2

to the true Pearson divergence:

  ∗ 2
1 pnu (x) ∗
PE := ∗ − 1 pde (x)dx
2 pde (x)
1 1
= r (x)pnu (x)dx − r ∗ (x)pde
∗ ∗ ∗
(x)dx + ,
2 2
∗ (x)
where r ∗ (x) is the density-ratio function defined by r ∗ (x) = ∗ (x) .

Theorem 14.17 Assume that the constant function 1 is contained in R, that is,
1 ∈ R. Then, under Assumption 14.15, if we set λn = (log n/n)2/(2+γ ) , we have
, 2 1
 − PE| = Op (log n/n) 2+γ + C (log n/n) 2+γ ,
|PE (14.10)

where γ (0 < γ < 1) is a6 constant determined by the third condition of

Assumption 14.15, and C := (r ∗ (x) − 1)2 pde


The assumption that the constant function 1 is contained in R is not essential

and just for simplicity. Indeed, even if this assumption is not satisfied, the same
result holds by considering a model r(x) + b where r ∈ R and b ∈ R.
Theorem 14.17 means that the convergence rate of PE  to PE is (log n/n) 2+γ in
∗ ∗
general. However, when the two,distributions P-nu and Pde are the same, r ∗ (x) = 1
and thus C = 0. Then, the Op (log n/n) 2+γ term in Eq. (14.10) disappears,
and therefore the uLSIF-based
, Pearson2 divergence
- estimator possesses an even
faster convergence rate Op (log n/n) 2+γ . This property is brought about by the
introduction of the constant function in the model. See Chapter 15 for a similar
property in the parametric setting.

14.4 Remarks
In this chapter we investigated the non-parametric convergence rate of KLIEP and
uLSIF. In the case of a parametric estimation, the convergence rate was shown
to be n−1/2 (see Chapter 13). On the other hand, the convergence rate in a non-
parametric estimation was shown to be slightly slower than n−1/2 (depending on the
complexity of the function space used for estimation). Thus, parametric estimations
achieve faster convergence rates than non-parametric estimations. However, non-
parametric methods can handle infinite-dimensional models, which would be more
flexible and powerful than the parametric approach.
14.4 Remarks 251

The parametric analysis in Chapter 13 provided an explicit expression of the

coefficients of leading terms. On the other hand, the non-parametric analysis is far
more complex than the parametric analysis, and even state-of-the-art mathematical
tools are not precise enough to reveal the coefficients of leading terms explicitly
in the non-parametric setup.
Parametric Two-Sample Test

The goal of a two-sample test is to, given two sets of samples, test whether the
probability distributions behind the samples are equivalent. In Section 10.2 we
described a practical two-sample method based on non-parametric density-ratio
estimation. In this chapter we study two-sample tests for parametric density-ratio
After an introduction in Section 15.1, basic materials for parametric density-
ratio estimation and divergence estimation are summarized in Sections 15.2 and
15.3, respectively. Then we derive the optimal divergence estimator in the sense of
the asymptotic variance in Section 15.4 and give a two-sample test statistic based
on the optimal divergence estimator in Section 15.5. Finally, numerical examples
are shown in Section 15.6, and the chapter is concluded in Section 15.7.

15.1 Introduction
We study a two-sample homogeneity test under semi-parametric density-ratio mod-
els, where an estimator of density ratios is exploited to obtain a test statistic. For
∗ ∗
two probability densities pnu (x) and pde (x) over a probability space X , the density

ratio r (x) is defined as the ratio of these densities, that is,

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) := ∗ .
pde (x)
Qin (1998) studied the inference problem of density ratios under retrospective
sampling plans and proved that in the sense of Godambe (1960), the estimating
function obtained from the prospective likelihood is optimal in a class of unbiased
estimating functions for semi-parametric density-ratio models. In a similar fash-
ion, a semi-parametric density-ratio estimators based on logistic regression were
studied in Cheng and Chu (2004).
Density-ratio estimation is closely related to the estimation of divergences. A
divergence is a discrepancy measure between pairs of multivariate probability
densities, and the Ali–Silvey–Csiszár (ASC) divergence (a.k.a. the f -divergence;

15.2 Estimation of Density Ratios 253

see Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967) is a class of divergences based on the ratio
of two probability densities. For a strictly convex function f such that f (1) = 0,
∗ ∗
the ASC divergence from pnu (x) to pde (x) is defined as
∗ ∗ ∗ pnu (x)
ASCf (pnu pde ) := pde (x)f ∗ dx. (15.1)
pde (x)

Because f is strictly convex, the ASC divergence is non-negative and takes

∗ ∗
zero if and only if pnu = pde . Popular divergences such as the Kullback–Leibler
(KL) divergence (Kullback and Leibler, 1951), the Hellinger distance, and the
Pearson divergence (Pearson, 1900) are included in the class of ASC diver-
gences. In statistics, machine learning, and information theory, the ASC divergence
is often employed as a metric between probability distributions, even though
the divergence does not necessarily satisfy the definition of the metric such as
A typical approach to divergence estimation uses non-parametric density esti-
mators (Qing et al., 2006). Another approach exploits a conjugate expression of
the function f in the context of one-sample problems (Broniatowski and Keziou,
2009; Keziou, 2003a) and two-sample problems (Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2005).
Furthermore, a kernel-based estimator of the ASC divergence with a non-
parametric density-ratio model was developed (Nguyen et al., 2010).
Once a divergence between two probability densities is estimated, the homo-
geneity test can be conducted. In a two-sample homogeneity test, the null
hypothesis is represented as
∗ ∗
H0 : pnu = pde ,

and its complementary alternative is given by

∗ ∗
H1 : pnu # = pde .
∗ ∗
If an estimate of ASCf (pnu pde ) is beyond some threshold, the null hypothe-
sis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is accepted. Keziou (2003b) and
Keziou and Leoni-Aubin (2005) studied the homogeneity test using an ASC diver-
gence estimator with semi-parametric density-ratio models. On the other hand,
Fokianos et al. (2001) proposed a more direct, Wald-type score test derived from
the empirical likelihood estimator of density ratios. In this chapter we discuss the
optimality of ASC divergence estimators and investigate the relation between the
test statistic based on an ASC divergence estimator and the Wald-type score test
derived from an empirical likelihood estimator.

15.2 Estimation of Density Ratios

In this section we introduce the method of estimating density ratios proposed in
Qin (1998) and investigate its theoretical properties.
254 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

15.2.1 Formulation
Suppose that two sets of samples are independently generated from each
i.i.d. i.i.d.
x nu nu ∗ de de ∗
1 , . . . , x nnu ∼ pnu and x 1 , . . . , x nde ∼ pde .

Let us denote a model for the density ratio by r(x; θ ), where θ ∈  ⊂ Rd is the
parameter. We assume that the model is correctly specified; that is, there exists
θ ∗ ∈  such that the true density ratio is represented as

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) = ∗ = r(x; θ ∗ ).
pde (x)
The model for the density ratio r ∗ (x) is regarded as a semi-parametric model for
probability densities. That is, even if r(x; θ ∗ ) = pnu
∗ ∗
(x)/pde (x) is specified, there
∗ ∗
are still infinite degrees of freedom for the probability densities pnu and pde .

15.2.2 Moment-Matching Estimator

Qin (1998) proposed a moment-matching method for density-ratio estimation. Let
φ(x; θ ) ∈ Rd be a vector-valued function from X ×  to Rd , and let the estimating
function Qφ be defined as
nde nnu

Qφ (θ) := r(x de
j ; θ )φ(x de
j ; θ ) − φ(x nu
i ; θ ).
nde j =1 nnu i=1

Because pnu∗
(x) = r(x; θ ∗ )pde

(x), the expectation of Qφ (θ ) over observed samples

vanishes at θ = θ . In addition, the estimation function Qφ (θ ) converges to its
expectation in the large sample limit. Thus, the estimator  θ defined as a solution
of the estimating equation,

Qφ (
θ ) = 0,

has the statistical consistency under some mild assumption. See Qin (1998) for
details. In the following we give a sufficient condition for the consistency and the
asymptotic normality of  θ.
The previously mentioned moment-matching framework includes various
density-ratio estimators (Keziou, 2003b; Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2005, 2008;
Nguyen et al., 2010; Sugiyama et al., 2008; Kanamori et al., 2009); that is, these
estimators with a finite-dimensional model r(x; θ) can all be represented as a
moment-matching estimator. However, these methods were originally intended
to be used with non-parametric kernel models. On the other hand, kernel density
estimators can also be exploited as another approach to density-ratio estimation
(Ćwik and Mielniczuk, 1989; Jacoba and Oliveirab, 1997; Bensaid and Fabre,
15.2 Estimation of Density Ratios 255

15.2.3 Asymptotic Properties

Before presenting the asymptotic results we prepare some notations. Let Enu [ · ]
and Vnu [ · ] be the expectation and the variance (or the variance-covariance matrix

for multi-dimensional random variables) under the probability pnu , respectively.

We define Ede [ · ] and Vde [ · ] in the same way for the probability pde . The expecta-
tion and the variance by the joint probability of all samples, x nu i (i = 1, . . . , nnu ) and
x de
j (j = 1, . . . , nde ), are denoted by E[ · ] and V[ · ], respectively. The covariance
matrix between two random variables with respect to the joint probability of all
samples is denoted as Cov[ · , · ]. For a sequence of random variables Xn , we denote
the convergence in distribution to X by Xn −→ X and the convergence in proba-
bility to X by Xn −→ X. We also use the probabilistic orders Op (·) and op (·). See
van der Vaart and Wellner (1996) for their precise definitions. For a vector-valued
φ(x; θ) = (φ1 (x; θ ), . . . , φd (x; θ)) ,
let L[φ(x; θ )] be the linear space
 d 4

L[φ(x; θ )] = ak φk (x; θ )  a1 , . . . , ad ∈ R .

Let ρ and m be
nnu 1 nnu nde
ρ= and m = = ,
nde 1/nnu + 1/nde nnu + nde
and let U φ be the d-by-d matrix defined by

U φ (θ ) = Enu [φ(x; θ )∇ log r(x; θ ) ],

where φ(x; θ ) is a d-dimensional vector-valued function. Suppose that U φ (θ) is

non-degenerate in the vicinity of θ = θ ∗ . In the following, the notation ρ is also
used as the large sample limit of nnu /nde , and we assume that 0 < ρ < ∞ holds
even in the limit.
According to Section 5 of van der Vaart (1998), the following assumptions
are required for establishing the consistency of density-ratio estimation based on
moment matching1 :
Assumption 15.1 (Consistency of 
1. The estimator  θ ∈ θ such that Qφ ( θ ) = 0 exists.
2. φ(x; θ ) and r(x; θ ) satisfy
nnu  p
sup  φ(x nu
i ; θ ) − Enu [φ(x; θ )] −→ 0,
θ∈  n nu 

1 Similar assumptions for one-sample problems have been studied in Broniatowski and Keziou (2009).
256 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

sup  φ(x j ; θ )r(x j ; θ ) − Ede [φ(x; θ )r(x; θ )]
de de
 −→ 0.
θ∈  nde j =1 

3. For any ε > 0,

inf∗ Enu [φ(x; θ )] − Ede [φ(x; θ )r(x; θ )] > 0
θ:θ−θ ≥ε


Note that item 15.1 in Assumption 15.1 and the triangle inequality lead to the
uniform convergence of Qφ :
sup Qφ (θ ) − E[Qφ (θ )] −→ 0.

Similarly, the following assumptions are required for establishing the asymp-
totic normality of density-ratio estimation based on moment matching (see
Section 5 of van der Vaart, 1998, for details):

Assumption 15.2 (Asymptotic normality of 


1. The estimator of the density ratio, 

θ , exists and is consistent.
2. The expectations

Enu [φ(x; θ ∗ )2 ], Enu [∇φ(x; θ ∗ )],

Ede [φ(x; θ ∗ )r(x; θ ∗ )2 ], and Ede [∇(φ(x; θ ∗ )r(x; θ ∗ ))]

are finite. In the vicinity of θ ∗ , each element of the second derivatives of

φ(x; θ) and φ(x; θ )r(x; θ) with respect to θ is dominated by a pnu -integrable

function and a pde -integrable function, respectively.
3. The matrix U φ (θ ) is non-singular in the vicinity of θ = θ ∗ .

Under Assumption 15.2, the asymptotic expansion of the estimating equation

Qφ (
θ) = 0 around θ = θ ∗ yields the following convergence in distribution:
√ √
θ − θ ∗ ) = − mU −1
φ Q φ + op (1)
d ρVde [rφ] + Vnu [φ]  −1
−→ Nd 0, U −1
φ (U φ ) , (15.2)
ρ +1

where the functions are evaluated at θ = θ ∗ and Nd (µ, ) denotes the d-

dimensional normal distribution with mean µ and covariance matrix . The
asymptotic variance above is derived from the equalities
ρVde [rφ] + Vnu [φ]
E[Qφ ] = 0 and m · E[Qφ Q
φ]= .
ρ +1
15.3 Estimation of ASC Divergence 257

Qin (1998) showed that the prospective likelihood minimizes the asymptotic
variance in the class of moment-matching estimators. More precisely, for the
density-ratio model
r(x; θ) = exp{α + φ(x; β)}, θ = (α, β  ) ∈ R × Rd−1 ,
the vector-valued function φ opt defined by
φ opt (x; θ ) = ∇ log r(x; θ ) (15.3)
1 + ρr(x; θ )
minimizes the asymptotic variance (15.2).

15.3 Estimation of ASC Divergence

In this section we introduce estimators of the ASC divergence (15.1) based on
density-ratio estimation.

15.3.1 Estimation Based on Conjugate Representation

∗ ∗ ∗
For r (x) := pnu (x)/pde (x), the ASC divergence can be represented as the

expectation of f (r ∗ (x)) over pde (x):

∗ ∗ ∗
% &
ASCf (pnu pde ) = pde (x)f r ∗ (x) dx.

A conjugate representation of the function f is useful in the ASC

divergence estimation (Broniatowski and Keziou, 2009; Keziou, 2003a,b;
Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2005, 2008; Nguyen et al., 2010). More specifically, for
a convex function f , the conjugate function of f is defined as
f ∗ (w) := sup {rw − f (r)}.

Under a mild assumption on f (Rockafellar, 1970), it holds that

f (r) = sup {rw − f ∗ (w)} = rf  (r) − f ∗ (f  (r)). (15.4)

Substituting Eq. (15.4) into the ASC divergence, we have

5  B
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
ASCf (pnu pde ) = sup pnu (x)w(x)dx − pde (x)f (w(x))dx , (15.5)

where the supremum is taken over all measurable functions and the supremum
is attained at w(x) = f  (r ∗ (x)). Based on Eq. (15.5), one can consider the ASC
 f by replacing the expectations with their empirical
divergence estimator ASC
5 nnu nde B
 nu 1
∗  de
ASCf := sup f (r(x i ; θ )) − f (f (r(x j ; θ ))) . (15.6)
θ∈ nnu i=1 nde j =1
258 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

 f satisfies the extremal condition,

The parameter attaining the supremum of ASC
nnu nde

∇(f  (r(x nu
i ; θ ))) − r(x de  de
i ; θ )∇(f (r(x j ; θ ))) = 0,
nnu i=1 nde j =1

where the identity (f ∗ ) (f  (r)) = r is used. This is equivalent to the moment-

matching estimator with

φ(x; θ ) = ∇(f  (r(x; θ))) = f  (r(x; θ ))∇r(x; θ).

15.3.2 Extension to General Decomposition

Here we generalize the previously mentioned ASC divergence estimator.
In the ASC divergence estimator in the previous subsection, the density
ratio was first estimated by the moment matching estimator with φ(x; θ) =
f  (r(x; θ))∇r(x; θ ). Then, the estimated density ratio r(x;
θ) was substituted into
the expression of the ASC divergence derived from the decomposition

f (r) = rf  (r) − f ∗ (f  (r)).

Here, we consider moment-matching estimators with φ(x; θ ) for any decom-

position of the function f such as

f (r) = rfnu (r) + fde (r).

Note that the decomposition (15.4) corresponds to

fnu (r) = f  (r) and fde (r) = −f ∗ (f  (r)).

Then, because of r ∗ (x) = pnu

(x)/pde (x), the ASC divergence (15.1) is repre-
sented as
∗ ∗ ∗
ASCf (pnu pde ) = pnu (x)fnu (r ∗ (x))dx + pde

(x)fde (r ∗ (x))dx.

Its empirical version provides the following estimate of the ASC divergence:
nde nnu


f = 1
ASC fde (r(x de
j ; 
θ )) + fnu (r(x nu 
i ; θ )), (15.7)
nde j =1 nnu i=1

where the parameter  θ is estimated based on the estimating function Qφ . In

Section 15.4, we study the optimal choices of φ, fnu , and fde .
We may consider a wider class of ASC divergence estimators than the estimator
of the form Eq. (15.7). For example, one may exploit non-parametric estimators
of probability densities to estimate the ASC divergence. However, the estimator
(15.7) has the advantage that its simple “plug-in” nature allows us to easily analyze
its statistical properties. For this reason, we focus on the estimator (15.7) in the
next section.
15.4 Optimal Estimator of ASC Divergence 259

15.4 Optimal Estimator of ASC Divergence

In this section we derive the optimal estimator of the ASC divergence in the sense
of the asymptotic variance (Godambe, 1960).

15.4.1 Preliminaries
For the model r(x; θ ) and the function f (r), we assume the following conditions.
Assumption 15.3
1. The model r(x; θ) includes the constant function 1.
2. For any θ ∈ , 1 ∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )] holds.
3. f is third-order differentiable and strictly convex, and it satisfies f (1) =
f  (1) = 0.
Standard models of density ratios may satisfy items 1 and 2 of Assumption 15.3.
Furthermore, we assume the following conditions to justify the asymptotic
 f defined in Eq. (15.7).
expansion of the estimator ASC
Assumption 15.4 (Asymptotic expansion of ASC  f)

θ, m(
1. For the estimator  θ − θ ∗ ) converges in distribution to a centered
multivariate normal distribution.
2. For the decomposition

f (r) = fde (r) + rfnu (r),

suppose that

Ede [|fde (r(x; θ ∗ ))|2 ], Ede [∇fde (r(x; θ ∗ ))],

Enu [|fnu (r(x; θ ∗ ))|2 ], and Enu [∇fnu (r(x; θ ∗ ))]

are finite. In the vicinity of θ ∗ , the second derivatives of fnu (r(x; θ )) and

fde (r(x; θ)) with respect to θ are dominated by a pnu -integrable function

and a pde -integrable function, respectively.
3. The expectation

Enu [f  (r(x; θ ∗ ) − fnu (r(x; θ ∗ ))∇ log r(x; θ ∗ )]

Under Assumption 15.4, the delta method is available (see Section 3 of
van der Vaart, 1998, for details).

15.4.2 Analysis of Asymptotic Variance

Here we compare the asymptotic variance of two estimators for the ASC diver-
 f derived from the moment-matching estimator
gence: One is the estimator ASC
260 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

with φ(x; θ ) and the decomposition f (r) = fde (r) + rfnu (r), and the other is
the estimator ASCf defined by the density-ratio estimator with φ(x; θ) and the
decomposition f (r) = fde (r) + rfnu (r).
To compare the variances of these estimators, we consider the formula
 f − ASCf ]
0 ≤ V[ASC
 f ] − V[ASCf ] − 2 Cov[ ASC
= V[ASC  f − ASCf , ASCf ].

 f . Then we have
Suppose that the third term vanishes for any ASC
V[ASCf ] ≤ V[ASC
 f . This implies that the estimator ASCf is asymptotically optimal in
for any ASC
terms of the variance.
 f − ASCf , ASCf ]. Let
In the following we compute the covariance Cov[ ASC
the vectors c(θ ), c(θ) ∈ Rd be

c(θ ) = Enu [{f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ ))}∇ log r(x; θ )],
c(θ ) = Enu [{f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ ))}∇ log r(x; θ )].

Then, under Assumptions 15.3 and 15.4, the following equality holds:
 f − ASCf , ASCf ]
m(1 + ρ −1 ) · Cov[ ASC
.9 :
= Enu fnu (r ∗ ) − fnu (r ∗ ) + c U −1
φ − c U −1
φ φ
× {f (r ∗ ) − (r ∗ + ρ −1 )(fnu (r ∗ ) + c U −1
φ)} + o(1), (15.8)

where r ∗ denotes the true density ratio r ∗ (x) = r(x; θ ∗ ), and the functions in
Eq. (15.8) are evaluated at θ = θ ∗ .
The next theorem shows a sufficient condition that the covariance Cov[ ASC
ASCf , ASCf ] vanishes.
Theorem 15.5 Suppose Assumptions 15.3 and 15.4 hold for the decomposition of
f , and suppose that φ(x; θ ), fnu (r(x; θ)), and fde (r(x; θ)) satisfy

f (r(x; θ)) − (r(x; θ) + ρ −1 )(fnu (r(x; θ )) + c U −1

φ(x; θ ))

∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )] (15.9)

for all θ ∈ . Then the estimator ASCf with φ(x; θ ) and the decomposition f (r) =
fde (r) + rfnu (r) satisfies

lim mV[ASCf ] ≤ lim mV[A SCf ].
m→∞ m→∞

This means that ASCf uniformly attains the minimum asymptotic variance in terms
of the ASC divergence estimation.
15.4 Optimal Estimator of ASC Divergence 261

Proof Recall that

U φ = Enu [φ(x; θ)∇ log r(x; θ ) ].

For any pnu ∗
and pde such that pnu ∗
(x) = r(x; θ ∗ ), we have
09 : 1
Enu fnu (r ∗ ) − fnu (r ∗ ) + c U −1
φ − c U −1
φ φ ∇ log r(x; θ )

0 1
= Enu {fnu (r(x; θ ∗ )) − fnu (r(x; θ ∗ ))}∇ log r(x; θ ∗ )
+ c U −1
U φ − c U −1 φ Uφ
0 1
= Enu {fnu (r(x; θ ∗ )) − fnu (r(x; θ ∗ ))}∇ log r(x; θ ) + c − c
= 0.
Hence, when Eq. (15.9) holds, we have
 f − ASCf , ASCf ] = o(1)
m(1 + ρ −1 ) · Cov[ ASC
for any ASC 

15.4.3 Examples of Optimal Estimators

In the following corollaries we present sufficient conditions for fulfilling
Eq. (15.9).
Corollary 15.6 Under Assumptions 15.3 and 15.4, suppose that
f (r(x; θ )) − (r(x; θ ) + ρ −1 )fnu (r(x; θ )) ∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )] (15.10)

holds for all θ ∈ . Then the function φ = φ opt defined in Eq. (15.3) and the
decomposition f (r) = fde (r) + rfnu (r) satisfy the condition (15.9).
Proof We see that the condition (15.10) and the equality
(r(x; θ) + ρ −1 )φ opt (x; θ ) = ρ −1 ∇ log r(x; θ )
ensure the condition (15.9). 
Based on Corollary 15.6, we see that the estimator defined from
f (r) ρf (r)
fde (r) = , fnu (r) = , and φ(x; θ ) = φ opt (x; θ) (15.11)
1 + ρr 1 + ρr
leads to an optimal estimator of the ASC divergence. In the optimal estimator, the
function f is decomposed according to the ratio of the logistic model, 1/(1 + ρr)
and ρr/(1 + ρr).
In the following we show another sufficient condition.
Corollary 15.7 Under Assumptions 15.3 and 15.4, suppose that, for the model
r(x; θ) and φ(x; θ ),
f (r(x; θ )) − (r(x; θ ) + ρ −1 )f  (r(x; θ)) ∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )]
262 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

f  (r(x; θ)) − fnu (r(x; θ)) ∈ L[φ(x; θ )]

hold for all θ ∈ . Then the decomposition f (r) = fde (r) + rfnu (r) and the
vector-valued function φ(x; θ ) satisfy Eq. (15.9).
Proof When
f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ )) ∈ L[φ(x; θ )],
there exists a vector b ∈ Rd such that
f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ)) = b φ(x; θ ).
Recall that
c(θ ) = Enu [{f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ))}∇ log r(x; θ )]
U φ (θ ) = Enu [φ∇ log r(x; θ ) ].
c U −1
= b
holds. Hence, we have
c U −1
φ(x; θ ) = b φ(x; θ ) = f  (r(x; θ )) − fnu (r(x; θ)),

and we can confirm that Eq. (15.9) holds under the assumption. 
We consider the decomposition derived from the conjugate representation
f (r) = −f ∗ (f  (r)) + rf  (r).
That is,
fde (r) = −f ∗ (f  (r)) and fnu (r) = f  (r),
where f ∗ is the conjugate function of f . For the conjugate representation, the
second condition in Corollary 15.7 is always satisfied, because f  (r) − fnu (r) = 0
holds. Then the decomposition based on the conjugate representation leads to an
optimal estimator when the model r(x; θ ) and the function f satisfy
f (r(x; θ )) − (r(x; θ) + ρ −1 )f  (r(x; θ )). ∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )]. (15.12)
Later we will show some more specific examples.
As shown previously, the conjugate representation leads to an optimal estima-
tor, if Eq. (15.12) holds. However, there exists a pair of the function f and the
model r(x; θ) that does not satisfy Eq. (15.12), as shown in Example 15.8 later. In
this case, the optimality of the estimator based on the conjugate representation is
not guaranteed. On the other hand, the decomposition (15.11) always leads to an
optimal estimator without specific conditions on f (r) and r(x; θ ), as long as the
asymptotic expansion is valid.
15.4 Optimal Estimator of ASC Divergence 263

In the following we show some examples in which Corollary 15.6 or

Corollary 15.7 is applicable to constructing the optimal estimator.
Example 15.8 Let the model be

r(x; θ ) = exp{θ  φ(x)}, θ ∈ Rd

with φ(x) = (φ1 (x), . . . , φd (x)) and φ1 (x) = 1. Then L[∇ log r(x; θ )] is spanned
by 1, φ2 (x), . . . , φd (x). The ASC divergence with

f (r) = − log r + r − 1

leads to the KL divergence. Let

fde (r) = − log r − 1 and fnu (r) = 1.

Then we can confirm that Eq. (15.10) is satisfied. Hence, the function φ = φ opt
and the above decomposition lead to an optimal estimator of the KL divergence.
We see that there is redundancy for the decomposition of f . Indeed, for any
constants c0 , c1 ∈ R, the function c0 + c1 log r(x; θ ) is included in L[∇ log r(x; θ )].
Hence the decomposition
r + c1 log r + c0
fnu (r) = and fde (r) = r − log r − 1 − rfnu (r)
r + ρ −1

with φ = φ opt also leads to an optimal estimator. The decomposition in Eq. (15.11)
is realized by setting c0 = −1 and c1 = −1.
Next we consider the conjugate expression of the KL divergence. For f (r) =
− log r + r − 1 and r(x; θ ) = exp{θ  φ(x)}, we have

f (r(x; θ )) − (r(x; θ ) + ρ −1 )f  (r(x; θ ))

= −θ  φ(x) − ρ −1 + ρ −1 exp{−θ  φ(x)}.

In general, the function exp{−θ  φ(x)} is not represented by the linear combination
of φ1 (x), . . . , φd (x), and thus the condition in Corollary 15.7 does not hold. This
means that the conjugate expression of the KL divergence is not optimal in general.
Let us compare numerically the optimal estimator using Eq. (15.11) with the
estimator defined based on the conjugate representation of the KL divergence for
the model
r(x; θ ) = exp{α + βx}, θ = (α, β) ∈ R2 .
We estimate the KL divergence from N (0, 1) to N (µ, 1) for µ = 0.1, 0.5, 0.9,
1.3, and 1.7. The sample size is set to nnu = nde = 50, and the averaged values
 f − ASCf )2 over 1000 runs are computed. Table 15.1
of the square error m(ASC
summarizes the numerical results, showing that the optimal estimator outperforms
the estimator using the conjugate representation.
We now give more examples.
264 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

 f − ASCf )2 ] for the KL

Table 15.1. Mean square error mE[(ASC
∗ and p ∗ are set to
divergence is shown (nnu = nde = 50). pnu de
N(0, 1) and N(µ, 1), respectively.

µ 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7

Optimal estimator 0.038 0.299 1.119 2.502 5.276

Conjugate representation 0.040 0.381 1.480 4.125 9.553

Example 15.9 Let the model be

r(x; θ ) = exp{θ  φ(x)}, θ ∈ Rd
with φ(x) = (φ1 (x), . . . , φd (x)) and φ1 (x) = 1. Then the linear space
L[∇ log r(x; θ)] is spanned by {φ1 (x), . . . , φd (x)} and thus L[∇ log r(x; θ)]
includes the function of the form
c0 + c1 log r(x; θ ) for c0 , c1 ∈ R.
Let the convex function f (r) be
1 1+ρ ρ r(1 + ρ)
f (r) = log +r log (15.13)
1+ρ 1 + ρr 1+ρ 1 + ρr
for ρ > 0. Then the corresponding ASC divergence is reduced to mutual

∗ pnu (x) p(x, y)

pde (x)f ∗ dx = p(x, y) log dx,
pde (x) p(x)p(y)

where y is the binary random variable taking nu or de; the joint probability of x
and y is defined as

∗ ρ ∗ 1
p(x, nu) = pnu (x) and p(x, de) = pde (x) .
1+ρ 1+ρ
∗ ∗
The equality pnu = pde implies that the conditional probability p(x|y) is inde-
∗ ∗
pendent of y. Thus, mutual information becomes zero if and only if pnu = pde
holds. For any moment-matching estimator, we can confirm that the following
decomposition satisfies the condition in Corollary 15.7:
1 1+ρ ρ r(1 + ρ)
fde (r) = log and fnu (r) = log . (15.14)
1+ρ 1 + ρr 1+ρ 1 + ρr
Note that this decomposition with the model r(x; θ) = exp{θ  φ(x)} also sat-
isfies the condition in Corollary 15.6. As pointed out in Keziou and Leoni-Aubin
(2005, 2008), the decomposition above is derived from the conjugate expression
of Eq. (15.13). Thus, in this example, we are presenting that the above estimator
is also optimal in mutual information estimation.
15.5 Two-Sample Test Based on ASC Divergence Estimation 265

Example 15.10 Let

r(x; θ ) = 1 + θ  φ(x)
and φ 1 (x) = 1. The subspace L[∇ log r(x; θ)] is spanned by

{φ1 (x; θ )/r(x; θ), . . . , φd (x; θ )/r(x; θ )},

and thus L[∇ log r(x; θ )] includes the function of the form

c0 + c1 /r(x; θ ) for c0 , c1 ∈ R.

Let the convex function f be

1 1 + ρr
f (r) = r − 1 + (1 + ρr) log
ρ +1 r(1 + ρ)
for ρ > 0. Then the corresponding ASC divergence is expressed as
  ∗   ∗ ∗ 
∗ pnu (x) pde + ρ pnu p∗ ,
pde (x)f dx = KL

pde (x) 1 + ρ  nu
where KL denotes the Kullback–Leibler divergence.
Corollary 15.6 assures that the decomposition
1 r −1 1 + ρr
fde (r) = + log ,
ρ + 1 1 + ρr r(1 + ρ)
ρ r −1 1 + ρr
fnu (r) = + log
ρ + 1 1 + ρr r(1 + ρ)
and the moment-matching estimator with φ = φ opt lead to an optimal estimator
for the above ASC divergence. On the other hand, from Corollary 15.7, we can
confirm that the decomposition derived from the conjugate expression,
1 1 + ρr
fde (r) = log ,
1+ρ r(1 + ρ)
1 1 + ρr
fnu (r) = f  (r) = r − 1 + ρr log ,
r(1 + ρ) r(1 + ρ)
leads to another optimal estimator.

15.5 Two-Sample Test Based on ASC Divergence Estimation

 f , we can conduct a two-sample
Based on the ASC divergence estimator ASC
homogeneity test with hypotheses
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
H0 : pnu = pde and H1 : pnu # = pde . (15.15)
∗ ∗
When the null hypothesis H0 is true, the ASC divergence ASCf (pnu pde ) is zero;
∗ ∗
otherwise, ASCf (pnu pde ) takes a positive value. Thus, in a practical two-sample
266 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

test, the null hypothesis may be rejected if ASC f > t, where the threshold t is
determined from the significance level.
 f under the null
In this section we first derive an asymptotic distribution of ASC
hypothesis H0 in Eq. (15.15), that is,

pnu (x)
∗ = r(x; θ ∗ ) = 1.
pde (x)
Then we give a test statistic based on the asymptotic distribution and analyze its
power (the acceptance rate of correct null-hypotheses, i.e., two distributions are
judged to be the same when they actually are the same).

15.5.1 ASC-Based Test

 f defined in Eq. (15.11). The asymptotic
Let us consider the optimal estimator ASC
distribution of the optimal estimator is given by the following theorem.

Theorem 15.11 (Kanamori et al., 2011a) Let pnu ∗ ∗

(x)/pde (x) = r(x; θ ∗ ) = 1. Sup-
pose that Assumptions 15.3 and 15.4 hold, and that the third-order derivatives of

fnu (r(x; θ)) and fde (r(x; θ)) with respect to θ are dominated by a pde -integrable

function in the vicinity of θ . We assume that the d-by-d symmetric matrix U φ opt (θ)

is non-degenerate in the vicinity of θ = θ ∗ . Let A SCf be the estimator defined by
Eq. (15.11). Then we have
2m d

A 2
SCf −→ χd−1 ,

f (1)
where χd−1 denotes the chi-square distribution with d − 1 degrees of freedom.
∗ ∗
Based on this theorem, the null hypothesis H0 : pnu = pde is rejected if

 f ≥ f (1) χd−1
(1 − α), (15.16)
where χd−1 (1 − α) is the chi-square 100(1 − α) percent point function with d − 1
degrees of freedom. We refer to the homogeneity test based on Eq. (15.16) with

the optimal choice (15.11) as the A SCf -based test.
A standard approach to a two-sample homogeneity test is to exploit an
asymptotic distribution of the empirical likelihood estimator 
θ . Under the model

r(x; θ ) = exp{α + φ(x; β)}, θ = (α, β  ) ∈ R × Rd−1 (15.17)

with φ(x, β) ∈ R, Fokianos et al. (2001) pointed out that the asymptotic distribu-
tion of the empirical likelihood estimator  α, 
θ = ( β  ) ∈ R × Rd−1 under the null
∗ ∗
hypothesis pnu = pde is given by
√ d
β − β ∗ ) −→ Nd−1 ( 0, Vnu [∇β φ]−1 ),
15.5 Two-Sample Test Based on ASC Divergence Estimation 267

where θ ∗ = (α ∗ , β ∗  ) and ∇β φ is the (d − 1)-dimensional gradient vector of

φ(x; β) at β = β ∗ with respect to the parameter β. Then the null hypothesis is
rejected if the Wald-type test statistic,
S = m( nu [∇β φ](
β − β ∗ ) V β − β ∗ ), (15.18)
is larger than χd−1 (1 − α), where V nu [∇β φ] is a consistent estimator of Vnu [∇β φ].
The homogeneity test based on the statistic S is referred to as the empirical
likelihood-score test. Fokianos et al. (2001) studied the statistical properties of
the empirical likelihood-score test through numerical experiments and reported
that the power of the empirical likelihood-score test is comparable to the standard
t-test and the ASC-based test under parametric models.
An alternative test statistic is given by the empirical likelihood-ratio test. Let
(θ) be
nde nnu

ρr(x nu
1 i ;θ)
(θ ) = log de
+ log nu .
j =1
ρr(x j ; θ ) + 1 i=1 ρr(x i ; θ ) + 1

Then the empirical likelihood-ratio test uses the statistic

R := 2 max{ (θ) − (θ ∗ )}. (15.19)

It is shown that, under the null hypothesis r ∗ (x) = 1, the statistic R con-
verges in distribution to the chi-square distribution with d − 1 degrees of
freedom (Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2008).
Note that the empirical likelihood-ratio test is closely related to mutual
information. Indeed, the mutual information estimator ASC  f derived from
Eqs. (15.6) and (15.13) is related to R defined in Eq. (15.19) as follows
(Keziou and Leoni-Aubin, 2008):
R = 2(nnu + nde )ASC
 f attains the minimum asymptotic variance in
Example 15.9 guarantees that ASC
mutual information estimation.

15.5.2 Power Analysis

Here we analyze the power function of an ASC  f -based test and compare it with
those of other methods. More specifically, we show that the power of the ASC  f-
based test is not less than that of the empirical likelihood-score test under the setup
∗ ∗
of local alternatives, where the distributions pnu and pde vary according to the
sample size.
We assume the following conditions.
Assumption 15.12
1. f is third-order differentiable and strictly convex, and it satisfies f (1) =
f  (1) = 0.
268 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

2. The density-ratio model r(x; θ ) is represented by Eq. (15.17), and the

true density-ratio is given by r(x; θ ∗ ) = 1. Note that, for any θ ∈ ,
1 ∈ L[∇ log r(x; θ )] holds.
∗ ∗ (m)
3. For a fixed probability density p(x), we assume pde (x) = p(x). Let pnu
be the probability density given by
∗ (m) ∗
pnu (x) = pde (x)r(x; θ m ),

where the parameter θ m is defined as

θ m = θ ∗ + √ hm (15.20)
for hm ∈ Rd such that limm→∞ hm = h ∈ Rd .
Then the following theorem holds.
Theorem 15.13 (Kanamori et al., 2011a) Let M (θ ) be the matrix defined as

M (θ) = Ede [∇ log r(x; θ )∇ log r(x; θ) ].

Under Assumption 15.12 and some additional regularity conditions (see

Kanamori et al., 2011a, for details), the power function of the A SCf -based test
with significance level α is asymptotically given as
9 2
Pr Y ≥ χd−1 (1 − α) ,

where Pr(·) denotes the probability of an event and Y is the random variable
following the non-central chi-square distribution with d −1 degrees of freedom and
non-centrality parameter h M (θ ∗ )h. Moreover, the asymptotic power function of
the empirical likelihood-score test (15.18) is the same.
Theorem 15.13 implies that, under the local alternative (15.20), the power
 f -based test does not depend on the choice of the ASC diver-
function of the ASC
gence, and that the empirical likelihood-score test has the same power as the
 f -based test.
Next we consider the power function under model misspecification.
Theorem 15.14 (Kanamori et al., 2011a) We assume that the density ratio
∗ (m) ∗ ∗ (m)
pnu /pde is not realized by the model r(x; θ), and that pnu is represented as
∗ (m) ∗ sm (x) + εm
pnu (x) = pde (x) r(x; θ m ) + √ ,
where sm (x) satisfies Ede [sm (x)] = 0 and limm→∞ εm = ε. Suppose that all of
∗ (m)
the items in Assumption 15.12 hold except the definition of pnu (x). We further
assume some additional regularity conditions (see Kanamori et al., 2011a, for
details). Then, under the setup of the local alternatives, the power function of

the A SCf -based test is larger than or equal to that of the empirical likelihood-
score test.
15.6 Numerical Studies 269

Theorems 15.13 and 15.14 indicate that the ASC f -based test is more powerful
than the empirical likelihood-score test regardless of whether the model r(x; θ ) is
correct or slightly misspecified.
See Section 11.4.2 of Lehmann (1986) for a more detailed explanation on the
asymptotic theory under local alternatives.

15.6 Numerical Studies

In this section numerical results are reported for illustrating the adequacy of the
above asymptotic theory for a finite-sample inference.

15.6.1 Setup
We examine two ASC divergences for a two-sample homogeneity test. One is the
KL divergence defined by f (r) = r − 1 − log(r) as shown in Example 15.8, and
the test statistic is derived from the optimal choice (15.11). This is referred to as
the KL-based test. The other is mutual information defined by Eq. (15.13), and
the estimator ASC f is derived from the optimal decomposition (15.11) and the
moment-matching estimator φ = φ opt . This is referred to as the MI-based test.
In addition, the empirical likelihood-ratio test (15.19) is also attempted. As
shown in Keziou and Leoni-Aubin (2005, 2008), the statistic of the empirical
likelihood-ratio test is equivalent to the estimator of mutual information using the
conjugate representation (15.14) and the moment-matching estimator φ = φ opt .
Thus, the MI-based test and the empirical likelihood-ratio test share the same
moment-matching estimator, but the ways in which the function f is decomposed
are different.
We further compare these methods with the empirical likelihood-score test
(15.18) proposed by Fokianos et al. (2001), and the Hotelling T 2 -test. The null
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
hypothesis of the test is H0 : pnu = pde , and the alternative is H1 : pnu # = pde . The
type I error (the rejection rate of the correct null hypotheses, i.e., two distributions
are judged to be different when they are actually the same) and the power function
(the acceptance rate of the correct null hypotheses, i.e., two distributions are judged
to be the same when they actually are the same) of these tests are numerically

15.6.2 Type I Error

∗ ∗
First we assume that the null hypothesis pnu = pde is correct and compute the
type I error.
The following three cases are examined:
∗ ∗
(a) The distributions of pnu and pde are given as a one-dimensional exponential
distribution with rate parameter 0.1 or 1.
270 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

∗ ∗
(b) The distributions of pnu and pde are given as the ten-dimensional normal
distribution N10 (0, I 10 ), where I 10 denotes the 10-dimensional identity matrix.
(c) Each element of the 10-dimensional vector x ∈ R10 is i.i.d. from the
t-distribution with 10 degrees of freedom.

For the k-dimensional vector x = (x(1) , . . . , x(k) ) , the semi-parametric model

for the density ratio is defined as
5 k

% 2
r(x; θ ) = exp α + β x( ) + βk+ x( ) (15.21)

with the (2k + 1)-dimensional parameter θ = (α, β1 , . . . , β2k ) . The sample size is
set to nnu = nde and is varied from 10 to 100 for one-dimensional random variables
and from 100 to 1000 for 10-dimensional random variables.
The significance level of the test is set to 0.05, and the type I error is averaged
over 1000 runs. For each of the above three cases, the averaged type I errors of
the KL-based test, the MI-based test, the empirical likelihood-ratio test, and the
empirical likelihood-score test are shown in Table 15.2.
For case (a), the type I error of the empirical likelihood-score test is larger than
the significance level even with a large sample size. On the other hand, the type I
errors of the KL-based test, the MI-based test, and the empirical likelihood-ratio
test are close to the significance level for a large sample size. For case (b), the type
I error of all methods converges to the significance level with a modest sample
size. For case (c), the type I error of the empirical likelihood-score test is larger
than the significance level, even with a large sample size. On the other hand, the
type I error of the other tests is close to the significance level with a moderate
sample size.

15.6.3 Power Function

Next we compute the power functions of the KL-based test, the MI-based test,
the empirical likelihood-ratio test, the empirical likelihood-score test, and the

Hotelling T 2 -test. In the numerical simulations, pnu

(x) is fixed and pde (x) is
varied by changing the parameters in the distribution such as the rate parameter,
the mean parameter, and the scale parameter.
We consider the following setups:

(A) pnu (x) is defined as the 10-dimensional standard normal distribution, or the
10-dimensional t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. The sample x de =
de de ∗
(x(1) , . . . , x(10) ) corresponding to pde is generated as
x( ) = x( ) + µ, = 1, . . . , 10, (15.22)

where x = (x(1) , . . . , x(10) ) is drawn from pnu . That is, the mean parameter µ ∈ R
10 ∗ ∗
is added to each element of x ∈ R . Hence, pnu = pde holds for µ = 0.
15.6 Numerical Studies 271

Table 15.2. Averaged type I errors over 1000 runs are shown as
functions of the number of samples. The significance level is set to
0.05. In the table, “KL,” “MI,” “Ratio,” and “Score” denote the
KL-based test, the MI-based test, the empirical likelihood-ratio test,
and the empirical likelihood-score test, respectively.

(a) One-dimensional exponential distribution with rate parameter 0.1

nnu KL MI Ratio Score

10 0.177 0.084 0.084 0.206

50 0.095 0.067 0.067 0.124
100 0.085 0.059 0.059 0.104
(a ) One-dimensional exponential distribution with rate parameter 1

nnu KL MI Ratio Score

10 0.170 0.083 0.083 0.203

50 0.099 0.068 0.068 0.134
100 0.092 0.067 0.067 0.107
(b) 10-dimensional standard normal distribution

nnu KL MI Ratio Score

100 0.152 0.102 0.102 0.200

500 0.058 0.051 0.051 0.059
1000 0.062 0.058 0.058 0.069
(c) 10-dimensional t-distribution with 10 degrees of freedom

nnu KL MI Ratio Score

100 0.179 0.092 0.092 0.244

500 0.084 0.073 0.073 0.114
1000 0.063 0.056 0.056 0.078

∗ de de
(B) pnu (x) is defined in the same way as (A), and the sample x de = (x(1) , . . . , x(10) )

corresponding to pde is generated as
x( ) = σ × x( ) , = 1, . . . , 10, (15.23)

where x = (x(1) , . . . , x(10) ) is drawn from pnu . That is, the scale parameter σ > 0
10 ∗ ∗
is multiplied to each element of x ∈ R . Hence, the null hypothesis pnu = pde
corresponds to σ = 1.
In both cases the sample size is set to nnu = nde = 500 and the density-ratio
∗ ∗
model (15.21) with k = 10 is used. When pnu and pde are the normal distributions,
the density-ratio model (15.21) includes the true density ratio. However, when they
are the t-distributions, the true ratio r ∗ (x) resides outside of the model (15.21). In
all simulations, the significance level is set to 0.05, and the power functions are
averaged over 1000 runs.
272 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

Table 15.3 shows the numerical results for setup (A). The mean parameter µ
∗ ∗
in Eq. (15.22) is varied from −0.1 to 0.1. When both pnu and pde are the normal
distributions, the powers of the KL-based test, the MI-based test, the empirical
likelihood-ratio test, and the empirical likelihood-score test almost coincide with
each other. On the other hand, the power of the Hotelling T 2 -test is slightly larger
than the others. This is natural because the Hotelling T 2 -test was designed to work
well under a normal distribution. For the t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom,

Table 15.3. Averaged power functions over 1000 runs

for the setup (A), i.e., the mean is shifted by µ.
nnu = nde = 500 and the significance level is set to 0.05.
In the table, “KL,” “MI,” “Ratio,” “Score,” and
“Hotelling” denote the KL-based test, the MI-based test,
the empirical likelihood-ratio test, the empirical
likelihood-score test, and the Hotelling T 2 -test,

10-dimensional standard normal distribution

(model is correctly specified)

µ KL MI Ratio Score Hotelling

−0.10 0.905 0.900 0.900 0.908 0.955

−0.08 0.716 0.696 0.696 0.720 0.814
−0.06 0.386 0.358 0.358 0.389 0.480
−0.04 0.168 0.155 0.155 0.185 0.210
−0.02 0.112 0.096 0.096 0.123 0.105
0.00 0.071 0.061 0.061 0.080 0.046
0.02 0.089 0.081 0.081 0.106 0.080
0.04 0.187 0.161 0.161 0.203 0.206
0.06 0.421 0.395 0.395 0.429 0.508
0.08 0.709 0.686 0.686 0.706 0.812
0.10 0.875 0.861 0.861 0.873 0.945

10-dimensional t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom

(model is misspecified)

µ KL MI Ratio Score Hotelling

−0.10 0.707 0.671 0.671 0.740 0.726

−0.08 0.509 0.439 0.439 0.554 0.532
−0.06 0.348 0.273 0.273 0.413 0.298
−0.04 0.186 0.135 0.135 0.272 0.143
−0.02 0.126 0.083 0.083 0.224 0.085
0.00 0.118 0.076 0.076 0.203 0.056
0.02 0.132 0.087 0.087 0.233 0.062
0.04 0.183 0.130 0.130 0.257 0.137
0.06 0.335 0.274 0.274 0.391 0.294
0.08 0.511 0.449 0.449 0.559 0.523
0.10 0.724 0.676 0.676 0.733 0.781
15.6 Numerical Studies 273

the power of the empirical likelihood-score test around µ = 0 is much larger than
the significance level, 0.05. This means that the empirical likelihood-score test
is not conservative and will lead to a high false-positive rate. The powers of the
MI-based test and the empirical likelihood-ratio test are close to the significance
level around µ = 0 and are comparable to the Hotelling T 2 -test.
Table 15.4 shows the averaged power functions for setup (B), where the scale
parameter σ in Eq. (15.23) is varied from 0.9 to 1.1. The results show that the

Table 15.4. Averaged power functions over 1000 runs

for the setup (B), i.e., the standard deviation is changed
by σ . nnu = nde = 500 and the significance level is set to
0.05. In the table, “KL,” “MI,” “Ratio,” “Score,” and
“Hotelling” denote the KL-based test, the MI-based test,
the empirical likelihood-ratio test, the empirical
likelihood-score test, and the Hotelling T 2 -test,

10-dimensional standard normal distribution

(model is correctly specified)

σ KL MI Ratio Score Hotelling

0.90 0.998 0.999 0.999 0.995 0.051

0.92 0.960 0.967 0.967 0.905 0.069
0.94 0.725 0.761 0.761 0.578 0.037
0.96 0.319 0.356 0.356 0.206 0.053
0.98 0.088 0.093 0.093 0.063 0.047
1.00 0.068 0.057 0.057 0.069 0.054
1.02 0.156 0.118 0.118 0.217 0.057
1.04 0.404 0.315 0.315 0.512 0.060
1.06 0.762 0.687 0.687 0.837 0.059
1.08 0.975 0.955 0.955 0.991 0.051
1.10 0.999 0.997 0.997 0.999 0.044

10-dimensional t-distribution with 5 degrees of freedom

(model is misspecified)

σ KL MI Ratio Score Hotelling

0.90 0.819 0.870 0.870 0.484 0.054

0.92 0.560 0.638 0.638 0.250 0.061
0.94 0.265 0.329 0.329 0.117 0.048
0.96 0.159 0.188 0.188 0.103 0.054
0.98 0.113 0.109 0.109 0.121 0.051
1.00 0.129 0.076 0.076 0.208 0.052
1.02 0.213 0.097 0.097 0.374 0.051
1.04 0.331 0.177 0.177 0.544 0.052
1.06 0.544 0.314 0.314 0.749 0.053
1.08 0.740 0.531 0.531 0.898 0.039
1.10 0.903 0.762 0.762 0.964 0.044
274 15 Parametric Two-Sample Test

Hotelling T 2 -test completely fails because it relies on the difference of the means,
but the means are the same in setup (B). The results also show that the power
function of the empirical likelihood-score test takes the minimum value at σ less
than 1. Such a biased result is caused by the fact that the estimated variance, V nu ,
based on the empirical likelihood-score estimator, tends to take slightly smaller
values than the true variance. The powers of the MI-based test and the empirical
likelihood-ratio test are close to the significance level around σ = 1, whereas that
of the KL-based test is slightly larger than the significance level around σ = 1.
Overall, these numerical results show that when the model r(x; θ ) is speci-
fied correctly, the powers of the KL-based test, the MI-based test, the empirical
likelihood-ratio test, and the empirical likelihood-score test are highly comparable
to each other. This tendency agrees well with Theorem 15.13.
On the other hand, the empirical likelihood-score test has a large type I error
and its power is biased when the model is misspecified. The MI-based test and the
empirical likelihood-ratio test have comparable powers to the other methods, and
their type I error is well controlled.

15.7 Remarks
In this chapter we discussed a two-sample homogeneity test under the semi-
parametric density-ratio models. We first showed that the moment-matching
estimator introduced in Qin (1998) provides an optimal estimator of the ASC
divergence with appropriate decomposition of the function f . We then gave a test
statistic for a two-sample homogeneity test using the optimal ASC divergence esti-
 f -based test does not depend
mator. We showed that the power function of the ASC
on the choice of the ASC divergence up to the first order under the local alternative
setup. Furthermore, the ASC f -based test and the empirical likelihood-score test
(Fokianos et al., 2001) were shown to have asymptotically the same power. For
misspecified density-ratio models, we showed that the ASC  f -based test usually
has greater power than the empirical likelihood-score test.
In numerical studies, the MI-based test and the empirical likelihood-ratio
test gave the most reliable results. It is also notable that their powers were
comparable to that of the Hotelling T 2 -test even under the normal case. We
experimentally observed that the null distributions of the MI-based test and the
empirical likelihood-ratio test are approximated by the asymptotic distribution
more accurately than that of the KL-based test, although the first-order asymptotic
theory provided in Section 15.5 does not explain this empirical fact. Higher order
asymptotic theory may be needed to better understand this tendency.
Although we focused on estimators of the form (15.7) in this chapter, a variety
of estimators is available for divergence estimation. Along this line of research,
remaining future works are to study the optimal estimator among all estimators
of the ASC divergence and to specify how large the class of estimators (15.7) is
among all estimators.
Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

As shown in Chapter 7, kernelized versions of unconstrained least-squares density-

ratio estimation (i.e., uLSIF given in Chapter 6) and moment matching (i.e., KMM
given in Chapter 3) share the same solution in theory. However, their optimization
criteria are substantially different. In this chapter, we analyze their numerical stabil-
ities and computational efficiencies through condition numbers (Kanamori et al.,
The framework of condition number analysis is described in Section 16.1,
and then the relation between uLSIF and KMM is discussed in Section 16.2.
In Section 16.3, we show that uLSIF possesses a smaller condition number than
KMM, which implies that uLSIF is numerically more reliable and computationally
more efficient than KMM. Then, in Section 16.4, we show that uLSIF has the small-
est condition number among all ratio-fitting estimators. Finally, in Section 16.5,
we compare condition numbers and computational efficiencies through numerical
experiments. The chapter is concluded in Section 16.6.

16.1 Preliminaries
In this section we describe the density-ratio estimators that will be analyzed in this
First, let us briefly review the problem formulation and notation. Consider
∗ ∗
two probability densities pnu (x) and pde (x) on a probability space X . We assume

pde (x) > 0 for all x ∈ X . Suppose that we are given two sets of i.i.d. samples,

i.i.d. i.i.d.
x nu nu ∗ de de ∗
1 , . . . , x nnu ∼ pnu and x 1 , . . . , x nde ∼ pde . (16.1)

∗ (x)
Our goal is to estimate the density ratio r ∗ (x) = ∗ (x)
based on the observed
samples (16.1).

276 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

16.1.1 Kernel Mean Matching

The kernel mean matching (KMM) method allows us to directly obtain an estimate
of r ∗ (x) at x de de
1 , . . . , x nde without going through density estimation (see Chapter 3).
The basic idea of KMM is to minimize the mean discrepancy between samples
∗ ∗
drawn from pnu and pde in a universal reproducing kernel Hilbert space (univer-
sal RKHS; Steinwart, 2001). We describe the definition of universal kernel and
universal RKHS in the following.
Definition 16.1 (Definition 4.52 in Steinwart, 2001) A continuous kernel K on a
compact metric space X is called universal if the RKHS R of K is dense in the
set of all continuous functions on X ; that is, for every continuous function g on X
and all ε > 0, there exists f ∈ R such that f − g∞ < ε, where  · ∞ denotes
the infinity norm. The corresponding RKHS is called a universal RKHS.
The Gaussian kernel is an example of a universal kernel. Let R be a universal
RKHS endowed with the kernel function K : X × X → R. For any x ∈ X , the
function K(·, x) is an element of R. Suppose that the ture density-ratio function
r ∗ (x) is included in the RKHS R. Then, it was shown that the solution of the
following optimization problem agrees with r ∗ (Huang et al., 2007; Gretton et al.,
min  r(x)K(·, x)pde (x)dx − K(·, x)pnu (x)dx 
 ∗ ∗

r∈R 2 R

s.t. r(x)pde (x)dx = 1 and r ≥ 0,

where  · R denotes the norm in the RKHS R.

Indeed, when r = r ∗ , the above loss function vanishes. An empirical version of
this problem is reduced to the following convex quadratic program:
 
nde nde


min  rj rj  K(x de de
j , xj  ) − rj K(x de nu 
j , xi )
r1 ,...,rnde 2nde  nnu i=1 j =1
j ,j =1

s.t.  rj − 1 ≤ @ and 0 ≤ r1 , . . . , rnde ≤ B. (16.2)
de j =1

The tuning parameters B ≥ 0 and @ ≥ 0 control the regularization effects. The

solution r1 , . . . ,rnde is an estimate of the density ratio at the samples from pde , that
∗ de ∗ de
is, r (x 1 ), . . . , r (x nde ). Note that KMM does not estimate the entire density-ratio
function r ∗ on X , only its values at sample points.

16.1.2 M-Estimator Based on ASC Divergence

An estimator of the density ratio based on the Ali–Silvey–Csiszár (ASC) divergence
(a.k.a. the f -divergence) described in Section 7.3.1 is reviewed here.
16.1 Preliminaries 277

∗ ∗
Let f : R → R be a convex function. Then the ASC divergence from pnu to pde
is defined as follows (Ali and Silvey, 1966; Csiszár, 1967):
∗ ∗ pnu (x) ∗
ASCf (pnu pde ) := f p (x)dx. (16.3)

pde (x) de
Let the conjugate dual function g of f be

g(z) := sup{zu − f (u)} = − inf {f (u) − zu}.

u∈R u∈R

When f is a convex function, we also have

f (u) = − inf {g(z) − uz}. (16.4)


See Section 12 of Rockafellar (1970) for details. Substituting Eq. (16.4) into
Eq. (16.3), we obtain the following expression of the ASC divergence:
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
ASCf (pnu pde ) = − inf g(r(x))pde (x)dx − r(x)pnu (x)dx , (16.5)

where the infimum is taken over all measurable functions r : X → R. The infimum
is attained at the function r such that

pnu (x)
∗ = g  (r(x)), (16.6)
pde (x)
where g  is the derivative of g. Approximating Eq. (16.5) with the empirical distri-
butions, we obtain the empirical loss function. This estimator is referred to as the
M-estimator of the density ratio. An M-estimator based on the Kullback–Leibler
divergence is derived from g(z) = −1 − log(−z).
When an RKHS R is employed as a statistical model, the M-estimator is
given by
 
nde nnu
inf  g(r(x de
j )) − r(x nu 2 
i ) + rR , (16.7)
r∈R nde j =1 nnu i=1 2

where the regularization term λ2 r2R with the regularization parameter λ is intro-
duced to avoid overfitting. Using the solution r of the above optimization problem,
a density-ratio estimator is given by g  (
r(x)) [see Eq. (16.6)].

16.1.3 Kernel uLSIF

Let us consider a kernelized variant of uLSIF (which we refer to as kernel uLSIF;
KuLSIF), which will be shown to possess good theoretical properties. Here we
formalize the KuLSIF algorithm and briefly show its fundamental properties. Then,
in the following sections, we analyze the numerical stability and computational
efficiency of KuLSIF.
278 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

The KuLSIF optimization problem is given as Eq. (16.7) with g(u) = u2 /2:
 
nde nnu
min  r(x de 2
j ) − r(x nu 2 
i ) + rR . (16.8)
r∈R 2nde j =1 nnu i=1 2

For an infinite-dimensional RKHS R, Eq. (16.8) is an infinite-dimensional

optimization problem and thus is computationally intractable. However, the rep-
resenter theorem (Kimeldorf and Wahba, 1971) is applicable to RKHSs, which
shows that the estimator 
r always lies in a finite-dimensional subspace of R:
Theorem 16.2 A solution of Eq. (16.8) is of the form
nde nnu

r(x) = αi K(x, x de
j )+ βi K(x, x nu
i ),
j =1 i=1

where α1 , . . . , αnde , β1 , . . . , βnnu ∈ R.

Moreover, for KuLSIF, the parameters α1 , . . . , αnde , β1 , . . . , βnnu can be esti-
mated analytically. Let K de,de , K de,nu , and K nu,nu be the Gram matrices, that is,
[K de,de ]j ,j  = K(x de de de nu nu nu
j , x j  ), [K de,nu ]j ,i = K(x j , x i ), and [K nu,nu ]i,i  = K(x i , x i  ),
where j , j = 1, . . . , nde and i, i = 1, . . . , nnu . Then, for KuLSIF, the parameters
α = (α1 , . . . , αnde ) and β = (β1 , . . . , βnnu ) in the estimator  r can be optimized
analytically as follows.
Theorem 16.3 (Analytic solution of KuLSIF) Suppose that the regularization
parameter λ is strictly positive. Then the KuLSIF solutions  α and 
β are given as
1 % &−1
α=− K de,de + nde λI nde K de,nu 1nnu , (16.9)
nnu λ
β= 1n , (16.10)
nnu λ nu
where I n is the n-dimensional identity matrix and 1n are the n-dimensional vectors
with all ones.
Remark. It can be shown that the solution  β is given by Eq. (16.10) for any
ASC divergence (16.7) [but  α is not given by Eq. (16.9) in general]. The density-
ratio estimator based on the ASC divergence is given by solving the following
optimization problem:
 
nde nnu

inf  1 g(r(x de
j )) −
r(x nu
λ 2 
i ) + rR , (16.11)
α1 ,...,αnde ∈R nde j =1 nnu i=1 2
'nde de 1 'nnu nu
where r(x) = j =1 αj K(x, x j ) + nnu λ i=1 K(x, x i ).

When g(z) = z2 /2, the problem (16.11) is reduced to

1  1 2 1  
min α K +λK de,de α+ 1 K K de,de α , (16.12)
α∈Rnde 2 nde de,de nnu nde λ nnu de,nu
16.2 Relation between KuLSIF and KMM 279

where the term independent of the parameter α is dropped. This is the optimization
criterion for KuLSIF.
For a positive definite matrix A, the solution of a linear equation Ax = b is given
as the minimizer of 12 x Ax − b x. Applying this fact to Eq. (16.9), we can obtain
the solution α for KuLSIF by solving the following optimization problem:
1  1 1  
min α K de,de + λI nde α + 1 K α . (16.13)
α∈Rnde 2 nde nnu nde λ nnu de,nu
In the following, the estimator obtained by solving the optimization problem
(16.13) is referred to as reduced-KuLSIF (R-KuLSIF). Although KuLSIF and
R-KuLSIF share the same optimal solution, their loss functions are different
[cf. Eq.(16.12)]. As shown in the following, this difference yields significant
improvement of the numerical stability and computational efficiency.

16.2 Relation between KuLSIF and KMM

In this section we investigate the relation between KuLSIF and KMM. In
Section 16.2.1 we reformulate KuLSIF and KMM and compare their loss func-
tions. Then, in Section 16.2.2, we extend the comparison of the loss functions to
general ASC divergences.

16.2.1 Loss Functions of KuLSIF and KMM

We assume that the true density ratio r ∗ = pnu

/pde is included in the RKHS R. As
shown in Section 16.1.3, the loss function of KMM on R is defined as
LKMM (r) := φ(r)2R ,
∗ ∗
φ(r) := K(·, x)r(x)pde (x)dx − K(·, x)pnu (x)dx ∈ R.

In the estimation phase, an empirical approximation of LKMM is optimized in the

KMM algorithm. On the other hand, the (unregularized) loss function of KuLSIF
is given by
LKuLSIF (r) := r(x)2 pde
∗ ∗
(x)dx − r(x)pnu (x)dx.
Both LKMM and LKuLSIF are minimized at the true density ratio r ∗ ∈ R. Although
some linear constraints may be introduced in the optimization phase, we study
the optimization problems of LKMM and LKuLSIF without constraints. This is
because when the sample size tends to infinity, the optimal solutions of LKMM and
 KuLSIF ∗without constraints automatically satisfy the required constraints, such as
r(x)pde (x)dx = 1 and r ≥ 0.
280 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

We consider the extremal condition of LKuLSIF (r) at r ∗ . Substituting r = r ∗ +δ ·v

for δ ∈ R and v ∈ R into LKuLSIF (r), we have

LKuLSIF (r ∗ + δv) − LKuLSIF (r ∗ )

5  B 
=δ r ∗ (x)v(x)pde

(x)dx − v(x)pnu∗
(x)dx + v(x)2 pde


Because LKuLSIF (r ∗ + δv) is minimized at δ = 0, the derivative of LKuLSIF (r ∗ + δv)

at δ = 0 vanishes, that is,
r ∗ (x)v(x)pde

(x)dx − ∗
v(x)pnu (x)dx = 0.

Using the reproducing property of the kernel function K, we can express the above
equality in terms of φ(r ∗ ) as:
r ∗ (x)v(x)pde

(x)dx − v(x)pnu ∗
= r ∗ (x)K(·, x), vR pde
∗ ∗
(x)dx − K(·, x), vR pnu (x)dx
∗ ∗ ∗
= K(·, x)r (x)pde (x)dx − K(·, x)pnu (x)dx, v
2 ∗
= φ(r ), v R = 0, (16.14)

where ·, ·R denotes the inner product in the RKHS R. Because Eq. (16.14) holds
for arbitrary v ∈ R, we have φ(r ∗ ) = 0.
The above expression implies that φ(r) is the Gâteaux derivative (see Section
4.2 of Zeidler, 1986) of LKuLSIF at r ∈ R; that is,

LKuLSIF (r + δ · v)δ=0 = φ(r), vR

holds for all v ∈ R. See Section 16.2.2 for the definition of the Gâteaux derivative.
Let DLKuLSIF (= φ) be the Gâteaux derivative of LKuLSIF over the RKHS R.
Then the equality LKMM (r) = 12 DLKuLSIF (r)2R holds. Note that a similar relation
also holds for the M-estimator based on the Kullback–Leibler divergence with
log-linear models (Tsuboi et al., 2009).
Now we illustrate the relation between KuLSIF and KMM by showing an
analogous optimization example in the Euclidean space. Let h : Rd → R be a
differentiable function, and consider the optimization problem minx∈Rd h(x). At
the optimal solution x ∗ , the extremal condition ∇h(x ∗ ) = 0 should hold, where
∇h is the gradient of h. Thus, instead of minimizing h, minimizing ∇h(x)2 also
provides the minimizer of h. This actually corresponds to the relation between
16.2 Relation between KuLSIF and KMM 281


KuLSIF ⇐⇒ min h(x),

KMM ⇐⇒ min ∇h(x)2 .
x∈R 2

In other words, to find the solution of the equation φ(r) = 0, KMM tries to minimize
the norm of φ(r). The “dual” expression of φ(r) = 0 is given as

φ(r), vR = 0, v ∈ R. (16.15)

By “integrating” φ(r), vR , we obtain the loss function LKuLSIF .

16.2.2 Generalization to ASC Divergence

The discussion in the previous subsection can be extended to the general ASC
divergence approach. The loss function of the M-estimator (Nguyen et al., 2010)
is defined by
∗ ∗
Lg (r) = g(r(x))pde (x)dx − r(x)pnu (x)dx, r ∈ R.

The Gâteaux derivative of Lg over R is defined as the function DLg : R → R

such that
10 1
lim Lg (r + δ · v) − Lg (r) = DLg (r), vR , ∀ v ∈ R.
δ→0 δ

Then the following theorem holds.

Theorem 16.4 Suppose that g is the once continuously differentiable and convex
function, and that the kernel function K of the RKHS R satisfies supx∈X K(x, x) <
∞. Suppose that, for any r ∈ R, g(r) and g  (r) are integrable with respect to the

probability pde (x). Then, the following assertions hold.
1. The Gâteaux derivative of Lg is given as
DLg (r) = K(·, x)g  (r(x))pde ∗ ∗
(x)dx − K(·, x)pnu (x)dx.

2. Let Lg-KMM : R → R be
Lg-KMM (r) = DLg (r)2R ,

and suppose that r ∗ (x) = pnu

(x)/pde (x) is represented by r ∗ = g  (rg ) for
some rg ∈ R. Then, rg is the minimizer of both Lg and Lg-KMM .
The quadratic function g(z) = z2 /2 and a bounded kernel satisfy the assump-
tion of Theorem 16.4. Indeed, for any bounded kernel, the inequality |r(x)| ≤
282 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

rR supx∈X K(x, x) < ∞ holds, and thus r 2 /2 and r are integrable with respect

to the probability pde .
On the other hand, for the function g(z) = −1 − log(−z) [and g  (z) = −1/z],
which leads to the M-estimator using the Kullback–Leibler divergence, the
Gâteaux derivative of Lg is given as
1 ∗ ∗
DLg (r) = − K(·, x) pde (x)dx − K(·, x)pnu (x)dx.
In this case, the functional DLg (r) is not necessarily defined for all r ∈ R; for
example, DLg (r) does not exist for r = 0.
Nevertheless, the second statement in Theorem 16.4 is still valid for the
Kullback–Leibler divergence. Suppose that there exists an rg ∈ R such that
r ∗ = −1/rg . Then there exists a√positive constant c > 0 such that r ∗ ≥ c > 0,
because |rg (x)| ≤ rg R supx∈X K(x, x) < ∞ holds. The condition that r ∗ is
bounded below by a positive constant is assumed when the Kullback–Leibler
divergence is used in the estimator (Nguyen et al., 2010; Sugiyama et al., 2008).
On the other hand, for the quadratic function g(z) = z2 /2, such an assumption is
not required.

16.3 Condition Number Analysis

In this section we investigate condition numbers in density-ratio estimation. We
first introduce the basic concept and fundamental properties of the condition num-
ber in Section 16.3.1. Then, in Section 16.3.2, we analyze the condition numbers
of various density-ratio estimators.

16.3.1 Condition Numbers

The condition number plays a crucial role in numerical analysis and optimization
(Demmel, 1997; Luenberger and Ye, 2008; Sankar et al., 2006).
The condition number of a symmetric positive definite matrix A is defined by
λmax /λmin (≥ 1), where λmax and λmin are the maximal and minimal eigenvalues of
A, respectively. The condition number of A is denoted by κ(A). More generally, the
condition number for a non-symmetric (i.e., rectangular) matrix is defined through
singular values.

Round-Off Error in Numerical Analysis

The condition number governs the round-off error of the solution of a linear
Let us consider a linear equation Ax = b. The matrix A with a large condition
number results in a large upper bound on the relative error of the solution x. More
precisely, in the perturbed linear equation

(A + δA)(x + δx) = b + δb,

16.3 Condition Number Analysis 283

the relative error of the solution is given as follows (Section 2.2 of Demmel, 1997):
δx κ(A) δA δb
≤ + .
x 1 − κ(A)δA/A A b
Hence, smaller condition numbers are preferable in numerical computations.

Convergence Rate in Optimization

The condition number provides an upper bound of the convergence rate for
optimization algorithms.
Let us consider a minimization problem minx∈Rn h(x), where h : Rn → R is a
differentiable function and x ∗ is a local optimal solution. We consider an iterative
algorithm that generates a sequence {x i }∞ i=1 . In various iterative algorithms, the
sequence is generated by
x i+1 = x i − S −1
i ∇h(x i ), i = 1, . . . ,
where S i is a symmetric positive definite matrix that is an approximation of the
Hessian matrix of h at x ∗ , that is, S i ≈ ∇ 2 h(x ∗ ). Then, under a mild assumption, the
sequence {x i }∞ ∗
i=1 converges to x . Practical numerical techniques such as scaling
and pre-conditioning are also incorporated in this form with a certain choice of S i .
According to the modified Newton-method theorem (Section 10.1 of
Luenberger and Ye, 2008), the convergence rate of such iterative algorithms is
given as
κi − 1
x k − x ∗  = O , (16.16)
i=1 i
κ +1
−1/2 −1/2
where κi is the condition number of S i (∇ 2 h(x ∗ ))S i . Although the mod-
ified Newton-method theorem was shown only for convex quadratic functions
in Luenberger and Ye (2008), the rate-of-convergence behavior is essentially the
same for general non-quadratic objective functions. Regarding non-quadratic func-
tions, details are presented in Section 8.6 of Luenberger and Ye (2008). Equation
(16.16) implies that the convergence rate of the sequence {x i }∞i=1 is fast if the
condition numbers κi , i = 1, . . . are small.
When the condition number of the Hessian matrix ∇ 2 h(x ∗ ) is large, there is a
trade-off between the numerical accuracy and the convergence rate in optimization.
Let us illustrate this trade-off using the following examples:
• When the Newton method is employed, S k is given as ∇ 2 h(x k ). Because of
the continuity of ∇ 2 h, if κ(∇ 2 h(x ∗ )) is large, the condition number of Sk =
∇ 2 h(x k ) will also be large and thus the numerical computation of S −1
k ∇h(x k )
will become unstable.
• When the quasi-Newton methods such as the Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–
Shanno (BFGS) method and the Davidon–Fletcher–Powell method
(Luenberger and Ye, 2008) are employed, S k or S −1 k is successively com-
puted based on the information of the gradient. If κ(∇ 2 h(x ∗ )) is large, κ(S k )
284 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

is also likely to be large, and thus the numerical computation of S −1k ∇h(x k )
will not be reliable. This implies that the round-off error caused by nearly sin-
gular Hessian matrices significantly affects the accuracy of the quasi-Newton
methods. Consequently, S −1 k ∇h(x k ) is not guaranteed to be a proper descent
direction of the objective function h.
In optimization problems with large condition numbers, the numerical compu-
tation tends to be unreliable. To avoid numerical instability, the Hessian matrix is
often modified so that S k has a moderate condition number. For example, in the
optimization toolbox in MATLAB® , gradient descent methods are implemented
by the function fminunc. The default method in fminunc is the BFGS method
with an update through the Cholesky factorization of S k (not S −1 k ). Even if the
positive definiteness of S k is violated by the round-off error, the Cholesky fac-
torization immediately detects the negativity of the eigenvalues and the positive
definiteness of S k is recovered by adding a correction term. When the modified
Cholesky factorization is used, the condition number of S k is guaranteed to be
bounded above by some constant. See Moré and Sorensen (1984) for details.

16.3.2 Condition Number Analysis of Density-Ratio Estimation

Here we analyze the condition numbers of KuLSIF and KMM.

Let us consider the optimization problems of KuLSIF and KMM on an RKHS R
endowed with a kernel function K over a set X . Given the samples (16.1), the
optimization problems of KuLSIF and KMM are defined as
 
nde nnu
(KuLSIF) min  (r(x de 2
j )) − r(x nu 2 
i ) + rR ,
r∈R 2nde j =1 nnu i=1 2

(KMM) min φ(r) + λr R ,
r∈R 2
'nde 1 'nnu
where  φ(r) =1
de de
j =1 K(·, x j )r(x i )− nnu
i=1 K(·, x i ). Here, φ(r)+λr is the
Gâteaux derivative of the loss function for KuLSIF including the regularization
term. In the original KMM method, the density-ratio values at denominator samples
x de de
1 , . . . , x nde are optimized (Huang et al., 2007). Here we consider its inductive

variant; that is, the entire density-ratio function r ∗ = pnu ∗
/pde on X is estimated
using the loss function of KMM.
According to Theorem 16.3, the optimal solution of equation (KuLSIF) is given
as a form of
nde nnu



r= αj K(·, x j ) + K(·, x nu
i ).
j =1
n nu λ i=1

Note that the optimal solution of equation (KMM) is also given by the same form.
Thus, the variables to be optimized in (KuLSIF) and (KMM) are α1 , . . . , αnde .
16.3 Condition Number Analysis 285

Condition Number Analysis of KuLSIF, KMM, and R-KuLSIF

Now we investigate the numerical efficiencies of (KuLSIF) and (KMM).
When we solve the minimization problem minx h(x), it is not recommended
to minimize the norm of the gradient minx ∇h(x)2 , because the problem
minx ∇h(x)2 generally has a larger condition number than minx h(x) (Luen-
berger and Ye, 2008, Section 8.7). For example, let h be the convex quadratic
function defined as h(x) = 12 x Ax − b x with a positive definite matrix A. Then
the condition number of the Hessian matrix is given by κ(A), where κ(A) denotes
the condition number of A. On the other hand, the Hessian matrix of the function
∇h(x)2 = Ax − b2 is given by κ(A2 ) = κ(A)2 ; that is, the condition number is
squared and thus becomes larger or unchanged (recall that the condition number
is larger than or equal to one). In the following we show that the same argument
applies to equations (KuLSIF) and (KMM).
The Hessian matrices of the objective functions of equations (KuLSIF) and
(KMM) are given as
1 2
H KuLSIF = K + λK de,de ,
nde de,de
1 2λ 2
H KMM = 2 K 3de,de + K + λ2 K de,de .
nde nde de,de

H KuLSIF is derived from Eq. (16.12), and H KMM is given by a direct computation
based on (KMM). Then we obtain
% 1 &
κ(H KuLSIF ) =κ(K de,de )κ K de,de + λI nde ,
% 1 &2
κ(H KMM ) =κ(K de,de )κ K de,de + λI nde .
Because the condition number is larger than or equal to one, the inequality

κ(H KuLSIF ) ≤ κ(H KMM )

always holds. This implies that the convergence rate of KuLSIF will be faster than
that of KMM, when an iterative optimization algorithm is used.
In the R-KuLSIF (16.13), the Hessian matrix of the objective function is
given by
H R-KuLSIF = K de,de + λI nde ,
and thus the condition number of H R-KuLSIF satisfies

κ(H R-KuLSIF ) ≤ κ(H KuLSIF ) ≤ κ(H KMM ).

Therefore, the R-KuLSIF has an advantage in the efficiency and the robustness of
numerical computation. This theoretical analysis will be illustrated numerically in
Section 16.5.
286 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

Condition Number Analysis of M-Estimators

According to Theorem 16.4, we expect that the condition number of the M-
estimator based on Lg will be smaller than that of KMM based on Lg-KMM , which
is investigated here.
Let the Hessian matrices at the optimal solutions
r be H g-div for Lg and H g-KMM
for Lg-KMM , respectively. Then we have
H g-div = K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λK de,de (16.17)
1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2
=K de,de K Dg,r K de,de + λI nde K de,de ,
n de,de
1/2 1 1/2 1/2 1/2
H g-KMM =K de,de K Dg,r K de,de + λI nde K de,de ,
n de,de
where Dg,r is the n × n diagonal matrix with the j -th diagonal element given
r(x de
by g  ( 
j )), and g denotes the second-order derivative of g. Hence, using the
inequality κ(A1/2 BA1/2 ) ≤ κ(A)κ(B) for any positive definite matrices A and B
(Horn and Johnson, 1985, Section 5.8), we have
% 1 1/2 1/2 &
κ(H g-div ) ≤κ(K de,de )κ K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λI nde ,
% 1 1/2 1/2 &2
κ(H g-KMM ) ≤κ(K de,de )κ K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λI nde .
The upper bounds of the condition number suggest that the M-estimator based on
Lg is more preferable than that with Lg-KMM .

16.4 Optimality of KuLSIF

In this section we study the condition number of the Hessian matrix associated with
the minimization problem in the ASC divergence approach (see Section 16.2.2).
More specifically, we show that KuLSIF is optimal among all M-estimators based
on the ASC divergence under a mini-max evaluation and a probabilistic evaluation
of the condition number.

Mini-Max Evaluation
We assume that a universal RKHS R endowed with a kernel function K on a
compact set X is used to estimate r ∗ . The M-estimator based on theASC divergence
is obtained by solving the problem (16.11). As shown in Eq. (16.17), the Hessian
matrix of the loss function at the optimal solution  r is given by
K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λK de,de .
The condition number of the Hessian matrix is denoted by
κ0 (Dg,r ) := κ K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λK de,de .
16.4 Optimality of KuLSIF 287

In KuLSIF, the equality g  = 1 holds, and thus the condition number is given by
κ0 (I nde ). In the following we analyze the relation between κ0 (I nde ) and κ0 (Dg,r ).
Theorem 16.5 (Mini-max evaluation) Suppose that R is a universal RKHS and
K de,de is non-singular, and let c be a positive constant. Then

inf sup κ0 (Dg,r ) = κ0 (cI nde ) (16.18)

g:R→R, r∈R
g  ((g  )−1 (1))=c

holds, where the infimum is taken over all convex second-order continuously
differentiable functions such that g  ((g  )−1 (1)) = c.

When r ∗ = 1 (i.e., pnu ∗
= pde ), the Hessian matrices are approximately the
same for any function g such that g  ((g  )−1 (1)) = c. More precisely, when λ = 0,
nnu = nde , and x nu de
i = x i (i = 1, . . . , nnu ) hold in Eq. (16.11), the estimator satisfies

g (r(x j )) = 1 and g ( 
r(x de
j )) = c for all j = 1, . . . , nde . Then the Hessian matrix
c 2
is equal to nnu K de,de . The constraint on g in Theorem 16.5 [i.e., g  ((g  )−1 (1)) = c]
works as a kind of calibration at the density ratio r ∗ = 1.
Under such a calibration, Theorem 16.5 shows that the quadratic function g(z) =
cz2 /2 is optimal in the mini-max sense. This feature is brought about by the fact that
the condition number of KuLSIF does not depend on the optimal solution. Because
both sides of Eq. (16.18) depend on the samples x de de
1 , . . . , x nde , KuLSIF achieves
the mini-max solution in terms of the condition number for each observation.

Probabilistic Evaluation
Next we study the probabilistic evaluation of the condition number. As shown in
Eq. (16.17), the Hessian matrix at the estimated function 
g is given as
H g-div = K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λK de,de ,
r(x de
where the diagonal elements of Dg,r are given by g  ( 
1 )), . . . , g (r(x de
nde )), and

r is the minimizer of Eq. (16.11). Let us define the random variable Tnde as

Tnde = max g  (
r(x de
j )) ≥ 0. (16.19)
j =1,...,nde

Let Fnde be the distribution function of Tnde . More precisely, Tnde and Fnde depend
not only on nde but also on nnu through  g . However, here we consider the case
where nnu is fixed to a finite number, or nnu may be a function of nde . Then, Tnde
and Fnde depend only on nde .
In the following we first compute the distribution of the condition number
κ(H g-div ). Then we investigate the relation between the function g and the distri-
bution of the condition number κ(H g-div ). We need to study the eigenvalues and
condition numbers of random matrices. For the Wishart distribution, the prob-
ability distribution of condition numbers has been investigated, for example, by
Edelman (1988) and Edelman and Sutton (2005). Recently, the condition numbers
of matrices perturbed by additive Gaussian noise have been investigated by the
288 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

method called smoothed analysis (Sankar et al., 2006; Spielman and Teng, 2004;
Tao and Vu, 2007). However, the randomness involved in the matrix H g-div is
different from that in existing smoothed analysis studies.
Theorem 16.6 (Probabilistic evaluation) Let R be an RKHS endowed with a
kernel function K : X × X → R satisfying the following boundedness condition:

0 < inf

K(x, x  ), sup K(x, x  ) < ∞.
x,x ∈X x,x  ∈X

Assume that the Gram matrix K de,de is almost surely positive definite in terms of

the probability measure Pde . Suppose that there exist sequences snde and tnde such

lim snde = ∞, lim Fnde (snde ) = 0, and lim Fnde (tnde /U ) = 1,

nde →∞ nde →∞ nde →∞

where U = supx,x ∈X K(x, x  ). Furthermore, suppose that lim supnde →∞

E[g  (
r(X1 ))] < ∞ holds, and that, for the regularization parameter λ = λnde > 0,
the bounded condition lim supnde →∞ λnde < ∞ is satisfied. Then, for any small
ν > 0, we have
, % &-
lim Pr sn1−ν
≤ κ(H g-div ) ≤ κ(K de,de ) 1 + tn de
/λ n de
= 1, (16.20)
nde →∞

where the probability Pr(·) is defined for the distribution of all samples
x nu nu de de
1 , . . . , x nnu , x 1 , . . . , x nde .

Remark. The Gaussian kernel on a compact set X meets the condition of The-

orem 16.6 under a mild assumption on the probability pde . Suppose that X is
included in the ball {x ∈ R | x ≤ R}. Then, for K(x, x ) = exp{−γ x − x  2 }
2 ∗
with x, x  ∈ X and γ > 0, we have e−4γ R ≤ K(x, x  ) ≤ 1. If the distribution Pde of
de de
samples x 1 , . . . , x nde is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue mea-
sure, the Gram matrix of the Gaussian kernel is almost surely positive definite
because K de,de is positive definite if x de de 
j # = x j  for j # = j .

When g is the quadratic function g(z) = z2 /2, the distribution function Fnde
is given by Fnde (t) = 1[t ≥ 1], where 1[ · ] is the indicator function. Hence, the
sequence snde defined in Theorem 16.6 does not exist. Nevertheless, by choosing
tnde = 1, the upper bound of κ(H g-div ) with g(z) = z2 /2 is asymptotically given as
κ(K de,de )(1 + λ−1
nde ).
On the other hand, for the M-estimator with the Kullback–Leibler divergence
(Nguyen et al., 2010), the function g is defined by g(z) = −1 − log(−z), z <
0, and thus g  (z) = 1/z2 holds. Then we have Tnde = maxj =1,...,nde ( r(x de −2
j )) .
de 2
However, we note that ( r(x j )) can take a very small value for the Kullback–
Leibler divergence, which yields that the order of Tnde is larger than a constant and
thus tnde diverges to infinity. This simple analysis indicates that KuLSIF is more
preferable than the M-estimator with the Kullback–Leibler divergence in the sense
of numerical stability and computational efficiency.
16.4 Optimality of KuLSIF 289

Next we derive an approximation of the inequality in Eq. (16.20). The ran-

dom variables g  ( r(x de
j )), j = 1, . . . , nde are correlated to each other, because
the estimator  r depends on all samples x nu nu de de
1 , . . . , x nnu , x 1 , . . . , x nde . The estimator

r approximates the function rg ∈ R such that pnu (x)/pde (x) = g  (rg∗ (x)), and we
 ∗ ∗

expect that r will converge to rg∗ when the sample size tends to infinity. Hence, the
approximation that g  ( r(x de
j )), j = 1, . . . , nde are independent of each other will be
acceptable in the large sample limit. Under such an approximation, the distribution
function Fnde (t) is given by (F̄ (t))nde , where F̄ is the distribution function of each
r(x de
g  ( j )). Based on this intuition, we have the following proposition.

Proposition 16.7 (Approximated bound) Suppose the kernel function K and the
regularization parameter λ = λnde satisfy the same condition as Theorem 16.6.
For the distribution function Fnde of the random variable Tnde , we assume that
there exist distribution functions F̄0 and F̄1 such that the following conditions are
1. For large nde , the inequality (F̄0 (t))nde ≤ Fnde (t) ≤ (F̄1 (t))nde holds for all
t > 0.
2. Let G0 := 1 − F̄0 and G1 := 1 − F̄1 . Then both G0 (t) and G1 (t) have
the inverse functions G−1 −1
0 (t) and G1 (t) for small t > 0. Furthermore,
limt→+0 G1 (t) = ∞ holds.
Then, for any small η > 0 and any small ν > 0, we have

−1+η 1−ν
lim Pr {G−1 1 (nde )} ≤ κ(H g-div )
nde →∞

, -
−1 −1−η
≤ κ(K de,de ) 1 + U λ−1 G
nde 0 (n de ) = 1,

where U = supx,x K(x, x  ) < ∞.

Remark. Suppose that Fnde (t) is approximated by (F (t))nde and let G(t) = 1 −
F (t). Then Proposition 16.7 implies that, for large nde , the inequality
{G−1 (nde )}1−ν ≤ κ(H g-div )
, -
−1 −1−η
≤ κ(K de,de ) 1 + U λ−1
nde G (nde ) (16.21)

holds with high probability. In KuLSIF, the function g is given as g(z) = z2 /2.
Then the corresponding distribution function of each diagonal element in Dg,g is
given by FKuLSIF (t) = 1[t ≥ 1], and thus GKuLSIF (t) = 1 − FKuLSIF (t) = 1[t < 1].
In all M-estimators except KuLSIF, the diagonal elements of Dg,g can take various
positive values. We can regard the diagonal elements of Dg,g as a typical realization
of random variables with the distribution function F (t). When the distribution
function F is close to FKuLSIF , the function G = 1 − F is also close to GKuLSIF .
Then, as illustrated in Figure 16.1, the function G−1 will take small values. As a
result, we can expect that the condition number of KuLSIF will be smaller than that
290 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

G(t )


0.3 G2

0.1 G KuLSIF

G1−1 G2−1
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

Figure 16.1. If the function G1 (t) is closer to GKuLSIF (t) (= 0) than G2 (t) for large t, then
G−1 −1
1 (z) takes a smaller value than G2 (z) for small z.

of other M-estimators. In Section 16.5, we further investigate this issue through

numerical experiments.

Example 16.8 Let F̄γ (t) be

0 (0 ≤ t < 1),
F̄γ (t) =
1 − t −γ (1 ≤ t).

Suppose that Fnde (t) is approximated by (F̄γ (t))nde . The distribution function
FKuLSIF (t) = 1[t ≥ 1] defined in Remark 16.4 is represented as 1[t ≥ 1] =
limγ →∞ F̄γ (t) except at t = 1. Then, Gγ (t) = 1 − F̄γ (t) is given by

1 (0 ≤ t < 1),
Gγ (t) = −γ
t (1 ≤ t).

For small z > 0, the inverse function G−1 −1

γ (z) is given as Gγ (z) = z
. Hence,
for small η and small ν, the inequality (16.21) is reduced to
% &
nde (1−η)(1−ν)/γ ≤ κ(H g-div ) ≤ κ(K de,de ) 1 + U λ−1
nde nde
Both upper and lower bounds in this inequality are monotone decreasing with
respect to γ .
Example 16.9 Let F̄γ (t) be
F̄γ (t) = , t ≥ 0.
1 + e−γ (t−1)
Suppose that Fnde (t) is approximated by (F̄γ (t))nde . The distribution function
FKuLSIF (t) = 1[t ≥ 1] is represented as 1[t ≥ 1] = limγ →∞ F̄γ (t) except at t = 1.
16.4 Optimality of KuLSIF 291

The function Gγ (t) = 1 − F̄γ (t) is given by Gγ (t) = 1+eγ1(t−1) for t ≥ 0. For small
1 1−z
z, the inverse function G−1 −1
γ (z) is given as Gγ (z) = 1 + γ log z . Hence, for small
η and small ν, the inequality (16.21) is reduced to
1−η nde 1−ν
log ≤ κ(H g-div )
γ 2
U % 1+η &
≤ κ(K de,de ) 1 + 1+ log nde .
λnnu ,nde γ
The upper and lower bounds in this inequality are monotone decreasing with
respect to γ .
Finally, we review briefly the idea of smoothed analysis (Spielman and Teng,
2004) and discuss its relation to the above analysis. Let us consider the expected
computation cost EP [c(X)], where c(X) is the cost of an algorithm for the input
X, and EP [ · ] denotes the expectation with respect to a probability P over the
input space. Let P be a set of probabilities on the input space. In a smoothed
analysis, the performance of an algorithm is measured by maxP ∈P EP [c(X)],
where the set of Gaussian distributions is a popular choice as P. On the other
hand, in our theoretical analysis, we considered the probabilistic order of condition
numbers as a measure of the computation cost. Thus, roughly speaking, the loss
function achieving ming maxpnu ∗ ,p ∗ Op (κ(H g-div )) will be the optimal choice in
∗ ∗
our analysis, where the sample distributions pnu and pde vary in an appropriate set
of distributions. This means that our concern is not only to compute the worst-case
computation cost but also to find the optimal loss function or tuning parameters in
the algorithm.
Remark. We summarize the theoretical results on condition numbers. Let H g-div
be the Hessian matrix (16.17) of the M-estimator. Then the following inequalities

κ(H R−KuLSIF ) ≤κ(K de,de ) ≤ κ(H KuLSIF ) ≤ κ(H KMM ),

κ(H KuLSIF ) = sup κ(H KuLSIF ) ≤ sup κ(H g-div ).
r∈R r∈R

Recall that K de,de is the Hessian matrix of the original fixed-design KMM method
(which estimates the density-ratio values only at denominator samples), and H KMM
is its inductive variant that estimates the entire density-ratio function using the loss
function of KMM.
Based on a probabilistic evaluation, the inequality

κ(H KuLSIF ) ≤ κ(H g-div )

also holds with high probability, although the probabilistic order of Tnde in
Eq. (16.19) is left unexplored.
Overall, R-KuLSIF was shown to be advantageous in numerical computations.
292 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

16.5 Numerical Examples

In this section we investigate experimentally the relation between the condition
number and the convergence rate in the optimization of density-ratio estimators.

16.5.1 Artificial Datasets

In the inductive KMM method, the Hessian matrix is given by
1 3 2λ 2
H KMM = K de,de + K + λ2 K de,de .
nde nde de,de
In the M-estimator based on the ASC divergence, the Hessian matrix involved in
the optimization problem is given as
H = K de,de Dg,r K de,de + λK de,de ∈ Rnde ×nde . (16.22)
For the Kullback–Leibler divergence, we have f (u) = − log u and g(z) = −1 −
log(−z), z < 0, and thus g  (z) = −1/z and g  (z) = 1/z2 hold for z < 0. Thus, for
the optimal solution rg (x) under the population distribution, we have

g  (rg (x)) = g  ((g  )−1 (r ∗ (x))) = r ∗ (x)2 .

Then the Hessian matrix at the target function rg is given as

H KL = K de,de diag(r ∗ (x de 2 ∗ de 2
1 ) , . . . , r (x nde ) )K de,de + λK de,de .
On the other hand, the Hessian matrix of KuLSIF is given by
1 2
H KuLSIF = K + λK de,de ,
nde de,de
and the Hessian matrix of R-KuLSIF is given by
H R-KuLSIF = K de,de + λI nde .
Here, the condition numbers of the Hessian matrices H KMM , H KL , H KuLSIF , and
H R-KuLSIF are compared numerically. In addition, the condition number of K de,de is
also included in the comparison. Up to the constraints in Eq. (16.2), the condition
number of K de,de corresponds to the KMM estimator defined by Eq. (16.2) that
estimates the density-ratio values only at denominator samples.
∗ ∗
The probability densities pnu and pde are set to the normal distribution on the
10-dimensional Euclidean space with the unit variance–covariance matrix I 10 . The
∗ ∗
mean vectors of pnu and pde are set to 0 × 110 and µ × 110 , respectively. We test
µ = 0.2 or µ = 0.5. Note that the mean value µ affects only κ(H KL ). In the kernel-
based estimators, we use the Gaussian kernel with width σ = 2 or σ = 4. Note that
σ = 4 is close to the median of the distance between samples x de de
j − x j  ; using the
16.5 Numerical Examples 293

median distance as the kernel width is a popular heuristics (Schölkopf and Smola,
The sample size is increased under nnu = nde in the first set of experiments,
whereas nnu is fixed to 50 and nde is varied from 20 to 500 in the second set of
experiments. The regularization parameter λ is set to λnnu ,nde = min(nnu , nde )−0.9 ,
which meets the assumption in Theorem 14.14.
Table 16.1 shows the average condition numbers over 1000 runs. In each setup,
samples x de de
1 , . . . , x nde are randomly generated and the condition number is com-
puted. The table shows that the condition number of R-KuLSIF is much smaller
than the condition numbers for the other methods for all cases. Thus it is expected
that the convergence speed of R-KuLSIF in optimization is faster than in the other
methods and that R-KuLSIF is robust against numerical degeneracy. It is also note-
worthy that κ(H R-KuLSIF ) is smaller than κ(K de,de ) – this is because the identity
matrix in H R-KuLSIF prevents the smallest eigenvalue from becoming extremely
Next we investigate the number of iterations and computation times required
for obtaining the solutions of R-KuLSIF, KuLSIF, the inductive KMM (simply
referred to as KMM from here on), and the M-estimator with the Kullback–
Leibler divergence (KL). We also include in the comparison the computation
time required for solving the linear equation of R-KuLSIF, which is denoted as R-
∗ ∗
KuLSIF(direct). The probability densities pnu and pde are essentially the same as in

the previous experiment, but the mean vector of pnu is set to 0.5 × 110 . The number
of samples from each probability distribution is set to nnu = nde = 100, . . . , 6000,
and the regularization parameter is defined by λ = min(nnu , nde )−0.9 . The ker-
nel parameter σ is set to the median of x de de
j − x j  . To solve the optimization
problems in the M-estimators and KMM, we use two optimization methods:
the BFGS quasi-Newton method implemented in the optim function in R
(R Development Core Team, 2009) and the steepest descent method. Furthermore,
for R-KuLSIF(direct), we use the solve function in R.
Tables 16.2 and 16.3 show the average number of iterations and the average
computation times for solving the optimization problems over 50 runs. For the
steepest descent method, the maximum number of iterations was limited to 4000,
and the KL method reached the limit. The numerical results indicate that the number
of iterations in optimization is highly correlated with the condition numbers of the
Hessian matrices in Table 16.1.
Although the practical computational time would depend on various issues such
as stopping rules, our theoretical results in Section 16.4 were shown to be in good
agreement with the empirical results obtained from artificial datasets. We also
observed that numerical optimization methods such as the quasi-Newton method
are competitive with numerical algorithms for solving linear equations using the
LU decomposition or the Cholesky decomposition, especially when the sample
size nde is large (note that the number of parameters is nde in the kernel-based
methods). This implies that our theoretical result will be useful in large sample
cases, which are common situations in practical applications.
294 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

Table 16.1. Average condition numbers of the Hessian matrices over

1000 runs. The top two tables show the condition numbers for nnu = nde
and σ = 2, 4, whereas the bottom one shows the result when the sample
∗ is fixed to n = 50 and σ is set to 4.
size from pnu nu

kernel width: σ = 2, sample size: nnu = nde

nnu , nde K de,de H R-KuLSIF H KuLSIF H KMM
µ = 0.2 µ = 0.5

20 1.6e + 01 3.8e + 00 6.4e + 01 2.7e + 02 9.0e + 01 1.4e + 03

50 7.1e + 01 8.1e + 00 5.9e + 02 5.1e + 03 7.6e + 02 4.8e + 03
100 2.6e + 02 1.5e + 01 4.1e + 03 6.5e + 04 5.0e + 03 2.7e + 04
200 1.1e + 03 3.0e + 01 3.4e + 04 1.0e + 06 4.2e + 04 1.6e + 05
300 2.9e + 03 4.4e + 01 1.3e + 05 5.7e + 06 1.6e + 05 5.8e + 05
400 5.9e + 03 5.8e + 01 3.4e + 05 2.0e + 07 4.2e + 05 1.5e + 06
500 1.0e + 04 7.3e + 01 7.5e + 05 5.5e + 07 9.2e + 05 3.1e + 06

kernel width: σ = 4, sample size: nnu = nde

nnu , nde K de,de H R-KuLSIF H KuLSIF H KMM
µ = 0.2 µ = 0.5

20 4.3e + 02 1.2e + 01 5.2e + 03 6.3e + 04 6.9e + 03 2.8e + 04

50 4.2e + 03 2.8e + 01 1.2e + 05 3.4e + 06 1.6e + 05 7.7e + 05
100 3.1e + 04 5.5e + 01 1.7e + 06 9.6e + 07 2.4e + 06 1.2e + 07
200 2.6e + 05 1.1e + 02 2.8e + 07 3.1e + 09 3.9e + 07 2.1e + 08
300 1.0e + 06 1.6e + 02 1.7e + 08 2.7e + 10 2.3e + 08 1.2e + 09
400 3.0e + 06 2.1e + 02 6.3e + 08 1.4e + 11 8.7e + 08 5.0e + 09
500 6.5e + 06 2.7e + 02 1.7e + 09 4.6e + 11 2.4e + 09 1.3e + 10

kernel width: σ = 4, sample size: nnu = 50

nde K de,de H R-KuLSIF H KuLSIF H KMM
µ = 0.2 µ = 0.5

20 4.3e + 02 9.4e + 00 4.1e + 03 3.9e + 04 5.4e + 03 2.3e + 04

50 4.3e + 03 2.0e + 01 8.7e + 04 1.8e + 06 1.2e + 05 5.6e + 05
100 3.2e + 04 2.0e + 01 6.4e + 05 1.3e + 07 8.7e + 05 4.5e + 06
200 2.6e + 05 2.0e + 01 5.3e + 06 1.1e + 08 7.2e + 06 3.9e + 07
300 1.0e + 06 2.0e + 01 2.1e + 07 4.2e + 08 2.8e + 07 1.4e + 08
400 2.9e + 06 2.0e + 01 5.8e + 07 1.2e + 09 7.9e + 07 4.3e + 08
500 6.6e + 06 2.0e + 01 1.3e + 08 2.7e + 09 1.8e + 08 8.8e + 08

16.5.2 Benchmark Datasets

Finally, we apply density-ratio estimation to benchmark datasets and compare the
computation costs in a more practical setup.
We consider the problem of inlier-based outlier detection for finding irreg-
ular samples in a dataset (“evaluation dataset”) based on another dataset
(“model dataset”) that contains only regular samples (see Section 10.1). We
16.5 Numerical Examples 295

Table 16.2. The average computation times and the average numbers of
iterations in the BFGS method over 50 runs.
nde = nnu = 100 nde = nnu = 300

Comp. Number of Comp. Number of

time (sec.) iterations time (sec.) iterations

R-KuLSIF 0.01 18.3 0.06 17.0

KuLSIF 0.03 45.8 0.13 38.7
KMM 0.63 372.0 10.95 366.8
KL 0.07 98.6 0.61 159.3
R-KuLSIF(direct) 0.001 – 0.01 –

nde = nnu = 1000 nde = nnu = 6000

Comp. Number of Comp. Number of

time (sec.) iterations time (sec.) iterations

R-KuLSIF 1.44 23.0 71.69 30.7

KuLSIF 2.25 38.4 107.79 47.3
KMM 51.83 453.7 1091.69 373.1
KL 27.63 329.1 2718.89 669.2
R-KuLSIF(direct) 0.46 – 87.06 –

Table 16.3. The average computation times and the average

numbers of iterations in the steepest descent method over 50 runs.
“>” means that the actual computation time is longer than the
number described in the table.
nde = nnu = 300 nde = nnu = 700

Comp. Number of Comp. Number of

time (sec.) iterations time (sec.) iterations

R-KuLSIF 0.50 33.7 4.46 49.0

KuLSIF 10.16 487.5 78.21 640.4
KMM 31.43 806.1 281.75 1389.5
KL > 111.83 over 4000 > 539.72 > 4000

use the IDA binary classification datasets (Rätsch et al., 2001), which consist of
positive/negative and training/test samples. We allocate all positive training sam-
ples for the model dataset and assign all positive test samples and 5% of negative
test samples to the evaluation dataset. Thus, we regard the positive samples as
inliers and the negative samples as outliers. The density ratio r ∗ (x) is defined as
the probability density of the model dataset over that of the evaluation dataset.
Then the true density ratio is approximately equal to one in inlier regions and
takes small values around outliers.
Table 16.4 shows the average computation times and the average numbers of
iterations over 20 runs for the image and splice datasets and over 50 runs for the
296 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

Table 16.4. The average computation times and the average numbers of
iterations for the IDA benchmark datasets. The BFGS quasi-Newton
method in the optim function of the R environment is used to obtain
numerical solutions. For each dataset, the numbers in the upper row
denote the the computation time (sec.), and the numbers in the lower row
denote the numbers of iterations of the quasi-Newton update.

Data # samples R-KuLSIF KuLSIF KMM KL

b-cancer nde = 27 0.008 0.012 0.356 0.013 0.001

nnu = 58 13.1 30.8 398.7 29.8 –
thyroid nde = 30 0.008 0.015 0.500 0.015 0.001
nnu = 39 14.1 39.8 579.2 36.1 –
heart nde = 49 0.010 0.016 0.474 0.021 0.001
nnu = 76 14.0 35.0 394.1 42.4 –
german nde = 98 0.02 0.03 1.70 0.05 0.002
nnu = 217 15.5 39.1 405.2 48.8 –
diabetes nde = 113 0.02 0.04 2.20 0.07 0.002
nnu = 170 14.8 44.3 414.1 65.3 –
f-solar nde = 242 0.05 0.11 7.90 0.24 0.01
nnu = 367 14.7 30.8 213.7 61.1 –
image nde = 631 0.85 2.19 85.11 6.02 0.15
nnu = 740 22.1 61.3 439.5 135.3 –
titanic nde = 771 0.98 0.96 18.66 1.11 0.28
nnu = 43 20.7 16.4 70.2 19.7 –
splice nde = 1153 1.66 3.59 197.08 6.50 0.84
nnu = 483 15.0 28.8 450.8 49.9 –
waveform nde = 1745 4.06 3.96 195.89 5.95 2.50
nnu = 132 20.3 17.7 305.4 28.2 –
banana nde = 2404 11.51 10.77 179.28 14.18 6.69
nnu = 217 28.4 23.2 194.1 30.6 –
ringnorm nde = 3807 18.27 12.77 365.14 29.97 24.92
nnu = 207 20.3 13.5 214.5 31.7 –
twonorm nde = 3846 22.10 15.70 351.96 30.14 26.69
nnu = 207 22.2 13.2 183.9 26.9 –
16.6 Remarks 297

other datasets. In the same way as the simulations in Section 16.5.1, we compare
R-KuLSIF, KuLSIF, the inductive variant of KMM (KMM), and the M-estimator
with the Kullback–Leibler divergence (KL). In addition, the computation time
for solving the linear equation of R-KuLSIF is also shown as “direct.” For the
optimization, we use the BFGS method implemented in the optim function
in R (R Development Core Team, 2009), and for R-KuLSIF(direct) we use the
solve function in R. The kernel parameter σ is determined based on the median
of x de de
j − x j  , which is computed by the function sigest in the kernlab library
(Karatzoglou et al., 2004). The number of samples is shown in the second column,
and the regularization parameter is defined by λ = min(nnu , nde )−0.9 .
The numerical results show that the number of iterations agrees well with the
theoretical analysis when the sample size is balanced, that is, nnu and nde are
comparable. On the other hand, for the titanic, waveform, banana, ringnorm, and
twonorm datasets, the number of iterations of each method is almost the same
except KMM. In these datasets, nnu is much smaller than nde , and thus the second
term, λK de,de , in the Hessian matrix (16.22) for the M-estimator will govern the
convergence property, because the order of λ is larger than O(n−1de ). This tendency
can be explained by Eq. (16.20); that is, a large λ provides a small upper bound
of κ(H ).
Next, we more systematically investigate the number of iterations when nnu
and nde are comparable. We use the titanic, waveform, banana, ringnorm, and
twonorm datasets. In the first set of experiments, the evaluation dataset consists
of all positive test samples, and the model dataset is defined by all negative test
samples. Therefore, the true density ratio may be far from the constant function
r ∗ (x) = 1. The upper half of Table 16.5 summarizes the results, showing that R-
KuLSIF keeps the computation costs low for all cases. This again agrees well with
our theoretical analysis. In the second set of experiments, both model samples
and evaluation samples are taken randomly from all test samples. Thus, the target
density ratio is the constant function r ∗ (x) = 1. The lower half of Table 16.5
summarizes the results, showing that the number of iterations for the KL method
is significantly smaller than that shown in the upper half of Table 16.5. This is
because the condition number of the Hessian matrix (16.22) is likely to be small
when the true density ratio r ∗ is close to the constant function. Nevertheless,
R-KuLSIF is still a preferable approach even when the target density ratio is
constant. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that the computation time of R-KuLSIF
is comparable to a direct method such as the Cholesky decomposition when the
sample size is more than about 3000.

16.6 Remarks
In this chapter we investigated the numerical stability and computational effi-
ciency of kernel-based density-ratio estimation via conditional number analysis.
In Section 16.3 we showed that, although KuLSIF and KMM share the same
298 16 Non-Parametric Numerical Stability Analysis

Table 16.5. The average computation times and the average numbers of
iterations for balanced samples, i.e., nnu and nde are comparable. We use
the titanic, waveform, banana, ringnorm, and twonorm datasets in the IDA
benchmark repository. In the upper table, the evaluation dataset consists of
all positive test samples and the model dataset is defined by all negative
test samples; i.e., the two datasets follow highly different distributions and
thus the true density-ratio function is far from constant. In the lower table,
the evaluation dataset and the model dataset are both randomly generated
from all test samples; i.e., the two datasets follow the same distribution and
thus the true density-ratio function is constant. The BFGS quasi-Newton
method in the optim function of the R environment is used to obtain
numerical solutions. For each dataset, the numbers in the upper row denote
the computation time (sec.), and the numbers in the lower row denote the
number of iterations of the quasi-Newton update.

Data # samples R-KuLSIF KuLSIF KMM KL

titanic nde = 668 0.88 0.91 11.82 2.16 0.16

nnu = 1383 20.7 23.7 101.1 51.8 –
waveform nde = 1515 5.89 21.28 276.11 89.44 1.60
nnu = 3085 30.1 126.1 627.4 413.3 –
banana nde = 2159 12.85 34.62 262.20 205.67 4.86
nnu = 2741 32.6 96.7 356.5 444.6 –
ringnorm nde = 3457 20.04 23.63 640.22 644.00 17.19
nnu = 3543 25.4 33.0 471.0 599.2 –
twonorm nde = 3496 22.36 29.64 345.52 554.64 18.56
nnu = 3504 25.9 38.8 234.1 546.1 –

Data # samples R-KuLSIF KuLSIF KMM KL

titanic nde = 1026 1.34 1.79 24.89 2.71 0.53

nnu = 1025 16.5 21.1 97.5 31.6 –
waveform nde = 2300 9.84 20.73 504.84 67.72 5.42
nnu = 2300 24.5 58.5 683.8 149.5 –
banana nde = 2450 12.56 17.81 214.08 36.92 6.61
nnu = 2450 27.3 40.5 256.9 74.0 –
ringnorm nde = 3500 18.54 18.63 521.44 239.50 18.86
nnu = 3500 21.8 21.5 335.1 190.4 –
twonorm nde = 3500 19.00 25.30 589.04 173.46 17.45
nnu = 3500 23.6 31.8 410.3 172.0 –
16.6 Remarks 299

solution, KuLSIF possesses a smaller condition number than KMM. Then, in

Section 16.4, we showed that KuLSIF has the smallest condition number among
all ratio-fitting estimators. Thus, from the viewpoint of condition numbers, KuLSIF
is the numerically most reliable and computationally most efficient method. The
numerical experiments in Section 16.5 showed that the practical convergence
behavior of optimization is explained well by our theoretical analysis of condition
numbers of the Hessian matrix.
Part V

Conclusions and Future Directions

In this book we described a new approach to machine learning based on density-

ratio estimation. This density-ratio approach offers a novel research paradigm
in the field of machine learning and data mining from theory and algorithms to
In Part II, various methods for density-ratio estimation were described, includ-
ing methods based on separate estimations of numerator and denominator densities
(Chapter 2), moment matching between numerator and denominator samples
(Chapter 3), probabilistic classifications of numerator and denominator sam-
ples (Chapter 4), density fitting between numerator and denominator densities
(Chapter 5), and direct fitting of a density-ratio model to the true density-
ratio (Chapter 6). We also gave a unified framework of density-ratio estimation
in Chapter 7, which accommodates the various methods described above and is
substantially more general – as an example, a robust density-ratio estimator was
derived. Finally, in Chapter 8, we described methods that combine density-ratio
estimation with dimensionality reduction. Among various density-ratio estimators,
the unconstrained least-squares importance fitting (uLSIF) method described in
Chapter 6 would be most useful practically because of its high computational effi-
ciency by an analytic-form solution, the availability of cross-validation for model
selection, its wide applicability to various machine learning tasks (Part III), and
its superior convergence and numerical properties (Part IV).
In Part III we covered the usage of density-ratio estimators in various
machine learning tasks that were categorized into four groups. In Chapter 9 we
described applications of density ratios to importance sampling tasks such as
non-stationarity/domain adaptation and multi-task learning. Combining domain
adaptation and multi-task learning, which has high practical importance, may also
be possible in a similar way. In Chapter 10 we showed applications of density-
ratio estimations to distribution comparison tasks such as outlier detection and
two-sample homogeneity tests. Change detection in a time series can also be for-
mulated as a distribution comparison task, to which density-ratio estimators can

304 17 Conclusions and Future Directions

also be applied. In Chapter 11 methods for mutual information approximations

via density-ratio estimation and their application to supervised dimensionality
reduction and independent component analysis were shown. In addition to these
applications, mutual information estimators can be used for solving various impor-
tance tasks including feature selection, clustering, object matching, independence
test, and causality learning. Finally, in Chapter 12, density-ratio estimation was
used for approximating conditional densities and conditional probabilities, which
provided computationally efficient algorithms.
In Part IV we studied theoretically the properties of density-ratio estimators.
In Chapters 13 and 14, the asymptotic behavior of parametric and non-parametric
density-ratio estimators was elucidated. In Chapter 15, properties of a parametric
two-sample test were investigated. Finally, in Chapter 16, the numerical stability
of density-ratio estimators was analyzed.
Because many important machine learning tasks were shown to be tackled via
density-ratio estimation, it will be promising to make further efforts to improve the
accuracy and computational efficiency of density-ratio estimation. We expect that
the general framework provided in Chapter 7 is useful for exploring new density-
ratio estimators. Further development for coping with high dimensionality beyond
the methods described in Chapter 8 will also be a challenging research topic.
We also expect that more applications will be found in each of the four categories
of machine learning tasks described in Part III. Completely new categories of
machine learning tasks that can be solved by density-ratio estimation could also
be explored beyond the above four categories. A key challenge along this line
would be to go beyond the plain density ratio:

pnu (x)
r ∗ (x) := ∗ .
pde (x)

For example, considering more elaborate quantities such as the relative density
ratio (Yamada et al., 2011b),

pnu (x)
rα∗ (x) := ∗ ∗ for 0 ≤ α ≤ 1,
αpnu (x) + (1 − α)pde (x)

and the conditional density ratio,

pnu (y|x)
r ∗ (y|x) := ∗ ,
pde (y|x)

would be a promising direction to be pursued.

Beyond sophisticated algorithmic implementations of density-ratio estimations,
state-of-the-art computing paradigms such as the field-programmable gate array
(FPGA), multi-core processors, and cloud computing would no doubt be promising
directions for handling massive-scale and distributed real-world data. Securing the
privacy of the data gathered from multiple confidential sources would also be an
important issue to be incorporated.
17 Conclusions and Future Directions 305

It is a big challenge to apply density-ratio methods to various real-world data

analyses such as image and video processing, speech and music analyses, natu-
ral language processing, sensory data analysis, web data mining, robot and system
control, financial data analysis, bioinformatics, computational chemistry, and brain
science. We believe that machine learning techniques will play a central role
in next-generation data-processing paradigms such as cyber physical systems.
Density-ratio methods could be a key tool in such scenarios.
Finally, various implementations of density-ratio methods are available from˜sugi/software/.
We hope that these software packages are useful for developing new machine
learning techniques and exploring novel application areas.
Symbols and Abbreviations

x Input variable
X Domain of input x
d Dimensionality of input x
E Expectation

pnu (x) Probability density function in the numerator of the ratio

pde (x) Probability density function in the denominator of the ratio

pnu (x) Model of pnu (x)

pde (x) Model of pde (x)
nu (x) ∗
p Estimator of pnu (x)

de (x)
p Estimator of pde (x)

r ∗ (x) Density ratio pnu ∗
(x)/pde (x)
r(x) Estimator of r (x)
r(x) Model of r ∗ (x)
i.i.d. Independent and identically distributed
{x nu
i }i=1

Set of nnu i.i.d. samples following pnu (x)
de nde ∗
{x j }j =1 Set of nde i.i.d. samples following pde (x)
φ(x), ψ(x) Basis functions
nu ,  nu Design matrices for numerator samples
de ,  de Design matrices for denominator samples
K(x, x  ) Kernel function
λ Regularization parameter

0n n-dimensional vector with all zeros
1n n-dimensional vector with all ones
0n×n n × n matrix with all zeros
1n×n n × n matrix with all ones
In n-dimensional identity matrix

308 Symbols and Abbreviations

R Set of all real numbers

N (·; µ, σ 2 ) Gaussian density with mean µ and variance σ 2
N (·; µ, ) Multi-dimensional Gaussian density with mean µ
and covariance matrix

AIC Akaike information criterion

ASC Ali–Silvey–Csiszár divergence
BA Basu’s power divergence
BIC Bayesian information criterion
BR Bregman divergence
cLSIF Constrained LSIF
CV Cross-validation
IWCV Importance-weighted cross-validation
KDE Kernel density estimation
KL Kullback–Leibler divergence
KLIEP Kullback–Leibler importance estimation procedure
KMM Kernel mean matching
LR Logistic regression
LSIF Least-squares importance fitting
MAP Maximum a posteriori
MI Mutual information
ML Maximum likelihood
MSC Mean square contingency
NNDE Nearest neighbor density estimation
PE Pearson divergence
SMI Squared-loss mutual information
SVM Support vector machine
UKL Unnormalized Kullback–Leibler divergence
uLSIF Unconstrained LSIF

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active learning, 4 convex optimization, 58, 60, 69

Akaike information criterion, 32 correctly specified model, 15, 17, 30, 38, 54,
Ali–Silvey–Csiszar divergence, 82 122, 227, 253
Amari index, 188 covariate shift, 9, 10, 119, 149
anomaly detection, 6, 140 covering number, 240
asymptotic efficiency, 28 Cramér–Rao lower bound, 28
asymptotic unbiasedness, 9, 28 cross-covariance matrix, 170
AUC, 146 cross-covariance operator, 170
cross-validation, 35, 42, 53, 64, 70, 143, 168,
Bayes estimation, 28
curse of dimensionality, 6, 164, 168
Bayes optimal classifier, 52
Bayesian information criterion (BIC), 33
Bayesian predictive distribution, 29 data-processing inequality, 102
Bernstein’s inequality, 239 delta method, 259
bi-orthogonality, 90 demixing matrix, 185
blind source separation, 7 density estimation, 25
Bousquet’s bound, 241 density fitting, 15
bracketing number, 240 density-ratio fitting, 16, 75
Bregman divergence, 75, 82 design matrix, 41, 42
dimensionality reduction, 4, 12, 174
direct density-ratio estimation with
causality learning, 13
dimensionality reduction, 89
change detection, 11, 148
distribution comparisons, 117
Cholesky factorization, 284
divergence estimation, 82
classification, 3, 122, 125
domain adaptation, 9, 119
probabilistic, 11, 15, 22, 47, 203
dual basis, 90
clustering, 6, 12
duality, 52
cocktail party problem, 7
Dudley integral, 238
complexity, 4
condition number, 18, 282
conditional density estimation, 11, 191 Edgeworth expansion, 169
conditional random field, 202 empirical Bayes, 32
confidence, 204 empirical likelihood-ratio test, 267
conjugate dual function, 82, 277 empirical likelihood-score test, 267
consistency, 9, 28 empirical process, 236
constrained LSIF, 68, 69 entropy number, 240
convex function, 75, 82 estimating function, 254

328 Index

event detection, 11, 148 kernel density estimation, 34, 143

evidence, 32 @-neighbor, 195
excess risk, 237 kernel mean matching, 15, 43
experiment design, 4 kernel quantile regression, 196
exponential model, 228 kernel spectrum, 248
Khepera robot, 201
KL importance estimation procedure, 56, 57,
f -divergence, 82, 252, 276 165, 166
feature extraction, 6, 12 Kullback–Leibler divergence, 30, 35, 56, 79, 82,
feature selection, 6, 12 163
Fisher discriminant analysis, 93
fixed-point iteration, 61
Laplace approximation, 32
law of large numbers, 31
Gâteaux derivative, 280 learning curve, 213, 221
gamma function, 35 least squares, 67
Gaussian kernel, 15, 34 least-squares conditional density estimation, 193
Gaussian mixture model, 61 least-squares importance fitting, 68
generalization error, 121 least-squares probabilistic classifier, 128, 205
geodesic, 105 least-squares regression, 127
gradient method, 49, 179, 186 leave-one-out cross-validation, 71
Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization, 96, 104 likelihood, 28, 48
Grassmann manifold, 177 linearly separable, 52
local alternative, 267
Hessian matrix, 18, 32, 283 local Fisher discriminant analysis, 93
heterodistributional mapping, 92 local outlier factor, 144
heterodistributional subspace, 89, 90 localization technique, 237
heteroscedastic noise, 192 log-likelihood, 28
Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion, log-linear model, 60
170 logistic regression, 15, 48, 127, 203
Hilbert–Schmidt norm, 170 loss, 122, 132
Hoeffding’s inequality, 239, 240
homodistributional mapping, 92 machine learning, 3
homodistributional subspace, 90 margin, 49, 51
homogeneity test, 11, 148, 252 marginal likelihood, 32
hypothesis test, 151 maximal inequality, 240
maximum a posteriori estimation, 29
idempotence, 92 maximum likelihood estimation, 27
importance, 119 penalized, 30
importance sampling, 10, 119 maximum mean discrepancy, 157
importance-weighted least squares, 126 misspecified model, 18, 30, 38, 54, 122, 232, 268
independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), mixing matrix, 185
21 mixture density network, 196
independent component analysis, 7, 183 model selection, 4, 53, 126
independent component analysis, 13 moment, 14
information criterion, 250 moment matching, 14, 39
inlier-based outlier detection, 11, 140 multi-modality, 192
integral probability metric, 159 multi-task learning, 10, 131, 149
mutual information, 12, 163

Jacobian, 90
natural gradient, 104, 179, 187
nearest neighbor, 164
k-means clustering, 61 nearest neighbor density estimation, 35
Karush–Kuhn–Tacker conditions, 70 Newton’s method, 49, 203, 283
Index 329

non-convex optimization, 61, 63 sample selection bias, 9

non-identifiability, 185 semi-supervised learning, 8, 119
non-identifiable models, 127 Sherman–Woodbury–Morrison formula, 73
non-parametric density estimation, 33 significance level, 266
non-stationarity adaptation, 9 single-class classification, 6
novelty detection, 6, 140 smoothed analysis, 288, 291
numerical stability, 79, 275 soft margin, 52
sparsity, 58
squared distance, 96
object matching, 12
squared loss, 122
oblique projection, 90
squared-loss mutual information, 163
one-class classification, 140
Stiefel manifold, 104
orthogonal group, 187
sub-differential, 82
outlier detection, 6, 10, 140
sufficient dimension reduction, 174
supervised learning, 3, 120, 141
parametric density estimation, 27 support vector machine, 13, 37, 51, 144, 203
parametric model, 27 one-class, 144
parametric optimization technique, 70
Parzen window estimation, 34
pealing device, 237 Talagrand’s concentration inequality, 237, 241
Pearson divergence, 82, 101, 163 Taylor expansion, 76
penalized maximum likelihood estimation, 30 transfer learning, 9, 119
pendulum robot, 201 two-sample test, 11, 148, 252
pin-ball loss, 197 type I error, 157, 269
positive definite matrix, 61 type II error, 157
posterior probability, 28 type II maximum likelihood estimation, 32
power, 267
principal component analysis, 16, 63
unbiasedness, 127
prior probability, 28
uniform convergence, 256
privacy-preserving data mining, 130
uniform upper bound, 240
universal reproducing kernel, 43
quadratic program, 41, 51, 69, 144 universal reproducing kernel Hilbert space, 15,
quasi-Newton method, 203, 283 170
unnormalized Kullback-Leibler divergence, 56
unsupervised learning, 6, 141, 184
regression, 3, 11, 122, 191
regularization path, 70
reinforcement learning, 8, 201 Vapnik’s principle, 13, 37, 232
representer theorem, 278 variable selection, 6, 12
reproducing kernel Hilbert space, 170, 247 visualization, 6
rewards, 8 volume, 33
risk, 121
ROC curve, 146
round-off error, 282 Wald-type score test, 253, 266

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