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How To Scientifically Attract Money With The KISS Releasing System

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Releasing System Fast Start

Hello everyone, this is Stephen Seretan from I’m
happy to have this Quick Start system for new registrants, new students of the
KISS Releasing System.
The reason why we are doing this now is because we felt it became obvious
that it is a daunting task to have 6 hours and 5 audios of the KISS Releasing
System in front of you, and all the materials that come with it, and really sort of
overwhelming people. we wanted to give everyone a chance to see in like 45
minutes or so, an overview of the whole course, learn how to release quickly,
and have a few gains, which you will have, understand where we staring, where
we are going, and what the end product is going to be. Then when you attempt to
go to the longer recordings, you have an idea of what’s going on without getting
lost, and you can go back to this each time to see what’s going on. It’s like a
mini map of where you are going and that’s a larger map of the whole journey.
I have Barbara Gold on the line.
Barbara : Steve you also mentioned you wanted to let them know that they will
be getting a goal about making back the money they invested.
Steve: Yes, Barbara Gold is on this recording with me, and I wanted to introduce
her, Hi Barbara.
Barbara: I’m really happy you are doing this, thank you.
Steve: She’s a long time releaser, I’ve known her for many years, you can
always email her at your questions, she will answer
you quickly. I asked her to remind me, and she’s a good girl; she did it, that we
are going to have a heretofore secret way for you to release and get back the
money you spent for the course. I know it sounds way out there, but it’s really
not. Many, many people have accomplished this with the Method. We are totally
capable to helping you do this, so in effect, the course will cost you nothing. You
must be aware though, I’m going to give you the goal later, we’re going to help
you do that. But you must understand that the money could come from a
surprising places, maybe your aunt Mini owes you some money or gives you a
birthday present. It could come from a mistake in your bank account; it could
come from anywhere. All you do is use the Method, let go, and maybe get a
surprise and have the course pay for itself. So we are going to do that later on. I
am glad she remind me; I told her to do that.
So let’s get right into this Quick Start System. The first thing I want to talk
about are the Gains. You really are supposed to have, or I really would like you
to have a separate notebook or journal on your computer, a separate file. This
would be a place where you can write your gains and insights that you are
getting from using this. I’ll tell you in a minute what a “Gain” is. What it is
designed to do; it was put in by Lester Levenson himself, the man who created
these. What it is designed to do is counteract the mind’s constant negative
chatter that we all hear all the time, “Oh this is not working, I spent too much,
it’s a waste of money; it’s a rip-off, yada yada yada.” It goes on and on with
endless chatter. Once you read these gains for a couple of weeks, it will
counteract and contradict that.
So what is a gain? 1. A behavioral change that comes from Releasing 2.
Something that happens positively for you from releasing. You felt better after
releasing; you had a less stressful time at a business meeting, your kid didn’t
bother you as much, your partner or spouse didn’t bother you. Something that is
good that happened from using this method. You should write at least 5 of these
per day; you could be getting more, but write at least 5 of these per day. Ok,
that’s what I have to say about gains. It is very important to do that. So please do
that as part of this.
The next thing I want you to do, this is the problem most people have when
beginning to use the method. Everybody is very intellectual and in their heads,
trying to figure things out. Please stay out of that thing between your ears; called
your head, your mind. Stay out of it. Feel, not think. This method is not
intellectual. It is a method of accessing and releasing feelings, not thoughts,
which come from feelings, but accessing, identifying and releasing feelings. So
stay out of your head, and into your feelings, and remember that releasing, which
involves questions you are going to ask yourself, is just a decision. That’s one of
the Steps of the method we are going to talk about. It is just a decision, and you
can decide to do it, in other words release, or you can just do or not do it. You
can decide to do it or not to do it. Like you can decide to have dinner at a certain
restaurant, or you can decide to go to another restaurant. Everything you do is a
decision, and this is just another decision. You can decide to do it, and just do it.
So that’s what I have to say about that. Barbara is going to take the next section.
Thanks, Barbara.
Barbara: I wanted to say quickly; you were talking about how releasing is
just a decision. I just had a really nice gain myself. A student just wrote me. He
was having trouble releasing. He’s a very intelligent kid; a brilliant kid actually,
and he was going through the releasing questions in his head, and when I wrote
him back and reminded him releasing was just a decision, he said it worked
perfectly. So that is a really important thing and I know that keeping that in front
of you will really help you.
The next thing is you are going to be learning to use a feeling energy chart to
identify what you are actually feeling right now and release. This is so important
to teach you to get in touch where the remaining garbage is in the way of your
goals getting manifested. The feelings are always a tip off of what is going on in
your Subconscious and the subconscious is where all the sabotage is going on. If
we could all have what we want consciously, all the good things that we hold in
mind and put up on our walls and stuff, everything would come out perfectly,
right. But things get sabotaged, why? Because of the Subconscious. The chart
will help you to tuning into the feelings and what’s getting in the way. And the
negative feelings are all laid out on an energy chart we are going to show you.
So what you do when you release is you are going to take each thought or
feeling, to which level it is on the chart. You’re going to find it under one of the
major headings, what level it is in. If you are new to releasing you can work
from the feeling level. You let the feeling go with a question, “could I let go of
this feeling of _______?” Whatever feeling it was. “Would I?” “When?” Then
you let it go and go back to the chart to see, do I still have some of that feeling?
Say you have a feeling that you are extremely irritated, and you see that there’s
an energy chart label called Anger. Well, there’s a Lust and there’s an Anger.
Would that be more Lust or Anger. Today it’s more of an Anger. You say,
“Well, Could I let go of the feeling of Anger? Yes. Would I? Yes. When? Now.”
And you’ll feel again, do I still feel more of that Anger? Usually, you will have
another feeling. So you let go until you don’t feel the negative feelings any
more. And there’s layers of it, there’s going to be layers. But remember, each
release you do is gone forever. It’s not the same feeling coming up, it’s just
another layer and when you get through enough of them, it will be gone forever.
Steve, your turn.
Steve: Thanks, I just wanted to let everybody know in your materials that
you get, the Feeling Energy Chart, the left and the right side are there, and they
are in very good form, you can identify every feeling. You will be able to relate
to one of these levels, I guarantee it’s on there somewhere. If you need help, just
email us about it. But you should be able to find your feeling on there and
release it at that level. This is just the beginning stages. We are going to go
deeper, but this is just to get you into the releasing questions.
The next thing I’m going to talk about is the most important part of the
method. This is what makes it very unique. I just want to let you know nothing
else in the world teaches this process of releasing the Three Wants, which I am
going to talk about. The Three Wants are the key to letting this method work its
magic, and trust me, folks, it really is magic. When you get going with it you
will see for yourself, it is a very powerful and unique system (the Three Wants).
I make this statement, “Even weak releasing of the Three Wants is FAR better
than any technique out there for moving you up to financial freedom, success,
and happiness. It really is better. It is unique to Lester Levenson, who discovered
it. No other system that I have known about this, and between Barbara and I we
have been through about all of them, NOTHING else covers the Three Wants.
When you release the Three Wants, you know more than EVERY psychiatrist
and psychologist in the world. That’s the truth. It’s a big statement, but it is the
absolute and total truth, so I will talk about the Three Wants now so you can
understand them a little bit more, once we get into the course. They will come a
little later in the course.
All feelings are really generated by these Three Wants. First, is Wanting
Approval, and that is the first deep root. Wanting Approval is a grabby sense of
wanting love, adulation, credit, attention and so on: all those kind of feelings of a
neediness of wanting to be loved. “If they don’t love me, I will die,” kind of
feeling. We believe that we need it to survive. We really subconsciously believe
that, and it’s really suppressed in the subconscious. From infancy, we come into
the world with this, we feel it as an infant and we carry it into adult life. All
feelings and all thoughts are generated by this Want as well as the other two,
Wanting Approval, generating all your feelings. That’s the way it works.
The next one is Wanting Control, or Wanting to Control, and this is a pushy
sense of a compulsive need t dominate everything. It’s like “My way, or the
highway!” I’m sure you’ve been around people like that; it’s very
uncomfortable. It’s like, “I will control you into giving me the Approval (as
above), so I will survive. If I can’t get it, I will control you into giving me that
Approval, so I can survive.” Subconsciously we feel that way. It’s related to
Wanting Approval from infancy. The reason we want to control is to get the
approval we think we need to live. And we had this as an infant when we wanted
to eat. You will get this in the course, but this is like an overview. We want to
push on the world continually to get our way. And that’s what we do with
Wanting to Control. It’s a very obsessive kind of compulsive sense.
The next deepest one that we are going to work with in this course, that you
can feel, that generates Wanting Approval, Wanting Control, and all the feelings,
is Wanting Security or Wanting to be Safe. This is a compulsive need to use the
world to make us feel safe, and secure: our jobs, money, our spouse, our partner,
businesses, food, water, etc. There are endless things that we want Security
from. If we don’t have them, we are going to die, we feel we are going to die.
Wanting Control and Wanting Approval are driven and fed by this program from
infancy also. As soon as we come into the world, we Want Security. We want to
Be Safe with our bodies.
So what you are going to do with this, and Barbara is going to cover the next
section, is you are going to take every feeling, every feeling you find on that
chart, take the regular feeling that you can identify under one of these headings,
and then put it under one of these Three Wants to let it go from there. That’s
K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple, Sweetheart). That’s Lester’s words himself, “Keep it
simple, sweetheart.” Take the feelings -- Anger, Lust, Apathy, Grief, Fear - take
it to one of those Three Wants. If you don’t know which one of it is, just pick
one, it doesn’t matter, and release it from there. Barbara, why don’t you take
over the next part, ok?
Barbara: Sure! I wanted to remind people that when you are new, as you go
through the course, you are going to be first working with just the feelings, like
when I was sick with Cancer, and all the medical stuff wasn’t working, and all
the New Age stuff wasn’t working. The first thing I did was just release a lot of
Fear and Anger. And then, as I got into the course, I began to see that it came
from a lot of Wanting Control, a lot of Wanting Approval, a lot of Wanting
Security. That was where all the Anger and Fear were coming from. So, as you
keep releasing, and go through the course, the 5 Hours of CDs, as you go
through it you will be naturally led through this process. But, so like he said, to
get a roadmap, remember when you get to the part where you are releasing those
Wants for Approval, Control, or Security, you are letting go of the illusion that
you LACK Control, Approval or Security, you are not letting go of HAVING
them. You are letting go of the illusion that you lack them, and DECIDING TO
HAVE Control, Approval or Security. It’s a lot different feeling between that
grabby wanting love, wanting control, and the relaxed, calm, Being Loving,
Being in Control, Being Secure. There is a total different feeling to the 2. It
makes all the difference in your life; it makes all the difference in your goals. If
you go about your life and you are Wanting to Control, trying to control people,
wanting to get approval from them, you are running this illusion that it is coming
from outside of you, and of course, it is not. When you let go, you realize that
everything you need is inside of you. When you are like that, people just love
being around you, and everything just flows beautifully.
If you have trouble with releasing the Three Wants, you can even ask yourself,
“Could I let go of the illusion that I lack Control, and decide to have it?” and the
same with Approval and Security. This is generally a good tool for me if I am
having a hard time with the releasing questions.
I also wanted to remind everybody, look especially at Step #5. Step #5 is if
you get stuck, you can’t release, you can ask yourself, “Would I like to change
that I feel stuck? Could I let go of wanting to change the stuckness? Would I?
Yes. When? Yes!” That will loosen things up a lot. It’s almost like a way;
imagine you have a knot in your shoelace, it’s just a way of like loosening
everything up a bit, so you can keep releasing again. Ok, Steve, back to you.
Steve: Thanks, that was very good, Barbara, very helpful. Keep going with that.
If you feel stuck, let go of Wanting to Change the Stuckness.
Now everybody who comes into the method, and I should have mentioned
this at the beginning, before you start, when you take the course, I took it back in
1982, the first evening, a Friday evening, we would put down our intentions for
the course. Do we want more money, do we want a relationship, do we want to
live in a different city or a different residence, an apartment, it could be
anything. What do we want? What is our intention for this course? Do we want
to just feel more peace, more happiness. We don’t get into our car and start to
drive out of our driveway without knowing where we are going, and the same
thing should be in doing this course as well. We must know where we want to
go, so we can be directed, direct ourselves in getting there. I would think that
makes sense to everyone. Why do with this what you wouldn’t do in your car.
Or if you go to buy an airline ticket, you tell them where you want to go. So this
is the most important part to most people, “How do I use this to manifest these
intentions, these goals that I want?” Everybody wants something; that is why
they come into this method.
This is far and away the best goal achievement technique that I’ve ever seen,
and I’ve been through a lot of them. This will really work. I have accomplished
many goals, so has Barbara, so have other people I know, over 70,000 people
around the world are reporting goal achievement in many countries in the world.
So, you begin the goal, and you can email Barbara or me with questions
about goals if you want help wording them. The more specific ideas about goals
are in the course, like how to word them. We always want to be positive, we
don’t want to put any negatives, we don’t want to put it in the future. So you say,
“I allow myself” or “I decide to”. I like using “I allow myself to do” whatever it
is that you want to do and word it as if it is done now. Like, don’t say, “I allow
myself to have a new apartment within six months, or six months from now. Or,
I allow myself to stop smoking in nine months or a year.” We don’t put it in the
future. Everything is done now. The only reality you will ever have is in the
NOW moment. No future words in it like, “I will, I will have, I will do,“
something like that. There’s no will. There is only now. I allow myself to have a
big increase in my income from my job now. And even though it seems kind of
silly, that’s what will help you achieve this. It becomes like an affirmation
except you don’t just say it, we begin to release the feelings that come up about
it. We say the goal out loud, we feel the feelings, “Oh that will never happen,” or
something like that, it could be Fear or Doubt, and take it one of the Three
Wants, remember the rules, take it to one of the Three Wants, and release it from
there. That the simple KISS process of releasing goals. Word the goal properly,
in the now, with all positive words, nothing negative in there, like, “I allow
myself to get rid of this guy at work who is bothering me.” You can’t do them
like that. It would be, “I allow myself to have a more peaceful and enjoyable
work atmosphere.” Take it to the Three Wants and you release it.
That’s as simple as it is. Does it produce goals? Absolutely, ask anybody
who does the Method for any length of time and practices it; it does work and
you will accomplish your intentions. Make an intention or intentions. I wouldn’t
work on more than 3 goals at any one time. Work on the goals for two-30 minute
sessions a day. One 30 minute session and then another 30 minute session and
then increase that time as you go but get into Courageousness on the Feeling
chart. That’s where you want to be. Goals, Ladies and Gentlemen, will only
happen and manifest for you in Courageousness and above. Anything below
Courageousness, you have more inner work to do. So why don’t you take the
next section, Barbara.
Barbara: Sure, I want to reiterate what you were saying about that your Goals
are going to happen when you get up the chart. If you look at the Feeling chart
you will see there is Apathy, Grief, Fear, Lust, Anger, Pride, Courageousness,
Acceptance and Peace. So once you get up to Courageousness and above, that’s
when all your goals are going to start happening. The thing that is so wonderful
is that you can predict exactly where you are and get an idea of exactly how long
it will take you to get there with your goal. Because you can see where you are, I
mean you are going to go up and down on a particular day. But you can feel, if
you’ve got a lot of feelings in Grief, ah, you’ve got a little ways to go, O.K.
centering around Grief on the chart. Then you keep releasing and you may find
yourself going up into Lust and Anger. “There I go, I’m coming up the chart.
Then you get into a little bit of Pride, “Oh, I have it good enough already. Things
are fine, really. I guess they’re good enough.” Then, you finally get into
Courageousness, “No, I’m really going to make this happen. I figured out a way,
and I know it’s up to me, and I’m really going to make my goals manifest.” Boy,
when you start getting where you center in Courageousness, you can’t believe
the stuff that starts to drop in! It’s so beautiful, it’s so wonderful to be able to
share with you guys something that I’ve seen work for me 1000’s of times, and
1000’s of other people.
The guy who invented this was a scientist; he was a research physicist. This
is not just an aerie-fairy thing that was made up by some psychologist who
wanted to make a fast buck. At any rate, it’s really, really worth the effort. It’s so
simple, and you just need to keep releasing and keep yourself up there. It’s worth
the effort because not only do you get your goal, but all the time you are
releasing, you are letting go of the stuff that holds you down throughout the day.
You find your energy level gets greater and greater throughout the day. Just your
general energy of your being, is going to be so much better than it was before
you started releasing. You will feel it within a couple of weeks. And we really
encourage you when you have any trouble just let us know.
Steve: Barbara, do you agree with me that nothing feels better than to release on
a goal and then achieve it?
Barbara: Steve, yes, nothing feels better than the completeness and
satisfaction, and it’s fantastic. Lester used to say, “Try it, you will like it!”
Steve: You know that you released on it, you worded it, you created it, and it is
yours now. And if you did it once, Lester used to say, “You can do it two times.
If you can do it two times, you can do it four times.” And he would multiply it
out and make a big joke about of it. If you did it once, you could do it over and
over and over again. So that’s very scientific.
Now, we get to the wonderful part that I told you about earlier, I always
fulfill my promises here, making the money back you spent for this course. I
know this is going to be a very popular item and it’s going to be a lot of fun, just
as a challenge to see where it might come from. Now, this is the goal, and write
this down. Play this back again if you need to, but if you are listening to this, I’ll
say it several times. This is the goal, “I allow myself to quickly create all the
money I paid for the KISS Releasing course and more.” I will say it again, “I
allow myself to quickly create all the money I paid for the KISS Releasing
course and more.” Now I will say it one more time, “I allow myself to quickly
create all the money I paid for the KISS Releasing course and more.” Once
again, I reiterate, do not outline HOW this will happen. HOW is not your job.
Your job is to release, and your Beingness, your Self, will do this. Just release on
it every day, as one of your goals, and you might be very surprised as to what
happens. Try this, try it out, and see how you could do this. Just allow it, really
release, really let go, don’t try to figure it out. If you have any doubts, release
about it. You can do this actually for anything that you pay for. It doesn’t have to
be just for this course. For our purposes, right now, I want to see if you can do
this. I would like to see if anybody is having gains about it. But if you need help
with that goal, just email us, and we will help you.
That’s the secret goal for paying for this. There have been some people, in
other courses I’ve done, where they have actually had money coming in
BEFORE they started the course. I remember one gentleman actually had money
coming in to pay for the course before it even started. That is the absolute and
total truth.
Barbara: Ah, that’s great. You know another goal, Steve, that I’ve used, and I
think you worded it originally, that I’ve really, really had a lot of luck with when
I find myself stuck, or in a position on a new job, or into a new thing that I’m
doing but I’m not feeling as abundant as I would like, is, “I allow myself to have
an increasing surplus of money every week or every month.” This is very, very
effective. Once again, “I allow myself to have an increasing surplus of money
every week.” This has worked for me every time I have used it, sat down to
work on this, and try it for a few weeks at a time, It’s amazing what I’ve been
able to generate, the increase I’ve been able to generate. And I wanted to remind
you, please email us, either one of us, for wording of goals; it’s very important
that your goals are worded correctly. Steve, your turn.
Steve: In other words, we will help you always. Sometimes it will not be as
fast as other times, but we will get to you, we will help you. We are here for you.
I’m on a computer believe it or not, 7 days a week. And, it’s all I’m doing.
Others have a 5 day week, I work 7 days a week. I’m very committed. We are
both, everybody on the KISS Releasing Staff is very committed to seeing that
you have this, and do it well.
One thing about goals, and you will get more goal work on the course, but
Goals must seem doable and reasonable to you. You can’t say, “I allow myself
to win the Olympics,” when you haven’t even done the sport or you haven’t
been trained. You can’t go from nothing, clinically it’s possible but it’s really
not likely. It doesn’t seem doable and reasonable to you. Don’t sabotage
yourself, as many people do, with pie in the sky goals, it’s kind of a self-
sabotage, self-defeating kind of thing. Just get confidence by making bigger and
bigger goals, as you go, once you do a little one, you make $100 or $200, you go
for $500. Read the Six Steps, you will find them in the course. Every releasing
session, read the Six Steps. Maybe Barbara and I should do that.
Barbara: Ok.
Steve: By the way, I want you to commit them to memory, memorize them
so you have them with you all the time. This is the first item, when he wanted to
go out and people were depending on him to help them, that’s what they were
doing. He wanted this to be a self-doing kind of thing, be your own therapist.
“The Six Steps came to me; I wrote them on my napkin in a coffee shop first,”
he told me that. And they are very, very powerful.
The first step is the most important.
decision, you can just say, “I’m going to decide just to do it.”
ONE OF THE THREE WANTS. (Steve: take the feeling to the Three Wants and
release it there, like I said earlier.)
WITH PEOPLE. (Barbara: So, the good thing about going out and dealing with
people is they are always going to stir you up, or almost always, and that’s a
great opportunity to use this. You don’t have to say anything out loud, or let
anyone know what you are doing. Just take the feeling to one of the Three Wants
and let it go. That’s really the best time to release, because like I said, when you
are out with people, that’s when the feelings are really going to come up.
STEVE – As she said, you are not going to look at feelings of being dead, you
are going to say, “Oh what a great opportunity to get a big chunk of my misery
and my ego out. You are going to look at it as an opportunity.)
5. (Remember this one, it’s the Resistance step) IF I AM STUCK, CAN I LET
CHANGE THE STUCKNESS. (Barbara: Right, that’s the one that is so
helpful. You notice if you stop releasing and something is really bothering you,
you can’t get moving, remember Step #5. It’s always there to help you.)
whenever you say, “What I am releasing for?” Sometimes when you are
releasing it’s like you are filling up a vase, you can’t see what’s happening. You
aren’t getting your goal yet. At some point when you release enough, yes, the
vase overflows, and you see what you’ve been doing. But the way you KNOW
you are releasing is you feel lighter, freer and happier. Then you know you are
releasing and writing your gains is also a way of kind of hooking into Step #6, to
give yourself approval for what you are doing, to focus on the fact that you are
feeling lighter and freer. You go back and read then and say, “Look at the
difference between the way I am now and the way I was 6 months ago,”
something like that. I believe I got that one right, didn’t I, Steve?
Steve: Yes, you did. Very good. Now remember, read these 6 Steps, keep
them in front of you, commit them to memory. And this is vital for this to work
for you. Really vital. What I want you to do is to persist. Very important. Keep
releasing no matter what. Keep releasing no matter what happens. Things will
happen, they come up, that is good. They are coming up from your subconscious
to be released. If they didn’t come up, this wouldn’t be as powerful as it is. It
obviously works if things are coming up. Your Self, your Beingness, who you
really are, as Lester called it, “You minus your programs,” has led you to learn
this. It’s no accident. There are no accidents. It is the way out of your limitations
in Money, and everything else. This is the Way out. It’s a very fast, and
powerful, very easy to do, way out of your limitations. There is nothing easier
out there. And nothing as powerful, if you stay with it. Everything will improve
if you make the effort NOW to let go of the Three Wants. I will repeat that
again, everything will improve if you make the effort now to let go of the Three
And we are here, Barbara and I, our staff is here to help you in this 7 days a
week. Not 8 to 5, Monday through Friday. We will email you, we will help you.
Be smart, be a smart person. Take advantage of the help that is there. Everybody
knows Steve, I send my own emails. I have no secretary. Barbara works with
me. We will email you back. We will help you. We are there. We are not going
to disappear. There are not hundreds of people that we are taking care of all the
time. We can help you do that, and we want to be there for you. That’s way John
Angelache, my partner, and one of the best ad copywriters in the country, he was
so impressed with it, he did so well after I helped him by the way, that he called
me up and said, “I want to help you promote this and bring this out to the
world.” He was shocked. He made an excess of $60,000 in 3 months. He had
had this method previously, but was not using it effectively. He called me up and
said now I want to really help get this out to the world.” It was partly his
suggestion that he felt the new people needed a Quick Start, to get this going in a
fast way, and I totally agree with him. So, Barbara before I close.
Barbara: Yes, I just wanted to thank everybody for being Courageous and trying
to learn something new to master your Reality. You will be so happy you did.
We look forward to talking to you on the free conference call, support calls, and
the classes. Give us some feedback too, if we are not clear about something,
please ask us to clarify. We are here to help you because we have been helped so
much. We’ve had so many miracles, so many wonderful things, that we just
wanted to share it with you. So, thanks again.
Steve: So we are going to have free conference calls. Keep in touch. We’re
going to email you, everything will be emailed to you, the details, the number,
the pin code, when it is. The times will be from Pacific Standard time, where I
live. But well ahead of the time, the first one is coming up, so we will be
emailing. We are adding that as well, totally 100% free support calls. I’ll be on
there, Barbara will be on them. You can ask me anything you want about the
method. I will help you. We will be really proactive and make sure you learn the
greatest thing that there is right now in the world for removing your limitations.
So stay with it, persist. Very quickly…Take all the feelings to the Three Wants.
Follow the Six Steps, commit them to memory. Lester said the Six Steps and
Three Wants are all that you need to go Free, and that means to have no more
limitations and nothing and no one can bother you. He promised us that. That’s a
really wonderful thing for you to achieve, and having fun along the way with all
your goals, all the things you are going to have.
So enjoy it. Email us with any suggestions, any help you want, and we’re here
for you. Thanks a lot, and good luck with the course. Let us know all your gains,
write our gains, everybody. Bye bye.
Barbara: Bye Bye.
©2011 Stephen Seretan
888 521 9997

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