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Reality Check: A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment
Reality Check: A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment
Reality Check: A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment
Ebook40 pages54 minutes

Reality Check: A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment

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About this ebook

This book gives a simple and profound guide to the highest levels of enlightenment. Throughout history there have been so few that realised what Reality is. This book gives clear and concise information to help anyone that wishes to realise the truth of their being at the highest level. The last duality of form and formlessness is clearly explained with detailed instructions of how to recognise they are One. Now, for the first time everyone who wishes can live as Reality itself. It should not take a long time, nor should it be difficult to realise the Truth because it is what you already are.
Release dateFeb 24, 2021
Reality Check: A Simple Guide to Final Enlightenment

Helen Hamilton

Helen Hamilton is a spiritual teacher based in West Yorkshire, in the north of England and is a mother of four. After struggling through her own awakening several years ago Helen was driven by the urge to simplify awakening for all beings and to share the essential pointings that allow us to overcome common challenges along the path to freedom. Helen’s teaching style is direct and uncompromising in its insistence that we already are what we are searching for and yet encompasses compassion and wisdom to help us dissolve our ego with love and understanding. She teaches worldwide and holds regular Satsangs and other events.

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    Reality Check - Helen Hamilton

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8317-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8318-6 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/22/2021



    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter 2 Discovering That You Are Formless

    Chapter 3 What Does It Mean to Be Formless?

    Chapter 4 There Are No Forms Or Objects

    Chapter 5 The Difference Between the Subject and An Object

    Chapter 6 The Difference Between the Noumenon and Phenomena. What is Real and Unreal?

    Chapter 7 One Final Note



    This book is dedicated to making the first and last duality easy to transcend. It is not hard and neither should it take a long time to realise the truth. May you find the peace that you are looking for in the true understanding and direct experience of reality.



    You are the formless reality in which the universe is simply an appearance and not an actual thing. There are no actual things, everything that appears to be tangible and solid is really only so because we are perceiving it through our human senses. What is real is the formless, intangible Self that is everywhere at all times. You are not

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