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Ent/115/6/1555.short: Article Tittle:the Impact of School Daily Schedule On Adolescent Sleep Published Date

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  This study was initiated to examine the This investigation have been initiated to
impact of starting school on adolescent inspect the effect of the beginning of the Article tittle:The Impact of School Daily
sleep, to compare weekday and weekend class around juvenile sleep, to analyze Schedule on Adolescent Sleep
sleep times, and to attempt to normalize the weekday Also weekend rest times, and
timing of the circadian sleep/wake cycle by in order to strive to standardize those Published date :Published June 01, 2005
administering bright light in the morning. timing of the cira sleep/wake cycle
Toward administering brilliant light in
the morning.
This was a collaborative project involving
This is a collective venture directing and
high school students and their parents, as
well as high school and university faculty including students and their parents,
members, for the purpose of contributing and Also school staff members for the
information to the scientific community purpose for helping to give data REFERENCES
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